Smug Christians Lecturing Pagans: I HATE IT!
- Опубліковано 8 лют 2025
- I detest smug, evangelical Christians trying to make out that their beliefs make any kind of sense at all whilst claiming that mine do not.
The scientific findings of Suzanne Simard have gone a very long way to proving that earth-based religions (particularly Druidry and Gaiaism) actually make more logical and provable sense than Christianity.
I did mention the Stephen Fry vs. Ann Widdicombe debate. You can watch it here. But if you are hoping for a blistering defence of the Catholic Church in the face of collapsing atheists, you may find it an uncomfortable watch:
• The Catholic Church is...
Im not a witch, but i am pagan, and let me just say that you are 100% correct. Neo-pagans and neo-spiritualists offen focus too much on aesthetic and not enough on practice. It also bothers me that people use practices after watching them on tiktok, not so much studying and learning. We call paganism "the religion with homework" for a reason...
Thankyou. I feel it has become an increasing problem with the rise of social media. Not enough people are "doing the homework". Replicating something that looks attractive with no energetic heft behind it is always going to be completely pointless. So sad :-(
Personal aesthetics are fine, but religion is in my book meant to be a separate entity. And it's because of the obsession with the aesthetics problem that some people feel their craft isn't up to excellence.
YES!!!!! I couldn't agree more.
@@GrumpyOldCrone Yes but that's true of every religious path that ever existed.
People have very wide ranges of dedication and interest. In Christianity, or Islam or anything else, you have lots of of people who are in it just to keep up appearances or social or political advantage, or to have a social network, or just to enjoy the aesthetic aspects.
Some people develop very deep relationships with their gods. Others are either not interested and other still spend a lifetime trying hard and failing to find such connection.
It would be very unusual for Pagan religion to be any different.
At the end of the day, you get out what you put in, and so long as people are realistic about that, do as you will.
@@losamigosdefuera there is so much to learn on paganism so much to celebrate and honor and as a polydeist and a pagan there is a lot to study, read and do. I try to keep up the best I can with my knowledge. Ancient knowledge is so important to preserve.
As a Jew myself, I can agree with you 100% about smug self-righteous xtians being unbearable, and about potatoes being a glorious gift from the divine.
As a Virginian, I can confirm that, at least on the east coast, USA folks do indeed say "muggy" to mean when the air is wet and bad and gross.
There was a potpourri-simmering craze in the late '80's, early ;'90's. The "simmering things in a pot" spellwork likely grew out of that. I use a simmering pot of herbs in my kitchen for prosperity. It is not very aesthetic though. It's usually full of orange peels and dried herbs and looks like I'm simmering kitchen scraps. It just makes my kitchen smell like citrus, basil and spice, which puts me in a great creative mood and that is kind of the goal.
I missed that craze entirely. Maybe it was a country-centric thing and it didn't make it to my bit of the world? But it does make sense, and you explain what it does for you very well. I have a lot of incense sticks that don't have any energetic meaning, but smell great and puts me in the right frame of mood - so kind of similar, I guess?
@@GrumpyOldCrone I've found traditional Japanese stick incense is far better than most of the cheap stuff sold in Pagan bookstores. Most of that is cheap and often synthetic patchouli, very smokey and smells, as one of my friends put it "like unwashed hippie".
The Japanese stuff has no wood stick.It's just pure thin sticks of incense powder that produce far more scent than smoke and use only real ingredients like sandalwood and aloewood.
@@GrumpyOldCrone That's possible, I think. I'm in rural California and have lived here my whole life. So the things I learned used things that were available to me at the time. Doing things on the oven always made me think of working at the family hearth and made me feel connected with both my Celtic and Native American ancestors. Mom and I also always believed that cooking meals for the family was a type of spell work. There was energy being put into the food. When everyone was healthy there was the intention of keeping everyone healthy. If someone was sick the intention of healing went in as well as the normal love and health support. The same recipe would yield different flavoring and feelings, and that got discussed when my brother and I noted it, and brought it up, and Dad confirmed it seemed different to him as well. We discovered these things long before I got my copy of the Witches Bible by the Farrars and the first copy of Ms Silverwolf's books wherein we found things that matched ours (and things that didn't).
I love this! I agree that the oven is definitely the spiritual heart of many homes these days and can be the equivalent of a hearth. My husband always says he can taste the love in my cooking, and it's something I've always found a lot of joy in, so I think what you are saying is very, very true for some (me definitely!)
THAT about "simmering pot pourri" is not actually correct, but OK
"I believe that my god sacrificed himself to himself in order to create a loophole in a rule he made up himself, and if I ritually drink his blood and eat his flesh, I will live forever--but at least my religion isn't silly and made up!"
I mean, right? The more you think about it, the less logical it gets.
Yup. Because ritualised cannablism in an imported death cult makes more sense that reverence for the actual planet we inhabit!
"My religion is also not creepy like the occult! Those witches are out doing sacrifice rituals, unlike what WE do!"
Put the charismatic variety of Christian in and they are doing what appears to be witchcraft, 😂😂😂😂.
That popular Wicca misinformation was also a huge pet peeve of Scott Cunningham’s! He practically dedicated a chapter in one of his Wicca books explaining that this is a completely modern religion inspired by the Old Ways of ancient indo-euro pagan traditions and beliefs. When he described it’s shamanic in nature, he made sure to lay the message straight that not as in a direct lineage to any ancient culture’s tradition.
What a wonderful rant! All religions appear (to me) to be created puny humans trying to make sense of the world around them.
Exactly this!
Puny humans who try to manipulate others with their "superior " status with their beliefs.
Christians: Talking to trees is stoopid!
Silly us, talking when we should be forming a capella groups with a local thicket!
1 Chronicles 16 :33 - "Then shall the trees of the wood sing out at the presence of the LORD, because he cometh to judge the earth."
Psalms 96:12 - "Then shall the trees of the wood sing for joy before the Lord."
And,it seems trees are percussionists:
Isaiah 55:12 - "For ye shall go out with joy, and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the hills shall break forth before you into singing, and all the tree of the field shall clap their hands"
I'd never thought about how much those trees were meant to be musical... In my head I've got the acapella Ent group doing veeeeeery slow doowop, now....
Grew up Christian, a PK in fact...and I loved the tree spirits in the Narnia books and love listening and talking to the trees. But...I'm also the one scolded by older Christians including the pastor parent for...well, being me😂 making other Christians think and a little uncomfortable is fun actually. I just tell them "God made me weird." I guess essentially telling them to take it up with God if they don't like how I interact with "the world."
If your post is indicative of "Jesus" wisdom, seek help. Christinsanity
@@MadinfidelprepperA lot of what Jesus taught in the Gospels has been replaced by the teachings of Paul. Many churches are now Pauline not "Christ" based. Many people calling themselves Christian are denying what Jesus taught in the Gospels.
@@CLJlovesmal Francis of Assisi I think was the one who firmly believed in God being in every part of nature. He was also considered weird.
The main religious figures want the religion sterile so people don’t connect to God and spirit on their own way and make a sense of it to themselves. It is all fear based.
I am solidly old school and believe in keeping my stuff to myself. In fact, I'm thinking of writing a book on how to hide in plain sight, do your spells with nobody the wiser. All these "inluencers" on the web with their fake nails and hair extensions are about as witchy as a football coach.
True magicians know how to blend in society.
That would be a wonderful book. I like to keep my stuff to myself as well.
Hello Annie, I just wanted to say 'Thank you' for the joy you bring with your no nonsense way. I love how you cut through the 'bulls**t' of Witchy tiktokness. So refreshing and as a grumpy, fat 53 year old with a dodgy knee, I applaud your attitude that I so often scream at the screen about. I wish you all the success you deserve. Ritchie
Thanks, Ritchie :-). My knees are OK, but my hips are really messed up! None of us make it out of this adventure of life unscathed! I guess I'm just trying to put out a different viewpoint on witchcraft, and that it's not all 20-something thin women with beige houses and designer clothes. I'm super glad to find kindred spirits
My husband says that if the food is round than there are zero calories. :)
I like your husband immediately.
This was a very nice and reassuring video to happen upon. I'm pretty young (early 20s) and I'm still trying to find my footing when it comes to my spiritual practice and what specifically I want to incorporate into it. I often get that feeling of imposter syndrome from the opposite side because though I am genuine in my spiritual beliefs, I don't always have the consistency when it comes to physical practice of it for many reasons (mainly neurodivergence that make me struggle to maintain routines). I'm not always the best at maintaining my altar, or incorporating ritual into my day to day or even just once a week. So when I see those videos of people who are seemingly super well put together, and who have seemingly woven their practice into every aspect of their life, it can be easy to get caught up in the idea that I'm not doing it "right".
Having grown up with social media sometimes it can be easy to forget that it is inherently a performance. These people are just showing me curated bits and pieces, and that in my own life I have no obligation to perform for anyone. It's okay that currently my practice is more passive and mindfulness focused, it's okay that when I do decide to do a ritual or spell it's a little bit of a hack job. An ugly looking spiritual practice is still a spiritual practice. The intent is there, the belief is there, and it is authentic to me and how I function. Hearing these reassurances from people who are more experienced is a relief.
Side note: as someone from the states we do use the word muggy in reference to swamp like humidity.
From a 40yo Pagan who's been practicing some flavor of the occult since I was ~16-ish, I still have trouble maintaining a consistent practice. No biggie, the universe cares for your sincerity. ❤❤
From a 40yo Pagan who's been practicing some flavor of the occult since I was ~16-ish, I still have trouble maintaining a consistent practice. No biggie, the universe cares for your sincerity. ❤❤
I'm so inconsistent, it's almost funny. You're doing fine! As long as you find meaning in what you are doing, it's absolutely fine, don't know yourself out about it
I hope you will continue with your Path; it evolves over time as will beliefs, practice, and altar. Although I started out as a Solitary when I was 12, in 1960 ( I really had very little to go on save one of those ‘Big Dreams’ in the Jungian sense, and a novel from the 19th Century that touched on things Egyptian), I never met a group until 1982, when I was 34, nor was a member of a‘coven’ until I was 36. My altar also changed greatly after I left group ( or it left me) in 90, but my altar was already changing. Whether what I do or believe is recognized practice, I neither know or care. I’m 77 and my Path has, even in the darkest of days, lit my way forward. I wish you the Light on your journey as well, however you perceive it.
True, it’s an ongoing journey and evolves over time. Blessings to all!
I’m glad to see more crones such as myself doing You Tube. The representation is so important. You’re right, the craft really shouldn’t be about how it looks. On another note, I’m glad to have the privilege of watching another of your videos!
Crones of the world unite! Honestly, the uniting and representation is so important. I refuse to disappear into quiet old age. Glad to meet you!
@@GrumpyOldCrone so young
so kind!
My favorite is when I'm having an A-B conversation about a god that someone has never heard of, and C comes and attacks me for talking about non-jesus.
Upon pressing, despite being comfortable telling me that everything I believe is fake and I don't know anything and how could I be so stupid, they demonstrate they have never even heard of the god they are dismissing, let alone addressed what my practice is or what actions I'm taking they agree with since they have no clue.
If you don't even know what god I'm talking about, I assure you I don't care about your arguments for why I should abandon the god I've worshipped for two thirds of my life.
I am pleased to say that has never happened directly to me. People's ideas about what will convince people is just.... wrong.
Im gatekeeping.
Magical beings, you only need one tool. It is yourself. Your human body possesses the DNA of your ancestors and it remembers. Your spiritual being is in connection to the collective and cosmos. It, too, remembers.
Please, enjoy the things you do, but realize that these sacred practices have been monetized. Material objects are not the answer.
If you wish for a sacred place, create one, but understand the ground you walk on IS sacred. No altar is necessary, for mother earth is the altar. Life, as it unwinds, is magic continously flowing and manifesting. You are the miracle you need through your actions and choices. You are living art.
Please live beautifully.
Muggy is absolutely a phrase in the US, and it means exactly the same thing. It's awful and we hate it too.
Love the video, I'm glad I found you!
Pleased to see you here!
Yep. I should know, I live in Tennessee and it gets muggy in the Summer just as it does in Connecticut (Blegh).
Way too much focus on making things look pretty and not enough focus on actually learning what you are doing going on in the community these days.
yup, 100% spot on! never understood that "flesh and blood" bit. Christian colonizers eat their god but call indigenous people heathens. Thank you for your videos and your bravery!
I prefer Autumn to Summer as well. I find my energy levels tend to go up a bit.
Agreed - heat and humidity just turns me into a lizard. I want to lie on a warm rock and sleep!
Glad to know I'm not the only one who prefers the Autumn to the summer! Same with my energy going up opposed to the energy level going to nill during the summer. Many Blessings Love
Summer sees me as a little damp spot on the sofa, most of the time. Autumn is lovely!
On the topic of making things up, the UA-camr Paulogia's recent video on Paul the Apostle really emphasises how tenuous the origin story of Christianity is. Leaving aside any of the actual beliefs, the fact that the guy that essentially started the religion was an established expert on messianic cults who then just suddenly happened to have visions from a dead messianic cult leader and used that to start his own messianic cult that met all the desires of contemporary people should be a red flag.
Interesting stuff...
The more I read about Paul, the more I think he was either a conman or one beer short of a six pack.
I’m not a witch but studying the practice. Everything I knew was a lie. Smh. I left religion last year and I’m happier than I’ve ever been.
Knowledge is everything in my opinion. I was surprised when I moved in with my husband (also Pagan, although a different flavour to me) to note that he had a Bible, a Q'ran and a few other holy books. He explained that he thought knowledge about other people's paths helped empathy. I think he's right!
@@GrumpyOldCrone I love that. I personally believe Christianity is Egyptian gods worship in different packaging and simplified to the masses. But I actually rediscovered Christian spiritualism (western spirutualism) through Egyptian gods. The continuity of Horus Isis and Osiris.
Wow! That debate was fantastic. Thank's for the link. ❤💐
I love it. Stephen Fry is a gem, and eloquently says all the things I want to say, but fail to!
@@GrumpyOldCrone 言えることっしょ
Just found your channel, and I am loving it!
I’m a Pagan trucker (or lorry driver if you prefer) and I can confirm that we do indeed use the word “muggy” for the weather in the southeastern US.
Welcome aboard!
Thank the algorithm for pointing me to your channel. Love your delivery. Glad to hear someone talking sense on social media. I found my own peace and am happy to allow others to do the same
Just to say in defence of simmer pots, they make good airfresheners when you live with birds and can't use oils and candles. *hides under the desk*
I’m having so much fun going through your vids. I don’t know how I found you, but I’m glad I did 😂
I wouldn't run through a field of barley. I'd be too afraid of accidentally summoning Theresa May.
YOU WIN THE INTERNET TODAY! (capitals intentional). Best comment ever :-D
Bloody brilliant comment!
Shouldn't it be a lettuce garden? 😅
As someone who left Catholicism as a teenager and who has only now found my way into Celtic Paganism (still exploring what fits), this video was extremely cathartic to watch! So happy to have found your channel :)
This is the first time I have seen your channel, and I enjoyed the vid very much.
Glad you enjoyed!
The minute you started talking about talking snakes made me think of parseltongue . Really really rare....
100% agree with the rant about self righteous Christians. I've unfortunately encountered a few & have said before I grew up with a very religious Christian mother. Who once couldn't answer if we were Catholic or Protestant, she insisted Church of England and so to child me learning about religion at school I said "so protestant?" And she still insisted no we are church of England.
On that point too ask a Christian a question like "why?" For anything like why illnesses exists & bad things exist they can't give an actual answer and get very angry when questioned.
And entirely different Christian experience, I'm on a darts team with a fabulous 81 year old lady who is a minister & she refers to her daughter as a white witch and has absolutely no problem with anyone believing anything different because of that verse in the bible about the many rooms. I attended a service she lead because I felt respect for her. Felt very culty to me, but I feel that way about most organised religions, but it was a lovely loving atmosphere. Walked in there wearing my pentagram and didn't feel any need to proclaim I didnt believe their religion. I was respected & I can respect people who dont push their beliefs of others & this lady who I know feel that people should never be pushed into religion, but choose it. A few weeks after she gave me a little quartz heart that she had had blessed for people she really appreciates and that just felt so lovely. We have an understanding that we differ in beliefs, but still have respect the other and i think we need more Christians like that
This video just popped up on my recommended feed out of nowhere, like a gem between the usual political crap I watch (American, here lol). This 40yo pagan is so happy to have found your channel, it's been years since I've come across someone who's so easy to listen to, calming and refreshing at the same time with just the right amount of spice. You're stuck with me, though tbh I may not leave comments on every video. 😁
Glad to see you here! and who has the time to leave comments constantly? Probably not me either! Anyway, welcome!
Another grumpy old crone here, very happy to find your channel!
So pleased to see you here!
I just found your channel and am loving bingeing all of your videos
It’s all made up silliness, imo, including my spiritual path. That’s what makes it fun.
Just found you: Where have you been all of my wonderful Witchy Pagan life (well, the part that wasn't a fundamentalist Christian whacko, anyway, LOL 😂😳). Yes, I admit it: I once was "one of them": [insert terrified emoji😱] But, somehow, the two brain cells in my head (at that time) happened to meet and mate, and had enough children to enable me to actually think for myself; and one fine day, I woke up with the realization that I'd been duped, hoodwinked, bamboozled, hornswoggled, snookered, fleeced, tric-... Ummm, you get the meaning, I'm sure...So, I got the hell out of Dodge, as they say, here in the States. And I never looked back. Found my Happy Place being a Tree-loving, Forest-dwelling Witch/Pagan. I love the way you addressed the "smug, evangelical Christians": having been one, I can say truthfully, you nailed it to the wall! Love your attitude...I'm definitely following you! 😁👍
I spent a large chunk of time as a "Wave my hands in the Air" Christian. I was absolutely a whacko, trying to force myself to believe something that just didn't feel true because I wanted to believe everybody except myself. I'm so glad you escaped something that wasn't serving you as well. Hurrah for tree loving pagans!
The bread and wine part always cracked me up. Wouldn't consuming it then make them cannibalistic vampires? 😂
I've heard that that was one of the things the Roman authorities had against the early Christians. The story got a bit mixed and muddled along the way and they (the Romans) were worried that the early Christians were engaging in cannibalistic human sacrifices. Whether or not all scholars agree that this occurred, I don't know.
For the simmer pot I remember just doing it myself in the 90's (even before I was exposed to the internet). I passed it off to my dad as potpourri. I got the idea from a distillation school project since mom, dad, and I were amused by how it resembled witch's brew. I got spell water to put on myself for self esteem, attracting luck, helping me concentrate on schoolwork, etc. I tried potionry too, careful to use edible things that wouldn't hurt me but still fit the applications I was going for. Usually didnt taste good. It helped me then though, and I obviously didn't experiment on how they worked on someone else. Maybe this sort of thing is where the simmer pot tiktok stuff comes from.
I use other methods now for things, and I was lucky to also have the opportunity to learn other methods, but I will occasionally put a pot on while I'm cleansing the house and wanting a sort of... cottage? hedge? backwoods homey feel since I've not really had the urge to try again with making incense with that particular blend of stuff. My oven lso happens to be conveniently and surprisingly in the heart of the house, so that works as a support for the working.
I like candle and incense workings for spells and the occasional use of red yarn when warranted. I blend different traditions and methods honoring the many places my family roots trace back to as those tribes and groups through the world are my ancestors as my parents instilled in me the drive to reclaim what was taken. Purists would probably squawk but my ancestors also have been guiding me to find those broken connections and heal them. I've got a couple of stone mirrors that get incorporated depending on what I'm doing.
My daughter prefers bottle spells as that was the method that resonated most with her. We both talk to trees and nature spirits and have relationships with the Big Trees for my house and my mother's house.
As for trees, even my DAD who was a lax SDA branch Christian, had relationships and exchanges with trees. My father even participated with what I think was probably a subconsious working with the Big Guardian Tree at my childhood home since when I came home (with some odd disqualifying injuries) from my brief attempt to become an Army medic I discovered that he and mom had tied a huge yellow ribbon around said tree with the intention of my safe return.
Did it? That depends on one's point of view. I'd been able to do the correct amount of situps the day before my entry test. Easy peasy. The day of the test? Only nine and I gained an abdominal muscle rip during those and damage to ligaments and tendons in my left ankle. On the other hand, I'd been attempting enlistment during a very violent time. I may well have been protected from a worse fate and not been able to return to my young children. That was an interesting discussion. It also reminded me of that Taoist story of the farmer who found a horse and whether it was ultimately lucky or unlucky.
I'm obviously rather glad that my Dad was open to letting me explore other paths to find where I was being called to walk. He even happily worked with me on intuitive exercises and experiments. After I turned 18 and had worked toward the correct certifications he asked me to consider becoming a multi-faith chaplain for the fire camp he worked at. I wish I had... but by that time I was also living in the area my college was. Now I wonder, due to my disabilities, if it is time to see if I can find out how to go about that sort of thing for such places.
I am so happy to hear you talk about so many different paths in this video. Thank you for that. I resonate so much with what you say. This one has gotten me to subscribe. Have you discussed fate workings yet? I'm getting ready to go through all of your videos to catch up. If you haven't yet I think that might be an interesting topic to hear your opinions on.
Well, this was much longer than I intended. I hope it wasn't too rambly.
Thankyou SOOOO much for such a great comment, with so much interesting stuff! Not at all rambly and tons of content. Loads to think about there...
I'm curious by what you mean by fate workings? Do you mean workings to subtly nudge things that are already in motion?
@@GrumpyOldCrone that as well as things to nudge things along that someone is preparing to start trying for. When people come to me wanting their fate changed I have them participate in the working and remind them that they need to do the footwork too in order to obtain that goal.
I've been at points myself where I either saw the paths a major incident could take, or others have seen and warned me. Then either I prepared for the event, helped the person either I saw or who came to talk about such visions. Then of course for one example being extra mindful in whatever area a housemate dreamed about me having an accident.
Changing or assisting a fate with spellwork I think would be well timed when done witthin the thinning of the veil. The subject also brings up such thoughts as the Wyrd sisters and their task regarding the yarn length of a person, intentional shifting of timelines, or creating a servitor to warn of impending problems.
You have got such great views and talking points. Makes me wish we could sit down and have a chat!
I boil herbal baths in a simmer pot it's decidedly not very esthetic when I do it though
I enjoy your rants/talks and have subscribed.💜💙💛
Love this one! I agree 100% with everything you shared.✨️🌺🙋♀️and thank you for the link to the debate. Looking forward to watching it!😂 p.s. i live on the island of maui, and yes, we do say muggy. Unfortunately, it is muggy here way too many days of the year!🥵 i quite frankly hate it!
What a joy to be here, thanks for putting this on. Religions be gone this isnt for you -boo hiss hex! Toss the diets and stick figure standards, embrace our nakednesss'''''
i am a Christian, but i have had a lifelong affinity for paganism (and other religions in general tbh) and in reading about the history of Christianity, especially Celtic Christianity since that's what i practice specifically, i can't ever wrap around my head around evangelical Christians (and the newer "tradcaths" and "orthobros") putting down pagans and other non-Christian ppl especially when Christ never said anything about putting down those "lower" than us. in fact, quite the opposite since he was v e r y critical of the Roman Empire and the Pharisees, ie critical of imperialism and religious corruption.
also religious commonalities have existed since forever and a common myth is that of the dying god-king. pretty darn good example alongside Jesus dying on the cross is Odin hanging himself and impaling himself on Yggdrasil so that we could have the runes. so there's literally no excuse, as a Christian, to put down non-Christians when mythology has shown a universality to the Gospels in one way or another. great channel btw, consider me subbed :3
I am pointing at you, gizurrr964, when I say, "SOME PEOPLE TOTALLY UNDERSTAND HOW TO BE GOOD PEOPLE!". Yup. i don't have a problem with all Christians. Some of my best friends are Christian - both my children have Christian godparents (I was in the church when I had them) who are the least judgemental and most loving people I know. I've read the Bible a lot, and agree that Christ's central teaching was that dogmatic hatred on religious and racial lines was antithetical. So many parables about acceptance and love trumping everything else.
You win my "SEE? CHRISTIANS CAN BE BRILLIANT TOO!" sticker for the day.
@GrumpyOldCrone thank you thank you i'll wear it with pride ;3 i've studied religious history a little bit formally in college (wanting to get a master's in it one of these days) but it's always been a special interest of mine
The "tradcaths" and "orthobros" seem remarkably like misogynists, racists and fascists looking for excuses to me.
Although, to be fair, there have been traditional Catholics™ since the Second Vatican Council. If I remember correctly, a few of them went so far that they were excommunicated, at least for a while. Indeed, you could argue that traditional Catholics had even earlier origins, e.g. Opus Dei and one or two other groups like it that got the seal of approval from people like General Franco.
I just discovered your channel. I'm a Christian who is new to studying elements of the practice. The only thing I'd say to your comments on Christianity is that transubstantiation is almost exclusively a Catholic/Orthodox concept. I was raised in an evangelical Protestant church, and I was taught that Catholics were cray-cray for believing in transubstantiation. Definitely not a Protestant concept. lol I enjoyed your video very much and will be watching more! PS: I can't abide smug Christians, either. I don't think my beliefs are superior to anyone else's.
I am so enjoying your podcast! (from one crone to another, much older one) The points you made are so excellent. I wish I could give you 10 thumbs up. About potatoes --(with their skins left on) they have lots of potassium and are quite healthful, because most people don't consume enough potassium. I have recently been making cubed potatoes with skins left on, baked in the oven. I pour some olive oil with some herbs and spices stirred in, then stir thoroughly to coat the potatoes before baking - so satisfying.
I'm so hungry now.... I do something similar (when not dieting) with potatoes and Polish vegetable seasoning. Sooo good!
Yay, another person supporting eating the peel as well. When I talked to my mom about it as a young and curious child who had noticed differences between school meals and home meals with potato I got a controlled rant about how stupid it is to waste perfectly good food (and calories, Mom and I had trouble keeping weight on) as well as a nutritional breakdown and a bit of history covering what she'd been taught by her adoptive parents who had experienced the Great Depression, and what she personally experienced on the farm she grew up on.
You do you. You do what makes you happy, doesn't hurt anything, and makes you the magnificent person you are.
You are amazing!!! I absolutely love your channel!
Thankyou! I'm having a lot of fun with it
I left the church because I was so judged for my fashion choices and subsequently "converted" to paganism after learning more about the history of what Christianity did to pagan cultures.
If only, if only Christians would just follow the New testament teachings of "just don't be a dick." What a world that would be!
Ps: I love learning about the mythological history behind the stories in the bible, and how far back to Babylonia and pre-babylonia so many of them go. Is really cool. And it's extremely pagan 😁
for a religion that hates so much on witches and pagans, Christian (particulary Catholic) ceremonies incorporate alot of ideas and symbolism from pagans.
If a church is in the Uk and hates pagans then they have not read what Jesus said.
Not to mention the well documented cases of Pagan festivals and goddesses being relabelled!
And, as AronRa will point out, a "blessing" is simply a Christian casting a spell (often after having a big song and dance about "pagans casting spells").
Interior designer 😂 100%
Thank you for creating this channel. I really appreciate your honesty.
Muggy in the states usually means hot, humid and still.
Thank you also for including the link below.
I am now much better informed about US weather language, thankyou!
I think boiling things in a pot, especially soup and tea, has its own magic. Nothing cures a cold quite like a bone broth and ginger soup. It's amazing what eating the right things can do for you.
I don't think a bunch of random flowers is going to help though. You can't replace chamomile and honey with daisies and corn syrup for sleepy tea.
10:49 refer to America on Election Day 2024. We are not ok here. And I agree, Jesus was a great philosopher. Period. And yet “Christians” quote zero of what he actually “said”. It’s bonkers.
😂😂😂 you're hilarious ❤❤❤ If I did that, I'd have a farmer yelling at me for squashing his barley 😂
Right? Barley squishing meltdown would definitely be a thing...
@GrumpyOldCrone 😂😂😂
My sister in-law is a Christian. She said to me one day.... You're a really good person for a non christian 🤬 I was quite pissed off. Needless to say we are not close and don't speak anymore
Happily my SiL (also a Christian) is just fine about me, and came to our handfasting. But the smug, judgey people drive me batshit.
I think i woulda said "oh, have you not heard about all those priests and pastors harming kids and parishioners then?"
Yeah, that mentality is WILD.
Good video full of chuckles! I loved this!
Glad you enjoyed it :-D
And thank you about the wicca information. I've been saying that for years.
I’m a Christian also but I’m enjoying your personality. May I stay please? I won’t make any trouble.
My work began in gradeschool where i was not so worried about the "prettyness" of potpourri, but rather the ingredients OF my simmer pot. I basically was a child IN a CHRISTIAN Household, where i would neigher reveal the ACTUAL intent of my workings for fear of FURTHER Toxic Abuse. I ALSO was cery conscious that Burnt Offerings could very quickly become a Harmful situation with the Possibility of burning down the house. I felt comfortable (enough) lighting a mini Tea Light and placing it in a Fireproof container to help with MY work. Its all i had, or could do at THAT Time. Over time, my Work has progressed and I no longer use simmer pots unless Im sweetining the air. But i feel that doing what i FELT was Natural (to me) at a young age shouldn't be shamed. It was a beginning of an evolution of the knowledge i have today.
I have scientific evidence, but its good news. So if you soak your potatoes overnight before you cook them, they will actually regulate blood sugar, helping with diabetes and the researchers found that they helped weightloss. So feel free to eat potatoes. Niw soaking isnt necessary, but it helps a lot because it takes a lot of the starch out, which is actually what causes the blood sugar spikes.
You are my favourite person now!
I do like witchiness partly for the aesthetic! I love the messy maximalism that results from me burning a ton of stuff and leaving offerings and forgetting them for too long lmao
I would be lying if I claimed my altar was usually anything other than a disaster zone!
Finally you concur with many of my thoughts. Those things that pop into my head when faced with various on the Internet or in daily life.
Mother earth. She is provable to all, even those unfortunate to be deaf and/or blind. We sense it in multiple ways.
Absolutely this.
I know that Romani witches boil plants etc for spells but they aren't exactly the 'witchy aesthetic' that the simmer pot people are.
That's interesting. I don't know any Rom practitioners, so that's new information for me.
Atheist here, but I appreciate and love the message of let people do their own thing. Also find your videos very calming right now 😅
Calm is good! Depending whereabouts you are and what is going on in the world, I feel that a really good injection of calm is a vitally important thing.
@GrumpyOldCrone US 😬🤢
I was raised as a Jehovah's Witness. They claim to be Christian, however they hold a ceremony every year around easter called the memorial. At the ceremony they pass round the bread and wine but you are not allowed to drink or eat it. Only those who are joining jesus in heaven are allowed to partake. The rest of us were supposed to live on earth forever in a perfect paradise earth where you can cuddle lions and pandas. That was after god kills all the non-witnesses. Now that is a special kind of crazy. Being a witch makes much more sense to me :).
Oh and those who ate the bread and wine were sniggered at behind their backs for being a bit batty or attention-seeking by others in the congregation.
Woooooah. That's...weird. And completely new to me!
This is a brand of weird that I have not encountered up until now. Blimey!
Jehova's Witnesses is not a "church"/religion. It is a cult and posses a serious danger to health and safety. I wish more ppl understood the true nature of JW.
My auntie married a man who forced her become JW; when my cousins were preschool age, he said he would leave my auntie ( being a single, divorced, mum in the 60s in the rural setting was out of the question) if she did not join the congregation. I was very close to my cousins, we grew up together, went to same schools, spent time together outside school etc. When one of my cousins, in his early 20s, wanted to have a life of his own and worship God on his own terms, his father threw him out of the house and they facilitated him becoming seriously ill and eventully topping himself.
@lilithwesainen9082 Agreed. I've just read and reviewed Moss Matthey's book An Apostate's guide to Witchcraft on my Channel. A wonderful caring book for those exploring craft after the JWs or any other high control cult.
I'm new too and happy to be a new potato(e)!! Thanks for the authenticity GOC!🌝
Glad to see you here, thanks for the comment!
To be honest, I've been a pagan (Wicca, Druidry, Animism) since I was a boy, and I have a fascination with listening to Christians criticizing those of other Christian denominations. Eventually, though, I find that I can but raise an eyebrow, when grown men profess the veracity of their preferred mythology, while disparaging other mythologies as "superstition," or "demons."
I can't recall where I heard it, but I remember a quote that said something like, "Mythology is that which is never true, yet always true." How you live your preferred mythology, day-to-day, is up to you.
Oooooh, I love that quote! I had a super poor set of experiences in the Christian church, and I'm very able to see that this has affected how I view it now. I do have friends who are Christian, and they are lovely, and not at all judgey. I was worried how they would treat me when I came out of the broom closet, but I didn't need to.
@@GrumpyOldCrone I've definitely had negative experiences with Christianity, and Christians, but I'd like to think that there are some good Christians out there. Somewhere. Lol
@@GrumpyOldCrone I study the occult/spirituality more so than practice at the moment. However, I have to pretend to be christian to my family to maintain good relations with them. I hate that I have to hide my real beliefs. Of course, I keep my beliefs to myself as I consider spirituality to be very personal.
That was me for a lot of years. I wish you joy and freedom wherever you require it
@@kalinora3901it would surprise you to know how much spellwork they employ in their "worship services".
I remember simmer pots from the 90s. Grannies and moms would have them to make the house smell good for company coming.
I'm a messy witch my altar never gets cleaned I.e never gets dusted or wiped down I cleanse it though. Set it on fire a few times and don't clean up after. I'm a crone, solitary passed down from my Scottish grandmother. Christians don't come to my door because I like to ask them the same questions as you ask
I cleaned my altar for Samhain last night. I think that my ancestors are in shock...
Long time now cured Christian here…
It’s all about controlling through fear…Christian leaders are some of the meanest cruelest greediest humans in the world.
Annie, I recently found your channel and I love it! I’m a new witch/pagan ( still trying to figure it out)… thanks for your humor and down to earth commentary
Ye Gods, which weird little enclave in these Isles were you to have hot weather this summer, lol. East Devon where I live is usually one of the hottest places but it's been so cold that I've had the heating on more days than not! It would be funny if it wasn't so shivery. Anyway, this was brilliant. I just recently came across your videos and am gradually binge watching. Great stuff; the British favourite pastime, whingeing - and all to good cause in this case. Love it. :)
As for ascetics in spell work. I personally believe that the words, actions, items we use are TOOLS to boost our feelings, intentions and energy. It is the ENERGY that make a spell work. So if a pretty spell makes you feel good go with it.
Tell it like it is! Call out the vanity and pretension. Bravo!
As a Pagan Witch in America, I see no reason to be upset that a Christian believes my religion is made up. They were saying in the 60's, 70's, 80s, 90s, too. The reality is that Modern Witchcraft is an Amalgam of recreated Pagan paths and New Age mysticism borrow largely from Asian (Hindu) religious philosophy. So, yeah our Religion is made up. The quaint color coordinated pots being and Aesthetic, is proof enough.
Honestlky I think that if any intresting thing lasts long enough and it becomes and a fad, a trend, then the latest aesthetic with it's fair share of gatekeepers. As a result, Witchcraft is not immune to that gatekeeping. I remeber being at a local diner in the 90s and approaching a girl about our local group and getting the haughty "I'm a Natural Witch" with the disdainful tone in her voice. This graduation, or implied stratification and not "being a real witch" because I wasn't a Natural Witch, or one trained in a coven, is precisely, after years of looking for a Coven, I simply became satisfied with being a Solitary Practitioner. I don't have to worry with people saying "ewww you're doing it wrong", especially people whose entire knowledge of Gaelic Mythology and Celtic Spiritual belief comes from reading one or two books by Scott Cunningham and need to have a certain clothing style to be "Witchy"..
but that's just my two cents.
I couldn't agree more! I'm particularly loving the "two books by Scott Cunningham and a certain clothing style". SO TRUE!
And yeah, everything is made up. All of it. From the beginning of time. We are all just trying to find a path to a truth that works for us, and make a face that works for us. I've always said that I won't be surprised to die and discover a single Divinity laughing at us all and our tiny little concepts of "god".
Imposter syndrome is so painful. I’m happy that you’re processing out of it
I'm a practicing witch and I share your frustration on this. I left the Christian faith two years ago as it did absolutely nothing for me. I haven't looked back since and I love the person I'm becoming on my spiritual path.
You and me both! I've got a whole story to share about leaving the Christian faith, but it can best be summed up as feeling bitter disappointment and realising that I was only wanted for money and labour. There was no heart behind it, and that made me so sad. I've found more meaning and heart in paganism over the years than anywhere in the Christian church.
@@GrumpyOldCrone: "realising that I was only wanted for money and labour" Ooh! The Knitting Cult Lady would say that that was a big red flag that the church/group/denomination that you were in was a cult. Cults _love_ free labour.
I may be team atheist but I reckon you are an absolute gem. Keep doing you.
The simmers are a throwback to China. The Buddhist Chinese style of incense was 'cooked', as in heated slow and low rather than burned. This spread into 'smelling teas', as in hot liquid you sniffed instead of drank. These teas could contain all sorts of things you shouldn't ingest that ALSO have spiritual uses. It's a good alternative for people who don't have the time, knowledge, or supplies to make old-school incense. Since China was pretty big on aesthetics, it's true to spirit to lay out your simmer pot to look pretty after choosing your altar blend.
As one Crone to another, you are a Witch after my own heart.🧙
We crones should stick together!
Christianity: Been there, done that, got the T-shirt, washed the car with it. Paganism is ever so much more fun!
It really is. Glad to see you here!
One Thanksgiving early in my witchcraft journey, one of my Evangelical cousins started gossiping about another cousin who wasn't there. She said in breathless tones how worried she was about her because she's a *witch.*
She got us confused. I was the witch. She had a very uncomfortable time of it. I knew more about the Bible than she did. My father was a lay minister. Let's just say she never tried to gossip in my earshot again. 😂 And I'm still a witch. Hell of a long "phase," Sandra.
Yes, Muggy is a word in the States. We're on the final hurrah of Summer here after DAYS of heatwaves. So happy for the cooling temps!! Bring on Autumn!
We've got it now - Equinox and BANG! Soggy autumn. Still, I'm not complaining!
I think that the simmer pots is just a fancy throwback to the potpourri that you would simmer on the stove in the 90's
I am a follower of Celtic Christianity. Yes, the teachings of Jesus from the Gospels is the bases, but it does incorporate the wisdom and knowledge of the Druids. All of Nature is considered to be the Second Gospel.
So kind of Druidic? I'm interested, any good sources that you'd recommend? I'm very happy on my path and it's right for me, but understanding other people's paths is always useful.
@@GrumpyOldCrone My introduction to Celtic Christianity was the book Celtic Fire by Robert Van De Weyer. The writings of Pelagius. Books by John Philip Newell.
Money is a paper and metal representation, it is only as valuable as the group who uses it says it is. So rather than exchanging something that is part of your talent, your gift, your belief for a generic substitute it makes so much sense to me that payment have a specific value to you. As always, and educational experience with a little bit of snark. Very much appreciate your videos.
Hmmm, again just a bunch of points I have no issue with put forth in a refreshing manner.
How are people finding you controversial? If I understand you correctly, that is you find yourself perceived, right?
I would just like to add something.
Words are also all made up, the sentences we make out of them can then arguably be said to be intersessionary between ourselves and our reality in a similar way as the beliefs/religions we've made up are intersessionary between ourselves and the divine, right?
Sorry if that doesn't make sense, English is my third language 😅
I can also relate to a lot of what you described as your experience in dealing with christians.
I was a fundamentalist evangelical christian for decades. Christians looked at me weird since I let the beliefs (they themselves also espoused) truly affect my life choices and behavior. 🤭
Being autistic often comes with literal and/or black or white thinking, that played a large part in it, on my part. (I was only diagnosed a couple of years ago)
Following the teachings of the Bible towards truth, as well as rather seeking the company/community of people that displayed the "fruit of the spirit" finally led me toward caring friendships and palpable ground to set root and blossom. All outside the confines of christianity and christian fellowship, I'm afraid.
As I am now an atheist, without denouncing spirituality or other honest pursuits of personal growth.
I appreciate your content, thanks for tonight's viewing pleasure.
Good luck in all your endeavors.
Kind regards from Iceland
I'm a devout Catholic. I am of the opinion that we each have our own connection with our higher power, who am I to say who that is for anyone but myself
That is good to hear.
"If you grow it yourself the calories and carbohydrates don't count."
"If you eat it in the dark the calories don't count."
"If you eat it with your eyes shut the calories don't count."
Yeshua ben Mariam had some very good points but also some fairly shitty ones in other parts of the gospels. As with the rest of the Bible you need to do a lot of cherry picking if you want to find the morally acceptable bits.
Trees must hate cats or at least cats sharpening their claws.
The problem with that book is that it has been translated to fit so many different people's wishes SO many times, that we mostly have no idea what the hell the original bloke said anyway. Monty Python could be closer than anyone suspects...
Muggy is definitely a term, especially when the air coats your skin with water vapor.
In the South here, it gets like a steam oven complete with the term "swamp ass" let out by most with THAT sense of humor! ❤
I've done Atlanta in August, and that was bad enough!
You are outrageously funny! Great points of topic.
THE TWO FINGERED SALUTE! I use it here in Canada, and people really don't recognize it! Ok, It's for my way of passive aggressively venting at a..holes in life here!!
It both matters & doesn't matter, depending on who. It matters to some, not to others.
Agnostic Ecclectic Pagan here, spring arrives where I'm at. Would've written some criticism, but then you showed you were self aware, my bad. So just a note, transubstantiation is more emphasized by Catholics, so is not as apparent to protestants (the diverse lot they are)
Yup, I take that - you are absolutely correct, and I did lump a whole lot of traditions together there, and was wrong. Martin Luther did some excellent poster nailing in 1517 for this exact purpose. Mea culpa - you are correct!
I’ve been using the word muggy my entire life and learned it from my parent (all of us lifelong Virginians).❤
I've often heard the "two countries separated by a common language" thing, so I'm pleased to know that it translates!
Hi! Writing to you from the U.S. I love your content! I too, am a grumpy old crone that gets mad when Christians get on their high horse and say people on other spiritual paths are damned. But, here's a twist, I consider myself a witchy Christian. I don't believe that a loving God would throw away good people just because they don't "BU-LEEV!!". i think the Bible is more about people than it is about God. I think God gave us brains so we can sort out what is good from what is bad. I think the concept of hell was made up by people in power to control the populace. Hell is not mentioned in the Bible. I have great friends in many, many religions and I love learning about their points of view. And other Christians are probably thinking that I'm going to hell for telling you all this. Well, I have faith in my God in the same way I have faith in someone I know really well. I have faith that He would not make anyone "burn in hell for all eternity"! That is such a stupid. hateful concept! In my ongoing research of the Christian religion, Jesus died for EVERYONE! But, how can you control crowds of people if they don't have to be "good" to get to heaven, right? Anyway, loved your rant and thanks for reading mine. Please know that there are many flavors of Christians. Oh! And since I'm risking hell for writing this, if we do end up there...I hope we can be friends.
Thx u. Now i am getting ads for simmer pot herb bundles on etsy. Lol. I havent practiced in over 10yrs, but i don't ever remember making potpourri soup pots as part of spell work. Lol.
(a) I'm really sorry and
(b)POTPOURRI SOUP! This!!!!!!!
You have already offset the calorie intake of eating your potatoes by working in your garden to plant them. It all balances out in the end :)
You are so right. Any Christian realises the pagan history and heritage and if raised in these areas should recognise and feel the culture
Annie I totally understand where you're coming from I was raised in the church and I went along with what they told me to do but it never felt right and now I think about am I wrong for feeling this way
Me watching this video from a town three towns over from Palo Alto: 😂🤣😂🤣
Me watching this video in Palo Alto 😂😂😂😂😂
11:22 😂I had just taken a sip of hot cocoa...."It's a good Scrabble Word".
Sorry. But it really is a great scrabble word. Get that sucker on a triple word score and you're home safe!
There's a wonderful book called Out of the Shadows by Lillith McClellan which goes into the origins of Wicca. Gerald Gardner came up with the idea of it in the thirties, possibly inspired by Freemasonry. People after him might have been inspired by Aradia: Gospel of the Witches and Merlin Stone's When God Was a Woman. The Wiccan Rede and the Charge of the Goddess where written in the sixties. There is evidence of goddess worship dating back to the Stone Age, but not of one universal "Goddess". The Inquisition wasn't killing herbalists and midwives, they were killing people they thought were devil worshippers (and of course, you'll tell people anything they want to hear when you're being tortured). Also, living in Salem, the author had some tea to spill about the community there.
I'm polytheistic. Technically I do a bunch of stuff, much of it more under the magician umbrella, almost all of it prioritizes function and not appearance. I'm mostly here for the refreshing rants. My type spend time over on channals like Esoterica where we find out things the Christians like to forget. The guys in your spam would have a conniption.