Looking into stage kit realistically where’s a safe torque number on the factory clutch already have a down pipe just looking at a intake and tune for now
really just depends, don’t mess anything up with the tune being on the car and you should be good, can they dig deep and find out u tuned the car? yes.
afaik there is a way for techs to see "how many times your ecu has been flashed", but that info has been inconsistent. Some people report flashing back to stock before warranty work and having no problems, some people don't even bother with flashing to stock and just remove the actual ktuner device which will put it into map 1 by default. Maybe go search around the civicx forum. If you're unsure, just don't do it, tempting as it may be.
Love it. Simple and informative
Looking into stage kit realistically where’s a safe torque number on the factory clutch already have a down pipe just looking at a intake and tune for now
i need help with step 2 the file doesn’t upload
Will a tune void a warranty on my 11th gen si?
really just depends, don’t mess anything up with the tune being on the car and you should be good, can they dig deep and find out u tuned the car? yes.
afaik there is a way for techs to see "how many times your ecu has been flashed", but that info has been inconsistent. Some people report flashing back to stock before warranty work and having no problems, some people don't even bother with flashing to stock and just remove the actual ktuner device which will put it into map 1 by default. Maybe go search around the civicx forum. If you're unsure, just don't do it, tempting as it may be.
Is it the same for the v1.2?
It is slightly different but the same concepts apply. We are making a guide soon for the v1.2