The modded industry area, at the end, has no traffic because almost every placed building is just an aesthetic shell with no actual in-game function. As far as the game traffic is concerned, the plots of land inside the industrial area are still sitting empty, which is why no traffic bothers to go into this area.
even mind the switch from "good" (pro) to "perfect" (mod) traffic flow ... but there isn't a single change at the roads/rails/tubes ... strange how the traffic flow is influenced by huge buildings, which totaly adds realism ... but no self-generated traffic
Yeah, I can a big flaw in that: Traffic passing through that doesn't have to go to the industrial area is being impeded by the toll booth and by the cargo train stations (e.g. passenger trains). But that's pretty easy to fix by making a bypass lane in every direction on the highway and putting the cargo terminals on a siding instead of putting them in-line with the main track.
Modder: pErFeCt tRafFiC FlOw That's because this "industrial area" is just a bunch of dummy cosmetical buildings that dont produce anything. Thus, no traffic generated. Showing the revenue values would reveal which industrial area is actually better.
Yeah, agreed! Those people (or modders) actually just play the game to create good-looking cities, but not "experiencing the issues of planning a city on actual growth, demand and a tight budget". Ok, my cities look like crap but still, I feel like a mayor. The only mods I use are MOM, Fine Road Tool, Network Extensions 2 and TMPE to improve the vanilla game where it lacks some features. I never use mods like Move It or Unlimited Money, because these just transform CS in a completely new game.
@@pixoontube2912 No. There is no budget in cities skylines because the whole finance-simulation is badly balanced. If you get over the point where you're city is big enough to get you more revenue then it costs, there is basically no real way back, as long as you don't want to bring your city down. The only thing this game is really, really good at, is modding it 'til it's unrecognizable and build some realistic stuff. The only game that maybe competes in this area is probably Transport Fever. As a city builder, city skylines lacks a proper traffic sim, but also a good simulation of age distributions between the citizens (death waves aren't a product of your bad planing, but of the developpers lazyness. There's an extremely easy fix for this: randomize the age of the citizens when they move into your town, luckily there's a mod, that does exactly that), no realistic simulation of crime depending on factors like education, wealth, etc. pp. I could argue for longer, but the point is: the games simulation is way to simple for making it a real challenge. If you're having crime-problems, there's one solution: place a fricking police station. You can't help the situation with education, you can't do specific policies on that, you can't increase police presence without adding a station, maybe even move the presence, you can't redesign the the roads and places, because it isn't anything in your city, that induced the crime in the first place. Maybe I'm just way to ambitioned, when it comes to simulations, but seriously, don't try to impress anyone with your major skills on this game. P.S.: I forgot, with the TM:PE AI, the game also becomes a relatively nice traffic simulation.
@@MephistoDerPudel I think you misunderstood something: I did not say that I want to "impress someone with my mayor skills". I just said that I don't like that type of gamestyle where people turn CS from a normal city builder (which also means managing something) into a rule-free building sandbox like "Let's turn on always demand, unlimited money and plop everything down as I want just for beauties sake." I can agree on most of your points. Still CS is not 100% realistic and dead waves (also resulting in unemployment and "not-enough-workers"-waves) are a real pain. And YES, I know that budget doesn't matter after a certain point. However, I think its still more realistic than starting with unlimited money from scratch. But still, CS still is one of the best city builders on the market. *cough* SimCity5 *cough* And YES, some mods can even improve the games realism.
@@skygge1006 Subscribe to mods and assets in the Steam Workshop, they automatically download and install. Only thing you have to make sure of is that you enable them in the content manager once you boot up the game.
i would actually have roundabouts put in instead of the 3 way traffic stop that he had in the "pro" would have sped up the incoming traffic, also he didn't change the traffic at all and i'm pretty sure had de-spawning turned on, also he should have gotten the real time mod for it. bad modder?
I was thinking about this while watching. So flat, so boring, so unattractive. I always design cities trying to change the natural landscape as little as possible. Might be the European in me. I don't want to build flat, ugly places.
@@runningfromabear8354 It's a constant struggle I always have to not put down a ton of grids when I have wide open, flat space. Working around maps with Mountain terrain is just a lot more fun.
@@runningfromabear8354 I feel ya man. The best looking city I have isn't even one with mods, but all vanilla. I started with a village, then another one, then more etc. With all farmland in between. (I created big areas separated by tree lines with 1-3 farm buildings in each ara). These villages slowly grew naturally and some of them merged together to become the city.
As someone that works in a distribution warehouse, the "Pro" and "Modder" layouts are flawed in a significant way that makes these examples inefficient. There are 5 main stages when it comes to product manufacturing and distribution: acquisition of materials (either by harvesting them or importing them), storage of materials in warehouses, production of the products (skip these first three steps if products are imported), storage of products in a distribution center, and exportation to stores. Having these processes placed in sequence can reduce the amount of traffic even further and can allow for areas of this size to be expanded upon greatly, possibly to the point of having a full district or specialized city. TL;DR: Don't just plop down a bunch of buildings in a way that looks nice; trucks shouldn't have to go all over the industrial area just to visit a few locations, so put them in order. Train/truck importation > smaller warehouse complex > factory complex > larger warehouse complex > train/truck exportation.
@@TSPxEclipse very good except one just gonna have 2 rail hubs one at each end? Not likely as they are large and expensive. Be better just to put it at the edge or just outside the industrial area and run a highway out there with a dedicated 2 lane exit for it. Could even do like an airport sort of, have off ramp(flyover/under style) for both directions at one end(e.g. west end) and open it to a 3 lane one way to the hub, then lead it back to the highway on east end with 2 onramps(one for each direction) making a loop essentially. Apart from that definitely agree
The pro almost made a flow reminding me of the magic roundabout albeit a more boxy looking magic roundabout. In the vid he doesnt quite make the one direction roads the same flow as a magic roundabout but i guess ill just fix that in my game.
@@TSPxEclipse ok, that's how it works(and is better done) in real life, but aren't we talking about Cities:Skylines here? What can we do other than optimizing the road layout?
Modder: Traffic Flow: "It just works" "It actually works perfectly" Commenters looking at toll gates and singing "Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies"
@@nizdeniz For an area that small, the "noob" design is perfectly fine, but it's not a design that will do well with more dense industry, or expanding the district further.
My industrial areas are literally just the same grid I use everywhere else, and it's better than the noob. So long as all the main road entrances and exits are on the Same Side, and there isn't one main central road everything funnels through until it's already on the highway, that's all it takes. Then add a one way loop with a rail station, ensuring that the loop joins the grid at points that allow traffic to split up again as soon as possible (heck, split it before it joins, if you can). It's a Little more complicated when using the industries DLC stuff... But not really. (You just make a one way loop with everything that's part of the same production chain on the same side of the road the whole way along. Add dead end side roads as necessary when expansion or services are required). Then it's just a case of making sure your highway and rail networks aren't rubbish. Depending on how the rest of the city is set up (trains especially), that's enough to get traffic flow equal to the pro... While wasting less space, meaning there's actually more industry (and thus more vehicles) using it. Admittedly doesn't look as nice though.
But in reality, the noob's one is the best of all (kind of). I don't know why they complain of "Bad Traffic Flow", That ain't the point of an industrial area? If there is a "perfect" traffic flow it's because there aren't any cars in the streets, and that means that no one actually cares about that industrial area, so it's completely useless and non functional, like the modders one that sincerely, doesn't even look good, it's just a bunch of empty warehouses.
@sunrise It makes perfect sense hes just describing traffic in a commercial area, while traffic jams dont necessarily mean business is booming the inverse NECCESICARILY indicates a lack of commercial activity perfect flow would be no traffic at all the only way this happens is no cars a commercial area with no cars means no shoppers and exactly as Darth Vader said this therefore makes it NON FUNCTIONAL....
Interesting title. Is actually one that I debate about quite a bit on steam where you get people "insisting you need these mods to make it work" whereas I come back with showing how much you can do with zero mods and still be more effective than the modder's city.
imperatur: wants to comment on how noobs make poor decisions. also imperatur: makes video about noobs while not explaining anything in a way noobs could benefit from. no text, no audio. just "cool" music. thanks :I
@@ZlataChernis it's easy to copy the design exactly without understanding why it was made the way it was. but if you want/need to modify it (example: different shape of outer boundaries due to terrain restrictions) then it helps to understand the thoughts behind the decision making. sure, it's relatively easy to figure out most of it if you already have some experience or watched other videos from people who DO actually explain the why's behind their decisions, but that doesn't help noobs, as the OP pointed out :-)
@@ZlataChernis agreed, but people at that point don't really deserve to still be called noobs, do they? my argument above was specifically about noobs (which for me, in this game, are people who have less than a few dozen hours of playtime and have never built anything larger than a relatively small town in that time).
@@clefsan why not? in several dosen hours i just had my first and only city, 150k+ (with no exp at all about the game, struggling with ui, like, i coudnt make a tunnel for railways and such), and that's certainly a noob. Even having 200h in game i'd call myself noobish, that's true and that's fine. However, by then I was able to watch videos like this and understand what better decisions are and why. And it's not like the video here says "how to start ur city" or "guide", it never poses itself as a guide for anyone.
I've been trying to figure out how to design an area for my factories and warehouses. I especially like this because it can start as a regular industries area then easily be converted later on. Of course, now I just need to build this. Excellent video - thanks.
C'mon, don't try the cheap shot. Industrial areas close to highway exits are more expensive for their accessibility so you find the large distribution centres and warehouses there but will not see the craftsman's workshop. He needs demand from locals while the supply-chain driven industry needs connections and space for trucks, trucks, trucks who come and go by the highway. Repeat your Real Estate 101
one tipp i don´t know if this is for noob pro or modder, turn the traffic lights out and make all the streets you build the way you are deside ( with speed and what way they can drive and what can drive on different streets) then you never will have a problem with bad traffic. Just turn the traffic lights out makes the traffic better no matter what kind of streets you use. In deutsch : einfach alle ampeln entfernen oder ausschalten und der verkehr läuft immer flüssig und es gibt sehr sehr wenig stau einfachste lösung ohne komplett umbauen zu müssen. Am besten ist es sogar von anfang an alle ampeln zu entfernen denn stau ensteht meistens nur durch ampeln. später beim ausbauen und verschönern der eigenen stadt kann man dann breitere strassen nehmen, regeln das nur bestimmte fahrzeuge wo fahren dürfen und das nur bestimmte geschwindigkeiten erreicht werden dürfen um denn gewaltig ansteigenden verkehr im späten spielverlauf zu beherschen.
It was interesting. Without the economics associated with each build, there is not much to asses. Did anyone else see the huge traffic jams just outside the modder build? HATE the music.
I admire and respect your talent and skills, imperatur. This layout inspired me to adopt 5 of these into my city and they work as advertised! One thing, no doubt an oversight, is the flow can be improved considerably by changing the direction of 4 roads. Specifically, the 4 roads in the middle. At 6:50, considering the cargo hub as North, the direction of the 4 N-S roads in the middle should be reversed. Doing so maintains a counter-clockwise flow around all 3 (or 6) blocks. Also, in the manner I used them, adding access and egress ramps to the ends of the crossover bridges improved flow even more. Keep up the great work, you're an inspiration for several elements of my city.
What you said is a vast improvement. It also makes it so that traffic on the E-W roads doesn't have to cross traffic turning off of or onto the N-S roads, causing less traffic at intersections.
5:47 A little piece of advice on the highway that is leading to the right. You dont need it to be a 3-Lane, you have 1 Lane going straight through inbefore, means you only need to continue with 2-Lane which will split up into 2, 1-Lane anyway.. :) 11:16 WIth the Modder Edition you shouldn't put the Tolls before the split ups, that drastically slows down Traffic. You could rather place one in middle lane, and one on each end of the off-ramps before they merge into the industrial area
@@Skullcrusher-yl5re you mean for raw materials? he was placing a lot of warehouses. they draw in (import) raw materials as needed from the outside. ideally you would want to produce the raw materials on your own, of course, to maximize profits, but it's possible to do it this way if you don't care about making money and are only concerned with making the place look good while still being functional. It might even still be possible to make some profit the way he was doing it, because he used the specialized high end factories a lot and they can make a lot of money. haven't tested that myself yet, so can't say for sure either way.
"Don't do 2 way roads in an industrial area" *I did it* ... And i managed to make it work! The area is like 3/4 the size of the one in the video, but all zoned industry, mostly level 3 buldings, trumpet interchange connecting it to the highway. (4 lanes out, 4 lanes in).
@@imperatur I had to really work on it as i expanded it, but i eventually stabilised it and the zoning space left will mostly interact with anonther entry/exit point. For the modder part of the video you should have made the highway running through 2 lanes (see the traffic jamming at the tollboths merging to the meft lane)😉
2 way roads will work in small areas because the traffic is small in volume so the lorries cut each other off at junctions less frequently as they just pass between each other in the gaps in traffic. This will not hold true for larger industrial zones with a greater volume of freight vehicles as the traffic is literally non-stop. Ideally what you want are empty trucks going in one side, all moving in one direction through the I-zone and exiting out the other end fully loaded with goods. The only yielding you should experience are when the trucks stop at their destined industrial building to collect goods. This flow is easily achievable, but poses another problem; that service vehicles have a limited range on one directional roads and often wont leave their base structure if they think they cannot get back (i have this issue with death collection frequently). So you'll have to double or triple up on service structures to achieve coverage or break up the I-zone into smaller loops to scale with the range of the service buildings. UNLESS you have TM:PE in which case you can then create dedicated service roads.
No matter how much enjoyable this game is, it's just never turns out working. No matter what. Everything ends up in chaos and people getting sick or something else. Ive never seen a perfectly working city ever.
I would place myself somewhere between "pro" and "modder". I like to have a tidy traffic flow which is only achievable by carefully placing one-ways and such but also I often place big buildings like you did exactly for the same reason you mentioned - it just looks way more realistic. Certainly sometimes I do "noob" stuff too haha
Clicking on this to learn how to build an industrial area and seeing basically a 1 for 1 of my current industrial area as the noob example was savage...
I use a lot of 1-ways in my indst area. Extractor buildings lead to storage buildings, which lead to processing builings, which leads to the train depot. Line that all up with an express ramp that leads to the highway and everything runs pretty smoothly
I like Noob & Pro cuz it's on PS4, XBOX ONE & PC Edit : 8:55 Dog2:I have Wisdom Dog1:What is your Wisdom? Dog2:THE BETTER YOUR INDUSTRIAL AREA CAN BE REACHED, THE LESS PROBLEMS YOU WILL HAVE Dog1:That's a good Wisdom
You can try making a Noob, Pro, Modder, Mapping Making, like editing all the map planning and detailing everything as fields, rivers, camp, farm roads, forest, traffic, trains, nature etc...
I was a total noob at the game, and had largely abandoned it. Then I saw some youtube videos similar to this one where the majesty of mods were demonstrated, and now I'm back in the game and learning to use these mods and build better cities. Maybe someday soon I will be posting videos showing off cool stuff. Keep up the good work.
I'm kind of torn on the distinction between Pro and Modder, personally. In my experience most industrial areas don't have anywhere near the amount of pathways and separation that exist in the Pro version (Unless you're looking at a brand new industrial park built by one developer, in which case kind of). Most times buildings go right to the property line, and if not the fencing for parking/storage yards do. For the Modder, yeah there's usually a bunch of large buildings (warehouses especially), but there's also a complete absence of smaller industrial outfits. An industrial area uses every little bit of space unless it's taken up by a very large tenant or one that has special requirements, and smaller warehouses, manufacturing shops, and other businesses are also in there (as is some commercial! Large industrial parks almost always have a few coffee shops or "restaurants" that are only open during working hours or even just lunch and early afternoon.) So paradoxically, the Modder one actually in my eyes looks LESS realistic than the Pro version.
I wonder if he noticed that he had one of the one way arrows on the bottom right side facing the wrong way the entire time. :) Great video though. Cept the out of time music at the end.
On the pro level, for the short side by side pairs of north-south roads in the center, wouldn't it make more sense to swap the direction so the one you turn left into comes first to prevent traffic backups?
It's beautiful and well functioning, no doubt - but I would like to see more modders working with limited money to see how economic their cities are ... for example, would this industrial area be profitable?! ...
Thing is money is easy to make in the game after the slow start even with some bad traffic. You could quite easily get to a point where you make $20k in the green and leave it running for a while. Then clear out the city once you have several million and save that game as a template for new cities.
@@Thorpe I really dislike this aspect of the game I don't want to play with unlimited money and everything unlocked from beginning but I also don't want to basically rebuild half my city after unlocking things like cargo stations or docks... IMO it takes way too long to unlock some really important parts and I'd pretty much would like to start off with a 3x3 area instead of a single one in a fixed location because this also limits your planning a lot.. IMO it doesn't even make that much sense because the prices for unlocking new tiles are insanely cheap anyway but you're forced to squeeze in all your population into limited space while also leaving big spaces for all the highways, train tracks and other roads you would want to add later maybe I'll try an everything unlocked city and get enough loans to properly space out everything next time
Wow this all designs are very nice and good and small less speed roads cheap in construction and easy to build and the best thing is this that it is strength roads and tunnels and bridges i love this map for my own country and city if its possible to be even in residential areas or in industry etc salute to the designer how created it as a beautiful destiny i love you all how have a straight thinking in life and creativity in there brain history thank you. 👍❤
just built the pro version of this in my game and i’m **really** not convinced the traffic flow will be as good as this video is leading on... has anyone else used this format in their own game? results?
I saw while watching, that this will not work. The trafic, that comes from south will often go back into the south. This is not included here. And it includes alson ot all the trafic, that started there and will not go into that direction that the side have to go (left side can not go to north, rigth side can not go to south). Also when you have a good working train-System, you will have problems. Cause the train-AI ist dumb and sends to much or to less trains. Also the trafic inside the two areas is crossing itself. There you have to play much more with the 1-way-roads, that it will flow better. But I think this can be a good start for an industrial area. But you have to find some more solutions for a city with several thousand of inhabitants and several insdustrial and specialized areas.
Even with trains or docks your "Production Buildings" need some raw materials. Separate your storage buildings from your production buildings and try to put their entrance side away from main road. Inner roads (1 way 2 line roads are ok for this) are good to use on storage buildings, if you put them closer to entrance point they will take materials and then go straight across to deliver production buildings. If there are other industrial buildings outside of your industrial area then trucks will carry out some and clog your closest exit, so try to put them closer. Also produced materials will go either in to your cities market (blue areas) or out of your city. You would need a separate entrance for mini vans and trucks that carry your productions in to the city. If you use this template you should make sure they can deliver goods via train or roads close to your market areas. It is more complicated that just this video. This is a good way to use as a template but it depends on your own cities needs.
i did make one immediate change when recreating this, which was the two paired up inner lanes in each industrial section. the directions he has them in cause an awful jam up but is easily fixed by switching them. the metro is also helpful with the traffic right now. i will give an update when my city has a higher population if it holds up or not.
You got to take into account industries can end up delivering raw materials to other industries, various services in multiple areas and exports to other cities. Eventually your highway intersections will get clogged if you haven't been paying attention to all the possible destinations the traffic wants to go. Some traffic may even pass through areas it has no intention of delivering to because highways are exempt from heavy traffic/old town policies. It's just a real pain to manage and keep up with if you're trying to make a creative city.
Would you do a DLC Industy one? Looking at different layouts when you have the different building types and you need a logical flow between each type. Nice work!
Your pro attempt was much better than modder with traffic flow. But modder definitely looks better. I personally do a mix of zoned industry and Industries DLC. And even though I use grids, I like to space it out more and add some curved roads just to break up the monotony.
yes because the solar pannels r helpful here, Might has well just go for an oil plant, there's no point putting clean energy in industry, which makes polution so it kinda defeats the purpose ya now
this is obviously all just for the looks... I wouldn't bother with an oil plant there either just takes away space that could be industry, I usually go full green energy in my cities because you don't need to deliver ressources to the plants so even if you have a big traffic problem at some point your power grid is unaffected
De fato, a área industrial da DLC, além de ter pouco tráfego, emprega muito mais trabalhadores, uma das melhores ... Eu adoraria ver um layoult das áreas de extração (petróleo, mineração ...) lá que a bocada é feia kkkkk Indeed, DLC's industrial area, besides having low traffic, employs many more workers, one of the best ... I would love to see a layoult of the extraction areas (oil, mining ...)
The Super-Pro, widens the motorways, keeps the central railway line, throws opposite facing train cargo terminals with middle track running right through the middle line. creating underground roundabouts underneath the two points with emerging road access to the top and bottom terminals. Paths = underground subways to connect workers north and south discretely and you create a super tidy double round-abouted, double terminal interchange with continuous un-interrupted railway line, simple.
Ya know, this is borderline insulting lol. It is! the Noob way is starting out, getting things going, well without the rails. The pro verson is just updating the area to a more efficient way but he lost, tons of space for industry. Idk about the modder, i stopped the vid 1/2 way through. Ehh, its just game man..lay off.
Near the end he could of added the automatic toll rule to improve traffic a little more. The reason would be that the traffic wouldn't need to stop to pay the tolls and just go through.
might be a good idea to flip most of the one way roads so traffic coming from the east lets say and want to go to north could drive less distance and be part of traffic for less time
There was absolutely no difference in traffic flow between the "pro" and "modder" phases, but the "pro" was graded "good" and the "modder", "perfect". Nice try. It wasn't perfect, anyway. Your highway was backed up.
You can make the first one work by making sure that there are no 4 way intersections and the highways go over top the roundabouts and have say two lanes come of each highways down to the roundabout then 2 more off the round about. Also you could have used the already existing train lines to put in a passenger train station, rather than having to waste money on a subway line, and yeah you can covert people from subways to train stations by putting 2 of them next to each each other and having a path between them, then had a bus taken them out from the train station on 5 stop line which wouldn't have significantly added to the traffic, especially if you have but lane mods.
I habe 1300 hours in the game and i put even less effort in my indistrial area than the noob
Same. Why would a noob put down trees to decorate
@@pixoontube2912 yeah the noob is more like a "average" ngl, also a noob never would add roundabouts lol
The modded industry area, at the end, has no traffic because almost every placed building is just an aesthetic shell with no actual in-game function. As far as the game traffic is concerned, the plots of land inside the industrial area are still sitting empty, which is why no traffic bothers to go into this area.
basically the modder is a cheater and is not really playing the game=)
@@gabrielandy9272 Or...they prefer aesthetics over Functional? Most players I know use mods just for "more realism" or "more aesthetic cities"
@@alexdelaloire8739 nah
@@alexdelaloire8739 I mean, yes, but even though, you need some real industrial areas. (?)
@@Jonathan-ql2tx I mean yes, but I genuinely think some people don't care about a functional city...just aesthetics 🤷🏾♂️
Creator: "perfect traffic flow"
Highway before toll roads: " i a joke to you?"
even mind the switch from "good" (pro) to "perfect" (mod) traffic flow ... but there isn't a single change at the roads/rails/tubes ... strange how the traffic flow is influenced by huge buildings, which totaly adds realism ... but no self-generated traffic
I think those toll backups are more "realistic" than "perfect".
Well, but the highway is outside the industrial area. Traffic in the industrial area itself is pretty good :) He could add automatic tolls though.
"It just works" "It actually works perfectly"
Yeah, I can a big flaw in that: Traffic passing through that doesn't have to go to the industrial area is being impeded by the toll booth and by the cargo train stations (e.g. passenger trains). But that's pretty easy to fix by making a bypass lane in every direction on the highway and putting the cargo terminals on a siding instead of putting them in-line with the main track.
Modder: pErFeCt tRafFiC FlOw
That's because this "industrial area" is just a bunch of dummy cosmetical buildings that dont produce anything. Thus, no traffic generated.
Showing the revenue values would reveal which industrial area is actually better.
Yeah, agreed!
Those people (or modders) actually just play the game to create good-looking cities, but not "experiencing the issues of planning a city on actual growth, demand and a tight budget".
Ok, my cities look like crap but still, I feel like a mayor. The only mods I use are MOM, Fine Road Tool, Network Extensions 2 and TMPE to improve the vanilla game where it lacks some features. I never use mods like Move It or Unlimited Money, because these just transform CS in a completely new game.
@@pixoontube2912 No. There is no budget in cities skylines because the whole finance-simulation is badly balanced. If you get over the point where you're city is big enough to get you more revenue then it costs, there is basically no real way back, as long as you don't want to bring your city down.
The only thing this game is really, really good at, is modding it 'til it's unrecognizable and build some realistic stuff. The only game that maybe competes in this area is probably Transport Fever.
As a city builder, city skylines lacks a proper traffic sim, but also a good simulation of age distributions between the citizens (death waves aren't a product of your bad planing, but of the developpers lazyness. There's an extremely easy fix for this: randomize the age of the citizens when they move into your town, luckily there's a mod, that does exactly that), no realistic simulation of crime depending on factors like education, wealth, etc. pp. I could argue for longer, but the point is: the games simulation is way to simple for making it a real challenge. If you're having crime-problems, there's one solution: place a fricking police station. You can't help the situation with education, you can't do specific policies on that, you can't increase police presence without adding a station, maybe even move the presence, you can't redesign the the roads and places, because it isn't anything in your city, that induced the crime in the first place.
Maybe I'm just way to ambitioned, when it comes to simulations, but seriously, don't try to impress anyone with your major skills on this game.
P.S.: I forgot, with the TM:PE AI, the game also becomes a relatively nice traffic simulation.
@@MephistoDerPudel I think you misunderstood something: I did not say that I want to "impress someone with my mayor skills". I just said that I don't like that type of gamestyle where people turn CS from a normal city builder (which also means managing something) into a rule-free building sandbox like "Let's turn on always demand, unlimited money and plop everything down as I want just for beauties sake."
I can agree on most of your points. Still CS is not 100% realistic and dead waves (also resulting in unemployment and "not-enough-workers"-waves) are a real pain. And YES, I know that budget doesn't matter after a certain point. However, I think its still more realistic than starting with unlimited money from scratch.
But still, CS still is one of the best city builders on the market. *cough* SimCity5 *cough*
And YES, some mods can even improve the games realism.
How do you download mods I need something to slightly make it more realistic for me
@@skygge1006 Subscribe to mods and assets in the Steam Workshop, they automatically download and install. Only thing you have to make sure of is that you enable them in the content manager once you boot up the game.
A real noob don't use roundabouts
He uses t-intersections
One of my favorite things is using t intersections and still finding ways to make the traffic still work relatively well
@@duncachinoahimiha3889 use timed traffic lights
T-intersections are the one of the best choices to create a city with, a normal junction with 4 pieces of roads are from an noob
don't make fun of me xD
i would actually have roundabouts put in instead of the 3 way traffic stop that he had in the "pro" would have sped up the incoming traffic, also he didn't change the traffic at all and i'm pretty sure had de-spawning turned on, also he should have gotten the real time mod for it. bad modder?
And town planner : Actually integrates the industrial area into the city.
1900th century urban planner: Let's build tenements next to factories
@@Lagmaster33 "Hey, the commute is short!"
I was thinking about this while watching. So flat, so boring, so unattractive. I always design cities trying to change the natural landscape as little as possible. Might be the European in me. I don't want to build flat, ugly places.
@@runningfromabear8354 It's a constant struggle I always have to not put down a ton of grids when I have wide open, flat space. Working around maps with Mountain terrain is just a lot more fun.
@@runningfromabear8354 I feel ya man. The best looking city I have isn't even one with mods, but all vanilla. I started with a village, then another one, then more etc. With all farmland in between. (I created big areas separated by tree lines with 1-3 farm buildings in each ara). These villages slowly grew naturally and some of them merged together to become the city.
It's funny 'cause the trees will be all dead in less than 2 hours of gameplay due to the incredible amount of polution in the area
MEGA NOOB: Zones industrial next to houses and puts water towers in it.
Ты можеш на русском писать?!
Нууу.. ты хоть понял что я написал?
@@КовальскийКоваль чё ты пристал к человеку?
Kovalski Koval' is wondering if you can speak Russian (I dunno why he is doing it)
even a mega noob should realize pretty fast that this lay out wouldnt work XD
Nice build 👍
Thx bro💪🏻
Does a like on another video, count towards a sip of tea? :)
@@imperatur Very nice, love the "pro industry"
@@imperatur broo só de Brazil Nice
As someone that works in a distribution warehouse, the "Pro" and "Modder" layouts are flawed in a significant way that makes these examples inefficient. There are 5 main stages when it comes to product manufacturing and distribution: acquisition of materials (either by harvesting them or importing them), storage of materials in warehouses, production of the products (skip these first three steps if products are imported), storage of products in a distribution center, and exportation to stores. Having these processes placed in sequence can reduce the amount of traffic even further and can allow for areas of this size to be expanded upon greatly, possibly to the point of having a full district or specialized city.
Don't just plop down a bunch of buildings in a way that looks nice; trucks shouldn't have to go all over the industrial area just to visit a few locations, so put them in order.
Train/truck importation > smaller warehouse complex > factory complex > larger warehouse complex > train/truck exportation.
But how do you determine where to put the warehouses, production plants etc in Cities:Skylines?
@@TSPxEclipse very good except one just gonna have 2 rail hubs one at each end? Not likely as they are large and expensive. Be better just to put it at the edge or just outside the industrial area and run a highway out there with a dedicated 2 lane exit for it. Could even do like an airport sort of, have off ramp(flyover/under style) for both directions at one end(e.g. west end) and open it to a 3 lane one way to the hub, then lead it back to the highway on east end with 2 onramps(one for each direction) making a loop essentially. Apart from that definitely agree
Cheers for the ideas.
The pro almost made a flow reminding me of the magic roundabout albeit a more boxy looking magic roundabout. In the vid he doesnt quite make the one direction roads the same flow as a magic roundabout but i guess ill just fix that in my game.
@@TSPxEclipse ok, that's how it works(and is better done) in real life, but aren't we talking about Cities:Skylines here? What can we do other than optimizing the road layout?
Even the noob one is better then mine
Sad but true
Floris bruh imperatur legit doesn’t remember how to build like a noob bc he’s played the game so much
same here :(
Modder: Traffic Flow: "It just works" "It actually works perfectly"
Commenters looking at toll gates and singing "Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies"
"Perfect traffic flow"
*traffic literally piling up on the motorways*
PRO: Too much effort for around 500 employee area.
How would you do it
@@nizdeniz For an area that small, the "noob" design is perfectly fine, but it's not a design that will do well with more dense industry, or expanding the district further.
@@bernlin2000 who fuken asked? lol
nizdeniz you asked...
@@nizdeniz You asked.
When you realise your Indrustrial area is worse than Noob's
My industrial areas are literally just the same grid I use everywhere else, and it's better than the noob. So long as all the main road entrances and exits are on the Same Side, and there isn't one main central road everything funnels through until it's already on the highway, that's all it takes.
Then add a one way loop with a rail station, ensuring that the loop joins the grid at points that allow traffic to split up again as soon as possible (heck, split it before it joins, if you can).
It's a Little more complicated when using the industries DLC stuff... But not really. (You just make a one way loop with everything that's part of the same production chain on the same side of the road the whole way along. Add dead end side roads as necessary when expansion or services are required).
Then it's just a case of making sure your highway and rail networks aren't rubbish.
Depending on how the rest of the city is set up (trains especially), that's enough to get traffic flow equal to the pro... While wasting less space, meaning there's actually more industry (and thus more vehicles) using it.
Admittedly doesn't look as nice though.
But in reality, the noob's one is the best of all (kind of). I don't know why they complain of "Bad Traffic Flow", That ain't the point of an industrial area? If there is a "perfect" traffic flow it's because there aren't any cars in the streets, and that means that no one actually cares about that industrial area, so it's completely useless and non functional, like the modders one that sincerely, doesn't even look good, it's just a bunch of empty warehouses.
@sunrise It makes perfect sense hes just describing traffic in a commercial area, while traffic jams dont necessarily mean business is booming the inverse NECCESICARILY indicates a lack of commercial activity perfect flow would be no traffic at all the only way this happens is no cars a commercial area with no cars means no shoppers and exactly as Darth Vader said this therefore makes it NON FUNCTIONAL....
Interesting title. Is actually one that I debate about quite a bit on steam where you get people "insisting you need these mods to make it work" whereas I come back with showing how much you can do with zero mods and still be more effective than the modder's city.
Yeah i think most of the modder play the game for aesthetics to build a realistic looking city and not to have the most effective city:)
imperatur: wants to comment on how noobs make poor decisions.
also imperatur: makes video about noobs while not explaining anything in a way noobs could benefit from. no text, no audio. just "cool" music. thanks :I
w8, what stops u from learning by watching the design layout, how transport's used and such? Can't u see the difference, then apply the new ideas?
@@ZlataChernis it's easy to copy the design exactly without understanding why it was made the way it was. but if you want/need to modify it (example: different shape of outer boundaries due to terrain restrictions) then it helps to understand the thoughts behind the decision making. sure, it's relatively easy to figure out most of it if you already have some experience or watched other videos from people who DO actually explain the why's behind their decisions, but that doesn't help noobs, as the OP pointed out :-)
@@clefsan i kinda sure one _should_ get some experience before going to guides.
@@ZlataChernis agreed, but people at that point don't really deserve to still be called noobs, do they? my argument above was specifically about noobs (which for me, in this game, are people who have less than a few dozen hours of playtime and have never built anything larger than a relatively small town in that time).
@@clefsan why not? in several dosen hours i just had my first and only city, 150k+ (with no exp at all about the game, struggling with ui, like, i coudnt make a tunnel for railways and such), and that's certainly a noob. Even having 200h in game i'd call myself noobish, that's true and that's fine. However, by then I was able to watch videos like this and understand what better decisions are and why. And it's not like the video here says "how to start ur city" or "guide", it never poses itself as a guide for anyone.
I've been trying to figure out how to design an area for my factories and warehouses. I especially like this because it can start as a regular industries area then easily be converted later on. Of course, now I just need to build this. Excellent video - thanks.
Same lol
"Huge buildings will increase realism"
Yup. Of course, because small buildings don't exist.
C'mon, don't try the cheap shot. Industrial areas close to highway exits are more expensive for their accessibility so you find the large distribution centres and warehouses there but will not see the craftsman's workshop. He needs demand from locals while the supply-chain driven industry needs connections and space for trucks, trucks, trucks who come and go by the highway. Repeat your Real Estate 101
@@sonorex ok.......
one tipp i don´t know if this is for noob pro or modder, turn the traffic lights out and make all the streets you build the way you are deside ( with speed and what way they can drive and what can drive on different streets) then you never will have a problem with bad traffic. Just turn the traffic lights out makes the traffic better no matter what kind of streets you use.
In deutsch : einfach alle ampeln entfernen oder ausschalten und der verkehr läuft immer flüssig und es gibt sehr sehr wenig stau einfachste lösung ohne komplett umbauen zu müssen. Am besten ist es sogar von anfang an alle ampeln zu entfernen denn stau ensteht meistens nur durch ampeln. später beim ausbauen und verschönern der eigenen stadt kann man dann breitere strassen nehmen, regeln das nur bestimmte fahrzeuge wo fahren dürfen und das nur bestimmte geschwindigkeiten erreicht werden dürfen um denn gewaltig ansteigenden verkehr im späten spielverlauf zu beherschen.
The “pro” forgot one street that was facing the wrong way...
“The better your industrial area can be reached, the less problem you will have.”
Thanks for the information.
It was interesting. Without the economics associated with each build, there is not much to asses. Did anyone else see the huge traffic jams just outside the modder build?
HATE the music.
Did you mean the cars piled up behind the Toll Booths?
I admire and respect your talent and skills, imperatur. This layout inspired me to adopt 5 of these into my city and they work as advertised! One thing, no doubt an oversight, is the flow can be improved considerably by changing the direction of 4 roads. Specifically, the 4 roads in the middle. At 6:50, considering the cargo hub as North, the direction of the 4 N-S roads in the middle should be reversed. Doing so maintains a counter-clockwise flow around all 3 (or 6) blocks. Also, in the manner I used them, adding access and egress ramps to the ends of the crossover bridges improved flow even more. Keep up the great work, you're an inspiration for several elements of my city.
Wow that‘s so cool😍 yeah it‘s not perfect..:D
What you said is a vast improvement. It also makes it so that traffic on the E-W roads doesn't have to cross traffic turning off of or onto the N-S roads, causing less traffic at intersections.
Modder: uses the vanilla cargo train terminal, instead of a custom built modular cargo airport hub.
I am dissapoint imperatur
jk, nice vid
"which kind of player are you?"
The kind who still doesn't have an especific area only for the industry
5:47 A little piece of advice on the highway that is leading to the right. You dont need it to be a 3-Lane, you have 1 Lane going straight through inbefore, means you only need to continue with 2-Lane which will split up into 2, 1-Lane anyway.. :)
11:16 WIth the Modder Edition you shouldn't put the Tolls before the split ups, that drastically slows down Traffic. You could rather place one in middle lane, and one on each end of the off-ramps before they merge into the industrial area
the modded made a completely useless non functional industrial area that doesn’t even fit the demand lmao
not true. the buildings are from the industries dlc and are quite functional.
@@clefsan Correct.
@@clefsan I don't see any producer buildings though, to make other buildings work you need producer
@@Skullcrusher-yl5re you mean for raw materials? he was placing a lot of warehouses. they draw in (import) raw materials as needed from the outside. ideally you would want to produce the raw materials on your own, of course, to maximize profits, but it's possible to do it this way if you don't care about making money and are only concerned with making the place look good while still being functional. It might even still be possible to make some profit the way he was doing it, because he used the specialized high end factories a lot and they can make a lot of money. haven't tested that myself yet, so can't say for sure either way.
you realize you can use plopable rico to make them useable buildings?
"Don't do 2 way roads in an industrial area"
*I did it* ...
And i managed to make it work! The area is like 3/4 the size of the one in the video, but all zoned industry, mostly level 3 buldings, trumpet interchange connecting it to the highway. (4 lanes out, 4 lanes in).
Okey thats good, i had a few problems
@@imperatur I had to really work on it as i expanded it, but i eventually stabilised it and the zoning space left will mostly interact with anonther entry/exit point.
For the modder part of the video you should have made the highway running through 2 lanes (see the traffic jamming at the tollboths merging to the meft lane)😉
2 way roads will work in small areas because the traffic is small in volume so the lorries cut each other off at junctions less frequently as they just pass between each other in the gaps in traffic. This will not hold true for larger industrial zones with a greater volume of freight vehicles as the traffic is literally non-stop. Ideally what you want are empty trucks going in one side, all moving in one direction through the I-zone and exiting out the other end fully loaded with goods. The only yielding you should experience are when the trucks stop at their destined industrial building to collect goods. This flow is easily achievable, but poses another problem; that service vehicles have a limited range on one directional roads and often wont leave their base structure if they think they cannot get back (i have this issue with death collection frequently). So you'll have to double or triple up on service structures to achieve coverage or break up the I-zone into smaller loops to scale with the range of the service buildings. UNLESS you have TM:PE in which case you can then create dedicated service roads.
@@grazzer88 I have tmpe and had to make some tweaks to make it work. Not always easy :p
No matter how much enjoyable this game is, it's just never turns out working. No matter what. Everything ends up in chaos and people getting sick or something else. Ive
never seen a perfectly working city ever.
I Love this Series:
(And the Music)
I Love your Videos!
In Deutsch and in english!
Modder: Industrial traffic at minimum, except that it's all behind the tollbooth.
Watcher: grinding teeth over music choice
I would place myself somewhere between "pro" and "modder". I like to have a tidy traffic flow which is only achievable by carefully placing one-ways and such but also I often place big buildings like you did exactly for the same reason you mentioned - it just looks way more realistic. Certainly sometimes I do "noob" stuff too haha
Clicking on this to learn how to build an industrial area and seeing basically a 1 for 1 of my current industrial area as the noob example was savage...
I use a lot of 1-ways in my indst area. Extractor buildings lead to storage buildings, which lead to processing builings, which leads to the train depot. Line that all up with an express ramp that leads to the highway and everything runs pretty smoothly
Mien gott he's done it an accurate Industrial area
I like Noob & Pro cuz it's on PS4, XBOX ONE & PC
Edit : 8:55
Dog2:I have Wisdom
Dog1:What is your Wisdom?
Dog1:That's a good Wisdom
It creates pollution tho, especially if it's near residential zones.
4:16 Imagine his face when this happens :)
I'm cringing
You can try making a Noob, Pro, Modder, Mapping Making, like editing all the map planning and detailing everything as fields, rivers, camp, farm roads, forest, traffic, trains, nature etc...
I was a total noob at the game, and had largely abandoned it. Then I saw some youtube videos similar to this one where the majesty of mods were demonstrated, and now I'm back in the game and learning to use these mods and build better cities. Maybe someday soon I will be posting videos showing off cool stuff. Keep up the good work.
Nice Layout. The problem is that trees and bushes will get dry surrounded by Industrial buildings.
I'm kind of torn on the distinction between Pro and Modder, personally. In my experience most industrial areas don't have anywhere near the amount of pathways and separation that exist in the Pro version (Unless you're looking at a brand new industrial park built by one developer, in which case kind of). Most times buildings go right to the property line, and if not the fencing for parking/storage yards do. For the Modder, yeah there's usually a bunch of large buildings (warehouses especially), but there's also a complete absence of smaller industrial outfits. An industrial area uses every little bit of space unless it's taken up by a very large tenant or one that has special requirements, and smaller warehouses, manufacturing shops, and other businesses are also in there (as is some commercial! Large industrial parks almost always have a few coffee shops or "restaurants" that are only open during working hours or even just lunch and early afternoon.) So paradoxically, the Modder one actually in my eyes looks LESS realistic than the Pro version.
I use commercial road ig
I wonder if he noticed that he had one of the one way arrows on the bottom right side facing the wrong way the entire time. :) Great video though. Cept the out of time music at the end.
On the pro level, for the short side by side pairs of north-south roads in the center, wouldn't it make more sense to swap the direction so the one you turn left into comes first to prevent traffic backups?
Exactly! You should always diverge before you converge
Actually, thanks for the modder! Now I can build waay more good-looking industries
Why do i watch this!!! I dont even play the game, but it seems so artistic, nice work!!
Ohh, dude, you overestimate noobs so much. Like, that noob actualy had trafic flow trough hes industrial area. It was low, but still it had some... :D
Imperatur: Doesn’t use grids and makes it look really cool
Me: *G R*
*I D*
It's beautiful and well functioning, no doubt - but I would like to see more modders working with limited money to see how economic their cities are ... for example, would this industrial area be profitable?! ...
0:42 lol the highway going in the wrong direction is on point
Imagine if he tried to do this video the correct way, you know, where your money is limited and you have to unlock things as you progress in the game
Thing is money is easy to make in the game after the slow start even with some bad traffic. You could quite easily get to a point where you make $20k in the green and leave it running for a while. Then clear out the city once you have several million and save that game as a template for new cities.
@@Thorpe I really dislike this aspect of the game I don't want to play with unlimited money and everything unlocked from beginning but I also don't want to basically rebuild half my city after unlocking things like cargo stations or docks... IMO it takes way too long to unlock some really important parts and I'd pretty much would like to start off with a 3x3 area instead of a single one in a fixed location because this also limits your planning a lot.. IMO it doesn't even make that much sense because the prices for unlocking new tiles are insanely cheap anyway but you're forced to squeeze in all your population into limited space while also leaving big spaces for all the highways, train tracks and other roads you would want to add later
maybe I'll try an everything unlocked city and get enough loans to properly space out everything next time
I didn't knew I was a noob, but I will apply this knowledge xD
I need to fix my traffic.
Modder would definitely have the Chirpy exterminator mod active.
Wow this all designs are very nice and good and small less speed roads cheap in construction and easy to build and the best thing is this that it is strength roads and tunnels and bridges i love this map for my own country and city if its possible to be even in residential areas or in industry etc salute to the designer how created it as a beautiful destiny i love you all how have a straight thinking in life and creativity in there brain history thank you. 👍❤
just built the pro version of this in my game and i’m **really** not convinced the traffic flow will be as good as this video is leading on... has anyone else used this format in their own game? results?
i have built it and its the biggest traffic jam ever. EVERY Road in the industry section is jammed with cars.
I saw while watching, that this will not work. The trafic, that comes from south will often go back into the south. This is not included here. And it includes alson ot all the trafic, that started there and will not go into that direction that the side have to go (left side can not go to north, rigth side can not go to south). Also when you have a good working train-System, you will have problems. Cause the train-AI ist dumb and sends to much or to less trains. Also the trafic inside the two areas is crossing itself. There you have to play much more with the 1-way-roads, that it will flow better.
But I think this can be a good start for an industrial area. But you have to find some more solutions for a city with several thousand of inhabitants and several insdustrial and specialized areas.
Even with trains or docks your "Production Buildings" need some raw materials. Separate your storage buildings from your production buildings and try to put their entrance side away from main road. Inner roads (1 way 2 line roads are ok for this) are good to use on storage buildings, if you put them closer to entrance point they will take materials and then go straight across to deliver production buildings. If there are other industrial buildings outside of your industrial area then trucks will carry out some and clog your closest exit, so try to put them closer.
Also produced materials will go either in to your cities market (blue areas) or out of your city. You would need a separate entrance for mini vans and trucks that carry your productions in to the city.
If you use this template you should make sure they can deliver goods via train or roads close to your market areas.
It is more complicated that just this video. This is a good way to use as a template but it depends on your own cities needs.
i did make one immediate change when recreating this, which was the two paired up inner lanes in each industrial section. the directions he has them in cause an awful jam up but is easily fixed by switching them. the metro is also helpful with the traffic right now. i will give an update when my city has a higher population if it holds up or not.
You got to take into account industries can end up delivering raw materials to other industries, various services in multiple areas and exports to other cities. Eventually your highway intersections will get clogged if you haven't been paying attention to all the possible destinations the traffic wants to go. Some traffic may even pass through areas it has no intention of delivering to because highways are exempt from heavy traffic/old town policies. It's just a real pain to manage and keep up with if you're trying to make a creative city.
Just added this one to my city. Thanks for the vids!!
Would you do a DLC Industy one?
Looking at different layouts when you have the different building types and you need a logical flow between each type.
Nice work!
I would have made them pay a toll to get out, too, lmao. Anyway, excellent video.
I love how his "noob" area looks better than mine hahaha
I didn’t know we had to be pros noobs and modders, I thought we were just having fun
Noo enjoy your game the video is just for fun and inspiration
imperatur Oh, that’s cool
The two tracks you used getting off beat killed me... @ 8:25 for 13 seconds...
I learned the train station alignment trick from your videos. Thanks.
And here i am looking how amazing the noob actually is
Your pro attempt was much better than modder with traffic flow. But modder definitely looks better.
I personally do a mix of zoned industry and Industries DLC. And even though I use grids, I like to space it out more and add some curved roads just to break up the monotony.
There's nobody on the modder mod, so yes trafic is perfect 😉 I'm a pro and prefere that style
terrific idea for youtube content of city skylines.. keep em coming, i learn so much :)
Of course you have a perfect traffic flow it you have a industrial erea that is like 6m² big
And half of it not industrial zoned.
Great soundtrack. Love the noon music, reminds me of Herb Albert and the Tiajuana Brass from Whip Cream and Other Delights album.
"perfect traffic" is bull, I saw congestion that the vid didn't wanna scroll to
Nice video I really enjoyed it. I also like the Benny Hill style music. Keep it coming! Great stuff.
"Huge buildings will increase realism"
I'm guessing you don't actually live in a producer state.
when youre from North Dakota...
He lives in Germany s
This is helpful I have the PS4 version n it’s hard to find good buddy’s without mods I need mostly vanilla
with the mods it looks like the buildings arent being used. like the cars just drive past them.
If that’s noob building skills then I don’t want to know what kind of builder i am.
I will rebuild my zone, with one-way 6 lane roads. :)
I did that, it worked well until I said "I wonder how far I can push it..."
yes because the solar pannels r helpful here, Might has well just go for an oil plant, there's no point putting clean energy in industry, which makes polution so it kinda defeats the purpose ya now
this is obviously all just for the looks... I wouldn't bother with an oil plant there either just takes away space that could be industry, I usually go full green energy in my cities because you don't need to deliver ressources to the plants so even if you have a big traffic problem at some point your power grid is unaffected
11:21 modder don't have a good traffic!
De fato, a área industrial da DLC, além de ter pouco tráfego, emprega muito mais trabalhadores, uma das melhores ... Eu adoraria ver um layoult das áreas de extração (petróleo, mineração ...) lá que a bocada é feia kkkkk
Indeed, DLC's industrial area, besides having low traffic, employs many more workers, one of the best ... I would love to see a layoult of the extraction areas (oil, mining ...)
*watches half the video, fires up city skylines...
get frustrated and bored after an hour and quits
@@brohvakiindova4452 nah i played it for like 4 hours
I am playing cities in ps4. I tried the "pro" version of your design on industry dlc. It worked perfectly and using it in each city. Thanks!
so in the "pro" industrial city, you separated all the industrial buildings with bicycle lanes?
Gives it a nice rapey feel.
looks good, but without mod, you will never get away with green trees in industry area xD
Yeah, right! Modder!? Has instant traffic jam.
The Super-Pro, widens the motorways, keeps the central railway line, throws opposite facing train cargo terminals with middle track running right through the middle line. creating underground roundabouts underneath the two points with emerging road access to the top and bottom terminals. Paths = underground subways to connect workers north and south discretely and you create a super tidy double round-abouted, double terminal interchange with continuous un-interrupted railway line, simple.
Ya know, this is borderline insulting lol. It is! the Noob way is starting out, getting things going, well without the rails. The pro verson is just updating the area to a more efficient way but he lost, tons of space for industry. Idk about the modder, i stopped the vid 1/2 way through.
Ehh, its just game man..lay off.
I like your comparison videos. They give me lots of Inspiration .
But to be honest, I 'd consider everything between noob and pro , as "awesome"
✗ Noob
✗ Pro
✗ Modder
✓ Grid City Player
Near the end he could of added the automatic toll rule to improve traffic a little more. The reason would be that the traffic wouldn't need to stop to pay the tolls and just go through.
1 view
UA-cam doesn't know how to count
might be a good idea to flip most of the one way roads
so traffic coming from the east lets say and want to go to north could drive less distance and be part of traffic for less time
i'm proud to be noob :D
@@kortiz3931 because i cant build like pro.
@@ibrahimturan28 oh thats why
So well organized but plenty of weird things as 4 metro stations or one lane road in the inner transition
Of course, I'm lazy
Wow. I never thought of myself as a noob until I watched this.
There was absolutely no difference in traffic flow between the "pro" and "modder" phases, but the "pro" was graded "good" and the "modder", "perfect". Nice try. It wasn't perfect, anyway. Your highway was backed up.
love your types of layout for the indusrty format and the traffic is so good looking great job
kirboooHD Congrats you are first
You can make the first one work by making sure that there are no 4 way intersections and the highways go over top the roundabouts and have say two lanes come of each highways down to the roundabout then 2 more off the round about.
Also you could have used the already existing train lines to put in a passenger train station, rather than having to waste money on a subway line, and yeah you can covert people from subways to train stations by putting 2 of them next to each each other and having a path between them, then had a bus taken them out from the train station on 5 stop line which wouldn't have significantly added to the traffic, especially if you have but lane mods.
Very early.