Remember when the creators of Turok had a challenge/contest for new parents to name their kid Turok? Ah, back in the day when game companies were goofy and ridiculous
I believe they did do an N64 Bluetooth controller, but it was manufactured in a small batch and is hundreds of dollars. At that point I would get a hori pad which those are around $150 now
Glad to hear I wasn't the only one who had to use different computers to install the Brawler64 firmware. I still want the official controller, but since the Brawler64 works and feels better, I'll probably skip it when it's finally available.
I was hoping Nintendo wouldn't go 100% accurate remake for that new N64 controller, and put a more modern joystick module in it (one that wouldn't erode and get loose like my old controllers), but looking around the web it seems it's about identical to the original. So I'm not very hopeful it'll play great for very long :/ So I gave up getting one. I hope I'm wrong though. I still really kinda want one. I got their NES ones as well as the SNES one, and I had to buy 2 more of the SNES one because it's so good. 2 for multiplayer and one as a spare in the long term. I'm critical of Nintendo in many ways, but these are certainly fire. I wish the N64 one made me as eager to get one, but so far it seems not worth buying as my new main N64 controller. Again I hope I'm wrong. Not like it's available often anyway lol I got time.
@Kalina Ann Ah I see, that's no good either. I wish they would've just put something akin to the GameCube's left stick, or whatever it's made of. My original GC controllers still play plenty fine despite a decade of abuse. They lost a lot of accuracy (see sweaty Melee standards), but they don't drift, nor is the shaft loose and dangly like my old N64's... If I could just grab my GC left stick and shove it in my old N64 controller, I would...
@@DanSutherland Huh, fair enough, I actually never looked that up... Bought me some harder plastic replacement from Kitsch-Bent some time ago. Thanks for the FYI!
You timed this video well; it's the 26th anniversary of the Nintendo 64's Japanese launch today! I'm personally "fine" with the original design considering it was the first mass-market controller with an analog stick. The DualShock on the PlayStation came later--the PS1 launched with the standard digital controller that was basically just an SNES controller with extra shoulder buttons. The whole point of the three prongs is to allow you to pick the control scheme that works best for you based on the game's needs. They're mutually exclusive to each other--you are never going to need to use the analog stick and the Z Button if you're playing a 2D game, and same with the D-Pad and L Button, unless it's for something auxiliary like toggling the map in Zelda with L, or the volume of the background music in Mario Kart 64 (why is that even a feature?). Some shooters also allow you to use the left and middle grip for movement and aiming, though it's not like it's that great. What does absolutely 1000% suck is the original stick's build since it's just plastic rubbing on plastic and it digs into your thumb and is bound to degrade given enough time even if it's lubricated. That said, modern controllers are simply better ergonomically. I'd recommend the Wireless Tribute64 if you can get your hands on it--they're known to have the BEST analog stick range that is closest to the N64, while the Brawler and Admiral can be too touchy, which can be difficult for any game that requires precision movement on the low end--e.g. shooters and aiming the bow, slingshot, boomerang, and hookshot manually in Zelda. It also always comes with BOTH an N64 and USB dongle for use on Switch, PC and N64, though supposedly the Brawler does the same nowadays, but not all the places that sell it have this. Another thing is that it comes with Rumble inside, which the wireless Brawler64 does not, and it actually passes through the rumble wirelessly from your N64 or USB dongle to the controller so you don't need to plug in a Rumble Pak for it to pass the signal to it!
About c-buttons to right stick, I have to say the GameCube controller works pretty fine. I was looking for alternatives to the brawler64 because of its flawed joystick, and what worked best was the GameCube, because its c-stick has a short range. It's the closest you get to a button, a quick input for the right stick. With some sens+deadzone tweaking in my emulator (I love m64p atm), I managed to for instance play ocarina songs pretty effortlessly and quickly in OoT. Definitely recommend the GameCube controller for N64 emu if you got one at hand. To me it's the best option available atm, save for I guess an original N64 with a brand new or modded analog stick.
The GameCube controller is almost perfect for switch 64 games but it’s missing a select button or a zr button for the rewind/save states. Because of this, I was aggravated enough to just buy a switch 64 controller from a scalper. I paid $105 with shipping included. So wasn’t too too bad. This was back in June 2022.
Nerrel did a deep dive into wireless N64 controllers on his channel and the Brawler 64 had a very inaccurate stick range/gate that doesn't work well with actual N64 games. I don't know if the new firmware fixes that or if it's an inherent flaw with the way it's designed, since it seems designed to accommodate modern games.
It's been a while since that video, I should check if a new firmware update fixes it, because yeah pretty much, this stick problem ruins what would otherwise be the perfect N64 controller for me.
@@deraile brawler64 is just garbo, this must be a sponsor cause it's 💩. it's so lightweight, it feels cheap, the analog stick is sensitive, and the D-pad is squishy
@@islandultra The layout tho... Man I wish 8Bitdo did a controller like that. Looking around, the brawler64 is the only one easily available. I know of the Horipad, and another one with such a compact/modern design but none are purchasable brand new anymore. I mean I agree, the build quality is not premium. But I've had actual garbo controllers and this is far from that. It's not ideal but all the inputs play plenty fine. Except for the stick. It doesn't even work properly. Like, everytime I pick it up, I'm like ew this feels cheap, it's too light and stuff. But I forget about that when I play because the inputs are fine. And then I have to move diagonally or do suble stick movement and "oh, that's right, it sucks".
@@deraile yea, absolute doodoo, bob should be ashamed recommending these cause its cause of him i bought my first one, the thing would randomly start resyncing to the dongle every few seconds it was practically unplayable, i thought maybe i just got a buggy one, and got a 2nd one, same issue, and the buttons were even squishier at that point i was fed up.
I honestly like the N64 controller because of how it lets you choose between a d-pad and analog stick but both are equally accessible and close so neither are too low or too high
@@RyanWilliams-sq8fg Because you would be using the L button, that is correct. There's nothing lost since the Z button is just the only button on that prong of the controller, same with L
@@seamistseamist ps1 had no z-buffer on hardware. you had to program it in. that's why the lines snap together all the time. n64 had all 3 buffers done in hardware. So it's the the first 3d home consul in my eye's.
I went with the retrobit tribute 64 and love it. Had issues with sin and punishment though. Still not happy with the NSO lineup and controller out-of-stock so I just ended up buying and actual n64 and an Everdrive. That’s my go-to for n64 now.
I know a lot of people crap all over the N64 controller but we gotta keep in mind that this was in 1996,and this was WAAY before analog sticks and form factor were the norm. This was all that Nintendo had at the time. Yes its more comfortable to use modern controllers with the N64,but i found myself using the original N64 controller because using the modern controllers with the modern form factor was so damn weird! I remember how the N64 games were played cus i played N64 games all my life,so i litterly remember every single button layout of the N64 controller just by muscle memory,and after using a modern controller to play N64 games I hated it because i kept getting the imputs wrong. Me personally its just so much easier to use the N64 controller because the games were completely designed around it.
And also the N64 controller never made use of all the buttons on it,pretty all N64 games used the right side to use the c buttons,A B buttons and Right trigger and the Z trigger. The left side with the DPAD and L sholder button was hardly used. The only use they used for that side was for side scrolling Platformers like Kirby 64. And that wasn't so bad cus you hold like super Nintendo controller when you use it for Kirby.
@@DeityLink69 I meant two different ways of holding the controller. And yeah I know how the controller was used - I was around for that gen. It's still a garbage design to not have access to all the buttons on the controller without changing how you hold it.
@@wordsmith451 oh i understand that,yes its definitely a flawed controller and modern designs have gotten better. I actually tried the Brawler 64 on my N64 and while it worked,I honestly coulnt get used to it because my mind was telling it was holding a pro controller and my thumb kept trying to find an analog stick when it wasn't. Thats why I always went to the original controller.
I own both the brawler and tribute. For the longest time (like literally the week of n64 games on NSO) only the tribute64 worked. I definitely prefer tribute over brawler and I am actually shocked it gets no mention because it is great! And if people would have known retrobit released compatibility firmware long ago we would have a lot of happy people playing their n64 games on the switch already
I bought a Tribute 64 to use on my N64. I thought "oh I'll install the newer firmware on the N64 dongle." This killed the N64 dongle, so I returned it and got a replacement. The replacement also didn't have the newer firmware installed, so I can't swap Z/L/R, because I don't trust it to not die again the second it's plugged into my PC. But, the Tribute 64 is a fantastic controller. It feels great and responsive. The only thing I don't like (outside of just plugging it into my PC frying the hardware) is that you can't swap between rumble and controller paks.
I think I love the Nintendo grey color of a stock N64 controller. Nintendo really did a good job using nostalgia to make me like the color grey.... Anyone else?
I have the Retrobit two-prong and it works nicely enough. Takes a bit of finagling at first, but it works both on the Switch and on emulation. Sometimes the rumble turns on at arbitrary intervals.
All these controllers are great looking and all but those digital analogue sticks are a nightmare for N64 games. Anytime precision aiming is required like with the shooting gallery games in OoT or MM or even on GoldenEye using emulation, the whole thing falls apart. It's entirely too sensitive. As flawed as the original sticks were, they still can't be beat when it comes to these games. They weren't designed for digital sticks.
I really wish the Brawler just worked right out of the box. It was very disappointing when it finally released. And then getting the firmware update to work was a big hassle. Took many tries and when it finally worked, it kinda seemed like I bricked my computer for a scary minute. The controller works the way it’s supposed to now, but having to hold the buttons for five seconds to switch modes every time you use it is laaaame. I liked Retro Fighters products but man this one was such a stumble.
I think it should be noted that only one version of the Brawler64 comes with the USB Dongle so make sure you grab the right one, I've got one with USB and one with the N64 dongle, the weird thing is you can use any wireless Brawler64 controller on either dongle I've asked Retro Fighters if they would sell the dongles separately but they said not at this time but that was like 6 months ago
Any chance we can purchase our own Switch dongle that would work with the controller? Do you know if the Switch dongle will recognize two controllers at once, or would i need two separate dongles?
Actually, I think modern controllers have at least as many buttons as a Nintendo 64 controller, it's just the layout makes them incompatible. Theoretically speaking, if you moved start and select to either the lower left or upper right edge of the current 4 buttons, then assigned Start and Z to L2 and R2 when you run N64 games, you'd nail the system controller pretty well and still have both thumb sticks available for usage for other functionality. In other words, it's possible to create a controller that could nail down emulation of almost any system pretty with minimal button remapping. The only exception would be with systems that have usual controllers such as the Wii remote and Nunchuk. I wonder if any third party premium controller makers have considered a modified Dualshock 4/Dualsense controller with the buttons aligned that way to make the touchpad bigger and completing it with the analog triggers and gyro controls. Might need a little thinking on the general design, though.
@@warbossgegguz679 we’re not in ‘98 but the brawler 64 NSO edition has rumble and Ocarina of Time uses rumble to reveal secrets and goldeneye is just weird without rumble. I personally think that rumble makes a game more immersive, fps and racing games in particular but you’re free to disagree.
@@daniel4210 I mean I feel like FPS games on this would actually be really bad because the aiming would be digital rather than analog. Probably like the biggest weakness of this design ironically.
@@daniel4210 Update: I looked it up and apparently newer blue tooth models have rumble support and even motion controls. So problem solved. Also, I hope bob makes a video about their revised BattlerGC design, because they fixed everything he disliked about their old Gamecube controller model. Retro Fighter and Hori are my gotos for 3rd party and specialty controllers. Everyone I know who's bought 8bitdo controllers (EXCEPT reviewers) has had them break or have some driver issues. Also worth noting that part of the reason Retro Fighters has grown so much and does what they do is that they're often times the only easy way to get a decent quality NEW controller for retro systems. Especially when it comes to weird bells and whistles that the DMG models had (VMU support and Analog face buttons come to mind).
@@warbossgegguz679 I own a few 8bitdo controllers and never had any issue with them. I also have a battler gc and while it’s nice it’s not as nice as a genuine GameCube controller (but then again the wireless aspect is great) and the rumble is a bit weak for non gc games.
I just wished 6 face buttons was the norm. That just opens up so many options for general game functionality and retro games. Keep the pairs of triggers and the stick buttons of course.
@@deraile There are plenty of cases where I feel like having at least 3 buttons next to each other beneficial. Arcade and fighting games comes to mind. One case for me in particular where this would be useful are platform games that has a dedicated dash button. Having access to that next to your jump and attack buttons does wonders. This is the main reason why I would play platform games on PC on a keyboard rather than a controller.
@@Appl_Jax Agreed! And I see, I guess I play a less varied collection of consoles than I thought. Don't really touch arcade myself. Otherwise yeah, more options is always best IMO 🤷♂️ Doesn't matter if I don't always use all those buttons, true. As long as the controller itself isn't impractical or uncomfortable, shouldn't be an issue.
I use the Retro Bit Tribute 64 2.4GHz Wireless Controller for NSO. I was able to update the firmware with no hassle on my Windows PC and it works perfectly.
The N64 controller will always have a soft spot in my heart. Lol I think it's great cuz there are several colors to collect if you wanted. The stick will mess up over time, but I bought a bunch of kitsch bent replacement parts so I don't have to worry about that ever again haha and the brawler for an actual n64 works super well! Really like how it feels
thanks a TON for this video wulff! I got it after a 3 day delay from amazon, followed a guide I found on reddit and am now playing like it's 1998 baby!!! I'd give it a solid 8.5/10 from me. no rumble is a BIG letdown and the setup for the update was...tedious other than that...this is a GREAT BUY for those looking for an alt to the N64 NSO controller
The D Pad sucks on this controller and the analogue stick is so loose and has wide travel...I hate this controller compared to the original...Wulf stop lying about how " great " this N64 is , because it's not 🙄
Use to love it when I first tried it. Then I played a bit more and noticed trouble with diagonals (doesn't go 100%, in Mario64 for instance, Mario has trouble running). Can be fixed by artificially increasing range within an emulator, but you get different problems. Nerrel has a nice vid that touches on this issue with that controller. Long story short: the form factor/ergonomy is amazing. The stick range is unconventional and straight up causes issues. Couple more cons to it but yeah, could've been a great controller, but it's not.
Good on you for calling out Nintendo on their lack of button mapping options. I get it for the SNES, you can go 1 to 1 with modern controllers. But the N64? That needs remapping on a per-game basis, as every game uses stuff like the C-Buttons differently. Keep calling them on it! Honestly, ALL games should have remapping options. And companies like Nintendo should make it a requirement for publishing games on their platforms.
As someone who didn't have a N64 as a kid, I'm just now realizing this is probably why I just couldn't grasp the controls when attempting Ocarina of Time with a pro controller.
been looking forward to this video because i would like a better controller for N64 games, but the firmware process seems like its enough of a hassle that i will continue to wait. thanks for the info!
I regret getting the Admiral controller and getting the expansion pack I can use the controller on my tablet with RetroArch but I was hoping to play it in official Nintendo hardware
I'm still waiting for a widely available N64 controller in its original shape, wireless, and with rumble built-in. 2 of them have been released that I know of but neither is easily available to purchase.
i was definitely considering getting the NSO N64 controller specifically due to the fact that playing OOT or MM on the pro controller was confusing as hell, but im definitely going for the brawler controller since its the same price, and a lot more accessable than the original design. Thank you so much, and I love your videos, I almost always watch your review of a gaming product before buying it, especially nintendo ones.
Glad to hear they updated the firmware. I’ll probably get one because I’ve yet to get one of the N64 controllers from Nintendo’s shop due to the scarcity. I’ve had few issues playing with the pro controller ever since I realized there’s a simple button modifier that turns the 4 face buttons into C buttons. You just hold a trigger to do that but it would be way better to not have to do that in the heat of the moment.
I would GLADLY buy the exact wireless replica N64 controller from Nintendo... IF IT WAS EVER IN STOCK!! It has genuinely been out of stock for the entire year that I have been a Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pass member! False Advertising law should really be kicking in considering they trick people into buying the membership, thinking it will unlock the ability to buy the controller.
I am sure you all know, but Steam Deck and Steam controller allow you to remap every single button to any thing (and multiple things). Also works for almost any controller out there And btw, don't require Windows for anything :)
God, I can’t wait to use the Retro-Bit Tribute64 controller (and possibly an OG N64-controller as well, through one of those Mayflash adapters) on the Steam Deck to play N64 roms 😍❤️🔥 I am so excited hahah
Glad to hear about the brawler 64 because I’ve been so frustrated with Nintendo about the controller. I have the wired brawler but am going to get the wireless now. I’m tired of waiting for a controller that is constantly out of stock for a year because of the scalpers and Nintendo just not pushing to keep it in stock.
I'm surprised you've never mentioned the wireless Tribute 64. It works on both Switch and N64 and has built in rumble too. I'd say its better than what retro fighters and especially hyperkin have put out.
I dont get the 3 hands argument, seen it a few times but I cant name any games that require it to be held that way. Always seemed to me to be setup so that you have 3 'configurations' for different kinds of games. - 3D games - Middle & Right - 2D games - Left and Right - Weird games - Middle and Left
Youngsters can't understand as they grew up with the same type of controllers for the past 20 years. I dunno I kinda like the unique design of the N64 controller, and how the 3 handle controller give you a choice between the stick and D-pad. I kinda hate how the D-pad is awkwardly placed on some modern controllers right below or to close to the control stick making you reach your thumb torward the bottom or middle of a controller. I also like how the N64 D-pad is big, which is more comfortable then the tiny ones on GameCube style controllers and such that kinda has edges that dig into your thumb.
Very much agreed. I have no idea why people perpetuate this argument. You got a way to play 3D games grafted onto what is otherwise a 2D controller. Cut the stick and Z button out and you've got basically an SNES controller with no select button, but two extra face buttons, almost like a Sega Genesis 6-button controller. Also Middle and Left could be used for shooters where you need to move and aim independently.
2.4 ghz is definitely not faster than bluetooth on the switch, because the switch adds a lot of lag to usb connections. The least laggy controller on the switch are joy cons played wireless.
I had to get a USB adapter to use the Wireless Brawlerpad64 for the N64 console on my Switch. Unfortunately, the pause button doesn't work and the control combo the adapter provides (Z and START is + button) only works with the classic N64 controller. Make sure you get the NSO compatible version from Retrofighters since the USB version has been discontinued. Otherwise the buttons were all mapped and positioned correctly. The new stick isn't the most accurate in the world so it struggles a little with shooters on the N64 and Switch, so keep that in mind. I saw a Twitch streamer using a similar setup the other day too. It was EdifanobJinx I think.
It looks like the wireless switch version isn’t available anymore (or at least in the US). I was going to get an official Nintendo one but after watching this video, the Brawler controller looks better, but they only seem to have the wired version available.
You really need to get a Tribute 64! That one has the best and most accurate analog stick, and has for sometime been compatible with N64 online. The only downside is the D-Pad, but since you never really use it on the N64 for precision platforming, it really doesn't matter. The analog stick is really the selling point (that, and it works on a real N64 with rumble built in). It's superior to the Retro, and is far more accurate to the N64 analog input.
He’s right!! The Tribute is the best between the 2 controllers, tested both extensively, i purchased it mostly for playing on Real Console (N64) but nice that if you want it can be played on Switch also with the included usb dongle. Loved the Wireless Tribute so much i ordered another when on sale on amazon £24, now own atomic purple and standard Grey
To be honest I really want to buy Nintendo's N64 controller for Switch Online. The thing is, that I never had an N64, so this would be some timetraveling for me to relive the past. But seeing the Brawler64 seems also to be a good alternative. But from the price point they are very similar. Nice, that its firmware update makes it compatible with Switch Online. I know Nintendo is very pricey, but somehow I want to get the N64 and Sega Mega Drive controllers. It would be a nice feeling to have these controllers for the old games.
@@Kyle07 Check out the Retro-Bit Tribute64 controller as well! It’s much better than the Brawler64, and it even comes with TWO bluetooth dongles; one for the Switch (USB), and even one for N64! And the joystick on it is way better than the ones on the Brawler and the Admiral as well.
I *adore* the N64 controller. Plenty of people loved it in the 90s; I’m not sure why it gets so much hate today. FPS games with Turok (Goldeneye 1.2) controls are sublime, and the range of motion on that stick is unrivaled by any modern controller. And the Z trigger! Come on, you can’t possibly tell me that firing a virtual pistol with R is remotely as satisfying as that Z trigger. Even the position of the stick, directly above your thumb, is perfect for racing games to give you easy access to that full range of left-right motion. Would anyone care to explain why a modern style controller is better than the original for playing N64 games? Are you just that offended that it looks different or is there actually something to it? I’ve played a lot of N64 games and I can’t think of a single one that would be significantly improved by having easier access to the D-pad and L button while playing an analog game. Maybe it’d be better for using the stick to taunt in WCW? I can, however, think of tons of games that would be worse with a modern layout that aligns the L and R buttons like most of these controllers do. In the vast majority of games the shoulder buttons you use are Z and R, not L and R, so having a Z button on the right is of dubious value and having the one on the left displaced by an unused L button is less than ideal. I personally couldn’t get used to the misaligned Z and R shoulders on the Pro controller for Mario 64 or Mario Kart.
my hands are too big for my old N64 controllers now, it hurts my left index finger knuckle and I am constantly slightly going right when I think I'm pressing up on the joystick because of my hand size, I think it's cool that there are options to use both controllers, Snowboard Kids 2 -- I always grab the N64 controller!
@@brymsd8895 That’s entirely possible. Or, similarly, my opinion could be influenced by thousands of hours of muscle memory that just makes it feel right. But even if all that’s true, what is actually better about N64 games on a Brawler?
@@chfgn I guess youre right for me the brawler is a more natural controller design but its all bullshit and based off experience for both of us if controllers evolved alongside the n64 i would be very used to it
Great video, the only problem I have with these third party controllers (Tribute 64, Brawler 64) is they for some reason use perfect octagonal gamecube style analog gates, If you look at a official N64 controller the analog gates are more squared and not a perfect octagon which makes a massive difference in games like SM64.
Don't knock the Tribute. It's actually surprisingly accurate. It gets EXTREMELY close to original input, even with it looking like it doesn't. Seriously, test it out.
Great video Bob! I love your humor, and I don’t even skip the ads bc they’re just too funny 😂 question for you: what is the solid light blue controller from the beginning of the episode? It’s so pretty I kind of want to try that one for normal switch games
I hate when people argue to use the switch system remapping to do it. It's a bandaid solution to a huge flaw, and only works if you have a controller that reads as an official joy con or switch pro controller
Holy shit dude ive been trying to find the n64 controller for so long but now theres a Alternative?! YOU SIR ARE A SANT THANK YOU! Gonna hit subscribe like and share. Thank you so.much
Idk, the original N64 layout doesn't feel bad to use at all compared to modern controllers. The only true deal breaker for me is the poor analog stick. It's "ok" when brand new, but erodes quickly and sucks to use after a while. Otherwise tri-handle is a weird design but it's a non-issue: Most games make you use one control scheme at a time and don't require the three sections at once. The C-buttons also are rather unique and don't translate 100% well to a modern controller's right stick.
I grew up playing oot and majoras mask on the GameCube and I think it’s way better than on an n64 controller. C stick translated to the c buttons without issue at all.
@@enzog1078 I dunno, even those used the X, Y, and Z buttons to help. And the right stick can be awkward because sometimes I'd accidentally hit diagonally during awkward times like the final battle in Banjo Kazooie, which is really awkward, and messes up the camera, so I had to start using the ZR button. (Which allows you to use the 4 Switch face buttons as C-buttons when held down.)
@@enzog1078 funny, I read this after I just made another comment about how I personally recommend the GC controller. After trying a bunch of other controllers, it's what worked best for my recent OoT playthrough as well, lol. I wouldn't recommend it over the N64 controller because the buttons are superior (although good luck finding one with a good joystick), but yeah GC's c-stick gets pretty close, especially with an emulator where you tighten sensitivity and deadzone to make it easier to make quick, deliberate inputs. It's what I did and it was even better IMO, than the default GC experience. Had the n64 master quest rom, too, UI matched the buttons and all :) (bit unnecessary lag on Dolphin).
@@beauwalker9820 if you ever try n64 emu on PC, try your GC controller with tighter dead and active zones in emu settings, to make the c-stick behave more like buttons, less sensitive, and avoid such annoying things as you mentioned. Definitely felt the same as you, it's not as good as buttons, but I tried this sensitivity tweak as a result and it's honestly now pretty close. It's become hard to misinput after playing for a while.
Thing looking back I would fix with N64 controller. Trun Z button more to shoulder buttons. And add triggers blow those buttons. add second a stick. Add button feature to both A stick. And keep the B,A,Y and X button layout. Have keep the select button. Only keep the expansion slot of the controller. but the Rumble pack has second one for memory card. So it can open up cheaper games if they still stick with carts. But I for one like they done combo format. have both cart and disk on the system out the gate. basely It be like controller of today. But with some of things back then.
While not perfect, back in the day I had a Superpad64 / MakoPad64 and I loved it. It was basically like the retrofighters controller but not quite as modern.
I bought 4 Tribute64 controllers in different colors for the actual N64. They're pretty decent for what you get. They are comfortable for games that don't use the dpad (Its in a bad spot and really tiny). The controllers were really cheap too, but that also means the build quality is cheap. The cable on one of mine is already becoming exposed. These were 20 bucks each so I cant complain too much. They get the job done if you need controllers for a classic game get-together like I tend to have.
So I use the hyperkin admiral on my switch and after some research (googling and YouTubing the hell out of it) any admiral bought in 2022 or later has the firmware already installed. I have had no issues, you need to make sure you are using the proper profile but it does work
I don't blame people for not liking the OG N64 controller but if I'm being honest? The whining and complaints about it are just stupid. . . Just simply say you don't like the idea of switching between the analog and D-pad. Don't give me this nonsense about "Well I don't have three hands and I have to rewire my brain to use the controller" Like oh no. . . it must take years to learn to switch your left hand from one handle to another. . . 🙄 Like I get it and I agree. No controller needs three handles and Nintendo has been making weird funky controller designs since. Although some people still enjoy it for the nostalgia and you're never going to use that analog and D-pad at the same time including the L and Z button in one game.
I like modern controllers better but it's not a terrible controller at all, and had Nintendo got rid of the D pad which was barely used to start with, made the L button the same function as the Z button and chop off the middle handle and put the analog stick where that D pad used to be then it would be a much better controller.
Yeah man dongles are great 8bitdo controllers for original hardware are great. I always hated the bluetooth 8bitdo controllers though. I just don't like bluetooth for input devices at all. Awesome for audio though. Hopefully 8bitdo starts just releasing 2.4ghz dongles for future controllers. Retrobit does it with their legacy16 and genesis controllers and it's super convenient.
i have owned 2 of these controllers wulff den, and both of them have horrible resyncing issues, not to mention they feel super cheap because of how light they are. i know that there's not too many good options for n64 controllers on switch, but the brawler64 is garbage
I have got to know how you made the first shot for that advertisement. The motion of the camera while also including the other shots is confusing the hell out of my brain.
Any plans on doing a review on their updated NSO specific version? I got two of them on the way for less than the real ones. I would love to get at least one official NSO N64 controller but I'm never by my PC when they become available, usually only finding out after the fact from some random site and they are gone in minutes and/or crash the web site and I'm not buying one for $100+ on ebay. I'd bite the bullet and even consider $60-$70 but I never see them that cheap.
recently spoke with retro fighters support about a Bluetooth version of the Brawler controller (i play tabletop mode about half the time) and they said they're looking to have one around September 👍also, any shot we could mod the official NSO N64 controller to be recognized as a pro controller? I'm actually fairly interested in trying to play the new kirby and odyssey with it if only i could remap a few of the buttons
Unfortunately, none of those layouts help for the few games that used the D-pad and the control stick, like some Pokémon Stadium minigames, and a game included in the service, Sin and Punishment. You can’t play Sin and Punishment with the Brawler 64 in a way that either makes sense or is comfortable. You just can’t.
Although the Brawler64 is a good controller, I won't recommend buying from these guys. Some time ago I've made an order with two wired controllers. When the parcel arrived, I've opened it only to see that there was just one controller inside. After writing their support team, they stopped answering me. Honestly I stopped bothering to try and get an answer, as it simply wasn't worth the time anymore. The one controller I got is fine though.
I must have big gamer brain because playing OoT on NSO with the Switch 64 controller felt normal. No mental gymnastics trying to figure out where my hands go on the controller either.
IDK but the n64 controller be looking mighty fine when it's time to play some star fox. Frankly always thought the controller was designed around that game more than any other.
If I remember Nintendrew says the Brawler 64 doesn't have the same octagonal gate input positions when using the N64 controller test software and that it wasn't actually octagonal like the control stick was and how the N64 controllers are read. Doesn't that cause issues in games if all sides aren't read equally? A lot of 3rd part N64 controllers has it set as a square of some sort
I will not have Turok slander on my UA-cam. GOOD DAY SIR
oh snap it's all the Turok fan.
@@LaoziPoet 🤣
@@LaoziPoet haha
Remember when the creators of Turok had a challenge/contest for new parents to name their kid Turok? Ah, back in the day when game companies were goofy and ridiculous
Amen to that.
Can’t believe homie forgot Star Wars Episode I: Racer for the Switch smh
DAMN IT!!!!!!
And doom 64. 😆
And what about DOOM 64?
Doom 64
And Turok 2
Every time I see mediocre third-party controllers I can help but think: "Why haven't 8Bitdo done their version yet?!"
I believe they did do an N64 Bluetooth controller, but it was manufactured in a small batch and is hundreds of dollars. At that point I would get a hori pad which those are around $150 now
@@maxrichards5925 the hori pad is so small though
@@fireboltthunder2360 Yeah that's it's main issue. I'm lucky that mine are comfortable, but I wish it were a bigger controller.
That collectibles wall is going absolutely NUTS
Glad to hear I wasn't the only one who had to use different computers to install the Brawler64 firmware. I still want the official controller, but since the Brawler64 works and feels better, I'll probably skip it when it's finally available.
I have the official controller. It’s a N64 controller….I mean how good can it be really? I just want a good 3rd party modernized alternative.
I was hoping Nintendo wouldn't go 100% accurate remake for that new N64 controller, and put a more modern joystick module in it (one that wouldn't erode and get loose like my old controllers), but looking around the web it seems it's about identical to the original.
So I'm not very hopeful it'll play great for very long :/ So I gave up getting one. I hope I'm wrong though. I still really kinda want one.
I got their NES ones as well as the SNES one, and I had to buy 2 more of the SNES one because it's so good. 2 for multiplayer and one as a spare in the long term. I'm critical of Nintendo in many ways, but these are certainly fire.
I wish the N64 one made me as eager to get one, but so far it seems not worth buying as my new main N64 controller. Again I hope I'm wrong. Not like it's available often anyway lol I got time.
@Kalina Ann Ah I see, that's no good either. I wish they would've just put something akin to the GameCube's left stick, or whatever it's made of.
My original GC controllers still play plenty fine despite a decade of abuse. They lost a lot of accuracy (see sweaty Melee standards), but they don't drift, nor is the shaft loose and dangly like my old N64's... If I could just grab my GC left stick and shove it in my old N64 controller, I would...
@@deraile That does exist FYI Hyperkin N64 Replacement Joystick GameCube Style
@@DanSutherland Huh, fair enough, I actually never looked that up... Bought me some harder plastic replacement from Kitsch-Bent some time ago. Thanks for the FYI!
You timed this video well; it's the 26th anniversary of the Nintendo 64's Japanese launch today!
I'm personally "fine" with the original design considering it was the first mass-market controller with an analog stick. The DualShock on the PlayStation came later--the PS1 launched with the standard digital controller that was basically just an SNES controller with extra shoulder buttons.
The whole point of the three prongs is to allow you to pick the control scheme that works best for you based on the game's needs. They're mutually exclusive to each other--you are never going to need to use the analog stick and the Z Button if you're playing a 2D game, and same with the D-Pad and L Button, unless it's for something auxiliary like toggling the map in Zelda with L, or the volume of the background music in Mario Kart 64 (why is that even a feature?). Some shooters also allow you to use the left and middle grip for movement and aiming, though it's not like it's that great. What does absolutely 1000% suck is the original stick's build since it's just plastic rubbing on plastic and it digs into your thumb and is bound to degrade given enough time even if it's lubricated.
That said, modern controllers are simply better ergonomically. I'd recommend the Wireless Tribute64 if you can get your hands on it--they're known to have the BEST analog stick range that is closest to the N64, while the Brawler and Admiral can be too touchy, which can be difficult for any game that requires precision movement on the low end--e.g. shooters and aiming the bow, slingshot, boomerang, and hookshot manually in Zelda. It also always comes with BOTH an N64 and USB dongle for use on Switch, PC and N64, though supposedly the Brawler does the same nowadays, but not all the places that sell it have this. Another thing is that it comes with Rumble inside, which the wireless Brawler64 does not, and it actually passes through the rumble wirelessly from your N64 or USB dongle to the controller so you don't need to plug in a Rumble Pak for it to pass the signal to it!
What would the world come to if Bob didn’t have a bone to pick
About c-buttons to right stick, I have to say the GameCube controller works pretty fine. I was looking for alternatives to the brawler64 because of its flawed joystick, and what worked best was the GameCube, because its c-stick has a short range. It's the closest you get to a button, a quick input for the right stick.
With some sens+deadzone tweaking in my emulator (I love m64p atm), I managed to for instance play ocarina songs pretty effortlessly and quickly in OoT.
Definitely recommend the GameCube controller for N64 emu if you got one at hand. To me it's the best option available atm, save for I guess an original N64 with a brand new or modded analog stick.
The GameCube controller is almost perfect for switch 64 games but it’s missing a select button or a zr button for the rewind/save states. Because of this, I was aggravated enough to just buy a switch 64 controller from a scalper. I paid $105 with shipping included. So wasn’t too too bad. This was back in June 2022.
Nerrel did a deep dive into wireless N64 controllers on his channel and the Brawler 64 had a very inaccurate stick range/gate that doesn't work well with actual N64 games. I don't know if the new firmware fixes that or if it's an inherent flaw with the way it's designed, since it seems designed to accommodate modern games.
It's been a while since that video, I should check if a new firmware update fixes it, because yeah pretty much, this stick problem ruins what would otherwise be the perfect N64 controller for me.
Same, it causes axis inversion while I'm trying to play actual n64 games
@@deraile brawler64 is just garbo, this must be a sponsor cause it's 💩. it's so lightweight, it feels cheap, the analog stick is sensitive, and the D-pad is squishy
@@islandultra The layout tho... Man I wish 8Bitdo did a controller like that. Looking around, the brawler64 is the only one easily available. I know of the Horipad, and another one with such a compact/modern design but none are purchasable brand new anymore.
I mean I agree, the build quality is not premium. But I've had actual garbo controllers and this is far from that. It's not ideal but all the inputs play plenty fine. Except for the stick. It doesn't even work properly.
Like, everytime I pick it up, I'm like ew this feels cheap, it's too light and stuff. But I forget about that when I play because the inputs are fine. And then I have to move diagonally or do suble stick movement and "oh, that's right, it sucks".
@@deraile yea, absolute doodoo, bob should be ashamed recommending these cause its cause of him i bought my first one, the thing would randomly start resyncing to the dongle every few seconds it was practically unplayable, i thought maybe i just got a buggy one, and got a 2nd one, same issue, and the buttons were even squishier at that point i was fed up.
I honestly like the N64 controller because of how it lets you choose between a d-pad and analog stick but both are equally accessible and close so neither are too low or too high
You cant use the z button while using the d-pad.....
@@RyanWilliams-sq8fg Because you would be using the L button, that is correct. There's nothing lost since the Z button is just the only button on that prong of the controller, same with L
@@seamistseamist As much as I love the n64, that controller is $h!t. Can't fault them to much though, as the n64 was like the first 3d home consul.
@@RyanWilliams-sq8fg the ps1 was out a full year earlier
@@seamistseamist ps1 had no z-buffer on hardware. you had to program it in. that's why the lines snap together all the time. n64 had all 3 buffers done in hardware. So it's the the first 3d home consul in my eye's.
I went with the retrobit tribute 64 and love it. Had issues with sin and punishment though. Still not happy with the NSO lineup and controller out-of-stock so I just ended up buying and actual n64 and an Everdrive. That’s my go-to for n64 now.
I know a lot of people crap all over the N64 controller but we gotta keep in mind that this was in 1996,and this was WAAY before analog sticks and form factor were the norm. This was all that Nintendo had at the time. Yes its more comfortable to use modern controllers with the N64,but i found myself using the original N64 controller because using the modern controllers with the modern form factor was so damn weird!
I remember how the N64 games were played cus i played N64 games all my life,so i litterly remember every single button layout of the N64 controller just by muscle memory,and after using a modern controller to play N64 games I hated it because i kept getting the imputs wrong.
Me personally its just so much easier to use the N64 controller because the games were completely designed around it.
Tell me how many other mainstream controllers require two different hand grips that exclude you from using all buttons are the same time. I'll wait.
@@wordsmith451 i think you mean three cus the N64 controller has 3 not 2.
And also the N64 controller never made use of all the buttons on it,pretty all N64 games used the right side to use the c buttons,A B buttons and Right trigger and the Z trigger.
The left side with the DPAD and L sholder button was hardly used. The only use they used for that side was for side scrolling Platformers like Kirby 64.
And that wasn't so bad cus you hold like super Nintendo controller when you use it for Kirby.
@@DeityLink69 I meant two different ways of holding the controller. And yeah I know how the controller was used - I was around for that gen. It's still a garbage design to not have access to all the buttons on the controller without changing how you hold it.
@@wordsmith451 oh i understand that,yes its definitely a flawed controller and modern designs have gotten better.
I actually tried the Brawler 64 on my N64 and while it worked,I honestly coulnt get used to it because my mind was telling it was holding a pro controller and my thumb kept trying to find an analog stick when it wasn't.
Thats why I always went to the original controller.
I own both the brawler and tribute. For the longest time (like literally the week of n64 games on NSO) only the tribute64 worked. I definitely prefer tribute over brawler and I am actually shocked it gets no mention because it is great! And if people would have known retrobit released compatibility firmware long ago we would have a lot of happy people playing their n64 games on the switch already
I bought a Tribute 64 to use on my N64. I thought "oh I'll install the newer firmware on the N64 dongle." This killed the N64 dongle, so I returned it and got a replacement. The replacement also didn't have the newer firmware installed, so I can't swap Z/L/R, because I don't trust it to not die again the second it's plugged into my PC.
But, the Tribute 64 is a fantastic controller. It feels great and responsive. The only thing I don't like (outside of just plugging it into my PC frying the hardware) is that you can't swap between rumble and controller paks.
I think I love the Nintendo grey color of a stock N64 controller. Nintendo really did a good job using nostalgia to make me like the color grey.... Anyone else?
Same. NES grey, SNES grey, Gameboy grey. It's nice.
also original ps1 Grey
You forgot about Doom 64... It was already in Switch. It's my favorite classic Doom game.
Finally a video about this controller! Just in time
I have the Retrobit two-prong and it works nicely enough. Takes a bit of finagling at first, but it works both on the Switch and on emulation. Sometimes the rumble turns on at arbitrary intervals.
Man, having never played or owned an N64 and trying N64 games now on handhelds gives me a headache.
All these controllers are great looking and all but those digital analogue sticks are a nightmare for N64 games. Anytime precision aiming is required like with the shooting gallery games in OoT or MM or even on GoldenEye using emulation, the whole thing falls apart. It's entirely too sensitive. As flawed as the original sticks were, they still can't be beat when it comes to these games. They weren't designed for digital sticks.
I really wish the Brawler just worked right out of the box. It was very disappointing when it finally released. And then getting the firmware update to work was a big hassle. Took many tries and when it finally worked, it kinda seemed like I bricked my computer for a scary minute. The controller works the way it’s supposed to now, but having to hold the buttons for five seconds to switch modes every time you use it is laaaame. I liked Retro Fighters products but man this one was such a stumble.
I think it should be noted that only one version of the Brawler64 comes with the USB Dongle so make sure you grab the right one, I've got one with USB and one with the N64 dongle, the weird thing is you can use any wireless Brawler64 controller on either dongle
I've asked Retro Fighters if they would sell the dongles separately but they said not at this time but that was like 6 months ago
Any chance we can purchase our own Switch dongle that would work with the controller? Do you know if the Switch dongle will recognize two controllers at once, or would i need two separate dongles?
Actually, I think modern controllers have at least as many buttons as a Nintendo 64 controller, it's just the layout makes them incompatible. Theoretically speaking, if you moved start and select to either the lower left or upper right edge of the current 4 buttons, then assigned Start and Z to L2 and R2 when you run N64 games, you'd nail the system controller pretty well and still have both thumb sticks available for usage for other functionality. In other words, it's possible to create a controller that could nail down emulation of almost any system pretty with minimal button remapping. The only exception would be with systems that have usual controllers such as the Wii remote and Nunchuk. I wonder if any third party premium controller makers have considered a modified Dualshock 4/Dualsense controller with the buttons aligned that way to make the touchpad bigger and completing it with the analog triggers and gyro controls. Might need a little thinking on the general design, though.
The brawler64 looks good but for me the absence of rumble is a deal breaker. I wish that 8bitdo had a go with a similar design.
Are we living in the year 1998?
Who cares about rumble? It's a gimmick.
@@warbossgegguz679 we’re not in ‘98 but the brawler 64 NSO edition has rumble and Ocarina of Time uses rumble to reveal secrets and goldeneye is just weird without rumble. I personally think that rumble makes a game more immersive, fps and racing games in particular but you’re free to disagree.
@@daniel4210 I mean I feel like FPS games on this would actually be really bad because the aiming would be digital rather than analog. Probably like the biggest weakness of this design ironically.
@@daniel4210 Update: I looked it up and apparently newer blue tooth models have rumble support and even motion controls. So problem solved.
Also, I hope bob makes a video about their revised BattlerGC design, because they fixed everything he disliked about their old Gamecube controller model.
Retro Fighter and Hori are my gotos for 3rd party and specialty controllers. Everyone I know who's bought 8bitdo controllers (EXCEPT reviewers) has had them break or have some driver issues.
Also worth noting that part of the reason Retro Fighters has grown so much and does what they do is that they're often times the only easy way to get a decent quality NEW controller for retro systems. Especially when it comes to weird bells and whistles that the DMG models had (VMU support and Analog face buttons come to mind).
@@warbossgegguz679 I own a few 8bitdo controllers and never had any issue with them. I also have a battler gc and while it’s nice it’s not as nice as a genuine GameCube controller (but then again the wireless aspect is great) and the rumble is a bit weak for non gc games.
I just wished 6 face buttons was the norm. That just opens up so many options for general game functionality and retro games. Keep the pairs of triggers and the stick buttons of course.
So far I've only felt the need for 6 face buttons with N64 and maybe the megadrive? I think most modern controllers fit all retro console needs.
@@deraile There are plenty of cases where I feel like having at least 3 buttons next to each other beneficial. Arcade and fighting games comes to mind. One case for me in particular where this would be useful are platform games that has a dedicated dash button. Having access to that next to your jump and attack buttons does wonders. This is the main reason why I would play platform games on PC on a keyboard rather than a controller.
@@Appl_Jax Agreed! And I see, I guess I play a less varied collection of consoles than I thought. Don't really touch arcade myself. Otherwise yeah, more options is always best IMO 🤷♂️ Doesn't matter if I don't always use all those buttons, true. As long as the controller itself isn't impractical or uncomfortable, shouldn't be an issue.
I use the Retro Bit Tribute 64 2.4GHz Wireless Controller for NSO. I was able to update the firmware with no hassle on my Windows PC and it works perfectly.
The N64 controller will always have a soft spot in my heart. Lol I think it's great cuz there are several colors to collect if you wanted. The stick will mess up over time, but I bought a bunch of kitsch bent replacement parts so I don't have to worry about that ever again haha and the brawler for an actual n64 works super well! Really like how it feels
thanks a TON for this video wulff! I got it after a 3 day delay from amazon, followed a guide I found on reddit and am now playing like it's 1998 baby!!!
I'd give it a solid 8.5/10 from me. no rumble is a BIG letdown and the setup for the update was...tedious
other than that...this is a GREAT BUY for those looking for an alt to the N64 NSO controller
The D Pad sucks on this controller and the analogue stick is so loose and has wide travel...I hate this controller compared to the original...Wulf stop lying about how " great " this N64 is , because it's not 🙄
Use to love it when I first tried it. Then I played a bit more and noticed trouble with diagonals (doesn't go 100%, in Mario64 for instance, Mario has trouble running). Can be fixed by artificially increasing range within an emulator, but you get different problems. Nerrel has a nice vid that touches on this issue with that controller.
Long story short: the form factor/ergonomy is amazing. The stick range is unconventional and straight up causes issues. Couple more cons to it but yeah, could've been a great controller, but it's not.
All for money
@@ChuckMothaEfenNorris Yeah , he's a liar ,, this controller doesn't work well with any N64 game 🙄
The “live action Jack Skellington” line had me cracking up. 😂
I ended up getting Retro-bit's N64 wireless controller. Works well and the buttons feel good.
I will not have N64 controller slander on my UA-cam. GOOD DAY SIR
Good on you for calling out Nintendo on their lack of button mapping options. I get it for the SNES, you can go 1 to 1 with modern controllers. But the N64? That needs remapping on a per-game basis, as every game uses stuff like the C-Buttons differently.
Keep calling them on it!
Honestly, ALL games should have remapping options. And companies like Nintendo should make it a requirement for publishing games on their platforms.
As someone who didn't have a N64 as a kid, I'm just now realizing this is probably why I just couldn't grasp the controls when attempting Ocarina of Time with a pro controller.
been looking forward to this video because i would like a better controller for N64 games, but the firmware process seems like its enough of a hassle that i will continue to wait. thanks for the info!
I regret getting the Admiral controller and getting the expansion pack
I can use the controller on my tablet with RetroArch but I was hoping to play it in official Nintendo hardware
Just use a switch controller mine works fine for the switch I use a wired power a Zelda one, half the price of a pro controller
I'm still waiting for a widely available N64 controller in its original shape, wireless, and with rumble built-in. 2 of them have been released that I know of but neither is easily available to purchase.
i was definitely considering getting the NSO N64 controller specifically due to the fact that playing OOT or MM on the pro controller was confusing as hell, but im definitely going for the brawler controller since its the same price, and a lot more accessable than the original design. Thank you so much, and I love your videos, I almost always watch your review of a gaming product before buying it, especially nintendo ones.
Glad to hear they updated the firmware. I’ll probably get one because I’ve yet to get one of the N64 controllers from Nintendo’s shop due to the scarcity. I’ve had few issues playing with the pro controller ever since I realized there’s a simple button modifier that turns the 4 face buttons into C buttons. You just hold a trigger to do that but it would be way better to not have to do that in the heat of the moment.
3:12 If you're wondering what the Music is, it's most likely a 8 bit version of (Fly into Freedom) from Sonic Adventure 2
Once I got the firmware up, and got the NSO remapping, I finally really enjoyed played the N64 games the Switch.
I would GLADLY buy the exact wireless replica N64 controller from Nintendo... IF IT WAS EVER IN STOCK!! It has genuinely been out of stock for the entire year that I have been a Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pass member! False Advertising law should really be kicking in considering they trick people into buying the membership, thinking it will unlock the ability to buy the controller.
I am sure you all know, but Steam Deck and Steam controller allow you to remap every single button to any thing (and multiple things).
Also works for almost any controller out there
And btw, don't require Windows for anything :)
God, I can’t wait to use the Retro-Bit Tribute64 controller (and possibly an OG N64-controller as well, through one of those Mayflash adapters) on the Steam Deck to play N64 roms 😍❤️🔥 I am so excited hahah
Glad to hear about the brawler 64 because I’ve been so frustrated with Nintendo about the controller. I have the wired brawler but am going to get the wireless now. I’m tired of waiting for a controller that is constantly out of stock for a year because of the scalpers and Nintendo just not pushing to keep it in stock.
I haven't played N64 online since finding out you couldnt remap the buttons. The c buttons were a pain to learn on ocarina of time.
What’s up BrutalMoose. Glad your still around making kino videos
I've come full circle! Subbed to this channel from a Hori Mini Pad and now we're here.
I use a wired Game Cube controller. I've wanted the Retro Fighter one for awhile though. thanks for the vid
Yeah I use a wired Zelda switch controller works great
Wouldn’t the dinky Z button, on the wrong side no less, be an issue?
I'm surprised you've never mentioned the wireless Tribute 64. It works on both Switch and N64 and has built in rumble too. I'd say its better than what retro fighters and especially hyperkin have put out.
Bob I love you, thanks for doing a great service
This is the video I have been waiting for, thank you! Now just waiting for the Brawler64 to come back in stock.
I dont get the 3 hands argument, seen it a few times but I cant name any games that require it to be held that way. Always seemed to me to be setup so that you have 3 'configurations' for different kinds of games.
- 3D games - Middle & Right
- 2D games - Left and Right
- Weird games - Middle and Left
Youngsters can't understand as they grew up with the same type of controllers for the past 20 years.
I dunno I kinda like the unique design of the N64 controller, and how the 3 handle controller give you a choice between the stick and D-pad. I kinda hate how the D-pad is awkwardly placed on some modern controllers right below or to close to the control stick making you reach your thumb torward the bottom or middle of a controller.
I also like how the N64 D-pad is big, which is more comfortable then the tiny ones on GameCube style controllers and such that kinda has edges that dig into your thumb.
Very much agreed. I have no idea why people perpetuate this argument. You got a way to play 3D games grafted onto what is otherwise a 2D controller. Cut the stick and Z button out and you've got basically an SNES controller with no select button, but two extra face buttons, almost like a Sega Genesis 6-button controller.
Also Middle and Left could be used for shooters where you need to move and aim independently.
2.4 ghz is definitely not faster than bluetooth on the switch, because the switch adds a lot of lag to usb connections. The least laggy controller on the switch are joy cons played wireless.
A piece of Velcro on the dongle and on the back of the controller would work (assuming you don’t want to cover the label of the controller lol)
Thanks I've been looking for a good N64 controller that didn't require 3 hands lol
I had to get a USB adapter to use the Wireless Brawlerpad64 for the N64 console on my Switch. Unfortunately, the pause button doesn't work and the control combo the adapter provides (Z and START is + button) only works with the classic N64 controller.
Make sure you get the NSO compatible version from Retrofighters since the USB version has been discontinued.
Otherwise the buttons were all mapped and positioned correctly. The new stick isn't the most accurate in the world so it struggles a little with shooters on the N64 and Switch, so keep that in mind.
I saw a Twitch streamer using a similar setup the other day too.
It was EdifanobJinx I think.
It looks like the wireless switch version isn’t available anymore (or at least in the US). I was going to get an official Nintendo one but after watching this video, the Brawler controller looks better, but they only seem to have the wired version available.
You really need to get a Tribute 64! That one has the best and most accurate analog stick, and has for sometime been compatible with N64 online. The only downside is the D-Pad, but since you never really use it on the N64 for precision platforming, it really doesn't matter.
The analog stick is really the selling point (that, and it works on a real N64 with rumble built in). It's superior to the Retro, and is far more accurate to the N64 analog input.
He’s right!! The Tribute is the best between the 2 controllers, tested both extensively, i purchased it mostly for playing on Real Console (N64) but nice that if you want it can be played on Switch also with the included usb dongle.
Loved the Wireless Tribute so much i ordered another when on sale on amazon £24, now own atomic purple and standard Grey
I will never pay for the premium online service, but I love seeing the new interpretation of the retro controllers
I love the Brawler 64, but the analogue stick sucks, so I usually use the retro-bit Tribute 64.
Jesus Bob! Throwing that food was aggressive lol. Loved it.
To be honest I really want to buy Nintendo's N64 controller for Switch Online. The thing is, that I never had an N64, so this would be some timetraveling for me to relive the past.
But seeing the Brawler64 seems also to be a good alternative. But from the price point they are very similar. Nice, that its firmware update makes it compatible with Switch Online.
I know Nintendo is very pricey, but somehow I want to get the N64 and Sega Mega Drive controllers. It would be a nice feeling to have these controllers for the old games.
save your money, ive bought 2 brawler64s they are garbage controllers
@@islandultra thx. yeah I would like to go with the official Nintendo one then.
@@Kyle07 Check out the Retro-Bit Tribute64 controller as well! It’s much better than the Brawler64, and it even comes with TWO bluetooth dongles; one for the Switch (USB), and even one for N64! And the joystick on it is way better than the ones on the Brawler and the Admiral as well.
I *adore* the N64 controller. Plenty of people loved it in the 90s; I’m not sure why it gets so much hate today. FPS games with Turok (Goldeneye 1.2) controls are sublime, and the range of motion on that stick is unrivaled by any modern controller. And the Z trigger! Come on, you can’t possibly tell me that firing a virtual pistol with R is remotely as satisfying as that Z trigger. Even the position of the stick, directly above your thumb, is perfect for racing games to give you easy access to that full range of left-right motion.
Would anyone care to explain why a modern style controller is better than the original for playing N64 games? Are you just that offended that it looks different or is there actually something to it? I’ve played a lot of N64 games and I can’t think of a single one that would be significantly improved by having easier access to the D-pad and L button while playing an analog game. Maybe it’d be better for using the stick to taunt in WCW?
I can, however, think of tons of games that would be worse with a modern layout that aligns the L and R buttons like most of these controllers do. In the vast majority of games the shoulder buttons you use are Z and R, not L and R, so having a Z button on the right is of dubious value and having the one on the left displaced by an unused L button is less than ideal. I personally couldn’t get used to the misaligned Z and R shoulders on the Pro controller for Mario 64 or Mario Kart.
my hands are too big for my old N64 controllers now, it hurts my left index finger knuckle and I am constantly slightly going right when I think I'm pressing up on the joystick because of my hand size, I think it's cool that there are options to use both controllers, Snowboard Kids 2 -- I always grab the N64 controller!
Nostalgia blinds
@@brymsd8895 That’s entirely possible. Or, similarly, my opinion could be influenced by thousands of hours of muscle memory that just makes it feel right. But even if all that’s true, what is actually better about N64 games on a Brawler?
@@chfgn I guess youre right for me the brawler is a more natural controller design but its all bullshit and based off experience for both of us if controllers evolved alongside the n64 i would be very used to it
Umm… I like firing a pistol with a right hand trigger.
Also, superpad64 was the bomb.
Fight me.😊
3:39 That came outta nowhere bruh 🤣🤣🤣
Great video, the only problem I have with these third party controllers (Tribute 64, Brawler 64) is they for some reason use perfect octagonal gamecube style analog gates, If you look at a official N64 controller the analog gates are more squared and not a perfect octagon which makes a massive difference in games like SM64.
Don't knock the Tribute. It's actually surprisingly accurate. It gets EXTREMELY close to original input, even with it looking like it doesn't. Seriously, test it out.
Great video Bob! I love your humor, and I don’t even skip the ads bc they’re just too funny 😂 question for you: what is the solid light blue controller from the beginning of the episode? It’s so pretty I kind of want to try that one for normal switch games
I hate when people argue to use the switch system remapping to do it. It's a bandaid solution to a huge flaw, and only works if you have a controller that reads as an official joy con or switch pro controller
Holy shit dude ive been trying to find the n64 controller for so long but now theres a Alternative?! YOU SIR ARE A SANT THANK YOU! Gonna hit subscribe like and share. Thank you so.much
Idk, the original N64 layout doesn't feel bad to use at all compared to modern controllers. The only true deal breaker for me is the poor analog stick. It's "ok" when brand new, but erodes quickly and sucks to use after a while.
Otherwise tri-handle is a weird design but it's a non-issue: Most games make you use one control scheme at a time and don't require the three sections at once.
The C-buttons also are rather unique and don't translate 100% well to a modern controller's right stick.
I grew up playing oot and majoras mask on the GameCube and I think it’s way better than on an n64 controller. C stick translated to the c buttons without issue at all.
@@enzog1078 I dunno, even those used the X, Y, and Z buttons to help. And the right stick can be awkward because sometimes I'd accidentally hit diagonally during awkward times like the final battle in Banjo Kazooie, which is really awkward, and messes up the camera, so I had to start using the ZR button. (Which allows you to use the 4 Switch face buttons as C-buttons when held down.)
@@enzog1078 funny, I read this after I just made another comment about how I personally recommend the GC controller. After trying a bunch of other controllers, it's what worked best for my recent OoT playthrough as well, lol.
I wouldn't recommend it over the N64 controller because the buttons are superior (although good luck finding one with a good joystick), but yeah GC's c-stick gets pretty close, especially with an emulator where you tighten sensitivity and deadzone to make it easier to make quick, deliberate inputs. It's what I did and it was even better IMO, than the default GC experience. Had the n64 master quest rom, too, UI matched the buttons and all :) (bit unnecessary lag on Dolphin).
@@beauwalker9820 if you ever try n64 emu on PC, try your GC controller with tighter dead and active zones in emu settings, to make the c-stick behave more like buttons, less sensitive, and avoid such annoying things as you mentioned.
Definitely felt the same as you, it's not as good as buttons, but I tried this sensitivity tweak as a result and it's honestly now pretty close. It's become hard to misinput after playing for a while.
This is weird, my Hyperkin admiral worked right out of the box. The button remapping options are all working as intended for me.
Idea for the wireless dongle: Velcro.
Would that work? Just a small piece on the dongle, and a small piece on the controller.
Thing looking back I would fix with N64 controller. Trun Z button more to shoulder buttons. And add triggers blow those buttons. add second a stick. Add button feature to both A stick. And keep the B,A,Y and X button layout. Have keep the select button. Only keep the expansion slot of the controller. but the Rumble pack has second one for memory card. So it can open up cheaper games if they still stick with carts. But I for one like they done combo format. have both cart and disk on the system out the gate. basely It be like controller of today. But with some of things back then.
While not perfect, back in the day I had a Superpad64 / MakoPad64 and I loved it. It was basically like the retrofighters controller but not quite as modern.
I bought 4 Tribute64 controllers in different colors for the actual N64. They're pretty decent for what you get. They are comfortable for games that don't use the dpad (Its in a bad spot and really tiny). The controllers were really cheap too, but that also means the build quality is cheap. The cable on one of mine is already becoming exposed. These were 20 bucks each so I cant complain too much. They get the job done if you need controllers for a classic game get-together like I tend to have.
Arms are so hairy looks like they have tattoos on them
So I use the hyperkin admiral on my switch and after some research (googling and YouTubing the hell out of it) any admiral bought in 2022 or later has the firmware already installed. I have had no issues, you need to make sure you are using the proper profile but it does work
I have one I bought in 2022 that doesn't work and can't be updated...
I don't blame people for not liking the OG N64 controller but if I'm being honest? The whining and complaints about it are just stupid. . . Just simply say you don't like the idea of switching between the analog and D-pad. Don't give me this nonsense about "Well I don't have three hands and I have to rewire my brain to use the controller" Like oh no. . . it must take years to learn to switch your left hand from one handle to another. . . 🙄
Like I get it and I agree. No controller needs three handles and Nintendo has been making weird funky controller designs since. Although some people still enjoy it for the nostalgia and you're never going to use that analog and D-pad at the same time including the L and Z button in one game.
I like modern controllers better but it's not a terrible controller at all, and had Nintendo got rid of the D pad which was barely used to start with, made the L button the same function as the Z button and chop off the middle handle and put the analog stick where that D pad used to be then it would be a much better controller.
Man, I love your ads!😄
Microwave foods at your age is something you will regret later on in life.
wish you talked about the tribute 64 wireless controller
This is what I use with the latest firmware update for NSO.
Yeah man dongles are great 8bitdo controllers for original hardware are great. I always hated the bluetooth 8bitdo controllers though. I just don't like bluetooth for input devices at all. Awesome for audio though. Hopefully 8bitdo starts just releasing 2.4ghz dongles for future controllers. Retrobit does it with their legacy16 and genesis controllers and it's super convenient.
i have owned 2 of these controllers wulff den, and both of them have horrible resyncing issues, not to mention they feel super cheap because of how light they are.
i know that there's not too many good options for n64 controllers on switch, but the brawler64 is garbage
Check out Retro-Bit Tribute64! (the newer, wireless version - it actually comes with two bluetooth dongles; one for the Switch and one for the N64!)
I have got to know how you made the first shot for that advertisement. The motion of the camera while also including the other shots is confusing the hell out of my brain.
Any plans on doing a review on their updated NSO specific version? I got two of them on the way for less than the real ones. I would love to get at least one official NSO N64 controller but I'm never by my PC when they become available, usually only finding out after the fact from some random site and they are gone in minutes and/or crash the web site and I'm not buying one for $100+ on ebay. I'd bite the bullet and even consider $60-$70 but I never see them that cheap.
recently spoke with retro fighters support about a Bluetooth version of the Brawler controller (i play tabletop mode about half the time) and they said they're looking to have one around September 👍also, any shot we could mod the official NSO N64 controller to be recognized as a pro controller? I'm actually fairly interested in trying to play the new kirby and odyssey with it if only i could remap a few of the buttons
honestly the wii u pro controller is a pretty good layout for n64 controllers especially if you can change the button mapping to your liking
Unfortunately, none of those layouts help for the few games that used the D-pad and the control stick, like some Pokémon Stadium minigames, and a game included in the service, Sin and Punishment.
You can’t play Sin and Punishment with the Brawler 64 in a way that either makes sense or is comfortable. You just can’t.
I think Bob is the only UA-camr I actually want to see the ad spots of 😂
Look really good!
Can't wait to see it!
The food toss into the toaster cracked me up lol
I didn’t even know that there were n64 games on my switch.
I’m a computer gamer primarily.
These would be good for some situations....maybe not the Switch Online experience.
Although the Brawler64 is a good controller, I won't recommend buying from these guys. Some time ago I've made an order with two wired controllers. When the parcel arrived, I've opened it only to see that there was just one controller inside. After writing their support team, they stopped answering me. Honestly I stopped bothering to try and get an answer, as it simply wasn't worth the time anymore. The one controller I got is fine though.
Pretty wild that I just played banjo kazooie on my Xbox series s with zero problems or confusion. 😂
I must have big gamer brain because playing OoT on NSO with the Switch 64 controller felt normal. No mental gymnastics trying to figure out where my hands go on the controller either.
How’s the stick? I’ve heard problems with most 3rd party n64 controllers not being as accurate and precise as the original stick
I still want the Nintendo N64 controller, but it’s more for nostalgia. Also I missed the restock so this did convince me to get the Brawler 64.
IDK but the n64 controller be looking mighty fine when it's time to play some star fox. Frankly always thought the controller was designed around that game more than any other.
I got the wired Brawler 64 controllers. It plays like a dream.
I was very happy with my Tribute N64 Ultra controller from Castlemania games.
If I remember Nintendrew says the Brawler 64 doesn't have the same octagonal gate input positions when using the N64 controller test software and that it wasn't actually octagonal like the control stick was and how the N64 controllers are read. Doesn't that cause issues in games if all sides aren't read equally? A lot of 3rd part N64 controllers has it set as a square of some sort
Does it really come with a usb dongle? The amazon link only shows that it comes with a N64 donlge
Sorry about that, I linked the wrong one. There's two different versions. The Switch one doesn't seem to be available on Amazon
@@WulffDen OMG Thanks for replying. Have a good day : )