Aren't We ALL God's Children!?!

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @christinetruncale6733
    @christinetruncale6733 5 років тому +9

    No,we are all not Gods children.

    • @michaelnelson9211
      @michaelnelson9211 5 років тому

      Fine then don't be his child then. I will. 😍😄😍

    • @christinetruncale6733
      @christinetruncale6733 5 років тому

      @@michaelnelson9211 Unfortunately there are some that just aren't and never will be,the others belong to Satan.

    • @romandubrovskiy7963
      @romandubrovskiy7963 5 років тому

      That is not biblical

    • @michaelnelson9211
      @michaelnelson9211 5 років тому

      @@christinetruncale6733 well it matters what people say. Are they teaching law or are they teaching Grace though Faith in Jesus Christ.
      Nobody is going to come to Jesus
      by religion. They will come to him when they FEEL his love wave into them which requires Grace.
      The law feeds sin. The law keeps people unsaved and bondaged.
      It's work. People need Grace.

    • @greggbaker7120
      @greggbaker7120 5 років тому

      It has been said that there are over 700 Commandments in the Bible......

  • @yvonnecamacho9773
    @yvonnecamacho9773 5 років тому +1

    God created us all but we are not all his children, we have to love and OBEY him if he is our Father. If we don’t do what he instructs us to do then we are reprobate and deny him and lose our claim that HE is our Father.” Why do you call me Lord, Lord but do not do what I tell you?”

    • @michaelnelson9211
      @michaelnelson9211 5 років тому

      That's not true at all.

    • @hotstar5704
      @hotstar5704 4 роки тому

      Right...........that how you became son of your bilogical father.......when you started to believe that he is your father..........amazing

  • @saschvina2973
    @saschvina2973 5 років тому +2

    there is a djfference between all people being the children of God in the sense that HE is our creator, and hence we are children of God as well as we are all
    Brothers in humanity. Remember how Eve is called the MOTHER of all living? These family terms are exactly meant in this biological sense and God being the creator and Father of
    All in the spiritual sense, He fashioning our spirit and whole being. This is absolutely nothing to do with a person being a child
    Of God in a covenantal, redeemed sense of the term.
    Remember the prodigal son, as we wandered off and rejected his inheritance. Covenantally he was dead
    Before his repentance, in this sense not being a child of God to run with this parable, while in another sense even in a reprobate state he was the child Of God just like his brother. So too
    Quickly we
    Make a fuss about things that just need clarification. But when somebody claims everybody no matter who, is covenantally a redeemed and saved child of God, being part of God’s family, this would be of course wrong
    To say.

  • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ
    @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 5 років тому +10

    No, we are all created by God, but only those who are born again of the Holy Spirit of God are God’s children and they alone are heirs to the promises of God and His eternal Kingdom. *”That [Jesus Christ] was the true Light, which lighteth every man that cometh into the world. He was in the world, and the world was made by him, and the world knew him not. He came unto his own, and his own received him not. But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name: Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.”* (John 1: 9-13)
    Jesus Christ alone is THE WAY, THE TRUTH, AND THE LIFE. No man comes to Father YHWH except through Jesus Christ. There is no other upon whom you can believe and have salvation. Believing in Christ is not a feeling, it’s an action of coming to repentance and obeying the gospel of the Kingdom of God and Jesus Christ for remission of sins. Jesus Christ writes His laws in our hearts and minds, so obedience is obviously part of believing. That means submitting yourself to the will of God and the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jesus rewards every believer according to their works, whether they are good or bad, *”For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, so that each one may be recompensed for his deeds in the body, according to what he has done, whether good or bad.”* (2 Corinthians 5: 10) These works do not grant salvation, that is a gift from God, but the works are the result of your salvation and the work of the Holy Spirit who transforms you into a servant of righteousness instead of a servant of sin. Salvation is ALL THE WORK OF CHRIST from beginning to end and to Him alone goes the glory.

    • @thepuppetboyzjr.5589
      @thepuppetboyzjr.5589 5 років тому

      Rejoice and Praise Jesus Christ, King of Kings! ...... if you are born again, why are you still sinning?

    • @michaelnelson9211
      @michaelnelson9211 5 років тому

      @@thepuppetboyzjr.5589 🙄 ........

    • @thepuppetboyzjr.5589
      @thepuppetboyzjr.5589 5 років тому +1

      Michael Nelson oh and Jesus isn’t the King Of Kings. 1 Timothy 6:13-16

    • @michaelnelson9211
      @michaelnelson9211 5 років тому

      @@thepuppetboyzjr.5589 Stop!!

    • @thepuppetboyzjr.5589
      @thepuppetboyzjr.5589 5 років тому

      Michael Nelson the truth hurts. Look it up.

  • @christiscomingforhisbride2868
    @christiscomingforhisbride2868 5 років тому

    In the meantime, NY Governor just legalized "abortion" upto birth.

  • @greggbaker7120
    @greggbaker7120 5 років тому

    It has been said that there are over 700 Commandments in the Bible......

  • @scottintexas
    @scottintexas 5 років тому

    Agree with your premise. So, why do you even question the commandments like keeping the Sabbath and Appointed Times, and eating only clean animals (food)?!

    • @learnbusinesstech7933
      @learnbusinesstech7933 5 років тому

      Scott in Texas Because the context shows it was given to Israel at that time. Check out Exodus 20:1-2

    • @scottintexas
      @scottintexas 5 років тому

      Collin Michael Keep reading - Exodus 12:49, Leviticus 24:22, Numbers 9:14, Numbers 15:15-16. Ezekiel 47:21-23 says, ““So you shall divide this land among yourselves according to the tribes of Israel. You shall divide it by lot for an inheritance among yourselves and among the aliens who stay in your midst, who bring forth sons in your midst. And they shall be to you as the native-born among the sons of Israel; they shall be allotted an inheritance with you among the tribes of Israel. And in the tribe with which the alien stays, there you shall give him his inheritance,” declares the Lord GOD.”
      So we see the various commandments and statutes apply equally to those aliens and sojourners who reside among the Israelites and follow YHVH. He sees no difference once we are truly faithful and seeking to be obedient. This is reiterated by Paul, “Therefore remember that formerly you, the Gentiles in the flesh, who are called“ Uncircumcision” by the so-called“ Circumcision,” which is performed in the flesh by human hands- remember that you were at that time separate from Christ, excluded from the commonwealth of Israel, and strangers to the covenants of promise, having no hope and without God in the world. But now in Christ Jesus you who formerly were far off have j been brought near by k the blood of Christ.” Ephesians 2:11-13
      I encourage you to watch the teaching “The Lost Sheep” by 119 Ministries. It will forever change the way you understand “Israel.” “But He answered and said, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.” Matthew 15:24 If you are not Israel, you are not saved.

    • @onerealityofficial
      @onerealityofficial  5 років тому

      When it says “divide THIS land” what land is it referring to? It’s referring to the land the Israelites were given by God. We are not in that land.

  • @bozhidarbalkas7269
    @bozhidarbalkas7269 5 років тому

    James disagrees with Paul in Jas 2:18 "But someone will say", ' "You have faith; I have deeds" '. "Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you you my faith by my deeds". Paul and Hebrews command or advise believers only to believe.
    19 "You believe that there is one God. Good!" Even the demons believe that ---and shudder". So, as early as 35 CE , the two Jews have split Jesus' people [ecclesia] in at least two sects. They could not or would not agree on even one of the most important [or so-called objective value] moral values. And God's only ecclesia or only one congregation began; from that time on to split in ever more sects, and cults. This process is happening even today; along with never-ending so-called personal explanations and interpretation of what God meant by his numerous promises, commandments, wishes, etc.
    Jas " Even the demons believe [in God]---and shudder". I cal that statement by James very stupid or an obvious fake. As scribes say [but of course not explicitly] God made also demons. And not only made them but is keeping them and allows them to even enter God's people. Only once, God puts to or causes death to a mass of demons---at other times, God merely drives them out of a person and send them into another. Where upon, the driven out demons become even more malicious and harmful. Of course, we, who fear all religions-- and even more so the clergy, are very happy that believers are split into thousands of shards; become angry, hateful, dumb and dumber, etc. So, God, god, gods punishes them??!!!
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    0:03 / 0:30
    Aren't We ALL God's Children!?!

  • @bozhidarbalkas7269
    @bozhidarbalkas7269 5 років тому

    Pe 1:2 "Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord". We now cannot ever know what "the knowledge of God" means or entails; especially, in connection to the frequent command [wish, urgings, advice?] for people to merely believe in the existence of God and keeping in mind that Paul says in Ro 11:34 that no one can know the mind of God. So, to me, it seems that the scribes conflate the belief in God and the knowledge of God? But, who am i ever to know what is it these scribes are saying? But i do know that even the scribes often talk about the fact that the Bible comprises a lot of secrets [Mk 4:22]; and then add the promise that believers will know all they need to know in the last days. I, thus, desist from this puzzle or a secret.
    Pe 1:3 "His divine power [God has godly powers, but, of course, he does--if he's almighty] has given us everything we need for a godly life through the knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness". This is just one of the most butiful and wanted promises ever made. The Bible contains probably at least one hundred of such delightful promises; none of which were done for most believers [or knowers of] God. To be convinced of this fact, visit any church and you'd hear and endless stream of accusations, blaming, complaints, moneylessness, malnutrition, call for wars, divorces, pastor attacking pastors, etc. Sorry, folks. Most believers are nice people. We, thus, don't want to hurt them, but the truth wants out and the hell with the money.
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    0:02 / 0:24
    Aren't We ALL God's Children!?!

  • @kevinatchison1973
    @kevinatchison1973 5 років тому

    So if a child dishonored their parents, are they no longer their child?

    • @holzmann-
      @holzmann- 5 років тому

      That is a straw man

    • @kevinatchison1973
      @kevinatchison1973 5 років тому

      @@holzmann- How is that a straw man? The point i am making is that claiming that one is only a child of God if he is perfect is just as absurd as saying that one who fails to obey his parents should be disowned by their parents. There is this wonderful thing that both God and parents use, and it is called 'discipline'.

    • @holzmann-
      @holzmann- 5 років тому

      Correct, but the child must come back

    • @michaelnelson9211
      @michaelnelson9211 5 років тому

      @@holzmann- what if he or she doesn't. 🤔

  • @pondering1652
    @pondering1652 5 років тому

    Here's another misconception.
    "God accepts us as we are!"
    Not quite.
    True, God INVITES us as we are, but accepts us? No.
    We are only ACCEPTED in the Beloved, Jesus.
    Only IN Christ and in Him alone will the Father accept anything, any works, or anyone. Period.
    Ephesians 1:6
    2 Corinthians 13:5
    Galatians 4:19
    Be blessed, Stay blessed... in Him.

  • @bozhidarbalkas7269
    @bozhidarbalkas7269 5 років тому

    Silly to command people!! Still more silly is to command them to repent or to turn to God. Clearly, one can keep forever turning to God, but if God is idle or looking the other way or lazy while your turning to him, it would be just a total waste of time and cause you a lot of non-peace of your mind.
    Either God, according to the scribes, does it all or not; either God creates everything or he does not. If not, then he cannot be called or deemed almighty, al-wise, al-loving, etc. If he can create an entire universe; surely he can make also believers. Any one who believes in such a God, i call "harmful cultist".
    0:02 / 1:46
    Aren't We ALL God's Children!?!

  • @allenschmitz9644
    @allenschmitz9644 5 років тому

    They like to serve there god that forgives there sins every time they sin and they will show you in the bible where it says so, there jesus is a 12 stepper kinda guy because they believe they were born in sin like there church told them and you cant judge them because there bible tells them to JUDGE NOT..there jesus is the mark of the beast and they took it gladly. you will be kicked out of there church if you dont have the same mark as them in your minds eye and right hand of fellowship.

  • @nbeckford240
    @nbeckford240 5 років тому

    My friend i have been watching your videos and approve the Doctrine of ( HOLINESS) , however it's not of our own Righteousness but the Holy Spirit that empower All BORN AGAIN individual . Why was it reckon to Abraham before circumcision which is work, you can't know Jesus Christ unless God the Father draw you to HIM.
    The young Rich ruler didn't keep ALL the Commandment if he did he would follow Christ, his god was money! Jesus didn't rebuke him because he already know HIS Sheep. We're BORN in sin and shape in iniquity that's the reason why i don't have to teach my children to sin the nature of sin is in all human being.. we all have gone astray.
    James warn teacher that "ELOHIM" will Judge them more stricter because we all error!! Jesus said you didn't CHOSE Me I Chose you the fact is Jesus have to open our eyes to acknowledge Him do you notice that Salvation is a GIFT NO want can EARN it base an work. Remember the Pharisee and the tax collector, who went away been justify by ELOHIM even though the tax collector didn't know ELOHIM approve of him but the Pharisee probably thinking he was so Righteous!
    Am saying this in Love Choice is important to us but not to ELOHIM he already know who's His before the world was Created; where do TRUE Repentance come from?? Not from Man HEART'S but ELOHIM Grant it to his people Look at ( Acts) chpt 5:31 ( Acts) chpt 11:18 , ( Romans) chpt 2:4. It seems as if we're but Jesus Christ is Grant it that's why No man can boast.
    Deuteronomy chpt 29:4 Moses make it clear, it's GOD who will show mercy to whom he will and harden whos heart's he please. ELOHIM sit in Heaven and do as he PLEASE!!!
    1 Corinthians chpt 10: 12 this Scripture is proven so many times even the Man after ELOHIM own HEART David , nothing good in man apart from Jesus Christ.. let us be a good worker dividing the WORD of GOD it will equal right back to FACTS; Jesus Christ Righteousness along is Not a FILTHY RAG.
    All things I said is in LOVE.

  • @stanleytataranowicz3496
    @stanleytataranowicz3496 5 років тому

    Your WRONG

  • @sonofyahweh8
    @sonofyahweh8 5 років тому

    Gen. 1: 14. Yahweh gave us the sun, moon and stars so we would know the TIME and the seasons. Also to divide the day from the night. NOTHING MORE.
    In Rev. 12 we are told about a " Woman".
    WHEN we put our understanding of WHAT a " Woman" is aside , THEN Yahweh can tell Us His understanding of WHAT a " woman / woman" IS in the the scripture.
    WHEN we read EVERY scripture with the WORD " Woman" in it We find that a " Woman" in the scripture has TWO understandings.
    The first understanding is ALWAYS natural understanding. A ' woman' is a human woman.
    As We read EVERY scripture with the WORD WOMAN in it We find that a " WOMAN" is also a " CITY".
    WHEN we read EVERY scripture with the WORD " HER" in it We find that the WORD " HER" has two understandings.
    The first is ALWAYS Natural understanding. The WORD " Her" is telling Us about a human woman.
    The second understanding is telling Us that the WORD " HER" is a " CITY".
    WHEN We read EVERY scripture with the WORD " SHE". We find that the WORD " SHE" has two understandings.
    The first is ALWAYS Natural. The WORD ' SHE' is telling Us about a human woman.
    The second understanding is telling Us about a " CITY".
    NOW we KNOW that in Yahweh's scripture the WORD " WOMAN" is always a human woman OR a " CITY".
    NOW We can go to Rev. 12 and read with Yahweh's understanding of WHAT a " WOMAN" IS.
    Reading Rev. 12: We find that the WOMAN mentioned here is NOT a human woman. Therefore it MUST be a " CITY".
    Yahweh's scripture tells Us the NAME of this " CITY".
    In Rev. 17 We are told about a BAD WOMAN. This WOMAN MUST also be a " CITY".
    Yahweh does not change.
    WHEN We ask Yahweh a question , He WILL answer us in plain and simple Words in His scripture.
    " Father: WHO is the " CITY in Rev. 17.?
    Rev. 17: 18 Yahweh tells us that the WOMAN is " The great CITY' that reigns over the Kings of the earth.
    Again We ask:" Father Tell us the NAME of this great CITY".
    Rev. 11: 8. Tells us that " The great CITY is " WHERE Our / Their LORD was crucified.
    The great CITY in Rev. 17 is Jerusalem at the time of the end. WHEN SHE will rule over the KINGS of the earth.
    NOW We can go to Rev. 12 and ASK Yahweh WHO is the CITY in Rev. 12.
    The first thing We notice is that this CITY is a GOOD CITY.
    In the book of Revelation " THE great CITY" is mentioned 9 times.
    Without exceptions this CITY MUST be telling Us about Jerusalem.
    Rev. 11: 8. The CITY is Jerusalem on the earth.
    The first understanding is always natural.
    The Last mention of " The great CITY" is in Rev. 21: 9- 10.
    This CITY is the NEW Jerusalem.
    EVERY other reference to the great CITY in the book of Revelation MUST be describing The Jerusalem that now is OR the heavenly CITY of Yahweh.
    In Revelation 18 We read about " HER". The Jerusalem that now is.
    In Rev. 18: We are told about " SHE".
    Jerusalem is described as a WOMAN, A SHE, A HER all through the book of Revelation.
    The woman in Rev. 12 is the NEW Jerusalem birthing the born again 144,000 literal genetic SONS of Yahweh SOON.
    Gal. 4: 26 tells us that the NEW Jerusalem is Our Mother in heaven.
    ALL of Yahweh's scripture tells Us that a WOMAN in the Spiritual is a " CITY".
    So says Yahweh. It is a FEARFUL thing to say:" SO SAYS YAHWEH".
    May THE creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scripture of things to come.
    Heb. 12: 14.
    Bless you

  • @chrisstegink4402
    @chrisstegink4402 5 років тому +1

    Very terse. It says they are not of His flock. Indicating a difference in flocks as well as other flocks. scripture is the only authority in ones life is the objective. Woe to those who argue why it isn't or doesn't have to be. ? ( When hope is in sight how can one be bitter)? The promise is being son's of God , be no longer children/mature in the faith. Mt.8:12. Im not a grammarscholar but gonna share. So' shalt' is commonly/conveniently understood as' are ' as in 'are saved'. It also means can ,will, might. Its in philp3 . How can one lose what they haven't obtained yet. A runner quits running. is he a runner anymore? Childrenof god is a crazy sex cult from the 60's. FYI. They think their saved too. People want to freak out" Im saved". I in knowing that they are forgiven, wishing they knew. Beliefs are defined by doing and not doing certainthings. Hope this helps. As always , Glory be to God.

  • @holzmann-
    @holzmann- 5 років тому

    John 15 answers everything

  • @unidentifiedperson958
    @unidentifiedperson958 5 років тому +1

    Please pray for me! I am not saved. I am trying to repent, I have gone through tormenting deceptions stalling me from repentance.

    • @holzmann-
      @holzmann- 5 років тому

      Read Philippians 2

    • @unidentifiedperson958
      @unidentifiedperson958 5 років тому

      @@holzmann- Thank you, I will study this more. This looks like it will bless me.

    • @unidentifiedperson958
      @unidentifiedperson958 5 років тому

      I am not finished reading, but I'd like to let you know first Already this is blessing me. And I hope to read this more again. Thank you for your work!

    • @michaelnelson9211
      @michaelnelson9211 5 років тому

      Hello Friend!! ❤💖❤
      No Fear!! by Grace Though Faifh in Jesus Christ alone we are saved.
      Jesus Christ died on the cross for are sins. for all sins past present and future. All of them. Salvation Is simple and free. It's free gift from God. *IS NOT OF WORKS*
      Confess to Jesus Christ Is Lord
      Confess you are a sinner needing saving just ask Jesus Christ to save you and you become a child of God automatically. Just lean and trust on The Heavenly Jesus Christ alone. God raised Jesus Christ on the 3rd day. Salvation is not a reward or process it is a event.
      *We Are Not Saved What We Do*
      AVOID Channels Like:
      . One Reality
      . fincall07
      . warningthepeople
      STAY AWAY FROM ANYONE WHO: *teaches you can lose salvation*
      *stay away from false teachers*
      *anyond who hates Grace*
      They want you trusting in yourself instead of the finished work of Jesus..THEY want you bondaged in the law. the law doesn't save.
      Subscribe To These Channels Who Preach Grace:
      . Andrew Rich (It's her husband's name but her name is Sherry)
      .Loved By The King
      . Kim Mosley (first icon picture black hair and smiling)
      . Pink Trees And Blue Bugs
      . Susan Neumeyer
      . Amanda Christain
      . Marie Burgess
      I don't want you to be scared.
      I don't want you to fear or have worry thoughts. And I'm all around those channels too! I actually wanna be friends and lead you on the right path. ❤💖💖💖❤
      And my sisters in Christ will you too! They will answer your questions! ☺ and I'm subscribed to them so you'll be see around.
      What do you say?????
      I hoped I helped you. If you have questions please ask my sisters.
      They will love helping you!! 😀
      God Bless You.

  • @bozhidarbalkas7269
    @bozhidarbalkas7269 5 років тому

    1 Jn 2:3 "We know that we have come to know him if we keep his commandments, 4 Whoever says, ' "I know him" ', but does not do what he commands is a liar, and the truth is not in that person. But if anyone obeys his word, love for God is truly made complete in them. This is how we know we are in him. 6 Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did". John was wrong; for even all or most clergy and ancient scribes say the believers still sin even after Jesus allegedly was killed. In other words, but very clear: Few if any Christians obey even the most salient commands, let alone trivial ones. True, true, scribes contradict scribes by saying: We cannot sin [after Jesus died to wipe out our sins] any longer. We are now holy blameless, perfect, etc. And no one can know God nor know how do they know how to get to know what God wants from and for his chosen [Eph 1:4] people.
    As for living like Jesus, white Christians do not nor want to live as Jesus did. Jesus may have been penniless; had no home, car, TV; may have made his living by doing some magic tricks; had not even a pillow or bed to sleep on, etc.

  • @geraldjohnson8871
    @geraldjohnson8871 5 років тому

    IF,??? You let Satan in to your life, and rule you, you are of your father, the devil, but all peoples, are or were, created to be Gods children, he (Yahuah) God is our father, do not believe we are not Gods children, Yeshua, makes rain,sunshine, and all things, for the good and evil children, alike, he will judge all Sin, on the day of Judgement, judge yourself, so that you do not fall into condemnation, best to not judge, the Sins, of others!!!

  • @rathoresrishti8034
    @rathoresrishti8034 2 роки тому

    So heaven will be filled with Hindus I guess.

  • @ralphcopas
    @ralphcopas 5 років тому

    Hey Jesus When was the last timeyou walked on water take a hint repent find god repent of god plugged into your outlet and wall and tied to wifi

  • @johnbutler8388
    @johnbutler8388 3 роки тому

    Yes if you're saved and born again and believe in Jesus Christ you are and if you don't

  • @WA_S_S_AW
    @WA_S_S_AW 5 років тому +1

    So what you are saying, what I get from this is that not all humans are God’s children. That it is ok to say hate the Muslim because they are not a child of God. They are of the devil and will always be of the devil. And the love your brother doesn’t really apply if that person is a sinner then they are not your brother because they are not of God. Was this your intention to have this message come across?

    • @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ
      @Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ 5 років тому

      WA S, we are all created by God, by Jesus Christ, John chapter 1, but only those who are born again of the Holy Spirit of God are God’s children and heirs to the promises of His Kingdom. Nonbelievers, those who worship pagan gods like Allah and Buddha (all pagan gods are Satan/Lucifer under a different name, created by Satan so man will worship him), etc., are not children of God but can become children of God and should be preached the gospel. We are to love everyone AS OUR NEIGHBOR regardless of their beliefs and love them with the same love Jesus Christ has shown us, that while we were dead in our sins He willingly gave His life so we could be redeemed. Our brothers and sisters are those who are part of the body of Christ. But our love and compassion for others should be equal upon everyone, even those who hate us. We should pray for those who reject Christ to be unblinded so they can be saved. God desires all people to come to repentance and that none should perish. The problem is many people want to make their own rules for salvation and not follow the gospel in the scriptures. That’s why you have people who believe in the Father but deny Jesus and people who believe in Jesus but deny He is God manifest in the flesh as the Bible says He is. Jesus said in John 8: 24 anybody who does not believe He is who He says He is will die in their sins without salvation. God makes the rules of salvation and we must obey the scriptures. Jesus Christ is the author of our salvation and not us. For this reason you have the majority of people who say they are believers actually believing in a false Jesus that suits them instead of the Jesus of the KJV Bible. If we say we believe but are trying to be the author of our own salvation instead of submitting to the will of Christ and believing the gospel in the scriptures, then we are just as lost as the nonbelievers. You’d be surprised by the number of people who are worshiping a false god but calling their god Jesus Christ. But we love them as we love ourselves, regardless of whether they are saved or lost.

    • @gokartbob6478
      @gokartbob6478 5 років тому +1

      @@Redeemed.of.YHVH.thru.Christ your right about people calling Jesus there God (Catholic)
      Question. If Jesus is God, why did he say he has a God?
      On the cross "my God, my God"
      After resurrection "Mary, touch me not for I have not yet ascended to... my God"
      And Rev 3.12 ???

    • @benkabbou02
      @benkabbou02 5 років тому

      WA S dude why is it always muslim, muslims believe in Jesus, and Jews done, why don’t y’all hate Jews instead? But ofc hate the people that believes in Jesus

    • @sonofyahweh8
      @sonofyahweh8 5 років тому

      Gen. 1: 14. Yahweh gave us the sun, moon and stars so we would know the TIME and the seasons. Also to divide the day from the night. NOTHING MORE.
      In Rev. 12 we are told about a " Woman".
      WHEN we put our understanding of WHAT a " Woman" is aside , THEN Yahweh can tell Us His understanding of WHAT a " woman / woman" IS in the the scripture.
      WHEN we read EVERY scripture with the WORD " Woman" in it We find that a " Woman" in the scripture has TWO understandings.
      The first understanding is ALWAYS natural understanding. A ' woman' is a human woman.
      As We read EVERY scripture with the WORD WOMAN in it We find that a " WOMAN" is also a " CITY".
      WHEN we read EVERY scripture with the WORD " HER" in it We find that the WORD " HER" has two understandings.
      The first is ALWAYS Natural understanding. The WORD " Her" is telling Us about a human woman.
      The second understanding is telling Us that the WORD " HER" is a " CITY".
      WHEN We read EVERY scripture with the WORD " SHE". We find that the WORD " SHE" has two understandings.
      The first is ALWAYS Natural. The WORD ' SHE' is telling Us about a human woman.
      The second understanding is telling Us about a " CITY".
      NOW we KNOW that in Yahweh's scripture the WORD " WOMAN" is always a human woman OR a " CITY".
      NOW We can go to Rev. 12 and read with Yahweh's understanding of WHAT a " WOMAN" IS.
      Reading Rev. 12: We find that the WOMAN mentioned here is NOT a human woman. Therefore it MUST be a " CITY".
      Yahweh's scripture tells Us the NAME of this " CITY".
      In Rev. 17 We are told about a BAD WOMAN. This WOMAN MUST also be a " CITY".
      Yahweh does not change.
      WHEN We ask Yahweh a question , He WILL answer us in plain and simple Words in His scripture.
      " Father: WHO is the " CITY in Rev. 17.?
      Rev. 17: 18 Yahweh tells us that the WOMAN is " The great CITY' that reigns over the Kings of the earth.
      Again We ask:" Father Tell us the NAME of this great CITY".
      Rev. 11: 8. Tells us that " The great CITY is " WHERE Our / Their LORD was crucified.
      The great CITY in Rev. 17 is Jerusalem at the time of the end. WHEN SHE will rule over the KINGS of the earth.
      NOW We can go to Rev. 12 and ASK Yahweh WHO is the CITY in Rev. 12.
      The first thing We notice is that this CITY is a GOOD CITY.
      In the book of Revelation " THE great CITY" is mentioned 9 times.
      Without exceptions this CITY MUST be telling Us about Jerusalem.
      Rev. 11: 8. The CITY is Jerusalem on the earth.
      The first understanding is always natural.
      The Last mention of " The great CITY" is in Rev. 21: 9- 10.
      This CITY is the NEW Jerusalem.
      EVERY other reference to the great CITY in the book of Revelation MUST be describing The Jerusalem that now is OR the heavenly CITY of Yahweh.
      In Revelation 18 We read about " HER". The Jerusalem that now is.
      In Rev. 18: We are told about " SHE".
      Jerusalem is described as a WOMAN, A SHE, A HER all through the book of Revelation.
      The woman in Rev. 12 is the NEW Jerusalem birthing the born again 144,000 literal genetic SONS of Yahweh SOON.
      Gal. 4: 26 tells us that the NEW Jerusalem is Our Mother in heaven.
      ALL of Yahweh's scripture tells Us that a WOMAN in the Spiritual is a " CITY".
      So says Yahweh. It is a FEARFUL thing to say:" SO SAYS YAHWEH".
      May THE creator Yahweh give you understanding in these salvation scripture of things to come.
      Heb. 12: 14.
      Bless you

  • @bubblegum0411
    @bubblegum0411 5 років тому

    we all are Gods creation, but not children.

  • @joedoe1096
    @joedoe1096 5 років тому

    What about us who lived in sin for a long time, but have repented and come back? Does the Spirit ever come back? I have been obeying and repenting for months, but only horrible condemnation returns upon my prayers, until I can't even sleep.

    • @holzmann-
      @holzmann- 5 років тому

      Same here :(

    • @joedoe1096
      @joedoe1096 5 років тому

      @@holzmann- I am a wicked and foolish rebel, I had no idea what I was playing with with sin, I knew nothing about grieving the spirit and the consequences. If only I could go back and warn my younger self. But nobody even listens to my warnings as it is!

    • @holzmann-
      @holzmann- 5 років тому

      We are in the same boat

  • @gokartbob6478
    @gokartbob6478 5 років тому

    Worship the Father, and Him only shall we serve. Yah-havah (strongs H1933-34)

  • @thepuppetboyzjr.5589
    @thepuppetboyzjr.5589 5 років тому

    Great video! This is the truth.