Best Autism Stimming Tips YOU Will SEE This Year!

  • Опубліковано 5 вер 2024


  • @carolmenton8670
    @carolmenton8670 3 роки тому +55

    My granddaughter is on the spectrum and is non verbal. She has several Stims. She will be 8, has a beautiful smile, and attends a wonderful school recommended by their public school system. I don’t know how we could be really happy without her in our lives.

  • @mike_outdoors4918
    @mike_outdoors4918 3 роки тому +47

    I'm on the spectrum, and I stim by rubbing my face and neck, the more stressed I am the more vigorously I do it. Thanks Dan, take care 👍🙂

    • @B4T.C0RPS3
      @B4T.C0RPS3 11 місяців тому +2

      i audibly stim 😭 which is so fucking inconvenient because people think im insane in public..

  • @freedomfighter2668
    @freedomfighter2668 3 роки тому +25

    Autism isn't the only condition that the individual could exhibit stim behaviors. Stimming is also seen in children and adults with ADHD, attachment disorders etc.

    • @rebeccabarnet6746
      @rebeccabarnet6746 3 роки тому +11

      That is because stimming is something that everyone, neurotypical and neurodiverse, does to regulate emotions. However neurodiverse people tend to have bigger or more frequent stims.

    • @turtleanton6539
      @turtleanton6539 Рік тому +1

      Too true

  • @siobhanmckenna2102
    @siobhanmckenna2102 3 роки тому +58

    No one has ever seen me stim I control it and wait until I’m alone. I’m finding I’m wanting to stim when I’m in work (an SEN school) this has never happened to be before, and I don’t feel comfortable doing it as I mask everywhere I go. How do I accept it myself?

    • @repentorperish1386
      @repentorperish1386 3 роки тому +9

      Maybe you can start by explaining and showing a close friend to try snd get comfortable?

    • @repentorperish1386
      @repentorperish1386 3 роки тому +5

      I started with my wife who knew but didn't know the extent of my stimming

    • @callmemox5941
      @callmemox5941 2 роки тому +4

      it took me a while to let myself stim once i learned that i wasn’t “supposed to” but it really helps to have supportive friends or family :))

    • @animemicheal
      @animemicheal 2 роки тому +2

      Not stimming can cause harm to you, it can cause alexithymia, stimming is important to calm your nervous system from overwhelm caused by being overstimulated, your nervous system connects through all your bodies systems via the vagas nerve, overwhelm can cause a trauma response which stimming can calm which is extremely important to not cause harm to your body.

    • @Binx345me
      @Binx345me 2 роки тому +2

      I am like you,in that i hide my stim. but atm i am in the process of hopefully getting diagnosed. since middle school i learned that stimming was something "wrong" and started to hide it...nowadays i rarely do it. but sometimes i do, only alone though.

  • @jemmas-h2842
    @jemmas-h2842 3 роки тому +20

    I bought my husband a load of stim toys. He has one on him most of the time. He likes to chew stuff. One of them he uses a lot is a rubber dog tag he wears under his shirt and has a chew if he needs to. Before he was diagnosed and was, I guess, in denial about what was going on I got him a mini cube that he kept in his pocket to use secretly. He's noticeably calmer now he knows why he feels this way and everyone else knows. It's been better for him to be open about it.

  • @jaimegraceuk
    @jaimegraceuk 3 роки тому +17

    Before I knew I was autistic ppl thought my stimmer was me having a fit. I have no control over it. Sometimes I know I'm stimmer but most of the time I don't know even after unless someone tells me.

  • @Kageoni187
    @Kageoni187 3 роки тому +20

    I am both. My two boys on the spectrum actually use water to calm themselves. They go into the bathroom will turn on a faucet and just let the water run over their hands and zone until they are ready to move forward.

    • @spooks2086
      @spooks2086 11 місяців тому

      Showers is comforting to me

    • @delcianajoaquinfernandez7425
      @delcianajoaquinfernandez7425 5 місяців тому

      Tengo un hermano que también abre la llave de agua y eso lo tranquiliza. Bendiciones ✨

  • @skittleanimewolf2869
    @skittleanimewolf2869 3 роки тому +17

    Hi, I am a female with Asburgers, Cerebral Palsy, Scoliosis, undiagnosed ADD, PTSD, GAD, and Insomnia. I have to take muscle relaxers for my legs at night, and I have to take Anti-Psychotics as mood meds because I cannot control my emotions on my own. I also have to take allergy medicine and nose spray at night to help me breathe. And I just now found out why my hands are SO shaky. I had no idea it had a name, before this video. Thanks for helping me learn something new about myself!

  • @melaniemills3733
    @melaniemills3733 3 роки тому +7

    I sewed a marble into a tube of really soft fluffy fabric (you roll the marble up & down the tube) and I keep that in my pocket, I also always carry hair clips in my pockets: the type that bend and snap, they're cheap, easy to find and discreet in the pocket!

  • @allegramuch6420
    @allegramuch6420 3 роки тому +16

    I get super worried that my stims are visible even when i try to stim discreetly

  • @edb9604
    @edb9604 3 роки тому +11

    Hi, thanks for the great tips. My 7 year old does verbal stimming with some impressive beatboxing when he wants 'do a story' as he call stimming. He relaxes with a constant soundboard coming out of his mouth but finds it difficult at school to find find time alone to do it and having other kids/adults not understanding. We never discourage him from doing it (sometimes maybe asking him to lower the volume) as we know it can be damaging but also as it makes him feel good. Thanks again for this, it is so good having autism explained from an autistic perspective, the internet is full of people giving advise by people who have read things from books and not actually experienced it.

  • @n1n3pix19
    @n1n3pix19 3 роки тому +14

    I'm self diagnose on the spectrum, I love all your videos and has made so much sense to me for my life. I'm still trying to educate my family cause they still gaslight me on this issue. They act like I'm being an imposter or this is an excuse for my "meltdown".

  • @kristenlingervelder8839
    @kristenlingervelder8839 3 роки тому +11

    I rocking my legs. My legs tend to ache at times though😊

  • @tanzkoyolforever7743
    @tanzkoyolforever7743 3 роки тому +3

    I was lucky to be diagnosed at nine, as a female with Aspergers, ADHD, OCD, and Severe anxiety. My mom is fully accepting, and my little brother has Asperger's as well, so we support eachother. Some say the triangle is the strongest shape in nature, and what I have with my mom and brother is powerful. I don't need to worry about the rest of my family who either does not believe in the conditions we have or refuse to understand them.
    My mother, brother, and I all watch one of your videos a day and it really helps a lot. You provided insight even our amazing doctor skipped over. Thank you sir. For everything.

  • @sharonyearsley6720
    @sharonyearsley6720 3 роки тому +6

    I'm a mum of an autistic son. But awaiting adult assessment myself.

  • @goodbyekitty4437
    @goodbyekitty4437 3 роки тому +6

    I am not officially diagnosed, though I've been told I'm very likely on the spectrum. I tend to pick my lips and tug on my neck when I'm nervous. When excited (or just at random moments), I sorta flap and make this weird laughing noise. Other than that, I play with whatever is in my pocket (coins are great). Some other ones I have at any time are rocking my legs, twiddling my fingers, biting my lips or cheeks, putting my hand on my throat and tugging on it, clicking my teeth together. I also make this nasal grunt like noise which I can keep pretty quiet when in public, but at home it can be a little louder.

  • @solunasassoon
    @solunasassoon 3 роки тому +10

    growing up my mom would yell at me to "stop flapping". now I rock my leg constantly and it bothers my siblings, but I don't care.

    • @dessyred5785
      @dessyred5785 Рік тому

      My husband who has Asburgers has issues with my stemming but I have learned not to care.

  • @taylormiller1967
    @taylormiller1967 3 роки тому +5

    My son and I are both on the spectrum. I drum my fingers, bounce my legs like they're running a marathon. My son likes to chew on his sensory lego and drum his fingers. Your videos are very informative and I love them so much.

  • @carmensadler8403
    @carmensadler8403 3 роки тому +2

    I'm undiagnosed, but stim alot .. I didn't realise I was stimming until recently.
    I guess I stim for a combination of reasons, being. To soothe me when I'm anxious, uncomfortable or overwhelmed. Also I feel like I have excess energy in my body, so it is a way to release the built up energy. And lastly I think it's also slightly sensory, whereas, I sometimes feel quite disconnected from my body, and so when I stim, for example finger rubbing, feet swinging/ or foot rubbing on bed, lip rubbing, nose crinkling and hand flapping, I get to feel myself.

  • @rosaluxemburg1670
    @rosaluxemburg1670 3 роки тому +5

    In desperately trying to break some Negative Stimming Habits, like
    (Picking my Face, Biting My Lips) I would love to see a video about how to break those 😥

    • @katherinecairns2607
      @katherinecairns2607 3 роки тому +3

      I do those too - it helps to tell yourself out loud to stop, and then make yourself do a replacement stim. I also constantly remind myself "don't hurt the meat!" (meaning don't hurt myself, but I make it funny so that I remember to stay lighter on myself). Give yourself a high five in the mirror for switching it up every time you make a better decision.

  • @ammi104
    @ammi104 3 роки тому +6

    Got ADHD, panic disorder, tic disorder, and I must say, stimming is AWESOME. I first tried compressing this before being aware that I unintentionally do them to calm myself down, especially in public places like the train station and the market. But after understanding the benefits of them, I no longer hold them back (unless I'm in a place where I'm needed to be quiet or still, like when taking X-rays and the MRI lol). I got multiple types of stims I do in different occasions and even named them based on animals (like "peacock spider" for my stimming method of flapping my arms, "horse" as when I kick the ground and start jumping on my heelbone, "howler monkey" to when I do growling and roaring stims, etc.).
    I take note of which self-stimulatory behavior I'm doing and can be aware of my anxiety level, tolerance level of sensory issues, stress level, etc. I came to realize that this is very helpful to be aware of for myself and for others because then I can warn people prior to meltdowns and have them leave me OR I just tell them that I need a break and leave the area, sometimes even asking them to call my teachers when I start doing self-injurious stims, which is usually when I'm unable to move, as I'm too occupied holding myself back to do anything otherwise.
    I also created a bunch of sensory bottles from small to large, all with variant sound, weight, color, and glitter types to use on different occasions (like, I use the loud clattering ones when I'm understimulated to prevent myself from doing the "gecko" stim [eating my calluses and loose skin], and such).
    The thing is, I consider that it's alright to stim. If it gets too intense to the point of you mutilating yourself? That's definitely something you gotta change (I also have a pinching & sucking stim that always gave me bruises. I'm trying to avert that towards more healthier stims). But in general, they're alright to do so. Heck, even neurotypical people do self-stimulating behaviors (my big sister, who's neurotypical, chews plastic when she's not doing anything with her hands and mouth. I gotta tell her to stop or give her a chewing gum to prevent her from doing so). If it's something that helps you relax, I don't see the harm in that. Of course, there may be some stigma or some negative views when people see you do it. If I'm in places where I'd get too much negative attention, like going through ghetto regions when reaching a certain destination in public, I wear heavy makeup to prevent me from blinking too hard or eating the skin off my lips, as well as wearing heavy earrings to prevent me from getting too aggressive on rocking my head. I even sometimes keep bells & coins in my pockets to make me be aware of the level of intensity my stims are at (if it gets too loud, I focus on trying to slow my movements down). One most helpful thing I wear to regulate the larger movement of my stimming methods is wearing the earmuffs to prevent sounds from making me anxious or fearful. Sometimes, I even blast some rock music (or just something with powerful beat and bass) in my headphones so that I can stim by the rhythm and avert my attention to music than the 'sideways glances' people give me.
    Ooh dear, I spoke too much, didn't I? XDD I'm sorry, no need to read this all. But if you read till here, CONGRATS!! Cuz I'm gonna end this comment right about now. Thank you so much for reading. Love yourself, and do have a day of bliss and bless

    • @earth232
      @earth232 3 роки тому +2

      This was a lot ... But very informative and i made it through the whole text. I found a lot of what you said relatable and you had some good tips. I think he should have you on one of his videos just talking and explaining all of what you said here 🤗

    • @ammi104
      @ammi104 3 роки тому +1

      @@earth232 Lol, must've been a drag to go through it all XDD I'm glad I was able to write some good tips!
      Oooh, I wish.. if Dan were to have me, I'd be so excited (I know I'd be stimming crazy if that happens looool). Boyy, though it'd be hard for him to edit it, cuz I'm an EXTREME chatterbox, especially when it comes to talking about my conditions ;DD
      But speaking in the comment section is enough for me, since I get to converse with much more people and I don't get to interrupt haha;;;
      Oh dang, I spoke too much again XDD Like I said, I'm glad. Really appreciate the effort of interacting with me. Thanks again! (you're not obliged to respond to my comment if you're not feeling like it. I just wrote this to show you gratitude and just how happy I am that my comment actually helped someone hehe)

  • @brianhueber3683
    @brianhueber3683 3 роки тому +1

    Lol. You said ‘stimming might occur when you are excited about something.’ I went like ‘exactly!’ and I started stimming.

  • @SuperSuperNova
    @SuperSuperNova 3 роки тому +1

    I like pushing my face into soft things. Especially soft throws. I have a baby blanket too. Blinking is an uncontrollable one. Loud sounds like bass music is nice too

  • @barbaraf3340
    @barbaraf3340 3 роки тому +2

    I love slime and squishy toys. I love squishy or pillowy foods like mochi, chewing gum, marshmallows, hi-chews, etc.

    • @TheAspieWorld
      @TheAspieWorld  3 роки тому +1

      Yes!! The squishy toys are life!! Thank you so much for the comment! Make sure you are subscribed and have the notifications turned on :).

  • @sharonyearsley6720
    @sharonyearsley6720 3 роки тому +3

    I pick sores.

  • @chyannecook6065
    @chyannecook6065 3 роки тому +3

    I have anxiety depression and ptsd and I’m legaly blind. II am a 23 year old woman and I think I might also have a slight form of autism but when I brought it up to my family they all blew it off. But what they don’t understand is when I stim it is not when there around or so they can’t tell like curling my toes or having fidget toys ecs... I have always been imbaresed to do things like that in front of them because they would look at me wired or judge what I’m doing. I would love to be myself with them and for the most part I can ecsept that. But thanks for the tips i think until I can get it looked in to by a proffecional these will help emensly.👍💙💜

  • @faeriesmak
    @faeriesmak 3 роки тому +3

    I wring my hands..which you can do in public easily if you are applying hand lotion or hand sanitizer often. I actually didn’t even realize that I do it constantly until recently. I also bite the inside of my cheek. Not the greatest but it works. I have pretty discreet ones. My hubs didn’t even notice until I pointed them out.

    • @Eirini80
      @Eirini80 3 роки тому +1

      Doesn't everybory do that?😆I do too.I think that i sould have an assesment

    • @faeriesmak
      @faeriesmak 3 роки тому

      @@Eirini80 I thought so until recently!

  • @jelliemish
    @jelliemish 2 роки тому +1

    This is very handy. I'm currently relearning to stim more because through years of masking, it has stopped becoming natural. My first reflex is to lock up and hold it all in, which makes me feel rubbish.

  • @gelenamurena
    @gelenamurena 3 роки тому +1

    I had very stupid stim once - clicking the lighter in my pockets! Constantly had burned fingertips and holes in all the pockets.
    Me and my best friend (we know each other from our childhood) are both on the spectrum and undiagnosed officially, so we never knew about stimming, but could freely stim in each other's company. I think it's such a luxury to find a friend on the spectrum by accident!

  • @TaraWilson1010
    @TaraWilson1010 2 роки тому +1

    Hi everyone!! Unofficially diagnosed a few months ago at 52. Both of my adult kids are on the spectrum also.
    My new way to stem is by wearing a "spinner/figit" ring that I found on Amazon. I wear it on my index finger and spin it with my thumb. I wear bandaids on my thumb because I do it constantly. It's small and can be used almost anywhere. Amazing and only about $10. (Bandaids are extra). 😂 I don't have to worry about losing it, or carrying something that might be questioned. 😊

  • @melissamiller2696
    @melissamiller2696 5 місяців тому

    One of my stims is to shudder. The tension in my body builds up without knowing it. And when I shudder, it is releases. The result is that the shudder gives me chills: a pleasant light body chill.

    • @droyalo
      @droyalo 3 місяці тому

      There is a Dr that you can get in touch with Dr Oyalo on UA-cam. Am excited to share about how his herbs works perfectly in reversing my son autism. now his speech has improved.

  • @Servant_of_Yeshua96
    @Servant_of_Yeshua96 2 роки тому +1

    So ever since I was a kid I have rocked, rolled my head, banged my head, covered my face and screamed randomly, and squeeze my hands or flap/ clap them. Only after becoming aware of these things did I wonder why I did them. But I was diagnosed with ADHD, so what gives and why do I do it? I do it when I’m excited or when lights are in my face or noise is around. I started paying attention recently because I noticed that when too many lights and sounds were around me, I had this jolt of energy and would start doing these things. I wish I had an actual doctor for this where I lived. Also it feels like my brain is being jerked around and noises really get me. I wear earplugs at work and even then my brain detects it and so my body feels it even though my ears are plugged. I need a new job.

  • @rosaluxemburg1670
    @rosaluxemburg1670 3 роки тому +2

    Rocking Back in Forth listening to music is my favorite therapeutic stiming, also playing with a pen . I had to reduce the hand flapping because I hurt my wrist

  • @lisarenshaw3734
    @lisarenshaw3734 3 роки тому +3

    Is bitting ur nails constantly classed as stimming as my daughter does this plus walking up and down the room

  • @warriormom5232
    @warriormom5232 3 роки тому +2

    I am really grateful to you for sharing all that you do about Autism, because my son is Autistic but non verbal. To the best of my knowledge my son does verbal stims. What I tried to do was to help calm him down simply by supporting him, and accepting him. Sometimes he even appreciates a hug. I believe that works. Your suggestions might help him when he is on his own.

  • @CraftingMom64
    @CraftingMom64 3 роки тому +1

    Silly putty, moldable art erasers, pet the cat or bearded dragon (texture, like those stickers for a laptop), chewing the inside of my cheeks started when I was a kid (bad method), singing while driving when traffic is bad or at a standstill, I craft a lot after work and always have several projects going or at least in my future plans, sewing and paper crafts, crochet. Gotta let it out. I've never been evaluated but I suspect that my "creativity" is a coping mechanism that stuck with me. I've enjoyed watching your videos for over a year now and learn something new from each one. Thank you!

    • @TheAspieWorld
      @TheAspieWorld  3 роки тому

      YE!! Thank you so much for the comment! Make sure you are subscribed and have the notifications turned on :).

  • @kmpozxyq
    @kmpozxyq 3 роки тому +1

    My son (8yo) has always said that it is his "happy" coming out. I love these tips! I hope he keeps this positivity, but it is nice to have this knowledge to pass to him if he is wanting to keep his waiving/flapping on the down low. Thank you!! ( I am also ADHD, OCD diagnosed with a beautiful family that is on the spectrum.)

  • @jeanmorgan8156
    @jeanmorgan8156 3 роки тому +1

    My grandson is autistic, epilepsy and has a service dog 🐕‍🦺. This was a very informative video thanks for doing it.

  • @jenlangley2930
    @jenlangley2930 3 роки тому +2

    I'm on the spectrum and I'm stimming by chewing on a tangle and rocking on my computer chair while watching this

  • @raggedtiger74
    @raggedtiger74 3 роки тому +12

    Hey my daughter of 5 loves to spin in a circle when I play a song she likes. I’d this a kind of stim? She could spin for ages and not feel dizzy or sick which is so impressive! Do you know why she don’t have the effects of spinning round in circles?

    • @OtaconEmmerich
      @OtaconEmmerich 3 роки тому +3

      Yes, I love to spin while dancing and sometimes I'll do it when stressed too.

    • @OtaconEmmerich
      @OtaconEmmerich 3 роки тому +2

      Yes, I too when I was younger span a LOT I realize now...having ADHD didn't help too.

    • @solunasassoon
      @solunasassoon 3 роки тому +2

      I was like this too. spinning and spinning in the kitchen mostly.

    • @raggedtiger74
      @raggedtiger74 3 роки тому +4

      @@solunasassoon at first I was trying my best to stop her from spinning as I didn’t want her getting sick, but read online that it’s actually good for her and to let her get on with it.

    • @SweetiePieTweety
      @SweetiePieTweety 3 роки тому +3

      My son was a spinner when he was young, craved it and never dizzy. Always laughed he should be an astronaut. But pro tip.... a sensory/speech therapist did synchronized cocoon wrap spinning to regulate him prior to speech therapy (online headphones to block background filter issues). He was talking within about six weeks from non verbal at almost 5. She has repeated this recipe of success a lot. The spinning and swinging was always helpful to ward off meltdowns. His therapist encouraged a daily diet of tire swing spinning.

  • @Inariann
    @Inariann 3 роки тому +1

    I'm currently thinking of getting a diagnostics, not officially diagnosed. But for the stims, I have too many to name them all. My main one I do when sitting at my computer is rubbing a certain spot of my scalp. Hair won't grow there anymore cause I've been doing it for too many years. I rub my tongue against my teeth when I can't "stim". I shake my legs a ton, rub my fingers on different textures, especially if I'm wearing pajama pants, I often try to make the texture as even as possible. Same with shaggy carpets or pillows. I twirl my rings or rub my nails on chains or tap my fingers against different surfaces... etc... etc...

  • @Severus34564
    @Severus34564 3 роки тому +1

    I usually stim when I am really anxious and nervous. Depending on where I am it's often just my Hands moving or playing with my fingers. And in other situations when thinking about something, moving one foot as quick as possible. Thats mainly the things I will do on a daily basis.
    Sometimes I have a fidget toy in my pocket, just for security but seldom using it.
    One video I would really wish to see from you were some tips about how to deal in a work environment. Or starting a new job on the spectrum. Or how to explain autism to your manager.
    Having worked through some of this myself the last 6 weeks and some are still in progress. But I think such a Video would help a lot of people.

  • @laurenwantz4633
    @laurenwantz4633 2 роки тому +1

    You are so cool! I'm really glad this informative and human youtube channel is reaching people.

  • @atinydiane
    @atinydiane Рік тому

    I recently realized that one stim I was doing without realizing it was using my AirPod case in my pocket. I like to feel its smoothness and flip it over and around over and over in the palm of my hand, especially when I'm out walking in the city noise and crowds and traffic (while also WEARING the AirPods to listen to music to drown out a lot of that noise). But the AirPod case is just the right size and a very pleasing shape and smoothness to use as a stim (and it fits in that "secret stim" category you mention at the top) :)

  • @emsiesenvelopes
    @emsiesenvelopes 3 роки тому +1

    This was so interesting. I follow your channel because my husband has aspergers. He doesn't stim that I've noticed, but I do, though I don't have any ASD diagnosed. Since toddlerhood I have swayed side to side for comfort, and I also flick my middle finger with my thumb, pat my thigh or wiggle my ankle because it makes me feel better. Stimming is really comforting and I can't understand why everyone doesn't do it?

  • @ContentMadame
    @ContentMadame 2 роки тому +1

    I just realized that what had been diagnosed in me as a subcategory of OCD is waaaaay more likely to be stimming. I press the sides of my fingertips into the edge of the nail so it kinda hurts, but doesn't. It's deeply soothing somehow. I also sing to myself near constantly if I'm in task mode, making up songs that then play on repeat in my head until someone around me says a word or phrase that triggers another song to take its place as my earworm of the moment. I'm sure it drives my family batty! Both of my kids are on the spectrum, but more notably with my 4 year old son. He has multiple stims that he uses near constantly, although thankfully he is verbal. Bouncing, hand flapping, running, eye movements, and vocal stims
    Unfortunately, his vocal stims (loud grunting and this odd sound almost like a baby goat) drive me absolutely UP THE WALL! I've had severe misophonia since I was young, and it just so happens that grunting is reeeeeally high on the list of noises that make me want to snap. I have to isolate myself a lot to keep from snapping at him about it, which I hate because I know it's not his fault, it's something that makes him happy. I realize that I'M the problem here, not him, so I do my best to tune it out. Too bad it's almost impossible for me to tune out noises! I can hear the grunting from under headphones AND with a TV or music on on the background in my room. I really need to find some help with this.

  • @joelynb6366
    @joelynb6366 3 роки тому +3

    This is a wonderful video and you have a great channel. My youngest is on the spectrum. The different fidget toys you have suggested have been so useful for her.

    • @TheAspieWorld
      @TheAspieWorld  3 роки тому +1

      Thank you so much!! Please subscribe to my channel to see more videos from me :).

  • @PotatoQueen1989
    @PotatoQueen1989 3 роки тому

    Recently diagnosed with ADHD, i'm on the spectrum just waiting on the official diagnosis, these were super helpful, i get really anxious in public about stimming having masked as long as i can remember but stimming helps and my partner knows my stims now.

  • @janinemills6732
    @janinemills6732 3 роки тому +5

    I always have a sliky label or scarf to hand, i rub it between my thumb and fingers, or over my nose and lip. Am 45....and still have a blankie! I use it more when stressed and panic if i don't have it or a substitute with me...does this sound like a stim. I am currently in referral for diagnosis. Love your vids 😊

    • @channelseeker7
      @channelseeker7 3 роки тому +1

      I keep a blankie on my couch and use it often and the same up over my lips.I. never thought I was Asd but believe I have Adhd. I think do whatever works and keep it privately if need too.

    • @kiverson794
      @kiverson794 3 роки тому

      i do this exact thing! over my lip and nose too

  • @elladoggy9946
    @elladoggy9946 3 роки тому +1

    love this video. I have had so many harmful stims in the past but now they are replaced with stims that are not harmful just more obvious but they give even better sensoy feedback

  • @TheRexTera
    @TheRexTera 3 роки тому +1

    I learned to spinn pens trough my fingers like the nerdy guy from GoldenEye. My second fidget is a 2*2 Rubrix cube. It's the cube that's the most comfortable to fidget with. I tried to buy a stress ball, but it got stolen...
    /Stares angrily at my cat

  • @MyPammer
    @MyPammer 3 роки тому +2

    I had a figit cube in my office at work and I would use it under the desk during zoom meetings with Corporate. I have been open and honest about my sins with my husband and kids (and I know theirs) but my mother-and father-in-law are of the mind of I ignore it, the autism will go away...which is kind of amusing because I highly suspect my mother-in-law is autistic, but it's in total denial that she, her son, or her grandsons have that issue.

    • @MyPammer
      @MyPammer 3 роки тому +2

      Stims, not sins, although I've been honest about those with my husband and kids too,lol. Everyone else is on a need-to-know basis.

  • @mikeyadams5526
    @mikeyadams5526 3 роки тому +1

    the more I learn the more I realize I have Asperger's/am on the spectrum... and I think I have a stim that seems very strange... So if I'm too wound up at bedtime, I will hold my arm straight up in the air. after a short time there is a very strange sense of my arm wanting to flop down in a random direction and I like sort of use muscleforce against the urge for my arm to fall, which creates that seem falling feeling in a different direction, the movement is super small but it's there and after a "few" minutes of doing that I am calm enough to actually wind down and sleep.

  • @katherinecairns2607
    @katherinecairns2607 3 роки тому +1

    OMG - we should be friends - I'm at the part where you are talking about the honesty stim, and I think "I *should* tell my friends that I rock and why." I start to rock stim. I look back at UA-cam to see you rock stimming in sync with me hahahahahahahaha. *High five from PEI

  • @Sanainai_17
    @Sanainai_17 3 роки тому +2

    i stim by eather rocking back and forth or eather holding my hands together im 11 btw

  • @alejord80s
    @alejord80s 2 роки тому

    Thanks for the video, really inspiring! I'm a mom of a 6 years old with HFA and my husband and I loved your video. We have sent it to a few family members to better understand our son and help him feel more comfortable in his own skin. Very grateful.

  • @kristianvoorhies3296
    @kristianvoorhies3296 3 роки тому

    I stim by listening to the same album on repeat. It’s a really great stim for when you need both hands.

  • @lifeonlowbatteries8153
    @lifeonlowbatteries8153 3 роки тому

    I don’t know why it took me so long to subscribe to you. I found you through FatheringAutism over a year ago and just now subscribed today. Love your channel!

  • @SanguinarySun
    @SanguinarySun 3 роки тому

    I hum, drum, and audiate music. it’s like image based visualization but sound, I have very strong audiation and can audiate music almost exactly how I’ve heard it originally in my head if I’ve heard the song enough times. More uncontrollably, but also fortunately discreetly, I tap my teeth together and click my tongue, and also do this rhythmically, but only when it’s voluntary. My wife tells me, “You always have to be doing something”. Oh, and I also pace. If I’m thinking while standing, I’ll pace. I can pace around my kitchen for hours.

  • @CyraGetsFit
    @CyraGetsFit 3 роки тому

    I think I am on the spectrum and I will be getting assessed at the end of May. Some of the ways I stim is twirling my hair... I usually don't even notice that I am doing it. I pick at my cuticles--I usually don't when I do this either. I also sway back and forth. Sometimes I will curl my toes. I know that I USED to wave or flap my hands when I was younger, but my grandmother would get angry with me and smack my hands. She usually told me to stop fidgeting, that someone would think there was something wrong with me. So, a lot of what I do is small so other people don't notice.

  • @JadeAislin
    @JadeAislin 2 роки тому

    I'm going through evaluation right now. One stim that I've always done is twirl my hair through my fingers. I would do it when I'm tired, when I was concentrating in class, or when I'm browsing the net. Recently my niece gave this bubble bracelet. It's a strip of rubbery plastic that has a line of bubbles that you can pop like you were popping bubble wrap. Only this you can turn it over and have a fresh strip of bubbles to pop. I'm stunned at how well it works. I take it with me when I go out, especially to a doctor. I will with it in my pocket and sometimes will bring out so I can fiddle using it with both hands. Another one is the tendency to tap my fingers. I wouldn't mind tapping. But most of the time of the time I'm tapping the theme music o adams's family

  • @lynnpoar742
    @lynnpoar742 Рік тому

    My son is 9 years old … he is been referred for Autism diagnosis he does stimming by going backwards and forwards,flapping his hands and fingers,making sounds he does it in his bedroom .

    • @droyalo
      @droyalo 3 місяці тому

      There is a Dr that you can get in touch with Dr Oyalo on UA-cam. Am excited to share about how his herbs works perfectly in reversing my son autism. now his speech has improved.

  • @loui.e0241
    @loui.e0241 2 роки тому

    im ln the spectrum, i have diagnosed anxiety and ADD and am working on my asd doahmosis this is a cool video thank you so much

  • @cmclark7
    @cmclark7 3 роки тому

    My son (6 year old) jumps, runs back and forth and holds a string or pencil or long object and flops it around quickly with both hands near his face…. Im actually trying to figure out a good stimming device for him right now….. freaking love your videos! It’s like you translate everything down to neurotypical, thank you sensei

  • @unicornnightporiumllc3231
    @unicornnightporiumllc3231 3 роки тому +2

    I was diagnosed with ADD at 9 and depression, general anxiety disorder, and OCD within the last few years. I thought I didn't have Asperger's since my sensory issues are minor and I don't remember having language or speech issues as a kid. But I have watched your videos and done research. I think there is a high possibly I have Asperger's. Is it still worth it to get a diagnosis at this point? I'm already in therapy and take meds for some of my issues, but still struggle with others. I'm 31 and female.

    • @Eirini80
      @Eirini80 3 роки тому +1

      I am like you....I don't have many sensory problems but i know sth else is there besides my bpd.But i m older than you.40 years old and i dont think in my country are trained doctors to spot asd on adults especially on women.

    • @NattyBright92
      @NattyBright92 3 роки тому +5

      I have ADHD and Autism Spectrum Disorder. There’s no bad age or timing to get an evaluation to get diagnosed for ASD. In fact I highly recommend you do get tested.

  • @jeckie5355
    @jeckie5355 3 роки тому

    I grab a chunk of hair and pull firmly and squish my hand. Don’t worry I don’t hurt myself I just like very firm pressure. I also have lots of fidgets. I’ll also listen to the same song over and over.

  • @jeanlloyd6733
    @jeanlloyd6733 3 роки тому +1

    I use the pop socket on the back of my phone in my pocket 😊

  • @amybaker1880
    @amybaker1880 2 роки тому

    I know this isn't a recent video, but this applies to this video. I'm watching this to learn about stimming for myself. You mention putting a fidgeting gadget in your trousers pocket. I would not recommend that unless somehow no one can tell any movement is happening. A man moving his hand at all in his front pants pocket other than to grab something out, looks like he's fondling himself in public. It could you assaulted and/or the authorities called. You're better off letting people see you messing with a cube in that case.

  • @jcp5890
    @jcp5890 3 роки тому +1

    I'm lying here watching this and just noticed my feet bouncing off the edge of the bed. Wasn't even aware! I try to be still ....make myself.. Hard!!

  • @Strega_del_Corvo
    @Strega_del_Corvo 2 роки тому

    My stims aren’t noticeable by others because it’s usually just knuckle cracking, scratching, finger picking and pulling my sleeves up and down. I also twiddle my thumbs, finger flick and rub my hands together. Oh! And I tap my collar bone.

    • @absurdistsloth
      @absurdistsloth Рік тому

      omg i do the collar bone tapping too! it’s so soothing

  • @RAE-homely-fairy-of-the-light

    I'm questioning if I could be spectrum????
    I feel different, love being alone, have adhd, I can blurt out truth and accidently offend people and up until 17 I had a special piece of material that I flicked on my nose to comfort me! Was so sad when I threw it in bin to grow up😢.
    Now I play with rock in my hand or press certain points on my hand, I love my mini magnet balls! They are the best!

  • @bryanmerton5153
    @bryanmerton5153 3 роки тому

    Awesome video. I stim with things in my pocket all of the time. I was not aware that one could by stim toys until watching your videos! Also I heard a person speak how she used to flap her hands as a child but stopped doing it. She decided to try it again and loved it. I have started waving my hands as I did as a child and I love it. Not sure why I stopped😀

  • @emmawood6869
    @emmawood6869 3 роки тому

    I've got my assessment on the 26th of April.

  • @SnakeAndTurtleQigong
    @SnakeAndTurtleQigong 8 місяців тому

    Thanks so much

  • @roadrunner575
    @roadrunner575 Рік тому

    I'm getting a diagnosis underway and I'm trying to research everything I can about autism. As an adult it's weird to hear someone say "you may have autism" when my whole life I just thought I was "weird" or "quirky" or whatever. It's nice to know that maybe something isn't wrong with me, I'm just different, and that's ok

    • @droyalo
      @droyalo 3 місяці тому

      There is a Dr that you can get in touch with Dr Oyalo on UA-cam. Am excited to share about how his herbs works perfectly in reversing my son autism. now his speech has improved.

  • @hellomiakoda3782
    @hellomiakoda3782 10 місяців тому

    I try to just go ahead and stim, regardless of if I'm in public.
    1 - I shouldn't have to hide it, so eff the normies. I don't want to care what they think, and I am determined to push that concern out of my head forever.
    2 - There's a chance someone else is holding back their own stims and maybe seeing me do it will make them feel comfy enough to go ahead. Not a huge chance, but ya never know.

  • @brianhueber3683
    @brianhueber3683 3 роки тому

    My hand flapping turned to air drumming. I was in bands and was around other musicians in the hardcore punk scene. My drumming was totally acceptable :)

  • @willowmoonsage379
    @willowmoonsage379 2 роки тому

    I am on the autism spectrum and have ADHD as well

  • @caleblilyriverswack5563
    @caleblilyriverswack5563 2 роки тому


  • @rubyserenity90
    @rubyserenity90 3 роки тому

    My son is 12 and I've noticed him rocking back and forth, smacking his hands.. and you know what? He does great in school so I wouldn't have thought he was on the spectrum? but what you're saying sounds a lot like my son. If he watches music videos.. it's when he gets most excited and stims. He's never been diagnosed as Autistic and his pediatrician has never noticed anything off. My biggest fear is that his friends will see him stimming and make fun of him. These tips are super helpful. I'm going to look into the fidget toys. Thanks!

  • @kasandramisch4747
    @kasandramisch4747 Рік тому

    My main stim is rubbing my ears but I've noticed that I do it constantly. Honestly to the point that I feel like I need to do it anytime I can have my hand free and even when I can't. Sadly this stim is so constant and doesn't give me the same relief. I'm struggling to find something that compares and could possibly replace it so I'm not rubbing my ear everywhere I go.

    • @droyalo
      @droyalo 3 місяці тому

      There is a Dr that you can get in touch with Dr Oyalo on UA-cam. Am excited to share about how his herbs works perfectly in reversing my son autism. now his speech has improved.

  • @pokelector3577
    @pokelector3577 3 роки тому

    My stim is rocking back and fourth on my chair at school or at home. Or I have another one it’s not really a stim it’s a tik where I tilt my head really fast. It’s can be painful. I remember once when I did it I pulled a muscle on my neck. 🥲🥲🥲🥲😭😭😭😭😭

  • @kotymccallister5150
    @kotymccallister5150 3 роки тому +2

    I used to use my wedding ring as a fidget toy when I was married

    • @TheAspieWorld
      @TheAspieWorld  3 роки тому +2

      Oh!! Thank you so much for the comment! Make sure you are subscribed and have the notifications turned on :).

  • @calmdowngurl
    @calmdowngurl Рік тому

    Has anyone ever as a stim repetitively scratch their scalp ..this is something that I used to do every night before bed

  • @Jadira_Rosko
    @Jadira_Rosko 11 місяців тому

    I do believe I am on the spectrum. I haven't been officially diagnosed. My youngest daughter has though.

  • @myself9084
    @myself9084 2 роки тому

    Let Gods angels soar! 🕊🦋🦇🦅🦢😇

  • @feazellminer7356
    @feazellminer7356 3 роки тому +1

    I'm on the spectrum but my UA-cam channel was mainly on games specifically Minecraft

  • @deethompson2854
    @deethompson2854 3 роки тому

    Watching from Huntsville, AL

  • @OctoberRust1973
    @OctoberRust1973 3 роки тому

    I stim with my labret piercing. It’s worse when I’m nervous like at the Doctor’s office. I have a lot of stims but the piercing is my biggest one.

  • @teags3559
    @teags3559 3 роки тому

    I have fidget toys at school i also have a fidget spinner with me all the time and somtimes i have y pop it with me all the time, i also figet with my necklaces

  • @willowmoonsage379
    @willowmoonsage379 2 роки тому

    I purchased a autism necklace that says "Don't Judge What You Understand"

  • @CaliforniaMist
    @CaliforniaMist 2 роки тому

    I tell my family and get yelled at and accused of doing drugs or doing bad things

  • @tomskillett1977
    @tomskillett1977 3 роки тому

    I am on the spectrum and love your videos

  • @sharonyearsley6720
    @sharonyearsley6720 3 роки тому +1

    My dad rocks his knee when in waiting rooms. Or rolls his thumbs round each other.

  • @youngcerberus
    @youngcerberus 2 роки тому

    How do I unlearn masking so much that I don’t stim, I’ve had self destructive stimming episodes during meltdowns and I feel like if I can unlearn the stigma against it I can feel more comfortable stimming when I need to.

  • @takarirosegamer007
    @takarirosegamer007 3 роки тому +2

    is pacing a stimming behavior or bouncing on heels?

    • @takarirosegamer007
      @takarirosegamer007 3 роки тому

      I tend to pace/walk in circles around the downstairs where there's a circular pattern or bounce on my heels in line at grocery stores when anixety is high

    • @TheAspieWorld
      @TheAspieWorld  3 роки тому +2

      Yes! Thank you so much for the comment! Please subscribe to my channel to see more videos from me :).

    • @takarirosegamer007
      @takarirosegamer007 3 роки тому

      @@TheAspieWorld been subscribed for about 2 years now haha

  • @joylucy715
    @joylucy715 2 роки тому

    I'm on the spectrum and I think my son is also on my spectrum.

  • @Eirini80
    @Eirini80 3 роки тому

    I suspect that i m on the spectrum,i always bite my fingers when i'm stressed but only when iam home because i know its not appropriate.When i was 1 or 2 years old, i was told that my godmother bought me babyclothes that i refused to wear them crying, because i only wanted to hold them in my hands and sooth myself with them.As years gone by my mother always had for me a piece of fabric ,because i couln't sleep without it.Even now thati am 40,i still have sth like that for sleep ,and i'm so embarassed...But i cannot say that that i have asd so that someone can understand,because i haven't a diagnosis.😔

  • @beaglejuice5681
    @beaglejuice5681 Рік тому +1

    I’d say i have a stim that’s pretty strange. Which is me swallowing some air in my throat lmao

  • @kimberlyfrank8729
    @kimberlyfrank8729 Рік тому

    The link for the Autism Stim Toys is broken.