I'm crying because this is so true. I was with this guy for a while who confessed having sexual urges for me so I did the same thing you did. I even told him what I was doing so he wouldn't be distracted by that, and he told me he was mostly turned on by my eyes, so I figured I would just wear sunglasses whenever I was with him. You're right - nothing helped, and that's simply not practical. We can do our part by being modest without going overboard, but he needs to do his part by trying to be self-controlled too. Thank you for this video
As always, it's about motive and the heart. If someone lusts after you and you are dressing modestly but also looking nice, the problem is with them and not you. But as you say, if you are dressing specifically to attract or seduce, then the heart issue is with you...it's about motive.
Totally agree with this. Do you still think there are particular clothing 'standards' for Christians though? I have no interest in getting anyone to lust after me or dressing in a way in which people would think I'm 'easy', as I don't want to appear like the rest of the world. However, I feel condemned wearing certain dresses for example that are fairly tight and just above the knee. Dresses that aren't at all low cut, but because they are tight and I am curvy I feel condemned...but the only way to stop my figure from showing would be to wear something baggy. Would appreciate insight.
Thank you so much for this! I didn't even realize I was doing this but I have been so afraid to stand out because my husband had an issue with this and I didn't want anyone else to stumble. it also made me very judgemental of other women who didn't dress as modestly as me. God bless you!
So true. I've been through the exact same thing... and it's just recently that I also realised that no matter how much we try to 'hide' ourselves and make ourselves look 'ugly' there will always be those people who will see you as attractive.
I have struggled in this area, too. Thank you for your videos and following God's call in your life to share with others how great and AWSOME our Creator is. 😀❤️️❤️️
Well said. C.S. Lewis had this to say about modesty in Mere Christianity(which I highly recommend to any Christian or anyone considering Christianity: "The Christian rule of chastity must not be confused with the social rule of ‘modesty’ (in one sense of that word); i.e., propriety, or decency. The social rule of propriety lays down how much of the human body should be displayed and what subjects can be referred to, and in what words, according to the customs of a given social circle. Thus, while the rule of chastity is the same for all Christians at all times, the rule of propriety changes. A girl in the Pacific islands wearing hardly any clothes and a Victorian lady completely covered in clothes might both be equally ‘modest,’ proper, or decent, according to the standards of their own societies: and both, for all we could tell by their dress, might be equally chaste (or unchaste)…. When people break the rule of propriety current in their own time and place, if they do so in order to excite lust in themselves or others, then they are offending against chastity. But if they break it through ignorance or carelessness they are guilty only of bad manners. When, as so often happens, they break it defiantly in order to shock or embarrass others, they are not necessarily being unchaste, but they are being uncharitable. (83-84)" While we should be careful not to lead others into sin we cannot take responsibility for someone else sin. What of the man or woman that has a foot fetish? Should the toes be constantly covered as well, to "save" him from falling? The problem isn't with the person's body but with the heart of the person who is lusting.
I like your explanation of being modest. I too I'm on the road to wearing modest apparel. I've toned down my makeup some, but I still find myself going for the lipstick. Alluding to what u say the enemy who is Satan begins to condemn you by making u feel unattractive if u don't wear the makeup. I want to be pure for God I want to see his face but I'm working along with the holy Spirit to cleanse my heart so that the light of Christ shines outwards
Thank you so much for making this video! This is where i am currently and lately have been feeling condemned for wanting to feel pretty even showering. But you said it all very well. 😊 thank you
I'm blessed from these video sis., please dont stop making them., watched ur testimony video a while back, and glad the Lords fire is still burning in you., God bless
I feel like this. I feel like I only have to wear skirts and dresses to be modest. Everytime I think I look pretty it makes me feel disgusted with myself. I feel like a slob but I feel like thats the only way to be pleasing to God.
thank you for this video. I also think along these lines. Modesty in God's eyes does not equal ïnvisibility", because the enemy does twist this command of modesty and puts woman in all sorts of baggy/granny dresses, no make up, no nothing....but, God created beauty and does not ask us to hide it.
Wow I am currently living in China atm and I love it because majority of the females here dress so feminine and modest (though I'm sure majority are non-Christians). Lovely to hear a fellow Brit talking about modesty :)
Dressing modestly and simply for both men and women are critical. I have chosen to limit the amount of clothes I have which allows me not to have to waste time choosing what to wear daily and using that effort elsewhere.
there're limits obviously, so if you are modest enough don't worry because some guy talks or looks at you in an inappropriate way, remember that guy it's oppressed by the devil, non believer surely, the world it's opposite to the Kingdom of God, a strong man in Jesus never will be like that, so stay tuned with the Holy Spirit reading the Word and everything will be much more easy
Hello :) yes the enemy is attacking you. Pray to God and ask him to rid you of all your oppression, give you a sound mind and enable you to hear His voice. Do not believe the enemy - it's not too late for you at all. Just ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins & come into your life, pray, read the Word and repent from all sin.
Carrot all to talk about it? Are you still? You don't need to feel these ways for living your daily life. Express yourself the way you wish to, feel comfortable in your own skin. Remember you're beautiful and are a fully functional human who is capable of personal decision making. Do not waste your time on people who think of you as less than that!
I suffered from a similar condemnation for almost the first 6 years of my Christian life. I would not wear baggie hoodies, but I would be too careful, especially with all the things going around on the internet in the Christian community, this is modest and not and now I just don't pay attention anymore and I feel alot better with myself :)
Some men are just plain jerks, they say wisecracks , I don't know why they think can say anything. I'm a man , you should always respect women. Plus we should be friendly and helpful too. Thanks for your thoughts Russ from Oregon
I had to learn a lot of what you are saying too. A deliverance minister says that God curses women with cancer, if they wear makeup. He also said that God curses women that wear sexy underwear. I am still make my mind up on what God wants on all of it.
I would actually suggest something slightly different: A man may stop and stare at you and NOT be lusting after you. He may simply be surprised at your modest dress and be thinking something to the effect of, "Wow! Don't see that everyday!" And if you are actually dressing "like a scrub" as my sister would put it, men might still stare at you, in a sense of amazement or even disgust. Staring does not necessarily equal lust. But I definitely agree that we should not try to make ourselves UNattractive. We should not try to attract people to ourselves, but at the same time, we _should_ be trying to attract them to CHRIST. We can't do that if we give them the impression that followers of CHRIST are all ugly slobs. We should avoid wearing anything that we know for sure will trigger lust, because we are not to put stones of stumbling before our brethren. But that does not mean that we need to dress in a way that is unattractive, either. There are always two extremes, and the devil does not care what ditch he makes you fall into, just as long as you fall. We don't want to think that we can dress however we want because it's up to the men to control themselves and it has nothing to do with us. We likewise don't want to be slaves to fear. Balance, balance, balance! :)
When Adam sinned, he blamed Eve. He also blamed God. It didn't work then, and it doesn't work now. If a woman were to dress as scantily as possible, and she were putting her body right up against a man, then I could understand the complaint of "she's making me stumble". If not, then sorry guys, it's time to put into practice one of the fruits of the Spirit - self control. Women of the Bible are described as beautiful, Esther, Ruth, Abigail. Beauty is respectable. If a guy is having problems with lust, get married (1 Corinthians 7:2).
It's the Spirit that quickens, the flesh profits nothing. It is not always a matter of physical appearance or dress that arouses lust in a man however. It can also be a lustful spirit within the man or even the woman regardless of how 'conservatively' she may be dressed. For this reason, we should all check our own hearts, dress respectfully and then do our best to shine the Lord's Spirit through being Christ conscious instead of self conscious. A Christian woman can be dressed in a hoody and baggy pants and still arouse the lust in a man merely by the spirit she carries and operates in. It is never a works trip, trying to look ugly and the like. It is about recognizing that we are not to put a stumbling block before anyone and then trusting the Lord for the rest. However, the 'stumbling block' may not always have to do with our physical appearance... male or female. It can be the spirit we carry, that egocentric way we all have about us, and at times a spirit of religion keeps us bound to latent inner lustful attraction far more than we realize. In Heaven we will all be far more beautiful than can possibly be imagined right now and there will be no hiding it and yet there will be no lust. WHY??? Because we will be totally selfless and Christ conscious and self-denying in our constitution and bodily form in our resurrection. Even before the fall, Adam and Eve were walking around in perfect naked beauty and there was no lust at all. This shows that lust is primarily a thing of the heart and spirit. That's not to say that we should walk around naked or scantily clad, it is to stress the point that we cannot just say that others lusting after us is not our problem. it very well may be regardless of how ugly we try and look or how much we have made it a works trip. It may still very well be something in us that so loves ourself more than it should which causes a spirit of attraction to operate within us which attracts others in the wrong way. This may be the case because we still love ourselves, are not taking up our cross and having no image or reputation of our own. When a woman has a real spirit of self sacrifice, love for others, genuine humility and care, this will shine out so strong that it will kill any spirit of lust in herself or someone else so that their interactions will be pure. This narcissistic selfie laden generation we are brought up in is so thick that we often forget how many layers of this crap is really in us and a part of us. As long as those layers of 'flesh' remain, they will work counterproductive to the Spirit in our lives and serve to attract the arousal of others even if we don't 'mean' for it to be that way.
you make a good point and I agree but do you think their is a line? women wear yoga pants everywhere they go I know as a male I won't blame anyone for my mistakes but c'mon help a man out and don't dress in skin tight clothing. my question is their has to be a line?
A size 6-8 in UK is about a size 0-2 or (25-26in) in US. You need to feel confident in whatever it is that you're wearing. Men who are so perverse that they invite themselves over to your place is their problems. You are not at fault; you have your freedom to expression. Feel comfortable with whatever you are wearing and don't waste your time with people who treat you less.
I've been a Christian basically my whole life, I'm 21 and since the past year have trying to figure out the modest witch I relized I don't have. You could say I'm pretty girly, is it wrong to want nice ear rings and name brand shoes? Fixing hair and make up for church?
I personally don't think so, if you become obssesed with material things and they become your god then thats when you should be of concern otherwise id say its okay, remember every good thing comes from God so a new purse to me is a good thing and i thank him for every new clothing piece and jewelery i buy etc. Just the other day i heard a sermon talking about giving to the kingdom of God and you'll get more than what you give, so i decided to give $100, btw i don't have a job so that was the most i had anyways after that my dad gave me an extra $160 for school costs, and he paid my insurance AND my Mom bought me a coach backpack which is clearly a material thing but God didn't see it as wrong since he gave it to me, and prior to me walking into the coach store i prayed that they would have a black backpack and they didnt until someone asked me if i was looking for something in particular and when i told them they told me they had them online and i ordered it online which i know God had intervened in that. Remember he loves you soo much and wants you to be happy
the point is what God thinks of you is important(= not guilty). Christians are not allowed to condemn themselves, or they go against the cross. what people think is not really important. in fact stop thinking about yourself, in judgement.
unfortunately I don't think we have understood that modesty should be part of our Christian testimony. We should not be imitators of the world we must look different. I still wear pants but I'm praying about it because I want to please my Lord in everything. 😃
Plz forgive me I was one of those men under that spirit (no glory to the devil)Stumbling in bondage when struggling to Godly influences that I had to hide form churches culture Christian testimonies videoes all from a pit and condemning spirit sometimes it was it was me mt heart was good my search was genuine but I still sought for my one in under lies saw yours wonder if you were that one with no Idea what to Look for untill I found out you were married
If God has given you or granted you any gifts of healing, then Would you please like to pray for my Father because we´re gonna take him to the hospital to an emergency room straight away. Thank you! God bless you! Take care! Good-bye!
Edmundo Santos-Garza you could look at a site the last reformation curry Blake Tom loud all the power of holy Spirit is available to us. Jesus has paid for it
I would suggest this is your own personal revelation. I would not tamper with someone else's convictions called them guilt. you should take this video down or make it verbally clear in the video that this is not a teaching and it your own personal revelation as according to your walk with the father.
I did make it verbally clear that God may strip you back for a season to change your heart but this is very different to somebody feeling like they have to disort their image and make themselves as repulsive as possible.
+ieva f ezekiel was commanded to bind himself and to heat his food over dung. I am confident to say that the trials you had put yourself through to glorify god, glorified god. there was nothing wrong with you then as the is nothing wrong with you now. those who put themselves into bondage to glorify god do so out of obedience to conviction which only comes through the holy spirit. Romans 14, those who abstaine from eating certain foods, do so to honor the father, those who liberate themselves do so and still give thanks for the Commonwealth inherited grace of messiah. be careful when administering license to those under conviction, but rather aid in supplication and in love and in understanding.
Ok true, I accept that. I will add a note on the beginning of the video to say that this is the revelation I have received - listen to God for your own revelation :)
True, the Holy Spirit told me not to wear lipstick but there are exceptions e.g. when I'm doing a dance performance on stage and facial features need to be highlighted. xx
Ah well it's classical ballet and not ment to seduce... if the Holy Spirit tells me otherwise I'll stop but it's been over 5 years now with Him + ballet.
Modestly, which I try to do daily but also in my ballet show we didn't wear tutus but poofy knee-length, shoulder-covered dresses as it was representing a masked ball.
I had to learn a lot of what you are saying too. A deliverance minister says that God curses women with cancer, if they wear makeup. He also said that God curses women that wear sexy underwear. I am still make my mind up on what God wants on all of it.
I'm crying because this is so true. I was with this guy for a while who confessed having sexual urges for me so I did the same thing you did. I even told him what I was doing so he wouldn't be distracted by that, and he told me he was mostly turned on by my eyes, so I figured I would just wear sunglasses whenever I was with him. You're right - nothing helped, and that's simply not practical. We can do our part by being modest without going overboard, but he needs to do his part by trying to be self-controlled too. Thank you for this video
As always, it's about motive and the heart. If someone lusts after you and you are dressing modestly but also looking nice, the problem is with them and not you. But as you say, if you are dressing specifically to attract or seduce, then the heart issue is with you...it's about motive.
Yep :) exactly.
Totally agree with this. Do you still think there are particular clothing 'standards' for Christians though? I have no interest in getting anyone to lust after me or dressing in a way in which people would think I'm 'easy', as I don't want to appear like the rest of the world. However, I feel condemned wearing certain dresses for example that are fairly tight and just above the knee. Dresses that aren't at all low cut, but because they are tight and I am curvy I feel condemned...but the only way to stop my figure from showing would be to wear something baggy. Would appreciate insight.
Seen quite a few of your videos recently. I appreciate that you speak truthfully about a lot of issues. Hope your walk is going well.
God bless.
Thank you so much for this! I didn't even realize I was doing this but I have been so afraid to stand out because my husband had an issue with this and I didn't want anyone else to stumble. it also made me very judgemental of other women who didn't dress as modestly as me. God bless you!
So true. I've been through the exact same thing... and it's just recently that I also realised that no matter how much we try to 'hide' ourselves and make ourselves look 'ugly' there will always be those people who will see you as attractive.
Totally. And what a strange spirit it is... We are not meant to try to look ugly!! :)
I have struggled in this area, too. Thank you for your videos and following God's call in your life to share with others how great and AWSOME our Creator is. 😀❤️️❤️️
Thank you for being so open, you help a lot of people by sharing your own experiences. God bless you.
This is exactly what I've experienced and I'm just coming out of the other end too. Thanks so much for this confirmation! :)
that's great :) glad you're coming out of it as well. It's a tough walk :)
Can't possibly imagine why someone thumbed this down....
Very well said!
Well said. C.S. Lewis had this to say about modesty in Mere Christianity(which I highly recommend to any Christian or anyone considering Christianity:
"The Christian rule of chastity must not be confused with the social rule of ‘modesty’ (in one sense of that word); i.e., propriety, or decency. The social rule of propriety lays down how much of the human body should be displayed and what subjects can be referred to, and in what words, according to the customs of a given social circle. Thus, while the rule of chastity is the same for all Christians at all times, the rule of propriety changes. A girl in the Pacific islands wearing hardly any clothes and a Victorian lady completely covered in clothes might both be equally ‘modest,’ proper, or decent, according to the standards of their own societies: and both, for all we could tell by their dress, might be equally chaste (or unchaste)…. When people break the rule of propriety current in their own time and place, if they do so in order to excite lust in themselves or others, then they are offending against chastity. But if they break it through ignorance or carelessness they are guilty only of bad manners. When, as so often happens, they break it defiantly in order to shock or embarrass others, they are not necessarily being unchaste, but they are being uncharitable. (83-84)"
While we should be careful not to lead others into sin we cannot take responsibility for someone else sin. What of the man or woman that has a foot fetish? Should the toes be constantly covered as well, to "save" him from falling? The problem isn't with the person's body but with the heart of the person who is lusting.
I'm reading Mere Christianity from Lewis too!
7Annamallover7 Fantastic! It is a wonderful book that helped me with my faith a lot. In fact I am going to read it again and take study notes.
I like your explanation of being modest. I too I'm on the road to wearing modest apparel. I've toned down my makeup some, but I still find myself going for the lipstick. Alluding to what u say the enemy who is Satan begins to condemn you by making u feel unattractive if u don't wear the makeup. I want to be pure for God
I want to see his face
but I'm working along with the holy Spirit to cleanse my heart so that the light of Christ shines outwards
wow thank you... i needed this. such a blessing
You're welcome :) i'm glad that it helped you!!
Don't forget it was God who
decided what you would look like !
exactly :) blessings
lts not always easy to be beautiful sis 😉
The devil is a liar , he also uses my fear/love for God to make me feel bad.
I'm glad to see you are doing alright Eva. Thanks again for the videos💙
Thank you so much for making this video! This is where i am currently and lately have been feeling condemned for wanting to feel pretty even showering. But you said it all very well. 😊 thank you
So true,conviction
from God and guilt can be totally
different things;Be blessed!
I'm blessed from these video sis., please dont stop making them., watched ur testimony video a while back, and glad the Lords fire is still burning in you., God bless
I feel like this. I feel like I only have to wear skirts and dresses to be modest. Everytime I think I look pretty it makes me feel disgusted with myself. I feel like a slob but I feel like thats the only way to be pleasing to God.
Thank You.....
Your love of Jesus is shining through to me.
Woo hoo you uploaded...I've missed your videos! Thank you for this :)
aww :) so sweet. Blessings!
thank you for this video. I also think along these lines. Modesty in God's eyes does not equal ïnvisibility", because the enemy does twist this command of modesty and puts woman in all sorts of baggy/granny dresses, no make up, no nothing....but, God created beauty and does not ask us to hide it.
Bojana Kocijan We were born naked, after that the body is a canvas. Dress it the way you would like.
Wow, this was such a blessing to me, thank you!
Thanm you so much for this
Thank you for this video, I really needed to hear this :)
Thank you for posting this:)
Wow I am currently living in China atm and I love it because majority of the females here dress so feminine and modest (though I'm sure majority are non-Christians). Lovely to hear a fellow Brit talking about modesty :)
Dressing modestly and simply for both men and women are critical. I have chosen to limit the amount of clothes I have which allows me not to have to waste time choosing what to wear daily and using that effort elsewhere.
there're limits obviously, so if you are modest enough don't worry because some guy talks or looks at you in an inappropriate way, remember that guy it's oppressed by the devil, non believer surely, the world it's opposite to the Kingdom of God, a strong man in Jesus never will be like that, so stay tuned with the Holy Spirit reading the Word and everything will be much more easy
Thank you for sharing this :)
I'm in bondage. Matter of the heart. Please pray for me.
Hello :) yes the enemy is attacking you. Pray to God and ask him to rid
you of all your oppression, give you a sound mind and enable you to hear
His voice. Do not believe the enemy - it's not too late for you at all.
Just ask Jesus to forgive you of all your sins & come into your
life, pray, read the Word and repent from all sin.
I have prayed :)
Carrot all to talk about it? Are you still? You don't need to feel these ways for living your daily life. Express yourself the way you wish to, feel comfortable in your own skin. Remember you're beautiful and are a fully functional human who is capable of personal decision making. Do not waste your time on people who think of you as less than that!
thank you for this
I suffered from a similar condemnation for almost the first 6 years of my Christian life. I would not wear baggie hoodies, but I would be too careful, especially with all the things going around on the internet in the Christian community, this is modest and not and now I just don't pay attention anymore and I feel alot better with myself :)
Amazing channel and I love your content! God bless you
Well said ! I'm glad I watched this b/c modesty is one of the areas in my christian walk as a young person, we're I struggle the most. Thank you ! ☺
Thank you so much for sharing this, the devil got me too in the same way for 4 years.
Some men are just plain jerks, they say wisecracks , I don't know why they think can say anything. I'm a man , you should always respect women. Plus we should be friendly and helpful too. Thanks for your thoughts Russ from Oregon
thankyou for this❤
Great message!!
Ieva, you came to a wise and logical conclusion. Well done!
I totally agree with everything you said!
I had to learn a lot of what you are saying too. A deliverance minister says that God curses women with cancer, if they wear makeup. He also said that God curses women that wear sexy underwear. I am still make my mind up on what God wants on all of it.
I would actually suggest something slightly different:
A man may stop and stare at you and NOT be lusting after you. He may simply be surprised at your modest dress and be thinking something to the effect of, "Wow! Don't see that everyday!" And if you are actually dressing "like a scrub" as my sister would put it, men might still stare at you, in a sense of amazement or even disgust. Staring does not necessarily equal lust.
But I definitely agree that we should not try to make ourselves UNattractive. We should not try to attract people to ourselves, but at the same time, we _should_ be trying to attract them to CHRIST. We can't do that if we give them the impression that followers of CHRIST are all ugly slobs.
We should avoid wearing anything that we know for sure will trigger lust, because we are not to put stones of stumbling before our brethren. But that does not mean that we need to dress in a way that is unattractive, either. There are always two extremes, and the devil does not care what ditch he makes you fall into, just as long as you fall. We don't want to think that we can dress however we want because it's up to the men to control themselves and it has nothing to do with us. We likewise don't want to be slaves to fear. Balance, balance, balance! :)
Good video, sister. I shared on Facebook.
John 8,36 Therefore if the Son sets you free, you shall be free indeed.
When Adam sinned, he blamed Eve. He also blamed God. It didn't work then, and it doesn't work now. If a woman were to dress as scantily as possible, and she were putting her body right up against a man, then I could understand the complaint of "she's making me stumble". If not, then sorry guys, it's time to put into practice one of the fruits of the Spirit - self control. Women of the Bible are described as beautiful, Esther, Ruth, Abigail. Beauty is respectable. If a guy is having problems with lust, get married (1 Corinthians 7:2).
every Christian especially young converts struggle with Modesty.
9:30 Which religion would oppress such dress code? This sounds a bit like man made rules rather than religion!
Good job...be bless in Christ😀
the higher you get in God, the worse those demons get
It's the Spirit that quickens, the flesh profits nothing. It is not always a matter of physical appearance or dress that arouses lust in a man however. It can also be a lustful spirit within the man or even the woman regardless of how 'conservatively' she may be dressed. For this reason, we should all check our own hearts, dress respectfully and then do our best to shine the Lord's Spirit through being Christ conscious instead of self conscious. A Christian woman can be dressed in a hoody and baggy pants and still arouse the lust in a man merely by the spirit she carries and operates in. It is never a works trip, trying to look ugly and the like. It is about recognizing that we are not to put a stumbling block before anyone and then trusting the Lord for the rest. However, the 'stumbling block' may not always have to do with our physical appearance... male or female. It can be the spirit we carry, that egocentric way we all have about us, and at times a spirit of religion keeps us bound to latent inner lustful attraction far more than we realize. In Heaven we will all be far more beautiful than can possibly be imagined right now and there will be no hiding it and yet there will be no lust. WHY??? Because we will be totally selfless and Christ conscious and self-denying in our constitution and bodily form in our resurrection. Even before the fall, Adam and Eve were walking around in perfect naked beauty and there was no lust at all. This shows that lust is primarily a thing of the heart and spirit. That's not to say that we should walk around naked or scantily clad, it is to stress the point that we cannot just say that others lusting after us is not our problem. it very well may be regardless of how ugly we try and look or how much we have made it a works trip. It may still very well be something in us that so loves ourself more than it should which causes a spirit of attraction to operate within us which attracts others in the wrong way. This may be the case because we still love ourselves, are not taking up our cross and having no image or reputation of our own. When a woman has a real spirit of self sacrifice, love for others, genuine humility and care, this will shine out so strong that it will kill any spirit of lust in herself or someone else so that their interactions will be pure. This narcissistic selfie laden generation we are brought up in is so thick that we often forget how many layers of this crap is really in us and a part of us. As long as those layers of 'flesh' remain, they will work counterproductive to the Spirit in our lives and serve to attract the arousal of others even if we don't 'mean' for it to be that way.
I've been victim of these accusations lately.
you make a good point and I agree but do you think their is a line? women wear yoga pants everywhere they go I know as a male I won't blame anyone for my mistakes but c'mon help a man out and don't dress in skin tight clothing. my question is their has to be a line?
A size 6-8 in UK is about a size 0-2 or (25-26in) in US. You need to feel confident in whatever it is that you're wearing. Men who are so perverse that they invite themselves over to your place is their problems. You are not at fault; you have your freedom to expression. Feel comfortable with whatever you are wearing and don't waste your time with people who treat you less.
Feminist thinking corrupts!
I've been a Christian basically my whole life, I'm 21 and since the past year have trying to figure out the modest witch I relized I don't have. You could say I'm pretty girly, is it wrong to want nice ear rings and name brand shoes? Fixing hair and make up for church?
I personally don't think so, if you become obssesed with material things and they become your god then thats when you should be of concern otherwise id say its okay, remember every good thing comes from God so a new purse to me is a good thing and i thank him for every new clothing piece and jewelery i buy etc. Just the other day i heard a sermon talking about giving to the kingdom of God and you'll get more than what you give, so i decided to give $100, btw i don't have a job so that was the most i had anyways after that my dad gave me an extra $160 for school costs, and he paid my insurance AND my Mom bought me a coach backpack which is clearly a material thing but God didn't see it as wrong since he gave it to me, and prior to me walking into the coach store i prayed that they would have a black backpack and they didnt until someone asked me if i was looking for something in particular and when i told them they told me they had them online and i ordered it online which i know God had intervened in that. Remember he loves you soo much and wants you to be happy
Samantha Ledesma thank you God bless you appreciated this
the point is what God thinks of you is important(= not guilty).
Christians are not allowed to condemn themselves, or they go against the cross.
what people think is not really important.
in fact stop thinking about yourself, in judgement.
unfortunately I don't think we have understood that modesty should be part of our Christian testimony. We should not be imitators of the world we must look different. I still wear pants but I'm praying about it because I want to please my Lord in everything. 😃
Plz forgive me I was one of those men under that spirit (no glory to the devil)Stumbling in bondage when struggling to Godly influences that I had to hide form churches culture Christian testimonies videoes all from a pit and condemning spirit sometimes it was it was me mt heart was good my search was genuine but I still sought for my one in under lies saw yours wonder if you were that one with no Idea what to Look for untill I found out you were married
So if a woman wears a bikini because she likes the way she looks in it it's ok ?
No, self respect is important
If God has given you or granted you any gifts of healing, then Would you please like to pray for my Father because we´re gonna take him to the hospital to an emergency room straight away. Thank you! God bless you! Take care! Good-bye!
Thank you very much! God bless!!!
Edmundo Santos-Garza you could look at a site
the last reformation
curry Blake
Tom loud
all the power of holy Spirit is available to us.
Jesus has paid for it
Thank you verymuch for your prayers!!! God bless!!!
O-Kay! Thank you very much!
Always dress modesty at best!!
I would suggest this is your own personal revelation. I would not tamper with someone else's convictions called them guilt. you should take this video down or make it verbally clear in the video that this is not a teaching and it your own personal revelation as according to your walk with the father.
I did make it verbally clear that God may strip you back for a season to change your heart but this is very different to somebody feeling like they have to disort their image and make themselves as repulsive as possible.
+ieva f ezekiel was commanded to bind himself and to heat his food over dung. I am confident to say that the trials you had put yourself through to glorify god, glorified god. there was nothing wrong with you then as the is nothing wrong with you now. those who put themselves into bondage to glorify god do so out of obedience to conviction which only comes through the holy spirit. Romans 14, those who abstaine from eating certain foods, do so to honor the father, those who liberate themselves do so and still give thanks for the Commonwealth inherited grace of messiah. be careful when administering license to those under conviction, but rather aid in supplication and in love and in understanding.
Ok true, I accept that. I will add a note on the beginning of the video to say that this is the revelation I have received - listen to God for your own revelation :)
+ieva f a note is appreciated god bless
their is no lip stick in heaven.
True, the Holy Spirit told me not to wear lipstick but there are exceptions e.g. when I'm doing a dance performance on stage and facial features need to be highlighted. xx
Jessica Turnham real women of god wear nooooo lipstick, ever !!!!!!!
Ah well it's classical ballet and not ment to seduce... if the Holy Spirit tells me otherwise I'll stop but it's been over 5 years now with Him + ballet.
Jessica Turnham what does the bible say about how a woman should dress ?
Modestly, which I try to do daily but also in my ballet show we didn't wear tutus but poofy knee-length, shoulder-covered dresses as it was representing a masked ball.
I had to learn a lot of what you are saying too. A deliverance minister says that God curses women with cancer, if they wear makeup. He also said that God curses women that wear sexy underwear. I am still make my mind up on what God wants on all of it.