I can't thank y'all enough for all the support! Knowing that everyone shares my frustrations definitely helps me feel validated. The stories of equally terrible experiences with medical professionals lets me know that I'm not alone! I will also be reporting the doctor (I have already made my referring physician aware), thank you for all the advice on how to do so. Y'all are a wonderful support network!
me too, it actually brought me to tears.. this is happened to me more times than I can count.. I am only 18, I have had these chronic illness' for other 3 years and no one can figure it out and I have tried so many medicines, and since the illnesses are invisible and sometimes it wont show up on xrays or mri's etc. they say im crazy and said the same thing " why are you here" " whats been going on" etc... this makes me tear up!! I knowhow absolutely horrible that feels for doctors to say that to you!! I get told that so so much, and every time this happens to me I go into a deep depression wondering if I really am crazy... How do you handle it?!!
Neurologist have been the worst like that to me. Very strange people. Guess they are too smart. 😉 One lady I would be crying every time I would leave her office. Never knew anyone like that! I changed because of that. She was hurtful in her ways. Not even true the next Dr. said.
Keeks.dink.fam Change Drs.. I hear you! Don't stay with a Dr. that hurts you. They are to help you heal. 👼. 💓. Blessings I just wrote here about myself being hurt like that. Sorry you were.... We request a different Dr.. Tell why.... We get help... It goes against them...
Chronically Jaquie I totally understand how you feel. I recently went to this AWFUL doc that completely disregarded my lab results and said that it was all in my head, he said because I'm mentally ill I can't possibly be physically ill as well. Will not be going back there
I got so heated just listening to you! i'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I had a very similar experience with a physician in an ER. I went to the ER because i couldn't breathe, and my heart rate was 220. My general practitioner called me and told me to rush to the ER because one of my labs was abnormal and it indicated a pulmonary embolism. The ER doctor was so rude. I have a degree in biology, and work in medicine, so i was really frustrated.
I had a verbally abusive, condescending, Neurologist appt., 2 others were just unproductive and I was talked about instead of talked to, and they didn't have my recs I requested transfer of. So...they had no idea why I was there. It took me YEARS to get a POTS diagnosis. 1.5 yrs for ME/CFS diagnosis...only to find out later that an earlier Dr wrote that I probably had it. Prior he had told me I probably had Lupus, prior to blood tests. Before that we thought I might have Lyme, and I was treated for that for months. How did you find out about the small fiber neuropathy and what are your symptoms? You aren't alone. The medical system isn't set up to care well for those w/ chronic illnesses. Appt times don't generally allow for it...which is soo frustrating!
you are so inspiring, the fact that you stay so positive and have so much hope for the future is truly amazing. i'm so glad that i have found you and harlow, you guys are a wonderful pair :)
Jaquie, that was a great doctor's appointment! How often does a truly awful doc let you know right up front that he totally sucks and you wouldn't have him as your doctor if he was the last doc on earth? No wasted follow up appointments with that jerk. Hooray! =)
Yes true but still tough to go through. A person that is chronically ill usually has to be the extremely strong one feeling very sick listening to professionals people who are supposed to have empathy and they still totally get it wrong. Hang in their Jaquie. I have been there in a different way and still am just under control. Every attempt that turns out bad just gets you closer to positive outcomes.
I came back to watch this after a bad doctors appointment yesterday. Thanks for sharing the bad experiences too. Makes me feel hopeful that I can find a good doctor, and that I shouldn’t weigh what this doctor said too much.
I got treated the same way at your age and we have many of the same diagnoses. Thankfully I have been treated better as I have gotten older. No longer can my problems be blamed on looking too good or being too young. It's awesome that you do have so many diagnoses and doctors that have believed you and have been treating you. It will only continue getting better with time and advancement in medicine. It looks like you are doing a great job advocating for yourself and having supportive people in your life. By the way, I don't know if you have control over the ads that play before your post, but the one I watched was giving false information about ESA's and where they have legal access. You might want to check it out
Ugh, you would think that doctors wouldn't be ignorant, but I totally get you. My doctors refuse to diagnose me with anything because I'm "too young" + then don't listen to me when I tell them that drugs are causing bad side affects and aren't helping my condition.
Do you know me? Do you know my medical history? Do you know my diagnoses? Thats right, you don't. All you know is that I'm young, and that I have shitty doctors-I don't know how that information gives you the assumption that I'm a lazy dead beat?
perhaps you should take your own advice and get a job? Clearly you don't have one if you have all this time to sit around and get butt hurt by youtube comments :/ Also, jobs shouldn't be traumatizing? EMTS, Emergency room workers, police officers, soldiers, and other related jobs are the only ones that turn out workers with PTSD. If a job at mcdonalds gives you trauma, then your criticism could really apply to yourself as well. But again, you know nothing about me, so your assumptions are once again wildly inaccurate. Have a good rest of the day being salty and unpleasant for no reason though!!
that's so bizarre that he implied you were a "hysterical woman" whose illness isn't valid while AT THE SAME TIME saying your issues are too complex for him. the sexism women face from the medical community is just absurd.
I'm autistic and they put me on antidepressants. OMG BEST DECISION EVER! It really helped balance my mood, even out my sleep pattern and calm anxiety. I also have EDS and the benefits of better sleep and less anxiety really helped my pain and fatigue levels :)
Also, I was starting to like my general physician, but now I'm not so sure about him... my physiotherapist thinks I might have cartilage tears in my shoulders but my GP won't refer me to mri and because I live in the UK, I can't just call and make an appointment :( my doctor said that if the pain gets worse go to a+e, so I did but they can't do mri from a+e! It's so frustrating! I feel your pain with that rude doctor- I'm 16 and have had my fair share, some even Google eds in front of me...
im going through the same thing! my neurologists cannot figure out whats wrong with me either and a LOT of the neurologists ive seen have been very very rude to me too .. and some even told me I was crazy!.. ive been going through these horrible drs appointments for 3 years and they cant figure it out.. so I TOTALLY understand what youre going through! your videos help me so much though
the phone quality was actually really nice! and sorry to hear about the doctor, i've had my experiences with them as well, i guess not every doctor is perfect. but hey, you are great at making sure you get everything you need and being treated right!
Dr. Tuite in St. Petersburg is an AMAZING neurologist! He was not only able to diagnose a problem I've had since I was an infant, that no other doctor could figure out, but he was also able to completely fix the issue. He's amazing and brilliant and actually read all of my medical charts before my first appointment and already knew my medical history. He does pediatrics, but I recently learned he does adults, too! I tell you, he's amazing and changed my life! I'm not sure where in Tampa you're located...I live just south of Tampa and he is totally worth the drive.
So not alone!!!! I have has so so many RUDE doctors and they always question me and my health! Makes me so mad and frustrated 😡😡😡 thank you for your videos ❤️
Thank you Jaquie for posting this. I am praying for you daily and I am sorry you had a horrible doctor. I have also had horrible doctor appointments. Do you ever have days where you feel well? I have a few days when I am well for part of the day. I get a lot of migraines and other types of headaches too. I hope you feel better soon and find a good doctor. God Bless you.
I'm so sorry to hear about your terrible doctors appointment! I've been watching your videos every day and was really hoping that you would get some answers. Keep your head up though, you're so inspirational! Fingers crossed that you find a better doctor! Also, using your phone for vlogs is great!!
In my twenties I would go to the ER for tachycardia Ana was treated with a Xanax. Finally, I got a doctor years later that ran a simple ECG in his office that showed a very serious heart problem. I also went diagnosed with diabetes after years of telling doctors of symptoms and had gestational diabetes. Also, in my teens and twenties I had an enlarged liver with bad blood levels and every doctor just kept telling me to quit drinking....which I didn't. My gynecologist (who had liver issues got me the right doctor to help me)...I believe that many doctors dismiss young people and specifically women. Now I'm fighting for pain management for quality of life, but the government is declaring war on opiates, so I'm pain doesn't matter now. I'm 50 now and still fighting.
I went to so many different doctors over 12 years because my hips kept dislocating and I finally found an amazing rheumatologist who explained hypermobility to me and ran a few very simple tests and diagnosed me with Ehlers-Danlos. I had so many doctors just tell me oh I've never seen that before, I don't know why you came to me so I totally understand how you feel after a crappy doctors appointment like this. Symptoms are REAL even if you can't see them!!!!
I would definitely file a complaint against that allergist! I know just reiterating what everyone else is saying but seriously that Dr is going to get someone killed with advice like that!! Also, Lyrica is similar to what I'm on for nerve issues but I'm not really sure if it is really helping that much.
Two years ago I met with the head neurosuregon at the neurosurgery clinic I go to. WORST DOCTOR EVER!!!!!!!!!! Right up there with your experience; he was rude, ignorant and talked down to me (with my mother in the room) and immediately started talking about one of my diagnoses, how he would never sign off on surgery for it and how I didn't need a neurosurgeon anymore, etc etc. And I've had a neurosurgeon since I was a day old! Been petrified of my shunt malfunctioning ever since, because then I'd have to run the risk of seeing him again. Totally traumatized by that jerk.
where did you get that treat/gear pouch that you have on your hip? i'm looking for something like that to use when dogwalking with my clients and would like to know hte name of the one you have
I've had some similar experiences. I've been to the hospital a couple times, seen many doctors and other professionals, etc etc, and just to be told they can't do any testing or anything to figure out what's wrong with me. One doctor in the hospital told me that if i'm not better in a few years I could go out of state but it won't likely be any more help than I've already had (not that I've had much help, and I can't go out of state anyways). If it wasn't for my family I wouldn't be here anymore, because I see no hope of ever getting better or having a normal or happy life. Some doctors are very sickening, how ironic. :D
I'm sorry you couldn't find help with that doctor. I sort of understand the feeling, I have very confusing allergies and was having severe reactions from eating what seemed like anything, and my allergist just told me I'm allergic to pollen and it's a common condition called oral allergy syndrome, but this is much more extreme than just OAS. I don't know any other allergists so I have still been seeing the same one and every time I see him he asks "So what are you allergic to again?", "So what happens when you have reactions, your lip swells?", and whenever I ask when I might be able to try eating trigger foods to see if there is any improvement, he gives me vague answers like "when pollen season ends" as if I don't have reactions all year long. It's so frustrating, I feel like he doesn't even listen to me when I talk and he thinks I'm totally overreacting, but my episodes are horrible and he's providing no solutions. I feel like because I'm a 23 year old girl who looks healthy he just doesn't care. I always get the "I have other patients to see" vibe from him. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like their doctor just isn't taking them seriously, and I'm sorry you weren't able to find someone who can help you today but it's good to know you won't have to waste any more time on a doctor who doesn't care. Take care xx
Oh my god, I face this ALL THE TIME in Australia. Most doctors know nothing about EDS/POTS etc- I get treated like I am just malingering, or that I imagine my symptoms. Doctors criticise my use of a wheelchair and other things I have no choice over and absolutely NEED to maintain any quality of life. I am trying every day to make a plan to move out of this country and get somewhere where doctors know something instead of arrogantly telling me it is in my head
Report this doctor. I've had similar problems. I've been told they wouldn't take my case because it's to envolved. I always feel like I'm the hot potato when I go to the ER. I get tossed about because my case is hard.
I love your positivity! I watch your vlogs daily and I can't imagine how hard it is for you to stay so positive and it's so nice to watch your videos of you smiling and continuing to move forward even though you saw a bad doctor. Keep it up girl! ✊❤
I'm so sorry about your experience! I had to go through 3 different doctors to find one that would take my diagnoses of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia seriously to help with pain management when I moved for college, because I'm only 20. So frustrating! One just straight up said I was to young and was incredibly ignorant, and another treated me like I was five when I've been advocating for myself for years and dealing with these diagnoses for over a year. Smoothies sound like a good treat after the jerk doctor. I usually go for an incredibly unhealthy McDonalds burger.
Watching this reminded me of what happened in 2010 when our old primary care physician kept telling my mom who was slowly gething sicker with what we eventually found out that she had laryngeal cancer when he kept saying that she had a sore throat.
I once had a series of allergic reactions which caused my face to swell like a ballon, get red/blue and burn like crazy whilst being very hot. These reactions held on for 3 weeks at a time. When I went to see a doctor, she told me I probably hadn´t realized that I gained wheight (how would she know? It was the first time she ever saw me) and that I didn´t have allergies. Never forgot that one. I was so mad and I still am (-_-). Just admit you have no idea what´s going on, don´t make that my fault...
Dumb things doctors have said to me: me: I figured out how to handle the constipation. Dr.: how? Me: I stopped eating. Dr.: Good, that's good. Me: I can't inhale. Dr. Then don't inhale. 😨🙀👎🏼are they dumb or not listening.
My heart goes out to you. 25 years of this battle. Fibro severe. with many other things. Osteo..diabetes....stenosis. plus more...anyway im older. and its worstening....lyrica does nothing for me....all I get. is. head games... grr. good luck. I pray all will be better for you. 😅
I know how you feel I can’t stand my pain doctor because he only comes in the room for literally 60 seconds the longest he has seen me was 2 minutes. Unfortunately I have no choice at the moment because I’m currently using workman’s comp. but as soon as I get to go to my own doctors I will be keeping my neurologist and leaving and finding a new pain doctor
It's horrible that doctors are like that. Unfortunately I've seen more doctors like this, rather than not. That's why I just started with some proper treatments at age 45. Still working on getting more.
I'm so sorry you had a bad app't. I've had quite a few that went like that and it really sucks. I have filed complaints with the offices, because it's important to document bad Dr's. One Dr was so arrogant and awful to my teen & I, I refused to pay the remaining balance on my bill. (I paid a copay to go into the app't, otherwise I wouldn't have paid that either.) The Dr was a total jerk and I called the office as soon as I got home to complain. I told them I wasn't paying. They sent a bill and I called to remind them I wouldn't pay it. (It was $30, but it was the PRINCIPAL!) They sent us into collections, so I told the collection agency the story and that I would be happy to let the local TV network know that the Dr was inappropriate. I received a letter 2 days later saying the bill was removed from our account. I feel Dr's who treat people this way shouldn't be paid. Period. I'll send you a private IG message, but unfortunately, your experience is common. ((HUGS))
I had an appointment almost exactly like that not to long ago 🙄 I went to a cardiologist to see how my eds was effecting my heart and he told me that I couldn't possibly have eds since it to rare.. what does that even mean? He also told me, and I'm not exaggerating, that I would benefit greatly if I went and got a good psychiatrist. Needless to say I never went back there! I hope you can find a good allergist! Maybe try finding one an one of the mast cell boards? That's how I found mine and started treatment!
Sorry you're going through a lot! Some doctors are unfortunately knowledgeable but have ZERO bedside manner. There are nice ones out there. Stay strong!
So sorry for your frustrating experience! :( I wonder why people like that are even Drs in the first place, surely must be money alone. I continue to pray for you! Love your vlogs.
We went to a pediatrician one time for my allergies and my normal doctor was gone and he changed my allergy medication and he wasn't listening to my mom when she tried to tell him what my usual doctor gives us that helps, and he didn't talk to me and just said it to my mom (I can't remember but I think I was 12) as if I wasn't able to understand anything. Next time I went to my normal doctor (not long after) he changed my medication back and gave me medication that actually helped
He reminds me of the psychologist I had to go through to get an autism diagnosis. He didn't believe anything I said and told my parents I was theatrical and overemotional. It's like anyone not knowledgeable in autism assumes we're making everything up >:(
Check out Dr. Mario Rodenas in Gainseville. He was my immunologist in CT until warmer climes and elderly parents called. I'm 61 and have multiple health concerns, some pretty obscure and difficult to manage, and he is by FAR one of the best docs I've ever had per bedside manner, thoroughness and general knowledge. The nurses where I get my infusions miss him. The other doctors at the medical center miss him. I miss him terribly (you just get somebody good and they leave!) Good luck.
I was very sick a few years ago. I went into Septic Shock. I have Spina Bifida and I have urological problems as a result. I was in the ICU and dehydrated so was getting IV fluids. I told the dr that I needed the fluids to run slowly because I had my spine fused as a kid and so there isn't a lot of room in my abdomen and I get bloated and can't breathe. I was explaining this to him for the third time and he was like " well, your wrong." I'm wrong about my own body?! Excuse you! Glad you won't be going to him ever again!
they put me on lyrica for my type 1 diabetic neuropathy and I had a really bad reaction I started getting involuntary jerking in my hands and arms then by day to I swelled my eyes my hand and my ankles and feet it was horrible
I too had doctors at their appointmentts and in the hospital as a in patient speak hard um and almost blamed me for my health conditions.i have Crohn's disease 17yrs i had some of my intestines removed diabetic type 2 on insulin cataracts in both eyes enlarged heart one heart valve not working defibrillator implanted arthritis in the right hand bending right a small bunion on the left outside big toe.
Wow I'd report him he obviously needs to go back to school he's gonna end up killing a patient by telling them not to go to the er for anaphylaxis. I hate when doctors are like that it's so frustrating
I can't believe that that doctor was such a jerk!! You don't deserve to be treated that way! I don't know how he even became a doctor!!!! Ugh! It's just so hard to control the anger inside me when I saw that! I hope you didn't have to pay for that visit because if I were in your shoes I wouldn't have paid for it!
I'm so sorry you had to go thru that. Its hard enough to get out when you're chronically ill. I've had my share of stupid and mean doctors over the years. My take is they are narcissistic and/or they cheated their way thru medical school:). Hang in there and God bless.
I recently turned 46 and still have doctors telling me I'm too young to have all these illnesses! I think because we're in Cape Coral/Ft. Myers and the majority of patients are elderly. They seem to cater to senior citizens
I can 100% relate to your experience dealing with incredibly rude doctors. My experience was a few years ago, after I graduated college and I was moving back home. I was trying to find a neurologist that would take my incredibly rare brain tumor/case. I ended up going to see two doctors in totally, First doctor, told my mom and I that we should not do anything about my brain tumor he was even reading through the information and not interacted what so ever. 2nd doctor was a lot better and he said, I'm not the doctor for you and you need to see this doctor. Just wanted to say I can completely understand and it is crazy frustrated trying to establish that medical team/help.
I'm going to double check with my sister to see who she saw. I believe they were in jacksonville. not sure how far that is from you. also check out www.tmsforacure.org they just launched a new website. The changed the membership to be free. they have a lot of good information. Can advise of local drs as well. They had there conference in Orlando last year.
Don't go back, There was no call for him to be so rude I have hives like yours I carry epi-pens and benadryl with me at all times sometime 3 or 4 at a time My Doctor's' and allergist have been no help they will stop you from talking and Say we can't do anything for you It's something you have to live with and If you let them know your taking benadryl they act like your stupid But the benadryl really help it doesn't always stop them but it help slow them down and keeps you for having a severe panic attack.
I think that doctor was probably well-meaning, but still obviously a misogynist, and very old fashioned too. He probably thought he was encouraging you to "step out of your illness" (if only that were possible!) mentality.
I can't thank y'all enough for all the support! Knowing that everyone shares my frustrations definitely helps me feel validated. The stories of equally terrible experiences with medical professionals lets me know that I'm not alone! I will also be reporting the doctor (I have already made my referring physician aware), thank you for all the advice on how to do so. Y'all are a wonderful support network!
me too, it actually brought me to tears.. this is happened to me more times than I can count.. I am only 18, I have had these chronic illness' for other 3 years and no one can figure it out and I have tried so many medicines, and since the illnesses are invisible and sometimes it wont show up on xrays or mri's etc. they say im crazy and said the same thing " why are you here" " whats been going on" etc... this makes me tear up!! I knowhow absolutely horrible that feels for doctors to say that to you!! I get told that so so much, and every time this happens to me I go into a deep depression wondering if I really am crazy... How do you handle it?!!
Chronically Jaquie yay jaquie
Neurologist have been the worst like that to me. Very strange people. Guess they are too smart. 😉 One lady I would be crying every time I would leave her office. Never knew anyone like that! I changed because of that. She was hurtful in her ways. Not even true the next Dr. said.
Change Drs.. I hear you! Don't stay with a Dr. that hurts you. They are to help you heal. 👼. 💓. Blessings I just wrote here about myself being hurt like that. Sorry you were.... We request a different Dr.. Tell why.... We get help... It goes against them...
Chronically Jaquie I totally understand how you feel. I recently went to this AWFUL doc that completely disregarded my lab results and said that it was all in my head, he said because I'm mentally ill I can't possibly be physically ill as well. Will not be going back there
I got so heated just listening to you! i'm so sorry you had to deal with that. I had a very similar experience with a physician in an ER. I went to the ER because i couldn't breathe, and my heart rate was 220. My general practitioner called me and told me to rush to the ER because one of my labs was abnormal and it indicated a pulmonary embolism. The ER doctor was so rude. I have a degree in biology, and work in medicine, so i was really frustrated.
I had a verbally abusive, condescending, Neurologist appt., 2 others were just unproductive and I was talked about instead of talked to, and they didn't have my recs I requested transfer of. So...they had no idea why I was there. It took me YEARS to get a POTS diagnosis. 1.5 yrs for ME/CFS diagnosis...only to find out later that an earlier Dr wrote that I probably had it. Prior he had told me I probably had Lupus, prior to blood tests. Before that we thought I might have Lyme, and I was treated for that for months. How did you find out about the small fiber neuropathy and what are your symptoms? You aren't alone. The medical system isn't set up to care well for those w/ chronic illnesses. Appt times don't generally allow for it...which is soo frustrating!
you are so inspiring, the fact that you stay so positive and have so much hope for the future is truly amazing. i'm so glad that i have found you and harlow, you guys are a wonderful pair :)
Jaquie, that was a great doctor's appointment! How often does a truly awful doc let you know right up front that he totally sucks and you wouldn't have him as your doctor if he was the last doc on earth? No wasted follow up appointments with that jerk. Hooray! =)
Always good to look at the bright side of things 😂😂
reddarin So true!!!
Yes true but still tough to go through. A person that is chronically ill usually has to be the extremely strong one feeling very sick listening to professionals people who are supposed to have empathy and they still totally get it wrong. Hang in their Jaquie. I have been there in a different way and still am just under control. Every attempt that turns out bad just gets you closer to positive outcomes.
I came back to watch this after a bad doctors appointment yesterday. Thanks for sharing the bad experiences too. Makes me feel hopeful that I can find a good doctor, and that I shouldn’t weigh what this doctor said too much.
I'd complain about that doctor...he'll kill someone at this rate with that awful advice about anaphylaxis
I got treated the same way at your age and we have many of the same diagnoses. Thankfully I have been treated better as I have gotten older. No longer can my problems be blamed on looking too good or being too young. It's awesome that you do have so many diagnoses and doctors that have believed you and have been treating you. It will only continue getting better with time and advancement in medicine. It looks like you are doing a great job advocating for yourself and having supportive people in your life. By the way, I don't know if you have control over the ads that play before your post, but the one I watched was giving false information about ESA's and where they have legal access. You might want to check it out
Ugh, you would think that doctors wouldn't be ignorant, but I totally get you. My doctors refuse to diagnose me with anything because I'm "too young" + then don't listen to me when I tell them that drugs are causing bad side affects and aren't helping my condition.
Do you know me? Do you know my medical history? Do you know my diagnoses?
Thats right, you don't. All you know is that I'm young, and that I have shitty doctors-I don't know how that information gives you the assumption that I'm a lazy dead beat?
perhaps you should take your own advice and get a job? Clearly you don't have one if you have all this time to sit around and get butt hurt by youtube comments :/
Also, jobs shouldn't be traumatizing? EMTS, Emergency room workers, police officers, soldiers, and other related jobs are the only ones that turn out workers with PTSD. If a job at mcdonalds gives you trauma, then your criticism could really apply to yourself as well.
But again, you know nothing about me, so your assumptions are once again wildly inaccurate. Have a good rest of the day being salty and unpleasant for no reason though!!
what's wrong with you, you are just going around too lots of kind comments and being rude
that's so bizarre that he implied you were a "hysterical woman" whose illness isn't valid while AT THE SAME TIME saying your issues are too complex for him. the sexism women face from the medical community is just absurd.
I'm autistic and they put me on antidepressants. OMG BEST DECISION EVER! It really helped balance my mood, even out my sleep pattern and calm anxiety. I also have EDS and the benefits of better sleep and less anxiety really helped my pain and fatigue levels :)
Also, I was starting to like my general physician, but now I'm not so sure about him... my physiotherapist thinks I might have cartilage tears in my shoulders but my GP won't refer me to mri and because I live in the UK, I can't just call and make an appointment :( my doctor said that if the pain gets worse go to a+e, so I did but they can't do mri from a+e! It's so frustrating! I feel your pain with that rude doctor- I'm 16 and have had my fair share, some even Google eds in front of me...
The video quality is actually so much better! Love your vlogs ❤
THIS is why I fired my entire team of doctors about 3 years ago, the frustration is too much.
im going through the same thing! my neurologists cannot figure out whats wrong with me either and a LOT of the neurologists ive seen have been very very rude to me too .. and some even told me I was crazy!.. ive been going through these horrible drs appointments for 3 years and they cant figure it out.. so I TOTALLY understand what youre going through! your videos help me so much though
the phone quality was actually really nice! and sorry to hear about the doctor, i've had my experiences with them as well, i guess not every doctor is perfect. but hey, you are great at making sure you get everything you need and being treated right!
Dr. Tuite in St. Petersburg is an AMAZING neurologist! He was not only able to diagnose a problem I've had since I was an infant, that no other doctor could figure out, but he was also able to completely fix the issue. He's amazing and brilliant and actually read all of my medical charts before my first appointment and already knew my medical history. He does pediatrics, but I recently learned he does adults, too! I tell you, he's amazing and changed my life! I'm not sure where in Tampa you're located...I live just south of Tampa and he is totally worth the drive.
So not alone!!!! I have has so so many RUDE doctors and they always question me and my health! Makes me so mad and frustrated 😡😡😡 thank you for your videos ❤️
Thank you Jaquie for posting this. I am praying for you daily and I am sorry you had a horrible doctor. I have also had horrible doctor appointments. Do you ever have days where you feel well?
I have a few days when I am well for part of the day. I get a lot of migraines and other types of headaches too. I hope you feel better soon and find a good doctor. God Bless you.
While at USF I used to walk by a t-shirt posted on the pre-med bulletin board: "Trust me, I'm (almost) a doctor". Yeah, I think not.
Phone quality is so much better
I'm so sorry to hear about your terrible doctors appointment! I've been watching your videos every day and was really hoping that you would get some answers. Keep your head up though, you're so inspirational! Fingers crossed that you find a better doctor! Also, using your phone for vlogs is great!!
In my twenties I would go to the ER for tachycardia Ana was treated with a Xanax. Finally, I got a doctor years later that ran a simple ECG in his office that showed a very serious heart problem. I also went diagnosed with diabetes after years of telling doctors of symptoms and had gestational diabetes. Also, in my teens and twenties I had an enlarged liver with bad blood levels and every doctor just kept telling me to quit drinking....which I didn't. My gynecologist (who had liver issues got me the right doctor to help me)...I believe that many doctors dismiss young people and specifically women. Now I'm fighting for pain management for quality of life, but the government is declaring war on opiates, so I'm pain doesn't matter now. I'm 50 now and still fighting.
I'm 20 also, I can't believe you have to go through these things at our age. You are a lot stronger than I will ever be. God bless you :)
I went to so many different doctors over 12 years because my hips kept dislocating and I finally found an amazing rheumatologist who explained hypermobility to me and ran a few very simple tests and diagnosed me with Ehlers-Danlos. I had so many doctors just tell me oh I've never seen that before, I don't know why you came to me so I totally understand how you feel after a crappy doctors appointment like this. Symptoms are REAL even if you can't see them!!!!
So sorry about that doctor Jaq! Hopefully you can find a nicer one soon! Have a relaxing night and stay strong💪❤👊
I would definitely file a complaint against that allergist! I know just reiterating what everyone else is saying but seriously that Dr is going to get someone killed with advice like that!! Also, Lyrica is similar to what I'm on for nerve issues but I'm not really sure if it is really helping that much.
Two years ago I met with the head neurosuregon at the neurosurgery clinic I go to. WORST DOCTOR EVER!!!!!!!!!! Right up there with your experience; he was rude, ignorant and talked down to me (with my mother in the room) and immediately started talking about one of my diagnoses, how he would never sign off on surgery for it and how I didn't need a neurosurgeon anymore, etc etc. And I've had a neurosurgeon since I was a day old! Been petrified of my shunt malfunctioning ever since, because then I'd have to run the risk of seeing him again. Totally traumatized by that jerk.
where did you get that treat/gear pouch that you have on your hip? i'm looking for something like that to use when dogwalking with my clients and would like to know hte name of the one you have
I had that with a psychatrist a few years back who basically told me that I am just lazy and should go outside and do stuff.
I've had some similar experiences. I've been to the hospital a couple times, seen many doctors and other professionals, etc etc, and just to be told they can't do any testing or anything to figure out what's wrong with me. One doctor in the hospital told me that if i'm not better in a few years I could go out of state but it won't likely be any more help than I've already had (not that I've had much help, and I can't go out of state anyways). If it wasn't for my family I wouldn't be here anymore, because I see no hope of ever getting better or having a normal or happy life. Some doctors are very sickening, how ironic. :D
I'm sorry you couldn't find help with that doctor. I sort of understand the feeling, I have very confusing allergies and was having severe reactions from eating what seemed like anything, and my allergist just told me I'm allergic to pollen and it's a common condition called oral allergy syndrome, but this is much more extreme than just OAS. I don't know any other allergists so I have still been seeing the same one and every time I see him he asks "So what are you allergic to again?", "So what happens when you have reactions, your lip swells?", and whenever I ask when I might be able to try eating trigger foods to see if there is any improvement, he gives me vague answers like "when pollen season ends" as if I don't have reactions all year long. It's so frustrating, I feel like he doesn't even listen to me when I talk and he thinks I'm totally overreacting, but my episodes are horrible and he's providing no solutions. I feel like because I'm a 23 year old girl who looks healthy he just doesn't care. I always get the "I have other patients to see" vibe from him. I'm glad I'm not the only one who feels like their doctor just isn't taking them seriously, and I'm sorry you weren't able to find someone who can help you today but it's good to know you won't have to waste any more time on a doctor who doesn't care. Take care xx
Oh my god, I face this ALL THE TIME in Australia. Most doctors know nothing about EDS/POTS etc- I get treated like I am just malingering, or that I imagine my symptoms. Doctors criticise my use of a wheelchair and other things I have no choice over and absolutely NEED to maintain any quality of life. I am trying every day to make a plan to move out of this country and get somewhere where doctors know something instead of arrogantly telling me it is in my head
Love the quality of the vlog with the phone!
Report this doctor. I've had similar problems. I've been told they wouldn't take my case because it's to envolved. I always feel like I'm the hot potato when I go to the ER. I get tossed about because my case is hard.
Also- have you tried any alternative medicine approaches?
I think the phone quality is really good! I think it's better than the camera too!
I love your positivity! I watch your vlogs daily and I can't imagine how hard it is for you to stay so positive and it's so nice to watch your videos of you smiling and continuing to move forward even though you saw a bad doctor. Keep it up girl! ✊❤
I was on lyrica unfortunately I had allergic reaction so I was unable to see if it would help
I'm so sorry about your experience! I had to go through 3 different doctors to find one that would take my diagnoses of Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia seriously to help with pain management when I moved for college, because I'm only 20. So frustrating! One just straight up said I was to young and was incredibly ignorant, and another treated me like I was five when I've been advocating for myself for years and dealing with these diagnoses for over a year.
Smoothies sound like a good treat after the jerk doctor. I usually go for an incredibly unhealthy McDonalds burger.
Watching this reminded me of what happened in 2010 when our old primary care physician kept telling my mom who was slowly gething sicker with what we eventually found out that she had laryngeal cancer when he kept saying that she had a sore throat.
I once had a series of allergic reactions which caused my face to swell like a ballon, get red/blue and burn like crazy whilst being very hot. These reactions held on for 3 weeks at a time. When I went to see a doctor, she told me I probably hadn´t realized that I gained wheight (how would she know? It was the first time she ever saw me) and that I didn´t have allergies. Never forgot that one. I was so mad and I still am (-_-). Just admit you have no idea what´s going on, don´t make that my fault...
Dumb things doctors have said to me: me: I figured out how to handle the constipation. Dr.: how? Me: I stopped eating. Dr.: Good, that's good. Me: I can't inhale. Dr. Then don't inhale. 😨🙀👎🏼are they dumb or not listening.
I'm so sorry to hear about that horrible doctor!! How ignorant. I hope you can find someone better!
My heart goes out to you. 25 years of this battle. Fibro severe. with many other things. Osteo..diabetes....stenosis. plus more...anyway im older. and its worstening....lyrica does nothing for me....all I get. is. head games... grr. good luck. I pray all will be better for you. 😅
I know how you feel I can’t stand my pain doctor because he only comes in the room for literally 60 seconds the longest he has seen me was 2 minutes. Unfortunately I have no choice at the moment because I’m currently using workman’s comp. but as soon as I get to go to my own doctors I will be keeping my neurologist and leaving and finding a new pain doctor
It's horrible that doctors are like that. Unfortunately I've seen more doctors like this, rather than not. That's why I just started with some proper treatments at age 45. Still working on getting more.
I'm watching this in 2018 and it is so dad how much sicker Jacquie has gotten :(
I'm so sorry you had a bad app't. I've had quite a few that went like that and it really sucks. I have filed complaints with the offices, because it's important to document bad Dr's. One Dr was so arrogant and awful to my teen & I, I refused to pay the remaining balance on my bill. (I paid a copay to go into the app't, otherwise I wouldn't have paid that either.) The Dr was a total jerk and I called the office as soon as I got home to complain. I told them I wasn't paying. They sent a bill and I called to remind them I wouldn't pay it. (It was $30, but it was the PRINCIPAL!) They sent us into collections, so I told the collection agency the story and that I would be happy to let the local TV network know that the Dr was inappropriate. I received a letter 2 days later saying the bill was removed from our account. I feel Dr's who treat people this way shouldn't be paid. Period. I'll send you a private IG message, but unfortunately, your experience is common. ((HUGS))
was the doctor old?
I had an appointment almost exactly like that not to long ago 🙄 I went to a cardiologist to see how my eds was effecting my heart and he told me that I couldn't possibly have eds since it to rare.. what does that even mean? He also told me, and I'm not exaggerating, that I would benefit greatly if I went and got a good psychiatrist. Needless to say I never went back there! I hope you can find a good allergist! Maybe try finding one an one of the mast cell boards? That's how I found mine and started treatment!
Sorry you're going through a lot! Some doctors are unfortunately knowledgeable but have ZERO bedside manner. There are nice ones out there. Stay strong!
My mom and I are so appalled on your behalf. You deserved better!
So sorry for your frustrating experience! :( I wonder why people like that are even Drs in the first place, surely must be money alone. I continue to pray for you! Love your vlogs.
We went to a pediatrician one time for my allergies and my normal doctor was gone and he changed my allergy medication and he wasn't listening to my mom when she tried to tell him what my usual doctor gives us that helps, and he didn't talk to me and just said it to my mom (I can't remember but I think I was 12) as if I wasn't able to understand anything. Next time I went to my normal doctor (not long after) he changed my medication back and gave me medication that actually helped
He reminds me of the psychologist I had to go through to get an autism diagnosis. He didn't believe anything I said and told my parents I was theatrical and overemotional. It's like anyone not knowledgeable in autism assumes we're making everything up >:(
The more I hear about that RUDE doctor, he sounds like a QUACK!!!! ARGH!!
Ugh that sucks that you were treated so poorly. Some doctors just lose their humanity.
I've encountered ignorant doctors, including one right now. As a result, I have to search for a new primary care physician. It sucks!
Check out Dr. Mario Rodenas in Gainseville. He was my immunologist in CT until warmer climes and elderly parents called. I'm 61 and have multiple health concerns, some pretty obscure and difficult to manage, and he is by FAR one of the best docs I've ever had per bedside manner, thoroughness and general knowledge. The nurses where I get my infusions miss him. The other doctors at the medical center miss him. I miss him terribly (you just get somebody good and they leave!) Good luck.
PS Get two masks!!
I wish I'd gone to that doctor with you. He would be unemployed by now.
I was very sick a few years ago. I went into Septic Shock. I have Spina Bifida and I have urological problems as a result. I was in the ICU and dehydrated so was getting IV fluids. I told the dr that I needed the fluids to run slowly because I had my spine fused as a kid and so there isn't a lot of room in my abdomen and I get bloated and can't breathe. I was explaining this to him for the third time and he was like " well, your wrong." I'm wrong about my own body?! Excuse you! Glad you won't be going to him ever again!
they put me on lyrica for my type 1 diabetic neuropathy and I had a really bad reaction I started getting involuntary jerking in my hands and arms then by day to I swelled my eyes my hand and my ankles and feet it was horrible
I too had doctors at their appointmentts and in the hospital as a in patient speak hard um and almost blamed me for my health conditions.i have Crohn's disease 17yrs i had some of my intestines removed diabetic type 2 on insulin cataracts in both eyes enlarged heart one heart valve not working defibrillator implanted arthritis in the right hand bending right a small bunion on the left outside big toe.
I had a doctor that said he could not communicate with me because I am blind and blind people cannot communicate which I very much can
Yea I believe I’d report it to his board
I went to see a allergist and mine was so rude and had no bedside manner it went so bad I was crying midway, so I understand it.
That doctor was a total jerk! Pineapple malted shakes are my favorite consolation beverage :)
this has happened to me. im so sorry.
Omg you need to complain about that dr for sure
that doctor needs to have their license removed and work as a car washer or something.
Wow I'd report him he obviously needs to go back to school he's gonna end up killing a patient by telling them not to go to the er for anaphylaxis. I hate when doctors are like that it's so frustrating
video quality is awesome
There are some mast cell doctors in Florida
Some people become Dr.s for the money and don't give a shit about people..its ridiculous. Im sorry u went through that
I would report that doctor
He has a problem. Blessings Jacqui... 👼
I can't believe that that doctor was such a jerk!! You don't deserve to be treated that way! I don't know how he even became a doctor!!!! Ugh! It's just so hard to control the anger inside me when I saw that! I hope you didn't have to pay for that visit because if I were in your shoes I wouldn't have paid for it!
I'm so sorry you had to go thru that. Its hard enough to get out when you're chronically ill. I've had my share of stupid and mean doctors over the years. My take is they are narcissistic and/or they cheated their way thru medical school:). Hang in there and God bless.
Wow. Some Dr. Been there girl.
Definitely find a different allergist!
I recently turned 46 and still have doctors telling me I'm too young to have all these illnesses! I think because we're in Cape Coral/Ft. Myers and the majority of patients are elderly. They seem to cater to senior citizens
I can 100% relate to your experience dealing with incredibly rude doctors. My experience was a few years ago, after I graduated college and I was moving back home. I was trying to find a neurologist that would take my incredibly rare brain tumor/case. I ended up going to see two doctors in totally, First doctor, told my mom and I that we should not do anything about my brain tumor he was even reading through the information and not interacted what so ever. 2nd doctor was a lot better and he said, I'm not the doctor for you and you need to see this doctor.
Just wanted to say I can completely understand and it is crazy frustrated trying to establish that medical team/help.
Julian is CUTE :-)
I'm going to double check with my sister to see who she saw. I believe they were in jacksonville. not sure how far that is from you. also check out www.tmsforacure.org they just launched a new website. The changed the membership to be free. they have a lot of good information. Can advise of local drs as well. They had there conference in Orlando last year.
also have your local allergist contact and work with the mast cell specialist. this way your not traveling out of state at the moment
thats. typical. it really is
Don't go back, There was no call for him to be so rude I have hives like yours I carry epi-pens and benadryl with me at all times sometime 3 or 4 at a time My Doctor's' and allergist have been no help they will stop you from talking and Say we can't do anything for you It's something you have to live with and If you let them know your taking benadryl they act like your stupid But the benadryl really help it doesn't always stop them but it help slow them down and keeps you for having a severe panic attack.
It may get ugly anyway!
Your phone is way better!!!
I hope you reported that Dr he was horrible! i been tho it with a GI Dr and a pain management Dr asking why are you here I reported both
Thus is why I don't like doctors ugh lol
Sorry about your caca doctor
Jaqui.tiu should have told that doctor "what do you know then"..lol
I think that doctor was probably well-meaning, but still obviously a misogynist, and very old fashioned too. He probably thought he was encouraging you to "step out of your illness" (if only that were possible!) mentality.