Attempting free take-off

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024
    I am trying to get my step out and have an elastic stretch at take off but there is a lot of work to be done. jumps are from 3 and 4 lefts with a 15 ft bungee.


  • @roxyrack
    @roxyrack 12 років тому +1

    This is excellent! My son is 4 and just saw a piece on TV of pole vaulting and wanted to try for himself. This is a great example of not only doing the task but demonstrating that lots of practice is what helps you become good at something. THANK YOU!

  • @perezdavid714
    @perezdavid714 12 років тому

    This video has helped me very much as a high school pole vaulter. Getting higher and higher each day. Thank you for this great video!

  • @perezdavid714
    @perezdavid714 13 років тому

    this is a great video! the camera was perfect for me to see your technique. this will help me a lot when track season starts next yr. thank you very much!

  • @TheZachtheman85
    @TheZachtheman85 13 років тому

    Your form is like an angel's! I can't believe it!

  • @catthtlndsonback
    @catthtlndsonback 14 років тому

    i wish i could get the kind of pop off the pole that you get on your short approach... simply incredible.

  • @TheJimmychongas
    @TheJimmychongas 12 років тому

    i understand where you are coming from. I had a big problem straight poling it too. My coach told me to go up on my pole and i did. I PR at the next meet by 6 inches. 11 feet is my PR. I haven't got passed it yet but now i've moved on a bigger pole and got 12 feet in practice today. Practice form daily because you never get higher unless you get form down. Trust me yesterday i was on the same bigger pole and wash't getting any depth. my form improved and now i'm getting depth and 12'.write-back

  • @mickeyBnorth
    @mickeyBnorth 13 років тому

    Free take offs actually make vaulting majestic i started doing them on accident and doing it mad my pr go up 2 ft. plus working on short stuff but still free take offs (when done correctly) are EPIC!!!!!

  • @2011rwill
    @2011rwill 13 років тому

    i love your run and particularly your drive, palms up leading with the chest, drive knee foot tucked under the hips.... the free take off would save you more energy indeed, and oh your looking down at the plant slightly try to look ahead and slightly upwards other wise pretty good form!

  • @rynard22
    @rynard22 12 років тому

    youll get better im also a freshman i couldnt get over starting aheighth at first meet it was 7' at confrence meet i cleared 9'6 and because of sinyority i couldnt go to districts sectionals or state but i still practiced and ended up getting 12' in practice, so pumped for next year!

  • @Bulletsintheair
    @Bulletsintheair 12 років тому +1

    I love this video! It always gets me pumped up for vaulting. Im capping a 12' 130 right now but my biggest issue is getting inverted! It inspires me watching this.

  • @nbagreen1
    @nbagreen1 13 років тому

    Great video! I enjoyed very much. nice example of working up from the 3 step for instruction. Thank you for posting. I think free takeoff starts with a penultimate step followed by a jump up off the ground. most vaulters naturally dont hit a deep penultimate step. You dont have a significant P.S. Its even harder to hit with a longer run and not slow down. I defntly have free takeoff and I can jump 13' from 3 steps, 40' run(im slow). The free takeoff adds 1' to my 3 step vault. 16' pr

  • @PvMick
    @PvMick 15 років тому

    your getting it man, the vault tht really stuck out to me was at 2:45 very nice its was the last vault, keep working, heres a few techs tht might help a little: push your toe back off the take off or just really drive your drive knee high nd ver hard it causes good seperation, goodluck and your top end is very nice

  • @THEmanTHATSwhite
    @THEmanTHATSwhite 13 років тому

    this is pretty sweet man. looking good

  • @vaulter4life423
    @vaulter4life423 13 років тому

    Beautiful! 1: 32. His split was amazing and he finished the vault really well. His take off the ground was was nice and high too (:

  • @stephondallmond1952
    @stephondallmond1952 11 років тому

    just what i needed to see. Thanks!

  • @BRbffNW
    @BRbffNW 13 років тому

    whoa that was really good !!!!

  • @martian59
    @martian59 14 років тому

    Nice jumping. I still hold my high school record at 13' 9" from 1977. I sure wish video was more available back then so I could look at myself. I think with a few technique tweaks I could have gone 12 to 18 inches higher real fast. I learned on my own with no vaulting coach.

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  13 років тому

    It is more important to stay right side up at takeoff in a backwards C position to properly bend the pole then to give bottom arm pressure. Ths will allow the pole to rise at take off and allow you to roll much bigger poles.

  • @MilanASDF
    @MilanASDF 13 років тому

    @burlykc If some of those in this video weren't clear, the were at least VERY close. For those who try free take-off: the vaulter should leave the ground just abit before the pole the pole stops in the hole and bends, if that happens too early, the vault will also sink, but it only needs some practise...

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  12 років тому

    Right now the main thing in the takeoff is to get your hands up as high as you can. The higher your take off the better the jump. A free take off does not need to be your concern right now focus on staying right side up at take off and getting inverted by swinging to your top hand and then kicking to the runway side of the pole.

  • @MilanASDF
    @MilanASDF 13 років тому

    @theshinnzinator I meant the takeoff happens too can also happen too early, like this: you leave he ground and you can really feel that you are free in air and bit 0.1 seconds later your pole stops in the hole and starts to bend.

  • @rynard22
    @rynard22 12 років тому

    your weight and pole size all comes into play on this one, if your holding at the top of your pole and you dont get any bend at all try using a smaller pole and try getting some bend. and the first time you get bend youll know it at first its a scary feeling but then its an amazing feeling at end. and if there are not any smaller poles work on form and speed remember to keep arms straight and to swing your left leg

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  15 років тому

    The best thing to do is figure out how far out your take off would be from where you would be holding from two lefts. You put a shirt down at that spot and always take off behind that spot. Then you move back one left at a time perfecting this from each run. That being said if you can do this without moving your step back thats even better because it makes you have a free take off by getting you feet down faster putting you in a better position to take off.

  • @zspar123
    @zspar123 13 років тому

    @joseph14295 jump and drive your right knee, it also might be because your blocking out make sure that as you rock back your left hand opens up the space above you and moves the pole so that it is to the left of you (probobly a horrible explenation of this, my coach called it "opening the window" when i learned to vualt but it will just happen iff you swing correctly and you wont have to consciously think about it)

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  11 років тому

    This is awesome to here thanks!

  • @ninjayc247
    @ninjayc247 14 років тому

    a lot of people think the more the pole bends the more elastic potential it has but if the pole stays stiffer throughout it will actually bring you higher

  • @FLaSHBaCK353
    @FLaSHBaCK353 13 років тому

    @LV622 turning will come easy once you start clearing 9 and up because in order to clear the higher heights your forced to drive and get vertical and turning is basically natural after that. You really dont have time to turn in a 7' foot jump. if your slowing down then your either running from too far away or your lengthening your strides at the end

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  12 років тому

    Not with out video 10'6 is a really good start. I know most beginners have a tendency to pull up with there top hand if you focus on keeping your arm long and being as tall as you can at take off it will most likely be an improvement to your jump. Keep up the good work.

  • @THEmanTHATSwhite
    @THEmanTHATSwhite 12 років тому

    this is impressive my friend

  • @Fleagle21Parkour
    @Fleagle21Parkour 13 років тому

    @javstar78 When someone leaves the ground before the pole hits the back of the box, (or before the pole starts to bend) Better take off, better swing.

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  15 років тому

    The other thing would be a lot of slide box always getting your step cought. Hope this helps.

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  13 років тому

    That is a huge transition. When holding the same height a 14 ft pole with the same weight rating would be 20lbs stiffer. (10lbs per 6 inches in length)

  • @thedetvetdu
    @thedetvetdu 14 років тому

    nice technique man :) I have to work on keeping my arm straight all the way through..

  • @evanF4B10
    @evanF4B10 13 років тому

    @dillondopp you couldn't be any more wrong...
    Speed is not the only factor at all. I ran the 100 in 12.4 as a senior in high school (go ahead and laugh, I know it's bad). I still managed to fool around with 15 foot poles. If my plant was down the slightest bit, I got rejected.

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  13 років тому

    It would be difficult to say with out video. To properly get inverted you swing your trail leg to your top hand keeping your hips low. Once you swing all the way upside down you drop your shoulders and shoot your feet to the one o'clock position on the runway side of the pole.

  • @arche178
    @arche178 12 років тому

    after youve taken ur steps, move a couple of inches back and jump as you normally do and dont lean forward

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  11 років тому

    Use a smaller pole it does not matter if it is under your body weight as long as it does not bend past 90 degrees. Then just go up 5lbs at a time after safely landing in the middle of the pit on the smaller poles.

  • @playa9158
    @playa9158 13 років тому

    @GermanSpook i got it yesterday i bent it for the first time and it threw me like a rag doll wayyy over 13 feet hahah just gota learn how to control it i should be jumping alot higher now i figured out it was my left arm it was bending alot so i kept it straight

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  13 років тому

    Yes but don't go straight from holding 11ft to 11'6 move up two inches at a time. However sometimes with 11 and 12 ft poles you can go up 20lbs at a time you just have to use you best judgment this gets more difficult as the pole's get longer.

  • @evanF4B10
    @evanF4B10 13 років тому

    Don't try for a free take-off. TRY to have your toes exactly under your hips. Most inexperienced vaulters can still jump fine by being a a few inches under, but it definitely causes you to lose energy.
    What you should do is try to be EXACTLY ON - 3 inches out (barely noticeable free take-off)

  • @InfamousK82
    @InfamousK82 14 років тому

    very nice..

  • @Alphablazer21
    @Alphablazer21 13 років тому

    You can jump that high of of a four-step run?!?! That's crazy!

  • @mhrocketman
    @mhrocketman 12 років тому

    just to add to the free takeoff comment, in my opinion/experience a free takeoff should not come into play until you are jumping on poles larger than 15'. I've been trying new techniques through a wide range of coaches such as Tye Harvey, Jan Johnson, and Jim Doggett. keeping a tall plant and MAXIMUM sprinting speed at takeoff is most important for 15' and under poles. the only reason a free takeoff is used is to supplement the lower initial pole-angle at takeoff with 15'+ poles.

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  13 років тому

    A free take off is where the vaulter leaves the ground before the pole starts to bend. This allows the swing to be more free and effective and also results in a better take off angle with a bend that rises instead of sinks. I do not accomplish it in this video but I come close. I will post a new video in the next month or two of actually accomplishing a free take off so it will be more clear.

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  11 років тому

    Look up bent pole swing ups and watch my wife Annie doing a swing up. You get on a small pole and do a full jump without turning. If you learn to invert long enough the turn should happen naturally at the correct time as the result of pulling the elbow in to finish the inversion. Also never try to make a bar try to jump with the best technique you can and you will make bars as a result.

  • @patmcmahon2121
    @patmcmahon2121 14 років тому

    @burlykc First...I make my daughter (who jumps) watch this video all the time. Great rockback and inversion. Anyway, what is the one thing that you would recommend to help with her getting inverted. She tends to "flag-out" and not shoot straight up..always behind on the pole - Would love to get your insight

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  14 років тому

    It's hard to say what she needs to work on without seeing video. Is she able to do Bubka's on a high bar? A couple reasons people are not able to get inverted is a lack of strenth, and a lack of timing. One of the main problems I find is that people tend to throw their head making there hips drop, or they just arch their back after getting inverted making their feet drop. You want her to try to get her feet in a slight pike as she pulls through so that they stay on the runway side of the pole.

  • @lilmurpdo
    @lilmurpdo 12 років тому

    take more steps. speed is most of vaulting. you are looking good from 4 move back to six see how you do in practice

  • @jeterisbeast22
    @jeterisbeast22 11 років тому

    alright thanks a lot

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  11 років тому

    You should not have the feeling of riding the pole up, after takeoff you need to swing as hard as you can and make the pole move. There is no waiting, plant swing, invert, turn, and push each of these stages happens right after the other is complete you can not leave the pole early as long as you are finishing each of these stages regardless of timing.

  • @dillondopp
    @dillondopp 13 років тому

    you dont need transition i went from a 12 foot pole strait to a 15 its all about how fast you can be

  • @TheArcturusProject
    @TheArcturusProject 11 років тому

    Where was this taken, and who is your coach? It's hard to tell but it reminds me of my coach! Luke Walker. Good video, good form

  • @Iceman93375
    @Iceman93375 13 років тому

    Nice I'm a fm in hs and it's my first year today I cleared eight ft for the first time
    You got mad pop btw :)

  • @svengoos9549
    @svengoos9549 5 років тому

    Hello, I saw your video today.Super Technik.Weißt you with what rod length and with what hardness (lbs) you jumped at that time?

  • @T_I_D_A_L_S_
    @T_I_D_A_L_S_ 13 років тому

    ehhh its not the same weight capability
    im transitioning from a 13' 150 to a 14' 135 holding about...well about four grips down from the top when i use the 13 and about a half grip higher than that on the 14
    i did that when i transitioned to a 13' pole and it was just perfect,,,im just not sure what im doing wrongg now or if im missing something

  • @NickNeral
    @NickNeral 11 років тому

    @02vault do slow swing ups focusing on abs and strength

  • @pvaultguy847
    @pvaultguy847 15 років тому

    i have the same exact problem with my last step, it really has prevented me from getting on bigger poles, do you have any suggestions as to drills i could do? i normally just do jogging pop ups to warm up and then get into my 5 or 7 step workout..
    anything would help really, thanks

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  13 років тому

    It's 15' but as you see from the video I only clear is a couple times with out touching it. 15 ft pole makes it look low.

  • @dnallor24
    @dnallor24 12 років тому

    is there any thing wrong with your form? every thing seems picture perfect to me

  • @orourkef02
    @orourkef02 11 років тому

    Just keep training... try to turn and pike at the top of your vault

  • @eckett10
    @eckett10 13 років тому

    WOW im a sophmore in HS and i clear 13'9" whats an elastic strech and ow do you get your pole to bend at such short distances? thanks and goodluck

  • @Canroll5824
    @Canroll5824 13 років тому

    im a freshman in high school my pr so far is 10' and im using a 14ft pole prob holding at 12' it bends a little but idk what i can do better i cant seem to rock back enough

  • @Beau7gardner
    @Beau7gardner 14 років тому

    dude thats sick man thats only a 4 step right? how high was that?

  • @LTC3a
    @LTC3a 11 років тому

    Serious question I guess:
    I keep having this tendency to start turning way to early. Its almost like I aim for a foot below the bar. I have a good bend - my plant could be a bit better but its rather okay. I just twist almost mid bend. When my coach puts a bungy at 11.5' and the bar at 10.5' I clear the bar. When it is just the bar I don't clear!

  • @dnallor24
    @dnallor24 12 років тому

    that's a lot of pole vaulting in one day. how do you keep your steps consistent

  • @Fleagle21Parkour
    @Fleagle21Parkour 13 років тому

    @Roksonixx wonders of carbon.

  • @jeterisbeast22
    @jeterisbeast22 11 років тому

    Im having trouble getting deep into the pit. Im a Junior in highschool and this is my 3rd year of the vault and every year i have had the same problem, my knee drive isnt there and my trail leg tends to bend instead of staying long. any tips on how to fix this?

  • @Blkjackben
    @Blkjackben 12 років тому

    Awesome vid, but this makes me feel down when you can 4step 15' and i 7 step 12'4 lolz

  • @m0m0-d0m0
    @m0m0-d0m0 12 років тому


  • @minecrafteliteplayer
    @minecrafteliteplayer 11 років тому

    i love pole vaulting. I have a personal record of 7'6". I can't really get used to bending the pole though. any suggestions? and i'm only in 8th grade.

  • @T_I_D_A_L_S_
    @T_I_D_A_L_S_ 13 років тому

    im missing something in my transition from a 13' to a 14' pole...
    any tips that helped yoo in yoor transitions???

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  13 років тому

    It does not always work this way often trying to make this type of jump in poles is dangerous. With out a proper transition it often makes technique suffer. If you were able to make this transition it is because the 12ft pole was far under your ability level but this is not usually the case.

  • @playa9158
    @playa9158 13 років тому

    how do u bend it im a sophmore jumping 10 ft almost 10 6 and i cant bend the pole for my life. coach says its cause my arms arent straight how do u fix that...

  • @caitihood5284
    @caitihood5284 11 років тому

    pole vaulting is my favorite thing in track & field but this year i couldn't seem to do near as well as last year. my pr is 7' 6" (last year this year only 7') i will be going into 8th grade and i really want to at least clear 8' 3" next year but this year kind of lowered my confidence. any tips?

  • @marcusblessing
    @marcusblessing 12 років тому

    Isn't the hardest part of a free takeoff the ability to keep the pole moving to vertical when you swing? as opposed to just taking off out and sinking on it, as many kids do these days -__-

  • @CoachB03
    @CoachB03 8 років тому +1

    Video went about a minute before I recognized it was filmed at my alma mater. Looking good Burlingham!

  • @nreed200
    @nreed200 11 років тому

    agree with burlykc

  • @casf120
    @casf120 14 років тому

    how does he drive thru that pole with just a 4 step?

  • @pats431996
    @pats431996 14 років тому

    im 13 and i got 7' at my last track meet(placed 3rd). winner was 14 and got 9'6". I'm trying to bend more, but i can't find any good vids to have a better technique, could u give me some tips....maybe post a vid?

  • @HalmarkCreates
    @HalmarkCreates 11 років тому

    What pole were you using?

  • @MrPyro252
    @MrPyro252 12 років тому

    have u ever landed on the pole?

  • @dillonpereira7813
    @dillonpereira7813 11 років тому

    hey what school are you guys from?

  • @aliasgirl47
    @aliasgirl47 13 років тому

    So.. why is there Daredevil music in the background?

  • @TheSkinkis
    @TheSkinkis 13 років тому

    So, I'm new to polevaulting and my coach admits he knows nothing about it, right now I weigh 138 and use a 165 pole (unable to bend it seriously haha) and clear 12ft from 10 steps as a freshman. Help me out lol what would you guys suggest for a beginner?

  • @kalebpolevaults
    @kalebpolevaults 10 років тому +1

    Can anyone go watch my polevault video and tell me how to correct my form?

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  11 років тому

    As you invert think of keeping the pole as tight to you as possible, run your hands from your shins up to you right hip with out ever losing contact with your body. Also do a ton of Bubkas and other high bar work so that you are strong enough to get inverted.

  • @blokhdaniel
    @blokhdaniel 13 років тому

    whats the song?

  • @rynard22
    @rynard22 12 років тому

    u shouldnt be 7 stepping if your only getting 12'4 that to me seems like your form isnt right. and that will wear u down in a meet and practice, u should work on form and work on 5 step till u have good form and most of all plant and take off

  • @TheDylanPendy
    @TheDylanPendy 12 років тому


  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  11 років тому

    Cal state Stanislaus, however my wife and I now train at AZPVA in Queen Creek Arizona.

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  11 років тому

    Just stick with it, take a lot of jumps and get yourself as strong and fast as possible.

  • @burlykc
    @burlykc  14 років тому

    Try to think of 6 lefts as taking one step into your 5.

  • @daltondelancey8810
    @daltondelancey8810 11 років тому

    Alright im an 8th grader clearing 10ft if I could gut upside down and turn then I would be getting 10'6'' or 11'' can someone please help

  • @eckett10
    @eckett10 13 років тому

    WOW im a sophmore in HS and i clear 13'9" whats an elastic strech and how do you get your pole to bend at such short distances? thanks and goodluck