Native Instruments: Play Series Luxa | Hot List Expansion | Walkthrough and Review

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @PULSEMusicGroup
    @PULSEMusicGroup  3 години тому +2

    Happy Holidays family! So what are you liking so far of the releases from NI in December: Electric Storm Guitar, RS1, Luxa, or Hot List?

  • @tcmuze
    @tcmuze Годину тому +1

    🔥🔥🔥You always got the fresh scoop on NI drops!!! STAY UP!!!

    • @PULSEMusicGroup
      @PULSEMusicGroup  55 хвилин тому +1

      TC, I try to make sure that you guys get as much info as possible when it comes to NI good or bad. But I have a feeling that alot of people will benefit for the bundle because of not a lot of the community will be getting the expansion more so. Appreciate you as always for coming through brother. Keep blazing as well. Blessings! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯

    • @tcmuze
      @tcmuze 49 хвилин тому

      @PULSEMusicGroup Mission Accomplished. You stay providing prospective and insights. I appreciate you for that!!!

  • @banxmusic
    @banxmusic 2 години тому +1

    Good vibes! Thanks for sharing.

    • @PULSEMusicGroup
      @PULSEMusicGroup  2 години тому +1

      Thank you fsmily. Greatly appreciate you supporting and coming through and checking out the vid and the channel! Really hope it inspired and motivated you in anyway to be creative! Blessings! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯

  • @jamescornelius6036
    @jamescornelius6036 2 години тому +1

    Hot List hitiin for real

    • @PULSEMusicGroup
      @PULSEMusicGroup  2 години тому +1

      For sure. It has some really dope sounds inthrm and Snipe Young always does his thing on these. I feel like he is one of the best if not the best for R&B and Hip Hop for Native Instruments. 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯💯💯

  • @jamescornelius6036
    @jamescornelius6036 2 години тому +1

    Whats Up Bro, I see you gettin at it

    • @PULSEMusicGroup
      @PULSEMusicGroup  2 години тому +1

      I had to do one more at least before either year is out. December is close to it's ends and the new year is near, lol Appreciate you as always and hope you have a safe and blessed holiday season with the fam. Blessings! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯

  • @jerzboybeats
    @jerzboybeats Годину тому +1

    Just can't keep my money 💰. That's the only thing I don't like about NI. They stay in my pockets. 😂. Happy Holidays to you and your family. Oh yeah. It's your fault to that Steinberg throwing me off 😂😂😂

    • @PULSEMusicGroup
      @PULSEMusicGroup  53 хвилини тому +1

      Awww man, they throwing you off, lol lol lol Im sorry brother! It yeah NI has been pushing out some major stuff and like I said In the video look at it like they are a la carte. I like the expansion the best but the bundle is a great deal too. But again......more money gone, smh lol Blessings! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯

  • @cesarbarbosa4109
    @cesarbarbosa4109 2 години тому +1

    Man i spent enough on these companies holiday sales this year. Im taking a back seat for a bit on spending.

    • @PULSEMusicGroup
      @PULSEMusicGroup  2 години тому +1

      I know a lot of people will be saying this. Especially the production community that has families that they are shopping for this season. NI tries it alot but let's see how this goes, lol I do like the Expansion more than the play series. Good seeing you as usual and always appreciate you coming through. Appreciate you family. Blessings! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯

  • @Ink0ne415
    @Ink0ne415 2 години тому +1

    Peace peace Happy Holidays my G to you and yours. Liking Hot List (Snipe Young) Luxa not to much some of play series sound the same digging Glaze2 and Alicia's Electric keys dope. Question your running this expansion pack on M2 software not M3? Why I'm asking is i don't have M3 software still running M2.

    • @PULSEMusicGroup
      @PULSEMusicGroup  2 години тому +2

      Hey Ink. Yeah I running on M2 because for me it runs a lot smoother and when I go to use M3 for dragging and drilling the wav files I make in Cubase DAW, it takes forever to use. Plus I never used all the features or nor do I care for them in M3. I have Serato for Stem Separation and M2 was fine for me........seemless. So I'm sticking with M2 until I start to see the bugs go away. They just updated but I'm not ready to fully transfer yet. Appreciate you as always and Glaze is dope. I use the first one more then the other, smh lol Old habits die hard I guess. Blessings! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯

    • @Ink0ne415
      @Ink0ne415 2 години тому +1

      @@PULSEMusicGroup Word right on thank you I'm the same way with the MPC software not a big fan of 3.0 so im still using 2 so i feel ya if it broke why change a good thing.

    • @PULSEMusicGroup
      @PULSEMusicGroup  2 години тому +1

      Exactly. M2 was better for me and to be honest they really didn't need to change it. These were just features that they added with a new faceplate. So I could care less about the features especially when I have other VSTs that don't SAME thing, lol Love NI but man sometimes.........smh lol

  • @micahmggreen3464
    @micahmggreen3464 Годину тому +1

    Is it a sale on both together? Like Roux and Brass n Bounce?

    • @PULSEMusicGroup
      @PULSEMusicGroup  59 хвилин тому +1

      Yes, if you go to the link in the description you can get them both for $73 and some change. It a dope deal and the sounds and expansion is pretty cool. Thanks so much for coming through and checking out the vid and the channel. Appreciate the question as well. Thanks so much for the support and copping it from the link! Blessings! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯

    • @micahmggreen3464
      @micahmggreen3464 18 хвилин тому

      @PULSEMusicGroup Thank you for the quick response and answer to my question. I'm just wondering why they don't offer both in the subscriptions. I got Luxa in my subscription but not Hot List Expansion.

  • @jimrunfola
    @jimrunfola Годину тому +1

    Just like the New Orleans Play series/expansion I’m really digging the expansion, but don’t really care for the Play series that goes along with it.

    • @PULSEMusicGroup
      @PULSEMusicGroup  56 хвилин тому +2

      Exactly, I was kinda of feeling that way and as I edited the video, I, I didn't really dig into the Play Series because it was cool but I didn't cover a whole bunch, smh lol But the expansion is SUPER dope. Appreciate you coming through and checking out the vid and the channel family. Blessings! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯

    • @jimrunfola
      @jimrunfola 43 хвилини тому +1

      @ Thank you for the video and as always, your beat was 🔥!!

    • @PULSEMusicGroup
      @PULSEMusicGroup  28 хвилин тому +1

      I'm humbled family. Thanks so much for the support and love. The Expansion really inspired ired that beat. It's was really easy to be creative and I just wanted to display that. Blessings! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💯