"RT4 Doesn't work"---RESULTS do NOT equal weight loss!

  • Опубліковано 23 жов 2024


  • @carolgrsp
    @carolgrsp 10 років тому +1

    I am in love with you Hannah! I have had anorexia and bulimia for seven years and was vegetarian for that long with on and offs and became vegan this year and finally raw! Ive been eating raw vegan now for seven months and the last four has been mostly fruit. I have also gained weight as expected my family doesnt support me at all. I am 22 years old now and I feel so much energy! I dont have depression any more and I go biking 20km at least everyday. I sometimes wonder if my body will ever normalize but in the mean time I cant help but enjoy this process. I send you all my love and support! Thank you for sharing your journey! ^ ^

    • @Hannahsgotmelons
      @Hannahsgotmelons  10 років тому

      Awe thank you Carol!! Your comment means the world to me :) I am so happy for you! That is so great that you took initiative and have found happiness with this abundant lifestyle. You are so strong and brave! Seeing others find peace like i have brings me so much joy and hope for the world. It can be hard with family at first, but all we can do is walk the walk and hope that they'll see the difference in our overall happiness and be happy for us. My family has had ups and downs with my veganism, my raw veganism, and then even my recovery on fruit, gaining weight eating this way confuses people a lot and for a while they were convinced i had diabetes :P lol all my love xoxo

  • @SmileG333
    @SmileG333 4 роки тому

    You're spot on,took me a while to realise this.Weight gain is healing.

  • @lasveganproductions
    @lasveganproductions 10 років тому +1

    So happy to see you happy lil sis :D

    • @Hannahsgotmelons
      @Hannahsgotmelons  10 років тому +1

      aw thank you sean! I miss you and hope all is well in Thailand!! ps. i love you videos! xoxo

  • @ScottieDOESknow1979
    @ScottieDOESknow1979 10 років тому +1

    Great video and message. It's about health #1 :)

    • @Hannahsgotmelons
      @Hannahsgotmelons  10 років тому

      thank you ScottieDOESknow ! yes, health is first

  • @seafoamren
    @seafoamren 10 років тому

    yes ^_^ as we say, this is about Life styling, not Dieting

  • @samanthagreene6487
    @samanthagreene6487 10 років тому

    i would agree with you if freelee and durian didnt tote WEIGHTLOSS in every video they post and then people arnt seeing the results that are promised... plus gaining weight does not mean you are supposed to unless you were underweight to start but usually people who start a diet are not. but if you feel better on the lifestyle and dont mind the weight gain then who cares.

  • @fashionspy96
    @fashionspy96 10 років тому

    I get your point... but unfortunately i can't agree. I came to this lifestyle for all of the health benefits AND weight loss, since it's kind of a must for my career. I want to make my dream come true and become a real model, but the healthy way.. i know i can't naturally be a size 0 and i'm totally okay with it, but i've aalways carried weight on my butt and legs and i'm SICK of it..
    I get that "dieting and calorie restriction is not the way to go", but i really DESIRE to get once and for all, a lean body, and that's why i joined 30bad and started eating raw till 4, and though i've gotten SOME health results, i feel my clothes getting tighter and tigher and i'm trying not to freak out. If you wanna know more come visit my profile www.30bananasaday.com/profile/Mar6 XO!

    • @Hannahsgotmelons
      @Hannahsgotmelons  10 років тому

      Hi fashionspy96 :) I completely understand that you desire to want to lose weight the healthy way...and you're doing just what you need to do to get there! Eventually. That's really the catch, here: The only way to lose weight healthfully (ie without calorie restriction) is to be veeeerrrrrryyy patient. It may end up taking a few years to get down to the size your industry prefers. Your career goals and your health goals just may not be compatible :/ In the long run, I think they certainly can be. But in the mean time, if you truly want to lose weight in a healthy sustainable way, I would suggest taking care of yourself so you can make that happen and find another job to get you through until then. Find something else you love or are passionate about and focus on that and your health first. No one wants to be stuck struggling to meet a standard set for them by having to starve themselves! That's no way to live life! I wish you health and happiness xoxo

    • @fashionspy96
      @fashionspy96 10 років тому

      Well this certainly makes me sad.. Like VERY sad.. Actually the "few years" thing makes me wanna cry.. I mean.. Does that mean that while i'm eating this way i'm gonna be stuck in this fat chubby body for YEARS? I didn't even restrict for that long, it's not fair... Gosh this seriously makes me doubt everything.. And i don't even eat 3000 calories, i eat ablut 2000, sometimes a little more, some few times around 2800-3000.. I still i've gained a ton of inches (i don't really care about the weight though i know i've gained like 6-8kgs). I'm 18, i don't have time to lose.. Please tell me this will work.. Or actually if you think it's not, then say it too.. I'm not saying i need to get super lean by tomorrow, but i started in april, so it'd be ideal to start losing all this fat in march/april.. Gosh i'm so fucking worried i'm just gaining weight that i'll have to work my ass out to lose (by going back to "the balanced diet"). After all, i don't know any real model who's rt4 and lean and actually working

    • @Hannahsgotmelons
      @Hannahsgotmelons  10 років тому

      It is possible that it will take years, but if you haven't restricted for very long then it's also possible it will only take about 1 year, or less. It varies so much for everyone. The pattern i've seen is 3 months of being at a higher weight for every year of restriction. I restricted for 8 years, so i don't expect to see anything change at all for at least 2 years. Which at first would have sounded like a long time for me, but it has gone by so fast! I am already at the 1.5 year mark in my recovery. Also, once I started eating enough, the amount of time it would take me to shed the excess stopped being important, because I was so HAPPY! I honestly wouldn't mind if i stayed this weight for the rest of my life because my mental state is just so much better and now that is all that matters. My unhealthy relationship with food and my body had taken over my life and by the time I gave up calorie restriction I was too miserable to care about gaining weight. Girl 18 is young! I know that models typically retire in their early 20s, but I think that freelee could easily model and she is in her early 30s. Not that we will all end up looking like freelee, or that we should, but just as a reference. And she started when she was i think 26, AND she (it sounds like) had a much more abusive health history than you. Really the bottom line is that, it is entirely possible that you will shed weight and be model lean within the time range you want, but should that really be the deciding factor in whether you start nourishing yourself the best way you know how? Your health and happiness should come first! I know it is hard to do, and i probably wouldn't have done it if i hadn't exhausted all of my other options first. I kept trying to restrict for 8 years (and 2.5 of those years were with 811, it doesn't work!), and finally realized it wouldn't bring me happiness. So you could choose to keep restricting and one day end up at the same cross-roads i did...but then you have that many more years of damage to undo. I have always been someone who has to learn and make mistakes myself before I will modify my behavior, so I don't know if I would have changed any sooner than I did--but don't make the same mistake I did! start taking care of yourself now! don't wait until you're miserable and your body is falling apart. You are worth more than that

    • @fashionspy96
      @fashionspy96 10 років тому

      Thanks.. last sunday i talked with my parents for like 5 hours, and they actually have some arguments that show, meaning that i ACTUALLY gained 10 kgs (22 pounds) in just 5 months on 80 10 10! (not meaning fully raw, just those ratios), and eating low fat high carb and around 2000 cals. Another thing that they keep saying is that i have "fat gens" from my dad's side, so it's pretty unlikely that i'll get lean without restricting some calories (he tells me about 1500), and idk.. i'm doubting A LOT.. because i've gained a LOT of weight in a really shor period of time, and i don't want my skin to strech so much, nor to deform myself and suffer in the summer (which btw is right around the fucking corner)

    • @Hannahsgotmelons
      @Hannahsgotmelons  10 років тому

      Hi fashionspy96, sorry it took me so long to reply! it's been a long week! I believe you, you that you gained weight! I did too, and I expect MOST of us to gain weight in the beginning, because most of us have restricted, to some extent, in the past. I gained a lot of weight in a very short period of time as well--about 30 pounds in 8 months! about twice what you have for the time allotment. I honestly don't believe in "fat genes". Of course, everyone has a different body type, but i believe we can all heal our metabolisms to function efficiently, and help us reach our "ideal" weight once our bodies are healthy and consistently well-fed. I really implore you to think about your long term health and happiness! and weight for that matter! If i had quit calorie restricting earlier (i ate 801010 while undereating for 2.5 years before finally letting that habit go!), I would probably already have lost any healing weight i am carrying! Don't put your short term goals like bikini season take away from your future health! don't create MORE metabolic damage for yourself to undo down the line! if what you are worried about is having to wait for the weight to come off, you are only making that lag time longer by continuing to restrict! I just made a video inspired by our exchanges, hope you find it helpful xoxo