Nikola Tesla's Secret Key to the Universe - ROBERT SEPEHR

  • Опубліковано 29 вер 2024


  • @sunniehoneycutt1149
    @sunniehoneycutt1149 2 роки тому +18


  • @exitthemachine6208
    @exitthemachine6208 4 роки тому +982

    “Today's scientists have substituted mathematics for experiments, and they wander off through equation after equation, and eventually build a structure which has no relation to reality. ” Tesla

    • @justaroot4315
      @justaroot4315 4 роки тому +16


    • @hshs5756
      @hshs5756 4 роки тому +79

      To put this in practical terms, I need to buy a generator. ALL of my choices run on gas, diesel, or propane to push a piston up and down. I cannot walk into Home Depot and buy one of Tesla's suitcase-sized zero point energy devices. Until I can, this is all amusing parlor chatter. Just build it already.

    • @gerbydelane5043
      @gerbydelane5043 4 роки тому +51

      ya, when you put imaginary numbers in your equations to prove you BS theories (Quantum physics), you don't need Tesla to know it's just a bunch of BS. But Tesla says it better :)

    • @PoM-MoM
      @PoM-MoM 4 роки тому +27

      @@hshs5756 I'm certain that someone (many?) have built it but it gets suppressed and or bought out by the corporations that want to keep us under their thumb. They know we need electricity and we'll pay dearly for it. That's always been their evil plan. Why give it away when they know we'll pay.

    • @lionhartd138
      @lionhartd138 4 роки тому +26

      @@PoM-MoM that's rather optimistic - what's happened to those who dared to build it... Perhaps we need all build it at once. "they" can't "suppress" us all......

  • @infinitumneo840
    @infinitumneo840 4 роки тому +107

    I can see every physical law contained within the cyclical nature of the vortex. The ancients were truly wise beyond comprehension. My eyes have opened to many levels to the inner workings of the universe. Nikola Tesla's vision and understanding of the universe is truly profound!

  • @tinobemellow
    @tinobemellow 2 роки тому +2

    So you're telling me, that if we humans could finally achieve and study Vortex mathematics, we'd have Elf magic?

  • @TenThirteen-1013
    @TenThirteen-1013 4 роки тому +19

    I've been doing a lot of work on the I Ching used as a calendar. Assigning numbers to the hexagrams, one can see the doubling/halving pattern throughout the four seasons. One season doubles, the next halves in an endless cycle. The push/pull pattern was known by the ancient world who showed the gods pushing and pulling the world pole. It's also what causes the spiraling patterns found in our dna and nature.
    The solstices start the push (doubling), the equinoxes start the pull (halving) or the other way, I think. I haven't quite nailed it down yet. So, compression/expansion drives the seasons.
    I've never heard Marko's talk on the name of god. Thanks for the video!

    • @mikeblanton7198
      @mikeblanton7198 4 роки тому +3

      You familiar with Terence Mckenna's time wave theory based off the iching king wen sequence and very similiar to the mayan baktuns

    • @TenThirteen-1013
      @TenThirteen-1013 4 роки тому +5

      @@mikeblanton7198 Yes. I've only had a brief look at his work. I've been working with the Fu Xi pattern mostly because it is binary. However, I've found a true calendric pattern by reading the hexagrams downward instead of upward as the Chinese may have originally done. The outer hexagrams are the 28 lunar mansions, twelve of them also tidal gua. I believe that the I Ching was a lunar/solar calendar but also symbolized the doubling/halving patterns found in all nature. I believe it's much older than what is documented.

    • @TenThirteen-1013
      @TenThirteen-1013 4 роки тому +6

      @@grantaum9677 Yes. I too believe that all came out of one root knowledge. Various cultures kept pieces of that unified knowledge.
      Interesting that the astrology symbol for Cancer is the yin/yang symbol turned 90 degrees. The moon is the ruler of Cancer. (There's that 9 again). Cancer is the sign representing the mother. It's also location in the stars where the ancients believed that souls come into this world.
      I believe that astrology was also part of the original knowledge. Belief and knowledge that the stars and planets regulate our world.
      Incidentally, there is evidence that ancients believed or knew that a turn of 90 degrees is required to jump dimensions. Hmmm, a 90 degree turn to the left for the symbol of Cancer, souls coming in....And, left hand turn. Aren't amino acids in dna mostly left-handed isomers?
      The pondering never ends!

    • @simonsphinx3920
      @simonsphinx3920 4 роки тому

      @@TenThirteen-1013 can you recommend some books on this topic.

  • @davidgriffith902
    @davidgriffith902 4 роки тому +10

    Watched another video on this the other day and got lost, this is a brilliant explanation of the 3,6,9. Great work. Thanks!

  • @apollosun6268
    @apollosun6268 3 роки тому +6

    This is one of the best discussions of this topic I have ever seen.

  • @Al.DeB.
    @Al.DeB. 4 роки тому +19

    Fascinating, this goes together with sacred geometry, numbers are the all sustaining elements of the life force.

  • @chanimarie6753
    @chanimarie6753 4 роки тому +24

    Wow this is a real treat Robert. Thank you for this.

  • @crystalinedreams6039
    @crystalinedreams6039 4 роки тому +13

    and we start out the new year with number 9. a wonderful year ahead. blessings to all.

  • @josephwatson4292
    @josephwatson4292 4 роки тому +32

    When you don’t upload for awhile I know a big one is coming when you do haha

  • @QuestionsStuff
    @QuestionsStuff 4 роки тому +39

    We are born of sine Not Sin ..

  • @barbarajmartin6218
    @barbarajmartin6218 4 роки тому +19

    Thank you Robert for this profound presentation. I knew as a child that everything was numbers. I have been looking at the 3 9 6. And that is the answer to everything!

  • @BuShips
    @BuShips Рік тому +2

    OK, I waited and sure enough Robert mentioned the baseball at 26 minutes in. That is where I'm making my current comments about what I recently found. When MLB fixed the size of the baseball to about 9" in circumference (ahem), that size determined the number of stitches in the ball. The outer covering of two pieces of 8-shaped cowhide (88 for those fans of Back to the Future) that are hand sewn (machines still cannot do it) use exactly 88" (BTTF again) of waxed red thread. There are exactly 108 double stitches in a modern official MLB ball. Since these are double stitches, there are two 108s, with a total of 216. 108 and 216 can be reduced to 9. Please see my other comment re: 108 and the moon/Earth/Sun relationship and how I believe that Stanley Kubrick knew about that and that's why the 2OO1 film opens visually as it does. I really think that it's one of the biggest Easter eggs in pop culture.

  • @leslielutz1874
    @leslielutz1874 4 роки тому +9

    Rule number one. For every action there is an equal OR greater reaction.

    • @JB-cd6gn
      @JB-cd6gn 4 роки тому +11

      Sorry but it's "equal and opposite reaction". A greater reaction would therefore create imbalance

  • @TeutonicTrickster
    @TeutonicTrickster 4 роки тому +7

    Loved this presentation.
    You always find the best stuff by other amazing people to share with us. Thank you 👌👍

  • @carefulcarpenter
    @carefulcarpenter 4 роки тому +12

    *synchronistic mathematics*

  • @Synergiekanal
    @Synergiekanal 4 роки тому +6

    Very good. I understood everything. Thank you very much, Robert. Cheers from Berlin.

  • @Dreadologist
    @Dreadologist 4 роки тому +6

    Epic! ...been a follower of Rodin for some time. Great post/vid!

  • @joerenaud8292
    @joerenaud8292 4 роки тому +18

    Rodin is mistaken calling the top view of that torus and looking down into it as a, "Black-Hole". There are no such things as black-holes. There are singularities within the centers of all atoms, stars and the galactic centers, yes, but those are singularities, not black-holes. Black-holes are claimed by quantum physicists as having "infinite gravity", which is false, because we can see billions of tons of protium aka (H1), coming out of these singularities in the centers of galaxies all the time. So how can something that is claimed to have infinite gravity, have enormous amounts of material coming out of it?
    Every singularity has an output and an input as well as an EM torus field that surrounds the singularity. Every magnetic field has this same shape to it and it can be see physically when you place a powerful magnet under a supercell aka ferro-cell. If you ever want to see what an invisible torus field looks like in 3-D reality, go to Ken Wheelers site on you-tube called Theoria Apophassis, you'll be amazed. Quantum physicists have been looking for black-Holes for over 85 years and have never found one, same can be said for Dark Matter and Dark energy. These are foolish concepts made out of the imaginations of mathematicians, who are not real scientists.
    Math is a tool of science, it cannot replace science. Which is what quantum mechanics has done. Math equations are not explanations. You can replicate math to correctly support a correct explanation just as as easily as math can correctly support an incorrect explanation. Math doesn't equal explanations any more than empirical evidence equals wisdom. This is why Tesla called Einstein a fuzzy haired crack-pot. One can think deeply, but that is not the same as thinking clearly. Asylums are filled with deep thinkers who can crunch numbers at incredible speeds but they can't think clearly enough to understand why you need to eat certain foods or how to tie your shoe lace.

    • @bethbartlett5692
      @bethbartlett5692 4 роки тому +2

      What's at the Gallactic Center, the 27° - 28° of Sagittarius?
      It is a vortex, is it not?
      ...and I would have to stop to consider any adult male, particularly a Physicist whom "name calls" a peer - as the value greater than intelligence and knowledge is Wisdom, and Wisdom requires Mature Higher Minded Conscious Thought and that requires one be in control of the Ego Mind/Lower Mind which is the Adolescent Emotional State that would do things such as: judging another, reacting rather that responding, and things like name calling.
      It requires some true self management and it gives a much greater knowing of harmony experience, removes the distractions of what "They Think", it is where we can evolve from 3D to 5D.
      But truly, some are genius and with Wisdom, while some are just genius with potentials.
      Why would one have a need to measure self by judging/measuring another? Answer: Insufficient in self confidence.
      Shared from the perspective of diagnosing behavior, by a Sociologist.

  • @GalacticGaming360
    @GalacticGaming360 4 роки тому +20

    I wish I could have a career like your Robert. Keep up the great work, brother.

    • @theanarchonazbolinquisition
      @theanarchonazbolinquisition 4 роки тому +17

      What is there stopping you? Go for it.

    • @EduRockR
      @EduRockR 4 роки тому +2

      Actually I'm planning to start my studies in archaeology and antropology 5 years from now (I'll be 36 by then) - now I'm saving money for it being a photographer :) It's never too late! Advice from Jake to Jake! hah!

    • @justinkennedy3004
      @justinkennedy3004 4 роки тому +1


  • @gabrielasaenz-seitz6593
    @gabrielasaenz-seitz6593 4 роки тому +3

    I love all your videos, but this one has been an excellent one thank you!!!

  • @devorah1134
    @devorah1134 4 роки тому +6

    Amazing! Thank you, Robert. New rabbit holes to explore!

  • @SolaGratia.
    @SolaGratia. 2 роки тому +1

    The 3/6/9 diagram looks like the symbol for the trinity. Tesla, you incredible man, you.

  • @melbeech1439
    @melbeech1439 4 роки тому +13

    Wow 😲😁 think I'm going to be watching this again ✌️💙❤️💜

  • @Evabell13
    @Evabell13 4 роки тому +3

    Wow! I had never really read Tesla's work but I always felt that 148..etc etc were important and appear everywhere whereas 3 6 and 9 have a completely different frequency and that in relation to spirituality they appear alot. Idk man, this just backed up all own feelings I've had my entire life.

  • @Foundry_made
    @Foundry_made Рік тому +3

    We live in a deterministic universe in that the universe and every thing in it is ordered and subject to laws. Humans, however, as SENTIENT BEINGS, have free will, and such free will has the ability to affect the deterministic nature of the universe. We take action, or not, and out of that comes CONSEQUENCES. This is determined by another universal law, the law of cause and effect. IMO there HAS to be a universal creator, because chance and chaos could not have produced a system so completely governed BY LAWS.

  • @carolynwatson6042
    @carolynwatson6042 4 роки тому +7

    Wonderful thank you I suck at Math but I can grasp this ?

  • @linktojinx
    @linktojinx 4 роки тому +4

    If this video Falls victim censorship campaign, you've got to keep putting it up, this needs to get out everywhere. I'm telling you this is the key to the universe I'm not the one to originally think this obviously

  • @TheTalksome
    @TheTalksome 4 роки тому +8

    Thank you to the gentleman who gave that lecture. There is a lot of talk about numerical sequences governing nature. All carbon life is a biological computer programed to to grow in it's most effective and efficient form while using the least amount of energy possible. We power ourselves with fuel and reproduce ourselves. But no one ever talks about the bigger implications of the fact that the universe is governed by a code of numbers and shape's in the way this man put it together on this video. The reason that the entire universe functions is because of numbers and shapes, this is God, the unseen energy or spirit that keeps the cycles working as they should. Thankyou!

  • @agpilot782
    @agpilot782 4 роки тому +6

    Outstanding. Thank You Robert...

  • @curandero
    @curandero 4 роки тому +6

    ‘All is number’... ok so 3, 6, 9 very significant. How does the 33 (Freemason) number relate into this? Is it also holding a secret like 3,6,9 do? Great vid Robert S!!

    • @Ravishrex1
      @Ravishrex1 4 роки тому +3


    • @svh1988
      @svh1988 4 роки тому +5

      33 times the speed of sound is what it takes to propel something into space. 33 vertabrates is what your coiled serpent down the spine has to rise up, to activate right brain hemisphere and pineal. Wise come from the east and all masters died at 33 ( allegorical ofc, there ego died, and they were reborn).

  • @JennySimon206
    @JennySimon206 4 роки тому +9

    More like this please! You are a gem. Absolutely enthralled.

  • @eLSyDro
    @eLSyDro 4 роки тому +4

    Simply stated, WOW, love ur content keep it up also love the lingers vids.

  • @TheTalksome
    @TheTalksome 4 роки тому +3

    The law's of the universe and all things within are based on numbers, shapes and all that numbers contain. Certain numbers have almost a magical quality of progression. The laws are made from these and from the smallest cell to the largest planet they obey! Tesla was an absolute genius! The most important mind know of since the lost technology of of the ancients. It's very sad that the likes of JP Morgan stopped his work with his towers. It is equally sad that most of his research was taken by the government. I'm sure area 51 are still flying machines around the world propelled by electromagnetic fields from the ionosphere, I'm also sure they haven't figured out half of his work and made little progress from where Tesla left off.

  • @BoilaFrog
    @BoilaFrog 3 роки тому

    Thank goodness YOU explained it first.... otherwise I would have been so lost. Thank you as always.

  • @bebop54
    @bebop54 4 роки тому +3

    a real treat Robert ...thank you !

  • @waynehale66
    @waynehale66 2 роки тому +1

    I used to think I don’t care I got a calculator UNTIL I got to introduced to my hero Tesla

  • @solovelynaturals
    @solovelynaturals 4 роки тому +2

    Numbers aren’t just quantity but quality as well.

  • @kommenofulo1291
    @kommenofulo1291 Рік тому +1

    So? Why have we still not built the machine? Whats missing? What did Tesla leave out and what does 42 mean?

  • @JudyBirdChronicles
    @JudyBirdChronicles 4 роки тому +8

    This is EPIC! Thank you so much for this presentation! I have to go find the full version of his workshop. 2020 vision being demonstrated for the upliftment of humanity. Hold this knowing as we move through the chaos that naturally occurs as systems go through significant transformation. Breathe and flow. I Am, We Are. LOVE

  • @user-ss9dh1nj1w
    @user-ss9dh1nj1w 4 роки тому +7

    Douglas voight found this out also the Hebrew language is in a toroidal sphere

  • @OppenheimerRanchProject
    @OppenheimerRanchProject 4 роки тому +1

    Black hole=NOT If the energy moves through it it's not a black hole it's a toroidal field.

  • @chriswillsdon992
    @chriswillsdon992 4 роки тому +2

    Thank you Robert you might want to have a look at alternative Egyptian text translations and the swirls on Celtic monuments and Neolithic monuments apparently most if this is not new as Roden suggests truly interesting stuff

  • @Wakeup382
    @Wakeup382 4 роки тому +2

    I hate when UA-cam takes me off alerts

  • @nikimullinax7433
    @nikimullinax7433 4 роки тому +5

    This is a hard concept to grasp. Very interesting information! Thanks for bringing this to light!

  • @smacky777
    @smacky777 4 роки тому +2

    @atlanteen .. why doesn't Rodin just publish his number system being used to solve multiple physics equations to prove his claim?

  • @ifr0gsy
    @ifr0gsy 3 роки тому

    numbers are nouns, therefore, each one is a fact, in-and-of itself.

  • @buffy377
    @buffy377 4 роки тому +5

    Robert this is wonderful, however I really wish this guy wasn’t so condescending at times. Thank you again!

  • @darealkidboom428
    @darealkidboom428 2 роки тому

    Brilliant lecture..Rodin really favors John Malkovich

  • @MimsicalRenegade
    @MimsicalRenegade 4 роки тому +4

    The Rhombus is Counter Spacial, or non euclidean

  • @cautiousoptimist
    @cautiousoptimist 4 роки тому +1

    I call them "gyres"...
    THIS was great! The magic is returning...
    I remember a story called "The 9 Billion Names of God"...

  • @JoDo777
    @JoDo777 2 роки тому +1


  • @Stanley.77
    @Stanley.77 3 роки тому +3

    Air *IS* a fluid.

  • @nuray3486
    @nuray3486 4 роки тому +4


  • @M0ebius
    @M0ebius Рік тому +6

    The shape of the lines inside the circle looks alot like the Free Mason symbol of the Square (124578) and the Compass (369).

  • @MrGodroy
    @MrGodroy 4 роки тому +490

    An hour of Atlantean Gardens? Heck yeah brother

    • @dailyd8123
      @dailyd8123 4 роки тому +6

      @Ahmed N same here!!

    • @Draygo21
      @Draygo21 4 роки тому +16

      it felt more like 20 minutes..:( never enough!

    • @angeldna2566
      @angeldna2566 4 роки тому +10

      It doesn't get much better, does it.?! :D
      Thank you, Robert.!
      Much love to you.!

    • @lreeher
      @lreeher 4 роки тому +9

      Robert Sepehr one of the hardest working men in anthropology! Thanks Robert!

  • @amied8161
    @amied8161 4 роки тому +456

    Every one of Robert’s videos remind me of how terrible my public education was. My college education was equality bad. Our poor children.

    • @finnmacky7106
      @finnmacky7106 4 роки тому +23

      Home school

    • @Huriana10
      @Huriana10 4 роки тому +42

      Education is lifelong and doesn't stop after highschool or college. That's the beauty of It.

    • @NASkeywest
      @NASkeywest 4 роки тому +40

      It is terrible on purpose.

    • @jbvtme
      @jbvtme 4 роки тому +55

      I was educated once. It took me years to get over it." Mark Twain

    • @WorthlessPanda
      @WorthlessPanda 4 роки тому +20

      That's why I love ths internet! You learn things you can never learn at school

  • @chrisbelvedere6653
    @chrisbelvedere6653 4 роки тому +347

    I just got home at almost 4 am from 15 hours on the road driving and right when I'm about to fall into my bed to sleep Robert Sepehr posts a hour long video. And on Tesla no less, F it sleep is overrated.

    • @devinkozak5507
      @devinkozak5507 4 роки тому +18

      ahahaha my thoughts exactly

    • @lir5048
      @lir5048 4 роки тому +5

      Lol might as well stay awake

    • @gogreen3895
      @gogreen3895 4 роки тому +11

      At my age sleep comes first. A Mr. Sepehr video is with the first morning coffee. :-)

    • @noahholywood8630
      @noahholywood8630 4 роки тому +4

      Chris Belvedere actually it’s underrated, but who’s keeping score.....

    • @arkangelnorthman
      @arkangelnorthman 4 роки тому +2

      @@gogreen3895 with age comes wisdom..

  • @atomsk49
    @atomsk49 4 роки тому +267

    Robert, truly, your channel is by far, and will be, one of the most influential UA-cam channels I have ever seen. I share your posts with everyone I can.
    Just superb. Thank you for being you.

    • @ifr0gsy
      @ifr0gsy 3 роки тому +4

      so true. this is one of the most important channels on YT, most definitely...
      Another channel I think is worth mentioning- is a different format (interview/discussion)- MythVision Podcast on YT is doing some really great work interviewing different historicists and renown authors/scholars and discussing the who/what/when/where/ and why of the Bible, and digging deeper into Christianity and Judaism, through historical analysis. Derek is doing some really great work, synthesizing many different pieces of information, into one location, regarding religion, and it's quite an important topic, imo... when you start to delve into certain aspects of history and writings of the bible, it causes you to really begin to see things in a different light. It's def worth checking out, imo. cheers :)

    • @tamgsmith8077
      @tamgsmith8077 2 роки тому +2

      So true. Wondering if there is anything he does not know!!

  • @anthonygirton8374
    @anthonygirton8374 Рік тому +10

    I’m not prone to making statements like this often but watching this filled me with a feeling of awe that I have only otherwise experienced the moment my son was born.

  • @alexisjesusgonzalez5074
    @alexisjesusgonzalez5074 2 роки тому +51

    This video is simply incredible, he is literally proving the everything with numbers and geometry. This is for study, absolutely eye opening. Will watch and rewatch because it is quite difficult to understand at some points, the man in the video is one of the smartest people I've seen in my life, truly grateful for his ability to explain this in a well ordered and simple explanation.
    Thank you Robert, thank you both, for this is a gift for humanity. God is proven.

    • @oldgaffer9212
      @oldgaffer9212 2 роки тому +2

      I'm just average guy who wants to learn how does it prove God please? 🇬🇧🙂👊

    • @amandapayton5214
      @amandapayton5214 2 роки тому

      Even being simple minded, such as yourself, not being able to think outside the box, let me open it for you...if there was no God, do you think these numbers would be synchronistic as they are? Look up sacred geomemtry. Everything in this world is connected. If there was no God, it would not do this. Also, our DNA spells out God. If youbare athetist, I suggest you do through and extensive research before you make your final decision. I hope God will open your blind eyes to the truth that you desperately need to seek!

    • @caracopland710
      @caracopland710 Рік тому +1

      He suggests there’s a creator in the middle of the vortex?

    • @caracopland710
      @caracopland710 Рік тому +1

      @@oldgaffer9212 oh! 45&46minutes as well-😂 merrry Xmas g 🧡🌈🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    • @lawrenceworrell591
      @lawrenceworrell591 Рік тому +2

      Proving? That's a bit far fetched.

  • @marciagarcia8486
    @marciagarcia8486 3 роки тому +8

    432 hz healing Frequency = 4+3+2 = 9✨

  • @iibear777ii
    @iibear777ii 4 роки тому +128

    Has anyone seen that this is all symbolized in a Freemasons Temple. This is gold, thanks Robert

    • @davidbrant390
      @davidbrant390 4 роки тому +3

      Yes, it's beautiful

    • @kauphaart0
      @kauphaart0 4 роки тому +13

      Which is why the Baha'i faith will NOT allow Masons to join their religion...

    • @Hy-Cearnaidh
      @Hy-Cearnaidh 4 роки тому +6

      @@kauphaart0 can you elaborate on that? They don't allow them because of the symbolism and what it represents? The mathematics of God and Spirit?

  • @catherineo2134
    @catherineo2134 4 роки тому +89

    AND…after removing 3,6,9 the remaining numbers 1,2,4,5,7,8 = 9
    Also the four corresponding pairs: 8+1= 9, 7+2=9, 6+3=9, 5+4=9 create 9999 = 36 = 9
    Vortex Math is so beautiful - it’s perfection. Thank you Robert, I love this video.

    • @Rock_Girl_Daze
      @Rock_Girl_Daze 2 роки тому +1

      Cool. Thx 😊

    • @ryanparker4996
      @ryanparker4996 2 роки тому +5

      Add all the numbers together and you end up with a number that reduces to 9.
      Altogether excluding 9, still comes to 9
      Altogether without 3, 9 and 6, you also get 9.
      Altogether without 3, you get 6
      Altogether without 6, you get 3

  • @soundinmind
    @soundinmind 4 роки тому +46

    My pineal gland feels like it's on a trickle charger watching this. Thanks

  • @an_undestroyer
    @an_undestroyer 4 роки тому +86

    It just hit me. The flux capaciter from Back to the Future is an inverted 3,6,9.
    Makes total sense.

  • @terrancemaddox9062
    @terrancemaddox9062 4 роки тому +74

    When you aren't adventuring worldwide with your pup, ya working sacred geometry. I vote you to be the new Dos Equis guy

  • @medicateddiet
    @medicateddiet 3 роки тому +5

    I was watching your secret of 3 9 6 ... you were explaining the core of Donut/ Torus ... It reminded me of square and compasses of Freemason symbol . Isn't interesting? and the center is G

  • @symalus
    @symalus 4 роки тому +63

    The mathematics of this tie into the trinary "Programming" in Steven Wolfram's "New Kind of Science". For instance the seemingly random patterns of cat fur or an abolone shell generated by dna from xyz is the dual interface of the 3, 6, 9 trinary programming. Rather the 3, and 6 is expression, but the 9 is activation or deactivation.

    • @0man28
      @0man28 4 роки тому +8

      3 6 9 is the key

  • @zerozilch
    @zerozilch 4 роки тому +114

    When electricity is not bound it disapates until it can regroup like magnatisim. It is everywhere an no where always like the spirit.

  • @hisgreasiness
    @hisgreasiness 4 роки тому +10

    Very cool concept. Not sure how I could apply in everyday life. I wouldn't mind paying my $238 power bill with
    2+3+8 = 13
    1+3= 4 dollars
    Go on and take it, it's all there... i done the conversations.

  • @adambacon8353
    @adambacon8353 4 роки тому +59

    This also explains fractals and how there is a measurable limit to our universe, but there is an infinite complexity to the boundaries.

    • @ringostark4834
      @ringostark4834 4 роки тому +7

      "entanglement" Peace

    • @reachlove6779
      @reachlove6779 2 роки тому

      I believe the measures of limit comes from the complexity of energy contained in the earths body fabric. Whereas on different soloist systems the elements varies from a much bigger calculations system, that we are aware of being connected with. The geometry system in gematria calculations on earth consciousness perception is completely different from other systems alignment in our consciousness spirit perception. All the stuff on earth is like we all have to be a genus in order to Think outside the box . As if the earths location is the only place whereas consciousness spirit exist.
      Leadership and followers . I give up on the earths school system fabric. Teaching us how to be humble humans. Men who rubbed their eye while speaking what does that mean ?

  • @lapislazulii141
    @lapislazulii141 4 роки тому +58

    A man I always look forward too 💙

  • @JB-cd6gn
    @JB-cd6gn 4 роки тому +22

    Robert, your channel is enlightening like no other. Thank you!
    Was refreshing to see John Malkovich's talk on spiral vortices

  • @arianez5380
    @arianez5380 4 роки тому +51

    Incredible. This is the real deal folks. God is everywhere and everything. Love the fact he relates to God and creation, and not the science breed lie of evolution. The truth shall set you free.

  • @otaku1524
    @otaku1524 4 роки тому +27

    Man this is the perfect subject for watching during a so-called quarantine.

  • @SevenThunderful
    @SevenThunderful 4 роки тому +21

    The arithmetic you are performing is clock arithmetic modulo 9. That is you make 9 the same as 0 in your scheme, and thus 10 = 1. That is why all powers of 10 can simply be replaced with 1 in your calculations. Similarly 1/10 = 1 as well, so even the digits of fractions can be simply added together to obtain the answer modulo 9. Just multiplying numbers together in modulo 9 you quickly find that it has 2 interesting subgroups. All the powers of 2, of which there are 6 as you have shown, and the powers of 3, namely 1, 3 and 9=0. Since 3*3 = 9 = 0. 2 * 6 = 4 * 3 = 3*3 + 3 = 3.

  • @auld_boy
    @auld_boy 2 роки тому +2

    @22:54 when I did my first DMT trip I saw a harlequin Tessellating diamond pattern that was constantly evolving and when he showed this image I nearly fell off my seat because it looked exactly like that.

  • @brownpaperbaglunch5760
    @brownpaperbaglunch5760 4 роки тому +25

    Had to watch this twice for it to really "click" Thanks Robert! Wow👍👍

    • @Ravishrex1
      @Ravishrex1 4 роки тому +10

      Doing my second round now.

  • @theleeburton
    @theleeburton 4 роки тому +6

    Vortex math is a 'cousin' of the Ancient Original Lo Shu math.
    Lo Shu is also named [Saturn] ergo it Is the Ancient connection.
    Rodin math is not complete. 1/36th. #9 focused. Very limited.
    Example of 10s.
    1234 5 6789 is Four pairs of 10. Each pair an octave higher than central 5.
    Works with any Nine linear numbers.
    The Order inherent in the Lo shu is far greater than rodins torus/math etc.
    Look at my video's, any of them.
    Thank you.
    [Edit] Robert you have full permission to use any of my Lo Shu / I Ching Images. It would be an honour. No need to contact me. Much love.
    Tesla's circle is a 12 pointed circle online.

  • @barefootanimist
    @barefootanimist 4 роки тому +25

    I've been using the "Pythagorean" numerology system for thirty years, on a shallow level. I've never given it this much thought, but it's really interesting to consider the deeper applications of the mathematics of it.

  • @eriqmendiola1219
    @eriqmendiola1219 4 роки тому +10

    I'm very young I am not a scientist or mathematician or what may you, as a matter of fact I am a high school drop out. I came across Nikolai Tesla when I was in about 9th grade and was fascinated because I loved numbers. For 7 years I have tried to understand this. Thank you so much, I'm such a happy young man right now.

  • @rfn74
    @rfn74 4 роки тому +19

    Thank you Robert and Marko. First I am a fan of Marko, but I have to say that he is not the best explainer of the math he claims to have re-discovered. These are huge claims without proof or examples showing ANY of the claims proofs whatsoever. I do believe this math shows a great deal of information, but I do not think Marko explains it in a way that shows the information in a digestible manner.

  • @sunnybeaches1331
    @sunnybeaches1331 3 роки тому +5

    Usually I give your videos a thumbs up before I even watch them. They're ALL good and this one is no different. Thanks!

  • @Neznisgip
    @Neznisgip 4 роки тому +18

    I've heard Stan Tenen of the Meru Foundation, and Douglas Vogt that formed the Diehold Foundation, discuss the significance of the toroid.

    • @sarahvegangarden4822
      @sarahvegangarden4822 4 роки тому +1

      Yes, while I was listening I was thinking of those two as well. Knowledge seems to be making huge jumps, thanks to platforms like UA-cam. Perhaps we can remember some of what we lost during the last catastrophe.

  • @LordOsiron
    @LordOsiron 4 роки тому +10

    This is great! In Rodin's diamond all the oppositions reduce to 9 as well! Perfect symmetry! I have tons of videos on this subject myself. I even show how it (Single Digit Code) applies to the "Kabbalistic" tree structures as well, revealing perfect Vortex Math symmetry including 396 separation. I'll post a video in the reply to this for those interested. Great presentation as usual! Thanks!

  • @Crzydiamondz
    @Crzydiamondz 4 роки тому +8

    Yes! Wow. I had seen the first part about Vortex Math before, which is amazing in and of itself, however I was not privy to the video of Mr Rodin, himself explaining the Rodin coil! Thank You, Mr. Shepehr! You Always bring THE most important parts together to offer up a new take on a grand aspect of “the whole” that most of us have not seen or considered in that way! Thank you for your knowledgeable and advantageous angle which puts even old information into a new light! Blessed be... ♥️✨

  • @peterpaulparker
    @peterpaulparker 4 роки тому +12

    Happy new year Robert. Thank you so much for your kind insights into the world we live in. I have seen this information before but not in such depth. We have been lied to and deceived for so long I find this information empowering. I am starting on the journey of trying to understand my own vibration and energy and it is really fascinating how much garbage we hold onto with our conditioning and how much we can actually change when we release the conditioning, programming and blatant lies we have all lived by for many years now. Keep up the great work. You are making a difference.

  • @rebekah1216
    @rebekah1216 4 роки тому +8

    I've rr-watched this 9 times 6 times already!! Does anyone remember hearing about and an invisible Galaxy located directly on a visible be one? This all makes so much sense from and brings together all the stuff the 20 and Back claimers say. I'm gonna give my 14 yr old to learn this if he wants his video games back! Lol!! (I bet Tesla would approve....Im always taking in injured pigeons...I had no clue that was something he did also.) Thanks Robert!!

  • @tabbysmithfield3794
    @tabbysmithfield3794 4 роки тому +35

    Why is math so simple for some and such a horrorshow for others? My mom taught me to read before I even started school, but I’m absolutely a math idiot. I’ve never been stupid, but math past algebra confused the shit out of me. That always bothered me though it never slowed me down for much of anything.

    • @cosuinofdeath
      @cosuinofdeath 4 роки тому +5

      Tabby Smithfield same here it pissed me off but we need to practice more

    • @bettycooper369
      @bettycooper369 4 роки тому +17

      Bc most school systems teach it one way even though it can and should be learnt in whatever way the person needs.
      I remember getting marks off for not doing an equation "the right way" and getting 1/4 on a question bc the answer was right (my one mark out of 4) but I couldn't use their techniques. Ridiculous!

    • @Neznisgip
      @Neznisgip 4 роки тому +7

      I can relate. It's the reason I'm not a scientist, or an electrical engineer.

    • @sisknothinbutruth2684
      @sisknothinbutruth2684 4 роки тому +14

      Math must relate to you on a personal level to understand it. The numbers must represent something of interest, doing something interesting. If your teacher didn't convey this to you, they failed you. You didn't fail. Someday, I promise, it will make perfect, beautiful sense to you.

    • @integritynow21
      @integritynow21 4 роки тому +2

      Yes, I feel a fog coming over when numbers appear. I need to focus and then sometimes I can process easily . Ahhh, the mysteries of life!

  • @JohnDoe-wy1yd
    @JohnDoe-wy1yd 4 роки тому +7

    Cool story bro. (takes bong hit)

  • @Daniii9000
    @Daniii9000 3 роки тому +2

    This resonates within my spirit mind is doing its best to keep up with what’s he is saying but my spirit is harmonious to the message . Bday 9/19/1989 .. The number 9 is quite alive..especially within my outward manifestation of “life”.

  • @DNihilHEAVYIndustries
    @DNihilHEAVYIndustries 9 місяців тому +2

    Did this guy just say that the higgs boson, the "god partical", is the same as dark matter??? 🙄😂🤣 The funny thing is when the people at CERN discovered the higgs boson it was one of the most underwhelming finds once they figured out its properties it didn't help us advance at all... This guy may know a lot about sacred geometry and I'm not trying to take away from that because I find it very fascinating it is very interesting how certain numbers continue to repeat themselves in nature and in our lives. However he just showed his ass about some of the higher levels of math, although he must be a master at 3d Sudoku! 😂 And you can physically feel this guy's air of self-importance. I get the exact same feeling from Robert sometimes. In any case, I'm sure if someone had a PhD in theoretical physics and took a look at sacred geometry and applied their degree to sacred geometry there would probably be some incredible advances. What we need to do is combine science with the spiritual realm and I think if we do that we will continue to thrive and advance forward in this universe.

  • @paddyo5585
    @paddyo5585 3 роки тому +5

    I’m not a scientist nor a mathematician but I found this presentation interesting and informative.

  • @paddypoolfc3579
    @paddypoolfc3579 4 роки тому +7

    Can the shape of the circle be manipulated so that 3,6,9 and 1,2,4,5,7,8 lines intersect through 0?

  • @michalbekier1070
    @michalbekier1070 4 роки тому +2

    There is one very interesting thing how we are being manipulated and how much of the real world is hidden away from us. He said there are
    ''6 Infinity numbers'' (1,2,4,5,7,8) - have you watched Avengers ? Yeah there are 6 Infinity Stones and from now they will release most of their movies with multiverse and quantum tech / realm included. What a coincidence.
    Remember when Tony said ''Love you 3000'' ?
    Let's see the letters numbers and add them
    Love - (12 15 22 5 = 3+6+4+5= 1+8=9) You - ( 24 15 21 = 7 6 3 = 1+5= 6) and 3000 its basicaly 3+0+0+0 so we've got 9 6 3
    Maybe Tesla wanted to connect to the center of the planet to use energy of the black hole , mirror dimension of whatever it is. Thousands of years ago someone could predict flood and these days people don't know how simple things works. It's sad and funny because I watched it saying to myself like I've seen it before and I already know about it

    @WILD__THINGS 4 роки тому +3

    So when Ying Yang Twins said "3,6,9/ damn you fine/ hoping she can sock it to me one mo time", they were actually on some deep shit!

  • @charlesponzi9608
    @charlesponzi9608 4 роки тому +19

    When I'm 64
    When I get older, losing my hair, many years from now
    Will you still be sending me a valentine, birthday greetings, bottle of wine?
    If I'd been out 'til quarter to three, would you lock the door?
    Will you still need me, will you still feed me, when I'm sixty-four?

  • @Szymanskill
    @Szymanskill 4 роки тому +5

    Whatever electrical properties the Rodin coil has (and characterisation would be quite straightforward) it's not going to reach 100% efficiency, or provide free power.