Just changed ours in about 45 minutes by dropping it through the bottom, and sending the new one back through. You don't need to remove anything except the bolts and the wire.
Lot more work than is actually necessary. If you remove the oil filter, you only have to undo the alternator and it will come out the bottom with no problem. Just pick up a $5 oil filter to replace.
Yeah, but then you have to drain all the oil. Then you'll have to spend $30-$40 extra bucks on replacing the oil. And why would you use a crappy $5 oil filter? Use a good quality one. I prefer this method because it's easier on the body to stand up rather than having to jack it up or use ramps and then crawl under the car.
I took it off and popped it back in but I’m stuck at replacing the tension bolt I think is what it’s called? Does the longer horizontal bolt touch the belt? Is that how it tightens the belt?
The long screw on the bottom, how or what type of socket did you use to get it out? I got the nut on the right side and got it loose but can't get it out
Just changed ours in about 45 minutes by dropping it through the bottom, and sending the new one back through. You don't need to remove anything except the bolts and the wire.
Lot more work than is actually necessary. If you remove the oil filter, you only have to undo the alternator and it will come out the bottom with no problem. Just pick up a $5 oil filter to replace.
Yeah, but then you have to drain all the oil. Then you'll have to spend $30-$40 extra bucks on replacing the oil. And why would you use a crappy $5 oil filter? Use a good quality one. I prefer this method because it's easier on the body to stand up rather than having to jack it up or use ramps and then crawl under the car.
@@MrErViLi no you don't have to replace the oil the only oil lost is the oil in the filter
That damn powercable. How you make it look so easy...
I took it off and popped it back in but I’m stuck at replacing the tension bolt I think is what it’s called? Does the longer horizontal bolt touch the belt? Is that how it tightens the belt?
How do you get the bottom bolt off? Removed the nut and the bolt goes in a few inches and hits the side wall. Can't get it to go the rest of the way.
The bolt is lying in a channel, which means when you losen the bolt you can just pull the alternator off. Check the other comments for more info.
How did you get the bottle bolt off?
It only had to be loosened, the the alternator comes straight off. It's more like a groove then a hole that the bolt goes through.
@@endeavorautorepair yeah I figured it out after an hour of trying to get the bolt out 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣 thanks for the reply
@@endeavorautorepair and thanks for the video 👍🏿
The long screw on the bottom, how or what type of socket did you use to get it out? I got the nut on the right side and got it loose but can't get it out
@@FelixV did you read his response to me?
Nice job sir
Ya forgot to connect the negative back to the battery. 😅
I can’t get belts back tightened
What happens when you tighten the tensioner bolt?
Where is the bolt located?
2:27 in the video
Bro come over and fix it for me
You removed the dipstick and then the next frame there’s a dipstick
I edited the order from how I actually did it. The new order of components is easier and makes more sense. Good job for noticing though 😉
Uhhh just remove the tire.....😮