Civilization VI Tips: Coastal Flooding

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Coastal Flooding is one of the new climate mechanics added in Civilization VI: Gathering Storm! I noticed that a lot of people were having some frustrations with the system and didn't quite understand how it worked so in this video I explain just that!
    If you'd like to help me figure out things for the Climate In-Depth, comment below:
    -Total CO2 Output
    -Temperature Increase
    -% Disaster Increase from climate change for each disaster type
    (mark 0% if nothing is shown)
    -# of climate change points from disasters
    -# of climate change points from temperature
    -World Size
    We have a community discord! Join us on it at / discord
    -The Saxy Gamer


  • @dracma127
    @dracma127 5 років тому +198

    Wonders do indeed sink - it's a common issue for wonders like Mausoleum and Kilwa. Having cities that sink may pose an issue if you place your capital there - because if your capital sinks, then nobody can win domination.

    • @Jackb290
      @Jackb290 5 років тому +18

      So if I'm surrounded and i have other cities should I just drown myself?

    • @ZakBanbury
      @ZakBanbury 5 років тому +5

      Pretty sure city centre tiles do not get fully submerged, I think they do get pillaged though.

    • @Jackb290
      @Jackb290 5 років тому +3

      @@ZakBanbury so I can use boats to take it?

    • @ZakBanbury
      @ZakBanbury 5 років тому +2

      It's just a normal city tile so you can take it with any melee unit (melee boats included if you can get them to it).

    • @vicratlhead2228
      @vicratlhead2228 5 років тому +13

      @@Jackb290 funny thing is the global warming thing could open up previously safe cities to naval attack even if it's just bombard range....hey, maybe that's why England gets extra coal...

  • @ryanhouchen7580
    @ryanhouchen7580 5 років тому +137

    Quick tip, if Valletta is a city-state and you can become Suzerain you can instantly buy flood barriers with faith for significantly cheaper than its production.

    • @brian10508
      @brian10508 5 років тому +4

      yeah, it only take hundreds of faith no matter how much the flood barriers needed

    • @OneAndOnlyStormy
      @OneAndOnlyStormy 5 років тому +7

      Lol 200 faith Valleta is the best if you have someone like kupe

  • @matebodo2685
    @matebodo2685 5 років тому +47

    In one of my game flooding made me basically ragequit: i was playing as Dido (so i was coastal) and i was going cultural. By the time i "had" flood barriers (it would've taken more than 100 turns to build them wtf), about 3 theater squares and the HERMITAGE was sunk with ALL GREAT WORKS!

  • @jimmym3352
    @jimmym3352 5 років тому +45

    If you lose a theater square to being submerged, you will lose all the great works/artifacts inside. We seen this in Quill's Canada pre-release game.

    • @Yog---Sothoth
      @Yog---Sothoth 5 років тому

      Oh OK, I was coming to ask about that.

  • @5chr4pn3ll
    @5chr4pn3ll 5 років тому +30

    Flood barriers should really be earlier, I mean the Netherlands is below sea level and they started them on a national scale in the 1950s. I'm sure there were numerous examples in history before for more limited land sections around the world.

    • @2gtomkins
      @2gtomkins 5 років тому +5

      Well, 1950 is Atomic Era. Of course if, like the Netherlands, you have a lot of low-lying tiles, you would rush computers as your very first Atomic Era tech. And yes, the Dutch started reclaiming and protecting low-lying land long before climate change. For a brief moment my home city of New Orleans actually was a bit ahead of the Dutch and they came to study our system of pumping stations in the early 1900s. But this lower tech raft of solutions isn't applicable to long stretches of coastal land. In the game cities themselves cannot submerge because it is assumed that they will be surrounded from very early with a continuously improving system of lower tech levees and dikes and pumping stations. To take New Orleans as an example, climate change will soon make it a virtual island, connected to the mainland only by a thin peninsula of land protected by levees from flooding. But keeping the whole coast of Louisiana safe from flooding would be pretty much impossible. Way too big an area, way too late a start even if we had started in 1950. If anything, allowing flood walls on the scale it would take to save coastal Louisiana as early as computers is unrealistically generous.

    • @jfullerton
      @jfullerton 5 років тому +4

      The Civilopedia page for Flood Barrier describes the Pondicherry sea wall in India which it states was built in 1735.

    • @2gtomkins
      @2gtomkins 5 років тому +2

      @@jfullerton Well, the structure in the intro video to GS, and the smaller images in the actual in-game barriers, are pretty clearly copied from the Netherlands' Oosterscheldekering, though what is depicted is bigger than the real thing. What Pondicherry has is a huge wall made of stones that protects 2k of a city center. What the Scheldt has is 9k of the Oosterscheldekering with its movable sections (as in the intro video) plus 12 other works, though none as large as the Ooster. Presumably, the game doesn't submerge city centers, even if they are built on otherwise submersible tiles, out of a recognition that big brute force solutions like the one in Pondicherry are possible even with old technology, but only over the short distances of a city center. If you want to protect large stretches of coast, you need the sort of tech that wasn't in place until the Atomic Era. The Ooster wasn't finished until 1986. The need for the sort of protection it offers was recognized at least as far back as the St. Felix Day's flood of 1530, but the need couldn't be met, even by the Dutch, until Atomic Era tech was available.

    • @Yog---Sothoth
      @Yog---Sothoth 5 років тому

      Well, we know how to build some, sure. But the game goes a little bit in our future, when we'll have some huge troubles.
      Looking on wiki (I know nothing about it, just guessing), Netherlands already have sometimes 3 meters higher to control. Today. What will it be in 2 or 3 decades ?
      I suppose we could have one level of flood barrier in industrial, and an upgrade where the tech actually is.
      But I guess Firaxis wanted to keep it pretty simple to use.

    • @OneAndOnlyStormy
      @OneAndOnlyStormy 5 років тому

      In one of my games I got flood barriers just before the 1800s wayyyuu before any flooding

  • @tarnim80
    @tarnim80 5 років тому +10

    and here I've been setteling my cities next to tiles that are in risk of flooding instead of on them just to protect the city center like a schmuck. now I know better, thanks! :)

    • @Sammy-gs9hl
      @Sammy-gs9hl 5 років тому +1

      You city centre buildings (monument, granary, water mill, sewer) will be pillaged and can only be repaired once your flood barrier is up. So I'm nor sure if acually settling those spots is a better idea.

    • @gwelengu
      @gwelengu 5 років тому +1

      Indeed, there needs to be a bit more clarity that all districts are at risk of damage from flooding even if they haven't submerged

  • @blondirishbastard
    @blondirishbastard 4 роки тому +6

    The high production cost of flood barriers isn’t an issue if you use military engineers to rush them for, I believe, 20% of the cost per charge. All it takes is an encampment with an armory, and engineers are relatively cheap to purchase compared to the military units you’ll have available by the time you research computers.

  • @lostwizard
    @lostwizard 5 років тому +8

    I managed to save a flooded tile once by chopping out a barrier. You can also prevent a tile flooding if you're lucky enough to have a neighboring city in range that already has a completed flood barrier by swapping the tile over. I haven't tried to see if you can swap a tile from a city with a flood barrier to one without once seal level has risen enough to submerge it or if you can do the tile swap once the tile is already flooded. But before the flooding, you definitely can - the flood barrier instantly appears at that tile without any more building needed.
    However, it's generally impossible to stop once it starts. My feeling is that climate change actually progresses faster than the developers intended due to various factors like how players actually play (we probably don't play the same as the devs do), interactions with the AI and other features, etc. I also agree that flood barriers are far too expensive to be useful once sea level rise starts, especially since coastal cities usually have terrible production by virtue of not getting any production from the water tiles (unless you happen to be suzerain of Aukland).
    What would be cool would be if somewhere in the future techs there was something similar to the polder that could be used to "reclaim" submerged land, though putting seasteads on the submerged tiles seems to be quite good in general.

  • @xaphor
    @xaphor 5 років тому +2

    After a few play throughs I mainly use flooding as a weapon. Avoid building on coastal tiles while running exclusively coal power to force sea lave rise. If you lay out your districts in expectation to lose the low land tiles you basically negate most of the disadvantages while gaining the use of cheaper coal while catching your opponents out and flooding their districts.

  • @BuzWeaver
    @BuzWeaver 5 років тому +12

    Nicely done. Great outlines and explanations. We can often times take for granted some of the unique aspects of the game, but it's great to see these little refreshers with clear, well articulated explanations. Quick question. When building a district or building that has Housing or Amenities, it doesn't have to be worked to get the bonus, correct? Keep up the great work. Your channel has really grown. I can remember when you had 800 subs.

  • @vicratlhead2228
    @vicratlhead2228 5 років тому +24

    This mechanic definitely needs tweaking. Once it happens it seems to be impossible to get the techs necessary to slow it down in time. Rushing computers can help the tech leader but everyone else is screwed. So if you happen to be the tech leader pollute away and rush computers.

    • @Zimionz
      @Zimionz 5 років тому +6

      I agree. It happens way too fast. The AI doesn't care at all about rising sea levels. And proposals to world congress are absolutely toothless.

    • @vicratlhead2228
      @vicratlhead2228 5 років тому +2

      Are there any global warming sanctions in the WC? Like banning coal or zomething?

    • @A2forty
      @A2forty 4 роки тому +7

      Sounds like reality then lol

    • @vicratlhead2228
      @vicratlhead2228 4 роки тому +1

      @@A2forty Sort of. Except in reality we just lack political will to mitigate with renewables and high efficiency. In game just having a navy alone will melt the caps.

  • @spencera1129
    @spencera1129 5 років тому +4

    Haha wow I actually thought I understood coastal flooding but this video made me realize I didn’t fully. I thought the phases just took turns between flooding then submerging for the three coastal types, with the the first phase just doing nothing (as it does).
    All that being said, I have never paid any mind to the rising levels because 1) as you said it isnt all that impactful and 2) I have never came anywhere close to being able to build the sea walls. I play mostly Immortal. They should definitely move the sea walls up a tech or two imo, and then also increase the number of tiles that flood to increase the incentive a bit. Looking forward to more GS videos from you
    Edit: I will add, I think the volcano/storms/river floods/weather part of the expansion is perfect, but the rising sea levels part is really lackluster. For instance, their needs to be a pro/con decision to be made as to whether to power your cities with oil and coal. (They maybe purposefully avoided this decision as it not being realistic but who knows) This needs to be tied in with diplo favor, grievances, and decisions in the world congress outside of the once every 2-3 games chance at a victory point. You should be able to place sanctions on civs using diplo favor, the carbon emission capture should be sooner even it is not all that realistic, etc etc I might be getting into a larger issue which is I believe the world congress needs a lot more life added to it, but thats for another discussion another day

  • @razzadhossainrahan7460
    @razzadhossainrahan7460 5 років тому +2

    Feels great to see an old friend with an old series again
    It is very REFRESHING

  • @solvematic
    @solvematic 5 років тому +3

    Cities do not seem to be totally immune to submerging. In a recent game I acquired a city via loyalty swap and when it became mine, its city centre was already submerged.
    This did not destroy the city but did not allow me to build any city centre building like monument. These could not be selected with an tooltip error message "the district is damaged" or so. This also prevents you from building a Flood Barrier since it is also a city centre building.

  • @corgizx
    @corgizx 5 років тому +69

    There is an achievement for losing Stonehenge for sea level rise.

    • @tarnim80
      @tarnim80 5 років тому +6

      it's such a wierd thing to get an achievment for

    • @generaldreagonlps6889
      @generaldreagonlps6889 5 років тому +4

      I accidentally got that one. Apparently the russians build it in a bad location.

    • @dracma127
      @dracma127 5 років тому +39

      @@tarnim80 It's mostly in reference to civ 5 iirc. Wonders didn't occupy a tile in 5, but were rather models shown in and around the city center. If you had a coastal city, then certain wonders may instead be shown underwater - stonehenge and pyramids are two that comes to mind.

    • @nicx6139
      @nicx6139 5 років тому

      That’s such a joke.

    • @KillerBot5100
      @KillerBot5100 5 років тому +8


  • @vampirica11
    @vampirica11 5 років тому +7

    It's a gimmick for me, I always emphasize on science, so getting the technology before any climate change occurs is standard for me. With some traders to your own city you boost production so those barriers are up way before the first flood :)
    River flooding when you don't actually have a suitable location for a dam is a different issue though :P

    • @tommegg8486
      @tommegg8486 4 роки тому

      If its flood in farms I can tolerate that, the bonus yield is also super nice

  • @SF6dota
    @SF6dota 5 років тому +1

    happened to me with a theater discrict. it had also 3 great works in it and all of them were gone for good. thx civ 6 and your really good mechanics of moving great works!

  • @timdenommee4305
    @timdenommee4305 2 роки тому +2

    Maybe Firaxis should include an earlier sea wall tech that is Netherlands for example has been fighting back the sea for 100s of years now.

  • @HakuBestBoy
    @HakuBestBoy 3 роки тому

    putting a tldr at the start of an informational video is immensely based ty ty

  • @henrygutierrez3243
    @henrygutierrez3243 2 роки тому +1

    Another thing, once Sea levels rise, reversing them is impossible. I managed to reverse the global temperature and get -11.6 to see if it was possible, and no. Sea ice does not come back, and sea levels do not go down.

  • @cassidystevens8808
    @cassidystevens8808 4 роки тому

    Would love to see that in depth video, but also would love to see a general overview of changes. Things like immunities to certain things like Japan, Victoria's rework, some of the new techs and promotion lines that kind of thing!

  • @connor5811
    @connor5811 5 років тому +7

    love the videos keep up the great quality

  • @jacobfinegan4932
    @jacobfinegan4932 3 роки тому +1

    There should be a climate victory option (or mode like monopolies and barbs) that starts in the industrial era and becomes more environmentally drastic after turn 50

  • @Tephr1te
    @Tephr1te 5 років тому +3

    Don't forget to mention not just map type, but settings including the one that determines the amount of forest coverage; I played a game on the Europe map and I assume thanks to the vast forests in the north-eastern Russia area of the map being a considerable % of the map, the effects of climate change took quite a while to appear.

    • @The_Yukki
      @The_Yukki 5 років тому

      Europe map have little to no Ice caps and they need to melt to sink tiles

    • @TheSaxyGamer
      @TheSaxyGamer  5 років тому

      It is a factor, but all that it does it gets factored into the total CO2 output anyways so I don't explicitly need it.

    • @gwelengu
      @gwelengu 5 років тому

      @@The_Yukki wow really? So if you play a cold temp. skewed map, I'm assuming it will have more icecaps (unless it's just more tundra, I dunno) and make sea levels rise more with global warming? If you could alter the strength of the warming that would be kind of neat.
      Honestly it would be neat if tile yeilds changed as tundra turned to different tiles also.

    • @The_Yukki
      @The_Yukki 5 років тому +1

      @@gwelengu I'd assume so, but then again, you can't sink the world without mods. As for tundra tiles yields. They should just turn into unharvestable swamps, cause that's what tundra "tiles" would do in real world due to centuries of deep frost within the ground and the abundant of water within the soil

  • @Yog---Sothoth
    @Yog---Sothoth 5 років тому

    The mechanic makes islands maps interesting at last.
    From my experience, I have no trouble and have no fear to found coast cities in the early game. Those cities have enough prod to build the flood barrier quickly when reaching the tech.
    New cities built later to expand, get some ressources, or conquered to AI that did'nt have those since a long time... I accept that I'll loose some tiles.

  • @vcesarino
    @vcesarino 5 років тому +4

    I've actually had the Országház wonder totally submerged and lost in one of my games.

  • @RocketHarry865
    @RocketHarry865 Рік тому

    I wish there is geoengineering projects where you build late game wonders and buildings that can mitigate or even reverse climate change, but you need very high-level tech to do it.

  • @fredblues7175
    @fredblues7175 5 років тому +2

    By glitch or design, if I get the flooding before I get the tech, some barriers are just a waste tp build. I played Eleanor (England), which may have glitched out, 2 towns, the barrier turns just never went down, and actually increased. The reason I think the game was glitched was the turn the flooding began, I was suddenly able to see all Frances spies in my capitol, but could not do anything until their turn came up.

    • @The_Yukki
      @The_Yukki 5 років тому +1

      I've noticed that if you are a part of military emergency you can see all allied units, including spies

    • @skyfall7110
      @skyfall7110 5 років тому +3

      Your flood barriers went up in turns to produce because as climate change goes up more tiles are at risk of flood, so these add up to production cost of flood walls. if you have built them already, only maintenece cost goes up - meaning you should just build them asap

  • @OneCreator87
    @OneCreator87 5 років тому +4

    Time to spam coal power plants (once i have all of my coastal barriers ON).

  • @yujisaito3297
    @yujisaito3297 4 роки тому

    binge watching this playlist :>

  • @darkstorminc
    @darkstorminc 4 роки тому +1

    Don't forget, engineers can help rush production to help build them faster.

    • @baph0met32
      @baph0met32 4 роки тому

      How? what do i have to do?

    • @darkstorminc
      @darkstorminc 4 роки тому

      @@baph0met32 haven't played for several months but iirc they have to be in the city. After that the button to use them should be visible.

    • @baph0met32
      @baph0met32 4 роки тому

      @@darkstorminc its not. its just the 4 classic buttons fort airport remove and railroad (or the silo if someone has it unlocked)....

    • @darkstorminc
      @darkstorminc 4 роки тому

      @@baph0met32 will see if I have a save with them in late game. Need to play with the new features anyway and take a break from Stellaris lol

    • @darkstorminc
      @darkstorminc 4 роки тому +1

      @@baph0met32 the button isn't on that panel, it's on the top where the repair/sleep button normally is. Look for a big gear. Now that I think of it will have to double check and make sure it's not part of a mod. Don't believe so though.

  • @MrHellknightimp
    @MrHellknightimp 5 років тому

    Currently wonders are not affected by flood or submerging, in my game they would flood or sink but you would keep the bonus from the wonder

    • @seifer918
      @seifer918 5 років тому +1

      i think it depends on which wonder. I had Hermitage underwater and if I remember correctly, those art slots were gone. and later the whole building was gone.

  • @willnorman-bargo
    @willnorman-bargo 3 роки тому +1

    I think it would be cool if Venice was added to the game and there ability would be too that you don't loose land to sea levels, anything built on them just floats.

  • @Raqdolll
    @Raqdolll 5 років тому +1

    I have mainly played Mansa Musa in the latest expansion and i have never been able to finish a single flood barrier even as i start it immediately at my every costal city when i unlock computers. Maybe it's the weak production of Mali or something but i feel like flood barriers are designed weirdly, every one of them takes 40 turns+ and when thay get close the water rises and production goes up, just don't seem to get any of them online.

    • @allenz7688
      @allenz7688 5 років тому +1

      You've never been the suzerain of Valletta? It doesn't always show up as a city-state, of course, but Mansa Musa would be ideal to get Valletta's bonuses to buy the flood barriers for a mere 200 faith!

  • @bigheverly
    @bigheverly 3 роки тому +1

    My problem is the practically of it…. What do computers have to do with flood barriers? People have needed to combat raising water levels since biblical times. I think flood barriers should be at the same level as renaissance walls under “Siege tactics”

  • @generaldreagonlps6889
    @generaldreagonlps6889 5 років тому

    We build the Afsluitdijk early 20th century so making it a late modern/early atomic tech makes sense.

  • @peterleatherman6922
    @peterleatherman6922 3 роки тому

    Great breakdown thank you

  • @joshheck655
    @joshheck655 2 роки тому

    Thank you for showing me how to play game

  • @xerxes8632
    @xerxes8632 3 роки тому

    This stuff is good to know. I will stay far away from any Civ VII, when they decide to crap that one out.

  • @floriang3497
    @floriang3497 5 років тому +1

    Great tutorial

  • @nicx6139
    @nicx6139 5 років тому

    Just win the game in the first 300-350 turn on prince normal speed, and nothing will flood. I’ve done it twice. I know it’s not as easy on the higher difficulty and faster speed. It is something to think about thought, the quicker you win the less likely your are to lose tiles to flood.

  • @wambatjoe5164
    @wambatjoe5164 5 років тому +2

    It doesn't seem balanced to the map. When I ran a Pangaea game, everything got flooded before computers were even unlocked.

  • @halkyuusen8626
    @halkyuusen8626 2 роки тому

    Settled a city on tile with 1m flooding (to save two uranium resources). The city started as pillaged which prevented me from building the flood barriers or any other city district improvements like mills or monuments. Is there a solution to this problem?

  • @corgizx
    @corgizx 5 років тому +1

    Also, I played an inland sea map and did not get flooded tiles.

  • @nickzhongzzz
    @nickzhongzzz 2 роки тому

    does anybody know how much does it cost to maintain flood barrier for gold wise, because it is not showing in the yield, and apparently it is taking a large chunk of money...

  • @2gtomkins
    @2gtomkins 5 років тому +1

    If cities cannot submerge, why are you still building flood walls in those two cities in the video that have lost all their other submersible tiles? Purposes of illustration? Or are there some bad effects to the city center being submerged or flooded?

    • @TheSaxyGamer
      @TheSaxyGamer  5 років тому +1

      For the purpose of illustration. They originally had submergable tiles but I wasn't able to build the walls fast enough.

  • @cwmuldrow6591
    @cwmuldrow6591 5 років тому

    Can you do a video on aggressive loyalty pressure and how to exploit it

  • @balintm.9351
    @balintm.9351 5 років тому +1

    There is a tech or civic that allows you to decrease co2 emissions. Can you save tiles with that?

    • @sigithesauropod3340
      @sigithesauropod3340 5 років тому

      Has the capture co2 saving the flooding happened to anyone before the game ends or the tiles flood?

  • @Volodimar
    @Volodimar 5 років тому +1

    That's why I highly recommend Zee's Normalized Climate change mod.

  • @Joleksu
    @Joleksu 5 років тому +1

    Will you lose the great works inside a Theater Square if the tile it is on gets submerged?

    • @TheSaxyGamer
      @TheSaxyGamer  5 років тому

      Unfortunately you do, yes.

    • @Jackb290
      @Jackb290 5 років тому

      @@TheSaxyGamer damn

  • @baph0met32
    @baph0met32 3 роки тому

    how to use mil engineer to speed it up with his charges? how do i do it?

  • @jacobfinegan4932
    @jacobfinegan4932 3 роки тому

    Has the climate explainer been released yet?

  • @gigasoftgaming
    @gigasoftgaming 3 роки тому

    Is there a way to keep gathering storm and disable sea levels so I can play Giant Earth Map?

  • @martindevries8335
    @martindevries8335 3 роки тому

    "You could have these in the modern area" Yeah... it's called a dike. The Netherlands has had them since the 1800's. Look up the Delta Works for a world wonder version of it.

  • @AJAXDelta
    @AJAXDelta 5 років тому

    More great videos, too bad UA-cam is making hard to autoplay your videos in order. I have to keep clicking around

  • @littlebigcomrade
    @littlebigcomrade 4 роки тому

    Can you lower CO2 emissions through diplomacy?

  • @sasamichan
    @sasamichan 3 роки тому

    grrr flooding. I asked people on Facebook "How do I build fort?" and all any one wanted to talk bout was flooding. When I say How do I use my Military Engineer I don't want to hear late game stuff.

  • @tiagozortea
    @tiagozortea 5 років тому

    Makes sense, in real life floor barriers are prohibitively expensive, not sure what you are talking about.

  • @binarywolfcia85
    @binarywolfcia85 3 роки тому +1

    So, when is the in depth Global Warming vid coming?

  • @maxi_zimmermann
    @maxi_zimmermann 5 років тому +1

    Is there any possibility to shutdown your powerplants?....If I'm playing and I am having enough renewable energy to power all of my cities (so no need for any powerplant to run).
    If I than look at the co2 screen the amount I produce is still ridiculously high
    So I simply don't get it where its coming from...(my tanks? Or are my powerplants running nontheless?)
    Would be great if someone could explain it👍🏼

    • @sigithesauropod3340
      @sigithesauropod3340 5 років тому +1

      If you're sure your cities have enough renewable power then it is likely your resource using units. However, are you comparing your total outputs on the co2 screen between turns? If not that is probably the problem. It might be sending electricity to needy cities around, but I haven't experienced this problem. Hope I've helped a bit

    • @maxi_zimmermann
      @maxi_zimmermann 5 років тому +1

      @@sigithesauropod3340 yes I m sure.
      But i can't imagine that some tanks and units creat soo much co2 emissions that I even outscore other civs using coal powerplants and stuff

    • @sigithesauropod3340
      @sigithesauropod3340 5 років тому +1

      @@maxi_zimmermann are you looking at the total output of c02? Its the first pie chart that represents c02 over the whole game not a turn. Sorry if I'm mistaken.

    • @maxi_zimmermann
      @maxi_zimmermann 5 років тому +1

      Yes I was looking at the left chart.....ok thanks I didn't know it was over the whole the left chart should increase by 0 in comparison to last round if im all powered by green energy ?

    • @sigithesauropod3340
      @sigithesauropod3340 5 років тому +1

      @@maxi_zimmermann yep

  • @sarysa
    @sarysa 2 роки тому

    All hail Valletta, who makes climate change irrelevant with prayer.
    (and gets murdered by the AI 50 turns in)

  • @sebastianaquino421
    @sebastianaquino421 5 років тому +1


  • @pedrochapo3082
    @pedrochapo3082 4 роки тому

    Hey Hey

  • @daewolfo94
    @daewolfo94 5 років тому +1

    Next Leader Spotlight is the Maori I guess 👀

  • @2gtomkins
    @2gtomkins 5 років тому +2

    If anything, allowing flood walls on the scale it would take to protect, say, coastal Louisiana, from climate change flooding with just computers is overly generous. Realism would have put it even later, and they only put flood walls as early as they did because they knew it would alienate the fans to have it realistically late and realistically expensive.

  • @johnpaulbrebonia9106
    @johnpaulbrebonia9106 4 роки тому

    Just win before flooding

  • @CultofThings
    @CultofThings 5 років тому +1

    I was winning, then all my cities flooded

  • @4u_lightningwolf
    @4u_lightningwolf 4 роки тому

    military engineers are a thing tho

  • @mcdeadcat
    @mcdeadcat 3 роки тому

    Please get on with it...

  • @ironstream3955
    @ironstream3955 5 років тому

    Is there a way to revert climate change in game?

  • @llsrrll6930
    @llsrrll6930 4 роки тому +2

    Civ 6 goes libtard lol

  • @mimimmimmimim
    @mimimmimmimim 4 роки тому

    15 minutes? Well... Byeeee...

  • @jonathanvanboskerck2693
    @jonathanvanboskerck2693 5 років тому

    I hate the global warming mechanic. It is si bad and so divorced from reality that I have stopped playing Civ. I have been an avid player since 1991, but I will not come back until this mechanic is gone or can be turned off.

    • @dymitrmisiejuk6951
      @dymitrmisiejuk6951 5 років тому +2

      You can almost turn it off. Just turn the scale to 1. Or play as a Rise and Fall rules. Imho this is the best what that game got over all years. Now there is something happening in late game. I'm just little disappointed that there is no earthquakes :-( and plague is only in scenario, not in the main game :-(

    • @ChaoticTabris
      @ChaoticTabris 5 років тому +1

      This is actually one of the most realistic simulations of climate change ever present in a video game.

    • @Korvisio
      @Korvisio 5 років тому

      ... How is it divorced from reality? It is literally happening right now. If the Netherlands didn't build their flood barriers, most of their country would be underwater.

    • @GaJiarg
      @GaJiarg 5 років тому

      @@Korvisio 31 out of 32 climate computer models have predicted that temperatures will rise 7 times more than what it really has.

    • @jbishop6703
      @jbishop6703 5 років тому

      Turning it down to 1 slows down the natural disasters. But the flooding seems to stay the same imo.

  • @ryanokeefe5695
    @ryanokeefe5695 5 років тому


    • @TheSaxyGamer
      @TheSaxyGamer  5 років тому

      Yeah I'm not sure what that is or how it got there haha

    • @ryanokeefe5695
      @ryanokeefe5695 5 років тому

      @@TheSaxyGamer there's a "#of" in the description where it should be "# (space) of". UA-cam automatically adds those as tags.