Hope you enjoy the new video, let me know your thoughts if I don't reply to your comment in the first hour, it's probably because you don't have your settings right, make sure you have replies allowed on your comments =)
+Humble The Poet I think swearing can be part of someones common language. I love Samuel Clemens' work he truly knew when and where to add profanity give flavor. (* Samuel Clemens' pen name was MARK TWAIN )
I hate when people cuss after every other word. I only cuss when I feel that it's necessary and when it's appropriate. For example I'm not cussing around my elders because that's not the time nor the place.
to me - a swear word is just that a word and why would you ever make a word that you can't say? as long as you are aware of what you saying it's fine. sometimes people have to understand that words evolve just like culture and they become different to what they started off with.
There are. There are. Depends on why you use it, really. If you're listing the words that shouldn't be said, you're still saying it. Are you trying to upset someone? No. Unless the word is a charm spell that can rip a tear in the fabric of reality and all of time and space will go haywire, then maybe the word should not be sad.
can I just say that humble, you're one of the WISEST people I've ever heard. how are you not president yet? honestly, you could be like the best teacher ever. also that beard 😍
Those dramatics really make my rib tickle with laughter. I am not going through a very happy and secure phase but this video made me chuckle. Thank you Humble. You are the best. :)
Omg, thanks for this video. I had gotten into this conversation several times with someone I'm glad I'm not friends with anymore (she ended up betraying me). You say it perfectly - words from my own heart. I was raised in Ohio, statistically the state that swears the most out of all the U.S. I can easily censor myself when needed, but when I am with friends and naturally expressing myself through the dialect of the area I come from, sometimes there's no more appropriate word for expressing the level of intensity in whatever it is I'm trying to say. My family didn't swear in the household I was raised in, but it's how most of us in my generation talk. I always felt like the vibe put off by judgmental people is WAY dirtier than a simple word.
Bro Humble, your videos have shed light on some real dire situations. I love your book man, taking it 1 chapter a day, so I have a lesson every day to think about. And still waiting for another Album! Love FEATHERS, -00.03 and want to hear more :)
Did u say bye felecia ?? my name is Juno felecia and I doubled up laughing !!! u r so awesome found ya through Superwoman and started watching ur videos from yesterday and am on a marathon now !! u my handsome friend are the best.
I have no issues with swearing, as long as its done respectfully - in that I mean, not used to hurt or insult someone! As for the children, I have 3 and I dont censor around them. I'd much rather them learn it from me and I can teach them the meaning and when and why its ok to use them (at a decent age of course!) and those who choose not to swear thats ok too! :)
I totally agree with what you said in this video. I swear when I talk and people always are judging me. I try not to around some of the people mainly kids. I also wanna tell you you are amazing. :-)
I don't mind cursing, it kinda expresses some points that cannot be expressed with other words, but it's so annoying when people swear just for the sake of swearing e.g swearing in every sentence.
Doh beat up (don't worry) bro, with your beard game strong and your mindset playing out into words, we all have a reason to tune into HUMBLE THE POET. #ColorfulSentenceFillers lol
can relate to this video a lot. I think the key point is that if you judge someone purely on do they or don't they swear then it says more about your narrow mindedness than about the person your judging. I swear but try not to If I can. There are girls I know who wont ever swear because it's "bad manners" but will happily back stab their close friend, spread false rumours, break marriage's, xyz you name it which in my opinion are far greater sins than dropping an f bomb when you've hit your toe on a table. Humble once again your videos are full of delicious wisdom
"If you think it's fair to judge somebody simply on their vocabulary......" Fair? We need to stop passing judgement on others altogether. Who are we to judge? Everyone has their own flaws as well as their own strengths. That's what makes each of us unique and makes meeting and getting to know others such a joyous aspect of life. Always look forward to and love your videos.
I do not swear. Like ever. I just can't make myself to do it. But I agree with you, swearing does not make you less intelligent in any possible way. Most of the people I know swear here and there in their everyday speech like you. But there is a limit for me when a person swears excessively and in a very agressive way with an intention to insult anyone or to sound "cool". I know people like that too. I'm in 8th grade and the 5th grade boys in my school swear like this all the time, super loud and agressive. I wouldn't be suprised if they cursed in front of a teacher. But anyways, great video, as always, beard on fleek. Thank you for making all these videos that actually have great messages and are positive. That's why you and Lilly are my favourite youtubers at the moment. 😄
Dear Humble: you are fucking fantastic;) i found you via Lilly and have been watching ever since. Keep being you, and inspiring people through your words. -From one bearded guy to another
I love when you just sit there so casually brushing your beard while talking lol and that throw back song ride and dirty was halarious 😅...Love you Humble 😊
As a parent, thank you. Seriously. I swear. There isn't anything my kid can hear online that he hasn't already heard out of my mouth minus slurs of any type or words that are not mine to say. I try not to swear around him, but it happens and it's okay. Like you say, what IS the difference between "fn", "effing", and "fuckin" the intention is the exact same.
I have to say that I don't swear that easily but I do swear when things get to me... And that's just rare... But I don't mind when people around me do, unless there's nothing else being said but curse words... This is a really good video humble and please do keep up the good work cos seriously I do look forward to your videos just as much as I wait for Lilly's videos... And I always click thumbs up! 😁☝🏼️👍🏼
Hello Humble! I totally agree with your point of view. I, like Lilly, do not personally swear, because I don't find it a necessary dimension in my vocabulary. However, I do not take issue with people who do swear because I realize my view is just one opinion in a sea of them. The one thing I do get uncomfortable with is when people swear ceaselessly, with almost every other word being "bleep-able". This takes away from the emphatic and attention-grabbing feature that you so carefully explained. Now, don't get me wrong: the fact that they are swearing does not bug me. Instead it is their neglect to realize that me, and others like me, around them are not as, let's say committed, to adding color to whatever we say. The thing that bugs me is that there is a difference between tastefully swearing, and swearing unnecessarily. A curse word used properly has its place in the English language, even if I don't personally use it.
It's interesting that last year my friend asked in Language Arts, "Can I swear as a literary device?" I like that. I will remember this when I write next. Thank you Humble.
Hi bro, I'm so happy you guys enjoyed yourselves at Trinidad 🇹🇹 lt was one of the best days of my life bro. Y'all went out of your way for us. Can't wait to see you soon bro and get a hug next time 😂😂 Humble, you and Lilly inspire me everyday to become a better me.. Thank you for that 😘 love youu
Hmmmmm....Eloquent. I had the same conversation with my students. Free will equals taking responsibility for your choices...Swearing is a form of expression.
Hi Humble, swearing is a natural part of my language. It's not that I'm trying to be vulgar or anything, but as you said in your video, sometimes it's necessary to get your message across. Recently though, my 7 year old daughter, who although hears me swearing all the time, does not do so herself, - has requested that I stop swearing in front of her and use other words to communicate. As hard as that'll be for me, I will try to come through, mostly because I want to demonstrate to her that her opinion matters and that you can say what you have to in other ways. Again I say, this will definitely be a difficult task for me!! 😟
Love it, love it, love iiiiiit!!!!!! :D this might just be my favorite video of yours as it covers a topic I think about quite a lot... *quote glasses on* "I am not your children's parent, YOU need to parent your children, music is my form of expression and if you don't like it, then just don't buy my records" - Eminem :D
I personally don't like swearing and I feel uncomfortable when people do it continuously but thank you Humble The Poet for the insight... What I understand is, people express themselves in different ways and that's okay, I guess
I personally don't swear, but I do agree with everything you said in the video. I know a few people that don't swear and ask others not to swear, which I don't think it's right because it's their choice. Great video. :)
Thanks for making this video. My sister automatically assumes that just because I don't swear, that I am judgmental of people that do and think I am better. I'm going to share this video with her because you can explain things much better than me, and maybe I can even convert her into a unicorn.
People seem to take swearing weirdly personally. I swear when I feel that using that swear word is the best word to express how I'm feeling. Nope. I'm not feeling mad. I'm feeling really fucking mad God damn it!
i've been swearing since i was like...six years old---in spanish and english. Lol just never in front of adults. needless to say, i have a very colorful vocabulary. there's a place and time for everything...
I swear a lot, especially in the car. And I allow my kids to say shit and damn when they're upset. BUT I do not allow them to talk like that towards adults and in school.
I am a person who prefer not go swear whatever sitiuation it is, I feel like I'm insulting the moment. But I respect the people who swear because if it's not affecting me.. why should I be mad?
In my country -Chile- we swear a lot because we have our own swear words, it is our way to make Spanish our own language, creating Chilean Spanish. Anyway, I am so desensitized to swearing that I think of it as emphasized feelings.
I really don't mind when people swear. When my friends are telling me stories or when they talk to me they say "You don't mind if I swear, right?" and i say "It's cool." I mean, it's their choice. So like yeah...that's my thought on swearing. Swear if you wanna, i ain't gonna judge ya :)
Personally, I prefer not to swear. I think it's because my mom swears so much and my dad doesn't, and I look up to my dad more. (Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but our disagreements are far more often and much more tense.) As I get older more and more of my friends are starting to curse more frequently, so profanities are starting wheedle their way into my speech when I'm upset. I don't really curse AT people, my style is more: be nice to everyone and if something upsets me ignore it and later when I'm alone with my best friend(s) complain, get it out of my system and move on to being nice again. I find, though, on the rare occasions that I do curse in front of people they tend to take me more seriously then they would for someone who uses profanities in their regular speech.
Hey so I totally respect your opinion :) my opinion is that I think it is wrong to swear and use bad language because I think you can communicate and interact without using bad language - you can portray the same message :) that's just my opinion but I respect you whether you choose to swear or not :)
"Use profanity if it helps to emphasize what you are tryna say. If it doesn't, then don't use it. I don't cuss at all. But I sincerely dont mind if my Friends do. Why? Cause I know that they ain't a bad person and that they have an amazayn personality." My thoughts
I agree with you on your opinion on swearing. Often I have friends pointing it out and saying stupid shit. But guess what? I don't give a shit! and now, after watching this video, I don't give a fuck at all! I'm a rapper too and yes I swear ;)
if parents are worried about bad wards or swearing first of for mom dads try not use bad wards them self I learn to say thing from parents they yell out bad wards when fighting one thing parents need to worry more how not use bad wards in way it not f*** bad
I would say that at a certain level, I swear pretty much everyday...but then again, all depends on context. If i'm angry to a very serious extent, I will not hold back on my words. If I'm in front of the Queen of England, maybe I should. In the province of Quebec, words from the bible (in french) are used as common swears everywhere across the province..yet no one mentions how "bad" it is. I guess swearing does vary depending on where you go. I just enjoy it because it shows more...expression, in a way. Considering how little vocabulary I have haha :P
I'm only 13 and I have just recently started swearing because of High school. My parents don't know I swear because my life outside and at school with my friends is different to the 1 I use in the house and with my parents. Is it wrong that I basically life as 2 people but I manage to do this and don't feel the need 2 swear, in my parents company. Simone Singh
I'm ok with swearing but I do think some folk use it overly much as a way to say 'look how hard and edgy I am.' I've been out with 2 boyfriends who didn't like me swearing as it wasnt 'ladylike' but, although it sounds strange I feel like it's part of who I am. I do say it's 'a day of shite outside' when it's pouring down and blowing a gale, my ex didn't like that and I said even my Mam says it. He didn't believe but had his eyes opened when he'd known her for a while. I'm not saying every sentence I use is punctuated by fuck but I do use it although I do try to be mindful in front of bairns.
for me swearing make the sentence stronger 😆 and I'm an English teacher and I read old writer who don't swear but I still think the writer who swear just want to make his sentences strongr
now I feel bad cause I always tell my friend to stop swearing. thank you humble for putting it in my stupid brain that it's okay to swear if you want and that we shouldn't be judgemental. :)
Ok so I was very interested in this video when it popped up and it had a lot of great points and I don't mind when people swear but sometimes people use it in times that it doesn't need to be used or is used wrong and I feel like vocabulary does say something about a person again I don't mind swearing but I think people need to acknowledge when to use it and why they use it. Not sure if any of that makes sense and I love your videos I just thought I could add another viewpoint just wanted to know what you would say on the wrong uses of swearing (if you agree there is a wrong way that is) if you could respond that would be great thanks :). (Really not trying to be rude)
Hope you enjoy the new video, let me know your thoughts
if I don't reply to your comment in the first hour, it's probably because you don't have your settings right, make sure you have replies allowed on your comments =)
thank you you star studded top class Bubbala
Your Awesome Humble! much Love from East Africa,Ethiopia.
+Humble The Poet I think swearing can be part of someones common language. I love Samuel Clemens' work he truly knew when and where to add profanity give flavor. (* Samuel Clemens' pen name was MARK TWAIN )
I think that some swearing is appropriate in certain situations and not in others
I hate when people cuss after every other word. I only cuss when I feel that it's necessary and when it's appropriate. For example I'm not cussing around my elders because that's not the time nor the place.
Fair enough.
to me - a swear word is just that a word and why would you ever make a word that you can't say? as long as you are aware of what you saying it's fine. sometimes people have to understand that words evolve just like culture and they become different to what they started off with.
+Raiylu very good point
But there are some words that really shouldn't be said.
There are. There are. Depends on why you use it, really. If you're listing the words that shouldn't be said, you're still saying it. Are you trying to upset someone? No. Unless the word is a charm spell that can rip a tear in the fabric of reality and all of time and space will go haywire, then maybe the word should not be sad.
Humble, I fucking love you.
can I just say that humble, you're one of the WISEST people I've ever heard. how are you not president yet? honestly, you could be like the best teacher ever. also that beard 😍
Those dramatics really make my rib tickle with laughter. I am not going through a very happy and secure phase but this video made me chuckle. Thank you Humble. You are the best. :)
"Say what you wanna say, and let the words fall out..."
Omg, thanks for this video. I had gotten into this conversation several times with someone I'm glad I'm not friends with anymore (she ended up betraying me). You say it perfectly - words from my own heart. I was raised in Ohio, statistically the state that swears the most out of all the U.S. I can easily censor myself when needed, but when I am with friends and naturally expressing myself through the dialect of the area I come from, sometimes there's no more appropriate word for expressing the level of intensity in whatever it is I'm trying to say. My family didn't swear in the household I was raised in, but it's how most of us in my generation talk. I always felt like the vibe put off by judgmental people is WAY dirtier than a simple word.
Mad respect Humble! Nobody puts this the way you do!
I feel like swearing sometimes helps show emphasis of something. I only swear when I feel like it enhances/adds value to what I'm trying to get across
thank you for this humble!!! you are the real deal! keep doing you man!
Bro Humble, your videos have shed light on some real dire situations. I love your book man, taking it 1 chapter a day, so I have a lesson every day to think about. And still waiting for another Album! Love FEATHERS, -00.03 and want to hear more :)
+Ayjay B. new music is coming!
well said bro...I'm trini and it was cemented in my vocabulary...#dontjudgeme...I'll just Keep moving forward!
Did u say bye felecia ?? my name is Juno felecia and I doubled up laughing !!! u r so awesome found ya through Superwoman and started watching ur videos from yesterday and am on a marathon now !! u my handsome friend are the best.
I have no issues with swearing, as long as its done respectfully - in that I mean, not used to hurt or insult someone! As for the children, I have 3 and I dont censor around them. I'd much rather them learn it from me and I can teach them the meaning and when and why its ok to use them (at a decent age of course!)
and those who choose not to swear thats ok too! :)
Totally agree with the way you view this!
'Swear words' are still words, it's up to you how you choose to take it in.
Great video humble!! 😁😁
+KAT thanks for the kind words KAT
I totally agree with what you said in this video. I swear when I talk and people always are judging me. I try not to around some of the people mainly kids. I also wanna tell you you are amazing. :-)
I don't mind cursing, it kinda expresses some points that cannot be expressed with other words, but it's so annoying when people swear just for the sake of swearing e.g swearing in every sentence.
Like no
+Team Super Phan for life Well said
Amazing! Good job for clarifying that!
I always feel better after I see your videos. thanks for being you Humble :)
I love your opinion on swearing. I've never thought of swearing like this and it's eye-opening for me. Thanks!
LMBO Beardo. Those quote glasses😂❤️🙏🏽
Doh beat up (don't worry) bro, with your beard game strong and your mindset playing out into words, we all have a reason to tune into HUMBLE THE POET.
#ColorfulSentenceFillers lol
Loved it. Agree 100%. Gonna get your book now. Hope you had fun in Trinidad. Sorry I missed the show.
+charlene madan I had a blast in Trinidad =) hope you enjoy the book.. just make sure you come to the next one =)
+Humble The Poet I would not miss the next one even if my life depended on it. At least I would die HAPPY! 😉
This needed to be heard by a lot of people. 👏🏽
Es cierto! .... y decir malas palabras no nos hacen ser menos ni peores personas...
Saludos desde Guatemala! :)
+Evelyn Revolorio gracias por el gran comentario
+Humble The Poet :D
hosssssssssss you should come back in trinidad and tobago next year for carnival !! Relll bess vybz
can relate to this video a lot. I think the key point is that if you judge someone purely on do they or don't they swear then it says more about your narrow mindedness than about the person your judging. I swear but try not to If I can. There are girls I know who wont ever swear because it's "bad manners" but will happily back stab their close friend, spread false rumours, break marriage's, xyz you name it which in my opinion are far greater sins than dropping an f bomb when you've hit your toe on a table. Humble once again your videos are full of delicious wisdom
some days you really just need to swear i feel like it can be a really good way to let out frustration
+Charlotte Colls tru
"If you think it's fair to judge somebody simply on their vocabulary......"
Fair? We need to stop passing judgement on others altogether. Who are we to judge? Everyone has their own flaws as well as their own strengths. That's what makes each of us unique and makes meeting and getting to know others such a joyous aspect of life.
Always look forward to and love your videos.
+Katie Barron great points Katie =)
I do not swear. Like ever. I just can't make myself to do it. But I agree with you, swearing does not make you less intelligent in any possible way. Most of the people I know swear here and there in their everyday speech like you. But there is a limit for me when a person swears excessively and in a very agressive way with an intention to insult anyone or to sound "cool". I know people like that too. I'm in 8th grade and the 5th grade boys in my school swear like this all the time, super loud and agressive. I wouldn't be suprised if they cursed in front of a teacher.
But anyways, great video, as always, beard on fleek. Thank you for making all these videos that actually have great messages and are positive. That's why you and Lilly are my favourite youtubers at the moment. 😄
Dear Humble: you are fucking fantastic;) i found you via Lilly and have been watching ever since. Keep being you, and inspiring people through your words.
-From one bearded guy to another
+raincoathaveli #Beardos Unite!
Thank you!!! for every single word!
I love when you just sit there so casually brushing your beard while talking lol and that throw back song ride and dirty was halarious 😅...Love you Humble 😊
+Some1 glad you enjoyed it =)
Humble you should write a book !!!!!!!!!
please x
+MEGAN WITNEY ops never mind i should really finish the whole video before HAHAH Whoops
Respect for your artistic integrity.
As a parent, thank you. Seriously. I swear. There isn't anything my kid can hear online that he hasn't already heard out of my mouth minus slurs of any type or words that are not mine to say. I try not to swear around him, but it happens and it's okay. Like you say, what IS the difference between "fn", "effing", and "fuckin" the intention is the exact same.
+ellebelle =)
pleaseeeeeee do a vid on perception the world need to know everyone see things differently (btw u were amazing in trinidad :))
love this video, i agree with it so much. your video's are amazing.
that is so very true humble
1 of the top 5 videos Ive seen you do. ❤
Amazing video.Thank you so much!❤
I have to say that I don't swear that easily but I do swear when things get to me... And that's just rare... But I don't mind when people around me do, unless there's nothing else being said but curse words... This is a really good video humble and please do keep up the good work cos seriously I do look forward to your videos just as much as I wait for Lilly's videos... And I always click thumbs up! 😁☝🏼️👍🏼
I love the fact that you keep it real!!!
+Emma Jean-Baptiste thanks Emma =)
And hope to see you for Carnival in TnT..teamhumble all the way..chao.
Hello Humble! I totally agree with your point of view. I, like Lilly, do not personally swear, because I don't find it a necessary dimension in my vocabulary. However, I do not take issue with people who do swear because I realize my view is just one opinion in a sea of them. The one thing I do get uncomfortable with is when people swear ceaselessly, with almost every other word being "bleep-able". This takes away from the emphatic and attention-grabbing feature that you so carefully explained. Now, don't get me wrong: the fact that they are swearing does not bug me. Instead it is their neglect to realize that me, and others like me, around them are not as, let's say committed, to adding color to whatever we say. The thing that bugs me is that there is a difference between tastefully swearing, and swearing unnecessarily. A curse word used properly has its place in the English language, even if I don't personally use it.
Watchin' this after someone publicly called me out for swearing like it's their business.
okay! wow! thank you for this. needed it!
"The wifi was less than inspirating" that's going to be my new thing
It's interesting that last year my friend asked in Language Arts, "Can I swear as a literary device?"
I like that. I will remember this when I write next. Thank you Humble.
+SuperCoolGirls don't quote me on that if you get in trouble :p
+Humble The Poet I won't. Don't worry. Still thank you.
Hi bro, I'm so happy you guys enjoyed yourselves at Trinidad 🇹🇹 lt was one of the best days of my life bro. Y'all went out of your way for us. Can't wait to see you soon bro and get a hug next time 😂😂 Humble, you and Lilly inspire me everyday to become a better me.. Thank you for that 😘 love youu
Views: 1625
Likes: 360
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That's fucking beast!
See what I did there with the swearing ;)
+NubzMagic yeah..
+NubzMagic a whole 3 dislikes now, 8 hours and another 1300+ views later. 'kin A. ;-)
Hmmmmm....Eloquent. I had the same conversation with my students. Free will equals taking responsibility for your choices...Swearing is a form of expression.
Love your videos
Where do get such inspirational
How does it define you
+Yodha Delois thanks.. I just try to learn from life =)
Hi Humble, swearing is a natural part of my language. It's not that I'm trying to be vulgar or anything, but as you said in your video, sometimes it's necessary to get your message across. Recently though, my 7 year old daughter, who although hears me swearing all the time, does not do so herself, - has requested that I stop swearing in front of her and use other words to communicate. As hard as that'll be for me, I will try to come through, mostly because I want to demonstrate to her that her opinion matters and that you can say what you have to in other ways. Again I say, this will definitely be a difficult task for me!! 😟
I died when he said "But what about the children!?!" 😂😂😂
"Bye Felicia, bye Felicia, bye Felicia" -Asher Millstone
+Hekla Eir haha
Awesome...great talent...
+!!Nella Ramós!! thanks!
Dammit Humble I was about to go to sleep! Lemme watch this first though....
Humble, I love your eyebrows. I just had to say that. Also you are gr8. Keep it up. (Y)
Love it, love it, love iiiiiit!!!!!! :D this might just be my favorite video of yours as it covers a topic I think about quite a lot... *quote glasses on* "I am not your children's parent, YOU need to parent your children, music is my form of expression and if you don't like it, then just don't buy my records" - Eminem :D
I personally don't like swearing and I feel uncomfortable when people do it continuously but thank you Humble The Poet for the insight... What I understand is, people express themselves in different ways and that's okay, I guess
i swear at least 10 times in one sentence
its a habit now
this helped me a lot.
Love you...thanks so much...
+!!Nella Ramós!! love you too =)
I personally don't swear, but I do agree with everything you said in the video. I know a few people that don't swear and ask others not to swear, which I don't think it's right because it's their choice. Great video. :)
Thanks for making this video. My sister automatically assumes that just because I don't swear, that I am judgmental of people that do and think I am better. I'm going to share this video with her because you can explain things much better than me, and maybe I can even convert her into a unicorn.
+Avatar Yangchen convert her to a BeardoCorn
Haha yeah, that's even better!
Yes! Preach! Curse words are only curse words if people think so.
+Lily Shen so true
honestly at times swearing is mandatory and it eases the frustration lol btw Trinidad loved you guys =)
People seem to take swearing weirdly personally. I swear when I feel that using that swear word is the best word to express how I'm feeling. Nope. I'm not feeling mad. I'm feeling really fucking mad God damn it!
+ClearlyCarly TV preach!
you're so wise omg
i've been swearing since i was like...six years old---in spanish and english. Lol just never in front of adults. needless to say, i have a very colorful vocabulary. there's a place and time for everything...
This video is stating what I have been saying for years.
great video. i feel the same way.
"What was the curse of the Bambino?" SHTAAP
I swear a lot, especially in the car. And I allow my kids to say shit and damn when they're upset. BUT I do not allow them to talk like that towards adults and in school.
you swear?! didn't even notice. lol. you're just wonderful!
I don't swear cause I'm not like that person but my boyfriend does and he tries not to . it makes me a lil uncomfortable SOMETIMES.
Im guilty!!! i dont like it but i do sometimes- especially when i drive.
+Ana Rajagopalan =)
3 views 5 likes okay UA-cam you clearly have your own math. lol
+MAYDAY_Princess go home UA-cam you're drunk
I am a person who prefer not go swear whatever sitiuation it is, I feel like I'm insulting the moment. But I respect the people who swear because if it's not affecting me.. why should I be mad?
In my country -Chile- we swear a lot because we have our own swear words, it is our way to make Spanish our own language, creating Chilean Spanish. Anyway, I am so desensitized to swearing that I think of it as emphasized feelings.
I really don't mind when people swear. When my friends are telling me stories or when they talk to me they say "You don't mind if I swear, right?" and i say "It's cool." I mean, it's their choice. So like yeah...that's my thought on swearing. Swear if you wanna, i ain't gonna judge ya :)
When it said #BEARDO I was cracking up lauhhing
As soon as I see you post a video, I normally comment first then watch your videos :3 💩
+Melissa Bhairo I aint mad at that =)
Personally, I prefer not to swear. I think it's because my mom swears so much and my dad doesn't, and I look up to my dad more. (Don't get me wrong, I love my mom, but our disagreements are far more often and much more tense.) As I get older more and more of my friends are starting to curse more frequently, so profanities are starting wheedle their way into my speech when I'm upset. I don't really curse AT people, my style is more: be nice to everyone and if something upsets me ignore it and later when I'm alone with my best friend(s) complain, get it out of my system and move on to being nice again. I find, though, on the rare occasions that I do curse in front of people they tend to take me more seriously then they would for someone who uses profanities in their regular speech.
Hey so I totally respect your opinion :) my opinion is that I think it is wrong to swear and use bad language because I think you can communicate and interact without using bad language - you can portray the same message :) that's just my opinion but I respect you whether you choose to swear or not :)
"Use profanity if it helps to emphasize what you are tryna say. If it doesn't, then don't use it. I don't cuss at all. But I sincerely dont mind if my Friends do. Why? Cause I know that they ain't a bad person and that they have an amazayn personality." My thoughts
I agree with you on your opinion on swearing. Often I have friends pointing it out and saying stupid shit. But guess what? I don't give a shit! and now, after watching this video, I don't give a fuck at all! I'm a rapper too and yes I swear ;)
if parents are worried about bad wards or swearing first of for mom dads try not use bad wards them self I learn to say thing from parents they yell out bad wards when fighting one thing parents need to worry more how not use bad wards in way it not f*** bad
I would say that at a certain level, I swear pretty much everyday...but then again, all depends on context. If i'm angry to a very serious extent, I will not hold back on my words. If I'm in front of the Queen of England, maybe I should. In the province of Quebec, words from the bible (in french) are used as common swears everywhere across the province..yet no one mentions how "bad" it is. I guess swearing does vary depending on where you go. I just enjoy it because it shows more...expression, in a way. Considering how little vocabulary I have haha :P
+BrauwnSp33d interesting points =)
I'm only 13 and I have just recently started swearing because of High school. My parents don't know I swear because my life outside and at school with my friends is different to the 1 I use in the house and with my parents. Is it wrong that I basically life as 2 people but I manage to do this and don't feel the need 2 swear, in my parents company.
Simone Singh
I'm ok with swearing but I do think some folk use it overly much as a way to say 'look how hard and edgy I am.' I've been out with 2 boyfriends who didn't like me swearing as it wasnt 'ladylike' but, although it sounds strange I feel like it's part of who I am. I do say it's 'a day of shite outside' when it's pouring down and blowing a gale, my ex didn't like that and I said even my Mam says it. He didn't believe but had his eyes opened when he'd known her for a while. I'm not saying every sentence I use is punctuated by fuck but I do use it although I do try to be mindful in front of bairns.
I don't swear because I don't feel like it's necessary but I have nothing against other people swearing, everyone has their own choice!
for me swearing make the sentence stronger 😆 and I'm an English teacher and I read old writer who don't swear but I still think the writer who swear just want to make his sentences strongr
I don't swear but if you wanna swear, just do it, yolo, you know swagg son (I'm so uncool)
now I feel bad cause I always tell my friend to stop swearing. thank you humble for putting it in my stupid brain that it's okay to swear if you want and that we shouldn't be judgemental. :)
+Manpreet Dhonkal you're brain isn't stupid.. you're smart enough to watch my videos after al =)
+Humble The Poet thanks :) you boosted my confidence now that i know my brain isn't stupid! btw love your videos. helped me a lot =)
Ok so I was very interested in this video when it popped up and it had a lot of great points and I don't mind when people swear but sometimes people use it in times that it doesn't need to be used or is used wrong and I feel like vocabulary does say something about a person again I don't mind swearing but I think people need to acknowledge when to use it and why they use it. Not sure if any of that makes sense and I love your videos I just thought I could add another viewpoint just wanted to know what you would say on the wrong uses of swearing (if you agree there is a wrong way that is) if you could respond that would be great thanks :). (Really not trying to be rude)
+Kristina Stevens I appreciate your perspective Kristina =)