Whatever Happened to Perfect Dark?

  • Опубліковано 6 вер 2024
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    Night in Venice, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
    Study And Relax, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0
    Vibing Over Venus, Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com)
    Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0


  • @JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701
    @JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 9 місяців тому +52

    Perfect Dark Remaster on X360 is still THE BEST Perfect Dark Exp. *Ever*

    • @tronguy93
      @tronguy93 9 місяців тому +8

      I just wish it would come to steam or PC officially. Currently I use the Perfect Dark and Goldeneye “pc port” fan patches. Work great on the steam deck too

      @BLOODY__FATALITY 9 місяців тому

      I've never been able to get into Perfect Dark and Goldeneye. I felt like I always got lost for whatever reason in the world.

    • @pikachu896
      @pikachu896 9 місяців тому +4

      Not for me because the music got botched (especially the Area 51 tracks), the new art style is very hit or miss, and this is probably a non-issue for most, but I really dislike that you can't fully customize bot appearance like you could with players anymore, you're locked to character models. The BEST way to play it nowadays, in my opinion, is the unofficial PC port.

    • @JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701
      @JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 9 місяців тому +2

      @@pikachu896 The music got botched? How so..? Never noticed that. And has the unofficial PC Port not issues of it's own?

    • @pikachu896
      @pikachu896 9 місяців тому +2

      @@JAGtheTrekkieGEMINI1701 If you can, compare the N64 and 360 versions of the Area 51 themes and you can clearly hear that the Xbox version is off-pitch. Maian Tears is another song that got hit hard, its background instruments are extremely loud now for some reason in certain parts of the song.
      Yeah, the PC port isn't perfect yet but it's slowly getting there by adding so many QoL features such as proper widescreen (with no stretched HUD) and FOV settings that will make it the definitive version of PD.
      There's also those modded versions of the 1964 emulator that added keyboard and mouse support + 60 fps, which already were better than the Xbox version for me since years ago.

  • @riczz4641
    @riczz4641 9 місяців тому +55

    It's incredible how in it's time this stood up to Golden eye and in my opinion surpass it without the backing of a renown franchise name.

    • @LegionIscariot
      @LegionIscariot 8 місяців тому

      It was made by Rare who made Golden Eye, and the game is influenced by Golden Eye...whats incredible? Its not like it was a game from a company nobody knew.

    • @barrelrolldog
      @barrelrolldog 6 місяців тому

      @sigmaramen based on what

  • @vela-6
    @vela-6 9 місяців тому +56

    Perfect Dark on N64 is still my favorite first person shooter, for many reasons. The endless multiplayer options and settings, co-op, counter-op, the challenges, tracking for character stats and rankings in multiplayer mode, unlocking cheats, great levels, perfect difficulty, multiple exits and entrances on levels, different perspectives on different difficulties. The main issue with the game is just that there are more escort missions than is ideal. Otherwise, it's wonderful.
    I'm not really interested in trying Perfect Dark Zero, but I enjoyed Perfect Dark on Game Boy Color.
    Anyway, nice video. I gave a thumbs up.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +2

      Thanks for the thumbs up! Agree the escort missions (especially with Elvis) can get extremely tedious. But great to see such a strong of community of people who still appreciate the game

    • @alexlight4178
      @alexlight4178 7 місяців тому +1

      it's a great game. i still come back to it.

    • @Gruntvc
      @Gruntvc 7 місяців тому +1

      Perfect Dark Zero wasn't great, especially the campaign. It didn't even feel like it took place in the same universe from the original game.
      I ended playing Call of Duty 2 and Quake 4 over it lol.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  7 місяців тому

      Yeah it did feel like it's own universe or take on PD@@Gruntvc

  • @huntergossett7359
    @huntergossett7359 9 місяців тому +44

    PD Zero was actually a really fun game at launch. 32 players online on 360 was dope, the game modes were fun. IT played clunky as hell, but really fun infected mode.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +5

      I can believe it! Didn't mean to say it wasn't enjoyable - actually on launch I think it received overwhelmingly positive reviews. Just in recent years I think it's been looked on less fondly compared to the 64 version but to be fair those are probably the biggest possible shoes to fill.

    • @Nutty151
      @Nutty151 9 місяців тому +8

      It was ok, not a bad game at all but not amazing by any means. It definitely didn't hold a candle to the original that's for sure.

    • @drekenproductions
      @drekenproductions 9 місяців тому +2

      i never played perfect dark or goldeneye never will. but the perfect dark zero graphics and gameplay were peak xbox 360. i even fell asleep playing one day after playing for 12 hours straight and in my dreams i played for another 12 hours straight. i woke up and played some more. i was obsessed with that game.

    • @DevineInnovations
      @DevineInnovations 9 місяців тому +2

      The multiplayer was great! The single player campaign was forgettable.

    • @cikame
      @cikame 9 місяців тому +1

      As a launch game it was great, the graphics impressed as it introduced a new console generation, it was THE online shooter on the platform at the start, the circumstances of its release made it easy to ignore its shortfalls which grew easier to point out as better (less rushed) games came out. Really the controls are my least favourite thing about it and a re-release with some tweaks would go a long way to improving the game.

  • @MasonAveKid437
    @MasonAveKid437 9 місяців тому +8

    Buying the expansion pack specifically so I could play this was 1000% worth it! So many hours I played this game.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +1

      Haha I think like 90% of people bought it for this reason!

  • @tronguy93
    @tronguy93 9 місяців тому +24

    I wish Rare could have the IP back at least as a show of “return to form” but the original Rare has been long dead and buried for 20 years. Once all the original creatives and staff left including leadership, it’s just a name and a logo owned by Microsoft

    • @Sand_1995
      @Sand_1995 8 місяців тому +6

      I wonder what the original talent are doing. I always hear about how people behind successful games and franchises have left a studio but I never hear about what they are doing worthwhile next. Its like most good devs leave AAA studios just to make some indie title that could run on a nintendo DS.

    • @Gruntvc
      @Gruntvc 7 місяців тому +1

      Unfortunately, that's the case for most big AAA gaming devs lately. Their just corporate names now, the real talent is usually long gone.

    • @mangelangel2570
      @mangelangel2570 7 місяців тому +1

      The hell but it was Rare who forgot about their own franchises.

  • @justdobetter8
    @justdobetter8 7 місяців тому +2

    Greatest FPS of all time. I played countless hours with my friends growing up and I now play with my 2 sons to this day more than 20 years later. Top 3 best games of all time in any genre.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  7 місяців тому

      oh man, what I would do to play a classic split screen session again haha

  • @foxdavion6865
    @foxdavion6865 9 місяців тому +10

    The simple truth is, those who were invested in and cared about Perfect Dark left Rare shortly after making Perfect Dark and those remaining didn't care for the IP at all, not to mention what made things worse is they had no idea how to make a fps, that knowledge went with the guys who left; Rareware consisted of multiple teams who were all semi-isolated from each other as the company expanded dramatically in a period of only 4 years from roughly 30 people to over 80 employees.
    All had their own separate game engines which they all wrote from scratch and they all individually owned, which came back to haunt Rare after the Microsoft buyout resulting in half the team quitting.
    At the time there were five teams at Rareware who between them shared the same artists and composers, but were completely separate designers and programmers: The FPS guys (who also contributed the shooting sections of Banjo-Tooie), the Banjo-Kazooie team who were working on Banjo-Tooie and Dinosaur Planet, the Diddy Kong Racing Team working on the Mickey's Speedway USA game (who also did the racing parts of other games), the handheld team who did the handheld versions and finally the new guys who were all put together into their own team and they had just finished Donkey Kong 64 and had started working on Conker's Bad Fur Day.
    The GoldenEye engine which was further refined then reused for Perfect Dark was owned by it's programmer and he left along with the other programmers who worked on Perfect Dark and Golden Eye as well as a couple of the artists and a designer. Those who were left behind mostly consisted of the OG guys who made the platformers, the racer guys and the new crew. None of them had any experience making FPS games. Microsoft bought Rare for Perfect Dark, they expected them to make Perfect Dark for the Xbox, despite the fact the Perfect Dark team left during production of Dinosaur Planet and Microsoft was completely unaware of this because the owners of Rare intentionally kept this little fact a secret from Microsoft to aid the sale. (Most of the devs were also kept in the dark about the sale, they for the most part had a good relationship with Nintendo despite all the bs rumours online.)
    Those guys went on to make the Timesplitter games and they took the engine with them and used it for Timesplitters.
    So Rare was left with an IP and no technology to present that IP while Microsoft was breathing down their necks to make another Perfect Dark game as quickly as possible to release on the Xbox. That never happened, because they had to start from scratch, the game took 5 years to make and never ended up releasing until the end of the Xbox's lifecycle so instead it was redesigned late in the development to instead be a launch title for the Xbox 360; Despite having ground-breaking 32 player multiplayer which was very fun, it simply was dwarfed by the popularity of Call of Duty and Halo and simply couldn't compete.

    • @risevitality8986
      @risevitality8986 6 місяців тому

      holy shit there is a Universe where Perfect dark replaces one of those🥲 sad times

  • @Dark_Jaguar
    @Dark_Jaguar 9 місяців тому +4

    Damn it.. the series is living up to it's name... First Perfection... then darkness.

  • @TheHylianJuggalo
    @TheHylianJuggalo 9 місяців тому +19

    I think something that's not considered in the conversation is that GE/PD/TS2 form their own 'subgenre' of shooter. I call this subgenre a 'Gauntlet Shooter', and I feel it has a LOT of untapped potential as an idea. Allow me to explain:
    What makes a Gauntlet Shooter?
    On its face, the core feature of 'Gauntlet Shooter' is that of expanding levels based on difficulty. You are incentivized to play on higher difficulties by being given more raw things to do - the amount of places you can physically go increase, as do the goals, giving you more actual challenges. For example, in Timesplitters 2 the first level works as follows:
    Easy - Go from one side of the facility to the other, and leave
    Medium - Go from one side of the facility to the other, fight your way BACK through zombies, and leave
    Hard - Go from one side of the facility to the other, fight your way BACK through zombies, and fight a helicopter on the top of the dam, and leave.
    The Second feature, to help facilitate challenge, is that you DO NOT GAIN HEALTH BACK. Unlike games of yore where you could restore health, and later games where it just recharged, a 'Gauntlet Shooter' has constantly draining health as you get injured, with no way to restore it. You DO get armor, but unlike most games (where you still lose health, but fraction of the damage goes to the armor), armor in a Gauntlet Shooter acts as your health. This makes the game much more stringent about resource management and not getting shot.
    To balance this, you have a collection of other small features.
    1 - as difficulty increases, more physical enemies appear (rather than just changing their numeric damage values), presenting more actual opportunities to be killed. Enemies don't get tougher, rather more enemies appear to fill out the expanded level.
    2 -ALL weapons are projectile based, not hitscan. This allows both you and enemy alike, to successfully dodge anything shot at you.
    3 - Weapon aiming is decoupled entirely from the camera - this allows the player to perform extremely tricky shots while maintaining maximum speed.
    4 - Head and limbshots are special because of the decoupled gun aiming. Limbs cause the enemy (in most cases) to stagger, and headshots ALWAYS kill.
    5 - Enemies stagger a bit upon noticing you, and on easier difficulties, before firing. **This was more of a balance feature for the low framerates back in the day**, but, it serves as a balance to orient the decoupled aiming camera.
    The core gameplay of the Gauntlet Shooter is thus a resource-management game that rewards good players with more things to do rather than trinkets. Levels become a 'gauntlet' in which you must manage your health and plan out how you will approach every room. Extremely skilled players turn each level into a dance of precision, pulling off incredibly difficult one-taps on enemies as they move around at the speed of Doomguy.
    This is an extinct subgenre that NEEDS to come back.

    • @templarkid.
      @templarkid. 9 місяців тому +3

      It bothers me that we had so many revival of genres, but this is still dead for developers

    • @Spit1990
      @Spit1990 9 місяців тому +1

      Thanks for explaining why I prefer some shooters over others. Hell, game design in general.
      I like the Japanese method of difficulty as well: not just more health, but more techniques and patterns to overcome.

    • @Gruntvc
      @Gruntvc 7 місяців тому

      I'd definitely like to see this FPS design return, especially in a AA or AAA FPS game. I've never been a fan of the Doom/Quake FPS design and that's what most indie FPS games keep copy pasting over and over since Doom 2016 released.
      I've got two other dream games. 1. Far Cry 1/Crysis with dinosaurs. 2. An FPS game that combines the over the top gunplay of Black with the over the top blood/gore of Soldier of Fortune 2.
      Might finally be getting 1. with Ferocious. Still waiting on 2. Oh and a new single player focused FPS like Project IGI or Boiling Point: Road To Hell.
      I've pretty much stopped buying most FPS games now. If not for Robocop Rogue City, Trepang 2, and Turok 3 Remastered? I wouldn't have bought any in 2023. I've pretty much been forced to go retro to get the kind of FPS games I like.

  • @yagamijubei28
    @yagamijubei28 9 місяців тому +6

    A fun Fact: Joanna Dark was originally supposed to be voiced by Estelle Ellis, Fans Star Fox Adventures fans know her as Krystal. However they changed the Voice Actress.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +2

      Hey thanks for that! Wish I knew I'd have included it!

  • @jasonmyers8278
    @jasonmyers8278 9 місяців тому +5

    Just hope Microsoft does the next Perfect Dark justice. I remember seeing steelbook copies of the collectors edition PD Zero going for less than $5 back in the day. Microsoft could barely give that game away. But then they gave us the excellent remaster on XBOX LIVE arcade. So there is hope. Now that the hype has died for Halo & COD it would be a great time to bring back Perfect Dark.

  • @simdrew1993
    @simdrew1993 9 місяців тому +7

    Hopefully more news about the reboot comes out, would love to hear more good news about it. The original Perfect Dark was and is one of my all time favorite video games ever made, and the soundtrack was just fantastic! Great video!

  • @Vmilio2027
    @Vmilio2027 8 місяців тому +2

    Perfect Dark reboot better hit just as hard as the first game did. There's no excuse at this point LOL. I just hope they don't screw up the story and keep what we loved about the original. As long as they keep the extraterrestrial forces in the game, I'm sold.

  • @wrathchildrocks
    @wrathchildrocks 9 місяців тому +10

    They made crap sequel then Microsoft didn't let rare do anything cool again that's what happened. A future reboot wont capture the same magic. It will either go the boomer shooter route, or the modern shooter route. Goldeneye and perfect dark were great because they were there own thing, they were experimental and innovative, and way ahead of their times in alot of ways, you still to this day dont see enemy react to location based damage like in goldeneye, difficulty made the missions longer rather than jut making the enemy's bullet sponges ect. it will be hard capturing that lightning in a bottle when Microsoft will be making sure the Dev's make something that appeals to current trends.
    Same reason something like timespliiters wouldn't be the same today, too much content for a game in 2023.
    Good vid man.

    • @tronguy93
      @tronguy93 9 місяців тому +2

      I don’t even care if we get A perfect dark game again. I want an in between classic split screen 4 player couch multiplayer game with some modern niceties of gaming today but with a focus on FUN. We forgot fun and companies don’t know how to extra monetize it, that’s why we now get competitive as a focus. I miss when games were by small teams of creatives that got to make their own decisions, now it’s all corporate bureaucracy and focus group testing about battlepasses and micro transactions and not releasing a content complete experience

    • @mangelangel2570
      @mangelangel2570 7 місяців тому

      Damn people still thinks everything was Microsoft's fault. Perfect Dark NEVER got a real sequel, you are misunderstanding the PD games. You all need to chill out, this year we'll see what they have show us. TI's Perfect Dark likely launches in 2025 following the previous games releases.

    • @wrathchildrocks
      @wrathchildrocks 7 місяців тому

      @@mangelangel2570 Well considering Microsoft cant manage games to keep their own console afloat id dare say that's the correct opinion.

  • @Magikal10
    @Magikal10 9 місяців тому +6

    just stumbled across this a bit ago, really good video, well written :)

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +2

      Hey thanks so much! Really appreciate the kind words and glad to know you think the writing is alright - something I'm really working on improving. Anyway thanks again!

  • @dodger7896
    @dodger7896 9 місяців тому +3

    If it's live service, I'm not touching it

  • @DaddyLongFeather
    @DaddyLongFeather 9 місяців тому +2

    It is insane to me how many gameplay features and options were available for this game that still to this day have not shown up again in AAA FPS titles. I have played this game about as much as all other games combined because its options and replayability are still unmatched.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +1

      That's very true. It's actually just kind of amazing period how many features were in the first game. Especially considering the console limitations

    • @DaddyLongFeather
      @DaddyLongFeather 8 місяців тому

      @@exitsexamined It's also weird how it existed in a time in which like 8 total pieces of merchandise were created for it. For a game that good and beloved, that will never happen again.
      I'm a handful of hours away from going from level 4 to level 3 in combat simulator. My hermit playstyle has hampered my leveling, because moving a certain distance is so emphasized.

  • @KyleHarrisonRedacted
    @KyleHarrisonRedacted 9 місяців тому +12

    The Initiative is such a frustrating entity. They were established as the words first “AAAA Super Studio” (Quad A, sourced top talent) internal studio, and during its initial creation seemed poised to essentially be a direct answer to Sony’s Santa Monica Studio.
    This was an exciting moment, fresh new IPs using the bevy of technology that Microsoft has access too with unlimited funding and top tier talent? Sign me up man.
    Except it wasn’t gonna be a new IP.. it was going to be someone else’s.
    Except it was going to be them doing it, at least sharing the lions share of development with another studio that doesn’t even have anything to do with that IP… unlike ANOTHER Microsoft owned studio.
    And they’re not even gonna bother using ANY of the top tier high quality engines available under their banner like Id Tech 7, they’re gonna use friggin Unreal Engine?
    Like what a baffling set of choices, top to bottom. Nothing makes sense, and development has been glacial at best.
    I guess like most Super Groups in the music industry.. lots of potential with not much output worth writing home about

    • @gopackers848
      @gopackers848 8 місяців тому

      Xbox management for you

    • @Gruntvc
      @Gruntvc 7 місяців тому +1

      Microsoft has royally messed up with the studios they own. Their nothing like the Microsoft of the Xbox 360 years. It's a shame.

    • @infinitydragonoid2655
      @infinitydragonoid2655 5 місяців тому

      AAAA never existed in the first place. The one source that started that misinformation was a LinkedIn job listing ask for someone with "AAAA video game experience". How are you going to find someone with AAAA experience when a AAAA game hasn't been made at that point in the industry? It was clearly just a typo that the press ran with.

  • @TomTomToHell
    @TomTomToHell 8 місяців тому +2

    Velvet could have been an interesting character...

  • @OGbrundle
    @OGbrundle 9 місяців тому +3

    PD and PDZero, Timesplitters 2, Socom Online, and Rainbow Six Vegas 1 and 2, these games defined my pvp childhood. I never understood (still don't) why people are so obsessed with COD.

    • @unbearifiedbear1885
      @unbearifiedbear1885 9 місяців тому +1

      The SOCOM/SOCOM II single player was _so_ good, man.. wish the series got a reboot
      Somewhere between SOCOM, The Division, Escape From Tarkov and Teardown is my ideal tactical shooter!

    • @mangelangel2570
      @mangelangel2570 7 місяців тому

      CoD was good. WAS good, the last good one was AW. Now modern CoD games are not that great since BO3. Maybe MW, BOCW and MWII hold up

  • @DevineInnovations
    @DevineInnovations 9 місяців тому +2

    Perfect Dark has always been one of my favorite games, but it always seemed to have an identity crisis. I like to think of it as Cyberpunk Espionage, but even the first game ends in outer space fighting aliens, which always felt out of place to me. The second game had magic, the cancelled game looked like a gritty military shooter and the current unfinished iteration is a post-apocalyptic story about climate change. Why can’t the game just stick with spies and technology in a near future setting? Why do they have to keep adding fantastical elements or change the core of the game?

  • @Mostima115
    @Mostima115 9 місяців тому +2

    i love both Perfect Dark and Perfect Dark Zero to this day, definitely one of my favourite games after the original Halo games

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому

      Totally! PD and Halo really changed my life. It's interesting because until researching for this video I didn't realize how the two series were connected so closely

  • @kytim89
    @kytim89 8 місяців тому +1

    The actress Winona Ryder was used as a basis for Joanna Dark's appearance in the first game.

  • @j.h.2967
    @j.h.2967 2 місяці тому +1

    A new gameplay trailer for Perfect Dark (reboot) has finally been revealed!

  • @DeformedLunchbox
    @DeformedLunchbox 5 місяців тому

    They were also working on feature where you could take a picture of your face with the Game Boy Camera and put it on a character in the game. It was scrapped for the final release.
    Good video. Earned a sub!

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  5 місяців тому

      Hey thanks so much for the kind words! Cool to know about that feature - I think I remember reading how there were a ton of innovative things like that they wanted to add but got cancelled later!

  • @DoctorAllanGrey
    @DoctorAllanGrey 7 місяців тому +1

    Anyone who is expecting a studio tossed together by Microsoft to do anything good with Perfect Dark is in to learn the exact same lesson Halo fans learned with 343 at the helm, and Gears fans learned with The Coalition. The possibility of them turning out some half-baked slop as a result of the microsoft-owned company policy of using contractors and firing them all once every 18 months is honestly very nearly 100%. They'll turn out a thing that isn't perfect dark, throw up their hands and be like OH I GUESS PERFECT DARK DOESNT SELL (especially if its a live service thing) and move on to something else, likely.

  • @Koniving
    @Koniving 9 місяців тому +2

    Wish microsoft never bought Rare.

  • @chillyman7340
    @chillyman7340 9 місяців тому +2

    It will be really interesting to see what they do with this reboot. I must admit, the live service and episodic thing don't sit well with me either lol, great video man :)

  • @GameFactsSpecial
    @GameFactsSpecial 9 місяців тому +4

    Would love a video on Time Splitters, I always liked those games more than PD.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +2

      That's a great idea, I loved those games when they came out. I have a couple more videos already in the works but keep an eye out for it in the future

    • @RyzenZegend
      @RyzenZegend 9 місяців тому

      TimeSplitters 2 & 3 are Fantastic!

  • @unbearifiedbear1885
    @unbearifiedbear1885 9 місяців тому +2

    No screeching? No memes every 5 seconds? No unnecessary ear r*pe?!
    Thats a sub from me 😂❤

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +2

      Haha sad that's the bar in 2023 but thanks so much for the sub! Promise I won't include any of those on future videos

  • @whipworks4468
    @whipworks4468 6 місяців тому

    Subscribed, what great content about IPs from my childhood!

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  6 місяців тому

      Hey thanks so much for the kind words! Glad this channel is resonating with you, it's so great to give these series the love they deserve!

  • @PardoelNL
    @PardoelNL 9 місяців тому +1

    This game perfect dark became 1 of my favorite fps games like unreal tournament 2004 and timesplitters future perfect

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +1

      Those three games were the holy trinity back in the day

    • @PardoelNL
      @PardoelNL 9 місяців тому

      @@exitsexamined they are still good today

  • @fairzanimations
    @fairzanimations 9 місяців тому

    Hey we was lucky to play these when they came out never get that back

  • @Coccyx69
    @Coccyx69 9 місяців тому +1

    I was kinda hoping for the reboot to be a fast paced fps like the original. But it sounds like they're going in a different direction with this one. Hopefully it comes out on steam or something and it isn't lost to time like most other episodic console games.

  • @stevenbishop1782
    @stevenbishop1782 9 місяців тому +2

    Double Fine did a great job releasing a direct sequel 16 years later

    • @linkvagar2336
      @linkvagar2336 9 місяців тому


    • @mangelangel2570
      @mangelangel2570 7 місяців тому

      Yes!!! I like when studios take that kind of projects instead of rebooting their franchises. But there is something curious about this Perfect Dark and the Fable game. They got leaked together back in 2018 and considering what we saw in the previous trailers of this games, they seem to be sequels, imo. The most obvious one is Fable because some lines and moments in the last trailer, but we can conclude something similar with the Perfect Dark trailer: Perfect Dark Core was supossed to be the sequel but got cancelled due to Xbox's sci-fi games at the moment (now Halo is taking a little nap and Gears seems like it's comming back), the thing is PDC had some mechanics like parkour, more mature take, the 1st level was THE CAIRO..... and then we have this new Perfect Dark trailer with mature looking, the Cairo and the parkour Mirror's Edge like stuff is rumored to be in Perfect Dark... I feel and I hope this is the sequel to Perfect Dark Zero and Perfect Dark.

    • @mangelangel2570
      @mangelangel2570 7 місяців тому

      ​@@linkvagar2336 He meant Psychonauts

  • @valgarlienheart
    @valgarlienheart 9 місяців тому +3

    at 8:00 you incorrectly call it the GameBoy Advance
    Really enjoyed the video!

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +1

      Good catch! I'm working on another video about a GBA game and my brain slipped up. I'll write a note in the description. And thanks by the way!

  • @miamimagicians
    @miamimagicians 8 місяців тому +1

    This was Halos competition

  • @ericyoung3480
    @ericyoung3480 9 місяців тому

    Glad this video randomly came across my feed. Great idea for a channel by the way. And also seeing a video on Perfect Dark. Wouldn’t pass that up. Good stuff. Subbed.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому

      Hey thanks so much for the kind words and the sub. I'm still getting this channel off the ground so comments like these really mean alot!

  • @forrestannis909
    @forrestannis909 7 місяців тому +1

    Is it true that Joanna was originally gonna be an American redhead like she was in Perfect Dark Zero? I heard she was born in Atlanta, Georgia.

  • @yourcommander3412
    @yourcommander3412 8 місяців тому

    I remember stumbling on the perfect dark official ARG and being very confused.
    I think I just gotten DSL internet .
    "Mayans are real !?" hehe , not quite but still.

  • @Sheikah_Architect
    @Sheikah_Architect 9 місяців тому +1

    Sucks how this could've been Microsoft's answer to Counter Strike or maybe even a hero shooter but they didn't do anything with it...

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +2

      I think they tried with the push for online multiplayer but yeah it's safe to say Microsoft fumbled this IP

  • @adriansingh6060
    @adriansingh6060 9 місяців тому +1

    One of my favorite games ever

  • @Ghostie.
    @Ghostie. 9 місяців тому

    I keep finding new cool UA-camrs. I'm never going to get off at this point.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +1

      Hey thanks so much. Honestly just really nice to hear I'm included someone's post of cool UA-camrs haha

  • @o0junglist0o93
    @o0junglist0o93 9 місяців тому

    I wish the xbla remaster would just come steam, I'm sure it would sell well

  • @lounesamani84
    @lounesamani84 8 місяців тому +1

    Everybody love Perfect Dark

  • @raymundoii
    @raymundoii 7 місяців тому

    Rare was really a shame.
    A lot of cult classics just floating in the nether waiting for fans.
    If you're making more about games, I'd like to see one on Vagrant Story.

  • @pete6705
    @pete6705 4 місяці тому +1

    I don’t play video games that much anymore, but it sure seems like things aren’t going great for MS with the Series X. They just don’t seem to have much luck with their exclusives.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  4 місяці тому +1

      it's too bad, it would be great if they hit it out of the ballpark - but won't keep hopes up

    • @CallTheDocter
      @CallTheDocter 3 місяці тому

      @@exitsexaminedyeah let’s see there’s always the Xbox showcase

  • @GabzAugustoBR
    @GabzAugustoBR 9 місяців тому +2

    Great video!

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому

      Hey thank you so much for the like and sub! Can't tell you how much it means

  • @darksidevandal3442
    @darksidevandal3442 9 місяців тому

    2:41 kinda looks like Olivia Benson from Law and Order SVU

  • @kingdaniel3519
    @kingdaniel3519 9 місяців тому

    So many hours spent playing this game. I love the single player but the multiplayer games were the best. Between this and CBFD, Rare had the best multiplayer games.

  • @LegionIscariot
    @LegionIscariot 8 місяців тому +1

    Microsoft happened to Perfect Dark.

  • @gustavocve1779
    @gustavocve1779 9 місяців тому +1

    if the new PD ever comes out, it will have nothing to do with the old one. There is no space in today's triple A market to games like that. It will probably copy modern trends and become something generic and forgetable..

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +1

      Sadly might be true but we can hope!

  • @conkerbob2412
    @conkerbob2412 9 місяців тому +1

    Microsoft is what’s happened to perfect dark

  • @informationyes
    @informationyes 9 місяців тому

    It even had some multiplayer levels from golden eye altered for the game in it

  • @SnowRemnant
    @SnowRemnant 7 місяців тому

    PD Zero fans can try all they want. But Zero has NOTHING to compare with Perfect Dark. Perfect Dark was the pinnacle of console FPS at the time, with with a style and sound that is simply unique. Zero is certainly a game. I wish I could say something positive, besides the multiplayer and some music, but the artstyle, clunky gameplay seriously puts the game on the ground. Specially compared to all the smooth contemporaries. I still wonder how that game has any fans haha.

  • @unbearifiedbear1885
    @unbearifiedbear1885 9 місяців тому

    Goldeneye, Perfect Dark & Timesplitters (especially TS2) - best console shooters of all time

  • @devlog98
    @devlog98 2 місяці тому

    Let's hope for the best now!

  • @Nathaniel_E_Dearing
    @Nathaniel_E_Dearing 9 місяців тому

    Though it will probably never happen, I do want to see Perfect Dark Zero ported to the Nintendo Switch. We'll probably see Perfect Dark on Nintendo Switch Online in a couple years, but Zero is doubtful.

  • @Nutty151
    @Nutty151 9 місяців тому +1

    Basically, two things happened to PD:
    1. PD Zero left a bad taste in the mouths of gamers. The game wasn't bad per say, but it didn't live up to the original.
    2. The market became over-saturated with FPS games. In the days of the N64, there were a lot less FPS games, the console was dominated by platformers. It's the same thing that happened to series like Turok.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +1

      That's a good point! Way less FPS shooters back in that day. Just another reason PD was so groundbreaking in so many ways...

    • @Nutty151
      @Nutty151 9 місяців тому

      @@exitsexamined True, but since the PS3/Xbox360 era we started getting endless Call of Duty's, Battlefield's, Halo's, etc. The Microsoft buyout of Rareware didn't help things either.

  • @lee_the_underground_producer
    @lee_the_underground_producer 2 місяці тому

    Reality of it all i really think that the people who keep asking or saying that the reboot it better have the same feel as the original. Reality of it is thats a %99.9 chance it will NOT BE i mean look at games that have been rebooted for the longest time and all of them dont feel like its predecessor. I had to accept this. After what i saw with the new one i dont know if i play it like i do the last two games But im willing to try it out and see what it feels like and plays like. The only game that feels like this is Goldeneye Re release on Xbox thats the only game thats similar its not an opinion its a fact. Just like Perfect Dark Zero it may be similar but its definitely not the same like the last one was and i love both those games.

  • @Hschlick84
    @Hschlick84 9 місяців тому

    Honestly, I would like Perfect Dark go the open world sandbox. They could also make the theme similar to Cyberpunk 2077 in a not too far distant future.

  • @eazyrat
    @eazyrat 7 місяців тому

    no mention of the pc port?

  • @creatorsfreedom6734
    @creatorsfreedom6734 9 місяців тому +1

    why bother even talking about this game if they claim that the reboot is year's away like 7 ish 2030's

  • @G.Freeman92
    @G.Freeman92 2 місяці тому

    They were developing the manliest-looking Joanna possible.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  2 місяці тому

      You mean in core or in the reboot that's coming out? The gameplay trailer dropped recently, looks interesting

  • @asgads
    @asgads 9 місяців тому

    the first is a masterpiece that you can play today, the second one way more fun than I thought and the third might come out before elder scrolls;)

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому

      Haha to be fair I think you could argue that literally anything will come out before ES

  • @ktdagoat1289
    @ktdagoat1289 9 місяців тому

    I think the hardest part of the Rare transition under MS wasn’t it was too hard.. I think it’s becoming apart of MS.. I’ve seen this happen a lot where people ignore whatsoever a team is doing once under MS..
    Rare is the same.. They’ve actually had MUCH more success under MS than Nintendo however Xbox isn’t beloved in the same manner..
    I find it funny when people say “RAREs great days under Nintendo” then name like DK and Golden Eye but ignore the 20 PLUS pure SHOVELWARE that came from them while at Nintendo..
    It’s also just a fact on “misinformation”.. As even how you were talking about “problems with co devs CD” when they didn’t have any problems with them and the devs that left were from the initiative themselves..
    I hope they stick the landing tbh, I felt PDZero gets a bad wrap now also but man was it fun then..
    I hope Rare also continues to stay away from the older IPs and keep making new ones.. I feel bad when teams are doomed to a IP or 3..

  • @MarkaNgamer
    @MarkaNgamer 9 місяців тому +1

    I loved PDZ despite its flaws and played it from day one. The reboot however, doesn't look so good. Looks like they're going for completely generic stereotype.

  • @inkeddecker9964
    @inkeddecker9964 9 місяців тому

    Man i loveed that secert mission when u were a grey and fought the lizard ahapshifter aliens with the ai

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому

      Respect that you got to that mission w/o cheats!

  • @greenyoshi777
    @greenyoshi777 9 місяців тому

    Well... when you set the bar so flipping high with the launch title? It's extremely hard to beat and fans are gonna expect more, not less.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +1

      That's very true. It's a blessing and a curse to have such high standards haha

  • @deadmangames6572
    @deadmangames6572 9 місяців тому

    The 007 games and prfect dark were great games back then in the early 2000's

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому

      They really were, 64 wouldn't have been the same without them!

  • @revensteed9539
    @revensteed9539 9 місяців тому

    Perfect Dark amazing but I didn't like the alien bit.
    Perfect Dark Zero seemed empty and unfinished, such a shame.

  • @RyzenZegend
    @RyzenZegend 9 місяців тому

    Fortnite Zero Build is the closest you're going to get to Perfect Dark multiplayer

  • @Gruntvc
    @Gruntvc 7 місяців тому

    I'd like that Perfect Dark reboot to turn out great. I'm so tired of all the early 1990s FPS games flooding the market. I prefer the FPS design of Perfect Dark, Timesplitters, and Goldeneye.
    Already lost Timesplitters and IGI Origins to baloney. Hope it doesn't happen to Perfect Dark too.
    Otherwise, there's only Agent 64 Spies Never Die to look forward to. And that's not even a AA budget game. Modern gaming...

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  7 місяців тому

      at least we still have PD, Timesplitters, and GE to go back to! I'm thinking about making videos about those!

  • @SynthLizard8
    @SynthLizard8 9 місяців тому +1

    The game took place in 2023? Huh!...ain't that something.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому

      Right? 2023 isn't over yet, maybe we'll still get those flying cars...

    • @sjceezy
      @sjceezy 8 місяців тому

      ​@exitsexamined there actually are flying cars now...Google it

  • @JMD-91
    @JMD-91 Місяць тому

    Just HD the HD'ed 2010 PD64 Remake. LOL!

  • @jcdenton9844
    @jcdenton9844 6 місяців тому

    Group of white boys together = masterpiece and gold

  • @cikame
    @cikame 9 місяців тому

    I'm very wary of the upcoming reboot, i mean that's not a shocking opinion considering its troubled development, but the focus on ecological disasters just seems like the entire game is going to be bland and brown and from the back Joanna's 2020's haircut was an instant bummer for the character, the whole thing just looks so generic from what we've glanced so far.
    The idea of a new studio being formed to make it was interesting, a new team with new ideas could make something that feels... new, while still honouring the impressive legacy of the original, but that kinda fell apart and throwing Crystal Dynamics at it in a panic doesn't help since i don't really like any of their games, and coming off of the terrible Avengers live service fiasco pretty much all my hope is gone.
    On the plus side the Perfect Dark PC port project is in an amazing state right now, so at least there's something PD related i can be happy about.

  • @franciscor390
    @franciscor390 9 місяців тому +1

    Stronk femule protagonist!

  • @niceguy7171
    @niceguy7171 9 місяців тому

    I'm calling it now, when they reboot this, they are going to make the main girl character look awful and unattractive. Calling it now

  • @RyzenZegend
    @RyzenZegend 9 місяців тому

    10/10 Perect Game!

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +1

      Agree, 64 wouldn't have been the same without it!

  • @KyletheScott
    @KyletheScott 9 місяців тому

    Hi! I enjoyed the video! As a fellow creator I have some advice and observations on the video, but I know personally that I hate unsolicited advice. So if you're interested we can talk shop, otherwise just keep at it! you've earned a sub from me.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому

      Hey thanks for the sub! Feedback is always welcome. Let's chat through email? You can use the one on my channel or can reach out to yours

  • @o0junglist0o93
    @o0junglist0o93 9 місяців тому

    Perfect Dark Zero failed for one reason - Ginger hair

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  9 місяців тому +1

      hopefully the reboot fixes this glaring oversight

    • @o0junglist0o93
      @o0junglist0o93 9 місяців тому +1

      @@exitsexamined 🤣🤣🤣

    • @Spr1ggan87
      @Spr1ggan87 8 місяців тому

      @@exitsexamined Nobody seems to notice that Joanna was British in the first game and then magically American in the prequel

  • @iamLI3
    @iamLI3 9 місяців тому

    they'd do it all over again so they could do it all over again they'd do i all over again they'd do it 15 times over again
    just let something good stay dead already....
    the fans have recently made a pc port of the game

  • @n64fan60
    @n64fan60 5 місяців тому

    Duke Nukem 64 beat Perfect Dark to the punch on coop split-screen campaign mode, and AI bots in multiplayer by 2 and a half years. Just sayin'.

    • @exitsexamined
      @exitsexamined  5 місяців тому +1

      ahh Duke Nukem, deserves it's own video - but it's been covered to death. Still an interesting series!

    • @n64fan60
      @n64fan60 5 місяців тому

      Yeah, it'd be tough to make a video worth watching on it. IMO DN64 doesn't get enough credit, though. Probs don't bother with a video on the series lol

  • @theguyinthere
    @theguyinthere 9 місяців тому

    no way this game took place in 2023!

    • @rwentfordable
      @rwentfordable 9 місяців тому

      I'd forgot about that myself.

    • @djr4103
      @djr4103 9 місяців тому

      According to perfect dark wikia it is

  • @eddiethepizzahero
    @eddiethepizzahero 7 місяців тому

    Perfect Dark still the best game ever.

  • @eddiethepizzahero
    @eddiethepizzahero 7 місяців тому

    Oh my fucking god, Joanna's fighting fucking "CLIMATE CHANGE" in the new game?! I'm completely out on that one. Thanks again Sociopolitical landscape for ruining everything it touches. Including my childhood favorite game.
    Modernity really sucks a shit.

  • @bellonasservant4496
    @bellonasservant4496 2 місяці тому

    calling out Perfect Dark zero for having generic models is down right delusional. Like have you seen what you fight in Perfect Dark n64? thats generic!
    You also said that people complained about the weak design of Joanna in the first game, wich should already gave you a clue.
    ZERO had much better and iconic designs. Yes you had some generic Soldiers and Mercenaries, but you also had tons of stylish and cool designs wich the n64 games had none.
    Even the Aliens had the most boring Version of the "Grey aliens" iarchetype i have ever seen. Elvis is like the most generic Alien people can come up with. There is a reason why the reboot Joanna is designed after ZEROEs, because people remember and can distinguished her from other characters, while n64 Jo looks like an generic NPC.

    @2NDFLB-CLERK 9 місяців тому +1

    You pronounced "Pretendemic" wrong...