I had a go at replacing the micro-usb port on a Amazon fire 7 tablet. It took me 5 hours & a lot of retries. But I managed to do it. It looks ugly, but it works. Did it for a friend who didn't have money to buy a new one as a favour. Never done this type of soldering before, or any soldering really. But I'm learning a lot from y our video's, do ty :)
That's magic. How does the heat transfer to all the port pins when just grabbing the port on each side. I cannot comprehend. Surely you had the hot air on it at same time?
Smaller tip will not transfer enough heat to do a good joint on a charging port. We did it once using hot air ua-cam.com/video/RT3a8haHXBE/v-deo.htmlm7s and another time using a smaller tip when we still had the old crappy microscope ua-cam.com/video/9hKxKjcZBQY/v-deo.htmlm46s. The method used in this video is best, and that is based my experience working on this phone.
Hi... How much you will charge to change micro USB charger port for honor6x phone ? May I know... And please tell how to send phone to change usb port? To yours
Engineering mismanagement to give approval to go, there is program to flag this kind of errors in layout process, some steps were skipped in layout review.
You are using to much soldering flux (about 5 times more than nesessery). Put desoldering flux on some dentist tool than apply on the pcb. For connectors you should use only hot air (ftom the bottom side) with small ammount of flux.
I had a go at replacing the micro-usb port on a Amazon fire 7 tablet. It took me 5 hours & a lot of retries. But I managed to do it. It looks ugly, but it works. Did it for a friend who didn't have money to buy a new one as a favour. Never done this type of soldering before, or any soldering really. But I'm learning a lot from y our video's, do ty :)
Awesome as always. Now I want to buy some hot tweezers. :)
Perfect. I held my breath at 6:38
same xD
Thank you for teaching how to change charging port. :D
11:20 - You heard her, DO IT 😁
Hello. Good idea! Take note! What solder and flux do you use? Thank you! Like!
For a child 👍 😀
Gret job ,, Thanks sir 💐
Always number 1 strategies
Great Video as always
On the back of the board there is a port (a small hole)for another microphone(the mems mic with steel case) which you missed.
That's magic. How does the heat transfer to all the port pins when just grabbing the port on each side. I cannot comprehend. Surely you had the hot air on it at same time?
Awesome as always. Great videos.
MashaAllah akhi, great videos to learn, i have 8 email addresses and all subscribed to your channel🙏🙏
Hi, where did you buy this box full of usb connectors?
Petar Počakal AliExpress has that
Can you also buy boxes of the different kinds of headphone/mic ports, hdmi ports etc? And where’s the best place to get them from?
Great job
💕💕💕love you guys💕💕💕
Those hot tweezers really impress me - you do stay busy I see
this part is very challenging. i hate soldering charging port.
Awesome ✌🏻✌🏻✌🏻
Smaller solder tip would have been help, got the jbc nano here a bit back and it's perfect for tight spaces
Smaller tip will not transfer enough heat to do a good joint on a charging port. We did it once using hot air ua-cam.com/video/RT3a8haHXBE/v-deo.htmlm7s and another time using a smaller tip when we still had the old crappy microscope ua-cam.com/video/9hKxKjcZBQY/v-deo.htmlm46s. The method used in this video is best, and that is based my experience working on this phone.
Yes it will , jbc transfers plenty heat at 450c , i use it all the time with perfect results
Hi... How much you will charge to change micro USB charger port for honor6x phone ? May I know... And please tell how to send phone to change usb port? To yours
I think nexus intentionally put the components that close to discourage port replacement
Engineering mismanagement to give approval to go, there is program to flag this kind of errors in layout process, some steps were skipped in layout review.
How much it cost for customers?
الله يوفقك
Use some tape and solder the back
잘 고친다,
Samsung a6 earphone Jack problem
11:18 she looks like you
You are using to much soldering flux (about 5 times more than nesessery). Put desoldering flux on some dentist tool than apply on the pcb. For connectors you should use only hot air (ftom the bottom side) with small ammount of flux.
1.3 amp is fast charging
💕💕💕love you guys💕💕