The Orville Nix film shows the gun flash,its comes right from the picket fence,far down from where zapruder is filming,watch for it in beginning, of Nix film,
No flashes. Just like the ‘badge man’ argument… When you zoom in and blow up a picture what you’re doing is turning fine grained data into coarse grained data which is poorer quality the further you zoom. Once it’s a mess of pixels, you can infer whatever shape you want out of it. In psychology research that’s called gestalt and the phenomena is called peridolia. Ie seeing animals in the clouds
Nix film doesn't show a gun flash. Just like it doesn't show badgeman or anything remotely similar. If you even the most rudimentary thing about photography, you know the more you enlarge a photo, the grainier it becomes. Accuracy doesn't become better - it becomes worse!! You are turning fine-grained information into coarse-grained. Enlarge far enough and you can see patterns, not because they exist, but because humans are pattern-seeking animals. It's called peridolia.
There was a car there. Someone could have hidden the gun or themselves in the boot. James Files said he had a prototype fireball that went into a brief case and he simply packed it up and walked away. Makes sense.
Fireball's are great handgun's but horrible assassin gun's. If you shoot that thing, you will definitely give away your position because it shoots a flame out of the barrel when fired. This is due to not all of the powder igniting in the short barrel but then ignites from friction in the air after it leaves the barrel hence the name fireball. The gun itself is accurate and good out to 300 yrds.
People often ask, how could a shooter escape from this area? Here is what researcher Josiah Thompson has to say on that. "Witnesses testified and drew diagrams of three cars parked behind the fence and in back of a shooter. One car possibly had its trunk open blocking the shooter. After firing, the shooter put the rifle in the trunk, closed it and walked away. A police officer testified that he stopped a man in the parking lot, but let him go after the man presented a Secret Service badge. Police (then) cordoned off the parking lot, but once Oswald was apprehended, they abandoned the cordon. Police never checked any of the parked cars. Later that day or evening, the shooter or possibly an accomplice returned and drove the car with the rifle in the trunk away. The Secret Service later testified they had no agent assigned to that area." Within 5 seconds a person could shoot, turn, place the rifle in the trunk, close it and then start walking away.
You’re speculating on possibilities and suspicions. But you’re ignoring all the hard evidence that debunks this claim. How he could escape is the least of your worries. No one including Lee Bowers saw any gunman (he said this in testimony - all he said was there was a commotion which he couldn’t make out. Yes, a commotion like…. someone being shot and ensuing panic….yes that’s a commotion). The autopsy showed a bullet travelling from back to front along the right hemisphere of the brain. There was no bullet travelling from right hemisphere across to the left… this would have to happen with a shooter from the corner of the picket fence. If you look at the angle a shot would have to hit at, from any picture or film, the angle is almost 90 degree right angle. The corner of the fence is at about 80 degrees to the limo. Any further down the fence would make it less severe but still about a 45 degree angle with more trees in the way. As it was, there were three men on the concrete steps on the knoll, almost directly in front of the corner of the fence, feet away from a shooter and in the line of fire. None of these people heard a shot from behind them and Zapruder and his Secretary said the same. Ask yourself this as well, would any professional, self preserving assassin set up in a position where a bystander (like the three men on the steps) could stroll another eight or ten feet to the fence and strike up a conversation with the assassin in the minutes before the shot? Or someone from the parking lot coming or going from their car? Not only could this distract or prevent the shooter from doing his job but witnesses could identify him, or at least say they saw a shooter…which would destroy the innocent patsy defence that about half of all conspiracists claim. For the ballistics evidence, please read Larry Sturdivan’s book (he was part of the ballistics team on the HSCA) which you can Google. The HSCA panel of 9 forensic doctors confirm the results and conclusion of the Warren report, (one shooter from the snipers nest) and confirmed no fraud or fakery in the original autopsy. Read the HSCA report. So, you can’t just waive away the official autopsy because it’s inconvenient for your theory.
@@knightwatchmanwhat difference does that make? Why is so hard to accept that someone could shoot the president while fully exposed to the railroad yard with no cover, in plain view of Lee Bowers, but Oswald who took the time to built a hiding spot, couldn't do it?
The guys name was Josiah Thompson.. lol.. And like the other guy said, Bowers saw the whole scene and was adamant he never saw a rifle?.. And then there are DOZENS of expert forensic pathologists that are telling you it didn’t happen, but you refuse to believe that, either?.. It did not happen, man.. Time to grow up and adhere to the evidence..
@@knightwatchman don’t need to. You can see from overhead photography, schematics of the plaza, videos from people standing at different points behind the fence. The angle to the limo is severe from the fence. It’s infinitely harder to track laterally than from snipers nest (which needs virtually no tracking) and a bullet would have to cross hemispheres of the brain. Bullet fragments also wouldn’t end up in the front seat like they did
He snapped back from a severe reaction and sent matter behind. In the film you can see him first go forward then back. Look at the brain matter go forward. How could that be from the knoll.
Frame 313 of Z film shows 95% of brain and blood going forward. Travelling into a headwind will hold some of the blood spray in the air after which is why the trailing cop on his bike said he felt spray. Head movement from 312-313 shows head moving forward no more than a couple of inches when bullet hit. Autopsy shows multiple independent signs of rear entry, front exit. You need to read the HSCA forensic experts who verified the Warren conclusions. Read
There should not be any more debate whether there was a shooter at the picket fence. James E. Files confessed 30 years ago that he fired the fatal head shot from there. He explains in great detail his entire adventure of why he did it, how he picked that spot; how he got there, what weapon and bullet he used, how he successfully exited, who all was involved from his understanding of things. It’s a compelling admission. His story has been investigated and no inconsistencies have been found. The worst thing his critics can muster to say is to label him a Charlatan which is incorrect and wrong. So, it simply comes down to this, you either believe him or you don’t. If you don’t, you must have a strong reasonable doubt showing he’s lying. No one has been able to do that.
When you look at all the film when the people run up knoll ,the cop,you can see nobody outside fence, only step area further east a couple people, Bowers didn't say that, here is what Bowers said on video,said he 2:00 saw 2 men( they gave no appearance of being together) 10 to 15 ft apart,he said 1 midd,age,or slightly older,fairly heavy set,white shirt ,dark trousers 1 younger mid twenties,plaid shirt,or jacket, looking up toward Houston,following motercade, so if Bowers described what they were wearing ,type of clothes, and doing ,they obviously we're on his side of fence, down the eastern side, he saw 2 men each dressed in uniforms , similar to what custodians,where at,court house, not to mention 3 strange cars that came in to parking area, from 12:10 to a couple minutes before fatal shots. He said this on tape.
Two MAJOR problems. 1) There were people standing on the landing of the stairs at 0:48. A grassy knoll shooter would have had to shoot through their heads or within inches of their heads. 2) At 1:09 there is a railroad switching tower where Lee Bowers would have clearly seen anyone walking through the parking lot yet he never reported seeing anyone do so.
Bowers saw many people,he Also d scribed Them before&After the shots,saw men with guns behind Fence, described About 4 behind, Fence, seen others come up knoll immediately after headshot Saw Smoke or flash or something that caught his eye .
The trees on the grassy knoll were much smaller than they are today. Things probably looked a little different for the shooter back in 1963. I do believe there was a shooter on the grassy knoll behind the picket fence. I was a freshman in HS in 1963. I have been to Dealey Plaza several times.
I agree…. Thank you for that perspective as well. I was 8 years of age on that day. I have always hoped to go there. This helped me see things. I still doubt if we will ever know the real truth.
The truth was discovered in the first 48 hours but nobody will read the well done Warren Commission Report and the 26 volumes of accompanying material. Try reading some non conspiracy books like the excellent “Reclaiming History” and then when you read or hear the conspiracy theories you will be able to recognize the misinformation, half truths and outright lies that those “Journalistic Scavengers” spread in order to generate money in their greedy pockets!
Actually, the sound of the so called 3rd shot and the subsequent smoke, did in fact do that. Files left a shell casing with a bite mark in it that was located by a prospector in 1987 or 8. Witnesses to the grassy knoll shot stated it sounded like a cannon. Files said he only needed one shot and it was easy to pack away.
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ry So it means there are no spaces between the slats that make the fence. If it were a picket fence, an assassin wouldn't take a chance hiding behind it to fire at the President of the United States. Big difference, and on;y stupid people call it a "picket fence" when it isn't one! You aren't very bright!
A badge man fired a shot also,so where does he fit in, you can see the muzzle flash in back of moorman photo,i wonder if he missed,there was a couple misses.
no such 'badgeman'. This was produced by Gary Mack and another fellow who enlarged the fence photo so much that you can see anything you want in the photo. It's why we see animals in the clouds - called perodolia. The enlagement of a photo turns fine-grained onformation of the original into coarse-grained information with LESS acuracy, not more. Besdies, the hard evidence blows that idea away
The angle is wrong for the shot to come from the picket fence. JFK's head is tilted down and to the left which makes the angle of entry and exit wounds not match up. I suggest that a flash bang was set off behind the fence to create a diversion. Watching the films, it is apparent that it did work. Everyone came to the grassy knoll. Thick smoke hung under the trees. The smoke was too dense and thick to have come from a gun but a flash bang grenade makes perfect sense. The South end of the railroad bridge matches all the angles for the head and throat shot. I had always believed that the shot came from the grassy knoll but I had to admit to myself that the angles don't match. Sherry Feister's book confirms my analysis.
you got it half right. Tha angle is WAY too acute.... about 45 degrees. The line of travel was right through the right hemisphere from back to front, ie longitudionally less than a few degrees, which lines up perfectly with the TSBD. There was no flash bomb or smoke device as a diversion. This presuposes a conspiracy, which is the point to be determined. There was an exhaust outlet further down the knoll. But it's an eye-witness report under duress of the moment...and eye-witness testimony under the most calm and controlled situations is horribly flawed. I've read Feister and dozens of other books over the 30 years I believed in conspiracy. But I conveniently avoided the counter-conspiracy sources. Partly because I was told by other conspiracy theorists I'd be wasting my time, but partly because I didn't want to be proven wrong. I was.Read WR, HSCA, Bugliosi, Larry Sturdivan, Priscilla McMillan, Patricia Lambert, Dale Myers.... Get both sides is all I'm saying.
@@billkeon880 I respect your opinion. I have read Posner and Myers. If you read Posner and Myers then you have read Bugliosi because they wrote his books for him. Bugliosi's book about Parkland is eviscerated by Jim DiEugenio in Reclaiming Parkland. Jim shows you all of the evidence that was conveniently hid by Posner and group in the index of Bugliosi's book. There was smoke hanging under the trees . There is photographic proof and it does not come from a rifle or a steam pipe. Witness Lee Bowers debunks this myth of it being steam because he seen a flash of light that caught his eye. He was uncertain of what he had seen but caused him concern. Lee worked for the railroad and controlled train movement in that area and fully aware of anything like steam being used. This idea that all eyewitness testimony is flawed is purposely introduced to discredit all witnesses. The FBI went so far as to change witness testimony. Arnold Roland gave testimony and the FBI went so far as to ask one of his former teacher and co worker and reported that they both said Arnold was not a credible witness. Lmao.... So the FBI goes around asking 3rd party opinion on something as speculative as their opinion? No, it is merely a form of discrediting witnesses. The list goes on and on!
With a remington xp100 it would be an easy shot. Then throw the gun in a satchel or briefcase and walk away. The kill shot came from the presidents front and to the right. The round was small caliber high velocity round (221 Fireball?). The round left small pieces of the jacket in Kennedy's brain (see the parkland attending physician's statement about this). Then the brain conveniently went missing. The administration of a high velocity frangible bullet clearly meant two shooters at least.
the burden of proof lies with the one making the claim. Where is this evicence? No evidence of a frangible bullet in the brain. Have you read the WR or HSCA??? No you haven't. Have you read any counter-conspiracy source? No. Brain didn't just mysteriously vanish. It's well known that Robert and the family stated that they didn't want autopsy photos, pieces of skull or the brain to be public and make his death into a sensational'travelling circus'. They took much of this evidence. Read an actual ballistics expert on the HSCA panel, Larry Sturdivan's book JFK Myths. Read Bugliosi. I had only read conspiracy material (dozens of books) for 30 years and believed in conspiracy. But it was such a house of cards that just one or two counter-conspiracy sources blew it to bits
The head x rays were tippits. There was no real autopsy. Files and two others were behind the fence. Files spent that night in town to keep from getting stopped with out of state plates.
have you sourced out what kind of room there was in that sewer space?? Not enough for a man and rifle. And no one saw the cover slightly ajar or moved. The angle of a shot like that would have no visual to JFK passed the hood, through bulletproof windsheild, through the other passengers. The riskiest, most insane place. Might as well therorize Jackie did it. Read some counter-conspiracy books on the subject. I've posted a ton above in the comments.
If it came from the south end of the bridge , exactly where,so it's not the storm sewer,shorter one,may have been train Area where hitman Harrilson was.
no, he said left, as did his secretary, toward the TSBD. However, eye-witness (or ear) is of little value because it's notoiously flawed. They didn't know that in 1963. It's only over the last 20 years or so research has shown how horribly flawed it is. So many eye-witness convictions have been overturned since, and that's why it's evidentiary value in crime today is sooooo low. And conspiracy theorists use it for the bulk of their arguments.
I have been there. I respect your opinion, but no one shot Kennedy from behind that fence. The only way out would have been to the Texas School Book Depository. That area was blocked off for the motorcade, and when shots were fired, well, that building was surrounded. You were not going there if you were the assassin. Forget hoping on a train. They don't come every minute, and you would have no time to waste. Yes, Kennedy was an easy and close target for a shot from behind that fence, but Oswald was just as close for his first shot, and the fatal shot was close as well. You are right about one thing - everything is close. I don't think most people realize just how close everything was and is.
What if ya had a Dallas police uniform on.or a secret service badge, with a suit on ,and know body questioned ya as walked calmly,past pergola,down that short st. In front of depository. Maybe there was a fired a shot from the train with a scope on, everybody knows Hitman (harrelson) was there, with alcohol,tobacco, and firearm badges so if they got caught there, as was CIA operative Chauncy holt, who brang the badges,the gunman behind the fence fired, quickly ran several yards tossed gun to a guy in railroad attire, disassembled it quickly,put it in railroad bag as he hid behind railroad switch box,which there's 1 there,and calmly walked down rail yard. there, how ya think it happened not as simple minded as you think.
You can easily hide gun in a car,and what if a cop stops you in the parking lot and ya pull out a secret service badge, ya forgot to think of that,who's gonna stop you from walking out back of parking area,that area was open.
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ryExactly everybody was so trusting back then. Did you know they failed to tape record Oswald's interrogation? They said they didn't have a reel to reel tape recorder, when even lots of teenagers had them. Oswald was C|A and they didn't want that truth to leak out.
Witnesses testified and drew diagrams of three cars parked behind the fence and in back of a shooter. One car possibly had its trunk open blocking the shooter. After firing, the shooter put the rifle in the trunk, closed it and walked away. A police officer testified that he stopped a man in the parking lot, but let him go after the man presented a Secret Service badge. Police (then) cordoned off the parking lot, but once Oswald was apprehended, they abandoned the cordon. Police never checked any of the parked cars. Later that day or evening, the shooter or possibly an accomplice returned and drove the car with the rifle in the trunk away.
@@johncooper7663 Think about it. It would take only 5 seconds to shoot, turn, place the rifle in the trunk, close the trunk and start walking away. It's that simple. Read the police officer testimonies.
There's nobody behind the fence only the shooters,and there accomplices,and a guy in Dallas police uniform, and Lee Bowers in R.road tower watching them.and guys with secret service badges.
That is exactly where the head shot came from! It's all too obvious as it lines up with the x on the street perfectly! But we'll never know exactly what took place in the plaza but there had to be at least three snipers !
After watching the Josiah Thompson documentary I starting to believe that there were two head shots at approx the same time. Reason is: a right front shot to the right temple can't leave a exit wound on the right rear side of his head- too great of an angle if the shot came from behind the fence.
@@anthonyrobinson6590 Exactly as well! And in order for a front right temple shot and a rear lower right shot, both snipers would have to have fired at precisely the same time which means there had to be a main radio man giving the order on walkie talkie for both snipers to fire (let's say) on the count of 1-2- three fire! Snipers have a radio reciever hooked on their pants belt and the radio wire runs up inside their shirt sleve to an ear bud .This is an old sniper technique back to WW2! There's no way they coud fire at the same time without radio communcation and the radio worked on an isolated frequency range so no local tv or radio stations could pick up any cross talk! Who could do that ? Miltary /CIA at the time ! Do you agree?
@@anthonyrobinson6590 From what I understand they were a seventh of a second apart, or something like that. The one from the front hit was a very 'shallow' angle and did a lot of damage. You can see the shot to the back of the head in some pics
@@anthonyrobinson6590 Fact! Shot came from the railroad bridge on the south knoll. I went there with a rifle scope. The grassy knoll angle is wrong for the exit wound.
James Files would not be alive to tell the tale or more to the point the so say Police Officer who probably did someone used LHO as a cover two shooters as a safeuard remember who got him the job who must have had information of the route well in advance.No chance it will be acknowledged that The Powers Within did it
The amount of muzzle travel needed for a shot from the grassy knoll would prohibit the gunman from resting his rifle on the picket fence .... Think about it… Oswald only had to move his rifle an inch between the second and third shots
0:32 You can see the manhole cover over the storm drain from which the head shot was fired. CIA operative Charles Frederick Rogers hit Kennedy in the head with a 22 Remington Fireball, hollow point. In the Zapruder Film, you can see the trajectory of the bullet from the movement of Kennedy's body: upward, back and to the left. The bullet comes from a stormdrain in the sidewalk below. Throat shot was fired from a storm drain at the top of the grassy knoll, at the end furthest from the Book Depository, by Charles Harrelson using an integrally suppressed M1 Carbine. This was a relatively slow-moving, full-metal-jacket bullet
I don't go by the later theory of storm drain the one that's close,to Kennedy,I think it's possible, I really think fatal Head shot came from white fence area,and files says that,I certainly dont believe Files 100% ,he claims Harrelson was 10 ft and fired throat shot,Take close look, at Orville Nix film in slow or fast motion,there's definitely a muzzle flash right at very beginning,from stockade fence, notice Jacky react to that and secret service guy,begin his quick run to limo,there's something there.
Yea the three tramps were caught in a photo,they were chancy Holt CIa operative his job in the orchastration was to had out ATF badges ,which he probably had for himself and yes Rodgers And Harrelson they were photographed together,yes the right 3,I think when cops brang them in names were given they kept going through Hoover who knew of the guys,and agreed they were ATF agents so since they weren't named Oswald they were left go. sounds plausible your story,where did ya get that from,Files says Harrelson was About 10ft away behind the fence near him.
@@Midnightingeorgia there's a vid here on you tube of the find - Files wrote a book after he got out of prison - thers also a vid on here with a Files interview
3 shots were heard yet you have a bullet that hit JFK in the back that did not enter his Chest cavity, at least one shot hit JFK's head and one shot hit JFK's throat from the front. You have Connolly hit in the back and you have a separate shot hit his right wrist and exit and then enters his left thigh and is not removed until Connolly had been stabilized from surgery to repair his right lung. You still have one round that struck the chrome of the limo above the windshield. You have a round that struck the manhole cover on elm. You have a round that struck the sidewalk, hit a curb and fragments hit James Tague. The first shot hit the encasement of the traffic light and then struck the pavement at the back of the limo, Witness heard what they thought was a church bell ringing and seen sparks come off the pavement. BTW, the hole in the traffic light casing can be seen in the secret service reenactment video from 1964. So let's count them up and see. That makes for a total of 9 rounds... Let's look at the so called evidence. Oswald tested positive for nitrates as would anybody that handled freshly printed books because nitrates are used in the process yet his face tested clean of nitrates which it should not have if he had fired a rifle. Oswald's fingerprints were found on the rifle but not until FBI agents showed up to the funeral home with the rifle and got them from Oswld's cold, dead hands. We know this because the funeral home director was pissed because he had to get black fingerprint ink from Oswald's hands after the FBI agents left and he is interviewed saying so. Oswald's mail order rifle was ordered from Klein's sporting goods in Chicago which was a store house front for the CIA to run guns to anti Castro cubans. Mercenary Gerry Hemming listed them as an ex employer on an application he filled out. He trained anti Castro cubans in Louisiana and Florida for the bay of pigs invasion. 2nd problem.. the money order was never deposited. 3rd problem.. Oswald supposedly ordered a 38" carcano and received a 40" rifle. When broken down this rifle could not be carried under the armpit to the hand as Oswald supposedly carried " the curtain rods"....according to Buell Wesley Frazier. You study real good now! And come back to us when you know something!
@fiddlefolk I was actually scanning that thesis of a comment until I saw 9 rounds! Lol. Good god man! I couldn’t go any further after that. You know every single earwitness that was there that day would disagree with you, 88% Heard 3 shots 7% 2 or fewer 5% 4 to 5 And 98% of earwitnesses (basically everybody again) that heard shots that day would disagree with you that it came from more than one location 44% Could not determine where. 28% School Book Depository. 17% Elsewhere 12% Grassy Knoll 2% More than one location. (Rounded up to nearest %) HSCA Figures. Have you ever watched who wants to be a millionaire when they ask the audience? if they come back with a 100% answer or a 98% answer it would be pretty ignorant to tell them they’re wrong. So 3 shots from one location, atleast try to stick to reality and rely on the facts and evidence somewhat, and come up with a theory that way, otherwise you just look nutty as hell…9 shots good lord, let me guess all from different locations too lol.
I think you have the exact spot wrong. It is farther up, a few feet to the left of the corner in the fence. This puts the shooter closer to Kennedy. My reasoning is this. When you stand in the spot I suggest, you can feel terrible, sick, slimy, evil, cold, chilling energy. When you move a couple of feet to either side, or back, you no longer feel the terrible energy. I stood at exactly the spot you suggest and felt nothing. Also, I spoke with many others who confirmed the energy at the spot I suggest.
You know ... when my wife and I stood in the area you speak of, we got the same feeling. People who comment and say Oswald acted alone, never went and visited Dealey Plaza and stood behind that fence.
Thanks for posting since it demolishes the idea of a picket fence shooter. The further down the fence toward the overpass just means more trees in the way. A shot from the corner, where you said he was, would have been heard by Zapruder and his Secretary (they said they didn’t hear shots from feet away to the right) and wasn’t heard by the three men on the steps right in front of the rifle. No one, including Lee Bowers saw any shooter behind the fence
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ry check the Warren testimony, and even when Mark Lane tried to twist his testimony, (like he demonstrably did with other) Bowers still denied anybody behind the fence. Lane didn’t use his interview in his ‘research’. Eyewitness testimony is notoriously flawed and not reliable, even minutes after the event, let alone a decade or two…which many conspiracy witnesses did when they changed their initial stories like Roger Craig, Bev Oliver, and all of their witnesses.
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ry no, what happens with eye-witness testimony, as we've known for about 20 years now, is that people remember not like a flash photo, but social construction - mixing other stories or others memories in with theiir own. News reports, media opinions, books, Garrison trial etc influence memories. So many of the witnesses said one thing on the first 8 months after the event and then years or decades later they remember it differently with their own spin. It's well documented and happens with everyone, even me and you. No one was coercing them. It's so easy to insinuate and assert coersion (with no evidence) - but you have to think through how unlikely it would be. CT's never think through the process of how conspirators would pull it off. I never did for the 30 years I believed in conspiracy.
Lee Bowers was watching that area behind the fence before, during, and after the shooting and said there was no one there at the time of the shooting. Plus the ballistics and forensics evidence, and the Zapruder film, all demonstrate that the shots came from behind.
Lee Bowers never said that,not even one time,who you listening to,, Bowers specifically said he saw 2 men on western side wear ing some kind of custodian uniform, giving no indication of being together 10 to 15 ft. Apart on down from them one man with shirt dark trousers,and another in some uniform dark, he said he saw a flash of light or something that caught his eye in that vicinity, he'd described a lot things goin on there ,like strange cars driving in the parking area minutes for the fatal shot and kare got killed for talking about it,his car got run off road in 1966, I believe,mob guys most likely.
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ry In his interview from March 31st, 1966 with Mark Lane for Rush to Judgment, Bowers said "Now I could see back...of the wooden fence, so that obviously there was no one there who could have, uh, had anything to do with either, as accomplice or anything else because there was no one the moment that the shots were fired." The two people that Bowers said he saw were actually on the other side of the fence, the grassy side, in plain view of everyone. This statement by Bowers was intentionally left out of Rush to Judgment for obvious reasons.
Ridiculous. The fence is a HORRIBLE place for a shooter for so many reasons. Trees obscuring the view…target moving laterally (as opposed to 6th floor where target is moving almost directly away on a downslope resulting in minimal rifle movement required)…. and there were people standing on the cement stairs on the grassy knoll right in front of an imaginary shooter. If you see the still pictures and the Nix film from the opposite side of the knoll, you can see three men standing on the step. Not only could they obstruct his view, but in the minutes before the limo passes any of these people could have wandered up to the fence and struck up a conversation about the weather or anything. A shooter is waaaaay too exposed. No professional assassin would risk that. The conspiracy couldn’t risk it especially if they’re trying to set Oswald up as an unwitting patsy as so many think. No, Oswald did it alone. All the hard evidence shows it
how do explain the fact the pristine bullet was found in the back seat by the SS agent? Are we to believe it now backflipped into the seat ? This may be a bad place for moving target shot , but the TSBD was no better . There is no way the head shot came from behind , that’s the actual evidence
@@ronaldolivas5486the single bullet was not pristine, it was quite flattened sideways. It was under the skin of Connelly’s thigh and fell out on the stretcher. This is easy to research, just look for different pictures of that bullet. In fact the amount of lead/antimony left in Connelly on X-ray was basically identical to the amount that got squeezed out of the base of the bullet. The 6th floor window was actually PERFECT for the shot. You can see in the various live recreations of traffic from the snipers nest that the line of sight is almost directly behind the limo (maybe 5 degrees to the right) and the slope of the street is down and away from the window making any adjustment in the rifle barrel minimal, as opposed to tracking laterally from the fence. The angle of shot from the fence is almost 90 degrees. The autopsy also shows no bullet entering from the right and crossing the brain to exit on the left side of the head. That’s what the evidence actually shows
@@ronaldolivas5486the evidence from the autopsy shows rear entry (bevelling of skull on inside surface), bullet travelling along right hemisphere (no disturbance of left hemisphere) exiting the right front (bevelling this time on outer skull), tapes of lead/antimony from rear to front with greatest concentration at the back and lower concentration as bullet travelled forward). The skull fracture pattern (like the ripple effect in water) was from the back to the front…rear entry. This is the evidence. Got to read the counter argument and official sources. I finally did after 30 years burying my head in the sand as a conspiracy buff
No it wasn't, a secret service agent lifted it out of the back seat of the limo, and put it in his pocket, He then placed it on the stretcher while no one was looking. look it up he came clean in this last august@@billkeon880
@@Midnightingeorgia I haven't but.Oswald saw the motorcade route published in the newspaper and wishing to make a name for himself by shooting some notable realized that that was to be his lucky day given his convenient place of employment along the motorcade route ? And that's all there was to it.
We'll never know because Oswald was killed before he was even given an opportunity to talk, let alone go to trial. How convenient. Say, by the way, exactly why did Ruby murder Oswald?
@@bulow453Agreed. Nothing diabolical here other than the hardest of all threats to defend…. A motivated nut with a rifle from an elevated position acting alone. It’s perfectly compartmented, there is no one else who knows about it, to talk or spill the beans and blow the plan. It was easy to fly under the radar, because even though the FBI was interested in Oswald, there were a lot of bigger fish to fry from an intelligence standpoint. Sometimes there’s just a perfect storm of fate, opportunity, motivation, and human error. The CTers don’t want to admit that, but that’s exactly what happened.
Maybe they should build another wall for 15 ,billion and have u.s. taxpayers pay for it,like the last one,than al these illegals won't come over, so they cant blame it on Biden.
The Orville Nix film shows the gun flash,its comes right from the picket fence,far down from where zapruder is filming,watch for it in beginning, of Nix film,
You can see 2 flashes in the Nix film.
No flashes. Just like the ‘badge man’ argument… When you zoom in and blow up a picture what you’re doing is turning fine grained data into coarse grained data which is poorer quality the further you zoom. Once it’s a mess of pixels, you can infer whatever shape you want out of it. In psychology research that’s called gestalt and the phenomena is called peridolia. Ie seeing animals in the clouds
@@Jeff-bz6jp none of the five investigations found anything like that. See my other response here
The Nix film does not show the picket fence at the time the final shot is fired.
Nix film doesn't show a gun flash. Just like it doesn't show badgeman or anything remotely similar. If you even the most rudimentary thing about photography, you know the more you enlarge a photo, the grainier it becomes. Accuracy doesn't become better - it becomes worse!! You are turning fine-grained information into coarse-grained. Enlarge far enough and you can see patterns, not because they exist, but because humans are pattern-seeking animals. It's called peridolia.
There was a car there. Someone could have hidden the gun or themselves in the boot.
James Files said he had a prototype fireball that went into a brief case and he simply packed it up and walked away.
Makes sense.
Fireball's are great handgun's but horrible assassin gun's. If you shoot that thing, you will definitely give away your position because it shoots a flame out of the barrel when fired. This is due to not all of the powder igniting in the short barrel but then ignites from friction in the air after it leaves the barrel hence the name fireball. The gun itself is accurate and good out to 300 yrds.
People often ask, how could a shooter escape from this area? Here is what researcher Josiah Thompson has to say on that. "Witnesses testified and drew diagrams of three cars parked behind the fence and in back of a shooter. One car possibly had its trunk open blocking the shooter. After firing, the shooter put the rifle in the trunk, closed it and walked away. A police officer testified that he stopped a man in the parking lot, but let him go after the man presented a Secret Service badge. Police (then) cordoned off the parking lot, but once Oswald was apprehended, they abandoned the cordon. Police never checked any of the parked cars. Later that day or evening, the shooter or possibly an accomplice returned and drove the car with the rifle in the trunk away. The Secret Service later testified they had no agent assigned to that area." Within 5 seconds a person could shoot, turn, place the rifle in the trunk, close it and then start walking away.
You’re speculating on possibilities and suspicions. But you’re ignoring all the hard evidence that debunks this claim. How he could escape is the least of your worries. No one including Lee Bowers saw any gunman (he said this in testimony - all he said was there was a commotion which he couldn’t make out. Yes, a commotion like…. someone being shot and ensuing panic….yes that’s a commotion). The autopsy showed a bullet travelling from back to front along the right hemisphere of the brain. There was no bullet travelling from right hemisphere across to the left… this would have to happen with a shooter from the corner of the picket fence. If you look at the angle a shot would have to hit at, from any picture or film, the angle is almost 90 degree right angle. The corner of the fence is at about 80 degrees to the limo. Any further down the fence would make it less severe but still about a 45 degree angle with more trees in the way. As it was, there were three men on the concrete steps on the knoll, almost directly in front of the corner of the fence, feet away from a shooter and in the line of fire. None of these people heard a shot from behind them and Zapruder and his Secretary said the same. Ask yourself this as well, would any professional, self preserving assassin set up in a position where a bystander (like the three men on the steps) could stroll another eight or ten feet to the fence and strike up a conversation with the assassin in the minutes before the shot? Or someone from the parking lot coming or going from their car? Not only could this distract or prevent the shooter from doing his job but witnesses could identify him, or at least say they saw a shooter…which would destroy the innocent patsy defence that about half of all conspiracists claim. For the ballistics evidence, please read Larry Sturdivan’s book (he was part of the ballistics team on the HSCA) which you can Google. The HSCA panel of 9 forensic doctors confirm the results and conclusion of the Warren report, (one shooter from the snipers nest) and confirmed no fraud or fakery in the original autopsy. Read the HSCA report. So, you can’t just waive away the official autopsy because it’s inconvenient for your theory.
@@billkeon880 Have you stood behind the picket fence on the grassy knoll?
@@knightwatchmanwhat difference does that make? Why is so hard to accept that someone could shoot the president while fully exposed to the railroad yard with no cover, in plain view of Lee Bowers, but Oswald who took the time to built a hiding spot, couldn't do it?
The guys name was Josiah Thompson.. lol..
And like the other guy said, Bowers saw the whole scene and was adamant he never saw a rifle?..
And then there are DOZENS of expert forensic pathologists that are telling you it didn’t happen, but you refuse to believe that, either?..
It did not happen, man.. Time to grow up and adhere to the evidence..
@@knightwatchman don’t need to. You can see from overhead photography, schematics of the plaza, videos from people standing at different points behind the fence. The angle to the limo is severe from the fence. It’s infinitely harder to track laterally than from snipers nest (which needs virtually no tracking) and a bullet would have to cross hemispheres of the brain. Bullet fragments also wouldn’t end up in the front seat like they did
The fact that Jackie was picking brains off of the trunk lid is evidence of an exit wound in the back of the skull.
He snapped back from a severe reaction and sent matter behind. In the film you can see him first go forward then back. Look at the brain matter go forward. How could that be from the knoll.
@@richardalbitus7229 bullet spin will throw ejecta forward momentarily.
Check out what the Parkland hospital doctors saw, a 5 inch hole in the back of his head@@richardalbitus7229
Frame 313 of Z film shows 95% of brain and blood going forward. Travelling into a headwind will hold some of the blood spray in the air after which is why the trailing cop on his bike said he felt spray. Head movement from 312-313 shows head moving forward no more than a couple of inches when bullet hit. Autopsy shows multiple independent signs of rear entry, front exit. You need to read the HSCA forensic experts who verified the Warren conclusions. Read
@@richardalbitus7229 How did the Harper fragment get to where it was found?
There should not be any more debate whether there was a shooter at the picket fence. James E. Files confessed 30 years ago that he fired the fatal head shot from there. He explains in great detail his entire adventure of why he did it, how he picked that spot; how he got there, what weapon and bullet he used, how he successfully exited, who all was involved from his understanding of things. It’s a compelling admission.
His story has been investigated and no inconsistencies have been found. The worst thing his critics can muster to say is to label him a Charlatan which is incorrect and wrong.
So, it simply comes down to this, you either believe him or you don’t. If you don’t, you must have a strong reasonable doubt showing he’s lying.
No one has been able to do that.
I agree. "Fireball"
@@Midnightingeorgia thank you. You know about the Remington Fireball. And the hollowed out bullet filled with mercury.
When you look at all the film when the people run up knoll ,the cop,you can see nobody outside fence, only step area further east a couple people, Bowers didn't say that, here is what Bowers said on video,said he 2:00 saw 2 men( they gave no appearance of being together) 10 to 15 ft apart,he said 1 midd,age,or slightly older,fairly heavy set,white shirt ,dark trousers 1 younger mid twenties,plaid shirt,or jacket, looking up toward Houston,following motercade, so if Bowers described what they were wearing ,type of clothes, and doing ,they obviously we're on his side of fence, down the eastern side, he saw 2 men each dressed in uniforms , similar to what custodians,where at,court house, not to mention 3 strange cars that came in to parking area, from 12:10 to a couple minutes before fatal shots. He said this on tape.
Two MAJOR problems. 1) There were people standing on the landing of the stairs at 0:48. A grassy knoll shooter would have had to shoot through their heads or within inches of their heads. 2) At 1:09 there is a railroad switching tower where Lee Bowers would have clearly seen anyone walking through the parking lot yet he never reported seeing anyone do so.
There was only one shooter. His position was from the 6th floor of the book depository. His name was Lee Oswald.
Lee Bowers said that something happened at the fence that caught his attention..
@@otom20 No he didn’t.
Bowers saw many people,he Also d scribed Them before&After the shots,saw men with guns behind Fence, described About 4 behind, Fence, seen others come up knoll immediately after headshot Saw Smoke or flash or something that caught his eye .
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ry No he said no such thing. Hahahaha at you fabricating this fiction.
The trees on the grassy knoll were much smaller than they are today. Things probably looked a little different for the shooter back in 1963. I do believe there was a shooter on the grassy knoll behind the picket fence. I was a freshman in HS in 1963. I have been to Dealey Plaza several times.
I agree.
Oswald most likely didn't pull a trigger that day.
@@jimmycricket5366he sure didn't
Thanks for that perspective!
Amazing that 60 years later it looks like the same fence! Wonder how high or thick those trees were then?
This is where James Files (Sutton) fired the bullet
Files was determined later to be elsewhere on that day. In prison I think
I agree…. Thank you for that perspective as well. I was 8 years of age on that day. I have always hoped to go there. This helped me see things. I still doubt if we will ever know the real truth.
The truth was discovered in the first 48 hours but nobody will read the well done Warren Commission Report and the 26 volumes of accompanying material. Try reading some non conspiracy books like the excellent “Reclaiming History” and then when you read or hear the conspiracy theories you will be able to recognize the misinformation, half truths and outright lies that those “Journalistic Scavengers” spread in order to generate money in their greedy pockets!
Well we never will know the truth. Kennedy was killed by a powerful hidden group.A major force who knew they could never be known nor their motives!
The truth I think is pretty plain - as the Oswald plot fits perfectly and nothing else has ever been proven.
Actually, the sound of the so called 3rd shot and the subsequent smoke, did in fact do that.
Files left a shell casing with a bite mark in it that was located by a prospector in 1987 or 8.
Witnesses to the grassy knoll shot stated it sounded like a cannon. Files said he only needed one shot and it was easy to pack away.
Was found that the shell was produced after 1963. Files is a liar.
Files was in prison elsewhere at the time. A 'prospector' found it ???? in 1987...???? Well, that's reliable evidence.!!
This is a stockade fence. Not a Picket fence. Picket fences have wide gaps between each slat of wood.
So what.
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ry So it means there are no spaces between the slats that make the fence. If it were a picket fence, an assassin wouldn't take a chance hiding behind it to fire at the President of the United States. Big difference, and on;y stupid people call it a "picket fence" when it isn't one! You aren't very bright!
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ry Correct terminology is important ☺
The fence was replaced in 2023 not long before the 60th
A badge man fired a shot also,so where does he fit in, you can see the muzzle flash in back of moorman photo,i wonder if he missed,there was a couple misses.
no such 'badgeman'. This was produced by Gary Mack and another fellow who enlarged the fence photo so much that you can see anything you want in the photo. It's why we see animals in the clouds - called perodolia. The enlagement of a photo turns fine-grained onformation of the original into coarse-grained information with LESS acuracy, not more. Besdies, the hard evidence blows that idea away
The angle is wrong for the shot to come from the picket fence. JFK's head is tilted down and to the left which makes the angle of entry and exit wounds not match up. I suggest that a flash bang was set off behind the fence to create a diversion. Watching the films, it is apparent that it did work. Everyone came to the grassy knoll. Thick smoke hung under the trees. The smoke was too dense and thick to have come from a gun but a flash bang grenade makes perfect sense. The South end of the railroad bridge matches all the angles for the head and throat shot.
I had always believed that the shot came from the grassy knoll but I had to admit to myself that the angles don't match. Sherry Feister's book confirms my analysis.
you got it half right. Tha angle is WAY too acute.... about 45 degrees. The line of travel was right through the right hemisphere from back to front, ie longitudionally less than a few degrees, which lines up perfectly with the TSBD. There was no flash bomb or smoke device as a diversion. This presuposes a conspiracy, which is the point to be determined. There was an exhaust outlet further down the knoll. But it's an eye-witness report under duress of the moment...and eye-witness testimony under the most calm and controlled situations is horribly flawed. I've read Feister and dozens of other books over the 30 years I believed in conspiracy. But I conveniently avoided the counter-conspiracy sources. Partly because I was told by other conspiracy theorists I'd be wasting my time, but partly because I didn't want to be proven wrong. I was.Read WR, HSCA, Bugliosi, Larry Sturdivan, Priscilla McMillan, Patricia Lambert, Dale Myers.... Get both sides is all I'm saying.
@@billkeon880 I respect your opinion. I have read Posner and Myers. If you read Posner and Myers then you have read Bugliosi because they wrote his books for him. Bugliosi's book about Parkland is eviscerated by Jim DiEugenio in Reclaiming Parkland. Jim shows you all of the evidence that was conveniently hid by Posner and group in the index of Bugliosi's book. There was smoke hanging under the trees . There is photographic proof and it does not come from a rifle or a steam pipe.
Witness Lee Bowers debunks this myth of it being steam because he seen a flash of light that caught his eye. He was uncertain of what he had seen but caused him concern. Lee worked for the railroad and controlled train movement in that area and fully aware of anything like steam being used. This idea that all eyewitness testimony is flawed is purposely introduced to discredit all witnesses. The FBI went so far as to change witness testimony. Arnold Roland gave testimony and the FBI went so far as to ask one of his former teacher and co worker and reported that they both said Arnold was not a credible witness. Lmao.... So the FBI goes around asking 3rd party opinion on something as speculative as their opinion?
No, it is merely a form of discrediting witnesses.
The list goes on and on!
With a remington xp100 it would be an easy shot. Then throw the gun in a satchel or briefcase and walk away. The kill shot came from the presidents front and to the right. The round was small caliber high velocity round (221 Fireball?). The round left small pieces of the jacket in Kennedy's brain (see the parkland attending physician's statement about this). Then the brain conveniently went missing. The administration of a high velocity frangible bullet clearly meant two shooters at least.
the burden of proof lies with the one making the claim. Where is this evicence? No evidence of a frangible bullet in the brain. Have you read the WR or HSCA??? No you haven't. Have you read any counter-conspiracy source? No. Brain didn't just mysteriously vanish. It's well known that Robert and the family stated that they didn't want autopsy photos, pieces of skull or the brain to be public and make his death into a sensational'travelling circus'. They took much of this evidence. Read an actual ballistics expert on the HSCA panel, Larry Sturdivan's book JFK Myths. Read Bugliosi. I had only read conspiracy material (dozens of books) for 30 years and believed in conspiracy. But it was such a house of cards that just one or two counter-conspiracy sources blew it to bits
Does anybody know if that wooden fence is the original one from 1963?
@@hectorlabbe it sure seemed like it.
They replaced the fence recently
Bowers saw men with rifles,behind Fence he later Admitted he,didn't admit it at first, because he was Scared .
Yes, and they killed him.
How many people identified James files since he says he just walked away .
no one. He was not there, he was in prison.
Nix film shows A Flash right from fence Clearly looks like gun flash can't miss it.
Oswald on the he balcony steps Few seconds After head shot,it's him top left corner photo.
The head x rays were tippits. There was no real autopsy. Files and two others were behind the fence. Files spent that night in town to keep from getting stopped with out of state plates.
You talk right out of your ….
The shots from the grassy knoll were just diversionary, the kill shot came the sewer, that's why it sounded so loud.
That’s just dumb
have you sourced out what kind of room there was in that sewer space?? Not enough for a man and rifle. And no one saw the cover slightly ajar or moved. The angle of a shot like that would have no visual to JFK passed the hood, through bulletproof windsheild, through the other passengers. The riskiest, most insane place. Might as well therorize Jackie did it. Read some counter-conspiracy books on the subject. I've posted a ton above in the comments.
also, the more people you involve in a conspiracy, the more the probability of it unravelling is. It's exponential.
@@billkeon880 Sometimes I’m just too tired to argue with these guys… the sewer. Jeez.
Ed Hoffman saw the shooter behind the fence
If it came from the south end of the bridge , exactly where,so it's not the storm sewer,shorter one,may have been train Area where hitman Harrilson was.
Zapruder also said his right,over here picket fence .
no, he said left, as did his secretary, toward the TSBD. However, eye-witness (or ear) is of little value because it's notoiously flawed. They didn't know that in 1963. It's only over the last 20 years or so research has shown how horribly flawed it is. So many eye-witness convictions have been overturned since, and that's why it's evidentiary value in crime today is sooooo low. And conspiracy theorists use it for the bulk of their arguments.
@billkeon880 yea, Eyewitness Arn't eye witnesses.
The deadly shot clearly came from the right side even Stevie Wonder can see 👀 that
What do you mean Steve Kalan ? I don t believe any shot was fired from there 😊
@@robertmoir5695 ok Ray Charles
Thats NOT the original fence......
Lee Bowers seen it from that tower it's still there
They can hind everything else but this They can do nothing to get rid of it
What do you mean Cary David Hoffson ?
Lee Bowers Saw 4 Men behind Fence he saw them in detail.dress,even about age,height.
The marker of the people
I have been there. I respect your opinion, but no one shot Kennedy from behind that fence. The only way out would have been to the Texas School Book Depository. That area was blocked off for the motorcade, and when shots were fired, well, that building was surrounded. You were not going there if you were the assassin. Forget hoping on a train. They don't come every minute, and you would have no time to waste. Yes, Kennedy was an easy and close target for a shot from behind that fence, but Oswald was just as close for his first shot, and the fatal shot was close as well. You are right about one thing - everything is close. I don't think most people realize just how close everything was and is.
What if ya had a Dallas police uniform on.or a secret service badge, with a suit on ,and know body questioned ya as walked calmly,past pergola,down that short st. In front of depository. Maybe there was a fired a shot from the train with a scope on, everybody knows Hitman (harrelson) was there, with alcohol,tobacco, and firearm badges so if they got caught there, as was CIA operative Chauncy holt, who brang the badges,the gunman behind the fence fired, quickly ran several yards tossed gun to a guy in railroad attire, disassembled it quickly,put it in railroad bag as he hid behind railroad switch box,which there's 1 there,and calmly walked down rail yard. there, how ya think it happened not as simple minded as you think.
Depository was not sealed off till close to 15 minutes,
What about the shot that hit the stemmins freeway sign,to the right of the limo, secret service took it down that day,for some reason.
You can easily hide gun in a car,and what if a cop stops you in the parking lot and ya pull out a secret service badge, ya forgot to think of that,who's gonna stop you from walking out back of parking area,that area was open.
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ryExactly everybody was so trusting back then. Did you know they failed to tape record Oswald's interrogation? They said they didn't have a reel to reel tape recorder, when even lots of teenagers had them. Oswald was C|A and they didn't want that truth to leak out.
I don t believe any shot was fired from there Who s going to want to have his back turned like that knowing people were probably watching
Witnesses testified and drew diagrams of three cars parked behind the fence and in back of a shooter. One car possibly had its trunk open blocking the shooter. After firing, the shooter put the rifle in the trunk, closed it and walked away. A police officer testified that he stopped a man in the parking lot, but let him go after the man presented a Secret Service badge. Police (then) cordoned off the parking lot, but once Oswald was apprehended, they abandoned the cordon. Police never checked any of the parked cars. Later that day or evening, the shooter or possibly an accomplice returned and drove the car with the rifle in the trunk away.
@@knightwatchman Stop lying.
@@johncooper7663 Think about it. It would take only 5 seconds to shoot, turn, place the rifle in the trunk, close the trunk and start walking away. It's that simple. Read the police officer testimonies.
@@knightwatchman Read the testimonies. As if you did.
There's nobody behind the fence only the shooters,and there accomplices,and a guy in Dallas police uniform, and Lee Bowers in R.road tower watching them.and guys with secret service badges.
That is exactly where the head shot came from! It's all too obvious as it lines up with the x on the street perfectly! But we'll never know exactly what took place in the plaza but there had to be at least three snipers !
After watching the Josiah Thompson documentary I starting to believe that there were two head shots at approx the same time. Reason is: a right front shot to the right temple can't leave a exit wound on the right rear side of his head- too great of an angle if the shot came from behind the fence.
@@anthonyrobinson6590 Exactly as well! And in order for a front right temple shot and a rear lower right shot, both snipers would have to have fired at precisely the same time which means there had to be a main radio man giving the order on walkie talkie for both snipers to fire (let's say) on the count of 1-2- three fire! Snipers have a radio reciever hooked on their pants belt and the radio wire runs up inside their shirt sleve to an ear bud .This is an old sniper technique back to WW2! There's no way they coud fire at the same time without radio communcation and the radio worked on an isolated frequency range so no local tv or radio stations could pick up any cross talk! Who could do that ? Miltary /CIA at the time ! Do you agree?
@@anthonyrobinson6590 From what I understand they were a seventh of a second apart, or something like that. The one from the front hit was a very 'shallow' angle and did a lot of damage. You can see the shot to the back of the head in some pics
Exactly look at the film 🎥
@@anthonyrobinson6590 Fact! Shot came from the railroad bridge on the south knoll. I went there with a rifle scope. The grassy knoll angle is wrong for the exit wound.
James Files would not be alive to tell the tale or more to the point the so say Police Officer who probably did someone used LHO as a cover two shooters as a safeuard remember who got him the job who must have had information of the route well in advance.No chance it will be acknowledged that The Powers Within did it
Mmmmm. Step stool???
The amount of muzzle travel needed for a shot from the grassy knoll would prohibit the gunman from resting his rifle on the picket fence .... Think about it… Oswald only had to move his rifle an inch between the second and third shots
You should go there.
@@Midnightingeorgia Why?
Maybe he didn't rest on the fence.
@@MidnightingeorgiaI’ve been there and stood in multiple spots behind that fence. No way anyone took a shot from there. It didn’t happen.
The shots. Came from whear ever... jfk alone...apeared in the sights....jackie was not!!!! allowed to be injured
All you have to do is get in your car to make a getaway faster then a building
0:32 You can see the manhole cover over the storm drain from which the head shot was fired. CIA operative Charles Frederick Rogers hit Kennedy in the head with a 22 Remington Fireball, hollow point. In the Zapruder Film, you can see the trajectory of the bullet from the movement of Kennedy's body: upward, back and to the left. The bullet comes from a stormdrain in the sidewalk below. Throat shot was fired from a storm drain at the top of the grassy knoll, at the end furthest from the Book Depository, by Charles Harrelson using an integrally suppressed M1 Carbine. This was a relatively slow-moving, full-metal-jacket bullet
Lmao, you don't know anything about this topic.
How do you know Harrelson fired from that spot,I know Harrelson was involved, Files claims he was next to him about 10 ft west ,
I don't go by the later theory of storm drain the one that's close,to Kennedy,I think it's possible, I really think fatal Head shot came from white fence area,and files says that,I certainly dont believe Files 100% ,he claims Harrelson was 10 ft and fired throat shot,Take close look, at Orville Nix film in slow or fast motion,there's definitely a muzzle flash right at very beginning,from stockade fence, notice Jacky react to that and secret service guy,begin his quick run to limo,there's something there.
Yea the three tramps were caught in a photo,they were chancy Holt CIa operative his job in the orchastration was to had out ATF badges ,which he probably had for himself and yes Rodgers And Harrelson they were photographed together,yes the right 3,I think when cops brang them in names were given they kept going through Hoover who knew of the guys,and agreed they were ATF agents so since they weren't named Oswald they were left go. sounds plausible your story,where did ya get that from,Files says Harrelson was About 10ft away behind the fence near him.
That Harrelson shot did it go through windshield or not.
This is the proof right here
What proof Cary David Hoffson ? In all the years since November 22nd 1963 There has never been any hard evidence of a conspiracy Only speculation
Os assassinos estavam no interior da pérgola como já demonstraram alguns analistas!
James Files made the shot from there w/Remington 221 Fireball - Father & son team found the empty brass yrs later w/metal detector
Who are they? The father and son? That's interesting
@@Midnightingeorgia there's a vid here on you tube of the find - Files wrote a book after he got out of prison - thers also a vid on here with a Files interview
Agreed. He stated that General Ed Lansdale set him in place.
Right. Nobody could have planted it there in 50 years.
And all of what you said is as big a pile of horseshit as anything I’ve heard
Give it a rest people. Oswald shot Kennedy.
3 shots were heard yet you have a bullet that hit JFK in the back that did not enter his Chest cavity, at least one shot hit JFK's head and one shot hit JFK's throat from the front. You have Connolly hit in the back and you have a separate shot hit his right wrist and exit and then enters his left thigh and is not removed until Connolly had been stabilized from surgery to repair his right lung. You still have one round that struck the chrome of the limo above the windshield. You have a round that struck the manhole cover on elm. You have a round that struck the sidewalk, hit a curb and fragments hit James Tague. The first shot hit the encasement of the traffic light and then struck the pavement at the back of the limo, Witness heard what they thought was a church bell ringing and seen sparks come off the pavement. BTW, the hole in the traffic light casing can be seen in the secret service reenactment video from 1964. So let's count them up and see. That makes for a total of 9 rounds...
Let's look at the so called evidence. Oswald tested positive for nitrates as would anybody that handled freshly printed books because nitrates are used in the process yet his face tested clean of nitrates which it should not have if he had fired a rifle. Oswald's fingerprints were found on the rifle but not until FBI agents showed up to the funeral home with the rifle and got them from Oswld's cold, dead hands. We know this because the funeral home director was pissed because he had to get black fingerprint ink from Oswald's hands after the FBI agents left and he is interviewed saying so.
Oswald's mail order rifle was ordered from Klein's sporting goods in Chicago which was a store house front for the CIA to run guns to anti Castro cubans. Mercenary Gerry Hemming listed them as an ex employer on an application he filled out. He trained anti Castro cubans in Louisiana and Florida for the bay of pigs invasion. 2nd problem.. the money order was never deposited. 3rd problem.. Oswald supposedly ordered a 38" carcano and received a 40" rifle. When broken down this rifle could not be carried under the armpit to the hand as Oswald supposedly carried " the curtain rods"....according to Buell Wesley Frazier.
You study real good now! And come back to us when you know something!
@fiddlefolk I was actually scanning that thesis of a comment until I saw 9 rounds! Lol. Good god man! I couldn’t go any further after that. You know every single earwitness that was there that day would disagree with you,
88% Heard 3 shots
7% 2 or fewer
5% 4 to 5
And 98% of earwitnesses (basically everybody again) that heard shots that day would disagree with you that it came from more than one location
44% Could not determine where.
28% School Book Depository.
17% Elsewhere
12% Grassy Knoll
2% More than one location.
(Rounded up to nearest %)
HSCA Figures.
Have you ever watched who wants to be a millionaire when they ask the audience? if they come back with a 100% answer or a 98% answer it would be pretty ignorant to tell them they’re wrong.
So 3 shots from one location, atleast try to stick to reality and rely on the facts and evidence somewhat, and come up with a theory that way, otherwise you just look nutty as hell…9 shots good lord, let me guess all from different locations too lol.
It was triangleated fire....a killbox!
No the hell it wasn’t
I think you have the exact spot wrong. It is farther up, a few feet to the left of the corner in the fence. This puts the shooter closer to Kennedy. My reasoning is this. When you stand in the spot I suggest, you can feel terrible, sick, slimy, evil, cold, chilling energy. When you move a couple of feet to either side, or back, you no longer feel the terrible energy. I stood at exactly the spot you suggest and felt nothing. Also, I spoke with many others who confirmed the energy at the spot I suggest.
So there was no conspiracy Brad Thomson Oswald had the capacity to act all alone He just wanted to be a big man as plain as the sun shines
Eyewitnesses told the WC that nobody was shooting from the knoll.
@@johncooper7663 That is true, but the WC failed to call many witnesses who said shots came from the fence area on the knoll.
You know ... when my wife and I stood in the area you speak of, we got the same feeling. People who comment and say Oswald acted alone, never went and visited Dealey Plaza and stood behind that fence.
@@knightwatchman Names of these supposed witnesses?
Thanks for posting since it demolishes the idea of a picket fence shooter. The further down the fence toward the overpass just means more trees in the way. A shot from the corner, where you said he was, would have been heard by Zapruder and his Secretary (they said they didn’t hear shots from feet away to the right) and wasn’t heard by the three men on the steps right in front of the rifle. No one, including Lee Bowers saw any shooter behind the fence
Non- sence,that's not what was said the first times.
Lee Bowers later said he saw men with rifles he was afraid and intimidated to say it at first.
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ry check the Warren testimony, and even when Mark Lane tried to twist his testimony, (like he demonstrably did with other) Bowers still denied anybody behind the fence. Lane didn’t use his interview in his ‘research’. Eyewitness testimony is notoriously flawed and not reliable, even minutes after the event, let alone a decade or two…which many conspiracy witnesses did when they changed their initial stories like Roger Craig, Bev Oliver, and all of their witnesses.
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ry no, what happens with eye-witness testimony, as we've known for about 20 years now, is that people remember not like a flash photo, but social construction - mixing other stories or others memories in with theiir own. News reports, media opinions, books, Garrison trial etc influence memories. So many of the witnesses said one thing on the first 8 months after the event and then years or decades later they remember it differently with their own spin. It's well documented and happens with everyone, even me and you. No one was coercing them. It's so easy to insinuate and assert coersion (with no evidence) - but you have to think through how unlikely it would be. CT's never think through the process of how conspirators would pull it off. I never did for the 30 years I believed in conspiracy.
Lee Bowers was watching that area behind the fence before, during, and after the shooting and said there was no one there at the time of the shooting. Plus the ballistics and forensics evidence, and the Zapruder film, all demonstrate that the shots came from behind.
Lee Bowers never said that,not even one time,who you listening to,, Bowers specifically said he saw 2 men on western side wear ing some kind of custodian uniform, giving no indication of being together 10 to 15 ft. Apart on down from them one man with shirt dark trousers,and another in some uniform dark, he said he saw a flash of light or something that caught his eye in that vicinity, he'd described a lot things goin on there ,like strange cars driving in the parking area minutes for the fatal shot and kare got killed for talking about it,his car got run off road in 1966, I believe,mob guys most likely.
@@RonaldNolter-ih4ry In his interview from March 31st, 1966 with Mark Lane for Rush to Judgment, Bowers said "Now I could see back...of the wooden fence, so that obviously there was no one there who could have, uh, had anything to do with either, as accomplice or anything else because there was no one the moment that the shots were fired." The two people that Bowers said he saw were actually on the other side of the fence, the grassy side, in plain view of everyone. This statement by Bowers was intentionally left out of Rush to Judgment for obvious reasons.
Non sence
An excellent place to hide and take a shot. Wonder how come the police did not secure this place.
LOL there was no shooter from this knoll.
Oswald did it from the book depository building.
That's an interesting theory. Have you been to the TX depository building, before?
@@Midnightingeorgia Nope.
Have you?
You should be interested in this “theory”. Because it is accepted fact.
Ridiculous. The fence is a HORRIBLE place for a shooter for so many reasons. Trees obscuring the view…target moving laterally (as opposed to 6th floor where target is moving almost directly away on a downslope resulting in minimal rifle movement required)…. and there were people standing on the cement stairs on the grassy knoll right in front of an imaginary shooter. If you see the still pictures and the Nix film from the opposite side of the knoll, you can see three men standing on the step. Not only could they obstruct his view, but in the minutes before the limo passes any of these people could have wandered up to the fence and struck up a conversation about the weather or anything. A shooter is waaaaay too exposed. No professional assassin would risk that. The conspiracy couldn’t risk it especially if they’re trying to set Oswald up as an unwitting patsy as so many think. No, Oswald did it alone. All the hard evidence shows it
how do explain the fact the pristine bullet was found in the back seat by the SS agent? Are we to believe it
now backflipped into the seat ? This may be a bad place for moving target shot , but the TSBD was no better . There is no way the head shot came from behind , that’s the actual evidence
@@ronaldolivas5486the single bullet was not pristine, it was quite flattened sideways. It was under the skin of Connelly’s thigh and fell out on the stretcher. This is easy to research, just look for different pictures of that bullet. In fact the amount of lead/antimony left in Connelly on X-ray was basically identical to the amount that got squeezed out of the base of the bullet. The 6th floor window was actually PERFECT for the shot. You can see in the various live recreations of traffic from the snipers nest that the line of sight is almost directly behind the limo (maybe 5 degrees to the right) and the slope of the street is down and away from the window making any adjustment in the rifle barrel minimal, as opposed to tracking laterally from the fence. The angle of shot from the fence is almost 90 degrees. The autopsy also shows no bullet entering from the right and crossing the brain to exit on the left side of the head. That’s what the evidence actually shows
@@ronaldolivas5486the evidence from the autopsy shows rear entry (bevelling of skull on inside surface), bullet travelling along right hemisphere (no disturbance of left hemisphere) exiting the right front (bevelling this time on outer skull), tapes of lead/antimony from rear to front with greatest concentration at the back and lower concentration as bullet travelled forward). The skull fracture pattern (like the ripple effect in water) was from the back to the front…rear entry. This is the evidence. Got to read the counter argument and official sources. I finally did after 30 years burying my head in the sand as a conspiracy buff
No it wasn't, a secret service agent lifted it out of the back seat of the limo, and put it in his pocket, He then placed it on the stretcher while no one was looking. look it up he came clean in this last august@@billkeon880
I agree with you and made similar comments before I saw you said much the same as I did.
Oswald acted alone. There was no conspiracy.
Have you been to Dealy Plaza?
@@Midnightingeorgia I haven't but.Oswald saw the motorcade route published in the newspaper and wishing to make a name for himself by shooting some notable realized that that was to be his lucky day given his convenient place of employment along the motorcade route
? And that's all there was to it.
Lmao you also believe that the moon is made of green cheese!!!!!!
We'll never know because Oswald was killed before he was even given an opportunity to talk, let alone go to trial. How convenient. Say, by the way, exactly why did Ruby murder Oswald?
@@bulow453Agreed. Nothing diabolical here other than the hardest of all threats to defend…. A motivated nut with a rifle from an elevated position acting alone.
It’s perfectly compartmented, there is no one else who knows about it, to talk or spill the beans and blow the plan. It was easy to fly under the radar, because even though the FBI was interested in Oswald, there were a lot of bigger fish to fry from an intelligence standpoint.
Sometimes there’s just a perfect storm of fate, opportunity, motivation, and human error. The CTers don’t want to admit that, but that’s exactly what happened.
The Republicans are doing a great job at the Texas border 😇
Maybe they should build another wall for 15 ,billion and have u.s. taxpayers pay for it,like the last one,than al these illegals won't come over, so they cant blame it on Biden.
That really thrills me.