Kids don't listen officer401 on the Red Bull contest you will die he made a mistake I hope he makes a video on that soon. Don't worry I still like you officer401 you're awesome
1701spacecadet Right, however most disqualifications occur due to an applicant admitting to something during the polygraph that they omitted on the background packet i.e drug usage, criminal history, dog and peanut butter stuff due to the one on one “interview”. It takes advantage of the intimidation aspect of interviewing. Easy to lie or bend the truth on paper, but during a one on one “prying” it could cause a dishonest applicant to show their true colors and trip themselves up. Like the guy in the video said... it’s only as good as the interviewer. The interviewer acts as a third party professional interrogator for the department. He steers how it goes based on his questions, his tactics etc In my opinion after being on the job for five years, I do believe it is a very valuable tool... not because it can detect a lie... but because it adds another more serious layer of the screening process. Remain consistent, don’t apply for the job if you were a criminal or sicko, and just don’t lie. Departments are looking for honest candidates who don’t get tripped up under stress. Just be able to simply “articulate” your answers.
Thankfully they are using newer devices. Had my interview with the Sheriff's Office and we used a CVSA which is more accurate as it only measures the stress in your voice.
Joe Calabrese hey, what about if you’ve down drugs but years ago. Like 4 years ago. That consist of just weed and speed/psychedelics. I can prove I have nothing in my system even with a hair test since it’s been so long. But will this still ruin my chances?
papabeanguy if you don't want to be in law enforcement a highly support your thought I was in law enforcement for 7 years and I kind of don't want to be in Patrol anymore I can want to be a detective like 401
I never understood why departments use the polygraph exam. No telling how many good applicants were/are dismissed because of an unreliable test that doesn’t even hold up in the court of law. Thanks for the late night post!
I was declined for Customs because of a failed polygraph. I wouldn't have minded if they had elected to test on that before I drove a total of 8 hours and dealt with the incompetence of the health examiner (they lost my results, failed to return my inquiries). Their obnoxious threats of being cast aside if you failed to resolve issues was another pita. A whole year wasted. Then they blacklist you for two years before the next attempt. I don't think they're worth the trouble.
I finally got in after 4 years in the hiring process. After I had my Polygraph I didn't hear a word back for a year and a month. I had lost all hopes at that point, going to school wasting money to get the degree to continue in the process. I literally just got my email 2 hours ago, I could not be more grateful. Everybody's process and background is different, but 4 years is a long time for 1 department so don't loose hope when it's been more than a year.
Excellent information and very accurate. ALWAYS tell the truth and remember, no one is perfect. We've all done stupid stuff that we regret. Own up to it and move on. On the PT test, don't burn yourself out on the first few exercises. They will tell you what the minimum standards are for your age group. Meet those standards and maybe a bit more, but don't show off. I've seen too many applicants crank out 50 pull-ups and 100 sit-ups, then they are so worn out that they can't complete the 1.5 mile run on time. Don't be a hero. No one cares!
went through a hiring process last year with a Police Department and got through just about the whole process but just didn't get the interview with the Chief. Now I'm starting a new hiring process with another PD just passed my agility tests now have an interview. I feel a lot more confident this time around. Your videos help out a lot ! Keep them coming !
I knew the polygraph was BS when they told me I failed the question of “Doing cocaine” I’ve never seen cocaine a day in my life and I’m 27 as this comment is placed lol
Adam Don’t sweat the polygraph. Just tell the truth and stick with your answer. I passed 4 separate polygraphs/cvsas before I got hired with my current department. Keep at it and I know you’ll be in a police uniform soon. Good luck!
How are you fresh out of the academy without a job? You paid for training out of a pocket? Any police department worth their salt will hire you as a recruit first then send you to the academy.
I am currently in school to get my associates degree in criminal justice. My end goal is to become a police officer. Your video has helped me get a better understanding of what to expect. It has also given me a better level of confidence in the in interview process. I would love to be able to talk to you more about my questions and your experiences.
Live the consistent uploads even when you are away from home! Shows true dedication! Stay Safe out there man, love your little ones while they are little.
I have tested over the past two years for 8 police departments where I am from. Passed both the physicals and written portions for all. Gone through 4 panel interviews and from there was dropped due to ranking of the candidates. Really sucky feeling and takes a toll on you that's for sure. But I am in the process now with two large departments here and hoping I have better luck with either of them. Should know more within the next month or so. Your videos definitely relieve some of the stress over areas that I have not gone through. Thanks a ton.
I don't think it is a matter of qualifications with the other departments. The previous ones I have tested for were smaller departments surrounding the major city where I am from. All of those departments were hiring a max of 5 people. So me being a 21-22 year old kid who just graduated college with really zero long term work history doesn't look all that impressive compared to ex military, former law enforcement, or a 25 year old guy who has been working a job for 3+ years. The two departments I am testing for now are the two biggest departments in my area who hiring 25-75 people per class. So my chances have gone up by at least 5 times. I do have around 6 months of working at a corporate security company that gives me some real life work experience and responsibility compared to the part time jobs I had when I was in school.
It's good that you are trying for bigger departments. Another alternative is paying for your own academy. A lot of departments prefer to hire people that are already certified rather than sending you through the academy. I got hired with my first department because I was already certified through the state. Note that I was 21 and no experience
Brady Block nah bro don't worry I am a guy it just that I am a fan of cosplay. I started my account back in 2010 and never bother to change. My background investigation is probably seen this so "Hello Sir".
Passed my board interview and polygraph. Just waiting for a date for my interview with the Chief. Background investigator said they want to get the new hires to the academy next month. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻
Christopher Vaughan that’s great how was the interview what did they ask you? Also during the background how long did it take for them to get in contact with you? Did they contact all your references
So I found out Paratrooper Military Police is in fact a thing. I just imagined a bunch of cops jumping out of a plane and landing on top of some guy robbing a shop.
CapitalistAries Paratrooper Military Police aren't actual police that respond to normal police calls. They are a branch of military that deal with calls individually relating to terrorist threats, people who make threats to the government, and other capital offenses or military related contracts.
It was a joke on the terminology mainly. However, you forget the jurisdiction of MP. They are able to detain and apprehend civilians (Not directly arrest, however) and are tasked with policing military areas. It extends beyond just being a counter-terrorism dedicated unit, though historically it indeed had heavily been focused on policing areas of civil unrest outside of normal law enforcement. Such as at off land bases, occupied countries, and embassies. In addition, they had the duty of enforcing order within the military itself. Such as guarding military prisoners, dealing with POWs, assisting in the arrest of military officials (Drunkards, brawls, etc), and such.
Military police are there to kill the fun of combat arms in the military. They like to pretend that they're actually combat arms because they get the first twenty minutes of combat training that grunts gets, but for the rest of the combat training the MPs are drunk on "contraband." Paratroopers are Air Force Special Forces. Military Police is an MOS. In SF, you have your MOS, but even more highly personalized training. You may be a medic attached to SF, but you'll also have insane combat and weapons training, SCUBA, demolitions, etc. The difference Special Forces, regular infantry/tankers, and specialized near-SF like the Rangers is merely training. You can send infantry to go destroy a building, but you can't tell regular infantry to HALO drop into the ocean, SCUBA to shore, move 20 miles through harsh terrain, approach the building from the sewer, place explosives on the support structure, exfil, and detonate. That kind of shit requires significant amounts of training. Military police MOS I can't see translating as well to SF as Ranger, medic, EOD, etc.
Thank you so much for making this video! I'm trying to get into law enforcement in NJ. I've done how many written and physical tests and just recently found out that I've scored high enough on both parts to move onto the interview phase for the first time! I've known about the different stages of the hiring process since I started applying but hearing the tips you gave was great! Having some insight now as to what the evaluators may be thinking will prepare me even more for the rest of the hiring process. Thanks again for the tips, and thank you for your service!
So glad you made this video! I'm in the hiring process for a large fire department and the process is very similar so I found this extremely helpful and a confidence builder! Great video! Keep em coming!
Thank you brother. I've done every step in the hiring process to become a border patrol agent, and I've passed it all. The poly is the last step to determine whether I become an agent or not (it's been stressing me out due to all the horror stories), but your advice has called me down. Thank you.
Also worth mentioning you need to gather an insane amount of paperwork, the Boston PD background requirements were was 3 years of proof of vehicle insurance, birth certificate/social security card, 3 years of tax returns, college and high school transcripts, 3 personal reference letters, 3 former employer references, 3 references from neighbors within a certain distance from your residence (residency requirements), all documentation from any court involvement as adult or juvenile, all medical records, you’ll need to know all your addresses for the previous 10 years, everything has to be notarized, and every reference receives a call during their investigation. They’ll ask your references things like “have you ever known the applicant to be a cigarette smoker?” Or “What do you think the applicant could improve on to be a better contribution to this department?”. The background detectives also conduct a residency check, they’ll come into your house briefly, ask you to open some drawers to make sure you actually have clothes there, also to prove residency. It’s an pretty exhausting process, taking place over 6 months or so, not knowing if you’ve made it to the next step. There is no polygraph exam in MA by law though, so I think the intensity of other aspects of the process make up for that. After that is the PT test, medical and psych test, which is honestly another intense interview process to try and dig out any mental health concerns or inabilities to do the job. They assess your background and what you’ve done up to that point in life. If you had a semester in college where you got two Fs they might ask what happened during that time. Also best to just be honest or stick to whatever narrative you’re going with. I’ll say this, there are many cops out there who have bullshitted their way through the entire process, on every department. It comes down to the mental effort of it all, practicing interviewing, studying you’re background packet so you know your own story, knowing what you can get away with if it’s something that’s better left unsaid and can’t be found out about you. Like telling your references that you DEFINITELY DO NOT SMOKE CIGARETTES. Whatever the case, it’s do-able. Many people take jobs with other departments, don’t pass the PT / written test, lie about some speeding tickets or something they obviously can’t get away with, say fuck it, fail the drug test, aren’t confident and can’t interview for shit or just can’t get their paperwork together. It leaves a small percentage so get a CJ degree, do some hospital security or join the military and give it a shot.
I wish I found this earlier. I went through all the stages already and I'm up for the polygraph tomorrow and I am seriously nervous. Your video was totally on point and I liked and subscribed... I have been truthful throughout but idk what the polygraph is going to be like
I went through the hiring process of becoming a sheriff deputy. I had to go through the majority of these things you talked about. However, close to the end of the hiring process I really thought about it and decided it wasn't for me. Love your vids, dude! They keep getting better and better.
Dude... see who you can sweet-talk to get some video of that class. Blur faces, whatever it takes. That would be cool as hell to see. The country needs more cops like you, man. You're one of the good ones, and I think you're doing a great service by softening that divide between the police and the general public. Keep up the good work, and thank you for doing what you do.
I love your videos man. I'm in my early 30s and have always had a passion for law enforcement. I've taken the written test 3 times already and keep failing. I consider myself an overall smart person so I don't know what I'm failing exactly. I always turn my exam in with confidence only to receive the failed notice a few weeks later each time. The written test is divided into 2 parts. The 1st part you can't study for. They ask you questions with the answer choices being Completely Agree, Agree, I don't know/not sure, Disagree, and Completely Disagree. I think the goal is to see how you think/how consistent you are, but I may be wrong. The 2nd part is all stuff you can study for and I always feel confident in my answers. I'm going to keep trying, but I don't know how to answer differently or when to call it quits.
Sigma He just touched on the subject quickly on another vid. So I would love a full video, or even a collab an auxiliary officer. I hate people have a low opinion about them. "hey could you dress like a cop and help protect people with little to no pay.... Oh and don't worry you will get a flashlight to protect yourself" f*ck all that.
Interviewer: "What made you want to become an officer of the Law"? Me: I'm into the the whole military thing but looking for more of a chillitary vibe if you know what I mean Interviewer: *fist bump* Me: *goes for fist bump* Interviewer: "sike, leave now"
I’m literally dead. That intro was the best thing I’ve seen in my life. This, THIS is why I use this channel as my motivation (a part of my motivation) to be an Officer. Keep that shit up my guy, best thing ever
I'm a fan of your channel. I think it's really awesome your taking time out of your day to talk police work and talking about what the job in tails. What im doing is preparing for an entry in law inforcement. And I'm reaching out to experience cops to ask what are some of the better ways to prepare.
Unfortunately this is the most nerve racking part of the process. 4-5 people asking questions consecutively. If you can't deal with it, you just have to work on it man.
Great video. There are a lot of useful tips that I have applied to my own application process. I had a different experience with Torrance PD, however. After submitting my application online, and sending in my POST BELLET B test results, I was interviewed by a panel. I was then told to fill out a pre-investigation background check, then run the agility test. This goes to show how various departments hire how they see fit.
I passed the whole selection process for the metropolitan police service in London, then came the vetting security check, I disclosed everything about me and my family, I mentioned by younger brother getting arrested for a misdemeanor, and 1 month after i got a letter saying I can't continue to the training and that my application would get rejected because of my brothers history, fucking sucks really, applying again in 5 months though, I'll probably word it different 😑
Josh Sturtevant yeah I Appealed and they said the rejection still stands. They advice you to be honest with everything on your application and when you do, they will still reject you, even if it's nothing to do with you, ridiculous really. It was nothing to do with the Metropolitan police force though, the metropolitan police force application process is quite easy to pass, but the security vetting unit are separate, they are the ones that rejected my vetting form. 😒
I had to sponsor after watching this video. I recently thought about becoming a police officer because I admire the work you all do. I also want to be exposed to something new everyday, and while I am vulnerable now, I want to take a step in my life that will change that about me. Thank you for posting these fantastic videos, you are helping out the future police officers!
When he said color blind I was like welp, there goes my dream of joining😂. When my twin joined the navy he was very color blind and failed the test. So they got three diffrent colored lights and he passed. White, red, and green.
@@Dero_milsurp but I haven't even committed a crime that I haven't been caught doing. Like maybe running a red light but other than that I think I'll be fine
Your investigator(s) will also visit your residency, interviewing whoever lives with you , your neighbors, as well as seeing your room - all on no given notice.
I love the video. I can never be an officer.. but, as a person in a position in retail that interviews new hires, this gives me a whole new set of "improv" questions to ask my interviewee's outside of the document questions.
TREE OF KNOWLEDGE. Example: Instead of biting the apple, you think about making the choice so long, it rots away, then once you finnaly made your choice it's too late, already rotted. Stop thinking, words and ideas don't exist. YOU are what matters now.
That intro was awesome 🔥🔥🤘🇺🇸🚔
Epic indeed!
Fucking great😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
I had to start it over three times! I laughed so hard I teared up in both eyes! Absolutely Epic!!
Kids don't listen officer401 on the Red Bull contest you will die he made a mistake I hope he makes a video on that soon. Don't worry I still like you officer401 you're awesome
probably the first time ever i liked a video before 15 second mark...
Polygrapher: crookedcopsaywhat
Me: what?
Polygrapher: we’re done here
John Smith lmao idk why I laughed but you got me 😂
Polygrapher: crookedcopsaywhat
Me: huh?
Him: good you passed
🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 why did I laugh at this
Interviewer: So why do you want to be a cop?
Me: Well if you can't beat em, join em.
Interviewer: Get out!
Mr.Trunks voice from sledge hammer tv show in my head haha!
This comment wins the internet bro...!
DakotaPrepper 😳😭😭😂
Lie detector: not admissable as evidence.
Can be used to ruin someone's dream of serving the community.
What is wrong with this picture?
1701spacecadet Right, however most disqualifications occur due to an applicant admitting to something during the polygraph that they omitted on the background packet i.e drug usage, criminal history, dog and peanut butter stuff due to the one on one “interview”.
It takes advantage of the intimidation aspect of interviewing. Easy to lie or bend the truth on paper, but during a one on one “prying” it could cause a dishonest applicant to show their true colors and trip themselves up. Like the guy in the video said... it’s only as good as the interviewer. The interviewer acts as a third party professional interrogator for the department. He steers how it goes based on his questions, his tactics etc
In my opinion after being on the job for five years, I do believe it is a very valuable tool... not because it can detect a lie... but because it adds another more serious layer of the screening process.
Remain consistent, don’t apply for the job if you were a criminal or sicko, and just don’t lie. Departments are looking for honest candidates who don’t get tripped up under stress. Just be able to simply “articulate” your answers.
Well that’s a pretty fucked up dream LOL
1701spacecadet what picture
Thankfully they are using newer devices. Had my interview with the Sheriff's Office and we used a CVSA which is more accurate as it only measures the stress in your voice.
Joe Calabrese hey, what about if you’ve down drugs but years ago. Like 4 years ago. That consist of just weed and speed/psychedelics. I can prove I have nothing in my system even with a hair test since it’s been so long. But will this still ruin my chances?
Question 1: Have you ever researched how to Pass a Polygraph?
Interviewee: Yes
Interviewer: This concludes your polygraph.
Exactly what happened to me. I bet every single person that said they didn’t research how it worked was lying.
@@Squig99 did you admit to it?
Polygraph examinations are nothing more than mind games. There is no "proven" method for determining whether or not someone is being deceptive...
@@Squig99 they disqualified you because you looked up how to pass a polygraph?
I have zero plans to be a cop, but I still love this channel
papabeanguy if you don't want to be in law enforcement a highly support your thought I was in law enforcement for 7 years and I kind of don't want to be in Patrol anymore I can want to be a detective like 401
Alexander Ruegg it’s * I kind of want to be a detective like 401 you were a cop maybe you need to go back to school 🤦🏻♀️🤦🏻♀️😒😒
Alexander Ruegg so you’re a cop subscribed to multiple Minecraft/roblox channels hmmmm
@Uovm he was a cop on gmod RP
Alexander Ruegg I know it’s an old comment but man, you wouldn’t have been a cop for 7 years writing like that.
the intro made me laugh lol
Would you know the song?
me 2
Unexpected!! Seriously I'm dead!!
Hell yeah bro, loving the rapid uploads!
Interviewer: “Why do you want to join the police force?”
Interviewee: “ I just want a job.”
Interviewer: “You’re hired”
Got fired from McDonald's.
Pretty DAMN accurate...
Hot Sauce no.
Interviewer: Why should we hire you?
Interviewed: why should i work for you?
So happy i just got hired. It was tough! Good luck everybody!
HitemHighRecords How is it?
The Zitoka it’s great 13 more weeks with an FTO left
HitemHighRecords Plan on taking this career path. So far it seems really cool
The Zitoka good luck! Make sure you do all your applications and paperwork carefully, COPY EVERYTHING
HitemHighRecords got it boss
Captain: _"Why do you want to become a police officer?"_
Me: _"Well, sir, I like doughnuts."_
Captain: shit your hired
Well, it was either pastry chef or cop. 😉 I DO love my pastries!
Officer Tenpenny :)
Lol 😂
Automatically hired
I never understood why departments use the polygraph exam. No telling how many good applicants were/are dismissed because of an unreliable test that doesn’t even hold up in the court of law.
Thanks for the late night post!
including me. I didn't lie for shit. i still "failed" the polygraph. No retry, no nothing.
Usually is a combination of polygraph plus your background package. It might be that you overthink about answer.
I was declined for Customs because of a failed polygraph. I wouldn't have minded if they had elected to test on that before I drove a total of 8 hours and dealt with the incompetence of the health examiner (they lost my results, failed to return my inquiries). Their obnoxious threats of being cast aside if you failed to resolve issues was another pita. A whole year wasted. Then they blacklist you for two years before the next attempt.
I don't think they're worth the trouble.
BossKarp know that feeling pulled the same thing with me. Also agree they are not worth it.
I finally got in after 4 years in the hiring process. After I had my Polygraph I didn't hear a word back for a year and a month. I had lost all hopes at that point, going to school wasting money to get the degree to continue in the process. I literally just got my email 2 hours ago, I could not be more grateful. Everybody's process and background is different, but 4 years is a long time for 1 department so don't loose hope when it's been more than a year.
Why did the process take so long???
When he said math problem and started saying numbers out loud, my brain went blank ._.
Lol mine too
I stopped eating pods for this shit but i know itll be good
Griffin 37 amateur.. real memers smoke tide pods smh
The fuck is a memer
Griffin 37
Neither of u guys tide pods are a dead meme
OG BreadCrumb nah it’s still got a few days to live. Doesn’t mean it’s a good meme but just not dead yet
Syrtech tide pod meme was so forced. It died within a week but got brought back to life by normies.
Was with you since 90K, still weirds me out seeing your face. Good video, thinking of law enforcement after my re enlistment.
Some Internet Dweller 90k #under 10k squad
Feels how we felt when spider man took off his mask.... cep this one would be his ass
Your profile name wins the internet for today. lol What branch of service are you in?
Foxhole Atheist just saw this, was in the Army till 2016, leaving in June to put in another 4. Thanks for the comment.
No problem. :) What's your mos? I'm 11B bout' to be 68W.
Not gonna lie, watched the into 4 times before I proceeded with the rest of the video lol
"What does the pig say?" That had me
Excellent information and very accurate. ALWAYS tell the truth and remember, no one is perfect. We've all done stupid stuff that we regret. Own up to it and move on. On the PT test, don't burn yourself out on the first few exercises. They will tell you what the minimum standards are for your age group. Meet those standards and maybe a bit more, but don't show off. I've seen too many applicants crank out 50 pull-ups and 100 sit-ups, then they are so worn out that they can't complete the 1.5 mile run on time. Don't be a hero. No one cares!
went through a hiring process last year with a Police Department and got through just about the whole process but just didn't get the interview with the Chief. Now I'm starting a new hiring process with another PD just passed my agility tests now have an interview. I feel a lot more confident this time around. Your videos help out a lot ! Keep them coming !
3 videos in two days wow.
Wow thanks for all these uploads you have been pumping these things out
I knew the polygraph was BS when they told me I failed the question of “Doing cocaine” I’ve never seen cocaine a day in my life and I’m 27 as this comment is placed lol
Remember the small cop youtuber with 20k subs who randomly started gaining from 20k to 60k in a few weeks? This is him now.
edgy youtuber user Our humble small cop youtuber has gained 500k subs in a year. I hope he hasn’t forgot about the OGs. Lmao
Thanks for the tips! I'm fresh out of the Academy and am trying to get hired now. Also it was nice to see someone else agree that polygraphs are BS!
Adam Don’t sweat the polygraph. Just tell the truth and stick with your answer. I passed 4 separate polygraphs/cvsas before I got hired with my current department.
Keep at it and I know you’ll be in a police uniform soon. Good luck!
failed mine even though i didn't lie. Really is depressing.
yeah its a old machine thats been proven wrong but still in 2018 the police still use them for recruiting....
How are you fresh out of the academy without a job? You paid for training out of a pocket? Any police department worth their salt will hire you as a recruit first then send you to the academy.
How hard is the academy?
I'm enjoying these multi uploads. Love your channel 401
Officer 401. for video cop of the year award........ ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
"Death by powerpoint" congrats, you just summed up our deployment
I am currently in school to get my associates degree in criminal justice. My end goal is to become a police officer. Your video has helped me get a better understanding of what to expect. It has also given me a better level of confidence in the in interview process. I would love to be able to talk to you more about my questions and your experiences.
Live the consistent uploads even when you are away from home! Shows true dedication! Stay Safe out there man, love your little ones while they are little.
I have tested over the past two years for 8 police departments where I am from. Passed both the physicals and written portions for all. Gone through 4 panel interviews and from there was dropped due to ranking of the candidates. Really sucky feeling and takes a toll on you that's for sure. But I am in the process now with two large departments here and hoping I have better luck with either of them. Should know more within the next month or so. Your videos definitely relieve some of the stress over areas that I have not gone through. Thanks a ton.
Good Luck!
Thanks man.
coath624 can i ask you, what are your qualifications, that they finally NOW accept you
I don't think it is a matter of qualifications with the other departments. The previous ones I have tested for were smaller departments surrounding the major city where I am from. All of those departments were hiring a max of 5 people. So me being a 21-22 year old kid who just graduated college with really zero long term work history doesn't look all that impressive compared to ex military, former law enforcement, or a 25 year old guy who has been working a job for 3+ years. The two departments I am testing for now are the two biggest departments in my area who hiring 25-75 people per class. So my chances have gone up by at least 5 times. I do have around 6 months of working at a corporate security company that gives me some real life work experience and responsibility compared to the part time jobs I had when I was in school.
It's good that you are trying for bigger departments. Another alternative is paying for your own academy. A lot of departments prefer to hire people that are already certified rather than sending you through the academy. I got hired with my first department because I was already certified through the state. Note that I was 21 and no experience
YOUUUUUUUUUUUU that intro. Bacon Lover
Brady Block nah bro don't worry I am a guy it just that I am a fan of cosplay. I started my account back in 2010 and never bother to change. My background investigation is probably seen this so "Hello Sir".
Intro was great, slycooper is acting like a dickhead - but I think he's only 16 so it's kinda mandatory.
“Fag” should not be used as a derogatory term.
Passed my board interview and polygraph. Just waiting for a date for my interview with the Chief. Background investigator said they want to get the new hires to the academy next month. Fingers crossed 🤞🏻
Any update
Passed the the psych and physical. Orientation is the first and I go to the academy on the fourth!
Christopher Vaughan that’s great how was the interview what did they ask you? Also during the background how long did it take for them to get in contact with you? Did they contact all your references
How long did it take to hear if you passed your psych test?
@@TheRocksolid373 I take my psych test this week. What kinda things did they ask?
This has helped me drastically in my hiring process. Thank you, you are a blessing! From Victoria BC Canada
I love your videos!❤️👮🏻♀️
And the intro!
My initial interview is this weds. This was SUCH good timing.
How'd it go
So I found out Paratrooper Military Police is in fact a thing. I just imagined a bunch of cops jumping out of a plane and landing on top of some guy robbing a shop.
CapitalistAries when dispatch send out a call for buglury Krispy creme
CapitalistAries Paratrooper Military Police aren't actual police that respond to normal police calls. They are a branch of military that deal with calls individually relating to terrorist threats, people who make threats to the government, and other capital offenses or military related contracts.
It was a joke on the terminology mainly. However, you forget the jurisdiction of MP. They are able to detain and apprehend civilians (Not directly arrest, however) and are tasked with policing military areas. It extends beyond just being a counter-terrorism dedicated unit, though historically it indeed had heavily been focused on policing areas of civil unrest outside of normal law enforcement. Such as at off land bases, occupied countries, and embassies. In addition, they had the duty of enforcing order within the military itself. Such as guarding military prisoners, dealing with POWs, assisting in the arrest of military officials (Drunkards, brawls, etc), and such.
XxParaTrooperxX the fuck? Pretty sure the guy pulling me over for going 27 in a 25 isn't cracking down home-brew ISIS lol...
Military police are there to kill the fun of combat arms in the military. They like to pretend that they're actually combat arms because they get the first twenty minutes of combat training that grunts gets, but for the rest of the combat training the MPs are drunk on "contraband."
Paratroopers are Air Force Special Forces. Military Police is an MOS. In SF, you have your MOS, but even more highly personalized training. You may be a medic attached to SF, but you'll also have insane combat and weapons training, SCUBA, demolitions, etc. The difference Special Forces, regular infantry/tankers, and specialized near-SF like the Rangers is merely training. You can send infantry to go destroy a building, but you can't tell regular infantry to HALO drop into the ocean, SCUBA to shore, move 20 miles through harsh terrain, approach the building from the sewer, place explosives on the support structure, exfil, and detonate. That kind of shit requires significant amounts of training.
Military police MOS I can't see translating as well to SF as Ranger, medic, EOD, etc.
Thank you so much for making this video! I'm trying to get into law enforcement in NJ. I've done how many written and physical tests and just recently found out that I've scored high enough on both parts to move onto the interview phase for the first time! I've known about the different stages of the hiring process since I started applying but hearing the tips you gave was great! Having some insight now as to what the evaluators may be thinking will prepare me even more for the rest of the hiring process. Thanks again for the tips, and thank you for your service!
You are helping me tons right now thank you very much for your honesty and your straight forwardness. Not many men are built like this anymore.
So glad you made this video! I'm in the hiring process for a large fire department and the process is very similar so I found this extremely helpful and a confidence builder! Great video! Keep em coming!
Thank you brother. I've done every step in the hiring process to become a border patrol agent, and I've passed it all. The poly is the last step to determine whether I become an agent or not (it's been stressing me out due to all the horror stories), but your advice has called me down.
Thank you.
Ice-i how did it go? I’m in the same boat right now
@@elfantasma3893 He failed.
Hello? Care to update us?
The intro😂 love your videos😋❤️
do you know the reference?
Also worth mentioning you need to gather an insane amount of paperwork, the Boston PD background requirements were was 3 years of proof of vehicle insurance, birth certificate/social security card, 3 years of tax returns, college and high school transcripts, 3 personal reference letters, 3 former employer references, 3 references from neighbors within a certain distance from your residence (residency requirements), all documentation from any court involvement as adult or juvenile, all medical records, you’ll need to know all your addresses for the previous 10 years, everything has to be notarized, and every reference receives a call during their investigation. They’ll ask your references things like “have you ever known the applicant to be a cigarette smoker?” Or “What do you think the applicant could improve on to be a better contribution to this department?”. The background detectives also conduct a residency check, they’ll come into your house briefly, ask you to open some drawers to make sure you actually have clothes there, also to prove residency. It’s an pretty exhausting process, taking place over 6 months or so, not knowing if you’ve made it to the next step. There is no polygraph exam in MA by law though, so I think the intensity of other aspects of the process make up for that. After that is the PT test, medical and psych test, which is honestly another intense interview process to try and dig out any mental health concerns or inabilities to do the job. They assess your background and what you’ve done up to that point in life. If you had a semester in college where you got two Fs they might ask what happened during that time. Also best to just be honest or stick to whatever narrative you’re going with. I’ll say this, there are many cops out there who have bullshitted their way through the entire process, on every department. It comes down to the mental effort of it all, practicing interviewing, studying you’re background packet so you know your own story, knowing what you can get away with if it’s something that’s better left unsaid and can’t be found out about you. Like telling your references that you DEFINITELY DO NOT SMOKE CIGARETTES. Whatever the case, it’s do-able. Many people take jobs with other departments, don’t pass the PT / written test, lie about some speeding tickets or something they obviously can’t get away with, say fuck it, fail the drug test, aren’t confident and can’t interview for shit or just can’t get their paperwork together. It leaves a small percentage so get a CJ degree, do some hospital security or join the military and give it a shot.
I've made the decision to apply as a police officer. I've started physical training to get into shape. This video is just what I needed.
The intro was something I never forget!
Your amazing! I love and support the police 100%
I wish I found this earlier. I went through all the stages already and I'm up for the polygraph tomorrow and I am seriously nervous. Your video was totally on point and I liked and subscribed... I have been truthful throughout but idk what the polygraph is going to be like
Just put my application! Hoping for the best ! So glad i stumbled across this channel !
Welcome to the community, Devin! :)
Exam is on the 22nd of this month can’t wait 😎
@@t2thek where you from bro?
@BlueHope242 Sacramento CA
@@t2thek cool mine is in the 22 as well best of luck to us both
I went through the hiring process of becoming a sheriff deputy. I had to go through the majority of these things you talked about. However, close to the end of the hiring process I really thought about it and decided it wasn't for me.
Love your vids, dude! They keep getting better and better.
I went through the interview panel and the special operations sergeant yelled at me and I still stuck with my answer.
Badass bro! Thanks for your help!🇺🇸 I have my border patrol polygraph exam on the 12th. This video really helps.
How did everything go? Hopefully well. -Officer Superman
Dude... see who you can sweet-talk to get some video of that class. Blur faces, whatever it takes. That would be cool as hell to see. The country needs more cops like you, man. You're one of the good ones, and I think you're doing a great service by softening that divide between the police and the general public. Keep up the good work, and thank you for doing what you do.
I love your videos man. I'm in my early 30s and have always had a passion for law enforcement. I've taken the written test 3 times already and keep failing. I consider myself an overall smart person so I don't know what I'm failing exactly. I always turn my exam in with confidence only to receive the failed notice a few weeks later each time. The written test is divided into 2 parts. The 1st part you can't study for. They ask you questions with the answer choices being Completely Agree, Agree, I don't know/not sure, Disagree, and Completely Disagree. I think the goal is to see how you think/how consistent you are, but I may be wrong. The 2nd part is all stuff you can study for and I always feel confident in my answers. I'm going to keep trying, but I don't know how to answer differently or when to call it quits.
If you really want it then keep trying as long as it takes! I believe in you 😊
Every process I've been through as been:
Oral Interview.
Etc, etc.
Background Investigation and psychological evaluation?
Passed my background! Onto Oral Panel/Psych/Medical! Almost done 👍
Video suggestion: police reserves! As in the roles they play, general effectiveness/usefulness etc, :)
I'm pretty sure he did an episode on auxiliary police memory suck ass. But if not I'm all for it :D
I don't THINK so... I've been putting this request on all his videos for idk how long hoping that one day he will do a dedicated video
I think it was free field training that done the auxiliary police video. I remember seeing one somewhere.
Sigma He just touched on the subject quickly on another vid. So I would love a full video, or even a collab an auxiliary officer. I hate people have a low opinion about them. "hey could you dress like a cop and help protect people with little to no pay.... Oh and don't worry you will get a flashlight to protect yourself" f*ck all that.
I like it when someone can make fun of themselves and not care what other think and your intro showed that
Your personal honesty is appreciated.
Hey 401,
I may have asked you this before but have you ever been part of suppressing a riot and if so can you do a video on that experience.
Interviewer: "What made you want to become an officer of the Law"?
Me: I'm into the the whole military thing but looking for more of a chillitary vibe if you know what I mean
Interviewer: *fist bump*
Me: *goes for fist bump*
Interviewer: "sike, leave now"
Funny as hell!
I just did my written test for SDPD and the lead recruiter was shitting on some guys for showing up with a t-shirt and shorts rather than a suit
I’m literally dead. That intro was the best thing I’ve seen in my life. This, THIS is why I use this channel as my motivation (a part of my motivation) to be an Officer. Keep that shit up my guy, best thing ever
I'm a fan of your channel. I think it's really awesome your taking time out of your day to talk police work and talking about what the job in tails. What im doing is preparing for an entry in law inforcement. And I'm reaching out to experience cops to ask what are some of the better ways to prepare.
3 videos in 2 days?! Should we be looking out for the zombie apocalypse?
westtexas rollin its awesome
“I just want a job”. LMFAO
This took some stress off of me for when I attend academy, thank you!
did you make it?!
@@madison168 I'm curious too!
Madison it’s been a year guys lol
I'm glad I found this channel... you're so honest. It is so interesting to get an insight of the police work.
Got my assessment mid February, been watching and learning so many videos
Guess i cant be a cop, interviews get my heart racing and in indecisive as hell.
Unfortunately this is the most nerve racking part of the process. 4-5 people asking questions consecutively. If you can't deal with it, you just have to work on it man.
i almost thought it said "hearing test"
guess id fail the vision test
there is a hearing test as well.
What's the time? 8:41 pm.
It's a joke 😂
ten thousand And, probably the hearing test, too. 😂
Loved the intro!
Great video. There are a lot of useful tips that I have applied to my own application process. I had a different experience with Torrance PD, however. After submitting my application online, and sending in my POST BELLET B test results, I was interviewed by a panel. I was then told to fill out a pre-investigation background check, then run the agility test. This goes to show how various departments hire how they see fit.
So excited for my interview Tuesday! Thank you, Sir!
I passed the whole selection process for the metropolitan police service in London, then came the vetting security check, I disclosed everything about me and my family, I mentioned by younger brother getting arrested for a misdemeanor, and 1 month after i got a letter saying I can't continue to the training and that my application would get rejected because of my brothers history, fucking sucks really, applying again in 5 months though, I'll probably word it different 😑
Wow what a load, Is it possible to appeal?
Josh Sturtevant yeah I Appealed and they said the rejection still stands. They advice you to be honest with everything on your application and when you do, they will still reject you, even if it's nothing to do with you, ridiculous really. It was nothing to do with the Metropolitan police force though, the metropolitan police force application process is quite easy to pass, but the security vetting unit are separate, they are the ones that rejected my vetting form. 😒
Good luck next time, I'm in process with the state for the second time.
Isis coming soon to a London near you
ItsJustMaHmoud what a crock of 💩.....wonder how many good potential officers they've thrown away. Can you apply in another city or bureau?
That intro thou 😂😂😂😂
These videos are a huge help!
I’m trying to join the force here in Florida
I had to sponsor after watching this video. I recently thought about becoming a police officer because I admire the work you all do. I also want to be exposed to something new everyday, and while I am vulnerable now, I want to take a step in my life that will change that about me.
Thank you for posting these fantastic videos, you are helping out the future police officers!
When he said color blind I was like welp, there goes my dream of joining😂. When my twin joined the navy he was very color blind and failed the test. So they got three diffrent colored lights and he passed. White, red, and green.
I failed the test at my re-enlistment in the Army repeatedly. The female E4 pencil whipped it and I retired with 27 years in the Infantry.
My PAT to get into academy consists of pushups, situps, and running.
Was the math portion difficult
Mines was two wall jumps, hurdles, dummy drag, arm handle bars, and run for the rest
@@jasonford4795 No, its very basic math. Yes there is some division, but just study the basics. Its stuff we learned in high school
The intro 😂 I loved how you got halfway through Motherfu*** funny as hell.
I have an interview in feb and this Def calmed me down a bit for it . much appreciated
Great advice, thanks for this! I just started the process and this made me feel a bit more at ease about all of it.
Lovey intro😎 thanks for the tips. Earned yourself a new sub👍🏼👍🏼
I always look forward to the "turn your head and cough"
0:05 that got me weak lol
as a probationary firefighter, we go thru the same process...alot of similarities, the panel interview was so accurate that cracked me up
I have 10 months till I’ll be going through this and your video helped shed some light. Good work
"It's not a lie if you believe it"
~ George Costanza
Is it just me or did he forget to mention the intense criminal background check, where they investigate every detail of your entire life?
So if I have never been arrested or a speeding ticket I should be good
@@Dero_milsurp what do you mean, I haven't done anything ill moral or illegal. My name isn't in the system.
@@Dero_milsurp but I haven't even committed a crime that I haven't been caught doing. Like maybe running a red light but other than that I think I'll be fine
Your investigator(s) will also visit your residency, interviewing whoever lives with you , your neighbors, as well as seeing your room - all on no given notice.
@@idcjake10 seeing your room? Lol WTF... what department did you apply for? That did not happen during my hiring process.
*It's crazy how Ted Bundy passed a polygraph test.*
Holy shiet! I gotta check it out!!
I love the video. I can never be an officer.. but, as a person in a position in retail that interviews new hires, this gives me a whole new set of "improv" questions to ask my interviewee's outside of the document questions.
9 months later and that into Is still one of my favorites
Love the dimple
That intro was so corny and I love it.
You’re colorblind?
That’s gotta make profiling difficult.
kevin Johnson gunna have to identify them by their flip flops.
well I mean he had a tan..... of some kind. lol
Alex Black hahahaha🤣
Yeah uh... suspect appears to be a big green giant purple spaghetti eating people monster....
Officer401 you have made me feel so much better about this process! I really appreciate it!
This is great advice (and funny). I’m showing it to my husband who is preparing for police interviews.
Example: Instead of biting the apple, you think about making the choice so long, it rots away, then once you finnaly made your choice it's too late, already rotted. Stop thinking, words and ideas don't exist. YOU are what matters now.
This sounds like when I went through meps and then reception.
accept no poly
This is so much more stressful than MEPS. MEPS you just have to hurry up and wait all day. Police process is like one thing every other week or so.