I can't believe we keep having to wait half a year for a character and this multi billion dollar dev team can't make something more fun and fair. The dev team should be able to make so much more than this. 25 million players yet we get next to no content to improve quality of life or fun in the game with really unfun balance changes. I can't believe I miss overwatch 1 in it's abandoned state.
i still enjoy playing mauga, despite his boring gameplay loop and issues. the reason for this is because of his amazingly designed character - i love his attitude, his voice, and his lines. it's by far the biggest reason i enjoy playing him
I appreciate your analysis on this! I do disagree on some points: *_PART I: DISAGREEMENTS_* A) Mauga can definitely clear high ground. Overrun is a more reliable charge with less offensive bite (dmg reduc and cant be interrupted, at the cost of no oneshot), but you can still walk up to high ground, alternate guns to pull resources, and then Overrun at them to force them down if its not the entire team. It still boops like charge too. Wait for your CDs to come back and then jump down when an opportunity presents itself. You can even still poke up there, unlike Rein. B) I would prefer that cage dissappears on death, but he can also cancel it. The only 2 heroes that can C9 with their ult rn are Pharah and Reaper, but those uncancelable ults only last a couple seconds. Cage lasts 8 seconds. If you place a shitty cage, 8 seconds is a REALLY long time to be punished for it. Maybe if you dont want it to cancel immediately, he can hold down his ult button to make it tick twice as fast. Maybe it shrinks over time, even, and if it shrinks past you you get let out? He should totally get punished for dying in cage though, that would introduce more counterplay to it. C) This one is controversial, but I like the ult disabling Mobility CDs. I would like if Mobility ults can be used. Maybe Mobility that has a secondary effect (i.e., Doom punch/slam, LW Dash, even Genji Dash bc of the dmg) can be used in place just for that secondar effect. Ults like Rampage and Meteor should work without restrictions, though. Side note, allowing Mobility CDs would make Mauga stronger against Cage Fight. Overrun could then leave the cage at any time. What about the Mauga who casts it, can they still use Overrun? Pop cage and walk out of it while the enemies are stuck? Lastly on this point, if you nerf it like you've suggested, the cost should be lower. I feel like this would me much more frustrating for slow comps to play against though, as theyll just get caged far more often. Id rather the cost go up, and keep somewhat strong. D) Cage already DOES have a cast time. I've canceled cage several times now via sleep or rock. If you make the cast too much longer, its gonna be far too easy to cancel. Maybe instead, it keeps the cast time, but it flashes a hologram of the circumferenxe before going up. So, it could be canceled before it hits the ground. Once it hits the ground, its gonna go off, but will flash the edge of it for a split second before arming. This gives a second for people with mobility to dodge it, and gives more counterplay and depth to the ability. *_PART II: DESIGN_* A) I understand the frustration with the hero. But nerfing tf out of him numbers wise won't deal with his one-dimensional design problem. Add more counterplay to his kit, then focus on adjusting his numbers and giving more identity to his strengths. B) I'd like to see the devs reduce his close range tankiness and dmg, while focusing on the fact he has range. We dont have a lot of that in the role atm, but have plenty of brawl tanks. His fantasy is pretending to be this hothead, but being cunning and smart underneath the facade. Punish him for inting for no reason, but let him drain resources from afar and maybe Overrun to capitalize on it. C) To do this, maybe just straight reduce his HS multipler when critting with Burning Targets. He can hit the ACTUAL critbox for full damage, but won't auto burn crit for as much damage. This would reduce his "free" damage, especially on Tanks at close range, since his spread would stop you from getting fully HS by most of his bullets. (For this topic, I'll use HS for an actual headshot and Burn Crit for the auto crits he does with Cha-Cha). Also, slightly increase the spread on his one-gun fire to make it more consistent for more players to hit, while also reducing the effectiveness at far ranges for high-level players. Increase the spread of akimbo firing as well to further reduce easy effectiveness on squishies and critboxes if you need to, or even give it the bastion turret treatment where you can't HS if youre firing both guns. Reduce the ammo count or increase reload time. It lasts forever rn. D) Furthermore, Cardiac Overdrive is very strong rn, but if its weak he falls over like tissue paper. I would rather it lose some defensive power and gain something else. Drop the damage reduction. Several other tanks have it, and Queen is the only other one with a fascimile of Lifesteal. Reduce the % Lifesteal a little as well, that number is crazy rn. If its still too strong with teammates, give it the Command Shout treatment and reduce its effects on Allies. To compensate, give him some OTHER form of compensation. Maybe his fire rate increases, giving him slightly more damage at the cost of more ammo, or perhaps he regenerates some ammo based on the damage he does, giving him the ability to sustain damage for longer if he is hitting his shots. I feel like these one-use abilities have become a problem of OW2 design. Ana Nade has some complex counterplay because you can force her to use it defensively instead of an offensive anti, alongside blocking it (though these were more reliable in OW1, where an off tank existed and the supp passive didn't, the design point still stands). I want to see more abilities like that. E) Lastly, I would slightly increase the effectiveness of his Passive. I dont have specific numbers here, this would be something Id want to play around with. But I think having more constant survivability around the Temp HP makes him deal with chip damage a little easier without tearing his supports' hair out. Still shouldn't be too effective once stuck in a huge brawl. *_PART III: CLOSING_* We've waited for Mauga for SEVERAL years at this point. He, Ram, and Queen were some of the most hyped-up heroes for the longest timespan. He obviously needs changes rn, but would really suck if he got dumpstered entirely. I want to see more focus on reworking the extreme parts of his kit with a purpose rather than just hard nerfing what he already has. That's my opinion, ty for coming to my TED Talk 💚
@olegdusov4273 Fair enough, I should have looked up more numbers on it. I still would rather have the priming time rather than it be clunkier to cast, (I would argue that you rarely cancel shatter with CC on purpose as well, though you can react to it by shielding it if you're prepared) but I also wouldn't hate it if it was the same cast time as Rein's. Either one would do
Unfortunately each time they make a new character it’s likely going to be like this. They want the new character to be really good and a bit imbalanced so people will want to get the battle pass, so that they can use them as soon as possible. I’m just really happy that the devs make it so you can get the new hero’s free in the battle pass as well instead of locking them behind pay walls.
@@kenngermy9846 they kind of hide it, any locked hero’s (Kiriko, ramatra, life weaver,etc.) after their season they are unlockable through challenges. Go to challenges, hero section, go to a name that’s orange, there will be an unlock section. You need to manually activate the challenges though. It’s just testing the character in practice range and playing games of that class though so pretty easy to complete
Don't like playing Mauga and ABSOLUTELY don't like playing against a Mauga. I'm an agressively Winston oriented tank player and I like to think that I'm giving the enemy team a chance to play fun and honest Overwatch but the second the enemy team start to gigacounter with Hog, Reaper, Bastion etc, it's Mauga-time. I'm not allowed to have fun, you're not allowed to have fun.
I really wish this multi billion dollar company could find some budget to allocate to paying one dev or two to add back the looking for group feature of ow1. They just got rid of a huge community square in the game with no mention or explantation beyond having to update the ui.
You do realize if they allow mobility in the cage then mauga will be allowed to use overrun which is like fortified and he will be able to escape the cage and leave enemies inside
Another thing I would add to your rework is nerfing Incendiary Chaingun's damage, so there's actually a decision with actvating his passive. Do you keep shooting Volatile with higher damage or go for Incendiary's lower damage to maybe activate the passive? Also make both his guns deal less damage if firing at the same time
What excited me about Mauga is that he could have been the first proper "hitscan" tank. I find it weird that he wasn't designed as a poke alternative to Sigma, maybe with less consistent utility but also with less reliance on friendly squishies playing hitscan. Or as the Tank version of Soldier (like Bap is the Support version of Soldier).
I agree he needs a rework, but their reworks are just as bad as their hero designs at this point. For example, they didn't address any of the fundamental issues of Hog. He is the same hero but with a boring, unfun ability, less interesting shooting mechanics and (somehow) even more survivablity....They spent how long on that rework? 6 months? It's over for this game lol
i dunno, i feel about buffing survivability in exchange for less damage. he's already a nightmare to kill, and even if his damage is lower if he's harder to kill that doesn't matter since he gets that extra time to do the damage thus not really changing anything. i could be wrong but that's what it seems like to me
I would like to see how this would work but I think they should change cardiac overdrive and his passive. Give his passive life steal but tune it down and then increase it (maybe double) if he is shooting someone on fire. And for cardiac overdrive maybe they could give him the overhealth for damage dealt and maybe a little damage mitigation. I would like to see how that would change him before lowering damage.
i didnt read the incoming patch but yea i ahree with these points. they should give his guns a real short falloff, have them take a little longer to wind up, make his lifesteal become “shield-like”
I’m plat I’m not the most talented in my skill but in my experinces a lot of the enemy tanks always pick mauga, the second they lose the first fight and switch to mauga. A lot of the times he feels like as if a player is like “hi I’d like an easy win”
This season tank has been a disaster to play. But my boy reaper if finally shining with the Mauga meta. I help my Mauga and blossom in cage is good. 😅 I enjoyed this season haha
You guys are silly, he is overwatches first take on a juggernaut type character. Reinheart and junkerqueen aren't juggernauts as their kits more brawlly in style. But mauga is pyhsically the embodiment of a juggernaut. There are so many similarities to mauga and mord (league) in design, abilities wise.
Mauga kills me because with a couple of small changes he would make a great and well needed addition to the brawl line-up! If he was on damage. Get rid of the ult, lower his damage, and make his in-game model smaller and you got a GREAT addition to the damage roster. Like I would be pumped!! A good tank buster who doesnt rely on CC? BUT- he isnt a damage hero, he is a tank. Well designed hero, poorly designed tank
The issue with mauga is he beats almost every tank if they're unlucky enough to get in los. Then that tank tries to retreat because they wouldn't be able to out dps mauga, even without his e, and mauga charges and is unstoppable. Nerfing him should be a cast time for ult, no cancel, charge being stoppable, minigun damage reduction, and a rework to his E. Since I like the idea of him being defensive, maybe reduce his life steal a good amount and add damage reduction then give it something for the team like cc reduction or damage reduction. If they can let hampter literally rot in the recess of the meta, they can giga nerf mauga again because spoiler alert: he's still broken. If you're losing as mauga you probably weren't playing smartly or they had mauga, zar, or sig
Imo the ult changes would be quite good, like you said keeping it relevant but not op. Skill changes maybe not so much. They had a real hard time "balancing" Hog's aoe heal/ cc reduce. Or JQ's health/ movespeed buff forthat matter. Give him his healing on cardiac, remove the overhealth from second gun. Maybe increase dmg and spread? He definitely has too much power in left (and right) clicks AND his abilities, including the ult.
Now that Mauga has people talking about easy/oversimplified heroes who require no aim or skill and just have stats or monkeypaw cooldowns to throw at you and win, maybe we should also talk about the multitude of heroes who have fit that description since OW1. Not to mention the hard counter problem. That's been a desire of mine for a while now as I think balance is more important to a game like Overwatch than it is to other FPS games with less nuance to what an individual player has at their disposal.
If they changed his aoe range on his weapons he'd be a more healthy option in the game, but as it stands now he is not remotely ok in game. How he was allowed in competitive so early on is beyond ignorant on blizzards part.
R6 Siege dupes are the worst example lol. They have characters that do the same thing, but much much worse than the original ones. The game’s a joke and has been since 2019. Also no mention of Mauga having too much ammunition ; which could be an easy fix. There’s no reason why wrecking ball should have 80 animation and mauga has 350. Lower it to 200, 100 per gun, with separate ammunition counters for both
Mauga just is poorly done, he will only either be nearly unkillable and dual wielding bastions or he’ll be tissue paper with pea shooters and there will never be an in between because his survivability is directly tied to his damage and he has no real presence outside of doing royal shit tons of damage. But two things about your video, first off you’re the first person I’ve seen suggest a feasible rework. Second off I would really appreciate it if the big Samoan man didn’t beat the giant jet engine powered knight in a charging contest.
i think while its cool he has 2 guns with different purposes the purpose of each gun just still feels one dimensional, burn with fire gun then switch to crit gun is a fine aspect but there is no reason to ever go to the crit gun if they're not on fire, there really is an infinite amount of ways they can change this but i would just make it so that his fire gun takes 2 bullets for one shot with maybe 50 more ammo for a nice 400 ammo (200 fire shots compared to the old 350) (and keep the 2 second reload i dont know why you would even suggest removing that) and have the fire shots have bigger spread at farther ranges. so while the fire shots can keep the title of most effective gun it can also punish players for using it too much or not switching to the crit gun as soon as possible giving mauga a natural skill progression for its players while even giving them options for how to decide between the two fire modes. with this more nerfed mauga i would just add the cage fight nerfs listed in the video and just nerf the armour and give overrun a 13 second cooldown instead of the ABSURD 6 second cooldown and make his playstyle of just the idea of find a way to get close before going into braindead gorilla mode. (kind of like rein but less burst options and lack of defense) I think the lack of identity listed in the video is only true because mauga is so overtuned that his identity is muddied by his strengths. like imagine if Genji had reflect on a 3-second cooldown, bigger shurikens, 250 hp and 50 armour, his playstyle of running around the backline while still viable would be muddied by his ability to pretty much ignore that aspect of him.
i think mauga is the biggest problem in the game rn. that being said, i do not agree with the solutions. a lot of the problems with mauga can be extended to other heros, tons of abilities have no risk aside from the risk of putting it on cd. i think changing some numbers rn is all thats needed. there are SO MANY other problems whenever it comes to hero design and mauga is only egregious because he is too strong in numbers. you could nerf his ult but at the end of the day, tons of ults shutdown other characters, just because doom and monkey are great targets for it does not mean it needs to be reworked. not yet anyways. lets get him into a semi balanced state before we talk about major changes. my main problem with him is that he is unkillable like half the game. thats all i want fixed. and while that resonates with your comment about him just standing and shooting while hes overdriving, i agree. it is a problem. with a nade, its even worse. but ana is the real one running the game rn. highest pickrate supp in the game by far rn. cant kill mauga without purple. purple/green is the real problem in this meta.
Tbh I feel this is a hot take but allow me to cook a little. personally I feel giving the charge a double cooldown like junks concision or reins fire strike would open the door to make the character more interesting and also more able to both then pressure and peel *Looking for a fight attitude* With that you would be able to nerf alot of other stats without him being a problem like hog *either op or useless* Also reduce the burst from the slam and instead give the fire effect to any enemy so he can instantly get his over health when engaged. No need to agree. Just felt like saying
Disagree with your cardiac overdrive idea, not sure of an alternative solution but an adding another ability that you can just press without much thought and it counters an entire dive is very boring
I never said 'counters an entire dive,' it just makes it less effective/harder to deal with a 3 2 1 Winston Sombra tracer nade engage which that IS very boring Having LOS checks or having the AoE radius be such that you have to have better prefight positioning (from you and your supports) while also allowing counterplay through good mechanics and timing of a dive seems fair to me, especially if the devs don't want to rework support utility
@@Kajor1 Idk. I think for me having a one button ability to counter a three man coordinated dive sounds like bad design. Its in that release brig area where we make a a singular hero to counter an entire comp strat. Its just a slippery slope for me.
@@aerostrafe1075 You keep saying 'Counter' when I think the better word would be mitigate or reduce. Mauga should not be able to single handedly take down a 3 man dive (Otherwise it'll end up like Illari Bap Sustain meta where Illari just fu*ks the dives entire staging) but I don't see how you couldn't make a ground tank have defensive team based/peel utility. You could reduce the duration from 5 to 2-3 seconds if you were really that concerned, the power of the ability isn't the issue it's the broader idea of giving a ground tank the ability to peel
Something this broken needs to be hotfixed immediately. Leaving something like giga mauaga untouched for weeks on end is why this game is hemorrhaging players. Blizzard incompetence never ceases to amaze.
I think one of the probs with Mauga is his guns. He gets damage over time and critical hits for free. No cooldowns. No resource meter. Nothing. There is a minimum number of hits but with his fire rate thats no real issue. Mauga should be reworked to have only one gun that does burn damage with an overheat mechanic.
If only they focus on making the game fun in a new way outside of just Pvp, so it could be enjoyed by people who dont want to focus on the meta all the time.
the ult is braindead but only because mauga with these buffs is braindead, on one hand i like your idea, but i think most of the ideas you put down are just taking away skill expression from mauga, and id rather take a different approach. first, i think cage should persist after mauga dies BUT lower its hp down when he dies so its easier to break free, and mauga can no longer break his ult until nobody but himself is left in the cage. i think it would be unfair if mauga couldn't cancel his ult, BUT its canceled when he dies. id rather it persist after his death, but deal a certain amount of damage to the cage so they can break free. allies cannot shoot through the barrier, BUT they can still enter and leave whenever. essentially teammates need to put themselves at risk in order to utilize his cage, or they can choose to just let mauga do his thing. doomfist is really the only hero really impacted by not being able to use his abilities in the cage, so i think doom should just be able to use his abilities in the cage as an exception, rather then nerfing it THAT hard, mobility is so strong mauga would NEVER use his ultimate since mobile heros would easily run circles around him in that cage. i mean really think about it, if squishy heros can just constantly jump and dodge away from mauga in cage fight and he already struggles to shoot them, he's just going to...save it to duel tanks mindlessly. removing the trapped effect would just enforce him to go back to being a "shoot the tank all game" hero. basically, i want to turn cage fight into a REAL cage fight. queens ult should also get the fortified effect imho. not just for mauga's cage.
Supports get uncounterable, unavoidable game winning abilities that aren’t even ults but god forbid a tank gets one as his ultimate ability. Blizz finally adds a strong tank and everyone loses their mind okay lets nerf him and go back to supp being the impact role again *rolls eyes*
Easy fix for his ult. Make it only trap people on the initial activation. All other enemies can come and go, but they still have to deal with the shield of course. Maybe give it a bit more wind up on the voice line too, that way dive tanks can dodge if they are paying attention? Might make it, and him, useless in those MUs though, but overall might be a bit more "fair". The "trapped" status is the only thing keeping you in the cage. The shield is NOT a wall. I suppose they could code another mechanic that acts like a trap but allows mobility (like they already added this new version of trapped which isn't junks which holds you in place) but overall I think the power of his ult is pretty fine on anyone not Doom (so giving him an opportunity to dodge if he's paying attention is all that's needed IMO).
no offense but terrible takes bro. they just need to rework cardiac, lower his ammo resources and buff his damage to compensate especially in single gun use. his ult is mostly fine. It actually has cast time too. i cancelled his ult with a sleep dart so many times. the hero is definitely overtuned and has problems but he is also overrated. people are bunch of crybabies. his damage isn't even highest. even your info wrong. you cant even dent barriers with his raw damage. you have to shoot rein barrier for 10 seconds. i played brig against him and he cant do shit. they need to address the mindless tank shooting. if they rework the cardiac and lower his ammo this problem will be solved. he is a vulnerable big slow target.
I seriously think that the venn diagram of people who think Mauga is op and the people who dislike counterpicking is a circle. Like they’ll scream and yell about getting dominated by him but meanwhile they’re playing Winston or doom instead of Ram, Dva, Sigma etc. I’m not all for counterpicking, but if you’re gonna complain, at least find out what it is that you’re TRULY mad at. (I know “Mauga OP” isn’t exactly the point of the video, but I think it’s still relevant)
I'm definitely blocking this creator because he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about. Malga is a tank buster and anti dive. The fact that this creator couldn't rub two brain cells together to figure that out blows my mind.
I can't believe we keep having to wait half a year for a character and this multi billion dollar dev team can't make something more fun and fair. The dev team should be able to make so much more than this. 25 million players yet we get next to no content to improve quality of life or fun in the game with really unfun balance changes. I can't believe I miss overwatch 1 in it's abandoned state.
Here is a fun fact that many people dont seem to understand. A multi billion corporation means very little if a dev team is given five dollars.
Half a year? The game has been out for over a single year and we've gotten at least 5 new characters.
I was excited for a dive meta this season but then Mauga exists.
i still enjoy playing mauga, despite his boring gameplay loop and issues. the reason for this is because of his amazingly designed character - i love his attitude, his voice, and his lines. it's by far the biggest reason i enjoy playing him
*because your mother and father are siblings
@@br0th3rb82 your channel bio is on point huh
@@yeetadog found another mauga player
@@br0th3rb82 as stated, on point
I appreciate your analysis on this! I do disagree on some points:
A) Mauga can definitely clear high ground. Overrun is a more reliable charge with less offensive bite (dmg reduc and cant be interrupted, at the cost of no oneshot), but you can still walk up to high ground, alternate guns to pull resources, and then Overrun at them to force them down if its not the entire team. It still boops like charge too. Wait for your CDs to come back and then jump down when an opportunity presents itself. You can even still poke up there, unlike Rein.
B) I would prefer that cage dissappears on death, but he can also cancel it. The only 2 heroes that can C9 with their ult rn are Pharah and Reaper, but those uncancelable ults only last a couple seconds. Cage lasts 8 seconds. If you place a shitty cage, 8 seconds is a REALLY long time to be punished for it. Maybe if you dont want it to cancel immediately, he can hold down his ult button to make it tick twice as fast. Maybe it shrinks over time, even, and if it shrinks past you you get let out?
He should totally get punished for dying in cage though, that would introduce more counterplay to it.
C) This one is controversial, but I like the ult disabling Mobility CDs. I would like if Mobility ults can be used. Maybe Mobility that has a secondary effect (i.e., Doom punch/slam, LW Dash, even Genji Dash bc of the dmg) can be used in place just for that secondar effect. Ults like Rampage and Meteor should work without restrictions, though.
Side note, allowing Mobility CDs would make Mauga stronger against Cage Fight. Overrun could then leave the cage at any time. What about the Mauga who casts it, can they still use Overrun? Pop cage and walk out of it while the enemies are stuck?
Lastly on this point, if you nerf it like you've suggested, the cost should be lower. I feel like this would me much more frustrating for slow comps to play against though, as theyll just get caged far more often. Id rather the cost go up, and keep somewhat strong.
D) Cage already DOES have a cast time. I've canceled cage several times now via sleep or rock. If you make the cast too much longer, its gonna be far too easy to cancel.
Maybe instead, it keeps the cast time, but it flashes a hologram of the circumferenxe before going up. So, it could be canceled before it hits the ground. Once it hits the ground, its gonna go off, but will flash the edge of it for a split second before arming. This gives a second for people with mobility to dodge it, and gives more counterplay and depth to the ability.
A) I understand the frustration with the hero. But nerfing tf out of him numbers wise won't deal with his one-dimensional design problem. Add more counterplay to his kit, then focus on adjusting his numbers and giving more identity to his strengths.
B) I'd like to see the devs reduce his close range tankiness and dmg, while focusing on the fact he has range. We dont have a lot of that in the role atm, but have plenty of brawl tanks. His fantasy is pretending to be this hothead, but being cunning and smart underneath the facade. Punish him for inting for no reason, but let him drain resources from afar and maybe Overrun to capitalize on it.
C) To do this, maybe just straight reduce his HS multipler when critting with Burning Targets. He can hit the ACTUAL critbox for full damage, but won't auto burn crit for as much damage. This would reduce his "free" damage, especially on Tanks at close range, since his spread would stop you from getting fully HS by most of his bullets. (For this topic, I'll use HS for an actual headshot and Burn Crit for the auto crits he does with Cha-Cha). Also, slightly increase the spread on his one-gun fire to make it more consistent for more players to hit, while also reducing the effectiveness at far ranges for high-level players. Increase the spread of akimbo firing as well to further reduce easy effectiveness on squishies and critboxes if you need to, or even give it the bastion turret treatment where you can't HS if youre firing both guns.
Reduce the ammo count or increase reload time. It lasts forever rn.
D) Furthermore, Cardiac Overdrive is very strong rn, but if its weak he falls over like tissue paper. I would rather it lose some defensive power and gain something else. Drop the damage reduction. Several other tanks have it, and Queen is the only other one with a fascimile of Lifesteal. Reduce the % Lifesteal a little as well, that number is crazy rn. If its still too strong with teammates, give it the Command Shout treatment and reduce its effects on Allies. To compensate, give him some OTHER form of compensation. Maybe his fire rate increases, giving him slightly more damage at the cost of more ammo, or perhaps he regenerates some ammo based on the damage he does, giving him the ability to sustain damage for longer if he is hitting his shots.
I feel like these one-use abilities have become a problem of OW2 design. Ana Nade has some complex counterplay because you can force her to use it defensively instead of an offensive anti, alongside blocking it (though these were more reliable in OW1, where an off tank existed and the supp passive didn't, the design point still stands). I want to see more abilities like that.
E) Lastly, I would slightly increase the effectiveness of his Passive. I dont have specific numbers here, this would be something Id want to play around with. But I think having more constant survivability around the Temp HP makes him deal with chip damage a little easier without tearing his supports' hair out. Still shouldn't be too effective once stuck in a huge brawl.
We've waited for Mauga for SEVERAL years at this point. He, Ram, and Queen were some of the most hyped-up heroes for the longest timespan. He obviously needs changes rn, but would really suck if he got dumpstered entirely. I want to see more focus on reworking the extreme parts of his kit with a purpose rather than just hard nerfing what he already has.
That's my opinion, ty for coming to my TED Talk 💚
"Cage already DOES have a cast time", yeah, and its less than 0.5 sec and less then rein's ult.
Its so short, you pretty much never do it on purpose.
@olegdusov4273 Fair enough, I should have looked up more numbers on it. I still would rather have the priming time rather than it be clunkier to cast, (I would argue that you rarely cancel shatter with CC on purpose as well, though you can react to it by shielding it if you're prepared) but I also wouldn't hate it if it was the same cast time as Rein's.
Either one would do
Unfortunately each time they make a new character it’s likely going to be like this. They want the new character to be really good and a bit imbalanced so people will want to get the battle pass, so that they can use them as soon as possible. I’m just really happy that the devs make it so you can get the new hero’s free in the battle pass as well instead of locking them behind pay walls.
What!! You can grind out new heros!? No way I thought that this game was pay to win 😂
@@kenngermy9846 they kind of hide it, any locked hero’s (Kiriko, ramatra, life weaver,etc.) after their season they are unlockable through challenges. Go to challenges, hero section, go to a name that’s orange, there will be an unlock section. You need to manually activate the challenges though. It’s just testing the character in practice range and playing games of that class though so pretty easy to complete
Don't like playing Mauga and ABSOLUTELY don't like playing against a Mauga. I'm an agressively Winston oriented tank player and I like to think that I'm giving the enemy team a chance to play fun and honest Overwatch but the second the enemy team start to gigacounter with Hog, Reaper, Bastion etc, it's Mauga-time. I'm not allowed to have fun, you're not allowed to have fun.
Winston is my main and I don’t feel honest bullying the back line lmao
I really wish this multi billion dollar company could find some budget to allocate to paying one dev or two to add back the looking for group feature of ow1. They just got rid of a huge community square in the game with no mention or explantation beyond having to update the ui.
I love the idea of his E making debuffs last shorter
Hes pretty much a hog alternate… or at this point hog is a Mauga alternate
except hog has downtime, where he is barely dangerous
Mauga is orisa with hog's healing and bastion's dmg up close, thats how he feels
You do realize if they allow mobility in the cage then mauga will be allowed to use overrun which is like fortified and he will be able to escape the cage and leave enemies inside
That’s an easy exception to code in
I’d rather anything than playing doomfist and losing everything in my kit besides my block and shotgun
Another thing I would add to your rework is nerfing Incendiary Chaingun's damage, so there's actually a decision with actvating his passive. Do you keep shooting Volatile with higher damage or go for Incendiary's lower damage to maybe activate the passive? Also make both his guns deal less damage if firing at the same time
What excited me about Mauga is that he could have been the first proper "hitscan" tank.
I find it weird that he wasn't designed as a poke alternative to Sigma, maybe with less consistent utility but also with less reliance on friendly squishies playing hitscan. Or as the Tank version of Soldier (like Bap is the Support version of Soldier).
You described exactly what I was expecting… Dawson does well with DPS but struggles with Supports and Tanks in terms of design.
I agree he needs a rework, but their reworks are just as bad as their hero designs at this point. For example, they didn't address any of the fundamental issues of Hog. He is the same hero but with a boring, unfun ability, less interesting shooting mechanics and (somehow) even more survivablity....They spent how long on that rework? 6 months?
It's over for this game lol
i dunno, i feel about buffing survivability in exchange for less damage. he's already a nightmare to kill, and even if his damage is lower if he's harder to kill that doesn't matter since he gets that extra time to do the damage thus not really changing anything. i could be wrong but that's what it seems like to me
I would like to see how this would work but I think they should change cardiac overdrive and his passive. Give his passive life steal but tune it down and then increase it (maybe double) if he is shooting someone on fire. And for cardiac overdrive maybe they could give him the overhealth for damage dealt and maybe a little damage mitigation. I would like to see how that would change him before lowering damage.
they should make it so everyone in cage ult has antiheal
i didnt read the incoming patch but yea i ahree with these points. they should give his guns a real short falloff, have them take a little longer to wind up, make his lifesteal become “shield-like”
Sounds good and makes sense.
I’m plat I’m not the most talented in my skill but in my experinces a lot of the enemy tanks always pick mauga, the second they lose the first fight and switch to mauga. A lot of the times he feels like as if a player is like “hi I’d like an easy win”
This season tank has been a disaster to play. But my boy reaper if finally shining with the Mauga meta. I help my Mauga and blossom in cage is good. 😅 I enjoyed this season haha
Have you considered it's a skil issue?
You guys are silly, he is overwatches first take on a juggernaut type character. Reinheart and junkerqueen aren't juggernauts as their kits more brawlly in style. But mauga is pyhsically the embodiment of a juggernaut. There are so many similarities to mauga and mord (league) in design, abilities wise.
Yeah the dmg nerf but giving him more self sustain would be good. He wouldn't absolutely shred but he isn't someone to scoff at either.
I cannot believe that Blizzard says they want to remove hard CC. And they give us the hardest CC in OW history.
tweet screenshot at 3:52, that synth guy doesnt know what hes talking about
Yup thats it buddy the hammers are coming out
@@synthonn6454 ok my bad didn’t think you’d watch this video 😅
As someone who somewhat consistantly played the game since 2017. What's happening right now with it really saddens me
Mauga kills me because with a couple of small changes he would make a great and well needed addition to the brawl line-up!
If he was on damage.
Get rid of the ult, lower his damage, and make his in-game model smaller and you got a GREAT addition to the damage roster. Like I would be pumped!! A good tank buster who doesnt rely on CC?
BUT- he isnt a damage hero, he is a tank.
Well designed hero, poorly designed tank
The issue with mauga is he beats almost every tank if they're unlucky enough to get in los. Then that tank tries to retreat because they wouldn't be able to out dps mauga, even without his e, and mauga charges and is unstoppable.
Nerfing him should be a cast time for ult, no cancel, charge being stoppable, minigun damage reduction, and a rework to his E. Since I like the idea of him being defensive, maybe reduce his life steal a good amount and add damage reduction then give it something for the team like cc reduction or damage reduction. If they can let hampter literally rot in the recess of the meta, they can giga nerf mauga again because spoiler alert: he's still broken. If you're losing as mauga you probably weren't playing smartly or they had mauga, zar, or sig
So make him useless?
Imo the ult changes would be quite good, like you said keeping it relevant but not op.
Skill changes maybe not so much. They had a real hard time "balancing" Hog's aoe heal/ cc reduce. Or JQ's health/ movespeed buff forthat matter.
Give him his healing on cardiac, remove the overhealth from second gun.
Maybe increase dmg and spread?
He definitely has too much power in left (and right) clicks AND his abilities, including the ult.
Now that Mauga has people talking about easy/oversimplified heroes who require no aim or skill and just have stats or monkeypaw cooldowns to throw at you and win, maybe we should also talk about the multitude of heroes who have fit that description since OW1. Not to mention the hard counter problem. That's been a desire of mine for a while now as I think balance is more important to a game like Overwatch than it is to other FPS games with less nuance to what an individual player has at their disposal.
well I don't think MAUGA was a mistake, for example we hade a lot of fun in the one day of mauga test, the problem is the overbuff
Mauga overrun being unstoppable is blatant power creep
If they changed his aoe range on his weapons he'd be a more healthy option in the game, but as it stands now he is not remotely ok in game. How he was allowed in competitive so early on is beyond ignorant on blizzards part.
R6 Siege dupes are the worst example lol. They have characters that do the same thing, but much much worse than the original ones. The game’s a joke and has been since 2019.
Also no mention of Mauga having too much ammunition ; which could be an easy fix. There’s no reason why wrecking ball should have 80 animation and mauga has 350. Lower it to 200, 100 per gun, with separate ammunition counters for both
Mauga just is poorly done, he will only either be nearly unkillable and dual wielding bastions or he’ll be tissue paper with pea shooters and there will never be an in between because his survivability is directly tied to his damage and he has no real presence outside of doing royal shit tons of damage. But two things about your video, first off you’re the first person I’ve seen suggest a feasible rework. Second off I would really appreciate it if the big Samoan man didn’t beat the giant jet engine powered knight in a charging contest.
i think while its cool he has 2 guns with different purposes the purpose of each gun just still feels one dimensional, burn with fire gun then switch to crit gun is a fine aspect but there is no reason to ever go to the crit gun if they're not on fire, there really is an infinite amount of ways they can change this but i would just make it so that his fire gun takes 2 bullets for one shot with maybe 50 more ammo for a nice 400 ammo (200 fire shots compared to the old 350) (and keep the 2 second reload i dont know why you would even suggest removing that) and have the fire shots have bigger spread at farther ranges. so while the fire shots can keep the title of most effective gun it can also punish players for using it too much or not switching to the crit gun as soon as possible giving mauga a natural skill progression for its players while even giving them options for how to decide between the two fire modes.
with this more nerfed mauga i would just add the cage fight nerfs listed in the video and just nerf the armour and give overrun a 13 second cooldown instead of the ABSURD 6 second cooldown and make his playstyle of just the idea of find a way to get close before going into braindead gorilla mode. (kind of like rein but less burst options and lack of defense) I think the lack of identity listed in the video is only true because mauga is so overtuned that his identity is muddied by his strengths. like imagine if Genji had reflect on a 3-second cooldown, bigger shurikens, 250 hp and 50 armour, his playstyle of running around the backline while still viable would be muddied by his ability to pretty much ignore that aspect of him.
i think mauga is the biggest problem in the game rn.
that being said, i do not agree with the solutions. a lot of the problems with mauga can be extended to other heros, tons of abilities have no risk aside from the risk of putting it on cd. i think changing some numbers rn is all thats needed. there are SO MANY other problems whenever it comes to hero design and mauga is only egregious because he is too strong in numbers. you could nerf his ult but at the end of the day, tons of ults shutdown other characters, just because doom and monkey are great targets for it does not mean it needs to be reworked. not yet anyways.
lets get him into a semi balanced state before we talk about major changes. my main problem with him is that he is unkillable like half the game. thats all i want fixed. and while that resonates with your comment about him just standing and shooting while hes overdriving, i agree. it is a problem. with a nade, its even worse.
but ana is the real one running the game rn. highest pickrate supp in the game by far rn. cant kill mauga without purple.
purple/green is the real problem in this meta.
Tbh I feel this is a hot take but allow me to cook a little.
personally I feel giving the charge a double cooldown like junks concision or reins fire strike would open the door to make the character more interesting and also more able to both then pressure and peel *Looking for a fight attitude*
With that you would be able to nerf alot of other stats without him being a problem like hog *either op or useless*
Also reduce the burst from the slam and instead give the fire effect to any enemy so he can instantly get his over health when engaged.
No need to agree. Just felt like saying
Disagree with your cardiac overdrive idea, not sure of an alternative solution but an adding another ability that you can just press without much thought and it counters an entire dive is very boring
I never said 'counters an entire dive,' it just makes it less effective/harder to deal with a 3 2 1 Winston Sombra tracer nade engage which that IS very boring
Having LOS checks or having the AoE radius be such that you have to have better prefight positioning (from you and your supports) while also allowing counterplay through good mechanics and timing of a dive seems fair to me, especially if the devs don't want to rework support utility
@@Kajor1 Idk. I think for me having a one button ability to counter a three man coordinated dive sounds like bad design. Its in that release brig area where we make a a singular hero to counter an entire comp strat. Its just a slippery slope for me.
@@aerostrafe1075 You keep saying 'Counter' when I think the better word would be mitigate or reduce. Mauga should not be able to single handedly take down a 3 man dive (Otherwise it'll end up like Illari Bap Sustain meta where Illari just fu*ks the dives entire staging) but I don't see how you couldn't make a ground tank have defensive team based/peel utility. You could reduce the duration from 5 to 2-3 seconds if you were really that concerned, the power of the ability isn't the issue it's the broader idea of giving a ground tank the ability to peel
Something this broken needs to be hotfixed immediately. Leaving something like giga mauaga untouched for weeks on end is why this game is hemorrhaging players.
Blizzard incompetence never ceases to amaze.
I think one of the probs with Mauga is his guns. He gets damage over time and critical hits for free. No cooldowns. No resource meter. Nothing. There is a minimum number of hits but with his fire rate thats no real issue. Mauga should be reworked to have only one gun that does burn damage with an overheat mechanic.
If only they focus on making the game fun in a new way outside of just Pvp, so it could be enjoyed by people who dont want to focus on the meta all the time.
the ult is braindead but only because mauga with these buffs is braindead, on one hand i like your idea, but i think most of the ideas you put down are just taking away skill expression from mauga, and id rather take a different approach.
first, i think cage should persist after mauga dies BUT lower its hp down when he dies so its easier to break free, and mauga can no longer break his ult until nobody but himself is left in the cage. i think it would be unfair if mauga couldn't cancel his ult, BUT its canceled when he dies. id rather it persist after his death, but deal a certain amount of damage to the cage so they can break free.
allies cannot shoot through the barrier, BUT they can still enter and leave whenever. essentially teammates need to put themselves at risk in order to utilize his cage, or they can choose to just let mauga do his thing.
doomfist is really the only hero really impacted by not being able to use his abilities in the cage, so i think doom should just be able to use his abilities in the cage as an exception, rather then nerfing it THAT hard, mobility is so strong mauga would NEVER use his ultimate since mobile heros would easily run circles around him in that cage. i mean really think about it, if squishy heros can just constantly jump and dodge away from mauga in cage fight and he already struggles to shoot them, he's just going to...save it to duel tanks mindlessly. removing the trapped effect would just enforce him to go back to being a "shoot the tank all game" hero.
basically, i want to turn cage fight into a REAL cage fight.
queens ult should also get the fortified effect imho. not just for mauga's cage.
6:15-6:23 yes
Supports get uncounterable, unavoidable game winning abilities that aren’t even ults but god forbid a tank gets one as his ultimate ability. Blizz finally adds a strong tank and everyone loses their mind okay lets nerf him and go back to supp being the impact role again *rolls eyes*
gregor enjoyer
You are hating on him hard but i do agree with most of your changes to him
Easy fix for his ult. Make it only trap people on the initial activation. All other enemies can come and go, but they still have to deal with the shield of course. Maybe give it a bit more wind up on the voice line too, that way dive tanks can dodge if they are paying attention? Might make it, and him, useless in those MUs though, but overall might be a bit more "fair".
The "trapped" status is the only thing keeping you in the cage. The shield is NOT a wall. I suppose they could code another mechanic that acts like a trap but allows mobility (like they already added this new version of trapped which isn't junks which holds you in place) but overall I think the power of his ult is pretty fine on anyone not Doom (so giving him an opportunity to dodge if he's paying attention is all that's needed IMO).
no offense but terrible takes bro. they just need to rework cardiac, lower his ammo resources and buff his damage to compensate especially in single gun use. his ult is mostly fine. It actually has cast time too. i cancelled his ult with a sleep dart so many times. the hero is definitely overtuned and has problems but he is also overrated. people are bunch of crybabies. his damage isn't even highest. even your info wrong. you cant even dent barriers with his raw damage. you have to shoot rein barrier for 10 seconds. i played brig against him and he cant do shit. they need to address the mindless tank shooting. if they rework the cardiac and lower his ammo this problem will be solved. he is a vulnerable big slow target.
I seriously think that the venn diagram of people who think Mauga is op and the people who dislike counterpicking is a circle. Like they’ll scream and yell about getting dominated by him but meanwhile they’re playing Winston or doom instead of Ram, Dva, Sigma etc. I’m not all for counterpicking, but if you’re gonna complain, at least find out what it is that you’re TRULY mad at. (I know “Mauga OP” isn’t exactly the point of the video, but I think it’s still relevant)
The only good matchup against mauga is mauga.
1st comment your the best youtuber and yes mauga needs a nerf
Also I was 2nd viewer
I'm definitely blocking this creator because he has absolutely no clue what he's talking about. Malga is a tank buster and anti dive. The fact that this creator couldn't rub two brain cells together to figure that out blows my mind.