There is an an advice that people should give the seat to those who need it more, isn't it? Because in Indonesia there is such an advice like that in every metro train(?)
@yonGGeun 드래근신 Maybe he wants to show how korean would react but its just sad that most of them who helped the disabled was elders. Young people in korea are the worst actually
when she said "people may think this small act of kindness as insignificant, but to the person receiving that free act of kindness, that act could turn a bad day into a warm memory they will remember for life" - it hits me hard. wahhh this rlly taught me how those little act of kindness can help someone from a rough time. I will learn how to be kind toward another.
I noticed that. I feel like it's probably bc they've been in similar situations, so they understand, whereas the people who have never experienced something like that don't even think about it
Memcha Laishram but tbh what would they do…? Watch the bus go? Of course people are on their phones. The weird thing is that they don’t even realize there’s people behind them
The fact that not a lot of the younger people voluntarily offered their seat voluntarily is sad, but seeing the Jong Won still positive and even feeling sorry for others is what makes me more heartbroken. Hope the world will become a warmer and safer place for everyone 🙏🏻
@@namecastle8203 that was great she use english because not all the viewer is korean. It's helping me anyway to understand what korean think about this social experiment
I was in Korea in the 1980s and one thing I distinctly remember is that, if I was riding a bus and had to stand up because the seats were full, someone who was sitting down would always grab my bag (I usually had a gym bag with me) and put it on their lap so I wouldn't have to hold it the whole time. The first time it happened, I thought someone was trying to steal from me; then I realized they were just being polite.
@@BooLee01 it happens in Seoul too, and I've been to Seoul in the 80's. But how could you think someone who sat right in front of you would steal your bag? the person is not going anywhere when sitting right in front of you..LOL
one day when I offered the seat to an elderly women she scolded me and said "Do I look like your Grandma ? Don't try to act and show others you are a kind soul" and then I got way too emotional This incident was buried as one of my worst memories but I remembered it again seeing this video
@nula5412 뭔선진국을 개로판단하지?? 그냥 인종차별하면 선진국 안하면 후진국으로 하세요 그리고 선진국 국회 장애인 애견.. 아니 전세계 현제기준 개가들어간사례있나요??? 왜없을까요??그거부터생각하세요 나라를 위해 일하는곳이 웃어워보여요?? 그리고 보좌관두고 개판만드는게 좋죠??
공감합니다 ㅠㅠ 요즘 나이들었다고 틀딱이니 꼰대니 입에담기도힘든 막말하는사람들이 많은거같아 씁슬합니다 본인들은 언제까지고 나이안먹고 젊을줄만 아는지.. 저도 한국에서 어르신들께 양보하면 반은 아유 학생이 앉으라고 하시는분들 한사코 사양하다가 앉으시고는 짐 무거운데 이리달라며 들어주시는 분들 많이 겪었어요 일본거주중인데 여기는 더 심각합니다; 한국은 노약자좌석은 거의 비워놓는경우가 많은데 여긴 그냥 막 앉고 노약자분들이 와도 비켜나지않는사람들이 대부분입니다 요즘 헬조선 거리며 너무 자국을 안좋게만 보는 사람들이 많아진거같아 슬프네요 타국 생활하다보니 예전에도 한국만큼 좋은나라 없다 생각했지만 정말 좋은 나라라 생각하는데 타국에서 조금이라도 생활하신분들은 아시겠지만 한국 욕만 해대는 사람들 보면 하.... 그렇게 싫으면 다른나가 가 보세요라고 말해주고 싶네요 그런사람들은 다른나라 가도 아마 1년도 적응못하고 한국으로 다시 도망치듯 귀국하실겁니다
저도 다리 다쳤을 때 하루 이틀 버스나 지하철 탔는데 비켜주시는 사람이 아무도 없었어요. 심지어 아이 안고있는 할머니가 계시길래 앉아있는 제 자리를 비켜드렸고요ㅠㅠ 그래서 이후로 힘들어서 부모님차나 택시타고 다녔어요. 얼마나 불편한지 알기에 바로 보자마자 물어보고 도움 드리고 있어요. 도움을 받는 사람은 사소한 도움 하나에도 진짜 감동 받고 감사함을 느낄거예요~
Some people are decent enough to offer their seats to the elderly, pregnant women or the disabled. From my experience in Seoul, I find the people a little less sensitive to that than smaller cities. When it’s busy and crowded, people generally look out for themselves more than others #IMO 💯
The hardest thing in being disabled is when you have an invisible disability. I have a chronic connective tissue disorder that makes my entire body thin and incredibly prone to tearing/rupturing. My joints dislocate all the time, my vertebrae slip out of place, my tendons and muscles swell, my back is permanently inflamed. I often faint from standing too long because my body can’t push the blood to my head. And yet, I don’t use a wheelchair or any mobility aids save for braces or sports tape because people judge me (in America, anyway) for being young. There’s like this whole general idea in America that I’d you’re young and/or you can walk, you’re not disabled. And that’s why I never ask people for their seat anymore. Because it makes me feel worse than just standing there and hoping I won’t faint.
Its defnelty hard and shameful i guess but please take care of your health. Otherwise people woule not know and learn. Mosg dont have any connection to people witj disabilities
Jung-won said that it was mostly the elderly giving up their seats. I have Fibromyalgia which is a chronic pain disorder and I have noticed that when I am in situations like that, it is generally the elderly that notice as well. I think it's because the people who understand pain the best are the elderly who have experienced it already. Young people don't understand debilitating pain, most of the time. This video made me cry because I've never seen that many people be so kind and aware of someone else's pain. I really hope Jung-won is experiencing this kindness more often. This must have been a hard video for her to do, but I'm thankful that I got to see people care about her. ❤️
When i went to Seoul earlier this year, while riding the packed train and having a seat, I noticed that no one offered seats to the elderly but foreigners. Even when i offered my seat to an older woman, everyone in the train was looking at me like I was weird or something.
I don’t know for sure but either people were too busy to notice or were trying to pretend that they didn’t notice. But an interesting thing happened. An older guy (아저씨) noticed and starting to speak to me in English. He showed me his badge and apparently he was an anchor for a news station and he was very impressed with what I did. ☺️
@k Humor True. When going abroad we have to learn and obey the local rules. I myself see how many migrants here in Germany just don´t obey German social rules. It makes me sad to see that a nation tries to be hospitable but gets abused in the end by people without moral. So when I was in Korea I tried to copy the behaviour of Koreans as well as possible.
It’s great this channel has actual disabled people come to do the experiment and let them voice their concerns and discuss their struggles. Often people who do these experiments just have an abled person pretend to be disabled and assume that “oh this is what it’s like” which doesn’t seem fair. Moreover, the social experiment may have taken place in Korea but the takeaway goes for everyone worldwide. Be respectful and considerate those around you!
I remember the day I arrived in Korea for my vacation with 2 suitcases and a backpack. The train wasn't packed, but there was no place to sit. Suddenly a group of elderly men offered me their seats, so I had a nice conversation with them. When all but one of them was left, he showed me which station I should get off on and which track to change to. He didn't speak a lot of English but was so willing to help me.
As a general rule to myself, if I see someone standing anywhere and I'm sitting down I always offer because I know I'm healthy and can stand whereas they might not be. I'm very insistent as well if they are elderly or someone with a physical disability
Don't be insistent, especially if you ALWAYS offer a seat on the assumption that they need it more. That's got to be fairly annoying. If someone offered me something and I said no clearly to them (a stranger) and they kept up the issue, I'd be a little frustrated.
I don’t really understand people in this aspect, especially younger ones, disabled seat or not you should be offering your seat to those who need it more than you, older people, pregnant people, and those who are injured. I never thought of it as a burden or even thinking it’s an act of kindness on my part, I just thought this is what is needed. Isn’t it just common sense and compassion?
In March of 2017 I went to Seoul with my family. On that trip I vividly remember when me and my brother and sister were on the subway and we were sitting and at the next stop we all noticed a group of elderly people so we all naturally got up and offered our seats to them, but what shocked me was the people who just pretended to not see them. One of the elderly men then spoke to us in broken English saying that the youth of Korea have not learned to offer seats to elderly or disabled, and thanked us for showing an example of that. Where I’m from if you get in the bus and it’s empty you still don’t sit in the seats reserved for elderly,disabled, or pregnant people. It’s just something that’s of public mannerism. And if you do you offer it as soon as you see someone it’s reserved for. Sorry for this long story.
That's actually an interesting experience you had there. As shown on this video, it's quite common that people of all ages offer the seats to the elderly, pregnant and the disable. While it may be true that the most people who offered the seats were the elderly, I think it's still a common manner practiced by the young people too. You can't sit on the elderly, disabled, and even the pink seats for the pregnant women in the metro trains. Some people still do, but that's when nobody is there, and when the people for the seats get in the train, the seats are left to offer for those people. I've seen many people do that during my trips there, and why I also sat in those seats too. When the elderly came on the train, I immediately got up so that they could take those seats. But some elderly didn't want to sit on those seats. I had a feeling that those people did not want to be treated as Elderly people. Anyway, I still haven't seen anyone sitting on the pink pregnant women's seat despite it was quite a bit crowded. I also saw many young people offering the seats to the elderly, so I can't really speak for that elderly Korean man. The video seems to be quite on point that many people do offer the seats, but unfortunately more of the elderly people are offering their seats.
it must be really hard, especially if it's day to day for her. Me being nervous and shy enough already, i really wouldn't have the courage to ask people to let me have their seat. She's really amazing 🤧
well, to all of u who already watched this. this is also happened to me. and by saying to "me", I mean I am the one who sit back and pretending not to notice those people. at that moment, im kinda embarrassed to do sort of things like that. so I stay still. day goes by, and I started to ashamed by myself. what kind of person I am. and the first day i tried to help them and to put my embarrassed aside, I started to think, for what I should be embarrassed of? my body is perfect and those who didn't, need it more than I am. I should be grateful and be more thoughtful for them. so, why don't you try too. if you are like me before.
When I was in Seoul last year me, my sister, and my mum were taking the subway from Jamsil back to Jong-ro after spending the day at Lotte World and the trains were starting to get packed because people were heading home, now my twin sister and I were both born with extremely flat feet (bcuz of our feet if we walk for too long it causes REALLY bad pain) so when we were in the train we were groaning and were physically in pain so these two elderly Koreans immediately offered their seats to us for the entire train ride :) we kept asking if they were sure and they kept saying "괜찮아 앉아" while smiling at us :') I hope they are doing well and bless the people in this vid that offered their to seats to her
저도 장애는 아니지만 군생활 도중 민간병원에서 발목을 수술하고 ktx를 이용해 서울로 갔어요. 서울로 도착하고 문 앞에서 기다리고 있었는데 수술한 발을 딛을수 없어서 목발이었는지 수첩이었는지(정신 없어서 기억이 잘 안나네요) 떨어뜨리니 주변 사람 3~4명이 도와줬었어요ㅜㅜ 그리고 지하철 1호선 서울역에서 송내역 까지 양보해주셔서 편하게 갔었어요. 어떤 할아버지가 양보해주시고 몸도 좋은애가 왜 다쳤냐고 더 아프지마라거 말씀해주셨는데 하아... 이걸 잊을뻔했네요
It was only really the elderly who were offering up their seats, and they are the people who might need it most after disabled, it’s so sad seeing people that are purposefully ignoring her or looking the other way, they should put themselves in her shoes and see how they like it (Ik they might have a reason they need to be seated) but like she said the majority just ignore, thank you for sharing this video, it’s a good lesson that everyone needs to learn, I will happily give up my seat for someone who needs it but now I will promise to make sure if I take public transport that I’m LOOKING out for if anyone needs my seat❤️
I am currently studying in Seoul and I’ve experienced so much kindness on the subway so far. Almost every time when I’m with a friend, people change seats so we can sit together. It’s really nice to see that people here care for each other and even these small gestures can make someone’s day :)
This was actually surprising when I heard she had CRPS. I had lost full control and feeling in my left leg from the knee down from CRPS. Its not a syndrome you often here about. I got it when i was in seventh grade after spraining my ankle pretty badly. Its so uncommon that the doctors had no clue what was wrong with me at first and i was back and forth from the doctor for almost an entire year. I also got made fun of at school when i told people i couldnt feel my leg because a lot of people responded saying that my leg was just asleep and i was overreacting.
I like how you use "real people" / the people suffering from everyday struggles as your actors. It shows you really do care about education and helping others. Keep up the good work. I will recommend your channel in my country in the USA. We can all learn from each other, and we can all Stand up for each other. :)
25년전 지하철안에서의 일이 지금도 기억나고 감사한 일이었어요 제가 만삭이었는데 한참 퇴근길에 지하철안에 있게 되었어요 사람도 많고 갑자기 불안감이 드는 찰라에 어느 중년의 아줌마께서 저의 손을 덥석 잡으시더니 큰소리로 “임산부가 이리 서 있으면 안돼요” 하셨어요 그 순간 어찌나 감사한지 거듭 인사를 드렸더니 지금은 인사 안해도 된다며 웃어주신 그분이 정말 생각납니다. 서로 도우면서 산다면 어려운 분들에게 큰힘이 될거같아요 너무 잘 봤습니다. 감사해요~
One of my friends has CRPS so I kind of understand how hard it is to get a seat on transport, especially getting a seat near the entrance so that you can leave quickly. So happy that you shared your story and showed others that people with handicaps/injuries, pregnant or ederly need to be seated not because it's a choice but because it's a necessity to prevent pain and further injury. So inspiring ❤️
If I was the one sitting down, I would get up immediately and if I was someone standing I would speak up for her and ask someone to give her a seat. Even if I was on my phone i was look up over and over again in public so I know my surroundings so I would definitely notice if someone needed a seat. I don’t want people to have that “one act of kindness a day” should multiple acts of kindness everyday.
I really felt bad cause Sometimes I don't even notice the person stands in front of me but when she said she asks them and they ignored her bro where has the humanity gone!
Whenever I’m on the subway (specifically the busiest line, line 2), I always give my seats up to the elderly, pregnant, and disabled people. I always tell myself “I don’t need this seat, I WANT the seat, they need it”. I believe we need to help others, not be selfish
I lived in Korea for 4 years. People may just look at a disabled person and not give up there seat. If you ask, they usually will. I had (have ) a foot issue. I had it wrapped with a brace for a month. An elderly person saw me once and gave me their seat. How sweet.
검은색 목발이 잘 안보이고 겉으로 보기에 생각보다 너무 잘 걸으셔서 서있거나 걷기에 불편해 보이지 않는다고 착각 할수도 있을 것 같습니다. 목발을 봤다고 해서 누구나 양보하진 않겠지만 분명히 거의 대부분의 경우 양보 받을 수 있을 거라 생각합니다. 목발을 봤고, 목발을 가진 사람이 앉을 자리를 찾고 있다고 느껴지고(이 부분이 중요합니다), 눈을 마주쳤다면 분명 양보할겁니다.^^;;
I'm literally crying right now🤣😂 I just remember last year I have a knee injury so I have to use crutches, what this video make me cry because when I use a Bus just to go to school most of the people who offer their sit's are the elderly.
Been to Korea twice and i have notice this kind of situation while riding the public transport too. I hope people will be more mindful with their community especially those who are needing our extra attention (the disabled, the pregnant and the senior citizens). Props to the Korean senior citizens for offering their seats whenever they feel the need 💜
근데 솔직히 요즘 젊은 사람들이 더 안 비켜줬던 느낌... 다리를 2번이나 수술 받아서 목발 짚고 다녔었는데 죄다 어르신들이 젊은 사람이 어쩌다가 그러시면서 자리를 선뜻 내주심 뭐 안 비켜줬다고 ㅈㄹ하는게 아니라 보기가 솔직히 안좋음 이게 다쳤다고 갑질하면서 비키라는게 아니라 내가 몸이 성했을때 좀만 양보하면 되는건데...
저는 추간판 탈출증과 협창증으로 척추가 전체가 다 안좋습니다. 척추 1~5번 모두가 문제 있어 마비까지 왔다 많이 좋아졌지만 아직도 많이 아프고 주저앉을거같아요. 그냥 보면 멀쩡한 사람 같지만 서있거나 앉거나 모든게 다 힘듭니다. 출퇴근 하거나 대중교통 이용할때 노약자 분들이나 아프신분들 임산부 분들한테 자리를 양보하고 싶어도 제가 너무 아프기 때문에 양보 할 수 없는 상황도 있습니다. 정상적으로 보인다고 해도 몸 어딘가 아픈사람 일 수 있기에 양보를 못 받아도 아 저사람도 어디가 아플 수 있구나 라고 생각해주시면 좋겠어요 ㅠㅠ 전에 고통속에 버스이서 앉아 있는데 임산부 분이 가방으로 저를 자꾸 쳐서... 어쩔수 없이 일어났던 적이 있는데 서있다가 마비와서 중간에 내린적도 있었습니다. 모두가 양보를 하면 좋겠지만 이런 상황이 있는 사람도 있으니 ㅜㅜ 나쁘게만 보지 않아주심 좋을거같아요!
I always choose to stand unless it's empty, and always sat in the back or not near the door, thought it was common courtesy to offer the seat to the ones that might need it and never gave it more thought. My dad is 60, never thought he was old, but when I took transit with him and people offered him their seat for the first time it touched me, thanking the people who offered and realizing my dad's a senior.
i applaud you for not giving up and working hard. Really proud of u ♡. I'm sorry there are cruel people in world who wouldn't help those who need it. Thankfully the ones you asked were nice & didnt mind giving u the seat or the ones who stood up & gave u their seat. That was nice of them. I hope they always have a good day & u as well 💞. But please don't give up. You are doing an amazing job 💓💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕. Thank for another amazing video Jay 🥰.
I remembered when i was in korea, we were out almost whole day and my legs are aching😂. So in the subway and thank god it wasnt crowded at that time, i stand near the entrance (no seats were available). So i was leaning towards the walls to lighten up the burden on my legs. Nearly to the station, i squat for a while cause can't stand the pain, and was just to stretch out. There's ahjussi besides me noticed me squatting, and offers me his seat to me🥺🥺 i'm both shocked and thankful but we nearly the station. I just thanked him for his kindness. Can't stop thinking of it since then. Simple act of kindness can really help make someone's day☺️
As a foreigner who has now travelled to Korea on holidays twice, and being someone with a disability, I have to say that not once during my time there did I have trouble with people on the subway. I am not sure if it was because I was a foreigner, but as soon as they noticed my walking stick, they quickly offered me their seat to sit. I felt guilty at times when elderly people would offer their seat, they are more deserving. I would,like to think that nationality wouldn’t make a difference - Korean people are on the whole very welcoming, caring people in my experience.
when i was in elementary and high school i had to take public transit every day and whenever i saw a old or pregnant or disabled person i usually would just make eye contact, smile and get out of my seat but i remember there were a few times when i was tired that i hoped someone else would get up and when no one else got up i did but ugh people can be so inconsiderate
Exactly when I used to go home by bus after school and my bag was so heavy and I was so tired people wouldn’t get up even if it was for the elderly, women or handicapped and I was like that isn’t your place! And then I used to get up, one time the old woman was like you can sit but I just politely said no. Some people are just ugh I agree
I was in Seoul for a week last year and used subway for transportation for the whole time. I've noticed that most people don't really offer seats to elderly, pregnant or disabled people because they have been too engrossed with their cellphone screens once they are seated. When my sister and I offered our seat to an elderly couple, they were shocked and told us that we were too nice to offer our seats.
I always want to give seats to disabled people and those people who really need it or even cary things for them since I was young but whenever I try to do that when I'm with some relatives I'm not close with they always say that"you've paid for your seat" " why should you do that?" They even get angry at me for trying to do those things . Now that I'm 16 and living with my twin I can do things now and it's really happy to help especially when they share stories and you can see through their eyes and smile that they are happy to have someone helping them even with simple and small things.
sometimes, i can't understand why people dont share their seat to the needy... its a very basic and common sense to humanity... hope this video help people aware to this kind of situation keep making video like this..
That person is strong, I mean not to mention that the subway in Seoul has lots of stairs to walk through. I salute you for even thinking about the other people being hurt than the pain you're already experiencing! Hope your legs recover fast :)
I really understand because i had a lot of experiences while i was pregnant.... tehre is even those who sits in pregnant women seats and they don't stand up and free the seat for me sometimes i really get angry but as it's shown in the video there is a lot of good kind people... Yesterday i took the subway with my 1 month old baby and a kind lady didn't let anyone sits next to me to protect my baby i was so moved by her act and i really had a warm day 😍❤
선천적 장애보다 후천척 장애가 더 많습니다. 언제 어떻게 불의의 사고로 나에게 장애가 생길 수 있습니다. 평소 장애인은 아예 다른 세계 사람들이라 생각하는 사람들도 있는데... 먼훗날 나에게도 갑작스레 일어날 수 있는 일이라 생각하고 그들의 복지를 신경써줬으면 좋겠습니다.
Thank you for making this kind of good content. I become realize that my small act can make someone's bad day into a warm memory... I was also impressed that many elderly people offered their seats to Jung won... I will do the same act when I meet someone who need my help. Thanks a lot guys!
I would have never imagined that just taking the bus would be so hard for someone. Thank God many people cared and gave her their seat, but I feel bad because of the people who didn't. I understand you want to sit down and you might be tired and all, but she has crutches, it's harder for her so you should let her sit. I am also sad to see that most who gave up their seat are elderly people. Older people's bodied are weaker and they should sit and younger people if healthy should be the one to give their seat to a fellow young person who happens to have a disability...
In most places in Canada, whether you’re riding a bus/train/airplane: the elderly, disabled, pregnant woman, or individuals with children/strollers, have 1st priority to board & sit. In my local buses, we even have little reminder signs to give those individuals priority to sit.
남도움을 강요하면 안됨 내몸 불편하니 너는 날 도와야해 요런마인드 진짜 나쁜마인드 나역시 몸이 불편혀서 어릴때 도움받는걸 당연시 여겻는대 살다보니 내몸 불편하다고 그사람이 안도와줘서 저사람 나쁜사람이야 이런 생각...가지시면 안됩니다 각자 자신의 생각이 있고 그사람들도 열심히 살아가는 사람입니다 양보 안해준다고 배려없고 감정이 사막같은 사람은 아닙니다.
I once had a bunch of heavy bags on a long crowded bus trip in Korea. This sitting elderly woman took my bags for me. Eventually she had to get off and I'd been pushed further down the bus aisle. The whole bus helped pass my bags back to me. It was the sweetest thing ever.
I live in New York state and whenever I travel to NYC and use public transportation, I never sit down, especially if it is crowded. My philosophy is that I'm young, I'm healthy, I can stand for 20 minutes to get to my destination. I don't need to sit down. And personally I wish more people used my philosophy. On the train and bus I see young people sitting while elderly people, people with injuries, or pregnant women are forced to stand. I think it is completely selfish. Just think about it like this, someone you know could fall into one of the three categories I stated, wouldn't you want someone to give up their seat for them.
When I was in Korea the elderly community was so nice. As a young person I of course gave up my seats for the older community and they were always so thankful. The younger generation over there never seemed to give up seats or help out which was a little shocking to me.
@JunhDay It really doesn't matter where you live or work; kindness isn't subjective. If someone wanted to give up their seat to an elderly or disabled person, they would, even if they were tired or going home from a long day at work. Honestly it's basic respect.
Guys... I know it's respectful and it may even be the right thing to do sometimes but the thing is you don't have to always do it, you don't know what those people may have gone through in their day, or what invisible illness they might have or maybe they can even be afraid to stand in crowded public transportation due to molesters. Don't always judge by the appearance, young people can be in even more pain too without you noticing. Please, be more understanding.
I have a service dog so her safety is my number one priority, i cant stand up but for example when i was taking my younger brothers to school on the bus i told one of them to stand up and let a lady sit down, some other kid quickly sat down and i immediately said “no stand back up, thats not for you” i didnt know the kid and i didnt care it was just so rude. I also often sit on the floor on trains if its busy because that way we are safe and i dont have to worry about her getting kicked or me getting knocked over (yes i know it seems more dangerous to sit down but i do it in a way that its not)
@@dekugo387 I think Memcha meant to say that the technology has taken over the humanity. Young people are more into technology that they lack the education in humanities.
i really learnt a lot making this episode. hope you guys do too ◡̈
get the hoodies so i can make more of these videos and donate 🤩 👉
are you shipping internationally?
There is an an advice that people should give the seat to those who need it more, isn't it? Because in Indonesia there is such an advice like that in every metro train(?)
@yonGGeun 드래근신 Maybe he wants to show how korean would react but its just sad that most of them who helped the disabled was elders. Young people in korea are the worst actually
when she said "people may think this small act of kindness as insignificant, but to the person receiving that free act of kindness, that act could turn a bad day into a warm memory they will remember for life" - it hits me hard. wahhh this rlly taught me how those little act of kindness can help someone from a rough time. I will learn how to be kind toward another.
Yes I know. 💜💜
I know BTS. LOL love your name tag! 😂
ahahha 😁
@@kiss4lyn what is 111?
@@kiss4lyn ah ok...
Anyone noticed that only eldery people have manners and offered their seats? 😱
Yes it broke my heart 😥
My grandpa does the same on the subway if he sees a young kid with their mom even though he’s reaching 90 T-T
I noticed that. I feel like it's probably bc they've been in similar situations, so they understand, whereas the people who have never experienced something like that don't even think about it
i have to say, we young people are really selfish
Memcha Laishram but tbh what would they do…? Watch the bus go? Of course people are on their phones. The weird thing is that they don’t even realize there’s people behind them
The fact that not a lot of the younger people voluntarily offered their seat voluntarily is sad, but seeing the Jong Won still positive and even feeling sorry for others is what makes me more heartbroken. Hope the world will become a warmer and safer place for everyone 🙏🏻
Why do you use English when you are Korean? Hehe 나도 한국인
@@namecastle8203 They want their message to reach more people
@@namecastle8203 ;;
@@namecastle8203 that was great she use english because not all the viewer is korean. It's helping me anyway to understand what korean think about this social experiment
Kids are assholes. Just saying lol.
I was in Korea in the 1980s and one thing I distinctly remember is that, if I was riding a bus and had to stand up because the seats were full, someone who was sitting down would always grab my bag (I usually had a gym bag with me) and put it on their lap so I wouldn't have to hold it the whole time. The first time it happened, I thought someone was trying to steal from me; then I realized they were just being polite.
Wow, that's nice. Must have been worrying the first time before you realised!
@subu tai It may have been a geographical thing, as well. I was in Pohang at the time; maybe that wouldn't have happened in Seoul.
yeah I think its pretty common in Korea
@@BooLee01 it happens in Seoul too, and I've been to Seoul in the 80's.
But how could you think someone who sat right in front of you would steal your bag? the person is not going anywhere when sitting right in front of you..LOL
@@dionysus4778 Yes, I know. It just took me by surprise because I was in a foreign country and I had never seen it happen before.
If I was there, I would have offered my seat immediately. Even for other disabled people, elders, and pregnant women.
one day when I offered the seat to an elderly women she scolded me and said "Do I look like your Grandma ? Don't try to act and show others you are a kind soul" and then I got way too emotional
This incident was buried as one of my worst memories but I remembered it again seeing this video
Seon Yeo Tan respect the elderly they said.
What an entitled bitter woman
Seon Yeo Tan lol people like her are going to hell anyway
Except pregnant women
아픈사람이 아픈사람을 이해한다고 .. 어르신들은 다리가 불편한 분들이 많으시니 .. 더 많이 양보해 주시는게 아닐까 생각 해 봅니다
젊은이들이 양보해줘야 미래가 건강한건데.. 좀 아쉬네요 나이든분들 위주로 실험해서...
@@userganada 젊은이들이 건강해야지 미래가건강하죠. 젊은이들을 혹사시키면 미래가 아프겠죠^^
@nula5412 뭔선진국을 개로판단하지?? 그냥 인종차별하면 선진국 안하면 후진국으로 하세요
그리고 선진국 국회 장애인 애견.. 아니 전세계 현제기준 개가들어간사례있나요??? 왜없을까요??그거부터생각하세요
나라를 위해 일하는곳이 웃어워보여요??
그리고 보좌관두고 개판만드는게 좋죠??
젊은사람들이 안비키니까 어르신들이..
와.. 그러네요..
i got up for an older woman and she pushed me back into my seat LMAO
Omg same 😂😂
앙 maybe they get mad bc they’re offended we think they’re old😂😂😂
지모치 that actually happened to me, I was offering my seat and she was like “Do I like that old?” 😭😹
사람들이 틀딱이라며 늙은 사람들은 배려가 의무인줄 안다고 욕하지만 나이가 있으신 분들이 젊은 사람보다 훨씬 배려를 많이 해주신다. 나이 있으신 분이 계셔서 앉으시라고 비켜드리면 오히려 학생이 앉으라고 하시는 분이 많았음.
ㅇㅈ. 나이드신분들중에서 진짜 깨어있고 옳바른 마이드이신 분들도
계시는데 너무 나이있으면 다 꼰대로
치부하는 경향이 있음. 요즘 댓글 보면
ㅇㅈ 어르신분들이 오히려 불편하신분들 딱 캐치하시고 앉으라고 말해주심.. 젊은사람들이 더안비켜줌
ㅇㅈ 가방 무거워 보인다고 자리 양보받은 경험이 몇번 있는데 생각해 보니까 다 나이 있으신 분들 이었음. 거절하니까 가방 들어주기라도 하시겠다고 하셔서 감동 받았음.
공감합니다 ㅠㅠ 요즘 나이들었다고 틀딱이니 꼰대니 입에담기도힘든 막말하는사람들이 많은거같아 씁슬합니다
본인들은 언제까지고 나이안먹고 젊을줄만 아는지..
저도 한국에서 어르신들께 양보하면 반은 아유 학생이 앉으라고 하시는분들 한사코 사양하다가 앉으시고는 짐 무거운데 이리달라며 들어주시는 분들 많이 겪었어요
일본거주중인데 여기는 더 심각합니다;
한국은 노약자좌석은 거의 비워놓는경우가 많은데 여긴 그냥 막 앉고
노약자분들이 와도 비켜나지않는사람들이 대부분입니다
요즘 헬조선 거리며 너무 자국을 안좋게만 보는 사람들이 많아진거같아 슬프네요
타국 생활하다보니 예전에도 한국만큼 좋은나라 없다 생각했지만 정말 좋은 나라라 생각하는데
타국에서 조금이라도 생활하신분들은 아시겠지만
한국 욕만 해대는 사람들 보면 하....
그렇게 싫으면 다른나가 가 보세요라고 말해주고 싶네요
그런사람들은 다른나라 가도 아마 1년도 적응못하고 한국으로 다시 도망치듯 귀국하실겁니다
이거 ㅇㅈ. 학생 일로와 여기 앉어 이런류 굉장히 많이 봄
저도 다리 다쳤을 때 하루 이틀 버스나 지하철 탔는데 비켜주시는 사람이 아무도 없었어요. 심지어 아이 안고있는 할머니가 계시길래 앉아있는 제 자리를 비켜드렸고요ㅠㅠ 그래서 이후로 힘들어서 부모님차나 택시타고 다녔어요. 얼마나 불편한지 알기에 바로 보자마자 물어보고 도움 드리고 있어요. 도움을 받는 사람은 사소한 도움 하나에도 진짜 감동 받고 감사함을 느낄거예요~
전 다리 다쳐서 그 붕대에 발에 하는거 신발대용 하고 버스에 앉아있는데.. 어떤 할머니가 대뜸 오시더니. 야! 넌 나이많은 할머니가 서있는데 일어나지도 않니? 이러면서 요즘것들은.. ㅉㅉ 이러길래. 다리 다쳐서ㅡ 했더니 째려보더니 다른데 비니까 다른곳 감.ㅡ 개빡침..
강덕후 헐.... ㅉ.. 진심 짜증났겠네요.. ;
Some people are decent enough to offer their seats to the elderly, pregnant women or the disabled. From my experience in Seoul, I find the people a little less sensitive to that than smaller cities. When it’s busy and crowded, people generally look out for themselves more than others #IMO 💯
I'm not sure but I think it's for the Bystander effect that people tend to help less the more people are around
Arcane Mender perhaps there’s a bit of that
Right? I noticed that too when I was in Seoul....
The hardest thing in being disabled is when you have an invisible disability. I have a chronic connective tissue disorder that makes my entire body thin and incredibly prone to tearing/rupturing. My joints dislocate all the time, my vertebrae slip out of place, my tendons and muscles swell, my back is permanently inflamed. I often faint from standing too long because my body can’t push the blood to my head. And yet, I don’t use a wheelchair or any mobility aids save for braces or sports tape because people judge me (in America, anyway) for being young. There’s like this whole general idea in America that I’d you’re young and/or you can walk, you’re not disabled. And that’s why I never ask people for their seat anymore. Because it makes me feel worse than just standing there and hoping I won’t faint.
Its defnelty hard and shameful i guess but please take care of your health. Otherwise people woule not know and learn. Mosg dont have any connection to people witj disabilities
Pray for your good health dear 🙏🏻 🥺
Stay healthy ❤️
Stay healty always, ill pray for you
I hope you're doing okay x
Jung-won said that it was mostly the elderly giving up their seats. I have Fibromyalgia which is a chronic pain disorder and I have noticed that when I am in situations like that, it is generally the elderly that notice as well. I think it's because the people who understand pain the best are the elderly who have experienced it already. Young people don't understand debilitating pain, most of the time. This video made me cry because I've never seen that many people be so kind and aware of someone else's pain. I really hope Jung-won is experiencing this kindness more often. This must have been a hard video for her to do, but I'm thankful that I got to see people care about her. ❤️
확실히 살아온 세월과 자기가 경험한 아픔이 많은만큼 남의 아픔에 크게 관심갖는 것 같아요
씁쓸합니다 조금만 주위를 둘러보면 좋을텐데 정말 젊은 사람들은 핸드폰만 보네요 ㅠㅠ 저도 반성하게 됩니다...
When i went to Seoul earlier this year, while riding the packed train and having a seat, I noticed that no one offered seats to the elderly but foreigners. Even when i offered my seat to an older woman, everyone in the train was looking at me like I was weird or something.
that's so sad wtf
I don’t know for sure but either people were too busy to notice or were trying to pretend that they didn’t notice. But an interesting thing happened. An older guy (아저씨) noticed and starting to speak to me in English. He showed me his badge and apparently he was an anchor for a news station and he was very impressed with what I did. ☺️
k Humor Agreed 👌
@k Humor True. When going abroad we have to learn and obey the local rules. I myself see how many migrants here in Germany just don´t obey German social rules. It makes me sad to see that a nation tries to be hospitable but gets abused in the end by people without moral. So when I was in Korea I tried to copy the behaviour of Koreans as well as possible.
@@Alternatives_Universum What German social rules are being disobeyed?
It’s great this channel has actual disabled people come to do the experiment and let them voice their concerns and discuss their struggles. Often people who do these experiments just have an abled person pretend to be disabled and assume that “oh this is what it’s like” which doesn’t seem fair. Moreover, the social experiment may have taken place in Korea but the takeaway goes for everyone worldwide. Be respectful and considerate those around you!
I really appreciate that you always bring in people with these actual disabilities and life experiences, while most people just fake it
어르신들이 저러는 경우가 많음..그리고 자철타면 노약자석에 자리 비어있음 꼭 옆에 와서 앉으라고 하심..맨날 괜찮다하지만ㅠ 앞으론 배려하도록 노력 많이 하고 실천해야지ㅠ 젊은세대 반성좀 해야겠음..
그냥 살다보면 그리되던데..
어릴때는 막 돈구걸하는사람들한테도 만원씩 주고 그랬는데 나이먹고 특히 군대에서 성격완전변하더라구
아 사회가 아름답지않구나를 느꼈어ㅎ,
그냥 나만잘하는게답
이런 이기적인 사회를 몰려준 세대가 책임을 통감해야지.
괜히 젊은세대탓 하지 말고
나도 하루아침에 장애인이 될 수 있습니다.
보는 내내 뭉클하고, 세계 최고의 시민의식 국가, 대한민국이 자랑스럽습니다. 이번 선거 잘해서 더더욱 발전되는 나라를 우리가 세웁시다.!
오셨습니까 형님!
와... 몇몇댓글들 참담하다 다같이 살아가는 사회인데 양보가 의무냐 택시나 자가용타라 이런 소리나 해대고 이기적이네 남들 다 지하철탈때 장애가졌다는 이유로 비싼 택시를 타래;:
저런게 많이보이죠??
한국의 시민의식 입니당
양보가 의무는 아닌건 맞지만 택시나 자가용 타라는 개소리는 이해가 안됨
난 양보안해주는게 더찝찝해서 비켜주게되든데
이기적인 인간들.......공감능력이 떨어지나? 공감능력도 지능이라던데^^
👍155 맞음
I remember the day I arrived in Korea for my vacation with 2 suitcases and a backpack. The train wasn't packed, but there was no place to sit. Suddenly a group of elderly men offered me their seats, so I had a nice conversation with them. When all but one of them was left, he showed me which station I should get off on and which track to change to. He didn't speak a lot of English but was so willing to help me.
As a general rule to myself, if I see someone standing anywhere and I'm sitting down I always offer because I know I'm healthy and can stand whereas they might not be. I'm very insistent as well if they are elderly or someone with a physical disability
you just inspired me!! i’m going to do the same starting now
Don't be insistent, especially if you ALWAYS offer a seat on the assumption that they need it more. That's got to be fairly annoying. If someone offered me something and I said no clearly to them (a stranger) and they kept up the issue, I'd be a little frustrated.
I don’t really understand people in this aspect, especially younger ones, disabled seat or not you should be offering your seat to those who need it more than you, older people, pregnant people, and those who are injured. I never thought of it as a burden or even thinking it’s an act of kindness on my part, I just thought this is what is needed. Isn’t it just common sense and compassion?
I don't know why this made me tear up. As soon as I saw the elderly couple offer her the seat. So humble
👋👵 #elderlysarecool
In March of 2017 I went to Seoul with my family. On that trip I vividly remember when me and my brother and sister were on the subway and we were sitting and at the next stop we all noticed a group of elderly people so we all naturally got up and offered our seats to them, but what shocked me was the people who just pretended to not see them. One of the elderly men then spoke to us in broken English saying that the youth of Korea have not learned to offer seats to elderly or disabled, and thanked us for showing an example of that. Where I’m from if you get in the bus and it’s empty you still don’t sit in the seats reserved for elderly,disabled, or pregnant people. It’s just something that’s of public mannerism. And if you do you offer it as soon as you see someone it’s reserved for. Sorry for this long story.
That's actually an interesting experience you had there. As shown on this video, it's quite common that people of all ages offer the seats to the elderly, pregnant and the disable. While it may be true that the most people who offered the seats were the elderly, I think it's still a common manner practiced by the young people too. You can't sit on the elderly, disabled, and even the pink seats for the pregnant women in the metro trains. Some people still do, but that's when nobody is there, and when the people for the seats get in the train, the seats are left to offer for those people. I've seen many people do that during my trips there, and why I also sat in those seats too. When the elderly came on the train, I immediately got up so that they could take those seats. But some elderly didn't want to sit on those seats. I had a feeling that those people did not want to be treated as Elderly people. Anyway, I still haven't seen anyone sitting on the pink pregnant women's seat despite it was quite a bit crowded. I also saw many young people offering the seats to the elderly, so I can't really speak for that elderly Korean man. The video seems to be quite on point that many people do offer the seats, but unfortunately more of the elderly people are offering their seats.
it must be really hard, especially if it's day to day for her. Me being nervous and shy enough already, i really wouldn't have the courage to ask people to let me have their seat. She's really amazing 🤧
well, to all of u who already watched this. this is also happened to me. and by saying to "me", I mean I am the one who sit back and pretending not to notice those people. at that moment, im kinda embarrassed to do sort of things like that. so I stay still. day goes by, and I started to ashamed by myself. what kind of person I am. and the first day i tried to help them and to put my embarrassed aside, I started to think, for what I should be embarrassed of? my body is perfect and those who didn't, need it more than I am. I should be grateful and be more thoughtful for them.
so, why don't you try too. if you are like me before.
자리비켜주는 것도 용기에요..ㅋㅋㅋ 저도 처음에 자리양보하는거 먼가 눈치보이고 그래서 연습했음!! 비켜줘야하나 마음들면 바로 바로 양보하기
When I was in Seoul last year me, my sister, and my mum were taking the subway from Jamsil back to Jong-ro after spending the day at Lotte World and the trains were starting to get packed because people were heading home, now my twin sister and I were both born with extremely flat feet (bcuz of our feet if we walk for too long it causes REALLY bad pain) so when we were in the train we were groaning and were physically in pain so these two elderly Koreans immediately offered their seats to us for the entire train ride :) we kept asking if they were sure and they kept saying "괜찮아 앉아" while smiling at us :')
I hope they are doing well and bless the people in this vid that offered their to seats to her
Respect there are the best I hope ppl should do the same
저도 장애는 아니지만 군생활 도중 민간병원에서 발목을 수술하고 ktx를 이용해 서울로 갔어요. 서울로 도착하고 문 앞에서 기다리고 있었는데 수술한 발을 딛을수 없어서 목발이었는지 수첩이었는지(정신 없어서 기억이 잘 안나네요) 떨어뜨리니 주변 사람 3~4명이 도와줬었어요ㅜㅜ 그리고 지하철 1호선 서울역에서 송내역 까지 양보해주셔서 편하게 갔었어요. 어떤 할아버지가 양보해주시고 몸도 좋은애가 왜 다쳤냐고 더 아프지마라거 말씀해주셨는데 하아... 이걸 잊을뻔했네요
이런 영상은 다른곳에 많이 퍼졌으면 좋겠습니다.
당사자의 고충을 얼마나 알고 공감해야 하는지 느껴집니다.
throughout the video, a lot of elderly people offered their seats. It makes me wonder if maybe they had to go through this situation once too
🙄💅 #koreanlover 😁😁
젊은세대 제발 반성 좀하자 우리가 이끌어나가야 할 미래가 조금은 어둡게 보인다ㅠ
weeping hippo 젊은 세대..? 그런 세대들에게 무엇을 물려주셨죠? 왜 젊은 세대가 타겟이 되는건가요.
@@shift6385 인간의 욕심은 끝이 없죠.
@@shift6385 윗세대는 뭘 받아서 전쟁에 참전하고 IMF를 겪었을까요?
휴대폰 보면서 개무시 하던 애들 여기있었네
김동완 힘드셨구나 힘내세요.
저는 목발대신 보조기를 오래 찼던 사람인데 목발에 비해 안비켜주는 경향이 있고, 버스에선 먼저 비켜주신 분 한 분도 못 만나봤습니다 ㅜ 다들 최소한 교통약자석에 앉아있으면 항상 주위를 둘어보았으면 좋겠어요
It was only really the elderly who were offering up their seats, and they are the people who might need it most after disabled, it’s so sad seeing people that are purposefully ignoring her or looking the other way, they should put themselves in her shoes and see how they like it (Ik they might have a reason they need to be seated) but like she said the majority just ignore, thank you for sharing this video, it’s a good lesson that everyone needs to learn, I will happily give up my seat for someone who needs it but now I will promise to make sure if I take public transport that I’m LOOKING out for if anyone needs my seat❤️
I am currently studying in Seoul and I’ve experienced so much kindness on the subway so far. Almost every time when I’m with a friend, people change seats so we can sit together. It’s really nice to see that people here care for each other and even these small gestures can make someone’s day :)
진짜 이 부분은 모두가 바꿔나아가야하는 문제 그나마 많은 분들이 도와주셔서 감사하네요
Hopefully this will bring awareness to a lot of people. 😸😸😸😸
Yes. Before I watched this video, I didn't know people with crutches existed, but now I have become aware of this.
This was actually surprising when I heard she had CRPS. I had lost full control and feeling in my left leg from the knee down from CRPS. Its not a syndrome you often here about. I got it when i was in seventh grade after spraining my ankle pretty badly. Its so uncommon that the doctors had no clue what was wrong with me at first and i was back and forth from the doctor for almost an entire year. I also got made fun of at school when i told people i couldnt feel my leg because a lot of people responded saying that my leg was just asleep and i was overreacting.
I like how you use "real people" / the people suffering from everyday struggles as your actors. It shows you really do care about education and helping others. Keep up the good work. I will recommend your channel in my country in the USA. We can all learn from each other, and we can all Stand up for each other. :)
🙄💅 #realpeople
와.... 어르신분들 너무 착하시다....
요즘은 어르신들이 더 눈치보고 남들한테 피해안가려고 행동하는게 보이더라고요.
양보 안해줘 사람들ㅋㅋㅋ 다리 깁스해서 1달넘게 목발집고 다닌적있는데 진짜 5트하면 1번? 그나마도 진짜 오히려 어르신들이 해주지 또래 얘들 죽어도 안비킨다 ㅋㅋ 영상에서 언급하신대로 자는척하거나 그 지럴하지.. 여기서 양보합시다 이런 애들 다 안 비켜줄 사람들 으차피
ㅇㅈㅇㅈㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ저도 부산여행갔을때 장애인석 앞에 어른들 다 있었는데 ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ내 발보기만하지 존나 안비킴ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ그래서 옆이 청년이 하 존나 너무하네라고 얘기하는거 들음ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
가정교육의 차이죠
ㄹㅇ 저도 목발하고 다니는데 오히려 임산부분이 자리 비켜주려고 하셔서 그냥 서서 간적도 잇슴....
요즘은 네이버에 상주하는 무뇌 일베충들이 많아져서 그럼.
25년전 지하철안에서의 일이
지금도 기억나고 감사한 일이었어요
제가 만삭이었는데 한참 퇴근길에
지하철안에 있게 되었어요
사람도 많고 갑자기 불안감이 드는 찰라에
어느 중년의 아줌마께서 저의 손을 덥석
잡으시더니 큰소리로
“임산부가 이리 서 있으면 안돼요” 하셨어요
그 순간 어찌나 감사한지 거듭 인사를 드렸더니
지금은 인사 안해도 된다며 웃어주신 그분이
정말 생각납니다.
서로 도우면서 산다면
어려운 분들에게 큰힘이 될거같아요
너무 잘 봤습니다. 감사해요~
우리나라도 장애인이나 복지가 인식이 많이바뀌고 변하면 좋겠습니다🙏
My tears drop for the first one who help him...
Thank god there is still kind people..
It’s amazing to see how much of the elderly offered their seat
One of my friends has CRPS so I kind of understand how hard it is to get a seat on transport, especially getting a seat near the entrance so that you can leave quickly. So happy that you shared your story and showed others that people with handicaps/injuries, pregnant or ederly need to be seated not because it's a choice but because it's a necessity to prevent pain and further injury. So inspiring ❤️
Your a hater 😭🤚 #hatersleave
평생을 불편하게 사시는분들은 좌절을 맛봅니다.
일반적인 삶을 사시는분들은 당연하다는듯 삶을 맛봅니다.
어렵고 소외된분들보면 도우면서 살아요.내몸뚱이 조금만 움직이면 도움이됩니다.
확실히 어르신분들이 양보 더 해주는건 인정 젊은사람들이 원래 양보 더 안함
If I was the one sitting down, I would get up immediately and if I was someone standing I would speak up for her and ask someone to give her a seat. Even if I was on my phone i was look up over and over again in public so I know my surroundings so I would definitely notice if someone needed a seat. I don’t want people to have that “one act of kindness a day” should multiple acts of kindness everyday.
'I'm afraid to hurt someone with them' OMG that was so sweet they cared about others more than themselves at that exact moment.
감동이다 하는데 이게 당연해야하는데ㅜㅠ 햐 애매한 기분ㅠ
양보좀합시다 제발
너나 하세요
I really felt bad cause Sometimes I don't even notice the person stands in front of me but when she said she asks them and they ignored her bro where has the humanity gone!
이런사소한 영상 하나하나가 우리 사회를 진짜 변화시키는것 같아요 정말 좋은 영상이네요 ㅠㅠㅠ
Whenever I’m on the subway (specifically the busiest line, line 2), I always give my seats up to the elderly, pregnant, and disabled people. I always tell myself “I don’t need this seat, I WANT the seat, they need it”. I believe we need to help others, not be selfish
I lived in Korea for 4 years. People may just look at a disabled person and not give up there seat. If you ask, they usually will. I had (have ) a foot issue. I had it wrapped with a brace for a month. An elderly person saw me once and gave me their seat. How sweet.
전 허리가 끊어지게 아플때 사람들이 자리를 양보해주셨어요^^ 정말 좋은 사람들이더라구요^^
검은색 목발이 잘 안보이고 겉으로 보기에 생각보다 너무 잘 걸으셔서 서있거나 걷기에 불편해 보이지 않는다고 착각 할수도 있을 것 같습니다. 목발을 봤다고 해서 누구나 양보하진 않겠지만 분명히 거의 대부분의 경우 양보 받을 수 있을 거라 생각합니다. 목발을 봤고, 목발을 가진 사람이 앉을 자리를 찾고 있다고 느껴지고(이 부분이 중요합니다), 눈을 마주쳤다면 분명 양보할겁니다.^^;;
시민의식이 중궈랑 다를게없다는거죠
@육회 닉값이 아니라 팩트임
@@전투민족-z5w 중국이 어떤지는 모르겠지만 이분 말하는 상황이면 거의 자리양보 해줌
@@전투민족-z5w 그냥 너가 안비키는 사람이 아닐까
@@말랑콩떡-d7l 휀국인들은 팩트를 말해도 일본인마냥 진실을 거부하죠?? 다를게뭐노
이분 예전 복합부위통증증후군으로ㅜ 마약성진통제로 고생하시고 응급실도 자주가시던 분이야서 안타까웠는데 그래도 요즘은 걸어다니시고 호전되셔서 정말 다행이네여
사람이면 양보는 좀 하고 살아야지 않겠습니까?
어려운일 아니잖아요
양보가 의무는 아닙니다
만석의 버스에서 임산부 분과 할아버님이 서로 자리를 양보하시는 모습을 보고 제 자리를 양보해드렸을때 제 다리는 조금 아팟지만 마음만큼은 뿌듯했습니다. 아직 우리나라도 살만하구나.. 서로서로 배려하는 사회가 나에게도 좋은 영향을 끼치는것같아요
I'm literally crying right now🤣😂 I just remember last year I have a knee injury so I have to use crutches, what this video make me cry because when I use a Bus just to go to school most of the people who offer their sit's are the elderly.
Been to Korea twice and i have notice this kind of situation while riding the public transport too. I hope people will be more mindful with their community especially those who are needing our extra attention (the disabled, the pregnant and the senior citizens). Props to the Korean senior citizens for offering their seats whenever they feel the need 💜
근데 솔직히 요즘 젊은 사람들이 더 안 비켜줬던 느낌... 다리를 2번이나 수술 받아서 목발 짚고 다녔었는데 죄다 어르신들이 젊은 사람이 어쩌다가 그러시면서 자리를 선뜻 내주심 뭐 안 비켜줬다고 ㅈㄹ하는게 아니라 보기가 솔직히 안좋음 이게 다쳤다고 갑질하면서 비키라는게 아니라 내가 몸이 성했을때 좀만 양보하면 되는건데...
저는 추간판 탈출증과 협창증으로 척추가 전체가 다 안좋습니다. 척추 1~5번 모두가 문제 있어 마비까지 왔다 많이 좋아졌지만 아직도 많이 아프고 주저앉을거같아요.
그냥 보면 멀쩡한 사람 같지만 서있거나 앉거나 모든게 다 힘듭니다. 출퇴근 하거나 대중교통 이용할때 노약자 분들이나 아프신분들 임산부 분들한테 자리를 양보하고 싶어도 제가 너무 아프기 때문에 양보 할 수 없는 상황도 있습니다. 정상적으로 보인다고 해도 몸 어딘가 아픈사람 일 수 있기에 양보를 못 받아도 아 저사람도 어디가 아플 수 있구나 라고 생각해주시면 좋겠어요 ㅠㅠ
전에 고통속에 버스이서 앉아 있는데 임산부 분이 가방으로 저를 자꾸 쳐서... 어쩔수 없이 일어났던 적이 있는데 서있다가 마비와서 중간에 내린적도 있었습니다.
모두가 양보를 하면 좋겠지만 이런 상황이 있는 사람도 있으니 ㅜㅜ 나쁘게만 보지 않아주심 좋을거같아요!
에휴ㅠㅠ정말힘드시겠습니다 힘내시구 더 많은사람들이 양보를 하려고한다면 이런 문제도 해결될 거 같습니다! 젊은사람들 배웁시다..!
공감해요 겉으론 안아파보이지만 아픈분들 많아요
젊은 사람이 노약자석에있으면 많이아프구나해요
제가 못 본 건지는 모르겠지만
사람들이 마스크를 안 낀거 보니 예전에 찍은 거 같은데
모르는 사람들이 오해할 수 있으니
영상 찍은 날짜를 알려주시는게 좋을 듯 하네요.
좋은 피드백 감사드려요! 바로 적었습니다 ☺️
I always choose to stand unless it's empty, and always sat in the back or not near the door, thought it was common courtesy to offer the seat to the ones that might need it and never gave it more thought. My dad is 60, never thought he was old, but when I took transit with him and people offered him their seat for the first time it touched me, thanking the people who offered and realizing my dad's a senior.
i applaud you for not giving up and working hard. Really proud of u ♡. I'm sorry there are cruel people in world who wouldn't help those who need it. Thankfully the ones you asked were nice & didnt mind giving u the seat or the ones who stood up & gave u their seat. That was nice of them. I hope they always have a good day & u as well 💞. But please don't give up. You are doing an amazing job 💓💞💕💞💕💞💕💞💕. Thank for another amazing video Jay 🥰.
I remembered when i was in korea, we were out almost whole day and my legs are aching😂. So in the subway and thank god it wasnt crowded at that time, i stand near the entrance (no seats were available). So i was leaning towards the walls to lighten up the burden on my legs. Nearly to the station, i squat for a while cause can't stand the pain, and was just to stretch out. There's ahjussi besides me noticed me squatting, and offers me his seat to me🥺🥺 i'm both shocked and thankful but we nearly the station. I just thanked him for his kindness. Can't stop thinking of it since then. Simple act of kindness can really help make someone's day☺️
As a foreigner who has now travelled to Korea on holidays twice, and being someone with a disability, I have to say that not once during my time there did I have trouble with people on the subway. I am not sure if it was because I was a foreigner, but as soon as they noticed my walking stick, they quickly offered me their seat to sit. I felt guilty at times when elderly people would offer their seat, they are more deserving. I would,like to think that nationality wouldn’t make a difference - Korean people are on the whole very welcoming, caring people in my experience.
Standing is better for your health and your spirits are lifted up when you are kind to others. Thank you for the inspirational video.
when i was in elementary and high school i had to take public transit every day and whenever i saw a old or pregnant or disabled person i usually would just make eye contact, smile and get out of my seat but i remember there were a few times when i was tired that i hoped someone else would get up and when no one else got up i did but ugh people can be so inconsiderate
Exactly when I used to go home by bus after school and my bag was so heavy and I was so tired people wouldn’t get up even if it was for the elderly, women or handicapped and I was like that isn’t your place! And then I used to get up, one time the old woman was like you can sit but I just politely said no. Some people are just ugh I agree
항상 좋은 프로젝트 많이해주셔서 감사해요!!! 앞으로도 긍정적인 영향력 많이 퍼뜨려주세요!
영상을보면서 더욱 더 많은분들이 배려하는 삶을 살았으면 좋겠네요
나는 배려 따위 관심 없습니다.
I was in Seoul for a week last year and used subway for transportation for the whole time. I've noticed that most people don't really offer seats to elderly, pregnant or disabled people because they have been too engrossed with their cellphone screens once they are seated. When my sister and I offered our seat to an elderly couple, they were shocked and told us that we were too nice to offer our seats.
거의 보니까 젊은 층들은 잘 안비켜주네요.
I always want to give seats to disabled people and those people who really need it or even cary things for them since I was young but whenever I try to do that when I'm with some relatives I'm not close with they always say that"you've paid for your seat" " why should you do that?" They even get angry at me for trying to do those things . Now that I'm 16 and living with my twin I can do things now and it's really happy to help especially when they share stories and you can see through their eyes and smile that they are happy to have someone helping them even with simple and small things.
일을하든 놀든 그 피곤함이 몸불편하신분 보다 힘들까..... 물어봤는데도 양보안하는 사람들이 있다는게 소름이긴하네.... 가면갈수록 정많던 대한민국에서 중국처럼 변해가는게 안타깝다...
이미 중국임
공산화... 에효
왜 힘든데 굳이 비켜줘야해...? 그 사람만 힘든거야?
@@사자는야옹 여성보호, 어린이 보호, 장애인 보호 왜 보호 하는거야? 나 살기 바쁜데? 랑 똑같아요~
@@광채-y7p 보호랑 배려는 좀 많이 다른데요...?
sometimes, i can't understand why people dont share their seat to the needy... its a very basic and common sense to humanity...
hope this video help people aware to this kind of situation
keep making video like this..
The fact that she even need to ask the person to sit already break my heart. I hope people can be more aware of their surroundings.
That should be lesson for them if you see someone need you better get up dont let them ask you to get up
That person is strong, I mean not to mention that the subway in Seoul has lots of stairs to walk through. I salute you for even thinking about the other people being hurt than the pain you're already experiencing! Hope your legs recover fast :)
아...... 정말 반성합니다.....폰만 보고 있어서 주위 사람을 돌보지 못했습니다....
심지어 원래 앉아 계셔야 하는 분들이 일어나서 배려해주시는데.. 젊은 세대 반성하자..
I really understand because i had a lot of experiences while i was pregnant.... tehre is even those who sits in pregnant women seats and they don't stand up and free the seat for me sometimes i really get angry but as it's shown in the video there is a lot of good kind people...
Yesterday i took the subway with my 1 month old baby and a kind lady didn't let anyone sits next to me to protect my baby i was so moved by her act and i really had a warm day 😍❤
선천적 장애보다 후천척 장애가 더 많습니다. 언제 어떻게 불의의 사고로 나에게 장애가 생길 수 있습니다. 평소 장애인은 아예 다른 세계 사람들이라 생각하는 사람들도 있는데... 먼훗날 나에게도 갑작스레 일어날 수 있는 일이라 생각하고 그들의 복지를 신경써줬으면 좋겠습니다.
양보하고보면 괜히 뿌듯하더이다. 오늘 나좀 멋있는, 좋은사람된듯해서... 또 내앞에서지않았을때 쑥쓰러워 못일어나는 사람도있을꺼고 피곤했을수도있고 아플수도있고 이유는 여러가지니 양보안했다고 비난할것도아닌듯해요. 다만 양보해주시는분들이 계신것에 감사.
근데 진짜 요즘은 와이파이도 빵빵해서 지하철이나 버스타면 폰만 보니까 앞에 불편한분이 계시는걸 인지 못할때가 많은것 같아요... 앞으로는 좀 더 신경써야겠네요ㅠ
Thank you for making this kind of good content. I become realize that my small act can make someone's bad day into a warm memory... I was also impressed that many elderly people offered their seats to Jung won... I will do the same act when I meet someone who need my help. Thanks a lot guys!
실제로 나이좀 있는 아주머니, 할머니들이 자리양보 많이 해주시더라고요
I would have never imagined that just taking the bus would be so hard for someone. Thank God many people cared and gave her their seat, but I feel bad because of the people who didn't. I understand you want to sit down and you might be tired and all, but she has crutches, it's harder for her so you should let her sit. I am also sad to see that most who gave up their seat are elderly people. Older people's bodied are weaker and they should sit and younger people if healthy should be the one to give their seat to a fellow young person who happens to have a disability...
It's sad to see that the elderly people willingly offer their seats but the young and healthy ones chose to ignore her.
In most places in Canada, whether you’re riding a bus/train/airplane: the elderly, disabled, pregnant woman, or individuals with children/strollers, have 1st priority to board & sit. In my local buses, we even have little reminder signs to give those individuals priority to sit.
남도움을 강요하면 안됨 내몸 불편하니 너는 날 도와야해 요런마인드 진짜 나쁜마인드 나역시 몸이 불편혀서 어릴때 도움받는걸 당연시 여겻는대 살다보니 내몸 불편하다고 그사람이 안도와줘서 저사람 나쁜사람이야 이런 생각...가지시면 안됩니다 각자 자신의 생각이 있고 그사람들도 열심히 살아가는 사람입니다 양보 안해준다고 배려없고 감정이 사막같은 사람은 아닙니다.
I once had a bunch of heavy bags on a long crowded bus trip in Korea. This sitting elderly woman took my bags for me. Eventually she had to get off and I'd been pushed further down the bus aisle. The whole bus helped pass my bags back to me. It was the sweetest thing ever.
I live in New York state and whenever I travel to NYC and use public transportation, I never sit down, especially if it is crowded. My philosophy is that I'm young, I'm healthy, I can stand for 20 minutes to get to my destination. I don't need to sit down. And personally I wish more people used my philosophy. On the train and bus I see young people sitting while elderly people, people with injuries, or pregnant women are forced to stand. I think it is completely selfish. Just think about it like this, someone you know could fall into one of the three categories I stated, wouldn't you want someone to give up their seat for them.
When I was in Korea the elderly community was so nice. As a young person I of course gave up my seats for the older community and they were always so thankful. The younger generation over there never seemed to give up seats or help out which was a little shocking to me.
Those arrogant peoples might have no humanity in their life
@Memcha Laishram you're supposed to learn that from young age not from dramas :)
Memcha Laishram Good job! Even though your parents were too busy, you learned from a positive influence... 👏
“You Nice, Keep Going!”
@JunhDay It really doesn't matter where you live or work; kindness isn't subjective. If someone wanted to give up their seat to an elderly or disabled person, they would, even if they were tired or going home from a long day at work. Honestly it's basic respect.
Guys... I know it's respectful and it may even be the right thing to do sometimes but the thing is you don't have to always do it, you don't know what those people may have gone through in their day, or what invisible illness they might have or maybe they can even be afraid to stand in crowded public transportation due to molesters. Don't always judge by the appearance, young people can be in even more pain too without you noticing. Please, be more understanding.
No one owes anyone else their seat lmao
I have a service dog so her safety is my number one priority, i cant stand up but for example when i was taking my younger brothers to school on the bus i told one of them to stand up and let a lady sit down, some other kid quickly sat down and i immediately said “no stand back up, thats not for you” i didnt know the kid and i didnt care it was just so rude. I also often sit on the floor on trains if its busy because that way we are safe and i dont have to worry about her getting kicked or me getting knocked over (yes i know it seems more dangerous to sit down but i do it in a way that its not)
I see the old generation is more kind than our generation..i can perfectly see that in our generation humanity has died
@Memcha Laishram having a mobile or not doesn't matter the thing which matters is manners. We humans really need to know what humanity is.
@@dekugo387 I think Memcha meant to say that the technology has taken over the humanity. Young people are more into technology that they lack the education in humanities.
@@dionysus4778 ik I didn't scold her🤣..i am on her side
Oh God, so many people with kindness in this world.