Happy Sunday everyone! As promise we release a new video every Sunday. This one is on love types. Which one are you? And let us know if you like this animation style!! Also, just a notice. We're setting up a paid membership website where you can get access to online digital courses, forum, and psychology gifts, let us know by emailing us here: Imogen@psych2go.net
Psych2Go - im leaning mostly tward builder. call me a gearhead i guess. i like all things mechanical, technology, stuff like that. also a lil bit of negotiator 👍
That's really scary. The feeling of breakup and end up either being hurt or hurting my partner is so scary that I have never loved anyone, romantically.
Romantic relationships are not a beautiful thing. Romance causes a lot of problems in this world. Life is a lot better without romance than it is with it. Romantic love is not special at all, and I think that the romantic type of love isn't real. More than half of romantic couples either break up with each other or divorce each other. Romantic relationships are objectively very prone to failure. And most couples who are still together are usually not happy being together. Also, there are a lot of toxic romantic relationships. Like an example is that abuse happens a lot in romantic relationships. Studies prove single, childless, women are the HAPPIEST demographic. Women are the happiest when single and focused on themselves.
I'm only 20, but have never cared about falling in love with people. I'm introverted so being forced to socialize constantly with another person is super stressful for me. I've had people who have liked me, but their constant want to socialize and talk was annoying and not enjoyable for me.
theacp127, you're starting off with the wrong premise. Relationships are not about forcing anyone to do anything. At least not healthy ones. Find someone with whom you can be your natural self, but still edges you out of your comfort zone on occasion so you can expand instead of stagnate. There are billions of people out there and you may only need one of them so be careful not to get into the habit of writing them all off, as so many people do. Lots of folks like quiet time, time alone, apart, etc. Lots. Good luck!
Sounds like you are either aromantic (a person who does not need or want a romantic partner) or you just arent interested right now. If you do get interested later, sounds like you need a partner who is also very introverted and independent. They exist! I promise!
I'm a Director, I'm in a relationship with another Director. It's... Unimaginable. I want to quit it. We keep trying to control each other and never coming to an absolute conclusion. Agreeing to disagree all the time doesn't make a relationship work.
I think there may be more than just the four "love types" you explained here because people are so complex. Personally, I saw myself as having qualities of of three different types: adventurer, builder, and negotiator
GloomySigh - that used to be me- cept being a guy i like women. was never popular with women growing up, probably cause im tall but chunky. had a couple gfs over the years, one i dated 7 years, then i ended up meeting a great lady. youll find mr right.👍
Am I the only MBTI nerd who thinks the types resemble the temperaments? (Explorers as Explorers duh, Builders as Sentinels, Directors as Analysts and Negotiators as Diplomats)
Javi Ortega was thinking that except not exactly because I am an MBTI adventurer (explorer group)and a 4 Love type negotiater so it doesn't really match for me at least
This is what happens when you post before you read the comments... But yeah, I totally agree. Explorers = SP's Builders = SJ's Directors = NT's Negotiator = NF's
You just described the 4 elements of the zodiac. The explorers are Fire signs, the builders are Earth signs, the directors are Air signs and the negotiators are Water signs.
This sounds about as scientific as the Myer's-Brigg's test, or astrology. It's entertaining as a sort of a party-game, but hormones and psychology are more complicated than that
Look up Dario Nardi - he is actually using neuroscience to explore MBTI and finding there is a predictable pattern in neural activity during certain tasks correlated to personality type
"Negotiators" should just be called "Nurturers", since that far better describes them imo. Also I am one and I myself at least, far prefer that term and feel it better fits.
I prefer the term negotiator. I test as negotiator/director, and it makes me more philosophical but less squishy nurturing. My best friend is a negotiator builder and she's very nurturing. I'm more annoying. 😂
@@DustyMayT yes I definitely fall into the Negotiator category but in no way am I a nurturing person lol, not unless I’m in a really selfless mood or something haha
Michael B - hmm , yea its more like love at first sight, you feel comfortable around the person and want to know them better. one look and its like y wanna spend all your time with them. yea been there a few times👍
You can't romantically love someone without knowing them. You can't know someone just by looking at them. You may feel a sense of familiarity but how do you know it's real until you get to know the person? You can definitely look at someone and know if they might be a potential mate but to say it's love kind of makes the word rather shallow or superficial which I don't think love is. What's it say about someone if they love someone they know nothing about? To me it shows a level of immaturity or naïveté but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Might not be "romantic" love, but it's definitely an attraction and not just sexually. I've experienced it twice during my life so far and it's a powerful feeling that's quite difficult to ignore. But if you can manage to have a sensible thought when that happens, it's prooooobably best not to date them until you know them better. I found that out the hard way, heh. Dated a full on sociopath for nearly 4 years. Yeah let's not do that.
I feel like many people, including myself, have some attributes from all four archetypes. And while this study may help us understand the dynamics of relationships a little better, there is still a lot we can learn, as the narrator points out towards the end.
The problem with typing is that people believe that they are one of the four, while in reality she Dr. H. Fisher) meant that we are all four, but on different levels. Hence a person can be an explorer and builder. In her theory, that's possible.
I thought it was so cute the message you left in the end, saying "swallow your pride and try to make amends"! :) Thank you for another wonderful video, it is always interesting and I am completely captivated by your creativity, knowledge and the kidness of all of your team. Thank you again and keep up the hard work, guys! :)
Right, and you could maybe make a case for almost being able to sort these types into the four categories of MBTI types. Adventurers are SP, Builders are SJ, Directors are NT, and Negotiators are NF.
This sounds like advanced astrology. Nobody would really deny to have any of these attributes and everyone can find themselves in all of these stereotypes. Even if we say it's all about tendencies, it still oversimplifies the complexity of human minds beyond recognition. In summary: This is imo a video, that uses soothing words, that seem kind of true instead of real ideas or thought-provoking impulses. Disappointing.
@Psych2Go I just realized, that I only focused on the negatives, for which I am sorry. I really liked the animations, the voice and the way you presented your content. So i liked very much how you said it, just not what you said.
Maybe this only applies to "normal" brains. I have ADHD, thus I have an "abnormal" brain. I have some traits of all four love types. Maybe that could be an episode for Psych2go? The adhd brain.
Im a total Negotiator, no question. makes sense too cause I'm an INFJ. It seems to me that Explorers line up with SP types, Builders fit SJ types, Directors fit NT types, and Negotiators fit NF types. Thoughts anyone??
This was VERY helpful, and the voice perfect..thank u. I am mainly a negotiator with some explorer thrown in, and I'm w a combo builder/director. Lots going on for sure!! This is SO true...
My narcissistic ex knew all about this. I think he had to study emotions and relationships because he literally could not feel or understand feelings on his own. Dude threw a tv.
You should kinda feel all of them. This is just a version or archetypes. It is usual to have potential in all of these categories, as they are all human. Which you develop is a different story, but you could actually work on the other types if you choose so. No one is just one category - that is a total lack of flexibility, a unidimensionality, and nature does not work that way.
Michele W - yea sorta surprised me, i like hanging out at home, but i do things in public, vacations n stuff, im mechanically minded, like having fun, im creative ( love to draw n paint) yet im a negotiator. could be that test setup threw me off, i hate that type of test.👍
I am definitely an explorer, I recently dated a negotiator. It worked for a while, but I felt extremely alone in wanting to have fun and go do exciting explorer stuff. Interesting
According to the test I'm most like the third, second, fourth, then first types. I'm not really sure I fit into any of these because the percent match was 40-62%. Also I'm very indecisive so I had a hard time answering questions.
I have heard an expression that says that one can only accept the love you deserve; or more like that type one can recognise, be it good or abusive as long as it resembles earlier experiences that has occupied the love-shaped space of recognition in one's mind and becomes that which one craves as being love. Happiness as in good and healthy does not necessarily apply here. Personally I don't know what to make of it with my troubled past and not being able to give myself any recognition that I am at all deserving of pursuing love and sexual relationships. I feel I'm getting old and I feel so very lonely.
Everyone is a mix of all 4 but there is going to be at least 2 types that you Identify with most and other 2 will be much less relatable! Its based on MBTI 4 temperaments I am an ENTP which means I am within the NT temperament or the Intellectuals which in this video is the Director. I Identify most with the director but the Adventurer would be my secondary style which is the SP temperament.
I am a negotiator pretty much describes me spot on, i am also a guy -_- depression he said can't say he's wrong. Oh and Fuking HATE directors just saying :)
I've said it before and I'll say it again for everyone going "nobody will ever love me". Ever had a crush on somebody or just walk past them and think "wow, they're cute" but never say anything? It works both ways
I'm a negotiator, and have been going out with my boyfriend for seven years who is definitely a builder. We work happily together, and are very supportive of each other, but I will say that where I am idealistic, he is realistic, and this leads us to clash sometimes, especially when rrgarding our future. Learning to understand life from each others POV is hard, but definitely rewarding!
I think I’m two of those, negotiator with director tendencies, I’m sensitive and artistic/musical, day dreamer and spatially gifted, prone to depression yet very active. I think most if not all people are a mixture of these along with the three other types known as secure, avoidant and anxious.
I'm happy there's a realistic video about love. 😊 Atleast, even though it's not complete and detailed, it still somehow summarrized the different kind of lovers.
I need some help with this girl that's mad at me that I have a crush on, and she knows it. She's mad because I couldn't tell her to her face that what my "best friend" said about me liking her was true or not. I eventually told her it was true over text and her being mad at me is killing me. I have looked all over but I can't find a solution for my problem.
Inconspicuous Meow - shoulda told her face to face that you like her. texting is so impersonal, she was probably offended. give her some time to cool off and apoligise.
Pretty amazing! I added to the un video poll and selected i feel closest to the negotiator and that had the highest percent of people who voted. This totally feels how i have been feeling lately in my relationship. The point where a little comment or something said will make me unsure or hold a grudge. It's something I'm working on to not take things personally or think there's a hidden meaning behind an interaction. But will not let it if said thing is constant
Interesting, I find myself as a builder and negotiator, whereas the person I'm with is an explorer and a director type. Interesting how these characteristics are spot on.
These four "love types" are essentially the four houses of Hogwarts: The Adventurer is Gryffindor, the Builder is Ravenclaw, the Director is Slytherin, and the Negotiator is Hufflepuff
@@iiv.e I think I said it more as a joke if anything lol, just something to compare them to. Similarly, you can compare them to the four temperaments: Adventurer is sanguine, Builder is melancholic, Director is choleric, and Negotiator is phlegmatic.
I am an extreme mixture of the explorer, the director and the negotiator. I love a new challenge (but more on the mind and problem-solving side of things), value logic, kindness and the links between ideas pretty much equally, and I drive myself mostly on gut, then research on my gut using logic and philosophy. I also have a strong ambition and ideology that drives my behavior every day too, and where I plan to end up because of that behavior is my daydream, so yeah, it's kinda odd.
Already had seen pretty much the whole video thinking:"meh, I'm not really any of those" and then he describes the negotiator in 5 seconds and I dropped my jaw: is he a fortune teller or what?!?!
Happy Sunday everyone! As promise we release a new video every Sunday. This one is on love types. Which one are you? And let us know if you like this animation style!! Also, just a notice. We're setting up a paid membership website where you can get access to online digital courses, forum, and psychology gifts, let us know by emailing us here: Imogen@psych2go.net
Psych2Go that's True I can't look in the eye or talk ...
Psych2Go - im leaning mostly tward builder. call me a gearhead i guess. i like all things mechanical, technology, stuff like that. also a lil bit of negotiator 👍
Psych2Go i think i might be negotiator
Apparently I'm a negotiator.....actually that kinda makes sense. \(•w•)/
Why do I feel like I could be all four ...?
*"In relationships it's about constantly choosing your partner over and over again."* - truer words had never been spoken!!!
That's really scary. The feeling of breakup and end up either being hurt or hurting my partner is so scary that I have never loved anyone, romantically.
Romantic relationships are not a beautiful thing. Romance causes a lot of problems in this world. Life is a lot better without romance than it is with it. Romantic love is not special at all, and I think that the romantic type of love isn't real.
More than half of romantic couples either break up with each other or divorce each other. Romantic relationships are objectively very prone to failure. And most couples who are still together are usually not happy being together.
Also, there are a lot of toxic romantic relationships. Like an example is that abuse happens a lot in romantic relationships.
Studies prove single, childless, women are the HAPPIEST demographic. Women are the happiest when single and focused on themselves.
I'm dominant in "leave me alone."
HAHA. There should be a t-shirt for this next to this video.
DJ Danderson me too 😍😍😍
DJ Danderson i
DJ Danderson lmao
Im none of these, im really a type called "Trash Can"
A Trash Can that's secretly a cat *Same*
ua-cam.com/video/WV30GVNQZCQ/v-deo.html *>:3*
Does it mean You attracted to other trash cans?)))
Aw don’t be so hard on ur self, I don’t think anybody can fit in in only one of these types really 😅
SP: Explorer
SJ: Builder
NT: Directors
NF: Negotiator
so true
I do not get it... I really don't understand that...
That has to do with the 16 personality types
@@thewarbuggie1594 Look up Myers-Briggs and 16 personalities
I'm an ENFP but feel like an Explorer/Negotiator mix (more explorer).
I'm only 20, but have never cared about falling in love with people. I'm introverted so being forced to socialize constantly with another person is super stressful for me. I've had people who have liked me, but their constant want to socialize and talk was annoying and not enjoyable for me.
theacp127 Damn, guess we wouldn't get along?
theacp127, you're starting off with the wrong premise. Relationships are not about forcing anyone to do anything. At least not healthy ones. Find someone with whom you can be your natural self, but still edges you out of your comfort zone on occasion so you can expand instead of stagnate. There are billions of people out there and you may only need one of them so be careful not to get into the habit of writing them all off, as so many people do. Lots of folks like quiet time, time alone, apart, etc. Lots. Good luck!
I get what you're saying. I just want someone I can cuddle and read books with, in silence 😶
Sounds like you are either aromantic (a person who does not need or want a romantic partner) or you just arent interested right now. If you do get interested later, sounds like you need a partner who is also very introverted and independent. They exist! I promise!
Not every introvert feels that way.
The old man was reading a book called "Old"
I'm dead lol
I saw that 😂
It’s an old copy
Hello! Can you guys post a video about compulsive daydreaming? I want to learn more about it. Thanks!
Meteroa great idea
Thanks for the suggestion! We will add that to our to do list :) Great idea!
I feel so honored
Meteroa Noodle!! ♡
Yeah I'm really intere..
I'm a Director, I'm in a relationship with another Director. It's... Unimaginable. I want to quit it. We keep trying to control each other and never coming to an absolute conclusion.
Agreeing to disagree all the time doesn't make a relationship work.
Guess it would be better for you and him if you just did it
Yep we called it quits Feb this year and my life's has never been better 🤣
Wow that seems like such an annoying love style 😅
Couldn't imagine not being a builder ✌️
Seems like you don't share the same values
@@EmyN yes, and I didn't like his family and friends...
I think there may be more than just the four "love types" you explained here because people are so complex. Personally, I saw myself as having qualities of of three different types: adventurer, builder, and negotiator
The professor herself actually explained about this in a more recent video from Wired.
I'm an explorer, cause I'm dope...I mean.
Now that's awesome haha
PowahSlap Entertainmint lol hah
PowahSlap Entertainmint everywhere i look you are there
Troublethought bruh ikr
all i can see:
explorer: gryffindor
builder: ravenclaw (maybe not so much)
director: slytherin
negotiator: hufflepuff
Haha, good one :D
Petite Ophine Yep, director and slytherin here.
Petite Ophine lol I'm a negotiator AND hufflepuff
Petite Ophine I'm a director and a Ravenclaw
GwendolynRaine me too!
The fifth type of love: "loner" 😢
rip mr teckk we ardly new ye
Same here! 25 years on the Eartn and not a single boyfriend, not a single man interested in me as a woman. And dude, that's hard to deal with it.
GloomySigh - that used to be me- cept being a guy i like women. was never popular with women growing up, probably cause im tall but chunky. had a couple gfs over the years, one i dated 7 years, then i ended up meeting a great lady. youll find mr right.👍
Legend* cause who needs love?
If there's a grey area between "Builder" and "Negotiator", that's me then..
All I could think was.... My Chemical Romance
Best comment ^
Tag yourself, I'm the introvert that has crushes only on fictional characters
Stressed Fangirl
same but I also have a real crush butt meh
Stressed Fangirl YAS, LARS OF THE STARS 💙
Blue Diamond HE WENT FROM :"Hello sir nice to meet" TO "Your daughter calls me daddy too"
Stressed Fangirl BINGO BONGO
You aren't alone! Everyone, reveal yourself now! :0
Am I the only MBTI nerd who thinks the types resemble the temperaments? (Explorers as Explorers duh, Builders as Sentinels, Directors as Analysts and Negotiators as Diplomats)
Javi Ortega was thinking that except not exactly because I am an MBTI adventurer (explorer group)and a 4 Love type negotiater so it doesn't really match for me at least
layla soleigh it does make sense though, being driven by introverted feeling kinda matches the nature of a negotiator
I'm an ENFP and negotiater felt like the most dominant for me.
This is what happens when you post before you read the comments... But yeah, I totally agree.
Explorers = SP's
Builders = SJ's
Directors = NT's
Negotiator = NF's
Javi Ortega I'm an ENTP and I'm a mix of Explorer and Director
So basically..
Explorers are xSxP's
Builders are xSxJ's
Directors are xNTx's
and Negotiators are xNFx's
The 4 MBTI personality groups. Huh
I love this. What a great way to describe Rationals, idealists, artesians, and guardians.
ok I am a hybrid of Director/Negotiator = forever single
GreatestStory EverTold
Is that what's in store for me when I get older?
It just means you're balanced. Find someone else who's balanced too. lol
Oi same
You just described the 4 elements of the zodiac. The explorers are Fire signs, the builders are Earth signs, the directors are Air signs and the negotiators are Water signs.
Interesting... Thank you!
Diana Vasile Interesting indeed to think there are other approaches to this subject. Could you please elaborate?
Diana Vasile Im an air sign and I'm identified with director
Very true! I'm an aries (fire sign) and identified with the explorer
im a water sign negotiators mixed with director
Translated to Myers Briggs:
Explorer = Perceiver
Builder = Judger
Director = Thinker
Negotiator = Feeler
Can I get an amen?
Very true, actually. Never noticed that somehow.
I will now give you an 11-month late amen
Eight fucking men ate eight men fucking men
It is based on
Explorer: SP
Builder: SJ
Director: NT
Negotiator: NF
I noticed that too
@@kittyk3820 I am an INTJ (Architect) but identify as a Negotiator
This sounds about as scientific as the Myer's-Brigg's test, or astrology. It's entertaining as a sort of a party-game, but hormones and psychology are more complicated than that
Look up Dario Nardi - he is actually using neuroscience to explore MBTI and finding there is a predictable pattern in neural activity during certain tasks correlated to personality type
The idea that something is incomprehensible is just a neat way to justify your stupidity.
emmett stone agreed
The irony that you’re criticizing this for not being scientific while lumping the Myers-Briggs test in with astrology is hilarious.
EdgeRunner What’s your actual sign then? You know the stars have shifted in the Earth perspective in 2,000 years right?
Me: the person who hasn't even been in a relationship, and probably will never be in a relationship.
Fuck relationships.
"Negotiators" should just be called "Nurturers", since that far better describes them imo.
Also I am one and I myself at least, far prefer that term and feel it better fits.
I prefer the term negotiator. I test as negotiator/director, and it makes me more philosophical but less squishy nurturing. My best friend is a negotiator builder and she's very nurturing. I'm more annoying. 😂
@@DustyMayT yes I definitely fall into the Negotiator category but in no way am I a nurturing person lol, not unless I’m in a really selfless mood or something haha
Any other negotiators out there
Abbie Panda - yes - according to the test im 45% negotiator. weird considering i like to build things....
Heya 🙋
Abbie Panda here
I'm a negotiator/director.
There's no such thing as love at first sight, maybe lust at first sight is a bit more realistic.
What if you don't feel lust at first sight but a sort of 'familiarity"
Michael B - hmm , yea its more like love at first sight, you feel comfortable around the person and want to know them better. one look and its like y wanna spend all your time with them. yea been there a few times👍
You can't romantically love someone without knowing them. You can't know someone just by looking at them. You may feel a sense of familiarity but how do you know it's real until you get to know the person? You can definitely look at someone and know if they might be a potential mate but to say it's love kind of makes the word rather shallow or superficial which I don't think love is. What's it say about someone if they love someone they know nothing about? To me it shows a level of immaturity or naïveté but everyone is entitled to their own opinion.
Michael B I've always thought the same. Really trivializes such a meaningful word..
Might not be "romantic" love, but it's definitely an attraction and not just sexually. I've experienced it twice during my life so far and it's a powerful feeling that's quite difficult to ignore.
But if you can manage to have a sensible thought when that happens, it's prooooobably best not to date them until you know them better. I found that out the hard way, heh. Dated a full on sociopath for nearly 4 years. Yeah let's not do that.
I feel like many people, including myself, have some attributes from all four archetypes. And while this study may help us understand the dynamics of relationships a little better, there is still a lot we can learn, as the narrator points out towards the end.
The professor herself actually talked about this in a more recent video from Wired.
I am explorer and negotiatior
Frikinnerd explorer and director.
Frikinnerd same. But my partner wasn't even on this list. He may be too special 😂
Haha same
Same I’m more of negotiator and learning to accept my explorer side. ✨
The problem with typing is that people believe that they are one of the four, while in reality she Dr. H. Fisher) meant that we are all four, but on different levels.
Hence a person can be an explorer and builder. In her theory, that's possible.
Can't you just use MBTI here?!
Explorers = SP's
Builders = SJ's
Director = NT's
Negotiator = NF's
ok ok year late but oh god im a weird negotiator director crossover and an whenever I do the test it's 50% intp 50% infp (and i saw that too)
I am an INTJ but I indentify as a Negotiator
I'm INFP and a builder.
Crups I’m a true NF and an explorer at heart! I’m also extroverted, which may have something to do with it
I thought it was so cute the message you left in the end, saying "swallow your pride and try to make amends"! :) Thank you for another wonderful video, it is always interesting and I am completely captivated by your creativity, knowledge and the kidness of all of your team. Thank you again and keep up the hard work, guys! :)
What is love?
Baby don't hurt me.
Baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me. No more
What is love?
I'm sure I've seen this response 100 times. I still love it! :)
Understand, understand (×3)
The concept of love, huh #JSRF
This is similar to MBTI, I think. For those who don't know, that's a psychological method/theory that puts human personality in one of 16 types.
Right, and you could maybe make a case for almost being able to sort these types into the four categories of MBTI types. Adventurers are SP, Builders are SJ, Directors are NT, and Negotiators are NF.
@@jadedjimmy I think it's not always true. For example, I'm an ENFP but I identify as an explorer here 😁
My gf a negotiator and I am a director, its so accurate I can't stop laughting
This sounds like advanced astrology. Nobody would really deny to have any of these attributes and everyone can find themselves in all of these stereotypes. Even if we say it's all about tendencies, it still oversimplifies the complexity of human minds beyond recognition. In summary: This is imo a video, that uses soothing words, that seem kind of true instead of real ideas or thought-provoking impulses. Disappointing.
@Psych2Go I just realized, that I only focused on the negatives, for which I am sorry. I really liked the animations, the voice and the way you presented your content. So i liked very much how you said it, just not what you said.
I agree.. i cant fit into one type neither! Humans aren't that simple...
Kar Sten Yeah! I identify with all of the types!
Maybe this only applies to "normal" brains. I have ADHD, thus I have an "abnormal" brain. I have some traits of all four love types. Maybe that could be an episode for Psych2go? The adhd brain.
Im a total Negotiator, no question. makes sense too cause I'm an INFJ. It seems to me that Explorers line up with SP types, Builders fit SJ types, Directors fit NT types, and Negotiators fit NF types. Thoughts anyone??
i feel like a mix of explorer and negotiator
Beka Nicole ikr!?
Same here
I feel like a weird mix of director and negotiator.
Same but with a touch of director.
This is so cool. Never thought of it this way and love how it is supported by scientific research.
This was VERY helpful, and the voice perfect..thank u. I am mainly a negotiator with some explorer thrown in, and I'm w a combo builder/director. Lots going on for sure!! This is SO true...
I'm the 'negotiator' type but I'd say I'm most attracted to the 'explorer' type.
DontDenyHighFives - i like your hair color😉
Same here!
I'm the one who's scared of love
I am sure many can relate :)
Grace's Studio I might be wrong about this but I heard that thats called philophobia a fear of love...
Yeah that's one of our upcoming vids :)
Grace's Studio me too
You're not the only one...
My narcissistic ex knew all about this. I think he had to study emotions and relationships because he literally could not feel or understand feelings on his own. Dude threw a tv.
This series makes me smile no matter the subject.
My husband is builder, I'm a negotiator. He is my soulmate, my high school sweetheart!
I feel like I'm kinda all of them
Have you tried to think what traits you have, but also what traits you don't have from each category?
You should kinda feel all of them. This is just a version or archetypes. It is usual to have potential in all of these categories, as they are all human. Which you develop is a different story, but you could actually work on the other types if you choose so. No one is just one category - that is a total lack of flexibility, a unidimensionality, and nature does not work that way.
Can men be negotiators, and can women be directors?
Lori Tato ofcourse 😊
Mary M No kidding! An intellectual who knows what she wants and is straightforward about it!? Literally a dream!
Michele W - all mine were zeros, cept for negotiator, which was like 45%
Michele W - yea sorta surprised me, i like hanging out at home, but i do things in public, vacations n stuff, im mechanically minded, like having fun, im creative ( love to draw n paint) yet im a negotiator. could be that test setup threw me off, i hate that type of test.👍
I'm a guy, and am a hardcore negotiator.
This is fake news. I'm actually the 5th variation... the depressed type
thats the negociator lol
Yea maybe this fake news. I have no idea what I am.
There's also a sixth. The alone type.
Psych2Go good to see i am represented.
+Psych2Go ahh... ok i'm the 6th type...
I am definitely an explorer, I recently dated a negotiator. It worked for a while, but I felt extremely alone in wanting to have fun and go do exciting explorer stuff. Interesting
I admire explorers, even i am builder/negotiator. I think you guys will have more fun than others
When they described the director, I said in my head “yep, yep, yeah, yep definitely me!” Besides the music bit
Great video..... is anyone else literally opposite of the builder 😅
Natasha Neko - apparently me, figured since i build n fix things- im a builder- right? naw im a negotiator thats creative .😀
So basically if you throw 16 personalities in the equation Explorers are SPs, Negotiators are NFS, Builders are SJs and Directors are NTs.
I don't really fit any one of these perfectly. I'm most like the last two but only in certain aspects.
According to the test I'm most like the third, second, fourth, then first types. I'm not really sure I fit into any of these because the percent match was 40-62%. Also I'm very indecisive so I had a hard time answering questions.
Nia, you made my day XD
I have heard an expression that says that one can only accept the love you deserve; or more like that type one can recognise, be it good or abusive as long as it resembles earlier experiences that has occupied the love-shaped space of recognition in one's mind and becomes that which one craves as being love. Happiness as in good and healthy does not necessarily apply here. Personally I don't know what to make of it with my troubled past and not being able to give myself any recognition that I am at all deserving of pursuing love and sexual relationships. I feel I'm getting old and I feel so very lonely.
Negotiator. This was a very insightful video!
I feel like theres each of these in all of us to different degrees. At least, I can see all of these in me.
So...I guess there is a fifth type just for me: The uncompatible trash
NT choleric? Really? No chance.
Love is in the air!! that's a great animation!! thank You!!
It was really satisfying to watch the builders build that house
“Ah the negotiator”
*when you're a mix of all four*
Good to see I’m not alone
Everyone is a mix of all 4 but there is going to be at least 2 types that you Identify with most and other 2 will be much less relatable!
Its based on MBTI 4 temperaments
I am an ENTP which means I am within the NT temperament or the Intellectuals which in this video is the Director. I Identify most with the director but the Adventurer would be my secondary style which is the SP temperament.
I am a negotiator pretty much describes me spot on, i am also a guy -_- depression he said can't say he's wrong. Oh and Fuking HATE directors just saying :)
I've said it before and I'll say it again for everyone going "nobody will ever love me". Ever had a crush on somebody or just walk past them and think "wow, they're cute" but never say anything? It works both ways
Being an Aquarius and ambiverted I'm part negotiator and part explorer enjoying deep thinking while also enjoying exploring new things
I'm non of these love types.... Looks like I'm going to die alone lol
Christopher Shelton ...Saaaaaame
Who else doesn't know what the fuck they are
I'm a negotiator, and have been going out with my boyfriend for seven years who is definitely a builder. We work happily together, and are very supportive of each other, but I will say that where I am idealistic, he is realistic, and this leads us to clash sometimes, especially when rrgarding our future. Learning to understand life from each others POV is hard, but definitely rewarding!
What a wonderful video. Cute drawings.
I think I’m two of those, negotiator with director tendencies, I’m sensitive and artistic/musical, day dreamer and spatially gifted, prone to depression yet very active. I think most if not all people are a mixture of these along with the three other types known as secure, avoidant and anxious.
I'm negotiator mixed with builder. Anyone else?
Never been in love, but I'd assume I'm a Director.
So practically you have Gryffindor-, Hufflepuff-, Slytherin- and Ravenclaw-lovers in the world.
I'm happy there's a realistic video about love. 😊 Atleast, even though it's not complete and detailed, it still somehow summarrized the different kind of lovers.
Cool! I hadn't heard of this before🙂! Definitely a negotiator
I need some help with this girl that's mad at me that I have a crush on, and she knows it. She's mad because I couldn't tell her to her face that what my "best friend" said about me liking her was true or not. I eventually told her it was true over text and her being mad at me is killing me. I have looked all over but I can't find a solution for my problem.
Inconspicuous Meow Is she avoiding you? Have you heard anything since telling her?
Inconspicuous Meow - shoulda told her face to face that you like her. texting is so impersonal, she was probably offended. give her some time to cool off and apoligise.
Shawn Baird O'Reilly I have offered to talk to her face to face and she has agreed, we might talk tomorrow.
Inconspicuous Meow
Good luck 💪🍀
John Smith Knew thete was gonna be at least one of those comments😂
I'm actually a weird mix of Director and Negotiater xD
Me too actually
That means you’ll be like me! Forever alone! Yay!!
Me too!
I left BTS for y'all
Catherine M. lol same here
Catherine M. That means something
damn son same
King of Reveries Exactly - 방탄소년단 / Bangtanboys / Beyond the Scene
Pretty amazing! I added to the un video poll and selected i feel closest to the negotiator and that had the highest percent of people who voted.
This totally feels how i have been feeling lately in my relationship. The point where a little comment or something said will make me unsure or hold a grudge. It's something I'm working on to not take things personally or think there's a hidden meaning behind an interaction. But will not let it if said thing is constant
Interesting, I find myself as a builder and negotiator, whereas the person I'm with is an explorer and a director type. Interesting how these characteristics are spot on.
“So, which one are you?”
Me: *Yes*
They've discovered the four humours!
sanguine - dopamine
phlegmatic - serotonin
choleric - testosterone
melancholic - estrogen
These four "love types" are essentially the four houses of Hogwarts: The Adventurer is Gryffindor, the Builder is Ravenclaw, the Director is Slytherin, and the Negotiator is Hufflepuff
I'm a Slytherin and my primary type is Negotiator. I think the concept is similar but it's not the same.
@@iiv.e I think I said it more as a joke if anything lol, just something to compare them to. Similarly, you can compare them to the four temperaments: Adventurer is sanguine, Builder is melancholic, Director is choleric, and Negotiator is phlegmatic.
Thank you for such an informative article..it makes sense
This was beyond on point! I just learned so much. Thank you! ❤🙏💯😊 I mean that , THANK YOU!
I feel like I've got a little bit of each.
I️ think I’m a director with a hint of builder 😂
I don't fit in any of these, im a chaotic amalgamation of them all. Maybe thats why im utterly incompatible with anyone.
ZIX Or everyone in that sense Mr. Blood type O.......
oh love ! magical , scientific , stupid , soul-opening , beautiful , insatiable , heart-wrenching feeling .
I love your videos!!! 💕❤️
I guess I'm a director and a negotiator. Welp, looks like I'm my soulmate...... .-.
I am an extreme mixture of the explorer, the director and the negotiator.
I love a new challenge (but more on the mind and problem-solving side of things), value logic, kindness and the links between ideas pretty much equally, and I drive myself mostly on gut, then research on my gut using logic and philosophy. I also have a strong ambition and ideology that drives my behavior every day too, and where I plan to end up because of that behavior is my daydream, so yeah, it's kinda odd.
Well, I guess I'm a straight dude with a predominance in estrogen.
Already had seen pretty much the whole video thinking:"meh, I'm not really any of those" and then he describes the negotiator in 5 seconds and I dropped my jaw: is he a fortune teller or what?!?!
I’m weirdly enough Director and Negotiator. I swap on how logical and emotional I am with things
If I wasn't a loner, I'd be a bit of all but explorer, most likely.
Minako Same actually...
im a director
and im a girl
I'm a negotiater
Mia Rat - same here.... think that test is flawed....
No 1. Nice voice.
Btw, I am almost all of it.
I'm a director! I literally scored 98%. I am not the least bit surprised.