7 Lucid Dreaming FACTS You Need to Know

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @LucidDreamPortal
    @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому +18

    ❤ This video has been made possible through the kind support of: 👽 Jim Van Hall 👽 @chuckk4722 👽 (YOUR NAME HERE WITH A SUPER THANKS OR PAYPAL DONATION)

  • @Bumbletoast
    @Bumbletoast Рік тому +5

    1- 5-15 reality checks 1 minute
    2- 10-20 minutes writing in my dream journal
    3- 15 minutes reading it
    4- I don’t meditate (I’ll start doing it)
    5- I don’t understand what it is
    6- I don’t do it
    7- 45 minutes reading and watching
    Note- I will start doing these things I don’t do

  • @lgsi.daniel
    @lgsi.daniel Рік тому +10

    I had my third lucid dream, only for 5 seconds because it was so realistic that I couldn't believe it, and I woke up. Thanks Daniel!

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому +4

      Well done! And don't worry about it being short, that's common for beginners, and part of the process is learning to deal with the astonishment. Brilliant progress, keep it up!

  • @RasmusAleksi08
    @RasmusAleksi08 Рік тому +5

    I've taken a break from lucid dreaming, but now I'm starting to train hard again. I ran out of motivation but now I'm trying to get it back and im not giving up this time

  • @StumpedSlicken
    @StumpedSlicken Рік тому +4

    You wanted honesty...I'm sorry for my bad habits (especially with 2 and 3, those felt targeted!)
    1. 5 micro (2 checks), 1 or 2 full (5 checks). Micro takes about 30 seconds, full takes up to 2 minutes.
    2. I don't have a dream jounal but when I write my dreams in full it can take 20 minutes for 1 dream (average of about 10 minutes per dream).
    3. About 5-10 total if I deem the dream "interesting" enough to review or its been in my head all day.
    4. I've never been one to mediate, so none (considering the traditional sense).
    5. 10 minutes, usually setting a particular dream goal and imagining how it could play out. Daily practice for me.
    6. No time - I don't particularly like techniques.
    7. I usually spend upwards to 45 minutes thinking about lucid dreaming, especially if motivation is strong and I have a neat dream goal in mind. I don't research or look at any other videos besides yours and those are usually on the weekends.

  • @minuli555
    @minuli555 Рік тому +4

    I had a dream yesterday where I was at the trainstation (a dream sign for me).
    I remembered to perform a Reality Check (I check the time on my smartwatch several times), but somehow I couldn't see the time correctly "because the brighness of my watch was set on low".
    But then I remembered your words:
    "If you're trying to find a logical reason why your Reality Check doesn't work, you are dreaming."
    and it suddenly clicked for me and I performed my other Reality Checks and I became lucid! 🎉

  • @fearme7184
    @fearme7184 Рік тому +4

    1: I’ve kinda fallen off and I’m getting back into the lucid dream habit so. Right now we are at 2 reality checks a day but they are around 20-30 seconds
    2: about 15-30 mins
    3: when I do read through my journal which I’m not very good at doing often it is for about 20 mind
    4: I don’t meditate any more
    5: around 10 mins
    7: 30-60 mins
    This was brutal and hard for me. I will get better at lucid dreaming and more consistent I promise Daniel.

  • @Allan_
    @Allan_ Рік тому +3

    2 minutes per reality check? I’ve only done them for 8 seconds. I stopped meditating because I felt like I was wasting my time, but even when I did meditate it was less than 10 minutes. I’m going to try putting in more effort I guess.

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому +3

      8 seconds would be a micro test and definitely not enough to fully engage with the moment and assess the circumstances. Definitely work on that, you'll see a dramatic shift in results if performed correctly

  • @the-fei-system
    @the-fei-system Рік тому +10

    Thank you, Daniel! I think we needed this ... definitely not putting the right effort in, so having an outline like that really helps!

  • @Carl_Frank
    @Carl_Frank Рік тому +2

    I honestly have not kept track of the numbers and times of these things (probably something worth doing, to get a better sense of whether I am doing enough), so I will do my best to guesstimate averages.
    1. Tests per day: 8-10? . How long each (average): 20-30 seconds?
    2. Time writing in dj every morning: 10 - 20 minutes?
    3. Time reviewing dj: 5 minutes? Not nearly long enough, I am sure.
    4. Meditation time: Oh, this one is bad. Maybe average 2 minutes, as there are some days with none at all, and some with maybe 10. I need to get better with this.
    5. Time preparing at bedtime: maybe 5 minutes at best. Probably less. Again, not nearly enough, I am sure. I think I am not yet clear in my mind about what exactly I should be doing in this regard, or if I am doing it correctly. I need to review more of the lessons on such things here, and in the AYD book, to refresh my memory on the various practices.
    6. Nightly time spent on techniques: Lately, Zero. Since I have been struggling to get enough sleep lately, I really have not been doing any sleep interruption techniques, or any maintained awareness techniques at all, until I get my sleep hygiene together, as I don't want to incite more insomnia. I know my sleep issues are largely due to bad habits I am trying to overcome.
    **But to make sure I am clear on this question, for when it comes up again: When you say not counting the time spent awake, I am guessing you are only referring to techniques where one of the steps is to "get up from bed and remain awake for x amount of time before returning to bed"? I mean, when performing IMP, for example, one is still awake until if/when the technique results in a LD, yeah? So the time awake in bed doing a technique is counted, right?
    7. Each day learning/thinking about LD: 20-30 minutes? I seem to take in a batch of info, and then with more info taken in on another point, my grasp on what I learned about a previously learned point (as mentioned above in 5) gets a bit fuzzy. It feels a bit like trying to keep a number of plates spinning at the same time; as I pay attention to one aspect, sometimes my clarity on another aspect starts to falter a bit. I guess that's what they call information overload.

  • @khar592
    @khar592 Рік тому +2

    Extremely helpful video, thank you Daniel!

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому

      Thank you so much Martin, that's really kind of of you! 🖖👽

  • @FireboltJB
    @FireboltJB Рік тому +3

    I record my dreams right after they happen, but I've been lazy with journaling lately. Last night, I recorded six dreams. The last dream I had was about me searching through my journal to find my last entry. I noticed that there were a bunch of missing pages, and then I started to freak out.

  • @elpretender1357
    @elpretender1357 Рік тому +1

    Been away from the channel, but I'm happy to be back.
    One criticism though. I feel like it would have been helpful if after dropping the bomb about how much time we should spend practicing for lucid dreaming, you elaborate that it may seem like a lot but if you trade training for lucid dreaming from distractions like browsing social media, watching Netflix, etc. it is easier to tackle.
    Not to mention, there are times in our day such as when commuting or waiting to fall asleep where we pretty much don't have the option to distract ourselves, so that would be a good time to train.

  • @alligatorscrublord
    @alligatorscrublord Рік тому +2

    These questions are making me realize why I've had almost no success, and absolutely no results since I started college.
    1: It varies, but about 10-20, and 10-30 seconds.
    2: I haven't been having many dreams lately, most of the time none in a night, so 0-10 minutes.
    3: I don't have time to read through it because of my college schedule.
    4: I don't have time to meditate because of my college schedule.
    5: I usually go straight to sleep, because if I don't get 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep I feel tired.
    6: Techniques always cause insomnia, no matter what. Can't do them.
    7: I usually watch your videos when they come out, that's about it. No time for much more.

  • @Andrewstape-jo2jl
    @Andrewstape-jo2jl Рік тому +2

    Question 1: I perform about 5-7 reality checks per day and they last around 1 minute
    Question 2: When I wake up, I write my dream(s) down for about 1-2 minutes. Then I read some other dreams and the latest dream and try to remember any potential forgotten dream or detail to add. Overall I‘d say 5 minutes.
    Question 3: Oh man, got to be honest. I often forget to read my dream journal. Overall I‘d say 20 minutes per day.
    Question 4: I have only meditated once and I dont even know if I did it right. I did feel better and relaxed after so I think it worked. I did it for 20 minutes.
    Question 5: 15 minutes I‘d say
    Question 6: around 20-25 minutes
    Question 7: 2 hours I‘d guess
    Alright, I clearly have to do more reality checks per day and spend more time writing in my dream journal. Thank you for this quiz, it was very helpful to see were I have to improve.

  • @rwmcgwier
    @rwmcgwier 11 місяців тому +2

    Thank you for this. I am now getting over my laziness. My score was pitiful.

  • @tuvarunesdatterstraum4908
    @tuvarunesdatterstraum4908 Рік тому +2

    Answer 1: I try to do 16 or more reality checks every they and they usually lasts from 10-15 seconds. Answer 2: It depends on how much I remember from my dreams, but from 2-10 minutes most of the time. Answer 3: Zero times. Answer 4: I don't meditate, but I want to try and do it every day. Answer 5: Under 2 minutes. Answer 6: About 2-3 minutes Max. Answer 7: I think about a lot throughout the day, but I don't know how many hours.

  • @adelaaa785
    @adelaaa785 Рік тому +2

    1. About 10 a day and long 20 seconds
    2. 45 minutes
    3. I usually don’t read my dream journal at all, but when I do it takes 5 minutes
    4. I don’t meditate much, just once a week
    5. 20 minutes
    6. 5 minutes
    7. I think about it very often, but I spend about 45 minutes reading or watching videos
    I needed this video! Now I know what to focus on and that I need to put in much more effort than I’m doing now. Thank you so much! :)

  • @shay_playz
    @shay_playz Рік тому +2

    1: 10 reality tests (used to be more, but life happens) 20 to 30s each
    2: pretty varied depending on the dream(s). From 1 min to 30 mins. 5 mins on average tho.
    3: i barely read my dream journal if at all during weekdays. During weekends tho, i read it throughout the day here and there, amounting to maybe 30 mins total of actual reading.
    4: i used to meditate a lot. But ive straight up stopped as of now.
    5: I dont do it everyday, but when i do it's usually about 30 mins cuz that's how long it takes for me to also feel relaxed enough to sleep.
    6: i barely do any techniques anymore. I rely on reality tests mostly. But when i do attempt techniques, i take as long as it's required to work on the given night. Anywhere between 5 mins and 30 mins
    7: these days, not much at all aside from your videos... i used to read a lot on it, but not anymore. Now i do still think of lucid dreaming, but it's more passively now, cuz it's become a normal part of who i am, so id say about 10 to 15 mins a day

  • @minuli555
    @minuli555 Рік тому +3

    1. Reality Checks:
    About 10-15 a day.
    30sec - 1min each.
    2. Dream Journal:
    5-7 minutes, but only key points. I write them out later in the same day, which takes about 30 minutes on average for me.
    3. Rereading Dream Journal:
    Not much, honestly. Maybe 5 minutes.
    4. Meditating:
    Every day before sleep for 10-20 minutes.
    I don't know if I meditate correctly, though. I put on a calming subliminal (it helps me to not hear my environment) and start counting. But I loose focus a lot and have to go back to counting.
    5. Preparing for LD:
    I don't know how prospective memory training and recapitulation works.
    I watch some of your videos and think about lucid dreaming before going to sleep, lol. Maybe 20 minutes.
    6. Techniques:
    I don't use techniques. I wanted to fix my sleep schedule first. I just do Reality Checks and Dream Journaling. Sometimes when I wake up after a dream I try to maintain my awareness by counting in my head. But I've only tried this twice and didn't succeed.
    7. Thinking/Learning about LD:
    A few hours a day.
    I've been practising LD for almost 6 months now and had 20 LD's so far. :D
    Love your videos btw, keep up the good work.

    • @impressivegirlsaovgiaoluu7238
      @impressivegirlsaovgiaoluu7238 Рік тому +2

      wow nice! i had practice for almost 2 year and have 1 vivid LD 😑

    • @minuli555
      @minuli555 Рік тому

      @@impressivegirlsaovgiaoluu7238 Hey, that's something! And you must be really dedicated, be proud of yourself! Most people would have given up. :3

    • @IDK-yv4cv
      @IDK-yv4cv Рік тому +1

      no techniques and 20 lds in 6 months that's good progress

  • @midaslucky4363
    @midaslucky4363 Рік тому +4

    Thank you Daniel. It was quite necessary to be honest once again. I don't spend all too much time in praxis and more in theory I realised. I am preparing mentally and think of things that could potentially help but I don't then follow through the praxis. Thank you for showing me that today. Next lucid dream I'll have I dedicate it to you

  • @jonny3003
    @jonny3003 Рік тому +3

    I'm definitely more on the meditation side of practice, which includes breathing through different parts of the body like for example the forehead, listening to sounds and doing energy work in the body. I do that especially before going to sleep because I need ages to fall asleep anyways, but also in the morning after waking up.
    1) Maybe 4 RCs with 15 seconds length
    2) 2-3 minutes journaling, not journaling when having no recall (I know that's a mistake)
    3) Not much reading, but sometimes I analyze the recent days, especially the "Why" thing recently (I'm definitely not carrying the journal with me!)
    4) 1,5 hours meditation, maybe more. Really feeling good there when the whole body is buzzing and I still use the free cool machine sounds and binaural beats on UA-cam (for example The Golden Ratio from The Power Of You is so awesome! Not saying that this helps with lucid dreaming, no I won't ^^)
    5) Difficult to say, because I try different techniques like imagining climbing ropes or swimming, maybe 10 mins
    6) Not really. I rather try to remember dreams when waking up, but I'm not doing techniques there
    7) Mostly watching youtube stuff, about 45 mins for your videos, but also various meditation and spiritual stuff
    Guess I could probably increase the chances of lucid dreaming by raising some numbers, but I'm also lazy and don't want to completely quit the subject because it feels like work.

  • @StumpedSlicken
    @StumpedSlicken Рік тому +4

    Alright, triple comment day today I suppose! I would usually reflect on the video the majority of my comment but I think it's going to be different today as the video is more of a test and thus, it's going to be a self reflection on my scores (which I have posted in order to be honest and transparent). It's also going to be an essay because I'm feeling in the mood to somewhat roast myself for my bad habits.
    If you've seen my comments before, you know that I don't particularly keep a good track record with dream journals as I don't currently have the patience or mental capacity in the morning to write down my dreams. I know this is holding me back and even writing down a small fragment will help me tremendously, but being a perfectionist stops me in that regard. My dreams, if I were to write them in detail with all the aspects and elements to them can take me up to 30 minutes at times, especially if they strike me as interesting as I want to make sure I record all of it. I often do review those interesting dreams over and over again when I do write them down and replay them in my head. Not an excuse for not keeping and maintaining a dream journal but that is my (broken) logic.
    Another point is my low-ish number of reality checks. Those numbers (and lower) used to get me by at the beginning, but a few months ago they stopped working and I felt less motivated to do them. I'm building my numbers back up and I know they need work, but a few months ago it was 2-3 micro checks a day with no full checks in sight. Still not where I need to be but doing better off than where I was.
    I will also try to defend myself. Lately, my personal life has become very stressful and my health has taken a hit with almost daily headaches and high anxiety. I've been keeping up my practices as I don't want to lose my skills that I've gained through these practices, but I know that I need to shift some focus away to make sure I can even do them in the first place. I have a doctor's appointment set up so no one worry, but that's part of my reasoning. Health and safety before lucids.
    Overall, I think my answer to the poll the other day is still truthful - I'm doing enough to maintain my skills and abilities. I'm not doing enough if I wanted to build on them but I know that it may be unwise of me to. Thanks for the great quiz and I hope I can improve on these fronts when I feel that I am physically and mentally able to!

  • @spookymantis63
    @spookymantis63 Рік тому +2

    This was a really helpful video for me to see what I need to do! I will try to work on it but some things will be really difficult to fix. My answers are below.
    reality tests: anywhere from 5-20 tests depends on the day, some only a few seconds, some a few minutes.
    dream journal: 0 minutes if I remember nothing and am too tired to write a filler dream but when I remember a dream well then 5-10 minutes.
    reading: A few minutes before bed but none in the day because of fear my family won't respect my privacy and read it at home, and at school that someone will steal it and read it (similar things have happened to me before)
    meditation: 0 minutes I don't know how to do it properly
    preparation: about 5-10 minutes
    learning/thinking: some days a lot and some days only a little.
    techniques: I rarely use a technique because I always end up with insomnia

  • @kikorangi8
    @kikorangi8 Рік тому +4

    This is a very useful and practical way of measuring one’s practice, I think. Thank you.

  • @dmitrykuklenko4157
    @dmitrykuklenko4157 Рік тому +2

    Thanks for the info! Last night I’ve experimented with the anchor technique and found that even though music through headphones will just keep me awake, using the sound of a nearby ticking clock has more chances of genuinely helping with maintaining my awareness. I fell asleep after using the clock anchor for a while, and I had a vivid, pseudo lucid, regained awareness dream, in which I had to perform a micro test since I was in the vicinity of dreamlings, and I didn’t want to fall victim to Trevor the woodlouse. Oddly enough my watch was showing a remarkably stable time, and I was blindly assuming I was awake again, and that was the reason I was pseudo lucid at the time of performing the micro test. Now it’s just a matter of time to find the proper balance between distraction and awareness for the anchor technique to help me induce a maintained awareness dream.

  • @robh.2400
    @robh.2400 Рік тому +2

    Looks like I could focus a bit more on reviewing my journal, meditation, and better focused pre-bed activities.

  • @sonicatyt1082
    @sonicatyt1082 3 місяці тому +1

    Thank you Daniel for the videos. Thanks to you, I now have lucid dreams WEEKLY and have noticed my normal dreams becoming way more vivid and my dream recall improving a ton

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  3 місяці тому

      I'm so glad to hear it, thank you for your lovely comment, and keep up the good work! Stay lucid! :)

  • @netabolt6546
    @netabolt6546 Рік тому +1

    1 - two to three reality checks, on average per Reality Check ten seconds
    2 - probably five minutes, if its a vivid and long dream ten minutes
    3 - two minutes if i dont forget but i dont read them, i watch my sketches, cant read my bad handwriting, most of the days i dont even read or look at it at all
    4 - 5 minutes but i dont meditate that much anymore
    5 - 0 minutes.
    6 - zero, since i gotta be honest, i never performed any of the techniques
    7 - on average 15 to 30 minutes, depends

  • @ELIDAVIS-fv7hs
    @ELIDAVIS-fv7hs 3 місяці тому

    6, 15 secs
    10-15 mins
    0 mins (I don’t carry my dream journal around)
    0 mins (don’t meditate. What meditation should I be doing?)
    0 mins (I decided to stop maintained awareness practice because I don’t want to to WBTB)
    0 mins (Again, no WBTB)
    30 mins
    I guess I have a lot to work on! Thanks for the video, we all needed this

  • @matousrehak5556
    @matousrehak5556 Рік тому

    1) 0,2 tests/day, 30 seconds
    2) 5-10 min writing key things into phone, then completing throughout the day
    3) rarely reading the journal
    4) no real meditating
    5) no real training or techniques, sometimes thinking about it and what would I do
    6) don't consciously perform techniques
    7) average 3 min a day "studying" the topic
    Not really trying right now, I'm okay with the 1 monthly random lucid dream. Still I love your videos and your knowledge and common sense

  • @ananym7594
    @ananym7594 Рік тому +2

    Great, I’ll post my answers below so no one has to read the if the don’t want to. Thanks for the video. 💤🤩
    When I started I made like 10 a day because school was off and I was super motivated, but nowadays I tend to forget it because I think of other things, so I would say in between 1-4 times a day. Which is too little, I know. My average reality test takes about 1 minute.
    I spent, depending on how long the dream was between 10 minutes and an hour. I always plan in half an hour.
    Almost none at all …
    I rarely ever meditate. If, then not more then 5-10 minutes.
    I don’t do that often. Because I don’t know what kind of exercise I could do. But if learning vocabulary for school counts then I do that a lot 😂
    Maybe 10 minutes.
    About half an to one hour on good days.
    Ok, I’ll make another checklist.

  • @dostvc7272
    @dostvc7272 Рік тому

    1: I don't really know, but I think more than 10, whenever I catch myself daydreaming, for between 5 and 30 seconds
    2: 15 to 30 minutes
    3: 3 minutes
    4: I don't
    5: Don't know about that yet, I want to start the course tomorrow
    6: none, I tried some and got insomnia, so I have yet to find out, what works for me
    7: I listen to one or two videos, I really can't tell how much I think about it, but it is quite a lot during a day
    Thank you, this is good to know.

  • @max_the_mantis5173
    @max_the_mantis5173 Рік тому +2

    This is a wonderful video.
    We realized watching this we have not been spending even close to enough time practicing to see more significant results and didn't know, and about thirty minutes at least of research every day. So we've been putting all our energy into learning about lucid dreaming this past year but very little energy into practical application.. 😅❤

  • @SaffrinianOfficial
    @SaffrinianOfficial Рік тому +1

    I hope to pass this one!
    Edit… hmm, time for reflection!

  • @JasperF12
    @JasperF12 Рік тому +1

    Been a minute since I’ve been on this channel.
    Especially being on summer break I’ve not put any effort into Lucid dreaming at all.
    Looking to get back into it 🤝

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому

      Good to see you back. I hope you can get a burst of motivation and have some fantastic experiences. I'll do what I can to help!

    • @JasperF12
      @JasperF12 Рік тому

      @@LucidDreamPortal Thanks!

  • @pabloapariciotomasi2149
    @pabloapariciotomasi2149 Рік тому +1

    Omg daniel such an amazing video i did not know i was this lazy i am going to start putting in the work now thank you!!!

  • @Weirdo_Kai.
    @Weirdo_Kai. 10 місяців тому +1

    I was originally going to answer these questions normally, but I'm going to do something else instead. A few years ago, I heard about lucid dreaming and I wanted to try it. But I didn't do enough research and I failed miserably. I got so frustrated that I gave up. But, I heard about it again recently and I decided to try again, but I actually TRIED this time. I'm doing research and I'm trying my best. So, I'm going to humiliate myself and answer these questions if I did it when I first heard about lucid dreaming.
    Question 1: Around 10 times a day and they took 3 seconds. 🤦‍♀️
    Question 2: Around 2 minutes
    Question 3: Never. Literally never.
    Question 4: Never. I didn't know you were supposed to meditate.
    Question 5: Never
    Question 6: Never. I didn't know what that was.
    Question 7: I got distracted easily so I didn't think about it often, and I never did research.
    When you're serious about doing a new thing, DO YOUR RESEARCH!!!! It's more important than you think.

  • @link1129
    @link1129 Рік тому

    question #1: from 3 to 10 test a day and they usually last about 30 to 45 seconds
    question #2: 30 minutes to 45 minutes
    question #3: i rarely re-read my dreams in my journal
    question #4: i dont meditate but i do a muscle relaxation technic each night before bed
    question #5: i dont know how long because i do MILD until i fall asleep
    question #6: until i fall asleep ( no matter how long it takes )
    question #7: i'd say from 30 minutes to 1 hour

  • @MostlyTriangle
    @MostlyTriangle Рік тому +1

    I got around zero for each one and don't really care about getting meaningful results, yet I still get around weekly lucid dreams. And on top of that, it is hard to wake up from them! I'm thinking of quitting, since I'm doing some other stuff in my life right now. Should I?
    A few notes, though;
    -I am mildly autistic, which I'm sure could change some results
    -I also have derealization, which sort of makes me do reality tests all the time, but I don't have it in dreams.
    -About the "hard to wake up from dreams", this is most likely because I am a deep sleeper which is also most likely because I am an insomniac.
    Sorry if this comment was confusing, I'm not a good writer. Anyways, amazing video as always.

  • @ZzzZzz-tq9le
    @ZzzZzz-tq9le Рік тому +3


  • @brightscales197
    @brightscales197 6 місяців тому

    1. 5-10 RC they last about 1.5 minutes
    2. 15 minutes morning writing, depends on how much i remember
    3. None really, i do 30-45 minutes of analysis once a week, but i dont read it during the day
    4. Currently 10 minutes meditation, im working up to more
    5. Maybe 1 minute, just stating i will remember my dreams. I dont know what i should be doing
    6. I usually only do techniques on the weekends, usually spend around an hour then.
    7. 10-15 minutes reading a bit or watching a video.
    I will focus my attention mostly on evening practice and trying to do more RC

  • @heyimlethh9697
    @heyimlethh9697 Рік тому +2

    1. Roughly 10-15 times a day, 1-2 minutes
    2. 3 minutes
    3. 5 minutes
    4. 0 minutes
    5. 30-60 minutes
    6. 30 minutes
    7. Almost the whole day it’s all I do in my free time

  • @StumpedSlicken
    @StumpedSlicken Рік тому +3

    Boosting! And oh no, Daniel has discovered more memes...

  • @dinoknightz
    @dinoknightz Рік тому

    1: 1-3 checks, about 5-10 seconds
    2: 2-5 minutes, depends on length(and am fast typer af B) )
    3: almost never, maybe occasionally read every few months
    4: 10-30 minutes
    5: not much
    6: 10-20 minutes
    7: 20-30 minutes
    yeah.... I do not do as much as i probably should huh
    Ideally what I should do(noting purposes)
    1: 10+ checks, about 2 minutes
    2: dj for 10+ minutes
    3: read dj for 15+ minutes
    4: meditate for about 20 minutes
    5: 15 minutes preparation
    6: performing techniques for 15+ minutes
    7: thinking about it for 15 minutes

  • @scmc5431
    @scmc5431 6 місяців тому

    1. I preform a small reality test around 1-3 actual times, but I ambiently do them around 0-2 times an hour ; the reality tests are generally 5-10 seconds long

  • @kapwinng
    @kapwinng Рік тому

    Answers 5-9, 20 seconds RT, 5-7 minutes writing, 3-5 minutes re-reading, meditation not often, 10 minutes when I do, 2-5 minutes preparation, 0-3 minutes techniques, 3-30 minutes thinking/learning.

    • @kapwinng
      @kapwinng Рік тому

      I think I knew I wasn't doing enough but as usual, my commitment comes in waves and |I'm currently on an upwards slope to doing more so these numbers are on the increase! as a result, i got lucid this week for the first time in a while,

  • @oliverholland2771
    @oliverholland2771 Рік тому +1

    1. 3, 2 seconds
    2. 1.5 minutes
    3. 0
    4. 0
    5. 25 minues
    6. 20 minutes
    7. 45 mins

  • @fernylokz6642
    @fernylokz6642 Рік тому +3

    The other day i had a dream that i was going to see a movie about lucid dreaming, i failed to recognize that i was dreaming 🤦😭🤣

  • @yamnatan150
    @yamnatan150 Рік тому

    1. I preform between 2-4 reality tests each one is near 30-60 seconds
    2.most of the time i not doing dream journal in the morning bc im kinda lazy but i am going to take it more serious.
    3. Haven't read my journal yet so its 0 minutes.
    4. Mediating around 5 minutes when i can bc often busy but gonna practice daily.
    5. I think around 10 minutes.
    6.i think Less then 5 minutes.
    7. Around 15-20 minutes.

  • @cleverfox1Bella8724
    @cleverfox1Bella8724 Рік тому +2

    1. idk how many just when I see something weird or my automatic thing to do one goes off. about 20-25 seconds
    2. ehh 6-6 mins
    3.I dont 😥😥😥
    4. for 30 mins but not for lucid dreaming Its just to help me calm down rom the day
    5. I drink tea to calm down and watch lucid dream videos for like 15 mins 😭
    6. wake back to bed once a week or less. I dont do the other stuff
    7.umm im not sure it varies

  • @MysticLGD
    @MysticLGD Рік тому +2


  • @chuckk4722
    @chuckk4722 Рік тому +1

    Thanks, Daniel.
    Dude, you showed up in my dream last night! You were teaching a LD workshop at a local college. How I didn’t do a reality check, I’ll never know. Note to self, if I ever run into Daniel Love again, do a damn reality check…🤣🤣
    Ok, here’s my question, please explain what a full reality check entails, Daniel. I worked through your seventeen day tutorial and didn’t get a sense of investing two minutes in the test. I understand I am more or less playing, “spot the difference,” looking for things that are not time congruent, color congruent, having of sense of how I got to now and where I am heading. That’s takes about a minute if I don’t rush.
    Is there something else I should include and should I extend my time of playing, “spot the difference?” Appreciate the help! 👍

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому +3

      Hi Chuck, firstly thank for your kind support, it's hugely appreciated!
      As for me appearing in your dreams, I get this often, so one thing I can guarantee you is this: If you ever meet me and I *DO NOT* ask you to perform a reality check, then you're definitely dreaming. Whenever I meet subscribers in the waking world, my first question will always be "Are you dreaming?".
      As for how to perform a full reality check, or as I prefer to call them for clarity a N.O.W., unfortunately it's a little too complicated to go into full depth here in a comment, but here's are the basics:
      1) Stop what you're doing ground yourself, as yourself the question "Is this a dream?"
      2) Fully assess your inner-state (this is at least 1 minute)
      3) Fully assess your environment (again at least 1 minute)
      4) Draw your conclusion to the original question based on the details from steps 2-3
      5) If your conclusion is "I'm not dreaming" then ask yourself "But what if I'm wrong?"
      6) With complete doubt, perform two practical tests, I recommend nose pinch and digital watch test.
      7) If you're not dreaming, take time to think about your dream goal, then look at your current environment and assess how you would achieve this goal under your current circumstance. Take time to creatively solve this problem and daydream about the outcome (at least 1 minute)
      That is a very basic N.O.W.
      The important point here is to be thorough, logical, observant, critical, and doubtful of your ability to judge based on assumptions.
      Hope that helps.

    • @shipsability
      @shipsability Рік тому +1

      He showed up in mine yesterday, he was leaning against a wall and teaching lucid dreaming in an alley.😂

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому

      Damn, my side-hustle of street-lucidity has been discovered!

  • @musictobeabletowithdraw9168

    Question 1: I would say between 6 and 8. It takes me around 30 seconds.
    Question 2: I record what I say while I'm walking.
    Question 3: I wanted to read my dream journal but never did it.
    Question 4: I mediate between 30 and 40 Min.
    Question 5: None 🙋‍♂️ I think about it.
    Question 6: During nights I do none. But I did between 20 and 30 seconds.
    Question 7: 30 min to 10 hrs.

  • @That1gamer86
    @That1gamer86 Рік тому

    Question 1: About 20 each day 12 seconds each. (counting my fingers and checking if the colour is right).
    Question 2: Depending on how crazy the dream is, it could take up to 20 minutes, but the average dream is about 5-7 minutes.
    Question 3: I wrote my first ever entry today, I'm gonna have to come back to this one.
    Question 4: I've never actually *meditated,* that starts just before I start my first (proper) lucid dream.
    Question 5: Like I said, I haven't started lucid dreaming yet, so I'll have to come back to this one.
    Question 6: Re-read question 5.
    Question 7: Just about all day every day. Of course not at *school* and I get home at about 3, so 6 hours about

    • @Tazan17
      @Tazan17 Рік тому

      You should try nose pinch reality test its 100% reliable

    • @That1gamer86
      @That1gamer86 Рік тому

      Yeah, I found out about that one later just didn't feel like updating it. My list is now:
      Count fingers
      Check hand colour
      See if my finger phases through my hand
      Pinch my nose and breath out.

  • @longbow6976
    @longbow6976 Рік тому +1

    Q1: 3 and 20 seconds, Q2: 5 minutes, Q3: 0, Q4: 0, Q:5 2 minutes, Q6: 0 minutes, Q7: 10 minutes,

  • @einmensch5140
    @einmensch5140 Рік тому

    5-10 3 min
    Dream journal 2 minutes or i even forget to write and I never read it again on the same day
    Meditate 10 minutes if I do
    I put my dream journal next to my bed before going to sleep
    Currently not trying any techniques
    Iam thinking only one or two hours about lucid dreaming

  • @MadMax-zc4kv
    @MadMax-zc4kv Рік тому

    i do at the very least 5 a day for an average of about 10 seconds. I spend about 5 to 10 minutes on average writing in my journal. I spend about 5 minutes reading my dreams a day. I meditate for about 5 minutes in bed. I spend about 10 minutes preparing for lucid dreaming. I spend 20 minutes doing techniques because it takes me a while to fall asleep sometimes. I usaly spend at least 30 minutes learning about lucid dreaming.

  • @karolymak9347
    @karolymak9347 7 місяців тому +1

    Hi Daniel.
    This is an other great and useful video from you!
    Please help me on one thing I am buffled a bit...
    In one of ypur video you explain, how and when do the NOWs compare to the deams. You explain what happening in the dream that is a tuned up version of real life. So lets say if in the dream someone feels the urgency he could do the NOWs awake when he feel a bit hasted, or behind or anything resemble the dream feeling, just in a much softer way. This is clear for me when it comes to feelings or certain things and I adjusted my NOWs to this. Eg.: new scenes, some reouccuring feelings, etc...
    What I don't know what is the real life equivalent of a flying shark, or a shark turning in to a dolphiny thingy or any other absoulte impossibe event?

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  7 місяців тому +1

      Hi Karolymak, thanks for your kind support. The answer to this is actually easier than you might expect. What is the mental process or emotion that accompanies the impossible events? Most likely it's surprise, confusion, shock, or something similar. Try to think of the scenery in the dream world to be a mask that the storyline is wearing, so peel off the mask and ask "how did I respond to this event, what did it make me think/feel?". A shock dream could be a dream of a flying shark, or equally an alien invasion - they are the masks "shock" wears in the dream. Hopefully that makes sense (I currently have a terrible flu, so this may not be as coherent as usual).

    • @karolymak9347
      @karolymak9347 7 місяців тому +1

      @@LucidDreamPortal It does, thank you.

  • @Starss25899
    @Starss25899 Рік тому +2

    Okay so
    1. I do about 10 a day but sometimes i do 20-30 not very often tho and they last about 1-2 minutes
    2. I have good dream recall so i remember about 4-5 dreams a night so it takes about 5 minutes with a lot of detail but this is on my laptop and i am very fast typer about 75-90 WPM so ye about 5 minutes
    3. I only do it once or twice a week and about for 30 minutes
    4. I do it for about 4-5 minutes a day (not very good D:)
    5. About like 2-3 minutes (also not very good i don't think)
    6. I don't really do techniques very often i just do i just say "i will remember all my dreams and i will become lucid soon" but when i do a technique it last about 3 minutes i think
    7. About 50 minutes i think maybe less i don't know for sure
    (Is this good..?)

  • @Aezzy
    @Aezzy Рік тому +1

    Cool vid! Btw can I do different 3 reality checks? Or should i just stick to one reality check method

    • @Weirdo_Kai.
      @Weirdo_Kai. 10 місяців тому

      Yes! It's best to do more than one. If you're in a dream and you do only one and it fails, you'll think it's real life and continue on. So always do more than one just in case

  • @thecreeperking1909
    @thecreeperking1909 2 місяці тому

    I usually perform between 3 and 5 a day Each usually about 2 to 3 seconds long
    Writing in my dream journal usually depends on the dream it can be Three minutes to twenty minutes :/
    I actually didn't know I was supposed to be reading it again XD
    I don't Meditate
    I prepare for lucid dreaming Usually the entire time i'm going to sleep if i'm really motivated and when i'm going to sleep I usually think about it
    I actually don't know the answer to this question. I don't usually time that I would say between five minutes to a hours Depending on the Technique
    The time I spend thinking about lucid dreaming Or learning about depends on how motivated I am about that day so I don't know Some days I don't at all others I Spend like twenty minutes to a hour learning

  • @siddheshkhatavkar7367
    @siddheshkhatavkar7367 7 місяців тому

    1)- 3-4 times , average it lasts for 2-3 sec. (Minimum 10 times , 2 minutes, 20minutes total.)
    2)- 5-6 mins (minimum 10 minutes each morning)
    3)- don't read it often only when want to so it happens like 1 or 2 times in 2 weeks or something. (15 minutes each day minimum. 3 lots of 5 or 3 lots of 10 mins.)
    4) 5 mins each day at morning minimum and sometimes more like 30 mins +. (Solid 20 mins)
    5)20 mins +. (15 mins but no longer than hour)
    6)5mins. (15 minutes of focused practice.)
    7)20-30mins (15 minutes it is enough i heard.)
    (Minimum of 2 hours of all these as a whole.)

  • @scmc5431
    @scmc5431 6 місяців тому

    6. I spend around 5-8 minutes actually focused

  • @WeHaveACatInTheHouse
    @WeHaveACatInTheHouse Рік тому +2

    1:53 how many I can but mostly like what 5 - 10 maybe a little more

    • @WeHaveACatInTheHouse
      @WeHaveACatInTheHouse Рік тому +1

      2. 5-10 Minutes
      5 Munites If Not More
      0 Munites Of Mediating
      I Would Say A Good 10 To 15 Munites

    • @WeHaveACatInTheHouse
      @WeHaveACatInTheHouse Рік тому +1

      Like 2-3 or a a few hours at least
      And alot

    • @WeHaveACatInTheHouse
      @WeHaveACatInTheHouse Рік тому +1

      And 5:19 oh yes 10 a day for me if not more and 5:46 yes I am

  • @lgsi.daniel
    @lgsi.daniel Рік тому +1

    1. Around 10 reality checks, 30 seconds each
    2. 10 minutes of writing into dream journal each day
    3. I don't read it often, but about 5 minutes of reading my dream journal
    4. I don't meditate these days, but when I do, it's about 30 minutes
    5. 10 - 15 mins
    6. Not doing techniques at all
    7. I watch lucid dreaming UA-cam videos for 15 minutes a day
    Thanks for this awesome video ❤

  • @doordotpng
    @doordotpng 2 місяці тому

    1 - 5 times for 30 seconds (I had no clue I had to do that many for that long)
    2 - 5-20 minutes
    3 - yikes not much
    4- 0 uh oh
    5 - 0 this makes sense why I'm not lucid dreaming lol
    6 - Maybe 5 - 20 minutes depending on if I can sleep or not
    7 - at least a few minutes a day, or maybe an hour depending on if I go down a youtube rabbit hole of ld videos

  • @karolymak9347
    @karolymak9347 8 місяців тому +1

    An other great and very useful video Daniel.
    Thank you.
    Until this moment I was not doing that long reality checks, just a few seconds and a good look on my palm. (As it so far I have seen it 4 times in my dreams always destorted so it seems work) I tought it is enough, but you say minimum 2 mins torough check.
    Why is that, what is te concept behind it?
    Why is it has to be that long, what should be included?
    I mean, look at the palm, nose pinch, torough sourrounding checks, everything in place etc...
    I appreciate your answer.

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  8 місяців тому +1

      Hi Karolymak! Firstly, thank you for your kind support, It's much appreciated.
      So try to not think of a reality check as simply a test - while that's a common idea, and widely taught, it overlooks one of the primary functions of the process, namely bringing your critical faculties "online". A reality check, or as I've sometimes called them N.O.Ws, serve a dual purpose. Most importantly, to engage the prefrontal cortex, "wake it up", so that you are thinking with a clear and present mind - not on autopilot. Secondly, to question and test the nature of your current circumstances. The reason for the longer duration of these tests is to take the time to really engage the logical processes of the mind - as it is those that we want engaged when dreaming. So spend a minute or two really becoming present in the moment, critically observing and questioning the world around you, then use the traditional tests as "punctuation" to resolve the answer to that question. I'll make another video about this in the future.

    • @karolymak9347
      @karolymak9347 8 місяців тому

      @@LucidDreamPortal Thank you vey much for your answer. I tought there is a reason behind it. 🙂 I will looking froward for that video, also I just found your stream on the subject, so watching that will be todays homework. 🙂

  • @kril9725
    @kril9725 Рік тому

    I just had my first lucid dream 💯 I said that I was dreaming out loud at one point, and everybody’s faces were like weird 💀

  • @MarekZ2
    @MarekZ2 Рік тому

    1. 4,4
    2. 1-2min
    3. 6min
    4. 0min
    5. 30min
    6. 15min
    7. 1h 30min

  • @scmc5431
    @scmc5431 6 місяців тому

    3. I never read through my dream Journal
    4. I just started meditating around 3-10 minutes a day
    5. I dont generally prepare

  • @FormulaWHAT
    @FormulaWHAT Рік тому +1

    5, 10 sec, 3 min, 5 min, not, usually not but sometimes 5 min mild before bed, not, 40 min

  • @cestmoi914
    @cestmoi914 Рік тому +2

    I'm not able to buy the book at the moment but was wondering whether it could be possible to be sent to libraries? I know authors get paid whenever their book is checked out and would love to support you. I know libraries also support multiple formats including ebooks

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому +1

      It is already available in libraries, but just a heads up - an author doesn't earn anything from this, it's done for the public good :)
      The digital versions of the book are priced to be within the price range of anyone who can afford a coffee or two a week. - you can find it on my website: www.thelucidguide.com

    • @cestmoi914
      @cestmoi914 Рік тому

      @@LucidDreamPortal thank you, I didnt see it at my library but that’s awesome news to hear that it’s available at others. I also wasn’t aware of the digital price and would love to buy it thanks for responding

  • @vittorio780
    @vittorio780 Рік тому

    1= 10 reality checks and it last 15 seconds
    2= 10 minutes
    3=5 minutes
    4= sometimes I meditate for half an hour sometimes I don’t do it at all
    5= 10 minutes
    6=10 minutes
    7= 2 hour

  • @sonicatyt1082
    @sonicatyt1082 3 місяці тому

    I usually revisit my dream journal at night to rewrite the previous nights dream since when I write it in the first time, it looks like chicken scratch because I am drowsy when writing lol. The handwriting gets worse if it is from me writing after I wake up from a dream in the middle of the night before I go back to sleep because it is darker in my room and I have not gotten a full nights sleep yet.

  • @jimeatscorn6628
    @jimeatscorn6628 Рік тому +1

    Hi, Daniel! I have one major hangup with my lucid dreaming. I have very poor dream recall and sometimes it is as if I didn't dream at all. I am keeping a dream journal, and I think it is slowly improving, but I am wondering if there is anything else I can do.
    If anyone else can offer me any advice, I'd appreciate it.

    • @Weirdo_Kai.
      @Weirdo_Kai. 10 місяців тому +1

      I keep hearing people just saying "write in your dream journal as soon as you wake up" but I think it would be better if, as soon as you wake up, you close your eyes and do your best to remember your dream and slowly piece it together. Then write it down. And since you're still thinking about it as you write it down, you might remember even more things. And re-reading your dreams also helps you remember. And the most important thing is time. Most things take time. And that's the case for this too. I only started writing in my dream journal two days ago and I still barely remember my dreams. But I'm working on it.

  • @fizzypizzel6477
    @fizzypizzel6477 Рік тому

    1. 30 and about 10 seconds. 2. 20 min in detail digitallt 3. 5min 4. 0 minutes 5. 0 min i do wild 6. idk 7. 10 - 30min

  • @ludovicoernike7550
    @ludovicoernike7550 11 місяців тому +1

    My reality check is the nose pinch tecnique, as you suggested. But how am I supposed to do that for 2 minutes? Should the number of times i do this reality check higher than the number said in this video?

    • @Weirdo_Kai.
      @Weirdo_Kai. 10 місяців тому +1

      Maybe do that technique as long as it would normally take, then do other techniques as well. It's always good to have a backup one in case it fails in a dream. This is just a suggestion though. I'm no where near a professional.

  • @wixxijespihsbrawlstars
    @wixxijespihsbrawlstars Рік тому +2

    Ive got a quick question for anyone who knows how to answer this: will it affect my lucid dreaming progress if I only try it on the weekends? Im still in school so I literally cant spend a single minute on anything when trying to sleep…

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому

      Focus on your education as a priority. You can absolutely do lucid dreaming practice at weekends only. Progress will be a bit slower, but that's fine, you have a lifetime ahead of you!

    • @wixxijespihsbrawlstars
      @wixxijespihsbrawlstars Рік тому

      Ok, thanks for the quick response!

  • @cestmoi914
    @cestmoi914 Рік тому +2

    Will you do any more overnight wbtb guides?

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому +1

      I'm definitely hoping to. They tend to be quite time consuming to make, but it's on the to-do list :)

    • @cestmoi914
      @cestmoi914 Рік тому +2

      @@LucidDreamPortal I definitely understand the time consuming aspect! I did the one you posted 3 years ago last night but when it came time to get back in bed I felt wide awake. In fact I was still awake when I heard your voice asking me if I was dreaming what felt like 30 minutes later😭
      It’s hard for me to tell how long I should stay up because after only a couple minutes of being awake it’s super hard to fall back asleep. But if I try to go right into the method after waking, I can never stay up long enough to go into the dream. Do you have any advice?

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому

      The best thing to do is to experiment a little, it will mean a few failed attempts and a few cases of keeping yourself awake, but try increments of 5 minutes until you find the sweet spot (everyone has one). Also use the ART practice when possible as it will help you target the right times to try.

    • @cestmoi914
      @cestmoi914 Рік тому

      @@LucidDreamPortal thank you so much I appreciate it I will look into the ART technique I’m not familiar with it.

  • @martinbrown4549
    @martinbrown4549 10 місяців тому

    what would 1 hour per day of sporadic awareness and reality checks be like in terms of comparative results i wonder?

  • @lukeymate5361
    @lukeymate5361 Рік тому +2

    👽 🌌

  • @xDarkRegionx
    @xDarkRegionx Рік тому

    How often shoulf someone be doing RCs, as in how much gap should there be betweent two RCs, I do it either with too short gaps or too long ones, I know quality before quantity but I need to know the time gap between them for a good quantity.

  • @teabiscuit417
    @teabiscuit417 Рік тому +1

    Hey mate, im kinda low at most of these questions except the last(the least important😅). If we do all of these, will we get frequent ld's

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому +1

      Try to check out today's live stream and I'll elaborate more on today's video. But yes, if done correctly and with this base-level of dedication, results will increase. Exactly like exercise: 1 minute of exercise a day is going to give worse results than 10 minutes a day.

  • @Shadow-pm4nd
    @Shadow-pm4nd Рік тому +2

    1. 20 rc for abt 5 sec
    2. 2 minutes
    3. 0 minutes
    4. 0 minutes
    5. 4 minutes
    6. 4 minutes and i forgot
    7. 40 minutes

  • @jumperciza2606
    @jumperciza2606 Рік тому +1

    Hey daniel i have a question about ld, in the past i recived dark mind about lucid dream wich made me like not try it and scared at all... Im working with it but in night i always am little scared but idk why i need to overcome this fear i will be happy for response ❤

    • @Weirdo_Kai.
      @Weirdo_Kai. 10 місяців тому

      I think I have an answer for you. I know your comment was a month ago so you probably don't need this advice anymore but I'm going to give it to you anyway, just in case.
      I don't know very much about lucid dream techniques so I don't really know what "id" thing you're talking about, but it's normal to be afraid to lucid dream. It is possible to accidentally fall into sleep paralysis or have a lucid nightmare and those can be scary, but if you know how to deal with it, it's not very scary. I'm sure you can find videos here on UA-cam about what to do. If either of these things happen, one important thing to remember is do your best to stay calm and think happy thoughts. It will really help.
      I hope this helps, good luck on your lucid dream journey! ❤️❤❤

  • @nerox_4621
    @nerox_4621 Рік тому

    interesting video, but i have question about dream recall. Before I could remember my dreams but suddenly I can't remember even a single dream. Is this normal?

  • @jullienmclean4044
    @jullienmclean4044 10 місяців тому

    1. 1-3 times a day / 10-15 seconds each
    2. About 5 minutes
    3. I never re-read my dream journal
    4. 10-15
    5. I don't do anything
    6. No time
    7. 1 of your videos a night haha

  • @scmc5431
    @scmc5431 6 місяців тому

    2. Time doesnt matter to me, its as long as I need to to chart my dream

  • @jerryg9924
    @jerryg9924 7 місяців тому +1

    I'll be as honest as I can

  • @muggy3939
    @muggy3939 Рік тому

    What’s with the Christmas music? Seems a bit early

  • @Aezzy
    @Aezzy Рік тому +1

    I don't get it, how can a reality check last up to 2 minutes? I am doing nose pinch test and it usualy takes around 40 seconds if I do it right

  • @ironaubergine113
    @ironaubergine113 8 місяців тому

    I do about 20 cheks a day

  • @J0rdan069
    @J0rdan069 8 місяців тому

    How should I properly perform a reality check? I don't know how to make it 2 minutes without just dragging it on.

  • @jimvanhall217
    @jimvanhall217 Рік тому +3

    haha no lucidity for me am sick. so wanted my experimental
    apply technique. can't get to sleep bha bha.
    but... 2 minutes for 1 reality check? i know after 10 seconds i know im dreaming or not? I often have more than 10 in a day. I don't know what to do in those 2 minutes. I check my surroundings and do nose reality check and alarm clock reality check. full focus!
    I thought it was so strange that reality check in live stream took so long 😅

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому +4

      Oh, sorry to hear you're sick Jim, I hope you have a speedy recover (and please look after yourself, stay hydrated, and rest!). Thank you for your lovely donation, as always you're an absolute wonder and I can't thank you enough for your ongoing support. Yes, 2 minutes would be a reasonable time for the full reality test process, one minute would be the absolute minimum (and I'd consider that rushed). It sounds like you're performing micro-tests rather than full reality tests - which is fine, but you should add complete tests to your strategy for more consistent results, and this will almost certainly help increase your chances of true-lucidity - as that is predicated on an ability to centre oneself and fully engage critical logical thinking.

    • @jimvanhall217
      @jimvanhall217 Рік тому +1

      @@LucidDreamPortal the way to full lucidity? 🤩I don't understand how to think critically and logically during reality check. would you like to give me an example of how you do that and your mindset? that I send you an email?I need something more to understand

  • @arthtunp4383
    @arthtunp4383 Рік тому

    Daniel could you tell me that if I wake up 15 minutes before actully awake up and just being with eyes closed trying to remember everything I dreamed and then spending 2-3 minutes just wrinting a setence of these dreams to complete it later on the day because I need to be quicker on the morning thats a bad thing?

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому +1

      No not a bad thing as long as you're capturing the details. Recording as much as close to the dream is better, as it avoids false memory, but you should be fine

  • @Aeowyn23
    @Aeowyn23 Рік тому +1

  • @damonster5797
    @damonster5797 9 місяців тому

    1. 5-6 5s 2. 2mins 3. i don’t 4. 10mins 5. i dont 6. i dont know 7. 30 mins-1 hour

  • @deeswa2759
    @deeswa2759 2 місяці тому

    maybe I should learn lucid dreaming

  • @bjdollcoloredpencil3273
    @bjdollcoloredpencil3273 Рік тому +1

    2 hours a day is an insane amount of time, that only few people can handle. When you have a job, should sleep 8 hours and than have other stuff in life it is just not practical. :(

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому

      It's really very little when broken up over a day.

    • @bjdollcoloredpencil3273
      @bjdollcoloredpencil3273 Рік тому

      @@LucidDreamPortal It is just so hard for me to motivate myself, when the result is unpredictable (if or when it happens). I studied so I know how to put effort into something, but back then I got an close and predictable result. Furthermore If the amount of work is very high, it puts stress on the topic, so that you strongly want to achieve the goal and as far as I know this can be very problematic with lucid dreaming. I hate dream journaling and forcing myself to do it puts so much pressure to perform on this topic.

    • @LucidDreamPortal
      @LucidDreamPortal  Рік тому

      I think you'll find today's stream important, it will address most of what you've said 😊

    • @bjdollcoloredpencil3273
      @bjdollcoloredpencil3273 Рік тому

      @@LucidDreamPortal Oh cool, I am very excited about it :)