Say nice things about Hector or he will be sad. I'll start. Your Karma doesn't make me physically sick Hector, Veigar is just the support meta at the moment! 😖
I hate it when team decides to constantly engage fights without even knowing whether they would win that or not. And after failed play they search who to blame for that, never themselves though.
This is so much worse if you play as a split push champion who struggles in teamfights... You can't split push because your team will engage regardless and die 4v5, and you can't teamfight because your team STILL gets destroyed because you can't do much in teamfights. (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
Even in Dia this is the no. 1 reason for throws. Teams picking 4v5 fights when someone is in base or splitpushing. Intentionally or because they stay too close to enemy (for zero reason) and get caught.
DavidsonLoops like he said there are soo many variables when it comes to solo q team fighting that it’s usually not worth it. But sometimes team fighting is unavoidable and you need to make the best of it
all the things u discussed in this video actaully helped me win more games where my team mates were just aram mid and doing nothing but sharing xp and cs
I hate those ARAM shit on summoners Rift. Mostly i go farm jungle an ping sidelanes. Most players don't understand that it's useless to stay 5v5 mid in front of enemy tower unless you are giga ahead or have strong siege.
@TheWeeaboo I am Voli Jungle otp and peaked Dia2 Promos last season. Ofc sometimes u have to 5v5 mid but not when teams are even and enemies stay under their tower.
same as an adc yesterday. got my self fed through the wave control guides. Early level leads. and not sharing xp. 13/1 most dmg 5k gold lead to my team and basically solo carry the game
This is actually such an important video, mentality-wise. Know what to focus on: the little plays leading up to the fights, not the coinflip of a fair fight. Thanks for the upload!
It depends of what you consider a "fair fight" Do you mean 5vs5? Because in that case youre really wrong. TEAM A: JAYCE - LEE SIN - LEBLANC - CAITLYN - SORAKA VS TEAM B: ORNN - REKSAI - VIKTOR - VAYNE - LULU You're in min 32, scores are (17-12)... Do you really consider team A, is equal to Team B or even better for just 5 kills? XD Because i think even if they're behind in score, Team B should destroy Team A in that point of the game. Yes ofc... Team A got a better perfomance before because they have worse lategame and teamfighting capacity, so they had to play proactively in low levels in order to try to win.... By the same reason Team B had to play defensively and scale so they couldnt fight until this point... But now they have their items they can start leading teamfights, and the advantage its so huge that i can guarantee you Team B can make so much more mistakes in teamfights and still win the fight and the objetives you were fighting for.
@@SectorZeroGP In the chaos of low elo solo queue, absolutely it's a coin flip. You have no idea if lee will properly peel, if reksai will properly follow up on ornn engage, etc. The only consistent soloq strat is to win lots of micro battles leading up to this situation, so this teamfight isnt anywhere near 50-50.
@@PriorityFire You seem to not get it. No matter your elo, specially if its low, if you have a good champ for teamfights and you are in that moment when your champ is strong, there is no coinflip, sice no matter how bad your mates play as soon as they give a minimum. When you said "You have no idea if lee will properly peel, if reksai will properly follow up on ornn engage, etc." I dont really need him to battle them, since in this moment we're stronger by scaling. I dont need him to do "exactly what he has to do" i just need him to be there and make anything that can distract enemies. That concept of "The only consistent soloq strat is to win lots of micro battles leading up to this situation, so this teamfight isnt anywhere near 50-50." its just 100% true if you play an assasin or some early game champ, because with that kind of champions you are not going to have the control over teamfights. ------------------ Also, and as i've answered some people, you understimate your team, and overstimate enemies. You're supposing your mates are iron IV (-999 lp) and your enemies are SKT-T1. You tell me your mates will make mistakes? Yes ofc, i can guarantee you about they will, but enemies will make same mistakes too, and you can take enough advantage for them. From D1 in above, where you are not going to improve your mechanics too much in comparison with the rest, yes, you will need to be carefull with teamfights, because even if your allies doesnt make so much mistakes, enemies wont neither, so you will have to put more efforts. Anyways, its the same, if you're good teamfighting and your champion is good teamfighting, you should try to base your game in your strenghts, instead of your weakness. As i've told to the channel owner, his videos are usually nice, but its more than obvious he's not really good managing teamfights (what is not necesary bad, since everyone is better doing something and worse doing another things). Thats in my opinion the reason why he always tries to base his tactics on roams and numeric advantages instead of being better than the others. And as i've said that fact isnt bad (the opposite, because it means he has managed to develope a tactic for his own playstile). Maybe thats your case too, and you're not really good teamfighting, so you consider that fights a chaos... The thing is that every teamfighter you will see, is going to tell you the same thing i'm telling you now. A good teamfighter its like having 3x1 , because as soon as you need him for fights, he's going to be confortable and he's going to win most of teamfights by himself. Of course, for someone who doesnt like to teamfight like its your case (as i can see), i wouldnt recomend you to base your tactic in teamfights, but by the same reason, i wouldnt recomend a teamfighter player to base his game on roams or splitpush if he can avoid it. And... yes, im concious my tip doesnt sounds so "pro" like the thypical one who says "macro is all, your mechanics doesnt mean anything", but the reality its there are no bad mechanics in challenger or people who doesnt knows about macro. You can reach that rank whatever its your playstyle as soon as you find the way to win games with it. Said that, and to point it, saying "try to avoid teamfights because tfs are coinflip" its not a really good tip. It would be a great tip for bad teamfighters, but you cant thing there is a good tip for every player just because this channel is named "challenger lol guides".
@@SectorZeroGP The advice in the video is to avoid a _fair fight_. If you dicked on the enemy laners and spread your lead around by roaming, the fight isn't fair - it's as simple as that. They never said not to avoid all teamfights, just to avoid effective coinflips, and I agree. Don't worry, I love teamfighting too, I'm a swain supp otp lol.
First off, what are you playing? If you're vayne or jhin, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be side wave clearing. You're slow. You won't have time to auto 20 times and clear whereas a jinx, sivir, xayah, kaisa, whatever can take it out in a fraction of the time. (They also may not be able to if assassins are around or fed.) Adc's usually have to take mid lane farm and fight for it whereas a roaming mid laner, top laner, or jungle side wave more safely. In low elo they won't oftentimes, but you'll be able to get away with it usually without getting picked. Also don't push more than a single wave, 2 at most. Let the minions do work for you and build up as they slow push themselves. It creates bigger problems and larger time windows. Ideally, never let a side wave be a problem. Anytime you leave to meet up with the team, make sure you push that last wave before you do so. Put the enemy in your shoes instead. Make them have to catch a side wave, and be there for the team when it counts as they Aram constantly.
Look back at your game and find out when you left that side lane and watch how the minions were controlled instead of the fight that happened. Chances are, there's something you could've done to prepare that lane to be pushed minutes back and you didn't. You just left the lane instead of pushing just 1 single more wave. Fights are going to happen no matter what because everyone loves to Aram fight and "be better" or "outplay". You need to prepare it minutes ahead so that those fights are in your favor, and you're able to be present without having to leave and split.
this guide was actually very helpful, i was listening to it while i was practicing my adc. i actually used this advice in two of my games while listening to the video. i won the first game but the advice was not as game deciding as in the second one. the second game i did not listen to the advice at first because our team comp was good at teamfighting, however after 2 failed team fights i decided to make a different play. at this time our team was down 1 turret to 8. the enemy team was getting ready to siege and my team was prepping to fight them. however i was playing jinx and had a decent lead i decided the best play was to push for top turret. the enemy team decided to siege my team and took one turret but took a lot of damage. my team tried to take advantage of this and a fight broke out. my team lost the fight handing the enemies 4 kills but getting 3, not too bad a lose. however during this time i had shredded the outer and inner turrets and had managed to knock down the enemy inhibit turret as well, before the enemies could respawn as the death timers were still reasonably short. this ended up completely turning the tides at a 180. we then used this massive power spike to kill 2 enemies before shredding down mid outer and inner turrets. that game we managed to come back from nothing, all because i listen to this video and ignored the teamfight. sorry for the long comment but this guide really did help. so many people think teamfighting is everything and as i am learning adc a role which can heavily influence teamfights and the game as a whole this guide was very useful.
0:31 That Diana couldn't have been in a better position but proceeds to get stunned even tho she ain't looking at cass as well as being a bit far out of her Ults hitbox
I love going bruiser Ekko builds sometimes and it's unnerving how squishies on my team follow the engage to their death. I have R, a MS passive, a shield and a tankier build, so why are you getting so close as an ADC/Mid? The whole point of the engage is to burn important CDs for the enemy team and to chunk them. My R CD is shorter than most and I can get HP back pretty easily with my R + Ravenous Hunter. Why are engages for disruption and pressure so hard to understand? When you're playing with an Ekko, an engage isn't always meant to be an all-in 5v5. Even just chunking the enemy ADC to 1/3 is a great result (unless my team ints to "follow-up"). I'm ranting so much because this video is just so accurate at pretty much all ELOs. The lack of voice communication makes even potentially very favorable team fights backfire.
The first error is WHY a ZED start a TF? the correct is zed await kennen start, and the xin zhao followup, and after all skill was cast Zed is free to kill back line. Leaguecraft 101 >
For anyone here who is ADC and hard wins lanes, try to go Lord Dominiks as early as possible to push quicker, therefore pulling the enemy away from other lanes towards you. Even if they dont get baited, towers are harder to kill when multiple people are around it, so you have a minor advantage to keep pushing by yourself.
This is really interesting. If you analize high level gameplay, LCK for example, there aren’t as many teamfights as lower level leagues. It’s like they don’t feel the need to coin flip since they can win the game through other ways
Kieran Woolston why is that? We don’t have enough to go on, with items it would have been easier but if the Diana was even a little fed she could have jumped on Cassio/graves/senna and basically OS them, had she not been hit by cassio’s ult the fight could have gone the other way around, that’s exactly what the video is talking about, little errors like that can flip a fight which is why you should avoid them if you’re not 100% sure to win them
Actually if blue team had hands and played correctly it wouldn't have been a troll fight to pick for them mainly because of Diana being unnoticed and having free access to Red team's whole backline, Draven being in range of dishing out damage (even simply through ult) and Rakan being able to E on Draven for an R-W follow-up engage. Then again, we lack crucial infos (gold diff, item diff, item cd, spell cd, ult cd, summoners cd [urgot tp available?], etc) so it's kinda pretentious to say that you can know the outcome of that situation with certainty which makes your statement just reek of frustration and lack of confidence in yourself
The first point is exactly why I sincerely believe the best thing to do when a Soloqueue game has become completely unwinnable, but the team won't to Aram. Forcing an Aram forces chaos and coinflips and can mitigate even the largest of leads. No amount of lead is immune to being lost by being aced twice in a row.
Something I hate about blind pick is that most of the time people fight unnecessarily and they will start flaming your and pinging you for not engaging in such unnecessary fight and possibly death. I had a match that ended on about 10+ kills in the first 3-4 minutes, because my team failed invading a red buff but kept trying to steal it when the jungler could have easily just took his red buff and accepting the invading failed. They also engaged in fights for no reason at all. They fight without a purpose. Something they need to be reminded is just because you've seen an enemy it doesn't mean you have to kill them in that very exact moment.
The weird thing is, whenever I join a teamfight with the intend to kill someone, then my whole team including me just dies and the magch is over. But if I decide to splitpush instead leaving my team 4v5, those madlads somehow manage to get 1-2 kills, which benifits me even more because I can splitpush without fearing a gank now. Anyway thats why you would never see me in teamfights, even as a braum or malphite
Here’s a word of advice from a top lane diamond 3 main, anything below low high plat do not trust your team. Mute everyone and simply split push yourself. Everyone below Mid to high plat is absolute dog shit. Don’t engage in team fights and split push your way through. Champs I suggest are Tryndamere and Jax especially since they scale really hard, most low elo games plat and below usually last way past the 20 min mark so picking split pushing champs that scale super hard are the best choices, as you become better and higher elo Fiora and Jax are absolute monsters in gold - plat. Even though I main sett now it’s because team fighting in higher elo is a lot more impactful because we understand the need of it and also how much it’ll effect the macro
How i see the problem is there are only 1 good lane to carry games: mid. Bot is bad, since other player random dragging down my skill. Top usually tank like matchups, they are good only teamfight. Jungle is also probably good to carry, but if you reach teamfight part of the game (lategame) mid much more useful.
Well if i tell you every situations like red team were SKT-T1 and blue team were 5 bronzes... yeah, ofc red team will always wins XD. Seriously, analyze the choices he purposes for each team... Blue team always gets simple options like "kick kennen" or "lulu can W on zed"... while red team has things like "soraka can flash in to silence lee sin so he cant R on kennen" XD. As i've told him, we have to be honest, you're not going to find a "soraka who flashes in to silence lee sin in order to prevent him from kick kenen out just in the right moment kenen also flashes in for ult them all" or things like that if you're not above D1... This is Ranked SoloQ, not LEC or worlds, you wont find that level of coordinatiion and premonition xD
Depending on the elo, the Diana could also land a devastating combo and erase the three backline players in two seconds shifting it to a 4v2 As they said, it's a coinflip
@@jadenyuki5647 Again, if you consider thoose 3 players are dummies who doesnt react or even try to react like they were bronzes and you consider that diana as a skilled player from platinum or diamond.... yes ofc xD. But if you are realistic you will see that wont usually happen. Its easy to stop 1 or 2 assasins in teamfights with cc, and they're nearly nothing there. In other words, its all but coinflip. What is your theory? Diana will be able to jump there and the enemies will stay expecting the play without using flashes, zhonyas or any hability to stop her... Adc wont buy ga (ofc...) mages wont buy zhonya's and ... welll how i even dare to doubt about this... tanks wont even try to buy mr.... Yes, in that scenario, probably diana will win the teamfight by herself XD It doesnt mean diana cant do anything, but consider an assasin on teamfights depends more from enemies mistakes than his own skill. Diana its just broken, so she could be an exception, but anyways she would have about 10%-40% chances to win a teamfight by herself (in case she wouldnt be overfed) all of that depending of the enemy comp. So... yes for her (a champion who wasnt made to be a teamfighter) TF's are a coinflip.... By the other hand a good teamfighter can make the things work by himself From your words, i can say you understimate your team... and overstimate too much thoose enemies. Asassins are good champs, but they're not made for teamfights. If you are forced to play in teamfights with an assassin, it usually means you didnt played well (the only exceptions are kassadin because he is an hyper-assasin, Ekko because he has some things that can be usefull in fights and maybe diana because she's just broken since she got reworked)
SectorZeroGP That’s why I said could and not can. Considering the rest of the team fight this is not high elo so those three (that were not by any mean tanks except eventually Swain) will probably get destroyed because they don’t know how to play against Diana and the other two are too far to help them (since there is poor communication they might not even help). We never know
@@jadenyuki5647 One thing is to not know how to play against diana and another thing is to stay there without moving while she casts her ultimate XD Again, you consider diana will make it perfect and your mates will be like the dummies from practice tool. (i still didnt read any possible mistake from your dear diana or her team in your answers XD) There is no comunication ned to flash if you see someone is casting an ultimate on you (and you dont really need so much skill to use your flash). And in worst of cases, as soon as your entire team wont do it worse as possible (a case that is not common unlike people thinks) if you're a good teamfighter you will probably manage to win the teamfights. Yes, probably your team will make mistakes, but enemies will make them too... Difference? they have 5 possible players to throw due to they' re not good teamfighting, while you just have 4 possible players who can throw the teamfight (and you're the player who knows is going to do it well). So... as soon as the enemies doesnt have a big and decisive advantage, if you're good fighting you should base your tactics on that
Hi! I am not finding a way to reach out to the skill-capped support to have my refound. If someone knows how to, please let me know! I find it really annoying that a company advertises something and does not offer the user a simple enough way to access that said offer. I cancelled my subscribtion but I didn't get charged back onto my credit card. I tried sending a e-mail but it always gets canceled due to "maintenance" or some other bullshit. I am really starting to think that this whole thing is a scam. Thanks!
0:32 imangine Diana not getting stunned by accident cassio R, imagine Rakan buying QSS, imagine not going in 4v5, Urgot wasn't there, people are so dumb in this game, not even thinking about what they are doing, autopilot and LET'S ROULETTE BEGIN, also we don't know about gold difference between teams, who is fed, give me more information
I thought Diana's team had a fair chance of winning even if it was 4v5 since the Diana had a dream-like position for a flank Q-Ult on the ennmy carries + She could've gotten the R-flash-W follow-up from Rakan too and Draven was in range of helping immediatly too (could've ulted on top of Diana and Rakan's engage too). Ofc we didn't have informations about the overall state of the game but if we consider it not to be a onesided stomp, I think they all played the fight awfully bad and could've won it
is it better to follow a call that u know is wrong, but do it as a team, or to just not show to that play at all? for example in the karma overextension, if after spamming back pings karma's team keeps chasing, is the correct play to follow them or to just let them die?
If I absolutely know it's an awful play and they're ignoring my pings, I won't group up with them as closely, I'll kind of trail from behind as I "follow up". It's because I already know the fight will go poorly, and teammates tilt less if they think you tried. Sitting in lane tilts bad players so hard when they see where you are after they die.
It depends on the time of the game. If it's early/mid game and u know u lose it 100% there is no reason for inting an extra kill. If it's late game tho with death timers being long, it's better to try to save the play because if your entire team dies u won't be able to solo defend anyways and u will most likely lose anyways.
I remember a game in gold where i was splitpushing and about to take inhib turret and enemy team was araming. Team said we need you i said i take top inhib turret and inhib if they dont recall just stay under turret. 10 seconds later team fights a sett in our jungle 4 people go to help the sett it is a 4v5 and we lose
Droped a like just for the part about playing a mana champ vs yas, GOD the number of junglers who invade enemy jg or contest the scuttle knowing the enemy yas will come 1st cuz of lane priority and die then blames mid laner for not coming earlier is frustrating shit
As always, main issues with the game not even addressed, having 5-6 games in a row with 2 people in your team going 1-10, nobody will carry it, nobody will climb
by the way guys could make a guide about how to force objectives ( when to fight, when split to zone the enemy while doing the objective, etc) if you do that I swear to god I'll make every single gold player watch that video
Simple just like in this video when you have a clear advantage over the other team this is when you wanna do that as to how = let's say you know enemy jg is doing or about to do blue buff if your mid has priority you invade look for a fight but that's assuming enemy bot is unable to help him
The answer to this comes in multiple steps. First off, it helps when you have priority in lane. This helps you get vision while they are clearing minions at their tower. You need to know what's going on first before you can force anything. Like if someone is coming to flank you. It also helps if you have won your lane and they're scared of you. You can force more if they can't fight it. Next, it's about numbers advantages. If you've taken half of bottom tower, and they've taken none of yours, you can sacrifice a roam mid and can 3v1 force a mid fight and tower while the 2 on bottom are just now taking yours. You're sacrificing plates and tower health, but you're gaining mid tower damage and a winning fight mid for a solo laner in place of that, which I would call a win. Exp is lost sure, but 1 time for that much tower health isn't going to put you that far back. Just don't FF your entire tower while you roam and force another lane. Sometimes you can't force a whole tower, but can get 75% of it instead and that's almost the same thing. Pay attention to how much time you "think" you have and listen to it. Don't overdo anything just because you wanted all the money in the world. Their job is to try their best to stop you, and they will try. Basically, create roaming timers from leads, gain vision control, use the next roam timer to roam and win as long as conditions look good. (Mid enemy or ally half dead, enemy tower or your tower half dead, enemy jungler clearing opposite side of the jungle vs clearing your side, etc. All are factors that determine the time you have and what it's worth.)
Ok, but can we just acknowledge how poorly blue side played that team fight in the example at the start? All that needed to happen is Diana Q-E into ult and Rakan W on top and it would be set.
Oh I said red would win also, they were more grouped up and had a Graves in tight choke points. But still blue side had options, they just didn't take them
I never got why people WANT a fair fight in pvps. A challenge sure but if they can 1v5 you they will, everyone will. Every competitive game plays out by putting things in your favor, not the opponents
I recently played in my smurf on gold elo, and I agree 100%. jesus christ this people play aram, they not only love to team fight for no reason they only team fight if is a fair 5 vs 5 WHYYYY??!!
@@thehumangerm That game mode is completely random in champion select and has no ranked mode. If I want to see only a animal I'd rather go to the zoo than watching it on google.
I think no one predicted in the first clip that theam of 4 would beat the 5. Its simple math, no? I mean depending on what time it is and how fed everyone is a 4v5 could be winnable with a good rakan engage but still
thing is the game always will have a kid inting whenever we don't give them attentions, I just finished a game that my adc literally walking down mid to die, throwing away a game we're leading by almost 30 kills and losing the game. Game is unplayable as long as these kids are around.
What I came here for: How to carry solo queue What I got: How to carry professional matches where your team does not turboint the moment you leave their side At least we got a disclaimer to disregard this advice on baron and dragon fights at least.
you've got it all wrong man. See champion = kill champion. if 5 happen to be there in fog of war then you just blame your team for not having your back. on a more serious note, we really need to know how to stop these things from happening. I'm getting flashbacks to my first season of play in low elo.
Keyword here. Coin flip. Matchmaking this season feels like one big coin flip. I think these videos have good advice, but it doesn't really matter if you have bots on your team.
hahaha problem is when you start commanding them not to go one lane and avoid clash they end up reporting you for not helping them,this is a big problem when your teammates are ahead they just love to kill and to kill instead of taking time for objectives and play smart
0:45 Not really, if you have a comp that relies on late games carrys (champs that come online or reach their power spike in late game) vs an early game comp. Whenever a PROPER teamfights occurs in late game, the late game comp should win. If the teamfight happens in early game, the early game comp should win.
There is a difference between ganking and starting team fights. If you are a early power spike team you should be punishing during lane phase. If not you should be playing carefully and unitizing your towers. Giving your Jungle opportunity to flank. you should never be looking to start team fights unless there is an objective. Even if you are snowballed constantly roaming means less gold so all the enemy team has to do is deny kills or split push by using towers etc and you get out farmed.
We were loosing so hard were so behind and we won teamfight and won game somehow guess rakan is so good for teamfight we had voli kindred Draven and malzahar
Say nice things about Hector or he will be sad. I'll start. Your Karma doesn't make me physically sick Hector, Veigar is just the support meta at the moment! 😖
just pick Janna and shield me Hector
I'm sorry but Hector clearly made that game so hard to play, Hector i love you but come on man...
Why is Hector playing Karma support instead of Yuumi jungle?
Hector, you're the best Mexican inmate I've ever seen and veigar's prisons are just being mean, you're right to ignore them.
Hector, you are the only guy, who can cast "Charm" no matter you are playing Ahri, or not ;)
I hate it when team decides to constantly engage fights without even knowing whether they would win that or not.
And after failed play they search who to blame for that, never themselves though.
So annoying as adc when you split to collect a wave and everyone pings question marks because they took a 4v5 that they didnt have to
Just go in mentality, no strategy. Total cancer.
The only thing that makes me angry is that they often don’t know why they are fighting. Most of the time there is no objektive to fight for.
*when they engage 3v5*,*REEEEE*
This is so much worse if you play as a split push champion who struggles in teamfights...
You can't split push because your team will engage regardless and die 4v5, and you can't teamfight because your team STILL gets destroyed because you can't do much in teamfights.
(╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻
next video pls: "how to stop your teammates from fighting 4v5 while you are getting 3 levels ahead and 2 items ahead on botlane waves"
Even in Dia this is the no. 1 reason for throws.
Teams picking 4v5 fights when someone is in base or splitpushing.
Intentionally or because they stay too close to enemy (for zero reason) and get caught.
Call a Stall, and tell them its 4v5 so dont fight! and tell them im farming/putting pressure on a side tower.
Top lane life... :(
@@jewellianpowers369 And it takes them even less time to ignore your statement. Most don't listen. They really don't. :/
My vlad one trick friend is hardstuck silver cause he never team fights
@@coryv6947 well vlad is kind of a teamfight champion though.
@@thibaultvandenbogaerde1504 thats an interesting part that i hadnt considered! what if several champs on ur team are hard teamfight champs!
DavidsonLoops like he said there are soo many variables when it comes to solo q team fighting that it’s usually not worth it. But sometimes team fighting is unavoidable and you need to make the best of it
Y'all really give Hector no chill
all the things u discussed in this video actaully helped me win more games where my team mates were just aram mid and doing nothing but sharing xp and cs
Yea same for me I never carried so hard on adc before
I hate those ARAM shit on summoners Rift.
Mostly i go farm jungle an ping sidelanes.
Most players don't understand that it's useless to stay 5v5 mid in front of enemy tower unless you are giga ahead or have strong siege.
@TheWeeaboo I am Voli Jungle otp and peaked Dia2 Promos last season.
Ofc sometimes u have to 5v5 mid but not when teams are even and enemies stay under their tower.
@TheWeeaboo ah sorry, missunderstood.
same as an adc yesterday. got my self fed through the wave control guides. Early level leads. and not sharing xp. 13/1 most dmg 5k gold lead to my team and basically solo carry the game
This is actually such an important video, mentality-wise. Know what to focus on: the little plays leading up to the fights, not the coinflip of a fair fight.
Thanks for the upload!
It depends of what you consider a "fair fight"
Do you mean 5vs5? Because in that case youre really wrong.
You're in min 32, scores are (17-12)...
Do you really consider team A, is equal to Team B or even better for just 5 kills? XD
Because i think even if they're behind in score, Team B should destroy Team A in that point of the game.
Yes ofc... Team A got a better perfomance before because they have worse lategame and teamfighting capacity, so they had to play proactively in low levels in order to try to win....
By the same reason Team B had to play defensively and scale so they couldnt fight until this point...
But now they have their items they can start leading teamfights, and the advantage its so huge that i can guarantee you Team B can make so much more mistakes in teamfights and still win the fight and the objetives you were fighting for.
@@SectorZeroGP In the chaos of low elo solo queue, absolutely it's a coin flip. You have no idea if lee will properly peel, if reksai will properly follow up on ornn engage, etc.
The only consistent soloq strat is to win lots of micro battles leading up to this situation, so this teamfight isnt anywhere near 50-50.
@@PriorityFire You seem to not get it.
No matter your elo, specially if its low, if you have a good champ for teamfights and you are in that moment when your champ is strong, there is no coinflip, sice no matter how bad your mates play as soon as they give a minimum.
When you said "You have no idea if lee will properly peel, if reksai will properly follow up on ornn engage, etc." I dont really need him to battle them, since in this moment we're stronger by scaling.
I dont need him to do "exactly what he has to do" i just need him to be there and make anything that can distract enemies.
That concept of "The only consistent soloq strat is to win lots of micro battles leading up to this situation, so this teamfight isnt anywhere near 50-50." its just 100% true if you play an assasin or some early game champ, because with that kind of champions you are not going to have the control over teamfights.
Also, and as i've answered some people, you understimate your team, and overstimate enemies.
You're supposing your mates are iron IV (-999 lp) and your enemies are SKT-T1.
You tell me your mates will make mistakes?
Yes ofc, i can guarantee you about they will, but enemies will make same mistakes too, and you can take enough advantage for them.
From D1 in above, where you are not going to improve your mechanics too much in comparison with the rest, yes, you will need to be carefull with teamfights, because even if your allies doesnt make so much mistakes, enemies wont neither, so you will have to put more efforts.
Anyways, its the same, if you're good teamfighting and your champion is good teamfighting, you should try to base your game in your strenghts, instead of your weakness.
As i've told to the channel owner, his videos are usually nice, but its more than obvious he's not really good managing teamfights (what is not necesary bad, since everyone is better doing something and worse doing another things).
Thats in my opinion the reason why he always tries to base his tactics on roams and numeric advantages instead of being better than the others. And as i've said that fact isnt bad (the opposite, because it means he has managed to develope a tactic for his own playstile).
Maybe thats your case too, and you're not really good teamfighting, so you consider that fights a chaos...
The thing is that every teamfighter you will see, is going to tell you the same thing i'm telling you now. A good teamfighter its like having 3x1 , because as soon as you need him for fights, he's going to be confortable and he's going to win most of teamfights by himself.
Of course, for someone who doesnt like to teamfight like its your case (as i can see), i wouldnt recomend you to base your tactic in teamfights, but by the same reason, i wouldnt recomend a teamfighter player to base his game on roams or splitpush if he can avoid it.
And... yes, im concious my tip doesnt sounds so "pro" like the thypical one who says "macro is all, your mechanics doesnt mean anything", but the reality its there are no bad mechanics in challenger or people who doesnt knows about macro.
You can reach that rank whatever its your playstyle as soon as you find the way to win games with it.
Said that, and to point it, saying "try to avoid teamfights because tfs are coinflip" its not a really good tip. It would be a great tip for bad teamfighters, but you cant thing there is a good tip for every player just because this channel is named "challenger lol guides".
@@SectorZeroGP The advice in the video is to avoid a _fair fight_. If you dicked on the enemy laners and spread your lead around by roaming, the fight isn't fair - it's as simple as that.
They never said not to avoid all teamfights, just to avoid effective coinflips, and I agree. Don't worry, I love teamfighting too, I'm a swain supp otp lol.
"The only thing you learn is to add the smurf and hope he duo's with you"
I seem to be learning this lesson a lot this season....
my crit garen toplaner when I solo killed yasuo on level 3 as TF after he suggested a lane swap in champ select cause I'd get crushed.
1:10 You fools Polymorph is on w :D
This is the thing i realized that finally caused me to start climbing
Nice seeing you here. LoL is really an addiction.
Love your videos btw 💕
Hi there, I love your videos.
Meanwhile on lower elos: We don't do that here...
I swear below gold you cant split a lane for 2sec without a teamfight start...
Intense fights everywhere!!!!! My life as ADC is just so brilliant!!!!
me : i gonna split ,1 top 4 man bot pls
sp and adc : imma follow u bijjj
In euw gold its like that as soon u split 4 teammembers died, 3 mid Towers went down....
Arphaxad Basiloña team fights are fun
I love how Yasuo has his own section.
Constantly initiating team fights also tends to starve your jungle of gold in most cases.
Turbo Inting! A Legend!
i play adc and when i leave to catch a side wave my team fights 4v5 and then spam pings me. what can i do differently?
/Mute all
If your playing a adc and happen to catch a wave about to crash on your turret your team shouldn't fight at least I think so
Danger ping your team as you leave and ping where you're going. Often times your team just doesn't realize you left. Use pings to tell them.
First off, what are you playing? If you're vayne or jhin, I'm sorry, but you shouldn't be side wave clearing. You're slow. You won't have time to auto 20 times and clear whereas a jinx, sivir, xayah, kaisa, whatever can take it out in a fraction of the time. (They also may not be able to if assassins are around or fed.) Adc's usually have to take mid lane farm and fight for it whereas a roaming mid laner, top laner, or jungle side wave more safely. In low elo they won't oftentimes, but you'll be able to get away with it usually without getting picked. Also don't push more than a single wave, 2 at most. Let the minions do work for you and build up as they slow push themselves. It creates bigger problems and larger time windows. Ideally, never let a side wave be a problem. Anytime you leave to meet up with the team, make sure you push that last wave before you do so. Put the enemy in your shoes instead. Make them have to catch a side wave, and be there for the team when it counts as they Aram constantly.
Look back at your game and find out when you left that side lane and watch how the minions were controlled instead of the fight that happened. Chances are, there's something you could've done to prepare that lane to be pushed minutes back and you didn't. You just left the lane instead of pushing just 1 single more wave. Fights are going to happen no matter what because everyone loves to Aram fight and "be better" or "outplay". You need to prepare it minutes ahead so that those fights are in your favor, and you're able to be present without having to leave and split.
this guide was actually very helpful, i was listening to it while i was practicing my adc. i actually used this advice in two of my games while listening to the video. i won the first game but the advice was not as game deciding as in the second one. the second game i did not listen to the advice at first because our team comp was good at teamfighting, however after 2 failed team fights i decided to make a different play. at this time our team was down 1 turret to 8. the enemy team was getting ready to siege and my team was prepping to fight them. however i was playing jinx and had a decent lead i decided the best play was to push for top turret. the enemy team decided to siege my team and took one turret but took a lot of damage. my team tried to take advantage of this and a fight broke out. my team lost the fight handing the enemies 4 kills but getting 3, not too bad a lose. however during this time i had shredded the outer and inner turrets and had managed to knock down the enemy inhibit turret as well, before the enemies could respawn as the death timers were still reasonably short. this ended up completely turning the tides at a 180. we then used this massive power spike to kill 2 enemies before shredding down mid outer and inner turrets. that game we managed to come back from nothing, all because i listen to this video and ignored the teamfight. sorry for the long comment but this guide really did help. so many people think teamfighting is everything and as i am learning adc a role which can heavily influence teamfights and the game as a whole this guide was very useful.
0:31 That Diana couldn't have been in a better position but proceeds to get stunned even tho she ain't looking at cass as well as being a bit far out of her Ults hitbox
She was looking right at Cass tho
"Stop teamfighting".
Starts to farm
Not for junglers xD
@@abdeldjouadi depends on what jungler too and oppurtinity.....forcing gank will only waste time
*laugh in korean Pyke mid*
I love going bruiser Ekko builds sometimes and it's unnerving how squishies on my team follow the engage to their death. I have R, a MS passive, a shield and a tankier build, so why are you getting so close as an ADC/Mid? The whole point of the engage is to burn important CDs for the enemy team and to chunk them. My R CD is shorter than most and I can get HP back pretty easily with my R + Ravenous Hunter. Why are engages for disruption and pressure so hard to understand? When you're playing with an Ekko, an engage isn't always meant to be an all-in 5v5. Even just chunking the enemy ADC to 1/3 is a great result (unless my team ints to "follow-up"). I'm ranting so much because this video is just so accurate at pretty much all ELOs. The lack of voice communication makes even potentially very favorable team fights backfire.
0:49 swain and aatrox look so similar with those skins wtf
The first error is WHY a ZED start a TF? the correct is zed await kennen start, and the xin zhao followup, and after all skill was cast Zed is free to kill back line. Leaguecraft 101 >
that is assuming everybody knows their role in a teamfight, and hell be sure that people in solo queue dont.
For anyone here who is ADC and hard wins lanes, try to go Lord Dominiks as early as possible to push quicker, therefore pulling the enemy away from other lanes towards you.
Even if they dont get baited, towers are harder to kill when multiple people are around it, so you have a minor advantage to keep pushing by yourself.
At 1:08 Lulu's polymorph is actually her W ability, not her E. Lulu's E just put's Pix (Lulu's fairy) on the enemy champion.
That karma is straight up trolling 😂😂 look at that flash @ 8:20
This is really interesting. If you analize high level gameplay, LCK for example, there aren’t as many teamfights as lower level leagues. It’s like they don’t feel the need to coin flip since they can win the game through other ways
Anyone who said blue side at the start on the teamfight doesn’t deserve to climb.
Kieran Woolston why is that? We don’t have enough to go on, with items it would have been easier but if the Diana was even a little fed she could have jumped on Cassio/graves/senna and basically OS them, had she not been hit by cassio’s ult the fight could have gone the other way around, that’s exactly what the video is talking about, little errors like that can flip a fight which is why you should avoid them if you’re not 100% sure to win them
Kieran Woolston the only factor that was significant as to which would win was the fact that urgot wasn’t there, but that’s basically it
Estriam assuming they’re we’re all even or only slightly different in gold and xp the positioning of red side was way better with the comp they had
@@kieranwoolston9183 Red side had very bad positioning. If diana flashed and combo'd alongside rakan it would be a clean ace.
Actually if blue team had hands and played correctly it wouldn't have been a troll fight to pick for them mainly because of Diana being unnoticed and having free access to Red team's whole backline, Draven being in range of dishing out damage (even simply through ult) and Rakan being able to E on Draven for an R-W follow-up engage. Then again, we lack crucial infos (gold diff, item diff, item cd, spell cd, ult cd, summoners cd [urgot tp available?], etc) so it's kinda pretentious to say that you can know the outcome of that situation with certainty which makes your statement just reek of frustration and lack of confidence in yourself
I’m so glade I found this video, it change how I viewed the game
1:35 this whole teamfight example got me dying xDDDDDDDD
but i play adc PepeHands
It works for adc you just auto them without the intention of going super hard into the fight
The first point is exactly why I sincerely believe the best thing to do when a Soloqueue game has become completely unwinnable, but the team won't to Aram. Forcing an Aram forces chaos and coinflips and can mitigate even the largest of leads.
No amount of lead is immune to being lost by being aced twice in a row.
Why yall bullying hector, leave the poor lad alone
Something I hate about blind pick is that most of the time people fight unnecessarily and they will start flaming your and pinging you for not engaging in such unnecessary fight and possibly death. I had a match that ended on about 10+ kills in the first 3-4 minutes, because my team failed invading a red buff but kept trying to steal it when the jungler could have easily just took his red buff and accepting the invading failed. They also engaged in fights for no reason at all. They fight without a purpose. Something they need to be reminded is just because you've seen an enemy it doesn't mean you have to kill them in that very exact moment.
The weird thing is, whenever I join a teamfight with the intend to kill someone, then my whole team including me just dies and the magch is over.
But if I decide to splitpush instead leaving my team 4v5, those madlads somehow manage to get 1-2 kills, which benifits me even more because I can splitpush without fearing a gank now.
Anyway thats why you would never see me in teamfights, even as a braum or malphite
THIS IS SO TRUE just watched this video and decided to stop team-fighting if there’s a chance we’ll lose it, just got 5 wins today
00:50 swain Aatrox twins
You said polymorph on Lulu was her E. It’s her W.
Fuck me, you're right, what a crusial mistake. No worries tho, they will take that video down in a few minutes, please be patient.
@@AkadaJr Video is still up. :3
Here’s a word of advice from a top lane diamond 3 main, anything below low high plat do not trust your team. Mute everyone and simply split push yourself. Everyone below Mid to high plat is absolute dog shit. Don’t engage in team fights and split push your way through. Champs I suggest are Tryndamere and Jax especially since they scale really hard, most low elo games plat and below usually last way past the 20 min mark so picking split pushing champs that scale super hard are the best choices, as you become better and higher elo Fiora and Jax are absolute monsters in gold - plat. Even though I main sett now it’s because team fighting in higher elo is a lot more impactful because we understand the need of it and also how much it’ll effect the macro
you should do a guide talking about the different types of trinkets and how to have good vision control.
Hector you’ve taught me so much! Thanks!
How i see the problem is there are only 1 good lane to carry games: mid.
Bot is bad, since other player random dragging down my skill. Top usually tank like matchups, they are good only teamfight. Jungle is also probably good to carry, but if you reach teamfight part of the game (lategame) mid much more useful.
The first tf exempel was 4v5 red team Win every time lol
Well if i tell you every situations like red team were SKT-T1 and blue team were 5 bronzes... yeah, ofc red team will always wins XD.
Seriously, analyze the choices he purposes for each team...
Blue team always gets simple options like "kick kennen" or "lulu can W on zed"... while red team has things like "soraka can flash in to silence lee sin so he cant R on kennen" XD.
As i've told him, we have to be honest, you're not going to find a "soraka who flashes in to silence lee sin in order to prevent him from kick kenen out just in the right moment kenen also flashes in for ult them all" or things like that if you're not above D1...
This is Ranked SoloQ, not LEC or worlds, you wont find that level of coordinatiion and premonition xD
Depending on the elo, the Diana could also land a devastating combo and erase the three backline players in two seconds shifting it to a 4v2
As they said, it's a coinflip
@@jadenyuki5647 Again, if you consider thoose 3 players are dummies who doesnt react or even try to react like they were bronzes and you consider that diana as a skilled player from platinum or diamond.... yes ofc xD.
But if you are realistic you will see that wont usually happen.
Its easy to stop 1 or 2 assasins in teamfights with cc, and they're nearly nothing there.
In other words, its all but coinflip.
What is your theory?
Diana will be able to jump there and the enemies will stay expecting the play without using flashes, zhonyas or any hability to stop her...
Adc wont buy ga (ofc...) mages wont buy zhonya's and ... welll how i even dare to doubt about this... tanks wont even try to buy mr....
Yes, in that scenario, probably diana will win the teamfight by herself XD
It doesnt mean diana cant do anything, but consider an assasin on teamfights depends more from enemies mistakes than his own skill.
Diana its just broken, so she could be an exception, but anyways she would have about 10%-40% chances to win a teamfight by herself (in case she wouldnt be overfed) all of that depending of the enemy comp.
So... yes for her (a champion who wasnt made to be a teamfighter) TF's are a coinflip....
By the other hand a good teamfighter can make the things work by himself
From your words, i can say you understimate your team... and overstimate too much thoose enemies.
Asassins are good champs, but they're not made for teamfights.
If you are forced to play in teamfights with an assassin, it usually means you didnt played well (the only exceptions are kassadin because he is an hyper-assasin, Ekko because he has some things that can be usefull in fights and maybe diana because she's just broken since she got reworked)
SectorZeroGP That’s why I said could and not can. Considering the rest of the team fight this is not high elo so those three (that were not by any mean tanks except eventually Swain) will probably get destroyed because they don’t know how to play against Diana and the other two are too far to help them (since there is poor communication they might not even help). We never know
@@jadenyuki5647 One thing is to not know how to play against diana and another thing is to stay there without moving while she casts her ultimate XD
Again, you consider diana will make it perfect and your mates will be like the dummies from practice tool.
(i still didnt read any possible mistake from your dear diana or her team in your answers XD)
There is no comunication ned to flash if you see someone is casting an ultimate on you (and you dont really need so much skill to use your flash).
And in worst of cases, as soon as your entire team wont do it worse as possible (a case that is not common unlike people thinks) if you're a good teamfighter you will probably manage to win the teamfights.
Yes, probably your team will make mistakes, but enemies will make them too...
Difference? they have 5 possible players to throw due to they' re not good teamfighting, while you just have 4 possible players who can throw the teamfight (and you're the player who knows is going to do it well).
So... as soon as the enemies doesnt have a big and decisive advantage, if you're good fighting you should base your tactics on that
Hi! I am not finding a way to reach out to the skill-capped support to have my refound. If someone knows how to, please let me know!
I find it really annoying that a company advertises something and does not offer the user a simple enough way to access that said offer. I cancelled my subscribtion but I didn't get charged back onto my credit card. I tried sending a e-mail but it always gets canceled due to "maintenance" or some other bullshit. I am really starting to think that this whole thing is a scam.
Low iq ape
0:32 imangine Diana not getting stunned by accident cassio R, imagine Rakan buying QSS, imagine not going in 4v5, Urgot wasn't there, people are so dumb in this game, not even thinking about what they are doing, autopilot and LET'S ROULETTE BEGIN, also we don't know about gold difference between teams, who is fed, give me more information
Esku thats exactly what I saw if this Diana threw her Q over the wall she could made a 4 man Ult but instead she walked around and got ulted by cassio
I thought Diana's team had a fair chance of winning even if it was 4v5 since the Diana had a dream-like position for a flank Q-Ult on the ennmy carries + She could've gotten the R-flash-W follow-up from Rakan too and Draven was in range of helping immediatly too (could've ulted on top of Diana and Rakan's engage too).
Ofc we didn't have informations about the overall state of the game but if we consider it not to be a onesided stomp, I think they all played the fight awfully bad and could've won it
0:50 Aatrox and Swain are long-lost relatives and this proves it
is it better to follow a call that u know is wrong, but do it as a team, or to just not show to that play at all?
for example in the karma overextension, if after spamming back pings karma's team keeps chasing, is the correct play to follow them or to just let them die?
If I absolutely know it's an awful play and they're ignoring my pings, I won't group up with them as closely, I'll kind of trail from behind as I "follow up".
It's because I already know the fight will go poorly, and teammates tilt less if they think you tried. Sitting in lane tilts bad players so hard when they see where you are after they die.
It depends on the time of the game. If it's early/mid game and u know u lose it 100% there is no reason for inting an extra kill.
If it's late game tho with death timers being long, it's better to try to save the play because if your entire team dies u won't be able to solo defend anyways and u will most likely lose anyways.
There r also other factors such as minion waves positions in different lanes, what objectives are up and how many teleports the enemy team has up.
"Tell me which side wins"
Dude, its 4v5, isnt tgat hard to figure out...
Extremely obvious to me. Red had 5 members, blue 4.
Bro my teams in soloq are able to lose 4vs2 xD
edit : I ment lose :D
nah man, if diana didnt troll she could have won that fight 1v5. not to mention that rakan and draven trolled just as hard
Extremely obvious to a low ELO player that only sees 5v4
I remember a game in gold where i was splitpushing and about to take inhib turret and enemy team was araming. Team said we need you i said i take top inhib turret and inhib if they dont recall just stay under turret. 10 seconds later team fights a sett in our jungle 4 people go to help the sett it is a 4v5 and we lose
Please more JG guide
Droped a like just for the part about playing a mana champ vs yas, GOD the number of junglers who invade enemy jg or contest the scuttle knowing the enemy yas will come 1st cuz of lane priority and die then blames mid laner for not coming earlier is frustrating shit
At 0:50 it looks like swain is another Aatrox
3:18 this was a harsh turn
My teammates still think they can win a 4v5 when the enemy team is ahead
As always, main issues with the game not even addressed, having 5-6 games in a row with 2 people in your team going 1-10, nobody will carry it, nobody will climb
Damn it, was about to go to sleep now I have to watch this so I dont miss out for tomorrow's solo q..
by the way guys could make a guide about how to force objectives ( when to fight, when split to zone the enemy while doing the objective, etc) if you do that I swear to god I'll make every single gold player watch that video
Simple just like in this video when you have a clear advantage over the other team this is when you wanna do that as to how = let's say you know enemy jg is doing or about to do blue buff if your mid has priority you invade look for a fight but that's assuming enemy bot is unable to help him
So yh there are a few factors that depend on what your trying to force and in soloq well good luck
The answer to this comes in multiple steps. First off, it helps when you have priority in lane. This helps you get vision while they are clearing minions at their tower. You need to know what's going on first before you can force anything. Like if someone is coming to flank you. It also helps if you have won your lane and they're scared of you. You can force more if they can't fight it. Next, it's about numbers advantages. If you've taken half of bottom tower, and they've taken none of yours, you can sacrifice a roam mid and can 3v1 force a mid fight and tower while the 2 on bottom are just now taking yours. You're sacrificing plates and tower health, but you're gaining mid tower damage and a winning fight mid for a solo laner in place of that, which I would call a win. Exp is lost sure, but 1 time for that much tower health isn't going to put you that far back. Just don't FF your entire tower while you roam and force another lane. Sometimes you can't force a whole tower, but can get 75% of it instead and that's almost the same thing. Pay attention to how much time you "think" you have and listen to it. Don't overdo anything just because you wanted all the money in the world. Their job is to try their best to stop you, and they will try.
Basically, create roaming timers from leads, gain vision control, use the next roam timer to roam and win as long as conditions look good. (Mid enemy or ally half dead, enemy tower or your tower half dead, enemy jungler clearing opposite side of the jungle vs clearing your side, etc. All are factors that determine the time you have and what it's worth.)
Your team loosing no matter how well you set it up for them, wins when you don’t do anything the whole game
I said the red team will win, I still suck
Ok, but can we just acknowledge how poorly blue side played that team fight in the example at the start? All that needed to happen is Diana Q-E into ult and Rakan W on top and it would be set.
I figured that the red team was going to win because one of their teammates was backing back.
Oh I said red would win also, they were more grouped up and had a Graves in tight choke points. But still blue side had options, they just didn't take them
1/7 Rengar spamming "ALL MID" - that's when I go farm his jungle and push another lane :D
Do nt teamfight just run it down!!!
notice hes visualising the "e" spell of lulu but is talking about the polymorph
Lulu polymorph is W , not E. Anyways , cool vids ♥ Always helpful
I never got why people WANT a fair fight in pvps. A challenge sure but if they can 1v5 you they will, everyone will.
Every competitive game plays out by putting things in your favor, not the opponents
Skill capped told me to turbo int when on tilt
I recently played in my smurf on gold elo, and I agree 100%. jesus christ this people play aram, they not only love to team fight for no reason they only team fight if is a fair 5 vs 5 WHYYYY??!!
That's the fun of League. Why play farming simulator when you can teamfight?
@@justthunderbolt40 because there is a game mode that is 100% teamfights... Do you go to the zoo and complain there are too many animals?
@@thehumangerm That game mode is completely random in champion select and has no ranked mode. If I want to see only a animal I'd rather go to the zoo than watching it on google.
So basically dont go for 50% fights, couldve been condensed more tbh. Good info but drawn out for no reason
deblob123456789 algorithm loves to eat.
Pls rly important lets take a moment of silence for that akali at min @5:00
I think no one predicted in the first clip that theam of 4 would beat the 5. Its simple math, no? I mean depending on what time it is and how fed everyone is a 4v5 could be winnable with a good rakan engage but still
thing is the game always will have a kid inting whenever we don't give them attentions, I just finished a game that my adc literally walking down mid to die, throwing away a game we're leading by almost 30 kills and losing the game. Game is unplayable as long as these kids are around.
2:28 this is what happens every game in about 18 mins (ARAM only mid) in gold
When you're teamed with clashmates and you're the adviser
So basically avoid (team) fights on "even" terms when you can help it.
What I came here for: How to carry solo queue
What I got: How to carry professional matches where your team does not turboint the moment you leave their side
At least we got a disclaimer to disregard this advice on baron and dragon fights at least.
Trick question- the team with the soraka wins because soraka
The moment when u think that u lost more games for botlanes 0-20 at 10 than yasuo turboint
that music drop/change of ton the moment he say BY THE WAY xd
hahahaha ":unless your yasuo is turbo inting LIKE THEY NORMALY DO" hahahahaha oh my god i havent laughed that hard in my life
Should retitle the video 'STOP 50/50 Team Fighting' so the scenario at the very end doesn't happen :)
6 : 11 wait wtf what he was waiting for, this was absolutely intentional feeding, report karma better supp wins
you've got it all wrong man. See champion = kill champion. if 5 happen to be there in fog of war then you just blame your team for not having your back. on a more serious note, we really need to know how to stop these things from happening. I'm getting flashbacks to my first season of play in low elo.
i like how they used the graphic for lulu e not polymorph xD
this was dope
0:43 No this was clear. Firstly it was a 5v4 for the red side.
What i learned from this video: leave ur team to die and hate you, theyll afk, ff and report you.
In what world is lulu’s E her polymorph? Editor pls D:
Uneven skirmish good. Teamfight bad.
Haha you're getting it
6:11 what was that? am i seeing wrong or something stopped karma to escape there ? because it was so easy to get back from dying imo
Is that technically micro team fights?
Keyword here. Coin flip. Matchmaking this season feels like one big coin flip. I think these videos have good advice, but it doesn't really matter if you have bots on your team.
Youre probably the bot on your team with such an attitude...
hahaha problem is when you start commanding them not to go one lane and avoid clash they end up reporting you for not helping them,this is a big problem when your teammates are ahead they just love to kill and to kill instead of taking time for objectives and play smart
i vote red side way better positioning on them
0:45 Not really, if you have a comp that relies on late games carrys (champs that come online or reach their power spike in late game) vs an early game comp. Whenever a PROPER teamfights occurs in late game, the late game comp should win. If the teamfight happens in early game, the early game comp should win.
There is a difference between ganking and starting team fights. If you are a early power spike team you should be punishing during lane phase. If not you should be playing carefully and unitizing your towers. Giving your Jungle opportunity to flank. you should never be looking to start team fights unless there is an objective. Even if you are snowballed constantly roaming means less gold so all the enemy team has to do is deny kills or split push by using towers etc and you get out farmed.
i guess if u do the simple math here without thinking too much u got 5^4 possibilities for each team right?
ok but you asked which side would win a teamfight @ 00:25 and it was a 4v5 in red side's favor. AT LEAST from what you could see it was....
We were loosing so hard were so behind and we won teamfight and won game somehow guess rakan is so good for teamfight we had voli kindred Draven and malzahar
You guys should play Hector more for all the harrasment he had endured
I play katarina lmao team fighting is the quickest way to end a game
Says w polymorph but show lulu e, her shield
Not ganna lie, its pretty clear red has 5 and blue has 4 at the team fight example lol. Good concept but bad clip to demonstrate the idea imo