So can we all agree that wearing a mask 10 feet to your table at the restaurant and then taking it off for the next 45 minutes was the most ridiculous thing ever or no
'So we can agree'? Wow, now these fckng retrds are less scared and actualy start thinking? How fckng about reacting WHEN IT COUNTS not AFTER THE FACT. Masks were silly overall. How is it MY fckng bussiness if someone gets sick? I dont care, i have incredible health, why the fck should i be wearing some sht just because i MAY someday be sick and MAY infect someone (which is not my fckng problem)
Just like the last skit like this SNL did (I can't remember what the uncomfortable topic was in that one) - the person who brought it up was the first to vanish
A few months after that they was another kid on the news being interviewed dressed as a turtle and he said "i like zombies" and I have shipped them ever since lol
Weird. I thought people all actiss the political spectrum - as well as pro-COvax/pro-mask and anti-COvax/anti-mask - knew Putin was an imperialistuc, megalomaniac psycho who wanted to recreate the Soviet Union and take over Ukraine.
Spero che non c'e' ancora il Green Pass li'. E' la cosa piu' ridiculo del mondo. Mio marito non puo' trovare i suoi nella Sicilia senza fare acrobatici prima di salire a bordo di un aereo. Tanto che non può nemmeno andare al suo bar preferito senza avere il "v a morte." Questa sciocchezza deve finire in Italia e in tutta Europa. Non è altro che uno strumento di controllo.
I thought comedians were supposed to be the first ones to say the bold thing before anyone else did… not the last ones to say something everyone else realized a year ago
@@harijotkhalsa9496 He was caught on camera laughing his ass off at an awards show at something that wasn't really that funny like 10-15 years ago. It became a meme.
@@danielbell4007For some reason your statement made me randomly think What if you rounded up everybody with the most unusually loud laugh in the world and put them in one audience?
That was a good point. However science is constantly evolving the more we actually study and apply the scientific method. But the point that public policy changes on a whim (usually for the worse) based on non vetted scientific data - just conjecture. Is maddening. And yes, would not fly at home or work.
@@skdewolf7606 this "science" was available over a year ago. Nothing in this sketch is new information. Anyone with any free thought and curiosity figured out that masks don't really work and the data was there to prove it. It was just not presented to the general public. I'm sorry you were tricked.
A buddy of mine once said “wearing a mask to enter a restaurant and then taking it off at the table is like choosing which section of the pool to piss in” Edit: goddamn theres alot going on in this thread lmao. Dance puppets dance
@@sarah_pyke except it does make sense. You are seated at a table around the people you came with so no need to mask in their presence. However when you walk to the table you are passing strangers so having on a mask cuts down potential spread to unknown individuals.
@@cathyb-cbradioband6523 “But the anti-maskers want to pretend like they don’t get it” why are you telling me this, you should be having the discussion with them.
@@tjones5719 Not really, air is constantly moving, swirling, convecting around due to things like pressure and temperature differentials and movement of mass within enclosed spaces (walk by someone closely, and they can feel the air move like a weak wind). If the virus stays airborne and alive for any appreciable time, there is not much of an actual decrease. And the longer you stay in enclosed areas, the greater your risk. It's really just a pretend band aid for a gaping wound. Meanwhile, I got Covid from my vaxxed partner (I'm not) along with our vaxxed friend who is a decade plus younger than us (We're in our early 40's and she is in her early 30's). My partner and I had about equal symptoms, severity, and it wasn't that big of deal for us except for tiredness for a week and a half after (and I temporarily had very dampened sense of taste and smell), but our friend got significantly more sick than myself. Curious, two myths busted with one stone. There are more cases out there like this, than most vaxxed people want to objectively and open mindedly consider. Because the potential scary, uncomfortable truth is that people got duped by greedy corporations yet again. Pfizer has been forced to release its testing/trial data--keep an eye on that. Every psychological experiment done in relation to authority and power urges (like Milgram) have shown that most people are rather easy to deceive, manipulate, and coerce when it involves a supposed "authority figure", and the huge majority go along with it (even against their own better sense of ethics/morality and will even hurt others), and only a small minority are independent, critically thinking, and self realized enough to rebel in these situations. Something Mark Twain apparently realized well before any of these experiments were run, considering he said things like, "“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.” Wise words. (Btw, one of the reasons why I'm not vaxxed besides seeing through the corporations early on, is because during my last childhood slew of vaccines, I became paralyzed from the waist down for about a week. My body is rather sensitive to foreign substances. Even a little MSG or caffeine has big effects).
@@2Dzz They read the poll numbers so now its time fore the truth. If anyone had any doubts that covid was a leftist authoritarian play this should remove all doubts.
@@joewelch4933 how does a comedy sketch remove all doubts 😭 do you get all your news from entertainment channels. You watch Fox so I’m guessing the answer is yes.
@@MrM-fs4tb Nope dont watch fox so you strike out. I use that grey matter between my ears which you seem to lack if you cannot see even the shallowest political plays.
@@MrM-fs4tb Ah yes the classic you must watch fox so your dumb when CNN and MSNBC are just as terrible. If anything you should avoid all three of them.
@@WhySoLoud what replies? I've had many comments not post for various reasons even though it looks like it does. its a youtube issue. assuming this one even posts
It’s what’s wrong with humanity right now. We all want to be right and when we are proven wrong we get so angry and stubborn. You see it in politicians all the time, when they get proven wrong they will either ignore it or move the goal posts. Education is important, when you are wrong about something, guess what? You learned something new! You should thank people for proving you wrong not attack or get angry.
That’s not what the sketch is about. They’re making a joke of how polarizing the issue has become, and therefore how uncomfortable everyone gets when someone in the friend group turns out to believe some of the stories from the other side. Masks do work when they’re used properly and consistently, so they’re not resisting the truth. If you don’t think masks work, by all means tell your next surgeon to unmask and take their gloves off. The ineffectiveness results from inconsistent mask use, like when you have a birthday party and are masked part of the time and unmasked the rest of the time, like Kate’s character brings up. In situations like that you might as well not have worn a mask at all.
EXACTLY! It blows me away how many comments there are here all pretending like SNL fans weren't out there brutally enforcing all these stupid rules themselves all over the internet, taking pictures and videos of people who weren't wearing masks and posting it. Look at allllll these comments pretending that they secretly knew all along that these rules were stupid, and yet they said nothing. I can't believe how easy it is to get Democrats to do what they want. It just takes one SNL skit and they all have their new marching orders. It's insane.
I think the most important thing is that we get everybody laughing about it so everyone forgets about it before the midterm elections. (Seriously one of the most powerful ways to influence people's perception is to wrap the thought change you are trying to project within humor, because people drop their defenses when they're laughing)
@@drewcarter3100 Are they admitting that the 10,000s of people that completely lost their livelihoods and social status because they didn't get vaxed - when they probably already had natural immunity - is funny? Cool. So cool guys, thanks for doing a tv sketch.
@@laniefeleski7288 Kind of awkward talking about tens of thousands losing their jobs when hundreds of thousands of unvaxed people died from covid. US public education system really needs to focus on maths more.
I know one thing. While the masks were mandated, I never once got a cold or a flu. Soon as they came off, I started getting sick again. But yes, some situations were absolutely ridiculous and were not handled properly (like the whole having to wear a mask while entering a restaurant but then you take it off at your table situation). And that's largely because food service workers, supermarket workers, movie theater workers etc., are not medical staff and didn't themselves know what to do or not do. And of course, getting politics into it didn't help, either.
Don't forget it was Jon Stewart on Colbert's show that first educated the world on the Wuhan Virology Lab... and anyone who had even suggested it for over a year before that event was labeled a conspiracy theorist and purged from Facebook/ Twitter/ Tumblr/ UA-cam/ Etc. for even suggesting artificiality. Then there's the whole Fauci experimentations and funding, but of course I'm not going to be censored for it now like I was for pointing out his history not even 6 months ago. It's all disgusting hypocrisy of people who like ruling the world. And just like the social dynamic of high school they emulate, those popular kids love hating and controlling everyone they feel is below them, aka the ones who do their homework and know the material.
@@subman23 that's not what they were talking about...they were talking about the bit where it is Kate...and the elevator doors close...not when a piece of fabric is just lifted up...2:47
@@canaisyoung3601 I think that was the one... I can see it clearly (probably because I have a GIF of it I use regularly haha)... but can't remember the topic clearly.
You know I need one of those little elevator door to hide behind anytime someone brings up anything I don't want to deal with or someone attacks my opinions.
@@nicholasanderson7316 thanks brother, It was a shame that something like this had to come between us, but I finally found another one and have a great girl now
@@Fourtune1 Who are you to say that I’ve seen shit like that it’s all over TikTok it’s all over Facebook and Twitter why wouldn’t have that happened, I think you’re embarrassed because you’re probably somebody that acts that way, I understand Id feel like the biggest pussy too,
This! Can’t believe you were the first to bring it up. Yeah do all this untested Treatment but have no one else to blame but yourself. Sooo people said hmm well not gonna blame myself for some bs. Not going to participate since I will only have myself to blame if something goes wrong Then helllfire reigns down from govt and Branch Covidians. Screw these gaslighting psychopaths.
@John Jon Thank God an obviously highly-trained medical professional like you weighed in on this. I mean you must be, right, or else you'd be just another anonymous blowhard on the Internet who thinks he has as much expertise on a complicated subject as people who have studied it for years.
@@BobPagani as if there aren't hundreds of doctors, at least, who have just as much expertise who oppose what people who are in positions of power and money making say.
It's easy enough to write "guy's tie rolls up, lady's head becomes an elevator with hastily closing doors, other lady snaps herself out of existence with Thanos's glove", but then somebody has to go and make that stuff.
My favorite was the drive-thru Starbucks barista that wouldn’t hand a customer their order without a mask, but WOULD hand the customer a mask to put on so he could hand the customer her beverage. 😂
SARS-CoV-2 is far more airborne transmitted than touch/direct contact transmitted. They originally thought (or propagandized) it was also fairly touch/direct contact transmitted, but that was later contradicted by various other research studies. With that said, even the best masks, at best, are only semi effective and there are numerous reasons for that including that you can get technically get viral infections via your eyes. And masks only block viral particles when they are encased in a larger matrix (i.e. saliva or mucous), but cannot block free form viral particles because these are significantly smaller than the pores of even the best masks (like the N95's). Plus many regular masks are not tight fitting enough all around the face to be highly effective. The only masks that are highly effective against freeform viral particles are gas masks.
I know, right...Right leaning people such as myself have been saying this for over a year now. I am fully vaccinated and I never understood why a triple vaccinated person would be wearing a n95 mask. It made no sense, lol.
I don't know about midterm elections, but I do agree that SNL (and most if not all media) will never go against the flow with jokes/info. Everyone is too afraid of looking like the dumb kid in class.
When elites ask questions they are sophisticated and carefully considering the problem. When someone not elite but just as smart as them reaches the conclusion years sooner they are a threat to democracy and killing grandma.
I've been called one since 9/11. They never arrested Bush/Cheney, as they are a part of the DS Cabal. Sandy Hook was done by the same people who did 9/11 & Covid. This time, let's get them all arrested!
Yeah let’s point out a lot of true stuff that was ridiculous and then cover it with something that you should have been doing since you could walk like washing your hands. Right… satire!!
Remember when you got fired for not getting vaxed and your dad got kicked off the transplant list and you couldn't go to your grandmothers funeral? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
What about divorced parents who lose their child visitation rights because the judge didn't want the child to ever visit a parent who hadn't been 'vaccinated"? 🤮
@@Dotherandom As far as I can tell, this was identical to the one that was deleted. They uploaded a copy of this sketch about an hour before this copy got uploaded, then they deleted it (they actually set it to "private") and reuploaded it. I don't think anything was cut or altered, it looks like it's literally the exact same video.
Parks, State Parks, Federal Parks and beaches were closed and/or you had to wear masks OUTSIDE in many places. SNL needs to have about two-dozen more skits like this to even begin to put a dent into the insanity they helped promote.
Phil Murphy threatened to arrest people jogging outside in the sunshine in large open areas like state parks with no one nearby, unless they wore masks.
I never understood that. It made zero sense to keep people from enjoying fresh air, getting vitamin D and ventilation. Exercise also helps the immune system. As long as people distance (which they can do outside), it was so much safer than being stuck inside. They also didn't allow reusable bags or reusable cups for coffee. It's so wasteful. I'm also annoyed at people buying giant gas cars instead of public transit. More pollution means more future pandemics, so people didn't learn anything.
Left-wing humor is never self-reflective until all the danger has officially passed. We've been laughing at idiots and their masks for over a year. Those of us that can read a scientific study at least.
A year ago they were concerned about firing people without the jab, and censoring opposing opinions. Now that the narrative is crumbling they think they can make a good laugh about it and pretend nothing happened
That would have required them having some balls and taking an actual risk. Let me remind you, this is SNL. Oh, there were comics who did have the balls--SNL and their ilk were the ones rallying to have them fired / canceled / unpersoned. Don't let humorless dreck like this "sketch" misdirect you from that fact, as they hope it will.
If you've been fooled and realize it then it makes you feel stupid. Most people hate feeling stupid. Me? I knew this was a farce when the back-to-work protesters in Michigan in 2020 were made to look like Natzis. People had bills to pay and the government/media system made them look like criminals. A month later there were *BLM* riots and the masks were not needed.
Lmao this was the first time in a long ass time I actually liked an SNL Sketch. I put this one in the “it’s so funny it’s true” 😂 such an awkward conversation and oh so defensive on either side 🤣
You know what the best part they did a similar video to this one a few years back an the person who started the conversation decided to disappear as well rather then continue it
Right leaning people such as myself didn't care and we were talking about this a year ago. I'm fully vaccinated by the way. I have no idea why white smug progressives are scared of maskless people when they are fully vaccinated and wearing a N95 mask. It was so stupid.
Indeed. I don’t think a lot of this is about being liberal or not liberal. It’s about being honest and real about the things that affect everyone in our lives and making jokes about the things that affect the people on the show. I feel like a lot of people these days are quick to decide whether or not somethings liberal I feel like medical stuff shouldn’t be political and the fact that it was politicized is disgusting and caused problems and cost lives
HyperNormalization: The word hypernormalization was coined by Alexei Yurchak, a professor of anthropology who was born in Leningrad and later went to teach in the United States. He introduced the word in his book Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation (2006), which describes paradoxes of Soviet life during the 1970s and 1980s. He says that everyone in the Soviet Union knew the system was failing, but no one could imagine an alternative to the status quo, and politicians and citizens alike were resigned to maintaining the pretense of a functioning society. Over time, this delusion became a self-fulfilling prophecy and the fakeness was accepted by everyone as real, an effect that Yurchak termed hypernormalisation.
Hasn't SNL/NBC pushing this narrative all along. It's great that everything in our culture has been monetized and politicized at our expense. Science is Science :)
I swear it’s like no one in the comments realizes this. I mean why even laugh at this at this point? These people bullied others that questioned the narrative and now they’re gonna act like it’s no big deal?
@@OvidianIdeals Except then you have people who will as "experts" to lie about the science. It's been reported by the Hill that the CDC with held booster shoot testing data. That alone should call into question a lot of the so called science. The fact is the information should have been available quickly but big corporations have a vested interest in certain results. Which is why they omit certain results.
I love how the folks peddling the propaganda and compliance can now joke about this. Too bad most of the measures did more harm than good to the general population’s physical and mental health and the economy/inflation/supply chains and most people just parroted the media and shamed people rather than evaluating the possible consequences of this.
Amen! They wasted a couple of years destroying the economy, destroying relationships, destroying people's careers and lives. But now that THEY finally see the truth that us normal people have been telling them about for two years, it's "Oopsie Daisy." And they just want us to let them slide on their stupidity.
Yes, I love how snl can laugh about how people lost everything over the covid becoming about politics/control rather than actual science! Makes me sick!
@@thedude4672 I didn’t provide any such talking points on my post, Dude, so I don’t know what you’re referencing. What I do know are economic, obesity, drug overdose, depression, alcohol sales, and other rates and stats associated with living in isolation and affecting supply chains (economist here 👍🏼) from the past couple years that are quantifiable and speak for themselves. I can drop a link to a recent John Hopkins peer-reviewed meta-study that goes over much of this data if you’re interested. I did not say anything “for” and “against” science. That’s a typical polarizing and low-effort thinking “left” smear. For the record, I’m an independent, non-party affiliated centrist, not right wing
@@nickon-on8976 They don’t care man. It’s masky mask or you’re a BAD PERSON. What’s odd to me is that they don’t see that if SNL is doing this skit, the party is over for them. They are so butthurt that America as a whole said the hell with you people. They thought they were going to take over. I, like you, am in the center. I am tired of Far-Right and Far-Left people. They are all stupid and they don’t listen.
…except on the fade out, Heidi’s husband (actor’s name?) finally desperately cries out, “wait, where’s my wife?!” [PS, I wish SNL would name cast members and guests on these Yt clips, really NOT cool to simply not bother mentioning names…Some of us don’t know all the players’ names…]
The left and the right are BOTH wrong. The extremism and fear on the left is wrong and as we see in this sketch is really just virtue signaling at this point. Saying that masks and testing and shots did nothing is also just plain wrong. If we hadn't done any of it things would be a lot worse, but the mass hysteria has led some to think "fuck it" and just not care, and others to be so overcautious that they STILL have not seen their family and friends and are living in isolation for 2 years now, or have Children's birthday parties where they wear masks for some of it and not while eating in close quarters. All of it is dumb. Let's hope it stays gone.
@@mikophilo348 I had it and so did my mom. It was horrendous. It was DEFINITELY not like the flu. It felt like nothing I've ever experienced in my 54 years and I feel different now. I had it for a little over a month and if someone hadn't done a wellness check on me I don't think I would have survived (mostly because I couldn't take care of myself).
When will people realize that not only is the news fake but also the reaction to the news on social media? Instead of manipulating public opinion now they just manufacture it with fake accounts and then accelerate it with fake likes. It's so disturbingly amusing.😒😂 Like Mr Frontlines here.
You know things have gotten crazy when the latter-day SNL pokes even very tentative fun at progressives. They're on the cutting edge! Barely two years behind the Babylon Bee...
If I lived pretty remotely, I wouldn't have masked up everywhere, just indoors. But in NYC, I wore one to throw out garbage, check mail, in elevators, etc. Haha! But at least I never got sick, like several of my neighbors did. :)
@@spencergray9315 If the government/CDC was on top of things about our safety, they would have given out free N95 masks which offer 95% protection back when the virus hit instead of offering them 2 years later when the threat is all but over.
@@captinbeyond yeah cool, fact remains that if new yorkers didn’t live in such close quarters we wouldn’t be such sticklers - but even 5% can be worth the trouble no matter how wronged we feel by the government lol. But I am also not in the habit of expecting the government to act for my benefit.
Hollywood and elites were all telling us we weren't doing it hard enough while they completely ignore their own edicts at everyturn. If this virus was remotely as deadly as they claimed, the elites would all been in bunkers wishing us the best of luck.
@@westtexas009 Sure, meanwhile the vast majority who have been hospitalized and died since the vaccine was released have been those who are unvaccinated.
I died when he said "oh you mean when they built a smaller restaurant in the street, how is that outdoors"
So can we all agree that wearing a mask 10 feet to your table at the restaurant and then taking it off for the next 45 minutes was the most ridiculous thing ever or no
Not on reddit, you may not.
Yes, so silly
'So we can agree'? Wow, now these fckng retrds are less scared and actualy start thinking? How fckng about reacting WHEN IT COUNTS not AFTER THE FACT. Masks were silly overall. How is it MY fckng bussiness if someone gets sick? I dont care, i have incredible health, why the fck should i be wearing some sht just because i MAY someday be sick and MAY infect someone (which is not my fckng problem)
Always did!
Love that Heidi, who brought it up in the first place, Thanosed herself immediately when the convo got sticky
She was the lucky one!
She's got shit to do
I love “thanosed” being used as a verb
SNL hasn't been funny in over 30 years obviously 🎯
Just like the last skit like this SNL did (I can't remember what the uncomfortable topic was in that one) - the person who brought it up was the first to vanish
How has no one talked about Bowen shouting "Wait, where's my wife?" After Heidi Thanos snapped herself? 😆
I know I didn't hear that part
@@thomastommyson4370 ???
@@jonhohensee3258 ???
Just in time for the midterms.
Fo sho. Funny how that happens.
This guy gets it.
They are finally admitting how dumb they were! Folks will not forget. People lost too much - family members, friends, livelihoods, their own health...
It got too close to the next elections so they changed the science.
Finally, the “I love turtles” kid can get a well deserved comeback.
Gave me a solid flashback to 2011 lol
In my world. He never left.
its been toooo long waited.
A few months after that they was another kid on the news being interviewed dressed as a turtle and he said "i like zombies" and I have shipped them ever since lol
The props department really worked overtime for this skit
The elevator on Kate head was my favorite
They had to, the content is void of anything.
I was the one thousandth like on this comment and watched it change from 999 to 1K. That is all
the "props" department hasn't worked a day in their life.
Yea it would have been funny when Covid started lol now it’s more of them being hypocrites
I love how Heidi always starts the controversial topic and then magics herself out of the conversation 😂😂😂
Heidi gleefully snapping herself away is easily my new favorite GIF
teeheeheeheehee! your brain shitting its pants is my new favorite GIF
That made me laugh so hard omg
The sketch is funny because it's completely TRUE.
Marvel reference.
@@AJVillanueva2030 explain what Marvel reference. I didn't get it.
Yesterday's "crazy conspiracy theory" is today's comedy sketch.
Real funny now that we see the lies, no?
@Harlod Shekelbond would it be the same people that think we are currently in a climate crisis? Lol
@Harlod Shekelbond know your enemies 😉
opening up the conversationnn 😎😎
(crazy it was never really open before!)
Weird. I thought people all actiss the political spectrum - as well as pro-COvax/pro-mask and anti-COvax/anti-mask - knew Putin was an imperialistuc, megalomaniac psycho who wanted to recreate the Soviet Union and take over Ukraine.
Bowen shouting, “where’s my wife?!” at the end was a nice touch.
lol I didn't notice until your comment
surprised you heard that over the applause . Even with the timestamp below I can't pick out any words
@@ilovefunnyamv2nd i didnt notice it till he said it than i went to check and heards it so i time stamped it its really hard to hear though
It’s a callback. This is a sequel to a sketch about the Aziz Ansari incident. It ended that way, too.
I am from Italy and this is so internationally true that I laughed so loud!
Spero che non c'e' ancora il Green Pass li'. E' la cosa piu' ridiculo del mondo. Mio marito non puo' trovare i suoi nella Sicilia senza fare acrobatici prima di salire a bordo di un aereo. Tanto che non può nemmeno andare al suo bar preferito senza avere il "v a morte." Questa sciocchezza deve finire in Italia e in tutta Europa. Non è altro che uno strumento di controllo.
@@PineIslandSeeds senza avere il cosa?
Si stavo per scrivere una tipica cena in italia lol
Fafanapoli costacurta
still feel that way 2 years later?@@PineIslandSeeds
Love that Kate actually said “self careful,” “don’t” and “this is the end of me” to herself.🤣
Definitely don’t want to say the wrong thing.😅
Say whatever you want and stop caring what insane people think
@@mbolduc Agreed. Don't let the nutters win! 🤣
@@DS-rt1ed The nutters think going all in on new medical tech with zero long term safety data is a good idea. God help us
@@mbolduc No, the nutters who refuse to accept medical advancements. Evolve or go extinct. Luckily, lots of them ARE going extinct.
@@DS-rt1ed Advancements like untested MRNA injections? Don't you think maybe not being a beta tester would be the intelligent path?
Question: was the live SNL audience required to wear a mask during the filming of this skit?
you bet
THat's a really good point. :-)
Yes on top of all being jabbed and tested. It’s literally theater ugh
No but they had to be vaccinated
Ahh, yes, “outdoor” dining. 😂
random Hample sighting
I have to say, it ended up being worth while digging for my beanie and mittens, which I rarely have used over the past decade.
Isn't that the thing Gavin Newsome was doing while his whole state was locked down?? 😂😂😂
My restaurant's outdoor dining room solution was a large tent with lights and heaters in the parking lot.
@@hyperrat12 Yes they opened a sliding door at the most expensive restaurant in North America.
“One with the people”
I thought comedians were supposed to be the first ones to say the bold thing before anyone else did… not the last ones to say something everyone else realized a year ago
2 years ago....
Well said!
They weren’t allowed and often were the biggest pushers of the propaganda
You mean 2 years ago
the random insert shot of Brendan Fraser LOL
He needs the money
Aaron Hollander He needs my bone
But surely the directional arrows on grocery aisles helped!
The little feet painted onto the aisles to remind you not to step on top of other people in the store
lol so ridiculous in hindsight.
@@MountainGirlwIPA hindsight
I'm getting me a FACE ELEVATOR.
Me too!
Amazon sells them, I'm sure. 😂
Brendan Fraser laughing was by far the funniest part. It stood alone.
I caught that. Is that an inside joke I don't know?
@@harijotkhalsa9496not that I know of. Just an absolute comedic perfection in an otherwise meh sketch.
@@harijotkhalsa9496 He was caught on camera laughing his ass off at an awards show at something that wasn't really that funny like 10-15 years ago. It became a meme.
@@danielbell4007For some reason your statement made me randomly think What if you rounded up everybody with the most unusually loud laugh in the world and put them in one audience?
"When I make a mistake at work, I don't get to say the science changed." 😂 #Facts
That was a good point. However science is constantly evolving the more we actually study and apply the scientific method. But the point that public policy changes on a whim (usually for the worse) based on non vetted scientific data - just conjecture. Is maddening. And yes, would not fly at home or work.
No, you get fired. Which is what we should do to every hysterical illiberal politician in this country.
@@skdewolf7606 true...except when "science" is used within the scope of politics.
@@skdewolf7606 this "science" was available over a year ago. Nothing in this sketch is new information. Anyone with any free thought and curiosity figured out that masks don't really work and the data was there to prove it. It was just not presented to the general public. I'm sorry you were tricked.
That’s because it’s been “political science” all along.
Just so the historians know, SNL made these jokes approximately 2 years after it was actually meaningful or brave to make these jokes.
Thank you, almighty chronicler.
LMAO, get over yourself.
@@thedude4672 you pissed because he's 100 percent right? People got deplatformed for saying thus stuff up to a few months ago
I imagine this video will be hidden from the algorithm for a while.
this is 100% accurate
Thank you @nathan
A buddy of mine once said “wearing a mask to enter a restaurant and then taking it off at the table is like choosing which section of the pool to piss in”
Edit: goddamn theres alot going on in this thread lmao. Dance puppets dance
Yes! It makes no sense.
@@sarah_pyke except it does make sense. You are seated at a table around the people you came with so no need to mask in their presence. However when you walk to the table you are passing strangers so having on a mask cuts down potential spread to unknown individuals.
@@tjones5719 Yes. It was a compromise. But the anti-maskers want to pretend like they don't get it.
@@cathyb-cbradioband6523 “But the anti-maskers want to pretend like they don’t get it” why are you telling me this, you should be having the discussion with them.
@@tjones5719 Not really, air is constantly moving, swirling, convecting around due to things like pressure and temperature differentials and movement of mass within enclosed spaces (walk by someone closely, and they can feel the air move like a weak wind). If the virus stays airborne and alive for any appreciable time, there is not much of an actual decrease. And the longer you stay in enclosed areas, the greater your risk. It's really just a pretend band aid for a gaping wound.
Meanwhile, I got Covid from my vaxxed partner (I'm not) along with our vaxxed friend who is a decade plus younger than us (We're in our early 40's and she is in her early 30's). My partner and I had about equal symptoms, severity, and it wasn't that big of deal for us except for tiredness for a week and a half after (and I temporarily had very dampened sense of taste and smell), but our friend got significantly more sick than myself. Curious, two myths busted with one stone.
There are more cases out there like this, than most vaxxed people want to objectively and open mindedly consider. Because the potential scary, uncomfortable truth is that people got duped by greedy corporations yet again. Pfizer has been forced to release its testing/trial data--keep an eye on that.
Every psychological experiment done in relation to authority and power urges (like Milgram) have shown that most people are rather easy to deceive, manipulate, and coerce when it involves a supposed "authority figure", and the huge majority go along with it (even against their own better sense of ethics/morality and will even hurt others), and only a small minority are independent, critically thinking, and self realized enough to rebel in these situations. Something Mark Twain apparently realized well before any of these experiments were run, considering he said things like, "“Whenever you find yourself on the side of the majority, it is time to pause and reflect.”
Wise words.
(Btw, one of the reasons why I'm not vaxxed besides seeing through the corporations early on, is because during my last childhood slew of vaccines, I became paralyzed from the waist down for about a week. My body is rather sensitive to foreign substances. Even a little MSG or caffeine has big effects).
It would have been funny if they had come out with this sketch a year ago.
@@2Dzz They read the poll numbers so now its time fore the truth. If anyone had any doubts that covid was a leftist authoritarian play this should remove all doubts.
@@joewelch4933 how does a comedy sketch remove all doubts 😭 do you get all your news from entertainment channels. You watch Fox so I’m guessing the answer is yes.
@@MrM-fs4tb Nope dont watch fox so you strike out. I use that grey matter between my ears which you seem to lack if you cannot see even the shallowest political plays.
UA-cam would have taken this down if it had posted one year ago, because this would have been deemed as spreading misinformation.
@@MrM-fs4tb Ah yes the classic you must watch fox so your dumb when CNN and MSNBC are just as terrible. If anything you should avoid all three of them.
"We don't have to wash our hands anymore do we?" "Ha ha ha I never did."
Mullaney the next goat!!!
Haha maskers are gross and they don’t wash their hands or anything else. Funny because it’s true.
@@skdewolf7606 If you wear a mask your more likely to wash your hands repeatedly.
what happened to the three replies? NBC? Are you on here censoring the comments again? Humm? nbc???
@@WhySoLoud what replies? I've had many comments not post for various reasons even though it looks like it does. its a youtube issue. assuming this one even posts
This is a legit topic and this is how people act, privately or on the job…
Some of us have been this way publicly the entire time.
@@jasminehouston-burns1691 you want a cookie?
@@MegCazalet If you're just passing them out, I would like a ticket for the cookie train as well
Yup, the fear of confrontation outweighs the need for
@@imtired2983 Not for me. You can stick that mask where the sun don't shine.
What it really boils down to is that people hate admitting they're wrong, and the dumber they are, the more they hate admitting it.
Dunning-Kruger effect!
“It’s Easier to Fool People Than It Is to Convince Them That They Have Been Fooled.” - Mark Twain
The smart ones really have the hardest time. I work with people who have advanced ivy league degrees and they are the worst virtue signalers ever.
It’s what’s wrong with humanity right now. We all want to be right and when we are proven wrong we get so angry and stubborn. You see it in politicians all the time, when they get proven wrong they will either ignore it or move the goal posts. Education is important, when you are wrong about something, guess what? You learned something new! You should thank people for proving you wrong not attack or get angry.
That’s not what the sketch is about. They’re making a joke of how polarizing the issue has become, and therefore how uncomfortable everyone gets when someone in the friend group turns out to believe some of the stories from the other side. Masks do work when they’re used properly and consistently, so they’re not resisting the truth. If you don’t think masks work, by all means tell your next surgeon to unmask and take their gloves off. The ineffectiveness results from inconsistent mask use, like when you have a birthday party and are masked part of the time and unmasked the rest of the time, like Kate’s character brings up. In situations like that you might as well not have worn a mask at all.
Next, snl should do a sketch on gas lighting, because they're so good at it.
EXACTLY! It blows me away how many comments there are here all pretending like SNL fans weren't out there brutally enforcing all these stupid rules themselves all over the internet, taking pictures and videos of people who weren't wearing masks and posting it.
Look at allllll these comments pretending that they secretly knew all along that these rules were stupid, and yet they said nothing. I can't believe how easy it is to get Democrats to do what they want. It just takes one SNL skit and they all have their new marching orders. It's insane.
these comments are all fake btw
@@Robby_Rob proof?
@@Robby_Rob What?
Cant we all just agree this is hilarious and move on?
Wow, when SNL is talking about stuff like this, you know its about to hit the fan.
for real.
@ME Just to keep others are informed: they didn't patent the virus, they patented a technique that works on a version of the virus.
I think the most important thing is that we get everybody laughing about it so everyone forgets about it before the midterm elections. (Seriously one of the most powerful ways to influence people's perception is to wrap the thought change you are trying to project within humor, because people drop their defenses when they're laughing)
I've waited two years for this sketch. Truth is funnier than fiction. Well done and props to the prop people!
It hurts
Same, my brainwashed dad is probably so pissed lmao
That elevator was hilarious! I want one of those!
@@drewcarter3100 Are they admitting that the 10,000s of people that completely lost their livelihoods and social status because they didn't get vaxed - when they probably already had natural immunity - is funny? Cool. So cool guys, thanks for doing a tv sketch.
@@laniefeleski7288 Kind of awkward talking about tens of thousands losing their jobs when hundreds of thousands of unvaxed people died from covid. US public education system really needs to focus on maths more.
Funny that last year this would've caused them to get canceled.
Nah. They show both sides often
@@lk969 tells you how much I watch this show.
@@Dos0718 They show both sides. Left and unhinged Communist Left.
@@4h0w1e6 agree
More specifically, a year ago the SNL cast and their bosses at NBC would be trying to cancel or censor anyone who said this very obvious stuff.
I know one thing. While the masks were mandated, I never once got a cold or a flu. Soon as they came off, I started getting sick again.
But yes, some situations were absolutely ridiculous and were not handled properly (like the whole having to wear a mask while entering a restaurant but then you take it off at your table situation). And that's largely because food service workers, supermarket workers, movie theater workers etc., are not medical staff and didn't themselves know what to do or not do. And of course, getting politics into it didn't help, either.
What’s messed up is 10 seconds ago this would have been considered misinformation and banned
Don't forget it was Jon Stewart on Colbert's show that first educated the world on the Wuhan Virology Lab... and anyone who had even suggested it for over a year before that event was labeled a conspiracy theorist and purged from Facebook/ Twitter/ Tumblr/ UA-cam/ Etc. for even suggesting artificiality. Then there's the whole Fauci experimentations and funding, but of course I'm not going to be censored for it now like I was for pointing out his history not even 6 months ago.
It's all disgusting hypocrisy of people who like ruling the world. And just like the social dynamic of high school they emulate, those popular kids love hating and controlling everyone they feel is below them, aka the ones who do their homework and know the material.
UA-cam already slapped a "misinformation" label on this video.
@@mjverostek1278 So 2022 that I didn't even notice. Anyone who refuses to let the DNC approve their script gets a misinformation label these days.
You mean 1.5 seconds ago?
What's more messed up is these cowards waited until now to make this joke.
She snapped herself out of existence to avoid an uncomfortable conversation. 😂
Kate's callback to the sketch where she had a theater proscenium with the curtain that closed over her face! 🤣
That was the one where they were struggling to talk about Hollywood sexual harassment, right?
1:05 that's...... Not Kate
@@subman23 that's not what they were talking about...they were talking about the bit where it is Kate...and the elevator doors close...not when a piece of fabric is just lifted up...2:47
@@canaisyoung3601 I think that was the one... I can see it clearly (probably because I have a GIF of it I use regularly haha)... but can't remember the topic clearly.
Soooo glad I wasn't moronic enough to willingly allow someone to inject me with that vaccine 😳
This skit was code for “Yeah, 75% of Hollywood thought this was ridiculous and we just wanted to look responsible.”
lol fancy seeing you here!
Exactly 💯
it was also the cue that it was safe to say the criticisms most people were being demonized for stating.
Why are you here
You know I need one of those little elevator door to hide behind anytime someone brings up anything I don't want to deal with or someone attacks my opinions.
LMAO! If you find one could you please send me the link. I could use one right now. LOL
"wait where is my wife" took him a while lmfaoo
You will see her in 5 years, max.
@@coribug42 underrated comment
He's literally gay
@@JenningsFilmsinc we know but in the sketch he has a wife.. yk, acting
I have had these conversations in real life. Once, a friend stuck her fingers in her ears and ran out of the room.
i got broken up with by my girlfriend for not taking the vaccine
i can see it
@@nicholasanderson7316 thanks brother, It was a shame that something like this had to come between us, but I finally found another one and have a great girl now
@@Fourtune1 Who are you to say that I’ve seen shit like that it’s all over TikTok it’s all over Facebook and Twitter why wouldn’t have that happened, I think you’re embarrassed because you’re probably somebody that acts that way, I understand Id feel like the biggest pussy too,
I just hope more concerts drop the mandates. I had the vaccine but don’t want to support that shit
2:14 Kenan is clearly doing his Whoopi-In-Ghost 😂
Nothing says trust the science like “you can’t sue us if something goes wrong “
This! Can’t believe you were the first to bring it up. Yeah do all this untested Treatment but have no one else to blame but yourself. Sooo people said hmm well not gonna blame myself for some bs. Not going to participate since I will only have myself to blame if something goes wrong Then helllfire reigns down from govt and Branch Covidians. Screw these gaslighting psychopaths.
@John Jon Thank God an obviously highly-trained medical professional like you weighed in on this. I mean you must be, right, or else you'd be just another anonymous blowhard on the Internet who thinks he has as much expertise on a complicated subject as people who have studied it for years.
You mean like how the HEROS act made sure you can't sue your employer if you got and / or died from COVID?
@@BobPagani as if there aren't hundreds of doctors, at least, who have just as much expertise who oppose what people who are in positions of power and money making say.
Weren't they like genuinely shaming people for this exact same stuff less than a year ago? Now they're trying to make a joke about it?
Yep. If they make a joke out of it then they hope we'll forget about that. I won't.
They're making fun of the tensions around talking about it
Yup, and people lost their jobs and livelihood because of the very same people.
@@jozz2248 Sure they are.
@@KG-th3cr I mean that’s kinda a big part of the sketch, so yeah. Not the main idea, but definitely an aspect
It's easy enough to write "guy's tie rolls up, lady's head becomes an elevator with hastily closing doors, other lady snaps herself out of existence with Thanos's glove", but then somebody has to go and make that stuff.
Scrolling down to the comments feels like walking into a minefield
The infinity gauntlet was the best part.
I was looking for someone to mention it lol
My favorite was the drive-thru Starbucks barista that wouldn’t hand a customer their order without a mask, but WOULD hand the customer a mask to put on so he could hand the customer her beverage. 😂
A little too late….
Holy shit that's rich
That’s how todays science works these days 🙄
Science has cancelled itself.
SARS-CoV-2 is far more airborne transmitted than touch/direct contact transmitted. They originally thought (or propagandized) it was also fairly touch/direct contact transmitted, but that was later contradicted by various other research studies. With that said, even the best masks, at best, are only semi effective and there are numerous reasons for that including that you can get technically get viral infections via your eyes. And masks only block viral particles when they are encased in a larger matrix (i.e. saliva or mucous), but cannot block free form viral particles because these are significantly smaller than the pores of even the best masks (like the N95's). Plus many regular masks are not tight fitting enough all around the face to be highly effective. The only masks that are highly effective against freeform viral particles are gas masks.
Whole lot of you gonna pretend you didn’t alternate between smug and hysterical these past 2 years
I know, right...Right leaning people such as myself have been saying this for over a year now. I am fully vaccinated and I never understood why a triple vaccinated person would be wearing a n95 mask. It made no sense, lol.
Love it when the reuse the framework/premise of an old sketch. Watching them in series in hysterical - watch dinner discussion next.
in hysterical?
@@jonhohensee3258 Maybe he means it's unhysterical
The policy is based on what people tolerate, not any real science
I’d have so much more respect for SNL if they did something like this a year ago…they must’ve gotten the midterm elections memo.
Is this the latest right wing conspiracy? It’s funny how everyone is parroting the same thing, wake up you’re being controlled by the media
I don't know about midterm elections, but I do agree that SNL (and most if not all media) will never go against the flow with jokes/info. Everyone is too afraid of looking like the dumb kid in class.
The same SNL that just did the "Do Your Own Research Barbie" skit not that many weeks ago. I'm glad people are calling out SNL.
Exactly Marquis.
People better remember at the polls
It’s like listening to your late developing eight-year-old finally learn to tie his shoes after two years.
Yup... and they think they are the cool kids.
When elites ask questions they are sophisticated and carefully considering the problem. When someone not elite but just as smart as them reaches the conclusion years sooner they are a threat to democracy and killing grandma.
Underrated comment lol
I affirm, underrated comment.
Well now the comment is overrated lol.
Heidi thanos snapping herself is severely underrated 😂
I was called a conspiracy theorist for 2 years.
So was I. Now im called a critical thinker. People are sheep.
I've been called one since 9/11. They never arrested Bush/Cheney, as they are a part of the DS Cabal. Sandy Hook was done by the same people who did 9/11 & Covid. This time, let's get them all arrested!
@@Chuck-yt7iq I wouldn’t call you a critical thinker
@@thereallightwarrior906 Yikes
Google having the COVID info link below the video makes this so much funnier!
Are we getting closer to Google, Facebook, Twitter, and UA-cam not censoring “misinformation”? That’s exciting.
No, the narrative has just shifted to WWIII.
@@deaconblooze1 But you notice FEMA says mask and social distance in the fallout shelters. No joke.
We gotta wear those radioactive face masks now
Midterms are coming. Political science has changed
Not as long as this video still has a Misinformation tag on it!
I'm loving how few people are picking up the satire. "do we still need to wash our hands?"🤣
Yeah let’s point out a lot of true stuff that was ridiculous and then cover it with something that you should have been doing since you could walk like washing your hands. Right… satire!!
@@JMD1990 Still washing your hands for 20 seconds each time to ward off made up viruses?
Remember when you got fired for not getting vaxed and your dad got kicked off the transplant list and you couldn't go to your grandmothers funeral? 🤣🤣🤣🤣
that'll be their next sketch. "your life got ruined because of hysteria... LMAO! our bad!" and people will love it.
"Oops, lol"
It’s unbelievable. All this hell everyone endured. The threat of losing your job wasn’t even that long ago and now it’s “lol oops crazy times”
What about divorced parents who lose their child visitation rights because the judge didn't want the child to ever visit a parent who hadn't been 'vaccinated"? 🤮
@@carolring4410 Did that happen to you? I'm so sorry if so. This world is insane
Why did this actually feel real lmao
Because we live in a world of clowns & NPC bots.
I love that you can see Kate break when she closes the tiny elevator doors. Also, why was the original deleted?
The original deleted? What did they leave out?
It happens a lot. They cut UA-cam sketches. Not all, but when I rewatch on Hulu - there’s always a few that have extra scenes that wasn’t on UA-cam.
@@Dotherandom As far as I can tell, this was identical to the one that was deleted. They uploaded a copy of this sketch about an hour before this copy got uploaded, then they deleted it (they actually set it to "private") and reuploaded it. I don't think anything was cut or altered, it looks like it's literally the exact same video.
@@billyeveryteen7328 They sometimes post the clip from the rehearsal show.
It's absolutely astonishing just how naive and unintelligent most liberals are 😳
Why am I watching this again and laughing?
Parks, State Parks, Federal Parks and beaches were closed and/or you had to wear masks OUTSIDE in many places. SNL needs to have about two-dozen more skits like this to even begin to put a dent into the insanity they helped promote.
@Chip Chipperson oh it still stays because they ended saying the masks were necessary.
Phil Murphy threatened to arrest people jogging outside in the sunshine in large open areas like state parks with no one nearby, unless they wore masks.
I never understood that. It made zero sense to keep people from enjoying fresh air, getting vitamin D and ventilation. Exercise also helps the immune system. As long as people distance (which they can do outside), it was so much safer than being stuck inside. They also didn't allow reusable bags or reusable cups for coffee. It's so wasteful. I'm also annoyed at people buying giant gas cars instead of public transit. More pollution means more future pandemics, so people didn't learn anything.
You didn't get the point of this did you?? Also, SNL does sketches, not skits.
Would've been funnier if they did this a year ago, when people were going insane.
Left-wing humor is never self-reflective until all the danger has officially passed.
We've been laughing at idiots and their masks for over a year. Those of us that can read a scientific study at least.
A year ago they were concerned about firing people without the jab, and censoring opposing opinions. Now that the narrative is crumbling they think they can make a good laugh about it and pretend nothing happened
That would have required them having some balls and taking an actual risk. Let me remind you, this is SNL.
Oh, there were comics who did have the balls--SNL and their ilk were the ones rallying to have them fired / canceled / unpersoned.
Don't let humorless dreck like this "sketch" misdirect you from that fact, as they hope it will.
@@colin1818 there is no left wing in US. Only right and far right
@@colin1818 Your comment says more about you than it does anyone who you deem "left wing."
Sure you read scientific studies ... LMAO
This is SNL asking: "Are we the baddies?"
If only they had that kind of self awareness, they’ll be back to towing the party line on whatever they’re asked to next week
I needed the rewatch.
Fooling people is easier than convincing them that they’ve been fooled… 🙄🙏
If you've been fooled and realize it then it makes you feel stupid. Most people hate feeling stupid.
Me? I knew this was a farce when the back-to-work protesters in Michigan in 2020 were made to look like Natzis. People had bills to pay and the government/media system made them look like criminals. A month later there were *BLM* riots and the masks were not needed.
Then don’t convince someone they’ve been fooled instead fool them into believing they’ve have been fooled. Lol
Lmao this was the first time in a long ass time I actually liked an SNL Sketch. I put this one in the “it’s so funny it’s true” 😂 such an awkward conversation and oh so defensive on either side 🤣
Because it rings true. This is HOW STUPID we had top public health officials mandating our behaviors.
Mason lmao 🤣
Heidi rather snapped herself out of existence then being part of this conversation 🤐
You know what the best part they did a similar video to this one a few years back an the person who started the conversation decided to disappear as well rather then continue it
@@nicolasneal204 wasn't that also Heidi?
@@geegeezlouis86 oh my God I had to double check to be sure an your right it was Heidi
That skeleton part had me cracking up for 5 minutes straight🤣🤣🤣
If this would have came out a year ago it would have been topical, edgy and funny.
Try almost two years. Two weeks to flatten the curve!
Wouldn't have been allowed then
after two years of complete nonsense, now all of a sudden they wanna go "haha we were just kidding guys". Nah F#&@ y'all. Everyone one of you.
And banned
not to mention edgy, genuinely
I am so glad to see that it's finally acceptable to speak of the absurdity of said protocols.
It must be January 1, 1985
Yeah… the only problem is SNL is a year late. Millions of people were laid off their jobs as a result.
Right leaning people such as myself didn't care and we were talking about this a year ago. I'm fully vaccinated by the way. I have no idea why white smug progressives are scared of maskless people when they are fully vaccinated and wearing a N95 mask. It was so stupid.
@@snakesghost7817 Sounds like you got about 1/4 educated, if that.
For everyone that salts SNL for being so liberal, this was a pretty even-handed sketch. Well done!
Indeed. I don’t think a lot of this is about being liberal or not liberal. It’s about being honest and real about the things that affect everyone in our lives and making jokes about the things that affect the people on the show. I feel like a lot of people these days are quick to decide whether or not somethings liberal I feel like medical stuff shouldn’t be political and the fact that it was politicized is disgusting and caused problems and cost lives
@@Lillpixeychic you’re so right! How is putting safety first “liberal or conservative”?
Especially considering how one-sided SNL is
This skit was 100% written from a left wing perspective. A large portion of rural America moved on well over a year ago.
@@andrewspielman1921 You clearly didn’t get it.
It's like when your buddy joins a cult for a couple years and then later he's like "dude sorry I was pretty crazy." Except it's over half the country.
...and he considered you a 'infidel'.
The difference is they're not apologizing or admitting that they were wrong when attacking people that questioned the effectiveness of masks.
Oh and your cult buddy didn’t support the govt mandate to lose your job and civil rights. I’m cool w my ex weird religious and MLM friends.
Ah yes, because if there's one thing cults are known for, it's "erring on the side of caution."
@@edslushie570 Please look at any religious cults for examples of erring on the side of caution, that caution is just angering god.
Every discussion with my friend circle since CoVid began!!!
The word hypernormalization was coined by Alexei Yurchak, a professor of anthropology who was born in Leningrad and later went to teach in the United States. He introduced the word in his book Everything Was Forever, Until It Was No More: The Last Soviet Generation (2006), which describes paradoxes of Soviet life during the 1970s and 1980s. He says that everyone in the Soviet Union knew the system was failing, but no one could imagine an alternative to the status quo, and politicians and citizens alike were resigned to maintaining the pretense of a functioning society. Over time, this delusion became a self-fulfilling prophecy and the fakeness was accepted by everyone as real, an effect that Yurchak termed hypernormalisation.
Hasn't SNL/NBC pushing this narrative all along. It's great that everything in our culture has been monetized and politicized at our expense. Science is Science :)
I swear it’s like no one in the comments realizes this. I mean why even laugh at this at this point? These people bullied others that questioned the narrative and now they’re gonna act like it’s no big deal?
@@OvidianIdeals Except then you have people who will as "experts" to lie about the science. It's been reported by the Hill that the CDC with held booster shoot testing data. That alone should call into question a lot of the so called science.
The fact is the information should have been available quickly but big corporations have a vested interest in certain results. Which is why they omit certain results.
@@OvidianIdeals Science is theory, nothing more.
The fucking giant covid banner on an SNL video is more hilarious than the sketch.
I know, right? It’s like they just can’t stop trying to brainwash people.
I love how the folks peddling the propaganda and compliance can now joke about this. Too bad most of the measures did more harm than good to the general population’s physical and mental health and the economy/inflation/supply chains and most people just parroted the media and shamed people rather than evaluating the possible consequences of this.
You're the one peddling propaganda, parroting rightwing anti-science talking points.
Amen! They wasted a couple of years destroying the economy, destroying relationships, destroying people's careers and lives. But now that THEY finally see the truth that us normal people have been telling them about for two years, it's "Oopsie Daisy." And they just want us to let them slide on their stupidity.
Yes, I love how snl can laugh about how people lost everything over the covid becoming about politics/control rather than actual science! Makes me sick!
@@thedude4672 I didn’t provide any such talking points on my post, Dude, so I don’t know what you’re referencing. What I do know are economic, obesity, drug overdose, depression, alcohol sales, and other rates and stats associated with living in isolation and affecting supply chains (economist here 👍🏼) from the past couple years that are quantifiable and speak for themselves. I can drop a link to a recent John Hopkins peer-reviewed meta-study that goes over much of this data if you’re interested. I did not say anything “for” and “against” science. That’s a typical polarizing and low-effort thinking “left” smear. For the record, I’m an independent, non-party affiliated centrist, not right wing
@@nickon-on8976 They don’t care man. It’s masky mask or you’re a BAD PERSON. What’s odd to me is that they don’t see that if SNL is doing this skit, the party is over for them. They are so butthurt that America as a whole said the hell with you people. They thought they were going to take over. I, like you, am in the center. I am tired of Far-Right and Far-Left people. They are all stupid and they don’t listen.
I love how Heidi straight up dies and none of the characters comment on it
…except on the fade out, Heidi’s husband (actor’s name?) finally desperately cries out, “wait, where’s my wife?!” [PS, I wish SNL would name cast members and guests on these Yt clips, really NOT cool to simply not bother mentioning names…Some of us don’t know all the players’ names…]
This is like every conversation I've had in the past few months.
Thank you for grasping the point of the sketch.
We've known this well over a YEAR!!! masks and shots and testing never worked to slow anything.
Get better friends.
The left and the right are BOTH wrong. The extremism and fear on the left is wrong and as we see in this sketch is really just virtue signaling at this point. Saying that masks and testing and shots did nothing is also just plain wrong.
If we hadn't done any of it things would be a lot worse, but the mass hysteria has led some to think "fuck it" and just not care, and others to be so overcautious that they STILL have not seen their family and friends and are living in isolation for 2 years now, or have Children's birthday parties where they wear masks for some of it and not while eating in close quarters. All of it is dumb.
Let's hope it stays gone.
What is the Covid-related mortality for non-elderly persons with no comorbidities???
Brilliant how they put together all the different emotions about Covid.
or, u live in a place where it never existed like Wisconsin. Lol.
@@deepwaters9300 um. I beg to differ. Every one in my family has had covid and I know dozens of people personally who have had it. 💀
@@twilightrhapsodist you know or is that what someone told them?
@@mikophilo348 I had it and so did my mom. It was horrendous. It was DEFINITELY not like the flu. It felt like nothing I've ever experienced in my 54 years and I feel different now. I had it for a little over a month and if someone hadn't done a wellness check on me I don't think I would have survived (mostly because I couldn't take care of myself).
@@mikophilo348 what??
From covid to WW3 with Russia... We haven't had a week off.. It's one psyop to the next.
When will people realize that not only is the news fake but also the reaction to the news on social media? Instead of manipulating public opinion now they just manufacture it with fake accounts and then accelerate it with fake likes. It's so disturbingly amusing.😒😂
Like Mr Frontlines here.
Would genuinely rather serve my nation on the frontlines than have to go through a replay of the last 2 years.
@@9ja41 why in the world would you want to serve this lying piece of shit government?
You know things have gotten crazy when the latter-day SNL pokes even very tentative fun at progressives.
They're on the cutting edge! Barely two years behind the Babylon Bee...
Why are the wigs so high quality in this sketch
What I find very interesting is how different rural dwellers are about this versus urban dwellers.
If I lived pretty remotely, I wouldn't have masked up everywhere, just indoors. But in NYC, I wore one to throw out garbage, check mail, in elevators, etc. Haha! But at least I never got sick, like several of my neighbors did. :)
@@blueelf217 Yeah, that paper mask offering 5% protection probably made the difference.
@@captinbeyond realistically it probably did. If you've ever ridden the subway that 5% goes a long way
@@spencergray9315 If the government/CDC was on top of things about our safety, they would have given out free N95 masks which offer 95% protection back when the virus hit instead of offering them 2 years later when the threat is all but over.
@@captinbeyond yeah cool, fact remains that if new yorkers didn’t live in such close quarters we wouldn’t be such sticklers - but even 5% can be worth the trouble no matter how wronged we feel by the government lol. But I am also not in the habit of expecting the government to act for my benefit.
Love when Kenan makes those Diondre “What’s Up With That?” Cole saucer eyes 😂
Sent out the tests over Xmas? I literally ordered mine the first day they were available and received them 3 days ago. I'm being completely serious.
I'm still waiting for mine, ordered in December
I threw mine away
SNL is employing actual facts in their skits! Mark this down in your calendars folks
Oh my god I can’t breathe … their responses to Kate had me rolling on the floor.
So the joke is: They are frightened to talk about it for fear of the mob.
They're the mob.
SNL acting like they weren’t advocating for masks the entire time.
Based lad
Hollywood and elites were all telling us we weren't doing it hard enough while they completely ignore their own edicts at everyturn. If this virus was remotely as deadly as they claimed, the elites would all been in bunkers wishing us the best of luck.
They are hypocrites!
well that's what the point of the sketch & they acknowledge that
@@qualiasound7569 yeah, this sketch is a year late
Trying to balance a year and a half of self-righteous cowardice and bullying with five minutes of self-awareness.
I got both laughter and anxiety from that skit. 😂
Anxiety that you spent the last two years following pointless mandates?
@@4h0w1e6 LMFAO FACTS
@@NamaeofLife It could also be anxiety about bullying neighbors and former friends over their masking and vaccinations, right?
@@4h0w1e6 Preach, brother.
The "wait where's my wife??" at the ending lmao
that was the least shocking thing
That last "when they get it, I feel happy" line was so out of pocket
“When anti vaxers get it” hilarious! 😂😭
I feel like that was John Maleney going "I don't want this to become a propoganda tool of the anti-vax movement, how can I stop them from sharing it."
Ironic, as it's actually the vaxxers who are finally "getting it" that they were conned.
@@Matt-fl8uy That line only makes him sound like a lunatic so it would only strengthen the other sides beliefs.
@@westtexas009 Sure, meanwhile the vast majority who have been hospitalized and died since the vaccine was released have been those who are unvaccinated.
When the political climate shifts and collaborators pretend they were on the other side all along.
It is always easier to see once the events happen. Hindsight Bias = I told you so. We are all guilty.
@@LuisDiazArtist No, we aren't. A good many of us saw it in real time...and still do.
@@horseman4now exactly, lol. I’m not sharing any of the blame for this!
Follow the money 😵💫😵💫😵💫😵💫
@@LuisDiazArtist uh, no. This was a blatantly in your face obvious PsyOp from Day 1 for anyone with an IQ over 80.
This is comedic and all but they did do a good job of showing what so many people are thinking right now lol
The science changed because the virus did. But it is worth mentioning that nothing we did could actually stop the spread of omicron.
Masks literally do nothing. U still sneeze wearing a mask
@@briancannon3987 and you still crash wearing a seatbelt
@Carpe Diem Care to explain why?
@@RanchElder this ain’t even apples to oranges. It’s like apples to dildos, dumbest comparison.
If I was with a group of people like this, I would just get up and leave.
51% of the people were like that
So happy to be a hermit. Don't miss this type of discussions.
If I'm grateful to the pandemic for anything, it's that I have an excuse to stay away from other people. I'm going to miss that ...
@@vinista256 Me too. Just so we're clear tho, that's really unhealthy
it seems like you might given you just commented on this video haha : )
@@deandeck Yeah, I know, but I can’t help it 🤷🏻♀️
The “careful” from Aidy after 1:40 is hilarious