@Ulysses432 I would agree with your statement that "your" country is beyond redemption. But there is always hope. And whilst I accept your insult, I don't think Jesus Christ deserves insulting by you.
When i played basketball in high school in a community league, the worst parents i encountered just happened to be the league commissioner and his wife. Also their kid was a total asshole as well
Growing up this was a huge issue. Maybe I got lucky, but this wasn’t as bad of an issue when I was coaching my son and was a Little League board member. Only had one instance league wide in 7 years where we had to throw a parent out of a game.
I refereed and coached for almost 2 decades. As a rule, which was never broken, when I asked my players what they hated most about the sport, they would almost unanimously answer, “the parents.“
Weak ass soccer official. You have to have thick skin to be a great official. No one cursed or acted a fool. They complained about a call. So the freak what. If this were a basketball game he would be throwing out thousands of fans. Just a weak official.
Yes the parents are a pain but the Refs don't have the authority to kick them out that ref should be disciplined or fired for overstepping their authority.
He only made one mistake, which was when the free kick was kicked play should’ve continued, it was behind where it was supposed to be kicked and I think that’s fine.
@@yousufrizvi557 sorry mate, that ain’t a rule. From a guy in uk, played and followed football all my life. Meant to be where foul was committed... none of this rolling the ball forward or behind. I agree the ref should have let it play and then gone back to ask the parent to leave... although I have never seen someone in the crowd receive a card??? Is that a American amateur thing? In the uk even at amateur u16s for example if you get booked you still get fined or your club gets fined. Don’t know who to and what fine the “mum” would pay?
Kelly Fontes I played football cause that’s it’s real name not soccer but I never seen a ref kickout parents watching a game before I wouldn’t have left if he did that shit on me
As a referee, I can say that "competitive parents" are the very worst part of this level of football. Verbal abuse from parents is very common at this level (towards the ref, opposition players/coaches and even towards their own players/coaches). At youth level, I would estimate that I have ejected more spectators than players.
@@SoupBeans-ln5ye No, in America now more people are calling it "football". The game played with a misshapen-egg ball on a field with weird lines by people dressed like medieval knights is called "American football".
@@karatearmchairhistorian9825 I'm sorry but that's just incorrect. In America if you say football you are talking about a sport that's fully padded with helmets and a oblong ball. When you're looking through a tv guide to find something to watch and you see the word football it iis football with the forward pass 100% of the time (except latin stations which say futbol but that's for people who were not born in the United States. Their 1st generation American children call it soccer.) I live in a city with a MLS team and when you go to it you say one of 2 things. I'm going to the Crew game or you say I'm going to the soccer game. People are starting to call it football lol. I'm American. l know that you're are either nuts or a straight up liar.
Nothing ruins youth sports like parents. When I coached rec I made sure every girl played and every girl sat equally. Somehow that was a problem especially with one father. He was angry I would pull the best player. He couldn't get it through his head this was not competitive soccer. He complained about me and when I explained what I was doing they told him either accept it or take her elsewhere. He left and took the worst player I had. I got a thumbs up from the rest of the team. The rest of the season was fun.
"this was not competitive soccer". What the hell does that mean? If it's not competitive soccer then it's not soccer. You probably give out "participation" trophies as well.
Timothy - this is what people don’t get. It’s recreational league, a club aimed at kids learning to love the game. And yes you do get participation trophy’s. You are rewarded by how you do on the field each game of the season. If your child plays competitive league you better hope they are good enough to stay off the bench otherwise your child will not get much play time and will eventually lose interest.
Timothy Landon You just don't get it, do you? It's recreational, supposed to be fun. These kids have the rest of their lives to deal with douche bags like you. Let the kids have fun. Stuff a sock in the parents mouth if that's what it takes.
Bullshit. Trophies for all convey an inaccurate and potentially dangerous life message to children: "We are all winners". This message is repeated at the end of each sports season, year after year, and is only reinforced by the collection of trophies that continues to pile up. We begin to expect awards and praise for just showing up - to class, practice, after-school jobs - leaving us woefully unprepared for reality. Outside the protected bubble of childhood, not everyone is a winner. Showing up to work, attending class, completing homework and trying my best at sports practice are expected of me, not worthy of an award. These are the foundations of a long path to potential success, a success that is not guaranteed no matter how much effort I put in. Trophies should be given out for first, second and third; participation should be recognized, but celebrated with words and a pat on the back rather than a trophy. As in sports as well as life, it is fact that there’s room for only a select few on the winners’ podium.
I was at a local baseball league last week. A parent used the F-word. Immediate ejection from the park. ZERO tolerance. No option. Zero means ZERO. Gone. Was told it has cut down bad behavior by 99%.
I'm afraid that in football and sometimes at rugby here in the UK you'll hear the F bomb and a few more choice words besides , by time they are 14-15 parents and even the kids themselves will be 'effing and blinding' like it's casual conversation. Our old rugby PE master would crack you a backhander if he heard you swearing (this was the early to mid 80s when corporal punishment was still a thing) The fact he was an ex pro rugby player helped with how some parents behaved but too often, particularly in football the reaction of parents is horrendous
@@tonyfranklin8306 US youth football parents are nuts. Flag football is growing very fast, while tackle football numbers shrink. CTE issues and overall parent craziness is at fault
Speaking as a FIFA ref, sometimes you need to throw parents out of games, but it's usually handled differently. If a parent is a problem, you stop the game, and have the Coach, who represents the team that the parent is rooting for, quiet down. If it continures, you tell the coach to remove the parent, or he/she loses in a forfeit. It's less confrontational that way, and less embarassing for the kid, and the parent.
@@Lakers2025 Not that you know what you're talking about, let me give you a little edumakashun, bubba: FIFA has a system where teenagers, and some adults, are developed into being a ref. There are 8 grades of being a ref. To ref international games, such as World Cup, Olympics, etc, you must be a grade 1 ref. It takes many years to reach this level and not everyone can make it. Starting as a teenage ref, you are only allowed to referee other teens/children, as long as you are 2 yrs older. Once you've refereed and served as a linesman for enough games (and with your ocal FIFA coordinator's approval) you become a grade 7 ref. The process is long. There are physical fitness standards when you reach the highest levels. In an 11 vs. 11 match, an avg ref runs 10 miles if he's doing it right - a ref is supposed to try to remain within 10 meters of the ball. FIFA refs take re-certification tests annually on the "Laws of the Game" The rules are the same for children through adults. FIFA issues modifications/changes to the rules every year. Yes, even those teenagers you see refereeing kids games are most likely FIFA refs. The only exception is high school and college athletic associations have their own certifications, but 99.9% of the refs doing hs and college games are also FIFA refs.
Speaking as a coach training division teams - id like for you to link where a spectator can have a red card within the fifa rules or any other football rules - jeez@@kevinrogers7650
Parents are the reason that there are fewer and fewer experienced referees out there. The only ones left are really old and have lost a step, or are very young and don't know any better. Yes, referees make mistakes. But they do not deserve this abuse. Do they get to come to your place of work and scream at you when YOU make a mistake? No. So what makes you think they deserve your abuse? Without referees, there is no game.
Not to mention most of these refs do this part time either for fun or to make a little extra money on the side. When I was a kid my dad used to ref as a fun way to stay in shape and make a little extra money. He really enjoyed it until he had to eject a parent who then threatened to go his car, get a gun, and come back and shoot him. That was his last game as a ref. Some people ruin it for everybody...
I’m really good...my team is rank #5 in the state. I’m here to coach a team, not to deal with frustrations from parents, if you let someone abuse you... that’s on you buddy!!!!
You are an idiot and if you have kids it's apparent that you're an awful role model and awful parent as well. If you don't have kids please stay that way. We don't need any more of your entitled attitude in the gene pool.
Phil Denton all my players have above 3.00 GPA... they’re on their way to college some of them with athletic scholarships, for some people that’s pretty good.... I’m sure you’re one of those parents that likes to be coaching your kid from the sidelines, abusing refs and acting like a complete idiot on the sidelines....Your kid would never excede in sports.!!!
Oscar G. Keep up the good work coach hope u make it rank #1 some day and it's stressful eliminating good players from ur team just because of their parents but look at ur team now they are rank #5 which is something tht another coach might never get.
I umpired baseball and softball in Canada for 30 years. I was told by one of the umpire supervisors that most new umpires don't last two seasons because of the abuse they take--often from parents. However, he said, if they last two years they likely will last ten years.
A former boss of mine is a huge hockey fan. He would joke around at work and said work should be like hockey sometimes. If somebody is being an ass, you drop the gloves and go at it, then you go to the penalty box for 5 minutes. lol
Being a Soccer Ref for the last 20 years, I totally agree. It's far more effective to try a 2-step resolution: 1) Walk calmly to the sideline and remind the entire collection of "adults" reminding them how they are supposed to be role models for the soccer-playing children. If that doesn't work, walk calmly to the coaches are say something like, "Coaches. We're having a problem with that person (describe to identify) in the spectators section. Can you help us with that?" Most good coaches will take care of the problem. If not, walk calmly to the offender and state in a professional manner, "Sir/Madam the game will resume when you are in the parking lot." Walk away to prepare for restart while watching the offender depart. That generally gets the point across that the adults need to act like adults. What you don't do is show cards to spectators. It makes the referee look amateur. Those are reserved for players.
It is absolutely amateur and much over the top. Preventative officiating will solve nearly all the problems - not blowing the whistle, stopping the game, running over (far over) and looking like an absolute idiot issuing yellow/red cards to spectators. Then going out of his way to find the tourney directors? How lame. Just ask the coach(es) for help.
First of all you don't show cards on spectators. Only players coaches team personnel. I like your calm approach however it takes a long time from the game. Players waiting.
@@jasonmcleod6001 No. Preventive officiating will not stop even 50% of the problems because the problems most of the time are the PEOPLE, not the situations. I personally rarely have issues with spectators, but I have been relatively lucky.
Nope, you NEVER talk to these people. The proper way to deal with such spectators is to ask the respective team's coach to control them. If they do not or are unable to do so, simply refuse to continue the game and even terminate it. Btw, a youth soccer referee is entitled at any point before, during or even after a game to call local law enforcement and depending on the severity of the behavior even ask that the person is arrested.
As an experienced 4-sport official, one of the most fundamental understandings is - parents are ignored UNLESS they become a source of concern to players and other fans.
It's usually checked or monitored more at the instructional stages of a program where I come from. As the kids get older, the refs are better and used to dicks. Not saying they like it, but it's harder to do anyting about it by high school or travel and select programs.
In the UK we are told to never approach the parents. If they get too bad then the home team should have their welfare officer deal with it. If it’s unresolved after that then the game should be suspended or abandoned. A parent would never be shown a yellow or red card in a game and in the UK it would have the opposite effect anyway cos ppl would definitely take the piss out of you 😂
@@iamlordinho5229 Whereabouts are you reffing in the UK? Refs are taught from the age of 14 to send disruptive parents away from the field of play if they become abusive in any way. Welfare officers from the league will then attend attend a set amount of the offending team's matches. If it is a young ref, just hope his / her dad doesn't get you first.
I was a ref in my teens. When all the parents were behaving badly..this formula worked well. 1) warn the coach and have he/she tell the parents to pipe down. 2) next time It happens, walk calmly up to all the parents and say “one more outburst and your team forfeits”. Works every time! Being a ref taught me so much about standing up for what’s right. And Hopefully teaching some kids that bullying has a price.
yeah real classy, make the kids pay for the parents acting like jerks. What a piece of shit ref you probably were. you don't punish the kids for the parents Behavior you ass.
Well what a piece of work you clearly are. The kid ref did the right thing. He took charge and made a good call. If the coach let's the parents act like assholes that's not the ref's fault. If you can't handle doing the right thing, go find your safe zone snowflake.@@randalhill6283
I was a little league coach for years. The best approach is for the ref to go to the coach whose kid is this ladies' player, and tell them to deal with it. Works every time.
Reffed a game where Dad was talking trash about other 11 year olds. Told him to stop. Only positive encouragement. He kept it up. After he said, "That kid guarding you is garbage.", I blew the whistle. Called both coaches over and said loud enough for everyone to hear while pointing at him. "He just called a player on the other team garbage. Which of you wants to claim That?" One coach reluctantly raised his hand and told the Dad to leave.
as a soccer referee reffing in various age groups, we are not supposed to interact with the spectator side. I'm so sad to see this happen. We are supposed to go to the coach to handle spectators.
Not necessarily, depends on league rules. He is probably completely justified issuing the warning & then notifying the parent they were gone. He did indeed then seek the coach’s help. The cards were silly & inappropriate.
My boss is a coach and he tells me all the time about unruly parents.. He has had to ban them from the games.. He told me about several fights over the years all involving women for some reason..
Hey asshole, libs didn't elect Putin's bitch, cons did. Cons have been traitors since the revolutionary war when they fought against the founding fathers who were liberals - progressives.@@Censoredbyfscists
I’m okay with what progressed with the situation, but as an referee myself, a rule says that you cannot give a parent any cards. If there are problems with the parents, you’re supposed to warn and give a yellow card to the parent’s coach.
Same here. I yellow card the coach this last weekend but let the coach know it goes on him but it is due to the parent. This was after verbal warnings. Coach was also instigating and for his sake he is lucky he decided to stop because the red was coming and he had no assistant so the game would have been forfeited in our league. U12 game and hate to see kids not get to play because of the the parents and coaches. The kids were actually really well behaved. The offending parent's kid actually told his dad to sit down so they could play.
Yeah, ref here too and would never card a parent. Its not on a ref to do so (follow laws of the game, nothing else). If a parent/supporter is getting too hot and heavy, inform the home team coach, who must inform whoevers looking after the grounds, to remove them from the grounds.
@@liambrowne8255 Yeah, referee to stop the game, referee to go searching for the coach, coach argues with him, referee leaves it to the coach to find the ground manager ... on and on it goes. Attack the parents, tell 'em to leave immediately and to come to the mid week judiciary to explain themselves. Why did the referee here have to first find the fat sheila to act and then find the old fella to act, with his faithful manservant Pancho?
@@dannyfitzpatrick9783 It ain't hard to find the coach.. they'll be on the line. You get the coach to sort it, or you stop the game and leave it to the league to decide.
i do not ref soccer and never have but for over 30 years I have officiated basketball at all levels including the NBA. I will say that the fans are becoming more and more unreasonable and rude. Whatever the price for admission does not give the fan the right to act a fool. Plus, I always tell fans "IF YOU CAN DO BETTER WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR MORE OFFICICALS! One time during a college game I had, one of my co-officials took off his wistle, sat in the stands next to this fan and gave him his wistle and said "obviously you are seeing a different game than I am. Why don't you go and call the rest of the game since you know so much more than I do." I challenge anyone who think the refs are terrible to go join the local association and start getting all the calls we miss!
I do not believe you! If your partner went into the stands during a collegiate game then he never work another college game again. If you cant take criticism in the profession then find another avocation. Tell me professional POSER! How many rules are in the rule book?
This is the second video I've seen where practically nothing happens, the referee throws a parent out of the game, and the comments are full of clapping seals.
Possibly. On the other hand, this is only a two-minute video. Just making a guess, based on my experience as a youth baseball coach (and emergency ref when my daughter played U-10 rec league...a total of 3 or 4 times), I would say that there's a good chance the parent had been on the ref the whole game, and he'd finally had his "Popeye Moment." You know, "That's all's I can stands, 'cos I can't stands no more." The other possibility is that in most areas, the pool of officials is shrinking, and so a team may see a particular ref 3 or 4 times during the season, and this may have been a carryover from a previous game.
My son played competitive soccer since he was 9 until he was 16. He played at all levels, all the way to state championship. I saw parents with the most outrageous behaviors in all that time. They simply destroy the fun for the kids. I saw many kids turn around and ask their parents to shut up. It was absolutely crazy.
Parents should shut up or get out there and referee a game! These guys aren't out there to make money, they are out there to provide a service to the community on their day off! They don't deserve the abuse from the sidelines; they don't deserve the abuse from people who aren't willing to get out there and ref a game. Everyone wants people to give them a break when they make a mistake or have a bad day. Don't referees deserve one too?
This isn't England - soccer isn't the top sport and most parents haven't played. Spectators need to realize they shouldn't be commentators, especially if they aren't willing to get out there themselves.
penubly refs are definitely out there the money! No one would put up with some of the shit that goes on out for free. At the same time some of these refs are control freaks and make the game about them self.
It is a disgrace when parents desperately try to live their failed lives through their kids and take things to these extreme levels and sometimes start fights. I feel sorry for the refs. Yes! Some might be unprofessional or may miss calls, but that happens even in professional games in any sport. I couldn't be a ref, because at these little events because I am not going to be able to take the abuse they take from the parents. Some refs have been beaten up, attacked and in some cases, even killed. This is really a disgrace.
I had to remove a parent for harrassing their own kid. It was awful. He threatened to fight me (and he had at least 100lbs and an extra foot of height on me). Now we have a parent that can't stop coaching from the sideline. It ruins everything for the kids.
When I first started coaching kids I was told “The hardest part about coaching kids is managing the egos of the parents”. This arse hat parent proves that.
I am ex professional coach who traveled from UK to America to coach select, my biggest nightmare was the parents and not the kids! To be fair most of the parents were pretty cool but there was always one or two parents for each team who would always get on the referees back! They were also the parents who had never played the game themselves before but always viewed themselves as the experts and set a terrible example to their kids!!!
The carding of the parent is wrong (unless that specific league allows it) but the ref is well within his right to stop the game and not allow it to continue until the abusive parent is removed. Usually league policy (and most youth leagues have a similar policy) is that this is done by going over and telling the coaches that the game will not continue until said parent has left. As a ref myself if I have an abusive parent I pause the game and go talk to both coaches and have them go over and remind their parents to be respectful. If it continues a second pause until the parent is removed. If the parent wont leave the ref can end the game and file a report with the league.
The ref wasn’t supposed to card the parents. He was supposed to tell the coach a warning and then if again the coach has to kick their own parent out. If coach Denys to do so the coach is carded
Am I missing something here? I can clearly hear the ref when he talks. I can clearly hear the parent when she says, "Me?", but I certainly never heard any bad language or anything that warrants a referee, half way across the field, to throw out a parent. The worst, and loudest, thing I heard a woman say was, "Unbelievable!" That's worthy of getting a red card? Unless I didn't hear something, this is a case of a referee being a bit too power hungry and having rabbit ears. As a former umpire, I can tell you, the times you have the shortest fuse are the times you know you made a bad call and just want to move on. I think the league needs to look into this referee.
I agree with you. I listened a couple of times and I didn't hear anything worthy of getting tossed. Ref seemed a little too sensitive. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of jerk parents out there and in this case, maybe we never heard the worst of it.
I played alot of sports when I was a kid. My father was getting kicked out of my hockey games alot of the time & I was very embarrased throughout the rest of the games. If it's an upper level elite highschool varsity game, I could understand it but some parents can easily cross a line.
Actually, according to the Laws of the game, the official has no authority to remove a parent or spectator. Showing a yellow card to a spectator is not allowed. The procedure is to ask coaching or management staff to deal with the spectators. If that doesn't work warning or sanctioning the coach (yellow card) is the correct response. If that still doesn't result in a behavior change, The referee can stop play and alert tournament officials to intervene until the issue is resolved. But, they are not actually allowed to remove or send off spectators.
OK, the rules for soccer must be different than those for baseball. Because I coached years and years ago, and the umpire was most definitely allowed to eject out-of-control fans from the facility. Actually, the best tactic would be, parent get out of control....whistle.....unsportsmanlike conduct.....free kick the other way.....and if it's in the offending parent's team's end of the field, a direct free kick.
Depends where you live. In California, officials of any organized sporting events, including High School level have the authority to remove any spectator. If the spectator refuses to leave an official has the authority to go as far as calling police to remove the person. Attending a youth game is a privilege not a right and by entering the area the spectator agrees to the rules of no aggression physically or verbally towards any player, coach or other spectator. Zero tolerance. It has worked beautifully. The bad behavior is nearly gone at most events since this law was implemented several years ago. I saw a Dad yell horrible insults at his own team’s Goalie a few years ago. One of the Coaches asked the referee to eject him. Dude refused to leave. Five minutes later Police were there. He left. Ha. Sounds over board, but there wasn’t another problem the entire season.
Parents kicked out of the game for saying, "oh come on," "that's unbelievable, and "that's pathetic. If your skin is that thin , then you have no business being out there officiating. Man up!
No shame if you have no moral or conscience. I'm guessing she tore up social media with her rants on how wronged she was by an evil ref at a kids game. WTF?
Putting aside the decision to throw the parent out, this is improper procedure. Refs are not supposed to show spectators yellow or red cards. In my state, we are to ask the coach to tell the spectator to leave the field.
Yeah, it's much better to make it the coach's problem. And if it's a tournament, there are tournament officials on-site to handle such things. And besides, technically, if a ref cards somebody, he's supposed to write a report to the league or association that's running the tournament.
When a member of the keyboard warrior mentality meets reality - priceless, public humiliation & kicked out from spectating at a freakin’ *KID’s* soccer game. If I was there, I would have given the ref a standing ovation 👌👍👏
So would decent folks anywhere. There is growing element in this country to celebrate bad behavior. There's no coming back from the stupidty behind that trend.
Not so fast the ref needs to take his training course again...you can’t card spectators but his overall lack of experience is what lead to this getting as big as it did
elizabeth wedge - of course the ref knew that, the point was to humiliate the parent & it worked. Remember, THESE ARE KIDS playing & trying to learn & have fun. These types of parents are horrible & really bad role models. My son played in a similar soccer league & before the game started, the refs explained that he wasn’t going to tolerate this type of crap & if it got out of hand, he’d call the game & give the win to the other side. I coached basketball & the rule was, if parents get out of hand the refs would call a technical foul against the offending team. It happened once & I turned to the area where the obnoxiousness was coming from & said to dial it down, these are 9 year old kids. It worked.
Jason Jackson you just verbally warn the parent. If he was being assessed he would’ve failed. I don’t know about basketball but football/soccer takes and dim view on just winging it with the laws of the game
Here is how you handle parental harassment...Stop the game and give the game to the opposing players...A couple times of this strategy and the sidelines are sorted.
Only one problem with that. It's really unfair to the kids who really just want to play. Abandoning a game should be a last resort...a "nuclear option," so to speak.
multiple people voiced pretty standard frustrations with the call and the ref whips out his red card on a lady sitting down... lmao wouldn't be surprised if this guy red cards Subway employees when he doesn't like the sandwiches and gives technical fouls to goalposts
When did refs, players, spectators society become so sensitive? Everyone is a snowflake nowadays and this is the reason why everyone is in everyone's business.....players and refs are supposed to tune out the crowd and ignore them. This mentality is why we have a new generation where no one can criticize or give constructive feedback and its everyone else's fault beit on the field or in the workplace. Sport was an activity where this was to prepare you for instances of unruliness and the like, but all the do gooders have done their beat to take this away from youth as well. Life is tough, being able to shoulder some of the nastiest is part of it. Obviously I'm talking about the extremes, but in this video, come on, grow up ref.
I used the horrible phrase 'call it both ways' at a youth basketball game, the female ref heard me, kicked me out and called the game with 40 seconds left. Sometimes refs are too thin skinned and take everything personally.
The sad part to this is I bet when asked about this, the mother will say it was the referee, he was terrible. He deserved the criticism, I didn’t do anything wrong.
How would you know? At the beginning of the video, the teams were already lined up for the free kick. Unless you were actually at that game, and remember precisely the play in question, both of which I highly doubt. And the second call, right around the 20 second mark was a good call. Depending on how you want to call it, it could either be an extended arm push or a trip. That gets called at this youth level. But the ref got it right. Something, mainly the tone of your comment, tells me you are one of these leather-lunged, motor-mouthed parents how treat every U-12 match like it was Juventes vs. AC Milan, Man U vs. Liverpool and Real Madrid vs. Barca all rolled into one.
Coming into this a bit late but does anyone actually HEAR anything that is out of line? I can't hear anything that seems to be disruptive or offensive. Either way the ref played this wrong. You don't red-card a spectator. It means nothing and all it does is inflame the situation. He also made it all about him and disrupted play for several minutes (this video is cut numerous times. If someone is out of line then you tell the coaches and let them deal with it. If they don't then you publicly warn everyone that a DQ will happen if the desired behavior continues. I wouldn't say I've seen it all but I've seen parents set up on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FIELD and then act badly trying to get a team in trouble. That's why you let the coaches deal with it since they know the parents.
I know nothing about soccer ok but I've umpired little league and high school baseball for a long time.. I've tossed a few parents from games .. Some times it's the best thing for the kids . To toss their mom or dad ..
When I was 14 i jumped lil league. Threw a loud mouth mom out of the game. 1st day of school in 9th grade guess who was my teacher. She apologize and I got an A in her class
As soon as I saw that I could predict the entire situation...inexperienced referee actually engaging with parents instead of directing teams too or just ejecting them...regardless of what the spectators do the referee needs to see this coming and nip it...not engage it
Just think how embarrassed the kids feel when their mom or dad act like this during a game .
@@mipilot30 Why have you made it a race issue?
@Ulysses432 I would agree with your statement that "your" country is beyond redemption. But there is always hope. And whilst I accept your insult, I don't think Jesus Christ deserves insulting by you.
I had a kid escort his dad out of a basketball game
My Mom did this once, it is very embarrassing having them yelling, she stopped now because she knew it is stupid
The same parent that yells at the teacher when their kids are getting bad grades or in trouble at school.
No doubt.
Joseph Gately that’s a good reason to yell at a kid
Fab SmgVEVO no, its not. Just showcasing their bad parenting
@@FabSmgVEVO can you read?
Parents' are also a reason why trained coaches stop coaching youth soccer.
John Doe yes
The same in Junior hockey
I coached U13 and U9 for several years. Parents were the reason I stopped.
Don’t you mean every youth sport.
Not only that, misbehaved parents are a reason why there's a shortage of youth referee's now, because they abuse the referee's.
These type of soccer moms and baseball dads are adults that just never matured. They're still children.
When i played basketball in high school in a community league, the worst parents i encountered just happened to be the league commissioner and his wife. Also their kid was a total asshole as well
Growing up this was a huge issue. Maybe I got lucky, but this wasn’t as bad of an issue when I was coaching my son and was a Little League board member. Only had one instance league wide in 7 years where we had to throw a parent out of a game.
I refereed and coached for almost 2 decades. As a rule, which was never broken, when I asked my players what they hated most about the sport, they would almost unanimously answer, “the parents.“
Weak ass soccer official. You have to have thick skin to be a great official. No one cursed or acted a fool. They complained about a call. So the freak what. If this were a basketball game he would be throwing out thousands of fans. Just a weak official.
Yes the parents are a pain but the Refs don't have the authority to kick them out that ref should be disciplined or fired for overstepping their authority.
@@pattiross3798the hell they don’t. Who do you think you are?
@@TheJuJuMonkeyBoy there is nothing in the rules that give them authority over what goes on in stands.
@@pattiross3798maybe where you live.
When you can hear her loud mouth over the game and kids, you know how she really is. Good job Ref, someone give him a raise.
As a youth ref I can tell u we don’t need a raise. Center refs get paid a dollar a minute straight cash to deal with this bullshit.
Don’t forget the tornado and planes in the background
He only made one mistake, which was when the free kick was kicked play should’ve continued, it was behind where it was supposed to be kicked and I think that’s fine.
As a ref i wish raises were a thing
@@yousufrizvi557 sorry mate, that ain’t a rule. From a guy in uk, played and followed football all my life. Meant to be where foul was committed... none of this rolling the ball forward or behind.
I agree the ref should have let it play and then gone back to ask the parent to leave... although I have never seen someone in the crowd receive a card??? Is that a American amateur thing? In the uk even at amateur u16s for example if you get booked you still get fined or your club gets fined. Don’t know who to and what fine the “mum” would pay?
A bunch of people who never played soccer harrassing a ref.
Kelly Fontes I played football cause that’s it’s real name not soccer but I never seen a ref kickout parents watching a game before I wouldn’t have left if he did that shit on me
Kelly Fontes
This ref has clearly never played lol what's he gonna card the goal post next hahaha
@pablo sanchez, Then it's game over and your team would forfeit.
Jose Gutierrez no guey es Futbol
As a referee, I can say that "competitive parents" are the very worst part of this level of football. Verbal abuse from parents is very common at this level (towards the ref, opposition players/coaches and even towards their own players/coaches). At youth level, I would estimate that I have ejected more spectators than players.
Agree 100 % parents can be more of the problem in all sports.
And there are many sports that struggle to get officials for games, I wonder why !
This is America. It's soccer.
@@SoupBeans-ln5ye No, in America now more people are calling it "football". The game played with a misshapen-egg ball on a field with weird lines by people dressed like medieval knights is called "American football".
@@karatearmchairhistorian9825 I'm sorry but that's just incorrect. In America if you say football you are talking about a sport that's fully padded with helmets and a oblong ball. When you're looking through a tv guide to find something to watch and you see the word football it iis football with the forward pass 100% of the time (except latin stations which say futbol but that's for people who were not born in the United States. Their 1st generation American children call it soccer.) I live in a city with a MLS team and when you go to it you say one of 2 things. I'm going to the Crew game or you say I'm going to the soccer game. People are starting to call it football lol. I'm American. l know that you're are either nuts or a straight up liar.
I don’t even know what she said but he gave her a warning first so I’m gonna side with the ref
Side with the big baby? You admit you don't know what was said.
@ yea dog…one whole pandemic later ima still side with him fk it.
At the question: "What is your dream after you won this Championship?", an Italian coach answered: "My dream is to train a team of orphans".
Nothing ruins youth sports like parents. When I coached rec I made sure every girl played and every girl sat equally. Somehow that was a problem especially with one father. He was angry I would pull the best player. He couldn't get it through his head this was not competitive soccer. He complained about me and when I explained what I was doing they told him either accept it or take her elsewhere. He left and took the worst player I had. I got a thumbs up from the rest of the team. The rest of the season was fun.
"this was not competitive soccer". What the hell does that mean? If it's not competitive soccer then it's not soccer. You probably give out "participation" trophies as well.
You are a good citizen and a good coach❤
Timothy - this is what people don’t get. It’s recreational league, a club aimed at kids learning to love the game. And yes you do get participation trophy’s. You are rewarded by how you do on the field each game of the season. If your child plays competitive league you better hope they are good enough to stay off the bench otherwise your child will not get much play time and will eventually lose interest.
Timothy Landon You just don't get it, do you? It's recreational, supposed to be fun. These kids have the rest of their lives to deal with douche bags like you. Let the kids have fun. Stuff a sock in the parents mouth if that's what it takes.
Bullshit. Trophies for all convey an inaccurate and potentially dangerous life message to children: "We are all winners". This message is repeated at the end of each sports season, year after year, and is only reinforced by the collection of trophies that continues to pile up. We begin to expect awards and praise for just showing up - to class, practice, after-school jobs - leaving us woefully unprepared for reality. Outside the protected bubble of childhood, not everyone is a winner. Showing up to work, attending class, completing homework and trying my best at sports practice are expected of me, not worthy of an award. These are the foundations of a long path to potential success, a success that is not guaranteed no matter how much effort I put in. Trophies should be given out for first, second and third; participation should be recognized, but celebrated with words and a pat on the back rather than a trophy. As in sports as well as life, it is fact that there’s room for only a select few on the winners’ podium.
I was at a local baseball league last week. A parent used the F-word. Immediate ejection from the park. ZERO tolerance. No option. Zero means ZERO. Gone. Was told it has cut down bad behavior by 99%.
I'm afraid that in football and sometimes at rugby here in the UK you'll hear the F bomb and a few more choice words besides , by time they are 14-15 parents and even the kids themselves will be 'effing and blinding' like it's casual conversation. Our old rugby PE master would crack you a backhander if he heard you swearing (this was the early to mid 80s when corporal punishment was still a thing) The fact he was an ex pro rugby player helped with how some parents behaved but too often, particularly in football the reaction of parents is horrendous
@@tonyfranklin8306 US youth football parents are nuts. Flag football is growing very fast, while tackle football numbers shrink. CTE issues and overall parent craziness is at fault
@Mark Oster I attend baseball youth primarily. Football at the youth level gravitates to violence at times.
Good for the ref. Throwing out rude and unruly parents!!!
@@ethan3949 I think it's actually fun. Get to see the game from a different view.
@@ethan3949 You can't get a referee licence until you are 12, just so you know.
@@ethan3949 I'm sorry, I misinterpreted you. I thought you said you quit reffing.
@@ethan3949 :)
You never show a fan a card!!!!
Speaking as a FIFA ref, sometimes you need to throw parents out of games, but it's usually handled differently. If a parent is a problem, you stop the game, and have the Coach, who represents the team that the parent is rooting for, quiet down. If it continures, you tell the coach to remove the parent, or he/she loses in a forfeit. It's less confrontational that way, and less embarassing for the kid, and the parent.
You are a red in fifa what players did you meet I'm so curious your lucky to meet them all
Speaking as the inventor of football, blah blah blah. Sure buddy.
@@Lakers2025 Not that you know what you're talking about, let me give you a little edumakashun, bubba:
FIFA has a system where teenagers, and some adults, are developed into being a ref. There are 8 grades of being a ref. To ref international games, such as World Cup, Olympics, etc, you must be a grade 1 ref. It takes many years to reach this level and not everyone can make it.
Starting as a teenage ref, you are only allowed to referee other teens/children, as long as you are 2 yrs older. Once you've refereed and served as a linesman for enough games (and with your ocal FIFA coordinator's approval) you become a grade 7 ref. The process is long. There are physical fitness standards when you reach the highest levels. In an 11 vs. 11 match, an avg ref runs 10 miles if he's doing it right - a ref is supposed to try to remain within 10 meters of the ball. FIFA refs take re-certification tests annually on the "Laws of the Game" The rules are the same for children through adults. FIFA issues modifications/changes to the rules every year.
Yes, even those teenagers you see refereeing kids games are most likely FIFA refs. The only exception is high school and college athletic associations have their own certifications, but 99.9% of the refs doing hs and college games are also FIFA refs.
It is quite possible the ref conveyed the info that coaches control their parents pre-match.
Speaking as a coach training division teams - id like for you to link where a spectator can have a red card within the fifa rules or any other football rules - jeez@@kevinrogers7650
I' m sure she said,......."but wait, don't you know that my child is gifted?"
Parents are the reason that there are fewer and fewer experienced referees out there. The only ones left are really old and have lost a step, or are very young and don't know any better.
Yes, referees make mistakes. But they do not deserve this abuse. Do they get to come to your place of work and scream at you when YOU make a mistake? No. So what makes you think they deserve your abuse?
Without referees, there is no game.
Brian Beiler thanks dude that would've helped a lot of people's opinions
Not to mention most of these refs do this part time either for fun or to make a little extra money on the side. When I was a kid my dad used to ref as a fun way to stay in shape and make a little extra money. He really enjoyed it until he had to eject a parent who then threatened to go his car, get a gun, and come back and shoot him. That was his last game as a ref. Some people ruin it for everybody...
Well said
True but the ref here is clueless.
There are parents who yell at the refs at my kid's U-7 soccer games. It's a joke, I have no idea what goes through these people's heads.
I’m a club coach in California, I had to cut really good players from my team because of their parents.
oscar-good job. probably was not an easy decision but took a lot of courage.
I’m really good...my team is rank #5 in the state. I’m here to coach a team, not to deal with frustrations from parents, if you let someone abuse you... that’s on you buddy!!!!
You are an idiot and if you have kids it's apparent that you're an awful role model and awful parent as well. If you don't have kids please stay that way. We don't need any more of your entitled attitude in the gene pool.
Phil Denton all my players have above 3.00 GPA... they’re on their way to college some of them with athletic scholarships, for some people that’s pretty good.... I’m sure you’re one of those parents that likes to be coaching your kid from the sidelines, abusing refs and acting like a complete idiot on the sidelines....Your kid would never excede in sports.!!!
Oscar G. Keep up the good work coach hope u make it rank #1 some day and it's stressful eliminating good players from ur team just because of their parents but look at ur team now they are rank #5 which is something tht another coach might never get.
TEAM mates: Hey Chelsey isn't your mom ?..
CHELSEY :No I don't know her🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣👏👏👏👏
CHELSEY, No, I'm adopted.
It can be kind of like a St. Peter thing, eh? "Before the whistle blows, you will deny your mother three times?" lol
@@russs7574 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Cracked me up
I meen, if she is called Chelsea she is bound to have stupid parents
I umpired baseball and softball in Canada for 30 years. I was told by one of the umpire supervisors that most new umpires don't last two seasons because of the abuse they take--often from parents. However, he said, if they last two years they likely will last ten years.
I wish we have a red card for karens in real life situation too.
A former boss of mine is a huge hockey fan. He would joke around at work and said work should be like hockey sometimes. If somebody is being an ass, you drop the gloves and go at it, then you go to the penalty box for 5 minutes. lol
The "K" Card. :)
Yeah I got one. My fist
this is real life
Being a Soccer Ref for the last 20 years, I totally agree. It's far more effective to try a 2-step resolution: 1) Walk calmly to the sideline and remind the entire collection of "adults" reminding them how they are supposed to be role models for the soccer-playing children. If that doesn't work, walk calmly to the coaches are say something like, "Coaches. We're having a problem with that person (describe to identify) in the spectators section. Can you help us with that?" Most good coaches will take care of the problem. If not, walk calmly to the offender and state in a professional manner, "Sir/Madam the game will resume when you are in the parking lot." Walk away to prepare for restart while watching the offender depart. That generally gets the point across that the adults need to act like adults.
What you don't do is show cards to spectators. It makes the referee look amateur. Those are reserved for players.
It is absolutely amateur and much over the top. Preventative officiating will solve nearly all the problems - not blowing the whistle, stopping the game, running over (far over) and looking like an absolute idiot issuing yellow/red cards to spectators. Then going out of his way to find the tourney directors? How lame. Just ask the coach(es) for help.
Wheres step 2 ???
First of all you don't show cards on spectators.
Only players coaches team personnel.
I like your calm approach however it takes a long time from the game.
Players waiting.
@@jasonmcleod6001 No. Preventive officiating will not stop even 50% of the problems because the problems most of the time are the PEOPLE, not the situations. I personally rarely have issues with spectators, but I have been relatively lucky.
Nope, you NEVER talk to these people. The proper way to deal with such spectators is to ask the respective team's coach to control them. If they do not or are unable to do so, simply refuse to continue the game and even terminate it. Btw, a youth soccer referee is entitled at any point before, during or even after a game to call local law enforcement and depending on the severity of the behavior even ask that the person is arrested.
As an experienced 4-sport official, one of the most fundamental understandings is - parents are ignored UNLESS they become a source of concern to players and other fans.
It's usually checked or monitored more at the instructional stages of a program where I come from. As the kids get older, the refs are better and used to dicks. Not saying they like it, but it's harder to do anyting about it by high school or travel and select programs.
In the UK we are told to never approach the parents. If they get too bad then the home team should have their welfare officer deal with it. If it’s unresolved after that then the game should be suspended or abandoned. A parent would never be shown a yellow or red card in a game and in the UK it would have the opposite effect anyway cos ppl would definitely take the piss out of you 😂
no, you don't ignore, you kick them out and feel sorry for the kids. Eventually the parents will self police the morons.
@@iamlordinho5229 Whereabouts are you reffing in the UK? Refs are taught from the age of 14 to send disruptive parents away from the field of play if they become abusive in any way. Welfare officers from the league will then attend attend a set amount of the offending team's matches. If it is a young ref, just hope his / her dad doesn't get you first.
nothing worse than an obnoxious parent at the kids games except having to live with them. lol.
awe poor whittle ref
@@vlz.matthew Yes, but thats pro
I've had to do this several times. The kids are great, never had to red card a one. But some parents are the worst!
What did she say? “Unbelievable”? This ref might just be a little too sensitive to go power tripping.
Nah, it was an ongoing problem. Now she can go back to her car and complain about it to her MLM friends.
Totally agreed with the decision. Stop the game until the parent leaves.
My brother coached/refereed girl's soccer for several years. He gave it up after having to deal with unreasonable parents one too many times.
Nothing compared to parents with boys soccer
I was a ref in my teens. When all the parents were behaving badly..this formula worked well.
1) warn the coach and have he/she tell the parents to pipe down.
2) next time It happens, walk calmly up to all the parents and say “one more outburst and your team forfeits”.
Works every time! Being a ref taught me so much about standing up for what’s right. And Hopefully teaching some kids that bullying has a price.
yeah real classy, make the kids pay for the parents acting like jerks. What a piece of shit ref you probably were. you don't punish the kids for the parents Behavior you ass.
Well what a piece of work you clearly are. The kid ref did the right thing. He took charge and made a good call. If the coach let's the parents act like assholes that's not the ref's fault. If you can't handle doing the right thing, go find your safe zone snowflake.@@randalhill6283
I agree, this whole thing was way over the top.
@@randalhill6283 umm you question someone class with a trashy post great logic
@Mark W If they fucking suck, you should go do it and we'll see how good of a job you do.
Love how all these parents couldn’t run a mile, yet know how everything should be in a game.
The worst part is tht you just know they have nver watched a proper game in their life
I was a little league coach for years. The best approach is for the ref to go to the coach whose kid is this ladies' player, and tell them to deal with it. Works every time.
Pretty sure that's what is happening at 1:13
Good job mom. Take your anti depressants before the game.
She needs something else
I've had multiple friends coach youth sport and all of them would never do it again....because of the parents.
Daughter: "No, I don't know who that woman is."
Reffed a game where Dad was talking trash about other 11 year olds. Told him to stop. Only positive encouragement. He kept it up. After he said, "That kid guarding you is garbage.", I blew the whistle. Called both coaches over and said loud enough for everyone to hear while pointing at him. "He just called a player on the other team garbage. Which of you wants to claim That?" One coach reluctantly raised his hand and told the Dad to leave.
as a soccer referee reffing in various age groups, we are not supposed to interact with the spectator side. I'm so sad to see this happen. We are supposed to go to the coach to handle spectators.
Not necessarily, depends on league rules. He is probably completely justified issuing the warning & then notifying the parent they were gone. He did indeed then seek the coach’s help. The cards were silly & inappropriate.
you never show a card to a spectator (including player on the bench) a card@@slpguy6026
My boss is a coach and he tells me all the time about unruly parents.. He has had to ban them from the games.. He told me about several fights over the years all involving women for some reason..
@steve b why should they elect women for the sake of having a woman in office? Surely the platform matters more......unless your a treasonous libtard.
Hey asshole, libs didn't elect Putin's bitch, cons did. Cons have been traitors since the revolutionary war when they fought against the founding fathers who were liberals - progressives.@@Censoredbyfscists
@@mipilot30 You two should both get red cards for trying to politicize this board.
Love it..can't stand big mouth parents
I’m okay with what progressed with the situation, but as an referee myself, a rule says that you cannot give a parent any cards. If there are problems with the parents, you’re supposed to warn and give a yellow card to the parent’s coach.
Same here. I yellow card the coach this last weekend but let the coach know it goes on him but it is due to the parent. This was after verbal warnings. Coach was also instigating and for his sake he is lucky he decided to stop because the red was coming and he had no assistant so the game would have been forfeited in our league. U12 game and hate to see kids not get to play because of the the parents and coaches. The kids were actually really well behaved. The offending parent's kid actually told his dad to sit down so they could play.
That’s league rules
Yeah, ref here too and would never card a parent. Its not on a ref to do so (follow laws of the game, nothing else). If a parent/supporter is getting too hot and heavy, inform the home team coach, who must inform whoevers looking after the grounds, to remove them from the grounds.
@@liambrowne8255 Yeah, referee to stop the game, referee to go searching for the coach, coach argues with him, referee leaves it to the coach to find the ground manager ... on and on it goes. Attack the parents, tell 'em to leave immediately and to come to the mid week judiciary to explain themselves. Why did the referee here have to first find the fat sheila to act and then find the old fella to act, with his faithful manservant Pancho?
@@dannyfitzpatrick9783 It ain't hard to find the coach.. they'll be on the line. You get the coach to sort it, or you stop the game and leave it to the league to decide.
Can we just admire the fact that this game was played in a tornado?
Eye of a hurricane, maybe?
Karens gotta Karen somewhere.
It's really not at all surprising to see and hear kids who have no manners these days....their Parents raised them that way by example.
Good for the ref. Some parents can be absolutely brutal to deal with.
i do not ref soccer and never have but for over 30 years I have officiated basketball at all levels including the NBA. I will say that the fans are becoming more and more unreasonable and rude. Whatever the price for admission does not give the fan the right to act a fool. Plus, I always tell fans "IF YOU CAN DO BETTER WE ARE ALWAYS LOOKING FOR MORE OFFICICALS! One time during a college game I had, one of my co-officials took off his wistle, sat in the stands next to this fan and gave him his wistle and said "obviously you are seeing a different game than I am. Why don't you go and call the rest of the game since you know so much more than I do." I challenge anyone who think the refs are terrible to go join the local association and start getting all the calls we miss!
mtt i
I do not believe you! If your partner went into the stands during a collegiate game then he never work another college game again. If you cant take criticism in the profession then find another avocation. Tell me professional POSER! How many rules are in the rule book?
@@besto6279 You're an idiot BestO.
mtt *foo
hahaha so how was reffing the NBA mtt? must have been a great experience. did the players moms yell at you there too? poor guy
This is the second video I've seen where practically nothing happens, the referee throws a parent out of the game, and the comments are full of clapping seals.
Possibly. On the other hand, this is only a two-minute video. Just making a guess, based on my experience as a youth baseball coach (and emergency ref when my daughter played U-10 rec league...a total of 3 or 4 times), I would say that there's a good chance the parent had been on the ref the whole game, and he'd finally had his "Popeye Moment." You know, "That's all's I can stands, 'cos I can't stands no more."
The other possibility is that in most areas, the pool of officials is shrinking, and so a team may see a particular ref 3 or 4 times during the season, and this may have been a carryover from a previous game.
@Jeffery Nardi I know, Jeff. It's amazing how many parents treat their kid's U-12 game like Manchester United vs. Liverpool.
My son played competitive soccer since he was 9 until he was 16. He played at all levels, all the way to state championship. I saw parents with the most outrageous behaviors in all that time. They simply destroy the fun for the kids. I saw many kids turn around and ask their parents to shut up. It was absolutely crazy.
Parents should shut up or get out there and referee a game! These guys aren't out there to make money, they are out there to provide a service to the community on their day off! They don't deserve the abuse from the sidelines; they don't deserve the abuse from people who aren't willing to get out there and ref a game. Everyone wants people to give them a break when they make a mistake or have a bad day. Don't referees deserve one too?
penubly if it’s anything like England then a lot of them are out there for attention and a sense of authority. This guy looks the type ...
This isn't England - soccer isn't the top sport and most parents haven't played. Spectators need to realize they shouldn't be commentators, especially if they aren't willing to get out there themselves.
penubly I have refed game s and I still hate so called refs .hate that they act like they are better than anyone else .
penubly refs are definitely out there the money! No one would put up with some of the shit that goes on out for free. At the same time some of these refs are control freaks and make the game about them self.
Are you lumping all refs in the same category?
It is a disgrace when parents desperately try to live their failed lives through their kids and take things to these extreme levels and sometimes start fights. I feel sorry for the refs. Yes! Some might be unprofessional or may miss calls, but that happens even in professional games in any sport. I couldn't be a ref, because at these little events because I am not going to be able to take the abuse they take from the parents. Some refs have been beaten up, attacked and in some cases, even killed. This is really a disgrace.
I had to remove a parent for harrassing their own kid. It was awful. He threatened to fight me (and he had at least 100lbs and an extra foot of height on me). Now we have a parent that can't stop coaching from the sideline. It ruins everything for the kids.
i would have fought him for you
Go for the retracted nuts next time dear
Parents walk of shame.
Soccer parents are the worst part of coaching
imagine how the kid turns out, this is their home life
When I first started coaching kids I was told “The hardest part about coaching kids is managing the egos of the parents”. This arse hat parent proves that.
I am ex professional coach who traveled from UK to America to coach select, my biggest nightmare was the parents and not the kids! To be fair most of the parents were pretty cool but there was always one or two parents for each team who would always get on the referees back! They were also the parents who had never played the game themselves before but always viewed themselves as the experts and set a terrible example to their kids!!!
The ref yellow and red carded the parents BAHAHHAHAHAH!!
I play soccer so I've seen parents like this in the crowd and my God there so annoying.
I bet your kid is so proud of you!
This should be done so much more often you have no idea.
If parents are acting like that throw them off the side line.
As a young man I chose not to have children, because I saw parents and their lives. This doesn’t surprise me.
I’m sorry but the ref giving the parent a card might be the funniest thing I’ve seen all year
Since when does a ref have power over a spectator in a public park?! 🤣🤣🤣
If that was Scotland he’d be told where to go! 😂🤣😂🤣
Agreed. He cant card the fans, he should be carding the team sidelines. That's when the coach steps in and tells the parents to stfu.
The carding of the parent is wrong (unless that specific league allows it) but the ref is well within his right to stop the game and not allow it to continue until the abusive parent is removed. Usually league policy (and most youth leagues have a similar policy) is that this is done by going over and telling the coaches that the game will not continue until said parent has left. As a ref myself if I have an abusive parent I pause the game and go talk to both coaches and have them go over and remind their parents to be respectful. If it continues a second pause until the parent is removed. If the parent wont leave the ref can end the game and file a report with the league.
Seen this one too many times at my stepdaughter's games. Worse when the parents berate their own kids from the sidelines.
Sadly that happens all too often.
You know he meant business when he ran all the way there to get them ejected.
The ref wasn’t supposed to card the parents. He was supposed to tell the coach a warning and then if again the coach has to kick their own parent out. If coach Denys to do so the coach is carded
He has the full right to kick you out lmao
Am I missing something here? I can clearly hear the ref when he talks. I can clearly hear the parent when she says, "Me?", but I certainly never heard any bad language or anything that warrants a referee, half way across the field, to throw out a parent. The worst, and loudest, thing I heard a woman say was, "Unbelievable!" That's worthy of getting a red card?
Unless I didn't hear something, this is a case of a referee being a bit too power hungry and having rabbit ears. As a former umpire, I can tell you, the times you have the shortest fuse are the times you know you made a bad call and just want to move on. I think the league needs to look into this referee.
I agree with you. I listened a couple of times and I didn't hear anything worthy of getting tossed. Ref seemed a little too sensitive. Don't get me wrong, there are plenty of jerk parents out there and in this case, maybe we never heard the worst of it.
@@hankintheatl2394 I hate obnoxious parents, but I didn't hear anything too bad either. To be fair, it WAS an awful decision.
Well done referee, get those loud mouthed mofos out of there....they are a disgrace and know zippo about football
I played alot of sports when I was a kid. My father was getting kicked out of my hockey games alot of the time & I was very embarrased throughout the rest of the games. If it's an upper level elite highschool varsity game, I could understand it but some parents can easily cross a line.
Actually, according to the Laws of the game, the official has no authority to remove a parent or spectator. Showing a yellow card to a spectator is not allowed. The procedure is to ask coaching or management staff to deal with the spectators. If that doesn't work warning or sanctioning the coach (yellow card) is the correct response. If that still doesn't result in a behavior change, The referee can stop play and alert tournament officials to intervene until the issue is resolved. But, they are not actually allowed to remove or send off spectators.
Why should the coach be getting a warning?
OK, the rules for soccer must be different than those for baseball. Because I coached years and years ago, and the umpire was most definitely allowed to eject out-of-control fans from the facility.
Actually, the best tactic would be, parent get out of control....whistle.....unsportsmanlike conduct.....free kick the other way.....and if it's in the offending parent's team's end of the field, a direct free kick.
Depends where you live. In California, officials of any organized sporting events, including High School level have the authority to remove any spectator. If the spectator refuses to leave an official has the authority to go as far as calling police to remove the person. Attending a youth game is a privilege not a right and by entering the area the spectator agrees to the rules of no aggression physically or verbally towards any player, coach or other spectator. Zero tolerance. It has worked beautifully. The bad behavior is nearly gone at most events since this law was implemented several years ago.
I saw a Dad yell horrible insults at his own team’s Goalie a few years ago. One of the Coaches asked the referee to eject him. Dude refused to leave. Five minutes later Police were there. He left. Ha. Sounds over board, but there wasn’t another problem the entire season.
Parents kicked out of the game for saying, "oh come on," "that's unbelievable, and "that's pathetic. If your skin is that thin , then you have no business being out there officiating. Man up!
WOW is that what she said? I didn't heard anything
LOVE IT!!!! Na Na Na-Na, Na Na Na-Na, HEY HEY HEY....GOODBYE!!!! Parents are killing youth sports.
He was ahead of his time, now we can card coaches in 2019
The walk of shame hahaha
No shame if you have no moral or conscience. I'm guessing she tore up social media with her rants on how wronged she was by an evil ref at a kids game. WTF?
I love it, the ref joyfully jogs over like twinkle toes and gets the parent tossed!!!😂😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
Putting aside the decision to throw the parent out, this is improper procedure. Refs are not supposed to show spectators yellow or red cards. In my state, we are to ask the coach to tell the spectator to leave the field.
Yeah, it's much better to make it the coach's problem. And if it's a tournament, there are tournament officials on-site to handle such things. And besides, technically, if a ref cards somebody, he's supposed to write a report to the league or association that's running the tournament.
I’m glad that the community will not stand verbal abuse gets rid of it
The Arbiter snowflake
Wtf? Yellow card? Then red? 🤣🤦🏻♂️
What? You want purple to sooth the snowflake angst?
This needs to happen more often.
Both of my boys ref'ed youth soccer. The parents are atrocious.
I thank God for being taught how to be honest!
what teams were in this world cup playoff match
The morals and ideals are the same watch your mouth other people are there.
Karen vs Karen
When a member of the keyboard warrior mentality meets reality - priceless, public humiliation & kicked out from spectating at a freakin’ *KID’s* soccer game.
If I was there, I would have given the ref a standing ovation 👌👍👏
So would decent folks anywhere. There is growing element in this country to celebrate bad behavior. There's no coming back from the stupidty behind that trend.
That's when you start singing "Na na na na, na na na na, hey hey-ey, goodbye!"
Not so fast the ref needs to take his training course again...you can’t card spectators but his overall lack of experience is what lead to this getting as big as it did
elizabeth wedge - of course the ref knew that, the point was to humiliate the parent & it worked.
Remember, THESE ARE KIDS playing & trying to learn & have fun. These types of parents are horrible & really bad role models. My son played in a similar soccer league & before the game started, the refs explained that he wasn’t going to tolerate this type of crap & if it got out of hand, he’d call the game & give the win to the other side.
I coached basketball & the rule was, if parents get out of hand the refs would call a technical foul against the offending team. It happened once & I turned to the area where the obnoxiousness was coming from & said to dial it down, these are 9 year old kids. It worked.
Jason Jackson you just verbally warn the parent. If he was being assessed he would’ve failed. I don’t know about basketball but football/soccer takes and dim view on just winging it with the laws of the game
Here is how you handle parental harassment...Stop the game and give the game to the opposing players...A couple times of this strategy and the sidelines are sorted.
Only one problem with that. It's really unfair to the kids who really just want to play. Abandoning a game should be a last resort...a "nuclear option," so to speak.
People don’t understand how difficult it is to ref a game. They really expect you to see everything and never make a mistake.
@Hestiff, I understand. They are entitled parents who don't spend enough time with their kids.
Was I the only one who couldn't hear anything???
Just a 'Come on Ref, and an Unbelievable, not abusive to me.
multiple people voiced pretty standard frustrations with the call and the ref whips out his red card on a lady sitting down... lmao wouldn't be surprised if this guy red cards Subway employees when he doesn't like the sandwiches and gives technical fouls to goalposts
When did refs, players, spectators society become so sensitive? Everyone is a snowflake nowadays and this is the reason why everyone is in everyone's business.....players and refs are supposed to tune out the crowd and ignore them. This mentality is why we have a new generation where no one can criticize or give constructive feedback and its everyone else's fault beit on the field or in the workplace. Sport was an activity where this was to prepare you for instances of unruliness and the like, but all the do gooders have done their beat to take this away from youth as well. Life is tough, being able to shoulder some of the nastiest is part of it. Obviously I'm talking about the extremes, but in this video, come on, grow up ref.
I used the horrible phrase 'call it both ways' at a youth basketball game, the female ref heard me, kicked me out and called the game with 40 seconds left. Sometimes refs are too thin skinned and take everything personally.
I've played soccer there we're a lot of parents who thought they knew everything it's really embarrassing for the kid and parent.
I hate these kind of parents.
The sad part to this is I bet when asked about this, the mother will say it was the referee, he was terrible. He deserved the criticism, I didn’t do anything wrong.
Boy, times have changed. When I played as a youth, the coach ruled. Parents kept their mouth shut. End of story.
Great job Ref!!! Parent take it to seriuos is just soccer people please!!! Behave.
Wasn't even a foul. Just one of those high and almighty refs that dont understand the game, never played but certainly understand their ego.
How would you know? At the beginning of the video, the teams were already lined up for the free kick. Unless you were actually at that game, and remember precisely the play in question, both of which I highly doubt. And the second call, right around the 20 second mark was a good call. Depending on how you want to call it, it could either be an extended arm push or a trip. That gets called at this youth level. But the ref got it right.
Something, mainly the tone of your comment, tells me you are one of these leather-lunged, motor-mouthed parents how treat every U-12 match like it was Juventes vs. AC Milan, Man U vs. Liverpool and Real Madrid vs. Barca all rolled into one.
Coming into this a bit late but does anyone actually HEAR anything that is out of line? I can't hear anything that seems to be disruptive or offensive.
Either way the ref played this wrong. You don't red-card a spectator. It means nothing and all it does is inflame the situation. He also made it all about him and disrupted play for several minutes (this video is cut numerous times. If someone is out of line then you tell the coaches and let them deal with it. If they don't then you publicly warn everyone that a DQ will happen if the desired behavior continues.
I wouldn't say I've seen it all but I've seen parents set up on THE OTHER SIDE OF THE FIELD and then act badly trying to get a team in trouble. That's why you let the coaches deal with it since they know the parents.
Worst parent ever.
One of the reason my wife quit teaching. She loved the kids, but the late night phone calls from parents driving her to tears was too much.
0:23 was a terrible call!
Peter Kriz he called an extended arm push. The way the rules read and how you want kids to play at that age. He should wear ear plugs though.
Yeah this guy is awful
It was a trip.
I know nothing about soccer ok but I've umpired little league and high school baseball for a long time.. I've tossed a few parents from games .. Some times it's the best thing for the kids . To toss their mom or dad ..
When I was 14 i jumped lil league. Threw a loud mouth mom out of the game. 1st day of school in 9th grade guess who was my teacher. She apologize and I got an A in her class
My god, I’ll bet she was embarrasssed!
Imagine watching a professional soccer or football game and the players parents walked onto the field yelling at the referee.
What? I thought this was a free country.
I cringed so hard when I saw him first show the spectator a card😂
David McQuillan you can’t do that actually.
As soon as I saw that I could predict the entire situation...inexperienced referee actually engaging with parents instead of directing teams too or just ejecting them...regardless of what the spectators do the referee needs to see this coming and nip it...not engage it
Hahaha! Red carded the parent. That's awesome!