So Guys, 7.3 finally here and a lot changed for the Feral Druids! I´ll upload a guide in a few days to give u all an overview about talent changes/playstyle/dps changes and so on . Stay tuned!
Abeythu nice!! Can you talk about your addons in the next guide? I dont know which ones to use and I think they would make my life easier as a feral druid. Thanks!!
Thank you SO MUCH! This was beautifully done and probably the best guide out right now! It answered some questions I had and definitely learned from it. Thank you for including the whole thing about trinkets and legionaries! I started referring new ferals to your guide! It's definitely a huge help! LOVE LOVE LOVE your stuff! I'm looking forward to more videos and guides from you! :)
Dafür, dass Du nur ein paar Videos erst auf YT hast, ist das schon wirklich high-end. Es ist alles in dem Video was man wissen sollte. Ich spiele zwar keinen Feral - zwecks Raid - aber ich finde sie super und habe den bis WoD gezockt von WotLK an ^^
Thank you very much! I had been looking for a guide like this for a while... I just love my druid but had a lot of troubles when using it!!! I had abandoned him because of that, but now I will give it another try! Keep the hard work :D
You have a very nice guide, very much to the point, kudos. Also shout out to our amazing Feral discord family! I’ll definitely show this video to some newer kitties I know that might be struggling.
Sehr schöner und verständlicher Guide. Wird mir bestimmt sehr weiterhelfen wenn ich mal nicht im Raid Tanken muss ^^ mach weiter so und du kannst bestimmt mehr erreichen mit YT.
Hi, ich habe zufällig dein Tutorial gesehen und finde deine anderen Videos auch klasse, nun hab ich mal eine Anregung einen feral zu lvln, das ich schon lange vor habe aber dein Video gab mir nun den ansporn :) p.s. ich bin dein 300er Abonnent ^.^
da ich gleich arbeiten muss konnte ich dein Video leider noch nicht ganz ansehen aber ich würde gern wissen ob du Allianz oder Horde spielst. Spiele nämlich auch auf Blackmoore
I played feral from TBC to early Cata consistently and for some reason detest it's current gameplay, so whenever i lose hope, i go and watch guides like that to motivate myself. Can't let down my favorite spec in the entire history of the game.
Just finished leveling my kitty and had to watch your guide again to make sure I'm not screwing up my rotation. Can't wait to gear him up :D Also I'm looking forward to some ToS gameplay, keep up the good work! :)
Hallo und danke für den netten Guide :) Der hat mich echt dazu animiert mal wieder die Katze aus dem Sack zu lassen :P Ich bin ein wenig überrascht, weil du in dem Guide perfekt Englisch sprichst und dann lese ich hier ein deutsches Kommentar von dir :) Weiter so !
Amazing guide you have put here ! I would say so far the most in depth and really have answered questions which I had ! thx for the great video and you get a new subscriber her ! Keep up the good work !
excelente guia, en serio, cuando yo empece a jugar feral todos me decian que me pasara a boomy, gracias por todo el trabajo duro que pusiste en el video, saludos desde Perú :)
So I had commented on another video regarding your weak auras and I came across this video and noticed you had them in the description so disregard the other comment haha. Thanks.
schöner guide, einer der besten die ich bisher für ferals gesehen habe. leider haben viele der ferals die bisher einen guide gepostet haben nur pvp und keine wirkliche pve erfahrung. habe leider schon seit ewigkeiten keinen anderen feral mehr zu gesicht bekommen, aber naja, du weisst ja sicher wie das ist :D /faithz
ja man is das leider eher eine rarität und die leute erwarten daher auch nichts großes, weil jeder davon ausgeht, dass feral schlecht is, was nicht stimmt ^^ danke für den netten kommi :)
Ich habe mit keiner Klasse wirklich Spaß am PvE. Ich wollte es mal mit Feral probieren, aber da bin ich wohl zu dumm für xP Ich bleibe bei PvP aber der Guide hat mir im Allgemeinem ein besseres Verständnis für Feral gegeben. Deshalb lasse ich mal ein dickes Danke da :*
Also, is it really worth refreshing rip at 10 seconds if you don't have berserk and tiger's fury up and the current rip has those? Idk if the shadow rip procs enough to justify losing a couple extra seconds of a buffed rip
You should mention one thing about the boots, that if you have them, you can put them on 14sec before the pull so you can get a guaranteed BT RIP in your opener. As you said the opener is not as as important in 3+min fights but it plays a huge factor in short fights. Cheers!
This is a great video. I agree with what you say, especially with the feral druid, and blizzard making them more useful for raiding. Thanks for posting
Awesome Guide Lady! I´ve enjoyed Feral alot in Wotlk/cata Times. Now i want to play him as an Alt in Legion, but so many people told me i shouldnt go for a feral. its not worth at all. low dmg compared to other classes on the same ilvl. but tbh i dont like this crazy DH or 3 button Wonder Frost Dk at all... But thanks to you, i´ll give my old Feral friend a new Chance. Actually i enjoyed him while leveling in Legion (yes, did a new one) but the Dmg in high Raids seems low and also he lacks at AoE. At least these are Opinions from other People. I also know that the WoW Community is full of Complainers. Well.. thank you really much and keep your stuff up!! Greetz
hey :) unfortunitally ppl who told u are long as its a twink...why not...if u like to go for feral main on high end raids...its so frustrating....blizz seems not to give a shit about the relation between ''hard to play'' and ''do dmg''....I really dont like that DH shit...its so easy and I just dont have fun with it...they really need to give feral a chance to compare to other classes...I hope they will change a few things...I was trying so hard and didnt want to give it up....but the fact how much more u can do with boomkin....compared to feral and how much harder the feral playstyle is....its yeah, hope they bring back the feral dps...
Thank you for your Reply! Yeah i hope for a Rework or some fixes aswell. also i´ve heared that the feral get a "buff" in the upcoming patch and he should be "playable" again. Well we will see what the upcoming patch brings to the feral. Also i totally agree to you in terms of comparing feral to other classes. in legion i only saw 1 feral druid in one of my groups. he had awesome gear, but did 200k dps lower than other classes which had "only" 840 - 850 ilvl. Sadly unbalanced. Well at least you know how to play feral in this content and i hope i can master him aswell as you do. your dmg is insane and you also outdps this freaking DH (sry if this is one of your mates).^^ Well thanks up to you, i gonna level my druid as fast as i can. Great Work and keep it up! Greetz :)
Thank you for the video! I do pretty good DPS but I didn't know you needed to use Thrash for single target, I have the Luffa Bracers and my 4 piece. If I understood that correctly with this I should be keeping it up at all times regardless if I have omen of clarity proc or not?
well it`s worth it especially with bracer. because 4 piece tells u, that all bleedings on target buffs your shred, so before using shred make sure trash is on target too :) if u have some time left with energy-pooling u can also use trash without a omen-procc. hope it helps u a bit :)
Wirklich gut, was ich nicht ganz verstehe ist, über deine Combo-Balken wird die Ablaufzeit angezeigt. Dieses ist doch auch WeakAura oder? Hast du das auch zur Verfügung gestellt, wann welcher DOT ausläuft?
you'd think that since blizzard took the time making all these pretty skins for feral they'd make it viable for all content lol, havent played my feral since around legion launch imma give it another shot now since I'm bored with my mains xD nice guide this helped me a lot!
Great video once again. Thank you for making a guide. I do have one question. In the section of the video where you are showing a ferals rotation you have some sound ques that I am interested about. Seems like you have a horn sound and a submarine type sound. What are these sound ques telling you?
hey !thanks first :) the airhorn tells me when savage roar is only 5 secs left, I also have a sound for 5cp reached(so I dont stack em) and when I have a freecast :)
How about single target opener when using Brutal Slash? Do you want to wait until Tiger's Fury to dump the charges, or do you use one charge very early on in order to have it begin recharging sooner?
Nice and informative video :) however, I was wondering... how do you spend your combo points if you said you only use Ferocious Bite past 20% to refresh Rip? In most situations you're never going to use Maim (only on specific encounters like the Agatha challenge, and then it's still just a "maybe"), and if you're not specced into Savage Roar (which not everyone does) you actually only have 2 finishers. Do you keep refreshing Rip, regardless of duration left, or do the extra points go to waste? If it's the first... you do know that you can actually "override" a stronger Rip (for example buffed by Tiger's Fury) with a weaker one by accident, right? PS: I noticed this in your other video as well... I'm very sorry if I'm just stupid or unable to understand, but what in the world are "marty dot" fights or whatever the hell you're saying at around 07:15? XD
Hi, your tutorial is a really great feral insight. Unfortunately, I can't make DotFocus work for me. The 3 dots at the bottom (for Savage Roar, fury and Bloodtalons) do not activate when I reapply the bleeds, or sometimes only one of them is activated. I searched everywhere in settings and I have no idea why they don't work.
Hi do you use Brutal Slash on all cleave fights? For instance, do you use it on Botanist, where the cleave will be extended? What about a council fight? Or do you just use for burst cleave like Skorpyron?
hey! no dont use it on bota(on mythic all dps to other not focused targets, the ones who get healed when 1 dies anyway, will not included, so warcraftlogs sees scumbad and stupid dps) I use it on low mythic+ and skorpyron and tichondrius
Hey, Was just wondering if you could tell me where you're getting the latest version of droodfocus from? I've looked everywhere and the only version i can see 6.2.0 and sadly it doesn't work! Your videos are awesome btw :) Keep up the good work!
hey! y I dont remember anymore it was a work-over right after the legion release cuz the 6.2 does not work :/ so I changed the addon into dotfocus(thats the newest) and u can import my profile there :)
Hey I have three question about the shadow thrash trait. Does each mob has sepparate proc chance for triggering shadow thrash, or is it straight 25% on everyone? Does Shadow Thrash benefit from mastery and does Luffa Wrappings increase the Shadow Thrash damage?
hey dude! sorry for late answer, 1st luffa do buff even shadow trash(I just checked this a few weeks ago). to other questions: i´m not that sure tbh because the shadow trash isnt listed as a buff on enemy, so I never exactly know if its up or not. I´ll check this out next days and tell u after!
thanks! actually u always exchange iltlv>2nd stats, cuz agi>all. the best strat is to sim your kitty cat with the short-sim-site I linked in the descr, so u can see how ''bad'' your worst 2nd stat give an really correct answere I think you should sim your character with both things,the one u have and the one you will change. so u see if you lose dps or not
Love your videos! This guide is very helpful. I was wondering if you could share you UI? Yours seems very neat and organized and is very easy to follow along with. Thanks
Great guide! :) And thank you for all of the resources! I put my character in the simbot website and what does that DPS number stand for? Is that the amount of dps that I should be doing? Thanks again.
Great guide, only thing missing is pots! and where they go in your rotation... Pot of Old War? or Prolonged Power? use before or after rake opener? macro'd to an ability?
Hey Abeythu thanks for all your help i learnt the most from watching your kill content :). I was doing really well with your UI but your pastebine url's have expired is there a way you can upload you weak auras again or upload it as a pack on :) thanks in advance
hey! Thanks for comment and i´m really glad it helped u :) I checked the WA`s, the new ones are still there, so I deleted the old document. just check it again :) should work now !
I have the behemoth headress helmet and the chaytonet signet (I believe it's spelled) Those are the only 2 legends I have would you say they are good? Also after you open with 1 rip (1 combo point) are you supposed to savage roar immediately not and not shred til 5 combo points? if not then savage roar will only be for 8 seconds. Thank you
well first these both are pretty good for singletarget. ae are luffas and the signet pretty good. second u dont open with a 1cp rip, if u dont have legys boots u have following opener: rake(2cp)artefactweapon(3cp) full roar, then start with normal rotation, that means berserk+tigersfury shred til 5 cp, activate bloodtalons and put a rip and a full rake on it.
just when i thought feral was bad for pve... Best feral guide i've seen, gratz. i stoped playing long ago, i was little off with the rotation, my dps increase after watching your vid is huge!! so thanks. also i would like to ask you if you can give me you weakaura for Bloodtalons talent or something to track it. again, thanks.
Hello Darling! awesome guide! Ashamane aproves!! may I ask, in Weakauras you have posted, don't have combo point manager like in your vídeo, can you paste it for me pls? Have a nice weekend o/
The sound effects for your procs, What procs other than OoC do you have them set up for. Not entirely sure from the video. And are these set up in your dotfocus profile?
I love your WA setup. I just got dottracker, and it's quite cool, though it's not centered like yours are. Same with some of the WA, they are in different spots. Are the links for them all up to date? Also, what are you using to track your combo points? Cheers!
y I know what u mean, well the thing is bloodtalents gives you 50% buff, so if u dont your bleedings deal 50%less dmg. so thats why I played it way different....gain 5 cp at the beginning(rake + shred til 5 cp)so u have a full roar and free regrowth anyway...just try how it feels and whats better for your playstyle.
Hi! I recently started playing WoW and chose Feral, only hit 110 about a week ago. I do have a question: I usually run with the Predator & Brutal Slash talents, mostly because without Predator I find it hard to not run out of energy and then I'm not able to generate combo points at a good rate, and also because Brutal Slash only costs 20 energy and also gives a combo point. If you use those talents you talked about, do you always use your moment of clarity proc for Trash or sometimes also for Shred to get a combo point? And do you sometimes use Rake as a point generator instead of Shred, even if it has around 10sec left? Thanks, great video! :)
T675Sparky hey! thanks for watching :) actually it's not clever to refresh rake on 10sek left except u have a buffed tigersfury+bloodtalons rake. rake and shred differs between 35 energy and 40 energy. sometimes it's just an unlucky u have no procs, probably even do something wrong and u just cant get back to a flawless gameplay and u are just trying to get back to full roar and rip...y in that case, and it can happen, ur just desperated, I do use rake even if it has time left but normaly u dont need. to trash: y make sure to use it when omen of clarity proccs except it has like 10s or more left...the thing is: trash costs 50 energy...and does not Deal the same damage as to use it when u have no procc is kinda wasted (well except u really have to do it cuz u simply have no proccs). hope I could help u :)
Ok, thanks! And for mythic dungeons (not more than +10, only done +7 as maximum for now) would you use Blood Scent or Predator? (I usually run Brutal Slash in dungeons)
Christopher Rodriguez thats dotfocus, it's the addon. u can import my profile there, just download the link in the description and there u can read how it works :)
hey, you used ashamane's frenzy without tiger's fury in the last few seconds of your rotation demonstration. Isn't this a huge dps loss? I mean its a major cooldown that you probably want to stack with TF or berserk (if its close to coming off CD).
Aeg hey! I remember asking myself if it makes sense to buff every frenzy with tigersfury...then I used clawanalyst (link in descr.) and there u can see the buffs. there u can see that only bloodtalons buffs frenzy (correct me if i'm wrong). guess u use berserk and tf together cuz both have 15secs uptime, berserk buffs your whole dmg for 15s(trait in your artifact) and u can immidiately after u used frenzy go ahead with trash/shred/rip.
I see your reasoning. Guilty from feral discord seems to have explained frenzy mechanics in a document that can be found in It seems like each application of the "dot" gets buffed by TF and SR separately, so popping it before would still be more beneficial. PS - I really like your guide and I hope people appreciate all of the effort you put into researching and actually linking these helpful resources!
I see, y I actually never time tf with af cuz when I have 10 s on tf left I´m never really sure if I lose dmg by delaying the af or not....but the 15% dmg u gain on 'normal'' dot ticking like guilty says should be worth it? unfortunitally i´m not that into all the theory-crafting-stuff :/ but thx 4 link I try this :)
Hey nice Video thanks a lot. Little Question Lets say Rip is about to fall off and you dont have predator Swiftness, would you Hardcast Regrowth or apply Rip w/o Bloodtalons?
Philippe Hebeisen hey! mhm actually if this happens some mistakes happened before, when it happens to me I just.refresh rip without hardcasting and put the new rip with bt-buff on as fast as I can. probably hardcast it would be a good choice cuz u lose 50%mainbleed dmg for a few secs.
Alright TY yea i guess when it happens i used the first BT for rake and the second one for ashamane's frenzy and then i am stucked at 5 combopoints with no BT. What i did in few Situations was Refreshing Savage Roar allthought it had 10 Seconds + left. then i gained back the Combopoints and Refreshed Rip with BT but that oftens means it had 5-10 Downtime. Im a Windwalker Main and just play Feral as Twink thats why i am Struggling a bit with low Energy in some Situations.
ah okay I see. y it`s actually all about pooling energy, WW is a much faster playstyle, so when u have energy u just use it. on feral it`s the wrong way tbh. much slower and more thinking about what doin next. so it can be a bit tricky. so just try to pool a bit energy when u already have 5 cp or try to gain 5 cp and use switfness cuz bloodtalons lasts longer than swiftness and then pool some energy to not refresh all stuff too early . hope it helps a bit.
So Guys, 7.3 finally here and a lot changed for the Feral Druids! I´ll upload a guide in a few days to give u all an overview about talent changes/playstyle/dps changes and so on . Stay tuned!
Abeythu nice!! Can you talk about your addons in the next guide? I dont know which ones to use and I think they would make my life easier as a feral druid. Thanks!!
I must say you are awesome and so is this guide. I was very close to giving up on feral but you have renewed my faith in it.
Desmond Pruitt so good to read! keep going! :) and thanks for that kind comment!
This guide get's the RAWR-award! Good job!
thanks a lot! :D
Thank you SO MUCH! This was beautifully done and probably the best guide out right now! It answered some questions I had and definitely learned from it. Thank you for including the whole thing about trinkets and legionaries! I started referring new ferals to your guide! It's definitely a huge help! LOVE LOVE LOVE your stuff! I'm looking forward to more videos and guides from you! :)
I`m really happy to read that it answered some question and its helpful :) so the whole work was worth it :)
Out of all feral guides I've watch this is the best one. Thank you for making this video.
thanks a lot! it makes me really happy to read this :)
Nice guide :) i really like 3:34 .These pictures are amazing
cuz ur the mage who`s on top xD lel
hands down the best guide on youtube across all classes pvp or pve great job
Beast Mode wow thanks a lot :)
Dafür, dass Du nur ein paar Videos erst auf YT hast, ist das schon wirklich high-end. Es ist alles in dem Video was man wissen sollte. Ich spiele zwar keinen Feral - zwecks Raid - aber ich finde sie super und habe den bis WoD gezockt von WotLK an ^^
Finally a guide, thank you so much. I have been looking for a reliable guide for 7.2 feral Druid for a while. Definitely subscribing!!
thanks a lot! :D
Thank you very much! I had been looking for a guide like this for a while... I just love my druid but had a lot of troubles when using it!!! I had abandoned him because of that, but now I will give it another try! Keep the hard work :D
good to hear :) and thanks for the kind comment :)
very nice guide! Happy to see more Feral resources out there. :) Ty for taking the time to put this together! Keep up the good work
thanks a lot! :)
You have a very nice guide, very much to the point, kudos. Also shout out to our amazing Feral discord family! I’ll definitely show this video to some newer kitties I know that might be struggling.
good to hear! thanks a lot :)
this is one of my favorite wow channels, please keep doing this outstanding work
thanks a lot!
Sehr schöner und verständlicher Guide. Wird mir bestimmt sehr weiterhelfen wenn ich mal nicht im Raid Tanken muss ^^ mach weiter so und du kannst bestimmt mehr erreichen mit YT.
Hi, ich habe zufällig dein Tutorial gesehen und finde deine anderen Videos auch klasse, nun hab ich mal eine Anregung einen feral zu lvln, das ich schon lange vor habe aber dein Video gab mir nun den ansporn :)
p.s. ich bin dein 300er Abonnent ^.^
Dunkel Regen haha sehr schön :D danke für das abo und danke für den netten kommi :) freut mich sehr zu lesen
da ich gleich arbeiten muss konnte ich dein Video leider noch nicht ganz ansehen aber ich würde gern wissen ob du Allianz oder Horde spielst. Spiele nämlich auch auf Blackmoore
I played feral from TBC to early Cata consistently and for some reason detest it's current gameplay, so whenever i lose hope, i go and watch guides like that to motivate myself.
Can't let down my favorite spec in the entire history of the game.
Just finished leveling my kitty and had to watch your guide again to make sure I'm not screwing up my rotation. Can't wait to gear him up :D Also I'm looking forward to some ToS gameplay, keep up the good work! :)
great to hear! y ferals need gear to bring good dps, but most dps do. so dont give up :)
Hallo und danke für den netten Guide :) Der hat mich echt dazu animiert mal wieder die Katze aus dem Sack zu lassen :P
Ich bin ein wenig überrascht, weil du in dem Guide perfekt Englisch sprichst und dann lese ich hier ein deutsches Kommentar von dir :)
Weiter so !
freut mich zu lesen :) gibt ja leider zu wenige feral druiden.
Naja perfekt ist die Aussprache aber trotzdem hat sie ein Akzent
Thank you so much best guide so far , my dps sucked .with this guide I bettered my dps quite a bit. you rock keep them coming!
keep on doin!^it will be better and better after time :)
Vielen Dank für den super Guide.
Neue Katzen die einen Guide suchen werden mit diesem sicher weiter kommen.
Amazing guide you have put here ! I would say so far the most in depth and really have answered questions which I had ! thx for the great video and you get a new subscriber her ! Keep up the good work !
thanks a lot! :)
excelente guia, en serio, cuando yo empece a jugar feral todos me decian que me pasara a boomy, gracias por todo el trabajo duro que pusiste en el video, saludos desde Perú :)
Yep, I mained feral since 2008, never got bored, will play it forever xD
Wow, helps a lot! The Addon Config is amazing!
thanks :)
(thank you for the vid btw - this is the best guide I have found to date!)
thanks a lot! :)
Thank you for this guide, clear, comprehensive and inspiring !
So I had commented on another video regarding your weak auras and I came across this video and noticed you had them in the description so disregard the other comment haha. Thanks.
Thanks! Good to know about the opener
schöner guide, einer der besten die ich bisher für ferals gesehen habe.
leider haben viele der ferals die bisher einen guide gepostet haben nur pvp und keine wirkliche pve erfahrung.
habe leider schon seit ewigkeiten keinen anderen feral mehr zu gesicht bekommen, aber naja, du weisst ja sicher wie das ist :D
ja man is das leider eher eine rarität und die leute erwarten daher auch nichts großes, weil jeder davon ausgeht, dass feral schlecht is, was nicht stimmt ^^ danke für den netten kommi :)
Bester Feral pve guide Eu gute arbeit !
Panjabi Giros Dankeschön :)
Ich habe mit keiner Klasse wirklich Spaß am PvE. Ich wollte es mal mit Feral probieren, aber da bin ich wohl zu dumm für xP Ich bleibe bei PvP aber der Guide hat mir im Allgemeinem ein besseres Verständnis für Feral gegeben. Deshalb lasse ich mal ein dickes Danke da :*
freut mich sehr, dass ich helfen konnte :)
Those legendary boots are so good.. goes from a 9/10 on the pain in the ass scale to being able to do this rotation blindfolded with them
Also, is it really worth refreshing rip at 10 seconds if you don't have berserk and tiger's fury up and the current rip has those? Idk if the shadow rip procs enough to justify losing a couple extra seconds of a buffed rip
You should mention one thing about the boots, that if you have them, you can put them on 14sec before the pull so you can get a guaranteed BT RIP in your opener. As you said the opener is not as as important in 3+min fights but it plays a huge factor in short fights. Cheers!
Raidss01 y thats what the weakaura in the description is about. makes it so much easier to swap them in :)
This is a great video. I agree with what you say, especially with the feral druid, and blizzard making them more useful for raiding. Thanks for posting
Thanks for the video! I just did the Artifact Challenge with my 892 Feral, by the guidance of your tutorial! :P
really happy to read that it helped u :)
i did it 897 with maimers and belt... its actually possible without this bis legendary
thanks for an awesome guide, i was looking for something like this!
This is really great!! Thank you so much for this
thanks! hope it helps a bit :)
Yes awesome, thank you for suport the feral druid in wow!!!!
Really useful guide. Taught me alot! Keep up the good work!
this guide is so awesome ty for this :)
Thanks for the guide.
great video!
I'll try to use feral druid
Awesome Guide Lady! I´ve enjoyed Feral alot in Wotlk/cata Times. Now i want to play him as an Alt in Legion, but so many people told me i shouldnt go for a feral. its not worth at all. low dmg compared to other classes on the same ilvl. but tbh i dont like this crazy DH or 3 button Wonder Frost Dk at all... But thanks to you, i´ll give my old Feral friend a new Chance. Actually i enjoyed him while leveling in Legion (yes, did a new one) but the Dmg in high Raids seems low and also he lacks at AoE. At least these are Opinions from other People. I also know that the WoW Community is full of Complainers. Well.. thank you really much and keep your stuff up!! Greetz
hey :) unfortunitally ppl who told u are long as its a twink...why not...if u like to go for feral main on high end raids...its so frustrating....blizz seems not to give a shit about the relation between ''hard to play'' and ''do dmg''....I really dont like that DH shit...its so easy and I just dont have fun with it...they really need to give feral a chance to compare to other classes...I hope they will change a few things...I was trying so hard and didnt want to give it up....but the fact how much more u can do with boomkin....compared to feral and how much harder the feral playstyle is....its yeah, hope they bring back the feral dps...
Thank you for your Reply! Yeah i hope for a Rework or some fixes aswell. also i´ve heared that the feral get a "buff" in the upcoming patch and he should be "playable" again. Well we will see what the upcoming patch brings to the feral. Also i totally agree to you in terms of comparing feral to other classes. in legion i only saw 1 feral druid in one of my groups. he had awesome gear, but did 200k dps lower than other classes which had "only" 840 - 850 ilvl. Sadly unbalanced. Well at least you know how to play feral in this content and i hope i can master him aswell as you do. your dmg is insane and you also outdps this freaking DH (sry if this is one of your mates).^^
Well thanks up to you, i gonna level my druid as fast as i can.
Great Work and keep it up!
Greetz :)
looks like my feral druid, I love purple color
You made me have a better dps since i restarted the game. Thanks a lot !! (bad EN sorry ;p )
really good job now i am ready to convince my raid lead to let me roll feral :D
haha good luck! :D the world of warcraft needs more feral druids :P
feral is easy, op and the ppl that play it are cringe.
if feral is easy then what class is hard , im asking for your opinion
jakob wührer, sorry for dissing your favorite class kiddo.
Mr. Meeseeks you didn't answer the question
Thank you for the video! I do pretty good DPS but I didn't know you needed to use Thrash for single target, I have the Luffa Bracers and my 4 piece. If I understood that correctly with this I should be keeping it up at all times regardless if I have omen of clarity proc or not?
well it`s worth it especially with bracer. because 4 piece tells u, that all bleedings on target buffs your shred, so before using shred make sure trash is on target too :) if u have some time left with energy-pooling u can also use trash without a omen-procc. hope it helps u a bit :)
Abeythu Myth thank you for the feedback! ill give it a shot!
awesome work!!! :D
thank u :)
i built feral druid. nice guide from this video...
Wirklich gut, was ich nicht ganz verstehe ist, über deine Combo-Balken wird die Ablaufzeit angezeigt. Dieses ist doch auch WeakAura oder? Hast du das auch zur Verfügung gestellt, wann welcher DOT ausläuft?
das is dotstracker, also das addon :)
you'd think that since blizzard took the time making all these pretty skins for feral they'd make it viable for all content lol, havent played my feral since around legion launch imma give it another shot now since I'm bored with my mains xD nice guide this helped me a lot!
y just a pretty cat....I had so much hope tbh...but...u know...its blizzard :D
Great guide thank you new to feral
Thanks.. best feral 😍
aww thanks :)
Great video once again. Thank you for making a guide. I do have one question. In the section of the video where you are showing a ferals rotation you have some sound ques that I am interested about. Seems like you have a horn sound and a submarine type sound. What are these sound ques telling you?
hey !thanks first :) the airhorn tells me when savage roar is only 5 secs left, I also have a sound for 5cp reached(so I dont stack em) and when I have a freecast :)
Great guide. Thank you very much
thanks a lot :)
I will upload a little Update to the fight-opener in a few days in case you are not playing with the boots anymore :)
Abeythu Myth Danke :)
Abeythu, what do you use for your combo points? I really love how they are set up.
nugComboBar :)
Thank you so much for this!
About relics i thought the order was rake -> rip -> tiger fury -> zerk... am I wrong?
Reisei u can find this in the link for relic stuff :) and yes u r right
How about single target opener when using Brutal Slash? Do you want to wait until Tiger's Fury to dump the charges, or do you use one charge very early on in order to have it begin recharging sooner?
well there is no raidsituation when u use bs in opener, but i wozld be replaced for shred :)
Nice and informative video :) however, I was wondering... how do you spend your combo points if you said you only use Ferocious Bite past 20% to refresh Rip? In most situations you're never going to use Maim (only on specific encounters like the Agatha challenge, and then it's still just a "maybe"), and if you're not specced into Savage Roar (which not everyone does) you actually only have 2 finishers. Do you keep refreshing Rip, regardless of duration left, or do the extra points go to waste? If it's the first... you do know that you can actually "override" a stronger Rip (for example buffed by Tiger's Fury) with a weaker one by accident, right?
PS: I noticed this in your other video as well... I'm very sorry if I'm just stupid or unable to understand, but what in the world are "marty dot" fights or whatever the hell you're saying at around 07:15? XD
hey hey! this was for the t19 bonus, so if u have the t20 4p, which means u have a higher uptime on rip, u definitally use bite :)
Amazing guide, what addons are you using which makes those specific sounds when you were fighting? Are they part of DBM or separate addons?
Hi, your tutorial is a really great feral insight. Unfortunately, I can't make DotFocus work for me. The 3 dots at the bottom (for Savage Roar, fury and Bloodtalons) do not activate when I reapply the bleeds, or sometimes only one of them is activated. I searched everywhere in settings and I have no idea why they don't work.
Hi do you use Brutal Slash on all cleave fights? For instance, do you use it on Botanist, where the cleave will be extended? What about a council fight? Or do you just use for burst cleave like Skorpyron?
hey! no dont use it on bota(on mythic all dps to other not focused targets, the ones who get healed when 1 dies anyway, will not included, so warcraftlogs sees scumbad and stupid dps) I use it on low mythic+ and skorpyron and tichondrius
Oh sorry I was thinking from a heroic perspective. Wasn't even thinking about mythic tbh. But that all makes sense - thanks for the help!
Could you do a video explaining your Weakauras? I see a lot going on but I'm not entirely sure what everything is. Great work on this guide video!
Hey, Was just wondering if you could tell me where you're getting the latest version of droodfocus from? I've looked everywhere and the only version i can see 6.2.0 and sadly it doesn't work!
Your videos are awesome btw :) Keep up the good work!
hey! y I dont remember anymore it was a work-over right after the legion release cuz the 6.2 does not work :/ so I changed the addon into dotfocus(thats the newest) and u can import my profile there :)
Thank you! I really do appreciate your response! Keep up the hard work :)
Ver nice guide!
Hey I have three question about the shadow thrash trait. Does each mob has sepparate proc chance for triggering shadow thrash, or is it straight 25% on everyone? Does Shadow Thrash benefit from mastery and does Luffa Wrappings increase the Shadow Thrash damage?
hey dude! sorry for late answer, 1st luffa do buff even shadow trash(I just checked this a few weeks ago). to other questions: i´m not that sure tbh because the shadow trash isnt listed as a buff on enemy, so I never exactly know if its up or not. I´ll check this out next days and tell u after!
Okay, thank you very much
good video as always. i have a question. what amount of mastery do u think its good to start equip high il that hav no mastery? talking in %
thanks! actually u always exchange iltlv>2nd stats, cuz agi>all. the best strat is to sim your kitty cat with the short-sim-site I linked in the descr, so u can see how ''bad'' your worst 2nd stat give an really correct answere I think you should sim your character with both things,the one u have and the one you will change. so u see if you lose dps or not
Great tutorial! I sub)
thanks! :)
Love your videos! This guide is very helpful. I was wondering if you could share you UI? Yours seems very neat and organized and is very easy to follow along with. Thanks
its not a special UI its just normal blizz interface with a few addons. I shared ever weakaura and the important addons in the description :)
Thanks for the help!
Great guide! :) And thank you for all of the resources! I put my character in the simbot website and what does that DPS number stand for? Is that the amount of dps that I should be doing? Thanks again.
hey! thanks a lot! y the number the simbot gains is the dps number u can probably reach on a fight :) so if anything is fine
awesome thank you!
Do you by any chance have a different channel with song covers? Your voice, I've heard it before. Anyways sick feral guide!
y I´m doin some music covers too :) it`s a different channel
Thank you for your guide :) I have a question: Which add on displayes the icons of the spells you just casted?
The opener really helped me. Thanks! :)
Which addon is it there say wich ability to use next?
really nice :)
Great guide, only thing missing is pots! and where they go in your rotation... Pot of Old War? or Prolonged Power? use before or after rake opener? macro'd to an ability?
old war if u have hero on pull otherwise just use prolonged power :) use it right before pull(prepot) so u can use infight again
thanks for the quick reply!
Hey Abeythu thanks for all your help i learnt the most from watching your kill content :). I was doing really well with your UI but your pastebine url's have expired is there a way you can upload you weak auras again or upload it as a pack on :) thanks in advance
alright should work right now :)
Abeythu Myth wow so quick thanks a lot 😊. Wish you all the best 👍🏼
Abeythu, thank you so much for the guide. It seems as though the pastbins for the WAs have expired. Could you update them please? Thanks so much.
hey! Thanks for comment and i´m really glad it helped u :) I checked the WA`s, the new ones are still there, so I deleted the old document. just check it again :) should work now !
I have the behemoth headress helmet and the chaytonet signet (I believe it's spelled) Those are the only 2 legends I have would you say they are good?
Also after you open with 1 rip (1 combo point) are you supposed to savage roar immediately not and not shred til 5 combo points? if not then savage roar will only be for 8 seconds.
Thank you
well first these both are pretty good for singletarget. ae are luffas and the signet pretty good. second u dont open with a 1cp rip, if u dont have legys boots u have following opener: rake(2cp)artefactweapon(3cp) full roar, then start with normal rotation, that means berserk+tigersfury shred til 5 cp, activate bloodtalons and put a rip and a full rake on it.
you are amazing ty for this vid
thank u :)
just when i thought feral was bad for pve... Best feral guide i've seen, gratz. i stoped playing long ago, i was little off with the rotation, my dps increase after watching your vid is huge!! so thanks. also i would like to ask you if you can give me you weakaura for Bloodtalons talent or something to track it. again, thanks.
hey! I´ll check my pastebin-things tomorrow cuz some ppl told me it`s not working? its right in the description, bloodtalons wa too. :)
ah and good to hear it helped u :) makes me happy
Hello Darling! awesome guide!
Ashamane aproves!!
may I ask, in Weakauras you have posted, don't have combo point manager like in your vídeo, can you paste it for me pls?
Have a nice weekend o/
yeah u can either do this with Dotfocus or with NugComoBar :) So no extra Weakaura: nice weekend too! o/
wow youre so informative! do you have advice on how to kill the imp mother? im ilevel 908 and still cant kill her.
i made a video for this :) probably it helps u :)
hey, will u upgrade guide to 7.2.5 version? or blizz change nothing important, and your guide is still current? (or u can do adnotation with changes)
So you just never use ferocious bite anymore? Just keep refreshing rip or savage roar?
y except execution-phase :/
oh cool thx great guide
What addon is that tracking your bleeds an combo points on target right above your health bar ?
only standard interface I think
Hey, awesome guide thanks^^ can u link your weak aura? it's interesting i think, but i cant find at same on wago
did u check the description?:)
Sorry, I was in phone and cant open file;) i thoguth about one weak aura, but i see now it is more complex;)
The sound effects for your procs, What procs other than OoC do you have them set up for. Not entirely sure from the video. And are these set up in your dotfocus profile?
Very helpful and entertaining guide!Can you tell me the name of the addon which makes your actions bars a big one?Thanks!
guess u mean bartender :) and thanks!
love the vid its well done keep going.
Can i ask what enchants we use for neck and ring's
Do you plan to upload the guide in german as well?
Xadoras no I just want to keep it international even its a lot of work.
gute englische aussprache :D danke für den guide überlege zu feral zu wechseln aber mal sehen
danke :) von was denn? also was mainst du zur zeit?
shadow priest habe da input lag schwierigkeiten und teste jetzt mal andere damage specs durch
I love your WA setup. I just got dottracker, and it's quite cool, though it's not centered like yours are. Same with some of the WA, they are in different spots. Are the links for them all up to date?
Also, what are you using to track your combo points?
y the profile is up to date, but u can move em how u want it :) in the dottrack options
Guess I gotta learn a new addon :P What about the combo points? Those are really classy~
NugComboBar :)
Good morning it's seems that the second google drive directory is not available anymore ? is it possible to share it again please ? Thank you
I uploaded it again :)
Thankyou really much : really fast :)
Should really hardcast regrowth in the opener if you didn't get a proc? It just doesnt feel right :/
y I know what u mean, well the thing is bloodtalents gives you 50% buff, so if u dont your bleedings deal 50%less dmg. so thats why I played it way different....gain 5 cp at the beginning(rake + shred til 5 cp)so u have a full roar and free regrowth anyway...just try how it feels and whats better for your playstyle.
ah and btw, you can look for a weakaura to swop in your boots(on 12 sec pulltimer) so u have a proc then
posted the Weakaura in the description too :)
Hi! I recently started playing WoW and chose Feral, only hit 110 about a week ago. I do have a question: I usually run with the Predator & Brutal Slash talents, mostly because without Predator I find it hard to not run out of energy and then I'm not able to generate combo points at a good rate, and also because Brutal Slash only costs 20 energy and also gives a combo point. If you use those talents you talked about, do you always use your moment of clarity proc for Trash or sometimes also for Shred to get a combo point? And do you sometimes use Rake as a point generator instead of Shred, even if it has around 10sec left? Thanks, great video! :)
T675Sparky hey! thanks for watching :) actually it's not clever to refresh rake on 10sek left except u have a buffed tigersfury+bloodtalons rake. rake and shred differs between 35 energy and 40 energy. sometimes it's just an unlucky u have no procs, probably even do something wrong and u just cant get back to a flawless gameplay and u are just trying to get back to full roar and rip...y in that case, and it can happen, ur just desperated, I do use rake even if it has time left but normaly u dont need. to trash: y make sure to use it when omen of clarity proccs except it has like 10s or more left...the thing is: trash costs 50 energy...and does not Deal the same damage as to use it when u have no procc is kinda wasted (well except u really have to do it cuz u simply have no proccs). hope I could help u :)
Ok, thanks! And for mythic dungeons (not more than +10, only done +7 as maximum for now) would you use Blood Scent or Predator? (I usually run Brutal Slash in dungeons)
predator ofc cuz u can spam trash too(remember shadow trash!)
Wheres the Weak aura for the dots that are buffed by fury/berserk/talons? I would love to have that and could not find it.
Christopher Rodriguez thats dotfocus, it's the addon. u can import my profile there, just download the link in the description and there u can read how it works :)
Thank you!
Hey Christopher, did you get her profile to load in Dotfocus by chance? I am having some trouble, wondering if it is only me. Thanks!
I was unable to get her profile, so I just tweaked it to my liking.
This guide is really good but where can i get the pastein for the WA?
Droodfocsprofile NOW DOTFOCUS & Weakauras:
hey, you used ashamane's frenzy without tiger's fury in the last few seconds of your rotation demonstration. Isn't this a huge dps loss? I mean its a major cooldown that you probably want to stack with TF or berserk (if its close to coming off CD).
Aeg hey! I remember asking myself if it makes sense to buff every frenzy with tigersfury...then I used clawanalyst (link in descr.) and there u can see the buffs. there u can see that only bloodtalons buffs frenzy (correct me if i'm wrong). guess u use berserk and tf together cuz both have 15secs uptime, berserk buffs your whole dmg for 15s(trait in your artifact) and u can immidiately after u used frenzy go ahead with trash/shred/rip.
I see your reasoning. Guilty from feral discord seems to have explained frenzy mechanics in a document that can be found in It seems like each application of the "dot" gets buffed by TF and SR separately, so popping it before would still be more beneficial. PS - I really like your guide and I hope people appreciate all of the effort you put into researching and actually linking these helpful resources!
I see, y I actually never time tf with af cuz when I have 10 s on tf left I´m never really sure if I lose dmg by delaying the af or not....but the 15% dmg u gain on 'normal'' dot ticking like guilty says should be worth it? unfortunitally i´m not that into all the theory-crafting-stuff :/ but thx 4 link I try this :)
Hey nice Video thanks a lot. Little Question Lets say Rip is about to fall off and you dont have predator Swiftness, would you Hardcast Regrowth or apply Rip w/o Bloodtalons?
Philippe Hebeisen hey! mhm actually if this happens some mistakes happened before, when it happens to me I just.refresh rip without hardcasting and put the new rip with bt-buff on as fast as I can. probably hardcast it would be a good choice cuz u lose 50%mainbleed dmg for a few secs.
Alright TY yea i guess when it happens i used the first BT for rake and the second one for ashamane's frenzy and then i am stucked at 5 combopoints with no BT. What i did in few Situations was Refreshing Savage Roar allthought it had 10 Seconds + left. then i gained back the Combopoints and Refreshed Rip with BT but that oftens means it had 5-10 Downtime. Im a Windwalker Main and just play Feral as Twink thats why i am Struggling a bit with low Energy in some Situations.
ah okay I see. y it`s actually all about pooling energy, WW is a much faster playstyle, so when u have energy u just use it. on feral it`s the wrong way tbh. much slower and more thinking about what doin next. so it can be a bit tricky. so just try to pool a bit energy when u already have 5 cp or try to gain 5 cp and use switfness cuz bloodtalons lasts longer than swiftness and then pool some energy to not refresh all stuff too early . hope it helps a bit.
Hi, great guide :)
I can't find the wa to track the combo point (purple). Can you post?
hey! its an addon nugcombobar :)
Thanks :) found it