Angry Red Pill World? | Doug Wilson

  • Опубліковано 9 вер 2021
  • In this episode of Ask Doug, Pastor Doug Wilson answers the question, "In a recent Mablog post, you said that we could go quickly from 'clown world' to 'angry red pill world.' What's so bad about that?"
    Enjoying this video? Check out Doug's book, "Rules For Reformers"
    Ask Doug is presented by Canon Press.


  • @CanonPress
    @CanonPress  2 роки тому +13

    Enjoying this video? Check out Doug's book, "Rules For Reformers"

  • @gator7082
    @gator7082 2 роки тому +72

    Coming to the conclusion that I should be looking at all of this as a Christian first is something I have had to come to terms with over the past year. Very good discussion.

    • @sawmillmatt1
      @sawmillmatt1 2 роки тому +11

      Praise Jesus! More Americans need to come to the same conclusion. We’ve fallen into the trap of a National religious mentality.
      “America first!!” They say.
      We should be saying and praying, “Christ first!” A true spiritual awakening, and turning back to God is our only hope.

    • @justinkase1360
      @justinkase1360 2 роки тому +2

      Looking at it from a Christian perspective, we are culpable for allowing such things and not fighting back harder. I reject the nation that there is a big risk of us moving "too aggressively" in the face of our enemies. All evidence points to our record of doing the opposite, the movement is pathetic.

    • @-astrangerontheinternet6687
      @-astrangerontheinternet6687 2 роки тому +3

      Jesus calls us to love our enemy.
      Putting them in their place serves our own ego, it doesn’t let love shine.
      I hear you. I’ve been reactive and judgy. It’s exhausting. I try to remember that Our Father is in charge. We are not responsible for outcomes. We cannot change another’s heart. We can’t even KNOW another persons heart. Only God does.
      I lay it at the foot of the cross. I fall to my knees throughout the day when I feel it building up, and it’s removed. I try my best to approach others with the patience I had for my toddlers tantrums.
      Imagine explaining to the toddler why it’s unreasonable to kick and scream because they can’t go swimming in the iced over lake. Whipping out graphs and charts and facts. Or, imagine beating the child because of they won’t understand your points against swimming in the iced over lake. It’s not the approach loving, effective parents take. It’s not what Jesus would do.
      If you believe- even if only as a metaphor- that Jesus died for our sins, then let God be in charge. Temper your calls that the movement is pathetic.
      God bless.

    • @justinkase1360
      @justinkase1360 2 роки тому +2

      @@-astrangerontheinternet6687 The only way to win is to lose, right? We can't win hearts by showing an example of success, we have to lose and just be good losers. God did not call on us to be wimps. It's not a Christian virtue that we should lose everything we love, our families and nation, as some sort of sick act of sacrifice to an evil system. No amount of trusting God prohibits us putting up a good fight against is our DUTY to protect people, our families and fellow Christians most of all! Sacrifice in heroism, not in cowardice. Perhaps it's not your battle as a woman, but I do think it's a battle my brothers and I must take up. All I'm saying is that we have to do something more than we have been doing, more than voting while being dominated and oppressed. While losing everything. Do you not see our PATHETIC state? Do you see it as virtuous because we are willing to endure it? No, it is a weakness because we tolerate real evil, murder, child abuse, perversion with a real fight at all. In our safe spaces, we commiserate and feel superior for seeing the truth...but we let the truth die. This is a video that might shed some light on the duty men have, don't judge it by the title:

    • @-astrangerontheinternet6687
      @-astrangerontheinternet6687 2 роки тому +1

      I don’t mean be passive. And I’d agree pretty much don’t bother participating if you don’t aim to win, IMO.
      I mean speak the truth unemotionally. Save your passion for what you love over what you hate.
      Remember the human being standing in front of you is more than a dumb, brainwashed simp for secular society. If you can’t, let them be wrong and move on.
      Focus on where it’s winnable.
      And don’t compromise in actions. Don’t stoop to our enemies methods.

  • @prodigalpaul1227
    @prodigalpaul1227 2 роки тому +53

    We are Christ-pilled

    • @Karlsator
      @Karlsator 2 роки тому +5

      That’s what I like to say to a great idea

    • @geraldredlinger9176
      @geraldredlinger9176 2 роки тому +2


    • @ericjames7819
      @ericjames7819 3 місяці тому +1

      The problem is, that doesn't include understanding how feminism has changed Christianity.

    • @tatie7604
      @tatie7604 2 місяці тому

      Christ isn't a pill.

  • @restorehumility3538
    @restorehumility3538 2 роки тому +25

    Lord Jesus please help us all, give your children wisdom & authority.

  • @keithcampbell4926
    @keithcampbell4926 2 роки тому +6

    I better not get access to a helicopter !

    • @albertog6078
      @albertog6078 2 роки тому +1

      IF YOU DO ? PLEASE COUNT ME IN!! my humble opinion is that is Imposible by other means !! God bless America!!

  • @saundranelson9332
    @saundranelson9332 2 роки тому +11

    Wisdom, in a world where true wisdom is hard to come by. Really, it has always been this way, a few wise in the face of total chaos.
    Thank you for standing firm, Pastor Wilson.

  • @Globeguy1337
    @Globeguy1337 2 роки тому +31

    Fair points, though that is not the definition that I have heard used.
    The definition I have heard doesn’t have ‘red pill’ as the anger, but as the disillusionment; they consider the anger to be a phase of being ‘red pilled’ called “red pill rage” - the anger at having been lied to and deceived.
    Once the illusion is removed, the person is ‘red pilled’ whether or not they are angry, and if they do have the anger phase, they are still ‘red pilled’ after it passes because they still have had the illusion removed.
    (In case anyone doesn’t know, the term “red pill” is a reference to The Matrix movies, where the masses of the people are held in an illusion, and one man who begins to see through it is offered a choice to be shown the truth and remove the illusion by taking a red pill, or to be plunged back into the illusion by taking a blue pill.)

    • @joemcarthy8124
      @joemcarthy8124 2 роки тому +3

      You do know that the producers of the matrix are transvestites now ?

    • @joshuamichael2463
      @joshuamichael2463 2 роки тому +3

      Taking a red pill just means becoming aware of a piece of new information, a lot of times shocking or depressing informative that goes against what you were told your whole life, too many red pills too fast you will become black pilled which = depressed, defeated, nihilistic. After some time in this state of mind the realization of how bad things actually are causes one to “take the clown pill”....the levels of horror and degeneracy are so overwhelming that all you can do is laugh, kinda like Joker. This is how it was explained to me anyway. Oh yeah white pills are the good things you encounter in your day to day, it’s optimism

    • @Globeguy1337
      @Globeguy1337 2 роки тому +1

      I did not - I don’t follow Hollywood news or just about anything behind-the- scenes.

    • @Globeguy1337
      @Globeguy1337 2 роки тому +1

      Sounds pretty similar, perhaps just a little lest dramatic in tone.
      Once the terms started catching on people started playing off it by adding to the red/blue dichotomy with various other colors. The clown pill I have only really heard from John Doyle and Elijah Schaeffer, but I don’t know its origin.

    • @joshuamichael2463
      @joshuamichael2463 2 роки тому +3

      @@Globeguy1337 yeah John is where I heard about the clown pill as well, the whole blue pill red pill meme is kinda stale and is probably on its way out, when people like Marjory Taylor green and Matt Gaetz are using it it’s pretty cringe at this point

  • @treyharris7792
    @treyharris7792 2 роки тому +1

    I have a saying, "if you want to take the red pill, then read the red letters."
    Without Jesus one cannot be "red pilled" to the lies of this world.
    So much wisdom in this segment! Thank you both for sharing. God bless you both!

  • @bradstafford2858
    @bradstafford2858 2 роки тому

    “Where have you been”, is exactly what I keep saying to myself.
    Thanks for addressing as anger without righteousness is evil.

    • @goldknox9629
      @goldknox9629 2 роки тому

      But Christian Nationalists are righteous and fighting against evil. We aren't to allow other gods or sin to pervert the land. We are to be stewarts. Good parents discipline their children. They don't let them run a muck and they don't let foxes run around their hen house to devour their children

  • @LucianaPelota
    @LucianaPelota 2 роки тому +1

    Ben asks helpful questions. Thank you for sharing.

  • @elizabernardo1379
    @elizabernardo1379 2 роки тому +5

    Great discussion

  • @JS-ix6zt
    @JS-ix6zt 2 роки тому +6

    There’s something appealing lately about those helicopters

    • @elvistiso6275
      @elvistiso6275 2 роки тому +5

      There is a reason why young Right Wingers like Pinochet so much. Evangicucks have stood on "Principles" and lost every cultural battle since the 80s. Also, they take such pride in 'Blessing" Israel.

    • @JS-ix6zt
      @JS-ix6zt 2 роки тому +5

      @@elvistiso6275 Jesus said he who doesn’t have a sword should sell his coat and get one. I guess he just meant to make a principled verbal stand and not for actual use or something

    • @elvistiso6275
      @elvistiso6275 2 роки тому +3

      @@JS-ix6zt Excellent point. One thing I'll give Wilson credit for, he actually points out how god awful women are in the west. That being said, modern day "Conservative" Protestant Churches are little more than fundraisers for Israel/AIPAC. There is a reason why men don't go to church.

    • @johangrundlingh3729
      @johangrundlingh3729 2 роки тому +1

      One could argue that there is indeed a time for helicopters if you look at Ecclesiastes 3...

  • @familiaboracriar
    @familiaboracriar 2 роки тому +2

    I couldn't agree more, specially considering the political situation here in Brazil

  • @theauthor8901
    @theauthor8901 2 роки тому +1

    In the world but not of it…. Hmm, that sounds familiar. Sound advice, as always, thanks and God bless you, Pastor Wilson!

  • @brendaprice6976
    @brendaprice6976 2 роки тому

    Thanks, Doug.

  • @garycasebier7909
    @garycasebier7909 2 роки тому

    My sentiments exactly! I several video posts I have seen of him lately, I really believe he is smartest out there in how to deal with social issues. A James 3 wisdom man right here!

  • @systemrevolt7309
    @systemrevolt7309 2 роки тому +6

    Not all those moms are un informed. Some are absolutely amazing and are standing fir the other mom’s that have been sending their kids to public school for years. Those are the ones just waking up.

    • @justinkase1360
      @justinkase1360 2 роки тому +2

      Which we should be praising. I don't know why he thinks "red pilled' people are some lower class, unwise in the ways of Christian conservatism, that should look to the failure of the "calm and reasoned Christian conservatism" that came before them for wisdom. They should look to the failure of that tactic and learn the lesson by not repeating that mistake. There are no arguments we can make to change our enemy's mind and there is no political solution, we must work outside of their system because they own everything and it's far too gone to save.

    • @systemrevolt7309
      @systemrevolt7309 2 роки тому +1

      @@justinkase1360 I don’t believe their lower class at all. You’re right, thank God for anyone who has a mind that’s still works.

    • @justinkase1360
      @justinkase1360 2 роки тому +2

      @@systemrevolt7309 Oh, I know you weren't. I had a typo and have now fixed it and made my comment more clear. God bless.

  • @trinianblack
    @trinianblack 2 роки тому +27

    A well-timed message for today in particular.

    • @justinkase1360
      @justinkase1360 2 роки тому +3

      It is well timed but I think it's the opposite message we need. The greater risk is us doing nothing of substance, just as usual.

    • @samdushukyan9595
      @samdushukyan9595 2 роки тому +1

      Sounds like a cop out

  • @frostbitevinnie
    @frostbitevinnie 2 роки тому

    Great wisdom as always!

  • @Richardcontramundum
    @Richardcontramundum 2 роки тому +2

    Welp this is another amazing assessment from pastor Doug

  • @tomjerry5475
    @tomjerry5475 2 роки тому

    Very very important video, very well said sir 👏

  • @elizabeththomas9247
    @elizabeththomas9247 2 роки тому

    Thank you

  • @juhall
    @juhall 2 роки тому +3

    I am a Christian. I agree that ungodly people will do ungodly things regardless of their standing on the political spectrum. I also think that criminals/ traitors to the country/the Constitution should be tried for treason/ for their high crimes and hung if found guilty. Justice demands a response for some of the things that have been done, not just letting people go off into some retirement on more of our money after the pushback moment

    • @aallen5256
      @aallen5256 2 роки тому

      Hanged. Not hung.
      Hanged if you're talking about the suspension of a person by the neck until dead.
      Hung if you're putting a painting on the wall or chilling with your peeps.
      Probably good you're not a policymaker considering this error.

  • @saundracoffelt1932
    @saundracoffelt1932 Місяць тому

    Thanks for addressing this. I have been concerned about this for some time now. I believe many leftists want us to overreact and are pushing us to do so.

  • @TheBeginningOfWisdom
    @TheBeginningOfWisdom 2 роки тому +18

    Don’t take the bait. Pray for wisdom and the elevation of godly people to influence.

    • @weaponizedmemes3461
      @weaponizedmemes3461 2 роки тому +3

      What is the bait, exactly?

    • @davidnickerson8691
      @davidnickerson8691 2 роки тому

      @@weaponizedmemes3461 likely a reference to ?

    • @TheBeginningOfWisdom
      @TheBeginningOfWisdom 2 роки тому +1

      @@weaponizedmemes3461 an allusion to this video blog by Doug.
      The Biden mandates are inflammatory on their face. They are baiting people to do something stupid and give the regime cover to clamp down even harder on liberty.

    • @samdushukyan9595
      @samdushukyan9595 2 роки тому

      @@TheBeginningOfWisdom even if that's the case, the regime will do its job with or without "cover"!!!
      Even if they do something with "cover," blow past the cover.

  • @YTTraveler777
    @YTTraveler777 2 роки тому +2

    Over reactions are inevitable.
    Count on them. Figure out how to use them to the Kingdom's advantage.
    Be shrewd.

  • @iancampbell1494
    @iancampbell1494 2 роки тому +14

    Mr.Wilson, I don’t know if you have already but you should read the Gulag Archipelago.

    • @Karlsator
      @Karlsator 2 роки тому +4

      Agreed everyone should read this.

  • @Boogachomper
    @Boogachomper 2 роки тому +37

    Love the discussion. And it’s something The Holy Spirit has been convicting me of- falling for the ‘red pill’ reactions of the world other than renewing my mind by God’s Word. Thank you brothers! Also, could you possibly remix/remaster the audio on this video? There’s a high pitch “dog whistle” and it’s hard to listen to.

    • @Karlsator
      @Karlsator 2 роки тому +3

      I think what he’s referring to by red pilled he’s actually referring to stupid pilled Q annon. All movements need to be Jesus first. I think the biggest red pill Stop following non-Christians like Ben Shapiro for advice And other Normie weekly standard style conservatives

    • @firingallcylinders2949
      @firingallcylinders2949 2 роки тому +3

      I'm the same. As the world gets crazier it makes me want to go out and fight back but I know I'm just a traveler passing through and the main goal is to preach the gospel not start a revolution.

    • @justinkase1360
      @justinkase1360 2 роки тому

      He thinks "redpilled" people are just normies that are forced to see the truth and that there is another class of more sophisticated people that know better, have the better plan and better temperament...who have also presided over their ideology for decades impotently while everything has gon down the tubes. They have sat there, very well-read and smart, while all manner of evil are done to their people and while the nation has become so infected that it's likely already lost. These are the people we are supposed to look to for wisdom? I think they are much better representation of cowardice. Yeah, keep voting, write some letters, argue on the internet, vote and go to church. It has worked thus far, huh? Times call for something stronger and that sort of action is done damage for these kinds of calls for "calmness". We have been too calm, we are a PATHETICALLY weak movement.

    • @firingallcylinders2949
      @firingallcylinders2949 2 роки тому

      @@justinkase1360 When did I say that?

    • @justinkase1360
      @justinkase1360 2 роки тому

      @@firingallcylinders2949 I replied to the wrong person.

  • @everettlunday8855
    @everettlunday8855 2 роки тому +11

    I find the Spanish civil war fascinating and tbh I find myself more in line with the Nationalist than the Republican side simply because of the Republican government's communist trajectory of the time. And this is why I agree with Douglas regarding the over reaction of the Nationalist. There would have been a concomitant over reaction (as seen on both sides during the war) of the Republicans if they had won.

    • @justinkase1360
      @justinkase1360 2 роки тому +3

      We are not even close to that level of reaction. The more people like Doug call for what is really a lack of action, them MORE likely likely something will break. The right needs to relieve the pressure that is building up and stop being pathetic. That is what we have done all the way until it is this bad. The greater threat is not having a STRONG ENOUGH reaction to the absolute injustice of the current system.

    • @studiobencivengamarcusbenc5272
      @studiobencivengamarcusbenc5272 2 роки тому +1

      @@justinkase1360 bravo - precisely!

    • @hambone9416
      @hambone9416 2 роки тому

      @@justinkase1360 The right is a fake sock puppet of the Uniparty. This is a fact and it will do nothing but cuck to death. Good riddance.

    • @goldknox9629
      @goldknox9629 2 роки тому

      The problem is Nationalists haven't been over reacting but under reacting. That is what has emboldened the godless lefties. The war will come but Nationalists are reactionary and not revolutionary, meaning they are backed into a corner and self defense will erupt at some point. When that happens don't blame the victim when they punch back. Those that stand back and do nothing or preach against those defending Nationalists that are defending Conservative Christian values are cowards. They want someone to save them but aren't willing to walk with the truth. Oh, but they will want to enjoy the fruits of the labor. That makes them cowards and not pius

  • @dailytheology1689
    @dailytheology1689 2 роки тому

    Well said,

  • @cameronwitmer
    @cameronwitmer 2 роки тому +8

    This is pure gold. Good biblical theology and cultural analysis in a tenderly mixed cocktail. But it proves to me Doug is still blue-pilled himself. At the very least he has a heterodox understanding of what the “red pill” is. A “red pilled” person, as by those who conceived and molded it (Curtis Yarvon/Malice/etc.) is not a naive soccer mom who becomes irate after the referee called 15 bogus foul plays in a row. The red pilled are specifically those who understand that the elite ruling class are not bad people who infiltrated a good system but bad actors who sought out a bad system purposefully; motivated by their own wicked intentions. Now, whether one be an anarchist, a theonomic-anarchist, a ReCon, a Christian libertarian, or one holding to Doug’s nuanced take on these issues, the term “Red Pill” does have a clear etymology and Doug misses it a little bit. Nonetheless, this is per usual; pure gold. God Bless Doug Wilson, and as he always says, “three cheers” for him. . . Ah nah, let’s give him four.

    • @gusmacaulay
      @gusmacaulay 2 роки тому

      Doug should have Yarvin on his show.

    • @cameronwitmer
      @cameronwitmer 2 роки тому +1

      @@gusmacaulay that’d be awesome

    • @gusmacaulay
      @gusmacaulay 2 роки тому

      @@cameronwitmer @Canon Press Make it Happen!

  • @Xenotypal
    @Xenotypal 2 роки тому +3

    If it weren't for Christ I would be 100% blackpilled

  • @bryanb30
    @bryanb30 2 роки тому +1

    Well as a Life Long Christian I will claim the term “communion wafered” for those in the community that could always see the madness or see it more clearly than previously experienced.

  • @saraz9017
    @saraz9017 2 роки тому

    Good topic 🙏

  • @LifeInTheShire
    @LifeInTheShire 2 роки тому +4

    Question referring to a previous video you made regarding how it is the duty of the righteous to remind those who have stepped outside their God ordained authority where they ought to be.......were the servants who pushed Queen Jezebel out a window acting righteously? Or were they "angry red pilled"? Further, was the prophet Elijah overreacting when he led the Israelites to chase down and slaughter the 450 priests of Baal?

  • @DaBigArmyDude
    @DaBigArmyDude 2 роки тому +6

    I’ve been warning about the ideological “snap back” since 2015. I wasn’t worried about 2016, I wasn’t worried about 2020... I AM worried about 2024/2028 when we’ve pendulumed from one extreme to the other so quickly our vacillation rips us apart.

  • @blacksheepbear6382
    @blacksheepbear6382 2 роки тому +1

    Wow! As a millennial it sounds like Douglas Wilson has an INCREDIBLE understanding of what the millennial went through in 2015-2016 the “Wild West” of the internet, the peak of human information access, dissemination, and collaboration. It seems like we’re the only ones that REALLY understand what he’s talking about as “blowback” and he’s right? How do we, as Christians, say no, vengeance is the Lord’s. We follow due process. We MUST be better.

    • @samdushukyan9595
      @samdushukyan9595 2 роки тому

      What evidence would you need to see to convict the current leftist culture?
      You speak of due process. Ok. What would it look like? 10 years of courts and appeals that yield nothing?

  • @justinkase1360
    @justinkase1360 2 роки тому +6

    Those who have practiced "principled, judicious, calm, thoughtful, conservatism" (Doug's words) are exactly the reason we are where we are. You temper your response until you have NO TEMPER! The right has prided itself on such "calmness" when it is really passivity and cowardice. Simple game theory has them losing, if you are not willing to fight for what you believe as you watch the entire nation get to this point then you only have yourselves to blame. Complain about all of the attributes of your enemy if you like, it doesn't matter. They are beyond reason so what is your plan "B"? Nothing. These reactionary people are needed because the weak right has UTTERLY FAILED.

    • @victoriakleber1397
      @victoriakleber1397 2 роки тому +1

      This. Continuing to be “reasonable “ at all times versus an absolute hoarde, always ceding, always giving in. Mitt Romney is the poster child.

    • @goldknox9629
      @goldknox9629 2 роки тому +1


  • @Joshua8224
    @Joshua8224 2 роки тому +3

    Maybe I am wrong, but I think this stems from a lack of older men and women discipling younger men and women respectively in even simple matters like work, politics, relationships (church, family, friendships, romantic) etc. Many young men, especially, need guidance. If they don't get it, then they are inclined to choose a path which appears masculine (In general), and that happens to be the 'red-pill' world (sympathies as Mr. Wilson says).

  • @djamilamarouf7027
    @djamilamarouf7027 2 роки тому +8

    Thank you so very much, listening to Doug has and is making me think as a believer.

  • @percymccoy
    @percymccoy 2 роки тому +2

    Good Stuff Doug. What you spoke should be repeated by more leaders. Very objective!! Very important information. Thank you so much.

  • @jerrodlopes186
    @jerrodlopes186 2 роки тому

    It's amusing and scary how the term "red pilled" is so prolific in our culture yet so very very few understand it as it was meant. Very few.

  • @cubsfan910
    @cubsfan910 2 роки тому +1


  • @masontenpenny407
    @masontenpenny407 2 роки тому +3

    Incredibly wise words!

  • @mkshffr4936
    @mkshffr4936 10 місяців тому

    Time to start reading Kuyper.

  • @emadbagheri
    @emadbagheri 2 роки тому +5

    No need to scream, protest, rebel ... just don't comply with the beast system in silence, as Jesus did, they will not see the truth even when it speaks to them anyways.

    • @cryptojihadi265
      @cryptojihadi265 4 місяці тому

      Sorry, but Jesus was CONSTANTLY offending the Religious/Political Establishment. He, Himself, said he did not come to bring peace, but a sword. Mother against Daughter and Father against son.

    • @emadbagheri
      @emadbagheri 4 місяці тому

      @@cryptojihadi265 This is ironic because I actually argue that very thing constantly so we are in full agreement, what I was referring to is our response to the "system", the government, authority, the powers to be or whatever they can be collectively called, that while Jesus DID fo on the offensive with all opposition up to that point, He was silent and did not protest against Pilot (representative of the system) when he established that he was blinded to the truth even when stared him in face. So yes I agree that we need to debate, conduct apologetics and polemic... but at some point when THEY refuse to acknowledge the truth, well, do as Jesus did! Matt 10:18-20 is a good command to follow. Blessings and much love brother.

  • @goldknox9629
    @goldknox9629 2 роки тому +1

    As Christians we have the right to defend ourselves. Sometimes people insist on war as the only way. God does not want temples to other gods in his land. Christians have been failing to follow God's laws for to long. This passive rhetoric is what has brought this on us. If Christians acted as it was happening it would have been manageable without war but now there will be war but Christians will be acting in self defence and that is Biblical.

  • @DavidEgesdal
    @DavidEgesdal 2 роки тому +2

    Ticked off since grade school evolution teachings and seatbelt fines.

  • @APCSW19
    @APCSW19 2 роки тому +3

    Thank you for unpicking things in a way that feels absolutely right and clear. There's so much noise and confusion sometimes. I appreciate your guidance. Writing from London.

  • @joshewing3504
    @joshewing3504 2 роки тому +9

    This has been my fear for a while. While things are bad now, I wonder if the real danger is the reaction to it.

    • @Karlsator
      @Karlsator 2 роки тому

      The key is to start local like Doug Wilson does and move out from there. Spreading Christianity is number one. Next to staying out of degeneracy porn and temptations

  • @evangerber9315
    @evangerber9315 2 роки тому +2

    Doug Wilson might be the only famous minister to actually understand the right/left distinction.
    He’d probably say I’ve “overreacted.” But I love him, because he at least understands the way the distinction works.

    • @LawlessNate
      @LawlessNate 2 роки тому +1

      Considering he thinks fascism is right wing, when in reality it's as far left wing as left wing goes, Doug seems as clueless as to what right/left really means as most people. Right wing = wanting weaker government and less of it while left wing = wanting more powerful government with more authority and supposed responsibility. Fascism is complete control of the state over society, ergo it's as far left and left wing goes.

  • @repent2143
    @repent2143 2 роки тому +1

    Romans 12:19- Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord.

  • @matthewman249
    @matthewman249 2 роки тому +2

    As a 30 year old single father, I totally get red pill and MGTOW. But, I emphasize Proverbs.

  • @christianpolitics260
    @christianpolitics260 2 роки тому +6

    Aren't you then saying there is no just war? Using that analogy.

    • @christianpolitics260
      @christianpolitics260 2 роки тому

      @Josh ben of course there is if you're going based off scripture.

  • @jackreacher6758
    @jackreacher6758 2 роки тому

    As one who carry conceals, i am aware of the legal consequences of even a justifiable defensive use.
    I am also well aware of the evil in the current powers that would love to use a reaction or a false flag to become even more tyrannical.
    I think of Romans 12 ; God also did allow what happened in the Books of Judges and Joshua.

  • @glplaytime1300
    @glplaytime1300 2 роки тому

    Love the way that was articulated.

  • @wildman029934
    @wildman029934 2 роки тому +8

    I disagree with the premise that it's possible to overreact to communism. I don't think this threat can be taken too seriously or dealt with too harshly.

    • @samdushukyan9595
      @samdushukyan9595 2 роки тому +1

      @Josiah VonDoloski as true as that is doesnt mean Phil is wrong. I'd rather live in a society that ruthlessly eradicated communism than a society that's too weak to mount a sufficient response to save itself from that demonic ideology.

    • @geraldredlinger9176
      @geraldredlinger9176 2 роки тому +1

      What scripture are you basing any of that off? It is obviously possible to sin in our response to communism.

    • @samdushukyan9595
      @samdushukyan9595 2 роки тому

      @@geraldredlinger9176 I'm basing that on the entirety of the old testament.
      Particularly where the Lord commands his people to destroy every man woman and child in some nations, and even their flocks. To wholly devote to destruction. And also the passages where the prophets themselves picked up the sword to destroy the priest of Baal

    • @geraldredlinger9176
      @geraldredlinger9176 2 роки тому

      @@samdushukyan9595 My comment was in response to OP.

    • @scwienert
      @scwienert 2 роки тому

      @@samdushukyan9595 the difference is those things in the OT were done in direct obedience to direct commands by God.
      Those prophets were enforcing Mosaic laws that governed the nation. Not acting out their own blood lust.
      Find a source in the NT. Z

  • @numbersandletters5149
    @numbersandletters5149 2 роки тому +9

    Man he really has something against dropping people out of helicopters.

    • @justinkase1360
      @justinkase1360 2 роки тому +1

      “[When asked how it felt to take human life]
      "I wouldn't know, I've only killed communists.” ― Rafał Gan-Ganowicz
      I'm not saying that I support dehumanizing our enemies, but rather recognising them for the evil people they are. Not mistaken, not idiots, EVIL! I'm also not saying these are actions that are required, but we must have a sobor look at what the conflict really is and what is the nature of ur side and our WEAK response thus far. The "response" that would sit idly by while the laft takes over all positions of power in the country of our forefathers. They dominate media, social medie, financial institutions, business, academia, public education, the deep state, the courts, Hollywood....and they are making these moves in every western nation and ONLY in western nations. You figure our why. In the midst of all of this there is a call for being "calm and principled". Anyone with eyes can see that what is really being promoted by such calls, no matter intent, is more of the same WEAK "response" that has gotten us here. Not thank you! I call on Christians to see out enemies for what they are and HATE EVIL! Of course don't overeact, but BY GOD do not let people talk you into being more calm than are right now. We are already passive! Come on...You anger is justified and let it move you to do things that effective but NOT evil themselves. I know you can step back and have a sober view of the state of your nation...what does it call for? More voting only? Writing some letters or making phone calls? No.

    • @JohnnyStuttle
      @JohnnyStuttle 2 роки тому +1

      @@justinkase1360 don’t forget that you’re evil too. 🤗

  • @Zxuma
    @Zxuma 2 роки тому

    The mean reason reaction is futile is because we are 40 years too late. The time to have stopped the technocracy was during Jimmy Carter days or even Nixon. Now we can just wait and hope Yahweh works everything out for our good. Problem is, we are not Joseph or the chosen tribe. Bad luck.

  • @mrcmusic1
    @mrcmusic1 2 роки тому

    I have a Godly love for them there is n more to say about that except bless you all...

  • @peterhamstra8871
    @peterhamstra8871 2 роки тому +6

    The high-pitched whine is still in the background of the audio. Not as bad as the last video, but still not fun. I appreciate your content though!

    • @EthanRHolden
      @EthanRHolden 2 роки тому

      I noticed that too.

    • @EthanRHolden
      @EthanRHolden 2 роки тому +2

      I think it is picking up Aimee Byrd’s shrill protest from the east coast.

  • @newlywedbeth
    @newlywedbeth 2 роки тому

    I need help. This pressure to be the next William Tell is getting to me. I'm feeling all the feels that the Separatists most likely felt as they fought against the royal decree. I'm hurting.
    BTW my moniker is a little old. We've been married 15 years and have a 10 year old son. We are homeschooling. We have just quit our co-op after four wonderful years. They have bowed to the Illinois governor. If they do that, they will bow to anything. So we are leaving. I'm right now writing the curriculum for the new teacher. My heart is breaking. My son has no Christian friends nearby. This was our best opportunity. I find myself saying, "When co-op starts again,..." or "I'll be teaching about firemen in preschool,.. " and cry a little.
    I feel like crying all the time. I'm rarely out of pajamas. I just want to sleep. I just want to escape this crazy world.

  • @Zxuma
    @Zxuma 2 роки тому

    Kumbayah my kumbayah ooh lord kumbayah…your people need you lord, kumbayah.
    We waiting here by the river lord….

  • @jamestrotter3162
    @jamestrotter3162 2 роки тому +3

    Don't forget the Zealots!

  • @Nameless-w2t
    @Nameless-w2t 2 роки тому

    Protecting and defending God's honor and the glory of his Name is our chief priority. In other words, if we make the defense of our civilization paramount, then we may be willing to compromise our witness to the world in the event that the red pillers over-react.

  • @taylorscott6127
    @taylorscott6127 2 роки тому

    Bruh I got an ad for Joyce Meyer TV, nice try

  • @geneadams9017
    @geneadams9017 Рік тому

    Doug, sometimes the Good Lord provides a Pinochet as a much-needed red pilled savior.

  • @wymanrtaylor
    @wymanrtaylor 2 роки тому +18

    If one is anti-Commie, one is anti-Fascist. Communism is international socialism; fascism is national socialism. The only thing “right wing” about Fascism is that fascists desire the nation-state.
    EDIT: grammar

    • @stopmayhem937
      @stopmayhem937 2 роки тому +2

      I wish more people understood this.

    • @wymanrtaylor
      @wymanrtaylor 2 роки тому +2

      My logic is slightly broken here; it is not true that if one is anti-Commie, then one is automatically anti-fascist - after all, it is (probably) true that fascists exist today and they would be anti-Commie but pro-fascist. I should have said “if one is an American Conservative, then one must necessarily be both anti-Commie and anti-fascist.” Small error given the context of the video, but if Wilson sees it he’ll hit my knuckles with a ruler 😃😃

    • @Karlsator
      @Karlsator 2 роки тому +1

      @@wymanrtaylor fascist is their word for us and anti-fascist are always communist. In the 30s they called everything that wasn’t communist fascist and they still do that today.
      KPD primarily viewed fascism as the final stage of capitalism rather than as a specific movement or group, and therefore applied the term broadly to its opponents, and in the name of anti-fascism the KPD focused in large part on attacking its main adversary, the centre-left Social Democratic Party of Germany.
      Research: Antifaschistische Aktion

    • @wymanrtaylor
      @wymanrtaylor 2 роки тому +1

      @@Karlsator I know. It’s all Trotsky; he literally wrote the book on Fascism

    • @Karlsator
      @Karlsator 2 роки тому +1

      @@wymanrtaylor truth it’s nice chatting with Christ pilled and red pilled brothers.

  • @seanmoran6510
    @seanmoran6510 2 роки тому +1

    I talked about an overreaction at a work place meeting you can guess the subject
    I just got a silly clown thoughtless smirk back
    🤷‍♂️ oh well I tried

  • @jeremybrown-HelloJayBird
    @jeremybrown-HelloJayBird 2 роки тому +1

    All of this! 100% agree. As a Ron Paul Libertarianesk person I have been more concerned about the hard response from the Right to all the liberal shenanigans, than I have been about the Liberal shenanigans themselves.

    • @Karlsator
      @Karlsator 2 роки тому +1

      I doubt that. All the right does is listen to non Christian Ben Schapiro complain like a pubescent child and then do nothing. That’s my dog Wilson is such a great leader because he gives solutions in the ultimate solution is Christ

    • @mikevaughan7681
      @mikevaughan7681 2 роки тому +1

      Oh yeah there’s been so many“hard responses from the Right… so far nothing.!

    • @jeremybrown-HelloJayBird
      @jeremybrown-HelloJayBird 2 роки тому

      I hope you all are right.

  • @soulascribe
    @soulascribe 2 роки тому +5

    Please be sure to clone this channel on odysee.

  • @mrcmusic1
    @mrcmusic1 2 роки тому

    As a x Catholic i did not like the sisters and Priest teaching evolution but what did i know I was a kid Learning from supposed pros,,,

  • @festushaggen2563
    @festushaggen2563 2 роки тому +1

    "Blessed are the peacemakers and love your neighbor". Anyone whose anxious for an opportunity to use violence against their neighbor needs some honest self examination and is in serious danger of becoming what they oppose.

  • @jackuber7358
    @jackuber7358 2 роки тому

    Now you must realize that the DWDS* people out there are going to howl at the moon as they all chant, "Wilson gave approval to right-wing rioters?"
    *Doug Wilson Derangement Syndrome

  • @jaquirox6579
    @jaquirox6579 2 роки тому +3

    A fool speaks before he has heard. Proverbs :)

  • @wchadnewsom
    @wchadnewsom 2 роки тому

    If you think a public school mom raging at a school board meeting about CRT is a good example of "red pilled" you're quite wide of the mark.

  • @johnwurfel2862
    @johnwurfel2862 2 роки тому +9

    The constitution is compliant with the teachings of the Bible. Party affiliations are not. We defend right or face genocide. We are tasked with doing justice, loving mercy, walking humbly. Sometimes justice requires blood. Just ask Jesus...

    • @justinkase1360
      @justinkase1360 2 роки тому +2

      God bless you for this wisdom and calling for strength while some well meaning men ultimately call for things though would make us weaker. Our weakness got us to this point, not our strength. the rist we run is continuing to be weak. The right does not have a problem of coming on too strong, the right is full of cowards that make every excuse and are happy so long as they can feel superior while the other side dominates and emasculates them.

  • @Ephesians-yn8ux
    @Ephesians-yn8ux 2 роки тому

    It’s God first. Then country.💪✝️🇺🇸

  • @JonJaeden
    @JonJaeden 2 роки тому +1

    Doug keeping me out of trouble again ...

  • @thelastoferrathen613
    @thelastoferrathen613 2 роки тому

    So there's a difference between *red-pilled* and *based*.

  • @tatie7604
    @tatie7604 2 місяці тому

    Sick of references to kooky movies.

  • @anarchorepublican5954
    @anarchorepublican5954 2 роки тому

    the Classic Hegelian Pendulum Swing to the Right is Overdue ....and its bound to be Overboard and crippling ...

  • @min.bootsphillips6361
    @min.bootsphillips6361 2 роки тому

    We are right wing conservatives. Be a Daniel.

  • @stephenkaake7016
    @stephenkaake7016 2 роки тому

    Clowny with a chance of Meatballs

  • @joshjohnson8066
    @joshjohnson8066 2 роки тому

    I enjoy these talks. Wondering what Wilson's take on the Bush Sr funeral and the mysterious envelopes / Trump leaving the funeral early(December 2018, I think...? I wasn't paying attention until recently), and that fellow Lin Wood and his public outcries of dark goings on. This conspiracy stuff has become an absolute (unhealthy) obsession of mine recently. 🤫🤔😒

  • @Xenotypal
    @Xenotypal 2 роки тому +1

    Christ is the ultimate redpill

  • @michaelstarling6361
    @michaelstarling6361 2 роки тому

    If you want a good example of right-wing, anti-communist extremism, look up the history of El Salvador's civil war (1979- 1992)

  • @joemcarthy8124
    @joemcarthy8124 2 роки тому +4

    I feel that Mr. Wilson does not understand the sermon on the mount . He has distorted The Sermon on the Mount to his own wishes. No where does Jesus Christ suggest for the allowance of Evil. The seeming non violent verses in The Sermon on the Mount were directed at the individual to his neighbor and the Sanhedrin towards their political opponents.

    • @wattsobx
      @wattsobx 2 роки тому +1

      Will have to dig into this

  • @kaelinmittel5722
    @kaelinmittel5722 2 роки тому +1

    At the same time, let's not forget the commandments in Leviticus 20. The requires purification from this evil. The stonings must commence.

  • @weaponizedmemes3461
    @weaponizedmemes3461 2 роки тому +13

    Not gonna lie, the idea of "dropping commies from helicopters" put a brief little smile on my face.
    But of course, I agree with Doug here and hopefully it never comes to that.

    • @--i-am-root
      @--i-am-root 2 роки тому +3

      Yea, I have to watch my temptation to make free helicopter ride or RWDS comments...

  • @QKVCS
    @QKVCS 2 роки тому

    LUKE 22

  • @--i-am-root
    @--i-am-root 2 роки тому +2

    The crackdown on Weimar decadence was a good thing. The people who were doing it...not so much.

    • @Karlsator
      @Karlsator 2 роки тому +4

      Almost Everything we learned about World War II Germany in school or history channel is propagandized. Before Patton died in an “accident” he said we defeated the wrong enemy. Communist won World War II not the west. The British and French lost their empires and influence in the world. USA foot the bill for the rebuilding. USSR gained half of Europe. USA allied with a country that killed all its clergy and outlawed Christianity.

    • @elvistiso6275
      @elvistiso6275 2 роки тому +2

      @@Karlsator Evangicucks can't even comprehend the same people ran Weimar, the Soviet Union and now the US. Ask an Evangicuck if God "Blesses" those who "Bless" Israel. Then, ask them how that worked out for the Afrikaners in South Africa.

  • @twotatanka5396
    @twotatanka5396 2 роки тому

    Be alittle more based to be like why do we even have birth certificates?! Like why is the gender important why is the very itself even important

  • @Mary_Kraensel
    @Mary_Kraensel 2 роки тому +3

    My primary concern is being wise, discerning, and knowing how to live a godly life in Christ, while watching the blowback from anti-leftists.

    • @justinkase1360
      @justinkase1360 2 роки тому +2

      *while watching the nation devolve into evil and doing nothing of substance.
      That's an accurate description of so-called "Christian conservatism".

    • @williamwilliam6714
      @williamwilliam6714 2 роки тому

      You should be congratulated on such cheaply bought nobility.

    • @williamwilliam6714
      @williamwilliam6714 2 роки тому

      @@justinkase1360 well said !

    • @scwienert
      @scwienert 2 роки тому

      Titus 2:11-12 NKJV
      [11] For the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men, [12] teaching us that, denying ungodliness and worldly lusts, we should live soberly, righteously, and godly in the present age,
      What Christian in their right mind would mock someone that has determined to live according to scripture? Oh yeah, a fleshly one.

    • @marytitus2874
      @marytitus2874 2 роки тому

      Well. Tensions are going to increase, people on the left are going to think all Christians are Christian fascists, white supremacists, genuinely think you're going to kill them and want the government to go after people.
      Then people on the right are gonna try and go all Turner diaries.
      The thing that terrifies me is that no matter what happens in the end everyone loses.

  • @rambo9199
    @rambo9199 2 роки тому

    Oddly, watching these vids I cannot help but point out how privileged murica is to still be so short down the path to real ideological balkanization. As bad as ya'll think it currently is..... you aint seen nuthin yet. The fact that so many people are still so shocked at where things can potentially go and over reacting to extremely minor events like 6 jan as opposed to expecting them as inevitable..... But of course I have the privilege of saying this from the pov of being in a country where the state is slowly committing suicide and mass reactionary movement is highly unpredictable already and the general public has to a large degree gotten used to taking matters into their own hands because the state simply is not there. Again.... you aint seen nuthin yet.... but you will.

  • @markchristian787
    @markchristian787 2 роки тому +1

    Ive been talking about this topic for several ys now. I understand Doug's explanation of "
    red pilled" but I dont think it necessarily involves anger. I've been redpilled for some time now but dont consider myself angry at the leftist establishment but Im just fully aware who they are, what they are about, what they have done, and what they can do. I dont see an overreach by the right at all if thats by a right-wing mob, coup de etat, an organized attack against famous leftists/leftist dominated areas, a Pinochet like event throwing commies out of helicopters, or anything of the such. The only thing we will see is a bunch of pissed off people showing their govt they are upset like what happened on Jan. 6. Nothing more will happen.

  • @anarchorepublican5954
    @anarchorepublican5954 2 роки тому

    🎂🌈Welcome to the Wedding Cake Tyranny☭✊🏿🏳️‍🌈⚧🤡

  • @RaymondRChammas
    @RaymondRChammas 2 роки тому


  • @ceoofgrind8101
    @ceoofgrind8101 2 роки тому

    So...once again the evangelical right suggests we do nothing. It's a real wonder we lost the culture war. Gets the noggin joggin.

    • @mkshffr4936
      @mkshffr4936 10 місяців тому

      I think the suggestion is that there is something between nothing and murder.

  • @freightshayker
    @freightshayker 2 роки тому

    Hey Doug ... ya know what is poking the bear?
    Yeah. Keep teaching trinitarian-ism ... and find out what Lord Jesus said about it being better for you to have a millstone hung around your neck, etc
    Wow. Even with that passage, Lord Jesus finds a way to nod water baptism.
    ... tic ... toc ...