Toxic Masculinity? | Doug Wilson

  • Опубліковано 2 чер 2022
  • In this episode of Ask Doug, Pastor Doug Wilson answers the question, "Is there such a thing as toxic masculinity?"
    Watch Doug's show, "Man Rampant" only on Canon+
    Use promo code DOUG99 to get your first month for 99 cents
    Ask Doug is presented by Canon Press.


  • @CanonPress
    @CanonPress  2 роки тому +8

    Watch Doug's show, "Man Rampant" only on Canon+
    Use promo code DOUG99 to get your first month for 99 cents

    • @cosmictreason2242
      @cosmictreason2242 2 роки тому

      So my argument to Doug is that the man in his example is being effeminate. That’s because it’s masculine to have self control, and an effeminate man lashes out at others to compensate for his lack of masculine virtues

    • @cosmictreason2242
      @cosmictreason2242 2 роки тому

      Re-edit to see if yt was screening out a certain word…
      There’s no such thing as toxic masculinity. There is effeminacy and chauvinism.
      There is no such thing as toxic femininity. There is Gynocentrism and “sea-walls”
      What God created is good. Masculinity and femininity are good things, and while they can be corrupted, what you get out of that is not a bad version of either, but a denial thereof, and a bad parody of the other.

    • @cosmictreason2242
      @cosmictreason2242 2 роки тому

      Yep, it hated the word for women which sounds like floodwater retention barriers. Guess it’s offensive to the “L’s”

    • @zachbrins00
      @zachbrins00 2 роки тому

      I would love to see a Doug Reacts to Matt Walsh on the decline of religion in the United States! I think that he could give rather informative insight into the numbers and what they mean moving forward…

  • @vincenttichenor8373
    @vincenttichenor8373 2 роки тому +24

    “All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; the dosage alone makes it so a thing is not a poison.” -Paracelsus

    • @jessedphillips
      @jessedphillips 2 роки тому

      Haha. I made a very similar comment before I saw yours.

    • @highlightning6693
      @highlightning6693 2 роки тому +3

      I remember the sweetener Doug is talking about. It was saccharine and the study was way back in the 70's or early 80's. And, yes, they fed the approximate equivalent of a box car load of the stuff to a single rodent before it developed cancer. Very dubious study.

  • @Inspired_JG
    @Inspired_JG 2 роки тому +22

    Let's raise our boys to be strong and humble in Christ.

  • @polarisedelectrons
    @polarisedelectrons 2 роки тому +7

    Great topic, and I think Doug Wilson does an excellent job at describing aspects of both godly and toxic masculinity and femininity. I once read somewhere a more in-depth description of masculine and feminine traits, both good and bad. I think these are things we can all be mindful of, particularly toxic feminity, as there is almost zero discussion of that problem in the mainstream.
    Healthy Masculinity:
    -Assertive Dominant
    -Willing to negotiate
    -Respects and values women
    -Calm and balanced
    -Solves problems rapidly
    -Makes friends easily
    Toxic Masculinity:
    -Protective Aggressive
    -Unable to commit
    -Objectifies women
    -Gets angry very easily
    -Creates more problems through aggression
    -Always in competition with other people
    Healthy Femininity:
    -Shows compassion
    -Expresses positive emotions
    -Allows herself to receive
    -Forgives easily
    -Communicates clearly
    -Has empathy
    -Lives from the heart
    -In touch with her emotions
    -Easily expresses herself creatively
    Toxic Femininity:
    -Creates drama
    -Gets upset easily
    -Always angry, sad, or depressed
    -Becomes greedy and entitled
    -Plays the victim
    -Communicates vaguely and is passive-aggressive
    -Judges others and gossips
    -Confused about her own emotions, lacks clarity
    -Blocked creativity

    • @Chirhopher
      @Chirhopher Рік тому

      That must be in a set society at a certan time and place. Our Core Values from Holy Scripture never change. That said, this does not always look the same. Certain Commands and Case Law examples for certain situations. If We're gonna have a list, i would want to quote GOD.

  • @mytreasuredcreations
    @mytreasuredcreations 2 роки тому +9

    The best thing I did was sign up for their app. There is so much godly content for the entire family. If you're a man, or a woman and need discipleship on how to be a godly Christian, sign up!!! ♥️ This world is discipling you how to compromise and be worldly! Fight back! Take action! Read your Bible! Listen to godly uncompromising truth! 🙏

  • @jonathanowen9917
    @jonathanowen9917 2 роки тому +2

    My favorite part of the video was when Doug outlined what Godly Masculinity is: the glad assumption of sacrificial responsibility and the man must lead his family. You can find it here: 5:10. You can contrast this with Doug’s description of Toxic Masculinity here: 1:29 and 2:58. We win the crown of glory by being godly men, not toxic men. Proverbs 16.31

  • @Ransom1973.
    @Ransom1973. 2 роки тому +5

    Love the work thier doing in moscow id
    Gods kingdom is at work thier
    God bless

  • @Chirhopher
    @Chirhopher Рік тому

    This is the first time i've ever heard "toxic femininity". i like it! -only giv'n the current situation. ~ sDg

  • @estebanmiguel6019
    @estebanmiguel6019 2 роки тому +2

    Sweater vest wisdom time. Doug is the best.

  • @roberttoomey1755
    @roberttoomey1755 Рік тому

    Thanks Pastor 👍

  • @jaquirox6579
    @jaquirox6579 2 роки тому +5

    20 apples a day, is how much it takes to self micro chemo. A wonderful good thing like a fresh apple, can be very poisonous at a certain rate.

  • @the_real_mr_wolff
    @the_real_mr_wolff 2 роки тому +3

    so if a man and woman are married and they both have hopes and dreams they want to pursue, are the woman's goals less important?

  • @restoringheroesproject
    @restoringheroesproject 2 роки тому +2


  • @suew3164
    @suew3164 2 роки тому +2

    Men are to be the CEO of the marriage and of the family. When he isn't, the woman usually will come to resent him for being weak and will not respect him. Sadly, when he does behave as the CEO he is often resented then too - he can't win. The understanding of how men are to be the head of the family has been so abused and misunderstood that it created a huge pushback in recent generations ushering in the extreme feminine toxicity that has steam-rolled over men. The result is that EVERYONE suffers. Both men and women no longer understand their God given roles. All of it has caused chaos in the church, the family, and society in general.

  • @jessedphillips
    @jessedphillips 2 роки тому +4

    As a professional industrial hygienist, I understand that "the dose makes the poison." Similar application here.

  • @steelwarrior105
    @steelwarrior105 2 роки тому +3

    You are thinking of Saccharine with the rat study

  • @sallylejune8799
    @sallylejune8799 2 роки тому

    Well according to APA - although the qualities of traditional masculinity is considered toxic

  • @waitwhat3148
    @waitwhat3148 2 роки тому +2

    I loathe toxic adjectives.

  • @xxxViceroyxxx
    @xxxViceroyxxx 2 роки тому

    ben merkle fix your posture

  • @carld2796
    @carld2796 2 роки тому +3

    Yes, wives submit to your husbands. Amen. And husbands, love your wives like Christ loved the church and gave himself for it. Sacrificial love is too often lacking. If it were present, I would say submission would be more frequent. This is not to say that a woman is not to submit to her ogre of a husband unless, of course, he is abusive (an abuse churches far too often fail to address); she can win him with her sweet spirit, yet not always.

  • @benjamintrevino325
    @benjamintrevino325 2 роки тому +3

    It's no secret that men are more violent than women.
    Men commit violent and sexual offenses at far higher rates than women.
    but women are far more likely than men to be victims of sexual, familial and domestic violence.
    A big part of the problem is the entrenched belief in the “natural” order of things, which associates masculinity with dominance and status.
    "Toxic masculinity" isn't an indictment of masculinity in general. "Toxic" is the key word. We should face that and stop deflecting in the interest of scoring cheap political points.

    • @greenghost6416
      @greenghost6416 2 роки тому

      How are men more violent than women?
      What makes you think men commit "far higher rates" of violent and sexual offenses than women?

    • @theden-jimdill7037
      @theden-jimdill7037 2 роки тому +1

      Seeing how you follow atheists and Marxists it's no wonder why you think this is political, and that it's really YOU who are taking a cheap shot. No one is suggesting that men don't have the propensity of being abusive, and if you would have paid closer attention to Doug, you would know that's what he's talking about being toxic. Now that you've woke up, go make your bed and be a man.

    • @greenghost6416
      @greenghost6416 2 роки тому +2

      @@vicksonleji529 See this is what the opposite of willful ignorance looks like.

    • @benjamintrevino325
      @benjamintrevino325 2 роки тому

      @@theden-jimdill7037 let us not quarrel where there is no quarrel. My comment has nothing to do with atheism or Marxism (I am an atheist, but most certainly not a Marxist).
      I didn't accuse Wilson of denying the problem of toxic masculinity (TM). On the contrary, I agree with the tone of his message.
      There is, however, a reactionary element on the right that sees the mere mention of TM as an attack on masculinity itself and/or an attempt to somehow emasculate or feminize men. There are a few comments here and many more on media outlets such as Fox news that reflect that attitude
      My verbatim comment was:
      "We should face that and stop deflecting in the interest of scoring cheap political points."
      The "we" is an admonition to the left and right to set aside the politics, embrace what is good about masculinity, but reject its toxic underbelly.
      I will not engage your passive/aggressive presuppositions about my worldview, my "woke" bed-making routine, or my need to "be a man."
      Have a good day.

    • @DM-dk7js
      @DM-dk7js 2 роки тому +1

      These fools hear “but I’m a man you’re making fun of me wahhh”

  • @FlashFlareKnight
    @FlashFlareKnight 2 роки тому

    While there is much good here, unfortunately I cannot leave it at that. Knowing the Calvinist theology that Doug is coming from, these words are at the same time a "nicely mown lawn" and "an unkempt house." Calvinist views hold that this (evil) is inside God's ordination. Evil is from God, for God's purpose, and thus is within the predetermination of God. The idea of "toxicity," in the way it is presented here, is at odds with a scriptural view of evil. Genesis one tells us that "God saw it was good." The serpent (satan) intrudes on this goodness and persuades the imago dei to reject the grace of God. The fall event places the nature God and evil in their rightful places. If God is good then "evil cannot sojourn with God" (Psalm 5: 4). Or to paraphrase Paul "love does not dwell with evil" (1 Corinthians 13: 6). Or in John's first epistle "we know that we are children of God, and the whole world is controlled by Satan" (1 john John 5: 19). This shows the very scriptural teaching that evil is not from God.

    • @beccaxannxx
      @beccaxannxx 2 роки тому +8

      Calvinism DOES NOT teach that evil is from God. It does not teach that. People twist the Calvinist position into that. But that is blasphemy to say that evil originates with God.

    • @FlashFlareKnight
      @FlashFlareKnight 2 роки тому

      @@beccaxannxx If God ordains all things by his divine decree, through the foreknowledge he has of all eternity God's ordination of evil is the only consistent conclusion. Knowing that a rapist will rape, someone will be pedophile, that Hitler would kill millions of people, and even more millions of Jews. That persons like Mao Zedong and Joseph Stalen would kill millions of their own countrymen simply for unimportant political reasons. And that HE HAS decreed it to his glory, then God turns out to be more like a cruel child burning ants with a magnifying glass. This can be juxtaposed with The Bible. In which we see a loving God, who is altogether just, holy, merciful, and gracious. Who desires all people to be saved, but by their own selfish will continually turn away and retain their own pride and desire. The only way to get the Calvinist view of God is to take Biblical passages out of context and make up an inconsistent view of free will.

    • @johnjames8739
      @johnjames8739 2 роки тому +1

      Highly recommend Boettner book on predestination

    • @hudjahulos
      @hudjahulos 2 роки тому +2

      You are trying to have it both ways. Either God is sovereign or he isn't. If he is, which I assume every Christian would want to affirm, then it follows that he is, in some sense, responsible or "the cause" of everything. Even the non-Calvinist must accept this. In that view God permits or allows evil that he could have prevented - does that not make him responsible in some sense? The Calvinist just takes it one step further and says that God really does ordain or decree whatsoever comes to pass, the good and the evil, but not in such a way that God sins or is morally culpable. This is completely in accord with the scriptures, as sketched out below.
      I appreciate that you think you are defending God or God's reputation by saying that he has nothing at all to do with evil, but that's not what the Bible teaches. Be careful that you don't go too far and "defend" God more than he himself does.
      this Jesus, delivered up according to the definite plan and foreknowledge of God, you crucified and killed by the hands of lawless men.
      Acts 2:23
      for truly in this city there were gathered together against your holy servant Jesus, whom you anointed, both Herod and Pontius Pilate, along with the Gentiles and the peoples of Israel, to do whatever _your hand and your plan had predestined_ to take place.
      Acts 4:27-28
      I form light and create darkness;
      I make well-being and create calamity;
      I am the Lord, who does all these things.
      Isaiah 45:7
      “‘See now that I, even I, am he,
      and there is no god beside me;
      I kill and I make alive;
      I wound and I heal;
      and there is none that can deliver out of my hand.
      Duet 32:39
      The Lord kills and brings to life;
      he brings down to Sheol and raises up.
      1 Sam 2:6
      Is a trumpet blown in a city,
      and the people are not afraid?
      Does disaster come to a city,
      unless the Lord has done it?
      Amos 3:6
      Who has spoken and it came to pass,
      unless the Lord has commanded it?
      Is it not from the mouth of the Most High
      that good and bad come?
      Lamentation 3:37-38

    • @FlashFlareKnight
      @FlashFlareKnight 2 роки тому

      @@hudjahulos You have fallen into the same trap that every other Calvinist does. Taking scripture passages out of context and twisting them to mean something that they do not is not honest. i could refute each ot=f these, but I do not have the time. God's Lordship/kingship is no in question. A discussion can be had about what that kingship entails, however, the way can understand it would only be in a human since. These passages are not showing that God has decreed all things before creation. They are showing that God is God. The issue that Calvinists have is that they lean to much on scientific reason/logic and only read the words they see. James White, R.C Sproul, John Piper, J.I Packer, Doug Wilson, and the like do this all the time unfortunately.
      Also, thanks for using the Old Testament, It shows a point I make all the time about Calvinism. Calvinism is much more along the lines of some Judaic thought than New Testament thought. While the Old Testament doesn't teach Calvinism either there are far stronger passages from there than the New Testament. However, these are easily refuted. They are taken out of context and twisted to mean something that they do not.
      Be careful you don't go any farther; you already are beginning to sound like a proponent of universal justification.

  • @mosesking2923
    @mosesking2923 2 роки тому +4

    Funny how Doug appeals to a Catholic Saint like George who slayed the dragon. Why were the first churches to embrace feminism and ordain women all Protestant churches? The Protestants shots themselves in the foot when they removed all concept of Aristotelian virtue ethics from their theology, along with the removal of saints who are spiritual models. No wonder feminism has infected Protestants who easily fall to “sola interpretura.”

    • @jfkmuldermedia
      @jfkmuldermedia 2 роки тому +1

      This is so funny.

    • @Eric_Lichtenberg
      @Eric_Lichtenberg 2 роки тому +3

      What does a rejection of Aristotelian virtue ethics have to do with a Protestant embrace of Feminism?

    • @nicoleortiz4396
      @nicoleortiz4396 2 роки тому +6

      Oh please! Coming here to trash your brother in Christ who is upholding biblical truths and teaching you from the very Word of God that you kind of disregard so easily in favor of ‘other authorities’.

    • @Eric_Lichtenberg
      @Eric_Lichtenberg 2 роки тому +5

      @@nicoleortiz4396 Catholicism is a false gospel. Those who reject salvation by faith alone are not our brethren in Christ.

    • @cosmictreason2242
      @cosmictreason2242 2 роки тому +3

      Catholics don’t have a long history of introducing heresy from crazy women, apparently 🙄🙄🙄 Who wrote “the dolorous passion of the Christ?”