Don't marry a man you can control

  • Опубліковано 13 жов 2024


  • @durian9988
    @durian9988 15 днів тому +665

    Wifes who find it hard to submit to their husbands will find it hard to submit to Christ.

    • @cryptojihadi265
      @cryptojihadi265 14 днів тому +32

      They alreay don't. His command is clear. They're already in direct defiance.

    • @devin3607
      @devin3607 13 днів тому +13

      They dont give a rats tail about christ if they dont submit to their husbands

    • @joecool2759
      @joecool2759 13 днів тому +12

      @@durian9988 that’s a fire 🔥 statement!!!

    • @Rileyed
      @Rileyed 13 днів тому +13

      It’s a mirror. So wild. If we don’t trust God we won’t trust people. Live in fear. If we don’t want to humble before people…’s a mirror of not humbling before God.

    • @reubenquiroz6083
      @reubenquiroz6083 13 днів тому +2


  • @barbie6391
    @barbie6391 12 днів тому +304

    The Bible NEVER calls the woman the head of her husband, it DOES call the husband the head of his wife🌸

    • @dearbrave4183
      @dearbrave4183 10 днів тому +12

      So? And that means?
      Also the Bible says women shouldn't teach yet you are here learning from a woman.
      That's called false interpretation, mindless following and cherry picking

    • @Sir_Viver
      @Sir_Viver 9 днів тому +31

      Titus 2:4 Older women are to teach the young women to love their husbands and children. 5 They are to teach them to think before they act, to be pure, to be workers at home, to be kind, and to obey their own husbands. In this way, the Word of God is honored.
      So who exactly is cherry picking?

    • @dearbrave4183
      @dearbrave4183 9 днів тому

      @@Sir_Viver one, she's not an old woman. Second, I thought this was a public platform where everyone young, old , man, woman, kid, alien can access her message , It doesn't seem like a private community where only young women are allowed in...well after she turns old
      Your reasoning fits right into a cult unfortunately. Ignorance is why women are the first victims of cults and its main manpower.
      Ignorance is the reason why women oversee and quiet ab*se towards themselves, fellow women and children in the church
      Don't let the Bible become a barrier to your wisdom when it's actually supposed to make you wise.

    • @ScreamingEagleFTW
      @ScreamingEagleFTW 9 днів тому +3

      husbands LOVE your wives

    • @Sir_Viver
      @Sir_Viver 9 днів тому +3

      @@ScreamingEagleFTW wives SUBMIT to your EVERYTHING.
      There's a complementary scripture for both husbands and wives on nearly every subject dealing with marriage.

  • @erich4812
    @erich4812 16 днів тому +264

    People need to see that the husband's role as head is a responsibility to the family that he must responsibly fulfill, not like a master of slaves that most immediately think of.

    • @leaguefixesyourmatches8259
      @leaguefixesyourmatches8259 15 днів тому

      Since most "churches" are apostate, many "christian" wives will want to "overtake their husband". Alice brought up something that is correct but the apostate wives will vehemently reject her. The husbands can not say anything since modern culture/law gives wives all the power and they will be severely reprimanded.
      That's why most men CANNOT marry today.
      It rare to find a women gentle and actually FEMININE like Alice even in the "church".

    • @leaguefixesyourmatches8259
      @leaguefixesyourmatches8259 15 днів тому +38

      He is the head of the household but also commanded to LOVE HIS WIFE as Christ loves his church. Remember, Christ loved so much that he died for the church.
      Modern culture/brainwashing takes the love out of it.
      Women simply are not meant to lead and women don't want to lead. They don't want the responsibility and pressure. They like to be taken care of!

    • @thomasandrewphd.5844
      @thomasandrewphd.5844 15 днів тому

      I agree with everything you say…I personally do not mix with feminists because I can’t stand them . And most men do. It is the main reason the family as a unit has fallen apart.

    • @justorange3808
      @justorange3808 15 днів тому +5

      right on 100%

    • @leondhay
      @leondhay 14 днів тому

      ​@@leaguefixesyourmatches8259 Not totally correct. Read Prov 31.

  • @Jaco3688
    @Jaco3688 11 днів тому +77

    Far too few women have this mind of Christ. May God bless you.

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 6 днів тому +2

      @@Jaco3688 I would say the same thing about men who idolize other men pastors and teachers.

    • @Jaco3688
      @Jaco3688 6 днів тому +10

      @@HumourousPie The subject was women. Don’t deflect.

  • @noalliances
    @noalliances 18 днів тому +55

    "In marriage be wise: prefer the person before money, virtue before beauty, mind before body, then thou hast a second self." -William Penn

  • @Harzach-Hardcastle7685
    @Harzach-Hardcastle7685 14 днів тому +215

    1000%, they worship the "girl boss" religion instead of Christ. I think you need to start looking for another church that has real Christians.

    • @akatybaby
      @akatybaby 8 днів тому +3


    • @TheArcturusProject
      @TheArcturusProject 7 днів тому +7

      She’s in SoCal good luck XD

    • @TheArcturusProject
      @TheArcturusProject 7 днів тому +1

      I think… she mentioned SoCal in n out as example

    • @Harzach-Hardcastle7685
      @Harzach-Hardcastle7685 7 днів тому +3

      @@TheArcturusProject Not a great place to be. That's like being right in the heart of modern-day So&Gom... or is it NYC?
      I don't know which one is worse.

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 5 днів тому

      @@Harzach-Hardcastle7685 I am no boss girl. Either Jesus is the boss or I would be lost. There is only one way to heaven and that's through Jesus Christ otherwise without him I am nothing. I don't even date any more because if God has someone planned I have to get out of his way. When we let God be God instead of trying to be God then we have to be led by him.

  • @lambo6325
    @lambo6325 11 днів тому +148

    As a man I agree with your position and sounded like you were attacked by bunch of Jezebels

    • @TroiSimmons
      @TroiSimmons 8 днів тому +15

      Agreed! They hate the truth

    • @stevelopez715
      @stevelopez715 7 днів тому

      Agree 100% Pure WORD OF GOD SCRIPTURE INTERPRET SCRIPTURE First time I’ve ever heard of you n I thank God for you have more SPIRITUAL B@@@s than most men I’ve met

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 6 днів тому

      There are lots of Jezebels in the church. They aren't as noticeable but I see that men can also behave like Jezebel. There are people in the church that practice witchcraft which is why people are leaving the church. If the pastor isn't under God then he will submit to the devil like so many do because they aren't submitting to God.

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 5 днів тому +1

      ​@@lambo6325 I am not a Jezebel and if you have the guts to call any woman a Jezebel then you should say it to my face as the Holy Spirit of God is with me. You attack then you do like wise with God. I know what Jezebel is and what Jezebel does. She is in most churches not just in women but men as well. If she is in the leader he will fall. But I am sure it's because he trusted the wrong person who may be a witch or warlock who claims to be a Christian when they lie.
      A person who loves power and money most likely is a Jezebel. They go after men with money. I have never chased a man for his money and have refused online offers from people because I don't know if they could be scammers or not.

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 5 днів тому

      @@TroiSimmons No your flesh hates the truth because so many of you take the word of God to put legalism on people. Men and Women who are free in Christ aren't under the old covenant. If you don't have the power to overcome the enemy then you are going to be under demonic attack because you have no faith towards what Christ did at the cross. You are pleasing men not God.

  • @ronniepirtlejr2606
    @ronniepirtlejr2606 4 години тому +1

    You are a woman who has a beautiful spirit & a wonderful outlook on life. This is rare thing in today's world!
    If I was a younger man, I would take on the world to have your companionship & presence by my side.
    Your femininity, knowledge & belief in God & His word makes you a beautiful, rare woman. God has blessed you to see His truth.
    Do not stray from His truth!
    I pray that you continue to grow in the word & may God bless you with the right man & family when and if that time comes!🙏

  • @wolfgangsebastian8357
    @wolfgangsebastian8357 15 днів тому +107

    "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord." Ephesians 5:22 KJV
    "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in every thing." Ephesians 5:24 KJV
    "Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as it is fit in the Lord." Colossians 3:18 KJV
    "Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives;" 1 Peter 3:1
    Just like Voddie Baucham said, it's not just in the Bible, it's all over the Bible. There's also a pastor named Alaistair Begg who gives an excellent sermon about this.
    Those who tried to counter your stance with Ephesians 5:21 is wrong because when studying the Bible, you cannot use a verse that's vague/general to trump a verse that's specific. I applaud you for standing your ground, basing your argument on Scripture and not on popular opinion.
    And it's true, feminism has slithered its way into the church and many preachers have unknowingly embraced it.

    • @Globeguy1337
      @Globeguy1337 9 днів тому +5

      See also: ‘Enemies Within; The Church’ by Judd Saul and Cary Gordon

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 6 днів тому +1

      ​@@Globeguy1337 My mom used to say that I was my own worst enemy till God has been straightening me out. I think that saying works for just about anyone. The only book for me is the bible when handled properly and when translated by God's Spirit not our flesh.

    • @Globeguy1337
      @Globeguy1337 6 днів тому

      Very true. In the big picture, we are, in a sense, our only enemy - since it is our own corruption that condemns us and only our own rebellion that keeps us from repentance.
      The documentary I mentioned was specifically about the subversion of the church by Marxism.

    • @Globeguy1337
      @Globeguy1337 6 днів тому +1

      That is a good point, but the documentary I referenced above is about a concerted effort to subvert the church by a certain political/philosophical group that the site won’t let me name.

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 5 днів тому

      @@Globeguy1337 The modern church thrives on money. Just about every channel out here wants donations more than they actually care about people. I think the next movie should be called the great American greed because there are reformed/Calvinist pastors that have made billions of dollars. They couldn't preach a dam thing on suffering if their life depended on it. They wouldn't know what it is to suffer if they live in million dollar homes like rock stars. Maybe God will humble them when they lose their homes from the greed by making money off the back of God. Who said they could? Did Jesus Christ live huge or big? All I have witnessed about these Calvinist Reformers is how disposable you are to them especially when they say things that aren't true about others. Unless you aren't one of them following their little circus then you are disposable.

  • @alienhit1225
    @alienhit1225 11 днів тому +50

    You are totally correct. Wife submits to husband not another way round.

    • @cldrawings1224
      @cldrawings1224 9 днів тому

      So what do you understand from " Husband love your wife's as Christ love the church", what you do you think that means practically

    • @trahadbad
      @trahadbad 5 днів тому

      @@HumourousPiethe Old Testament wasn’t abolished.
      Matthew 5:17-18 English Standard Version (ESV)
      “Do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them. For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished.”
      Also there are verses about submission in the New Testament.
      Ephesians 5:21-29
      Submit to one another out of reverence for Christ.
      Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord. For the husband is the head of the wife as Christ is the head of the church, his body, of which he is the Savior. Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.
      Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word, and to present her to himself as a radiant church, without stain or wrinkle or any other blemish, but holy and blameless. In this same way, husbands ought to love their wives as their own bodies. He who loves his wife loves himself.
      Just think about it. Marriage is supposed to be a symbol of Gods marriage to the church. Does the church rule over God? Will the church EVER rule over God? The answer is no. We all submit to Christ first. And the wife submits to the husband as the head of the household.
      Titus 2:4-5: Then they can urge the younger women to love their husbands and children, to be self-controlled and pure, to be busy at home, to be kind, and to be subject to their husbands, so that no one will malign the word of God.

    • @J040PL7
      @J040PL7 4 дні тому +4

      ​@@cldrawings1224there's a reason men are told to love, and women are told to submit.
      Men need respect and women need emotional affirmation.
      Love means putting the other person above yourself, like Jesus put humanity above his own wellbeing, love is tied to, as the man being the leader, he inherently considers what's best for his family.
      Love and submission are interlinked, which means women submit to men who love them, and men love women who submit to them, men don't submit to women because that would remove the man from the leadership role, just like the head of a company doesn't submit to his managers.

    • @J040PL7
      @J040PL7 4 дні тому

      @@cldrawings1224 what is your question driving to?

    • @cldrawings1224
      @cldrawings1224 4 дні тому

      @J040PL7 @J040PL7 That's what my queation was leading to, and I agree, but I dont believe that aspect of loving your wife as christ loves the church would lead to some form of submission as a husband!

  • @KevvoLightswift
    @KevvoLightswift 16 днів тому +43

    You are right to stand against the current culture, Alice. I’m older (35) than your target audience of men, but you are quite the breath of fresh air needed in the current dynamics between Christian men and women.
    Your video “Don’t let them Neuter you, sons of God” gave me the much needed encouragement and motivation that snapped me out of my cowardice.
    From the bottom of my heart, thank you, sister. Whether your channel grows exponentially or not (I pray it does), you’ve helped this man wake up. God continue to bless you with your future endeavors. 🙏

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 5 днів тому

      What do you mean by neuter? A wife or husband shouldn't control each other. She also doesn't have a statement of faith like most out here don't. Which most churches and Christians have. If you're going to teach which women aren't called to teach you contradict your own beliefs. She is telling you wives submit to their husbands but who is she submits to? What God? The God of A.I.? If she's from southern California home of the artificial intelligence she could be a test robot for all you know? You males trust too easily.

    • @Cunningstunts23
      @Cunningstunts23 3 дні тому

      @@KevvoLightswift you’re letting yourself be instructed by a woman? The Bible teaches against that. You ought to receive edification and teaching from a male figure in your life not a young woman you find attractive enough to click on the video

    • @KevvoLightswift
      @KevvoLightswift 2 дні тому

      @@Cunningstunts23 Granted, she is attractive. But that’s not why I’m listening to her.
      1) She’s not woke
      2) She’s a woman, so she can accurately tell men how women work
      3) Her perspective is unique as someone who grew up in a different culture than America.
      4) A lot of her points are mirrored by a few men I follow on UA-cam (Mark Ballenger is a great one)
      I don’t agree with everything she says, but about 80% is spot on.
      Question for you: If you’re so against listening to teachings from women, why did you bother clicking on and watching this video?

    • @Cunningstunts23
      @Cunningstunts23 2 дні тому

      @@KevvoLightswift I didn’t, it auto played

  • @aegisreflector2725
    @aegisreflector2725 15 днів тому +151

    A man must be strong, but never controlling. A man can't obtain an woman's submission through force or manipulation, only through trust.
    A man must be trustworthy, but a woman must also have trust in her man. Sadly, for some women, their hearts have been rendered completely distrustful for one reason or another, and she will never cease in attempts to control.

    • @lexzenis2544
      @lexzenis2544 13 днів тому +2

      tell them women to get off the Chad cok carousel and they should have no problem bonding to a man in Christ.

    • @randomlygeneratedname7171
      @randomlygeneratedname7171 13 днів тому +1

      But both means are at his disposal

    • @Sarah-ue1ew
      @Sarah-ue1ew 12 днів тому +1

      @@lexzenis2544damn dude season your words lol

    • @Ariadne4
      @Ariadne4 12 днів тому

      ​@@lexzenis2544tell them men to get off the alpha male red pilled andrew tate podcasts, and they will find women who will willingly submit to their husband because they know their husbands loves them enough to die for them, like Christ did for His bride, the church

    • @Hammerhead137
      @Hammerhead137 12 днів тому +5

      ​@lexzenis2544 Agreed. But the Chad CC bears only half the blame. Feminism is also equally to blame, if not moreso for driving a wedge between men and women to begin with. You also have women authors like Beth Allison Barr and Sheila Wray Gregoire calling for "deconstruction" of Christianity, and their husbands are supporting them.

  • @localstrangeness
    @localstrangeness 11 днів тому +38

    I had an experience with a christian counselor who is an egalatarian, and I brought up these scriptures...and he fought me tooth and nail. Then he gave me an example of a couple he was counciling where the husband and wife had been locked in a mortal struggle for like 2 months over a dispute about rules for their son(i think it was screen time) and he said people have to be able to agree. And i said to him, "do you remember that famous warship that had two captains?" he said no. I said exactly! Because ships only have one captain. Org8nizations only have one CEO there is not one structure on this planet that has two leaders of equal standing and functions. This issue with your couple should have been resolved day 1 and as long as you ignore the natural order of God you will have problems. Whats the solution? He gets the final say. End of discussion. Hopefully he is a man of God and makes the right one, but thats not really our bisiness is it. He looked at me like i had two heads.

  • @netnomad47
    @netnomad47 15 днів тому +44

    The purpose for marriage is to glorify God through our love and self sacrifice for one another. Sex is a gift that should only be unwrapped in marriage. and it is for each other's pleasure. children is also a gift for the family.

  • @Blackwingsss
    @Blackwingsss 13 днів тому +52

    They leave every man they can't control... good luck.

    • @daboe2035
      @daboe2035 7 днів тому

      Masculine women do. Strong men are not attracted to masculinity.

    • @nixermwyt
      @nixermwyt 3 дні тому +9

      They also leave the man they control

    • @Blackwingsss
      @Blackwingsss 3 дні тому +4

      @@nixermwyt Lol true.

    • @j.a.s6266
      @j.a.s6266 2 дні тому +1

      And remember...
      They will leave you for the same reasons they liked you in the beginning.

    • @grizzlymcgill4117
      @grizzlymcgill4117 2 дні тому +1

      time to fly then (literally)

  • @kokihidalgo5804
    @kokihidalgo5804 19 днів тому +80

    As a Man I 💯 agree with you that men must become stronger. I’m not talking about physical strength, but spiritual strength and stop acting childish Like Paul said in 1 Cornths 13:11 “When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.”

    • @Billy-bc8pk
      @Billy-bc8pk 16 днів тому +1

      Yup, way too many soys out there right now.

    • @Amlo589
      @Amlo589 14 днів тому +8

      Being strong physically is also important for a man.

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 6 днів тому +2

      @@Amlo589 Being a balanced man is important not being brain washed by itching ears.

    • @SharkAcademy
      @SharkAcademy 3 дні тому

      But Jesus said you must be like a child to get to enter the kingdom of heaven. Being a child is not bad and what many adults are missing and why they’re miserable. They think it’s all about working and climbing the corporate ladder and collecting stuff. Instead, if we were like children and hung out with each other after work, played games, hugged each other, not worry too much about those adult things, we would be happier and have softer hearts

  • @RosariaBestGirl
    @RosariaBestGirl 16 днів тому +34

    It takes true courage and bravery for you to say and do that. You are a light in this world for seeking the truth! Bless you!

  • @Phonix463
    @Phonix463 17 днів тому +12

    Your videos are apart of my journey back to Christ and my creator as a man in later twenties. Many things I already knew deep down but needed it reinforced from a different voice .I subscribed to your newsletter and you have my thanks.

  • @canopeascone3151
    @canopeascone3151 15 днів тому +9

    Amen sister! You are very observant. Thank you for your encouragement in this word. Continue in your good work and God bless you!

  • @knutolavbjrgaas1069
    @knutolavbjrgaas1069 11 днів тому +22

    Those women who dont want to submit to their husbands forget that they didnt/dont HAVE to marry a guy they wouldnt willingly submit to.
    As a guy who wants to get married, I need to focus on becoming a man that a woman would willingly submit to. If I'm not, I can't expect anyone to want to marry me.

    • @Vulpesune
      @Vulpesune 11 днів тому +2

      I don't think that's the point. Ephesians 5:21 is about submitting to one another. It is about trust and strength unto each other as you would have the same to God. Woman want *equal* treatment, not the slaving submission some twist the passage to mean.

    • @knutolavbjrgaas1069
      @knutolavbjrgaas1069 11 днів тому +3

      @@Vulpesune did you comment on the wrong comment? You seem to be answering something I didnt write 🤔

    • @Vulpesune
      @Vulpesune 11 днів тому +3

      @@knutolavbjrgaas1069 No, I meant to answer this one. I think the emphasis on submission is being over-stated.
      I'm a married man and my wife is Catholic (I don't have a particular church affiliation but am generally Protestant.) You are equals, a team. I think the focus should be less on the submission and more on being a partnership, because the emphasis on submission leads to this one way-thinking, rather than an equal, loving partnership.

    • @knutolavbjrgaas1069
      @knutolavbjrgaas1069 11 днів тому +6

      ​@@Vulpesune Neither me nor the woman in the video claims it should be any kind of one way thinking.
      In my opinion, the demand paul puts on husbands is much more difficult. I am called to lay down my life for my wife(if i get married someday) and love her like Christ did the church. I need to focus on what im called to, and a wife needs to focus on what shes called to. This particular video was about a wifes calling so that is what i mentioned in my comment.
      Also, submission does not mean bowing to a tyrant or 'doing what youre told' no matter what.

    • @sumdood7410
      @sumdood7410 10 днів тому

      @@knutolavbjrgaas1069sadly, lots of Christian’s are feminist’s and it’s deeply ingrained globally.

  • @iwanhendraleonardus6407
    @iwanhendraleonardus6407 8 днів тому +21

    This video has to be spread far and wide, I think it is impossible to find a woman who has this view. You are the exception.

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 5 днів тому

      @@iwanhendraleonardus6407 Says Catholic idolatry.

    • @iwanhendraleonardus6407
      @iwanhendraleonardus6407 4 дні тому

      @@HumourousPie Exactly! Blessed Virgin is God's most perfect creation, yet God send messenger to inform Joseph when to leave for Egypt, when to go back, because in the right order His most perfect creation will to follow her husband.

  • @DonkeyKong8
    @DonkeyKong8 14 днів тому +40

    You said that women are more spiritual but women are also more easily possessed. All the women arguing aggressively with you were examples of that.

    • @sofiabravo1994
      @sofiabravo1994 11 днів тому +13

      women are more prone because we tend to lean on our emotions more, we are the weaker vessel, but men are still equally weak it expresses itself differently but in Gods eyes we are all fallen and need the same Jesus.

    • @DonkeyKong8
      @DonkeyKong8 11 днів тому +7

      @@sofiabravo1994 Agreed. We are all weak. And we are all loved. God will help us. Never fear

    • @chrisanok9283
      @chrisanok9283 9 днів тому

      Woman are NOT more spiritual. Otherwise, they would have been the leaders . Woman are just more religious. Many more are in the church compared to men but they aren't truly seeking Jesus. They are seeking positions on the church. They are also.more easily deceived. That's according to scripture

    • @Гранит-ь4х
      @Гранит-ь4х 7 днів тому

      Women are very rarely really spiritual. The whole old and new Testament sing the song of male spiritual suprem@cy. Women focus on men, men focus on God.

    • @adaptivegamer9905
      @adaptivegamer9905 6 днів тому +3

      @@sofiabravo1994yes it’s true both ways that women are more spiritual but again are much easily influenced by media & societal pressure. It’s a biological thing whereas men have much much more testosterone so we falter with lust, adultery etc. but we also lean much more conservative than women in a vast majority & conservatives are predominantly Christian’s. Both of us have our faults, but if for example u see a progressive church or a pastor leaning towards modern day liberal teachings I’m done with that church. Idc how long I’ve been there either, twisting Gods word to not offend is a slippery slope & can only go downhill from there.

  • @80americarlos
    @80americarlos 8 днів тому +4

    Dang, I love this sister already. She speaks up for us men! Thank you sis!

  • @thatgirlyanara
    @thatgirlyanara 4 дні тому +6

    The problem is people don’t have a biblical view of submission but a worldly view! Submission is so beautiful and when you stop to think what it means for a man to be the head you as a woman will be grateful that that’s on the man and not on us because it’s a lot

  • @joecool2759
    @joecool2759 16 днів тому +32

    I agree with your interpretation of Paul’s scripture. Many modern couples have spineless husbands . Along with many wives who sexually and emotionally blackmail many God fearing men. Due to modern culture and laws it’s even encouraged. Many women and men confuse Submission with Surrender, they are not the same thing. God has given women incredible power just as much as men, that’s to make their husbands either heroes and protectors or monsters. I think another confusion is that many modern women think that if they submit that means they are lesser than men in God’s eyes which is not true in the slightest. Jesus revealed himself to a woman (Mary) first after he resurrected and entrusted her to deliver his message that he has risen to the disciples who were men, during a cultural period in Israel where a woman’s testimony was worth 1/4 of a man’s. Women have progressed the church like no other some as wives, queens, missionaries, nuns(Medieval Era), doctors, scientists just like men but they all understood one thing it’s their roles that God assigned them it was to devote themselves to their families and husbands as God commanded and when they followed God wonderful things came out of it. God loves us all equally but we all have our roles as designed by God for our good and his glory. Praise thanks be to God through our Lord Jesus Christ for his majesty, wisdom, intelligence and leadership. I love your videos keep going I’ll be praying for you. I live in Asia and I’m doing my best to help build the church and I’m about to marry a God fearing Filipina who loves me and I love her and we both want to grow together. I love your video and pray for you as well God bless you .

    • @AdeelKhan-uu2pv
      @AdeelKhan-uu2pv 15 днів тому +3

      God bless you're marriage

    • @chrisanok9283
      @chrisanok9283 9 днів тому +3

      But what exactly did Jesus say to Mary after the resurrection?? Go tell the brothers... im not saying woman are less than men. I'm saying we can't use Mary as symbolic of the first preacher on Jesus resurrection . That's nor preaching. That's evangelism . It's what the apostles had ALREADY been doing

  • @marcogawa
    @marcogawa 15 днів тому +46

    You’re right girl.
    I hope I can find someone like you.

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 6 днів тому

      What about what God calls you to do or does that come last?

    • @paulraines9635
      @paulraines9635 День тому

      Keep striving to be the man you can be and seek out a woman that will submit to you. Being a husband and father is God's highest calling for you.

  • @javelinblue5414
    @javelinblue5414 10 днів тому +30

    My wife left me for the Church counciilor's son, Church knew about it, did nothing. Never really stepped back in a church since then.

    • @davidthewitness
      @davidthewitness 8 днів тому +9

      I pray the Lord comforts your heart but you are called to submit to Christ and not the church
      That's part of what is in Ephesians 5
      That being said..respectfully you are the one who chose her so I think you have a responsibility for who you chose not who the church chose for you
      If you didn't take enough time to study your wife to know where her allegiances lie then at least hopefully you will do so next time on
      Grace and peace to you

    • @javelinblue5414
      @javelinblue5414 8 днів тому

      @@davidthewitness Or.....the Church should be enforcing Biblical marriage. C&$#&.

    • @fuzzy_wuzzy45
      @fuzzy_wuzzy45 7 днів тому


    • @BochuJay
      @BochuJay 7 днів тому

      Dang.. your church should’ve put those two under church discipline..

    • @adaptivegamer9905
      @adaptivegamer9905 6 днів тому +3

      @@davidthewitnessI understand what you mean bro, but women (and men) can put up such a great facade for so long even after marriage then a year or even 3 years later the facade drops OR her “feelings” change “the spark is gone” etc. so it’s not the we choose wrong (ofc we do) but even when we thought we chose correctly we get screwed over. It can be very jarring & give someone a nihilistic mindset especially when the church you we expect to uphold the Word doors nothing about it.

  • @DockSchrem
    @DockSchrem 10 днів тому +22

    My wife is into New Age, without knowing it. She thinks, she is a Christian, but somehow outside the Holy Church. I argue sometimes. As long as she stays, I will put up with her. Today she said something which gave a chill. She asked me what I am in my relations with God. I replied: I am fallen human I hope Jesus will forgive me and let into heaven. She asked, "When exactly did you fall down?" It was chilling, as if the Satan spoke trough her lips.

    • @Laza_Rey
      @Laza_Rey 9 днів тому +2

      Tell her that, be honest, is your wife

    • @dotheyfloat9961
      @dotheyfloat9961 8 днів тому +1

      And if Christ spoke through your lips, what would he say. He wouldn't identify as a fallen human.
      You are right though, "you" are a fallen human.

    • @DockSchrem
      @DockSchrem 8 днів тому

      @@Laza_Rey Actually she kind a got it. She was surprised of herself. The whole topic was the reincarnation. I explained to her, even it was true, God doesn't revealed it on purpose. Most probably, because with our fallen nature we would have misused it, in a way that we would not strive to God, and wait for next live to do so.
      What she did is just another way of misuse of the reincarnation, which set us apart from God again.
      I think that she finally got it.

    • @DockSchrem
      @DockSchrem 8 днів тому +4

      @@dotheyfloat9961 I can not get your point. I saw and listen somebody trough whom Jesus Christ spoke. It is profound experience. It was the last hours of my beloved mother. She changed, she become some how happy, to be joyful in your lat hours, surrounded by your crying children and husband, one can be only in one way. She already felt His presence.
      I asked her to forgive me. She replied " I had fogave you, before you did anything wrong." Who says that? No human, in any case.
      I am blessed, I felt All Mighty and I did not missed it. It is blessing.

    • @paulraines9635
      @paulraines9635 День тому

      Christ was clear in His instructions. If she will not come back to Him and submit to you, it is your duty to abandon her.

  • @JarardKenneth
    @JarardKenneth День тому

    I'm glad that you shared this, sis. Blessings to you for being obedient, bold, and honorable.

  • @chriztianhusher8401
    @chriztianhusher8401 7 днів тому +6

    Saw many families become broken due to a wife that would never submit to her husband and not understanding this, it is not slavery. It letting the captain master his ship while you are his first mate

  • @erikevenson4303
    @erikevenson4303 5 днів тому +3

    You have solved the whole world issue these past few decades. Women and men tend to forget this. You are going to make an amazing wife someday and I am a tad jealous.

  • @F-4PhantomII
    @F-4PhantomII 5 днів тому +2

    Young lady, you are a true Christian & a most precious pearl full of wisdom & grace... listening to you speak the real undistorted truth brought tears of joy to my heart...God bless you in your walk with the LORD because you are without doubt a woman of the most high God almighty...such a pity that more women don't have the truth as you have.. I'll add that most men have become a disgrace by relinquishing their proper Godly authority to protect the women against the snares of the devil. Satan has corrupted the church & fostered spineless ignorant men to lead many into the pits of hell... I'm so ashamed to see what has happened to God's people...

  • @Numinalis
    @Numinalis 12 днів тому +9

    We need more godly women like you!

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 5 днів тому

      @@Numinalis This is why women get abused because of sinful men can be corrupted by their sin. Meanwhile she is a woman who will graciously wait in faith for him to change. Instead he drugged her and then cheated on her. She ended up drowning trying to take a bath unaware that he drugged her. The church they attended stood by and did nothing. What kind of love is this?

  • @GucciPow
    @GucciPow 4 дні тому +1

    WOW PREACH SISTER! Thanks for sharing this bold message to both sisters and brothers who need to hear it. Myself included! Continue to stick to the word of God even in the face of challenges/oppositions.

  • @Leo86tran
    @Leo86tran 2 дні тому

    May God bless and use this channel to glorify Him! Thanks sister

  • @martingarcia3787
    @martingarcia3787 15 годин тому

    I like how fearless you are to speak up with your church group.. God bless you and take care!

    @NEXUSLUKE 6 днів тому +1

    Thank you for having the courage to stand up for the truth of the scriptures in a difficult environment. God bless you sister. Hold fast.

  • @Johnwick-07
    @Johnwick-07 7 днів тому +2

    Thank you for taking time to become wise through your pursuit of God. May God continue to speak to you and fill you with more wisdom. My wife did not see what she was doing to our marriage and now she seeks the desires of this world. I have used this challenging time to grow closer to God and my children.

  • @telebiopic
    @telebiopic 14 днів тому +3

    This content is way more theological that what I presumed from the thumbnail 🎉 new sub. Kudos

  • @tobys4618
    @tobys4618 6 днів тому +1

    I have just found you, and I see the sprit of God speaks through you, wisdom beyond your years. I’m 45 and have never been married. I have had a long road of learning through my years. And still am learning every day in my service to God. You are right in your stance, and know you are supported. Keep going! 👍☺️

  • @jesusd.valencia6737
    @jesusd.valencia6737 2 дні тому

    Sister Alice May God keep anointing you with more wisdom. Thank you for sharing!

  • @cartoonrush5660
    @cartoonrush5660 18 днів тому +29

    They don't know what submission means biblically or how husbands are supposed to lead, so they try to create an egalitarian relationship to "stop abuse of power" because men don't know how to lead. This is easily answered by watching a John Piper video on submission.
    I'm glad to see you take your faith seriously and hope you continue growing to be more like Christ. But be careful of teaching others scripture outside of an evangelism context. God doesn't play around with people representing him in a teacher role.
    James 3:1: Not many of you should become teachers, my brothers, for you know that we who teach will be judged with greater strictness.

    • @Rileyed
      @Rileyed 13 днів тому +1

      Your profile says “your mom” and you are worried about this young lady not being a good representation in her teachings? Irony? 😂

    • @cartoonrush5660
      @cartoonrush5660 13 днів тому

      ​@@Rileyed Thank you for telling me about that. This account was made before I started trusting in Jesus as the only way into heaven, and I haven't checked the description of my account since I wrote it.

  • @adebowalegbenga4316
    @adebowalegbenga4316 7 днів тому +2

    I didn't really feel like commenting ...and by the way I subscribed. Weldone sister, it took me a while to know the purpose of marriage but when I did it's exactly as you state it here ..
    Keep the candle burning, the Lord is your strength 💪

  • @jadedrac0
    @jadedrac0 3 дні тому +4

    Oh man don’t be surprised when you confront the Jezebel spirit in these women how viciously it will come out of them to attack you.

  • @jimmylee1408
    @jimmylee1408 4 дні тому +4

    I'll never let my wife control me. She respects me cause of that. Once a woman loses respect for you as a man, it's over.

  • @ramon2260
    @ramon2260 6 днів тому +1

    I don’t recall ever agreeing with anyone pertaining to marriage biblically I agree with u 100 percent what your saying , spot on sister , this is wisdom ,meekness , self control speaking truth in love and so much more . Keep up the great work Alice . Will be praying for you.

  • @DaleJr61
    @DaleJr61 23 години тому

    Thank you very much for your strength, your wisdom, your conviction and your compassion. Thank you.

  • @liuton2005
    @liuton2005 13 днів тому +3

    I grew up without a father because my mother divorced him while he was working abroad.
    I moved to a different country and had to face everything by myself, and learn everything by suffering and pain.
    Now I have a 4 year old son that I cannot see, just one hour a week because the mother of my son says that I am crazy for reading the Bible and refusing the cough shot.
    All the women in my life, except for my grandmother, have been a sorry disgrace for a human being.

  • @TheFruitsoftheSpirit
    @TheFruitsoftheSpirit 3 дні тому

    Thank you sister for this video! I sincerely appreciate your courage for doing this. It gives us women the awareness of what God is expecting of us in our lives. I can see that there's a lot to learn from your channel. I will be paying close attention.

  • @eliashachem7378
    @eliashachem7378 6 днів тому +1

    I hope this message makes a good influence on the women who see it .
    May God bless you.

  • @baruchasriel1948
    @baruchasriel1948 16 днів тому +4

    Dear Sister Alice, from afar I only pray for you, that the LORD's faithful love will always be with you 🤍❤️🩵💜💚💙🧡✝️🙏

  • @kcb514
    @kcb514 6 днів тому +1

    I stumbled across this video and was amazed to hear reasoning and wisdom beyond your years. God bless and guide you.

  • @nadiavlasyuk5838
    @nadiavlasyuk5838 11 днів тому +7


  • @amvalleyshan
    @amvalleyshan 9 днів тому +2

    Thanks for standing up and speak out!

  • @aarontanqueelinkhoo
    @aarontanqueelinkhoo 3 дні тому

    For the men that kept quiet; evidently you are in a church that teaches and support teachings contrary to biblical principals. Praise our Lord God, dear sister, that you are enlighten above all.

  • @jesusd.valencia6737
    @jesusd.valencia6737 2 дні тому

    Sister Alice Thank you for opening your heart to us!
    By the way I'm not married yet and can see that today there is A LOT of women NOT ready for commitment.
    Thanks again for sharing wisdom and opening your heart.

  • @tsouth-315
    @tsouth-315 6 днів тому +2

    Respect, love, prayers from our family in New York and The Philippines. 🫂🙏🏻

  • @daminiel1
    @daminiel1 День тому

    This woman is wise!!! May God bless you Alice

  • @josephjoelisk6069
    @josephjoelisk6069 2 дні тому

    As a man you are absolutely correct with biblical understanding. You have correctly rightly divide the word of Truth.

  • @r.hollanda1723
    @r.hollanda1723 2 дні тому

    Sister, I think you are 100% right from the scriptures point of view!

  • @robertking8648
    @robertking8648 3 дні тому +1

    And I can say this in my heart of hearts and in my mind, and in my soul, when I was in the coma, I was talking to God and I told him with a bullet in my chest and I told him that I'm not worthy to be here and I don't want to go and people wanted me to go to heaven and see them. And I didn't want to I said I'm not worthy and I said I'm just not worthy and I sat down next to him he put his hand on my shoulder and he said, do you wanna go back? And I said, yeah, I think I have some things that are unfinished, I need to do, and I went back and he told me whatever you do. You're gonna be going like down on a cliff and you're going to be walking on a ledge, and there's going to be clouds, don't look down, just keep going down the ledge, and then you'll see where it'll be the ground and then step off to the ground and I said, okay, and I was in heaven, and I know this and when I stepped down, I was afraid because the ground was broken away. And there was a clouds in the way and I waited for the cloud to go by, and when I jumped to the other side of the ledge to grab on, I looked down and for one blink of an eye, I saw hell and people were swimming, like in a fiery lake on fire, screaming thousands. Thousands and millions and millions of people Screaming
    And I came home, I was twenty years old and I changed my life from then on

  • @popcornn00
    @popcornn00 13 днів тому +3

    oh man you are a gem! I pray that I find a Godly woman like you.

  • @aaronbrooks4091
    @aaronbrooks4091 3 дні тому

    This is so on point! My wife and I just got finished with this "debate" at a church discussion concerning the exact same topic and scriptures. Humility is absolutley drained in this new modern church. Submission is worse than a curse word. It's amazing that women want a "man of God" or "God-fearing man" - obedient to God, but they want to skip over the plainness and soundness of the Order of God and heirarchy of God, Which is Christ, man, woman, children. This should be one of the easiest things to do. Wives submit to your husbands, husbands submit to Christ. Thank you for this simplicity of discussion.

  • @FrancisAAfful
    @FrancisAAfful 12 днів тому +5

    That's what happens we bring culture into kingdom. And people think submission means slavery. Really loved the video

  • @alwilson7016
    @alwilson7016 4 дні тому

    You are on the right track. Do not deviate. Men has to in the forefront at all cost!!

  • @cfcshedktbffh
    @cfcshedktbffh 3 дні тому

    And under His wings you may take refuge; his faithfulness is a shield and wall.

  • @BamBamBAMCrypto
    @BamBamBAMCrypto 6 днів тому +1

    You go girl! I like your convictions. I got your back.

  • @peterbodnarchuk1
    @peterbodnarchuk1 День тому

    Love the advice "Don't Marty a fool!"
    Wise words.

  • @EliasSolbakArnes
    @EliasSolbakArnes 6 днів тому +1

    God bless you, sister in Christ🙏🏻✨️

  • @thomasdjlee
    @thomasdjlee 5 днів тому +2

    I recently found your channel, and I applaud your courage and wisdom to speak the truth in these perilous times of overt attacks against all things grounded in Biblical truths.
    I'm a 4th generation Christian first, a conservative American second, and ANTI-socialist/communist/Marxist third, currently living in my motherland Korea, a country whose low birth rate (

  • @peteypete9357
    @peteypete9357 15 днів тому +24

    Sad that this happened at your congregation. They need more maturity and experience of Christ

  • @celestialknight2339
    @celestialknight2339 День тому

    As a Muslim man, I respect and appreciate your thoughts tremendously, Alice. You are not afraid to speak the truth, and I can see clearly that God has endowed you with wisdom & insight-a blessing which many do not have. And while we may disagree on many theological issues (including Jesus, who we believe to be no more than God’s servant-messenger, prophet, and the virgin-born son of Mary & human Messiah), I still consider you my sister in Adam and sister in Abraham-and we believe in the same one God.
    I fully agree with you that many Christians today (and even some Muslims) have been indoctrinated by the modern feminist ideology that permeates our culture, and which has destroyed any nuance between hierarchical marriage and full-blown misogyny (which are two completely different things). And you’re right that if something commanded by God ‘triggers’ or ‘offends’ us, then the problem is with us. Not God or the scriptures.
    And as someone like yourself who I believe embodies the true values of womanhood & spiritual maturity, you remind me of a beautiful verse from the Qur’an which says:
    _”Corrupt women belong with corrupt men, and corrupt men belong with corrupt women. But good women belong with good men; and good men belong with good women.”_ ~ The Qur’an 24:26 ❤️
    Thank you again for your thoughts, and I humbly encourage you to feel free to read the Qur’an for yourself, which we believe is the final revelation of God, which agrees with the previous scriptures & clarifies all things.
    We believe in God, and what was revealed to us, and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Patriarchs; and what was given to Moses and Jesus, and what all the prophets received from their Lord. We do not discriminate between any of them-and to Him we surrender ourselves in complete devotion.
    Peace be with you.
    Free Recitations of the Qur’an:

  • @zraebiel1673
    @zraebiel1673 22 години тому

    A wife that doesn’t submit to her husband may ultimately lead to divorce. Also there are other underlying problems. I am divorcing a woman I was married to for 17 years. She never submitted to me even though she said she was a Christian. She ended up physically abusing me and ultimately cheated on me. Thank God and it’s a great mercy we never had kids.
    Alice, you’re a sweetheart. Thank you for this

  • @VV-ju8xh
    @VV-ju8xh 3 дні тому

    Very well said, guys just keep quite until they are thinking of leaving....

  • @anthonyt.8578
    @anthonyt.8578 8 днів тому

    Keep putting out the truth miss 👍🏾. For those people that find it difficult to accept or they don’t want to accept it just shows what modern society has done to a lot of people

  • @g.c955
    @g.c955 День тому

    Submission implies trust, but not a blind trust. The intention behind a verse holds more significance than the verse itself, as it is crafted for a general audience in a simplified form.
    Marriage serves as a societal mechanism for ensuring stability. When choosing a life partner, focus on selecting someone who enriches both of your lives.

  • @paulx7620
    @paulx7620 3 дні тому +3

    No women, know peace.

  • @RealLactoseTolerant
    @RealLactoseTolerant 8 днів тому

    Bravo! You bring me hope that there might be other women like you out there. I'm still very young (17) so I really don't know how much worse it will get in the near future, but oh well. I truly wish you all the best.

  • @ethansevilla1395
    @ethansevilla1395 14 днів тому +4

    I agree with your statement the most marriage you see should've not have started. Marriage requires two selfish people to be selfless.... that is an impossible task for most people today.

    • @blackgold4291
      @blackgold4291 13 днів тому


  • @delbertlong7944
    @delbertlong7944 15 днів тому +3

    Amen sister in christ you are right on the point. GOD bless you keep seeking God's truth many will get mad many will hate you but you will be blessed abundantly.

  • @orionanderson6719
    @orionanderson6719 6 днів тому

    Amen. Thank you, Alice. It really needs to be said that marriage is for people whom burn with sexual passion because that will really help glue the married couple to one another and to multiply to thus be able to continue to adhere to one of God's first command at the beginning to be fruitful and multiply. Yes, wives should submit to their husbands as husbands should be willing to pay the ultimate sacrifice for their wives. Looking forward to more, thank you very much again, and God Bless you

  • @scammersnightmare
    @scammersnightmare 12 днів тому +4

    Heard about "submitting" many times. You did bring up a novel point that I never consider. That time, book of Acts, wives might be thinking Christ is the number one and they don't care much about their husbands. Sex is an important part of covenant relationship. If that part not fulfilled, the men might look around or being unhappy, leading to divorces. That breaks the heart of God. I always like how you are brutally honest about your thoughts. Breath of fresh air. Don't worry about being right all the time or worry about the comments. Just seek God first and gaze upon His beauty and be satisfied in Him. We are called to be His sheep, not the "know it all". These foolish sheep follow their Shepherd till the end. We are foolishness to the world but wise in His eternal kingdom. Keep it up sis! Btw, are you planning to share your testimony?

    • @tewkewl
      @tewkewl 10 днів тому

      This is the #1 reason men are unhappy and cheat.

    • @chrisanok9283
      @chrisanok9283 9 днів тому

      But you shouldn't teach if you don't know what your teaching. Paul even said to not be many teachers since judgment is greater for them. I'm not directing this at her, just in general

    • @scammersnightmare
      @scammersnightmare 9 днів тому

      @@chrisanok9283 Please pray for one another as we follow His command. Love God and love people. I do see the danger of being very spiritual and not loving people, in which I am guilty of. Pray for one another.

  • @HarrisonFamilyValues
    @HarrisonFamilyValues 9 днів тому +1

    01:45 YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY CORRECT!!! That is the correct teaching contextually. There are two points Paul was making, the first point is in Ephesians 5:1-21 and a different point for married couples from Ephesians 5:22-33. Your teaching is sound. Thank you for being obedient and not allowing the women to convince you of what the Bible isn't saying.

  • @willierobison1148
    @willierobison1148 6 днів тому +1

    I'm a pastor you are 100% accurate in your teaching

    • @willierobison1148
      @willierobison1148 6 днів тому

      You are accurate and precise about who is to submit to who

  • @alainn-t6q
    @alainn-t6q 3 дні тому

    I think you nailed it Alice, even only by attempting to reason in support of Sacred Scriptures and not conveniently overlooking bits of it. That bit "in the fear of God" is the key to that first verse. It means that in order to make sure the will and command of God is respected, between Man and Woman, it does not matter who submits to whom. What matters is that the will of God is not broken: "Submit to each other in obedience to the Lord". The husband could be wrong on something he is about to do while the wife points out the error to the husband. The husband must submit, because Sirach 15:20 says that no-one has permission to sin. So in this case and to avoid sin, wives and husbands submit to each other in the fear of God, or in obedience to the Lord, which is the same. But between the couple, when the will and command of God is not at risk of being broken, then wives submit to husbands. The only legitimate way for a wife to lead and control a husband is to submit to him. It places the burden on the man to get things right. It also means that God will provide a lot of graces to the husband as a result of the wife's submission, because she has completely placed her life into his hands. God will make sure that the will of the obedient and submissive wife is carried out by the husband. One example is the flight to Egypt of Joseph and Mary. The angel did not speak to Mary, he spoke to Joseph. Mary only obeyed without question to leave in the night on the back of a donkey and go with virtually no belongings in to another country.

  • @enigma3516
    @enigma3516 4 дні тому

    Returning to God's way brings wholeness and peace in relationships.

  • @platinum1250
    @platinum1250 6 днів тому +1

    I met many as women as friends at church but most of them have that issue to be like men , no one can tell them what to do or listen to someone else's advice . As a masculine man I prefer to be single and not dealing with another woman having a masculine mindset inside . If I don't meet someone willing to follow me I won't settle for anyone even if we like each other. It is not going to work as a marriage in future.

  • @osialrechs2899
    @osialrechs2899 6 днів тому

    My only relationship ended because we had very different understandings of Ephesians 5. Everything fell apart from there, but once we had a discussion that she ended with “agree to disagree “, I knew she wasn’t the one to be the mother of my future children.
    Her position was born from trauma, so I sympathize with her, but that much baggage is a sure-fire way to become a divorce statistic.
    I believe that only the Lord can heal her heart, and I pray that day comes sooner than later.

  • @marqquis6050
    @marqquis6050 6 днів тому

    Hallelujah! She's gets it. We'll done. A good husband will find you if one has not already.

  • @achildofGod36
    @achildofGod36 3 дні тому

    Praise the LORD for you sister

  • @CuuchieMonster
    @CuuchieMonster 7 днів тому

    You're blessed to know the bible and practice it. I have strayed from the path for a while but I will be going back.. God is the only way ❤️✊🏻

  • @keith_hudson
    @keith_hudson 9 днів тому +1

    I will marry this woman right now haha! Her entire demeanor and her heart posture is so gentle and calming. It’s extremely attractive. Getting strong Prov 31 vibes on this one. Her value is far beyond rubies.

    • @HumourousPie
      @HumourousPie 3 дні тому

      @@keith_hudson Are you real or are you a bot?

    • @keith_hudson
      @keith_hudson 3 дні тому

      @@HumourousPie haha I am real

  • @robbiej2749
    @robbiej2749 14 днів тому

    Bravo !
    You are absolutely on point, Sister 😊
    Following our Blessed Lord will definitely challenge us from time to time. Because the prevailing world-view on things is often directly opposed to Biblical teaching.
    Thank you for being so brave to speak up this way. And yes, you will receive a lot of hate for this; but surely this is a sign that you're right on track. God bless you and yours 🙏🙏

  • @gregorycampbell4
    @gregorycampbell4 8 днів тому

    Godbless you. My first marriage failed, and it wasn’t because I didn’t see the red flags, but because I didn’t assert myself in my role, and it enabled my wife to become very aggressive, even abusive.

  • @kurtescala8763
    @kurtescala8763 15 днів тому +1

    Praying God finds a good man who loves you.

  • @louisgranado4861
    @louisgranado4861 15 днів тому +1

    Good word Good commentary on the subject keep speaking the truth. I totally respect what you have to say on the subjects louis from Austin Texas.

  • @jesusd.valencia6737
    @jesusd.valencia6737 2 дні тому

    What you said about women not being accountable, I see it everyday.
    For example...
    Today I was in line to pay for gas and there was a young mom in front of me with her child next to her,
    it was about time for her turn and she stepped out from the line to go to a nearby counter that is a different business;
    The gas counter lady said next, I moved forward to handle over the money to pay for my pump number and this young mother with her child comes back screaming at me for skipping her line and I tried to reason with her about what just happened and she started to insult me instead of trying to even understand what she just had done or even listen for reason.
    Thankfully an older man behind me saw that I wasn't skipping the line or trying to create problems, but this lady instead of taking accountability for her actions got even angrier at the older man for saying something about for what just had happened.
    Exiting the store I saw the older men close to my gas pump and approach him to thank him for speaking up for me inside the store and this lady came screaming at us (because her car was behind this older man's vehicle) for even talking between us about what just had happened minutes ago.
    This older man was kind of sad because of this young mother's attitude, he told me "the bad influence lesson that she is teaching to her child; this kid will grow up thinking that he can grow up doing whatever he wants and when his mom in the future try to correct him, he will not listen to her and will remember her how she treated other men or even call her crazy, because she had lost her son's trust on his mom or on any of his mother advise, will doubt his mom sanity".
    Every time I see women act this way, I don't even want to think about committing to any woman,
    because I can see 👀 my self struggling to even visit my future children,
    the trauma that causes a divorce and all the manipulation and the psychological manipulation to put hatred in my kids against me to try to control me emotionally for money,
    the lies in court, the laws being in favor for women not men,
    the stress of seeing the women that I've invested years, money, emotions and all kinds of investment be treated like it was a nothing of worthy.
    Also going around acting like a victim to everyone lying the she was abused in her marriage with me, the victim poker face attitude and behavior.
    Lately I've been thinking to stay single for the rest of my life because of what is happening to women today.
    Also by sharing this I'm not implying that I'm perfect because i am not, but this kind of behavior and attitude in women today is sad and forcing men to choose to not take responsibility in relationships serius with these type of women, is sad to see many single moms struggling with kids lately.
    I ask God that if he wants me to marry; that he helps me choose the right women; because finding a Proverbs 31 women here in New York State is not easy,
    Brothers in Christ if you have found a proverbs 31 women, you have found gold of a woman,
    Cherish her and be willing to Die for a proverbs 31 women.
    God Bless Everyone!!

    • @alicebythepalm_he
      @alicebythepalm_he  16 годин тому

      Pray for a good wife and ask God to prepare you for her. Trust Him that He has a perfect daughter for you when you're ready.

  • @0huh490
    @0huh490 15 днів тому +1

    Hi Alice, I agree with the perspective you're sharing about submission within marriage. While I'm not a Christian, I can appreciate the different viewpoints on this topic. As a Muslim, I've encountered similar discussions in my own community. I've found the Quranic verse Surah Al-Baqarah - 228, '[Men are in charge of women by virtue of what Allah has given one of them over the other],' to be particularly relevant in understanding the roles and responsibilities within marriage. It highlights the importance of mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation between partners.

    • @chrisanok9283
      @chrisanok9283 9 днів тому

      The Muslim tradition is just literally a bad copy of scripture. If you truly want God, leave Allah. He is the devil according to the Bible. If you believe in anything of the Bible, please understand the Quran is polar opposite. It leads to hell

  • @BrianSalazar-kn5ng
    @BrianSalazar-kn5ng 10 днів тому +4

    “Feminism “ and secularism plagues the church, a lot of success driven talk etc. I need to fear God more.

  • @nicholassingh5355
    @nicholassingh5355 10 днів тому

    Powerful message. He who endures to the end will be saved. God chastens those He loves. He tests us so that we will know our infirmity, repent, and follow Him. This is such a necessary message for this time. A time where men are passive and spineless, and where women are taught to be prideful and domineering. May God help us all. And finish the good work He started in us, all the way to His return. 🙏🏽❤️