When I was 18 and got a bacteria infection on my testicles. Felt like I was constantly being hit in the nuts, but that wasn't even the worst part of the infection. The pain from that elevates upwards into your torso and lower abdominal region. The only way I got to sleep that night was from continually passing out from the excruciating pain. What was even more stupid of me was that I had to drive 5 hours the next day, with extreme sleep deprivation and the almost certain possibility of passing out while driving on the highway.
@Jojo Momo I know, I definitely shouldn't have driven. I was young, scared and didn't want to go to the hospital by myself and I just wanted to see my family.
@@Chuked The Doc said it's a problem mainly caused from intercourse, so I have no idea how I contracted the bacteria then lol. I've always been a clean, healthy individual so fucks me how I got it.
1. when i was 8, i used to live in the south. i stepped on a fire ant hill. 2. in 7th grade, i was in gym playing some kind of game similar to soccer. a kid did a 360 kick and his foot and the ball hit me in the forehead. gym teacher dosent send me to the nurse ofc. so, im seeing stars. tell my social studies teacher abt it, and she sends me to the nurse. nurse does nothing. called my mom. she came an got me. takes me to the local walk in clinic, the doc there immediately sent me to the er. go to the er. doc there says i have a pretty decent concussion. 3. car accident. 4. extremely large and painful migraines
In my entire 11 (lol) years of life, my worst pain is when I had mono in the fourth grade. I woke up one morning, sweating profusely, can barely breathe. My parents took me to my pediatrician, and they said they didn’t know what was wrong with me. They sent me over to VCU where I was taken to the emergency room. My chest felt like it was being stabbed and eventually would explode from exhaustion and pain. It was awful. One of the worst parts was, I had to have a lot of needles stuck into me. I had to have a scan on my chest (don’t remember what kind? It was like a big circle thing I had to go in) and they had the thickest needle I’ve seen, and it really hurt. They thought it was pericarditis, but they didn’t think so. Definitely something wrong with my heart though. I stayed over night at the hospital, and then couldn’t run for the next year. EXACTLY a year went by when I got mono again. No hospital, but fever and head hurting for about a month. 0/10, would not recommend it.
Walking into the bathroom to find my mom dead. I felt my chest get crushed. I would never hug her again, never kiss her goodnight, etc. My whole life felt as if it had ended. Thankfully, I woke up soon after...
those who have a google home: beware at 5:47. I was in my kitchen and we have three google homes on that particular floor and they all went off. Their response was so loud, they couldn't hear me so I had to run around and turn them off manually.
My sister had a cat scratch her cornea. She was screaming so fucking loud and I thought my dad would fucking murder the cat because he thought it attacked her on purpose.
My wirst pain was going to the dentist when I was 7 and everytime I hear the word dentist I get anxious, worried, feel like imma pass out, throw up or be scared SHILESS
i am in my thirties en for some reason I have had trouble with the dentist with the for 2 simple reasons '1: yes I have a small mouth but that does not give you the right to get angry at me because I am telling you're ripping the corner of my mouth apart and that hurts 2: if sedative A does not work, give me a different one and don't treat a inflamed nerve without it and get angry because I am crying because I am in pain and don't understand why I still bloody feel it because you are not telling me that he bloody sedative does not work'
Was walking a dog. We went to the park and played. When it was time to go he wanted to lay in the grass a bit so we did. After like 15 mins I got up and my knee shifted and I will NEVER forget the pain. I was 26 when it happened. I'm 28 now. Anyway I called my mom if she could help and she couldn't because everyone was using the cars we shared and couldn't get to me. I had to walk a half mile back to my house but it honestly felt like 5. I was ok on the end and just needed to ice my knee. But the pain was unbearable.
I'd say it's a three-way tie between the many migraines I've had over the course of my life, the after-pain of having my wisdom teeth taken out, and that time I broke my right pinkie toe.
A migraine for the last 43 days which is right now Jumped off a swing at the age of 9, and landed on my back. It hurt so bad. Hit a bad garbage can (metal) and hit my hip (in grade 5). Slipped on ice and tweaked my wrist (grade 7) Sprained an ankle (grade 2)
Worst physical pain for me was gallstones. Felt like I was constantly being punched and stabbed. Emotional pain is OCD and bipolar depression. There are a lot of other things that come pretty close too.
Bit through a piece of cantaloupe, cracking my wisdom tooth causing a hairline fracture...all the way down, to the root! Wouldn't wish that type, of pain on my worst enemy!
0:49 The reason the docs didn’t “use the anesthetic” when stitching is because kids don’t allow us to. They freak out and thrash around and it’s usually better to give lidocaine and stitch immediately and get it over with.
I don't think I've felt anything that can really compare to some of these. I broke two fingers, my hand and fractured part of my arm once. That wasn't amazing. I had an incident with a boxcutter a few years ago that tore my upper right arm up. The wound was deep but more than the pain was the blood loss. And as someone in the video said - I have chronic sciatica. Chronic sciatica (from what I've read) hurts less than episodic sciatica does. But it still sucks sometimes. More than the actual pain it's just really exhausting. In terms of emotional pain, losing a parent out of the blue and giving the eulogy at her funeral.
1: went flying like 15ft off a bouncy castle and landed on my legs on concrete, that didn’t feel nice (I still have photos of it but you probably wouldn’t want to see a pic of practically fully bruised and cut legs of a young kid) 2: had a stomach pain so severe I went to the hospital because they thought I had appendicitis 3: falling off a high chair, hitting my face off a table and splitting a bit of my jaw area open (the teeth dug in and I still have 2 scars from it)
I got two hip surgeries in the summer of 2018. After the first one, the pain meds they had given me weren't working. I woke up and felt everything. Keep in mind this surgery was to cut off and reattach the cartilage inside my hip socket, shave down a jagged part of my bone, and burn a shortened tendon back into place, all on top of deep incisions. Every time I was moved, the muscles around my hip would spasm violently. It took 18 hours for them to correct my meds. That was the worst 18 hours of my life. But man when they got me on the good meds I almost cried.
Physical: Sciatic Nerve, that day I felt it go was the the most painful of my life Emotional: For 2 years I pulled myself out of a severely depressed, traumatised and suicidal hole. No one believed me so I did it myself.
Physical: childbirth. Other honorable mentions - dry socket on top of infection, pleurisy, gallbladder attack, severely sprained ankle. Emotional: divorce, complete with my ex husband taking our daughter and poisoning her against me (it took years but that situation did a 180 praise be to God).
I used to play rugby, and some bastard tried to kick my knee cap off, tore the cruciate ligament, my knee cap ended around the side of my leg and I blacked out from the pain, woke up in the hospital, I had a leg in plaster for 2 months and another couple of months learning to walk again.
I suffered from horrible emetophobia (fear of vomiting) for a full 14 years. That nearly cost me my life, it ruined my entire social life, leaving the house wasn’t an option, my hands were constantly cracked and bleeding from all the hand washing, I couldn’t have physical contact with anyone, and I had so much anxiety that I was nauseous and had stomach aches at least 6 out of 7 days a week. That made it a whole lot worse, given that it was vomiting I was scared off. But I got CBT and I’m free of the phobia now, thank god. But I will never go through anything that horrible again. Tonsillitis was super painful though.
1. Period cramps (p sure I have Endo because I have multiple stories) 2. Getting a huge plantar wart on my big toe frozen at the doctor 3. Full blown panic attacks 4. Appendicitis and the first couple days after surgery
Physical: Tie between getting the bandaid torn off my still-healing skinned knee when I was 5-7, and when I drink cold water in the morning and my throat closes up. First made me scream, second makes me cry and silently beg for death. Burning and freezing at the same time - exhaling is my only relief, but then I have to inhale, and that makes the burning and freezing even worse. Mental: I recently talked a friend out of committing suicide. For multiple occasions, I have a type of stress related epilepsy that sends me into absence seizures, and a few times, tonic-clonic seizures. Now, I don’t remember pain during these, because I lose all memory of them when they’re over and I pass out for a bit - I only know bits and pieces of info because I can actually still talk and send texts, but my memory becomes fucked to the point I type a message, send it, and don’t remember doing so. However, it’s what usually causes them that hurts. I’ve been suspicious that a certain event causes them, or more specifically, remembering it. I’m only able to remember it for a split second but when I do, holy shit. Chills and shivers and nausea through my body that makes me feel sick. The worst part is that Ive never been able to focus on the memory long enough to also write it down. Its honestly more irritating than painful, but it’s not fun. Sorry for that essay, lol.
When I was 15 I had surgery for pectus excavatum, had an allergic reaction to the painkillers. Water retension and couldn't pee for an entire night, passed out from the pain. Woke up looking like a pregnant women who's 8 months pregnant. Having the pain from the surgery and from not being able to relieve myself. Needed a catheter put in and then had to completely get off of all painkillers, except for tylenol. This was the day after the surgery.
I’ve experienced gall stones, natural childbirth, pancreatitis and whooping cough with a broken rib. All excruciating. The pancreatitis was the worst though - with the other three I was scared I was dying, with pancreatitis, I was wishing for death.
I have had over 24 surgeries. The WORST pain I ever felt after one was when they put a plate and screws in one bone and a long screw in another bone in my ankle because I slipped in mud and broke both outer bones in my ankle.
My hernia surgery, I broke 3 bones in my foot, and belly flopped off of a 40ft rope swing. I had 2 bone bruises from playing football. It felt like snapped my arm each time, it was weird. My dad's gf had a heavy garage door and I had pinched my middle finger in it, so my dad was like "we have to release the pressure so it doesn't hurt as bad". He decided to heat a needle and pierce my finger nail. My middle finger nail doesn't grow anymore.
The worst pain I've ever experienced was getting local anesthetic injected into the bottom of my foot so it could be stitched up after I stepped on a huge shard of broken glass. It was so bad I started to white out and the doctor had to yell for me to start counting aloud so I wouldn't pass out.
for me it was when i got a big old rusty 1930's carpenter's nail going through the bottom of my shoe, through the foot that was in the shoe, and through the top of my shoe when i was around 13 and stupidly poking around a collapsed 1930's house where my father and i went camping. cue the hour long trip to the ER, the nail removal, and the wound cleaning. the tetanus shot and antibiotics were a joy too
Cerebral shunt revision when I was 9. Imagine the worst headache you’ve ever had, then multiply it by 1000. Add to that I was vomiting almost constantly and couldn’t keep any food down. More recently, I broke my foot and stupidly walked on it for a week, thinking it was a bad sprain.
Physical: getting an infected molar loosened and pulled Emotional: parents fighting I know i'm pretty weak compared to everyone else, but i'm that person who "better safe than sorry" so i go out of my way to not get hurt
Back in June, I was admitted into the ER because I had something going on with my chest (something like chest contusions). I had a pounding headache, my heart rate was concerningly fast, and it hurt to breathe. God, it hurt so bad; imagine that everytime you take a breathe you feel a sharp, intense stabbing pain in your chest. It literally felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest or something. I hate crying in front of people, but as soon as I left the waiting room and they put me in a wheelchair, I just started bawling because the pain was so bad. 0/10 would not recommend :(
Physical: Tie between the bus accident that changed the curve of my spine and breaking my knuckle. Emotional: starving for 5 weeks and seeing photos of my family eating a feast
I slept weird on my neck as a kid, and i has strained my neck so bad that i couldn't turn my head at all. Plus, the doctors had given me Vallium (Diazepam) for the pain. The pain was THAT bad.
I agree with the people who said shingles and throwing your back out. The shingles felt like someone holding a lit match against my skin. When I threw my back out, I had excruciating pain and I could hardly walk. And it doesn’t take much to put your back out. The slightest odd move and bam!
One time I fell in the shower and heard a snap in my neck but i still had to shower and it hurt then I had a headache in one spot for the rest if the day...
I had nerve ablation. One dozen nerves from my spinal cord were burned off under local anesthesia and fentanyl. It didn't work. The doctor offered to reschedule for general anesthesia, but I told her to get it done. I wasn't doing it again.
I got a splinter under my thumb’s finger nail, but that wasn’t the worst part, my parents having to dig it out with needles and razors was the worst. Also eye surgery was pretty painful
I pulled an abdominal muscle and it was especially painful when waking up from a nap and trying to move my body off the couch. Also dropped a wooden pallet vertically on my foot, but man this video makes those incidents seem like a walk in the park 😳
Worst pain I've felt is a broken manubrium (chest bone). You can't make any movement without 11/10 pain and feeling like you're going to snap in half. And pray to God you don't sneeze.
I was 27 or 28 and decided to get a German shepherd chow mix. Awesome dog. Cute as hell as a puppy. First night I had him he accidentally pawed my face and gave me a corneal abrasion. Largest one my optometrist has ever seen. It was so painful that I thought he destroyed my eye. Took forever to heal, and the vision is shit in that eye still to this day. Love that dog tho.
I'd have to update from the last one of these I commented on, it would have to be my joint/tendon/ligament in my big toe. (I suspect I injured the ligament/tendon that connected my fascia to my big toe) That couldn't have come at a worse time though...right before New Year's so the wait to get an X-Ray to see if it was anything else was so long. (primary diagnosis from doctor was gout, which I still doubt)[I doubt it because when I play video games and my foot tenses up, I can see where it comes from] 2nd would be the time I nearly got impaled riding my bike. I thought I punctured something. (yea pretty much the same situation as the person who at 7 years old who rode down a hill only to crash into somebody's electrical box, but I was in middle school at the time of mine and the thing I rode into was a pole.)
IDK WTF it was but it was a serious, relentless pain in my shoulder. I was away south in England and had drunk about 2 pints. It hit like a hammer and I couldn't sit still or be quiet, it was so bad. Thankfully the friend driving me home was very understanding and even stopped to get some paracetamol to see if it would help. It got so bad I passed out in his car. Woke up about an hour later. It had faded to a dull ache but wasn't gone. I feel really bad about putting him through that but am thankful he helped me as best he could. Especially since, in my throws of pain, I accidentally spilled half a pint of beer in his car. Yikes.
Damn. The worst I've ever felt was having a particularly sensitive tooth drilled with not enough anesthetic. These makes that entire experience look like small potatoes.
stuff like this is why I wish I could have the power to remove other's pain no matter how unbearable it is just any amount of pain to be instantly removed and they feel nothing I would sacrifice anything to have that power it would be especially good for if there dying a painful death so instead they can just die peacefully and not have to suffer
The worst pain I’ve ever felt is when I fell and broke the hardest bone to break in a human body my femur and I’m still recovering from this because this wasn’t too long ago anyway it took 5 minutes for people to realize that my bone was moving in my body I had to get moved from bed to bed in the hospital which hurt I could eat or drink too much and I couldn’t move my bad positioned leg or else the bone would piece my skin and then I had to get transferred to another hospital and there’s this one bump that lifted me off the bed and I fell back down I got lifted 1-2 feet and it hurt then I got moved beds a lot and got surgery but now what I’m still doing learning how to walk the 2nd day after the surgery I couldn’t move and after that I’ve been practicing but this is the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life.
this is emotional pain: so im a recently discovered bisexual, and one day i walked away from my best friend because i just felt like we didn't really click anymore. we just seemed so distant. now i regret it, because it was probably just me developing feelings for her and everything was fine. i overreacted and now we are so far apart.
I'm only 14 years old but the worst pain I'd experienced so far was when I had fiber glass up and down my arms on both sides of the arm. Both arms to. Emotional pain I'd say was when my dad was drunk and he punched a whole through my bathroom wall. I was 7 then. Pretty emotional stuff for a kid to see.
Double ear infection. For 2 weeks there was nothing but pain. I couldn't think, i couldn't sleep. There was no me, there was only intense pain without relief
Having horrible migraines that lasted all day and used to get then once or twice a week and this goes on for a year or two and in the middle of the second year I also got lyme disease and the migraines where almost every day and sometimes couldn’t move because of the joint pain and on top of that a horrible sunburn all on my back and shoulders that even if I lightly touched it would be very very painful. This was when I was like twelve and had to move into a new house so I had to try and help move when I was in all of that pain. Ever since that I only have headaches that occur once a week and last a few hours and migraines that happen up to twice a month, but normal once a month.
i believe my colon was backed up and clogged because i have an extremely terrible bathroom schedule (like once a week) and it took two days and the fecal matter i produced was as wide as one of those large reusable cups you get at big movies at the movie theater and it felt like i crapped out an NFL helmet
I had some nerves die in one of my teeth. The nerve started to become narcotic and I had a hot tooth. I had a root canal to fix it but it never went numb and I felt everything
Getting electrocuted by my PC's power source cuz I was dumb enough to be holding the thing as I plugged it in. A part of the upper section from the bunk bed I was disassembling falling onto my back.
When I had just come off a blocker from a surgery the hard pain meds did nothing .... in a way I wished they didn't even give me it in the first place.
I was riding my bike, and went out on a rainy day with two of my friends. We were crossing the road, when my bike slipped on the wet roads. My bike started swaying like crazy, and hit my friends bike. I fell off, flew like 10 feet in the air and slided 5 meters on the mere road. My left leg broke, and had cuts all over my arms and legs, even a couple of 'em on my face. The broken leg was the most awful, i just wanted to die
The terrible "Jim Beam", headache, in the early stages of the dreaded hangover, after a long drinking binge, (In my heavy drinking days.) It felt like someone was pounding my head with a sledge hammer!! Not Fun!!
Top 4 most pain I ever felt Number 4: Breaking my shoulder (they made me lift both my arms up to get my shirt off) Number 3: breaking my arm (Fell of a 19 foot play structure that's all I could remember) Number 2: broke my finger (thought it would be a good idea to stick my finger in the silver bit of the bike wheel when the bike wheel was moving it hurt like fuck) Number 1: mountain bike riding and I did some air time but went over the handle bars 10 foot in the air snapping my leg and after a log wait for the hospital the doctor wrapped a bandage so tight around my leg it went green and almost had to have it amputated. Bonus: bladder infection sat on the toilet for hours trying to do a number 2 but it kept feeling like my bladder was expanding it hurt so much I was dripping in sweat
Accidentally dropping a cutting board horizontally on my big toe. It doesn't sound that bad, but my god, my toe swelled to about twice it's size, turned black and the toe nail fell off. Felt like a hammer was being slammed against my big toe every time I moved it. Lasted about a week. 2nd place is probably getting my mouth slammed against a pole. Broke my left central and lateral incisors and pushed most of my front teeth up into my gums. Hurt like F U C K, but not for as long as the former
Also the day I found out my dad died. We got a call he was hit by a car and my mom went to go see and while she was coming back I got a call from my aunt so when I asked if he was okay she said yeah. I was joking with my siblings about him and how of course he was okay because it wasn’t Christmas yet and he wouldn’t leave us alone for Christmas! Mom came back and we were excited for the good news that he was okay and she dropped a fucking nuke on us. I pointed and screamed and called her a liar while we sobbed and all the grief shit.
I am almost 19 and I have spent almost 4.5 years in and out of hospitals the 2 worst would have to be when I woke up mid surgery for appendicitis or when I got hit by a truck well I was on my bike he T-boned me at like 40kph and ran me over I had bad road rash broke my wrist and several ribs and cracked my knee cap it hurt to breathe for the next few months
Mine was when I was I think 13 or 12,I had a ecg or whatever that thing is that they measure your nerve feedback by sending electrical pulses through your arms and taking a needle and digging around in your nerve It was for my alner nerve
I needed to get a blood sample taken because of some sort of thing on my legs at the time. The nurse was an idiot. She kept shoving the needle into my arm- missing my frickin veins every single time. She gave up and ended up not getting any of my blood. So it was a w a s t e
It’s a toss up between acute pancreatitis and a bladder infection. Both are debilitating! People, please drink more water (bladder infection) and imbibe in moderation (pancreatitis).
When I was 18 and got a bacteria infection on my testicles. Felt like I was constantly being hit in the nuts, but that wasn't even the worst part of the infection. The pain from that elevates upwards into your torso and lower abdominal region. The only way I got to sleep that night was from continually passing out from the excruciating pain. What was even more stupid of me was that I had to drive 5 hours the next day, with extreme sleep deprivation and the almost certain possibility of passing out while driving on the highway.
OH GOD... NO..
@Jojo Momo I know, I definitely shouldn't have driven. I was young, scared and didn't want to go to the hospital by myself and I just wanted to see my family.
Severed_J Edwards how did you get it?
@@Chuked The Doc said it's a problem mainly caused from intercourse, so I have no idea how I contracted the bacteria then lol. I've always been a clean, healthy individual so fucks me how I got it.
1. when i was 8, i used to live in the south. i stepped on a fire ant hill.
2. in 7th grade, i was in gym playing some kind of game similar to soccer. a kid did a 360 kick and his foot and the ball hit me in the forehead. gym teacher dosent send me to the nurse ofc. so, im seeing stars. tell my social studies teacher abt it, and she sends me to the nurse. nurse does nothing. called my mom. she came an got me. takes me to the local walk in clinic, the doc there immediately sent me to the er. go to the er. doc there says i have a pretty decent concussion.
3. car accident.
4. extremely large and painful migraines
Physical: Botched cervical biopsy.
Emotional: My husband having a massive brain aneurysm and not remembering me for several months.
In my entire 11 (lol) years of life, my worst pain is when I had mono in the fourth grade. I woke up one morning, sweating profusely, can barely breathe. My parents took me to my pediatrician, and they said they didn’t know what was wrong with me. They sent me over to VCU where I was taken to the emergency room. My chest felt like it was being stabbed and eventually would explode from exhaustion and pain. It was awful. One of the worst parts was, I had to have a lot of needles stuck into me. I had to have a scan on my chest (don’t remember what kind? It was like a big circle thing I had to go in) and they had the thickest needle I’ve seen, and it really hurt. They thought it was pericarditis, but they didn’t think so. Definitely something wrong with my heart though. I stayed over night at the hospital, and then couldn’t run for the next year. EXACTLY a year went by when I got mono again. No hospital, but fever and head hurting for about a month. 0/10, would not recommend it.
3 year old me putting his hand in the Red Ant hill and a Scorpion when I was 8 it didt Sting me it did claw me though
Walking into the bathroom to find my mom dead. I felt my chest get crushed. I would never hug her again, never kiss her goodnight, etc. My whole life felt as if it had ended.
Thankfully, I woke up soon after...
those who have a google home: beware at 5:47. I was in my kitchen and we have three google homes on that particular floor and they all went off. Their response was so loud, they couldn't hear me so I had to run around and turn them off manually.
My sister had a cat scratch her cornea. She was screaming so fucking loud and I thought my dad would fucking murder the cat because he thought it attacked her on purpose.
Heaving through this entire thing
My wirst pain was going to the dentist when I was 7 and everytime I hear the word dentist I get anxious, worried, feel like imma pass out, throw up or be scared SHILESS
i am in my thirties en for some reason I have had trouble with the dentist with the for 2 simple reasons '1: yes I have a small mouth but that does not give you the right to get angry at me because I am telling you're ripping the corner of my mouth apart and that hurts 2: if sedative A does not work, give me a different one and don't treat a inflamed nerve without it and get angry because I am crying because I am in pain and don't understand why I still bloody feel it because you are not telling me that he bloody sedative does not work'
Was walking a dog. We went to the park and played. When it was time to go he wanted to lay in the grass a bit so we did. After like 15 mins I got up and my knee shifted and I will NEVER forget the pain. I was 26 when it happened. I'm 28 now. Anyway I called my mom if she could help and she couldn't because everyone was using the cars we shared and couldn't get to me. I had to walk a half mile back to my house but it honestly felt like 5. I was ok on the end and just needed to ice my knee. But the pain was unbearable.
Broke my hip clean in half after crashing into a tree head on at 70mph
Had one hell of a hangnail the other day...
My pencil breaking 5 times in a test
I'd say it's a three-way tie between the many migraines I've had over the course of my life, the after-pain of having my wisdom teeth taken out, and that time I broke my right pinkie toe.
Walking into a tree at 3 am and eating salty food the next day
A migraine for the last 43 days which is right now
Jumped off a swing at the age of 9, and landed on my back. It hurt so bad.
Hit a bad garbage can (metal) and hit my hip (in grade 5).
Slipped on ice and tweaked my wrist (grade 7)
Sprained an ankle (grade 2)
Worst physical pain for me was gallstones. Felt like I was constantly being punched and stabbed. Emotional pain is OCD and bipolar depression. There are a lot of other things that come pretty close too.
When an anchor hit me in the back. It hurt for a few weeks.
Bit through a piece of cantaloupe, cracking my wisdom tooth causing a hairline fracture...all the way down, to the root! Wouldn't wish that type, of pain on my worst enemy!
When both of my big toes had ingrown nails and this guy removed it, fr its worse then a heart-break
0:49 The reason the docs didn’t “use the anesthetic” when stitching is because kids don’t allow us to. They freak out and thrash around and it’s usually better to give lidocaine and stitch immediately and get it over with.
I don't think I've felt anything that can really compare to some of these.
I broke two fingers, my hand and fractured part of my arm once. That wasn't amazing.
I had an incident with a boxcutter a few years ago that tore my upper right arm up. The wound was deep but more than the pain was the blood loss.
And as someone in the video said - I have chronic sciatica. Chronic sciatica (from what I've read) hurts less than episodic sciatica does. But it still sucks sometimes. More than the actual pain it's just really exhausting.
In terms of emotional pain, losing a parent out of the blue and giving the eulogy at her funeral.
1: went flying like 15ft off a bouncy castle and landed on my legs on concrete, that didn’t feel nice (I still have photos of it but you probably wouldn’t want to see a pic of practically fully bruised and cut legs of a young kid)
2: had a stomach pain so severe I went to the hospital because they thought I had appendicitis
3: falling off a high chair, hitting my face off a table and splitting a bit of my jaw area open (the teeth dug in and I still have 2 scars from it)
I got two hip surgeries in the summer of 2018. After the first one, the pain meds they had given me weren't working. I woke up and felt everything. Keep in mind this surgery was to cut off and reattach the cartilage inside my hip socket, shave down a jagged part of my bone, and burn a shortened tendon back into place, all on top of deep incisions. Every time I was moved, the muscles around my hip would spasm violently. It took 18 hours for them to correct my meds. That was the worst 18 hours of my life. But man when they got me on the good meds I almost cried.
Physical: Sciatic Nerve, that day I felt it go was the the most painful of my life
Emotional: For 2 years I pulled myself out of a severely depressed, traumatised and suicidal hole. No one believed me so I did it myself.
Physical: childbirth. Other honorable mentions - dry socket on top of infection, pleurisy, gallbladder attack, severely sprained ankle.
Emotional: divorce, complete with my ex husband taking our daughter and poisoning her against me (it took years but that situation did a 180 praise be to God).
I used to play rugby, and some bastard tried to kick my knee cap off, tore the cruciate ligament, my knee cap ended around the side of my leg and I blacked out from the pain, woke up in the hospital, I had a leg in plaster for 2 months and another couple of months learning to walk again.
philw245 rugby is a brutal sport.
I suffered from horrible emetophobia (fear of vomiting) for a full 14 years. That nearly cost me my life, it ruined my entire social life, leaving the house wasn’t an option, my hands were constantly cracked and bleeding from all the hand washing, I couldn’t have physical contact with anyone, and I had so much anxiety that I was nauseous and had stomach aches at least 6 out of 7 days a week. That made it a whole lot worse, given that it was vomiting I was scared off. But I got CBT and I’m free of the phobia now, thank god. But I will never go through anything that horrible again.
Tonsillitis was super painful though.
1. Period cramps (p sure I have Endo because I have multiple stories)
2. Getting a huge plantar wart on my big toe frozen at the doctor
3. Full blown panic attacks
4. Appendicitis and the first couple days after surgery
Physical: Tie between getting the bandaid torn off my still-healing skinned knee when I was 5-7, and when I drink cold water in the morning and my throat closes up.
First made me scream, second makes me cry and silently beg for death. Burning and freezing at the same time - exhaling is my only relief, but then I have to inhale, and that makes the burning and freezing even worse.
Mental: I recently talked a friend out of committing suicide. For multiple occasions, I have a type of stress related epilepsy that sends me into absence seizures, and a few times, tonic-clonic seizures. Now, I don’t remember pain during these, because I lose all memory of them when they’re over and I pass out for a bit - I only know bits and pieces of info because I can actually still talk and send texts, but my memory becomes fucked to the point I type a message, send it, and don’t remember doing so. However, it’s what usually causes them that hurts. I’ve been suspicious that a certain event causes them, or more specifically, remembering it. I’m only able to remember it for a split second but when I do, holy shit. Chills and shivers and nausea through my body that makes me feel sick. The worst part is that Ive never been able to focus on the memory long enough to also write it down. Its honestly more irritating than painful, but it’s not fun.
Sorry for that essay, lol.
When I was 15 I had surgery for pectus excavatum, had an allergic reaction to the painkillers. Water retension and couldn't pee for an entire night, passed out from the pain. Woke up looking like a pregnant women who's 8 months pregnant. Having the pain from the surgery and from not being able to relieve myself. Needed a catheter put in and then had to completely get off of all painkillers, except for tylenol. This was the day after the surgery.
I’ve experienced gall stones, natural childbirth, pancreatitis and whooping cough with a broken rib. All excruciating. The pancreatitis was the worst though - with the other three I was scared I was dying, with pancreatitis, I was wishing for death.
Watching your loved one passed away in front of you. That tops my shingles pain
I have had over 24 surgeries. The WORST pain I ever felt after one was when they put a plate and screws in one bone and a long screw in another bone in my ankle because I slipped in mud and broke both outer bones in my ankle.
My hernia surgery, I broke 3 bones in my foot, and belly flopped off of a 40ft rope swing. I had 2 bone bruises from playing football. It felt like snapped my arm each time, it was weird. My dad's gf had a heavy garage door and I had pinched my middle finger in it, so my dad was like "we have to release the pressure so it doesn't hurt as bad". He decided to heat a needle and pierce my finger nail. My middle finger nail doesn't grow anymore.
The worst pain I've ever experienced was getting local anesthetic injected into the bottom of my foot so it could be stitched up after I stepped on a huge shard of broken glass. It was so bad I started to white out and the doctor had to yell for me to start counting aloud so I wouldn't pass out.
for me it was when i got a big old rusty 1930's carpenter's nail going through the bottom of my shoe, through the foot that was in the shoe, and through the top of my shoe when i was around 13 and stupidly poking around a collapsed 1930's house where my father and i went camping. cue the hour long trip to the ER, the nail removal, and the wound cleaning. the tetanus shot and antibiotics were a joy too
Cerebral shunt revision when I was 9. Imagine the worst headache you’ve ever had, then multiply it by 1000. Add to that I was vomiting almost constantly and couldn’t keep any food down.
More recently, I broke my foot and stupidly walked on it for a week, thinking it was a bad sprain.
Physical: getting an infected molar loosened and pulled
Emotional: parents fighting
I know i'm pretty weak compared to everyone else, but i'm that person who "better safe than sorry" so i go out of my way to not get hurt
Back in June, I was admitted into the ER because I had something going on with my chest (something like chest contusions). I had a pounding headache, my heart rate was concerningly fast, and it hurt to breathe. God, it hurt so bad; imagine that everytime you take a breathe you feel a sharp, intense stabbing pain in your chest. It literally felt like my heart was going to burst out of my chest or something. I hate crying in front of people, but as soon as I left the waiting room and they put me in a wheelchair, I just started bawling because the pain was so bad. 0/10 would not recommend :(
Physical: Tie between the bus accident that changed the curve of my spine and breaking my knuckle.
Emotional: starving for 5 weeks and seeing photos of my family eating a feast
I slept weird on my neck as a kid, and i has strained my neck so bad that i couldn't turn my head at all. Plus, the doctors had given me Vallium (Diazepam) for the pain. The pain was THAT bad.
Supa Animegal a similar thing happened to me. I got severe whiplash on a rollercoaster. I was bedbound
I had 5 kidney stones in a matter of a week, i had to lay in a bathtub on my side for hours to be comfortable
I agree with the people who said shingles and throwing your back out. The shingles felt like someone holding a lit match against my skin. When I threw my back out, I had excruciating pain and I could hardly walk. And it doesn’t take much to put your back out. The slightest odd move and bam!
One time I fell in the shower and heard a snap in my neck but i still had to shower and it hurt then I had a headache in one spot for the rest if the day...
Snapped 2 bones in my wrist and dislocated my thumb in a fall. Not as extreme as others here, but still hurt like hell.
I had nerve ablation. One dozen nerves from my spinal cord were burned off under local anesthesia and fentanyl. It didn't work. The doctor offered to reschedule for general anesthesia, but I told her to get it done. I wasn't doing it again.
I got a splinter under my thumb’s finger nail, but that wasn’t the worst part, my parents having to dig it out with needles and razors was the worst. Also eye surgery was pretty painful
This didn’t hurt but like went I first learned how to ride my bike I rode it SO MUCH that I had blisters all over my fingers
I pulled an abdominal muscle and it was especially painful when waking up from a nap and trying to move my body off the couch. Also dropped a wooden pallet vertically on my foot, but man this video makes those incidents seem like a walk in the park 😳
Absolutely astonishing
And... yeah... I jumped 90 feet. that hurt like hell. I hit concrete
Find Light In A New Page defuq
Explain what led to you doing that
@@f3r178 ..... me and my friend did it together. She landed in the water. My hip hit the concrete beside the water
Find Light In A New Page ooh my god! Are you ok now?
I jumped on my parents bed, stumbled, and flew head first into the edge of the door
Standing on a lego brick is pretty brutal
Worst pain I've felt is a broken manubrium (chest bone). You can't make any movement without 11/10 pain and feeling like you're going to snap in half. And pray to God you don't sneeze.
Liking someone who doesn’t like you back
Michael Giordano OOOOOOOOF
I was 27 or 28 and decided to get a German shepherd chow mix. Awesome dog. Cute as hell as a puppy. First night I had him he accidentally pawed my face and gave me a corneal abrasion. Largest one my optometrist has ever seen. It was so painful that I thought he destroyed my eye. Took forever to heal, and the vision is shit in that eye still to this day. Love that dog tho.
I'd have to update from the last one of these I commented on, it would have to be my joint/tendon/ligament in my big toe. (I suspect I injured the ligament/tendon that connected my fascia to my big toe)
That couldn't have come at a worse time though...right before New Year's so the wait to get an X-Ray to see if it was anything else was so long. (primary diagnosis from doctor was gout, which I still doubt)[I doubt it because when I play video games and my foot tenses up, I can see where it comes from]
2nd would be the time I nearly got impaled riding my bike. I thought I punctured something. (yea pretty much the same situation as the person who at 7 years old who rode down a hill only to crash into somebody's electrical box, but I was in middle school at the time of mine and the thing I rode into was a pole.)
Playing minecraft survival hardcore for 2 years and about 5 months and died by a SIMPLE ZOMBIE I legit cried ammnd in 16
IDK WTF it was but it was a serious, relentless pain in my shoulder. I was away south in England and had drunk about 2 pints. It hit like a hammer and I couldn't sit still or be quiet, it was so bad. Thankfully the friend driving me home was very understanding and even stopped to get some paracetamol to see if it would help. It got so bad I passed out in his car. Woke up about an hour later. It had faded to a dull ache but wasn't gone.
I feel really bad about putting him through that but am thankful he helped me as best he could. Especially since, in my throws of pain, I accidentally spilled half a pint of beer in his car. Yikes.
Damn. The worst I've ever felt was having a particularly sensitive tooth drilled with not enough anesthetic. These makes that entire experience look like small potatoes.
Romantic Doggo: This channel feels the need for some puppy love
stuff like this is why I wish I could have the power to remove other's pain no matter how unbearable it is just any amount of pain to be instantly removed and they feel nothing I would sacrifice anything to have that power it would be especially good for if there dying a painful death so instead they can just die peacefully and not have to suffer
The worst pain I’ve ever felt is when I fell and broke the hardest bone to break in a human body my femur and I’m still recovering from this because this wasn’t too long ago anyway it took 5 minutes for people to realize that my bone was moving in my body I had to get moved from bed to bed in the hospital which hurt I could eat or drink too much and I couldn’t move my bad positioned leg or else the bone would piece my skin and then I had to get transferred to another hospital and there’s this one bump that lifted me off the bed and I fell back down I got lifted 1-2 feet and it hurt then I got moved beds a lot and got surgery but now what I’m still doing learning how to walk the 2nd day after the surgery I couldn’t move and after that I’ve been practicing but this is the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life.
On my 11th birthday I got on a wall to do the Badger dance and I fell off and impaled my leg on a railing.
this is emotional pain:
so im a recently discovered bisexual, and one day i walked away from my best friend because i just felt like we didn't really click anymore. we just seemed so distant.
now i regret it, because it was probably just me developing feelings for her and everything was fine. i overreacted and now we are so far apart.
3:35 Oh my god, reading that makes my teeth hurt.
I'm only 14 years old but the worst pain I'd experienced so far was when I had fiber glass up and down my arms on both sides of the arm. Both arms to.
Emotional pain I'd say was when my dad was drunk and he punched a whole through my bathroom wall. I was 7 then. Pretty emotional stuff for a kid to see.
Double ear infection. For 2 weeks there was nothing but pain. I couldn't think, i couldn't sleep. There was no me, there was only intense pain without relief
I got burned (2nd degree) by dry ice on both legs. oh my gosh I couldn’t sleep because of the pain. That has gotta be the worst
Having horrible migraines that lasted all day and used to get then once or twice a week and this goes on for a year or two and in the middle of the second year I also got lyme disease and the migraines where almost every day and sometimes couldn’t move because of the joint pain and on top of that a horrible sunburn all on my back and shoulders that even if I lightly touched it would be very very painful. This was when I was like twelve and had to move into a new house so I had to try and help move when I was in all of that pain. Ever since that I only have headaches that occur once a week and last a few hours and migraines that happen up to twice a month, but normal once a month.
i stepped on a lego and it got stuck in the skin on my foot
Worst pain i ever felt was a broken heart.
i believe my colon was backed up and clogged because i have an extremely terrible bathroom schedule (like once a week) and it took two days and the fecal matter i produced was as wide as one of those large reusable cups you get at big movies at the movie theater and it felt like i crapped out an NFL helmet
kind of hard to think of
I had some nerves die in one of my teeth. The nerve started to become narcotic and I had a hot tooth. I had a root canal to fix it but it never went numb and I felt everything
Cracked wisdom tooth, it hurt so bad I was crying on the floor of my shower.
i had 4 laxxatives once.
the abdominal cramps i had were majestic af
My dad really told me mutiple times that i will have kidney stones
Getting electrocuted by my PC's power source cuz I was dumb enough to be holding the thing as I plugged it in.
A part of the upper section from the bunk bed I was disassembling falling onto my back.
Probably a very bad ear infection I had when I was 11, also the aftermath of having my wisdom teeth pulled
When I had just come off a blocker from a surgery the hard pain meds did nothing .... in a way I wished they didn't even give me it in the first place.
I was riding my bike, and went out on a rainy day with two of my friends. We were crossing the road, when my bike slipped on the wet roads. My bike started swaying like crazy, and hit my friends bike. I fell off, flew like 10 feet in the air and slided 5 meters on the mere road. My left leg broke, and had cuts all over my arms and legs, even a couple of 'em on my face. The broken leg was the most awful, i just wanted to die
The terrible "Jim Beam", headache, in the early stages of the dreaded hangover, after a long drinking binge, (In my heavy drinking days.) It felt like someone was pounding my head with a sledge hammer!! Not Fun!!
Top 4 most pain I ever felt
Number 4: Breaking my shoulder (they made me lift both my arms up to get my shirt off)
Number 3: breaking my arm
(Fell of a 19 foot play structure that's all I could remember)
Number 2: broke my finger (thought it would be a good idea to stick my finger in the silver bit of the bike wheel when the bike wheel was moving it hurt like fuck)
Number 1: mountain bike riding and I did some air time but went over the handle bars 10 foot in the air snapping my leg and after a log wait for the hospital the doctor wrapped a bandage so tight around my leg it went green and almost had to have it amputated.
Bonus: bladder infection sat on the toilet for hours trying to do a number 2 but it kept feeling like my bladder was expanding it hurt so much I was dripping in sweat
Having a bearing seize on your roller skates and fly into the other side of the half pipe at almost full speed
"Wonder why it took you so long to ride a bike"
I can't ride a bike....
...and im 12
I cant and I'm 14
My dad couldn’t until he was 10, so he taught me at 3. I fell lucky.
It’s okay I’m 15 and I just learned to tie my shoes lmao
No one has it worse than my uncle. He wet his bed until either 14 or 16 I forgot exactly.
Accidentally dropping a cutting board horizontally on my big toe.
It doesn't sound that bad, but my god, my toe swelled to about twice it's size, turned black and the toe nail fell off. Felt like a hammer was being slammed against my big toe every time I moved it. Lasted about a week.
2nd place is probably getting my mouth slammed against a pole. Broke my left central and lateral incisors and pushed most of my front teeth up into my gums. Hurt like F U C K, but not for as long as the former
How about child birth? That shit ain't no joke, 2 runner ups, migraines and toothaches
Also the day I found out my dad died. We got a call he was hit by a car and my mom went to go see and while she was coming back I got a call from my aunt so when I asked if he was okay she said yeah. I was joking with my siblings about him and how of course he was okay because it wasn’t Christmas yet and he wouldn’t leave us alone for Christmas! Mom came back and we were excited for the good news that he was okay and she dropped a fucking nuke on us. I pointed and screamed and called her a liar while we sobbed and all the grief shit.
I am almost 19 and I have spent almost 4.5 years in and out of hospitals the 2 worst would have to be when I woke up mid surgery for appendicitis or when I got hit by a truck well I was on my bike he T-boned me at like 40kph and ran me over I had bad road rash broke my wrist and several ribs and cracked my knee cap it hurt to breathe for the next few months
Mine was when I was I think 13 or 12,I had a ecg or whatever that thing is that they measure your nerve feedback by sending electrical pulses through your arms and taking a needle and digging around in your nerve
It was for my alner nerve
A spinal tap with no anaesthetic , at 27 it still hurts I’m now 48 ...
I needed to get a blood sample taken because of some sort of thing on my legs at the time. The nurse was an idiot. She kept shoving the needle into my arm- missing my frickin veins every single time. She gave up and ended up not getting any of my blood. So it was a w a s t e
Muscle spasms after a major leg surgery when I was 8.
It’s a toss up between acute pancreatitis and a bladder infection. Both are debilitating! People, please drink more water (bladder infection) and imbibe in moderation (pancreatitis).
I got gasoline in my ear...change your life pain
Love is magic