What's Something Funny You Accidentally Did On Auto Pilot? (r/AskReddit)

  • Опубліковано 17 вер 2024


  • @theycallmerainy2010
    @theycallmerainy2010 4 роки тому +16

    One time I got up, bathed, brushed my teeth (etc etc), grabbed my book bag and cell, then headed to the bus stop to do my homework and listen to music. When I finally looked at the the time I realized three things:
    1. it was 3AM
    2. it was Saturday
    3. I hate full moons

  • @Harry-xu2yn
    @Harry-xu2yn 4 роки тому +18

    I love how 2 people managed to throw their chicken soup/stock down the sink, and appear on the same subreddit.

  • @ladyweasellou3367
    @ladyweasellou3367 2 роки тому +5

    After my husband and I got married we were driving home late at night and he tried to drop me off at my parents house like he was returning me before curfew. He made it all the way to their street before realizing why I was laughing.

    • @esmooth919
      @esmooth919 Рік тому +1

      This is adorable, heartwarming, and hilarious, all at the same time.

  • @ghostlyme
    @ghostlyme 4 роки тому +3

    4:19 I guess you could say that cat was pretty chill

  • @Kikilang60
    @Kikilang60 4 роки тому +10

    Me and my wife wake up earily in the dark. The cat waits outside the door. My wife picks up the cat and kiss it on the head. We are both tired, and it dark. My wife pick up the cat by the wrong end. I say, "DON't KISS'EM, you got the wrong end." My wife looks down, and flips the cat around, and give him a kiss.

  • @matilder
    @matilder 4 роки тому +20

    I put the cereal in the fridge and the milk in a draw
    I've dipped a chip in soda
    I ran into a pole and said "sorry"

  • @Quantum-Bullet
    @Quantum-Bullet 4 роки тому +6

    So remember kids, get enough sleep!
    And I suppose a non monotonic job.

  • @quantumraptor1485
    @quantumraptor1485 4 роки тому +4

    I work at McDonald’s in the kitchen and sometimes I go on auto pilot and either forget whatever customization is on and make it normal or make a completely different burger completely.

  • @desslou
    @desslou 4 роки тому +4

    I was once working two jobs. One answering phones at a car dealership, one in a restaurant. Sometimes both jobs in the same day. Many times, answered the restaurant phone saying the greeting from the dealership. Confused customers.

  • @yungspace6998
    @yungspace6998 4 роки тому +21

    I opened the utensils drawer in my kitchen and just poured milk in it,realized what i was doing a solid 3 seconds later,surprisingly my mom just laughed and helped me clean it up

  • @connorofbells
    @connorofbells 4 роки тому +13

    I do karate and every time we syep on or off the mat where we practice, we have to bow towards some pictures of my teacher’s mentors on the wall. This has caused me to get into a weird habit of bowing when I step on or off of a curb.

  • @chriskjorstad
    @chriskjorstad 4 роки тому +3

    I just imagine a drunkin self going... “so..your dog? Who is... he?”

  • @plattepuss66
    @plattepuss66 4 роки тому +12

    These always make me laugh so hard I need my inhaler, lol.

  • @carollynch8319
    @carollynch8319 4 роки тому +4

    I was making tuna sandwiches and koolaid with my last can of tuna and last pack of grape koolaid. I don’t remember what I was thinking about just being very tired.
    I made the tuna salad then opened the koolaid and poured it into the tuna salad. I stood there watching it turn purple trying to figure out what was wrong. After a minute or so I decided I shouldn’t be in the kitchen, threw away the mess and went to bed.

  • @esmooth919
    @esmooth919 Рік тому +2

    Sometimes, I'll drive home on autopilot, and when I get home, I'll come to myself, and be like, "How the hell did I get here?"

  • @wadel.2465
    @wadel.2465 4 роки тому +3

    Not me, but my this happened to my friend the other day (like 3 days ago) We were talking and laughing, and because of that our teacher asks: “ do you want to be in here?” So my friend says: “No” so the teacher just kinda stares blankly at him trying to register what he just said, I started laughing, and in an attempt of redemption he just said something along the lines of, “I mean yes!”

  • @kaylee8130
    @kaylee8130 4 роки тому +3

    I once put on my helmet and walked all the way to school no bike just walking while wearing a helmet wouldn’t have been to bad if it was the only time it ever happened.. it happened twice I’ll never live it down 😂

  • @Icieyou
    @Icieyou 4 роки тому +3

    "stepped on a cheeto and apologized to it" that's fuckin hilarious!

  • @Metaljacket420
    @Metaljacket420 4 роки тому +22

    Am I the only one who thought this was going to be things people did while on Auto Pilot in their Tesla?

  • @emilhund
    @emilhund 4 роки тому +2

    A friend took out the garbage, the dog and her bag. She threw away the bag, put the dog in the car and walked her garbage...

  • @MorgaineRiddlePrince
    @MorgaineRiddlePrince 4 роки тому +1

    Got to work, worked, went home, slept, woke up 7.01 thinking I overslept, went to work, apologized for being late... it was the same day. I meet at 7 am, it was 7pm...

    • @DavidLLambertmobile
      @DavidLLambertmobile 4 роки тому

      I've been so tired & strung out, I woke up at 600pm thinking it was 600am...

  • @stripe1919ify
    @stripe1919ify 4 роки тому +2

    Saw some cereal on a high shelf and was very tired. Stare at it for a while and after wondering why i couldnt reach it i had thought of a brilliant idea. I took of my pants and stood on them for more height. Then i realized wtf i was doing

  • @mitchallen174
    @mitchallen174 4 роки тому +1

    Went to pour syrup onto my waffles but poured half a gallon of milk onto my plate

  • @kv518
    @kv518 4 роки тому +1

    I cracked an egg into the garbage and chucked the shell into the bowl

  • @notapenguin928
    @notapenguin928 Місяць тому

    Used to work at a shop a block or so away from my old uni. I get off at the same bus stop but just walk around 5 minutes less than when I was studying. Went on auto pilot one day and kept walking past the shop and into the main entrance of the campus. I was confused, staring at the gate for a good 10 seconds, before I realized what happened.

  • @noldorwarrior7791
    @noldorwarrior7791 9 місяців тому

    I have a piece of modelling clay besides my PC monitor. When im busy watching a movie or attending an online call, i pick it up and my hands start to make/improvise the weirdest figurine i couldnt ever imagine. I think such shape would fit into a Lovecraftian setting. lol

  • @Karthos1000
    @Karthos1000 Рік тому

    I recently got a wireless charger, and mentioned to some friends when they came over that it wasn't a coaster, cause it kinda looks like one. Flash forward to just a few days ago, I set my phone down to charge. On a coaster. Similarly, I have occasionally set my phone down in my fridge. I also tend to put ice cream back in the fridge instead of the freezer, but I USUALLY catch it in time.
    I autopiloted my car to my old work a few times when I'm going somewhere else, though it's been a few years since I've done that.
    Sometimes, when I'm really tired and/or speaking to a real person for the first time in a long time, I will insert punctuation into my sentences the way I do when I'm using speech to text for composition.
    Painful cooking autopilot. I'm cooking salmon in the oven and the recipe calls for it to be turned over. Using my oven mitt I pull the tray with the salmon out, set the oven mitt aside and use the spatula to turn the fish over. Grab the pan (that's been in the 500 degree oven) to steady it. I have just one infinitesimal moment for my brain to realize what I've done, and the only thought that goes through my head is "oh s***" before the pain starts. I've since recovered from that, but I couldn't use the hand for weeks without pain. (Fortunately, it was my left hand and I'm right handed.)

  • @esmooth919
    @esmooth919 Рік тому +1

    A lot of these are basically "I've been working here too long!" stories.

  • @Axl4325
    @Axl4325 3 роки тому

    2:20 same, happened like twice when I was in highschool, then I checked the clock and whoops it was 2 am. Just went back to sleep with everything still on lol

  • @crazynats367
    @crazynats367 4 роки тому +1

    1:42 why did I laugh so hard at this?

  • @BigDaddy-je2nq
    @BigDaddy-je2nq 4 роки тому

    Brought a carton of milk out to my shed for some reason drunk

  • @skittles7773
    @skittles7773 4 роки тому +3

    Not exactly funny but sometimes when I ride my dirt bike and ride down boring roads I space out and somehow don’t crash lol.

  • @asperg8735
    @asperg8735 4 роки тому +3

    1:12 turn on the subtitles, lul

  • @hansenyan6217
    @hansenyan6217 4 роки тому +1

    i took off my dirty boots then accidentally wore another boot, then i realized. After changing by boots i started walking toward the kitchen and realized i wore the dirty boots again

  • @maddygrabham136
    @maddygrabham136 4 роки тому

    Autopilot controls me for the first few hours after waking up early. Sometimes it extends into my classes at school and I just end up saying things that I think are normal but kinda aren’t. I semi remember them but also don’t remember saying them. I then ask ppl once I have woken up properly whether or not I said it since it’s so distant in my memory. My mum gets the worst of it since she sees me first in the morning

  • @baileelewis3622
    @baileelewis3622 4 роки тому +1

    I almost threw my dirty clothes in the trash once

  • @renakunisaki
    @renakunisaki Місяць тому

    Waiting for light to change to cross the road. Light turns green. Start crossing. Realize there are cars in front of me. Realize I was looking at the wrong light.

  • @acekhar570
    @acekhar570 4 роки тому +1

    I keep accidentally throwing my pen after i zone back in... Ill be in the zone and just doing my job then when i come back to reality i just throw my pen on the floor... I dont know why...i cant explain it...ill just zone back in and throw my pen down on the floor, and before you ask, no im not scared of my pen.

  • @marilliel
    @marilliel Місяць тому

    Got off work, and I was used to texting my bf whenever I was finished so I could tell him about stupid customers (food service/cashier work) and recently it was around 10pm when my shift ended and I typed out a long story about how some obviously high lady had yelled at me and then realized that we had broken up a few days before :(

  • @MJ-zf8fk
    @MJ-zf8fk 3 роки тому

    One time I needed to talk to my English teacher about something and I'd asked my friend to nag at me to ask because otherwise I'd panic and I wouldn't do it, so she kept telling me to ask and I was saying "no" by shaking my head, mouthing the word, and through sign language, since we both know how to say no in British Sign Language, and the teacher says my name and I nearly replied with "No."
    Also there have been multiple times when I've forgotten my name, the worst being in an exam where I literally sat down at the desk, very stressed, saw the namecard on the table that had my name on it and went, "Wait, what's my name again?" To myself. Not verbally of course, I do not like exams and I do not like getting in trouble.

  • @gnarthdarkanen7464
    @gnarthdarkanen7464 4 роки тому

    Backstory.... Electronics are a bit of a hobby, so I collect DC power sources of just about any variety, shape, voltage and power rating... Often in salvaging equipment or parts, there's enough wrong to blow a transformer, so I try never to pay much for them, and often "scrounge" them out of dumpsters. DC is generally reasonably safe, so "licking" the terminals while powered on only results in a lingering tingle or very minor discomfort on the tongue...
    Autopilot... This morning...
    Recently procured a Power Source rated for 18 Volts at 3 Amps (about 54Watts)... so reasonably safe... AND energized it from a nearby drop cord... stuck the probes to the contacts and couldn't get a DC volts number... Plugged a lamp into the cord, and it lit right up when switched on... SO changed the multimeter, and tried the Power Source again... still nothing. Put the contacts to my tongue and immediately regretted it, as drool even started rolling down my chin and my tongue felt like I'd just stuck it to my (also antique) cattle prod...
    Read the Power Source more closely and the rating clearly says, "18 VAC 56Watts on output"... SO switched the meter over to AC Volts and sure enough... It works... and I have since recovered (as said before low volts don't usually pose much danger)... except (of course) for my pride.
    Never ever trouble shoot electrical or electronic gear before the morning coffee. ;o)

  • @niallsactualgf
    @niallsactualgf 2 роки тому

    I poured milk in my chowder

  • @theasandys
    @theasandys 2 роки тому

    Sometimes I’ll randomly switch accents (or even languages) mid-conversation

  • @ellienorthrop9170
    @ellienorthrop9170 4 роки тому +1

    I went to put the ice cream in the pantry

  • @amberriche30
    @amberriche30 4 роки тому

    My friends and I are real jokesters so at work I lighth heartedly told my coworker to fuck off and burst into laughter. I apologized but that didn't really matter much to her

  • @bobthompson4319
    @bobthompson4319 4 роки тому +1

    i put tv remote in the fridge it took a long time to it. lol

    • @DavidLLambertmobile
      @DavidLLambertmobile 4 роки тому

      I've put my TV & my VCR 📼 remote on top of my refrigerator. 😁

  • @PalestarPoppy
    @PalestarPoppy Рік тому +3

    Whilst watching this I heard my brother scream and instantly double-tapped to rewind so I could hear it again and figure out what the hell had just happened. When I didn’t hear his scream again I realized what I had done and just continued watching the video. Turns out he had just won a fight on a game he was playing.

  • @DavidLLambertmobile
    @DavidLLambertmobile 4 роки тому

    I was in Pensacola FL, 2004 and doing armed security 👮🏻‍♂️ for 7wk. After 🌀 Ivan. I was in a Ford Taurus rental 🚘 & began to zone out. I put the Ford in D then rolled over a parking lot barrier. 😲. The loud noise made me jar awake! I left that post about 4 days later.

  • @theresistance3736
    @theresistance3736 4 роки тому

    Said thankyou instead of saying you're welcome

  • @PearlBlaze
    @PearlBlaze 3 роки тому +1

    While listening to this I made a stupid mistake on my paper..
    I was trying to find a color for a character I was drawing and I went to a different page to see which pencil crayon would work for the character..
    After getting to that other page I went back to the page I was drawing on and scribbled the pencil on the wrong pagedxtripdylfilitfupft
    Sorry if this is stupid I'm tired and dont feel like fixing anything

  • @nicholasnguyen5181
    @nicholasnguyen5181 4 місяці тому

    Love is magic

  • @djrios7483
    @djrios7483 4 роки тому

    Love is magic.
    C'mon doggo I'm desparate

  • @ariavachier-lagravech.6910
    @ariavachier-lagravech.6910 4 роки тому +2

    Sex on my Tesla
    Hmm what???
    What do you mean this is not about Tesla autopilot???

  • @drivethrupoet
    @drivethrupoet 4 роки тому

    I take my kid to school in my PJs and with the dog then go home to dress before going to the office. More than once I've driven past my neighborhood and parked at the office like that.

  • @vickiesmith3021
    @vickiesmith3021 5 місяців тому

    Thank you so much for your video.

  • @LocseryuOfficial
    @LocseryuOfficial 2 роки тому

    8:44 reminds me of a scene in brooklynn 99

  • @marygames8003
    @marygames8003 3 місяці тому

    Love is maggic, lol.

  • @bitzelijoschaevci3444
    @bitzelijoschaevci3444 4 роки тому

    "Love is magic"

  • @luissantiago5163
    @luissantiago5163 4 роки тому

    Oh this is going to be a rollercoaster

  • @joonix.
    @joonix. 4 роки тому +1


  • @sams_enfp
    @sams_enfp 3 роки тому

    8:51 marital as in marriage? hmmmmmmmmmmmm

  • @lilaolsen5918
    @lilaolsen5918 4 роки тому +1

    Your dog. Who is he?

  • @NonMeaCulpa
    @NonMeaCulpa 4 роки тому

    This is the good stuff.

  • @ooohshablewsha608
    @ooohshablewsha608 4 роки тому +1

    So the other day i was mixing water with those like tang drink mixes i usually squeeze the bottle with my left and hold the water with my right but i reversed it and shook the tang bottle but then realized it and started shaking the water...without a cap on it

  • @KoramNRdz
    @KoramNRdz 4 роки тому +1

    Mmmmmmmmmmmm made me laugh.

  • @Rainbowdragon2
    @Rainbowdragon2 2 роки тому

    Why is that office worker wearing a teddy bear fursuit at the beginning of the video?

  • @RoadRunnerMedia
    @RoadRunnerMedia 4 роки тому

    Do u know that love is magic

  • @SweeterGull
    @SweeterGull 4 роки тому

    I ate my homework

  • @vexiture
    @vexiture 4 роки тому

    8th place

  • @twineberry
    @twineberry 4 роки тому

    First like!!

  • @matthewhalo1799
    @matthewhalo1799 4 роки тому +1

    I thwew a gwazz bowl intwo the twass wawz nowt vewy owo ov me

    • @Bob-zb5iq
      @Bob-zb5iq 4 роки тому +2


    • @matilder
      @matilder 4 роки тому +1

      I don't know if this is a furry or a child

    • @matthewhalo1799
      @matthewhalo1799 4 роки тому +1

      I want to use a copypasta I’m so utterly deeply offended
      you dare criticize the owo?
      ^Take my like peasant*

  • @kahilfisher7369
    @kahilfisher7369 9 місяців тому

    Love is magic

  • @rabbitlord-7775
    @rabbitlord-7775 4 роки тому

    Love is magic

  • @maximilia7240
    @maximilia7240 4 роки тому

    Love is magic