The scientific evidence of a flat stationary plane is obvious to those with a critical mind, the first step to obtaining essential thought is to have an open mind, we concur with his sentiments regarding ballers,“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.” ― W.C. Fields
@@MrScaramoosh - so you are baffled with bullshit when presented with the simple logic that it is impossible to be both inside and outside a circle at the same time?
I'm the observatory director for a small radio astronomy observatory in Canada. We need to be able to point our dish to within 0.1deg to get good data. Weird how the mathematical model we use via software, called an "ephemeris" just works. WE can ask it "where is the Sun right now" and point our dish right at it, then track it. Since flat-earth has NO mathematical model for this, there's NO possibility of doing this on a flat earth. Yet, we can and do make accurate observations nearly every day. If they're all just grifters, some of them aren't making a whole lot from their grift. Maybe take up something more lucrative and hones...
Was glad to see your response. I'm an Amateur Radio operator who does long haul HF communication all over the globe using an azimuth rotating directional antenna that transmits and receives on 7 MHz though 50 MHz. When rotating the beam to get the strongest signal strengths (especially in the southern hemisphere / north America to down under for example), the dirt pizza map just doesn't work. Even from the west coast to Japan for example doesn't work. You can demonstrate this over and over again. The paths for this RF propagation only works on a globe model. As you rotate the antenna and listen to a signal coming from Australia to the west coast of the US, it's simply dramatic. The increase in signal strength in micro volts is dramatic and demonstrable as you rotate to 240 - 250 degrees from the west coast states. End of story. The software that calculates these azimuth directions for my beam antenna works perfectly using the globe model. If I were to use azimuth directions using the dirt pizza map, when pointing to Australia , I would be off by 90 degrees or more... it simply doesn't work and you can hear the signals decrease or even get so week you can't hear them any more use using your ear or by watching a microvolt based S meter on an HF transceiver as the HF Yagi antenna rotates. 1000's of amateur radio operators all over the globe (not all over the dirt pizza) do this everyday with our own equipment. Those that use directional antennas, all use the globe model and math to calculate the azimuth directions to point our antennas at each other. It's yet another demonstrable nail in the coffin of flat earth.
@@petermarkley He is not going to make a model. It won't help him either since the prevailing narrative (following Dubays recent garbage) is that none of this was real in the first place.
So when the earth was believed to be a stationary globe for hundreds of years in the geocentric globe model, then coppernicus came and told everyone the earth goes around the sun and its heliocentric. Was he also committing a reification fallacy?
@ No, because it didn’t happen that way. Nobody just “came and told everyone.” It was a theory based in evidence that, *gradually over a hundred years and with groundbreaking work from many different scientists,* gained acceptance as true while the evidence for it grew continually.
I hope you realise that Charles Darwin also didn't "came and told everyone". We should set up a TFE2, where Will and others are shown why the astro/physics scientists who accept the globe are within a single percentage point of the Earth/life scientists who accept the theory of evolution.
Duffy is a liar, this didn't prove anything 🙄 why did he delete his video saying Steven Alonso won ALL 3 challenges? Now he said no flat earthers predicted anything right???
@@briancash1405 That's because no Flerf made correct predictions based on a FE. Using the Globe for your predictions, aren't FE predictions. Now, small children can understand that, why can't you? Is it because you're lying to yourself, or is it because you're lying to yourself?
copium (uncountable) (Internet slang, originally 4chan) A metaphorical opiate taken in order to cope with loss or disillusionment, often leading to one becoming detached from reality and in denial of their situation.
@@peronkoptraction with whom? The mindless cult sheep of flerftardia? That’s ok. They don’t procreate at the same rate as the rest of the intelligent world.
And, for good measure, Here are over 100 things FE can't explain, but the globe can: You have - 1. No working model, or accurate undistorted map which has the same scale everywhere. 2. No idea what a working model would actually look like and why it is needed. 3. No clue about the differences between ideas, hypotheses, laws and theories. 4. No idea what evidence actually is and how hypotheses should be tested, so completely clueless about how science actually works, which means that you routinely deny the very same science whose products you use to promulgate your science denial. 5. No idea how logical arguments work or what the burden of proof is. 6. No idea that it is provably impossible to convert a flat surface into a curved one, or vice versa, without introducing cuts, distortions and/or creases. 7. No way to determine proper distances, or directions between two point on a flat earth not sharing the same longitude. 8. No explanation for how the sun and the moon circle the earth, or how the sun migrates from the tropic of Capricorn to the tropic of Cancer and back over the year, speeding up and slowing down as it does so. 9. No plausible explanation for lunar phases. 10. No explanation at all for sun set and sun rise. 11. No explanation at all for moon set and moon rise. 12. No explanation that is consistent with any of your other ludicrous ideas for the seasons. 13. No explanation for why Foucault’s pendulum does what it does, such that you can use it to determine your latitude. 14. No explanation for long distance flight routes being great circles and not straight lines. 15. No explanation for how long distance routes, or even physical objects like under-sea cables, that form closed loops on the surface of the earth can describe triangles whose interior angles sum to more than 180 degrees, or whose start and end points no longer line up when drawn on a flat earth. 16. No idea why the ancient Greeks such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Eratosthenes and Aristarchus believed the earth was a sphere. 17. No idea what P and S shockwaves detected by seismology equipment tells us about the internal structure of the earth, and the shape and dimensions of the surface of the earth. 18. No idea what powers the sun and the stars. 19. No idea of the distance to the stars. 20. No clue as to why almost all stars don't appear to change position in the sky from opposite sides of earth's orbit around the sun (parallax), so that we can only use the parallax method for measuring the distance of stars that are closest to the earth. 21. No comprehension that “closest to the earth” is still a very long way: the European Space Agency's Gaia mission is able to measure parallax angles to an accuracy of 10 microarcseconds, thus mapping nearby stars (and potentially planets) up to a distance of tens of thousands of light-years from Earth. 22. No idea that, luckily, Polaris is both a star near enough that we can determine the distance to it using parallax, and also a Cepheid variable star, which means we can use the predictable properties of Cepheid variables as a standard to measure the distance to much more distant Cepheid variables. 23. No idea that Cepheid variables and Type 1a supernovae enable us to measure the distances to other galaxies. 24. No comprehension of what red shift is, how it is measured, how it correlates with other distance measurements and therefore how it enables us to measure distances over billions of light years. 25. No idea what stellar proper motion is or that Barnard’s star has the largest at just over 10 arc seconds a year, meaning the “fixed stars” aren’t fixed but change their positions over time. 26. No idea that 5000 years ago the Egyptians identified the star closest to the celestial north pole as Thuban, that in a few thousand years time it will be Alpha Cephei, and that these motions are caused by the precession (wobbling) of the earth’s axis. 27. No idea of the distance from the earth to the planets, or even much about them at all. 28. No idea about how exo-planets are discovered and their properties analysed. 29. No idea how Neptune was discovered. 30. No idea why binary stars obey Newton's law of gravitation. 31. No comprehension of how stars evolve under the competing influences of their own gravity and nuclear fusion. 32. No explanation for the origin of the elements. 33. No explanation for the observed relative abundance of hydrogen and helium in the universe. 34. No concept of what the cosmic microwave background even is, let alone its significance or an explanation for its formation. 35. No idea what the significance is of the precession of the perihelion of Mercury. 36. No explanation as to why we can only see 59% of the total surface area of the moon when, from a flat earth perspective we should be able to see most of it, including the dark side of the moon. 37. No idea why the moon appears upside down in the southern hemisphere compared to how it looks in the northern hemisphere, and why the phases of the moon are on opposite sides of the Moon, and why it looks circular from all vantage points on the earth. 38. No idea why sunspots appear to rotate around the sun in the opposite direction in the southern and northern hemispheres, or even what sun spots are. 39. No idea what causes the aurora, or how these are correlated with solar events such as flares and coronal mass ejections. 40. No idea what magnetic fields are, how they are formed, and why they are (almost) always dipoles; or how this determines how magnetic compasses work. 41. No believable explanation for how GPS is implemented across the world. 42. No clue that GPS actually compensates for time dilation, a relativistic effect, and that if it didn't do so the error in your location would grow to over 7 miles in a single day. 43. No explanation as to why aircraft carry ring laser gyros onboard capable of detecting the rotation of the earth, or how such a gyro works so that when it measures a drift rate of 15 degrees an hour (“thanks Bob”) we know it is a reliable measurement of the earth’s rotation. 44. No idea that, despite flat earther’s misinformation on the subject, lasers have been used to measure the curvature of the earth many many times; you can even do it by shining a torch through two boards with holes in them set a sufficient distance apart (“interesting”). 45. No idea how it is possible to develop gravitational maps of the earth's surface, or why anyone would want one, or how they could be used. 46. No clue that before satellite based geodesy we used the deviation from vertical in a plumb line caused by the rotation of the earth to determine that the earth is indeed an oblate spheroid where the equatorial radius is about 21km more than the polar radius. 47. No clue either that since satellite geodesy became viable around 1980 we have been able to refine these measurements so that we now know that the southern hemisphere bulges slightly more than the northern hemisphere, by about 5m, making the earth “pear shaped”. 48. No explanation for how eclipses work, especially lunar eclipses (including selenelion eclipses), or how to predict them correctly. 49. No idea why the Humber bridge, the Verrazzano Narrows bridge, and many other bridges with long spans are built to account for the earth's curvature such that their supporting towers are not parallel to each other. 50. No clue that civil engineers routinely take the earth’s curvature into account on any structure large enough for it to matter.
so the answer to your questions are 1. reasons/magic 2. reasons/magic 3. reasons/magic 4. reasons/magic 5. reasibs/magic 6. reasons/magic 7. reasons/magic 8. reasons/magic 9. reasons/magic 10. reasons/magic 11. nu uhhh 12. nu uhhh 13. nu uhhh 14. nu uhhh 15. nu uhh 16. nu uhh 17. nu uhh 18. nu uhh 19. nu uhh 20 nu uhh 21.-50 reapeat , repeat and reapeat 30 more times
TRIGGER WARNING: The globe model is an archaic and scientifically disproven conception of earth's shape as a geoid potato 🥔, a pear🍐 or oblate turd💩. Globers ask questions in the form of a BS GLOBE CLAIM. BS GLOBE CLAIMS = NO GLOBE Large body of water at rest = FLAT STATIONARY PRESSURIZED Dome ⌒ + Water ꕀꕀꕀꕀꕀ = ⌓ model -------------------------------FL/\T E/\RTH ...water above and below. horizontal means flat or level, and parallel to level ground, not some uniform distance above sea level, WATER forms a level over long distance debunking the globe. Flat maps predate the globe because everyone knew earth is flat and followed the FLAT EARTH PARADIGM Everyone walks their own path seeking truth. If your path takes longer that is your choice. Globe nonsense: we came from nothing for no reason. In the Bible, the firmament is a solid dome that YHWH created to separate the primal sea into upper and lower portions, allowing dry land to appear. Dome ⌒ + Water ꕀꕀꕀꕀꕀ = ⌓ model -------------------------------FL/\T E/\RTH Shape of flat earth is self evident : FLAT PLANE SHAPE with a CONTAINER for gas pressure we experience a flat horizontal plane shaped earth , we walk perpendicular to a HORIZONTAL PLANE SHAPED EARTH THE HUMAN BODY was designed to live on a PRESSURIZED FLAT STATIONARY EARTH The shape of the earth is a circle with the top face being a flat plane(a planar region) on a 3d solid. The true horizon surrounds the observer typically assumed to be a circle. CIRCLES are FLAT. This circle encloses the horizontal plane around the observer. Another way to describe the SHAPE of flat earth is simply horizontal being parallel to the FLAT LEVEL HORIZON There is no spherical earth LINE OF SIGHT observations in any directions. No measured earth curve at any elevation or altitude. FLAT EARTH polar plane coordinate system = world navigation Globe nonsense: we came from nothing for no reason. COMMON SENSE: No measured curve, earth is flat. No measured motion, earth is stationary. No open vacuum, earth air is pressurized by a container. NO BIG BANG, earth was created! COMMON SENSE: We have eyes to see flat earth, equilibrium to maintain a level center of balance on the stationary earth, lungs to breath pressurized air that is contained by a solid. Flat earth is integral to understand the nature of reality and the physical world and its phenomena and that entails unbiased observations and systematic experimentation. When a system at equilibrium undergoes a change in pressure, the equilibrium of the system will shift to offset the change and establish a new equilibrium. WEIGHT = NET FORCE WEIGHT is the DIRECTIONAL FORCE within the medium of the dynamic system, which can be in any direction in relation to the medium tending towards a state of equilibrium 🧭📐⚖🔭⌓+ water = flat earth...elevation angles to the lights in the sky = FLAT EARTH mean sea level is used to measure elevation, water level is used to measure flatness
Can't replicate the globe in a LAB with experiments because BS GLOBE CLAIMS = NO GLOBE.. #1 Glober EXCUSE for NO WORKING GLOBE MODEL = muh globe is too big to prove muh BS claims Einstein preached Special Relativity for the express purpose of making it appear the STATIONARY Earth was moving around the sun. The globe religion places earth in the cosmos and then depends on bs math claims, cartoons, pseudo science, fairy tale physics, SCI-FI and demands submission, blind faith, compliance and censorship. Heliocentrism is a false religion. Copernicus copied the idea from pagans like Aristarchus of Samos. He didn't even have a telescope and he never performed a single experiment to prove his BS GLOBE CLAIMS. No gravity, no vacuums, no measured spherical earth curve, no magic earth motion around a fake curve, no cosmic evolution, no billions of years, no BIG BANG, NO GLOBE globe experiment
As Jeran himself said, "I thought flat earth would make you a better person, but in reality, it makes you a terrible person". TFE throws this in the face of everyone, I hope flat earthers grow some consciousness and stop claiming this was fake, if you think all of this was fake, you're not ready for a debate, you're ready to visit a psychiatrist
@rodrigosampaio1560 You can't work that out for yourself 🤦♂️ Seriously give it a go I believe in you... I know you got that discernment inside you somewhere... If you can't I will show you how it's done 👍 But give it a try dude.
@-marshy- you will probably say some crazy conspiracy, as I said before, you people need psychiatric help. Jeran really believe flat earth as Witsit, they went there and saw the 24 hour sun, they are being thrashed by their own community because of that, instead of try to work together try to find a solution you cast them out like they were traitors. The more I see about flat earthers more I know how horrible, narcissistic and clueless they really are
this is what I love, the fact tha t flerfs think they have everything. i suspect there is so much massive amounts of things they will not know how to handle ie it. i mean, i know you guys did solar filtered sun as well and none o thse have as of yet been uploaded by anyone, i also know you all took sunspot pictures and thsoe haven't been uploaded yet. i did see your weights experiment yesterday (whch i saw you liked my comment) i know toon did some stuff with magnetic fields. but i know there are still so many things out thre
What is taking so long? For such brilliant scientists you people sure take a long time to doctor your footage before releasing it. I understand why. The PR previews you fools have put out are being torn to pieces and shown for the joke they are.
@@SpyroTek You want to be careful with statements like that. Spirituality is not a branch of science, but we are seeing more scientific research in this area of late. You think there is no "magical invisible being", and that is OK, but there is no evidence to exclude the existence of something that may appear magical to some. Since the existence or otherwise of supernatural forces cannot be currently proven, we should respect other peoples views until more evidence comes to light.
But green screen, mega LCD screens, shadows, breath, snow, foot prints, ice, NASA, water doesn’t stick to a spinning tennis ball, Eric said, object in the sky blah blah blah. Oh I forgot, “I refused the free trip so it is fake”
Dear Pastor Duffy, Please, PLEASE have a conversation about evolution with Professor Dave (he really is the best person for the job, in my very humble opinion). You seem so genuine and are such an interesting character that I am SURE you would not regret it! I had requested some kind of discussion between you and someone like MC Toon or Professor Dave on the topic a while back and you kindly responded, saying you would be open to the proposition. THANK YOU, once again, for all you do! TFE was FANTASTIC and you really hit a home run with it! Cheers from Switzerland! And, OF COURSE, HAPPY new year to you and yours!
I don't like Professor Dave. He will confidently spout something false for the sole purpose of appearing to pwn an idiot. In the Professor Dave vs DITRH debate, Professor Dave said confidently that the earth's gravitational force on the moon is stronger than the sun's. That is false. Professor Dave said something to the effect "you moron, the Earth holds onto the moon because it has a stronger gravitational force. DUH!" I was cringing when he said that. Everyone overlooked that, but Professor Dave's goal is not to be correct, it's to pwn idiots to make himself look smarter, and I do not support that.
I was sitting in the live streams from Union Glacier watching the 24 hour sun, yet at that time I was in Utqiagvik, Alaska, the furthest northern city in Alaska. At that time we had 24 hour darkness. Matches perfectly
6:35 Joe Hanvey confirming there is no 24hr sun in Antarctica on camera prior to TFE being announced. Funny how his FE 24hr sun "model" is now the savior of flerfs everywhere, but he was adamant that it didn't exist until TFE forced the issue he started scrambling to come up with an (unworkable) FE explanation.
Yup. And so many flerfs have been deceived into thinking that Joe already had his silly model before TFE. I exposed him all over the comments section of one of his videos and he deleted the entire video.
@@NotThatBryanThomas they really confirmed that there is no such thing as a 24-hour sun? That is actually hilarious lol, they aren't professional actors I guess 🤣
51. No idea why CERN, LIGO and the Stanford linear accelerator vacuum rings and arms are constructed to take account of the earth's curvature, to the extent that the laser beams in LIGO would miss the targets at the end of the arms by over a metre if they hadn’t done so. And that they used GPS to do this. 52. No idea why physicists working on LIGO, the gravity wave detector, were awarded Nobel prizes in physics. 53. No idea why Google Earth does not publish its underlying flat earth model that allows it to project the earth as a globe. 54. No explanation as to why the sun rises due east for everyone on the earth on the equinox. 55. No explanation as to why the sun's ground speed at June and December solstices are equal. 56. No idea why there should be a discernible horizon that looks like the edge of the ocean viewed from a beach. The horizon should really be a blur as the farther we look out across the flat earth, the more light is scattered by the intervening air. 57. No idea how it is possible to see the sun set twice simply by changing your height above the earth (quickly by just a few tens of metres). 58. No clue how refraction actually works, or optics in general including perspective. 59. No idea what the Michelson-Morley experiment was intended to show, and what the result means. 60. No idea that the velocity of light appears in Maxwell’s explanation of electromagnetic waves, in terms of two other physical parameters that are easy to measure. 61. No idea that you can, in principle, use your microwave oven to measure (or at least verify) the speed of light. 62. No idea about forces, momentum, and the conservation laws, or how to apply them. 63. No consistent explanation as to how stars can be used in conjunction with a sextant in either hemisphere to determine latitude, so that celestial navigation is possible. 64. No explanation as to why day length varies around the world at different times of the year. 65. No explanation why there are 24 hours of sun in the Arctic in June/July when there are 24 hours of darkness in the Antarctic, and vice versa in December/January. 66. No idea why we have leap years, or why the solar day and sidereal day are different (or even what they are). 67. No explanation why bright little objects called satellites are regularly visible in the night sky following a predicted path across the sky, such that the ISS can be clearly photographed transiting the moon at entirely predictable times. 68. No explanation for how tides work (“oh, what’s that?”). 69. No concept of scale, such that if the earth was the size of a basket ball the oceans would be about an average of less than 0.2 mm deep, the moon would be about 10 m away, and the sun nearly 4 km (or about 2.5 miles) away. 70. No idea that the effect of the earth’s rotation at the equator (the fabled 1000 mph velocity) is such that the extent that you are “thrown off the surface” is to reduce your weight by 0.4% compared to standing at the north or south pole (observed and measured many times). 71. No consistent explanation how (most times) boats disappear bottom up over the horizon when they should be visible on a flat earth. 72. No explanation as to why the horizon does not rise to eye level (observed and measured many times). 73. No comprehension of what the word “level” even means: at right angles to the local vertical, which is determined by the local direction of gravity, and that water doesn't "seek its own level", it moves under gravity until its surface conforms to a gravitational equipotential. 74. No credible explanation why helium balloons fitted with demonstrably recti-linear (non-fish eye) lenses on their cameras often detect the curvature of the earth, or even how this curvature can be detected using straight edges at sea level. 75. No credible explanation for the existence of the "Downward" force called gravity. 76. No explanation that does not implicitly make use of gravity for buoyancy. 77. No explanation that does not implicitly make use of gravity for the atmospheric pressure gradient from high to low pressure with altitude, especially if we live in a dome. 78. No idea why (almost without exception) hurricanes and typhoons rotate in opposite directions in northern and southern hemispheres respectively, and rarely if ever cross the equator. 79. No explanation for the Coriolis effect observable in controlled experiments such as those conducted by Ascher H. Shapiro in the 1960s, or routinely taken into account when firing guns over long ranges, especially along north-south directions. 80. No explanation as to why stars the northern hemisphere appear to rotate counter clockwise around the north celestial pole, while they rotate clockwise around the south celestial pole (which shouldn’t even exist on a flat earth) in the southern hemisphere. 81. No explanation for the direction “south” and how observers looking south from Australia, South America and South Africa can all the see the same southern celestial pole when they should be looking in three completely different directions on a flat earth. 82. No explanation for how an equatorial mount works, enabling it to track stars flawlessly in either hemisphere requiring only knowledge of your latitude and a motorised drive around a single axis. 83. No idea what Antarctica even looks like, and where the South Pole is physically located. 84. No idea what the Antarctic Treaty actually says or what its purpose really is. 85. No clue about any of the Antarctic exploration that took place before the Treaty even came into force, nor any of those that have happened since. 86. No explanation for where the yachts in races like the Vendee Globe actually go as they circumnavigate the globe travelling due west across the southern ocean, or how they do this without travelling at “ludicrous speeds”. 87. No idea why Venus has phases. Bye bye Geocentric system. 88. No idea why only some planets, e.g. Mars, exhibit retrograde motion. Hello Heliocentric system. 89. No idea why the planets and their moons in the solar system appear to be obeying consistent laws of planetary motion, so much so that their positions can be predicted with enough precision to allow the speed of light to be measured. 90. No explanation whatsoever why Stellar Aberration occurs. 91. No idea why clouds are illuminated from the bottom at sun set. 92. No explanation for why crepuscular rays appear parallel when viewed from above. 93. No explanation of how a commercial aircraft can fly from Perth to Sydney in just over 4 hours across a flat earth, as it would need to fly faster than an F18 on afterburner all the way, or from Sydney direct to Santiago. 94. No idea why the CO2 atmosphere of Mars appears to "cling" to the exterior of its spherical spinning surface without the need for physical containment. This phenomenon is observable on others planets too. 95. No idea why the sun and the moon don't change in angular size from rising to setting by a factor of at least 2 to 3 as they must if they are local to the earth, and no idea why the sun according to the inverse law of radiation is then not at least 4 to 9 times brighter at midday than at sunset and sunrise when viewed from the ground. 96. No credible reason why millions of people (mostly scientists, engineers and technicians) over decades would lie to keep the globe earth alive, and why nations and commercial enterprises, accountable to the voters and shareholders respectively, would spend (waste) $2 trillion a year, each and every year to maintain the globe lie. 97. No idea how it is possible to measure the value of G, the universal gravitational constant and in so doing, verify the theory of gravity. 98. No comprehension of what entropy actually is or how to apply the laws of thermodynamics. 99. No scientific papers published in the last 100 years supporting the flat earth, and no technologies that depend for their correct operation on the earth being flat. 100. No clue on how Mercury can pass in front of the Sun like it did on Nov. 11, 2019. 101. And no clue how such transits can be used to verify the precise predictions made using General Relativity. 102. No clue how millions of satellite TV user get a signal by pointing their antenna towards the same unchanging point in the sky.
@@RockyTM_301 ref number 92. With crepuscular rays appearing parallel when view from above. An additional point about Crepuscular rays. No explanation why if crepuscular rays that appear radiating from the the sun are supposed to indicate the sun is local. How when turning 180° so the sun is behind you. You can sometimes see those same crepuscular rays appear to converge again. Another point: No explanation how at one time of year same stars viewed towards the east part of the night sky are slightly blue shifted when compared to the same stars six months later which in relation are now red shifted whilst mainly in the west part of the sky (hello heliocentric system again). Such fantastic list by the way, over 100 nails in the Flerfers coffin and counting.
It’s just like a religion. He’s a pastor so he should understand exactly what it is to keep spreading bullshit without caring whatsoever about facts and reality.
@@AnyoneCanSee The difference with religion is that it's "faith" based, so they aren't trying to prove facts and more importantly they don't call everyone else liars. So flat earth theory is in many ways worse because it's knowingly dishonest.
@@AnyoneCanSeeI think the difference is Will knows his religion is a religion and is faith based. Flat earth is a religion/cult but pretends to be science.
@Djamel-e9m "The old testament started this fallacy in the 1st century ." Huh? I don't understand your timeline here. The old testament is much older than the 1st century.
Flatzoid's channel is currently spraying copium around over this video like they think it will extinguish the flames - they haven't realised yet that copium is actually highly flammable!
They were all shouting and fighting with each other when Joe (eftupworld) came on, and there were a surprising number of Flerfs in the sidechat who were on Joe's side and saying "OK, the evidence shows a 24 hour Sun - now let's deal with that."
Oh that is neat.. I didn't realize that the 24 hour sun had never been recorded at Union Glacier.. so all the experiments performed, customized for Union Glacier, were all 100% unique to that locaton! Awesome!
it's been recorded mulitple times, every time they were shown to be bad fakes, this one was not live streamed for the required 24 hours, and is inconsistent with every other recording.
@@Pow_FIsh Oh BS. A bunch of know-nothings with no photography experience claiming to debunk videos because they don't understand how shadows work is not proving anything other than their own ignorance.
Actually that's a nice simple experiment to prove 1) It's not an artificial source of light and 2) that it's not a reflection (such as a reflection off a dome as some claim). Good for him!
@@Dvids85 I reckon they would actually claim they were drugged and secretly taken to a 360 degree state of art studio and... sorry, I seem to be channelling Erik Dubious. It's hypnofrog all over again. 😁
And what you don’t understand is when they do large engineering projects they have to model them first they work in increments and NASA created the notion of re-creating it here on earth before they do it in space therefore it leaves room for skepticism And yes, we are supposed to be skeptic because an appeal to authority is a logical fallacy 🧐 chrisakes
Eric Dubay called TFE a "Strawman argument". I called him out on him not knowing what a strawman is and he banned me from his channel. I think it's safe to say flat earthers aren't taking TFE very well
@mikep9604 what's to panic about? They have a captive audience so desperate to believe them, they don't even need to TRY to come up with realistic or reasonable explanations- all they need to say is "Nuh uh. Still flat" and a dump truck of subs and new Patreon donations will appear at their door. Maybe if they had an audience that was susceptible to evidence or logic, but it doesn't seem to have hurt them all THAT bad...
@@GlutenEruptionYou'd be surprised at the amount of flat earthers I've seen in Eric's comments saying that they lost respect for Eric's integrity or honesty because of him declining the trip. Definitely a minority, but I've seen more than I expected and I think that's enough to send them scurrying to their mouse holes in order to save face
@@NessMother2 I'm happy to hear that and I certainly would love nothing more than for TFE to make a real difference. I know it definitely did for some people and I'm really interested to see some hard subscription data after everything shakes out to see just how big the effect was. Every person counts but I just don't think he's he's losing sleep (or money) over it. I'm sure before hand they were all in panic mode but I'd imagine that fear quickly subsided after seeing how captured most of the audience is and how 90%+ will still believe him no matter what.
Against the one that had a 400 year head start I think we’re doing pretty good You still didn’t measure anything on the ground you look to the sky it made assumptions and that’s what a capital ASS
All they need to do is drive west across the Canadian prairies and watch the Rocky Mountains emerge on the horizon. Proves curve and is a beautiful thing to see.
They wouldn't even be able to get there. Can't use their GPS to find the airport. Can't use an airplane anyway, because flight paths are based on the globe.
Flat earthers came back with LOTS of evidence that the earth is flat. Their evidence consists of: "NUH-UH" "No way" "angarctica looks flat" "come up with your own conclusions" "it's way too cold here" "I wanna go home" "the earth is still flat" Proves it to me!! (well done, Will. You spent a lot of money doing something that you shouldn't have needed do, and still the idiots exist.)
I used star trails of Antartica, South America, Australia, South Africa and NZ, to argue for the globe, they told me they were a reflection of the Northern Hemisphere stars off the dome! I gave up after that! 😅😅😅 Thanks for doing this! 🎉🎉🎉 Yay to the miracle of the spinning ball of water flying through space! Thanks God! ❤
You can tell which flat earthers knew the Earth was a globe. They were the ones who changed their story before the visit to Union Glacier as they knew they were about to be exposed. I do not understand flat earth at all. They say they do not have a model but know its flat whereas we have a model that precisely predicts everything that we see at ALL times, and they think it is fake. Go figure
regarding the Nathan Oakley clip being shown all over the place saying “In the flat earth model we say there isn’t a 24 hour sun in the south, and there isn’t” The clip is used for good reason to point out Nathan's claim there is no 24 hour sun in the south. I'd like to point out that it also claims there IS a flat earth model. The Flat Earthers are now running away from that claim too.
A very powerful refutation of the flat earth. You guys did a great job setting up good quality experiments with clearly defined predictions and accumulating huge amounts of data. I'm hoping that each experiment, it's predictions and findings will be presented here at some point. It may well take quite some time, but that would be a wonderful resource.
I am interested in the psychology involved with the Flat Earth community. What I have come to understand is there are two types of Flat Earthers: one is just narcissism. the other is a clever troll comedy in the spirit of Sacha Baron Cohen's character Ali G.
as someone that has spent more time studying narcisism than i wish i had to due to a coule unfortnate people i my life in the past 10 years. i can absolutely confrim many of them are very narcissitc , at least in terms of how they prevent themsleves 2. isosated/defense mechansim for failure in life or being soem kind of outcase or , they need to feel important. which sort of goes along with number one but for a different reason
The weather was perfect for making their observations which makes me think that God was saying to the flat earthers, "You are misrepresenting the true glory of my work? Well here, take a look at this." When God rubs your nose in it, maybe pay attention.
@tonyclif1Romans 1:16-32 [16]For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek. [17]For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith. [18]For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; [19]Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. [20]For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: [21]Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. [22]Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, [23]And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. [24]Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: [25]Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. [26]For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: [27]And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. [28]And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; [29]Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, [30]Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, [31]Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: [32]Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Thank you again will for the opportunity to explore with you and all watching. The model by ole d’haeseleer was a great illustration. I wonder if they could also do a side by side where it shows a static sun and the earth wobble so those that may not understand how this works can see/understand/comprehend better.
There is a video that proves that the video was fake. Unfortunately I can't put the link in the description. Those were not flat earthers in "Antarctica". If we can prove that we are being lied to by the sphere Earthers then the "alien invasion" won't work. The aliens will be Fallen Angels. And they will be worshiped as "ancient aliens" it's not hard to disprove a lie
@@XxUnrealFishxX What "alien invasion"? No one is expecting an alien invasion. Why should there be an invasion at all? And you believe the Bible about "fallen angels" that should come on the earth? If there was an invasion, what difference would it make how you call it? And why should anyone worship the aliens, if they actually did come? It's a complete delirium.
The globe Earth is completely obvious to anyone who has done night sky photography, especially if they have done it at different latitudes. If you've captured star trails at different latitudes and you claim the Earth is flat, you're just a liar.
Excellent video once again! I think the most important point here is that we who live in the Southern Hemisphere experience an exact symmetry with respect to seasons, the motion of the Sun and Moon, and all manner of other astronomical observations that people who live in the Northern Hemisphere do. I can go outside on any clear night and observe that there is a South Celestial Pole, and that the stars appear to rotate around it. I can even teach you how to find it.
Will thank you for not only holding fast to science but also for holding fast to your faith. This is another example of how you can both be a believer in God and a believer in science.
Before this even starts, it already makes me giggle that the two main flat earth representatives are already getting so much crap for going to find the truth. I actually give those to a lot of credit for taking the time to go to Antarctica just find out that they were wrong. I only give them a little respect though because of the fact that they’re already trying to spin the narrative.
Yes, parts of Norway experience the midnight sun, a natural phenomenon where the sun doesn't set for several weeks during the summer: Svalbard: The sun doesn't set from around April 20 to August 23 North Cape: The midnight sun lasts from around May 14 to July 29 Tromsø: The sun stays above the horizon from around May 20 to July 22 Lofoten Islands: The midnight sun is visible from around May 28 to July 14 Harstad: The midnight sun is visible from around May 25 to July 18 Vesterålen (Andenes): The midnight sun is visible from around May 22 to July 21
question. in 1998 i visited my frien din Oslo an dalso part of the trip went to Karmsund/Haugesund. where his parents were. do either of thsoe places get midnight sun at any time, or jf not maybe a 23 hour day? i do know this. though. I live in the sate of Michgan near Detroit. which is at about 42.3 degrees lattitude the shortest day of the year is about 9 hours of daylight the longest is 16 hours of daylight when i have gone to very south florida where my grandmother lived for a long time near Fr/Lauderdale/miami etc.. i think the ealierst sunset was maybe like 615 pm and the latest i remember near summer solstice was lik e7430 so the days only vary by maybe 3 hours or something and everglades national park which is on l a copule degrees from the teopcs they have sunset tours that vary by only over like 45 minutes or something like that going back the other way 3 years ago we were just norht of 45 degres 5 days before the solscite in summer. and it was like 17 hours of daylight ow lets talk about polaris/north star where i live it is jsut under 45 degrees up in the horizon. when i vist my grandmas location it was about 25 degrees which were th erigh tlattitudes i am guessin in norway, espcially those northern parts the north star is probably 55-70 degreees above horizon?
@@Johnadams20760 I went to Sweden in 1983 at mid-summer and stayed near Arjeplog right on the Arctic Circle. The sun went around and around and didn't set the whole time I was there. We went fishing at 2am in bright sunlight.
@@dingokidneys awesome. and btw. i know (fyi i am 50) but i recall when i was maybe n my teens, my dad was talking about how he assumed the sun would be at the poles and he said, if you ar on the north or south pole exactly. you should see (over the course of a few months the sun gonig around you spiraling up to tis peak on the solscitce and then spiral down until it eventually sets. of course my father was an engineer. but we were talking about midnight sun in alaska at the time i think
I, no longer use the term "flat earth" because talking about something that doesn't exist is illusion. Thank Will for all, the Final Experiment was and still is an high level human being experience.❤
I've really enjoyed following TFE and I'll be watching all of these videos about the experiments, but after that I think I might stop taking an interest in FE issues. I'm just tired, to be honest. Watching FE believers attempt to defend their position is probably a bit like watching a parrot argue with Einstein that relativity is false by just saying "nope!" over and over again. It's funny at first, but quickly becomes tedious.
Thanks Will. Your intention is to bring people into the right direction and not following narcissistics Nathan Oakleys into the rabbit hole, as even Witsit pointed out. You are doing something good on this earth….
There is an interactive flat-earther model that can “predict” the movements of the sun. To do this, they (Shane St. Pierre) took the code from Walter Bislins’ model. The original model was originally designed to demonstrate the impossibility of celestial phenomena on a flat earth without having to bend light. This should be discussed in one of your capsules.
While communicating accurate observable and mathematically predicable attributes of the globe we live on, the likelihood of successfully stamping out the flat-earth idiocracy is low. For the most part, flat-earth communicators are not about to disprove the model their monitized subscriber base want to believe in. Their business is under threat by the existence of this channel so it’s no realistic chance any of them will agree with you. Sadly so
I always thought the real experiment was a social experiment. I think there's a lot of data from both sides to determine who is actually a truth seeker and who is a grifter.
You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. Sadly the FEs are the horse and no matter the evidence you point them towards will never be enough. You cannot reason someone out of a position they reasoned themselves into.
Good summary Will. So glad you use symmetry arguments. Spheres have different symmetries (and broken symmetries!) then circles/disks do. We use symmetry arguments and experiments all the time in physics. As you have said multiple times, all this is being done to try to stop all the waste of resources (money, time, relationships between family members, so many things it gets depressing), and start using those resources to more real problems. The waste is disgusting and depressing. I respect you and Dave McKeegan more than I do some of my colleagues who can only think about publications and not whether it is true or not. String theory should be dead, but it isn't yet. It is so sad we have to go over all this again in the 21st Century, but it has become a major problem, really a disease. Are we going to regress to the point we put people to death like we did Giordano Bruno? I've gotten some respect for Jeran, but he still denies that the Earth is moving. It's so simple, it is stupid. Foucault's Pendulum, for example. Flat Earth Dave and Eric Dubay are either just after money, or are mad (=insane). Jeran is shifting but not seeing it yet, and Austin is still, well, "Witsit (doesn't) gets it". I'm not sure why Austin is not moving, probably money (the root of all evil), but he doesn't have the numbers for lots of money. He's a big question mark as to why. He's been there, seen it personally. He's even suggesting "it's the firmament, water, 3rd layer, reflection, refraction, just nonsense after nonsense". Is he just super into conspiracies? He has a video where he states the attempted assignation of Trump (bloody ear) is 50/50 conspiracy. H may just too far gone, and too far into the limelight. BTW, here's a short on the Foucault's Pendulum. "Didi" is more patient and more seeing the truth than the adults. And this has now been understood for hundreds of years. It's a common demonstration done at Universities and Museums. You might get a shifting to "well, if it is a globe, and it's moving, why don't we feel it?" type questions. I go over and over this in intro physics when I teach it, and most students get it.
Good job! Can you now please do a final experiment for young Earth? Go borrow a sample of a fossil bone and do some type of dating on it and see whether it's a few millennia old or a few million years old. This will cost almost nothing compared to what you've paid for the Antarctica trip. Thank you.
I feel bad for Jeran and Witsit. It has been a harsh lesson to return and be treated the way they are - all for having the courage to challenge their beliefs.
i feel more bad for Jeran though, he is the one out of the 2 that seems more like he is accepting this but like the guy just before me said about rapons what you sow. is accurate. now they both know how the shoe fits
@Somedude2020 very well said. They are harvesting the fruit if their labour over the years. They influence d flerfs to deny evidence and lie. They made their bed. Let them enjoy lying in it.
@@The-Final-Experiment Now you're talking. Hope you devote some time to that subject.... our planet's age and origins, maybe including how it came to be....
@@The-Final-Experiment Hi Will, first of all thank you so much for this amazing TFE project! It was indeed THE experiment, at least a social one. But although the shape of the earth is something else than the age of it, it would be a great idea to talk about what you think how old our earth is. Of course this is your personal thing, but I've read some very critical comments about your opinion. I also read that you're not that fixed in it. Since you are the creator of this fantastic project, it would be great, if you would clarify your position (if it's not too personal for you!). I'm writing this, because I once was a "young earth creationist" long time ago, when I used to be quite religious. After a while I came to the conclusion, that it just doesn't matter, how old the earth is. You can believe in god, even without taking the bible literally. It was quite a relief, when I could embrace scientific facts. Later on I stopped being religious, but that's another story. So, what about making a video about that? Anyway, happy new year to you and your family!!
The irony is that the flerfs' OWN (now discredited) model predicted a 24-hour Sun, not JUST in Antarctica, but everywhere, always! That's a trivial entailment of the fact that the Sun in that model NEVER sets. So the thing that falsifies the flat Earth is NOT the 24-hour sun. It's the mere existence of the well-known phenomenon that we call "night"!!
I'm sure soon. He has a family and I'm sure he will get back to work after the holidays... Let him rest, the earth isn't getting any less spherical lol
I'm interested in it too, but there are lots of ways to disprove reflection, simulation or projection. Like is the sun round? If you were viewing a reflection or projection from any off angle or a curved surface you would see a distorted shape. Don't even need to be in Antarctica for that. Also that in the 24 hr time lapse it appears to be a consistent size, and continuous location. So when would it have switched over from sun to reflection. And if it's a reflection, why do you not see 2 suns? So like I said the sun spots are interesting but hardly needed
Sun circles in the sky at the exact elevation angles that the heliocentric model predicted for that particular latitude on that particular day. Flat earth predicted... Zilch. Nada. Diddly squat. Bupkis. Sod all.
Mind of a flat earther: "I dont fully understand this information and that makes me uncomfortable...CLICK.. This guy is a globe shill and the earth is flat!!! " Its so easy being a flat earther, but it takes an open mind and wilingness to learn something new to get out of that hole. Hope vids like these help them, as hostility and name calling just doesnt work.
So you went all the way to Antartica, plane trips etc and took all that footage and here we are watching you sit behind a desk talking shit..why wouldnt you be saying all this in antatica, documenting the trip etc..I watched this long winded video and you only put in a few seconds of the experiment. Why? You show more of someone elses timelapse than your own, who would not show their own after all that supposed effort you are fos dude.
@mikep9604 I hate to agree with one of these people, but why do we have to go to other channels for content that wouldn't even exists without TFE? Yeah, I know, more is coming, but this slow release does no good to anyone or anything.
@@janosszabo98 I think it's just due to the principle that the person who makes the video normally uploads it on his own channel. Of course, it would be convenient if all the videos could be found in one place.
@janosszabo98 because he faked it and there is too much evidence that he doesnt want on show to be scrutinised, who would go that far and not document the travel part of it lol what a liar
@@martinurbaniand how are they reacting? There was already footage and proof of the Antarctic sun. All they are doing now is what they always were. Deny, deflect and lie.
Thank you, pastor! This is awesome! HalleluYah!! I love this excerpt from Jonathan Cahn's "Book of Mysteries." As another confirmation ❤ THE EAST-WEST CONTINUUM. IT WAS DAWN. We were watching the sun rise over the desert landscape. “Qedem,” said the teacher. “It’s Hebrew for east, a most critical direction.” “Why?” I asked. “The Temple of Jerusalem was built according to the qedem. It had to face the east. The altar of the sacrifice was at its easternmost end. The holy of holies was at its westernmost end. Everything else was in between. So everything in the Temple existed on an east-west continuum. Everything that took place in the Temple took place on an east-west continuum. Most importantly, on the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur, the sins of Israel were atoned for, removed from the people, on an east-west continuum. The high priest would offer up the sacrifice in the east, and then sprinkle the blood on the ark of the covenant in the west. He would journey back and forth on an east-west continuum. And the closing act of the day would see the sins of the people symbolically removed away from the Temple and into the east of the wilderness.” “But why is that more significant than if it was a north-south continuum?” “Because,” said the teacher, “the earth is a sphere . . . and it turns on its axis on an east-west continuum. Therefore, the earth has a north pole and a south pole, but no east or west pole.” “I still don’t understand.” “How far is the north from the south?” he asked. “It’s finite. All north comes to an end at the North Pole. And all south ends at the South Pole. If the Temple had been built on a north-south continuum, then sin would have been removed a few thousand miles from the sinner. But how far is the east from the west? East and west have no poles. Therefore, they never end. East and west are infinite. They go on forever. In fact, the Hebrew word for the east, qedem, also means everlasting.” “But back then no one knew the earth was a sphere.” “God did. And all this is a shadow of the atonement of Messiah, our salvation. So in Messiah, how far does God remove your sins from you? An infinity away . . . an eternity away. And if you had all eternity, you could never find them again. As it is written, ‘So far has He removed our sins away from us . . . as far as the east is from the west.’” Leviticus 16:14; Psalm 103:10-12
A model is a representation of reality. When the model is not disproved by reality, which means that the model's predictions come true, it's the sign that the model has a good adherence to reality.
@@psalux18963 All good. I didn’t explain my comment which is my fault. My point is “a model is a model” is not a sufficient answer to how it makes such good predictions.
"You got to lie to Flerf" This is 100% a proven fact in the comment section... Full Panic mode with Lie after Lie from the Flerfs remaining. It's tragic, and hilarious at the same time...
What confuses me is the fact that it was so easy to confirm that there is a 24 hour sun in Antartica. Did the Flerfs not realize that someone just needed to go to Antartica? Duh!🙄
They're so tied in a knot about only trusting evidence you can experience, not trusting elites etc. so since going down there is rare (especially for Flerfs who didn't *actually* want to be disproven) they could always claim it was fake.
@acrocker104 Except for that one guy who worked in Antarctica and claimed there was no 24 hour sun. Of course, that guy was seen as 100% reliable. Talk about double standards.
@ they think that they are so important that people would rather not spend time with their families for Christmas and New Year and work overtime for them. Selfish fools!
Not really historic. Unless Flerfs getting an eyeful of truth is what you mean by historic. An epoch in the Flerf denialism The shape size and motion of the planet are the most well known facts in all of nature. Centuries of navigation and technology ubiquitous in our industrialized civilization.
As we say in Spain, "There is no greater blind man than he who does not want to see." I think this defines flatearthers very well.
yes. I experienced that at taco bell.
Well said
The scientific evidence of a flat stationary plane is obvious to those with a critical mind, the first step to obtaining essential thought is to have an open mind, we concur with his sentiments regarding ballers,“If you can't dazzle them with brilliance, baffle them with bullshit.”
― W.C. Fields
@@MrScaramoosh - so you are baffled with bullshit when presented with the simple logic that it is impossible to be both inside and outside a circle at the same time?
I'm the observatory director for a small radio astronomy observatory in Canada. We need to be able to point our dish to within 0.1deg to get good data. Weird how the mathematical model we use via software, called an "ephemeris" just works. WE can ask it "where is the Sun right now" and point our dish right at it, then track it. Since flat-earth has NO mathematical model for this, there's NO possibility of doing this on a flat earth. Yet, we can and do make accurate observations nearly every day. If they're all just grifters, some of them aren't making a whole lot from their grift. Maybe take up something more lucrative and hones...
Where do you work what is the name of the placez
Was glad to see your response. I'm an Amateur Radio operator who does long haul HF communication all over the globe using an azimuth rotating directional antenna that transmits and receives on 7 MHz though 50 MHz. When rotating the beam to get the strongest signal strengths (especially in the southern hemisphere / north America to down under for example), the dirt pizza map just doesn't work. Even from the west coast to Japan for example doesn't work. You can demonstrate this over and over again. The paths for this RF propagation only works on a globe model. As you rotate the antenna and listen to a signal coming from Australia to the west coast of the US, it's simply dramatic. The increase in signal strength in micro volts is dramatic and demonstrable as you rotate to 240 - 250 degrees from the west coast states. End of story. The software that calculates these azimuth directions for my beam antenna works perfectly using the globe model. If I were to use azimuth directions using the dirt pizza map, when pointing to Australia , I would be off by 90 degrees or more... it simply doesn't work and you can hear the signals decrease or even get so week you can't hear them any more use using your ear or by watching a microvolt based S meter on an HF transceiver as the HF Yagi antenna rotates.
1000's of amateur radio operators all over the globe (not all over the dirt pizza) do this everyday with our own equipment. Those that use directional antennas, all use the globe model and math to calculate the azimuth directions to point our antennas at each other. It's yet another demonstrable nail in the coffin of flat earth.
@@ng7m-ham-shack We're putting in an EME capability over the next couple of months. Bouncing signals off the moon.
@@macmac9371 I'm not exactly comfortable saying on this forum. Too high a risk of some militant flerfer showing up and causing trouble.
Like the new background Will… maybe add a couple that show Asia and Africa so it’s not just “One Sided” (pun intended😜)
When Witsit comes up with his “model” explaining this, we should all hit him with “That’s a reification fallacy!”
@@petermarkley He is not going to make a model. It won't help him either since the prevailing narrative (following Dubays recent garbage) is that none of this was real in the first place.
Hypocrisy and double standards are cornerstones of Flatopia.
So when the earth was believed to be a stationary globe for hundreds of years in the geocentric globe model, then coppernicus came and told everyone the earth goes around the sun and its heliocentric.
Was he also committing a reification fallacy?
@ No, because it didn’t happen that way. Nobody just “came and told everyone.”
It was a theory based in evidence that, *gradually over a hundred years and with groundbreaking work from many different scientists,* gained acceptance as true while the evidence for it grew continually.
I hope you realise that Charles Darwin also didn't "came and told everyone". We should set up a TFE2, where Will and others are shown why the astro/physics scientists who accept the globe are within a single percentage point of the Earth/life scientists who accept the theory of evolution.
Absolute devastation to flat earth.
@@MCToon HELL YEAH! I still can't get enough of your utter DESTRUCTION of Oakley! 😂😂😂
Duffy is a liar, this didn't prove anything 🙄 why did he delete his video saying Steven Alonso won ALL 3 challenges? Now he said no flat earthers predicted anything right???
epic moment of TFE is ''where's the guns Nathan''
@@briancash1405 That's because no Flerf made correct predictions based on a FE. Using the Globe for your predictions, aren't FE predictions. Now, small children can understand that, why can't you? Is it because you're lying to yourself, or is it because you're lying to yourself?
The sheer amount of copium radiating from Flerfers after this would be enough to create an actual flat earth.
Copium radiation is the new dark energy
copium (uncountable) (Internet slang, originally 4chan) A metaphorical opiate taken in order to cope with loss or disillusionment, often leading to one becoming detached from reality and in denial of their situation.
Wait, so copium seeks its own level?
Fortunately there’s no room on periodic table or standard model for it.
@SkullpunkArt copium always has a container and finds its level
I see Eric Dubay is already trying to claim it was a giant 360-degree screen what a sore loser🤣🤣🤣
@@crashnburnband Its gaining traction, though.
Dubay has no choice at this point but to just double down on his nonsense.
@@peronkoptraction with whom? The mindless cult sheep of flerftardia? That’s ok. They don’t procreate at the same rate as the rest of the intelligent world.
@@peronkop anything goes in the cult it seems.. as anticipated.
I thought he was saying that there is a twenty-four hour sun on flat earth now.
And, for good measure, Here are over 100 things FE can't explain, but the globe can:
You have -
1. No working model, or accurate undistorted map which has the same scale everywhere.
2. No idea what a working model would actually look like and why it is needed.
3. No clue about the differences between ideas, hypotheses, laws and theories.
4. No idea what evidence actually is and how hypotheses should be tested, so completely clueless about how science actually works, which means that you routinely deny the very same science whose products you use to promulgate your science denial.
5. No idea how logical arguments work or what the burden of proof is.
6. No idea that it is provably impossible to convert a flat surface into a curved one, or vice versa, without introducing cuts, distortions and/or creases.
7. No way to determine proper distances, or directions between two point on a flat earth not sharing the same longitude.
8. No explanation for how the sun and the moon circle the earth, or how the sun migrates from the tropic of Capricorn to the tropic of Cancer and back over the year, speeding up and slowing down as it does so.
9. No plausible explanation for lunar phases.
10. No explanation at all for sun set and sun rise.
11. No explanation at all for moon set and moon rise.
12. No explanation that is consistent with any of your other ludicrous ideas for the seasons.
13. No explanation for why Foucault’s pendulum does what it does, such that you can use it to determine your latitude.
14. No explanation for long distance flight routes being great circles and not straight lines.
15. No explanation for how long distance routes, or even physical objects like under-sea cables, that form closed loops on the surface of the earth can describe triangles whose interior angles sum to more than 180 degrees, or whose start and end points no longer line up when drawn on a flat earth.
16. No idea why the ancient Greeks such as Pythagoras, Aristotle, Eratosthenes and Aristarchus believed the earth was a sphere.
17. No idea what P and S shockwaves detected by seismology equipment tells us about the internal structure of the earth, and the shape and dimensions of the surface of the earth.
18. No idea what powers the sun and the stars.
19. No idea of the distance to the stars.
20. No clue as to why almost all stars don't appear to change position in the sky from opposite sides of earth's orbit around the sun (parallax), so that we can only use the parallax method for measuring the distance of stars that are closest to the earth.
21. No comprehension that “closest to the earth” is still a very long way: the European Space Agency's Gaia mission is able to measure parallax angles to an accuracy of 10 microarcseconds, thus mapping nearby stars (and potentially planets) up to a distance of tens of thousands of light-years from Earth.
22. No idea that, luckily, Polaris is both a star near enough that we can determine the distance to it using parallax, and also a Cepheid variable star, which means we can use the predictable properties of Cepheid variables as a standard to measure the distance to much more distant Cepheid variables.
23. No idea that Cepheid variables and Type 1a supernovae enable us to measure the distances to other galaxies.
24. No comprehension of what red shift is, how it is measured, how it correlates with other distance measurements and therefore how it enables us to measure distances over billions of light years.
25. No idea what stellar proper motion is or that Barnard’s star has the largest at just over 10 arc seconds a year, meaning the “fixed stars” aren’t fixed but change their positions over time.
26. No idea that 5000 years ago the Egyptians identified the star closest to the celestial north pole as Thuban, that in a few thousand years time it will be Alpha Cephei, and that these motions are caused by the precession (wobbling) of the earth’s axis.
27. No idea of the distance from the earth to the planets, or even much about them at all.
28. No idea about how exo-planets are discovered and their properties analysed.
29. No idea how Neptune was discovered.
30. No idea why binary stars obey Newton's law of gravitation.
31. No comprehension of how stars evolve under the competing influences of their own gravity and nuclear fusion.
32. No explanation for the origin of the elements.
33. No explanation for the observed relative abundance of hydrogen and helium in the universe.
34. No concept of what the cosmic microwave background even is, let alone its significance or an explanation for its formation.
35. No idea what the significance is of the precession of the perihelion of Mercury.
36. No explanation as to why we can only see 59% of the total surface area of the moon when, from a flat earth perspective we should be able to see most of it, including the dark side of the moon.
37. No idea why the moon appears upside down in the southern hemisphere compared to how it looks in the northern hemisphere, and why the phases of the moon are on opposite sides of the Moon, and why it looks circular from all vantage points on the earth.
38. No idea why sunspots appear to rotate around the sun in the opposite direction in the southern and northern hemispheres, or even what sun spots are.
39. No idea what causes the aurora, or how these are correlated with solar events such as flares and coronal mass ejections.
40. No idea what magnetic fields are, how they are formed, and why they are (almost) always dipoles; or how this determines how magnetic compasses work.
41. No believable explanation for how GPS is implemented across the world.
42. No clue that GPS actually compensates for time dilation, a relativistic effect, and that if it didn't do so the error in your location would grow to over 7 miles in a single day.
43. No explanation as to why aircraft carry ring laser gyros onboard capable of detecting the rotation of the earth, or how such a gyro works so that when it measures a drift rate of 15 degrees an hour (“thanks Bob”) we know it is a reliable measurement of the earth’s rotation.
44. No idea that, despite flat earther’s misinformation on the subject, lasers have been used to measure the curvature of the earth many many times; you can even do it by shining a torch through two boards with holes in them set a sufficient distance apart (“interesting”).
45. No idea how it is possible to develop gravitational maps of the earth's surface, or why anyone would want one, or how they could be used.
46. No clue that before satellite based geodesy we used the deviation from vertical in a plumb line caused by the rotation of the earth to determine that the earth is indeed an oblate spheroid where the equatorial radius is about 21km more than the polar radius.
47. No clue either that since satellite geodesy became viable around 1980 we have been able to refine these measurements so that we now know that the southern hemisphere bulges slightly more than the northern hemisphere, by about 5m, making the earth “pear shaped”.
48. No explanation for how eclipses work, especially lunar eclipses (including selenelion eclipses), or how to predict them correctly.
49. No idea why the Humber bridge, the Verrazzano Narrows bridge, and many other bridges with long spans are built to account for the earth's curvature such that their supporting towers are not parallel to each other.
50. No clue that civil engineers routinely take the earth’s curvature into account on any structure large enough for it to matter.
so the answer to your questions are
1. reasons/magic
2. reasons/magic
3. reasons/magic
4. reasons/magic
5. reasibs/magic
6. reasons/magic
7. reasons/magic
8. reasons/magic
9. reasons/magic
10. reasons/magic
11. nu uhhh
12. nu uhhh
13. nu uhhh
14. nu uhhh
15. nu uhh
16. nu uhh
17. nu uhh
18. nu uhh
19. nu uhh
20 nu uhh
21.-50 reapeat , repeat and reapeat 30 more times
TRIGGER WARNING: The globe model is an archaic and scientifically disproven conception of earth's shape as a geoid potato 🥔, a pear🍐 or oblate turd💩.
Globers ask questions in the form of a BS GLOBE CLAIM. BS GLOBE CLAIMS = NO GLOBE
Large body of water at rest = FLAT STATIONARY PRESSURIZED
Dome ⌒ + Water ꕀꕀꕀꕀꕀ = ⌓ model -------------------------------FL/\T E/\RTH ...water above and below.
horizontal means flat or level, and parallel to level ground, not some uniform distance above sea level, WATER forms a level over long distance debunking the globe.
Flat maps predate the globe because everyone knew earth is flat and followed the FLAT EARTH PARADIGM
Everyone walks their own path seeking truth. If your path takes longer that is your choice.
Globe nonsense: we came from nothing for no reason.
In the Bible, the firmament is a solid dome that YHWH created to separate the primal sea into upper and lower portions, allowing dry land to appear.
Dome ⌒ + Water ꕀꕀꕀꕀꕀ = ⌓ model -------------------------------FL/\T E/\RTH
Shape of flat earth is self evident : FLAT PLANE SHAPE with a CONTAINER for gas pressure
we experience a flat horizontal plane shaped earth , we walk perpendicular to a HORIZONTAL PLANE SHAPED EARTH
The shape of the earth is a circle with the top face being a flat plane(a planar region) on a 3d solid. The true horizon surrounds the observer typically assumed to be a circle. CIRCLES are FLAT. This circle encloses the horizontal plane around the observer.
Another way to describe the SHAPE of flat earth is simply horizontal being parallel to the FLAT LEVEL HORIZON
There is no spherical earth LINE OF SIGHT observations in any directions. No measured earth curve at any elevation or altitude.
FLAT EARTH polar plane coordinate system = world navigation
Globe nonsense: we came from nothing for no reason.
COMMON SENSE: No measured curve, earth is flat. No measured motion, earth is stationary. No open vacuum, earth air is pressurized by a container. NO BIG BANG, earth was created!
COMMON SENSE: We have eyes to see flat earth, equilibrium to maintain a level center of balance on the stationary earth, lungs to breath pressurized air that is contained by a solid.
Flat earth is integral to understand the nature of reality and the physical world and its phenomena and that entails unbiased observations and systematic experimentation.
When a system at equilibrium undergoes a change in pressure, the equilibrium of the system will shift to offset the change and establish a new equilibrium. WEIGHT = NET FORCE
WEIGHT is the DIRECTIONAL FORCE within the medium of the dynamic system, which can be in any direction in relation to the medium tending towards a state of equilibrium
🧭📐⚖🔭⌓+ water = flat earth...elevation angles to the lights in the sky = FLAT EARTH
mean sea level is used to measure elevation, water level is used to measure flatness
Can't replicate the globe in a LAB with experiments because BS GLOBE CLAIMS = NO GLOBE..
#1 Glober EXCUSE for NO WORKING GLOBE MODEL = muh globe is too big to prove muh BS claims
Einstein preached Special Relativity for the express purpose of making it appear the STATIONARY Earth was moving around the sun.
The globe religion places earth in the cosmos and then depends on bs math claims, cartoons, pseudo science, fairy tale physics, SCI-FI and demands submission, blind faith, compliance and censorship.
Heliocentrism is a false religion. Copernicus copied the idea from pagans like Aristarchus of Samos. He didn't even have a telescope and he never performed a single experiment to prove his BS GLOBE CLAIMS.
No gravity, no vacuums, no measured spherical earth curve, no magic earth motion around a fake curve, no cosmic evolution, no billions of years, no BIG BANG, NO GLOBE globe experiment
Everything you said was false.
@@macmac9371 Care to refute them with actual evidence then?
As Jeran himself said, "I thought flat earth would make you a better person, but in reality, it makes you a terrible person".
TFE throws this in the face of everyone, I hope flat earthers grow some consciousness and stop claiming this was fake, if you think all of this was fake, you're not ready for a debate, you're ready to visit a psychiatrist
Jeran isn't and never was a flat earther 😂
@-marshy- so he spent years on his channel mainly preaching about flat earth, and he is no flat earther...why he did this then?
You can't work that out for yourself 🤦♂️
Seriously give it a go I believe in you...
I know you got that discernment inside you somewhere...
If you can't I will show you how it's done 👍
But give it a try dude.
Surprise surprise, being a paranoid, unreasonably distrustful, toxic, ignorant person pushes you to be terrible to others.
@-marshy- you will probably say some crazy conspiracy, as I said before, you people need psychiatric help. Jeran really believe flat earth as Witsit, they went there and saw the 24 hour sun, they are being thrashed by their own community because of that, instead of try to work together try to find a solution you cast them out like they were traitors. The more I see about flat earthers more I know how horrible, narcissistic and clueless they really are
I feel the project deserves a Wikipedia article
I thought it had one, then realized it's about an album of the same name.
Excellent video Will! And this is only the beginning. There is so much more to come which will knock it out of the park.
this is what I love, the fact tha t flerfs think they have everything. i suspect there is so much massive amounts of things they will not know how to handle ie it. i mean, i know you guys did solar filtered sun as well and none o thse have as of yet been uploaded by anyone, i also know you all took sunspot pictures and thsoe haven't been uploaded yet. i did see your weights experiment yesterday (whch i saw you liked my comment) i know toon did some stuff with magnetic fields. but i know there are still so many things out thre
Hi CT - the self spiraling desctruction is wonderful to behold 🧑🍳💋
What is taking so long? For such brilliant scientists you people sure take a long time to doctor your footage before releasing it.
I understand why. The PR previews you fools have put out are being torn to pieces and shown for the joke they are.
Will speaks a lot of sense. It's hard to believe he's also a pastor that believes in a magical invisible being.
@@SpyroTek You want to be careful with statements like that. Spirituality is not a branch of science, but we are seeing more scientific research in this area of late. You think there is no "magical invisible being", and that is OK, but there is no evidence to exclude the existence of something that may appear magical to some. Since the existence or otherwise of supernatural forces cannot be currently proven, we should respect other peoples views until more evidence comes to light.
But green screen, mega LCD screens, shadows, breath, snow, foot prints, ice, NASA, water doesn’t stick to a spinning tennis ball, Eric said, object in the sky blah blah blah. Oh I forgot, “I refused the free trip so it is fake”
Who wasn't asked. That's who isn't fake.
@ ??
@@AlmondScented Well, who was not asked?
@@bjornfeuerbacher5514 JTA
@@bjornfeuerbacher5514 Jake the Asshole
Dear Pastor Duffy,
Please, PLEASE have a conversation about evolution with Professor Dave (he really is the best person for the job, in my very humble opinion). You seem so genuine and are such an interesting character that I am SURE you would not regret it! I had requested some kind of discussion between you and someone like MC Toon or Professor Dave on the topic a while back and you kindly responded, saying you would be open to the proposition.
THANK YOU, once again, for all you do! TFE was FANTASTIC and you really hit a home run with it!
Cheers from Switzerland!
And, OF COURSE, HAPPY new year to you and yours!
Prof Dave is a w🔱
@@awatt Why? Because you don't like biology?...
@@Cray2TheZ Wouldn't it be better to discuss it with a biologist? Like Forrest Valkai?
I don't like Professor Dave. He will confidently spout something false for the sole purpose of appearing to pwn an idiot. In the Professor Dave vs DITRH debate, Professor Dave said confidently that the earth's gravitational force on the moon is stronger than the sun's. That is false. Professor Dave said something to the effect "you moron, the Earth holds onto the moon because it has a stronger gravitational force. DUH!" I was cringing when he said that. Everyone overlooked that, but Professor Dave's goal is not to be correct, it's to pwn idiots to make himself look smarter, and I do not support that.
@@wiggles7976Professor Dave knows his stuff but he is one of the rudest people I've ever heard. His narcissism matches FlatEarthers narcissism
I was sitting in the live streams from Union Glacier watching the 24 hour sun, yet at that time I was in Utqiagvik, Alaska, the furthest northern city in Alaska. At that time we had 24 hour darkness. Matches perfectly
no you weren't masky, the stream went down a number of times.
A globe would have to reverse direction, nothing like missing the obvious lol.
@@fpvangel4495Why does the Sun move right to left across the sky in the South, yet left to right across the sky in the North you spaz?
6:35 Joe Hanvey confirming there is no 24hr sun in Antarctica on camera prior to TFE being announced. Funny how his FE 24hr sun "model" is now the savior of flerfs everywhere, but he was adamant that it didn't exist until TFE forced the issue he started scrambling to come up with an (unworkable) FE explanation.
TFE was announced 10 months ago, Joe Hanvey first posted his “model” 9 months ago.
Yup. And so many flerfs have been deceived into thinking that Joe already had his silly model before TFE. I exposed him all over the comments section of one of his videos and he deleted the entire video.
@SkullpunkArt He's another grifting lying wannabe important person. He's a fool.
@@NotThatBryanThomas they really confirmed that there is no such thing as a 24-hour sun? That is actually hilarious lol, they aren't professional actors I guess 🤣
@@ReValveiT_01 🤣
51. No idea why CERN, LIGO and the Stanford linear accelerator vacuum rings and arms are constructed to take account of the earth's curvature, to the extent that the laser beams in LIGO would miss the targets at the end of the arms by over a metre if they hadn’t done so. And that they used GPS to do this.
52. No idea why physicists working on LIGO, the gravity wave detector, were awarded Nobel prizes in physics.
53. No idea why Google Earth does not publish its underlying flat earth model that allows it to project the earth as a globe.
54. No explanation as to why the sun rises due east for everyone on the earth on the equinox.
55. No explanation as to why the sun's ground speed at June and December solstices are equal.
56. No idea why there should be a discernible horizon that looks like the edge of the ocean viewed from a beach. The horizon should really be a blur as the farther we look out across the flat earth, the more light is scattered by the intervening air.
57. No idea how it is possible to see the sun set twice simply by changing your height above the earth (quickly by just a few tens of metres).
58. No clue how refraction actually works, or optics in general including perspective.
59. No idea what the Michelson-Morley experiment was intended to show, and what the result means.
60. No idea that the velocity of light appears in Maxwell’s explanation of electromagnetic waves, in terms of two other physical parameters that are easy to measure.
61. No idea that you can, in principle, use your microwave oven to measure (or at least verify) the speed of light.
62. No idea about forces, momentum, and the conservation laws, or how to apply them.
63. No consistent explanation as to how stars can be used in conjunction with a sextant in either hemisphere to determine latitude, so that celestial navigation is possible.
64. No explanation as to why day length varies around the world at different times of the year.
65. No explanation why there are 24 hours of sun in the Arctic in June/July when there are 24 hours of darkness in the Antarctic, and vice versa in December/January.
66. No idea why we have leap years, or why the solar day and sidereal day are different (or even what they are).
67. No explanation why bright little objects called satellites are regularly visible in the night sky following a predicted path across the sky, such that the ISS can be clearly photographed transiting the moon at entirely predictable times.
68. No explanation for how tides work (“oh, what’s that?”).
69. No concept of scale, such that if the earth was the size of a basket ball the oceans would be about an average of less than 0.2 mm deep, the moon would be about 10 m away, and the sun nearly 4 km (or about 2.5 miles) away.
70. No idea that the effect of the earth’s rotation at the equator (the fabled 1000 mph velocity) is such that the extent that you are “thrown off the surface” is to reduce your weight by 0.4% compared to standing at the north or south pole (observed and measured many times).
71. No consistent explanation how (most times) boats disappear bottom up over the horizon when they should be visible on a flat earth.
72. No explanation as to why the horizon does not rise to eye level (observed and measured many times).
73. No comprehension of what the word “level” even means: at right angles to the local vertical, which is determined by the local direction of gravity, and that water doesn't "seek its own level", it moves under gravity until its surface conforms to a gravitational equipotential.
74. No credible explanation why helium balloons fitted with demonstrably recti-linear (non-fish eye) lenses on their cameras often detect the curvature of the earth, or even how this curvature can be detected using straight edges at sea level.
75. No credible explanation for the existence of the "Downward" force called gravity.
76. No explanation that does not implicitly make use of gravity for buoyancy.
77. No explanation that does not implicitly make use of gravity for the atmospheric pressure gradient from high to low pressure with altitude, especially if we live in a dome.
78. No idea why (almost without exception) hurricanes and typhoons rotate in opposite directions in northern and southern hemispheres respectively, and rarely if ever cross the equator.
79. No explanation for the Coriolis effect observable in controlled experiments such as those conducted by Ascher H. Shapiro in the 1960s, or routinely taken into account when firing guns over long ranges, especially along north-south directions.
80. No explanation as to why stars the northern hemisphere appear to rotate counter clockwise around the north celestial pole, while they rotate clockwise around the south celestial pole (which shouldn’t even exist on a flat earth) in the southern hemisphere.
81. No explanation for the direction “south” and how observers looking south from Australia, South America and South Africa can all the see the same southern celestial pole when they should be looking in three completely different directions on a flat earth.
82. No explanation for how an equatorial mount works, enabling it to track stars flawlessly in either hemisphere requiring only knowledge of your latitude and a motorised drive around a single axis.
83. No idea what Antarctica even looks like, and where the South Pole is physically located.
84. No idea what the Antarctic Treaty actually says or what its purpose really is.
85. No clue about any of the Antarctic exploration that took place before the Treaty even came into force, nor any of those that have happened since.
86. No explanation for where the yachts in races like the Vendee Globe actually go as they circumnavigate the globe travelling due west across the southern ocean, or how they do this without travelling at “ludicrous speeds”.
87. No idea why Venus has phases. Bye bye Geocentric system.
88. No idea why only some planets, e.g. Mars, exhibit retrograde motion. Hello Heliocentric system.
89. No idea why the planets and their moons in the solar system appear to be obeying consistent laws of planetary motion, so much so that their positions can be predicted with enough precision to allow the speed of light to be measured.
90. No explanation whatsoever why Stellar Aberration occurs.
91. No idea why clouds are illuminated from the bottom at sun set.
92. No explanation for why crepuscular rays appear parallel when viewed from above.
93. No explanation of how a commercial aircraft can fly from Perth to Sydney in just over 4 hours across a flat earth, as it would need to fly faster than an F18 on afterburner all the way, or from Sydney direct to Santiago.
94. No idea why the CO2 atmosphere of Mars appears to "cling" to the exterior of its spherical spinning surface without the need for physical containment. This phenomenon is observable on others planets too.
95. No idea why the sun and the moon don't change in angular size from rising to setting by a factor of at least 2 to 3 as they must if they are local to the earth, and no idea why the sun according to the inverse law of radiation is then not at least 4 to 9 times brighter at midday than at sunset and sunrise when viewed from the ground.
96. No credible reason why millions of people (mostly scientists, engineers and technicians) over decades would lie to keep the globe earth alive, and why nations and commercial enterprises, accountable to the voters and shareholders respectively, would spend (waste) $2 trillion a year, each and every year to maintain the globe lie.
97. No idea how it is possible to measure the value of G, the universal gravitational constant and in so doing, verify the theory of gravity.
98. No comprehension of what entropy actually is or how to apply the laws of thermodynamics.
99. No scientific papers published in the last 100 years supporting the flat earth, and no technologies that depend for their correct operation on the earth being flat.
100. No clue on how Mercury can pass in front of the Sun like it did on Nov. 11, 2019.
101. And no clue how such transits can be used to verify the precise predictions made using General Relativity.
102. No clue how millions of satellite TV user get a signal by pointing their antenna towards the same unchanging point in the sky.
When your “model” is so useless that it cannot explain day and night.
@@RockyTM_301 ref number 92. With crepuscular rays appearing parallel when view from above.
An additional point about Crepuscular rays.
No explanation why if crepuscular rays that appear radiating from the the sun are supposed to indicate the sun is local. How when turning 180° so the sun is behind you. You can sometimes see those same crepuscular rays appear to converge again.
Another point: No explanation how at one time of year same stars viewed towards the east part of the night sky are slightly blue shifted when compared to the same stars six months later which in relation are now red shifted whilst mainly in the west part of the sky (hello heliocentric system again).
Such fantastic list by the way, over 100 nails in the Flerfers coffin and counting.
@@RockyTM_301 brilliant 👏
Brilliant buddy
@RockyTM_301 i was wondering why the first part didn't continue in the comments... ^^
It's sad that such groundbreaking and irrefutable data will be arbitrarily dismissed by people who claim to be "truth seekers".
It’s just like a religion. He’s a pastor so he should understand exactly what it is to keep spreading bullshit without caring whatsoever about facts and reality.
@@AnyoneCanSee The difference with religion is that it's "faith" based, so they aren't trying to prove facts and more importantly they don't call everyone else liars. So flat earth theory is in many ways worse because it's knowingly dishonest.
@@AnyoneCanSeeI think the difference is Will knows his religion is a religion and is faith based. Flat earth is a religion/cult but pretends to be science.
It's not really sad, it's REVEALING.
@Djamel-e9m "The old testament started this fallacy in the 1st century ."
Huh? I don't understand your timeline here. The old testament is much older than the 1st century.
Flatzoid's channel is currently spraying copium around over this video like they think it will extinguish the flames - they haven't realised yet that copium is actually highly flammable!
They were all shouting and fighting with each other when Joe (eftupworld) came on, and there were a surprising number of Flerfs in the sidechat who were on Joe's side and saying "OK, the evidence shows a 24 hour Sun - now let's deal with that."
Flatz blocked me on his Livestream because I disagreed. I'm STILL a flat earther
@@briancash1405and still wrong about everything you believe.
@@YeetusaurusRex 🤣🤣🤣 Joseph Hanvey working flat earth model on UA-cam
@@briancash1405 Really? It was probably Vicky with her itchy trigger finger...
Oh that is neat.. I didn't realize that the 24 hour sun had never been recorded at Union Glacier.. so all the experiments performed, customized for Union Glacier, were all 100% unique to that locaton! Awesome!
it's been recorded mulitple times, every time they were shown to be bad fakes, this one was not live streamed for the required 24 hours, and is inconsistent with every other recording.
@@Pow_FIsh Oh BS. A bunch of know-nothings with no photography experience claiming to debunk videos because they don't understand how shadows work is not proving anything other than their own ignorance.
Jeran was using a magnifier to burn a paper as part of his testing in Antarctica to prove it is the sun.
Those studio lights are pretty powerfull /s
Cant beat a classic high school experiment
@@ChocoLater1 haha well at least he had fun, good for him.
Whatever makes sense to him; if it leads him to the truth, it's a good thing.
Actually that's a nice simple experiment to prove 1) It's not an artificial source of light and 2) that it's not a reflection (such as a reflection off a dome as some claim). Good for him!
You can take a.flert to space and show him her the earth and theyre still going to call it fake.
Curved windows, obviously. 🤣
@@TheOwlman Or perspective. One of the two
@@Dvids85 I reckon they would actually claim they were drugged and secretly taken to a 360 degree state of art studio and... sorry, I seem to be channelling Erik Dubious. It's hypnofrog all over again. 😁
And what you don’t understand is when they do large engineering projects they have to model them first
they work in increments and NASA created the notion of re-creating it here on earth before they do it in space therefore it leaves room for skepticism
And yes, we are supposed to be skeptic because an appeal to authority is a logical fallacy 🧐 chrisakes
TFE2: 1000km suborbital spaceflight.
Eric Dubay called TFE a "Strawman argument". I called him out on him not knowing what a strawman is and he banned me from his channel. I think it's safe to say flat earthers aren't taking TFE very well
That’s how honest these conmen are.
Flat earthers are desperate and in panic mode after TFE.
@mikep9604 what's to panic about? They have a captive audience so desperate to believe them, they don't even need to TRY to come up with realistic or reasonable explanations- all they need to say is "Nuh uh. Still flat" and a dump truck of subs and new Patreon donations will appear at their door.
Maybe if they had an audience that was susceptible to evidence or logic, but it doesn't seem to have hurt them all THAT bad...
@@GlutenEruptionYou'd be surprised at the amount of flat earthers I've seen in Eric's comments saying that they lost respect for Eric's integrity or honesty because of him declining the trip. Definitely a minority, but I've seen more than I expected and I think that's enough to send them scurrying to their mouse holes in order to save face
@@NessMother2 I'm happy to hear that and I certainly would love nothing more than for TFE to make a real difference. I know it definitely did for some people and I'm really interested to see some hard subscription data after everything shakes out to see just how big the effect was. Every person counts but I just don't think he's he's losing sleep (or money) over it. I'm sure before hand they were all in panic mode but I'd imagine that fear quickly subsided after seeing how captured most of the audience is and how 90%+ will still believe him no matter what.
It feels like the flerfs are settling on none of this being real. They won't make a model. Thats hard. They will dismiss everything instead.
I made two “models”. One Planar one Spherical. I used Lego. Guess which one holds Water?
Against the one that had a 400 year head start I think we’re doing pretty good
You still didn’t measure anything on the ground you look to the sky it made assumptions and that’s what a capital ASS
@@dickwayne7744 guess what the fucking point of a planetary model *isn't*
@@thegrievancegordieshow9882 You've had the same time as anyone else, nobody had a head start. All you have are excuses and denial, grow up!
Next, try an experiment where flerfs can’t use any tech that is based on a globe and see how long they last.
They can only use Dave's dodgy app 🤣
@@gazs7237 Which, incidentally have equations for global positioning built into the friend finder function 🤣
All they need to do is drive west across the Canadian prairies and watch the Rocky Mountains emerge on the horizon. Proves curve and is a beautiful thing to see.
They wouldn't even be able to get there. Can't use their GPS to find the airport. Can't use an airplane anyway, because flight paths are based on the globe.
Flat earthers came back with LOTS of evidence that the earth is flat.
Their evidence consists of:
"No way"
"angarctica looks flat"
"come up with your own conclusions"
"it's way too cold here"
"I wanna go home"
"the earth is still flat"
Proves it to me!!
(well done, Will. You spent a lot of money doing something that you shouldn't have needed do, and still the idiots exist.)
one of them even told me there's no Antarctica, and I will never be better than her. 🤨
@pierreb6860 yeah. Definitely no Antarctica. Tell that to everyone at McMurdo.
God i hate hearing Oakley speak. Physically injures my ears. Dave and Jeran aren't exactly ASMR therapy, but something extra punchable about Oakley.
Yes, I was unable to finish Dr Bob's recent video because of the high Oakley quotient.
dubay's voice makes me feel like i listen to nails on a chalk board
@@Johnadams20760 Dubay's voice makes me immediately run to my chalkboard with a whole box of nails to drown out the noise.
Yep. The other Nathan, Thompson, who seems to have vanished, is just about as bad...
To Me Dubay is the absolute worst. Just the sound of his voice actu makes me angry
The final experiment was actually conducted in the early 1700's when the British Admiralty discovered how to determine longitude.
I used star trails of Antartica, South America, Australia, South Africa and NZ, to argue for the globe, they told me they were a reflection of the Northern Hemisphere stars off the dome! I gave up after that! 😅😅😅 Thanks for doing this! 🎉🎉🎉 Yay to the miracle of the spinning ball of water flying through space! Thanks God! ❤
You can tell which flat earthers knew the Earth was a globe. They were the ones who changed their story before the visit to Union Glacier as they knew they were about to be exposed.
I do not understand flat earth at all. They say they do not have a model but know its flat whereas we have a model that precisely predicts everything that we see at ALL times, and they think it is fake. Go figure
I can definitely see why one would say it’s the most beautiful place on the planet.
regarding the Nathan Oakley clip being shown all over the place saying
“In the flat earth model we say there isn’t a 24 hour sun in the south, and there isn’t”
The clip is used for good reason to point out Nathan's claim there is no 24 hour sun in the south.
I'd like to point out that it also claims there IS a flat earth model. The Flat Earthers are now running away from that claim too.
This is all awesome. But that Robert Swartz clip brought me to tears. So beautiful.
Schwarz' time lapses are amazing! I've seen them all and been to all his sites.
When your “model” is so useless that it cannot explain day and night.
Ya know, until TFE, I never thought about the sun moving backwards across the sky in the Northern Hemisphere.
No, you got it wrong. It's moving backwards in the southern hemisphere. 🤣
@maxine_q Nope, definitely backwards in the north, also I understand the moon is upside-down down there.
Just opposite direction (backwards or forwards are just perspective)
That was well put together and explained. Congratulations on a mission accomplished, Duffy.
A very powerful refutation of the flat earth. You guys did a great job setting up good quality experiments with clearly defined predictions and accumulating huge amounts of data. I'm hoping that each experiment, it's predictions and findings will be presented here at some point. It may well take quite some time, but that would be a wonderful resource.
The updated "thanks Bob".
I am interested in the psychology involved with the Flat Earth community. What I have come to understand is there are two types of Flat Earthers: one is just narcissism. the other is a clever troll comedy in the spirit of Sacha Baron Cohen's character Ali G.
as someone that has spent more time studying narcisism than i wish i had to due to a coule unfortnate people i my life in the past 10 years. i can absolutely confrim many of them are very narcissitc , at least in terms of how they prevent themsleves
2. isosated/defense mechansim for failure in life or being soem kind of outcase or , they need to feel important. which sort of goes along with number one but for a different reason
You are doing God's work, pastor. These videos will be left for a record for all to find.
The weather was perfect for making their observations which makes me think that God was saying to the flat earthers, "You are misrepresenting the true glory of my work? Well here, take a look at this." When God rubs your nose in it, maybe pay attention.
There is no god
@@PaulLewis-l7ryep agreed, so I would like to see Will apply the same level of evidence to his religious beliefs as he does to the flat/globe earth.
@tonyclif1Romans 1:16-32
[16]For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation to every one that believeth; to the Jew first, and also to the Greek.
[17]For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.
[18]For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness;
[19]Because that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them.
[20]For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:
[21]Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened.
[22]Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools,
[23]And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things.
[24]Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves:
[25]Who changed the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the creature more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen.
[26]For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature:
[27]And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
[28]And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
[29]Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers,
[30]Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents,
[31]Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful:
[32]Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, not only do the same, but have pleasure in them that do them.
Thank you again will for the opportunity to explore with you and all watching. The model by ole d’haeseleer was a great illustration. I wonder if they could also do a side by side where it shows a static sun and the earth wobble so those that may not understand how this works can see/understand/comprehend better.
Eu era terraplanista mas sai do movimento porque as estrelas do cruzeiro do sul não funciona na terra plana, parabéns pelo canal
There is a video that proves that the video was fake. Unfortunately I can't put the link in the description. Those were not flat earthers in "Antarctica". If we can prove that we are being lied to by the sphere Earthers then the "alien invasion" won't work. The aliens will be Fallen Angels. And they will be worshiped as "ancient aliens" it's not hard to disprove a lie
@@XxUnrealFishxX Very delirant post.
@psalux18963 ah yes, because scripture goes along with the flat earth theory as "false"
@@XxUnrealFishxX What "alien invasion"? No one is expecting an alien invasion.
Why should there be an invasion at all?
And you believe the Bible about "fallen angels" that should come on the earth?
If there was an invasion, what difference would it make how you call it?
And why should anyone worship the aliens, if they actually did come?
It's a complete delirium.
@psalux18963 No, we are speculating what the sphere lie could cause people to believe that fallen angels are ancient aliens when they return
RIP flatearth. Not that it was ever alive.
@@Frankly747 it is and was alive in the minds of a lot of very stupid people 😒
So Joe Hanvey lied to the flat earthers smh 🤦🏾♂️
The flatties lie to themselves 😂.
The globe Earth is completely obvious to anyone who has done night sky photography, especially if they have done it at different latitudes. If you've captured star trails at different latitudes and you claim the Earth is flat, you're just a liar.
Excellent video once again! I think the most important point here is that we who live in the Southern Hemisphere experience an exact symmetry with respect to seasons, the motion of the Sun and Moon, and all manner of other astronomical observations that people who live in the Northern Hemisphere do.
I can go outside on any clear night and observe that there is a South Celestial Pole, and that the stars appear to rotate around it. I can even teach you how to find it.
Happy new year Will! I for one am looking forward to the next 365 days cruising around the sun.😊
The penguins have come home to roost.
This needs so many more likes.
Did you know that the FE image over Dave Weis' shoulder at 5:30 was stolen from one of my debunking videos?
Dave is after all a scammer. And his app is still leaking personal information.
Will thank you for not only holding fast to science but also for holding fast to your faith. This is another example of how you can both be a believer in God and a believer in science.
Great video. Can't wait for the flat earthers responses, which will be combination of denial and total nonsense.
They have already claimed that the videos are filmed in a studio.
Atm here in Northern Finland its fucking dark as it should be in a globe and 6months from now its like daylight 247
Before this even starts, it already makes me giggle that the two main flat earth representatives are already getting so much crap for going to find the truth.
I actually give those to a lot of credit for taking the time to go to Antarctica just find out that they were wrong. I only give them a little respect though because of the fact that they’re already trying to spin the narrative.
Yes, parts of Norway experience the midnight sun, a natural phenomenon where the sun doesn't set for several weeks during the summer:
Svalbard: The sun doesn't set from around April 20 to August 23
North Cape: The midnight sun lasts from around May 14 to July 29
Tromsø: The sun stays above the horizon from around May 20 to July 22
Lofoten Islands: The midnight sun is visible from around May 28 to July 14
Harstad: The midnight sun is visible from around May 25 to July 18
Vesterålen (Andenes): The midnight sun is visible from around May 22 to July 21
question. in 1998 i visited my frien din Oslo an dalso part of the trip went to Karmsund/Haugesund. where his parents were.
do either of thsoe places get midnight sun at any time, or jf not maybe a 23 hour day?
i do know this. though. I live in the sate of Michgan near Detroit. which is at about 42.3 degrees lattitude
the shortest day of the year is about 9 hours of daylight
the longest is 16 hours of daylight
when i have gone to very south florida where my grandmother lived for a long time near Fr/Lauderdale/miami etc.. i think the ealierst sunset was maybe like 615 pm and the latest i remember near summer solstice was lik e7430 so the days only vary by maybe 3 hours or something and everglades national park which is on l a copule degrees from the teopcs they have sunset tours that vary by only over like 45 minutes or something like that
going back the other way
3 years ago we were just norht of 45 degres 5 days before the solscite in summer. and it was like 17 hours of daylight
ow lets talk about polaris/north star
where i live it is jsut under 45 degrees up in the horizon.
when i vist my grandmas location it was about 25 degrees which were th erigh tlattitudes
i am guessin in norway, espcially those northern parts
the north star is probably 55-70 degreees above horizon?
@@Johnadams20760 I went to Sweden in 1983 at mid-summer and stayed near Arjeplog right on the Arctic Circle. The sun went around and around and didn't set the whole time I was there. We went fishing at 2am in bright sunlight.
@@dingokidneys awesome. and btw. i know (fyi i am 50) but i recall when i was maybe n my teens, my dad was talking about how he assumed the sun would be at the poles and he said, if you ar on the north or south pole exactly. you should see (over the course of a few months the sun gonig around you spiraling up to tis peak on the solscitce and then spiral down until it eventually sets.
of course my father was an engineer. but we were talking about midnight sun in alaska at the time i think
I, no longer use the term "flat earth" because talking about something that doesn't exist is illusion. Thank Will for all, the Final Experiment was and still is an high level human being experience.❤
Faked Evidence would also be fitting for FE.
Much like gods then...
The term "flerf" is much better
Excellent obituary for Flat Earth! Thank you so much for making the truth known! 🙏
Thank you Will for your time and money to make this happen. Everyone who cares to listen can learn something from this adventure.
Everyone who cares to listen isn't an uneducated, brainwashed nutjob.
The truth will set you free, but first it's going too piss you off
The mental gymnastics and outright dishonesty from 99% of flerfs is hilarious
Well done Will and all involved
I've really enjoyed following TFE and I'll be watching all of these videos about the experiments, but after that I think I might stop taking an interest in FE issues. I'm just tired, to be honest. Watching FE believers attempt to defend their position is probably a bit like watching a parrot argue with Einstein that relativity is false by just saying "nope!" over and over again. It's funny at first, but quickly becomes tedious.
Thanks Will. Your intention is to bring people into the right direction and not following narcissistics Nathan Oakleys into the rabbit hole, as even Witsit pointed out. You are doing something good on this earth….
In reality there are only two reasons flatheads might panic:
1. They lose their faith
2. They lose their grifting machine.
Spot on! People «on the fence» need to hear your direct and clear speech on this. 👍
Look at those lovely footprints that FE say did not happen. R.I.P FE
Footprints don't form on ice
now we have to prove that the eart is older than 6000 years
Science doesn't prove anything. It's not how science works.
Science doesn't prove anything, that's not how science works.
@@HolmWreckerScience does indeed prove things, like heliocentrism, which chemical reactions will work, evolution, and more.
@@HolmWrecker That's really dumb to say, even for a flat earther!
That is well proven....I'd welcome Will weighing in on that subject.
There is an interactive flat-earther model that can “predict” the movements of the sun. To do this, they (Shane St. Pierre) took the code from Walter Bislins’ model. The original model was originally designed to demonstrate the impossibility of celestial phenomena on a flat earth without having to bend light. This should be discussed in one of your capsules.
While communicating accurate observable and mathematically predicable attributes of the globe we live on, the likelihood of successfully stamping out the flat-earth idiocracy is low. For the most part, flat-earth communicators are not about to disprove the model their monitized subscriber base want to believe in. Their business is under threat by the existence of this channel so it’s no realistic chance any of them will agree with you. Sadly so
I always thought the real experiment was a social experiment. I think there's a lot of data from both sides to determine who is actually a truth seeker and who is a grifter.
You can lead a horse to water, but you cannot make it drink. Sadly the FEs are the horse and no matter the evidence you point them towards will never be enough. You cannot reason someone out of a position they reasoned themselves into.
I think it's '...didn't reason themselves into.'
@@thedubwhisperer2157 Semantics
@@MrHorrorMovies No, correction! Quote by Jonathan Swift!
@@thedubwhisperer2157 Imagine needing perfection in your life to be validated - Me
The 24 hour Sun in the north goes in the opposite direction, which is further proof of the globe. I've seen that one for myself as have many others.
Just like sundials for the northern and southern hemispheres are marked in opposite directions.
Good summary Will. So glad you use symmetry arguments. Spheres have different symmetries (and broken symmetries!) then circles/disks do. We use symmetry arguments and experiments all the time in physics.
As you have said multiple times, all this is being done to try to stop all the waste of resources (money, time, relationships between family members, so many things it gets depressing), and start using those resources to more real problems. The waste is disgusting and depressing.
I respect you and Dave McKeegan more than I do some of my colleagues who can only think about publications and not whether it is true or not. String theory should be dead, but it isn't yet.
It is so sad we have to go over all this again in the 21st Century, but it has become a major problem, really a disease.
Are we going to regress to the point we put people to death like we did Giordano Bruno?
I've gotten some respect for Jeran, but he still denies that the Earth is moving. It's so simple, it is stupid. Foucault's Pendulum, for example.
Flat Earth Dave and Eric Dubay are either just after money, or are mad (=insane). Jeran is shifting but not seeing it yet, and Austin is still, well, "Witsit (doesn't) gets it". I'm not sure why Austin is not moving, probably money (the root of all evil), but he doesn't have the numbers for lots of money. He's a big question mark as to why. He's been there, seen it personally. He's even suggesting "it's the firmament, water, 3rd layer, reflection, refraction, just nonsense after nonsense". Is he just super into conspiracies? He has a video where he states the attempted assignation of Trump (bloody ear) is 50/50 conspiracy. H may just too far gone, and too far into the limelight.
BTW, here's a short on the Foucault's Pendulum. "Didi" is more patient and more seeing the truth than the adults. And this has now been understood for hundreds of years. It's a common demonstration done at Universities and Museums. You might get a shifting to "well, if it is a globe, and it's moving, why don't we feel it?" type questions. I go over and over this in intro physics when I teach it, and most students get it.
Outstanding project, Rev. Will! 👍
Good job! Can you now please do a final experiment for young Earth? Go borrow a sample of a fossil bone and do some type of dating on it and see whether it's a few millennia old or a few million years old. This will cost almost nothing compared to what you've paid for the Antarctica trip. Thank you.
I feel bad for Jeran and Witsit. It has been a harsh lesson to return and be treated the way they are - all for having the courage to challenge their beliefs.
They reap what they sowed, they lied to flerfs and trained them to react like this when confronted with evidence
i feel more bad for Jeran though, he is the one out of the 2 that seems more like he is accepting this
but like the guy just before me said about rapons what you sow. is accurate. now they both know how the shoe fits
They deserve it. The people treating them that way are the very people that they created and nurtured for years. They made their bed.
Na, they're just now getting what they've been dishing out for years.
@Somedude2020 very well said. They are harvesting the fruit if their labour over the years. They influence d flerfs to deny evidence and lie. They made their bed. Let them enjoy lying in it.
Yes Earth is a globe an older than 6000 years.
@@Jaydies2049 agreed!
@@The-Final-Experiment Congrats on 20k subs Will! It was just a couple of weeks ago that I was telling you congrats on 10k.
@@The-Final-Experiment Now you're talking. Hope you devote some time to that subject.... our planet's age and origins, maybe including how it came to be....
@@The-Final-ExperimentI disagree
@@The-Final-Experiment Hi Will, first of all thank you so much for this amazing TFE project! It was indeed THE experiment, at least a social one.
But although the shape of the earth is something else than the age of it, it would be a great idea to talk about what you think how old our earth is.
Of course this is your personal thing, but I've read some very critical comments about your opinion. I also read that you're not that fixed in it. Since you are the creator of this fantastic project, it would be great, if you would clarify your position (if it's not too personal for you!).
I'm writing this, because I once was a "young earth creationist" long time ago, when I used to be quite religious. After a while I came to the conclusion, that it just doesn't matter, how old the earth is. You can believe in god, even without taking the bible literally. It was quite a relief, when I could embrace scientific facts.
Later on I stopped being religious, but that's another story.
So, what about making a video about that?
Anyway, happy new year to you and your family!!
Wish unique flat earther and “Book of the Sun” author Antonio Subirats could have been alive to see this.
and rob skiba, bob knodel, etc
Awesome video! 100% Accurate! Thanks for all your hard work on this!
Can you finally show us gravity
@@matthewlevine2159 Yup I broke the gravity theory by jumping up. Thanks. Just like a helium filled balloon
try explanation how tides work on a flat earth?
@@KieranFlanagan-m4t If he is going to reply (he won't, and if he does will be a non answer) I'm going to get the second question 😂.
@@syashadeed7552Show us the formula for the upward force on a balloon.
The irony is that the flerfs' OWN (now discredited) model predicted a 24-hour Sun, not JUST in Antarctica, but everywhere, always! That's a trivial entailment of the fact that the Sun in that model NEVER sets.
So the thing that falsifies the flat Earth is NOT the 24-hour sun. It's the mere existence of the well-known phenomenon that we call "night"!!
Ahh, but the FE 'model' has a magic sun. Gotcha!
When’s mckeegans sunspot Timelapse coming out? That’s the one I’m having out for that proves if it was a reflection, simulator or projection?
I'm sure soon. He has a family and I'm sure he will get back to work after the holidays... Let him rest, the earth isn't getting any less spherical lol
I'm interested in it too, but there are lots of ways to disprove reflection, simulation or projection.
Like is the sun round? If you were viewing a reflection or projection from any off angle or a curved surface you would see a distorted shape. Don't even need to be in Antarctica for that.
Also that in the 24 hr time lapse it appears to be a consistent size, and continuous location. So when would it have switched over from sun to reflection.
And if it's a reflection, why do you not see 2 suns?
So like I said the sun spots are interesting but hardly needed
@ yeah great point. All very true. Having that suns fingerprint though will be so cool
it's now out on Dave's channel FYI ;)
Good job 👏 🎉❤ God bless your efforts 🎉❤
Sun circles in the sky ftw, everyone knows tis globe. Thanks Will🙏
Sun circles in the sky at the exact elevation angles that the heliocentric model predicted for that particular latitude on that particular day.
Flat earth predicted... Zilch. Nada. Diddly squat. Bupkis. Sod all.
@ReValveiT_01 ohh my bad, here u go.....24HR SUN IN ANTARCTICA DESTROYS PANCAKE EARTH.
Mind of a flat earther: "I dont fully understand this information and that makes me uncomfortable...CLICK.. This guy is a globe shill and the earth is flat!!! "
Its so easy being a flat earther, but it takes an open mind and wilingness to learn something new to get out of that hole. Hope vids like these help them, as hostility and name calling just doesnt work.
So you went all the way to Antartica, plane trips etc and took all that footage and here we are watching you sit behind a desk talking shit..why wouldnt you be saying all this in antatica, documenting the trip etc..I watched this long winded video and you only put in a few seconds of the experiment. Why? You show more of someone elses timelapse than your own, who would not show their own after all that supposed effort you are fos dude.
You can find videos. Dave McKeegan, MCToon and Critical Think have uploaded videos on their channel. And more material is coming.
@mikep9604 I hate to agree with one of these people, but why do we have to go to other channels for content that wouldn't even exists without TFE? Yeah, I know, more is coming, but this slow release does no good to anyone or anything.
@@janosszabo98 I think it's just due to the principle that the person who makes the video normally uploads it on his own channel. Of course, it would be convenient if all the videos could be found in one place.
@@janosszabo98 unfortunately there's more than one person involved from more than one channel.
@janosszabo98 because he faked it and there is too much evidence that he doesnt want on show to be scrutinised, who would go that far and not document the travel part of it lol what a liar
FE predicticted that FTE wouldn't change anything. That's the only prediction FE ever got right, I fear.
lol true
TFE predicted that flatties would react exactly like they are doing.
Globe confirmed again!
@@martinurbani You are barking up the wrong tree mate. No flerfs in here. 🤷🏼♂️
@@martinurbaniand how are they reacting? There was already footage and proof of the Antarctic sun. All they are doing now is what they always were. Deny, deflect and lie.
@@literal_lee I know that, I just wanted to integrate this other prediction. My bad if it came off wrong.
Thank you, pastor! This is awesome! HalleluYah!!
I love this excerpt from Jonathan Cahn's "Book of Mysteries." As another confirmation ❤
IT WAS DAWN. We were watching the sun rise over the desert landscape.
“Qedem,” said the teacher. “It’s Hebrew for east, a most critical direction.”
“Why?” I asked.
“The Temple of Jerusalem was built according to the qedem. It had to face the east. The altar of the sacrifice was at its easternmost end. The holy of holies was at its westernmost end. Everything else was in between. So everything in the Temple existed on an east-west continuum. Everything that took place in the Temple took place on an east-west continuum. Most importantly, on the holiest day of the year, Yom Kippur, the sins of Israel were atoned for, removed from the people, on an east-west continuum. The high priest would offer up the sacrifice in the east, and then sprinkle the blood on the ark of the covenant in the west. He would journey back and forth on an east-west continuum. And the closing act of the day would see the sins of the people symbolically removed away from the Temple and into the east of the wilderness.”
“But why is that more significant than if it was a north-south continuum?”
“Because,” said the teacher, “the earth is a sphere . . . and it turns on its axis on an east-west continuum. Therefore, the earth has a north pole and a south pole, but no east or west pole.”
“I still don’t understand.”
“How far is the north from the south?” he asked.
“It’s finite. All north comes to an end at the North Pole. And all south ends at the South Pole. If the Temple had been built on a north-south continuum, then sin would have been removed a few thousand miles from the sinner. But how far is the east from the west? East and west have no poles. Therefore, they never end. East and west are infinite. They go on forever. In fact, the Hebrew word for the east, qedem, also means everlasting.” “But back then no one knew the earth was a sphere.” “God did. And all this is a shadow of the atonement of Messiah, our salvation. So in Messiah, how far does God remove your sins from you? An infinity away . . . an eternity away. And if you had all eternity, you could never find them again. As it is written, ‘So far has He removed our sins away from us . . . as far as the east is from the west.’” Leviticus 16:14; Psalm 103:10-12
Every prediction came true. But you know what flatzoid said: “a model is a model”.
A model is a representation of reality.
When the model is not disproved by reality, which means that the model's predictions come true, it's the sign that the model has a good adherence to reality.
@ obviously that was implied in my comment.
@@Shmepple I'm sorry.
Do you mean that Flatzoid treats a model as if it had no relevance?
@@psalux18963 All good. I didn’t explain my comment which is my fault. My point is “a model is a model” is not a sufficient answer to how it makes such good predictions.
"You got to lie to Flerf"
This is 100% a proven fact in the comment section... Full Panic mode with Lie after Lie from the Flerfs remaining. It's tragic, and hilarious at the same time...
FLERF is now officially a grift. 🌍
It always was
How do we verify the assumed radius value without empirical evidence of curvature though?
@@nicholashpitts We've circum-navigated the earth, that is imperial evidence that it's a sphere, it's not an assumption.
@@nicholashpitts Well, we don't. That's why we verify it WITH evidence.
Whats the next experiment will? We going to space? Can i come?
Science Works! (Insert Bill Nye bumper)
Of course the Earth is flat. It just happens that that flat surface is projected onto an oblong spheroid.
Oblate. But yup. You’re right.
@YeetusaurusRex Thanks! Sorry I was going back and forth on the spelling and settled on the wrong one.
What confuses me is the fact that it was so easy to confirm that there is a 24 hour sun in Antartica. Did the Flerfs not realize that someone just needed to go to Antartica? Duh!🙄
They're so tied in a knot about only trusting evidence you can experience, not trusting elites etc. so since going down there is rare (especially for Flerfs who didn't *actually* want to be disproven) they could always claim it was fake.
@acrocker104 Except for that one guy who worked in Antarctica and claimed there was no 24 hour sun. Of course, that guy was seen as 100% reliable. Talk about double standards.
I want to make a video about the manipulation tactics they use especially eric, cuz thats all it is
No he didn't.
@@endleontiozae7061 Find my comments.... all 4 of them....?
You’ve made a really good job with TFE,I’m waiting for all the evidence that will leave our dear flatties without excuses. Have a happy new year,Will.
@@martinurbani It took more than 48 hours to upload it all. The flerfs are calling foul since its obviously being worked on by Pixar.
@ they think that they are so important that people would rather not spend time with their families for Christmas and New Year and work overtime for them.
Selfish fools!
Wow. Amazing and well thought out. Great work!!
Its flat
No, you have been lied to
Not really historic. Unless Flerfs getting an eyeful of truth is what you mean by historic. An epoch in the Flerf denialism
The shape size and motion of the planet are the most well known facts in all of nature. Centuries of navigation and technology ubiquitous in our industrialized civilization.
Oh it’s Mr Lie and Deceive
Can you tell the name of that flat earther you are referring to?
As a whole, just fantastic.
Yet, there is enough in this 20 mins for horrible flerfs to cherry-pick to match their preconceived narrative.
@WilliamFlats It's because he don't live in Canada
@WilliamFlats So you should know we can do little work outside at -5C without gloves and even play phone at -15C
@WilliamFlats Nowhere, just commenting what you posted before.
Like the new background Will… maybe add a couple of globes that have Asia and Africa… so it doesn’t appear so “One Sided” (pun intended😜)