As someone who is going to be an interpreter, I think it's awesome that you added captions. I'm also starting a dread journey, I got one baby one right now. Your videos are awesome :)
Thanks! This helped a lot..I am helping my friend dread her hair soon and we are using the back combing method, but I have never done dreads before so I just wanted to get an idea of how it works!
Wow my one dread took me 10 hours, yours took not even 5minutes, im such a noob but im sure will get it right somehow, thanks for the video your one was easier to follow :)
Thanks for the video! I am thinking about redreading my hair again once I removed the old dreads and gotten rid of the shampoo build up in the roots. I want to try the square sectioning this time as I didn't section my hair off very good before and a better crochet hook as well, as both of mine snapped and got bent. I'm going to aim for thinner and more locs this 3rd time round.
+sharif james - this method will work on afro textured hair. Usually folks who have relaxed hair will use backcombing to start their locks because the relaxed hair won't hold a twist! :)
I’m glad U said stick up as I’ve just done my little boys hair .. well 10 year olds , he’s mix race but his hair is more straight then curly . I just used a nit ( flea ) comb all over his and rolled like u done and yes they are all up like sonic 🤣🤣🤣 I have just ordered some crochet hooks to give a go too . He’s got it all fire red too it looks awesome 🤣🤣hes a little rocker 🤘
Yeah I feel you... you definitely aren't doing it "wrong" seeing as there is no way wrong way to knot your hair as long it gets knotted and not broken and pulled out. Nd you obviously are experienced with the amount of locs you've given yourself and I'm sure others, haha. I appreciate the response =]
ok thanks.. lol i started backcombing already without sectioning and they loosen up alot so im worried they will come un-done while i sleep of shower. any ideas?
Well, you can't say it doesn't look good in general. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's objectively dislikable. Thanks for watching anyway!
Is this better to back comb and start dreds rather than natural neglect? I stopped combing my hair 2 weeks ago and I don't see even a dent in my super strait hair. Is there more control over this look rather than doing nothing? What do you think?
I want to fet crohet dreadlocks I know u said it will be on the thinn err side what if I start them off crochet and dont twist or maintain them just freeform form there
i did my hair like this yesterday it was my first try lol i have a comb like that, i was just wondering how long it will till my hair tightens up lol cause right now it's a little thick n puffy n i palm roll it and twist it alot but it never stays twisted...and when should i wash it.?
I used ion color brights brilliants Teal and Sky Blue mixed together. Allow me to warn you that it will NEVER come out. Ion Color Brilliance Brights Teal- 1 Year Update But it is gorgeous and doesn't fade at all, so if you want a permanent, permanent teal, this is the one to go for!
Definitely not to seem disrespectful or to act like I know more than anyone about anything... but you can definitely get a much tighter dread than the one you produced here from backcombing... little bit of a better starting point. It just takes about twice the amount of time as what you did here for each one. Still I love your videos, have a good one. Peace.
so i have really straight hair like yours. not as long . buuut i cant get the ends to dread . and their very loose and some areas are alot bigger or thicker in some areas. help?:)
That isn't related to any method. It is related to the number of locks and your hair texture. For example, someone with REALLY thick hair might have 50 dreadlocks that are all the thickness of two thumbs. Someone with REALLY thin hair might have 20 dreadlocks all as thick as only one thumb. I would suggest shooting for a total of 20-30 locks if you want them thick. Remember, number isn't the biggest factor in thickness- it is your own hair texture! Make sections between the size of a US quarter and a US half dollar. (or, make them between 2.5cm-4cm if you don't use US coins). Also, people tend to wind up with the thickest locks if they do less maintenance. So, you should let them loop up and shrink when you make them. Don't crochet hook the bumps away. Crochet hooking done once a month pulls in loops and keeps dreadlocks pretty much on the thinner side. Maintenance to allow your locks to thicken includes two basic steps: 1- Shampoo your hair regularly and rinse for 10-15 minutes from all angles. 2- Separate your locks daily so they do not grow together. This is even more important if you don't do crochet hooking because they won't be "tidy" and they'll stay fluffy longer. (note: these two things are basic steps for ANY locks, but these alone give thicker locks usually) You might try freeforming (takes 1.5-3 years for mature locks, has a wilder look), or sectioning your hair out neatly and JUST backcombing tightly without crochet hooking (takes 1-1.5 years for mature locks, still can look pretty wild, but neatly sectioned). But most methods will loosen and start to loop up anyway. You are likely to get loopy, thick locks with a low number of locks and a lesser maintenance schedule. Remember one thing: You'll never have locks just like another person and you can't fully control them. Dreads gonna do what dreads gonna do! I hope this answers your question!
Heey im thinking of making dreads to myself, liked the videos alot! It gave me a better picture in back combing (how im thinking of making mine) but i would like to ask just how much do they shorten? My hair is about til the middle of my back, which means shortest parts are 40 cm and the longest parts 60 cm. Thanks for help! :)
I have a question, could I backcomb, then do the twist and rip method for each dread, to make sure it will stay. Then braid around it with yarn to keep it singular (for one dread only) Or would that not work. I have thin hair so I want it to stay and not have sexual relations with the rest of my hair :)
Hey there. So, if you wait a week or two before you decide to re-backcomb, then DON'T re-backcomb. If you realize it's too loose on the next day, you can backcomb a bit tighter. The thing about backcomb only locks is that they will loosen a lot, change a lot, and re-adjust in their own way. Your hair is knotted, which helps the initial knotting process, right? Well the knots will loosen and change on their own over the next 6-18 months. If you do not do crochet hooking maintenance, backcomb-only setups are going to look the messiest, and probably give you the most loops especially if your have straight hair. Your knots aren't all magically going to fall out. If you leave them alone, separating them daily and washing regularly (rinsing 10-15 minutes with each shampoo), they will turn out fine. But they WILL loop up a LOT and you can see the stages of it in this video: Dreadlocks 101 - About Loops So, you shouldn't really re-backcomb or weird stuff will happen. If you leave it alone aside from basic separation and washing care, it will be fine. If you want to tighten it up and make it look more tidy, you have the option to crochet hook all of your locks, and here is a tutorial: Dreadlock Maintenance - root to tip crochet hooking Don't worry. Loosening backcombed sections is just a part of the process, and you can crochet hook it once a month to keep it tidier rather than wilder looking. It's up to you. I hope this helps.
Oh, and if you don't like your locks, you are always free to brush them out and try again! I did it 3 times until I was happy, so starting over is also an option. :) Forgot to mention that! They should be fine, but it *is* an option.
there is no way I could start all over again. Im so frustrated with them right now. its like no matter how much I backcomb, nothing stays. I have loose hair and then a good knot half way down my strands from the initial backcombing. I dont know if I just wait for another 6 months to let them dread themselves or what.
Well, one thing you can do is to remake maybe 2-3 locks a day. You could brush a couple out, then redo them while you watch Gilmore Girls on netflix or something. OR! Really, if you wait, things will work out. You do actually just wait. Wash your locks regularly, and separate them every day as they begin to lock up. I promise you, that is how it works. How about you just give these locks 1 month where you promise yourself not to worry or mess with them? Just make sure you separate them each day and you will see some interesting progress in a month. Then try to wait another two months, so it is total of 3 months. It will look VERY wild for a while, but it will be worth it, and some people really enjoy the messy stages of purely backcombed and less maintained locks. Give them some time. You've made them, you don't want to start them over, so now you should give them some time, I think. Your week one locks are going to be ridiculous, and I usually cry seeing my week 1 locks and think "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" but I always wind up loving them once they settle in. :)
Glad I can help! Don't forget to check out the blog I help to run- and to check out other tutorials if you need them! :) Have a really nice day and thank you!
I got a question about this, so when I do this my hair puffs up like into a big ball, is this normal or am I just using a lot of hair and that's why, it sticks up like you said but it is just really big. so am I doing it right or just used too much hair
Maybe you are doing it too tightly. You should get a puffy, tight section, then move down the hair. Don't backcomb it all into a ball because then it might come out weird. Maybe upload a video or a picture so I can see? Your sections should be no bigger than one inch by one inch or you'll have just ridiculously giant locks.
You can crochet hook backcombed dreads so they are tighter and neater looking from the start. This backcombing method is more for people who prefer "natural" dreads that knot up on their own. You simply wash your scalp with shampoo and rinse it through your hair. Then thoroughly rinse it out. These puffy dreads need to be separated every time you wash, and separated daily so they do not grow together. I have other methods of making dreadlocks on my channel you can check out!
Hi! I know this is an old video, but I'm hoping you get a chance to respond. What would be the advantages/disadvantages of starting dreads using backcombing vs the twist and rip method? Do they each work better on different hair types? Do they offer different results depending on the method you choose?
Backcombing is puffier to start. It will mature in a more loopy way, but it will look more natural. Twist and rip will look more like dreads to start, but it will maintain a braided/twisted texture forever (on the original hair, not the grown out roots- the roots will grow out looking normal). It isn't super noticeable, but it is definitely a consideration. With backcombing you lose more length to begin. With twist and rip you lose less length to begin with. That said, I think backcombing combined with twist and rip and crochet hooking is the best startup method. I tightly backcomb one inch of my hair, crochet hook it so it is tight, then twist and rip about 10-15 times. Then I backcomb another inch and repeat. If that is confusing or too complicated, doing plain backcombing or twist and rip are juuuuust fine! You can also do pure backcombing, then crochet hook the puffy baby dreads to tighten them up. There's a lot of options!
***** Sweet! Thank you! So, I assume with the combination twist and rip/backcombing/crochet hooking makes more natural looking dreads without the disadvantages of each being as noticeable? I love your videos btw and you seem really awesome!
Yeah basically. It's the best mixture I've come up with but really any method will work pretty well and you will wind up with hair that looks like dreadlocks. They'll all work. Just pick one that works for you. Sometimes your hands don't get the hang of one method so well. Watch my video on proper sectioning before you start!! It makes a big big difference in the longrun, imo. :)
Hello, I have a question, my dreads were pure-backcombed and when they first started out they were super tight but after washing the dreads (which are about a week old) a lot of them have become less knotted and more like wave/straight hair. Should I re-dread them? I know you mentioned that you shouldn't re-backcomb baby dreads. I'm just scared that they won't continue to lock up.
No no no no don't muss with them! It is so so very normal for backcombed sections to loosen up and get fluffy and loose and even get holes in them. They'll never come totally undone and go back to being your brushable hair unless you intentionally brush them out. I promise! Now, what you can do if you don't like this looseness is to crochet hook your locks. There are pros and cons here: If you crochet hook your locks, you will have less frizziness. You will have smoother and more uniform locks overall. Crochet hooking prevents locks from thickening too much, so your locks won't shrink or thicken as much as if you had just let them do their own thing. If you choose not to crochet hook, you MUST separate your locks daily as your basic maintenance, and wash them regularly. When you don't crochet hook, you get locks that are loopier, lumpier and more wild looking overall. You get more character and texture. Your locks will most likely shrink up pretty dramatically if you go this minimal maintenance route. The longer your hair, the more it will shrink. So the choice is yours. You can convert your loosening backcombed locks to be a bit tighter and more maintained. OR! You can leave them alone to do their own thing, and in about 6 months they will have loosened and re-formed into their own special little beasty selves.
Okay that is super helpful thank you so so much! I've been panicking about them so this is a huge relief. Now I know to just accept the babies as they are. Haha. Thank you so much again!
Please don't use wax. It is really unnecessary, and it is easy to overuse wax. You can make backcombed dreads and leave them puffy and within 3 months they will really start to lock up. Please check out our starting methods page on dreadlockinfo: You can read all the methods there, and none of them require wax! Yoy can pick one tighter than pure backcombing if you like. Actually, why don't you give the FAQ on our blog a read, too? :) Here's our opinions on wax, too: Have a nice day!
Hi :) not sure if you remember me but anyway, it's been a couple weeks that I've had my dreads. I've washed my hair like you've said to do. Unfortunately the roots of the dreads on the back of my head were really loose when I did them. Now they have gotten looser some how and my hair is all webbed now. A few of my other dreads have loosened up as well and a couple have actually come all the way apart. Is there anyway I can prevent this from happening? I used the twist and rip method for all of my dreads. The ones that are lose I'm thinking of completely taking them out and doing back comb. Also, I plan to get elastic bands to separate what I can so more webbing doesn't happen!
Noooooooo do not use elastic bands!! They will (1) restrict movement of your hair, preventing your roots from locking, (2) usually get horribly tangled in your hair, and (3) can get "lost" in your hair and get old and icky. The ones that are giving you trouble will be better when you re-make them. Unless they are really really short (under 5 inches), they should stay together once your technique of locking gets better. If the hair is shorter than 5 inches, forget about trying to get them to really stay together until they get a bit longer. :) It's a pain, but you just gotta wait it out. It is normal for your baby locks to loosen, but you should do maintenance with a crochet hook once per month (2x per month as a maximum) if you would like your baby locks to stay tidy looking. Crochet hooking is optional, but I prefer to do it. Try my new method! Here's the link: How to make Dreadlocks! (captions for HoH) Also, here's my video about using elastics in your locks: Dreadlocks and Rubber Bands (or Elastics, if you like)
Thank you so much! Do you recommend wrapping dreads with yarn? I'd prefer to not blunt my tips just because I like the way loose ends look and my hair is very long :) I have a crochet hook but unfortunately the smallest i could find was a 1.40 mm. I watched your maintenance video along with the two you linked to me. Hopefully I can order a 0.5 mm!
Yarn wrapping is for decoration, not really for holding locks together. But for a few problem locks, it might help out the initial stages. The yarn restricts movement and friction, thus your locks won't knot up very quickly or at all. Yarn wraps worn for a long time (more than a month or two) can cause large bulges in the locks if you make them in the X pattern. If you have a few problem locks, you can put yarn wraps on them for a couple weeks at a time, but don't leave them on for more than a month because they will stunt maturing and can cause warped loopy shapes. Give your locks a few days to "breathe" and then re-wrap them in a different way so they will mature with an even shape. If you like the loopy shapes, then don't worry about that bit, but wraps do make your locks mature more slowly. I hope that helps!!
Your hair is your choice. Crochet hooking your dreads helps them to look tidy and stay neat. If you do not want tidy, neat dreads and prefer wilder looking ones, then don't use a crochet hook! Or you can do something in between. There are many ways to make and maintain dreads, many of which work, and a few of which are TERRIBLE ideas. But crochet hook or no is 100% up to you!
Hey, so I did the bottom row yesterday. Im not really concerned with them looking good yet cuz they're babies and I know it takes time. But they are ultra fuzzy. Like ULTRA fuzzy. I dont really wanna crotchet it, I just wondered how normal it is because I fear that Iv done something wrong ^^ You probably already went over it on the video, but Im still curious. My hairs naturally thinner, and also very straight like yours.
+Vi King If you do straight backcombing, the locks will be really fluffy for a long time. You MUST separate them daily so they don't grow together especially since they are this fluffy. Wrapping them at this point will hinder their progress, create permanent bumps, and not really help anything much. Wrapping is not a substitute for daily separation of your locks. They will loosen, then re-tighten themselves in their own way. Don't expect much progress until you're at least 6 months along - they take a long long time. Good luck! :)
No, I mean tying decorative string around them like some people really enjoy doing. If you wear a beanie daily, just be careful to separate your locks after wearing it! It may encourage them to grow together if you are doing backcomb only. :)
Hey there! You have to wait. And wait. And wait some more. It takes several months for the hair to lock up. However, if you don't care about manipulating your locks, you can always crochet hook them down. I have quite a few videos on that subject. :)
It's really hard at first and feels like trying to paint Mona Lisa with your buttcheeks. It felt SO futile when I started. BUT! I went from zero to hero, and so can you! Just keep at it. Watch all my videos about crochet hooking and keep trying. :) Be sure you're using a small hook and a quality hook. I loooove my clover brand 0.5mm crochet hook. I won't use anything else. You can find it on amazon. It costs $8 but it is worth it.
Oh yes I ordered one of them Clover crochet hooks earlier 0.6 :) I'm going to try and do the way Colinsdreads777 explained, he said you can knock of 3/4 months of the awkward stage of the locking process. Going to start as soon as I get my new crochet hook, hopefully it won't snap this time. I found the broken piece in my hair as I took the dread out lol
It's a youtube video, welcome to the internet. Not but on a serious note, some people don't want to have nice, tidy-looking locks from the getgo because they don't think it looks "natural" and they want "natural" locks. This tutorial is for those people. These backcombed sections will lock up in about 6 months, and look frizzy in the meantime.
I want to fet crohet dreadlocks I know u said it will be on the thinn err side what if I start them off crochet and dont twist or maintain them just freeform form there
If you start off with backcombed locks, then freeform them, you are likely to wind up with very loopy locks that become pretty thick as they mature. Make your sections bigger than 1inch x 1inch, but smaller than 1.5x1.5 inches. This should give you thicker sections therefore thicker locks as well. Of course, your hair thickness will have an impact on this. Even if you freeform, you must do these two things as a "bare minimum" maintenance: 1- Wash your hair regularly (more than twice per month) and rinse thoroughly in the shower for 10-15 minutes from all angles. 2- Separate your locks daily. Seriously I get so many people who come crying to me because they neglected to do this simple 5-minute task daily! We brush and floss every day to prevent cavities, we separate locks daily to prevent giant matted messes. I hope this helps! Good luck!
9 years old and this is the most helpful I've seen for how I want to handle it.
@3:49 when your like "now i'm looking like a unicorn".. cracked me up,,this was very helpful. thank youu... :)
At 3:50, you look majestic as fuck. With the edges of the dread being all fluffy, and in the light, it looks like its a glowing horn.
Listen to her guys, she helped me start my dreads! 🙂😌🙂
Lucas Hilton u black tho
@@drippy_jsh3996 so
i thought it was just for straight hair
@@shakir7194 dreads are easy to get in for black people because we have curly hair and the right hair texture for it
Knight Knight i know, i was just saying that i never thought the twist and rip method would work on a black person, or 4c or 4b type hair
As someone who is going to be an interpreter, I think it's awesome that you added captions. I'm also starting a dread journey, I got one baby one right now. Your videos are awesome :)
Thank you for your video.. I watched a ton and yours was the most informative and without a ton of rambling
Thank you so much, I'm kinda poor so I don't have the cash to buy certain tools and this will help me out a lot
thank you i could not do twist and rip or any other method so i watched your vid and this helped me do it so now i have dreads thank you
Thanks! This helped a lot..I am helping my friend dread her hair soon and we are using the back combing method, but I have never done dreads before so I just wanted to get an idea of how it works!
be sure you use proper sectioning! It makes a world of difference!!
Ok, I will be sure to mention it to her...she actually has ordered a whole dread lock kit from online so we are excited to get started wednesday!
I will send her this link just to make sure she is aware of it
Wow my one dread took me 10 hours, yours took not even 5minutes, im such a noob but im sure will get it right somehow, thanks for the video your one was easier to follow :)
Thanks for the video! I am thinking about redreading my hair again once I removed the old dreads and gotten rid of the shampoo build up in the roots. I want to try the square sectioning this time as I didn't section my hair off very good before and a better crochet hook as well, as both of mine snapped and got bent. I'm going to aim for thinner and more locs this 3rd time round.
That cute little loop! Lol. Im going to dread my hair now! Thank you 💜💜💜😄
Thank you for taking the time to answering my questions
+sharif james - this method will work on afro textured hair. Usually folks who have relaxed hair will use backcombing to start their locks because the relaxed hair won't hold a twist! :)
You look like a unicorn😂😂😂 the hair just stiks upp😂😂
I’m glad U said stick up as I’ve just done my little boys hair .. well 10 year olds , he’s mix race but his hair is more straight then curly . I just used a nit ( flea ) comb all over his and rolled like u done and yes they are all up like sonic 🤣🤣🤣 I have just ordered some crochet hooks to give a go too . He’s got it all fire red too it looks awesome 🤣🤣hes a little rocker 🤘
You are a unicorn 😘😘😘 Was searching for this forever.
the best video i have ever watched...
aww thanks, but i bet the movie avatar was better ahaha
not..i like this(Y)..but i m still unable to make a dread .. m just spoiling my hairs:(
I LOVE LOVE LOVE your hair color 😍😍😍
I want it back so bad ;___;
Yeah I feel you... you definitely aren't doing it "wrong" seeing as there is no way wrong way to knot your hair as long it gets knotted and not broken and pulled out. Nd you obviously are experienced with the amount of locs you've given yourself and I'm sure others, haha. I appreciate the response =]
it's good to wear a wool cap or tam over your backcombed dreads, helps them tighten
ok thanks.. lol i started backcombing already without sectioning and they loosen up alot so im worried they will come un-done while i sleep of shower. any ideas?
Those are pretty rad, but I couldn't full off that look. My crochet hooks came in the mail today anyway. Put em in later today. ty for your help
Thank you. That was one of the reasons I was putting of doing it. I was worried that I wouldn't like it and would have to cut my hair off.
im amazed at these videos which is why I watch them. but I would never do this to my hair. it just don't look good. but hey, to each their own.
Well, you can't say it doesn't look good in general. Just because you don't like something doesn't mean it's objectively dislikable.
Thanks for watching anyway!
I agree!
Is this better to back comb and start dreds rather than natural neglect? I stopped combing my hair 2 weeks ago and I don't see even a dent in my super strait hair. Is there more control over this look rather than doing nothing? What do you think?
I want to fet crohet dreadlocks I know u said it will be on the thinn err side what if I start them off crochet and dont twist or maintain them just freeform form there
i did my hair like this yesterday it was my first try lol i have a comb like that, i was just wondering how long it will till my hair tightens up lol cause right now it's a little thick n puffy n i palm roll it and twist it alot but it never stays twisted...and when should i wash it.?
Your energy is sooooo fucking great. You’re so hilarious and beautiful
Thank you for your feedback@astird :)
what coloring product did you use to get that beautiful turquoise? is it permanent or wash out?
I used ion color brights brilliants Teal and Sky Blue mixed together.
Allow me to warn you that it will NEVER come out.
Ion Color Brilliance Brights Teal- 1 Year Update
But it is gorgeous and doesn't fade at all, so if you want a permanent, permanent teal, this is the one to go for!
Would a slightly looser backcombed dread still firm up well over time?
Definitely not to seem disrespectful or to act like I know more than anyone about anything... but you can definitely get a much tighter dread than the one you produced here from backcombing... little bit of a better starting point. It just takes about twice the amount of time as what you did here for each one. Still I love your videos, have a good one. Peace.
you were a unicoooooorn
helpful video though
Thank you so much for the subtitles!
an unused flea comb is very good for backcombing... you can buy them in poundland
oh and i also want freeform/neglected dreads so do i just not section them? or how does that work?
so i have really straight hair like yours. not as long . buuut i cant get the ends to dread . and their very loose and some areas are alot bigger or thicker in some areas. help?:)
What do you do once all your dreads are set? Just palm roll everyday or what?
How do you do the back tight by oneself? Also the hard to reach areas? My hair is locking well in the other areas. Shoulder length now
What type of dreadlock method would geive u thick locks
That isn't related to any method. It is related to the number of locks and your hair texture.
For example, someone with REALLY thick hair might have 50 dreadlocks that are all the thickness of two thumbs.
Someone with REALLY thin hair might have 20 dreadlocks all as thick as only one thumb.
I would suggest shooting for a total of 20-30 locks if you want them thick. Remember, number isn't the biggest factor in thickness- it is your own hair texture! Make sections between the size of a US quarter and a US half dollar. (or, make them between 2.5cm-4cm if you don't use US coins).
Also, people tend to wind up with the thickest locks if they do less maintenance. So, you should let them loop up and shrink when you make them. Don't crochet hook the bumps away. Crochet hooking done once a month pulls in loops and keeps dreadlocks pretty much on the thinner side.
Maintenance to allow your locks to thicken includes two basic steps:
1- Shampoo your hair regularly and rinse for 10-15 minutes from all angles.
2- Separate your locks daily so they do not grow together. This is even more important if you don't do crochet hooking because they won't be "tidy" and they'll stay fluffy longer.
(note: these two things are basic steps for ANY locks, but these alone give thicker locks usually)
You might try freeforming (takes 1.5-3 years for mature locks, has a wilder look), or sectioning your hair out neatly and JUST backcombing tightly without crochet hooking (takes 1-1.5 years for mature locks, still can look pretty wild, but neatly sectioned). But most methods will loosen and start to loop up anyway. You are likely to get loopy, thick locks with a low number of locks and a lesser maintenance schedule.
Remember one thing: You'll never have locks just like another person and you can't fully control them. Dreads gonna do what dreads gonna do!
I hope this answers your question!
how long is your hair without dreads? mine is 2 or 3 feet I believe and I was wondering how much shorter it'll look with dreads
I know this is an old video but could you get dreads for a day and then take them out since you said your not keeping it
UA-cam User probably if your hair is short or if you want to take the time to comb it out
Heey im thinking of making dreads to myself, liked the videos alot! It gave me a better picture in back combing (how im thinking of making mine) but i would like to ask just how much do they shorten? My hair is about til the middle of my back, which means shortest parts are 40 cm and the longest parts 60 cm. Thanks for help! :)
I have a question, could I backcomb, then do the twist and rip method for each dread, to make sure it will stay. Then braid around it with yarn to keep it singular (for one dread only) Or would that not work. I have thin hair so I want it to stay and not have sexual relations with the rest of my hair :)
What is the oldest age of someone with dreads? Is this a lifelong style of just a phase?
Finally a helpful video! Thanks, gurl! :)
Imma do 2 dreads thanks for this
If I did not back-comb them tight enough, or correctly from the start, and I cant back-comb them again to try and fix them, then what do I do??
Hey there.
So, if you wait a week or two before you decide to re-backcomb, then DON'T re-backcomb.
If you realize it's too loose on the next day, you can backcomb a bit tighter.
The thing about backcomb only locks is that they will loosen a lot, change a lot, and re-adjust in their own way. Your hair is knotted, which helps the initial knotting process, right? Well the knots will loosen and change on their own over the next 6-18 months. If you do not do crochet hooking maintenance, backcomb-only setups are going to look the messiest, and probably give you the most loops especially if your have straight hair.
Your knots aren't all magically going to fall out. If you leave them alone, separating them daily and washing regularly (rinsing 10-15 minutes with each shampoo), they will turn out fine. But they WILL loop up a LOT and you can see the stages of it in this video:
Dreadlocks 101 - About Loops
So, you shouldn't really re-backcomb or weird stuff will happen.
If you leave it alone aside from basic separation and washing care, it will be fine.
If you want to tighten it up and make it look more tidy, you have the option to crochet hook all of your locks, and here is a tutorial:
Dreadlock Maintenance - root to tip crochet hooking
Don't worry. Loosening backcombed sections is just a part of the process, and you can crochet hook it once a month to keep it tidier rather than wilder looking.
It's up to you.
I hope this helps.
thank you very much! you answered a lot of my questions about whats going on with my dreads!
Oh, and if you don't like your locks, you are always free to brush them out and try again! I did it 3 times until I was happy, so starting over is also an option.
Forgot to mention that! They should be fine, but it *is* an option.
there is no way I could start all over again. Im so frustrated with them right now. its like no matter how much I backcomb, nothing stays. I have loose hair and then a good knot half way down my strands from the initial backcombing. I dont know if I just wait for another 6 months to let them dread themselves or what.
Well, one thing you can do is to remake maybe 2-3 locks a day. You could brush a couple out, then redo them while you watch Gilmore Girls on netflix or something.
OR! Really, if you wait, things will work out. You do actually just wait.
Wash your locks regularly, and separate them every day as they begin to lock up. I promise you, that is how it works. How about you just give these locks 1 month where you promise yourself not to worry or mess with them?
Just make sure you separate them each day and you will see some interesting progress in a month.
Then try to wait another two months, so it is total of 3 months.
It will look VERY wild for a while, but it will be worth it, and some people really enjoy the messy stages of purely backcombed and less maintained locks.
Give them some time. You've made them, you don't want to start them over, so now you should give them some time, I think.
Your week one locks are going to be ridiculous, and I usually cry seeing my week 1 locks and think "WHAT HAVE I DONE?!" but I always wind up loving them once they settle in. :)
So does this really work?
i love you and your videos youre amazing gurrrl! so much help thanks a lot for everything
Glad I can help! Don't forget to check out the blog I help to run- and to check out other tutorials if you need them! :) Have a really nice day and thank you!
You're so cute! I'm glad I found your channel.
Ur weird
alright sounds easy enough this was very helpful! thank you
I got a question about this, so when I do this my hair puffs up like into a big ball, is this normal or am I just using a lot of hair and that's why, it sticks up like you said but it is just really big. so am I doing it right or just used too much hair
Maybe you are doing it too tightly. You should get a puffy, tight section, then move down the hair. Don't backcomb it all into a ball because then it might come out weird. Maybe upload a video or a picture so I can see?
Your sections should be no bigger than one inch by one inch or you'll have just ridiculously giant locks.
Hey 6 months ? ... how do I wash it ? and will it look big cause I want it to be like settle like down-ish you know what I mean right
You can crochet hook backcombed dreads so they are tighter and neater looking from the start. This backcombing method is more for people who prefer "natural" dreads that knot up on their own. You simply wash your scalp with shampoo and rinse it through your hair. Then thoroughly rinse it out. These puffy dreads need to be separated every time you wash, and separated daily so they do not grow together.
I have other methods of making dreadlocks on my channel you can check out!
I did dreads before I had green curly hair, I'm gonna agree my curly hair was better because it look weird🤣
Hi! I know this is an old video, but I'm hoping you get a chance to respond. What would be the advantages/disadvantages of starting dreads using backcombing vs the twist and rip method? Do they each work better on different hair types? Do they offer different results depending on the method you choose?
Backcombing is puffier to start. It will mature in a more loopy way, but it will look more natural.
Twist and rip will look more like dreads to start, but it will maintain a braided/twisted texture forever (on the original hair, not the grown out roots- the roots will grow out looking normal). It isn't super noticeable, but it is definitely a consideration.
With backcombing you lose more length to begin.
With twist and rip you lose less length to begin with.
That said, I think backcombing combined with twist and rip and crochet hooking is the best startup method.
I tightly backcomb one inch of my hair, crochet hook it so it is tight, then twist and rip about 10-15 times. Then I backcomb another inch and repeat.
If that is confusing or too complicated, doing plain backcombing or twist and rip are juuuuust fine!
You can also do pure backcombing, then crochet hook the puffy baby dreads to tighten them up.
There's a lot of options!
***** Sweet! Thank you! So, I assume with the combination twist and rip/backcombing/crochet hooking makes more natural looking dreads without the disadvantages of each being as noticeable? I love your videos btw and you seem really awesome!
Yeah basically. It's the best mixture I've come up with but really any method will work pretty well and you will wind up with hair that looks like dreadlocks. They'll all work. Just pick one that works for you. Sometimes your hands don't get the hang of one method so well.
Watch my video on proper sectioning before you start!! It makes a big big difference in the longrun, imo. :)
Thank you soo much for this. it helped me!
Hello, I have a question, my dreads were pure-backcombed and when they first started out they were super tight but after washing the dreads (which are about a week old) a lot of them have become less knotted and more like wave/straight hair. Should I re-dread them? I know you mentioned that you shouldn't re-backcomb baby dreads. I'm just scared that they won't continue to lock up.
No no no no don't muss with them!
It is so so very normal for backcombed sections to loosen up and get fluffy and loose and even get holes in them. They'll never come totally undone and go back to being your brushable hair unless you intentionally brush them out. I promise! Now, what you can do if you don't like this looseness is to crochet hook your locks. There are pros and cons here:
If you crochet hook your locks, you will have less frizziness. You will have smoother and more uniform locks overall. Crochet hooking prevents locks from thickening too much, so your locks won't shrink or thicken as much as if you had just let them do their own thing.
If you choose not to crochet hook, you MUST separate your locks daily as your basic maintenance, and wash them regularly. When you don't crochet hook, you get locks that are loopier, lumpier and more wild looking overall. You get more character and texture. Your locks will most likely shrink up pretty dramatically if you go this minimal maintenance route. The longer your hair, the more it will shrink.
So the choice is yours. You can convert your loosening backcombed locks to be a bit tighter and more maintained. OR! You can leave them alone to do their own thing, and in about 6 months they will have loosened and re-formed into their own special little beasty selves.
Okay that is super helpful thank you so so much! I've been panicking about them so this is a huge relief. Now I know to just accept the babies as they are. Haha. Thank you so much again!
Yep! You can choose to maintain them if you like, and you can choose to let them run wild and free! It's a personal choice and an aesthetic choice. :)
Hmmm I may end up maintaining them. Thanks for the advice and for the helpful video!
I dreaded My homies hair last weed and dont have wax should I knot it anyways...
Please don't use wax. It is really unnecessary, and it is easy to overuse wax. You can make backcombed dreads and leave them puffy and within 3 months they will really start to lock up.
Please check out our starting methods page on dreadlockinfo:
You can read all the methods there, and none of them require wax!
Yoy can pick one tighter than pure backcombing if you like.
Actually, why don't you give the FAQ on our blog a read, too? :)
Here's our opinions on wax, too:
Have a nice day!
Hi :) not sure if you remember me but anyway, it's been a couple weeks that I've had my dreads. I've washed my hair like you've said to do. Unfortunately the roots of the dreads on the back of my head were really loose when I did them. Now they have gotten looser some how and my hair is all webbed now. A few of my other dreads have loosened up as well and a couple have actually come all the way apart. Is there anyway I can prevent this from happening? I used the twist and rip method for all of my dreads. The ones that are lose I'm thinking of completely taking them out and doing back comb. Also, I plan to get elastic bands to separate what I can so more webbing doesn't happen!
Noooooooo do not use elastic bands!!
They will (1) restrict movement of your hair, preventing your roots from locking, (2) usually get horribly tangled in your hair, and (3) can get "lost" in your hair and get old and icky.
The ones that are giving you trouble will be better when you re-make them.
Unless they are really really short (under 5 inches), they should stay together once your technique of locking gets better.
If the hair is shorter than 5 inches, forget about trying to get them to really stay together until they get a bit longer. :) It's a pain, but you just gotta wait it out.
It is normal for your baby locks to loosen, but you should do maintenance with a crochet hook once per month (2x per month as a maximum) if you would like your baby locks to stay tidy looking. Crochet hooking is optional, but I prefer to do it.
Try my new method!
Here's the link: How to make Dreadlocks! (captions for HoH)
Also, here's my video about using elastics in your locks:
Dreadlocks and Rubber Bands (or Elastics, if you like)
Also, if you blunt the tips (shown in my "how to make locks" video), your locks are much much less likely to unravel!
Good luck!
Thank you so much! Do you recommend wrapping dreads with yarn? I'd prefer to not blunt my tips just because I like the way loose ends look and my hair is very long :) I have a crochet hook but unfortunately the smallest i could find was a 1.40 mm. I watched your maintenance video along with the two you linked to me. Hopefully I can order a 0.5 mm!
Yarn wrapping is for decoration, not really for holding locks together. But for a few problem locks, it might help out the initial stages.
The yarn restricts movement and friction, thus your locks won't knot up very quickly or at all.
Yarn wraps worn for a long time (more than a month or two) can cause large bulges in the locks if you make them in the X pattern.
If you have a few problem locks, you can put yarn wraps on them for a couple weeks at a time, but don't leave them on for more than a month because they will stunt maturing and can cause warped loopy shapes. Give your locks a few days to "breathe" and then re-wrap them in a different way so they will mature with an even shape.
If you like the loopy shapes, then don't worry about that bit, but wraps do make your locks mature more slowly.
I hope that helps!!
thank you so much for your quick responses! you've helped a lot!
oog! i wish i had fund this video before i spent a year working on the neglect method. mine are pretty uneven and this looks much faster.
Is the crochet hook mandatory or can I choose not to use it??
Your hair is your choice. Crochet hooking your dreads helps them to look tidy and stay neat. If you do not want tidy, neat dreads and prefer wilder looking ones, then don't use a crochet hook! Or you can do something in between. There are many ways to make and maintain dreads, many of which work, and a few of which are TERRIBLE ideas. But crochet hook or no is 100% up to you!
will this work on extensions?
+Ella Meow It's not quite the same. Check out this video where I teach that.
Hey, so I did the bottom row yesterday. Im not really concerned with them looking good yet cuz they're babies and I know it takes time. But they are ultra fuzzy. Like ULTRA fuzzy. I dont really wanna crotchet it, I just wondered how normal it is because I fear that Iv done something wrong ^^ You probably already went over it on the video, but Im still curious. My hairs naturally thinner, and also very straight like yours.
+Vi King If you do straight backcombing, the locks will be really fluffy for a long time. You MUST separate them daily so they don't grow together especially since they are this fluffy. Wrapping them at this point will hinder their progress, create permanent bumps, and not really help anything much. Wrapping is not a substitute for daily separation of your locks.
They will loosen, then re-tighten themselves in their own way. Don't expect much progress until you're at least 6 months along - they take a long long time. Good luck! :)
By wrapping, do you mean putting a beenie on and such?
No, I mean tying decorative string around them like some people really enjoy doing.
If you wear a beanie daily, just be careful to separate your locks after wearing it! It may encourage them to grow together if you are doing backcomb only. :)
Oh ok cool! Im not planning on decorating them until they are mature :) Thanks for the advice!
That is wicked awesome.
Thanks so much. You have been so helpfull. :)
so how do you calm it down
Hey there! You have to wait. And wait. And wait some more. It takes several months for the hair to lock up. However, if you don't care about manipulating your locks, you can always crochet hook them down. I have quite a few videos on that subject. :)
you are to cute I love the advice super helpful thank you!!!
Didn't you just use a crochet hook?
Aren't you not supposed to comb the dreads out?
What happens when u shower
i wish you were in boston so you could fix my dreads lol.. im having a horrible time crocheting them :(
It's really hard at first and feels like trying to paint Mona Lisa with your buttcheeks.
It felt SO futile when I started.
BUT! I went from zero to hero, and so can you! Just keep at it. Watch all my videos about crochet hooking and keep trying. :)
Be sure you're using a small hook and a quality hook. I loooove my clover brand 0.5mm crochet hook. I won't use anything else. You can find it on amazon. It costs $8 but it is worth it.
Ok thank you so much :)
Astrid you did have to talk about him that bad
Did a couple dreads of this method and then ordered a crochet hook. Don't really think the spikey hair look suits me.
Oh yes I ordered one of them Clover crochet hooks earlier 0.6 :) I'm going to try and do the way Colinsdreads777 explained, he said you can knock of 3/4 months of the awkward stage of the locking process. Going to start as soon as I get my new crochet hook, hopefully it won't snap this time. I found the broken piece in my hair as I took the dread out lol
I have short hair and im a boy cant do it sadly but hey good video
This shit so hard to do on myself and for everyone else to do. Please do mine lmao
You're so gorgeous. I love your videos. :)
It was my dream to mate with a unicorn . Where are u?
Looked like Cindy Lou who
Thanks.! thats very helpful :)
Island Boy 🏝
Please come and dread my hair. lol
Im gonna be like lil pump😂😂😎
nah im talking very loose full on cones. fat spikes. look like a final fantasy character.
POV it’s 2022
Sure thing ^_^
that is not how dreadlocks should look like.
Beautiful eyes
OK... Wtf is that? You didn't even section your hair out, you just grabbed a random chunk and did it terribly!
how the fuck did key and peele bring me here??????????
+Colson Burdell I watch a lot of Key and Peele... maybe I accidentally cross-linked them? lolll That's too weird though.
oh lol ok so im just using my brothers youtube account. you should check out my facebook page and tell me if i should dread my hair or not
Jeff (JT) Haines
318 IMA unicorn
Wtf is this
It's a youtube video, welcome to the internet.
Not but on a serious note, some people don't want to have nice, tidy-looking locks from the getgo because they don't think it looks "natural" and they want "natural" locks. This tutorial is for those people. These backcombed sections will lock up in about 6 months, and look frizzy in the meantime.
Thank you for taking the time to answering my questions
I want to fet crohet dreadlocks I know u said it will be on the thinn err side what if I start them off crochet and dont twist or maintain them just freeform form there
If you start off with backcombed locks, then freeform them, you are likely to wind up with very loopy locks that become pretty thick as they mature. Make your sections bigger than 1inch x 1inch, but smaller than 1.5x1.5 inches. This should give you thicker sections therefore thicker locks as well.
Of course, your hair thickness will have an impact on this.
Even if you freeform, you must do these two things as a "bare minimum" maintenance:
1- Wash your hair regularly (more than twice per month) and rinse thoroughly in the shower for 10-15 minutes from all angles.
2- Separate your locks daily. Seriously I get so many people who come crying to me because they neglected to do this simple 5-minute task daily! We brush and floss every day to prevent cavities, we separate locks daily to prevent giant matted messes.
I hope this helps! Good luck!