I agree. Speed, rate, age, fast, slowly, RPM, acceleration, clock, schedule, regular, rhythm, beat, arrhythmia, nanosecond, retarded and seismograph are all words whose meanings are derived in part from their linkage to a concept of time. The concept assures us that time is an actually existent fundamental component of the universe and an important consideration in scientific physics. I'm sure there are many other words like these that belong to our 'temporal vocabulary'. How could one grow up in a society whose language is saturated with that vocabulary and not be certain that time is a reality of physics even if quite mysterious. That particular temporal concept becomes an unconscious assumption that influences almost everything almost everyone thinks and does. It is no wonder that so many resist the reasoning that reveals time to be a concept only. You may have noticed. lol Cheers, eh!
When your boss asks you why you are always late to work just tell him he lacks the necessary awareness to understand that there is no such thing as time. And then see what he does.
Although, the thing is, that there is no time even when something does happen. Carlo doesn’t say this explicitly (he is not egotistical and he knows he must allow every individual the ‘time’ for the penny to drop). There is only change, events, entropy. But no real phenomenon or dimension of time. Time is human frailty
What Carlo tries to explain is that Time is an emergent property of each quantum event. Humans can´t discern and account for all those micro events so our brain creates an approximation called Time. Example of an air ballon. Our brain can´t process all the position and velocity of the air particles. Instead, our mind takes a probabilistic account and extracts variables like volume, temperature or pressure. Carlo affirms that same happens with time.
I'm commenting on the video not the post above: Carlo has a point. Space and time are one. More specifically, there is only space. The time we know changes with space/curvature/spacetime/gravitational waves. 7:43 the sense of time comes from our senses. Without our senses, we perceive no change or time. However, his point is not entirely useful. if something is local (general relativity), events are comparable and the yardstick to use is the speed of light/causality. GR also made it possible to compare objects in spacetime.
Gravity affects the oscillations of an atom in an atomic clock, so that the clock speeds up or slows down depending on altitude or proximity to mass. I think that a clock is correct or incorrect depending on what it is calibrated to. My wristwatches do the same thing according to the effects of gravity, but I don't tell my boss that I'm late because time sped up. I say that my watch is wrong. I'm not saying that the scientists are necessarily wrong, but the explanation falls apart for me very quiokly. I really wish that I could fathom time, but alas, it must be beyond my grasp.
@@GradyPhilpott This I feel is in assuming there is an absolute newtonian time or proper time as elaborated in special relativity that equally ticks along without any recourse to the physical changes of objects. The only theory of time or definition of time that does without the assumption of progressing without the change of physical objects is to literally define it as an emergent abstraction from fundamental change. When you say your watch is wrong basically you're asserting that RELATIVE to other watches or an earth based time system the watch is too fast or slow, relatively. I always find these responses objecting to a substantivalist interpretation of general relativity tiresome when someone asserts it's not time that slowed down but how fast this process changes. . . but that is all that time is. In fact, without a universal or even relative (as in special relativistic) ticking of spacetime clocks in what sense does it mean to assert that this process did slow down but "time" did not? plato.stanford.edu/entries/spacetime-theories/
@6:21 i interpret this as: Time is an emergent property of change so it only applies within the frame of reference of an event...the event is required for time to emerge or to be relevant
Time has two distinct meanings. 1. The dimension of change...i e. the calibration and indexation of change and change events; 2. The collective noun for the 'flow' of change events. Both dimensions and collective nouns are abstract. Time is abstract; change is the tangible fundamental. Every quantum particle, every atom, every molecule, every living being, planet, galaxy changes continually. Change is reference frame specific, and fundamental. Time is a mere abstract word with two core meanings..make sure you know which meaning you intend applying.
The host is right. This sounds like semantics and it seems to depend on how time is defined and how change is defined. To some change and time are synonymous for example. Replace the word time with change and we are left with the same question. Is change an essential feature of the universe? Of course, we can then ask is there is something more fundamental than change and would it be correct in calling that more fundamental idea 'Time'.
Dee Ess, by the way I'm not against cat videos either,I mean while watching cat videos, you can educate yourself and simultaneously supporting channels like this at least by subscribing and feedbacks!
La vielle seconde "astronomique" qui FÛT Nôtre Mouvement de Rotation /// 86400 , a servi à Mesurer les 299.792.458 mètres que la Lumière PARCOURT ///EN ce DIT-TEMPS "s" ; la nouvelle "s" DITE-atomique est définie depuis 1967 par CE PARCOURS de 299.792.458 mètres : "la DURÉE "s" est donc officiellement devenue une simple "Longueur d'ESPACE" PARCOURUE par "un Mobile-Photon" ( du Rayonnement du Césium.133 )
That's not particularly insightful or useful to this discussion - it's just a truism. Even without memory there would still be "time" (things would still have happened "before" the current state of your brain), and that is the thing they are discussing.
What Harmonagon Projext Is saying is that time is phenomenological. Change happens. Time measures change but the “past” ceases to exists, it remains in our mind. It’s gone. There is no going “back” to anything. The future has not happened, it also does not exist except in what we think or predict will happen (often with preciseness often not). All that exists is the now.
The experience of the passage of time is indeed phenomenological. It doesn't follow that time itself doesn't exist. Einsteins spacetime geometry suggests a block universe, and it's unclear what the right answer is.
@@TheFrygar precisely. More accurate would be to say that time is a measurement of change - which requires energy and the laws of thermodynamics to be in play. When the universe reaches absolute heat death and there’s 0 energy left in the universe and everything comes to a complete standstill because there is no energy, there will be no time. Because how can you distinguish a universe with 0 energy and 0 movement from a universe that is “frozen in time”? The two are indistinguishable
In the reference frame of light speed events is it not true that time has to be undefined by virtue of special relativity? Using Einstein’s great mass energy equation and taking the snapshot second differential to eliminate time - I resolve there to be two mass areas. If correct - does this not reflect the symmetry of the particle/ antiparticle and possibly the whole universe/ anti universe, and that cosmologically and beyond perhaps one can see just how illuminating the removal of time may be? Is it true that being able to get the measure of the universe in its simplest or most fundamental state of order by the removal of time, may be the key to the workings of the higher level complexities? Just a thought from someone who knows very little.
is very important to undesrtand that even if time is not a fundamental part of nature there are conditions into space that permits things happens ,so we may not call it time or time is not how we sence it ,so in reality is a happenings but still there must be certain conditions into space that plays the rooll of time ,
Very clear. We have to put ourselvs as be eternal and whitness of events and all became a conection of events. But Time not disapear, îs a form of energy of derulated events. how fast we can percept distinct events. Concentrate minds make a dilatate Time.
When we say that a photon is a particle and a wave, what is waving is probability, it might be no better than saying that what is waving is the relationship between space and time and that dimensions emerge in both space and time relative to the observer.
If one watch is higher than the other, another factor is that one is moving at a faster speed as the planet turns. But this is relative to the centre not each other. ?
I theorize that time and information are fluid like within the Quantum Gravity Field,past,present and future and all the information that will exist in our universe is intrinsic to the field!
Everything in the universe is vibrating and emitting light, if it's not, it's not in this universe. Everything is fields, these fields don't suddenly end.
Time does not pass when nothing is happening? Perhaps, but when was there ever a "time" (mea culpa) when nothing was actually happening? If matter existed at such a time electrons would have been orbiting would they not?
Damn! Why is it that with every mention of 'time' we muddle it even more? Events have something to do with time, but it was not made clear. Have we forgotten the history of navigation? Here are some comments on the issue: If we want to be able to communicate with each other about the 'size' of things, first we need to invent a tool, such as the 'meter'. And, if we want to be able to communicate with each other about the 'motion' of things; then we need to invent a tool that will measure motion, and that tool is the clock. We did not invent clocks to measure so-called time, but to measure motion. The word 'time' is simply the term we use to refer to the measure of motion. Tick-tock.
Could we have an emergent future unfolding photon by photon with the movement of positive and negative charge? In such a process the future would unfold at high temperature in the form of stars (plasma) above us and also it would be relative to each living cell within us! We have the distribution of charge relative to each living cell of our body so such a theory would be totally logical.
If "time" is the flow of energy, and as there are different rates of flow of energy in this universe, there might not be just one single dimension of "time", but many, many dimensions of "time". Each rate of flow of energy being in it's own "time" dimension. It's just that all those "time" dimensions intermingle in what we experience as one single dimension of "time". But hence "relativity" as "time" varies and warps.
We have an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future unfolding photon by photon relative to the wavelength of the light and the structure of the atoms with the spontaneous absorption and emission of light forming an Arrow of Time for each reference frame. We are all in the centre of our own reference frame with our own individual view of the Universe with a future relative to the energy and momentum of our actions!
For me personally, I currently believe that what we call "gravity" is a part of what we call the "photon" and the pulsating photon is the energy unit of this universe. There are only two forces of nature, Gravity and EM, (GEM). And possibly there is only a single force with three different modalities. I have a test to test my latest Theory Of Everything idea, just not the resources to do so. But basically the test is as follows: a. Imagine a 12 hour clock. b. Put a magnetic field across from the 3 to 9 o'clock positions. c. Put an electric field across from the 6 to 12 o'clock positions. (The magnetic field and electric field would be 90 degrees to each other and should be polarized so as to complement each other.) d. Shoot a high powered laser through the center of the clock at 90 degrees to the EM fields. e. Do this with the EM fields on and off. (Possibly even trying it with different strengths and depths of the EM field.) f. Look for any gravitational / anti-gravitational effects. (Including the use of ferro-cells to be able to see the energy fields.) If effects are noted, then further research could be done. If effects are not noted, well then, my latest TOE idea is probably wrong. But still, we would know what gravity is not, which is still something in the scientific world. I would copy and paste my latest TOE idea here as I used to be able to, but UA-cam recently changed their policy to not allow at least me to not be able to copy and paste into comments, don't know about anybody else. But if you are interested in it, feel free to email me at "001charlieb@gmail.com".
Time is definitively not absolute for sure, however it is the base humans have to study events, correlate them and put them in a sequence throughout life. When professor says that if a object is standstill theoretically there is no time is not precise in my opinion because in every milliseconds of time something is happening. An example is a stone that is standstill, for us it seems nothing is happening therefore and according to Modern Physics there is NO time. On contrary, the stone atoms are interacting with environment all the time since there are changes of temperature and pressure for ever and atoms have to change accordingly. I think that time is the base for study of events and nothing reasonable has been presenting along the history (time here again) to replace it. I would avoid to say that time is wrong if there is nothing to replace it. Again, apparently there is no change on standstill objects BUT there are, since variations are happening all the time in everything. Despite my different opinion I admire Dr. Carlo due to his contribution to Physics and I recognize that he can be right or I could have misunderstood his view.
Divergence of 4 dimensional coordinate is equal to negative of rate of change of time coordinate. In simple words, space is extension of time coordinate
It would be interesting to write the equations describing the laws of physics without time. After all, time is really another concept for motion in space. An standard object with a specific motion can be used as a reference for measuring other motions and changes. The least advantage of this approach is to disappoint the time travelling thoerists.
for what my opinion is worth, it always strikes me that where we go wrong with our theories is that we are set in ways of thinking, before einstein showed us space and time can both be "bent" we saw gravity as an attractive force, now we have a better view. but again the problem we have is still seeing time in a certain way, when we finally figure it out, finally work out a quantum gravity i expect we will find that once more time and space are not what we imagine them to be. i hope we get these things sorted before i croak, time, ahem, is running out, if this is really my simulation we need to get a move on chaps.
"there is no time at which nothing happens" - how do we know that nothing happens, unless there is an observer who sees that nothing happens. but that is self-contradictory, since something is happening, namely the observer is making an observation.
Saying that a clock measures time is like saying a tape measure measures the metric system. Clocks measure the duration of events, but the thing is duration is considered to be literally of time, making it seem that as clocks measure events and events happen in time duration clocks are then measuring time. There is no actual collaboration between our invented system and the time fabric because the time fabric has never been discovered. Basically events have duration the same way space has distance each with their respective measuring systems, Clocks merely measure the duration of events.
@@GradyPhilpott the way I see it is: time is a subsidiary product of change. Change is a subsidiary product of movement, energy, and thermodynamics. If and when the universe reaches complete heat death and there is zero movement and zero energy across the entire universe - after every star has burned out and after every object in the cosmos reaches an absolute standstill - time will have ended. Because there is nothing to distinguish between a universe with no movement or energy from a universe that has been “frozen in time”
What is Time? 1. Assume the three dimensional Universe is inside a three dimensional photo Frame. Everything in this universe is dynamic and changing in relative to other things and itself. Entropy is changing also. 2. The whole Universe inside the frame marked as Now Moment is separated from previous Now Moment by shortest possible separator Planck-time. 3. Last Now Moments are Record, History, Memory or Information. Next Now Moments are next changed states of the Universe inside Frame. 4. Only Now Moment Exist. Past and Future do not exist. Flow of Time forward or backward does not exist. No arrow of time. It is arrow of Change with elapse of Time. Moment is ticking repeatedly at Planck-Time interval with a new 3D-Photo of the Universe. 5. Conscious Mind can make predictions of next Moments from experience and can plan events for next Moments. 6. Every Planck-Volume’s “Now” of the Universe including space and stuffs in it is always in the same Now Moment Frame of the Universe. Relative Clock ticking, fast or slow, at different planck-volume for different conditions does not shift anything to previous or next Moment Frames of the Universe. Because clocks ticking slow or fast does not mean Time elapsing slow or fast. It is error of the clock for certain condition which need to be adjusted. All points Now remain in the Now Moment Frame of the Universe. That is why twins of paradox can meet at any ones Now though relatively they are backward or forward in respect of amount of time elapsed. Time travel is not possible. Our invented Clocks and Calendars are misleading us about time in the repetition of day & night and seasons. 7. The Unit by Clock is three dimensional at any point of the Universe. X axis: Universal Period of Time, Y axis: Passage or Elapse of Time and Z axis: Local Present or Now. Our Clocks only show one dimension: passage of Time. Clocks are good measuring device with a Unit but that is not Time.
Perhaps you are never actually experiencing time. If you think about it, all we experience is phenomena changing in the present. Any 'experience' of the past or future is always in our minds as memories and anticipation. But what you actually experience is the perpetually unfolding, changing present. We can measure and graph the swing of a pendulum by observing the hands on a watch, but the hands on a watch are not 'time', they are just hands moving (as the pendulum moves). We are merely observing one change in relation to another. There is no past or future in any of it, only change in the present moment.
@@priyanthawijayatunga624 I understand what you are saying. Not sure, though, that change 'defines' time. Rather, we use the concept of time to define and measure the change that we observe.
@Priyahtha Wijayatunga Juan Escobar answered your question correctly. Time is an emergent property resulting from the interaction of events, but not necessary for the interaction to take place. Things don't need "time" toi interact. Humans use time because we have evolved to measure change that way. The universe doesn't need time to exist. This is what Rovelli is getting at when he says that humans have a propensity to project their experience as ultimate reality.
No, motion is the only fundamental physical reality. The perception of time is an abstraction of motion. Motions is perpetual but time is an arbitrary notion to measure motion.
Manouchehr Golipour That is only through the act of measurement. Time and motion or more specifically the space in which to move (space time) are simply our method of perceiving and experiencing reality. We separate things in time and space and experience as well as analyze them in linear fashion because we have to...not because they are separate or linear. Simply a limit of our evolved abilities at this point.
Time is periodicity. Creation of all matter and the activity of it is periodic. We have the schedule of consciousness and have had it for over 7,000 years. Think of time, as something that has been studied for thousands of years and mastered by many. Start with knowing and proving what day it is, showing how to tell, and explaining why it matters. No academic does this.
My question is: if our interpretation of time is what we can account for (at ground level)... why would it be important to account for time that exists higher up in the atmosphere? What "exists" is what we encounter daily in our existence. This is also the same thing that gives us the "sense of time" and the feeling of necessity to measure it according to our daily lives at ground level. What we cannot use becomes useless. Thus, the fact that time is different higher up in the atmosphere doesn't matter because it is of little utility. Time DOES exist here at ground level because it is of utility and can be measured for the purposes needed at ground level. Therefore, just because there are many different ways of measuring time does not eliminate the notion or perception and most importantly the utility of time.
I really don't like this idea that time doesn't exist and that it's just a consequence of 'change'. I think it really misses the point. Suppose I took two apples from a tree and put them in sealed containers. I leave one on earth and have the other orbit a black hole. Later I get them back together and observe that one is more decomposed than the other. If time is just change then it doesn't explain why they decompose at different rates. These different 'rates' of change is the idea of time. Fictional or otherwise it's very difficult to explain away
Rovelli argues that events are prior to the sense of time. Is he only talking about quantum events, or is he talking about all events? He doesn't make this clear in "The Order of Time. Normally an event is something that doesn't make sense without the concept of time. Normal events have duration. How does Rovelli reconcile this?
Events have duration the same way space has distance and as spaces's distance is measured by he metric system so too an event's duration is measured by time.
And this is why time travel is impossible, because as simply a measurement of 'change', we can never return to a previous quantum state (which BTW, wouldn't be just 'local', but would also include the quantum state of everything else in the universe).
Why couldn't we return to a previous quantum state? Is that because of the randomness inherent in quantum mechanics - the collapse of the universal wavefunction or because of something else?
@@ricomajestic fundamental property of the universe and time is the law of thermodynamics - it’s hard or even physically impossible for the universe to go from a less orderly state back to an ordered one. To do so would be to go back in time
So, here is the way i look at it. Lets say there was one particle in the entire universe, only one. How would that particle measure time? Well if the particle is moving, because its in an inertial frame, ie the rest of the universe is empty so it wouldnt know it was moving. If it was spinning, again it wouldnt know it was spinning because there is nothing to compare its spin to. So how can you measure time? At this point, time doesn't exist. Introduce a second particle, now maybe you could say these two particles are moving away from each other, but without another paticle or measuring stick, you could measure distance but not distance over time. If one of the particles were spinning, then all of a sudden you can say the distance between the particles increases by so many particle lengths per particle rotation and voila finally you have time. Time, is nothing but a measure of movement vs another measure of movement. Here is where my ideas gets a little complicated. I believe we experience three dimensional objects in 4 dimensional space all the time. From our perspective, there is no difference between two particles at two different depths in 4D save that one of the particles may appear smaller in one dimension. So, just like on tv we experience a three dimensional world through a two dimensional lense, we view a 4 dimensional world through a three dimensional lense. Though we can only see in 3d, there are ways we a can interpret the distances along the 4th d. (bare in mind that the 4d is polarized because as 3 dimensional objects move out of our 3d into 4d, it only shifts one of its 3 planes that are at 90 degree angles to the existing xyz that we have currently because the 3d object still only has 3 dimensions.) So lets talk about time dilation in a gravity well. Its the best way, that i can think of to try and explain what i mean. I think particles always move at the same speed regardless of where they are, what changes is the distance through a 4th dimension this particle has to travel in order for it to interact with the particles around it. As example, we take two people, one in space and one close to a black hole. Both people are in some form of a gravity well. the person in space is in one created by the mass of his body, the one near the black hole is in one created by the mass of the black hole and the mass of his body. Imagine both people as being on the side of a cliff that slopes slightly away from them, as in on the side of this gravity well. you are looking at them from above, and for our sake, through a 2 dimensional lense. From what you see, the two appear to be only 2m apart, but if you flip the lense to the side, you can see they are separated in height by a 1km. In order for anything from the person deeper in the gravity well to interact with the person outside the well, he has to climb 1km to cross the 2m that from above we can only see visible. All particles in a gravity well do interact with other particles in the well but because of the distributional changes in gravity, the distances these particles have to travel via the invisible dimensions different distances in order to interact. The deeper the well, the sheerer the cliff and the more they have to travel along that unseen dimension to effect change. Lets look at it from the perspective of a radioactive particle near a gravity well that is decaying. Lets say that a proton is going to escape the particle. I would say that the proton is always moving away from the nucleus, but because of the deep well, that proton, though from our lensing looks close to the nucleus, is consistantly traveling further and further away via the unseen dimension. Compared to a same radioactive decaying particle in free space, which decays faster because there is less of a cliff, either up or down, that the proton has to overcome before being able to be visibly away from the nucleus. So far, i think all this makes sense. And in this way, time dilation would just be a matter of figuring out how steep the cliff is. If we look at time dilation due to speed, we get sort of the same outcome. If one were to go the speed of light, the energy constraints would be astronomical, your mass would increase infinitely, you would be moved, via the unseen dimension to a position where you could see the universe unfold before your eyes. Because every aspect of the universe would have a less steep cliff than you are at the bottom of, all movements in the universe would happen quicker than any movements you, or any particles of your body would make, thus you would see everything move at ultra fast speeds and you would witness the end of the universe. As for length contraction, this occurs as one of the physical three dimensions shifts towards one of the unseen plaines. as the object turns towards this plain, the distance between the particles look smaller and from what we can tell the object seems to shrink. its important to note the same thing happens in a gravity well. A black hole isnt really a singularity, its that matter has move out of our 3 plaines along the planes of the 4th d. so imagine a 3 dimensional object in 4 dimensions barely touching our 3 dimensional space. As an object moves down a gravity well it seems to get compacted because its further away. someone let me know if any of this makes sense.
I wish time was just a feeling indeed. But no, time is death. My death, the death of the species, the death of life, the death of the sun, the heat death of the universe. That's time and it's inescapable.
@Stefano Portoghesi I think this view gives far too much weight to the MIND. I would argue that time is indeed the flow of entropy, and that in this sense it is irreducibly REAL. But I don't expect someone with such a deep and fascinating view to agree with me. Greetings from Rio, Brasil.
@Stefano Portoghesi I think the human mind is certainly the most amazing material development that we know of. Human development is predicated on it. But I don't think we should ever let the mind sneak in our physical undestanding of the world, as in the Copenhagen interpretation or any other that gives human subjectivity an ontological status. ✌👍
@@jsphotos they don't "need" time, they exist in time. All molecules will decay. Photons and other massless particles don't care about time and will exist forever.
"IF" time does not exist, then there could be no speed of light, "speed" being distance divided by "time". Also possibly: "Yes officer? I wasn't speeding because speed does not exist because time does not exist, (speed being distance divided by time)." See how far that gets a person in court to see if time and speed actually exist or not.
For me: "Space" is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is. They are one and the same thing. "Time" is the flow of energy. "Time" (flow of energy) cannot exist unless "space" (energy itself) exists. "Space" (energy itself) that does not flow (no flow of time / energy) is basically useless. An entity can't even think a thought without a flow of energy. If "space" (energy itself) did not flow, "time" (flow of energy) would still exist, but it's flow would be zero. If no energy flowed in the entire universe, wouldn't we say that "time stood still"? But hence also, "space" (energy itself) and "time" (flow of energy) are linked in what we call "space time" (energy and it's flow).
Charles Brightman don't be stuck on what had been said. have an open mind and explore et. the best ideas have been thought of by non traditional thinking. the mind is a blank canvas, not an outline drawing you have to color w/in the lines in
+Dee Ess I have taken my mind from eternity past to future eternity and to the "realm of all concepts" where space, time, logic and reason don't even exist yet but yet everything that could ever be exists. I don't know how much more open my mind can be without changing my very nature of existence itself. As far as "space" and "time" go, in addition to what I said above: I believe what we call "gravity" is a part of what is called the "photon". I also believe that the pulsating photon is the energy unit of this universe. Everything in existence is "light" (photons) in a universe entirely filled with and made up of "light" (photons). "Space" and "time" pulse at the singular energy unit level. When energy units unite with other energy units, they would tend to stabilize and vibrate, hence "space" and "time" would also tend to stabilize and vibrate. This also allows for "space" to bend and "time" to vary and warp. Continuing on: If each energy electromagnetic radiation frequency was looked at as being in their own "space" dimension, then there are not just three spatial dimensions, but many, many spatial dimensions that all interact in a way that we only perceive three spatial dimensions. In addition, if each flow of energy were looked at as being in their own "time" dimension, and as there are many different flows of energy, one could also say that there are many, many dimensions of time, not just one. As all those time dimensions interact, we only perceive one dimension of time. But, there are most likely many more space dimensions than just three and many more time dimensions than just one. Open mind enough for you?
The question is: what is fundamental? If you think about distance as being fundamental, that seems wrong (or only an approximation), according to special relativity. Distances compress or expand, as seen from different reference frames. Similarly, time itself changes according to effects imposed by special and general relativity between reference frames. None of this means there is no speed of light. In fact, it is the "speed of light" which seems to be the fundamental quantity by which both distance & time are affected. The only things we seem to know for sure is that things change in relation with each other, and massless things propagate at light speed (the fastest speed possible, which things with mass can only approach but never attain). Energy, it seems, is some kind of a placeholder... it seems nonsensical to say "space is energy", because "energy" is an amorphous mathematical construct. Energy has a bunch of different forms, all of which, when added together, leave us with a constant (perhaps even the constant zero [or just the tiniest of positive values, i.e. the "zero point energy"], over the whole universe). We have kinetic and potential energies of many types, micro- and macroscopic. To simply say "energy is [x]" or "energy is [y]", like it is a single fundamental thing abuses not only the language, but also all the equations that use the concept -- i.e. the reason the concept was developed in the first place. It makes much more sense to simply say "energy is that quantity that is conserved", and leave it at that. When violations of conservation of energy are discovered (as what seems to be the case now on galactic and greater distance scales), then another placeholder is made to make everything balance out again (which is why physicists are now postulating "dark energy", even though no one knows what it is - or even if it exists for sure). See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forms_of_energy
"If there is no time, but only change, then change could be reversible." OK, I'll actually agree with that. Here's a thought experiment: Is it possible to change space? We know that it is, on a small scale. You can take a deflated balloon, inject some gas in it, and significantly change the space (volume) it contains, the volume it displaces, its surface area, etc. I don't know if space can change on its own, but it can be manipulated, given the necessary technology. Is it possible to change waves? Of course it is; we do that all the time. We can produce waves all over the electromagnetic spectrum, we can combine waves to heterodyne them, we can filter or modify existing waves, etc. I don't know if waves can change on their own, but they can certainly be manipulated, given the necessary technology. Is it possible to change gravity? Yep; happens all the time. Space debris accumulates, its combined gravity draws in more and more of it, and soon it becomes a satellite, a planet or even a star. And humans could certainly do this themselves, given the necessary technology. So, if we can change space and waves and gravity, then perhaps believing that we can't also change time demonstrates more of a lack of imagination than it accurately reflects reality.
@@helisoma Time remains the same for a certain reference frame and it only varies between reference frames. The watch on your wrist remains in the same place with respect to you but it varies with other reference frames. The measurement of time must remain static for you in order to measure time it only gets weird between reference frames.
He has some ideas about the nature of time that he cannot quite articulate. He constantly refers to relations between events as the key. I wish he could come up with a new concrete physical time like Einstein did. No one to my knowledge has been able to extend the GR concept of spacetime any further.
yes, I get the impression that he knows something that I would like to know, but he never quite expresses it. his example of watches running at different rates is just the well-known fact of relativity, not the more subtle and massive idea that time does not exist at all.
@@barryzeeberg3672 yes, you are correct. To be fair it is not easy to come up with a new concept of time that could actually work to explain the world. A new concept of time sould explain phenomena beyond GR and QM. But at the same time it needs to build on the successes of those 2 theories. We need to consider the limits of GR and phenomena that today cannot be explained by GR. Two major phenomena that come to mind are the ones caused by what have been labeled as Dark Matter and Dark Energy. The others are unexplained observations like the flatness of spacial universe. GR does not predict this flatness. Using GR one would rather expect a universe with an inherent curvature. Flatness is highly unlikely and similar to seeing a pencil standing on its sharp tip. Other results of GR that are unphysical and point to its explanatory limits are the singularities of the Big Bang and Black Holes. GR gives rise to these singularities which indicate its weakness and a need for a more robust theory. I think a new concept of time has to explain all the above and not just be a clever new rehash of Einstein’s old ideas.
Considerations of the time When I In 2013, I dream to have a conversation with a Mr. Ruiz from Argentina and in 2017 I was treated by a Dr. Treated Ruiz from Argentina, When I in 2013 I dream that I go to a Sabine and she lives near the Rappenwaldstraße and a year later I meet "by chance" on the internet a woman named Sabine, who lives near the bus stop Rappenwaldstraße, When I in the year 2009 dreams that in the center of Dornbirn a barn burns brightly and publish this dream in the Seth forum on 10.9.09 and 7 months later a barn in the middle of the center burns brightly, When I Exactly 5 years after this dream (when I woke up I had the number 54119 in my head) to house no. 4, apartment no. 119 (all this I wrote down and hundreds more similar dreams), then something is fundamentally wrong with the concept about the time of today's science. I've learned all this from Seth, realizing HOW time works, it's ONLY in our heads. All this can be found in Seth / Jane Roberts ... When you stand in front of a house, you are not aware of what's going on behind it. But when you hover over the house 50 meters in a helicopter, you can see what's going on behind it. It is the time wall. In dreams, we can take that elevated position and overcome that wall of time. In our daily lives the ego sparks in between, it does not allow this. Studying the Seth books helps us to recognize timelessness.
Can you repeat your observations over and over again? A dream involves a series of molecular events. Your brain contains 85billion neurons with roughly 100trillion connections impacted by roughly 1000 proteins and al the events of the day; your diet; your encounters, etc. Coincidence happens; it's not science, and it's not anything that can be used to predict events. I knew someone who was into the Seth books; I met one of her teachers. It appeared more to be a belief cult than anything else - using unexplained events in a way that reinforced the "theories" propounded in the Seth books. Let's see Seth experiments. Until then, it's little more than religion.
The core is harmonic regularity, the outer darkness is random noise, we are in the space between them. Every engine takes advantage of a difference. These two extremes are woven into each other. The eternal now is the processing of meaning. drive.google.com/file/d/0B1t3dP66nJluckxPcUVteEs3MnM/view?usp=sharing
Time is a useful concept. Matter has Motion in Space. The Past is whst it is the Future îs incipient Probability. At best, speed x time = distance. D/S=Time .Flux is a better concept.
@@znome8500 Change is time! They are synonymous! This is just semantics. Some people are confounding measurement of time with the essence of time which is change. So call it change if you want but it is no different than time!
Physicists still have not got it right. We exist within a 4D environment called Space-Time. However, we are confined to real-time, thus we do not extend across time, thus we perceive a 3D environment. All matter within this space-time environment is constantly in motion and does so with there being just one specific magnitude of motion. That magnitude of motion is identical to the magnitude of motion of which light has as it moves across space. As I have said, we are confined to real-time. This is the inside of reality. The outside of reality, is all time of the space-time 4D environment, other than real-time. An event can be governed by circumstances set in real-time. These are inside events. A 4D event is governed by circumstances set across a measure of time. These are 4D outside events. Depending on which side is in control of an event, is what determines what the outcome of the event will be, since the laws of physics are different on these two sides.
so.... he wants to diss einstien and newton and his theory. and shroedingers equation..so.. where is your theory and equations...hmmmmm yes.......i dont see your theory and equations anywhere son....
This is really important. There is no time and the incorporation of this awareness into mainstream physics will be key to elucidating quantum gravity.
I agree.
Speed, rate, age, fast, slowly, RPM, acceleration, clock, schedule, regular, rhythm, beat, arrhythmia, nanosecond, retarded and seismograph are all words whose meanings are derived in part from their linkage to a concept of time. The concept assures us that time is an actually existent fundamental component of the universe and an important consideration in scientific physics.
I'm sure there are many other words like these that belong to our 'temporal vocabulary'.
How could one grow up in a society whose language is saturated with that vocabulary and not be certain that time is a reality of physics even if quite mysterious. That particular temporal concept becomes an unconscious assumption that influences almost everything almost everyone thinks and does.
It is no wonder that so many resist the reasoning that reveals time to be a concept only.
You may have noticed.
Cheers, eh!
When your boss asks you why you are always late to work just tell him he lacks the necessary awareness to understand that there is no such thing as time. And then see what he does.
6:36 “there’s no time when nothing happens” can be read in two different ways which end up being equivalent to one another
Although, the thing is, that there is no time even when something does happen. Carlo doesn’t say this explicitly (he is not egotistical and he knows he must allow every individual the ‘time’ for the penny to drop). There is only change, events, entropy. But no real phenomenon or dimension of time. Time is human frailty
@@graceann335 To a lot of people change is just a synonym for time. They are equivalent.
What Carlo tries to explain is that Time is an emergent property of each quantum event. Humans can´t discern and account for all those micro events so our brain creates an approximation called Time. Example of an air ballon. Our brain can´t process all the position and velocity of the air particles. Instead, our mind takes a probabilistic account and extracts variables like volume, temperature or pressure. Carlo affirms that same happens with time.
I wish more of the right people understood this basic fact, thank you.
I'm commenting on the video not the post above:
Carlo has a point. Space and time are one. More specifically, there is only space. The time we know changes with space/curvature/spacetime/gravitational waves. 7:43 the sense of time comes from our senses. Without our senses, we perceive no change or time.
However, his point is not entirely useful. if something is local (general relativity), events are comparable and the yardstick to use is the speed of light/causality. GR also made it possible to compare objects in spacetime.
Gravity affects the oscillations of an atom in an atomic clock, so that the clock speeds up or slows down depending on altitude or proximity to mass. I think that a clock is correct or incorrect depending on what it is calibrated to. My wristwatches do the same thing according to the effects of gravity, but I don't tell my boss that I'm late because time sped up. I say that my watch is wrong.
I'm not saying that the scientists are necessarily wrong, but the explanation falls apart for me very quiokly. I really wish that I could fathom time, but alas, it must be beyond my grasp.
@@GradyPhilpott This I feel is in assuming there is an absolute newtonian time or proper time as elaborated in special relativity that equally ticks along without any recourse to the physical changes of objects. The only theory of time or definition of time that does without the assumption of progressing without the change of physical objects is to literally define it as an emergent abstraction from fundamental change.
When you say your watch is wrong basically you're asserting that RELATIVE to other watches or an earth based time system the watch is too fast or slow, relatively. I always find these responses objecting to a substantivalist interpretation of general relativity tiresome when someone asserts it's not time that slowed down but how fast this process changes. . . but that is all that time is. In fact, without a universal or even relative (as in special relativistic) ticking of spacetime clocks in what sense does it mean to assert that this process did slow down but "time" did not?
@6:21 i interpret this as: Time is an emergent property of change so it only applies within the frame of reference of an event...the event is required for time to emerge or to be relevant
It emerges from the brain.
Time has two distinct meanings. 1. The dimension of change...i e. the calibration and indexation of change and change events; 2. The collective noun for the 'flow' of change events.
Both dimensions and collective nouns are abstract. Time is abstract; change is the tangible fundamental. Every quantum particle, every atom, every molecule, every living being, planet, galaxy changes continually. Change is reference frame specific, and fundamental. Time is a mere abstract word with two core meanings..make sure you know which meaning you intend applying.
The host is right. This sounds like semantics and it seems to depend on how time is defined and how change is defined. To some change and time are synonymous for example. Replace the word time with change and we are left with the same question. Is change an essential feature of the universe? Of course, we can then ask is there is something more fundamental than change and would it be correct in calling that more fundamental idea 'Time'.
This is finally getting at, a century removed, what Einstein blew out of the water: time does not exist, and we need to reexamine our experience.
this channel is so underrated, I wonder why people keep watching cat videos!
Hamid Liberals are still trying to prove collusion between Trump and those evil Russians... Or ;their inability to acknowledge their ineptitude.
I thought he was a cat Dracula - Master of Time!
Hamid agreed..
but you can't dis cat videos
Dee Ess, by the way I'm not against cat videos either,I mean while watching cat videos, you can educate yourself and simultaneously supporting channels like this at least by subscribing and feedbacks!
Hamid agreed again, 100 percent; jus a silly reply
so how do you measure speed of light or any other speed without time ?
La vielle seconde "astronomique" qui FÛT Nôtre Mouvement de Rotation /// 86400 , a servi à Mesurer les 299.792.458 mètres que la Lumière PARCOURT ///EN ce DIT-TEMPS "s" ; la nouvelle "s" DITE-atomique est définie depuis 1967 par CE PARCOURS de 299.792.458 mètres : "la DURÉE "s" est donc officiellement devenue une simple "Longueur d'ESPACE" PARCOURUE par "un Mobile-Photon" ( du Rayonnement du Césium.133 )
@@maxliebel4463 sorry I don´t understand french ...
very well explained imo
"It's Newton that has convinced everybody that there should be a time independent of change."
What does time relation to gravity say about causation, for example, gravity causation of the events of things falling to the earth?
Our "sense of time" is the product of memory. No memory, nonsense of time.
That's not particularly insightful or useful to this discussion - it's just a truism. Even without memory there would still be "time" (things would still have happened "before" the current state of your brain), and that is the thing they are discussing.
What Harmonagon Projext
Is saying is that time is phenomenological. Change happens. Time measures change but the “past” ceases to exists, it remains in our mind. It’s gone. There is no going “back” to anything. The future has not happened, it also does not exist except in what we think or predict will happen (often with preciseness often not). All that exists is the now.
The experience of the passage of time is indeed phenomenological. It doesn't follow that time itself doesn't exist. Einsteins spacetime geometry suggests a block universe, and it's unclear what the right answer is.
@@TheFrygar precisely. More accurate would be to say that time is a measurement of change - which requires energy and the laws of thermodynamics to be in play. When the universe reaches absolute heat death and there’s 0 energy left in the universe and everything comes to a complete standstill because there is no energy, there will be no time. Because how can you distinguish a universe with 0 energy and 0 movement from a universe that is “frozen in time”? The two are indistinguishable
@Satonya Thomas a 4d universe where the history of the universe from Big Bang to heat death is all one object that already exists?
Are finite space and finite time moving forward while infinite space and infinte time moving backward?
In the reference frame of light speed events is it not true that time has to be undefined by virtue of special relativity?
Using Einstein’s great mass energy equation and taking the snapshot second differential to eliminate time - I resolve there to be two mass areas.
If correct - does this not reflect the symmetry of the particle/ antiparticle and possibly the whole universe/ anti universe, and that cosmologically and beyond perhaps one can see just how illuminating the removal of time may be?
Is it true that being able to get the measure of the universe in its simplest or most fundamental state of order by the removal of time, may be the key to the workings of the higher level complexities?
Just a thought from someone who knows very little.
is very important to undesrtand that even if time is not a fundamental part of nature there are conditions into space that permits things happens ,so we may not call it time or time is not how we sence it ,so in reality is a happenings but still there must be certain conditions into space that plays the rooll of time ,
Does someone know who is the gentleman interviewing Dr. Rovelli?
Very clear. We have to put ourselvs as be eternal and whitness of events and all became a conection of events. But Time not disapear, îs a form of energy of derulated events. how fast we can percept distinct events. Concentrate minds make a dilatate Time.
When we say that a photon is a particle and a wave, what is waving is probability, it might be no better than saying that what is waving is the relationship between space and time and that dimensions emerge in both space and time relative to the observer.
If one watch is higher than the other, another factor is that one is moving at a faster speed as the planet turns. But this is relative to the centre not each other. ?
I theorize that time and information are fluid like within the Quantum Gravity Field,past,present and future and all the information that will exist in our universe is intrinsic to the field!
Everything in the universe is vibrating and emitting light, if it's not, it's not in this universe. Everything is fields, these fields don't suddenly end.
Time is the illusory approximation of entropy?
1:22 so he just "happened" to have another watch in his pocket?
Accents make understanding so much harder. Will there be a reasonable functional way to hear or read without the burden of translating accents
As long as there is temperature, there are events, and from that emerges time (trying to put what he's said before in context)
Time does not pass when nothing is happening? Perhaps, but when was there ever a "time" (mea culpa) when nothing was actually happening?
If matter existed at such a time electrons would have been orbiting would they not?
Damn! Why is it that with every mention of 'time'
we muddle it even more? Events have something
to do with time, but it was not made clear.
Have we forgotten the history of navigation?
Here are some comments on the issue:
If we want to be able to communicate with each other
about the 'size' of things, first we need to invent a tool,
such as the 'meter'. And, if we want to be able to communicate
with each other about the 'motion' of things; then we need to
invent a tool that will measure motion, and that tool is the clock.
We did not invent clocks to measure so-called time, but to
measure motion. The word 'time' is simply the term we use
to refer to the measure of motion. Tick-tock.
Enjoyed that, spot on.
Could we have an emergent future unfolding photon by photon with the movement of positive and negative charge? In such a process the future would unfold at high temperature in the form of stars (plasma) above us and also it would be relative to each living cell within us! We have the distribution of charge relative to each living cell of our body so such a theory would be totally
If "time" is the flow of energy, and as there are different rates of flow of energy in this universe, there might not be just one single dimension of "time", but many, many dimensions of "time". Each rate of flow of energy being in it's own "time" dimension. It's just that all those "time" dimensions intermingle in what we experience as one single dimension of "time". But hence "relativity" as "time" varies and warps.
We have an uncertain ∆×∆pᵪ≥h/4π future unfolding photon by photon relative to the wavelength of the light and the structure of the atoms with the spontaneous absorption and emission of light forming an Arrow of Time for each reference frame. We are all in the centre of our own reference frame with our own individual view of the Universe with a future relative to the energy and momentum of our actions!
For me personally, I currently believe that what we call "gravity" is a part of what we call the "photon" and the pulsating photon is the energy unit of this universe. There are only two forces of nature, Gravity and EM, (GEM). And possibly there is only a single force with three different modalities.
I have a test to test my latest Theory Of Everything idea, just not the resources to do so. But basically the test is as follows:
a. Imagine a 12 hour clock.
b. Put a magnetic field across from the 3 to 9 o'clock positions.
c. Put an electric field across from the 6 to 12 o'clock positions.
(The magnetic field and electric field would be 90 degrees to each other and should be polarized so as to complement each other.)
d. Shoot a high powered laser through the center of the clock at 90 degrees to the EM fields.
e. Do this with the EM fields on and off.
(Possibly even trying it with different strengths and depths of the EM field.)
f. Look for any gravitational / anti-gravitational effects.
(Including the use of ferro-cells to be able to see the energy fields.)
If effects are noted, then further research could be done.
If effects are not noted, well then, my latest TOE idea is probably wrong. But still, we would know what gravity is not, which is still something in the scientific world.
I would copy and paste my latest TOE idea here as I used to be able to, but UA-cam recently changed their policy to not allow at least me to not be able to copy and paste into comments, don't know about anybody else. But if you are interested in it, feel free to email me at "001charlieb@gmail.com".
Time is definitively not absolute for sure, however it is the base humans have to study events, correlate them and put them in a sequence throughout life. When professor says that if a object is standstill theoretically there is no time is not precise in my opinion because in every milliseconds of time something is happening. An example is a stone that is standstill, for us it seems nothing is happening therefore and according to Modern Physics there is NO time. On contrary, the stone atoms are interacting with environment all the time since there are changes of temperature and pressure for ever and atoms have to change accordingly. I think that time is the base for study of events and nothing reasonable has been presenting along the history (time here again) to replace it. I would avoid to say that time is wrong if there is nothing to replace it. Again, apparently there is no change on standstill objects BUT there are, since variations are happening all the time in everything. Despite my different opinion I admire Dr. Carlo due to his contribution to Physics and I recognize that he can be right or I could have misunderstood his view.
Divergence of 4 dimensional coordinate is equal to negative of rate of change of time coordinate. In simple words, space is extension of time coordinate
It would be interesting to write the equations describing the laws of physics without time. After all, time is really another concept for motion in space. An standard object with a specific motion can be used as a reference for measuring other motions and changes. The least advantage of this approach is to disappoint the time travelling thoerists.
for what my opinion is worth, it always strikes me that where we go wrong with our theories is that we are set in ways of thinking, before einstein showed us space and time can both be "bent" we saw gravity as an attractive force, now we have a better view. but again the problem we have is still seeing time in a certain way, when we finally figure it out, finally work out a quantum gravity i expect we will find that once more time and space are not what we imagine them to be. i hope we get these things sorted before i croak, time, ahem, is running out, if this is really my simulation we need to get a move on chaps.
"there is no time at which nothing happens" - how do we know that nothing happens, unless there is an observer who sees that nothing happens. but that is self-contradictory, since something is happening, namely the observer is making an observation.
Rovelli is one of the main proponents of Loop Quantum Gravity. I wonder if LQG has a notion of time?
Rovelli's LQG equations don't have time. See video ua-cam.com/video/AumrYDQIuEc/v-deo.html at about 21:07.
But so if time is not real, is he not in conflict then, with the model where time is the 4the dimension??
Yes he is in conflict with it being a 4th dimension, because it isn't , it's just something that clock are instruments of.
Does a clock measure time or does a clock define time?
Badly worded. . . there is only the relative changes of physical objects and time is an abstraction from this.
@@substantivalism6787 That's what I've always thought, but no one other than you seems to agree.
Saying that a clock measures time is like saying a tape measure measures the metric system. Clocks measure the duration of events, but the thing is duration is considered to be literally of time, making it seem that as clocks measure events and events happen in time duration clocks are then measuring time.
There is no actual collaboration between our invented system and the time fabric because the time fabric has never been discovered. Basically events have duration the same way space has distance each with their respective measuring systems,
Clocks merely measure the duration of events.
@@GradyPhilpott the way I see it is: time is a subsidiary product of change. Change is a subsidiary product of movement, energy, and thermodynamics. If and when the universe reaches complete heat death and there is zero movement and zero energy across the entire universe - after every star has burned out and after every object in the cosmos reaches an absolute standstill - time will have ended. Because there is nothing to distinguish between a universe with no movement or energy from a universe that has been “frozen in time”
so happenings are not do to matter or energy its do to the space time,depends absolutly of the inner condition of the strature of the cosmos
Why not question the question first ? How come have events without objects ? The word causality would have been useful.
More Andrei Linde please!
Finite time may need change to happen; infinite time may occur when nothing happens
What is Time?
1. Assume the three dimensional
Universe is inside a three dimensional photo Frame. Everything in this universe
is dynamic and changing in relative to other things and itself. Entropy is
changing also.
2. The whole Universe inside the
frame marked as Now Moment is separated from previous Now Moment by shortest
possible separator Planck-time.
3. Last Now Moments are Record,
History, Memory or Information. Next Now Moments are next changed states of the
Universe inside Frame.
4. Only Now Moment Exist. Past and
Future do not exist. Flow of Time forward or backward does not exist. No arrow
of time. It is arrow of Change with elapse of Time. Moment is ticking
repeatedly at Planck-Time interval with a new 3D-Photo of the Universe.
5. Conscious Mind can make
predictions of next Moments from experience and can plan events for next
6. Every Planck-Volume’s “Now” of
the Universe including space and stuffs in it is always in the same Now Moment
Frame of the Universe. Relative Clock ticking, fast or slow, at different planck-volume for different conditions does not shift anything to previous or next Moment Frames of the Universe. Because clocks ticking slow or fast does not mean Time elapsing slow or fast. It is error of the clock for certain condition which need to be adjusted. All points Now remain in the Now Moment Frame of the Universe. That is why twins of paradox can meet at any ones Now though
relatively they are backward or forward in respect of amount of time elapsed.
Time travel is not possible. Our invented Clocks and Calendars are misleading
us about time in the repetition of day & night and seasons.
7. The Unit by Clock is three dimensional at any
point of the Universe. X axis: Universal Period of Time, Y axis: Passage or
Elapse of Time and Z axis: Local Present or Now. Our Clocks only show one
dimension: passage of Time. Clocks are good measuring device with a Unit but that is not Time.
&this time is gone.the time you read this is the future.. you read something at present time and understand it in the future
New Closer To Truth videos? Wow.
Yes, excellent
In the fields of Science and Philosophy Robert Lawrence Kuhn is incomparable as an interviewer.
When things happen, even in our mind, there is time. Otherwise there is no time. So, you cannot experience "no time".
Perhaps you are never actually experiencing time. If you think about it, all we experience is phenomena changing in the present. Any 'experience' of the past or future is always in our minds as memories and anticipation. But what you actually experience is the perpetually unfolding, changing present. We can measure and graph the swing of a pendulum by observing the hands on a watch, but the hands on a watch are not 'time', they are just hands moving (as the pendulum moves). We are merely observing one change in relation to another. There is no past or future in any of it, only change in the present moment.
@@juanescobar2216 Yes, phenomenon of changing environment, mind, etc. defines the time
@@priyanthawijayatunga624 I understand what you are saying. Not sure, though, that change 'defines' time. Rather, we use the concept of time to define and measure the change that we observe.
@Priyahtha Wijayatunga
Juan Escobar answered your question correctly. Time is an emergent property resulting from the interaction of events, but not necessary for the interaction to take place. Things don't need "time" toi interact. Humans use time because we have evolved to measure change that way. The universe doesn't need time to exist. This is what Rovelli is getting at when he says that humans have a propensity to project their experience as ultimate reality.
@@jsphotos Change and time are identical!
The real fun starts when we also realize not only is there no fundamental time but no fundamental change.
No, motion is the only fundamental physical reality. The perception of time is an abstraction of motion. Motions is perpetual but time is an arbitrary notion to measure motion.
Manouchehr Golipour That is only through the act of measurement. Time and motion or more specifically the space in which to move (space time) are simply our method of perceiving and experiencing reality. We separate things in time and space and experience as well as analyze them in linear fashion because we have to...not because they are separate or linear. Simply a limit of our evolved abilities at this point.
@@manog8713 Circular reasoning!
Time is periodicity. Creation of all matter and the activity of it is periodic. We have the schedule of consciousness and have had it for over 7,000 years.
Think of time, as something that has been studied for thousands of years and mastered by many. Start with knowing and proving what day it is, showing how to tell, and explaining why it matters. No academic does this.
My question is: if our interpretation of time is what we can account for (at ground level)... why would it be important to account for time that exists higher up in the atmosphere?
What "exists" is what we encounter daily in our existence. This is also the same thing that gives us the "sense of time" and the feeling of necessity to measure it according to our daily lives at ground level.
What we cannot use becomes useless. Thus, the fact that time is different higher up in the atmosphere doesn't matter because it is of little utility.
Time DOES exist here at ground level because it is of utility and can be measured for the purposes needed at ground level.
Therefore, just because there are many different ways of measuring time does not eliminate the notion or perception and most importantly the utility of time.
And we might be able to make nothing happens in laboratory we can pause time and yet we can make things go faster time go faster ???!
I really don't like this idea that time doesn't exist and that it's just a consequence of 'change'. I think it really misses the point. Suppose I took two apples from a tree and put them in sealed containers. I leave one on earth and have the other orbit a black hole. Later I get them back together and observe that one is more decomposed than the other. If time is just change then it doesn't explain why they decompose at different rates. These different 'rates' of change is the idea of time. Fictional or otherwise it's very difficult to explain away
Time = Changes.......... No time.... no change
Rovelli argues that events are prior to the sense of time. Is he only talking about quantum events, or is he talking about all events? He doesn't make this clear in "The Order of Time. Normally an event is something that doesn't make sense without the concept of time. Normal events have duration. How does Rovelli reconcile this?
Events have duration the same way space has distance and as spaces's distance is measured by he metric system so too an event's duration is measured by time.
And this is why time travel is impossible, because as simply a measurement of 'change', we can never return to a previous quantum state (which BTW, wouldn't be just 'local', but would also include the quantum state of everything else in the universe).
Why couldn't we return to a previous quantum state? Is that because of the randomness inherent in quantum mechanics - the collapse of the universal wavefunction or because of something else?
@@ricomajestic fundamental property of the universe and time is the law of thermodynamics - it’s hard or even physically impossible for the universe to go from a less orderly state back to an ordered one. To do so would be to go back in time
So, here is the way i look at it. Lets say there was one particle in the entire universe, only one. How would that particle measure time? Well if the particle is moving, because its in an inertial frame, ie the rest of the universe is empty so it wouldnt know it was moving. If it was spinning, again it wouldnt know it was spinning because there is nothing to compare its spin to. So how can you measure time? At this point, time doesn't exist. Introduce a second particle, now maybe you could say these two particles are moving away from each other, but without another paticle or measuring stick, you could measure distance but not distance over time. If one of the particles were spinning, then all of a sudden you can say the distance between the particles increases by so many particle lengths per particle rotation and voila finally you have time. Time, is nothing but a measure of movement vs another measure of movement.
Here is where my ideas gets a little complicated. I believe we experience three dimensional objects in 4 dimensional space all the time. From our perspective, there is no difference between two particles at two different depths in 4D save that one of the particles may appear smaller in one dimension. So, just like on tv we experience a three dimensional world through a two dimensional lense, we view a 4 dimensional world through a three dimensional lense. Though we can only see in 3d, there are ways we a can interpret the distances along the 4th d. (bare in mind that the 4d is polarized because as 3 dimensional objects move out of our 3d into 4d, it only shifts one of its 3 planes that are at 90 degree angles to the existing xyz that we have currently because the 3d object still only has 3 dimensions.)
So lets talk about time dilation in a gravity well. Its the best way, that i can think of to try and explain what i mean. I think particles always move at the same speed regardless of where they are, what changes is the distance through a 4th dimension this particle has to travel in order for it to interact with the particles around it. As example, we take two people, one in space and one close to a black hole. Both people are in some form of a gravity well. the person in space is in one created by the mass of his body, the one near the black hole is in one created by the mass of the black hole and the mass of his body. Imagine both people as being on the side of a cliff that slopes slightly away from them, as in on the side of this gravity well. you are looking at them from above, and for our sake, through a 2 dimensional lense. From what you see, the two appear to be only 2m apart, but if you flip the lense to the side, you can see they are separated in height by a 1km. In order for anything from the person deeper in the gravity well to interact with the person outside the well, he has to climb 1km to cross the 2m that from above we can only see visible. All particles in a gravity well do interact with other particles in the well but because of the distributional changes in gravity, the distances these particles have to travel via the invisible dimensions different distances in order to interact. The deeper the well, the sheerer the cliff and the more they have to travel along that unseen dimension to effect change. Lets look at it from the perspective of a radioactive particle near a gravity well that is decaying. Lets say that a proton is going to escape the particle. I would say that the proton is always moving away from the nucleus, but because of the deep well, that proton, though from our lensing looks close to the nucleus, is consistantly traveling further and further away via the unseen dimension. Compared to a same radioactive decaying particle in free space, which decays faster because there is less of a cliff, either up or down, that the proton has to overcome before being able to be visibly away from the nucleus.
So far, i think all this makes sense. And in this way, time dilation would just be a matter of figuring out how steep the cliff is. If we look at time dilation due to speed, we get sort of the same outcome. If one were to go the speed of light, the energy constraints would be astronomical, your mass would increase infinitely, you would be moved, via the unseen dimension to a position where you could see the universe unfold before your eyes. Because every aspect of the universe would have a less steep cliff than you are at the bottom of, all movements in the universe would happen quicker than any movements you, or any particles of your body would make, thus you would see everything move at ultra fast speeds and you would witness the end of the universe.
As for length contraction, this occurs as one of the physical three dimensions shifts towards one of the unseen plaines. as the object turns towards this plain, the distance between the particles look smaller and from what we can tell the object seems to shrink. its important to note the same thing happens in a gravity well. A black hole isnt really a singularity, its that matter has move out of our 3 plaines along the planes of the 4th d. so imagine a 3 dimensional object in 4 dimensions barely touching our 3 dimensional space. As an object moves down a gravity well it seems to get compacted because its further away.
someone let me know if any of this makes sense.
Well you can still have time but not be able to measure it. Just because you can't measure something doesn't mean it doesn't exist.
@@ricomajestic out of curiosity did you read the other 4 paragraphs?
time is just a known standart of cnstant speed.
Time = event time + time between events.
I wish time was just a feeling indeed. But no, time is death. My death, the death of the species, the death of life, the death of the sun, the heat death of the universe. That's time and it's inescapable.
@Stefano Portoghesi I think this view gives far too much weight to the MIND. I would argue that time is indeed the flow of entropy, and that in this sense it is irreducibly REAL. But I don't expect someone with such a deep and fascinating view to agree with me. Greetings from Rio, Brasil.
@Stefano Portoghesi I think the human mind is certainly the most amazing material development that we know of. Human development is predicated on it. But I don't think we should ever let the mind sneak in our physical undestanding of the world, as in the Copenhagen interpretation or any other that gives human subjectivity an ontological status. ✌👍
@Stefano Portoghesi Of course, friend. Peace and love ✌💛
The planet Mars and our moon and the molecules that make up you last glass of water don't give a damn about any of that. Do they need time?
@@jsphotos they don't "need" time, they exist in time. All molecules will decay. Photons and other massless particles don't care about time and will exist forever.
Hii sweet page ☺ Keep it up!
What is time? Ask rather what is distance. The answers are very similar.
Actually it's ask rather what is metric system. The equivalent of distance is duration, the equivalent of space is event.
"IF" time does not exist, then there could be no speed of light, "speed" being distance divided by "time".
Also possibly: "Yes officer? I wasn't speeding because speed does not exist because time does not exist, (speed being distance divided by time)."
See how far that gets a person in court to see if time and speed actually exist or not.
Time could just be derivative. It would still exist in our sense of it irregardless but on like on a real level.
For me:
"Space" is energy itself. Wherever space is, energy is. Wherever energy is, space is. They are one and the same thing.
"Time" is the flow of energy.
"Time" (flow of energy) cannot exist unless "space" (energy itself) exists. "Space" (energy itself) that does not flow (no flow of time / energy) is basically useless. An entity can't even think a thought without a flow of energy. If "space" (energy itself) did not flow, "time" (flow of energy) would still exist, but it's flow would be zero. If no energy flowed in the entire universe, wouldn't we say that "time stood still"?
But hence also, "space" (energy itself) and "time" (flow of energy) are linked in what we call "space time" (energy and it's flow).
Charles Brightman don't be stuck on what had been said. have an open mind and explore et. the best ideas have been thought of by non traditional thinking. the mind is a blank canvas, not an outline drawing you have to color w/in the lines in
+Dee Ess
I have taken my mind from eternity past to future eternity and to the "realm of all concepts" where space, time, logic and reason don't even exist yet but yet everything that could ever be exists. I don't know how much more open my mind can be without changing my very nature of existence itself.
As far as "space" and "time" go, in addition to what I said above:
I believe what we call "gravity" is a part of what is called the "photon". I also believe that the pulsating photon is the energy unit of this universe. Everything in existence is "light" (photons) in a universe entirely filled with and made up of "light" (photons).
"Space" and "time" pulse at the singular energy unit level. When energy units unite with other energy units, they would tend to stabilize and vibrate, hence "space" and "time" would also tend to stabilize and vibrate. This also allows for "space" to bend and "time" to vary and warp.
Continuing on:
If each energy electromagnetic radiation frequency was looked at as being in their own "space" dimension, then there are not just three spatial dimensions, but many, many spatial dimensions that all interact in a way that we only perceive three spatial dimensions. In addition, if each flow of energy were looked at as being in their own "time" dimension, and as there are many different flows of energy, one could also say that there are many, many dimensions of time, not just one. As all those time dimensions interact, we only perceive one dimension of time. But, there are most likely many more space dimensions than just three and many more time dimensions than just one.
Open mind enough for you?
The question is: what is fundamental? If you think about distance as being fundamental, that seems wrong (or only an approximation), according to special relativity. Distances compress or expand, as seen from different reference frames. Similarly, time itself changes according to effects imposed by special and general relativity between reference frames. None of this means there is no speed of light. In fact, it is the "speed of light" which seems to be the fundamental quantity by which both distance & time are affected. The only things we seem to know for sure is that things change in relation with each other, and massless things propagate at light speed (the fastest speed possible, which things with mass can only approach but never attain).
Energy, it seems, is some kind of a placeholder... it seems nonsensical to say "space is energy", because "energy" is an amorphous mathematical construct. Energy has a bunch of different forms, all of which, when added together, leave us with a constant (perhaps even the constant zero [or just the tiniest of positive values, i.e. the "zero point energy"], over the whole universe). We have kinetic and potential energies of many types, micro- and macroscopic. To simply say "energy is [x]" or "energy is [y]", like it is a single fundamental thing abuses not only the language, but also all the equations that use the concept -- i.e. the reason the concept was developed in the first place. It makes much more sense to simply say "energy is that quantity that is conserved", and leave it at that. When violations of conservation of energy are discovered (as what seems to be the case now on galactic and greater distance scales), then another placeholder is made to make everything balance out again (which is why physicists are now postulating "dark energy", even though no one knows what it is - or even if it exists for sure). See: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forms_of_energy
If there is no time, but only change, then change could be reversible.
I think that is right.
There comes in the second law of thermodynamics.
"If there is no time, but only change, then change could be reversible."
OK, I'll actually agree with that. Here's a thought experiment:
Is it possible to change space? We know that it is, on a small scale. You can take a deflated balloon, inject some gas in it, and significantly change the space (volume) it contains, the volume it displaces, its surface area, etc. I don't know if space can change on its own, but it can be manipulated, given the necessary technology.
Is it possible to change waves? Of course it is; we do that all the time. We can produce waves all over the electromagnetic spectrum, we can combine waves to heterodyne them, we can filter or modify existing waves, etc. I don't know if waves can change on their own, but they can certainly be manipulated, given the necessary technology.
Is it possible to change gravity? Yep; happens all the time. Space debris accumulates, its combined gravity draws in more and more of it, and soon it becomes a satellite, a planet or even a star. And humans could certainly do this themselves, given the necessary technology.
So, if we can change space and waves and gravity, then perhaps believing that we can't also change time demonstrates more of a lack of imagination than it accurately reflects reality.
Change is a fundamental principle of time
but... after all this..... time still exists
Look up the thermal time hypothesis.
Why should we talk about time if it does not exist?
It exists within certain frameworks, or points of reference...we use it as an approximation of change.
@@helisoma Time remains the same for a certain reference frame and it only varies between reference frames. The watch on your wrist remains in the same place with respect to you but it varies with other reference frames. The measurement of time must remain static for you in order to measure time it only gets weird between reference frames.
He has some ideas about the nature of time that he cannot quite articulate. He constantly refers to relations between events as the key. I wish he could come up with a new concrete physical time like Einstein did. No one to my knowledge has been able to extend the GR concept of spacetime any further.
yes, I get the impression that he knows something that I would like to know, but he never quite expresses it. his example of watches running at different rates is just the well-known fact of relativity, not the more subtle and massive idea that time does not exist at all.
@@barryzeeberg3672 yes, you are correct. To be fair it is not easy to come up with a new concept of time that could actually work to explain the world. A new concept of time sould explain phenomena beyond GR and QM. But at the same time it needs to build on the successes of those 2 theories.
We need to consider the limits of GR and phenomena that today cannot be explained by GR. Two major phenomena that come to mind are the ones caused by what have been labeled as Dark Matter and Dark Energy. The others are unexplained observations like the flatness of spacial universe. GR does not predict this flatness. Using GR one would rather expect a universe with an inherent curvature. Flatness is highly unlikely and similar to seeing a pencil standing on its sharp tip.
Other results of GR that are unphysical and point to its explanatory limits are the singularities of the Big Bang and Black Holes. GR gives rise to these singularities which indicate its weakness and a need for a more robust theory.
I think a new concept of time has to explain all the above and not just be a clever new rehash of Einstein’s old ideas.
Finally sanity comes to physhics
Considerations of the time
When I
In 2013, I dream to have a conversation with a Mr. Ruiz from Argentina and in 2017 I was treated by a Dr. Treated Ruiz from Argentina,
When I
in 2013 I dream that I go to a Sabine and she lives near the Rappenwaldstraße and a year later I meet "by chance" on the internet a woman named Sabine, who lives near the bus stop Rappenwaldstraße,
When I
in the year 2009 dreams that in the center of Dornbirn a barn burns brightly and publish this dream in the Seth forum on 10.9.09 and 7 months later a barn in the middle of the center burns brightly,
When I
Exactly 5 years after this dream (when I woke up I had the number 54119 in my head) to house no. 4, apartment no. 119 (all this I wrote down and hundreds more similar dreams),
then something is fundamentally wrong with the concept about the time of today's science.
I've learned all this from Seth, realizing HOW time works, it's ONLY in our heads. All this can be found in Seth / Jane Roberts ...
When you stand in front of a house, you are not aware of what's going on behind it. But when you hover over the house 50 meters in a helicopter, you can see what's going on behind it. It is the time wall. In dreams, we can take that elevated position and overcome that wall of time. In our daily lives the ego sparks in between, it does not allow this. Studying the Seth books helps us to recognize timelessness.
Can you repeat your observations over and over again? A dream involves a series of molecular events. Your brain contains 85billion neurons with roughly 100trillion connections impacted by roughly 1000 proteins and al the events of the day; your diet; your encounters, etc. Coincidence happens; it's not science, and it's not anything that can be used to predict events.
I knew someone who was into the Seth books; I met one of her teachers. It appeared more to be a belief cult than anything else - using unexplained events in a way that reinforced the "theories" propounded in the Seth books. Let's see Seth experiments. Until then, it's little more than religion.
Time is the sequel of all events
The core is harmonic regularity, the outer darkness is random noise, we are in the space between them. Every engine takes advantage of a difference. These two extremes are woven into each other. The eternal now is the processing of meaning.
It's called spacetime..change my mind
You say potato and I say potato...change my mind!
Time is manmade. The universe gets along quite well without it.
Nothing gets along without it, actions require duration. Without time you just have a static, frozen block, nothingness.
Time is a useful concept. Matter has Motion in Space. The Past is whst it is the Future îs incipient Probability. At best, speed x time = distance.
D/S=Time .Flux is a better concept.
@@huehuecoyotl2 like he said “ time is the measure of change” it’s just a concept nothing else so stop over thinking it.
@@huehuecoyotl2 So in place of our universe would be a static, frozen block nothingness if time didn't exist.
@@znome8500 Change is time! They are synonymous! This is just semantics. Some people are confounding measurement of time with the essence of time which is change. So call it change if you want but it is no different than time!
Physicists still have not got it right. We exist within a 4D environment called Space-Time. However, we are confined to real-time, thus we do not extend across time, thus we perceive a 3D environment. All matter within this space-time environment is constantly in motion and does so with there being just one specific magnitude of motion. That magnitude of motion is identical to the magnitude of motion of which light has as it moves across space. As I have said, we are confined to real-time. This is the inside of reality. The outside of reality, is all time of the space-time 4D environment, other than real-time. An event can be governed by circumstances set in real-time. These are inside events. A 4D event is governed by circumstances set across a measure of time. These are 4D outside events. Depending on which side is in control of an event, is what determines what the outcome of the event will be, since the laws of physics are different on these two sides.
Matter is illusion only electricity is reality
Sorry, mate, you're 200% wrong, Sean Carrol is right, time is fundamental.
sean carrol sucks bigtime. but this guy sucks more
Hm!... That was 9 minutes just to say that when quantum came along, all previous physic's believes went to the trash.
so.... he wants to diss einstien and newton and his theory. and shroedingers equation..so.. where is your theory and equations...hmmmmm yes.......i dont see your theory and equations anywhere son....
Loop quantum gravity is the theory.
If nothing happens there is still the happening of nothing happening, i.e. the fact. Consider facts, dear materialistic physicists!