the Germans are one of our best partners, allies and friends of France. Germans and French that they work hard for future projects, and also for weapons. i love you germans 🇫🇷❤️🇩🇪
Each "Kampfschwimmer" gets his own personal number. No number used again once more. They still use three-digit numbers. I guess that says something about the training and skills needed to become a "Kampfschwimmer".
@@thalance6902 Killers with tattoos, like machine type tags, ideological property, you are right, totally different, because those are the good ones, got it!
I would go as far as saying its propaganda. Cool or not u gotta produce some badass videos so more people list into the army. Friend of mine went there for a year and well. U could think its some foreign army😂😂😂 half russians. Turkish people. U name it.
I remember back in 87. A German Kampfschwimmer was drinking beer in town and was walking back to base. Local thugs tried to rob him, but it didn’t go well for them. He ended up breaking their arms and beating the snot out of them. They were arrested, taken to the hospital and he got a free ride back to base. True Story.
The submarine in the video is one of six german 212a class submarines. The are considered the most sophisticated, non nuclear powered, submarines in the world. Besides a conventional diesel engine to generate electricity, they also have a fuel cell as an AIP (Air-Independent-Propulsion) with which they can stay submerged for around 25-28 days at a time. With the AIP they are so silent, that they are more or less not decetable for enemy sonar. The way of extracting the Kampfschwimmer through the torpedo tubes is used for the older submarines of the 212a class, the newer ones have a diving lock in the sail, so the divers can extract though that.
@@MrTohawkthat is no special german problem. Every complex weapon system has to be maintained constantly. Naval vessel especially to be effective. The Budget Problem of the Bundeswehr is located in repair facilities; spare parts and the fleet size. The golden rule of Fleet Organization should be to have on vessel on Patrol or any other active mssion. On Vessel ready at Port or at training near the home base to support the active fleet unit if necessary. And a third unit out of order for maintanence or repair work in dry dock. Unfortunationally for the German Navy the Surface ship and Submarine fleet is much to small for this. If a vessel has to be repaired there is no substitute
The Kriegsmarine established its own combat swimming units late in World War II. They were part of the Kriegsmarine's Small Combat Units Command, which began to emerge in 1944 and was intended to form a special unit for amphibious commando operations similar to the British Commandos. Units of military intelligence could be drawn upon for this purpose. Building on the experience of the Kriegsmarine, the Bundesmarine (Navy) also established a Kampfschwimmer company. It has been stationed in Eckernförde since its founding in 1958 and can be considered the oldest special unit in the Bundeswehr. In the course of time, it has changed its subordination several times and currently belongs to the Naval Special Forces Command. Together with the Army's KSK, the Navy's Kampfschwimmer are considered the best-trained unit in the Bundeswehr. And yes, Kampfschwimmer leave submarines through the torpedo bays. An experience I do not want to share.
Vergiss nicht die Gebirgsjäger als gut ausgebildet anzuführen! Die deutsche Kriegsmarine ist auch einer der Truppenteile die quasi durchgängig bestand und über ein paar anderen Namen nicht zwischen 1945 und 1954 pausiert hat. Eine Rumpfbelegschaft hat die Seeminen geräumt, war Manövergegner der US-Navy und der Britischen Navy und hat nebenher noch den Seeraum der Nordsee und Ostsee überwacht, das Personal wurde in Zoll und Bundeswehr und Bundesmarine übergeführt. Die UDSSR hat mehr oder weniger den gleichen Kurs im Osten gefahren.
@@CombatArmsChannel The "Meereskaempfer" of the german "Kriegsmarine" are the "Mother of all seals". They started in late 1942, combat ready 1944. Since 1976 or 1972, an exchange program between the sealteam 2 and kampfschwimmerkompanie is existing, means there are always seals in germany and kampfschwimmer in usa, participating to the training an missions of eachother. And yes, Since 1958 less than 1000 Kampfschwimmer were "made". Its an incredebaly versitile training. Regards from germany
6:12 The video is from 2017, when the war in Afghanistan was still the center of attention for the Bundeswehr and all the new equipment was made with this operation in mind, so that's probably why they were rolling in dessert camo there. Nowadays they have a new multicam flecktarn pattern that works in a big variety of different environments.
The abandoned buildings are probably a former pneumonia hospital south-west of Berlin. Region also has a lot of lakes, which are popular for swimming with the locals. Didn’t know that sharks were an issue though 😜
Well, i live there and its kinda cool when the KSK is flying over my House at night when they train, you can't see them and only hear it for a small amout of time.
Kampfschwimmer dont train in Berlin i think. Maybe some training Session, but most likely the are in the north. Sharks in Berlin dont excist At all this way too cinematic. Dont think its a legit source. To get in the u-boat it wouldnt have had to get to the top. The can easily enter the boat under water
At that time, the combat swimmers trained the GSG9 and the KSK, they are by far the most elite soldiers in Germany. Every soldier who made it into the unit is given a number (this shows exactly how many graduated before him) and the number isn't even in the four-digit range.
Nowadays GSG9, KSK, SEKM and Fernspäher all train each other and send their trainees to each other to learn their specialties. E.g. SEKM learn hostage rescue from the GSG9 divers.
KSM = KSM stands for Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine. Kampf (combat not camp ;) ) Schwimmer (swimmers) They are part of the German Navy, the KSK is part of the German Army
@@CombatArmsChannel Just to clarify it a bit more: Bundeswehr = German Armed Forces The branches are with their official names: Heer = Army, Luftwaffe = Airforce and Deutsche Marine = Navy. The navy is the only one specifically "German". xD The KSK is Heer, while the Kampfschwimmer are, obviously, Deutsche Marine.
Made me remember an Anecdote of a friend of mine told me.. He was a sonar technician on a Submarine in Eckernförde, so he worked a lot with the "Kampfschwimmer". Once he was on an International Manouver with them and a foreign Soldier started to boast "I know 50 differentways to kill a Man with a weapon" and the Kampfschwimmer replied "Shoot, I only know 35 but just 5 of them actually include a weapon"
The German Kampfschwimmer are working very close together with the US Navy SEALs. There is even an active program for a long time now, that in each year 1-2 German Kampfschwimmer are going to the USA and practicing with the Navy SEALS and 1-2 US Navy SEALs are joining the Kampfschwimmer in North-Germany, practicing with them.
Your pronunciation for German words is excellent. I'm glad that the United States and Germany are friends and the armed forces of both countries are working together. Best greetings from Germany.
To answer your first question: the Kampfschwimmer are the combat component of the „Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine (KSM)“. The KSM are, as the name suggests, the naval equivalent of the KSK and probably just as well (but differently) trained, but they are not subordinate to the KSK. The KSM is a part of the German Navy and as such subordinate to the “Marinekommando“ (German Navy Command, equivalent to OPNAV in the US), while the KSK is part of the “Heer” (Army) and as such subordinate to the army command. Even though direct comparisons are obviously not possible, I do think that the Kampfschwimmer are more comparable to former Seal Team Six aka DevGru, not the SEALs as a whole. The KSM is an extremely small and extremely elite Special Operations Forces Unit. The SEALs could be compared to the German “Seebataillon” (sea battalion), our naval infantry component. To comment on something else in the video: yes, they did wait for the sun to set. German combat doctrine is to whenever possible operate either at dawn or nightfall.
I was not sure, so I looked it up. The "Seebataillon" is comparable to the US Marine Corps, as both are Infantry Troops deployed from sea/ships. The German "Fallschirmjäger" would be the comparable Air Force troop (air deployed infantry). Navy Seals and Kampfschwimmer are comparable as both are the Special Forces within their military unit.
The Kampfschwimmerkompanie is part of the KSM stationed in Eckernförde, part of the Einsatzflotille 1 (German Navy) which also is in command of the submarine squadron. The KSK is stationed in Calw and part of the Division Schnelle Kräfte under the German army. So they are completely seperated but still often train together.
Fun fact: The service badge for Kampfschwimmer, which was hard to obtain at all times, has a similar close "twin" called Schwimmtaucher. The latter is also quite high level training, but far below any SF operation of Kampfschwimmer. We had a guy in our tank crew during a reserve training, who somehow got it in the past and tried to promote himself to Kampfschwimmer instead of being proud if his achievement. Since that time, he got referred to as Bademeister, so a guy overseeing a swimming pool.
The Kampfschwimmer/KSM are the responsible (and only) german SF unit for maritime missions, especially missions to/on classical sea targets. But like most other Special Forces, they're of course deployed to landbased missions and commands as well. There is also an important german special ability noteworthy: The German "Grundgesetz" favours (the maritime component of) the GSG9 in case of for example a hostage or CT situation within international waters. It's unlikely to see them in action on a cruise ship, if they're not embedded into NATO/EU Missions like OP Ocean Shield.
@@hendrixfirstone8975 Da gibt es leider keinen einzelnen Gesetzestext zu, es ergibt sich aber primär aus dem Grundgesetz, dem Bundespolizeigesetz und dem Seerecht. Die GSG9 ist rechtlich gesehen eine Einheit des Deutschen Innenministeriums. Alle Deutschen Hoheitsgebiete im Ausland, also nicht nur Diplomatische Vertretungen, sondern nach dem Flaggenprinzip auch "schwimmende Gebietsteile der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in internationalen Gewässern", (oder auch Luftfahrzeuge in der Luft bzw. je nach lokalem Recht/Abkommen mit der Bundesrepublik, auch noch gelandete Luftfahrzeuge am Boden, die und deren Passagiere noch nicht Grenz/Zollrechtlich abgefertigt wurden), liegen in der alleinigen Zuständigkeit des Innenminsteriums. Das KSK ist nur dann zuständig, wenn Deutsche Staatsbürger durch "Krieg oder kriegerische Handlungen" gefährdet sind. Dabei ist sehr wichtig zu wissen und zu erwähnen, dass "Terror", auch wenn er durch Militärisch oder Paramilitärisch strukturierte Organisationen (wie Daesh) verübt wird, auf deutschem Staatsgebiet nicht als kriegerische Handlung definiert wird. Davon abweichend gibt es wiederum einige Ausnahmen, beispielsweise was PSK für Deutsche Bundeswehrangehörige angeht (wird auch im Inland von der Bundeswehr gestellt) - oder was im Ausland beispielsweise die Geiselnahme eines Deutschen Mandats-, Amts, oder Geheimnisträgers angeht, hierbei kann auch das KSK zum Einsatz kommen.
@@hendrixfirstone8975 Artikel 87a (4) - Zur Abwehr einer drohenden Gefahr [...] kann die Bundesregierung, wenn [...] die Polizeikräfte sowie der Bundesgrenzschutz nicht ausreichen, Streitkräfte zur Unterstützung der Polizei und des Bundesgrenzschutzes [...] einsetzen. Somit: Kampfschwimmer als Unterstützung erst wenn die GSG9 (Bundesgrenzschutz) es alleine nicht hinbekommen würde. Dazu noch Teil (2) Außer zur Verteidigung dürfen die Streitkräfte nur eingesetzt werden, soweit dieses Grundgesetz es ausdrücklich zuläßt. In ein anderes Land einmarschieren um Geiseln zu befreien (und auch ein Cruise-Ship ist ausländisches Hoheitsgebiet) ist keine Verteidigung.
@@hendrixfirstone8975 Ich denke er bezieht sich darauf dass Soldaten nicht auf deutschem Boden in den Kampfeinsatz gehen können außer im Kriegsfall. Da z.B. deutsche Schiffe und Flugzeuge (oder Botschaften) als deutscher Boden zählen, braucht man dafür die GSG9, denn die sind Polizei.
But the kampfschwimmer are included in the KSM, with support troops, boat operator and so on, in total about 300 soldiers. Nevertheless also the KSK is capable for amphibious operations.
My grandfather was a member of the KSM back in the 60s had a lot of cool stories from some hostage rescue stuff and was actually in a 212a submarine for some time doing covert operations
Kampfschwimmer, Minentaucher und KSK haben einen unglaublichen Ausbildungsstand! Habe als Panzergrenadier 1999 im Kosovoeinsatz Minentaucher als EOD kennengelernt.....unglaublich!!!! Ich ziehe meinen Hut!
Kampfschwimmer and KSK from German Bundeswehr are a special unit like navy seals etc. German KSK are one of the best in the world and were awarded together with navy seals and some other as best in the world like french Fremdenlegion/Légion étrangère/Foreign Legion etc.
Yes, they were deployed from these torpedo tubes. There is an exact extraction protocol for that. Also these submarines have an "incoming option" for divers that was never publicly described. The reverse way with pumping high pressure into the tube would kill the diver, so there is obviously another option for deep water.
True. German subs water the torpedotube before releading the torpedo. No noise at extraction like with pressured air. So you can enter and leave a tube as a human being.
I think it is more fitting to say that the Kampfschwimmer (KSM) are like Seal Team 6 (Kampfschwimmer (KSM) are a Tier 1 Unit like Seal Team 6 and the KSK, they are the marine equivalent of the KSK)
The „Kampfschwimmer“ are the most powerful „Multitool“ of the german army (in addition to the KSK). They jump out of planes, leave U-Boats through the torpedo-tubes, climb on hills and make all the other special things like KSK. Yes, i think you can say they are like the US Navy Seals or the Marines.
Hi there. I think you can Compare them with marine recon. Not only with the seals. It’s the hardest Training in Germany Military Even harder than ksk. Maybe one of the beste Elite groups in the whole world.
First of all the Kampfschwimmer aren't in the German Army, they are in the German navy. And the difference between the KSK and Kampfschwimmer is that the KSK is used on land and is bing transport by helicopter, boat or land vehikel. The Kampfschwimmer are diploid from a supmarin or ship and are diving to the Cost. Sorry for my English I'm from Germany
@pro Atomic Da die Marine (Bundesmarine wird sie seit 1995 nicht mehr genannt) genauso wie das Heer und die Luftwaffe eine Teilstreitkraft der Bundeswehr ist, sind die Kampfschwimmer natürlich auch ein Teil der Bundeswehr.
I believe they filmed the building-section at "Beelitzer Heilstätten", which is a sprawling estate near Berlin which used to be a sanatorium/hospital. Most of it is being preserved in the abandoned state and can be booked for filming/photoshoots and the like.
That was one of the most modern Subs in the German Navy. Even the Brits tried to get the technical Data etc. by following it around because of its innovative Engine.
This is a very old video a lot of the equipment shown here is no longer in use like the old Linderhof plate carrier as well as the HK G36 or the Tropentarn camouflage pattern which has been replaced by the new Multitarn camouflage pattern of the special forces. Here is an actual video about the KSM combat swimmers
I think the task was : "Ok guys - we need to cramp al our cool gear and all the stuff we can do into a 7 min clip - and you need to come up with a comprehensive script like yesterday!" Well - it's mere advertisement - so I won't shit on it too much xD
Yes they are deployed from the torpedo chamber. This is possible, because german submarines have a special technique to be more quiet, by first flooding the chamber and then starting the torpedo it is less detectable, than the common torpedo shot. The Kampfschwimmer can go out there because by first filling the chamber with water, there is no sudden increase in pressure (that would kill a diver). So its actually a deployment method, that is pretty unique around the world. If you want to see how these guys train, this video is good . ( The auto translate captions for english are good, because its a TV documentary so just use captions)
In what fucking universe are torpedo tubes not flooded before launch? Do you know how a damn torpedo works?! What the germans, any any other fckn nation that sends dudes through torpedo tubes do "special" is to not use pressure air to blast ppl out and flood it slowly. They just swim out. And back in. Its an old procedure practiced by many navys.
I guess they are wearing "Tropentarn" which is germanys desert camo. Maybe its because the Kampfschwimmers mostly operate in Tropical areas right now so they just used it aswell for this video
Tropentarn was the go to because basically all the foreign deployments happened in arid areas. Specially Afghanistan, later also Mali, etc. I also saw some guys wearing Tropentarn in Kosovo in 2008
Since the Kampfschwimmer were refounded in 1958 after ww2. There are no official numbers available. But since that year only round about 1900 men were able to finish all stages of the Trainings. These guys are hard core!
Naval Special Forces Command, also called the Kampfschwimmer (KSM; English: Combat Swimmers, lit. 'fight swimmers"') or Verwendungsgruppe 3402 (Deployment Group 3402) are an elite special forces unit of the German Navy, specializing in commando and amphibious warfare operations
They don’t use G36, they use mostly HK416 and HK417, but it all depends on the mission. They have A TON of different weapons to chose from, and can completely tailor to the mission. I saw the KSK weapon logistics sheets once (yes, I‘m German Army), that’s 4 densely printed excel sheets, everything one could possibly want, from .22 pistol with suppressor all the way to .50 sniper rifle. A loooong time ago I was Specialized Forces, and many of my instructors were the founding core of the KSK, after they passed the selection.
Those weird looking nvgs are Lucie's. They suck they have one lense but you have two screens like on binos. That means all you see is just 2d. In my unit we had a mix of Lucie's and bino nvgs and it was first come first serve. If you're not used to those Lucie's you'll be hugging a lot of trees because the 2d fucks up perception of distance Edit: it's made by Thales and just called Lucie
Nice reaction. About the building - because it is only 5km away from me I know the location very good, it is even larger than you think... Just search for "Beelitz Heilstätten", the part were they made this is the old training hall in Quadrant D. When you look at the piano version of the song "Mein Herz Brennt" from Rammstein, it is the old bathing hall in the same building, only another wing.
Rrgardung the dismounting in the open, the squad leader of the assault squad ordered the sniper to "verzögern" which i believe roughly translates to "stall". I presume what meant was here: destroy the engines, buy as much time as only possible.
To clear it up a little bit. Bundeswehr = German military general Marine = Navy Heer = Army Luftwaffe = air force KSK is part of the Heer (army) Kampfschwimmer, Mienen Taucher is part of the Marine (Navy)
both, "ksk" and "ksm" (official: kommando spezialkräfte marine, including "kampfschwimmer" ) are tier 1 units, similar to "delta force" /army and "devgru" /navy. the german "kampfschwimmer" are the first special forces in german army after WWII, founded 1958.
I recently saw a documentary were they talked to a retired submarine-crew as their submarine was moved to a museum, and they also mentioned that they would keep one torpedo-tube empty to deploy OR RECEIVE a Kampfschwimmer. One of the men talked about how one time one of them came aboard, and they noticed that one of his flippers was mostly missing. It had been caught in the door of the tube, cutting it off JUUUUST beyond the toes. The big, badass dude...fainted. Like "I almost lost my foot!" aaaand falls over.
4:00 The Lefty thing is hilarious at times... I figured it out late in life, past my schooldays. I wasn't hard left-handed, but the type that is sort of in the middle and easily taught to use things right-handed. However, any time I learned something by myself, without noticing it turned out to be the left way around. I always found this weird, but two things finally hit it home to me: An old Englishman from the RAF teaching me darts while we were both in the same hospital (nothing war related, I'm a civilian, German), and switching to left improved my ability beyond comprehension instantly. The same thing happened later when I got to try actual shooting once. Right handed my hitrate was between 60-70%, but when I switched to left handed it climbed to over 90% - absolutely ridiculous. I never got drafted though, since at the time of my draft I already had -8 on both eyes, which is an instant discharge. Understandably, since what if you lose your glasses or contacts? You're immediately crippled. Same with some other, not as severe but detrimental to field work health issues. Reminds me, I also scored inhumanely at the hearing tests, for which they really wanted me. Should have asked about the glasses first though. I can tell you, in every day life that type of hearing is more of a detriment. At least in the city. I can imagine it's useful out in the forest, hunting something though.
In german army you have "Heer" operating on land, "Marine" operating on/in water and "Luftwaffe" operating in the air. Kampfschwimmer are Marine special force and KSK is Heer special force. I don't really know if they work together in some missions but they are independent from each other
The sniper team got the task to "delay the enemy". I guess any Tier 1 sniper team could easily pick these guys off IRL. However, it seemed like they wanted to show them draw the enemy away from the hostage team and then evacuate last under enemy fire. To make it more dramatic, I guess.
The "Kampfschwimmer" meanwhile got re-named to KSM, so the Marine/Navy Counterpart to Army´s KSK. The NVG you dind´t recogniced are calles Lucie. It is similar to the oold PVS7 with one tube and two eye pieces but way samller and lighter. But still, some operators prefer them due to the lightness and compact design.
Long time ago for this video, but this camo is either made for late atumn since it's not pretty green anymore but more brownish and beige color with some black contrasts, or for operating more near the sea where environment is more beige in general since beach and sand- which definitelly is most times the case anyway since what does it use to operate in territories which got no water for a "Kampfschwimmer". They got there out of the ocean after all in this video.
The "Kampfschwimmer", also called KSM (Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine) are special forces as well as the KSK. They are the equivalent to the KSK just for the German navy. So they run their own Tier 1 missions. They are no supporting unit. The Kampfschwimmer have a very respected reputation.
The German combat swimmers of the German navy are the oldest special unit of the German armed forces. They were founded in 1958. since then there have been consecutive numbers. In 2022 we are still under 1000 men who were allowed to wear the sawfish with parachute. Learn to suffer without complaining
The camo is called "Tropentarn" and was invented for ISAF and other anti-Hadji missions. As most operations were in Hadji countries these days, they're wearing Tropentarn instead of Flecktarn.
There are some legends... When 20 ordinary sailors cause trouble in a bar, 2 MPs go in and take them out there. When 2 Kampfschwimmer cause trouble in a bar, 20 MPs go in and try to take them out 😂
There is/was a disco, the K7, in Eckernförde, where the Kampfschwimmer are based, and you could always discern them from the normies by their improbably wide shoulders and square jaws. Once, one of those guys fell afoul of a bunch of toughs and got pretty beaten up. He hightailed it out of there. Twenty minutes later, two VW vans with taped-over registration plates and APP-6 symbols hove into view, a dozen or so masked guys jumped out. The guy who was beaten up pointed out the toughs, and ten seconds later, they lay around in crumpled, bloody heaps thanks to judiciously adminstered martial arts techniques. The vans then sped away. The whole operation took less than half a minute. Nobody saw anything.
It makes me smile that you are getting such a buzz out of the gear too! Nice to know that even if you've served you can still be a milgeek like the rest of us! ;) Excellent video (both the original and the reaction). It's becoming so important that we learn about our NATO allies at the moment... I wonder if there is anything about Belgium and some of the smaller partners?
Hi from Germany, the reason for the desert camouflage is: the scenario was hostage rescue in a Arabic/ Asian area, the building should be like an embassy. The video was made in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern where the Kampfschwimmer are stationed.
the Germans are one of our best partners, allies and friends of France. Germans and French that they work hard for future projects, and also for weapons. i love you germans 🇫🇷❤️🇩🇪
we love you too
I love you too my friend! 🇩🇪🤝🏻🇫🇷
Our militaries should work much more together and maybe build a kinda European army!
@@hekt0rbod3gas36 there is already a Franco-German army, my friend! and also a Franco-German TV channel "Arte" good day to you 😁
@@Honoy69 i know Arte but tell me about the name of the unit please!?
@@hekt0rbod3gas36 of course! it is Franco-German Brigade
Each "Kampfschwimmer" gets his own personal number. No number used again once more. They still use three-digit numbers. I guess that says something about the training and skills needed to become a "Kampfschwimmer".
Friends of France ? Are you insane ? They ran through you killing tens of thousands in 1940 ! Some friends !
@@JH-bf6qy this has nothing to do with the ss wtf are you talking
@@JH-bf6qy Blood type tattoos and personnel numbers are probably different things.
@@JH-bf6qy what the fuck went wrong with you?
@@thalance6902 Killers with tattoos, like machine type tags, ideological property, you are right, totally different, because those are the good ones, got it!
Everyone: Let‘s make a cool movie trailer for our special forces.
Germans: Okay, get the submarine and the sharks.
I would go as far as saying its propaganda. Cool or not u gotta produce some badass videos so more people list into the army. Friend of mine went there for a year and well. U could think its some foreign army😂😂😂 half russians. Turkish people. U name it.
Okay, we are not good at ads and trailers.
@@HuyLe-bi6dk that is because german is not a ethnicity but a set of believes that you find in e.g. the Grundgesetz.
@@HuyLe-bi6dk Bullshit
😂😂😂😂get the submarine and the sharks
Glad to have such a great and powerful ally close and with us, I have an immense respect for german forces. You guys have some rock hard men 💪
Long live the french-german friendship!🇩🇪❤🇫🇷💪
We are also glad to have such a great ally, long live the french-german friendship 🇩🇪🤝🇨🇵
Vive la France, my dear neighbor!
Merci, l'armée française est formidable aussi ! J'ai hâte qu'on construise l'Europe de la défense maintenant.
@@guyincognito1309 oui, il faut faire une l'armee europain.
I remember back in 87. A German Kampfschwimmer was drinking beer in town and was walking back to base. Local thugs tried to rob him, but it didn’t go well for them. He ended up breaking their arms and beating the snot out of them. They were arrested, taken to the hospital and he got a free ride back to base. True Story.
Those thugs chose... POORLY...😂
I bet when they got wrecked, I bet that they regretted (it was at that moment that they knew: They Fked up!!) 😅
There are many storys of SF guys from police and military whole beat up thugs
I can only imagine their faces when he starts beating them up while yelling at them in German xD
Jack Reacher style xD
Wild west stories idiots tell...
The submarine in the video is one of six german 212a class submarines. The are considered the most sophisticated, non nuclear powered, submarines in the world. Besides a conventional diesel engine to generate electricity, they also have a fuel cell as an AIP (Air-Independent-Propulsion) with which they can stay submerged for around 25-28 days at a time. With the AIP they are so silent, that they are more or less not decetable for enemy sonar. The way of extracting the Kampfschwimmer through the torpedo tubes is used for the older submarines of the 212a class, the newer ones have a diving lock in the sail, so the divers can extract though that.
So there are different versions of the 212a
Yes. The submarines are quite nice. When they are in working order
@@MrTohawkthat is no special german problem. Every complex weapon system has to be maintained constantly. Naval vessel especially to be effective. The Budget Problem of the Bundeswehr is located in repair facilities; spare parts and the fleet size. The golden rule of Fleet Organization should be to have on vessel on Patrol or any other active mssion. On Vessel ready at Port or at training near the home base to support the active fleet unit if necessary. And a third unit out of order for maintanence or repair work in dry dock. Unfortunationally for the German Navy the Surface ship and Submarine fleet is much to small for this. If a vessel has to be repaired there is no substitute
The Kriegsmarine established its own combat swimming units late in World War II. They were part of the Kriegsmarine's Small Combat Units Command, which began to emerge in 1944 and was intended to form a special unit for amphibious commando operations similar to the British Commandos. Units of military intelligence could be drawn upon for this purpose.
Building on the experience of the Kriegsmarine, the Bundesmarine (Navy) also established a Kampfschwimmer company. It has been stationed in Eckernförde since its founding in 1958 and can be considered the oldest special unit in the Bundeswehr. In the course of time, it has changed its subordination several times and currently belongs to the Naval Special Forces Command. Together with the Army's KSK, the Navy's Kampfschwimmer are considered the best-trained unit in the Bundeswehr.
And yes, Kampfschwimmer leave submarines through the torpedo bays. An experience I do not want to share.
Thanks for the info!
Is there any books about these guys in english? My german is not that good yet.
@@CombatArmsChannel You should watch the Bundeswehr video called Panzergrenadiere dran drauf drueber. A good short video thats not too old (5 months).
Vergiss nicht die Gebirgsjäger als gut ausgebildet anzuführen!
Die deutsche Kriegsmarine ist auch einer der Truppenteile die quasi durchgängig bestand und über ein paar anderen Namen nicht zwischen 1945 und 1954 pausiert hat. Eine Rumpfbelegschaft hat die Seeminen geräumt, war Manövergegner der US-Navy und der Britischen Navy und hat nebenher noch den Seeraum der Nordsee und Ostsee überwacht, das Personal wurde in Zoll und Bundeswehr und Bundesmarine übergeführt. Die UDSSR hat mehr oder weniger den gleichen Kurs im Osten gefahren.
@@CombatArmsChannel The "Meereskaempfer" of the german "Kriegsmarine" are the "Mother of all seals". They started in late 1942, combat ready 1944.
Since 1976 or 1972, an exchange program between the sealteam 2 and kampfschwimmerkompanie is existing, means there are always seals in germany and kampfschwimmer in usa, participating to the training an missions of eachother.
And yes, Since 1958 less than 1000 Kampfschwimmer were "made". Its an incredebaly versitile training.
Regards from germany
6:12 The video is from 2017, when the war in Afghanistan was still the center of attention for the Bundeswehr and all the new equipment was made with this operation in mind, so that's probably why they were rolling in dessert camo there. Nowadays they have a new multicam flecktarn pattern that works in a big variety of different environments.
the KSK´s new con camo is sweet too ;)
@@asator2746 it's called "multitarn"
@@asator2746 ConCamo is the commercial remake
@@Matze239 ahh okay thanks guys
Too bad there isn't commercially available Multitarn gear, I would even get pajamas with that pattern.
The abandoned buildings are probably a former pneumonia hospital south-west of Berlin. Region also has a lot of lakes, which are popular for swimming with the locals. Didn’t know that sharks were an issue though 😜
The famous Berlin sharks :D
Well, i live there and its kinda cool when the KSK is flying over my House at night when they train, you can't see them and only hear it for a small amout of time.
Jar the sharks ware added in Noth and East same aren't many sharks
Kampfschwimmer dont train in Berlin i think. Maybe some training Session, but most likely the are in the north.
Sharks in Berlin dont excist
At all this way too cinematic. Dont think its a legit source. To get in the u-boat it wouldnt have had to get to the top. The can easily enter the boat under water
There are even movies about Sharks in Berlin Lakes
At that time, the combat swimmers trained the GSG9 and the KSK, they are by far the most elite soldiers in Germany. Every soldier who made it into the unit is given a number (this shows exactly how many graduated before him) and the number isn't even in the four-digit range.
Nowadays GSG9, KSK, SEKM and Fernspäher all train each other and send their trainees to each other to learn their specialties. E.g. SEKM learn hostage rescue from the GSG9 divers.
KSM = KSM stands for Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine. Kampf (combat not camp ;) ) Schwimmer (swimmers)
They are part of the German Navy, the KSK is part of the German Army
@@CombatArmsChannel Just to clarify it a bit more:
Bundeswehr = German Armed Forces
The branches are with their official names: Heer = Army, Luftwaffe = Airforce and Deutsche Marine = Navy. The navy is the only one specifically "German". xD
The KSK is Heer, while the Kampfschwimmer are, obviously, Deutsche Marine.
Made me remember an Anecdote of a friend of mine told me.. He was a sonar technician on a Submarine in Eckernförde, so he worked a lot with the "Kampfschwimmer". Once he was on an International Manouver with them and a foreign Soldier started to boast "I know 50 differentways to kill a Man with a weapon" and the Kampfschwimmer replied "Shoot, I only know 35 but just 5 of them actually include a weapon"
Ha ha...that's a good one
Erklärung? Versteh ich nicht.
i know 1000+ ways to kill a human without using a „weapon“. i need an explanation.
Kampfschwimmer können dich auf 35 arten töten und brauchen nur für 5 davon ne waffe. @@dibudabug8099
@@dibudabug8099Es geht um die Kampfausbildung.
The German Kampfschwimmer are working very close together with the US Navy SEALs. There is even an active program for a long time now, that in each year 1-2 German Kampfschwimmer are going to the USA and practicing with the Navy SEALS and 1-2 US Navy SEALs are joining the Kampfschwimmer in North-Germany, practicing with them.
welches Seal Team?Devgru?
Ja die Kampfschwimmer kann man auf eine Ebene mit devgru setzen
kampfschwimmer haben devgru im wasser ausgebildet
Yes Is true we teach the navy seals tactics 😊
I love the mix of badass, high quality production but still kind of purposefully and noticeably over the top. It’s great fun to watch.
Your pronunciation for German words is excellent. I'm glad that the United States and Germany are friends and the armed forces of both countries are working together. Best greetings from Germany.
Da muss ich zustimmen, er spricht das ganze ziemlich gut aus.
@@jakobgoldmann239 Hatte vor kurzem auch mit einem Amerikaner Chatkontakt. Er hatte Deutsch in den USA studiert, er war auch gut drauf. Grüße
the Germans and the Dutch go hand in hand when it comes to all military operations
How time has changed eh :)
To answer your first question: the Kampfschwimmer are the combat component of the „Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine (KSM)“. The KSM are, as the name suggests, the naval equivalent of the KSK and probably just as well (but differently) trained, but they are not subordinate to the KSK.
The KSM is a part of the German Navy and as such subordinate to the “Marinekommando“ (German Navy Command, equivalent to OPNAV in the US), while the KSK is part of the “Heer” (Army) and as such subordinate to the army command.
Even though direct comparisons are obviously not possible, I do think that the Kampfschwimmer are more comparable to former Seal Team Six aka DevGru, not the SEALs as a whole. The KSM is an extremely small and extremely elite Special Operations Forces Unit.
The SEALs could be compared to the German “Seebataillon” (sea battalion), our naval infantry component.
To comment on something else in the video: yes, they did wait for the sun to set. German combat doctrine is to whenever possible operate either at dawn or nightfall.
I was not sure, so I looked it up. The "Seebataillon" is comparable to the US Marine Corps, as both are Infantry Troops deployed from sea/ships. The German "Fallschirmjäger" would be the comparable Air Force troop (air deployed infantry). Navy Seals and Kampfschwimmer are comparable as both are the Special Forces within their military unit.
@@leonlowenstadter9223yes,but kampfschwimmer are tier 1 units,normal seals are tier 2!so you can compare them with devgru
@@leonlowenstadter9223 We do not have a tier 2 compariable Navy unit in germany. KSM is Tier 1. SO not comparable with the Tier 2 Navy SEALs.
It‘s a Tier One Unit. Germany has two of them. KSK belongs to Army and this one called „KSM“ belongs to the Navy. 🇱🇷🇩🇪 💪🏻
KSK is a Tier 2 unit not Tier one. Just the KSM are Tier 1 that’s the reason they made a hostage situation promo video
The Black thing on the snipers backpack is diving gear. A diving Fin, it operates with shoes.
The Kampfschwimmerkompanie is part of the KSM stationed in Eckernförde, part of the Einsatzflotille 1 (German Navy) which also is in command of the submarine squadron. The KSK is stationed in Calw and part of the Division Schnelle Kräfte under the German army. So they are completely seperated but still often train together.
Fun fact: The service badge for Kampfschwimmer, which was hard to obtain at all times, has a similar close "twin" called Schwimmtaucher. The latter is also quite high level training, but far below any SF operation of Kampfschwimmer. We had a guy in our tank crew during a reserve training, who somehow got it in the past and tried to promote himself to Kampfschwimmer instead of being proud if his achievement.
Since that time, he got referred to as Bademeister, so a guy overseeing a swimming pool.
Hahaha ouch!
Do you mean "Minentaucher"? There is noch such thing as a "Schwimmtaucher"...
@@BS-my6qx Nope, Minentaucher is far more. Google Schwimmtaucher, the training took and maybe still takes place in Neustadt.
@@AN-nt3uv Yes - I googled it... It is the title for “Arbeitstaucher“ for the german navy. Course takes 8 weeks.
yes they train to deploy from torpedo tubes
and the camo is destert tropes patern but it fits well in some woodland situations as well
The Kampfschwimmer/KSM are the responsible (and only) german SF unit for maritime missions, especially missions to/on classical sea targets. But like most other Special Forces, they're of course deployed to landbased missions and commands as well. There is also an important german special ability noteworthy: The German "Grundgesetz" favours (the maritime component of) the GSG9 in case of for example a hostage or CT situation within international waters. It's unlikely to see them in action on a cruise ship, if they're not embedded into NATO/EU Missions like OP Ocean Shield.
Hallo, wo hast du das mit dem Gesetz gelesen? Würde ich gerne nachlesen. LG
Da gibt es leider keinen einzelnen Gesetzestext zu, es ergibt sich aber primär aus dem Grundgesetz, dem Bundespolizeigesetz und dem Seerecht.
Die GSG9 ist rechtlich gesehen eine Einheit des Deutschen Innenministeriums.
Alle Deutschen Hoheitsgebiete im Ausland, also nicht nur Diplomatische Vertretungen, sondern nach dem Flaggenprinzip auch "schwimmende Gebietsteile der Bundesrepublik Deutschland in internationalen Gewässern", (oder auch Luftfahrzeuge in der Luft bzw. je nach lokalem Recht/Abkommen mit der Bundesrepublik, auch noch gelandete Luftfahrzeuge am Boden, die und deren Passagiere noch nicht Grenz/Zollrechtlich abgefertigt wurden), liegen in der alleinigen Zuständigkeit des Innenminsteriums.
Das KSK ist nur dann zuständig, wenn Deutsche Staatsbürger durch "Krieg oder kriegerische Handlungen" gefährdet sind. Dabei ist sehr wichtig zu wissen und zu erwähnen, dass "Terror", auch wenn er durch Militärisch oder Paramilitärisch strukturierte Organisationen (wie Daesh) verübt wird, auf deutschem Staatsgebiet nicht als kriegerische Handlung definiert wird.
Davon abweichend gibt es wiederum einige Ausnahmen, beispielsweise was PSK für Deutsche Bundeswehrangehörige angeht (wird auch im Inland von der Bundeswehr gestellt) - oder was im Ausland beispielsweise die Geiselnahme eines Deutschen Mandats-, Amts, oder Geheimnisträgers angeht, hierbei kann auch das KSK zum Einsatz kommen.
I think they considred as Sof or not?
@@hendrixfirstone8975 Artikel 87a (4) - Zur Abwehr einer drohenden Gefahr [...] kann die Bundesregierung, wenn [...] die Polizeikräfte sowie der Bundesgrenzschutz nicht ausreichen, Streitkräfte zur Unterstützung der Polizei und des Bundesgrenzschutzes [...] einsetzen.
Somit: Kampfschwimmer als Unterstützung erst wenn die GSG9 (Bundesgrenzschutz) es alleine nicht hinbekommen würde.
Dazu noch Teil (2) Außer zur Verteidigung dürfen die Streitkräfte nur eingesetzt werden, soweit dieses Grundgesetz es ausdrücklich zuläßt.
In ein anderes Land einmarschieren um Geiseln zu befreien (und auch ein Cruise-Ship ist ausländisches Hoheitsgebiet) ist keine Verteidigung.
@@hendrixfirstone8975 Ich denke er bezieht sich darauf dass Soldaten nicht auf deutschem Boden in den Kampfeinsatz gehen können außer im Kriegsfall. Da z.B. deutsche Schiffe und Flugzeuge (oder Botschaften) als deutscher Boden zählen, braucht man dafür die GSG9, denn die sind Polizei.
The Kampfschwimmer is a pretty small unit of the German Navy, it has a planned strength of 93 soldiers.
The KSK of the German Army is much larger.
sure? 93 sounds very small, maybe too small.
It’s one company.
But the kampfschwimmer are included in the KSM, with support troops, boat operator and so on, in total about 300 soldiers. Nevertheless also the KSK is capable for amphibious operations.
@@JS-mb7yo But they dont Dive Out of Uboats or?
@@kalterverwalter4516 but they do
you climb into one of the torpedo tubes
then the water is let in and they swim out
Wirklich tolle und sympathische Reaktion❤
My grandfather was a member of the KSM back in the 60s had a lot of cool stories from some hostage rescue stuff and was actually in a 212a submarine for some time doing covert operations
Kampfschwimmer, Minentaucher und KSK haben einen unglaublichen Ausbildungsstand! Habe als Panzergrenadier 1999 im Kosovoeinsatz Minentaucher als EOD kennengelernt.....unglaublich!!!! Ich ziehe meinen Hut!
Nice react greetings from Germany - Sammelplatz Militaria
You are getting way better at pronounciating the German words, the "Kampfschwimmer" at 1:00 was pretty spot-on, nice!
thank you for this reacaion video ...greetings from germany
Kampfschwimmer and KSK from German Bundeswehr are a special unit like navy seals etc. German KSK are one of the best in the world and were awarded together with navy seals and some other as best in the world like french Fremdenlegion/Légion étrangère/Foreign Legion etc.
Yes, they were deployed from these torpedo tubes. There is an exact extraction protocol for that. Also these submarines have an "incoming option" for divers that was never publicly described. The reverse way with pumping high pressure into the tube would kill the diver, so there is obviously another option for deep water.
True. German subs water the torpedotube before releading the torpedo. No noise at extraction like with pressured air.
So you can enter and leave a tube as a human being.
I think it is more fitting to say that the Kampfschwimmer (KSM) are like Seal Team 6 (Kampfschwimmer (KSM) are a Tier 1 Unit like Seal Team 6 and the KSK, they are the marine equivalent of the KSK)
You should also have a look to the Heeresbergführer. Very impressive guys. They are well known for their skills.
takes a true bro to see the obvious flaws in the presentation and still be amazed by it
was thinking the same 😂
The „Kampfschwimmer“ are the most powerful „Multitool“ of the german army (in addition to the KSK). They jump out of planes, leave U-Boats through the torpedo-tubes, climb on hills and make all the other special things like KSK. Yes, i think you can say they are like the US Navy Seals or the Marines.
Hi there. I think you can Compare them with marine recon. Not only with the seals. It’s the hardest Training in Germany Military Even harder than ksk. Maybe one of the beste Elite groups in the whole world.
First of all the Kampfschwimmer aren't in the German Army, they are in the German navy. And the difference between the KSK and Kampfschwimmer is that the KSK is used on land and is bing transport by helicopter, boat or land vehikel.
The Kampfschwimmer are diploid from a supmarin or ship and are diving to the Cost.
Sorry for my English I'm from Germany
@@proatomic4899 *vehicle *deployed *submarine
Sorry, musste sein 😜✌🏻
Edit: *being
@@hekt0rbod3gas36 Danke 🤣👍
@pro Atomic Da die Marine (Bundesmarine wird sie seit 1995 nicht mehr genannt) genauso wie das Heer und die Luftwaffe eine Teilstreitkraft der Bundeswehr ist, sind die Kampfschwimmer natürlich auch ein Teil der Bundeswehr.
I believe they filmed the building-section at "Beelitzer Heilstätten", which is a sprawling estate near Berlin which used to be a sanatorium/hospital. Most of it is being preserved in the abandoned state and can be booked for filming/photoshoots and the like.
I worked together in the police with an ex Kampfschwimmer! What a badass in the water
That was one of the most modern Subs in the German Navy. Even the Brits tried to get the technical Data etc. by following it around because of its innovative Engine.
This is a very old video a lot of the equipment shown here is no longer in use like the old Linderhof plate carrier as well as the HK G36 or the Tropentarn camouflage pattern which has been replaced by the new Multitarn camouflage pattern of the special forces. Here is an actual video about the KSM combat swimmers
I think the task was : "Ok guys - we need to cramp al our cool gear and all the stuff we can do into a 7 min clip - and you need to come up with a comprehensive script like yesterday!"
Well - it's mere advertisement - so I won't shit on it too much xD
Sehr theatralisch und wirklichkeitsfremd gedreht...
Yes they are deployed from the torpedo chamber. This is possible, because german submarines have a special technique to be more quiet, by first flooding the chamber and then starting the torpedo it is less detectable, than the common torpedo shot. The Kampfschwimmer can go out there because by first filling the chamber with water, there is no sudden increase in pressure (that would kill a diver). So its actually a deployment method, that is pretty unique around the world.
If you want to see how these guys train, this video is good . ( The auto translate captions for english are good, because its a TV documentary so just use captions)
In what fucking universe are torpedo tubes not flooded before launch?
Do you know how a damn torpedo works?!
What the germans, any any other fckn nation that sends dudes through torpedo tubes do "special" is to not use pressure air to blast ppl out and flood it slowly.
They just swim out. And back in.
Its an old procedure practiced by many navys.
I guess they are wearing "Tropentarn" which is germanys desert camo. Maybe its because the Kampfschwimmers mostly operate in Tropical areas right now so they just used it aswell for this video
My guess is it was simply better distinguishable from the environment than multi- or forestcamo... Better for filming :)
Tropentarn was the go to because basically all the foreign deployments happened in arid areas. Specially Afghanistan, later also Mali, etc.
I also saw some guys wearing Tropentarn in Kosovo in 2008
Since the Kampfschwimmer were refounded in 1958 after ww2. There are no official numbers available. But since that year only round about 1900 men were able to finish all stages of the Trainings. These guys are hard core!
😂 Very good start. Deutsche Marine! Auf den Boden! Nice Vid.
Naval Special Forces Command, also called the Kampfschwimmer (KSM; English: Combat Swimmers, lit. 'fight swimmers"') or Verwendungsgruppe 3402 (Deployment Group 3402) are an elite special forces unit of the German Navy, specializing in commando and amphibious warfare operations
They don’t use G36, they use mostly HK416 and HK417, but it all depends on the mission. They have A TON of different weapons to chose from, and can completely tailor to the mission. I saw the KSK weapon logistics sheets once (yes, I‘m German Army), that’s 4 densely printed excel sheets, everything one could possibly want, from .22 pistol with suppressor all the way to .50 sniper rifle. A loooong time ago I was Specialized Forces, and many of my instructors were the founding core of the KSK, after they passed the selection.
Those weird looking nvgs are Lucie's. They suck they have one lense but you have two screens like on binos. That means all you see is just 2d. In my unit we had a mix of Lucie's and bino nvgs and it was first come first serve. If you're not used to those Lucie's you'll be hugging a lot of trees because the 2d fucks up perception of distance
Edit: it's made by Thales and just called Lucie
The "Thing" on His Back was His swimming Gear :D
Nice reaction.
About the building - because it is only 5km away from me I know the location very good, it is even larger than you think...
Just search for "Beelitz Heilstätten", the part were they made this is the old training hall in Quadrant D. When you look at the piano version of the song "Mein Herz Brennt" from Rammstein, it is the old bathing hall in the same building, only another wing.
Rrgardung the dismounting in the open, the squad leader of the assault squad ordered the sniper to "verzögern" which i believe roughly translates to "stall". I presume what meant was here: destroy the engines, buy as much time as only possible.
Kampfschwimmer => Marine = Navy
KSK = Kommandospezialkräft => Heer = Army
They are both elite units, but from different branches.
The scenes at the sand dunes were filmed in Speyer, Rhineland-Palatinate.
Not too far away from Ramstein.
It’s 5-Farben Tarn Wüste but their official Camo atm is Multitarn (not available to public)
To clear it up a little bit.
Bundeswehr = German military general
Marine = Navy
Heer = Army
Luftwaffe = air force
KSK is part of the Heer (army)
Kampfschwimmer, Mienen Taucher is part of the Marine (Navy)
@@FSK100 Da hat er absolut Recht!
The Nickname Frogman / Froschmann.
The stuff on the back is his Scuba Diving Foot gear. imagine youre a hostage and you see these guys coming to get you out
Very cool reaction video!
The Submarine is the German Typ 212a the quiets in the world Its powered by fuelcell it can Drive 2weeks under water
both, "ksk" and "ksm" (official: kommando spezialkräfte marine, including "kampfschwimmer" ) are tier 1 units, similar to "delta force" /army and "devgru" /navy.
the german "kampfschwimmer" are the first special forces in german army after WWII, founded 1958.
I recently saw a documentary were they talked to a retired submarine-crew as their submarine was moved to a museum, and they also mentioned that they would keep one torpedo-tube empty to deploy OR RECEIVE a Kampfschwimmer. One of the men talked about how one time one of them came aboard, and they noticed that one of his flippers was mostly missing. It had been caught in the door of the tube, cutting it off JUUUUST beyond the toes. The big, badass dude...fainted. Like "I almost lost my foot!" aaaand falls over.
4:00 The Lefty thing is hilarious at times... I figured it out late in life, past my schooldays. I wasn't hard left-handed, but the type that is sort of in the middle and easily taught to use things right-handed. However, any time I learned something by myself, without noticing it turned out to be the left way around. I always found this weird, but two things finally hit it home to me: An old Englishman from the RAF teaching me darts while we were both in the same hospital (nothing war related, I'm a civilian, German), and switching to left improved my ability beyond comprehension instantly. The same thing happened later when I got to try actual shooting once. Right handed my hitrate was between 60-70%, but when I switched to left handed it climbed to over 90% - absolutely ridiculous. I never got drafted though, since at the time of my draft I already had -8 on both eyes, which is an instant discharge. Understandably, since what if you lose your glasses or contacts? You're immediately crippled. Same with some other, not as severe but detrimental to field work health issues. Reminds me, I also scored inhumanely at the hearing tests, for which they really wanted me. Should have asked about the glasses first though. I can tell you, in every day life that type of hearing is more of a detriment. At least in the city. I can imagine it's useful out in the forest, hunting something though.
Probably filmed for effect. I know (from relatives) that you seek to not make a silhouette. Nice vid and reaction :)
The sharks be like: "Oh frigg, Kampfschwimmer! Gotta be somewhere else, bye"
Our Kampfschwimmer are the same like your Navy Seals. Greetings from Germany ✌🏼
Just wrong. Seal Team 6 and not Navy SEALs.
@@qyzxger790 Where exactly is the difference?
In german army you have "Heer" operating on land, "Marine" operating on/in water and "Luftwaffe" operating in the air. Kampfschwimmer are Marine special force and KSK is Heer special force. I don't really know if they work together in some missions but they are independent from each other
The training is absolutely brutal...
8:00 sniper backpack. Dismount rifle, stack it and disappear.
Yeah, my Brother stay at the "Kampfschwimmer" it's the hardest Unit at the Bundeswehr. Best wishes from Northern Germany...
Yes, they juse the torpedo launching holes for exit, cause it is undetectable for sound recording equipment
The emblem in the last is the working symbol: the sawfish.
Your German is nice , Kaampfffschwimmer , we love it and you too in the USA :)
Greetings from Germany. Btw your German pronouncing is pretty good.
They are a part of the Navy and the equivalent to the British SBS or DEVGRU/NSWDG
The sniper team got the task to "delay the enemy". I guess any Tier 1 sniper team could easily pick these guys off IRL. However, it seemed like they wanted to show them draw the enemy away from the hostage team and then evacuate last under enemy fire. To make it more dramatic, I guess.
The "Kampfschwimmer" meanwhile got re-named to KSM, so the Marine/Navy Counterpart to Army´s KSK.
The NVG you dind´t recogniced are calles Lucie. It is similar to the oold PVS7 with one tube and two eye pieces but way samller and lighter. But still, some operators prefer them due to the lightness and compact design.
Long time ago for this video, but this camo is either made for late atumn since it's not pretty green anymore but more brownish and beige color with some black contrasts, or for operating more near the sea where environment is more beige in general since beach and sand- which definitelly is most times the case anyway since what does it use to operate in territories which got no water for a "Kampfschwimmer". They got there out of the ocean after all in this video.
The "Kampfschwimmer", also called KSM (Kommando Spezialkräfte Marine) are special forces as well as the KSK. They are the equivalent to the KSK just for the German navy. So they run their own Tier 1 missions. They are no supporting unit. The Kampfschwimmer have a very respected reputation.
HD | Schule der Krieger - Kampf unter Wasser - look for this video, its about the training of the kampfschwimmer....
The swordfish is the badge of unity and many have it tattooed on their skin😉
The German combat swimmers of the German navy are the oldest special unit of the German armed forces. They were founded in 1958. since then there have been consecutive numbers. In 2022 we are still under 1000 men who were allowed to wear the sawfish with parachute. Learn to suffer without complaining
The camo is called "Tropentarn" and was invented for ISAF and other anti-Hadji missions. As most operations were in Hadji countries these days, they're wearing Tropentarn instead of Flecktarn.
There are some legends...
When 20 ordinary sailors cause trouble in a bar, 2 MPs go in and take them out there.
When 2 Kampfschwimmer cause trouble in a bar, 20 MPs go in and try to take them out 😂
the video is more like a comercial for the Bundeswehr
The bags are with air, so they can swimm better. Its like in the Airplain.
There is/was a disco, the K7, in Eckernförde, where the Kampfschwimmer are based, and you could always discern them from the normies by their improbably wide shoulders and square jaws. Once, one of those guys fell afoul of a bunch of toughs and got pretty beaten up. He hightailed it out of there. Twenty minutes later, two VW vans with taped-over registration plates and APP-6 symbols hove into view, a dozen or so masked guys jumped out. The guy who was beaten up pointed out the toughs, and ten seconds later, they lay around in crumpled, bloody heaps thanks to judiciously adminstered martial arts techniques. The vans then sped away. The whole operation took less than half a minute.
Nobody saw anything.
Outstanding ... Mr Burns Like...uhhh the Germany ! Please Help me
Another great image video of the german police is: Mobiles Einsatzkommando des BKA (Mobile task force of the Federal Criminal Police)
@Combat Arms Channel
The "things" on the back of the german sniper are his diving fins.
The sharks of Mecklenburg 😂😂😂
It makes me smile that you are getting such a buzz out of the gear too! Nice to know that even if you've served you can still be a milgeek like the rest of us! ;) Excellent video (both the original and the reaction). It's becoming so important that we learn about our NATO allies at the moment... I wonder if there is anything about Belgium and some of the smaller partners?
the guys on thermal nods.
Hi from Germany, the reason for the desert camouflage is: the scenario was hostage rescue in a Arabic/ Asian area, the building should be like an embassy.
The video was made in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern where the Kampfschwimmer are stationed.
Falsch, die Kampfschwimmer sind in Eckernförde zu Hause. :-)
6:16 just cuz the desert camo looks cooler than the regular one. Just for the film I guess
In the ksk video they where’d the new „multitarn“. That’s the new Bundeswehr camo. It’s mostly for the Middle East, but as well for Europe, and urban.
The Swiss Swat team DARD from the Police Cantonale VD has a 30 Year Video out… you should react to that after you liked the GRIF
5:28 Deutsche Marine! Auf den Boden! Gives me chillllls bruh
Thank you for your Video and respect for german forces that means so much take care 🙋🏽♀️🐎👩🏽💻
This sharks were like:"What the heck are there Kampfschwimmer"?!