"If our greatest need was information, God would have sent us an Educator. If our greatest need had been Technology, God would have sent us a Scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an Economist. If our greatest need had been pleasure, Goud would have sent us an Entertainer. But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Saviour." What a beautiful quote, thank you Costi for finding and sharing this quote. I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas season this year.
God sent us many educators, again God has sent us many scientists, and Bible believing scientists at that. There are many economists He has provided, and many many entertainers. And now to the Savior Jesus Christ who God sent, there is only one Jesus Christ who took the sin of the world, Amen 🙏🏼
The issue is that it is CLEARLY stated in the Bible. If it were NOT true, then the validity of the Bible is in question. Anything CLEARLY stated is essential. This is not a secondary or tertiary thing that is "implied", or interpreted.
That’s right! Mary needed a savior and was a sinner. If she wasn’t a sinner than God’s plan would have not worked. Read: “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,” Galatians 4:4
@@JC_Forum_of_Christ God gave us His only begotten Son to the world through Mary. Whatever prayers the prophets and the Saints of the old testament had made to obtain that gift of salvation it was the virtues and prayers of a 15 yo girl that God gave that gift that through the womb of of blessed Mary who had no sin other than the sin of adam possibly, gave birth to our beloved Prince of Peace. She was highly favored by God as it reads in my kjv bible.
That’s right! Mary needed a savior and was a sinner. If she wasn’t a sinner than God’s plan would have not worked. Read: “But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,” Galatians 4:4
I have a question, can we connect this betrothal, only mentionsd in Mattieuw, custom to the famous divorce for fornicatoin exception found in Mat 19.9? Most see it as a reason for divorce, but could it be that since Matthew was writing to the Jews, he was including the betrothal situation when he said "except for fornication" as we just seen Joseph was seting out to do? This would mean that there are no valid reason to get a divorce since this "exception" is not found any were else in the NT. Mat 19.9 "And I say to you, Whoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is put away commits adultery."
Poor John the Baptist getting no love. He was only filled with the Holy Spirit in womb which made him the first to be saved. He also baptized Jesus with water and with the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is evidence of salvation that would make John saved at birth and Jesus saved by John. So let the scoffers scoff lol.
@@putontheseglasses8809 just so that you understand that the filling of the Holy Spirit is not the same thing as the Holy Spirit living in somebody. You need to read. Ephesians 5:18-21 and compare it with Colossians 3:16-18 and realize that the filling of the Holy Spirit is when the Spirit is the primary influence in your life. John the Baptist wasn’t saved like a New Testament Christian is saved until after Christ resurrected. John the Baptist was saved at the same time that all Old Testament Saints were.
@FBCTrona People were saved before the cross but they couldn't go to heaven yet. Once the work on the cross was done and the veil was torn they could enter in. Jesus forgave sin did he not? Like the prostitute but atonement still has to be paid.
@@JC_Forum_of_Christ Malachi 3:7 From the days of your fathers ye have turned aside from Mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto Me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts. Ezekiel 18:27 Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive. Daniel 9:18 O my God, incline Thine ear, and hear; open Thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and the city upon which Thy name is called; for we do not present our supplications before Thee because of our righteousness, but because of Thy great compassions.
What is and is not essential is a difficult question because there are doctrines that are essential to believe to be saved but when you decide to take other things taught in the scripture, such as the virgin birth or even something as simple as the parting of the red Sea or six day creation then what You are doing is your casting doubt upon scripture. But it is upon scripture that our faith is supposed to be built so that we can believe. So the question is can a person who believes in the gospel because he chooses to but also at the same time chooses not to believe the rest of scripture; can he be saved?
The answer to your question is likely going to sound "radical," so if when you read this you want verses, let me know and I send them. Faith, biblically speaking is a miraculous gift, so no one "chooses" by their own will and wit to believe Scripture, either partially or as a whole, and faith is not just accenting to truth but actually delighting in it so much that you anchor your whole destiny on it. So if one claims to believe Jesus but doesn't love him as Lord of all in their personal life, that's not faith and they will perish with their belief of however many facts. Literally, although simplistically, what happens is when we get exposed to Scripture either Satan blinds us to its truth and beauty so that it sounds and reads like nonsense because its inconsistent or irrelevant to what we want out of life, which is only sin in our default dead state, or the Holy Spirit moves in our hearts and minds to "download" truth for lack of a better term, so that it does make sense and align with what we want which is more of God ONLY AFTER AND CONSEQUENT TO the Holy Spirit giving us a new heart with righteous desires which is called new birth. This is why prayer and humility are crucial when approaching the Bible because no one can embrace what we need to without that miracle of grace, and then God is the one who directly permits or withholds how much truth everyone can take in, delight in, and apply.
@ I appreciate your reply and understand that you’re coming from a Calvinistic point of view, but that still does not change anything. You say that Faith is something that actually comes miraculously, and I know the verses that you will use but a quick understanding of each one of those verses will show that neither one is telling you that faith is something that God gives you but rather the gift of God is that it’s not by works, but by Faith, the scripture is clear on where faith comes from, and that is from The scripture. faith comes by hearing the scriptures, not by God, hearing the scriptures, but by the sinner hearing the scriptures. I have a lot of respect for my Calvinistic brethren but Calvinistic or not the question remains the same. You do not have someone who knows nothing of scripture just suddenly being saved. It requires knowledge of the death, burial, and resurrection, and it requires faith because that is an abdication to God‘s authority. We see this in Romans chapter 10 in verse nine where when we confess the Lord Jesus, the word confess means to say the same thing or that is to agree with God’s authoritative word.
@FBCTrona I spoke nothing of Calvin, so why label me. I'm sincerely trying to answer your question as biblically as I can. You are right that faith does come by hear the Scriptures, but it must be explained why then some believe when they hear and some don't, and the Bible does explain that in several places. Either faith is a product of some's superior wit, inherent pious inclination, or lucky enough circumstances, or it is a gift of God to whom he wills to have mercy while none deserve it. The gift of God is that he actually gives us what is required for salvation not that he gives us a mere opportunity to gain it based on terms we must meet on our own, all the while we can't because as Jesus said, "No one can come to me unless the Father gives them, and all the Father gives will come to me." Also, consider (2 Timothy 2:25-26) (2 Corinthians 4:3-7) (1 Thessalonians 1:4-6) (John 16:7-15) In addition to misunderstanding the word "gift" for "offer," in the Bible is the fact that many miss that the terms of the Gospel to repent and believe are themselves commands, so if we fulfil those commands on our own rather than being granted faith and repentance then we have earned salvation based on merit. The only reason faith and repentance are not in the same category as other works is because God gives repentance and faith so what he requires he provides and that's why 100% credit for all salvation goes to him alone. If you are willing to rejoice that salvation is such a precious gift that you don't deserve and did nothing to earn, then why do you want to reserve credit for your repentance and faith, the greatest of virtues and the key to all the other commands of God rather than rejoicing that he loved you enough to give you repentance and faith and will keep you in it?
@FBCTrona Also, as it relates to Romans 10:9, the verse doesn't mean that anyone is saved because of confession and belief, but merely says that if one does confess and believe that they will be saved just like if we obey God then we will have eternal life, yet obeying God is not how we are made righteous. Did not Jesus say in John 3 that no one can see the Kingdom of God unless they are born again and that only the Holy Spirit can give new birth and we can't even explain how one is made born again because like the wind, the Holy Spirit goes wherever he wants and gives new birth? Another verse says that one cannot truly say Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:3, and only those who are saved have the Holy Spirit, Romans 8:9. Therefore, those in Romans 10:9 are confessing Jesus is Lord as a result of the salvation through faith they've been given already not in order to be saved. One can retain even the slightest bit of credit for their profession and faith if that's required for salvation, yet no one can retain any credit if their faith was given them by God when they heard the Gospel, all the while they have no inherent deservedness, self-developed inclination, or moral advantage over those who hear the Gospel but reject it. We are all equally dead in sin, therefore all the elements of salvation are a gift
@ OK I will go ahead and answer both of your replies. I am not on Facebook often so sorry if my replies come slowly. What you are a spouting in your understanding of faith is Calvinistic doctrine. You should never be ashamed of what line of theology lineup with. It is only the unsaved that do not want to be labeled. Label me all you want. I am a Christian and I am a Baptist traditionalist. First of all, it is very easy to explain why somebody believe in some do not. Jesus even answered it when he said it is because men are lovers of darkness. He also told the Pharisees that the tax collectors and prostitutes are closer to heaven than they are because they realize that they are sinners. The reality is some cannot get past the pride of life. They do not see themselves of sinners so they reject the message of the gospel. Romans makes it clear that faith is a product of God and only that he supplies the word of God so that men can hear and believe. Is very clear on this and there are no other passages of scripture that you can show me that show faith coming by any other way. Faith comes by hearing, the word of God. This is in reference to salvation, and there is no other way to be saved. If you have a scripture that shows that faith comes some other way then the word of God I would be willing to listen. I also agree with you that the gift of God is him giving us what is needed for salvation. But nowhere in scripture does it say that faith is a gift that comes directly from God to the sinner bypassing the word of God in anyway. It is true that the scriptures clearly show that every man is given the opportunity to be drawn by the Holy Spirit to the cross. Jesus even said it himself when he said if I am lifted up, I will draw all men John 12:32. It also tells us that the holy spirits job will be to reprove the world. John 16:8. No man, father draws The rest of the scriptures that you have shared with me I have no problem with. I know often that Calvinist will use those to try to say that man has no free well or part in his own faith. You also claimed that if we come based upon our own faith, then we come based on our own merit, but Romans completely disagrees with you when it , clearly states that faith is not a work. Men can claim all they want that when men come by faith that is their faith that they are somehow meriting their own salvation, but this simply is not true nor does the Bible teach it in anyway, but exactly the opposite saying that whatsoever is done by faith is not a work. Faith is a response to hearing the word of God. Repentance is responding to the reproving Holy Spirit. It is a silly argument to sit there and say that because I was saved by my faith in God that somehow that is taking credit for my salvation. This is such a difficult doctrine for the Calvinist that they actually have to teach that people are regenerated that is saved before they even have faith. If you do not believe that, a person comes to God upon their free, will you have way too many problems that you have to deal with in the scriptures. Clearly the scriptures are based upon the invitation to men who they themselves have to make a decision on what they are going to do with the gift that God is provided. As for your explanation of John, three that yes, a person can only be born again through the Holy Spirit. That has no bearing on whether a man is to have faith or not. Once a sinner repent of their sins and trust in what Christ has done on the cross , the new birth is a complete work of the Holy Spirit through Christ. You said about Romans 10:9 that confessing Jesus as Lord is a result of salvation through faith. But that is not what the verse says. It says “ That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou SHALT be saved.” Nowhere in at first does it say if you do these things it is because you are saved, but it says you shall be saved. So yes, Romans 10:9-10 is how a person is saved. You cannot change the wording there. Time and time again, when Jesus would heal or forgive sin, he would send them on their way, saying “Your Faith hath made you whole” and yes, I agree with you. No man can retain any credit at all for their salvation. Even for their faith because their faith is a gift in this sense that they would not have it had God not both provided the word of God so that they may have it and the Holy Spirit so that they may understand it. I do appreciate conversing with you. It is good to discuss these things and strengthen our understanding of the word of God. Have a wonderful day.
Growing up within the UPC (out for many years now) we were taught sin was passed down through men, and that’s why Mary had to be a virgin so sin wasn’t passed on to Jesus. 😟🫣
So good❤️🙏✝️
Great teaching, thank you!
"If our greatest need was information, God would have sent us an Educator. If our greatest need had been Technology, God would have sent us a Scientist. If our greatest need had been money, God would have sent us an Economist. If our greatest need had been pleasure, Goud would have sent us an Entertainer. But our greatest need was forgiveness, so God sent us a Saviour."
What a beautiful quote, thank you Costi for finding and sharing this quote. I hope everyone is enjoying their Christmas season this year.
God sent us many educators, again God has sent us many scientists, and Bible believing scientists at that.
There are many economists He has provided, and many many entertainers.
And now to the Savior Jesus Christ who God sent, there is only one Jesus Christ who took the sin of the world, Amen 🙏🏼
Thank you Brother Costi🙏🏽🙏🏽
Thank you Pastor Costi.
Solid biblical truth.
Thank you for the vid! AC
yes thank you!!
Who is AC??
@Ladylovesjesus2121 hi, ac is a friend of mine who loves jesus as well. We notify each other to watch good resource like this.
The issue is that it is CLEARLY stated in the Bible. If it were NOT true, then the validity of the Bible is in question. Anything CLEARLY stated is essential. This is not a secondary or tertiary thing that is "implied", or interpreted.
That’s right! Mary needed a savior and was a sinner. If she wasn’t a sinner than God’s plan would have not worked. Read:
“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,”
Galatians 4:4
@@JC_Forum_of_Christ God gave us His only begotten Son to the world through Mary. Whatever prayers the prophets and the Saints of the old testament had made to obtain that gift of salvation it was the virtues and prayers of a 15 yo girl that God gave that gift that through the womb of of blessed Mary who had no sin other than the sin of adam possibly, gave birth to our beloved Prince of Peace. She was highly favored by God as it reads in my kjv bible.
An excellent resource that I read a couple of years ago is "The Virgin Birth of Christ" by J Gresham Machen.
Mary could've died for being an unmarried mother .... What a brave young woman she is.
“Save me from market fluctuations” LOL - is that what Easy Joel is doing these days?
That’s right! Mary needed a savior and was a sinner. If she wasn’t a sinner than God’s plan would have not worked. Read:
“But when the fullness of time had come, God sent forth his Son, born of woman, born under the law,”
Galatians 4:4
I have a question, can we connect this betrothal, only mentionsd in Mattieuw, custom to the famous divorce for fornicatoin exception found in Mat 19.9?
Most see it as a reason for divorce, but could it be that since Matthew was writing to the Jews, he was including the betrothal situation when he said "except for fornication" as we just seen Joseph was seting out to do?
This would mean that there are no valid reason to get a divorce since this "exception" is not found any were else in the NT.
Mat 19.9 "And I say to you, Whoever shall put away his wife, except for fornication, and shall marry another, commits adultery; and whoever marries her who is put away commits adultery."
Poor John the Baptist getting no love. He was only filled with the Holy Spirit in womb which made him the first to be saved. He also baptized Jesus with water and with the Holy Spirit. If the Holy Spirit is evidence of salvation that would make John saved at birth and Jesus saved by John. So let the scoffers scoff lol.
@@putontheseglasses8809 just so that you understand that the filling of the Holy Spirit is not the same thing as the Holy Spirit living in somebody. You need to read. Ephesians 5:18-21 and compare it with Colossians 3:16-18 and realize that the filling of the Holy Spirit is when the Spirit is the primary influence in your life. John the Baptist wasn’t saved like a New Testament Christian is saved until after Christ resurrected. John the Baptist was saved at the same time that all Old Testament Saints were.
@FBCTrona People were saved before the cross but they couldn't go to heaven yet. Once the work on the cross was done and the veil was torn they could enter in. Jesus forgave sin did he not? Like the prostitute but atonement still has to be paid.
@ yes you certainly have that right.
If you read the original bible you find that what you must do is sincerely repent and ask God's forgiveness. No Jesus necessary.
That’s not in the Bible 😂
Malachi 3:7 From the days of your fathers ye have turned aside from Mine ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto Me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.
Ezekiel 18:27 Again, when the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness that he hath committed, and doeth that which is lawful and right, he shall save his soul alive.
Daniel 9:18 O my God, incline Thine ear, and hear; open Thine eyes, and behold our desolations, and the city upon which Thy name is called; for we do not present our supplications before Thee because of our righteousness, but because of Thy great compassions.
@@Simrealism turning away from this stuff will save you? As in give you salvation?
What is and is not essential is a difficult question because there are doctrines that are essential to believe to be saved but when you decide to take other things taught in the scripture, such as the virgin birth or even something as simple as the parting of the red Sea or six day creation then what You are doing is your casting doubt upon scripture. But it is upon scripture that our faith is supposed to be built so that we can believe. So the question is can a person who believes in the gospel because he chooses to but also at the same time chooses not to believe the rest of scripture; can he be saved?
The answer to your question is likely going to sound "radical," so if when you read this you want verses, let me know and I send them.
Faith, biblically speaking is a miraculous gift, so no one "chooses" by their own will and wit to believe Scripture, either partially or as a whole, and faith is not just accenting to truth but actually delighting in it so much that you anchor your whole destiny on it. So if one claims to believe Jesus but doesn't love him as Lord of all in their personal life, that's not faith and they will perish with their belief of however many facts.
Literally, although simplistically, what happens is when we get exposed to Scripture either Satan blinds us to its truth and beauty so that it sounds and reads like nonsense because its inconsistent or irrelevant to what we want out of life, which is only sin in our default dead state, or the Holy Spirit moves in our hearts and minds to "download" truth for lack of a better term, so that it does make sense and align with what we want which is more of God ONLY AFTER AND CONSEQUENT TO the Holy Spirit giving us a new heart with righteous desires which is called new birth.
This is why prayer and humility are crucial when approaching the Bible because no one can embrace what we need to without that miracle of grace, and then God is the one who directly permits or withholds how much truth everyone can take in, delight in, and apply.
@ I appreciate your reply and understand that you’re coming from a Calvinistic point of view, but that still does not change anything. You say that Faith is something that actually comes miraculously, and I know the verses that you will use but a quick understanding of each one of those verses will show that neither one is telling you that faith is something that God gives you but rather the gift of God is that it’s not by works, but by Faith, the scripture is clear on where faith comes from, and that is from The scripture. faith comes by hearing the scriptures, not by God, hearing the scriptures, but by the sinner hearing the scriptures. I have a lot of respect for my Calvinistic brethren but Calvinistic or not the question remains the same. You do not have someone who knows nothing of scripture just suddenly being saved. It requires knowledge of the death, burial, and resurrection, and it requires faith because that is an abdication to God‘s authority. We see this in Romans chapter 10 in verse nine where when we confess the Lord Jesus, the word confess means to say the same thing or that is to agree with God’s authoritative word.
@FBCTrona I spoke nothing of Calvin, so why label me. I'm sincerely trying to answer your question as biblically as I can. You are right that faith does come by hear the Scriptures, but it must be explained why then some believe when they hear and some don't, and the Bible does explain that in several places. Either faith is a product of some's superior wit, inherent pious inclination, or lucky enough circumstances, or it is a gift of God to whom he wills to have mercy while none deserve it.
The gift of God is that he actually gives us what is required for salvation not that he gives us a mere opportunity to gain it based on terms we must meet on our own, all the while we can't because as Jesus said, "No one can come to me unless the Father gives them, and all the Father gives will come to me."
Also, consider (2 Timothy 2:25-26)
(2 Corinthians 4:3-7) (1 Thessalonians 1:4-6)
(John 16:7-15)
In addition to misunderstanding the word "gift" for "offer," in the Bible is the fact that many miss that the terms of the Gospel to repent and believe are themselves commands, so if we fulfil those commands on our own rather than being granted faith and repentance then we have earned salvation based on merit. The only reason faith and repentance are not in the same category as other works is because God gives repentance and faith so what he requires he provides and that's why 100% credit for all salvation goes to him alone.
If you are willing to rejoice that salvation is such a precious gift that you don't deserve and did nothing to earn, then why do you want to reserve credit for your repentance and faith, the greatest of virtues and the key to all the other commands of God rather than rejoicing that he loved you enough to give you repentance and faith and will keep you in it?
@FBCTrona Also, as it relates to Romans 10:9, the verse doesn't mean that anyone is saved because of confession and belief, but merely says that if one does confess and believe that they will be saved just like if we obey God then we will have eternal life, yet obeying God is not how we are made righteous.
Did not Jesus say in John 3 that no one can see the Kingdom of God unless they are born again and that only the Holy Spirit can give new birth and we can't even explain how one is made born again because like the wind, the Holy Spirit goes wherever he wants and gives new birth?
Another verse says that one cannot truly say Jesus is Lord without the Holy Spirit, 1 Corinthians 12:3, and only those who are saved have the Holy Spirit, Romans 8:9.
Therefore, those in Romans 10:9 are confessing Jesus is Lord as a result of the salvation through faith they've been given already not in order to be saved.
One can retain even the slightest bit of credit for their profession and faith if that's required for salvation, yet no one can retain any credit if their faith was given them by God when they heard the Gospel, all the while they have no inherent deservedness, self-developed inclination, or moral advantage over those who hear the Gospel but reject it. We are all equally dead in sin, therefore all the elements of salvation are a gift
@ OK I will go ahead and answer both of your replies. I am not on Facebook often so sorry if my replies come slowly. What you are a spouting in your understanding of faith is Calvinistic doctrine. You should never be ashamed of what line of theology lineup with. It is only the unsaved that do not want to be labeled. Label me all you want. I am a Christian and I am a Baptist traditionalist.
First of all, it is very easy to explain why somebody believe in some do not. Jesus even answered it when he said it is because men are lovers of darkness. He also told the Pharisees that the tax collectors and prostitutes are closer to heaven than they are because they realize that they are sinners. The reality is some cannot get past the pride of life. They do not see themselves of sinners so they reject the message of the gospel.
Romans makes it clear that faith is a product of God and only that he supplies the word of God so that men can hear and believe. Is very clear on this and there are no other passages of scripture that you can show me that show faith coming by any other way. Faith comes by hearing, the word of God. This is in reference to salvation, and there is no other way to be saved. If you have a scripture that shows that faith comes some other way then the word of God I would be willing to listen.
I also agree with you that the gift of God is him giving us what is needed for salvation. But nowhere in scripture does it say that faith is a gift that comes directly from God to the sinner bypassing the word of God in anyway. It is true that the scriptures clearly show that every man is given the opportunity to be drawn by the Holy Spirit to the cross. Jesus even said it himself when he said if I am lifted up, I will draw all men John 12:32. It also tells us that the holy spirits job will be to reprove the world. John 16:8. No man, father draws
The rest of the scriptures that you have shared with me I have no problem with. I know often that Calvinist will use those to try to say that man has no free well or part in his own faith. You also claimed that if we come based upon our own faith, then we come based on our own merit, but Romans completely disagrees with you when it , clearly states that faith is not a work. Men can claim all they want that when men come by faith that is their faith that they are somehow meriting their own salvation, but this simply is not true nor does the Bible teach it in anyway, but exactly the opposite saying that whatsoever is done by faith is not a work.
Faith is a response to hearing the word of God. Repentance is responding to the reproving Holy Spirit. It is a silly argument to sit there and say that because I was saved by my faith in God that somehow that is taking credit for my salvation. This is such a difficult doctrine for the Calvinist that they actually have to teach that people are regenerated that is saved before they even have faith. If you do not believe that, a person comes to God upon their free, will you have way too many problems that you have to deal with in the scriptures. Clearly the scriptures are based upon the invitation to men who they themselves have to make a decision on what they are going to do with the gift that God is provided.
As for your explanation of John, three that yes, a person can only be born again through the Holy Spirit. That has no bearing on whether a man is to have faith or not. Once a sinner repent of their sins and trust in what Christ has done on the cross , the new birth is a complete work of the Holy Spirit through Christ.
You said about Romans 10:9 that confessing Jesus as Lord is a result of salvation through faith. But that is not what the verse says. It says “ That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou SHALT be saved.” Nowhere in at first does it say if you do these things it is because you are saved, but it says you shall be saved. So yes, Romans 10:9-10 is how a person is saved. You cannot change the wording there.
Time and time again, when Jesus would heal or forgive sin, he would send them on their way, saying “Your Faith hath made you whole” and yes, I agree with you. No man can retain any credit at all for their salvation. Even for their faith because their faith is a gift in this sense that they would not have it had God not both provided the word of God so that they may have it and the Holy Spirit so that they may understand it. I do appreciate conversing with you. It is good to discuss these things and strengthen our understanding of the word of God. Have a wonderful day.
Growing up within the UPC (out for many years now) we were taught sin was passed down through men, and that’s why Mary had to be a virgin so sin wasn’t passed on to Jesus. 😟🫣
Thank you Brother Costi❤🙏🏽