Learn to Follow Your Sexual Movements

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024
  • Energy and movement go together.
    If you really pay attention, you will notice urges to move in certain ways as you self-pleasure.
    Sometimes these movements will be the pelvic rocking and "WAVE"-like movements we discussed in another lesson.
    But sometimes, these movements are completely spontaneous, not prescribed, and seemingly random.
    As I discuss in this video, it is a skill to learn to sense the ways the body wants to move during sex and self-pleasure.
    AND, when you learn to follow these motions, you do two things:
    1. You open up natural patterns of movement that the body wants to do spontaneously, that you typically inhibit. This inhibition takes energy (even if it is an unconscious blocking of the movement) and shuts down parts of the nervous system. This gets in the way of feeling pleasure. We want to open up these patterns of movement.
    2. You learn to feel more sensation and pleasure through that movement. This helps to feel more orgasmic sensations through the whole body. It helps to move sexual energy and bypass ejaculation.
    These are movements that can only be discovered through this process of paying close attention to sensations as the sexual energy moves through the body.
    Also, as you practice this skill when you self-pleasure, you will get better and being sensitive to subtle impulses and sensations. This will make you a better lover, overall.
    So practice paying attention to the ways your body wants to move as you self-pleasure.
    Allow your body to move when the impulse comes spontaneously.
    Then, wait to see what happens next.
    Let this be a gradual exploration.
    Learn to follow these movements and enjoy the pleasure that comes.