This was commonplace back in the 15th century. They would store hundreds, if not thousands of weapons in a single chest. The guards would also check these chests weekly to see if someone stole everything they owned, and if it turned out that they'd lost several tons of gold worth of weapons, they'd just fill the chest right back up immediately.
@@jaydenfarrell5108 I honestly haven't looked. Just keep questing and hunt. Hunting is huge. There's a few hunting spots in the southern woods of Rattay. Ride everywhere find camps. Sell bandit stuff. I'm not a millionaire yet but you dont really need to be.
Anyone here been scavenging in Skalitz. Whenever I go back to Skalitz, there's always some guys fighting. Run round the houses and go to around your old home and wait for bout an hour. When you come back, there are always dead bodies full of gear. Stuff them in your horse and ride down to the nearest Inn you can find (think it's talmbout). Stuff them in and come back. I make bout 3 round trips a day. Made bout 36k from 2 game days worth of scavenging
@@dylanosborne2575 for me, i just steal from talmberg armory I think its a hard lock there. For skallitz, yeah it still works for me And its better when the guards fighting the cumans You can just go loot after the guards done with them
@@dylanosborne2575 Yup. I'm in the middle of a playthrough right now. Skalitz still has random encounters every time you arrive there. You can also jump up on the burnt out water barrel or wagon on your right when you enter the first gate and the NPCs have trouble hitting you while you're up there. So you can just shoot them with arrows and they stuggle to hit you, even with halberds. Don't need to wait for an hour, and you get more bodies to loot that way. Bring a horse, loot everything worth 1k or more, fast travel to Prib or Talmberg and then right back and do it all over again until your horse and you are full up, then go sell. Lotsa money, lotsa top tier gear and weapons, and you can level your bow skill.
Fun fact i may be little late but if some people find this, If you get into a room where peshek has his chest, you can then exploit the chest by putting stolen goods in it, then buying it, and taking the money back, with this you dont need to wait those seven days
Go to pirkstein (the castle sir radzig is in at Rattay) the ground level, the first door on the right is an armory, wait until a guard walks in and slip past him while he’s in the door animation then wait for him to leave and steal everything, only 1 of the chests are locked and it’s not a restricted area, and the door is unlocked from the inside, I get thousands from that room each time I do this, much easier imo, I hate lock picking
@@801jenks I haven’t pinned down how often it respawns, I usually only do it once or twice a playthrough, make sure you have your horse nearby though because you’ll be over encumbered and it all counts as stealing and there’s a good chance you’ll get searched by a guard
The 'very light bow' used in the training sequence is found in that chest! It draws REALLY fast and does 1 damage, but pair it with poison or dollmaker arrows and you can do some fun stuff.
ive played for around 20 hours on my main character and ive already got hard locks cracked. It doesn't take that long to get very hard locks cracked if you just unlock every chest on ur path lol Im sure theres books to read about it too but youre probably too lazy to learn how to read.
Pappy it’s a thing of chance on console, from what Iv found different controllers! Somehow make a difference, my official Xbox pad just couldn’t do even easy chests.. but my spare £10 pound pad could 🤔 Iv enjoyed this game a lot more pretending that chests don’t exist, not only are they pain but also one of the least realistic aspects of the game, a game that sells itself on realism.. oblivion to me is one of the only games to do a fun and challenging lock system with actual bumping of pins.
Oddly enough, it gets easier and faster the more you level the skill The shaking even seems to die down some from what I've experienced but yeah its still a bitch to do. There's a few Easy chests in Post-Skalitz if you feel like making the treck back to practice on.
@@dimi1326 its seriously easy to do honestly just get the gold marker as close to the middle as you can , if you still find it hard maybe you just suck at it lol
You can have the Rattay miller trade your loot for Groschen for their full value by dumping it in his chest in the barn and coming back in two days to steal the laundered money, so in this case 240k instead of the 24k you get from selling to buyers yourself.
@@VigorMortis413 Not really, by the time you have lvled up lockpicking to the requiered lvl you're really set for Groschen and probably have what you need in terms of gear. Also, the 10 000 in value does not reflect in any way the Groschen one will get from selling it after about a week when the items in not longer marked as stolen. Adding to that, when you have lockpicking at lvl 15 it is much easier to just steal directly from all the storeowners, which not really needed as the loot from quest and random encounters is to hard a hassle to sell after a while because the storeowners are usally out of Groschen from buying from you.
@@macereactions7199 this man over 1 year I posted this cuh it either a level above or below and it sometimes spawned sometimes it didn't so I guess you just gotta get lucky
Something you can do if this chest is not patched is put all the stuff you stole in the millers inventory/chest and wait a few days and he will convert all the items you put in the chest into the max gold they could sell for and then just go to his chest and take the gold the stuff will disappear tho
It’s actually really easy on a controller once you get a hang of it and level up your lockpick skill to 15+. I play on Xbox and now because I understand the mechanics and levelled up my skill to 17, I can easily lockpick any ‘very hard chest’ without breaking a single lockpick
Most People saying it’s easy in this reply box probably have a lock picking skill of 2, the lock picking isn’t hard because it takes skills, it’s hard because the lock pick is very glitchy and fidgety and randomly breaks regardless of if your even moving your joysticks
I'm pretty sure that's a glitch that there are 476 Needle swords in that chest. Judging by the amount of other items there are, there should be no more than 15 lol. I can see the exorbitant numbers being patched soon
Thing to do, which is what i did, get your lockpicking to 6 and get the drunk perk, whatever its called. Save game right before picking the lock and you'll not only have a safe save to go back on if caught but youll be considered "drunk" and can unlock very hard locks and its much easier
You sir simply don't understand the level of realism this is on. By studying sacred geometry And Christian mysticism the exact proportions of Solomon's temple were replicated within that chest. Making the inside a 7th dimensional object capable of infinite storage. Jesus Christ be praised
I just keep going back to skalitz every 48hr since in the town square about 9 bandits fight talmberg soldiers and each of the bandits hold upto close of 50k each worth of items! You usually dont need to fight them just sit back wait till the soldiers kill them then go in and reap the rewards once the talmberg soldiers leave great way to get the best gear early.
Dauntless i just looted the armor smith in sasau and got about 50k in armor, but now i am walking back to the rattay mill cuz i cant hop on my horse. FML
The value of the item and what you get for stealing are two different thing the value is what Merchants sell them for but you only get 10-20% of the value when Henry sells them and that applys to everything
@@alexanderwilson6499 and sell EVERYTHING no matter if he doesn't have the money to give you.. to Miller Peshak give it a couple days then pick his chest and he'll have a shit ton
Glenn Angel I figured that out what I started doing was stealing them giving everything to him for free then just come back to him and boom all the money I would even break into the chest just to deposit the items in it lol
@@biscuitactual I did this today if u were smart you could go to the bathhouse which is close to the armour smith then go to their tents and put all the items you can put to be able to go there full items on horse and not overloaded then you will fast travel to ledetchko go to the tavern book a room put your stuff in the chest then take the rest of the stuff "differs with the strength of your horse and how much he can carry" then in the last load fast travel to the rattay mill and put the rest of the stuff in there and here you go
Weird question for you Camelworks. How many times can you loot from that chest ? For example can you go back a week in game time, and loot from it again.
Lockpick into Miller pesheks and put all the loot into his chest. Wait at least 3 days and go back to the chest. The loot should be gone but the amount of groschen will be much larger. Steal his gold and there you go.
Everytime an NPC goes to bed, they leave their gear in a chest and sleep in night clothes. Grabbing the gear while folks are asleep ensures the greatest gold stolen. In terms of game mechanics, I have a theory: chests in towns where NPCs or Bandits/Cumans die nearby end up piling gear in the closest communal chest (like in a town barn). I'm currently doing a playthrough on the Royal Edition, and once found 30 swords in one chest plus random armor bits that are like bandit camp numbers worth, and I was wracking my brain why a random (EASY DIFFICULTY!) chest barn in Merhojed held them. I theorize that any vicinity with dead will pool the unclaimed items in the closest communal chest.
instead of hauling all that stuff back and forth, you can just unlock the millers box in the shed, put all the stolen stuff in there and buy it from the miller then go back to the chest and grab your money back, basically instantly washing them as not being stolen and free
@@pipsta if you're still interested in finding it: there's a barn filled with hay right beside Peshek's house, lockpick a very hard door and there's your box
Change your click bait title to "240k worth of items." cash is way different bruh. having to sell these items or wait for them is way more annoying than finding just cash. The fact that i have to sell thousands of items to someone who only has like 3 or 4k max a DAY is gonna take forever.
Yeah it's an annoyance but it's not really click bait. But I feel you, I wish there was a system where if you went to different towns to sell stolen items they wouldn't know they were stolen.
I saw a video of someone gifting someone more than they could pay. Then later that same person had more money because they sold all the new stuff and gained more more for it . Cool system if it works like that
Give it all to peshek by breaking into his inventory then wait two days for him to sell everything and steal the gold from his inventory. Its a chest in a room to the left of the front door
I have 20 charisma and 20 speech with 96 rep with peshek who I had built him up to 156k in gold and while at the full charisma and speech which I know is pointless I took a bards and amor potion. By the time I sold what I had taken it totaled about 7-8 thousand Groshen(happy I said groshen not gold) it was obviously fixed but there was a few weapons I hadn't seen in game or rarely had seen. Also theres a mace and a couple bows against the wall and next to door when u walk in theres a couple halberd type items directly to ur left up against the wall.
The problem I always have is that you cannot sell that stuff anwhere to cash in. You have to travel around and go to every smith or trader and they only have between 200 and 2k gold at a time. And you will only get around 20% of the value back for selling. It's even hard to sell loot from bandits and kumans at some point. so I went from "take all" to looting only the lightweight+valuable stuff from them. Like plate armor pieces, brigadines and rings/necklaces because you can't sell the stuff anwhere.
I pretty much always sell to Peshek and the amount of groschen he carries gradually increases each time I sell to him. I currently have about 16k groschen and he will typically have 24k when I visit him now
After i saw this, I couldn't believe it. But i went to investigate. And found another big chest in a guard tower, the one behind the church, you can enter it via the cemetery. There are more floors with each floor 1 chest. In one of these was a lot of stuff. !!774!! Broad axes, with a price tag of 334.8g. but, now i need to find a way to sell them? or do i give them to the miller for save keeping and get money from him? for now i put them in a chest until the stolen mark is gone.
Break into peshaks room and put all the goods into his chest he will sell it all within a couple days and you break back into his chest and steal the money
The 'value' is not what you actually get. The stat page he is showing, is not actual currency, but the item value, not what you actually sell the items for.
Sell shit to a miller over and over, their wealth will increase a shit ton each time they restock, also get the final offer perk and when haggling pull the "price bar" down quite a bit, not all the way tho, and just ask for that amount, dont move the bar, if you do it right you will get three chances to haggle and the third time they will accept the deal
I mean, at that point it would just be easier to steal the gold of the merchants you'd sell this stuff too in the first place. If your lockpicking is already at that 15-16 level area, you can do this so easily, and you don't have to deal with hauling around your gear as well. Sure there's more of a chance of being caught, but KCD's AI aren't exactly the smartest bunch and sneaking into homes at night is so easy. I think just flat out stealing their gold is much easier than doing this. Now, if you could sell all of these things to a single merchant at once and get all of that gold, then this would absolutely be worth it. But the fact you have to go about selling all of this stuff to multiple different vendors (vendors who only will buy swords and armor, so even more limiting) tells me that making a run through the city stealing vendors' gold in the first place is much easier and at least more fun. This method doesn't benefit you beside maybe getting a few speech level increases due to the amount of selling you'll be doing.
Not sure if thats entirely true Apok. It seems to randomly fluxiate either higher or lower. At one point Peshek or whatever the millers name is had 5.7kg and then a few days later he was down to 1.5 but thats just my experience. Steal a weapon from the Smith in Rattay, lure the store guard upstairs, kill him, go back down n finish taking the gear. Its not fancy but its a small fortune.
The maximum amount of gold the merchant has is based on how much gold you have and how much you have traded with them. Your success becomes their success. If you steal from them, they lose gold. If you sell valuable items to them with a discount, they gain gold over time. My Rattay armor smith has 60k gold when I allow it to regenerate to full.
@@Ap0Kal1ps3 (i know, date )i Remember selling a whole town worth of Items to peshek till he got broke, and then after few In game days, Peshek Regained his Gold but lost all the Items i sold to him, so can confirm it does work like that, and you dont even have to discount them
This is the main armory of Rattay. You will NOT be able to jump on your horse with that much encumbrance. (I see this was made six years ago; they've no doubt patched that.) The best way to get out of there without being stopped is to find an area that's infrequently traveled and hide there, make sure your drinking is level 10 or above and you have the "Safe Passage" perk, and then down three moonshines and then wait an hour or two. You'll eventually pass out and wake up in one of your houses (either in Pirkstein or in the Rattay Mill).
Yes it still works not as much but i can get 20-40k silver coins worth amd why people call it gold the ingame currency is made from silver you do a whole quest about counterfeiting
I just did this with a lock picking skill of 6 with the drunk perk. I then staggered up to the inn just north of town to stash the loot. It was the closest place to walk too. I was too heavy to mount Pebbles and she was already maxed out.
The Rattay armored had 32k groschen in one of his goods chests upstairs and behind his shop when I looted him, though this was probably influenced by me selling him all my loot
theres a chest in the big priby bandit camp that has hundreds of arrows, not had to buy any since its great. Its in the bandits section near the church in one of the tents.
It's easier to drink a padfoot and steal the groschen from every merchant chest in rattay in broad daylight (they are heavily guarded at night, daytime is better)
One year later and i can confirm, i just started a week ago and got hooked, i even learned a path to steal from the herbalist to the swordsmith in a single run
Just put all the stolen items in the millers fence chest and wait 2 days he will sell them all for you at full price. Just go look in the chest after 2 days and the all money at once back from fence.
Not too young, just wasn't interested at the time it came out and now it's a bit dated. I don't see how it being a good game is relevant to how many exploits it has.
Ah well true enough, but the interesting part of a game (I find) is to understand it well enough to explore the boundaries and through that, find exploits and glitches. I would say the real world is no different, which makes it so addicting... but as you say, play a game for cheat and glitches takes away the entertainment, mastery is where true pleasure is
There really isnt that many exploits in this game anymore. DHS is paying attention on UA-cam and patching what we find and share with each other. A lot of old leveling "glitches" got patched within a month. DHS is turning into Rockstar and Bioware when it comes to screwing over the community. They should leave most of them alone since this game isn't even multiplayer... But they're assholes and hate us.
Adam Doležal it’s just luck of the draw. I’ve stolen every item, sword, and armor on display and I’m only a level 8. Just made a Padfoot potion and unlocked drinking perk. So if this chest doesn’t work the first time with a bunch of loot just go steal all the most expensive stuff from the merchants chest that’ll make up for it.
do at 6 am steal everything if you dont want the high level for lockpicking go unlock level 6 lockpicking which shouldnt take long get your self some strong expensive wine then unlock the perk that lets you have better lockpicking
Oh yay, more worthless Groschen. I have about 40K earned through combat and absolutely nothing to spend it on. I have a full set of great armor, weapons, high level alchemy so i make my own potions, etc. This game just has nothing to buy once you spend a few hours playing
It is the armory. Each castle has one of these, just as some noble armor chest deep in the castle itself. All of these are vey hard locks and guards nearby.
I have a question: can you loot this chest multiple times? So, when you have stolen everything in the chest once, can you go back a few days later, and steal some other stuff from the chest? Since some of the guards were on patrol, and haven't got their stuff in the chest...
They've patched this chest... but all the quests that's were bugged out 2 years ago and caused me to stop playing half way through are still broken. Great job devs. Nice to see you've got your priorities straight. (I've already legitimately got all my end game gear and am sitting on 67k groschen. Most of it earned from the hordes of plate armored bandits that keep spawning on the roads and at Skalitz. Just thought I'd try looting this magic chest for a lark)
They already removed one that I'm aware of but this chest might serve a purpose for the city itself so they wont touch it unless they really want to piss us off.
Tera Tokomi Why though? You can simply just not use it if you don’t desire. Other people just like to buy things and be rich. If that’s what they want to do, what’s wrong with that
I got best armours, weapons and horse. I have 61k groshen from combats. After that there's nothing I can buy unless you release DLC which we are allowed to buy property and get married. My Henry character has high reputation in every village and town.
Yes, Groschens were silver pieces weighing around 4 grams - roughly equal to a shilling. That said, I compared the purchasing power of the game Groschen to the real world Groschen of the era, and the game Groschen is worth a bit less than a penny (or pfennig) in the real world time frame. It's more representative than anything - so if they want to label it "gold" which is the rpg equivalent of generic money, that's about as accurate.
Welcome to the big leagues boizzzzzz (and girls)
Camelworks thanks for the help! Cant wait to test in game!
Camelworks A cash cache? Nice.
Camelworks where's the skyrim?
Shiny horse ears. That is all.
camel are there any unique weapons?
This was commonplace back in the 15th century. They would store hundreds, if not thousands of weapons in a single chest. The guards would also check these chests weekly to see if someone stole everything they owned, and if it turned out that they'd lost several tons of gold worth of weapons, they'd just fill the chest right back up immediately.
It's a shame that the art of making botomless chests has been lost to time
Historcally accurate.
Rofl mao,
15th century = 1401 - 1500
Each good fellow soldier defending the castle would use about 21 swords at a time, that is why!
Great now henry can go wenching at the bath house for the rest of his life
you mean he doesn't have the "free bath wench" perk ?
@@TjPhysicist my Henry sure does
My Henry have V.I.P. pass too 🔥
My henry partially lives there
why do people keep saying gold ? the currency in the game is Groshen, which is a silver coin!!!
Dave Cannabis Except for those counterfeit pieces made of copper in those Sasau missions!
Because spelling and saying groschen is a hemorrhoid.
Because no one else is this anal
Dave Cannabis that’s true, it is silver. It’s mostly because other games have popularised currency as gold, it’s a natural habit
On boomer
I am hooked on this game. Just started playing a few days ago. Been a while since I’ve been addicted like this. I miss the feeling. It’s nice.
DLAROC i know man
I started to play this game for the third time😂
I feel you on this bro.. been playing like a week straight. Today I finally turned the fucker off and cleaned up a little bit.
@@Magicman4124 does this still work
@@jaydenfarrell5108 I honestly haven't looked. Just keep questing and hunt. Hunting is huge. There's a few hunting spots in the southern woods of Rattay. Ride everywhere find camps. Sell bandit stuff. I'm not a millionaire yet but you dont really need to be.
You just stole Rattay's whole defense budget! >_
Thank you
Right ,
@@Camodeep7583 left
@@Bossmanplayzzz up,
@crusader down
Anyone here been scavenging in Skalitz. Whenever I go back to Skalitz, there's always some guys fighting. Run round the houses and go to around your old home and wait for bout an hour. When you come back, there are always dead bodies full of gear. Stuff them in your horse and ride down to the nearest Inn you can find (think it's talmbout). Stuff them in and come back. I make bout 3 round trips a day. Made bout 36k from 2 game days worth of scavenging
Does this still work
@@dylanosborne2575 haven't tried it in a while (game gave me PTSD) so unless they've updated it, it's worth a shot. Let me know if it goes
@@adedayoadebowale2396 lol i believe ptsd from gangba*ged by cumans
@@dylanosborne2575 for me, i just steal from talmberg armory
I think its a hard lock there.
For skallitz, yeah it still works for me
And its better when the guards fighting the cumans
You can just go loot after the guards done with them
@@dylanosborne2575 Yup. I'm in the middle of a playthrough right now. Skalitz still has random encounters every time you arrive there. You can also jump up on the burnt out water barrel or wagon on your right when you enter the first gate and the NPCs have trouble hitting you while you're up there. So you can just shoot them with arrows and they stuggle to hit you, even with halberds. Don't need to wait for an hour, and you get more bodies to loot that way. Bring a horse, loot everything worth 1k or more, fast travel to Prib or Talmberg and then right back and do it all over again until your horse and you are full up, then go sell. Lotsa money, lotsa top tier gear and weapons, and you can level your bow skill.
Fun fact i may be little late but if some people find this, If you get into a room where peshek has his chest, you can then exploit the chest by putting stolen goods in it, then buying it, and taking the money back, with this you dont need to wait those seven days
That's what I do. Can get
T like 26k in a run
how do u get the money back
@@jackyfrost958 you just steal it back out the chest
@@cyandynamo2298 ohhh thank u bro
@@jackyfrost958 his main chest is in that third door on right but u need to be master in lockpicking
Go to pirkstein (the castle sir radzig is in at Rattay) the ground level, the first door on the right is an armory, wait until a guard walks in and slip past him while he’s in the door animation then wait for him to leave and steal everything, only 1 of the chests are locked and it’s not a restricted area, and the door is unlocked from the inside, I get thousands from that room each time I do this, much easier imo, I hate lock picking
Does it respawn every few days?
@@801jenks I haven’t pinned down how often it respawns, I usually only do it once or twice a playthrough, make sure you have your horse nearby though because you’ll be over encumbered and it all counts as stealing and there’s a good chance you’ll get searched by a guard
Ur God thank you.
The 'very light bow' used in the training sequence is found in that chest!
It draws REALLY fast and does 1 damage, but pair it with poison or dollmaker arrows and you can do some fun stuff.
I stopped watching after he said “very hard chest”
All you need is level 7 lockpicking and the drunken luck perk
Grab the ingredients for the padfoot potion.
Locked chest are really easy on PC.
ive played for around 20 hours on my main character and ive already got hard locks cracked. It doesn't take that long to get very hard locks cracked if you just unlock every chest on ur path lol Im sure theres books to read about it too but youre probably too lazy to learn how to read.
Pappy it’s a thing of chance on console, from what Iv found different controllers! Somehow make a difference, my official Xbox pad just couldn’t do even easy chests.. but my spare £10 pound pad could 🤔 Iv enjoyed this game a lot more pretending that chests don’t exist, not only are they pain but also one of the least realistic aspects of the game, a game that sells itself on realism.. oblivion to me is one of the only games to do a fun and challenging lock system with actual bumping of pins.
shame i cant lockpick to save my life in this game
Oddly enough, it gets easier and faster the more you level the skill The shaking even seems to die down some from what I've experienced but yeah its still a bitch to do. There's a few Easy chests in Post-Skalitz if you feel like making the treck back to practice on.
It's so painful on the ps4. I wish they'd add keyboard support..
It is so easy I play on ps4 get the gold marker as close to the middle as you can the easier it is
@@odourlessstar136 You're lying!Its the worst feature of the game on PS4!
@@dimi1326 its seriously easy to do honestly just get the gold marker as close to the middle as you can , if you still find it hard maybe you just suck at it lol
You can have the Rattay miller trade your loot for Groschen for their full value by dumping it in his chest in the barn and coming back in two days to steal the laundered money, so in this case 240k instead of the 24k you get from selling to buyers yourself.
Wow I'm gonna try this
What do you mean? We can sell items as their inventory value?
@@Damon-qg6zl yes
which barn can you say it the one that is behind the house has 2 chests
@@ramazanalan6805 It is the small barn with the very hard lockpick door and the very hard lockpick chest
Maybe it's about time to update the title to "this video is outdated because this chest has been patched."
Must of been I'm playing nowadays and only nets 5500
Yet, dont merchants have limited wealth? Miller at Ratay has about 900g, and he cant buy more than he has.
So getting 200k its not really realistic
@@Dominik40301i sold a bunch of armor and weapons to the sword and armor shops and their budgets skyrocketed to around 90k
@@Dominik40301if you sell more than a trader’s inventory worth the extra goods end up in their budget somehow
They have more gold the more you use them, marta in talmberg had 190k gold the last time i sold to her.@Dominik40301
"Gold"? What about Groschen....
IxamusMC I know every UA-camr calls them gold but they are really called groschen i think they say it because it is faster to say
Also "gold" is harder to mispronounce :)
Can't expect an Elder Scrolls youtuber to suddenly use another currency than gold.
Voxdalian I know but the game says its called groschen I don't care personally but they they are called groschens
This seems to have been patched, just stole all in the chest and only got about 10000 Groschen in terms of value.
That's still a lot of money
@@VigorMortis413 Not really, by the time you have lvled up lockpicking to the requiered lvl you're really set for Groschen and probably have what you need in terms of gear. Also, the 10 000 in value does not reflect in any way the Groschen one will get from selling it after about a week when the items in not longer marked as stolen. Adding to that, when you have lockpicking at lvl 15 it is much easier to just steal directly from all the storeowners, which not really needed as the loot from quest and random encounters is to hard a hassle to sell after a while because the storeowners are usally out of Groschen from buying from you.
@@VigorMortis413 yeah I was going to say I have about 3.7k and can barely buy armour 10k would get me a full set
@@jaxteller5665 looted that chest yesterday.... 2,5k :( the other one, in guard tower behind church gave me loot of total value of 1,3k Groschen :(
incredible, I stole 240k and sold it to a miller for 5 bucks
Note to new comers that chest is no longer there butttt there is still a chest loaded woth armor near were you come in prob worh over 10k groachen
where at
@@macereactions7199 this man over 1 year I posted this cuh it either a level above or below and it sometimes spawned sometimes it didn't so I guess you just gotta get lucky
"This tower was only half the size when I was a young lad. Sir Hanush had it extended and made into an armory."
Something you can do if this chest is not patched is put all the stuff you stole in the millers inventory/chest and wait a few days and he will convert all the items you put in the chest into the max gold they could sell for and then just go to his chest and take the gold the stuff will disappear tho
I cant believe you picked that lock with a controller.
is it easier with a keyboard? I"ve been playing with a controller onmy PC and have been wondering if I should connect my proper mouse up to play.
It’s actually really easy on a controller once you get a hang of it and level up your lockpick skill to 15+. I play on Xbox and now because I understand the mechanics and levelled up my skill to 17, I can easily lockpick any ‘very hard chest’ without breaking a single lockpick
I never had any problems with the lock picking i found it to always be easy
its easy
Most People saying it’s easy in this reply box probably have a lock picking skill of 2, the lock picking isn’t hard because it takes skills, it’s hard because the lock pick is very glitchy and fidgety and randomly breaks regardless of if your even moving your joysticks
I'm pretty sure that's a glitch that there are 476 Needle swords in that chest. Judging by the amount of other items there are, there should be no more than 15 lol. I can see the exorbitant numbers being patched soon
Still working, I killed a guard and he had 40 needle swords on him in Rattay
@@Airplanetyson 🤣🤣🤣
I killed someone and they had 2k arrows on them
FYI to 2022 pc players. The chest still has loot but is significantly nerfed
Money is useless so it doesn't matter much
Is the City now unarmed?
Ha, my thoughts exactly!
Tried this after I grinded lockpicking like a madman and I managed to get 304.000 gold in total on first try.
Thing to do, which is what i did, get your lockpicking to 6 and get the drunk perk, whatever its called. Save game right before picking the lock and you'll not only have a safe save to go back on if caught but youll be considered "drunk" and can unlock very hard locks and its much easier
thanks man this helped a lot😅.
Well this is going to make the town dlc better lol
Thanks for reminding me
1:20 staircase leading from the ground level is a way simpler path to that chest. 😅 The elaborate path you took was fun, too.
This game is so realistic you can fit hundreds of swords in a chest
No needs to have hundred of chests to do it .
You sir simply don't understand the level of realism this is on. By studying sacred geometry And Christian mysticism the exact proportions of Solomon's temple were replicated within that chest. Making the inside a 7th dimensional object capable of infinite storage.
Jesus Christ be praised
@@Lobsterist thats lame you not funny
@@Lobsterist Amen
I just keep going back to skalitz every 48hr since in the town square about 9 bandits fight talmberg soldiers and each of the bandits hold upto close of 50k each worth of items! You usually dont need to fight them just sit back wait till the soldiers kill them then go in and reap the rewards once the talmberg soldiers leave great way to get the best gear early.
I just did this in 2019, it kind of works, but there's only about 50k
Dauntless i just looted the armor smith in sasau and got about 50k in armor, but now i am walking back to the rattay mill cuz i cant hop on my horse. FML
The value of the item and what you get for stealing are two different thing the value is what Merchants sell them for but you only get 10-20% of the value when Henry sells them and that applys to everything
@@alexanderwilson6499 and sell EVERYTHING no matter if he doesn't have the money to give you.. to Miller Peshak give it a couple days then pick his chest and he'll have a shit ton
Glenn Angel I figured that out what I started doing was stealing them giving everything to him for free then just come back to him and boom all the money I would even break into the chest just to deposit the items in it lol
@@biscuitactual I did this today if u were smart you could go to the bathhouse which is close to the armour smith then go to their tents and put all the items you can put to be able to go there full items on horse and not overloaded then you will fast travel to ledetchko go to the tavern book a room put your stuff in the chest then take the rest of the stuff "differs with the strength of your horse and how much he can carry" then in the last load fast travel to the rattay mill and put the rest of the stuff in there and here you go
There's one behind the St. James church in Rattay too, in the guard tower there. Sasau probably also has a chest like that.
Weird question for you Camelworks. How many times can you loot from that chest ? For example can you go back a week in game time, and loot from it again.
yes! you can. ive been feeding off the talmberg armory for a while but will be switching to this one. im sure you know this by now tho.
2022 this tricks still work . Thanks a lot man
Really? I dont find anything
But who in the game buys stuff for the same amount as displayed
Sell this stuff to horse traders or fences, it's a waste of time to sell them to armour smiths or weapon smiths
Yeah I usually just sell my stolen shit to the miller. But the prices are super low. It’s a bummer.
Lockpick into Miller pesheks and put all the loot into his chest. Wait at least 3 days and go back to the chest. The loot should be gone but the amount of groschen will be much larger. Steal his gold and there you go.
@@ハーフ-r1m The answer finally
@@mariomaster64dslite hope what I said helps.
Everytime an NPC goes to bed, they leave their gear in a chest and sleep in night clothes. Grabbing the gear while folks are asleep ensures the greatest gold stolen.
In terms of game mechanics, I have a theory: chests in towns where NPCs or Bandits/Cumans die nearby end up piling gear in the closest communal chest (like in a town barn). I'm currently doing a playthrough on the Royal Edition, and once found 30 swords in one chest plus random armor bits that are like bandit camp numbers worth, and I was wracking my brain why a random (EASY DIFFICULTY!) chest barn in Merhojed held them. I theorize that any vicinity with dead will pool the unclaimed items in the closest communal chest.
Also, you can't ride your horse if you're that overencumbered. They've made a lot of changes to the game since this video came out..
instead of hauling all that stuff back and forth, you can just unlock the millers box in the shed, put all the stolen stuff in there and buy it from the miller then go back to the chest and grab your money back, basically instantly washing them as not being stolen and free
Where's the millers box, you got a link to a video?
@@pipsta if you're still interested in finding it: there's a barn filled with hay right beside Peshek's house, lockpick a very hard door and there's your box
Change your click bait title to "240k worth of items." cash is way different bruh. having to sell these items or wait for them is way more annoying than finding just cash. The fact that i have to sell thousands of items to someone who only has like 3 or 4k max a DAY is gonna take forever.
Just trade the weapons from the chest for whatever you want to buy
mate, fuck off with your simple solutions
Traders end up having more groschen for trading if you trade with them a lot. My Rattay armourer has 20k every 3 days. The sword maker has 40k.
Boo hoo. Youre bitching about minimal work.
Yeah it's an annoyance but it's not really click bait. But I feel you, I wish there was a system where if you went to different towns to sell stolen items they wouldn't know they were stolen.
I never ride my horse through a town. One time, I sent a Monk flying Sasau. While no one found the body, it was still a hefty fine.
Can we just talk about how LONG it takes to sell everything 😭
I saw a video of someone gifting someone more than they could pay. Then later that same person had more money because they sold all the new stuff and gained more more for it . Cool system if it works like that
Give it all to peshek by breaking into his inventory then wait two days for him to sell everything and steal the gold from his inventory. Its a chest in a room to the left of the front door
And that day, Rattay Fell. For there entire armory was stolen by an unknown culprit.
I just did it on ps4, still works. I'll definitely never need arrows again.
Put everything in the millers chest. He sells it all for you come back the next day collect your Groschen
Thank Goodness hundreds of pounds worth of gold is as light as feather. Or I would Break my back.
I have 20 charisma and 20 speech with 96 rep with peshek who I had built him up to 156k in gold and while at the full charisma and speech which I know is pointless I took a bards and amor potion. By the time I sold what I had taken it totaled about 7-8 thousand Groshen(happy I said groshen not gold) it was obviously fixed but there was a few weapons I hadn't seen in game or rarely had seen. Also theres a mace and a couple bows against the wall and next to door when u walk in theres a couple halberd type items directly to ur left up against the wall.
That feel, when Groschen were silver coins and you call them gold. O.o What next? Cant even imagine!
Thank you. I am on my second playthrough and never knew about that chest in particular,good loot in there!!
240k in items, far less than that after brokered with a fence at the mill.
The problem I always have is that you cannot sell that stuff anwhere to cash in. You have to travel around and go to every smith or trader and they only have between 200 and 2k gold at a time. And you will only get around 20% of the value back for selling.
It's even hard to sell loot from bandits and kumans at some point. so I went from "take all" to looting only the lightweight+valuable stuff from them. Like plate armor pieces, brigadines and rings/necklaces because you can't sell the stuff anwhere.
I pretty much always sell to Peshek and the amount of groschen he carries gradually increases each time I sell to him. I currently have about 16k groschen and he will typically have 24k when I visit him now
After i saw this, I couldn't believe it. But i went to investigate. And found another big chest in a guard tower, the one behind the church, you can enter it via the cemetery. There are more floors with each floor 1 chest. In one of these was a lot of stuff. !!774!! Broad axes, with a price tag of 334.8g.
but, now i need to find a way to sell them? or do i give them to the miller for save keeping and get money from him? for now i put them in a chest until the stolen mark is gone.
Yeah but how will you sell them if merchants don't even have enough wealth lol
Merchants gold increases exponentially the more you sell to them.
Break into peshaks room and put all the goods into his chest he will sell it all within a couple days and you break back into his chest and steal the money
@@MCHungerGamesandNews haha, thats the real "insider" - i did not know yet! :)
@@MCHungerGamesandNews dose that work?
@@Bossmanplayzzz yep
I got stick drift so I can’t even open an easy lock 😂
Those gaurd rooms are also good to get your stealth up. Knock out sleeping guards, loot , repeat.
It's been nerfed, I just looted it. Still it held around 20k gold in value.
this is correct
mustve been debuffed since when this was made as I only made 2,498.4 kroshen
This is patched right?
Just tried to do this but only got around 7000g
The 'value' is not what you actually get. The stat page he is showing, is not actual currency, but the item value, not what you actually sell the items for.
Sell them one by one and haggle every item.
Sell shit to a miller over and over, their wealth will increase a shit ton each time they restock, also get the final offer perk and when haggling pull the "price bar" down quite a bit, not all the way tho, and just ask for that amount, dont move the bar, if you do it right you will get three chances to haggle and the third time they will accept the deal
Tried today, there are way less weapons. For instance, no more 400 Needle swords.
I guess it got fixed
@@Kordian459 Same
Guy creeps thru town taking lil half steps with a huge sack of weapons over his shoulder. "Nothing to see here, go about your business!"
I mean, at that point it would just be easier to steal the gold of the merchants you'd sell this stuff too in the first place. If your lockpicking is already at that 15-16 level area, you can do this so easily, and you don't have to deal with hauling around your gear as well. Sure there's more of a chance of being caught, but KCD's AI aren't exactly the smartest bunch and sneaking into homes at night is so easy. I think just flat out stealing their gold is much easier than doing this.
Now, if you could sell all of these things to a single merchant at once and get all of that gold, then this would absolutely be worth it. But the fact you have to go about selling all of this stuff to multiple different vendors (vendors who only will buy swords and armor, so even more limiting) tells me that making a run through the city stealing vendors' gold in the first place is much easier and at least more fun. This method doesn't benefit you beside maybe getting a few speech level increases due to the amount of selling you'll be doing.
The amount of gold a merchant has increases exponentially the more you sell to them.
Not sure if thats entirely true Apok. It seems to randomly fluxiate either higher or lower. At one point Peshek or whatever the millers name is had 5.7kg and then a few days later he was down to 1.5 but thats just my experience. Steal a weapon from the Smith in Rattay, lure the store guard upstairs, kill him, go back down n finish taking the gear. Its not fancy but its a small fortune.
The maximum amount of gold the merchant has is based on how much gold you have and how much you have traded with them. Your success becomes their success. If you steal from them, they lose gold. If you sell valuable items to them with a discount, they gain gold over time. My Rattay armor smith has 60k gold when I allow it to regenerate to full.
@@Ap0Kal1ps3 (i know, date )i Remember selling a whole town worth of Items to peshek till he got broke, and then after few In game days, Peshek Regained his Gold but lost all the Items i sold to him, so can confirm it does work like that, and you dont even have to discount them
To the left of the church in the guard tower (above the church on the map) there is a chest with a few weapons in up the ladders
So Jon Snow got Needle from Rattay. They really mass produce it..
This is the main armory of Rattay.
You will NOT be able to jump on your horse with that much encumbrance. (I see this was made six years ago; they've no doubt patched that.) The best way to get out of there without being stopped is to find an area that's infrequently traveled and hide there, make sure your drinking is level 10 or above and you have the "Safe Passage" perk, and then down three moonshines and then wait an hour or two. You'll eventually pass out and wake up in one of your houses (either in Pirkstein or in the Rattay Mill).
THIS DOESN T WORK NO MORE.1k worth of items there
Still not bad.
Does the chest still Respawn items after a couple days?
Plus horse weight limits.
Yes it still works not as much but i can get 20-40k silver coins worth amd why people call it gold the ingame currency is made from silver you do a whole quest about counterfeiting
@@adamcotton8163 But for what?
This was fixed, the chest is now only worth around 3-4k Groschen.
I guess they updated this. Seems I only got about 5k from it.
I just did this with a lock picking skill of 6 with the drunk perk.
I then staggered up to the inn just north of town to stash the loot. It was the closest place to walk too. I was too heavy to mount Pebbles and she was already maxed out.
It's been patched. Loaded it 7 times and I didn't make over 20 k worth of items.
Still, 20K worth of items is NUTS for such an early game chest that's so easy to pilfer from
@@rollingthunder1043 very hard chest is not an early game chest tho..
@@MrPhoxy for me it is lol
azhar ihsan very hard, really it’s not that hard
Thomas Campo no mate it isn’t patched
The Rattay armored had 32k groschen in one of his goods chests upstairs and behind his shop when I looted him, though this was probably influenced by me selling him all my loot
How come u could mount your horse? My game says your too overloaded to mount up
yeah i was about to ask the same question.. please answer Camelworks
It was patched out. Previously you could mount up over encumbered.
@@ryanjackson5750 Thank you dear friend.
theres a chest in the big priby bandit camp that has hundreds of arrows, not had to buy any since its great. Its in the bandits section near the church in one of the tents.
It's easier to drink a padfoot and steal the groschen from every merchant chest in rattay in broad daylight (they are heavily guarded at night, daytime is better)
One year later and i can confirm, i just started a week ago and got hooked, i even learned a path to steal from the herbalist to the swordsmith in a single run
Just put all the stolen items in the millers fence chest and wait 2 days he will sell them all for you at full price. Just go look in the chest after 2 days and the all money at once back from fence.
I don't think I've ever played a game that had so many exploits.
Clearly you are too young for Morrowind then, best game of all time
Not too young, just wasn't interested at the time it came out and now it's a bit dated. I don't see how it being a good game is relevant to how many exploits it has.
Ah well true enough, but the interesting part of a game (I find) is to understand it well enough to explore the boundaries and through that, find exploits and glitches. I would say the real world is no different, which makes it so addicting... but as you say, play a game for cheat and glitches takes away the entertainment, mastery is where true pleasure is
There really isnt that many exploits in this game anymore. DHS is paying attention on UA-cam and patching what we find and share with each other. A lot of old leveling "glitches" got patched within a month.
DHS is turning into Rockstar and Bioware when it comes to screwing over the community. They should leave most of them alone since this game isn't even multiplayer... But they're assholes and hate us.
Actually there's a lodging where if you sleep there, there's a townsman who also slept there and he carry 800 gold every single time
I found a similar chest in the guard tower north of the church in Rattay.
Confirmed this was fixed on consoles..running 1.3 patch. There are only 11 needle swords in box now. My value taken is not in the 600s or 200s
I’ve just started playing and a lot of things have been fixed, I’m wondering if this one has as well?
It has...1000-7000g in there
@@adamdolezal4898 0 Groschen, only weapons
@@LEDDi_Matth7-7 it meant how much is it worth...
Adam Doležal it’s just luck of the draw. I’ve stolen every item, sword, and armor on display and I’m only a level 8. Just made a Padfoot potion and unlocked drinking perk. So if this chest doesn’t work the first time with a bunch of loot just go steal all the most expensive stuff from the merchants chest that’ll make up for it.
Adam Doležal but it’s not patched. Worked once for me. Then killed another guard carrying 40 needle swords and 38 bows
Cool beans man, thanks. Now i have a reason to watch your lockpicking tutorial , going now :)
As of 2022 this is patched
I swear I'm not gay but just listening to camels voice just is really amazing, like I could easily sleep to him talking about anything.
hmm sounds gay to me...
Will the chest refill in time so you can loot it again
Sadly, no
do at 6 am steal everything if you dont want the high level for lockpicking go unlock level 6 lockpicking which shouldnt take long get your self some strong expensive wine then unlock the perk that lets you have better lockpicking
Oh yay, more worthless Groschen. I have about 40K earned through combat and absolutely nothing to spend it on.
I have a full set of great armor, weapons, high level alchemy so i make my own potions, etc.
This game just has nothing to buy once you spend a few hours playing
Just do what an average rich person does when they have everything. Max your drinking skill :D
Game needs housing ASAP. Buying your own mini castle and some men at arms/ guards would be a great money sink.
That reminds mee Skyrim's Hearthfire.. Mmmmmmmmmm
John Wick's pencil that would be incredible. But I doubt they would just add that in update. Maybe apart of a dlc or something
This Saiyan Is on Fire
I would buy that DLC
It is the armory. Each castle has one of these, just as some noble armor chest deep in the castle itself. All of these are vey hard locks and guards nearby.
I have a question: can you loot this chest multiple times? So, when you have stolen everything in the chest once, can you go back a few days later, and steal some other stuff from the chest? Since some of the guards were on patrol, and haven't got their stuff in the chest...
You can also put the stuff in Miller's chest and 2-4 days later you will make money
this chest ist plain broken tbh :D
Are you German or you just can’t spell is correctly.
why not both?
Wow in 15th century you can stealing and carrier hundreds swords on your back and no one guard see that. Impressive!
Hey I got a question this is random dont know if you play this or not but do you know if this has been patched in update 1.9 on ps4
I'm really sorry but i think that was a click bait you should've edited the title and say " items worth 240,000 gold.
Just saying
They've patched this chest... but all the quests that's were bugged out 2 years ago and caused me to stop playing half way through are still broken. Great job devs. Nice to see you've got your priorities straight.
(I've already legitimately got all my end game gear and am sitting on 67k groschen. Most of it earned from the hordes of plate armored bandits that keep spawning on the roads and at Skalitz. Just thought I'd try looting this magic chest for a lark)
I hear these kinds of loot chests are being removed from the game in future patches. I hope so. I hate when there are loopholes in a game like this.
They already removed one that I'm aware of but this chest might serve a purpose for the city itself so they wont touch it unless they really want to piss us off.
Tera Tokomi Why though? You can simply just not use it if you don’t desire. Other people just like to buy things and be rich. If that’s what they want to do, what’s wrong with that
Steal everything from the armorsmith chests, dump them in the weaponsmith's chest. Wait a couple days, rob the weaponsmith.
fixed! dont work anymore
even on the first version? cause i play on that
I got about 3k worth of shit out of it just now...
I got best armours, weapons and horse. I have 61k groshen from combats. After that there's nothing I can buy unless you release DLC which we are allowed to buy property and get married. My Henry character has high reputation in every village and town.
What about dragon bosses in each of corners of the map?
sw gs ....there are no dragons nor magic
true, but can be a dlc or even a mod, this game has many possibilities for more content...
Chau Nguyen r/swoosh
Fucking skyrim players
I need to rebuild the Village from the dlc, so i need money.. Im gonna try that now!!
To bad for you than, that they patched this out shortly after the video was uploaded.
*how to ruin your gaming experience 101*
One thing though, on console you cant get on your horse when encombered.
Groschen is not Gold ^^ it’s silver and it’s a historic accurate
Yes, Groschens were silver pieces weighing around 4 grams - roughly equal to a shilling. That said, I compared the purchasing power of the game Groschen to the real world Groschen of the era, and the game Groschen is worth a bit less than a penny (or pfennig) in the real world time frame. It's more representative than anything - so if they want to label it "gold" which is the rpg equivalent of generic money, that's about as accurate.
Great video I got a lot of gold from the chest ,any idea when/if the chest resets?