Scottish MEP Alyn Smith's message to EU Parliament after Brexit

  • Опубліковано 20 вер 2024
  • An important message to remember in a speech on the 28th of June 2016 from the then Scottish MEP Alyn Smith (SNP). He said:
    "Scotland did not let you down. Do not let Scotland down now"
    Sign our petition to EU leaders asking to prepare to welcome Scotland back in the EU


  • @gillramsay1112
    @gillramsay1112 4 місяці тому +12

    Thank you simply thank you, this made me cry 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

    • @SJG-nr8uj
      @SJG-nr8uj 4 місяці тому

      If the EU and the Remain campaign had been open and honest about the EU's federal and military intentions, the Leave majority would have been massive and there would have been Leave majorities in Scotland and Northern Ireland too, with the result that the whole of the last eight years of political wrangling would have been avoided. The EU and the Remain campaign knew that their only chance of winning was to sweep the federal and military intentions of the EU under the carpet and pretend they didn't exist. And it nearly worked. The EU is a giant, duplicitous, megalomaniac scam.

    • @budweiser600
      @budweiser600 4 місяці тому

      Really???? Then you are already lost. Good luck with your new Muslim First Minister, who will take over from your old Muslim First Minister.

    • @colinlaird8992
      @colinlaird8992 3 місяці тому

      Were you laughing at the same time?

  • @Writhty-rw6cy
    @Writhty-rw6cy 4 місяці тому +1

    Well said that man!

  • @nicolass7102
    @nicolass7102 3 місяці тому

    Uk is not united anymore

  • @andyirwin3426
    @andyirwin3426 4 місяці тому +4

    The big bent shot made a very good living out of the EU I have no doubt he misses all the perks all the freebies for him and boyfriend Scotland couldn't afford the entrance fee never mind anything else

    • @johnscullion7685
      @johnscullion7685 4 місяці тому +2

      Wrong he is a very good politician wanting the best for scotland norepinephrine than I can say for ypu😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮😮

    • @colinlaird8992
      @colinlaird8992 3 місяці тому

      @@johnscullion7685 He is a complete idiot and waste of space who doesn't understand the basics of government

    • @Non-Doctors-Music
      @Non-Doctors-Music 3 місяці тому +1

      Rubbish. You're quite unable to differentiate passion and honesty from lies and propaganda.

  • @SJG-nr8uj
    @SJG-nr8uj 4 місяці тому +4

    If the EU and the Remain campaign had been open and honest about the EU's federal and military intentions, the Leave majority would have been massive and there would have been Leave majorities in Scotland and Northern Ireland too, with the result that the whole of the last eight years of political wrangling would have been avoided. The EU and the Remain campaign knew that their only chance of winning was to sweep the federal and military intentions of the EU under the carpet and pretend they didn't exist. And it nearly worked.

    • @skinless333x2
      @skinless333x2 4 місяці тому +8

      So why are so many people today anti brexit and regard it as a mistake?

    • @SJG-nr8uj
      @SJG-nr8uj 4 місяці тому

      @@skinless333x2 Because we had to take an economic hit in order to escape the EU's giant, duplicitous, megalomaniac scam, and people cannot see beyond the economic hit we had to take.
      Right now there are four possible ways in which the European Union could collapse, all of which the EU is heading straight for, due to its own arrogance and megalomaniac stupidity:
      1. Revolt by its member states' politicians, for example against fixed migrant quotas.
      2. Revolt by its member states' peoples, against the imposition of a federal government they can never vote into or out of office. This could lead to rioting, violence and wars of independence.
      3. War with Russia. Lisbon Treaty Article 42 commits member states to the military defence of a member state under attack. And the EU wants Ukraine in.
      4. The Islamification of Europe, orchestrated by the European Union (per the Euro-Mediterranean Project, in effect since 2010).
      These are all coming straight down the track. The EU is a dead man walking.

    • @davidthompson4383
      @davidthompson4383 4 місяці тому +1

      @@skinless333x2They aren’t. Most of those people were remainers anyway and are just repeating the anti Brexit lies of the bbc

    • @aesma2522
      @aesma2522 4 місяці тому

      Why are Brexiteers, even Dominic Cummings himself, the mastermind of the leave campaign, afraid of another vote, then ? Surely all is clear by now and Brexit is a great success, the vote should go your way easily ?

    • @skinless333x2
      @skinless333x2 3 місяці тому +2

      @@davidthompson4383 You don't get to play the propaganda card, the tories had/have a very firm grip on the bbc and the bbc reported very pro brexit.

  • @nicolass7102
    @nicolass7102 3 місяці тому

    Brexit mess

  • @nicolass7102
    @nicolass7102 3 місяці тому

    Brexit disaster

  • @roberttewnion1690
    @roberttewnion1690 4 місяці тому

    What happened? Us Scots are still left out in the cold!

    • @pjmoseley243
      @pjmoseley243 4 місяці тому

      AS is no doubt a fine fellow of a man but he will never be broke when its realised the size of the pension he wull walk away with, I envy his situation.

  • @LordInquisitor701
    @LordInquisitor701 4 місяці тому

    So what I gathered is North England it’s pretty upset about leaving Eu for some reason

    • @SJG-nr8uj
      @SJG-nr8uj 4 місяці тому

      If the EU and the Remain campaign had been open and honest about the EU's federal and military intentions, the Leave majority would have been massive and there would have been Leave majorities in Scotland and Northern Ireland too, with the result that the whole of the last eight years of political wrangling would have been avoided. The EU and the Remain campaign knew that their only chance of winning was to sweep the federal and military intentions of the EU under the carpet and pretend they didn't exist. And it nearly worked. The EU is a giant, duplicitous, megalomaniac scam.

  • @jimwelch4628
    @jimwelch4628 4 місяці тому +4

    More voted to leave

    • @europeforscotland
      @europeforscotland  4 місяці тому +9

      Not in Scotland. Scotland voted to Remain in every single constituency and by a 62% majority.

    • @JamesMargetts-y2n
      @JamesMargetts-y2n 4 місяці тому

      Scotland has shown that its parliament is corrupt , just like the eu

    • @SJG-nr8uj
      @SJG-nr8uj 4 місяці тому +1

      @@europeforscotland If the EU and the Remain campaign had been open and honest about the EU's federal and military intentions, the Leave majority would have been massive and there would have been Leave majorities in Scotland and Northern Ireland too, with the result that the whole of the last eight years of political wrangling would have been avoided. The EU and the Remain campaign knew that their only chance of winning was to sweep the federal and military intentions of the EU under the carpet and pretend they didn't exist. And it nearly worked. The EU is a giant, duplicitous, megalomaniac scam.

    • @davidrodger9667
      @davidrodger9667 4 місяці тому +7

      @@SJG-nr8uj If the brexiters had been honest about the effects of leaving they would have lost the referendum

    • @SJG-nr8uj
      @SJG-nr8uj 4 місяці тому

      @@davidrodger9667 Here is what you voted for. Please take the time to find out: it's a shame nobody told you but there is a first time for everything.
      Lisbon Treaty Article 3.4: “The Union shall establish an ECONOMIC and monetary UNION whose currency is the euro.”
      EU Five Presidents’ Report, 2015: “Progress MUST HAPPEN on four fronts: first, towards a genuine ECONOMIC UNION that ensures each economy has the structural features to prosper within the Monetary Union. Second, towards a FINANCIAL UNION that guarantees the integrity of our currency across the Monetary Union and increases risk-sharing with the private sector. This means completing the Banking Union and accelerating the Capital Markets Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union. Third, towards a FISCAL UNION that delivers both fiscal sustainability and fiscal stabilisation. And finally, towards a POLITICAL UNION that provides the foundation for all of the above through genuine democratic accountability, legitimacy and institutional strengthening.”
      Angela Merkel’s immediate response to the referendum result, 24th June 2016: “Today is a watershed moment for Europe, and it is a watershed moment for the EUROPEAN UNIFICATION PROCESS. There is no doubt that this is a blow to Europe, and to the EUROPEAN UNIFICATION PROCESS.”
      EU Rome Declaration, 25th March 2017: “Working towards COMPLETING the ECONOMIC and monetary UNION” (with a preferred deadline for completion of 2027).
      ECB’s ‘Fiscal Implications of the EU Recovery Package’ 2020. “The way that the EU has responded to the crisis also has implications for the future design and implementation of the EUROPEAN GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK. First, while expansionary fiscal policy is necessary to sustain the recovery, going forward it will be important for the fiscal rules to effectively support the reduction of high government debt in good economic times. Second, NGEU constitutes a new and innovative element of the EUROPEAN FISCAL FRAMEWORK. It will result in the issuance of sizeable supranational debt over the coming years, and its establishment has signalled a political readiness to design a common fiscal tool when the need arises. This innovation, while a one-off, could also imply lessons for ECONOMIC and Monetary UNION, which still lacks a PERMANENT FISCAL CAPACITY AT SUPRANATIONAL LEVEL for macroeconomic stabilisation in deep crises. The review of the ECONOMIC GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK, which was launched by the Commission in February 2020 and postponed because of the pandemic, provides a GOOD OPPORTUNITY TO INCORPORATE THESE IMPORTANT CONSIDERATIONS.” (NGEU stands for “Next Generation European Union”).
      From the EU’s own website: “Once the economic and financial crisis (of 2008/9) was overcome, the EU established a process aimed at reinforcing the architecture of EMU (ECONOMIC and monetary UNION). The process is based on the Five Presidents’ Report on Completing Europe’s Economic and Monetary Union of 2015, which focused on four main issues:
      • A genuine ECONOMIC UNION;
      These four unions are STRICTLY INTER-RELATED and would develop in parallel. The report was followed by a series of communications, proposals and measures, and the discussion is still ongoing.”
      In 2022 all member states reaffirmed their commitment to economic union, as part of Lisbon Treaty Article 3.
      From the EU’s website (dated 29/4/24): “Today the Council adopted three pieces of legislation that will reform the EU’s ECONOMIC AND FISCAL GOVERNANCE FRAMEWORK.
      ‘The main objective of the reform is to ensure sound and sustainable public finances, while promoting sustainable and inclusive growth in all member states through reforms and investment.
      The new legislation will significantly improve the existing framework and provide effective and applicable rules for all EU countries. They will safeguard balanced and sustainable public finances, increase the focus on structural reforms and investments to spur growth and job creation throughout the EU. The time is now for a swift implementation’: Vincent Van Peteghem, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Finance of Belgium.”
      Lisbon Treaty Article 42.3: “Member states shall make civilian and MILITARY capabilities available to the Union for the implementation of the common security and defence policy, to contribute to the objectives DEFINED BY THE EUROPEAN COUNCIL.”
      The EU’s military headquarters is the Kortenberg Building in Brussels.
      The EU Global Strategy, 30th June 2016, issued exactly one week after the referendum, contains the right of the EU’s military “to act autonomously (of NATO) if and when necessary”.
      It will need this, because, as you should know, Lisbon Treaty Article 42 commits member states to the defence of a member under attack. So if Ukraine is still under attack when it joins the EU, it will be the EU which is at war with Russia, not NATO. The defence of Ukraine doesn’t trigger the NATO charter.
      On 19th February 2019 Federica Mogherini told an audience in Hamburg: “... all the way through the security spectrum, up to the military operations, because not so many know that the European Union has seventeen deployed missions and operations around the world. So, together, we are already a unique global security provider.” I checked this figure recently. It now stands at twenty-one.
      On 23rd April 2019 the European Council issued its Military Command and Control Structures document, outlining its military command structure over member states’ land, sea and air forces. The diagram contained within reappears on the Wikipedia page for the Kortenberg Building, above.
      In September 2021 Ursula Von der Leyen said this: “But what we need is the European Defence Union. In the last weeks there have been many discussions on expeditionary forces. On what type and how many we need: battlegroups or EU entry forces. This is no doubt part of the debate - and I believe it will be part of the solution. But the more fundamental issue is why this has not worked in the past. You can have the most advanced forces in the world - but if you are never prepared to use them - of what use are they?”
      Last year the EU led joint military exercises in Spain. This is taken from the EU’s CSDP website: “The two-part MILEX 23 exercise commenced on 18 September and concluded on 22 October. The first part of this intense period was a 3-week planning phase by the MPCC in Brussels. In part two, this culminated in the EU’s first ever live military exercise from 16 - 22 October in Rota Naval Base, Cadiz, Spain. During Part 2, an EU Battlegroup-sized force carried out the Operational Plan developed by the MPCC in Part 1. Overall, 19 Member States contributed to MILEX 23.”
      (CSDP = Common Security and Defence Policy. MPCC = Military Planning and Conduct Capability).
      3. Reckless EU expansionism across Eastern Europe - widely known and reported on, including Albania (hotbed of gangsterism and corruption), Serbia and Montenegro (both traditional allies of Russia), Moldova (part of it coveted by Russia), Ukraine (currently at war with Russia), Turkey (instantly the largest, most populous and poorest country in the EU upon joining) and several others, all of which will bring nothing but a begging bowl to the EU’s table. Oh, except for Ukraine, because, as above, Lisbon Treaty Article 42 commits member states to the military aid of a member under attack. So if Ukraine is still at war upon its accession the EU will be at war with Russia.
      4. Unfettered migration into Europe from North Africa and the Middle East (the free movement of people was a secret part of the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership, in effect since 2010, and signed between the EU and Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Egypt, Jordan, Israel, the Palestine Authority, Lebanon, Syria and Turkey). “Eurocrats do not consider (migration) to be a problem, but rather as a project”: Fabrice Leggeri, former Director of the European Border and Coastguard Agency (Frontex).
      All this has been going on while you’ve been asleep for the last fifteen years.