It would be cool to feature the TheBlurCafe music in the recreations. He is able to make the SFC-style music based on the broadcasts showing the practice runs.
@@fsfreturns5242 I would be surprised if there is a sound setting that turns off the music, which is based on how the licensed rock music is played during the GP 2's broadcasts.
IMPORTANT UPDATE : A MSU patch has been released recently to replace the in-game music with the ones I edited in using a video editor. Go see the trailer of this patch here :
I actually added the OST during the video editing. During the recording, I disabled the sound channels 1 to 5, meaning I only get the sound effects from the game itself.
@@henry1535 Thanks ! Also, CosmicTailz released a trailer regarding a MSU patch that actually replaces the in-game music without having to add them through a video editor like I did, if you're interested ! Be sure to check it out when you get the chance !
Are you making sure you're using the right patch for the right rom ? Each patch is marked specifically to be used with a certain version of the rom (US patch for the US version, JP patch for the JP rom and so on). Unless you're talking about the in-game music patch, in which case you should check out CosmicTailz's video on that one. And you're welcome !
All the Ace League tracks have been added to F-Zero 99 and it would be cool if the Forest tracks and Metal Fort tracks get added too.
It would be cool to feature the TheBlurCafe music in the recreations. He is able to make the SFC-style music based on the broadcasts showing the practice runs.
Given how F-Zero Hybrid was able to implement custom musics, I'd believe it might be possible. Maybe in an update ?
@@fsfreturns5242 I would be surprised if there is a sound setting that turns off the music, which is based on how the licensed rock music is played during the GP 2's broadcasts.
big blue2→とにかくジャンプ台にちゃんと乗ってショートカットできるかどうかが勝負の分かれ目。レッドキャニオン2と同じ理由で激戦になりそうだが、こちらの方がマシンの数が多い分グランプリでは厳しそうだ。
sand storm1→三コース目にして最難関。道幅狭い上にキツイコーナーだらけ、おまけに終盤の地雷&ダメージゾーンが厳しすぎる。バンパーと絡んだらもう地獄絵図。こんなのを60台で走らせるって正気か…
道幅自体は広いが、とにかく滑るのが辛い。ファイアスティングレイやファイアスコーピオンが強さを発揮しそうだが、前者はそもそもsand storm1を超えられるかどうか…
全体を通すとグランプリではbig blue2とsand storm1が鬼門になると予想。
@@ペーパーカービィ その距離が離れたところにピットエリアを入れるのが良さそうですねー。
IMPORTANT UPDATE : A MSU patch has been released recently to replace the in-game music with the ones I edited in using a video editor. Go see the trailer of this patch here :
That last lap on Sand Storm 😂
Thank goodness for those S-boosts I conserved :P
Fuck yeah :)
The Forest Tracks sounds like they use the same instruments as the White Land tracks.
It does sound like White Land in places, indeed. That might be why those custom songs might be my favorite overall !
Oh look it’s f zero 99
99 still lacks Forest and Metal Fort.
F-ZERO 99でも走りたい。マシンもコースも有料でいいから。
もし公式で実装されるとして、99レースのFOREST IとIIにはピットエリアを追加してくれたらいいな。クラシックレースのはそのままでいい。
このアイデアに賛成だ!我々は、BS F-ZEROグランプリのトラックが正式にリリースされるのを、あまりにも長い間待っていた!(これはDeepLを通して翻訳された)
How did you patch the rom with the CosmicTailz’s tracks? I’m pretty interested
I actually added the OST during the video editing. During the recording, I disabled the sound channels 1 to 5, meaning I only get the sound effects from the game itself.
Oh ok.
Thanks for the info, I thought you applied some MSU patch or stuff like that.
That ost is pretty interesting.
Nice vid, pal 😉
@@henry1535 Thanks ! Also, CosmicTailz released a trailer regarding a MSU patch that actually replaces the in-game music without having to add them through a video editor like I did, if you're interested ! Be sure to check it out when you get the chance !
Yeah, I already watched it. Someone linked the video in the FZ Nexus Discord.
Thanks 😊
@@henry1535 Anytime !
everytime i try to patch the game it doesnt work. cant figure out what im doing wrong. I can watch you play instead! lol. thanks for posting
Are you making sure you're using the right patch for the right rom ? Each patch is marked specifically to be used with a certain version of the rom (US patch for the US version, JP patch for the JP rom and so on). Unless you're talking about the in-game music patch, in which case you should check out CosmicTailz's video on that one.
And you're welcome !
Total deaths: 2
Gotta own up to these deaths
@@fsfreturns5242gotta own up to the guttas 😈
240p 🤦