I don't think that the people that hate the new Ghostbusters hate it because they feel like it's going to ruin Ghostbusters. They probably hate it because the director doesn't care about the franchise, the effects look terrible, the jokes they have shown so far are terrible, it's yet another unnecessary reboot/remake to a movie classic, and because anyone who dislikes the movie is being labeled as a misogynist.
+Frselrey Garcia I never watched ghostbusters but the way I see it. If I loved a movie starring men I would like to see the reboot starring men, if the orginal starred females in the first place I don't think people would have a problem with gender
+Frselrey Garcia people complained about that because the original cast were all men sure there are misogynist but it's mostly people hating for the remaking a good movie
I can imagine how the Honest Trailer for the reboot will be like: "Watch the reboot of a beloved classic that nobody asked for or wanted. A movie that everybody was determined to hate before it was released, thanks to the most disastrous advertising campaign in cinema history. Now watch the cast and crew loudly celebrate it getting lukewarm reviews and merely under-performing rather than outright flopping."
+BullseyeRey yeah the reviews of movie critics that are probably afraid of the feminazi hate brigade if they rate the movie poorly... cmon, did you not see what happened to ANYONE who criticised the trailer for anything?
BullseyeRey Most reviews have been mixed to positive. There have been more positive reviews than negative, but all of the positive reviews have noted serious flaws in it. I haven't seen a single review declare it to be brilliant, but I have seen reviews absolutely lambaste it. Most reviews agree that Kate McKinnon and Chris Hemsworth are good, but the last third is a CGI-filled mess and that the movie basically relies on shoe-horning in as many references and homages to the original as possible, rather than try to do its own thing.
I must be suffering from some nostalgia glasses on this movie because aside from it being basically the same plot again, I can't say there's really too much wrong with this movie. It had a cool villain with an entertainingly goofy henchman. The whole cast maintained their chemistry from the first movie and there were still a lot of funny, quotable lines. Louis Tully: Your Honor, ladies and gentleman of the audience, I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Sure, the blackout was a big problem for everybody. I was trapped in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them. Because one time, I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you. Egon: Very good, Louis. Short, but pointless.
I was lucky and saw GB2 first, and then saw the original. If you see it fresh, you can absolutely see the magic in the whole movie. It's only when you compare it to the first one (and every critique inevitably does) that you see its flaws. Unfortunately, its really hard to top a perfect - or near perfect - film.
The thing to keep in mind is that if they structured the plot the way Nostalgia Critic recommended, it would've been good. Also, originally Ramis and Aykroyd wanted a sequel set in the British Isles, but they decided that would be too hard to film.
It wasn't THAT bad I think. That painting was very creepy whenever that guy didnt actually come alive. That stare was pretty intense. And that scene with the titanic arriving in the harbour was pretty hillarious.
Everyone forgot about the ghosts that invaded their city 5 years earlier. Can you imagine if Independence Day did that with Resurgence? (Not that Resurgence was any good, but still)
To be fair, the theory of some reality warping, mind erasure filter event happening before this movie does give legit credence to this. A "Greatest Story Never Told", if you will.
I thought all the trailers for the new one looked pretty unfunny, (they normally put the funniest bits in the trailer) but I've heard the reviews are pretty good, so i might catch next time i'm on a plane.
She's a harbour chick! Most of the comments are saying they like/love the second one... Maybe the people who made this video just have a dislike for it...
I love how Screeen Junkies doesn´t have the balls to criticize the ghostbusters reboot like every other movie that has a horrible trailer or expectations
+BBTGOD You know, I hear people rain hell upon SJW all the time, but no one ever mentions what's actually bad about representation and social justice... Shit, shouldn't we be glad that the film is breaking barriers and doing something new? I think a Ghostbusters reboot is an unnecessary idea to begin with, but at least it's doing something different with it's casting
"decided it was bad before even seeing the movie" I think the terrible trailers, the director's immature attitude, the movie's plot leak, and sony threatening to sue Bill Murray if he didn't at least do a cameo in their horrible reboot is all anyone needs to hate this movie. But I'm sure Paul Feig appreciates your support. You might even get a Ghostbusters-themed fruit basket with green ooze twinkies.
Even if you don't want to see it, you can't decide the movie is bad. All the reasons you listed are reasons not to go see the movie, but not reasons the movie is bad. That is what reviews, and seeing it for yourself are for
"But I'm sure Paul Feig appreciates your support. You might even get a Ghostbusters-themed fruit basket with green ooze twinkies." A rim job more likely.
Whens the last time you seen it? How many times total? I like it at im at about 4 times, haven't seen it in years, looking at the clips, its a lot worse then my rose colored children's glasses allowed me to see, itd got its quotes and that's it, there's over an hour that isn't included in these great quotes
They probably haven't and judge it on the promo. Which makes them hypocrites because in this video they shut out that people shouldn't hate on the new GB trailer without having seen the movie. Extreme Hypocrites
That's because most people have erased this movie from their minds and also the benefit of not having internet comment sections at the time reminding people how much the movie sucked.
actually this movie isn't terrible. i don't see how it copys the original. it continues it as most sequels do. the ghostbusters had to get back in business bc for the past 5 years no ghost activity. then all the sudden ghosts are back in town and with that there's also slime thats connected to the main bad guy Vigo. he only possesses one person not two. in the previous film it was a e.p.a agent this time its a mayor's aid that doesn't believe them. plus we get updated Ghostbusters gear with the slime cannons and some humor thats different from the original it tried something new and was ok is it good? kinda. is it bad? not really. the reboot look bad yeah. obvious reasons that don't have anything to do with the female cast for it being pretty bad? yes the ghost effects, not the real ecto 1 model car (it was a old Cadillac Ambulance not a hearse for funerals), don't get the same real connection within the group of the new team, the humor is missing... a lot, and the costumes look like construction workers rather than how the originals looked. i understand trying to do something new but why not connect it with the other movies? why not have the original team train the new ones and have a statue dedicated to the late harold ramis? why not have one last time the originals team up with the new team to take down the big bad in the new one.
they always say it's virtually impossible to do one for good comedies, so I think you'll be out of luck. but if they actually manage to find a good a approach I agree, that would be awesome. Airplane as well as Hot Shots.
Man the Extreme Ghostbusters part was a kick to my childhood. It was one of my favourite cartoons as a kid along with Godzilla the Animated Series and Men in Black.
Me too! I loved Extreme Ghostbusters. I also watched Godzilla and Men In Black. Big Guy and Rusty, Jumanji, Batman TAS, Spiderman TAS and many more were a huge part of my childhood!
This one was on tv a lot more often, so I remember it more clearly. Vigo REALLY scared me. The 80s really loved "scary things look harmless in paintings and then jump out at you."
Am I the only one who likes GB2 as much as the first? Also Extreme Ghostbusters was actually a good cartoon and as good as the earlier episodes of Real Ghostbusters.
Ghostbusters 2 is solid, it's not the original, but few movies ever made are as good as Ghostbusters. I'd rather watch GB2 over 80% of the movies made in the last ten years.
BarzCaremelly i heard fury road was good, but also heard pacific rim was a bombshell, critics hated it. I suppose there were a few good ones, but they were out-shined by the terrible ones
No but it's making the point that there have been bad Ghostbusters movies before and the people need to stop getting their panties in a twist like if another bad one even matters.
DreamStepper No but how come everybody acting like the new one is a disgrace while completely forgetting this one. Everybody just needs to chill. It looks bad, I'll admit, but so what? Just move on with your life.
420Slaterson It's not just because it's looks bad people are pissed due to the amount of ignorance surrounding it. You have people in the media adamantly defending this movie as if they didn't even see the trailer even going as far calling those who dislike it sexist.
DreamStepper Well some people, not all but some, are being really sexist about it. Not all people, I think the movie look bad because it looks bad, but people didn't get this passionate about the trailers for Terminator Genesys or a Good Day to Die Hard, and they looked just as shitty. Shitty movies come out every summer, it's nothing new. And the people who are acting really shitty about it really do just need to calm down about it. You can't say the movie is bad yet. You can only say it looks bad.
Definitely. I'd bet the only reason most people have heard of ghost-busters is because Columbia pictures needed to use the name for a movie directed by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis.
Make a movie too similar to the original: "ruined the franchise". Make a movie too different to the original: "ruined the franchise". ...considering the series is called "Honest Trailers"... this actually strikes me as an accurate depiction of people on the internet.
PhatGirlLuva68-ThelastOG Nah, there were always groups that would repeat such arguments is what I mean. Fans would just send letters and it was difficult and time consuming to just send fan-mail.
It did ruin the franchise Because Bill murray hated making Ghostbusters 2 and he also thought the movie was crap He never wated do another Ghost busters Sequel after that
I;'m with you. I don't understand all the hate this movie gets. Sure, it wasn't as good as the original, but it also had some significantly more intense, scary moments, (i.e. the entire subway scene... those heads....), and a lot of ghosts looked way better. Nothing can top the original, but GB2 doesn't deserve nearly as much hate as it gets.
Same here. I own both on dvd and when I get into a Ghosbusting mood I watch both movies, one after another. To me, Ghostbusters 1 and 2 are equally great.
Over the past year its become trendy to shit on Winston. ALL the geek and movie sites rip on him, and its become an easy "go to" joke, (which are the worst kind). I never understood it though. He was the working class guy, the new yorker , the muscle, the dude you could count on, like Quincey Morris in Dracula. Its a bummer to see such a worn out, cop out joke in the usually clever honest trailers.
Not only that, he's the straight man, one of the key components of a comedy duo / team. Calling him "Ringo" was a hack joke, you are right. This is the first Honest Trailer I disagreed with most every part of.
He is the "token Black guy", shoehorned in as a semblance of diversity. He is an awesome character and my second fave of the GB. He deserves more respect than he gets.
Originally the part was supposed to go to Eddie Murphy, but when he couldn't do it they wrote it down and hired Ernie Hudson. Also, the part of Gozer was supposed to be played by Pee-Wee Herman, which would have been AMAZEBALLS.
It was the early eighties, man. People wouldn't have had cellphone video. A few people might have had cameras, but they would have got discounted as fakes stirring up mass hysteria. There are plenty of real world UFO cases where dozens, sometimes hundreds of witnesses are involved, but they get treated in a similar way. 'Ghostbusters 2' having the original characters getting treated like hoax merchants was completely believable.
At the end of the day, it's all just opinions. I liked the reboot, as did a lot of my friends. But it's definitely getting a mixed reception by audiences from "meh" to "great". I'm in between. But I'll always love the first two films and the animated series.
oh shit i only watched 1 ghostbusters movie and always thought second movie is the 1 one XD i just realized all my life i was wrong...and never ever seen even a piece of 1 movie :") personally moment when witch took baby from room creeped me out so hard as a kid i couldn't watch it till teens XD
Nancie Cruise Well, like +Cole Thompson Lynch explained, it's all opinions. So I can't help you if you don't like the 2nd movie. Oh and also, I did see the 2nd movie, thank you.
Terminator 2 is one of the very few ultra rare exceptions to that rule. Even that is arguable to some as the genre of the sequel changed, much like Alien to Aliens.
I actually prefer Ghostbusters 2. I don't know if it's due to nostalgia as that's the first one I watched when I was about 4 but I still find it amazing!
And most of the internet, the average comment section anywhere, and according to feminists most people they meet in real life. Guess it's just you bruh that thinks he's unique.
These guys almost always blow it WAY out of proportion. I mean hell yes this movie isn't as good as the original, but it's still got the charm and enjoyment. Sometimes I hate these trailers.
Well, first of all, these trailers have to be entertaining. Exaggeration is a popular stylistic device here. And everyone has different taste. Still, the tone is clear. It makes me wanna rewatch the movie to see if it indeed is mediocre at best.
It's a great movie, I've seen it about a 167 times, and it keeps getting funnier every single time I see it! I discovered the hate only here on internet. The movie seems to have the same plot because they were afraid to rape the franchise or to disappoint the fanbase, to they went on the safe path.
I love Ghostbusters 2!! And it has nothing to do with nostalgia since I've never seen the movies until I was in my late teens, which was a few years ago. I simply really enjoyed it, i thought it was hilarious. The plot could've been better but the film had a lot of great ideas.
I didn't even realise people hated GB2 !! I get the feeling some people are only trashing it to big up the new movie, I know a lot of people who like it - it's not quite as good as the first but so what? Most sequels aren't - it is a fun movie though, Vigo is creepy and Janosz (sp?) was great character
It has caught an undeserved amount of shit for being a lesser clone of the first one. That said the whole series is corny and stupid, and yet some how manages to be highly amusing. The new movie appears to not only lack that endearing quality, but deliberately spits in the face of it. Also the ghosts look fake as hell. How in this age of CGI does someone make ghosts less realistic than a movie film when CG was still infancy.
*Also the ghosts look fake as hell.* And the old ones... didn't? Seriously, in the entire series, the only ghosts that look 'real' are the ones that use actual people (the librarian, Viigo, etc.), ALL of the others were rubber or stop-motion clay puppets that looked so fake-as-shit, that I can't believe anyone looks at them and thinks, "Yep, totally realistic." Even when I was a kid, they looked stupid as hell. That's why I liked the movies so much: it was so ridiculously over-the-top stupid that I couldn't help but laugh.
+thereallerp the old practical effects have a lot charm though, they're supposed to bit a little grotesque and cartoony, you can tell people put creative effort into making them - I'd take that over CGI, flat looking, neon, ps2 game ghosts
You totally left out the awesome 2009 video game. Frankly this seems forced and leaving that game out really makes this seem to be pushing an agenda. Just calling it like I see it.
It didn't just leave that out, it just kind of mocked the old film, one of the greater cartoons of the Ghostbusters cartoons, then jumped to the aid of the new movie in what's essentially demonizing the fanbase of the original. A lot of this doesn't scream "honest" at all for me, especially when they didn't even notice the original cartoon (or it's Slimer spinoff, that seriously was a thing)
Left out the good cartoon, The Real Ghostbusters, and another videogame as well. Probably left them because people actually liked that stuff and you don't trash things you actually like, y'know?
The entire premise of Ghostbusters 2 pissed me off, precisely because the idea that, out of the millions of inhabitants of NYC absolutely *nobody* in New York believed the events of the first movie actually happened was totally unbelievable. It ruined the entire movie for me (except for the Statue of Liberty bit. That was and is gold.)
3:57 Why is every popular youtuber these days, spouting off feminist or SJW mentality in their vids? That comment section part was exactly what Sony is trying to salvage the movie with, that everyone who isnt giving the movie a chance based on the terrible trailer, is an irrational sexist. It didnt work on a majority of the internet, so I find it hard to believe you guys were dumb enough to fall for it. So please Screen Junkies... stop trying to appease radicals, it doesnt make you cultured it just makes you look like a bunch of tools.
They brought it up several times? Early on, and that part I have time marked at 3:57 they are directly insulting people who left negative comments on the new movie trailer, or decided it was bad without seeing it.
Oh, the video cut out for me at that point. I watched it, thought about it, and decided they were making fun of the fans like they make fun of movies. Besides they themselves threw a potshot at the new remake in the honest game trailer for the ghost buster game. I think it's a tad overblown what you said still, even after rewatching.
Big 😁 for you guys using the logo recreation I whipped up (made a better one recently, a few years too late). But, yeah, GB2 was disappointing and a big part of it was the recycled plot and the kid-ified humor (the latter of which is what also killed the cartoon). It wouldn't take TOO many tweaks to have the same basic story structure AND have it make more sense in context of the universe. However, these past few years seeing how short people's memories can be, I don't doubt that many COULD have willfully forgotten the events of 5 years prior.
And even then, said public amnesia (and the occasional character shifts) can be well attested with some offscreen mind erasure shenanigans against a now forgotten foe set between the two movies. It's a world of ghosts, so reality warping stuff isn't too far fetched, it's just the norm.
I'm still shocked how many people seem to hate this movie simply for being similar to the first one. Yes the basic structure is the same, but it was just as quoteable as the first, had the same dry humor without rehashing old jokes, showed subtle character development from the first movie, had better ghost designs and effects, and Vigo was a far more interesting villain than Gozer, who was barely in the movie. And he even had a creepy henchman in Janosz. Overall I'd say it stayed true to the first movie by following the same structure but still had enough good points to be its own movie.
Wurzelknecht I've always loved this movie, and the underground scene with the severed heads on the spikes was far more terrifying than anything in the first film
Wurzelknecht I disagree about the ghost designs. GB2 went for ghosts that were closer to the style of the cartoons, but the ones in the original were designed as if they were supposed to be scary....they’re ghosts after all.
Exactly, it's no worse or better than the others. The outcry over the new GB was definitely political, not liking the movie is one thing, but hearing every commentater on the right lose their minds was mind boggling. I listen to Crowder, Part of the Problem w/ Dave smith and a few others. I enjoy most of their content but the GB fiasco was silly, everyone of them acted as though men were being rounded up because of this crap movie. For a group that doesn't think Hollywood represents the "real" america, you sure seem to put a lot of stock in what they put in their movies.
+Coltaine47 _ the movie honestly wasn't heavy at all on the whole feminist aspect. It was hardly ever mentioned throughout the movie so I doubt anyone will really be offended by an honest trailer.
why many so called critics are saying that the this was a bad a movie, maybe average, but still I love it, of course it doesn't have the impact of the original ghostbusters movie, but still it gave me a good time.
Hang on! What was wrong with 'Extreme Ghostbusters'? It was a continuation of the 'The real Ghostbusters'. It even included the original team in the last 2 part episode.
I watched them the first time recently as well, and other than definitely being pretty familiar at times, the 2nd was just as good, to be completely honest I found myself laughing more often.
He did cameo in the Answer the call universe film. Ghostbusters has a large multiverse now. There is even a 8-bit universe with the NES ghostbusters who appeared in there latest crisis crossover.
John Norris This was just from my experience after one of the movie fights i think it was where they went on a rant saying that people didnt like it because it was women
+Vans i think criticizing actual fans of the franchise and not the blue haired freaks who label everything under the sun as misogyny is being a dickless coward.
I think it's a solid movie and fun to watch. I liked GB2. It does replicate the plot a bit, but that is what lots of sequels do. They want to give the audience more of what they liked the first time. I think in the past couple decades though, people have been wanting sequels to make more of an effort to be unique. Or more vocal about it anyway. All 3 Toy Story movies have a theme of toys worrying about being forgotten, some villain to escape, a journey to take, and an ending that reassures them they'll be loved and played with. But people don't criticize them for being the same, because Pixar wrapped up those concepts in more unique paper. GB2, like many sequels, mirrored more of the movie's scenes, as this HT showed. But I still thought it was a good movie. Maybe not quite as good as the first, but still good, still funny, still creepy.
This reminds of the Dark Souls 2 controversy. You get one the best things ever, but then the follow up isn't entirely able to blow it out of the water, so part 2 therefore is awful. Despite the fact that if Ghostbusters 2 was released first, it would be hailed as greatest thing ever.
I honestly love love love the fact that the Ghostbusters theme exists in the Ghostbusters universe. They actually sing along to a tape of the real song. The fact that happened in their universe, yet they're frauds
I really like this movie tbh, almost as much as the first one. Not sure why it gets so much hate.
It's the same movie, but staler
Because it's yet another unnecessary sequel to a great movie that could easily stand on it's own.
I like it too.
eeey! like the reboot!
+Lucifer'sLoveChild could it be that maybe they just made a sequel because they wanted to make a sequel?
I don't think that the people that hate the new Ghostbusters hate it because they feel like it's going to ruin Ghostbusters. They probably hate it because the director doesn't care about the franchise, the effects look terrible, the jokes they have shown so far are terrible, it's yet another unnecessary reboot/remake to a movie classic, and because anyone who dislikes the movie is being labeled as a misogynist.
I don't see why he decided to call them out on it this time this has been a thing since forever
But they kinda are misogynist, they started to complain the moment they heard about the cast would be only female
+Frselrey Garcia I never watched ghostbusters but the way I see it. If I loved a movie starring men I would like to see the reboot starring men, if the orginal starred females in the first place I don't think people would have a problem with gender
+Frselrey Garcia people complained about that because the original cast were all men sure there are misogynist but it's mostly people hating for the remaking a good movie
+DetectiveJuice Yooo dude we said the same thing
I can imagine how the Honest Trailer for the reboot will be like:
"Watch the reboot of a beloved classic that nobody asked for or wanted. A movie that everybody was determined to hate before it was released, thanks to the most disastrous advertising campaign in cinema history. Now watch the cast and crew loudly celebrate it getting lukewarm reviews and merely under-performing rather than outright flopping."
Wow that's pretty spot on now they don't even have to write a script
Boy are you going to be disappointed. Because the reviews and sales have been good.
+BullseyeRey yeah the reviews of movie critics that are probably afraid of the feminazi hate brigade if they rate the movie poorly... cmon, did you not see what happened to ANYONE who criticised the trailer for anything?
BullseyeRey Most reviews have been mixed to positive. There have been more positive reviews than negative, but all of the positive reviews have noted serious flaws in it.
I haven't seen a single review declare it to be brilliant, but I have seen reviews absolutely lambaste it.
Most reviews agree that Kate McKinnon and Chris Hemsworth are good, but the last third is a CGI-filled mess and that the movie basically relies on shoe-horning in as many references and homages to the original as possible, rather than try to do its own thing.
You got it.
I must be suffering from some nostalgia glasses on this movie because aside from it being basically the same plot again, I can't say there's really too much wrong with this movie. It had a cool villain with an entertainingly goofy henchman. The whole cast maintained their chemistry from the first movie and there were still a lot of funny, quotable lines.
Louis Tully: Your Honor, ladies and gentleman of the audience, I don't think it's fair to call my clients frauds. Sure, the blackout was a big problem for everybody. I was trapped in an elevator for two hours and I had to make the whole time. But I don't blame them. Because one time, I turned into a dog and they helped me. Thank you.
Egon: Very good, Louis. Short, but pointless.
I was lucky and saw GB2 first, and then saw the original. If you see it fresh, you can absolutely see the magic in the whole movie.
It's only when you compare it to the first one (and every critique inevitably does) that you see its flaws. Unfortunately, its really hard to top a perfect - or near perfect - film.
Felix Feliciano Still, to say it "ruined the franchise" is an exaggeration.
I didn't like the villian but enjoyed the henchmam
@@davidjones3165 Well, the villain was just a painting, but they did a good job of making him scary.
The thing to keep in mind is that if they structured the plot the way Nostalgia Critic recommended, it would've been good.
Also, originally Ramis and Aykroyd wanted a sequel set in the British Isles, but they decided that would be too hard to film.
I'm one of the few who liked both...
I do too.
Hey... It's you!
Me two.
+Noah “CrowRobut” O. me three
It wasn't THAT bad I think. That painting was very creepy whenever that guy didnt actually come alive. That stare was pretty intense. And that scene with the titanic arriving in the harbour was pretty hillarious.
"Better late than never!"
I guarantee nothing in the remake will be as good as GB2
+AdamG1983 There really isn't. Unless bad slap-stick is your thing.
Scared me going enough
People not believing in something that actually happened with verifiable proof is the most realistic part of this movie.
Everyone forgot about the ghosts that invaded their city 5 years earlier.
Can you imagine if Independence Day did that with Resurgence? (Not that Resurgence was any good, but still)
Alien invasion, what alien invasion?
My short term memory appears to have been erased, likely due to the erasure of my short term memory
Those darn men in black! They should be more careful with their laser pointers!
Social commentary on the fragility of human memory, and nonexistent gratitude in modern Americans. Quite frustrating to watch
To be fair, the theory of some reality warping, mind erasure filter event happening before this movie does give legit credence to this. A "Greatest Story Never Told", if you will.
I died at the part when he said "And the stuff they make Chicken Mc.Nuggets out of."
they do look vastly similar...
After that,I will never touch one again.....Damn.XD
but i love nuggets, and they are really chicken! idk about the panning tho, or however you call it
guess none of you saw the tumblr pic of a vegan trying to pass off tubby custard as pulverised chicken that makes up nuggets then eh?
i actually did run a test on nuggets that i bought, i have no idea what are they made of in your countries... our fastfoods are pretty fair
None of the problems with Ghostbusters 2 matter.
Yeah! Because the original is still there for us to enjoy! Right?
im the stand alone guy who like gb2 more than the first, watched it tons of times and never gets old.
Was just about to go watch the Witcher rap again. Thank you for kindly providing the link to your chanel :)
Well when you have comedic geniuses working together, the narrative flaws can't really bring it down.
LOL, just wanted to pretend like you're not on UA-cam and geek out.
Is ghostbuster 2 considered bad? its a great movie! Your Love keeps lifting me higher and higher!
Since before the remake I always heard about how much the second one sucked so hard, now everybody said the franchise is gold with nothing but gold
I thought all the trailers for the new one looked pretty unfunny, (they normally put the funniest bits in the trailer) but I've heard the reviews are pretty good, so i might catch next time i'm on a plane.
She's a harbour chick!
Most of the comments are saying they like/love the second one... Maybe the people who made this video just have a dislike for it...
The general consensus I hear nowadays is that it's not as good as the first one, but not as bad as people say it is.
I've heard it was bad for YEARS. Then an all-female reboot happens and now is considered a classic. It was forgettable at best.
"The stuff chicken mcnuggets are made out of."
I think you're giving those things too much credit.
I love how Screeen Junkies doesn´t have the balls to criticize the ghostbusters reboot like every other movie that has a horrible trailer or expectations
+Shuttering-Flutterflies they don't "need" to, but I can see why they would
They won't be able to do a Ghostbusters reboot edition until at least the digital video release is out.
well, the new Ghostbusters is actually getting decent reviews. just sayin
+BBTGOD You know, I hear people rain hell upon SJW all the time, but no one ever mentions what's actually bad about representation and social justice... Shit, shouldn't we be glad that the film is breaking barriers and doing something new? I think a Ghostbusters reboot is an unnecessary idea to begin with, but at least it's doing something different with it's casting
Or criticising Sony for getting rid of Ivan Reitman behind his back, labelling all haters as man-children that live in their mum's basement etc.
"decided it was bad before even seeing the movie"
I think the terrible trailers, the director's immature attitude, the movie's plot leak, and sony threatening to sue Bill Murray if he didn't at least do a cameo in their horrible reboot is all anyone needs to hate this movie. But I'm sure Paul Feig appreciates your support. You might even get a Ghostbusters-themed fruit basket with green ooze twinkies.
It must kill you that people actually like it 😂😂😂
Even if you don't want to see it, you can't decide the movie is bad. All the reasons you listed are reasons not to go see the movie, but not reasons the movie is bad. That is what reviews, and seeing it for yourself are for
+Andy Hale, Nah. People lack taste these days. How else can you explain how ANYTHING in Hollywood is getting made?
lol butthurt manbabies in record time
"But I'm sure Paul Feig appreciates your support. You might even get a Ghostbusters-themed fruit basket with green ooze twinkies."
A rim job more likely.
Please say "Sony paid me to praise the new Ghostbusters."
Please say "I need to get laid".
+Cole Thompson Lynch you need to get laid
I already have, being a sailor around town and all...
+Cole Thompson Lynch you need to get laid
..What you told me to tell you!
Honestly, no one needs to be "paid" to praise it. The movie is actually good.
I don't care what people say. I like Ghostbusters 2 a lot. So many good quotes and fun times. Just like the first movie.
Whens the last time you seen it? How many times total? I like it at im at about 4 times, haven't seen it in years, looking at the clips, its a lot worse then my rose colored children's glasses allowed me to see, itd got its quotes and that's it, there's over an hour that isn't included in these great quotes
@@jamesmeppler6375 Listen it really is decent at least its better than the answer the call reboot
I just like Flip City (the song that plays when the ghosts run wild near the end)
@@inuyashafan0769 Really? Lol.
Bring me a child!
Uhh, Extreme Ghostbusters was awesome. Did you guys actually watch it, or just base it off that promo picture and the title?
They probably haven't and judge it on the promo. Which makes them hypocrites because in this video they shut out that people shouldn't hate on the new GB trailer without having seen the movie. Extreme Hypocrites
Thank you!
Was fun, I liked it. Especially the "So it is Written" episode :3
I loved Extreme Ghostbusters. I watched it all the time.
Yeah, Extreme Ghostbusters is probably the only team in the franchise where they had a black scientist. Sad they couldn't do the same for the remake.
Still better than the Ghostbusters remake.
True. I like it how Screen Junkies think people are going to see the new one.
have u seen it?
I like how the Director didn't insult me.
This is what you do on your spare time?
I've never heard anyone say GB 2 sucked until this video was made lol
That's because most people have erased this movie from their minds and also the benefit of not having internet comment sections at the time reminding people how much the movie sucked.
actually this movie isn't terrible. i don't see how it copys the original. it continues it as most sequels do. the ghostbusters had to get back in business bc for the past 5 years no ghost activity. then all the sudden ghosts are back in town and with that there's also slime thats connected to the main bad guy Vigo. he only possesses one person not two. in the previous film it was a e.p.a agent this time its a mayor's aid that doesn't believe them. plus we get updated Ghostbusters gear with the slime cannons and some humor thats different from the original it tried something new and was ok is it good? kinda. is it bad? not really. the reboot look bad yeah. obvious reasons that don't have anything to do with the female cast for it being pretty bad? yes the ghost effects, not the real ecto 1 model car (it was a old Cadillac Ambulance not a hearse for funerals), don't get the same real connection within the group of the new team, the humor is missing... a lot, and the costumes look like construction workers rather than how the originals looked. i understand trying to do something new but why not connect it with the other movies? why not have the original team train the new ones and have a statue dedicated to the late harold ramis? why not have one last time the originals team up with the new team to take down the big bad in the new one.
Remake Remodel I often see Ghostbusters 2 on the TV so it can't be that far removed from people's minds
And I really liked the extreme ghostbusters cartoon, it was the only creepy action cartoon I could watch in the 90s besides, Swat Kats.............
which makes no sense because that would only make me less likely to want to see a reboot of a sequel that sucked
Now I want a Vigo the Carpathian album
Have him recite in the new cradle of filth album
I don't care what anyone says, I think Ghostbusters two is good, but still not as good as the original.
Same... He sounded like he was on some political kick to defend the new Ghost Busters as well.
Same. it still had its moments.
Please say "Prepare to suckle, from the teat of DEFEAT!"
+Zane's Row LMAOOO
how about
"come to the dark side...
we have cookie monster"
"t shirt lied, dark side no have cookies"
allyssa wright lmao
Idk, maybe it's because I grew up during GB2, but I thought it was a good movie.
I didn't grow up with it and I liked GB2.
sweetcinnamonpnchkin me too
It was okay. I saw that one first a couple of years ago. I thought the first one was funnier though.
kats938 it's best to watch when your 8 or so... and in the 90s
I never really realized that it was basically the first movie all over again. - lol
I absolutely loved this movie. I grew up with both of them and always loved them.
I'll be honest I want more Vigo death metal.
Same. That was awesome. Made me think of the guy who did Sarumon performing in a metal band.
Well, I mean, Christopher Lee DID put out a metal album or two.
Team it up with the heavy metal album cover art from "Honest Trailers - Game of Thrones Vol. 2".
Hikash Christopher Lee?
For God's sake, do "Airplane !" Honest trailer !!!!!
THIS!! Or Hot Shots would be okay too.
OMG YES! That I have been waiting for and Uncle Buck!
they always say it's virtually impossible to do one for good comedies, so I think you'll be out of luck. but if they actually manage to find a good a approach I agree, that would be awesome. Airplane as well as Hot Shots.
Shirley, you can't be serious.
First time?
Died at the metal lyrics part. XD
I loved this as a kid but you guys seem to hate it! Was it that much of a departure from the original?
Their main criticism seems to be the opposite: too similar to the original.
***** they said that they tried to appeal to kids in the second. From what I remember, the first was also aimed at kids...
+Captain Eggcellent (Gaming Easter Eggs) the first one is a sex comedy bit really aimed at that demographic
Yea it was the same plot, with kid humor in place of humor humor. I mean as a kid I loved it too, but looking back... eh, still a good movie though.
That feeling when you watch the movie 20 years later and realize what "Key Master" and "Gatekeeper" were eluding to.
Man the Extreme Ghostbusters part was a kick to my childhood. It was one of my favourite cartoons as a kid along with Godzilla the Animated Series and Men in Black.
Me too! I loved Extreme Ghostbusters. I also watched Godzilla and Men In Black. Big Guy and Rusty, Jumanji, Batman TAS, Spiderman TAS and many more were a huge part of my childhood!
The premise of _Extreme Ghostbusters_ could have *easily* been _Ghostbusters III_
Funny enough, all three of those cartoons shared the same artist: Fil Barlow.
It's available on Hulu with a subscription!
WoahCol Oh snaps really?! Adding it to my list of other stuff I realistically don't have time to watch lol.
This one was on tv a lot more often, so I remember it more clearly. Vigo REALLY scared me. The 80s really loved "scary things look harmless in paintings and then jump out at you."
Am I the only one who likes GB2 as much as the first? Also Extreme Ghostbusters was actually a good cartoon and as good as the earlier episodes of Real Ghostbusters.
no you're not I loved both gb2 and extreme gbusters.
Nope, but this guys followers who havent seen the film are going to try attacking it now, when the Honest MT guy was exaggerating it's problems.
I liked it a lot myself.
no you're not. I really like Ghostbusters two.
Ghostbusters 2 is solid, it's not the original, but few movies ever made are as good as Ghostbusters. I'd rather watch GB2 over 80% of the movies made in the last ten years.
+usernamedkjah yknow, i actually agree with him, too many movies nowadays suck heavy arse
+Stirn Lichen you havent watch fury road? or pacific rim?
+BarzCaremelly fury road got me so pumped while watching. I was so depressed when I went out of the cinema into my old Ford Focus 2001
BarzCaremelly i heard fury road was good, but also heard pacific rim was a bombshell, critics hated it. I suppose there were a few good ones, but they were out-shined by the terrible ones
Wow. Just, wow.
Ghostbusters 2 is not as good as the first .. sure ... But I still love this one ...
I love parts of it. Like the dancing toaster and the Statue of Liberty, and also the soundtrack. Other than that....
+alucard624 oh yea that was funny. I also like the Peter was laughing like a creep after they thought they scared away the scoleri bros
that works
It was pretty epic, still.
+Eat My Big WTF is wrong with you ?
Is this honest trailer is trying to justify the existence of the terrible reboot?.
No but it's making the point that there have been bad Ghostbusters movies before and the people need to stop getting their panties in a twist like if another bad one even matters.
So one bad movie makes it okay to make another bad movie? Yeah that's some pretty shit logic.
DreamStepper No but how come everybody acting like the new one is a disgrace while completely forgetting this one. Everybody just needs to chill. It looks bad, I'll admit, but so what? Just move on with your life.
420Slaterson It's not just because it's looks bad people are pissed due to the amount of ignorance surrounding it. You have people in the media adamantly defending this movie as if they didn't even see the trailer even going as far calling those who dislike it sexist.
DreamStepper Well some people, not all but some, are being really sexist about it. Not all people, I think the movie look bad because it looks bad, but people didn't get this passionate about the trailers for Terminator Genesys or a Good Day to Die Hard, and they looked just as shitty. Shitty movies come out every summer, it's nothing new. And the people who are acting really shitty about it really do just need to calm down about it. You can't say the movie is bad yet. You can only say it looks bad.
4:19: "You know, the original GBs ruined something too!"
*cue Filmation's GB*
...If you ask me, that was a mercy kill.
Definitely. I'd bet the only reason most people have heard of ghost-busters is because Columbia pictures needed to use the name for a movie directed by Ivan Reitman and written by Dan Aykroyd and Harold Ramis.
Make a movie too similar to the original: "ruined the franchise".
Make a movie too different to the original: "ruined the franchise".
...considering the series is called "Honest Trailers"... this actually strikes me as an accurate depiction of people on the internet.
PhatGirlLuva68-ThelastOG Nah, there were always groups that would repeat such arguments is what I mean. Fans would just send letters and it was difficult and time consuming to just send fan-mail.
sonic8005 So because it's easier to hear that bullshit, it makes it better?
PhatGirlLuva68-ThelastOG I'm not sure that's what we want to take from this conversation, but alright XD
sonic8005 If that's all you got from it then alright ;D
A sequel doesn't have to be as good as the original to be GOOD.
Yes but it does have to be good to be good
No, but it's really not funny at all.
wrong. Janosz.
Yes it does
Right. I enjoyed it but that doesn't stop this Honest Trailer from being funny as hell.
Tell you the truth ghostbusters 2 didn't ruin the franchise it was a pretty big hit
It did ruin the franchise
Because Bill murray hated making Ghostbusters 2 and he also thought the movie was crap
He never wated do another Ghost busters Sequel after that
+shavp just because Bill Murray didn't want to make the movie doesn't mean it was crap.
I'm I the only one that liked the sequel more than the original yo?
@@henrydupuis5648 nope.
I liked it because it had a baby and was actually scary (to my child's mind, anyway. I was only, like, six when it came out.).
Hey, Screen Junkies. Next time do an honest trailer for:
"Who Framed Roger Rabbit?"
dont care I love both Ghostbusters movies
Me too.
I;'m with you. I don't understand all the hate this movie gets. Sure, it wasn't as good as the original, but it also had some significantly more intense, scary moments, (i.e. the entire subway scene... those heads....), and a lot of ghosts looked way better. Nothing can top the original, but GB2 doesn't deserve nearly as much hate as it gets.
I also like both movies
I enjoyed both movies too
Same here. I own both on dvd and when I get into a Ghosbusting mood I watch both movies, one after another. To me, Ghostbusters 1 and 2 are equally great.
say "Wow I was wrong about the new ghostbusters, It really DOES suck."
That was actually clever, have a like
I don't get it.
Nah dude, its gona be the first time he said something factually accurate
Fallout Dude Well everyone everywhere seem to dislike it, so I guess I am going to wait till it's shown on TV and save my money?
thats the best route to go SpectreDragon
Over the past year its become trendy to shit on Winston. ALL the geek and movie sites rip on him, and its become an easy "go to" joke, (which are the worst kind). I never understood it though. He was the working class guy, the new yorker , the muscle, the dude you could count on, like Quincey Morris in Dracula. Its a bummer to see such a worn out, cop out joke in the usually clever honest trailers.
I loved Winston! I thought Ernie Hudson did a fantastic job.
Not only that, he's the straight man, one of the key components of a comedy duo / team. Calling him "Ringo" was a hack joke, you are right. This is the first Honest Trailer I disagreed with most every part of.
He is the "token Black guy", shoehorned in as a semblance of diversity. He is an awesome character and my second fave of the GB. He deserves more respect than he gets.
wrong, willow. He was not shoehorned in. He was a full member from the start, but after script rewrites, he got cut out of most of the movie.
Originally the part was supposed to go to Eddie Murphy, but when he couldn't do it they wrote it down and hired Ernie Hudson. Also, the part of Gozer was supposed to be played by Pee-Wee Herman, which would have been AMAZEBALLS.
It was the early eighties, man. People wouldn't have had cellphone video. A few people might have had cameras, but they would have got discounted as fakes stirring up mass hysteria. There are plenty of real world UFO cases where dozens, sometimes hundreds of witnesses are involved, but they get treated in a similar way. 'Ghostbusters 2' having the original characters getting treated like hoax merchants was completely believable.
Oh come on now, Ghostbusters 2 wasn't nearly as bad as described here.
But meh, how different opinions can be...
At the end of the day, it's all just opinions. I liked the reboot, as did a lot of my friends. But it's definitely getting a mixed reception by audiences from "meh" to "great". I'm in between. But I'll always love the first two films and the animated series.
It's a comody, they make the best movie in the world look like the worst movie in the world xD
oh shit i only watched 1 ghostbusters movie and always thought second movie is the 1 one XD i just realized all my life i was wrong...and never ever seen even a piece of 1 movie :") personally moment when witch took baby from room creeped me out so hard as a kid i couldn't watch it till teens XD
Nancie Cruise
Well, like +Cole Thompson Lynch explained, it's all opinions. So I can't help you if you don't like the 2nd movie.
Oh and also, I did see the 2nd movie, thank you.
Set Username
Lmao take off those nostalgia goggles m8
I don't get why people don't like Ghostbusters 2. It was good. Not as good as the first, but what sequel is?
Empire Strikes Back, Godfather. The Dark Knight, Spider-Man 2, Captain America 2
Terminator 2 is one of the very few ultra rare exceptions to that rule. Even that is arguable to some as the genre of the sequel changed, much like Alien to Aliens.
Spider-Man, Capitan America, Toy Story
I actually prefer Ghostbusters 2. I don't know if it's due to nostalgia as that's the first one I watched when I was about 4 but I still find it amazing!
Congrats on the Emmy nomination!
Well deserved!
I loved “Extreme Ghostbusters” when I was a kid. I would ask for a honest trailer of it, but I will probably be the only one 😂
Watch the honest trailer for ‘Ninja Turtles: Coming out of their Shells’. At the start, they make a joke about nobody actually requesting it.
Well, may HT rot in sour milk if they still think it's a piece of 90s obsolescence. I'd think it's a great sequel series akin to Batman Beyond.
Whoever wrote you this asanine script did you a disservice, Epic Voice Guy.
in what way?
Sean Dennis They couldn't stop digressing from jokes to shame people into seeing an overly politicized film.
"Overly politicised film" Only by fanboys like you, bruh. :)
And most of the internet, the average comment section anywhere, and according to feminists most people they meet in real life. Guess it's just you bruh that thinks he's unique.
Was the movie that bad? I loved it as a kid.
These guys almost always blow it WAY out of proportion. I mean hell yes this movie isn't as good as the original, but it's still got the charm and enjoyment. Sometimes I hate these trailers.
Well, first of all, these trailers have to be entertaining. Exaggeration is a popular stylistic device here. And everyone has different taste. Still, the tone is clear. It makes me wanna rewatch the movie to see if it indeed is mediocre at best.
Very true. And I'm all for exaggeration. I just think they go too far a lot of the time.
It's a great movie, I've seen it about a 167 times, and it keeps getting funnier every single time I see it!
I discovered the hate only here on internet.
The movie seems to have the same plot because they were afraid to rape the franchise or to disappoint the fanbase, to they went on the safe path.
nope, its briliant sequel. screen junkies just spouting crap
Please say "CHITTY CHITTY KISS KISS BANG BANG BOOM BOOM, my baby shot me down".
That should sound awesome in his epic voice!
I love Ghostbusters 2!!
And it has nothing to do with nostalgia since I've never seen the movies until I was in my late teens, which was a few years ago.
I simply really enjoyed it, i thought it was hilarious. The plot could've been better but the film had a lot of great ideas.
I didn't even realise people hated GB2 !! I get the feeling some people are only trashing it to big up the new movie, I know a lot of people who like it - it's not quite as good as the first but so what? Most sequels aren't - it is a fun movie though, Vigo is creepy and Janosz (sp?) was great character
Yeah I was thinking the same thing because I frickin love Ghostbusters 2!
It has caught an undeserved amount of shit for being a lesser clone of the first one. That said the whole series is corny and stupid, and yet some how manages to be highly amusing.
The new movie appears to not only lack that endearing quality, but deliberately spits in the face of it. Also the ghosts look fake as hell. How in this age of CGI does someone make ghosts less realistic than a movie film when CG was still infancy.
GB2 was panned when it came out.
*Also the ghosts look fake as hell.*
And the old ones... didn't? Seriously, in the entire series, the only ghosts that look 'real' are the ones that use actual people (the librarian, Viigo, etc.), ALL of the others were rubber or stop-motion clay puppets that looked so fake-as-shit, that I can't believe anyone looks at them and thinks, "Yep, totally realistic."
Even when I was a kid, they looked stupid as hell. That's why I liked the movies so much: it was so ridiculously over-the-top stupid that I couldn't help but laugh.
+thereallerp the old practical effects have a lot charm though, they're supposed to bit a little grotesque and cartoony, you can tell people put creative effort into making them - I'd take that over CGI, flat looking, neon, ps2 game ghosts
This movie was not nearly as bad as you guys are making it out to be
I'd rather watch this 100 times in the Clockwork Orange chair than watch the reboot once.
I've watched the reboot, it's good, grow up.
+Hithrae that's cause you like lazy slap stick comedy, I can tell as you're subscribed to smosh
Sexist cry baby man child!
...Just kidding lol
Stop pretending like you're old enough to have seen Clockwork Orange.
Look at these mad little feminist babies. You'll never land a husband with this attitude.
It's still one of my favorites. And, for the longest damn time, I thought Peter MacNichol actually HAD that accent.
Ghost Busters II was very good as the first one.
No, it wasn't. Not even close.
i honestly loved GB 2 as much as the first one.....its an opinion guys...not fact
Bad day?
I liike them both and its fine.
...and a UFO just landed on the White House lawn. Behold, as The Flying Unicorn Aliens make their way down the ramp!
Wow, great points here! "It's the same as the first one, but bad". Amazingly insightful!
I know, right?
Chill out, Joe. He didn't mean to ruin your childhood movie. He's just being honest.
amazingly on point
He's not though. The entire point was just to call it bad so they could call out anyone who isn't seeing the new shitty movie.
lProN00bl or..and this might shock you, they actually think it's bad..like MANY other ppl.
Do a Jeepers Creepers honest trailer
Yes ( ≧▽≦)
Omg yes
That movie almost killed me.
+Icky Ortiiz yep my little sister had nightmares for about a week😂😂.. Good times
2016 Ghostbusters came to remind us how we were happy with Ghostbusters 2 and didnt know that.
The leaked plot of the new movie is sooo horrendous...
Reviews are out.
Not the ones that matter. Only friends of the director like Patton.
+lProN00bl btw, the spanish reviewers that saw the movie hate the movie. Ignore the reviews from english websites.
What? It's a remake isn't it?
3.2/10 IMDB 6.9/10 IGN 50/100 Variety
"vigo writes metal lyrics" .... can't stop laughing xD xD xD
Honesty hurts sometime... But you guys make it funny as well. Good work!
Best part of this movie hands down is Janosz. ;)
"He is Vigo! You are like the buzzing of flies to him!"
Say "Lana....Lana!..........LAAAAANNNAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Shut up archer :)
+SpectreDragon Haha! Love it! XD
Jumping on board this train before it arrives in station. SAY IT
YES!! Thank you guys! Thank you so much!
2:15 You were going to say, Winston, who's still black, weren't you? LOL
Am I really the only one who *liked* GB2??
Don't worry I liked it too
You're not alone.
so did I!
Nope! I love it!
I liked it. I just hated Sigourney Weaver.
You totally left out the awesome 2009 video game. Frankly this seems forced and leaving that game out really makes this seem to be pushing an agenda. Just calling it like I see it.
just go to smosh games
Very true
It didn't just leave that out, it just kind of mocked the old film, one of the greater cartoons of the Ghostbusters cartoons, then jumped to the aid of the new movie in what's essentially demonizing the fanbase of the original. A lot of this doesn't scream "honest" at all for me, especially when they didn't even notice the original cartoon (or it's Slimer spinoff, that seriously was a thing)
Left out the good cartoon, The Real Ghostbusters, and another videogame as well. Probably left them because people actually liked that stuff and you don't trash things you actually like, y'know?
The new buzzword of 2016. Ghostbusters 2 has gotten lots of flack for many years. Get over it.
I liked it as a kid. I'm not sorry.
I liked GB2 but even I have admitted its basically the same plot as the first one. Damn you Dan for not coming up with a better script
Ghostbusters Afterlife and Frozen Empire happened because no one liked the 2016 reboot. The 2016 reboot has been buried and forgotten
This channel is terrified of making another video about Ghostbusters remake haha
How much did sony pay you moviejunkie??
They didn't even say it was good. They just said wait until you see the movie before you say how bad it is.
Ken Zhang they already show must of the movie.
Pedro Gonzalez You'd know if you watched it.
+Ken Zhang oh really? ok one day see it online or tv but i am gonna pay for this crap so they can keep doing this to good movies.
The entire premise of Ghostbusters 2 pissed me off, precisely because the idea that, out of the millions of inhabitants of NYC absolutely *nobody* in New York believed the events of the first movie actually happened was totally unbelievable. It ruined the entire movie for me (except for the Statue of Liberty bit. That was and is gold.)
Why is every popular youtuber these days, spouting off feminist or SJW mentality in their vids? That comment section part was exactly what Sony is trying to salvage the movie with, that everyone who isnt giving the movie a chance based on the terrible trailer, is an irrational sexist. It didnt work on a majority of the internet, so I find it hard to believe you guys were dumb enough to fall for it. So please Screen Junkies... stop trying to appease radicals, it doesnt make you cultured it just makes you look like a bunch of tools.
They didn't say anything about the new movie?
They brought it up several times? Early on, and that part I have time marked at 3:57 they are directly insulting people who left negative comments on the new movie trailer, or decided it was bad without seeing it.
Oh, the video cut out for me at that point. I watched it, thought about it, and decided they were making fun of the fans like they make fun of movies. Besides they themselves threw a potshot at the new remake in the honest game trailer for the ghost buster game. I think it's a tad overblown what you said still, even after rewatching.
Dude chill out. They were just making a joke.
What are you talking about...? lol
But.... I liked Ghostbusters 2...
Same here, but still the popular opinion said otherwise
Me tooooo...
You're not alone.
I love it as wall
I thought it was a fun film...
Big 😁 for you guys using the logo recreation I whipped up (made a better one recently, a few years too late). But, yeah, GB2 was disappointing and a big part of it was the recycled plot and the kid-ified humor (the latter of which is what also killed the cartoon). It wouldn't take TOO many tweaks to have the same basic story structure AND have it make more sense in context of the universe. However, these past few years seeing how short people's memories can be, I don't doubt that many COULD have willfully forgotten the events of 5 years prior.
And even then, said public amnesia (and the occasional character shifts) can be well attested with some offscreen mind erasure shenanigans against a now forgotten foe set between the two movies. It's a world of ghosts, so reality warping stuff isn't too far fetched, it's just the norm.
I'm still shocked how many people seem to hate this movie simply for being similar to the first one. Yes the basic structure is the same, but it was just as quoteable as the first, had the same dry humor without rehashing old jokes, showed subtle character development from the first movie, had better ghost designs and effects, and Vigo was a far more interesting villain than Gozer, who was barely in the movie. And he even had a creepy henchman in Janosz. Overall I'd say it stayed true to the first movie by following the same structure but still had enough good points to be its own movie.
Wurzelknecht Yeah, pretty much every Marvel movie has the same basic plot, and people have no problem with that.
Wurzelknecht I've always loved this movie, and the underground scene with the severed heads on the spikes was far more terrifying than anything in the first film
Wurzelknecht I disagree about the ghost designs. GB2 went for ghosts that were closer to the style of the cartoons, but the ones in the original were designed as if they were supposed to be scary....they’re ghosts after all.
Exactly, it's no worse or better than the others. The outcry over the new GB was definitely political, not liking the movie is one thing, but hearing every commentater on the right lose their minds was mind boggling.
I listen to Crowder, Part of the Problem w/ Dave smith and a few others. I enjoy most of their content but the GB fiasco was silly, everyone of them acted as though men were being rounded up because of this crap movie.
For a group that doesn't think Hollywood represents the "real" america, you sure seem to put a lot of stock in what they put in their movies.
I liked this movie a lot. Mainly because all of Janosz's lines were so quotable. I thought he was one of the best parts of the movie.
Do the new ghostbusters!!!
when it comes out
No one has seen it yet, so it wouldn't be very fun
well it did bomb horribly
+Coltaine47 _ "Is this what you do with your spare time?"
+Coltaine47 _ the movie honestly wasn't heavy at all on the whole feminist aspect. It was hardly ever mentioned throughout the movie so I doubt anyone will really be offended by an honest trailer.
why many so called critics are saying that the this was a bad a movie, maybe average, but still I love it, of course it doesn't have the impact of the original ghostbusters movie, but still it gave me a good time.
I'm probably going to get a lot of hate for this but the new film is actually very funny and a good movie
You're free to have an opinion buddy. And I politely disagree with you ;)
yeah your right
I liked it. Chris Hemsworth stole the show. I work at a theater and it's been sold out for every showing, so obviously plenty of people do like it.
renardo3333 It actually made $46 million domestically on its opening weekend.
***** Which is awful for a movie with a budget of $154 million
I imagine that the whole "They release a nerve gas that induces hallucinations" story that Walter Peck was putting out there stuck.
Hang on! What was wrong with 'Extreme Ghostbusters'? It was a continuation of the 'The real Ghostbusters'. It even included the original team in the last 2 part episode.
And it was glorious, all the continuity nods and great cast with nice quirks and good personalities was just fanservice for any fan of the cartoon.
I don't think this movie is as bad as you say it is. It's not better than the first one obviously, but it isn't bad in my opinion
I watched them the first time recently as well, and other than definitely being pretty familiar at times, the 2nd was just as good, to be completely honest I found myself laughing more often.
Wasn't "the exact same movie, but with tiny microscopic changes" the basic blueprint for every 80's sequel?
I actually think I like 2 better than 1. The soundtrack was amazing and I always loved the 🗽 walking through the street. Duplicate plot and all
Same here so much better than the original yo!
Ghostbusters 3 ernie's gotta eat lol
jimmy climer I learned something with Honest Trailers. Don't watch while eating! It is a hazard! When he said "Ringo" I was almost done for.
He did cameo in the Answer the call universe film. Ghostbusters has a large multiverse now. There is even a 8-bit universe with the NES ghostbusters who appeared in there latest crisis crossover.
wasn't the PS3/X360/Wii game the third one?
Do Dracula...with Keanu Reeves.
I saw the new Ghostbusters yesterday, it was fantastic. Brilliantly funny. It has not ruined your childhoods, calm down
This just made my day that much better. Loved it thx guys
You do have to remember the high ups in screen junkies are quite PC and were never gonna shit on the new ghostbusters
Dickless cowards...
They literally shit on movies every day.
John Norris This was just from my experience after one of the movie fights i think it was where they went on a rant saying that people didnt like it because it was women
+Vans i think criticizing actual fans of the franchise and not the blue haired freaks who label everything under the sun as misogyny is being a dickless coward.
They will. They have to wait until it's on DVD.
Ghostbusters 2 was disappointing but it was great to see the guys back together again for what turned out to be the last time.
Starting to think there's something wrong with me for liking GB2....
No, nothing wrong. I think number 2 is good, not great but good.
I'm really shocked, people really didn't like GB2? REALLY?! I thought it was fun, even if a bit samey ;(
It still a good movie for it time, it not anything bad
It's ok but audiences at the time really hated it....I mean it was mostly boring and very repetitive
I think it's a solid movie and fun to watch. I liked GB2. It does replicate the plot a bit, but that is what lots of sequels do. They want to give the audience more of what they liked the first time.
I think in the past couple decades though, people have been wanting sequels to make more of an effort to be unique. Or more vocal about it anyway. All 3 Toy Story movies have a theme of toys worrying about being forgotten, some villain to escape, a journey to take, and an ending that reassures them they'll be loved and played with. But people don't criticize them for being the same, because Pixar wrapped up those concepts in more unique paper. GB2, like many sequels, mirrored more of the movie's scenes, as this HT showed.
But I still thought it was a good movie. Maybe not quite as good as the first, but still good, still funny, still creepy.
I loved both GB movies. This one not as much as the first, but still, this one deserves more love than it gets.
The chicken McNuggets joke almost kill me 😂
This reminds of the Dark Souls 2 controversy. You get one the best things ever, but then the follow up isn't entirely able to blow it out of the water, so part 2 therefore is awful. Despite the fact that if Ghostbusters 2 was released first, it would be hailed as greatest thing ever.
Do Batman V Superman Honest Trailer
They're doing it next week to coincide with the Blu-ray release
AJK90 yes!!
I honestly love love love the fact that the Ghostbusters theme exists in the Ghostbusters universe. They actually sing along to a tape of the real song. The fact that happened in their universe, yet they're frauds
..... Well this is going to be a fun comment section XD
they will never do that
double yes