Unconscious Influence The Making of a Caricature

  • Опубліковано 7 лип 2024
  • Anything that doesn't fit into its ambit it makes you suffer isn't it Who drew this caricature that you call as myself Definitely yourself but influenced by so many people around you You know you are 15 16 you go and watch Amitabh Bachchan movie you come home and try to walk like him unconsciously Yes isn't it Sometimes maybe consciously but most of the time unconsciously isn't it So this caricature came into existence because of all kinds of bits and pieces that are gathered It happened when we were in school There was a boy who was studying with me who had a excellent hand you know he could just sketch anybody with whatever kind of distortion he wanted So there was one very hated geography teacher And uh When he entered the class this boy had horrible caricature of him ready on the blackboard badly distorted but everybody can clearly recognize who it is with all kinds of very bad distortions on him Then he walked in and as usual he walks into the class always with a temper Whether he is talking about the grasslands in America or he talks about the deserts in Africa he is always in bad temper laughter laughter The moment he saw he just One thing he was angry another thing he was somehow hit by the whole thing the distortions