Everyday I am more aware how social media is affecting so many people in negative ways. Most people oftentimes create an image that is idealized and a fabrication. It leads us to think their lives are wonderful and ours fall very short in comparison. This fosters envy and sadness. Please be assured that all is us struggle. Comparison is the thief of joy.
@@pearlyseine8957 does this make me a bad person if my weaknesses are envy, judgment and unforgiveness? I always hope the people who wronged me are unhappy too.
Fr. Mike, you are so right that the Internet is a huge distraction to real studiousness. Thanks for this video. As I listened to it, I was reminded of two examples from Scripture that show the vice of curiosity and the virtue of knowledge. Example of the vice of curiosity from the New Testament: Now all the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there spent their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new. Acts 17:21 (RSVCE) Jesus said, "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 (RSVCE)
It's an addiction I am currently fighting so hard with help from my friend, Jesus. I have crippled my focus and peacefulness. It has become a compulsion and tried to get ahold of my life but I am heading into a "curiosity fast" of sorts, right after this comment and will end when I have grown more. Right now, my curiosity is being aimed at growing my relationship with my Savior. Thank you for sharing such a relevant message right now.
I had absolutely no idea, but the two things that have been really weighing me down the last couple of weeks are BOTH curiosity and acedia. Thank you so much for this, Fr. Mike! I feel like I know what it is I actually need to address, now!
A-maz-ing. Thank you for sharing with us the blessings God first gave you, Fr. Mike! I REALLY needed to hear this. It articulates something so well that I don't know if I would EVER have articulated for myself otherwise! We need good teaching like this to sharpen our minds. May God continue to bless you ever more abundantly.
I was going through my video history looking for a really catchy opening to a show, and I remember I saved this video, but I scrolled past it. Then I turned around and clicked on this video, and realized the studiousness Fr. Mike was talking was my turning back to this video instead of looking at something pointless :)
Also everyone watching this video, remember curiosity gets to us when we study demonology and when we consume Satanic music or movies. The message of this video is very important today. God bless you all.
“In the past, censorship worked by burning books and killing heralds. In the twenty-first century, censorship works by flooding people with irrelevant information. In ancient times, having power meant having access to data. In today's world, having power means knowing what to ignore.” - Yuval Harari
Dang it.... I was curious, so I clicked this.... You just made my "curiosity" fall off of the bridge it built - sink the boat it was sailing - fall on it's own sword - have it's cake and eat it too, and then throw up!! Thanks a lot Fr. Mike! Love your videos, but I guess I have to watch them more intentionally from now on. :)
Thank u Fr such a fresh insight. Thanks for this. Specially as I feel like I've have not been learning more about God. God bless u Fr. Pray for me Fr to pick up the right learning material. 🙂🙏
Thanks for sparking beautiful memories of my Uncle Thomas Aquinas. R.I.P. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻 He always started his letters to my siblings and I as follows: First things first, I love you. What is this Netflix everyone keeps mentioning? 🤓 Thanks, Father Mike. Thanks for the joy.
' Curiosity is knowing my future so i can prepare and take control of my life. It may seem right but it's evil in disguise because we live in the present time to acknowledge and thank God for the everyday graces because tomorrow is never promise. The trick of Satan is to make you worry about the future so you detache yourself from the word of God and focus your mind on news and current events not knowing your life will only exist for today and tomorrow you're gone. Resulting in anxiety and living in fear for it takes away your happiness and expecting things which are not happening. It's like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain..."
Growing up I was taught the second half of the saying, "Curiosity killed the cat," which is "Satisfaction brought it back." I understood curiosity, not as the frittering of time, or going into those details that are "none of my business," but the questions that every child can and does asks, and can very well get a person into big trouble. At the same time, these questions can transform curiosity into research and studiousness. BTW I did learn the second half of the saying from my own father. Interesting distinction between curiosity and studiousness, I'm not sure I had ever heard before.
I always wondered what "Curiosity killed the cat" really meant. This video helped me! But, I do love Google when I wonder about something... Living to learn, but your words were helpful. Thanks Father Mike, Pete D.---
i am four videos in and i love how these videos were put in order for the playlist. they flow very well and build upon the previous video's point. i don't know if this was intentional, but great job.
Ah so knowledge without wisdom to guide it's consumption and discipline to sharpen the edge to reach to the bones of the matter. Specifically when it gets in the way of one's responsiblities and spiritual development. A bit of leisure is a good thing, if it can afforded, but do not live for leisure, use it as the tool that it is. God bless all you who read this.
This is very important. This can draw us into various types of sin. I have experienced it. We have much we can investigate or watch, at our fingertips It can lead us to pornography and all sorts of degrading material. Be very careful. I say this to myself!! Be careful! This is good important and key information! I miss Aquinas. He knew what he was talking about many times over. This is why he was called The Angelic doctor.
Curious how this might tie into the gift of wonder/awe related to fear of the Lord. Interestingly different topics and perhaps wonder leads toward studiousness and subsequently the knowledge of the Truth? I’m noticing Thomas Aquinas mentions in II-II, q. 167, a. 1 that when man studies to know the truth above the capacity of his own intelligence, he can easily fall into error. This seems to make sense, however I’m wondering two things: (1) where the natural tension lies between what’s outside a person’s intelligence and what’s within reach with some grasping and effort, and (2) in a hypothetical scenario of a parent(s) attempting to teach their young child about sexuality and chastity, I see a great challenge for the parent to share age-appropriate knowledge with the child, so as to educate them on right and wrong and prepare them for the dangers the world might pose, without over-sharing above their intellectual capacities so as to cause ‘curiosity’ which could lead the child to behavior that leads to sin. This paradox I think is something so many parents deal with as they try to help form their children and encourage good behavior without inadvertently sparking curiosity that might lead to lust.
Hi i'am 22, catholic but my mom is not and she is very hurting aggresive when we talk about religion, what shall i do ? can you please make a video about bad relationship with parents and about the religion conflict in the family
Im so sorry about what your hoing through.. know that you're not alone and Jesus (including your siblings in Christ's Church) suffers with you. Continue to pray for her and place all your cares in the foot of the cross. She'll come around for "nothing is impossible with God." Praying for you...🙏🙏🙏
I’ve kinda been looking into the idea of curiosity in my faith. I’m Catholic/Christian, but I also like to explore different kinds of theology. All of my life I’ve thought of the tale of Pandora’s box as a cautionary tale against curiosity. A curiosity killed the cat sort of story. However, lately I’ve been thinking about it possibly being a story of salvation. Was humanity doomed because of a lack of hope? I mean, I think the Bible shows that hope and faith come hand in hand, and we’re lost without it. Does that mean that the price the world paid for pandora’s curiosity was with it? In real life. The curiosity that lead to the discovery of atom bombs, poisons, and pollution is in some way connected to the curiosity that lead to medicine, better and healthier lives for everybody, and even a deeper understanding of each other and the world we live in. Are these horrible things the price we pay for the good things associated with them. Are the good things going to lead to a better future, or are the bad things going to outweigh the good and doom us all? I try to connect it to other things in my faith to see, but the differentiation between the good side of curiosity and the bad side of curiosity is pretty rough. Like Eve’s battle with curiosity and temptation. I think that is something that is seen as a bad thing. There are even moments where the general theme seems to be that curiosity should be silenced because all things are for God to know and not for us to understand. I know that there are examples in the Bible that can be seen as positive effects of curiosity, but can’t seem to find any at the moment. So it all just seems conflicting. Maybe the answer lies within the differentiations you make in this video, but they’re hard to see. Meaning: so the difference between curiosity and studiousness, as you defined, lie within the motivation and determination to seek an answer or a solution. However, the pursuit of knowledge is almost endless. Although long efforts fail to provide a definite answer or solution, they can help to get closer. How can we say that those who were curious and found an appropriate answer or solution quickly fall into the bad habit of curiosity as opposed to take longer to achieve it and fall into studiousness. Does the difference lie just on motivation and determination? Anyway, I really enjoyed the video, and definitely appreciate it :) best of wishes
At 57 studious for what purpose?When very young was very studious but a bad college and having to work at a dumb job for long hours snuffed it out.Awakened again after retirement by youtube and western christian civilization
Dat hair stroke at 2:29 tho! ;) Also I thought this was pretty interesting, I understand why it's important to separate certain things so that you don't fall off balance, so to say. I wish there was a bit more talk on the positive side of curiosity because it can also motivate to pursue that more. 👍🏻 But thank you for your insight!
You Be All Playing House . Right Be All Knowing . Sounds as if we are in it all . So LOVE LIFTED ME , LOVE LIFTED ME. , WHEN NOTHING ELSE COULD HELP , LOVE LIFTED ME !
Peter was curious! But Jesus told him to just follow Him! In other words, just focus on Jesus not on your curiosity! When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!” John 21:21,22
This really applies to a situation I am facing with someone at work. She has great curiosity but it is for gossiping sake. I really enjoy this exhortation from Paul: I Thessalonians 4:11 that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you
@Justin Wahl Its not only the married priest aspect. It is all of the pagan rituals going on, the lies we are being fed from the synod, etc. Also, we can not change Christ's teachings to match a certain age or culture, we must lift that age or culture up to Christ's teachings. What the Church teaches is timeless and perfect. We need to stop trying to weaken it or "sweeten" it to make it easier to swallow.
Before watching this video: No of course not. It's natural to be curious; I mean, the guy who made the Big Bang Theory was a german priest. After this video: Yeah basically what I was thinking. I must say, I was curious about this video.
Because you mentionned Netflix, I would suggest you to boycott them. They are known for trying to influence/blackmail some states in the USA back in May to NOT ban/make more strict abortion laws ... I think it's our moral duty to boycott such companies who try to defend abortion.
Funny, St. Augustine in Book I of his confessions says that seeking truth leads to sorrow. I was wondering how that made sense since the entire book is about his quest for truth.
I don't know if it was in this comment section or not, but I had commented something like: "according to Fr. Martin, Jesus was a liar because he quoted the 'erroneous' (Martin didn't say 'erroneous', I am just using quotes because the OT is obviously not erroneous) OT." I should not have said that because Martin didn't say it.
While I don't entirely disagree with your premise, you can do more with actually describing how being curious and studious are actually different, as well as curiosity actually being "bad." But I do mildly agree with tue initial snarky point at the beginning. And being curious and studious are not entirely mutually exclusive. Perhaps someone has an area they are passionate and studious about, but curious on other to help them being more well rounded. Much like someone being a rocket scientist, but can't tie a knot. Cross training is helpful for growth.
How many times can I come to God to forgive me? I have fallen into this cycle of sexual promiscuity and I don’t know how to stop. I keep asking God to forgive me for the same sins over and over again but I’m afraid he won’t
Polly Tam start praying the rosary, be sure to get to confession. It works if you work it. 19 years of chastity experience here. The more you practice the easier it gets. Develop some hobbies..needlework, art, music, anything that you’re talented in. Study what are the detrimental physical, mental and most importantly spiritual effects of promiscuity.
Curiosity has double standards if good or bad even the best have lived through sin because of curiosity but curiosity can also lead us to good but who can really judge for Good? Vice or NOT
I was too curious for my own good, 😏...I never knew this....thanks, Father..Now I need to ask this, and I’m dead serious: reading tabloids? Gossip about certain reprobates in the public eye, is that a “mortal sin?”
Genesis 12:1-3 The LORD said to Abram: Go forth from your land, your relatives, and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you. I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing. I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the families of the earth will find blessing in you.
Basically you can also say that about this video. Most UA-cam members monetize or advertise their channel's videos to earn money which is why they closely monitor the number of views they have and encourage people to be notified when new videos are released. You have to admit this Fr. Mike you want people to watch your videos. In a sense it's a means of evangelizing the Gospel.
When it comes to being studious, you also have to be careful of being sucked into rabbit holes. I think we need to avoid being curious about the wrong things, which is sin. Avoid being curious of sin and sinful things. God warns us of it. It’s like Eve. She was curious of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, so she ate. The problem was her curiosity energy was used towards the wrong the thing. She should’ve used it towards the Tree of Life, which is truth. Evil includes lies. God’s Word steers us in the direction of truth if we follow it. The commandment God gave to not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil steered her away, but she was curious about the evil. That type of curiosity leads to an evil desire, which is lust, which leads to covetousness, which leads to sin, which leads to death. I think many people take drugs and other vices because of curiosity and all of those things associated with addiction either lead to death or are slowly killing you and your potential in life by stealing your attention, which steals time out of your life. Keeping you from living life abundantly. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and he triggers it with curiosity into his evil things. We need to be more curious about the things God says. That would be a healthy type of curious that leads to prosperous life and good success. Curiosity in evil just leads to destruction and death. James 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. 16 Do not err, my beloved brethren. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. Joshua 1: 7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. 8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
If knowledge is always a good, then why was the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil? Seems like in the state of original holiness, it was not a "good" to have a knowledge of evil.
We all know what curiosity did to the cat 🐈 Jokes aside, curiosity does get the best of me at times. I am a curious man, perhaps a little too much. Pray for me 🙏✝️💓
Please... I know God tells us to honor our parents, and I am blessed to have my parents but they disrespect me and my boundaries a lot. My dad has ruined my current financial state and now I owe the bank. My mom is rude and only shows affection to her husband. Please pray for me... I haven’t been hugged in so long.
God tells us to honour our parents but honouring doesn't mean allowing everything, too far is too far. Having boundaries is a way of honouring : by being honest about what you accept or reject, it's a huge form of respect. Prayed for you, pray for me too. God bless.
I think I needed to see this today. My curiosity leads me to envy, comparing myself to others, judgment and wishing I could be someone else
Everyday I am more aware how social media is affecting so many people in negative ways. Most people oftentimes create an image that is idealized and a fabrication. It leads us to think their lives are wonderful and ours fall very short in comparison. This fosters envy and sadness. Please be assured that all is us struggle. Comparison is the thief of joy.
@@luluq01 maybe if I spent less time on social media I would be happier
@@IONov990 I used to be like that. That's why I uninstalled my instagram. It made me insecure that lead to jealousy.
@@pearlyseine8957 does this make me a bad person if my weaknesses are envy, judgment and unforgiveness? I always hope the people who wronged me are unhappy too.
Spectacular as always. It was these videos that helped me in my decision to become Catholic. Thank you once again Father Mike.
Welcome to family of Jesus christ ❤
I agree with you Fr.Mike! I was supposed to do my homework, but I got curious of what’s new on UA-cam and found this video lol
Stephanie Well what a blessing your curiosity brought you! 😍
Stephanie 😂❤️
Fr. Mike, you are so right that the Internet is a huge distraction to real studiousness. Thanks for this video.
As I listened to it, I was reminded of two examples from Scripture that show the vice of curiosity and the virtue of knowledge.
Example of the vice of curiosity from the New Testament: Now all the Athenians and the foreigners who lived there spent their time in nothing except telling or hearing something new. Acts 17:21 (RSVCE)
Jesus said, "Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be wise as serpents and innocent as doves." Matthew 10:16 (RSVCE)
It's an addiction I am currently fighting so hard with help from my friend, Jesus. I have crippled my focus and peacefulness. It has become a compulsion and tried to get ahold of my life but I am heading into a "curiosity fast" of sorts, right after this comment and will end when I have grown more. Right now, my curiosity is being aimed at growing my relationship with my Savior. Thank you for sharing such a relevant message right now.
"Curiosity is linked to Ascedia"
Yes!!! Great video on Ascedia also!!! Thank you so much Fr. Mike!!! God bless us all!🙏🏼🙏🏼
I had absolutely no idea, but the two things that have been really weighing me down the last couple of weeks are BOTH curiosity and acedia. Thank you so much for this, Fr. Mike! I feel like I know what it is I actually need to address, now!
Brilliant.... As always. Father Mike, thank you for blessing this world with You 😊
Thought provoking indeed. Never factored this before as a vice or the need to control it.
A-maz-ing. Thank you for sharing with us the blessings God first gave you, Fr. Mike! I REALLY needed to hear this. It articulates something so well that I don't know if I would EVER have articulated for myself otherwise! We need good teaching like this to sharpen our minds. May God continue to bless you ever more abundantly.
4:55 - -The opposing VIRTUE of to the vice of curiosity is STUDIOUSNESS.
Studiousness is knowledge pursued well.
I was going through my video history looking for a really catchy opening to a show, and I remember I saved this video, but I scrolled past it. Then I turned around and clicked on this video, and realized the studiousness Fr. Mike was talking was my turning back to this video instead of looking at something pointless :)
part two= how to develop habits of studiousness
Also everyone watching this video, remember curiosity gets to us when we study demonology and when we consume Satanic music or movies.
The message of this video is very important today. God bless you all.
St. Thomas Aquinas, pray for us!
“In the past, censorship worked by burning books and killing heralds. In the twenty-first century, censorship works by flooding people with irrelevant information. In ancient times, having power meant having access to data. In today's world, having power means knowing what to ignore.”
- Yuval Harari
Dang it.... I was curious, so I clicked this.... You just made my "curiosity" fall off of the bridge it built - sink the boat it was sailing - fall on it's own sword - have it's cake and eat it too, and then throw up!! Thanks a lot Fr. Mike! Love your videos, but I guess I have to watch them more intentionally from now on. :)
Thank u Fr such a fresh insight. Thanks for this. Specially as I feel like I've have not been learning more about God. God bless u Fr. Pray for me Fr to pick up the right learning material. 🙂🙏
Thanks for sparking beautiful memories of my Uncle Thomas Aquinas. R.I.P. 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
He always started his letters to my siblings and I as follows:
First things first, I love you.
What is this Netflix everyone keeps mentioning? 🤓
Thanks, Father Mike. Thanks for the joy.
This answered some questions I have been tumbling over for awhile, and brought much needed conviction. Thank you Fr. Mike.
Thank you very much, Father. Your explanation motivates and helps.
May God bless you!
God bless you Fr Mike.
Holy Ghost, grant us the only necessary knowledge.
Don't rely on someone else for knowledge.
' Curiosity is knowing my future so i can prepare and take control of my life. It may seem right but it's evil in disguise because we live in the present time to acknowledge and thank God for the everyday graces because tomorrow is never promise. The trick of Satan is to make you worry about the future so you detache yourself from the word of God and focus your mind on news and current events not knowing your life will only exist for today and tomorrow you're gone. Resulting in anxiety and living in fear for it takes away your happiness and expecting things which are not happening. It's like walking around with an umbrella waiting for it to rain..."
Thank you Father
Growing up I was taught the second half of the saying, "Curiosity killed the cat," which is "Satisfaction brought it back." I understood curiosity, not as the frittering of time, or going into those details that are "none of my business," but the questions that every child can and does asks, and can very well get a person into big trouble. At the same time, these questions can transform curiosity into research and studiousness. BTW I did learn the second half of the saying from my own father. Interesting distinction between curiosity and studiousness, I'm not sure I had ever heard before.
I always wondered what "Curiosity killed the cat" really meant. This video helped me! But, I do love Google when I wonder about something... Living to learn, but your words were helpful. Thanks Father Mike, Pete D.---
i am four videos in and i love how these videos were put in order for the playlist. they flow very well and build upon the previous video's point. i don't know if this was intentional, but great job.
I was not on board until he got to the bit about getting sucked in by the internet.
Thank you for this very important, but not often considered topic...oh and really appreciate hearing “frittering.”
Thank you Father for this video.
Id definitely say i can be at times curiosity can lead people to jump to conclusions without hearing all the details.
Thanks again Fr. Mike for your amazing insight.
God bless you always.
Ah so knowledge without wisdom to guide it's consumption and discipline to sharpen the edge to reach to the bones of the matter.
Specifically when it gets in the way of one's responsiblities and spiritual development. A bit of leisure is a good thing, if it can afforded, but do not live for leisure, use it as the tool that it is.
God bless all you who read this.
This is very important. This can draw us into various types of sin. I have experienced it. We have much we can investigate or watch, at our fingertips
It can lead us to pornography and all sorts of degrading material. Be very careful. I say this to myself!! Be careful! This is good important and key information! I miss Aquinas. He knew what he was talking about many times over. This is why he was called The Angelic doctor.
I think we should discern between curiosity, being nosey and the need for sensation!
Thank you for that clarification father Mike. Reading ST Thomas's writings on curiosity it's always had me a little stumped.
Who else hits the like button before father Mike even talks? I do🙌🏻💯😎🎸👍🏻
Thanks for clarifying!
Thanks for stirring up the cobwebs of my mind. Wow!
Excellent presentation! Thanks!
Fascinating perspective. Thanks for the snack
Curious how this might tie into the gift of wonder/awe related to fear of the Lord. Interestingly different topics and perhaps wonder leads toward studiousness and subsequently the knowledge of the Truth? I’m noticing Thomas Aquinas mentions in II-II, q. 167, a. 1 that when man studies to know the truth above the capacity of his own intelligence, he can easily fall into error. This seems to make sense, however I’m wondering two things: (1) where the natural tension lies between what’s outside a person’s intelligence and what’s within reach with some grasping and effort, and (2) in a hypothetical scenario of a parent(s) attempting to teach their young child about sexuality and chastity, I see a great challenge for the parent to share age-appropriate knowledge with the child, so as to educate them on right and wrong and prepare them for the dangers the world might pose, without over-sharing above their intellectual capacities so as to cause ‘curiosity’ which could lead the child to behavior that leads to sin. This paradox I think is something so many parents deal with as they try to help form their children and encourage good behavior without inadvertently sparking curiosity that might lead to lust.
This video helped more then you know
God bless you Father Mike! ✝️
Thank you Father Mike good advice 😊God Bless
Hi i'am 22, catholic but my mom is not and she is very hurting aggresive when we talk about religion, what shall i do ? can you please make a video about bad relationship with parents and about the religion conflict in the family
Im so sorry about what your hoing through.. know that you're not alone and Jesus (including your siblings in Christ's Church) suffers with you. Continue to pray for her and place all your cares in the foot of the cross. She'll come around for "nothing is impossible with God." Praying for you...🙏🙏🙏
I’ve kinda been looking into the idea of curiosity in my faith. I’m Catholic/Christian, but I also like to explore different kinds of theology. All of my life I’ve thought of the tale of Pandora’s box as a cautionary tale against curiosity. A curiosity killed the cat sort of story. However, lately I’ve been thinking about it possibly being a story of salvation. Was humanity doomed because of a lack of hope? I mean, I think the Bible shows that hope and faith come hand in hand, and we’re lost without it. Does that mean that the price the world paid for pandora’s curiosity was with it?
In real life. The curiosity that lead to the discovery of atom bombs, poisons, and pollution is in some way connected to the curiosity that lead to medicine, better and healthier lives for everybody, and even a deeper understanding of each other and the world we live in. Are these horrible things the price we pay for the good things associated with them. Are the good things going to lead to a better future, or are the bad things going to outweigh the good and doom us all?
I try to connect it to other things in my faith to see, but the differentiation between the good side of curiosity and the bad side of curiosity is pretty rough. Like Eve’s battle with curiosity and temptation. I think that is something that is seen as a bad thing. There are even moments where the general theme seems to be that curiosity should be silenced because all things are for God to know and not for us to understand. I know that there are examples in the Bible that can be seen as positive effects of curiosity, but can’t seem to find any at the moment. So it all just seems conflicting. Maybe the answer lies within the differentiations you make in this video, but they’re hard to see.
Meaning: so the difference between curiosity and studiousness, as you defined, lie within the motivation and determination to seek an answer or a solution. However, the pursuit of knowledge is almost endless. Although long efforts fail to provide a definite answer or solution, they can help to get closer. How can we say that those who were curious and found an appropriate answer or solution quickly fall into the bad habit of curiosity as opposed to take longer to achieve it and fall into studiousness. Does the difference lie just on motivation and determination?
Anyway, I really enjoyed the video, and definitely appreciate it :) best of wishes
Interesting God bless
curiosity keeps me alive which is why I am watching you
2.50I also had a habit of interfering in others business and liked to display my knowledge often belittling others
3.30 Whats the point of studying scripture alone in Hindia?
At 57 studious for what purpose?When very young was very studious but a bad college and having to work at a dumb job for long hours snuffed it out.Awakened again after retirement by youtube and western christian civilization
7.12 Acedia? .In hindia the alternative for me is despair
This makes me feel guilty bout Consuiming too much UA-cam lol
Dat hair stroke at 2:29 tho! ;)
Also I thought this was pretty interesting, I understand why it's important to separate certain things so that you don't fall off balance, so to say. I wish there was a bit more talk on the positive side of curiosity because it can also motivate to pursue that more. 👍🏻
But thank you for your insight!
Are you winking at his hair stroke....?
@@stephaniebaird6937 Yes I am!
And I'm winking at you too. ;)
You Be All Playing House . Right Be All Knowing . Sounds as if we are in it all . So LOVE LIFTED ME , LOVE LIFTED ME. , WHEN NOTHING ELSE COULD HELP , LOVE LIFTED ME !
I feel so convicted! Let us be masters, not dilettantes.
Lord, save us from the wrong kind of curiosity but not the right kind.
Amazing video!!! I think I know what motivated this video😂
Peter was curious! But Jesus told him to just follow Him!
In other words, just focus on Jesus not on your curiosity!
When Peter saw him, he said to Jesus, “Lord, what about this man?” Jesus said to him, “If it is my will that he remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow me!”
John 21:21,22
This really applies to a situation I am facing with someone at work. She has great curiosity but it is for gossiping sake.
I really enjoy this exhortation from Paul:
I Thessalonians 4:11 that you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business, and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you
With all do respect fr mike...You said we can't "afford" but can we "achevy"?
Talk about the Amazon Synod please. Do not be compliant with their heresies. God Love You.
@Justin Wahl Its not only the married priest aspect. It is all of the pagan rituals going on, the lies we are being fed from the synod, etc.
Also, we can not change Christ's teachings to match a certain age or culture, we must lift that age or culture up to Christ's teachings. What the Church teaches is timeless and perfect. We need to stop trying to weaken it or "sweeten" it to make it easier to swallow.
Is it bad curiosity to binge watch Ascension Presents? Lol
God bless you father
Before watching this video: No of course not. It's natural to be curious; I mean, the guy who made the Big Bang Theory was a german priest.
After this video: Yeah basically what I was thinking. I must say, I was curious about this video.
La curiosidad mató al gato.
Because you mentionned Netflix, I would suggest you to boycott them. They are known for trying to influence/blackmail some states in the USA back in May to NOT ban/make more strict abortion laws ... I think it's our moral duty to boycott such companies who try to defend abortion.
im very curioys person, i need help on understanding this.
Funny, St. Augustine in Book I of his confessions says that seeking truth leads to sorrow. I was wondering how that made sense since the entire book is about his quest for truth.
"knowledge pursued well"
4:23 I was eating a bag of chips while watching this...
So is watching news clips on crimes here on UA-cam etc a sin to watch? Please if someone can answer
mmm so if i feel the impulse to see what kind of stuff someone like in their social media, my curiosity is becoming into a vice?
If it is weaseling it's way between you and God or getting in the way of life offline, yes
I don't know if it was in this comment section or not, but I had commented something like: "according to Fr. Martin, Jesus was a liar because he quoted the 'erroneous' (Martin didn't say 'erroneous', I am just using quotes because the OT is obviously not erroneous) OT." I should not have said that because Martin didn't say it.
I clicked on the video out of curiosity. Oopsie.
While I don't entirely disagree with your premise, you can do more with actually describing how being curious and studious are actually different, as well as curiosity actually being "bad." But I do mildly agree with tue initial snarky point at the beginning. And being curious and studious are not entirely mutually exclusive. Perhaps someone has an area they are passionate and studious about, but curious on other to help them being more well rounded. Much like someone being a rocket scientist, but can't tie a knot. Cross training is helpful for growth.
How many times can I come to God to forgive me? I have fallen into this cycle of sexual promiscuity and I don’t know how to stop. I keep asking God to forgive me for the same sins over and over again but I’m afraid he won’t
Polly Tam start praying the rosary, be sure to get to confession. It works if you work it. 19 years of chastity experience here. The more you practice the easier it gets.
Develop some hobbies..needlework, art, music, anything that you’re talented in.
Study what are the detrimental physical, mental and most importantly spiritual effects of promiscuity.
I hope to get answer to this. Is God capable to create better God if God has created everything?
Thoughts on the amazon synod?!?!
Someone's been watching Sensus Fidelum....:-)))
Thanks Fr.
Curiosity has double standards if good or bad even the best have lived through sin because of curiosity but curiosity can also lead us to good but who can really judge for Good? Vice or NOT
I was too curious for my own good, 😏...I never knew this....thanks, Father..Now I need to ask this, and I’m dead serious: reading tabloids? Gossip about certain reprobates in the public eye, is that a “mortal sin?”
‘kind of not really because its a Dorito’ that made me laugh soooo hard
I'm a huuuuuuge fritterer...I came across this video by frittering...
I am taking chemistry because of my curiosity. When I am curious, I want to learn more.
Genesis 12:1-3
The LORD said to Abram: Go forth from your land, your relatives, and from your father’s house to a land that I will show you.
I will make of you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, so that you will be a blessing.
I will bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you. All the families of the earth will find blessing in you.
Basically you can also say that about this video.
Most UA-cam members monetize or advertise their channel's videos to earn money which is why they closely monitor the number of views they have and encourage people to be notified when new videos are released.
You have to admit this Fr. Mike you want people to watch your videos. In a sense it's a means of evangelizing the Gospel.
When it comes to being studious, you also have to be careful of being sucked into rabbit holes. I think we need to avoid being curious about the wrong things, which is sin. Avoid being curious of sin and sinful things. God warns us of it. It’s like Eve. She was curious of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil, so she ate. The problem was her curiosity energy was used towards the wrong the thing. She should’ve used it towards the Tree of Life, which is truth. Evil includes lies. God’s Word steers us in the direction of truth if we follow it. The commandment God gave to not eat from the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil steered her away, but she was curious about the evil. That type of curiosity leads to an evil desire, which is lust, which leads to covetousness, which leads to sin, which leads to death. I think many people take drugs and other vices because of curiosity and all of those things associated with addiction either lead to death or are slowly killing you and your potential in life by stealing your attention, which steals time out of your life. Keeping you from living life abundantly. The devil comes to steal, kill, and destroy, and he triggers it with curiosity into his evil things. We need to be more curious about the things God says. That would be a healthy type of curious that leads to prosperous life and good success. Curiosity in evil just leads to destruction and death.
James 1:14 But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. 15 Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death. 16 Do not err, my beloved brethren. 17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.
Joshua 1: 7 Only be thou strong and very courageous, that thou mayest observe to do according to all the law, which Moses my servant commanded thee: turn not from it to the right hand or to the left, that thou mayest prosper whithersoever thou goest. 8 This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success.
If knowledge is always a good, then why was the forbidden fruit from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
Seems like in the state of original holiness, it was not a "good" to have a knowledge of evil.
Why aren't you talking about the Amazon synod and all that is wrong with it?
Dennis Beers 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻 I hear they’re talking about allowing same sex attraction o.k...😡
Lord Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, please have mercy on us for I AM the sinner
paul paull 😭
We all know what curiosity did to the cat 🐈 Jokes aside, curiosity does get the best of me at times. I am a curious man, perhaps a little too much. Pray for me 🙏✝️💓
Curiosity leads to temptation temptation leads to sin
This seems to be an advertisement for dr Taylor Marshalls new Saint Thomas Academy. Lol
No dabbling!
What about ambition? Think St. Francis had something to say about that.
*_What if you were curious about this video?_*
So then I need to be studious to learn more.
Please... I know God tells us to honor our parents, and I am blessed to have my parents but they disrespect me and my boundaries a lot. My dad has ruined my current financial state and now I owe the bank. My mom is rude and only shows affection to her husband. Please pray for me... I haven’t been hugged in so long.
God tells us to honour our parents but honouring doesn't mean allowing everything, too far is too far. Having boundaries is a way of honouring : by being honest about what you accept or reject, it's a huge form of respect.
Prayed for you, pray for me too. God bless.
watching this video while eating doritos...