@@mattgs5486 if you are a new subscriber, you really must hear her sing. You’ll be blown away and feel even more proud being her student. Look up the ‘Saint and Poets’ video the one where she’s in the subway. Voice from God. And it’s an original song she wrote. Enjoy
Gracie, your knowledge and teaching methodology are commendable...but it is your presentation that I find absolutely fascinating and irresistible! If there is a 'Teacher of the Decade' award, you deserve it hands down.
Your method of teaching is as simple as learning ABCs , 1,2,3,( 1+1=2 ) I have made tremendous progress in understanding & applying music theory. My philosophy has always been if you understand why you do what you do, you will most likely remember what you do.Thank You a "Thousand times over." 🐝🐝
In case anyone watching is saying, 'But when would I use this?' Many many years ago, I was sitting at the organ console aged 8 with my musical mother standing behind me. My father was the Minister. He asked me to play a hymn with 5 flats (D flat major) - I froze! Then my mother said, with a giggle,, 'Just play all the notes on the score as if you were playing G major and you'll be fine! Then she opened up how I could do the same - both ways in any key - if I ever wanted to up the last verse by a semitone of a hymn or just wanted to be a bit 'naughty' or if my father interrupted a hymn and asked me to 'lower' it a bit'. Wonderfully explained Gracie. Brilliant as always in your clarity and erudition.
Gracie you are a genius! My 60 year old brain which had never anything to do with music is now getting a very clear picture of this mysterious subject. Thank you fo the enlightenment.
Gracie, you are an amazing teacher. I'm a retiree, grandmother, and true beginner, and I can say I've learned more from you in this video than I've learned altogether in the videos I've watched! I'm looking forward to checking out all your other videos. Count me as a new subscriber AND a new fan!
I've wanted to understand music theory for over a decade with the hopes that it would make composing on guitar easier, and I have a book with pretty much all the info you teach, but I never really understood the intervals until I discovered you, nor any of the ideas built up on them. You're a freaking hero.
" French College Girls Do Almost Everything Better " for sharps, and " By Diet And Excercise Gain Control " for flats. Of course the key of F has one flat but i just come up with a comment keeps me mindful of the order of sharps and flats in the cycle of 5ths or 4ths.
Finally someone else noticed this pattern. I knew I can't be the only one. :) BTW, one of my students recently noticed this pattern on their own (well, with the help of a "leading question"). We transcribed the melody from the beginning of Chopin's Funeral March, but a half step higher than the original (since the students weren't familiar with Bb minor yet). After this I asked "think about it - if we already know the notes in B minor, what would be the easiest way of figuring out the notes in Bb minor". And my student of course described this method (naturals become flats, sharps become naturals). I asked if someone had told them about this method before, and they said no, they just figured it out. And I think moments like these are the best part of teaching. What I like about this method is that it doesn't just tell you how many sharps/flats there are in the key. It also tells you what exact sharps/flats are in the key signature, and makes them really easy to remember (you don't need to use the "order of sharps/flats" - you can just use your knowledge of the "easy keys"). Key signatures with a lot of sharps/flats are easier to remember by knowing which notes DON'T get a sharp/flat (because there are more sharps/flats than naturals). All in all, why learn the same thing twice? If you already know G major, just apply the same logic to Gb major - easy. And I think this is one of the things that I find important in teaching theory. Everyone always complains how difficult theory is and how it makes no sense. But theory is actually very simple when you understand the logic. It's just easy to make it sound more complex than it is.
I have been teaching myself how to play the guitar. I started watching your video teaching to help me understand the music theory behind what I have been playing. You explain music theory in such a practical way, and you make seemingly complex music theory easy to understand. You are a wonderful at this. God has truly blessed with a gift for music and teaching. Thank you and keep up the great work!
When I find myself actively answering your questions into my computer screen I know I am REALLY getting into the video. You have a remarkable way of teaching me things that I have found hard to commit to memory and given me something that I can truly use to improve myself. Thanks so much!!!
I never understood why people screamed @ TVs. Just as You respond to the Monitor/ I do as well. It does help, sometimes a guess,sometimes it's obvious,sometimes I'm wrong. But, I'm always having fun!
@@jselectronics8215 Yes, that's literally what it is. When you go from C to C# everything is raised by 1/2 step. When you go from Eb to E everything is lowered by 1/2 step. It works for each note in the scale.
I am recovering from a stroke. This is so advanced since I'm relearning everything. But Gracie makes it all seem doable, Thank you so much, & please don't ever take your videos down 👍
Thank you so much, Joseph! I really hope your recovery goes well. I'm so sorry you had a stroke, and I'm sending you all of my healing thoughts and prayers for as fast a recovery as possible.
@@GracieTerzian GOD is good. Thank you for your prayers, I am trying to get back to basics and actually sight reading, for clasical/ & worship music. After yrs. Of relying on guitar tabs, or short cuts. I made diagrams of the circle of 5th a few times since my stroke. Your complete instruction w/ this, is helping me, use my love of music as cognitive & dexterity rehab. So awesome 👌
There is a saying that you demonstrate so superbly with your amazing skill of teaching Music theory. When a professional Tutor imparts their many years of experience, in simplistic ways, it can save their pupils months of learning. Your Tutorials are truly magnificent! 👏👏👏💐💐🥂
You are the best music instructor I've ever seen. I have been learning from books for years and in two days I have such a better understanding on both piano and guitar!!! You are awesome!
Oh man! When I tell you I struggle with music theory! I'm majoring in vocal performance, but I've never EVER been good at the technical side of music. Your videos are INCREDIBLY helpful for me to keep up with my classes!
Gracie, you are an excellent Theory Teacher! Most students don't want to learn theory these days, they want to jump to learning their favorite songs. I've studied Music for many years and never heard this "trick" before. Great Job!!
Why has no one else pointed this out ??????!!!!!!! At least no one I have found in way too much time spend skipping ads and watching videos about the circle and memorizing keys...THANK YOU GRACIE! you have a new follower!
Gracie, very nice to meet you. I'm 74, don't know a thing about piano, but thanks to you I'm learning. I'll hit the subscribe button after I post my comment, then check out your Patreon link. My 94 year old Mom still plays a Hammond (M100), says I can have it when she's gone. In her honor I bought a keyboard to tinker with. It's probably too late to learn classical, but I can learn a few chords. I think they will sound good on the Hammond with all the stops pulled out. :) She asked me last Thanksgiving to "look at the organ", saying it wasn't making a sound. I pulled the amplifier, brought it home and found a broken wire in the pedal control. I cleaned it all up and installed a new power cord (hey, I got dibs on it) and she's back in business. For anyone interested in Hammond, I posted a video on my site showing me bench testing the amplifier. It's tubes!
Consistently awesome. Loved music all my life. Hung out with musicians, hiding my jealous admiration and went to school as a recording engineer...BUT music theory tied my brain in knots. Or, I should say, the way it was *taught* tied my brain in knots. There is a Kurzweil PC88 under a dust cover in my spare room calling to me again, and maybe this time we can finally be friends ... Thanks, Gracie.
You are amazing I am 62 years old and you are the only person I understand so easy. I think other teachers make it harder on purpose 😂. Thank you so much.
I struggle with short term memory loss after near fatal viral meningitis hit me many years ago. I picked up the sax phone later in life to help exercise my brain but find it hard to remember scales. Your brilliant simple explanation will help me recall the major scales quicker and hopefully it will go into long term memory quicker. Awesome lesson. Thank you, you are my new red haired Goddess of music theory.
You are a brilliant educator - it is a gift few possess so please keep sharing these outrageous patterns we find in music! The world needs people like you to share your gift - we all need good foundations to continue our musical journeys! Thank you.
Gracie, thank you very much for these videos. You are unravelling the seemingly complex and making it a pleasure to learn. Bravissima, cara la mia professore!
Not only does the manner in which you teach make it easier to remember, it also makes it easier to practice! You just keep knocking it out of the park Tracie, and for that I am so thankful! Keep up the great work!
I just want to thank you very sincerely for being my particular catalyst to finally joining all the dots in the patchy and disjointed knowledge of music theory I had. Ever since I started to watch your videos, I have FINALLY been able to memorize all the major scales (and relative minor scales) in just a few short days, understand how chords are constructed, learned how to transpose easily... WOW! I just made a contribution to your Patreon account. Again Gracie (may I call you Gracie?), your help has been enormous. Thank you!
Gracie I totally get it with Sharp and Flat keys now. I was in a orchestra related choir and I remember some violinists talking and sharing the same idea when I was a child with their friends during one of our music events but I couldn't quite understand the concept. Now you have enlightened me immensely. Oh by the way, your a darling teacher as well ~
WOW!!!...This was amazing!! You're literally taking the mystery out of music theory (especially for the totally ignorant like myself) and explaining it so the masses can understand and comprehend it! Thank you!
Clear as water. Congrats, you make your teaching methodology easy to understand. I've been playing piano for many years and I learned in college. This method will encourage a lot of people not be afraid of a keyboard.
You are simply awesome. I’ve been trying to get somewhere with theory for years and progress was slow. Your videos explain things so simply and completely. Thank you.
@@GracieTerzian Hi. Your music theory crosses Oceans! I am in the UK, however I suspect your videos go way further across the Continents than that in our World of music. Thank you.
You're wonderful at teaching music theory. I've tried to understand many other people's explanations, and they just don't stick or make as much sense as your articulate talent and tricks. For once, I feel optimistic that I'll finally be able to learn music theory and put all the pieces together. Thank you so much!
I started watching your videos 3 days ago and i will tell you one thing. You are very good at what you do (guitar lessons). Am now following you, from Zambia , Africa .
As you say, this trick is cool and useful ! As a great rock band used to sing, « It’s a kind of magic » 😎, because with your videos, you make the music theory « practical » and accessible . And all of this, with a smile. Merci beaucoup.
You make this so easy. I'm teaching myself how to play and I got tired of not understanding what ppl were talking about lol (accidentals) Your channel is the best!
Hi THANK YOUUUUU!! No seriously. I cannot tell you how much this helps me. I am terrible at music theory and a total noob to all music theory in general. This is incredibly helpful and honestly saves me a ton of money and time. Thank you really doesn't cut it. I'm trying to do my RCM level 8 theory in June and oh boy do I know how ambitious this is. This channel is my starting point. Thank you.
Looks like magic until you realise you’re literally moving everything up (or down) one semi tone (or one note along chromatically) so OF COURSE it will sharpen (or flatten depending on direction) But damn what an easy and accessible way to present and mentally worth through this. Great content. Thank you 🙏
I took Grade VI in piano and guitar years ago but never understood theory. Thank you for your intelligent videos. I am so getting this now! You're an amazing and brilliant teacher.
I am starting to understand more about music theory than ever before. All thanks to your videos! Thank you so much for your helpful insights and instructional techniques.
Thanks for this Gracie. Seeing the patterns and how they are derived and training my ear at the same time has taken me to the next level. Thanks so much. Love the clock. Cheers!
So cool to hear that! Would love to hear more about it. Let me know if you end up making a video or talking about your process and send it to contact@gracieterzian.com.
Thank you beautiful teacher. Your teachings are the most easily understandable music lessons on UA-cam. I very much appreciate what you are doing to your students including me.
I first heard of this pattern a few months ago in a video from a Victor Wooten workshop, but I still watched this video because I knew you'd help me make a more solid foundation and fill in the gaps! Absolutely love your content Gracie, thank you very much and I hope you keep posting music theory videos!
So much easier than the memorization I have done over the years. Being a guitar player I am really good at the scales with sharps. This will help me with jazz and classical music written in flat keys, thanks a bunch! Love your videos
Another great video! I am a visual and tactile learner mostly, so seeing it written out is great, but seeing it on a keyboard really drives it home, which I think you should consider adding. Seeing the notes on a keyboard move up or down by a half step helps me visualize how it pulls or pushes all other notes up or down by a half step making the sharps and flats go to naturals and vice versa.
This is truly so insightful! And because of it I'm no longer intimidated by scales with black keys; now moving beyond the C scale in my practice. Thank you!
Had you ever noticed this pattern before? And do you know any other cool scale patterns? (Doesn't have to be with major scales :) )
New Subscribers Here!! Learning new things here, TFS!!
I never noticed it before. Thanks for sharing this cool trick with us Gracie! How did you notice this pattern?
@@mattgs5486 if you are a new subscriber, you really must hear her sing. You’ll be blown away and feel even more proud being her student. Look up the ‘Saint and Poets’ video the one where she’s in the subway. Voice from God. And it’s an original song she wrote. Enjoy
Yay welcome!! :)
Hmm I just stared at the major scales long enough over time and noticed it I guess!
The best music theory teacher on youtube? Please protect her at all cost.
Gracie, your knowledge and teaching methodology are commendable...but it is your presentation that I find absolutely fascinating and irresistible! If there is a 'Teacher of the Decade' award, you deserve it hands down.
Aww you are TOO kind David!! Thank you so much!
I agree!!!
Your method of teaching is as simple as learning ABCs , 1,2,3,( 1+1=2 )
I have made tremendous progress in understanding & applying music theory.
My philosophy has always been if you understand why you do what you do,
you will most likely remember
what you do.Thank You a "Thousand times over." 🐝🐝
I agree 👍👍
You're just killing it, thank you. I'd have to live another 70yrs to figure it out myself!
Hahaha glad you like it!! :)
In case anyone watching is saying, 'But when would I use this?' Many many years ago, I was sitting at the organ console aged 8 with my musical mother standing behind me. My father was the Minister. He asked me to play a hymn with 5 flats (D flat major) - I froze! Then my mother said, with a giggle,, 'Just play all the notes on the score as if you were playing G major and you'll be fine! Then she opened up how I could do the same - both ways in any key - if I ever wanted to up the last verse by a semitone of a hymn or just wanted to be a bit 'naughty' or if my father interrupted a hymn and asked me to 'lower' it a bit'. Wonderfully explained Gracie. Brilliant as always in your clarity and erudition.
I love this story! Thank you so much for sharing it :). You are lucky to have grown up surrounded by music :)
Sorry I don’t get it. How are Db major and G major related?
Gracie you are a genius! My 60 year old brain which had never anything to do with music is now getting a very clear picture of this mysterious subject. Thank you fo the enlightenment.
Excellent, Professor 👩🏫
Gracie, you are an amazing teacher. I'm a retiree, grandmother, and true beginner, and I can say I've learned more from you in this video than I've learned altogether in the videos I've watched! I'm looking forward to checking out all your other videos. Count me as a new subscriber AND a new fan!
I can't believe every other music teacher is hiding this from us.
Genuinely super helpful.
I've wanted to understand music theory for over a decade with the hopes that it would make composing on guitar easier, and I have a book with pretty much all the info you teach, but I never really understood the intervals until I discovered you, nor any of the ideas built up on them. You're a freaking hero.
So cool, I am going to start calling you the “Indiana Jones “ of music theory “the decoder of the secrets”.
Hahahahaha thank you :D
" French College Girls Do Almost Everything Better " for sharps, and " By Diet And Excercise Gain Control " for flats. Of course the key of F has one flat but i just come up with a comment keeps me mindful of the order of sharps and flats in the cycle of 5ths or 4ths.
@@danielgrohl6971 Does anyone remember the "degrees" as MmmMMmd? It pertains to the ascending Major scales. Oh, and say Hi to U know who(joking).
Too cerebral for this Lad.
I failed 1st Grade Remedial Education 12X's 😱😱😱
Finally someone else noticed this pattern. I knew I can't be the only one. :)
BTW, one of my students recently noticed this pattern on their own (well, with the help of a "leading question"). We transcribed the melody from the beginning of Chopin's Funeral March, but a half step higher than the original (since the students weren't familiar with Bb minor yet). After this I asked "think about it - if we already know the notes in B minor, what would be the easiest way of figuring out the notes in Bb minor". And my student of course described this method (naturals become flats, sharps become naturals). I asked if someone had told them about this method before, and they said no, they just figured it out. And I think moments like these are the best part of teaching.
What I like about this method is that it doesn't just tell you how many sharps/flats there are in the key. It also tells you what exact sharps/flats are in the key signature, and makes them really easy to remember (you don't need to use the "order of sharps/flats" - you can just use your knowledge of the "easy keys"). Key signatures with a lot of sharps/flats are easier to remember by knowing which notes DON'T get a sharp/flat (because there are more sharps/flats than naturals).
All in all, why learn the same thing twice? If you already know G major, just apply the same logic to Gb major - easy. And I think this is one of the things that I find important in teaching theory. Everyone always complains how difficult theory is and how it makes no sense. But theory is actually very simple when you understand the logic. It's just easy to make it sound more complex than it is.
I have been teaching myself how to play the guitar. I started watching your video teaching to help me understand the music theory behind what I have been playing. You explain music theory in such a practical way, and you make seemingly complex music theory easy to understand. You are a wonderful at this. God has truly blessed with a gift for music and teaching. Thank you and keep up the great work!
Gracie I am going to be watching ALL of your UA-cam videos! TU AGN.
FINALLY I understood major scales my teacher wasn't good at explaining things "THANK YOU GRACIE"
I absolutely love this. I struggled with memorizing scales for so long and you fixed this. ( struggled for a solid 10 years)
When I find myself actively answering your questions into my computer screen I know I am REALLY getting into the video. You have a remarkable way of teaching me things that I have found hard to commit to memory and given me something that I can truly use to improve myself. Thanks so much!!!
Or you could just drop each note by 1/2 step when dealing with flats and raise each note by 1/2 step when dealing with sharps.
Aw thank you so very much!! I'm so glad you found yourself answering the questions to your computer screen!! Haha that is my goal!! :) :)
I never understood why people screamed @ TVs. Just as You respond to the Monitor/ I do as well. It does help, sometimes a guess,sometimes it's obvious,sometimes I'm wrong. But, I'm always having fun!
@@scottawildcat That works too? I'm old but a newbie. :)
@@jselectronics8215 Yes, that's literally what it is. When you go from C to C# everything is raised by 1/2 step. When you go from Eb to E everything is lowered by 1/2 step. It works for each note in the scale.
I am recovering from a stroke. This is so advanced since I'm relearning everything. But Gracie makes it all seem doable, Thank you so much, & please don't ever take your videos down 👍
Thank you so much, Joseph! I really hope your recovery goes well. I'm so sorry you had a stroke, and I'm sending you all of my healing thoughts and prayers for as fast a recovery as possible.
@@GracieTerzian GOD is good. Thank you for your prayers, I am trying to get back to basics and actually sight reading, for clasical/ & worship music. After yrs. Of relying on guitar tabs, or short cuts. I made diagrams of the circle of 5th a few times since my stroke.
Your complete instruction w/ this, is helping me, use my love of music as cognitive & dexterity rehab. So awesome 👌
There is a saying that you demonstrate so superbly with your amazing skill of teaching Music theory. When a professional Tutor imparts their many years of experience, in simplistic ways, it can save their pupils months of learning. Your Tutorials are truly magnificent! 👏👏👏💐💐🥂
Gracie, you are a wonderful teacher! Thank you so much! May God bless you more as you bless others with your teaching skills.
Thank you so much!
You make music theory looks so simple and fun!!, Thank you. You're awesome!!!
Your way of teaching thru' white board is very helpful to people like us, who are in primary stage. Thanks a lot.
Glad it was helpful!
You are the best music instructor I've ever seen. I have been learning from books for years and in two days I have such a better understanding on both piano and guitar!!! You are awesome!
Oh man! When I tell you I struggle with music theory! I'm majoring in vocal performance, but I've never EVER been good at the technical side of music. Your videos are INCREDIBLY helpful for me to keep up with my classes!
Wow that makes me so happy to hear!! Thank you SO much! I really appreciate the nice comment!
Gracie, you are an excellent Theory Teacher! Most students don't want to learn theory these days, they want to jump to learning their favorite songs. I've studied Music for many years and never heard this "trick" before. Great Job!!
Why has no one else pointed this out ??????!!!!!!! At least no one I have found in way too much time spend skipping ads and watching videos about the circle and memorizing keys...THANK YOU GRACIE! you have a new follower!
Hi Gracie you got some serious music pedagogical skills. Even the most music illiterate can gain vast amount of knowledge from your videos. Kudos!!
Gracie, very nice to meet you. I'm 74, don't know a thing about piano, but thanks to you I'm learning. I'll hit the subscribe button after I post my comment, then check out your Patreon link.
My 94 year old Mom still plays a Hammond (M100), says I can have it when she's gone. In her honor I bought a keyboard to tinker with. It's probably too late to learn classical, but I can learn a few chords. I think they will sound good on the Hammond with all the stops pulled out. :)
She asked me last Thanksgiving to "look at the organ", saying it wasn't making a sound. I pulled the amplifier, brought it home and found a broken wire in the pedal control. I cleaned it all up and installed a new power cord (hey, I got dibs on it) and she's back in business. For anyone interested in Hammond, I posted a video on my site showing me bench testing the amplifier. It's tubes!
Consistently awesome.
Loved music all my life. Hung out with musicians, hiding my jealous admiration and went to school as a recording engineer...BUT music theory tied my brain in knots. Or, I should say, the way it was *taught* tied my brain in knots.
There is a Kurzweil PC88 under a dust cover in my spare room calling to me again, and maybe this time we can finally be friends ...
Thanks, Gracie.
excelent way of learning. also you can just look at the first note and decide to get it half step up or down and after it all of the rest notes.
Yes that’s another way to think about it! :)
Gracie is just a great teacher of music
You are amazing I am 62 years old and you are the only person I understand so easy. I think other teachers make it harder on purpose 😂. Thank you so much.
I struggle with short term memory loss after near fatal viral meningitis hit me many years ago. I picked up the sax phone later in life to help exercise my brain but find it hard to remember scales. Your brilliant simple explanation will help me recall the major scales quicker and hopefully it will go into long term memory quicker. Awesome lesson. Thank you, you are my new red haired Goddess of music theory.
Omg! In my 70 years I have never noticed or been made aware of these simple patterns. Thank you. Excellent teaching 🎉
I've been wanting to memorize the notes in the scales, and that was amazing! Thanks!!
Hey. Thank you so much. You are brilliant.
You are a mind blowing teacher. Thank you so much.
You are a brilliant educator - it is a gift few possess so please keep sharing these outrageous patterns we find in music! The world needs people like you to share your gift - we all need good foundations to continue our musical journeys! Thank you.
I could not understand the way others explained this lesson.. this teacher makes it more EASY to follow. She has a special gift to teach!
Gracie, thank you very much for these videos. You are unravelling the seemingly complex and making it a pleasure to learn. Bravissima, cara la mia professore!
You are so welcome!
Thank you Gracie, for making these methods so easy and simple to learn. You are amazing.❤
Not only does the manner in which you teach make it easier to remember, it also makes it easier to practice! You just keep knocking it out of the park Tracie, and for that I am so thankful! Keep up the great work!
Oops... Gracie! Obviously I'm not the best typist in the world.
Haha no worries at all! Thank you so much :) :) :)
Love this!!! Thank you for sharing!
Write a book! Write a book! :) Learn so much, so quickly with your series. TYVM
You just know how to teach. I wish I had teachers like you in school. You are the best. Many thanks for your time and effort.
Aww thank you so much :)
I just want to thank you very sincerely for being my particular catalyst to finally joining all the dots in the patchy and disjointed knowledge of music theory I had. Ever since I started to watch your videos, I have FINALLY been able to memorize all the major scales (and relative minor scales) in just a few short days, understand how chords are constructed, learned how to transpose easily... WOW!
I just made a contribution to your Patreon account.
Again Gracie (may I call you Gracie?), your help has been enormous. Thank you!
You explain things in 5 minutes that I have not been able to get answers to for years! GREAT TEACHER!!
Gracie I totally get it with Sharp and Flat keys now. I was in a orchestra related choir and I remember some violinists talking and sharing the same idea when I was a child with their friends during one of our music events but I couldn't quite understand the concept. Now you have enlightened me immensely. Oh by the way, your a darling teacher as well ~
Gracie, I cannot express how grateful I am for your teaching. Your method of teaching makes the musis so easy to understand. Thank you.❤
You're an amazing teacher! I also delight in discovering the patterns and mathematical perfection of music
Thank you :) you are so kind! Im glad you enjoy this too!
You're videos are the easiest to comprehend. You are also very easy on the eyes.
Why thank you!! :)
WOW!!!...This was amazing!! You're literally taking the mystery out of music theory (especially for the totally ignorant like myself) and explaining it so the masses can understand and comprehend it! Thank you!
your teaching style is so pleasant. Thank you; you're very talented.
Thank you! 😊
Clear as water. Congrats, you make your teaching methodology easy to understand. I've been playing piano for many years and I learned in college. This method will encourage a lot of people not be afraid of a keyboard.
What a nice thing to say! Thank you very much.
You are simply awesome. I’ve been trying to get somewhere with theory for years and progress was slow. Your videos explain things so simply and completely. Thank you.
Once again, Gracie makes music theory so easy to understand. Wonderful.
Thank you Graham! So glad you liked it :)
@@GracieTerzian Hi. Your music theory crosses Oceans! I am in the UK, however I suspect your videos go way further across the Continents than that in our World of music. Thank you.
You're wonderful at teaching music theory. I've tried to understand many other people's explanations, and they just don't stick or make as much sense as your articulate talent and tricks. For once, I feel optimistic that I'll finally be able to learn music theory and put all the pieces together. Thank you so much!
I started watching your videos 3 days ago and i will tell you one thing. You are very good at what you do (guitar lessons). Am now following you, from Zambia , Africa .
Nice, you give me ASMR without even whispering or speaking soft, thx!
Haha wow that's cool! Never heard that before :)
Thank you 😘 ❤
You make it all so easy Gracie. I love patterns.
As you say, this trick is cool and useful !
As a great rock band used to sing, « It’s a kind of magic » 😎, because with your videos, you make the music theory « practical » and accessible . And all of this, with a smile.
Merci beaucoup.
You make this so easy. I'm teaching myself how to play and I got tired of not understanding what ppl were talking about lol (accidentals) Your channel is the best!
I think I have learned something very interesting today.
Thank you for your wonderful explanation
Hi THANK YOUUUUU!! No seriously. I cannot tell you how much this helps me. I am terrible at music theory and a total noob to all music theory in general. This is incredibly helpful and honestly saves me a ton of money and time. Thank you really doesn't cut it. I'm trying to do my RCM level 8 theory in June and oh boy do I know how ambitious this is. This channel is my starting point. Thank you.
Yay I’m so happy to hear you found this helpful!!! Good luck and thank you so much for the nice comment :)
I love this video. All this is good theory to know but most important Gracie knows how to explain it like a boss. Thank you
Mind so blown I have no words. I should have leaned this before the Beatles. That’s how long I’ve been trying to learn this.
Hahaha thank you! I'm so glad you like it!
One of the most useful breakdowns I've seen. Memorable and straightforward.
All that makes sense when you explain it. You’re gifted, thank you.
I have learned a lot from your channel, you are a born teacher. Your upbeat personality is a pleasant plus.
I've been playing for a year, and your whiteboard was trés helpful to understand music theory. Merci beaucoup.
Looks like magic until you realise you’re literally moving everything up (or down) one semi tone (or one note along chromatically) so OF COURSE it will sharpen (or flatten depending on direction)
But damn what an easy and accessible way to present and mentally worth through this. Great content. Thank you 🙏
THIS VIDEO RIGHT HERE!!! saved my week! Thank you so much
So glad to hear it!
Wow! Gracie, yea, so easy, but only because you have shown us! Great teaching, great video, really cool, thank you. X
Thanks so much! 😊
You are an awesome educator. Keep doing what you’re doing Ms. Gracie.
Amazing teaching from an amazing young lady! What a pleasant surprise! Your are the best!
wow... you just moved me out of a 5 year slump!! thank you and keep up the great vids!
This method is very unique, and interesting. Thanks for sharing your thoughts Gracie! ❤
Thanks Gracie. I’ve watched several videos explaining music theory and yours are by far the best!
Thank you Gracie. I never thought of this. Fantastic teacher!!!!!!!!!!
You really do make music theory fun...and your voice is like music from the angels! I want to watch every single one of your videos...thank you!
I took Grade VI in piano and guitar years ago but never understood theory. Thank you for your intelligent videos. I am so getting this now! You're an amazing and brilliant teacher.
you're such a fine teacher! thanks for making tricky concepts so clear and accessible, Gracie.
Glad I found the channel.
I am starting to understand more about music theory than ever before. All thanks to your videos! Thank you so much for your helpful insights and instructional techniques.
Yay!!!!!!!!!!! I love to hear this
Thanks for this Gracie. Seeing the patterns and how they are derived and training my ear at the same time has taken me to the next level. Thanks so much. Love the clock. Cheers!
You are great. Best teacher on the internet.
Using this pattern makes it so much easier to transpose old scores for horn, thank you!
So cool to hear that! Would love to hear more about it. Let me know if you end up making a video or talking about your process and send it to contact@gracieterzian.com.
Gracie; you're great. What a great presentation to remember the hardest major scales.
wow outstanding shortcut logic to find flat Major/minor scales. lot of thanks. Gracias to Gracie...
Wonderful insights! As usual. Gracie, you are THE BEST 🙂
Thank you!
Two minutes in and my mind is blown. Amazing video. Thank you.
Love this! Wow! Mind blown! 🤯That happens all the time with your videos 💕
Aw I love hearing that.. thank you Renee!
Your tutorials are spot on ! Love you !
Thank you beautiful teacher. Your teachings are the most easily understandable music lessons on UA-cam. I very much appreciate what you are doing to your students including me.
I first heard of this pattern a few months ago in a video from a Victor Wooten workshop, but I still watched this video because I knew you'd help me make a more solid foundation and fill in the gaps! Absolutely love your content Gracie, thank you very much and I hope you keep posting music theory videos!
So much easier than the memorization I have done over the years. Being a guitar player I am really good at the scales with sharps. This will help me with jazz and classical music written in flat keys, thanks a bunch! Love your videos
That is great to hear!! Thank you so much David!
13 minutes to learn all my major scales. thank you.
Simply brilliant Ms Gracie!
Thank you!
Holy smoke. Blows my mind. I've always used this but never realized the relationship within circle of 5ths. So much less to memorize!
Another great video! I am a visual and tactile learner mostly, so seeing it written out is great, but seeing it on a keyboard really drives it home, which I think you should consider adding. Seeing the notes on a keyboard move up or down by a half step helps me visualize how it pulls or pushes all other notes up or down by a half step making the sharps and flats go to naturals and vice versa.
This is truly so insightful! And because of it I'm no longer intimidated by scales with black keys; now moving beyond the C scale in my practice. Thank you!