Peterson should compare the Israelite Exodus to the Hyksos Exodus, in 1580 BC. Similarities between these ‘two’ events include: . A group of shepherds . whose leader was Pharaoh Yakob (Yakobam) . who were circumcised . and wore curly (payot) sidelocks . who had three days of darkness . plus an ashfall (from Thera) . plus a parting of waters (a tsunami from Thera) . plus a pillar of smoke and fire (Thera) . they had a battle with the Egyptians . were kicked out of Egypt . all 250 thousand of them . departed from Pi Ramesse (from Avaris) . went on an exodus to Jerusalem . plus they destroyed Jericho. . plus there are Exodus quotes on the Tempest Stele of Ahmose I. . plus Josephus Flavius says the Israelites were indeed the Hyksos. Thus the Hyksos and Israelite Exoduses are the same, excepting their date. See book: Tempest & Exodus. R
@@geeman1293 Yeah... The counter to any mocking, is to just stay on message. Libs are rarely open to being wrong or uninformed. Such self-righteousness.
Agreed. Peterson is brilliant. A great communicator. Maher will listen to intelligence, but his head is closed to many things that could free him. I wonder if as he ages, he sees how much of his time has been wasted with empty headed personalities.
“For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.” 1 Corinthians 1:18 ESV
And the miracle is that we can go from perishing to being saved. God wants us to, and He will enable us to, if we allow ourselves to be drawn by Him, and receive his gift
@@kos-mos1127 His gift of salvation through His Son Jesus on the cross. The wages of even one sin is death (which means eternal separation from God) so we would've had absolutely no chance of entering heaven without Jesus taking the punishment and dying for our sins. Then He arose on the third day and will come back to judge the world. Receive Him, read His word (the Bible), and abide in Him to go to heaven. He said 'I am the Truth the Way and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father (heaven) except through Me.'
I am 70 years old and recently received Christ as my Savior. Currently I have begun to earnestly study the Bible. I have been amazed by how powerful it is. I thank God the opportunity to study and to know him. Anyone who thinks the Bible is ridiculous is not reading it and studying the message it is bringing to us in our every walk with God.
That's awesome. Glad you finally found and invited Jesus Christ into your heart. I finally got back to Jesus Christ at 59. From 1978 until 2019 I was on a drug and alcohol fueled lifestyle. I was going through hell during those years. I'm lucky to have made it out alive.
That's sad, because it sounds like you've lived your whole life not needing any god, but now that you're old you have become fearful of the "end" and the unknown.
Mercy triumphs over judgement....he may repent and cry out to God on his deathbed because of this conversation. God is not willing that any should perish.
@@Gwaithmirwhy should God show himself to people who don't even accept him? Plus, you know if God shows up all of them would die because he shines brighter than the sun.
Mahar is as high as a kite, kudos to Peterson for trying to have a normal conversation with somebody that refuses to listen, only wants to confirm their biases.
1) Jesus let the 99 and go for the 1 2) We watched it. I learned something. I picked a pearl. Its not wasted. 3) Jonah may say that to the people of Niniveh - watch the lesson again to learn whats wrong with that.
He cast the pearls before all of us. It is a great model of how to engage with a hostile/snobbish/mocking host in a public forum and STILL communicate complex ideas. WE are all the audience for both the lesson on the Bible and how to conduct ourselves with hyenas.
@@davidpeter892 I see what u mean but what about Matthew 10:14-16 says “And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet. Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city. Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
In a way, it's a similar tale to that of Jeremiah -- except God told Jeremiah to tell the people of their evil -- they won't listen -- but now that they had an opportunity and blew it, I will allow thr Babylonians to conquer them for their lack of repentance.
Bill describes how goofy it is for people to judge something they haven't read... And then calls the Bible Goofy, knowing he hasn't read it either 😎😂...
It surprised me that he didn't really know the story of Jonah. He talks a big game like he's so knowledgeable about religious things, but he didn't know how this basic Sunday school story ends. He doesn't seem so intimidating now.
He was brought up Catholic, and tbf they don't read very much of the Old Testament in Catholic church, so unless he was really interested he would not necessarily have known much of it. I'll bet most nonreligious people probably don't actually know how the story of Jonah ends--just that he was swallowed by something resembling a whale.
This was so beautiful 😍❤️ Even if Bill wasn't listening, he has a platform and others would listen to, therefore, Jordan has had a change to plant a seed in the hearts and minds of Bill's listeners.
@@Ristaak read the scriptures to understand. and maybe it´s the other way around: he sacrified himself, for poeple , even like you, that doesn´t want to give a sh... but he did.
@@RistaakHe also didn't die in vain. God may or may not forgive a sinner. Jesus took the sins to the cross. If you are a sinner, Jesus may appear to you and remove your sin supernaturally. This has happened to me. That's why Jesus died. He died because God loves humanity, but he disapproves of its sin.
Professor Peterson accomplished what most believers would never attempt. His host was dismissive and belittling of the Bible. Instead of getting offended, Peterson reasoned with the man and made sense of the purpose of the Scriptures. If we are in the Spirit and have love in our hearts, we can share Truth with a desperate world. 🙏🏼
Why don't you watch all of Peterson's material, really listen to what he says, and tell me if you think he believes the Bible in the sense that I assume you do. Listen to his answer when asked if he even believes in God. The Bible to him is allegory, tales that contain wisdom but state it in mythical ways.
I would be like, you can have your opinions about the Bible but laughing just because I start telling a story and all I’ve done is introduce a character is disrespectful of the guest. Saying “religious people really like the Bible” then calling it “nonsense” when knowing your guest is religious is very disrespectful to the guest. Bill Maher can think what he wants, but he’s being very childish by not respectfully listening to a man who he praised for being a professor and not allowing him the space to speak.
@@tajhoward8098 I think that is the problem with Peterson unknowingly accepting certain philosophical commitments about interpreting literature. At the root of it, taking the entire 73 books in the Bible as allegory does not make any sense. The Bible is special solely because it is the word of God in literal sense. Otherwise, Peterson would have us believe that in the 4th century AD, the people were smart enough to understand all those allegorical ideas and select those particular books out of many in history to put together the compilation we know today as the Bible. The entire idea sounds nonsensical. So in that sense, Peterson is bit of a child when it comes to this topic.
What I appreciate about Peterson [curse words and all] is that he meets the mocking, unbelieving, Bill Maher at his level and dispenses truth in a manner that causes Maher to consider it. Thus, a seed was planted. If only we as believers had the same measure of patience with those like Bill who we come in contact with.
Peterson has still not realised that the Israelite Exodus is the Hyksos Exodus, in 1580 BC. Similarities between these ‘two’ events include: . A group of shepherds . whose leader was Pharaoh Yakob (Yakobam) . who were circumcised . and wore curly (payot) sidelocks . who had three days of darkness . plus an ashfall (from Thera) . plus a parting of waters (a tsunami from Thera) . plus a pillar of smoke and fire (Thera) . they had a battle with the Egyptians . were kicked out of Egypt . all 250 thousand of them . departed from Pi Ramesse (from Avaris) . went on an exodus to Jerusalem . plus they destroyed Jericho. . plus there are Exodus quotes on the Tempest Stele of Ahmose I. . plus Josephus Flavius says the Israelites were indeed the Hyksos. Thus the Hyksos and Israelite Exoduses are the same, excepting their date. See book: Tempest & Exodus. R
I think Jordan has had clients when he still practised as a clinician that were much worse than Bill, so I think talking with Bill here was a piece of cake for him.
He's always well spoken and can state utter nonsense with such gravity that it sounds like wisdom. Don't get me wrong, he's a smart guy and I like some of his stuff but let's summarize what was actually said here (not very well by Bill admittedly). Bill "The Bible is loved by many but is full of hypocrisy and ridiculous nonsense." Which is all true by the way. Jordan "It may seem like ridiculous nonsense but they are actually ridiculous stories that are meant to serve as allegories to get serious concepts across. For instance, Jonah and the Whale is meant as a warning to those that won't speak up when they need to, if they do not it can actually cause societal rot and you'll end up in a place in which you wish you were dead." Maybe true? There is no proof that that was the intent at all but it seems logical?
@tajhoward8098 What hypocrites are in the Bible, if I may ask? I might be reading the wrong bible because the one I have doesn't have any. Can I know which version you read?
I thought the same way as Bill, and then I realized what's important is the meaning of stories. Focusing on Why not to believe, instead of on why to believe. These stories teach valuable lessons. I'm grateful, God opened my eyes & heart 🙏
I personally wouldn't quote Bill what he already rejects but would confront him and force him to say what he can personally believe or expect from fools who believe the Bible. Years ago he traveled the world interviewing and respectfully confronting religious people of various religions in various sacred places such as temples and other places, listening to them and then making acidic comments as his personal conclusion. He denounced several or some inaccuracies of theists, from Christians to Muslims and others. But he has never presented a faith, a belief better than those that, as a professional comedian, he mocks.
Same here. Before I came to faith, I respected Christianity for the morals and lessons it tought, even though I didn't believe any of it. A "useful delusion" so to speak. Then I got curious, started going to church, reading the Bible, researching the level of historical accuracy and reliability of the Bible (authorship, when the Scriptures were written, etc.), really wresting with whether or not I could believe these things actually happened, asking all the tough questions I could think of, and had no other choice after everything I learned but to accept Jesus Christ. Knowing God's character and reading in an effort to gain understanding of what the actual message is, rather than nitpick at verses, really helps.
So do school books. Why would you assume this book is real? If you found a copy of harry potter would you assume thats real? Did you not read all the sadistic crap god did in that book? (That has been revised so many times not even sure it even resembles the original text). Just saying. Yes it is a book of parables. But thats it. Why do you assume its real?
@@voradorhylden3410 Flawed argument. Firstly, it is necessary to define what is real. In principle, what we feel is real. What we come to know becomes real. For those who reject the Bible, simply because they don't like it, they must prove why it isn't real. The Evolution of Species is real because people prefer it to be real. Prove that certain statements in the Bible are real. Marx's Capital is only real because people insist on it appearing real.
I so appreciate how kind and engaged Jordan Peterson remains while talking to a provocateur such as Bill Maher. I know I don't have that kind of patience and ability.
Bill plays to his audience which is really his biggest fault. I think it would take a truly rock-bottom experience for him to turn to God. I would hope he’d be more intellectually honest with himself for his own sake, but only time will tell.
@@williamgreenfield9991 For example, the catechism (which is free and readily available) provides these interpretations, and are set in stone. There you can see what stories are allegorical or not, for example. After having skimmed through it, you can criticise all you want because no excuse of "you are misrepresenting the bible story" is accepted. What is there written goes.
@@williamgreenfield9991 You say " What evidence" That indicates you have not done any real research into the truths of Christianity above all other religions. If you say you have, then I have to doubt that as there is plenty of evidence to confirm historical facts of the bible including Jesus' life and death etc. Perhaps you could look with an open mind and not from the dismissiveness you seem to have.
He’s not ripe he may never be to study God from even a philosophical level not to mention then moving to the Bible. He needs to go back in his train of through before the Bible. Is there a God? If so, what is the nature of God? Has God revealed himself to man in any meaningful way beyond reason? Etc
i can never understand how people can just wave away 3500 years of historical wisdom that generations clung to and used to get the world to where we are today, we stand on the shoulders of giants while complaining that if they just had science then everything would be perfect... thank God for people like Dr.Peterson to help us digest the wisdom and make it easier to discuss in todays day and age. God Bless you Dr. Peterson
People can learn from the parables of the Bible, the issue is when people believe that the story of Jonah actually happened and a man survived for 3 days in the belly of a giant fish.
'Historical wisdom'? There is nothing historical about a book written by a bunch of superstitious goat-herders who thought the world was flat, the sun orbited around the earth, that snakes and donkeys could talk or that a bear came running out of the woods to eat children who made fun of a bald guy.
The bible warned us about eating from the tree of knowledge. And here we are about 200 years into the accelerated phase of science, with multiple technologies that could wipe out humans, and much of life on earth, without the capability to control those innovations.
@@HawklordLI ur the fool if u cant see the meaning behind these storys, and again your just discarding 3500 years of wisdom because you cant prisocess some simple imagery and metaphor, nobody thinks the earth is flat or that animals speak or that the sun orbits the moon, ur just painful dumb if u think that
I still really respect Bill Maher, LOVE Jordan Peterson and this discussion is lovely. Bill was respectful and Jordan was engaging. I learned a thing or three!
The story of Jonah is really, truly funny. It’s a parable about the folly of pettiness. Jonah never gets it, all the way to the end. He’s mad that these people he hates are like, “sure! Okay. Whatever.” And Jonah still hates them. Plant grows up, and Jonah is like-“see? God’s with ME!”And the plant shrivels up and dies. Religious pride cometh before a 3rd degree sunburn.
@@kjmav10135 You must smoke the weed like Bill..As the story is about Gods Justice and Mercy. As his justice requires the sinners to die for their behavior.. But in his Mercy he sent his Messenger kicking and screaming. As Jonah knew God would forgive them if he went. He wanted to see them destroyed for their wickedness was his motive for fighting Gods will..In the End they repented "sackcloth and ashes" their form of detergent... And the only thing I find disturbing. Is you think it was funny. As over 100k people was saved, untold destruction to Animals and buildings. As whole Generations would have been wiped out.. Have a nice day..
I have never seen Bill this stoned, no judgement (I'm from Amsterdam 😂) but when faced with the intellect of Jordan Peterson it's downright embarrassing. As usual a class act from JBP's part, very well played, so eloquent 👌🏽❤️ all the love
I think the story shows how my God cares about even the most fallen Peoples on this world. Yet we must always keep in mind that only if we care and study His Word will we Know only a tiny bit of His Wisdom. He has to communicate to us in a way we do so to very small children.
I just adore Peterson, he could chat about anything and I'd find it interesting. His framing of the Bible is honestly refreshing. As a Bible believing Christian it's been fun watching him dive into the word and find so much meaning. I'll continue to pray for his salvation.
Historically and biblically, Mr. Maher, mocking the Word of God has never worked out well. I was smug and smirky once and then was driven to my knees and I thank God for that. It was a gift for eternity.
He said that God is corrupt. BY WHAT MEASURE? Who is Maher to dictate corruption? Maher, is the LAST person to even know right from wrong, or how it's determined.
Bill comes from an extreme perspective, both as a human who lacks understanding of important issues, and a fallen individual who is hostile to the average religious person's concept of God.
Human wisdom is to know our own ignorance, but the Wisdom of God is to judge between good and evil, so there is no way humans can tell what is corrupt without the wisdom of God.
I really appreciate how Jordan Peterson explains the Bible. When you have somebody who is really intelligent, they can really understand the Bible and praise God for turning Jordan Peterson through the Bible and spreading the knowledge which is what we are supposed to do.
I found Jordan’s analysis of Jonah and the analogy to a movie at face value very good. It’s a good example of how we are to be winning people to the faith. With gentleness and with a well-prepared answer. Arguing and fighting never does anything but cause people to be pushed more and more from faith.
Amen, well said. Jesus' entire earthly ministry, as we say, was spent critiquing organized and institutionalized religion which constantly confused means with ends. Jesus said he came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. The fulfillment of the law is not compliance to some set of legal requirements, it's the creation of the kind of people and and quality of community which constitute heaven. Jesus was always alluding to proof of acceptance of him in the effect it created, not the status that was gained by being part of the new in group.
I don't get it, if something has moral values and lessons you can extrapolate and spread into intersecting in meaning with other related concepts, how does that give it value beyond that domain of being just an anecdote with symbolic representations and ontological themes? How does that translate to being tangible in the real world?
The advice of Christ in teaching his apostles, “Cast not your pearls before swine lest they turn again and trample upon them.”, comes to mind when dealing with the category of people one could describe as insolent scoffers.
@@williamgreenfield9991 Actually it’s Jewish. Why? Because swine are unclean to the Jews. You are failing to get the implication of the advice. It means don’t waste your wisdom on the truly vile because they will not only ignore your salutary insights but add insult to injury by attempting to destroy them and drag them through the mud, rather as you have just done. Because it was said by the Lord who was a Jew but is recognized as God by Christians, it is part of the Judaeo-Christian tradition, and, indeed, the Gospel, or in modern language, the Good News. Actually it the swine who do the trampling, as one one expect, but you are not even reading the text carefully enough to get what millions including me have heard said since childhood.
@@williamgreenfield9991 if you give solid advice to someone and they actively deny or contradict it, then at some point you just have to jog on. Sounds like a wise move to me. You can lead a horse to water but cant make it drink. Same idea.
@@williamgreenfield9991 what is the issue if a person behaves as such? and the passage says lest THEY trample , you again speak without listening or studying which shows you know nothing and have no intention to learn , no wonder you're lost . The interesting thing is this , you are in a christian channel , watching christian videos and then commenting in a christian comment section full of christians ...... I can assure you me and my brothers and sisters are not watching Atheist channels , we have no need to bicker with them as I have seen you doing from one user to the next in here spending time you cant get back and I would never argue about something I thought was untrue or silly , I won't be in an atheist channel anymore than a tooth fairy channel but yet here you are , fighting back and forth with people in a channel you claim to believe nothing of . Surely there is an atheist channel playing this clip from their own view you could be in but you chose to come here ........I think something inside all you unbelievers knows the truth and it makes you angry because you simply dont want it to be true , so you come to blow off that steam against the ones who speak that truth you hate , like the bible says you do , you supress the truth and your behaviour demonstrates just that . I will never waste my time in a channel or conversation or comment or anything with something I believe to be nonsense .... it makes no sense and its a waste of my time.....
This is an incredible conversation. Jordan seems to be invoking a lot of Jungian psychology in order to decode the meaning of biblical stories. It's amazing. Stories transcend language and time. I do believe he's hit on the correct way of approaching faith in the post modern world. Both these gentlemen are massively intelligent, and can learn from each other while disagreeing. Deep respect.
He said he already gave his life to Jesus a while ago. I'm actually shocked that you don't see the fruit of the Spirit, he cries every time he talks about Jesus and what He did for us
Bill hasn't been called so the Bible is not revealed to him. I tried reading the Bible several times as a younger adult and hadn't yet been called yet and I never understood any of it. At 50, I was called and I've read the Bible several times and I get more understanding each time. It's quite amazing!
@@Higgmeister647 hello, i recomend you to watch JP bible interpretations, the bible is so hard to understand if you dont have someone who explain it to you
We’re all called, hence God walking in the garden of Eden calling for Adam and in Revelation Jesus knocks on our hearts waiting for us to answer. When we respond to Gods call & Jesus’ knocking then we have the help of the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible. Jesus died on the cross for every single person, He calls all of us but sadly only a few answer.
There’s certainly some truth to that. I’ve never cared to read the Bible until I eventually hit 20 years old. Then one day, as my interests in meditation and expanding my knowledge of the universe grew, I decided, “Why not read the Bible in its entirety? If anything would help expand my understanding of the universe, reading the Bible would certainly help. After all, it’s one of the most notable and significant pieces of literature ever made.” So here I am, now committed to reading the Bible out of my own interest rather than being force-fed the word of God.
@@Joanne_uk Actually that is not true biblically. If Jesus died for all then all would be saved but we know that they are not. Jesus died for the elect who were predestined to be saved before the foundation of the world. Read Ephesians ch. 1 carefully. God's chosen ones were preplanned in eternity to be saved. The gospel is offered to all but mankind in his wickedness rejects it. Only by God's drawing His elect to Christ will they be saved. Read John 6:43-45, John 6:63-65. Then read Romans ch. 9. It's easy to come into reading the word with erroneous preconceived biases so set your fleshly understanding aside and look at what the Bible really says. The verses I gave you in John are the words of Christ Himself. God is saving some but not all, why? You will find the answer in Romans ch. 9.
This is exemplary handling of mockery and rebuke against what you otherwise know to be true. Peterson did not argue with Bill, he did not engage with Bill’s insults, he merely talked past it and said his point. He focused on Bill the individual and focused on having a discussion with him, not allowing himself to get derailed in the conversation. Remember “Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you also be like him.” Proverbs 26:4 NKJV Bravo Dr.Peterson, I am Inspired. Edit: Btw I appreciate that Jordan compliments Bill at the end, despite Bill mocking his faith. That is truly practice of Christian doctrine: “Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.” Romans 12:14 NKJV “Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.” Romans 12:17-18 NKJV
Thank you for including the blessed scriptures ~. reminding us to PRAY for people like Maher! Amazingly inspiring ~ that 'brother'. Jordan Peterson ! =}. .....
@@1048Kane it's more like you can't use reason to refute a position that someone didn't come to via reason. OTOH, you might be able to defend your position to that person using reason and starting from first principles. Don't argue they are wrong, argue that you are right.
Also, "God is not mocked" Galatians 6:7 If God exists, then those who mock God will eventually learn exactly how wrong they are. If God doesn't exist, then what does it, or anything, matter?
I’ve learned a lot from Jordan Peterson it makes sense he is a Christian he has such a good head on his shoulders. I had horrible chronic pain and changing my diet changed my life like it did for his daughter. I am thankful for both him and his daughter speaking out and trying to make the world a better place. Bless them.
And I find it profound that the food that is so often demonized by the nutritional experts is the one thing that is healing people and that food is the Biblical Sacrificial Animals. I don't support the idea that Carnivore is the ideal human diet because even Biblically that is not the case, but meat is definitely being used to heal.
I'm someone who very much appreciates having both a spiritual and a naturalist explanation for pretty much everything. In my opinion, it makes every argument that much stronger. So i've always respected Jordan's ability to cast the entire biblical corpus into allegorical narratives...... It's a way to help non spiritually minded people to understand the value of scripture.
3:00 Bill] "The Bible is so well known, even by people who haven't read it." No, that's the point Bill, most people don't know the Bible at all, even many who have read it, because they have read it at a childishly stupid level, or know it mostly through lies told about it. Very few people delve into the Bible to the level that Jordan Peterson has, the level of a genius.
This is classic juxtaposition of one man who is godly and aiming for the highest good he knows, and one who only aims to express his own self interests, disregarding sound council.
“But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Cor 2:14
"fallacy - 1: a false or mistaken idea - b : erroneous character : erroneousness - 2 : deceptive appearance : deception 3 : an often plausible argument using false or invalid inference" 3rd edition Webster pg 488
I personally wouldn't quote Bill what he already rejects but would confront him and force him to say what he can personally believe or expect from fools who believe the Bible. Years ago he traveled the world interviewing and respectfully confronting religious people of various religions in various sacred places such as temples and other places, listening to them and then making acidic comments as his personal conclusion. He denounced several or some inaccuracies of theists, from Christians to Muslims and others. But he has never presented a faith, a belief better than those that, as a professional comedian, he mocks.
@@casualobserver3145 More like, A rationally thinking person can't accept _"the things of the Spirit of God"_ as demonstrably real. The _"Shield of faith,"_ the _"Kingdom of God,"_ the _"Holy Spirit,"_ the _"Lamb's book of life"_ and the rest of that stuff are all imginary.
They are more real than you and me... The above said verse somes up the mentality of some spiteful mutants within any given society, unable to understand the higher truths sometimes obvious to even a 'lay' person.. That venom spewing mutants destroys the society within...@@LloydTucker-r7v
The Bible is told from an Eastern perspective as well as revealing the hidden wisdom of God to those who ask for it. It is no wonder some people who do not want to, cannot understand it
@@kathleenr8839 I prayed to God for wisdom and then I found out about the firmament and NASA’s lies. It first started with me knowing that the moon landing was a hoax as a child and now as an adult I understand how the world works.
1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. 1Co 2:15 But he that is spiritual _[John 3:1-21 qualified]_ judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man _[natural man]._ 1Co 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we _[John 3:1-21]_ have the mind of the Christ.
It requires God’s revelation to unlock and it has almost infinite wisdom in it. I mean I can see a very dedicated person going at least 120 years and still discovering profound new truths and deeper understand if they work through it with God’s help.
Is it really possible that Bill has lived this long and has never read Aesop's fables and realize that there's a lesson in it, not just a silly story about foxes and grasshoppers? The reason we have the phrase "moral of the story" is because all of history if full of stories that have been told to pass on moral lessons.
Interesting how you never find the word "moral" in Jesus' Holy Writ... maybe it has something to do with pre 1800s English Bibles using words that are not like today's so corrupted Engish.
@@joegame4576 If you are saying the Bible was not intended to pass on moral lessons, are you are saying religion does not try to promote a framework of morality?
Please tell me how you can go from rationale to somebody that can read the contradictory nonsense of the Bible and accept it as representing truth? I am genuinely curious. I was force fed the Bible in a fundamentalist church as a child and it scared the living hell out of me. It took about 2 science classes and 30 min. of research once exposed to the internet to realize my whole life had been a lie. How in the world could you go backward?
@@roadturtle115For starters, an almighty creator who knows everything created 2 weak humans with no knowledge of good and evil, but the only thing they need to do is to obey. He puts a forbidden tree and allows one of the most deceiving being to manipulate them. They had freewill, but what do you expect would happen? Every single human put in that position would do the same thing. But for some strange reason, the almighty got angry and curse the who human race for it. Who is psycho enough to do this? 1. Of course, they would disobey. This is logic. 2. He cursed a whole human race. This is generational intentional harm. This is immoral by definition. 3. I will skip all the Noah's part because it was a skill issue. God didn't learn from his "mistake" that the first 2 people couldn't keep his command, but again, with his hope that we won't do it again. Anyways, after all of his own mistakes, he sends his son to die for the things HE didn't prevent. And now we are saved by having faith and not having a single evidence. 4. This contradicts how justice works. This contradicts our understanding of morals. Don't get me started on eternal suffering as a punishment for not believing. And there you would have some people that say that it isn't really suffering, but death instead. This will raise another problem of the many interpretations and understanding of the scripture. When there is judgment, clear information is key. Which isn't with the bible. The bottom line is that we all are "sinners" because of the generational curse HE made. That means we sin by nature, and now we have to beg for forgiveness for being human. Otherwise, will get punished. And the famous "we all deserve hell because we fall short." This is the most bizarre story I've ever heard or believe. I was a Catholic, and then I went to a pentecostal church for many years. I've read the bible, so I know the stories, I believed, but when I started asking questions and making sense of things, I stopped believing. Because you can achieve everything if you work for it. Prayers aren't reliable. It's either "God has its own timing or he answers you in other ways." In other words, you can't know if it was prayer or just life happening. You can have good morals and purpose without the bible. We all are worthy. We all should practice self-improvement. I'm more of a practical being that lives based on information rather than faith
@@S91761 here's the deal. Yes, a lot of the Bible is fictional stories to teach lessons and to understand the gist of God. Just because what he does doesn't seem to make sense in our human view doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. On another tangent, to me there's too much evidence God exists to say he doesn't, but one thing that resonates with me is, out of all infinite time, you really believe you're only here right now for a few years? Divide any number by infinity and what do you get? Zero. So the chances your consciousness is finite is literally zero. Therefore, it has to be infinite. How this works exactly I confess I don't know, but I know it's there.
Jordan Peterson showing the important lessons behind the passage is very intelligent and brilliant. You can’t argue with the lessons being important/relevant
Jonah is not a story to teach a lesson it is a literal factual historical event. the lessons are built into the event, like the frog in the pot with the hot water.
Exactly I thought I was the only one. You’re missing the whole point if you think that the biblical stories are fictional explains for us not to take literally.
Why can't it be both? It's a lesson that anyone can learn from any generation and a historical event where God really want to spare Ninevah through the preaching of Jonah. There are in fact many lessons that can be learned from this book of the Bible.
@@thegenapp It can't be both factual and fictitious is the point people are making here. It's a true historical event which we would be wise to learn from, since things were allowed (by God) to transpire exactly as they did for this purpose.
Jonah's story proves that Jesus was in His tomb three days and three nights: “But He answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah: For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Mattthew 12:39-40
To gain respect for Biblical literacy, it helps to show the unbeliever that the stories are rich with meaning. Hes evangelizing in a different way… and yeah, for a different purpose: Biblical respect, values and literacy. That being said, most come to Christ for reasons beyond an intellectual appeal or reason. It is a spiritual battle not a scientific one. But even atheists used to be Biblically literate and respectful of the church. So his mission is valid if you ask me
Maher likes to use a bunch of adjectives but they rarely make sense in the context he says them. Bill has never been able to back up his opinions beyond mockery.
I personally wouldn't quote Bill what he already rejects but would confront him and force him to say what he can personally believe or expect from fools who believe the Bible. Years ago he traveled the world interviewing and respectfully confronting religious people of various religions in various sacred places such as temples and other places, listening to them and then making acidic comments as his personal conclusion. He denounced several or some inaccuracies of theists, from Christians to Muslims and others. But he has never presented a faith, a belief better than those that, as a professional comedian, he mocks.
he was living what he was saying. he felt a deep obligation to say what he was saying to Bill. I really appreciate the thought process of Jordan Peterson on these stories. That is so awesome!
Bill Maher’s knee will bow and his mouth will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. No amount of mockery will erase this fact. To be fair, Jordan Peterson should not take God’s name in vain. (at the 4:00 mark, which someone muted) 🙏🏼🇺🇸
I have personally prayed for Bill Maher! Wouldn't it be a great testimony if he gave up his ideas and got a huge dose of the Holy Spirit! That would rate a miracle!
@@ThomasFerrugiaWho told you God is an invisible man that lives in the sky? Idk why atheists always mention this concept as if this is what people are talking about when they talk about God. Artist interpretation may interpret God that way, but that is not at all accurate. Just as you can't fully imagine a hypercube, or anything on a higher dimension, you can't fully imagine God. The greatest minds humanity has ever had believed in God. Einstein, Newton, Tesla, Boyle, Planck, and the list goes on. Men much smarter than any of us. I think I'll take their word for it over Bill Maher or some dude in a comment section who doesn't even know what the concept of God is. 😂
Correct... In order for the story to actually impact your life... It must be believed. I love JP and his "interpretations"... Because they're interesting... Kind of like common core math😂...
@@jimhughes1070this is a conman strategy well known. Dont question, just accept. I do have some NFTs that are gaining so much valie, if you are interested!
Peterson is smart, wise, often spot on and this vid proves, a class act. He enthusiastically, but dispassionately, gives of his time to at least try to educate someone who is actively trying to be insincere and petty. By 8:00, Peterson has owned Bill: not my mocking him as Bill does, but pulling him in and getting him fully committed to the discussion.
Peterson has given no indication that he is aware of the archeological problems associated with the historical evidence for the Exodus and conquest. If the Bible says there was over a million male Israelites, and you add women and children that is a lot of people 'wandering" around the desert. Imagine they have to go to the bathroom every morning, use pottery, be buried, eat (what?). No evidence exists.
It's just a very squirrely way to say that the very first word in the very fist conversation with God was "God". This is a great example of why Bill says the Bible is stupid. Every individual who reads it has their own interpretation and experiences.
@zvijer2960 Nah, not even close ... Greek Scholar here. Expound on John 1:1 whenever your ready. Aside from Genesis 1:1, profoundly most important verse in Scripture....
It makes you people sound psychotic creating and following a religion where strangers differ for eternity. There's something really wrong with you people
I really appreciate the acknowledgement that religious writings are symbolic in nature, and have lessons and insight if one but has the eyes to see them. Where it gets off track for me, is when we start taking the stories as historical facts and claiming this religious text is the only true and right one.
@lindalape8493 nobody alive today was around to know what really happened back then. I've played enough Telephone game in my life to know how stories warp and distort over time. All words written and spoken are done so by people. Anyone who claims to have the ultimate truth in writing is either deceived or is trying to control others. What really matters to me is how I live my life, how I treat others, how I treat the world around me. I see god reflected back at me in everything and everyone. Kindness and good will towards others are the only lighthouses I need. May all our journeys be blessed.
6:42 “And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.” 2 Corinthians 4:3-4 ESV “But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.” 2 Corinthians 3:16 ESV
"It's full of mostly nonsense" Wow. I thought the same way for most of my life. I thought the bible was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. I truly thank God he did what he had to do to pull me out of the wilderness. I love these conversations and I had many of them before my eyes were opened. Unfortunately, nothing JP says will change Bill's mind in any way, shape, or form. I truly believe only God can open someone's eyes and awaken their spirit.
I'm a follower of Christ and there is a lot of nonsense in the Bible. There's also a lot of plagiarism from previous writings and legends. You can believe in the power of Christ the redeemer and recognize historical fact. I don't think humans interpreting God's word has always been done to benefit God, sometimes those interpretations were done to benefit the interpreter.
I think this conversation caused Bill to go home and think about all of this. This affected him in a good way. He didn’t dismiss it. We do similar ways to express a situation as we say, ok, “let me put it this way” then we go on to give a story that will make someone understand what you are trying to say. The bible is very deep. That was a great conversation
In so many ways JP is a real gift of God to this generation.....greater then he even knows. From a Christian point of view, his intellect and his integrity seem to be his greatest obstacle in accepting Christ, personally. But we pray for him in his journey... It's also true, IMO, that his beneficial message to the greater community of man would not be as well received, at least at this point, if he was 'outed' as a bonafide Christian. I have no doubt the Holy Spirit is doing a work in his life.
His intellect and integrity are his greatest obstacle in accepting Christ? LOL, so him being intelligent enough to see it as allegorical nonsense and not compromising his integrity by lying about his belief to achieve more religious fans is the only thing stopping him huh? Trust me, the only thing he is doing is confirming what ex Christians already know: the Bible is composed of allegorical tales and not to be taken literally. Kind of like Aesop's fables. If a large majority of it is fables how can you take the death, resurrection, and divinity of Jesus literally?
@@tajhoward8098 The short answer is ; Faith. Yes, there are allegories and metaphors in scripture. However, to suggest that the presence of some, substantiates that it represents all, or even a majority, is itself a logical fallacy. As for the historical truths and reliability of scripture, archeology has consistently discovered over a few centuries the uncanny reliability of the Bible. Modern science is rapidly discarding Darwin’s theory as mathematically implausible at best. The complexities discovered in the DNA string alone make it virtually impossible to consider it the product of any random act of ‘nature’. At every new scientific discovery, creation literally screams evidence of a creator. I believe there is a God. And, for me personally, I am willing to accept the Bible as true. It’s a choice I’m willing to make. If you've chosen to believe the Bible is not true, it's your own choice. In the book of Hebrews 11:5-6 KJV says “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.” Simply put, God wants man to ‘believe’ he “IS”. That he exists. In Exodus 3, God speaks to Moses from the burning bush and says “I Am”. That ties in. But, not to only believe that he exists, but that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Setting aside diligence because men can, and will, argue about that for eons, in the end, what is diligent for one, may not be at all diligent for another. Diligence is only for God to judge. Seeking him is the point. And in Acts 17 the Apostle Paul says to the Greeks at Mars Hill that God desires all men to seek him and that he is not far from anyone. So, in the final analysis, God wants man to express faith and believe that "He Is Good". Not at all like that other guy, whose mother was no virgin. Lucifer always attacks God’s character and trustworthiness… always. That was his proposal to Eve in the Garden. He still sings the same tune today. It is an observable fact in the history of mankind that some men will believe. Some will not. The beauty of the Gospel is that anyone can. And that is why the Gospel of Christ is ‘Good News’ for everyone. The Angels did not appear to the shepherds and proclaim... “This is gonna be great…for some of you” I don’t make fun of Atheists. I don’t appreciate ‘evangelistic’ Atheists. If a man wants to gamble with his own soul, or gamble that he has no soul, and there is no reckoning beyond the grave that is his choice to make. And if he’s wrong, it’s on him. BUT, if he’s wrong and he was willing to be the cause of others to gamble their souls as well….. that man never had a shred of human decency to begin with. Suit yourself.
I don't think Bill knew who exactly he was talking too to call the Bible stupid to his face. Peterson has researched it so much and his admiration for it isn't exactly a secret.
@@TheHigherVoltage I used to use that same reasoning for rejecting God's Word (and the Gospel of Jesus)... Then I recognized that just because something is used for evil doesn't mean it's not rooted in truth. Ironically, the Bible tells us clearly that humans are fallen and that we corrupt good things by using them for evil. So, it should be no surprise that we do this with God's Word.... The point is, it doesn't make it any less God's Word! It's not the fault of the Bible that we humans use it for evil! It's our fault! We have to be careful not to throw out the baby with the bath water.
@@objectivereality1392 Just a simple example : Jesus tells multiple, verifiable lies. Most notably, telling believers that they will gain a variety of super powers and supernatural abilities. Believers have no choice but to make excuses for these obvious lies. To claim that the bible is a God's word, requires believers to lie to themselves and engage in intellectual dishonesty to maintain that position of faith against factual evidence. Absolutely people have to be careful not to throw a baby out with the bathwater...however, arguably, it is far more important for people not to get sucked into evil because there's a few slogans of good...or defend blatant lies because they are covered with a few truths. That's how evil works to gain ground. What little truths that are found in the bible are also found in most religions throughout history and around today...and often used as salespitches for the worst conartists and snake oil salesmen the planet.
I had a friend who was once in a place of belief fairly similar to Bill's perspective. After talking with him about faith for about 3 hours we learned that he had a terrible experience in his past, growing up in a Pentecostal church that believed the false idea "if the Holy Spirit is in you, you will speak in tongues". Everybody in the church did that, but to him it seemed just like patterned gibberish. So one day when he was about 16, what did he do? He tested them. He spoke gibberish for the first time, some interpreter "interpreted his tongues" as some generic message that he heard pretty often, and everybody congratulated and praised him for receiving the Holy Spirit. His experiment then proved true that 1. they can't interpret tongues (since he just made up sounds), and 2. that most (if not all) of the time those people's gibberish had no goodness, truth, and was all prompted speech. Again, as I knew him, he was a Christianity hating fool. And so I listened to him as a Christian friend and said "That IS bs, and this is what real Christianity would do instead." And I think that gave him hope, because by about a year later he told me he was listening to sermons online and looking for a new church! Likewise I pray if only Peterson, or anybody, could unearth Bill's church hurt and (re)assure him that the Bible, and especially our LORD, are much more trustworthy and hopeful than he thinks they are.
I applaud Jordon for his tact to get people out of mockery and move one step closer to considering the words on the page. I work along side a large range of ages from 21-60. And the closer they are to 21 the less they listen, more they mock, and their instinct is reactionary instead of contemplative and considerate. Not saying considerate as in thinking of others feelings but considering the ideas and possible application and meaning. A patient and considerate person does not jump at the first impulse they have when hearing someone speak. But patiently considers the other perspectives and hears them for possible conclusions. Asking questions in order to better understand rather making factual mocking remarks because you think you already understand something that you haven’t even given your mind an option of considering.
Everyone knows that Bill never makes a real argument but just resorts to sarcasm, presenting himself as though he is an intellectual. It's not that every atheist argument is baseless, but Bill's arguments are.
I personally wouldn't quote Bill what he already rejects but would confront him and force him to say what he can personally believe or expect from fools who believe the Bible. Years ago he traveled the world interviewing and respectfully confronting religious people of various religions in various sacred places such as temples and other places, listening to them and then making acidic comments as his personal conclusion. He denounced several or some inaccuracies of theists, from Christians to Muslims and others. But he has never presented a faith, a belief better than those that, as a professional comedian, he mocks.
.Eu pessoalmente não citaria ao Bill o que ele já rejeita mas o confrontaria e o obrigaria a dizer o que ele consegue crer ou esperar pessoalmente do quer os tolos que creem na Bíblia. Anos atrás ele viajou pelo mundo entrevistando e confrontando até respeitosamente, religiosos de várias religiões em vários lugares sagrados como templos e outros lugares, ouvindo-os e depois tecendo comentários ácidos como sua conclusão pessoal. Denunciou várias ou algumas incorencias de teístas desde cristãos a muçulmanos e outros. Mas nunca apresentou uma fé, uma crença melhor do que aquelas que como comediante profissional, zomba.
EVERY atheist´s argument is baseless, if they believe everything came from nothing (Big Bang, blah, blah) and our ancestors were rocks - it´s called selective logic, intellectual dishonesty and pride. "Sky daddy" still makes much more sense and logic.
i’ve read it, slavery is not condemned in it but gives directives on how to acquire and treat slaves. It talks about this all loving god producing a she bear to maul 42 children for mocking a bald man. He sent a flood to kill all the wicked. Guess all those infants that were there were wicked. Never really understood why it took the most omnipotent entity 6 days to create the heaven and the earth. Why couldn’t he just create it at the blink of an eye.I could keep going but it would take to long to exhaust all the examples.
Many people have strange trait talking about things they haven´t researched (deep and long enough), really strange. Cognitive dissonance with pride do "things" to people.
@@roman_kofyno _"Many people have strange trait talking about things they haven´t researched (deep and long enough), really strange."_ ....Do you really think it is strange or more to do with 2Timothy3:1-9? _"Cognitive dissonance with pride do "things" to people."_ "Cognitive dissonance" is the psycho-babble/psychologist-babble typical worldly "look at me, i want to look intelligent" jargon, God/Jesus simply calls it what it actually is at it's core which is His character as the God of Truth = Double-hearted/minded and yes pride mixed in, you are correct Scripturally. Pride, the first sin, begets all other sins, like being double-hearted/minded.
Yes..... Dagon.. Philistines were worshiping Dagon the fish 'god' + sacrificing babies into a raging fire unto the 'gods' _[devils]_ where the babies are incinerated so you may get "blessings" from those "gods."
So sick and tired of the heavy censorship of my comments and replies: Yes..... Dagon.. Philistines were worshiping Dagon the fish 'god' + sacrificing babies into a raging fire unto the 'gods' [devils] where the babies are incinerated so you may get "blessings" from those "gods."
Dagon most likely isn't a fish. Some theologians assumed it was, because the Hebrew word for fish is "dag" But that's not really evidence. Just a wild guess.
While Bill Maher was mocking the Bible, Jordan Peterson explained the Bible to Bill in a way to make Bill look stupid and Bill tried to cover his tracks by Bill responding to Jordan Peterson.
I personally wouldn't quote Bill what he already rejects but would confront him and force him to say what he can personally believe or expect from fools who believe the Bible. Years ago he traveled the world interviewing and respectfully confronting religious people of various religions in various sacred places such as temples and other places, listening to them and then making acidic comments as his personal conclusion. He denounced several or some inaccuracies of theists, from Christians to Muslims and others. But he has never presented a faith, a belief better than those that, as a professional comedian, he mocks.
@@HelvecioPereira I know these SJW turds/Atheists are so arrogant thinking they're smarter than everybody who disagrees with them but when the evidence comes to their faces, they act like bitches. Also he sucks as a comedian BTW.
The bible is more like a set of documents and if you aren't consulting with those who have kept its context and traditions intact then you will come up with faulty notions to fill the gaps in your own comprehension.
@@bigol9223 Nice try I can do that as well um... Deflection! As I digress, may yeshua open your eyes so you can raise your Consciousness level have a blessed day!
I think it's very dangerous to equate the voice of God with conscience. Yes, our conscience is better at informing us of moral truth than our desires or our emotions, but it is still warped. It is not the voice of God.
Yeah, that was not good. Peterson is not ready to fully accept the Lord and explains away things still. Unfortunate, but I pray for him and hope he's getting closer to really knowing and loving God!
I suspect he was trying to make it more palatable to Bill--because if he kept calling it the voice of God, the atheist was going to dismiss the whole thing outright. But Bill can relate to the idea of having a conscience.
@@mayLibertyprevail1aHe was also making it more palatable to himself, and the people who think like he does. One time, he is telling us what we like to hear, in order to qualify as an influence on us. And he's explaining it all away, in strictly material, fleshly, psychological terms, to make it plain to people who think like he does, that he doesn't really believe. People can come to faith from that position, but just telling us something pleasant, something we love to hear, doesn't make him a believer. Jesus said that God's truth of the gospel ("these things") were hidden from the wise and prudent, and revealed unto babes. And He said that unless people become as little children, they would in no wise enter the kingdom. To the unbeliever, they automatically read that as "childish", and only deceivers look for a childish, gullible audience. But Jesus isn't really talking about childishness, but about that time when perhaps the Holy Spirit had an influence on us which built our consciences and we knew that God is real. John 1 always that Jesus, the "Light", in some way, lights "every man who comes into the world". Whatever that means, it would have to be closer to the beginning of life than the end, and children know God is real, much more easily and securely than adults do. Repenting from worldly, God-denying, false "wisdom", treating God as if He is real, receiving conviction that He is indeed real, and like He promises in His word, to again be willing to believe in God, and to believe in Jesus, with trusting faith, as the Savior we need to bring us to God, takes us from the "wise and prudent" class, into the believing babes group, and we find that we can once more believe, and that God makes Himself very real to us.
@@chrisallclips He said he's already given his life to the Lord. Please don't judge on a few minute video... he said conscience to help Bill understand on his level, not because he didn't actually believe that God speaks
People who criticize the Bible don’t take the time to study it in depth. It tells the story of creation, the fall of human kind into sin and ultimately the restoration of man through salvation. A salvation paid for by the son of God becoming one of us and having died on the cross for our sins. Don’t dismiss the greatest redemption story ever told without even thinking and praying on it would hurt either. God bless
"The Bible takes about 70 hours to read..." Maybe, but that's like saying a person can eat a steak in 25 seconds. Who wants to do that? The enjoyment comes from taking one's time with the Word and reflecting on the "flavor" therein.
The Bible takes a lifetime for a Christian to read because it's not just words on a page. A Christian is seeking God daily. If you're just reading the Bible to read, you're not going to see what you need to see because you aren't seeking God. Everything ties together, from Genesis to Revelation. You won't see how unless you read God's Word with a desire to truly know Him. Even then, He's only going to reveal what you're ready to see.
Dr. Peterson is so amazing at articulating things that I have lived: BOTH successes and failures!! -And Jordan is able to parallel them with the Bible too!!! Pretty Cool :)
Your channel helped me a lot. At the end of the day prayer to know the truth consistently is what did it... so His of course was who really did it- however, your channel helped a LOT I'm a 41 year old mother of two and wife, I'm getting baptized next week. Keep going.
@@user-dv8bs7tb5c Keep Going, I like it. Congratulations, I am happy to hear about your baptism and happy your kids will benefit from your understanding and guidance.
Jordan wasn't just teaching Bill, but Jordan was also Jonah and Jordan was actually saying what he had to say. He could not sit still and let Bill mock the word of God.
About twelve years ago God put it on my heart to pray for Bill, what an awesome testimony he will have when he gives his life to Jesus! Join me in prayer for Bill to be saved.
Just found your channel, you likely won't see this, but fantastic job spreading the Good News! I am shocked I have not found it previously but congrats on the success despite YT's algorithm's best efforts! =]
I agree that JP handles such situations with dignity and doesn't respond to mocking. His example inspires me to do the same.
Peterson should compare the Israelite Exodus to the Hyksos Exodus, in 1580 BC.
Similarities between these ‘two’ events include:
. A group of shepherds
. whose leader was Pharaoh Yakob (Yakobam)
. who were circumcised
. and wore curly (payot) sidelocks
. who had three days of darkness
. plus an ashfall (from Thera)
. plus a parting of waters (a tsunami from Thera)
. plus a pillar of smoke and fire (Thera)
. they had a battle with the Egyptians
. were kicked out of Egypt
. all 250 thousand of them
. departed from Pi Ramesse (from Avaris)
. went on an exodus to Jerusalem
. plus they destroyed Jericho.
. plus there are Exodus quotes on the Tempest Stele of Ahmose I.
. plus Josephus Flavius says the Israelites were indeed the Hyksos.
Thus the Hyksos and Israelite Exoduses are the same, excepting their date.
See book: Tempest & Exodus.
@@geeman1293 Yeah... The counter to any mocking, is to just stay on message. Libs are rarely open to being wrong or uninformed. Such self-righteousness.
Agreed. Peterson is brilliant. A great communicator. Maher will listen to intelligence, but his head is closed to many things that could free him. I wonder if as he ages, he sees how much of his time has been wasted with empty headed personalities.
He does, but the Bible is exactly what Bill Maher describes.
@@hartfully I have wondered the very same.
It's so weird to watch it when only one of them is really trying to have a conversation
That's the definition of a troll.
@@geoffreyedwards6691 false.
@@RemnantDiscipleLazzaro-Rev1217 I don't mean to be rude to you troll.
@@geoffreyedwards6691this interaction made me laugh😂
And one is kinda high
“For the word of the cross is folly to those who are perishing, but to us who are being saved it is the power of God.”
1 Corinthians 1:18 ESV
And the miracle is that we can go from perishing to being saved. God wants us to, and He will enable us to, if we allow ourselves to be drawn by Him, and receive his gift
@@lindajohnson4204 What gift?
@@kos-mos1127 The gift of eternal life.
@@kos-mos1127 His gift of salvation through His Son Jesus on the cross. The wages of even one sin is death (which means eternal separation from God) so we would've had absolutely no chance of entering heaven without Jesus taking the punishment and dying for our sins. Then He arose on the third day and will come back to judge the world. Receive Him, read His word (the Bible), and abide in Him to go to heaven. He said 'I am the Truth the Way and the Life. Nobody comes to the Father (heaven) except through Me.'
No one on this thread actually has given the true first century Scriptural Gospel.
I am 70 years old and recently received Christ as my Savior. Currently I have begun to earnestly study the Bible. I have been amazed by how powerful it is. I thank God the opportunity to study and to know him. Anyone who thinks the Bible is ridiculous is not reading it and studying the message it is bringing to us in our every walk with God.
That's awesome. Glad you finally found and invited Jesus Christ into your heart. I finally got back to Jesus Christ at 59. From 1978 until 2019 I was on a drug and alcohol fueled lifestyle. I was going through hell during those years. I'm lucky to have made it out alive.
That's sad, because it sounds like you've lived your whole life not needing any god, but now that you're old you have become fearful of the "end" and the unknown.
@@DavidJones-zg4odNot necessarily, you are projecting. Don’t say it’s “sad,” that’s so disrespectful.
@@DavidJones-zg4od we are not promised tomorrow.
@charlescollins6510 me too brother ❤
Everything is comically stupid to a fool.
And a stoner! ;)
Yes!!! So true.
Mercy triumphs over judgement....he may repent and cry out to God on his deathbed because of this conversation. God is not willing that any should perish.
@@rocksoli4 Then why didn't God just send the message to the Ninehvians himself?
@@Gwaithmirwhy should God show himself to people who don't even accept him? Plus, you know if God shows up all of them would die because he shines brighter than the sun.
Mahar is as high as a kite, kudos to Peterson for trying to have a normal conversation with somebody that refuses to listen, only wants to confirm their biases.
@@X2Ronbo how do you mean ? On drugs like ???
@@Beanbag777he was definitely at least drinking
You mean like you coming to this video to confirm your own?
“Don’t cast pearls before swine … “
@@GXP50 you don't have pearls you have pig slop
1) Jesus let the 99 and go for the 1
2) We watched it. I learned something. I picked a pearl. Its not wasted.
3) Jonah may say that to the people of Niniveh - watch the lesson again to learn whats wrong with that.
He cast the pearls before all of us. It is a great model of how to engage with a hostile/snobbish/mocking host in a public forum and STILL communicate complex ideas. WE are all the audience for both the lesson on the Bible and how to conduct ourselves with hyenas.
@@davidpeter892 I see what u mean but what about Matthew 10:14-16 says
“And whoever will not receive you nor hear your words, when you depart from that house or city, shake off the dust from your feet.
Verily I say unto you, It shall be more tolerable for the land of Sodom and Gomorrha in the day of judgment, than for that city.
Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves.”
@@lapurdy71 good thing they got to edit out what they wanted to.
The moral here is speak up and don’t be afraid. Standing up for what is right will prevent future problems.
In a way, it's a similar tale to that of Jeremiah -- except God told Jeremiah to tell the people of their evil -- they won't listen -- but now that they had an opportunity and blew it, I will allow thr Babylonians to conquer them for their lack of repentance.
i missed a lot of times to, sad am i
Bill describes how goofy it is for people to judge something they haven't read... And then calls the Bible Goofy, knowing he hasn't read it either 😎😂...
It surprised me that he didn't really know the story of Jonah. He talks a big game like he's so knowledgeable about religious things, but he didn't know how this basic Sunday school story ends. He doesn't seem so intimidating now.
He was brought up Catholic, and tbf they don't read very much of the Old Testament in Catholic church, so unless he was really interested he would not necessarily have known much of it.
I'll bet most nonreligious people probably don't actually know how the story of Jonah ends--just that he was swallowed by something resembling a whale.
@@mayLibertyprevail1a I was brought up Catholic too and we all knew the story of Jonah and the whale. however We didn't know anything about Nineveh
@@chrisallclips Bill knew the story of Jonah. He just did know the symbolic meaning of Jonah.
"Professing to be wise, they became fools" Romans 1:22.
Childish, unmarried, childless 70-year old stoner comes to the realization that Bible stories have moral lessons behind them.
Sounds like a good beginning 🙂
bill reminds me of the joker.
@@Myrnateatro no. is a lonely and sad life
Now, now... He's only 68!
I believe they call that an Epiphany
This was so beautiful 😍❤️
Even if Bill wasn't listening, he has a platform and others would listen to, therefore, Jordan has had a change to plant a seed in the hearts and minds of Bill's listeners.
that´s the point! I never argue to evangelize this ignorant, I talk to the poeple that watch the "fight".
What's moral about worshipping a God that can't even forgive others unless he tortures his own perfect son?
@@Ristaak read the scriptures to understand. and maybe it´s the other way around: he sacrified himself, for poeple , even like you, that doesn´t want to give a sh... but he did.
@@Ristaak Maybe you missed the part of the Bible that Jesus died for humanities sins. Not for some sadistic reason, as you suggest.
@@RistaakHe also didn't die in vain. God may or may not forgive a sinner. Jesus took the sins to the cross. If you are a sinner, Jesus may appear to you and remove your sin supernaturally. This has happened to me. That's why Jesus died. He died because God loves humanity, but he disapproves of its sin.
You're absolutely right about Dr. Peterson. His capacity to remain dignified is a remarkable superpower.
Professor Peterson accomplished what most believers would never attempt. His host was dismissive and belittling of the Bible. Instead of getting offended, Peterson reasoned with the man and made sense of the purpose of the Scriptures. If we are in the Spirit and have love in our hearts, we can share Truth with a desperate world. 🙏🏼
Why don't you watch all of Peterson's material, really listen to what he says, and tell me if you think he believes the Bible in the sense that I assume you do. Listen to his answer when asked if he even believes in God. The Bible to him is allegory, tales that contain wisdom but state it in mythical ways.
@@tajhoward8098 The jury is out on his spiritual state, but his prowess in dealing with opposition is admirable.
@@ltcajh His spiritual state is a NON-BELIEVER
I would be like, you can have your opinions about the Bible but laughing just because I start telling a story and all I’ve done is introduce a character is disrespectful of the guest. Saying “religious people really like the Bible” then calling it “nonsense” when knowing your guest is religious is very disrespectful to the guest.
Bill Maher can think what he wants, but he’s being very childish by not respectfully listening to a man who he praised for being a professor and not allowing him the space to speak.
@@tajhoward8098 I think that is the problem with Peterson unknowingly accepting certain philosophical commitments about interpreting literature. At the root of it, taking the entire 73 books in the Bible as allegory does not make any sense. The Bible is special solely because it is the word of God in literal sense. Otherwise, Peterson would have us believe that in the 4th century AD, the people were smart enough to understand all those allegorical ideas and select those particular books out of many in history to put together the compilation we know today as the Bible. The entire idea sounds nonsensical. So in that sense, Peterson is bit of a child when it comes to this topic.
Bill can be comically stupid sometimes too.
Most of the time.
Well not "too", only he is
thank you
@@mentilly_all praise our father in heaven. He is so perfect and we are so small and helpless.
What I appreciate about Peterson [curse words and all] is that he meets the mocking, unbelieving, Bill Maher at his level and dispenses truth in a manner that causes Maher to consider it. Thus, a seed was planted. If only we as believers had the same measure of patience with those like Bill who we come in contact with.
Have you ever studied what 'vessels fitted for destruction" means in correct John 3:1-21 / Acts 17 Berean exegesis?
I'm a huge fan of the phrasing of what you said. I think ill use this comment to help my mission statement with my other UA-cam channel.
Peterson has still not realised that the Israelite Exodus is the Hyksos Exodus, in 1580 BC.
Similarities between these ‘two’ events include:
. A group of shepherds
. whose leader was Pharaoh Yakob (Yakobam)
. who were circumcised
. and wore curly (payot) sidelocks
. who had three days of darkness
. plus an ashfall (from Thera)
. plus a parting of waters (a tsunami from Thera)
. plus a pillar of smoke and fire (Thera)
. they had a battle with the Egyptians
. were kicked out of Egypt
. all 250 thousand of them
. departed from Pi Ramesse (from Avaris)
. went on an exodus to Jerusalem
. plus they destroyed Jericho.
. plus there are Exodus quotes on the Tempest Stele of Ahmose I.
. plus Josephus Flavius says the Israelites were indeed the Hyksos.
Thus the Hyksos and Israelite Exoduses are the same, excepting their date.
See book: Tempest & Exodus.
Fyi JP doesn't believe the supernatural events of the bible actually happened. He appreciates the bible as a literary work for its allegories
@@RalphEllis Is the man who authored that a Bible Believer?
I love Dr Prof Jordan Peterson's composure when a question is directed to him. Kudos 👏👏👏
I can’t stand Bill Maher. But the Bible is true when it say “Claiming to be wise, they became fools” Rom. 1:22
@@Cruyff1899 all con men tell you only fools don't believe me. I use to believe too then I spent some time learning how the Bible was made
Typical religious person "hate"
@@Cruyff1899 🥱🥱🥱
Oh, you must be one of THOSE who don't like "facts" because Bill Maher speaks the truth.
@@i-35vagabond56 🤣😂🤣
Peterson was very impressive here. It's great to see him cool, steady, calm and communicating with great clarity.
Luckily he didn't partake in whatever Bill was smoking.
Even so, he argues for mendacious religious propaganda.
I think Jordan has had clients when he still practised as a clinician that were much worse than Bill, so I think talking with Bill here was a piece of cake for him.
He's always well spoken and can state utter nonsense with such gravity that it sounds like wisdom. Don't get me wrong, he's a smart guy and I like some of his stuff but let's summarize what was actually said here (not very well by Bill admittedly). Bill "The Bible is loved by many but is full of hypocrisy and ridiculous nonsense." Which is all true by the way. Jordan "It may seem like ridiculous nonsense but they are actually ridiculous stories that are meant to serve as allegories to get serious concepts across. For instance, Jonah and the Whale is meant as a warning to those that won't speak up when they need to, if they do not it can actually cause societal rot and you'll end up in a place in which you wish you were dead." Maybe true? There is no proof that that was the intent at all but it seems logical?
@tajhoward8098 What hypocrites are in the Bible, if I may ask? I might be reading the wrong bible because the one I have doesn't have any. Can I know which version you read?
I thought the same way as Bill, and then I realized what's important is the meaning of stories. Focusing on Why not to believe, instead of on why to believe. These stories teach valuable lessons.
I'm grateful, God opened my eyes & heart 🙏
I personally wouldn't quote Bill what he already rejects but would confront him and force him to say what he can personally believe or expect from fools who believe the Bible. Years ago he traveled the world interviewing and respectfully confronting religious people of various religions in various sacred places such as temples and other places, listening to them and then making acidic comments as his personal conclusion. He denounced several or some inaccuracies of theists, from Christians to Muslims and others. But he has never presented a faith, a belief better than those that, as a professional comedian, he mocks.
Same here. Before I came to faith, I respected Christianity for the morals and lessons it tought, even though I didn't believe any of it. A "useful delusion" so to speak. Then I got curious, started going to church, reading the Bible, researching the level of historical accuracy and reliability of the Bible (authorship, when the Scriptures were written, etc.), really wresting with whether or not I could believe these things actually happened, asking all the tough questions I could think of, and had no other choice after everything I learned but to accept Jesus Christ. Knowing God's character and reading in an effort to gain understanding of what the actual message is, rather than nitpick at verses, really helps.
So do school books. Why would you assume this book is real? If you found a copy of harry potter would you assume thats real? Did you not read all the sadistic crap god did in that book? (That has been revised so many times not even sure it even resembles the original text). Just saying. Yes it is a book of parables. But thats it. Why do you assume its real?
@@voradorhylden3410 Flawed argument. Firstly, it is necessary to define what is real. In principle, what we feel is real. What we come to know becomes real. For those who reject the Bible, simply because they don't like it, they must prove why it isn't real. The Evolution of Species is real because people prefer it to be real. Prove that certain statements in the Bible are real. Marx's Capital is only real because people insist on it appearing real.
Which one though! There are many 🤣
I so appreciate how kind and engaged Jordan Peterson remains while talking to a provocateur such as Bill Maher. I know I don't have that kind of patience and ability.
I wish Bill would actually look into the evidence. He pre-dismisses it based on who others have portrayed God to be. God help him.
Bill plays to his audience which is really his biggest fault. I think it would take a truly rock-bottom experience for him to turn to God.
I would hope he’d be more intellectually honest with himself for his own sake, but only time will tell.
What evidence? And if you say, "Look around", I might have to hurl.
@@williamgreenfield9991 For example, the catechism (which is free and readily available) provides these interpretations, and are set in stone. There you can see what stories are allegorical or not, for example. After having skimmed through it, you can criticise all you want because no excuse of "you are misrepresenting the bible story" is accepted. What is there written goes.
@@williamgreenfield9991 You say " What evidence" That indicates you have not done any real research into the truths of Christianity above all other religions. If you say you have, then I have to doubt that as there is plenty of evidence to confirm historical facts of the bible including Jesus' life and death etc. Perhaps you could look with an open mind and not from the dismissiveness you seem to have.
He’s not ripe he may never be to study God from even a philosophical level not to mention then moving to the Bible. He needs to go back in his train of through before the Bible.
Is there a God? If so, what is the nature of God? Has God revealed himself to man in any meaningful way beyond reason? Etc
i can never understand how people can just wave away 3500 years of historical wisdom that generations clung to and used to get the world to where we are today, we stand on the shoulders of giants while complaining that if they just had science then everything would be perfect... thank God for people like Dr.Peterson to help us digest the wisdom and make it easier to discuss in todays day and age. God Bless you Dr. Peterson
People can learn from the parables of the Bible, the issue is when people believe that the story of Jonah actually happened and a man survived for 3 days in the belly of a giant fish.
'Historical wisdom'? There is nothing historical about a book written by a bunch of superstitious goat-herders who thought the world was flat, the sun orbited around the earth, that snakes and donkeys could talk or that a bear came running out of the woods to eat children who made fun of a bald guy.
Left to our own devises are as helpful as someone in a raft in the middle of the ocean.
The bible warned us about eating from the tree of knowledge. And here we are about 200 years into the accelerated phase of science, with multiple technologies that could wipe out humans, and much of life on earth, without the capability to control those innovations.
@@HawklordLI ur the fool if u cant see the meaning behind these storys, and again your just discarding 3500 years of wisdom because you cant prisocess some simple imagery and metaphor, nobody thinks the earth is flat or that animals speak or that the sun orbits the moon, ur just painful dumb if u think that
Maher is such a child
You can tell he never matured after college. It’s really embarrassing
He is a child but he's very good at it...been practicing his whole life...
Because he is childless, he does not understand the challenge of raising children.
But he does have a sense of
critical thinking.
Well, then there is hope for him.
I still really respect Bill Maher, LOVE Jordan Peterson and this discussion is lovely. Bill was respectful and Jordan was engaging. I learned a thing or three!
Nineveh was in Assyria and us modern Assyrians still observe the fast of the Ninevites for 3 days.
I never knew that.. I learned something new today..
The story of Jonah is really, truly funny. It’s a parable about the folly of pettiness. Jonah never gets it, all the way to the end. He’s mad that these people he hates are like, “sure! Okay. Whatever.” And Jonah still hates them. Plant grows up, and Jonah is like-“see? God’s with ME!”And the plant shrivels up and dies. Religious pride cometh before a 3rd degree sunburn.
@@kjmav10135 You must smoke the weed like Bill..As the story is about Gods Justice and Mercy. As his justice requires the sinners to die for their behavior.. But in his Mercy he sent his Messenger kicking and screaming. As Jonah knew God would forgive them if he went. He wanted to see them destroyed for their wickedness was his motive for fighting Gods will..In the End they repented "sackcloth and ashes" their form of detergent...
And the only thing I find disturbing. Is you think it was funny. As over 100k people was saved, untold destruction to Animals and buildings. As whole Generations would have been wiped out..
Have a nice day..
That's really cool!
Oh wow! That's something. What days of the year is that and what do you call it?
I have never seen Bill this stoned, no judgement (I'm from Amsterdam 😂) but when faced with the intellect of Jordan Peterson it's downright embarrassing. As usual a class act from JBP's part, very well played, so eloquent 👌🏽❤️ all the love
I totally agree with you. Bill shouldn't of smoked so much before this interview, he was completely out of it.
Bill has refused to not smoke in front of guests who specifically requested him not to due to asthma and stuff. Kinda sad.
Bill Maher didn’t appear to understand that God was in the room with them…
I think the story shows how my God cares about even the most fallen
Peoples on this world.
Yet we must always keep in mind that only if we care and study His Word will we
Know only a tiny bit of His Wisdom. He has to communicate to us in a way we do so to very small children.
I just adore Peterson, he could chat about anything and I'd find it interesting. His framing of the Bible is honestly refreshing. As a Bible believing Christian it's been fun watching him dive into the word and find so much meaning. I'll continue to pray for his salvation.
I always get something out of watching your channel. Intelligent, thoughtful and compassionate. Love it.
Thank you. I needed to see this at this exact moment in time🙏 Never be afraid to do or say the right thing.
Read, "The Problem with Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc."
Historically and biblically, Mr. Maher, mocking the Word of God has never worked out well. I was smug and smirky once and then was driven to my knees and I thank God for that. It was a gift for eternity.
Driven to your knees? Are you catholic and really young?
He is not mocking word of a god, he is mocking your stupid, childish ideas of so called "god"
He said that God is corrupt.
Who is Maher to dictate corruption? Maher, is the LAST person to even know right from wrong, or how it's determined.
Bill comes from an extreme perspective, both as a human who lacks understanding of important issues, and a fallen individual who is hostile to the average religious person's concept of God.
Human wisdom is to know our own ignorance, but the Wisdom of God is to judge between good and evil, so there is no way humans can tell what is corrupt without the wisdom of God.
See Romans 1:18-32.
@@安吉夜话-s9d Colossians 2:8-9....
By the standard that says we shouldn't drown babies
I really appreciate how Jordan Peterson explains the Bible. When you have somebody who is really intelligent, they can really understand the Bible and praise God for turning Jordan Peterson through the Bible and spreading the knowledge which is what we are supposed to do.
I found Jordan’s analysis of Jonah and the analogy to a movie at face value very good. It’s a good example of how we are to be winning people to the faith. With gentleness and with a well-prepared answer. Arguing and fighting never does anything but cause people to be pushed more and more from faith.
Amen, well said. Jesus' entire earthly ministry, as we say, was spent critiquing organized and institutionalized religion which constantly confused means with ends. Jesus said he came not to destroy the law, but to fulfill it. The fulfillment of the law is not compliance to some set of legal requirements, it's the creation of the kind of people and and quality of community which constitute heaven. Jesus was always alluding to proof of acceptance of him in the effect it created, not the status that was gained by being part of the new in group.
JP probably just read a commentary on it. He isn't the first to dissect the story... 😉
Yup it's a good story but which faith? No God involved.
Faith loses people as a result of logic and critical thinking.
I don't get it, if something has moral values and lessons you can extrapolate and spread into intersecting in meaning with other related concepts, how does that give it value beyond that domain of being just an anecdote with symbolic representations and ontological themes?
How does that translate to being tangible in the real world?
The advice of Christ in teaching his apostles, “Cast not your pearls before swine lest they turn again and trample upon them.”, comes to mind when dealing with the category of people one could describe as insolent scoffers.
Calling people swine and then trampling on them is so Christian. There is no hate quite like Christian "love".
@@williamgreenfield9991 Actually it’s Jewish. Why? Because swine are unclean to the Jews. You are failing to get the implication of the advice. It means don’t waste your wisdom on the truly vile because they will not only ignore your salutary insights but add insult to injury by attempting to destroy them and drag them through the mud, rather as you have just done. Because it was said by the Lord who was a Jew but is recognized as God by Christians, it is part of the Judaeo-Christian tradition, and, indeed, the Gospel, or in modern language, the Good News. Actually it the swine who do the trampling, as one one expect, but you are not even reading the text carefully enough to get what millions including me have heard said since childhood.
@@williamgreenfield9991 it's a metaphor you donut
@@williamgreenfield9991 if you give solid advice to someone and they actively deny or contradict it, then at some point you just have to jog on. Sounds like a wise move to me. You can lead a horse to water but cant make it drink. Same idea.
@@williamgreenfield9991 what is the issue if a person behaves as such? and the passage says lest THEY trample , you again speak without listening or studying which shows you know nothing and have no intention to learn , no wonder you're lost . The interesting thing is this , you are in a christian channel , watching christian videos and then commenting in a christian comment section full of christians ...... I can assure you me and my brothers and sisters are not watching Atheist channels , we have no need to bicker with them as I have seen you doing from one user to the next in here spending time you cant get back and I would never argue about something I thought was untrue or silly , I won't be in an atheist channel anymore than a tooth fairy channel but yet here you are , fighting back and forth with people in a channel you claim to believe nothing of .
Surely there is an atheist channel playing this clip from their own view you could be in but you chose to come here ........I think something inside all you unbelievers knows the truth and it makes you angry because you simply dont want it to be true , so you come to blow off that steam against the ones who speak that truth you hate , like the bible says you do , you supress the truth and your behaviour demonstrates just that .
I will never waste my time in a channel or conversation or comment or anything with something I believe to be nonsense .... it makes no sense and its a waste of my time.....
Being pride filled while also being a fool is a recipe for disaster to that person and to all around them.
This is an incredible conversation. Jordan seems to be invoking a lot of Jungian psychology in order to decode the meaning of biblical stories. It's amazing. Stories transcend language and time. I do believe he's hit on the correct way of approaching faith in the post modern world. Both these gentlemen are massively intelligent, and can learn from each other while disagreeing. Deep respect.
Absolute Bull!
GOD SAYS the person who doesn't believe in him/his word IS A FOOL! Which of these two men fit that category?
Read, "The Problem with Jews, Christians, Muslims, etc."
Let's keep praying for jordan to truly come to christ , as well as the other man. God bless y'll
Stop praying just leave him alone.
@@kos-mos1127 I'm sorry, but how actually praying for someone gonna annoy him?
He said he already gave his life to Jesus a while ago. I'm actually shocked that you don't see the fruit of the Spirit, he cries every time he talks about Jesus and what He did for us
Yeah he's really close, he reminds me of sole before he became paul
@VoVina111 did he get baptized? Where?
Bill hasn't been called so the Bible is not revealed to him. I tried reading the Bible several times as a younger adult and hadn't yet been called yet and I never understood any of it. At 50, I was called and I've read the Bible several times and I get more understanding each time. It's quite amazing!
@@Higgmeister647 hello, i recomend you to watch JP bible interpretations, the bible is so hard to understand if you dont have someone who explain it to you
We’re all called, hence God walking in the garden of Eden calling for Adam and in Revelation Jesus knocks on our hearts waiting for us to answer. When we respond to Gods call & Jesus’ knocking then we have the help of the Holy Spirit to understand the Bible. Jesus died on the cross for every single person, He calls all of us but sadly only a few answer.
There’s certainly some truth to that. I’ve never cared to read the Bible until I eventually hit 20 years old. Then one day, as my interests in meditation and expanding my knowledge of the universe grew, I decided, “Why not read the Bible in its entirety? If anything would help expand my understanding of the universe, reading the Bible would certainly help. After all, it’s one of the most notable and significant pieces of literature ever made.”
So here I am, now committed to reading the Bible out of my own interest rather than being force-fed the word of God.
@@Joanne_uk Actually that is not true biblically. If Jesus died for all then all would be saved but we know that they are not. Jesus died for the elect who were predestined to be saved before the foundation of the world. Read Ephesians ch. 1 carefully. God's chosen ones were preplanned in eternity to be saved. The gospel is offered to all but mankind in his wickedness rejects it. Only by God's drawing His elect to Christ will they be saved. Read John 6:43-45, John 6:63-65. Then read Romans ch. 9. It's easy to come into reading the word with erroneous preconceived biases so set your fleshly understanding aside and look at what the Bible really says. The verses I gave you in John are the words of Christ Himself. God is saving some but not all, why? You will find the answer in Romans ch. 9.
@@Higgmeister647 this
This is exemplary handling of mockery and rebuke against what you otherwise know to be true.
Peterson did not argue with Bill, he did not engage with Bill’s insults, he merely talked past it and said his point. He focused on Bill the individual and focused on having a discussion with him, not allowing himself to get derailed in the conversation.
“Do not answer a fool according to his folly, Lest you also be like him.”
Proverbs 26:4 NKJV
Bravo Dr.Peterson, I am
Edit: Btw I appreciate that Jordan compliments Bill at the end, despite Bill mocking his faith. That is truly practice of Christian doctrine:
“Bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse.”
Romans 12:14 NKJV
“Repay no one evil for evil. Have regard for good things in the sight of all men. If it is possible, as much as depends on you, live peaceably with all men.”
Romans 12:17-18 NKJV
Don't forget the immediately adjacent verse
"Answer the fool in the way of his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes."
Thank you for including the blessed scriptures ~. reminding us to PRAY for people like Maher! Amazingly inspiring ~ that 'brother'. Jordan Peterson ! =}. .....
So basically dont defend your beliefs just lie to yourself and others over and over that its true and cant be fake?
@@1048Kane it's more like you can't use reason to refute a position that someone didn't come to via reason. OTOH, you might be able to defend your position to that person using reason and starting from first principles. Don't argue they are wrong, argue that you are right.
Also, "God is not mocked" Galatians 6:7
If God exists, then those who mock God will eventually learn exactly how wrong they are. If God doesn't exist, then what does it, or anything, matter?
I’ve learned a lot from Jordan Peterson it makes sense he is a Christian he has such a good head on his shoulders. I had horrible chronic pain and changing my diet changed my life like it did for his daughter. I am thankful for both him and his daughter speaking out and trying to make the world a better place. Bless them.
And I find it profound that the food that is so often demonized by the nutritional experts is the one thing that is healing people and that food is the Biblical Sacrificial Animals. I don't support the idea that Carnivore is the ideal human diet because even Biblically that is not the case, but meat is definitely being used to heal.
I don't think he's said he is a Christian...but he is a remarkable man.
@@thefacelessquestion3333 He has clearly said he is a Christ Believer.
He is not born again, as is the case for most people that think they are Christians.
"Work out your salvation with fear and trembling."
Great insight Brandon! Jordan Peterson is great at not taking the bait in conversations that would distract fron the point
I'm someone who very much appreciates having both a spiritual and a naturalist explanation for pretty much everything.
In my opinion, it makes every argument that much stronger.
So i've always respected Jordan's ability to cast the entire biblical corpus into allegorical narratives......
It's a way to help non spiritually minded people to understand the value of scripture.
Bill Maher saying Bible is stupid shows that he didn't even read the Proverbs once in his life
How did the sun stop in the sky?
@@andrewoliver8930 miracle
@@andrewoliver8930 because u have been fooled that earth is a globe spinning the sun
@@matekachannel3652 The globe spins the sun?
I'm not sure anyone claims that.
Peterson puts the value of the bible on the same level as other literature.
Amazing! 🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼
3:00 Bill] "The Bible is so well known, even by people who haven't read it." No, that's the point Bill, most people don't know the Bible at all, even many who have read it, because they have read it at a childishly stupid level, or know it mostly through lies told about it. Very few people delve into the Bible to the level that Jordan Peterson has, the level of a genius.
@williamreymond2669 that's why there's bible studies.
This is classic juxtaposition of one man who is godly and aiming for the highest good he knows, and one who only aims to express his own self interests, disregarding sound council.
“But the natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him; neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.” 1 Cor 2:14
"fallacy - 1: a false or mistaken idea - b : erroneous character : erroneousness - 2 : deceptive appearance : deception 3
: an often plausible argument using false or invalid inference" 3rd edition Webster pg 488
I personally wouldn't quote Bill what he already rejects but would confront him and force him to say what he can personally believe or expect from fools who believe the Bible. Years ago he traveled the world interviewing and respectfully confronting religious people of various religions in various sacred places such as temples and other places, listening to them and then making acidic comments as his personal conclusion. He denounced several or some inaccuracies of theists, from Christians to Muslims and others. But he has never presented a faith, a belief better than those that, as a professional comedian, he mocks.
More like,
A rationally thinking person can't accept _"the things of the Spirit of God"_ as demonstrably real. The _"Shield of faith,"_ the _"Kingdom of God,"_ the _"Holy Spirit,"_ the _"Lamb's book of life"_ and the rest of that stuff are all imginary.
They are more real than you and me...
The above said verse somes up the mentality of some spiteful mutants within any given society, unable to understand the higher truths sometimes obvious to even a 'lay' person..
That venom spewing mutants destroys the society within...@@LloydTucker-r7v
The Bible is told from an Eastern perspective as well as revealing the hidden wisdom of God to those who ask for it. It is no wonder some people who do not want to, cannot understand it
@@kathleenr8839 I prayed to God for wisdom and then I found out about the firmament and NASA’s lies. It first started with me knowing that the moon landing was a hoax as a child and now as an adult I understand how the world works.
1Co 2:14 But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.
1Co 2:15 But he that is spiritual _[John 3:1-21 qualified]_ judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man _[natural man]._
1Co 2:16 For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we _[John 3:1-21]_ have the mind of the Christ.
A fool says there is no God
@@geralddavies2333 amen my brother said that there’s no God and I felt sorry for him. We clearly live under the firmament made by God.
It requires God’s revelation to unlock and it has almost infinite wisdom in it. I mean I can see a very dedicated person going at least 120 years and still discovering profound new truths and deeper understand if they work through it with God’s help.
thank you for not interrupting every minute.
Is it really possible that Bill has lived this long and has never read Aesop's fables and realize that there's a lesson in it, not just a silly story about foxes and grasshoppers?
The reason we have the phrase "moral of the story" is because all of history if full of stories that have been told to pass on moral lessons.
Interesting how you never find the word "moral" in Jesus' Holy Writ... maybe it has something to do with pre 1800s English Bibles using words that are not like today's so corrupted Engish.
Atheists are generally contemptuous losers.
yeah but bible is not one of them. the purpose of bible is not to pass on moral lessons but to pass on historical, theological, and literal truths.
@@joegame4576 If you are saying the Bible was not intended to pass on moral lessons, are you are saying religion does not try to promote a framework of morality?
@@MrKanilammitYou simply can't with that one.... You'll only waste your most precious asset.
Bill sounds Like I used to. He is however, realizing something is very wrong. Pray for him. It’s hard to be red-pilled the first time.
I took the red pill and God is not real.
Please tell me how you can go from rationale to somebody that can read the contradictory nonsense of the Bible and accept it as representing truth? I am genuinely curious. I was force fed the Bible in a fundamentalist church as a child and it scared the living hell out of me. It took about 2 science classes and 30 min. of research once exposed to the internet to realize my whole life had been a lie. How in the world could you go backward?
@@tajhoward8098 what's the contradictory nonsense
@@roadturtle115For starters, an almighty creator who knows everything created 2 weak humans with no knowledge of good and evil, but the only thing they need to do is to obey. He puts a forbidden tree and allows one of the most deceiving being to manipulate them. They had freewill, but what do you expect would happen? Every single human put in that position would do the same thing. But for some strange reason, the almighty got angry and curse the who human race for it. Who is psycho enough to do this? 1. Of course, they would disobey. This is logic. 2. He cursed a whole human race. This is generational intentional harm. This is immoral by definition. 3. I will skip all the Noah's part because it was a skill issue. God didn't learn from his "mistake" that the first 2 people couldn't keep his command, but again, with his hope that we won't do it again. Anyways, after all of his own mistakes, he sends his son to die for the things HE didn't prevent. And now we are saved by having faith and not having a single evidence. 4. This contradicts how justice works. This contradicts our understanding of morals. Don't get me started on eternal suffering as a punishment for not believing. And there you would have some people that say that it isn't really suffering, but death instead. This will raise another problem of the many interpretations and understanding of the scripture. When there is judgment, clear information is key. Which isn't with the bible.
The bottom line is that we all are "sinners" because of the generational curse HE made. That means we sin by nature, and now we have to beg for forgiveness for being human. Otherwise, will get punished. And the famous "we all deserve hell because we fall short." This is the most bizarre story I've ever heard or believe.
I was a Catholic, and then I went to a pentecostal church for many years. I've read the bible, so I know the stories, I believed, but when I started asking questions and making sense of things, I stopped believing. Because you can achieve everything if you work for it. Prayers aren't reliable. It's either "God has its own timing or he answers you in other ways." In other words, you can't know if it was prayer or just life happening.
You can have good morals and purpose without the bible. We all are worthy. We all should practice self-improvement. I'm more of a practical being that lives based on information rather than faith
@@S91761 here's the deal. Yes, a lot of the Bible is fictional stories to teach lessons and to understand the gist of God. Just because what he does doesn't seem to make sense in our human view doesn't mean it doesn't make sense. On another tangent, to me there's too much evidence God exists to say he doesn't, but one thing that resonates with me is, out of all infinite time, you really believe you're only here right now for a few years? Divide any number by infinity and what do you get? Zero. So the chances your consciousness is finite is literally zero. Therefore, it has to be infinite. How this works exactly I confess I don't know, but I know it's there.
Jordan Peterson showing the important lessons behind the passage is very intelligent and brilliant. You can’t argue with the lessons being important/relevant
Yes I can.
Let’s pray for Bill & Jordan!
Jonah is not a story to teach a lesson it is a literal factual historical event. the lessons are built into the event, like the frog in the pot with the hot water.
Exactly I thought I was the only one. You’re missing the whole point if you think that the biblical stories are fictional explains for us not to take literally.
Why can't it be both? It's a lesson that anyone can learn from any generation and a historical event where God really want to spare Ninevah through the preaching of Jonah. There are in fact many lessons that can be learned from this book of the Bible.
@@thegenapp It can't be both factual and fictitious is the point people are making here. It's a true historical event which we would be wise to learn from, since things were allowed (by God) to transpire exactly as they did for this purpose.
Jonah's story proves that Jesus was in His tomb three days and three nights: “But He answered and said unto them, An evil and adulterous generation seeks after a sign; and there shall no sign be given to it, but the sign of the prophet Jonah: For as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth.” Mattthew 12:39-40
To gain respect for Biblical literacy, it helps to show the unbeliever that the stories are rich with meaning. Hes evangelizing in a different way… and yeah, for a different purpose: Biblical respect, values and literacy. That being said, most come to Christ for reasons beyond an intellectual appeal or reason. It is a spiritual battle not a scientific one. But even atheists used to be Biblically literate and respectful of the church. So his mission is valid if you ask me
Maher likes to use a bunch of adjectives but they rarely make sense in the context he says them. Bill has never been able to back up his opinions beyond mockery.
Ecclesiastes 1:9 "What has been is what will be, and what has been done is what will be done, and there is nothing new under the sun."
I personally wouldn't quote Bill what he already rejects but would confront him and force him to say what he can personally believe or expect from fools who believe the Bible. Years ago he traveled the world interviewing and respectfully confronting religious people of various religions in various sacred places such as temples and other places, listening to them and then making acidic comments as his personal conclusion. He denounced several or some inaccuracies of theists, from Christians to Muslims and others. But he has never presented a faith, a belief better than those that, as a professional comedian, he mocks.
You like Robert Parker? He references Peck in a couple books.
he was living what he was saying. he felt a deep obligation to say what he was saying to Bill. I really appreciate the thought process of Jordan Peterson on these stories. That is so awesome!
Bill Maher’s knee will bow and his mouth will confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. No amount of mockery will erase this fact. To be fair, Jordan Peterson should not take God’s name in vain. (at the 4:00 mark, which someone muted) 🙏🏼🇺🇸
I mean...his name was never "Jesus", so no he won't....
I have personally prayed for Bill Maher! Wouldn't it be a great testimony if he gave up his ideas and got a huge dose of the Holy Spirit! That would rate a miracle!
@lindafarrell8250 it would! On a scale of Paul's conversion on the road to Damascus. It might take that extreme an experience to turn Maher.
I think the fact that Bill is even having this conversation means God is already working on his heart. 🙏
LMAO! YEs. Bill should drop his IQ by 100 points and pretend an invisible man lives in the sky.
@@ThomasFerrugiaWho told you God is an invisible man that lives in the sky? Idk why atheists always mention this concept as if this is what people are talking about when they talk about God. Artist interpretation may interpret God that way, but that is not at all accurate. Just as you can't fully imagine a hypercube, or anything on a higher dimension, you can't fully imagine God. The greatest minds humanity has ever had believed in God. Einstein, Newton, Tesla, Boyle, Planck, and the list goes on. Men much smarter than any of us. I think I'll take their word for it over Bill Maher or some dude in a comment section who doesn't even know what the concept of God is. 😂
@@christianmonighan3506 My thoughts also. The seed has been planted. If it happened to Russell Brand, it can certainly happen to Bill Maher.
I think it's Peterson's intellectualism that makes Bill listen. But also Peterson's approach to the Bible itself is intellectual and mystical so....
Correct... In order for the story to actually impact your life... It must be believed.
I love JP and his "interpretations"... Because they're interesting...
Kind of like common core math😂...
Jordan Peterson = qualified for Proverbs 8:13, 12:15, 14:12, 16:18, 17:15-16, 28:26, Jeremieh 17:5-9, Matthew 7:1-6, 13-14, 21-23, 13:14-15, 15:7-9, 19:16-19, Matthew 24:11, Revelation 3:15-16, 21:8, 22:15 and all parallel verses.
There it is! 😎
"The end of the matter" 👍🙏
Read Maps of Meaning. It's long but worth it.
@@jimhughes1070this is a conman strategy well known. Dont question, just accept. I do have some NFTs that are gaining so much valie, if you are interested!
Jp’s approach is something we can try and emulate to reach those who mock and we can look past the pettiness form a place of compassion to reach them.
Peterson is smart, wise, often spot on and this vid proves, a class act. He enthusiastically, but dispassionately, gives of his time to at least try to educate someone who is actively trying to be insincere and petty. By 8:00, Peterson has owned Bill: not my mocking him as Bill does, but pulling him in and getting him fully committed to the discussion.
Peterson has given no indication that he is aware of the archeological problems associated with the historical evidence for the Exodus and conquest. If the Bible says there was over a million male Israelites, and you add women and children that is a lot of people 'wandering" around the desert. Imagine they have to go to the bathroom every morning, use pottery, be buried, eat (what?). No evidence exists.
"In the beginning was the Word, the Word was with God and the Word was God".
John 1:1
What the H is that supposed to mean??
It's just a very squirrely way to say that the very first word in the very fist conversation with God was "God". This is a great example of why Bill says the Bible is stupid. Every individual who reads it has their own interpretation and experiences.
@zvijer2960 Nah, not even close ... Greek Scholar here. Expound on John 1:1 whenever your ready. Aside from Genesis 1:1, profoundly most important verse in Scripture....
@@wyattearpp9540 *you're
Sheesh, this looks like just another stupid rap lyric if you think about it ;)
Love this. Well done, Jordan Peterson. Looking forward to ful podcast!
Both need to be prayed for.🤗🤗🎆🎆
“To sin by silence when one should speak out in protest makes cowards of men”……
Lord have Mercy on
Bill Maher’s soul
Whose Lord?
You people seem unhinged creating and following a religion where other people suffer for eternity. It makes yall sound psychotic
It makes you people sound psychotic creating and following a religion where strangers differ for eternity. There's something really wrong with you people
@@prospros54fiftyfour67 And what "soul??"
@@prospros54fiftyfour67 We know Satan takes care of his children.
I really appreciate the acknowledgement that religious writings are symbolic in nature, and have lessons and insight if one but has the eyes to see them. Where it gets off track for me, is when we start taking the stories as historical facts and claiming this religious text is the only true and right one.
His (Jesus's) story IS history!! The Word of God is truth!!
@lindalape8493 nobody alive today was around to know what really happened back then. I've played enough Telephone game in my life to know how stories warp and distort over time. All words written and spoken are done so by people. Anyone who claims to have the ultimate truth in writing is either deceived or is trying to control others. What really matters to me is how I live my life, how I treat others, how I treat the world around me. I see god reflected back at me in everything and everyone. Kindness and good will towards others are the only lighthouses I need. May all our journeys be blessed.
Humans didn’t establish a covenant with God, God established a covenant with humans. Big difference.
@@MichaelHoward-h3k you’re correct, but we are constantly trying to bargain with God. The story of Jonah is a perfect example of that.
“And even if our gospel is veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing. In their case the god of this world has blinded the minds of the unbelievers, to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God.”
2 Corinthians 4:3-4 ESV
“But when one turns to the Lord, the veil is removed.”
2 Corinthians 3:16 ESV
"It's full of mostly nonsense" Wow. I thought the same way for most of my life. I thought the bible was a bunch of mumbo jumbo. I truly thank God he did what he had to do to pull me out of the wilderness. I love these conversations and I had many of them before my eyes were opened. Unfortunately, nothing JP says will change Bill's mind in any way, shape, or form. I truly believe only God can open someone's eyes and awaken their spirit.
@@boomboxbreezy so are you saying God picks who he wants to be convinced his gospel is true?
@ "Many are called, but few are chosen". I can only speak on my experience with finding God. It looks different for everyone.
@Captain1Pocket He calls all to repent but most avoid it
I'm a follower of Christ and there is a lot of nonsense in the Bible. There's also a lot of plagiarism from previous writings and legends. You can believe in the power of Christ the redeemer and recognize historical fact.
I don't think humans interpreting God's word has always been done to benefit God, sometimes those interpretations were done to benefit the interpreter.
I think this conversation caused Bill to go home and think about all of this. This affected him in a good way. He didn’t dismiss it. We do similar ways to express a situation as we say, ok, “let me put it this way” then we go on to give a story that will make someone understand what you are trying to say. The bible is very deep. That was a great conversation
In so many ways JP is a real gift of God to this generation.....greater then he even knows. From a Christian point of view, his intellect and his integrity seem to be his greatest obstacle in accepting Christ, personally. But we pray for him in his journey... It's also true, IMO, that his beneficial message to the greater community of man would not be as well received, at least at this point, if he was 'outed' as a bonafide Christian. I have no doubt the Holy Spirit is doing a work in his life.
His intellect and integrity are his greatest obstacle in accepting Christ? LOL, so him being intelligent enough to see it as allegorical nonsense and not compromising his integrity by lying about his belief to achieve more religious fans is the only thing stopping him huh? Trust me, the only thing he is doing is confirming what ex Christians already know: the Bible is composed of allegorical tales and not to be taken literally. Kind of like Aesop's fables. If a large majority of it is fables how can you take the death, resurrection, and divinity of Jesus literally?
@@tajhoward8098 The short answer is ; Faith. Yes, there are allegories and metaphors in scripture. However, to suggest that the presence of some, substantiates that it represents all, or even a majority, is itself a logical fallacy. As for the historical truths and reliability of scripture, archeology has consistently discovered over a few centuries the uncanny reliability of the Bible. Modern science is rapidly discarding Darwin’s theory as mathematically implausible at best. The complexities discovered in the DNA string alone make it virtually impossible to consider it the product of any random act of ‘nature’. At every new scientific discovery, creation literally screams evidence of a creator.
I believe there is a God. And, for me personally, I am willing to accept the Bible as true. It’s a choice I’m willing to make. If you've chosen to believe the Bible is not true, it's your own choice. In the book of Hebrews 11:5-6 KJV says “But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him.”
Simply put, God wants man to ‘believe’ he “IS”. That he exists. In Exodus 3, God speaks to Moses from the burning bush and says “I Am”. That ties in. But, not to only believe that he exists, but that he is a rewarder of those who diligently seek him. Setting aside diligence because men can, and will, argue about that for eons, in the end, what is diligent for one, may not be at all diligent for another. Diligence is only for God to judge. Seeking him is the point. And in Acts 17 the Apostle Paul says to the Greeks at Mars Hill that God desires all men to seek him and that he is not far from anyone.
So, in the final analysis, God wants man to express faith and believe that "He Is Good". Not at all like that other guy, whose mother was no virgin. Lucifer always attacks God’s character and trustworthiness… always. That was his proposal to Eve in the Garden. He still sings the same tune today. It is an observable fact in the history of mankind that some men will believe. Some will not. The beauty of the Gospel is that anyone can. And that is why the Gospel of Christ is ‘Good News’ for everyone. The Angels did not appear to the shepherds and proclaim... “This is gonna be great…for some of you”
I don’t make fun of Atheists. I don’t appreciate ‘evangelistic’ Atheists. If a man wants to gamble with his own soul, or gamble that he has no soul, and there is no reckoning beyond the grave that is his choice to make. And if he’s wrong, it’s on him. BUT, if he’s wrong and he was willing to be the cause of others to gamble their souls as well…..
that man never had a shred of human decency to begin with.
Suit yourself.
I don't think Bill knew who exactly he was talking too to call the Bible stupid to his face. Peterson has researched it so much and his admiration for it isn't exactly a secret.
Greatest tool of manipulation and slavery ever invented. The quran and the vedas are a distant second.
@TheHigherVoltage Do you want to know why so many people find atheists to be insufferable?
@@TheHigherVoltage i respect your opinion what do you believe in?
@@TheHigherVoltage I used to use that same reasoning for rejecting God's Word (and the Gospel of Jesus)... Then I recognized that just because something is used for evil doesn't mean it's not rooted in truth.
Ironically, the Bible tells us clearly that humans are fallen and that we corrupt good things by using them for evil. So, it should be no surprise that we do this with God's Word.... The point is, it doesn't make it any less God's Word! It's not the fault of the Bible that we humans use it for evil! It's our fault!
We have to be careful not to throw out the baby with the bath water.
@@objectivereality1392 Just a simple example : Jesus tells multiple, verifiable lies. Most notably, telling believers that they will gain a variety of super powers and supernatural abilities. Believers have no choice but to make excuses for these obvious lies.
To claim that the bible is a God's word, requires believers to lie to themselves and engage in intellectual dishonesty to maintain that position of faith against factual evidence.
Absolutely people have to be careful not to throw a baby out with the bathwater...however, arguably, it is far more important for people not to get sucked into evil because there's a few slogans of good...or defend blatant lies because they are covered with a few truths. That's how evil works to gain ground.
What little truths that are found in the bible are also found in most religions throughout history and around today...and often used as salespitches for the worst conartists and snake oil salesmen the planet.
I had a friend who was once in a place of belief fairly similar to Bill's perspective.
After talking with him about faith for about 3 hours we learned that he had a terrible experience in his past, growing up in a Pentecostal church that believed the false idea "if the Holy Spirit is in you, you will speak in tongues". Everybody in the church did that, but to him it seemed just like patterned gibberish. So one day when he was about 16, what did he do? He tested them. He spoke gibberish for the first time, some interpreter "interpreted his tongues" as some generic message that he heard pretty often, and everybody congratulated and praised him for receiving the Holy Spirit. His experiment then proved true that 1. they can't interpret tongues (since he just made up sounds), and 2. that most (if not all) of the time those people's gibberish had no goodness, truth, and was all prompted speech. Again, as I knew him, he was a Christianity hating fool.
And so I listened to him as a Christian friend and said "That IS bs, and this is what real Christianity would do instead." And I think that gave him hope, because by about a year later he told me he was listening to sermons online and looking for a new church!
Likewise I pray if only Peterson, or anybody, could unearth Bill's church hurt and (re)assure him that the Bible, and especially our LORD, are much more trustworthy and hopeful than he thinks they are.
This is a fantastic story. Thank you
That was great Jordan Peterson is great and a great teacher
I applaud Jordon for his tact to get people out of mockery and move one step closer to considering the words on the page.
I work along side a large range of ages from 21-60. And the closer they are to 21 the less they listen, more they mock, and their instinct is reactionary instead of contemplative and considerate. Not saying considerate as in thinking of others feelings but considering the ideas and possible application and meaning. A patient and considerate person does not jump at the first impulse they have when hearing someone speak. But patiently considers the other perspectives and hears them for possible conclusions. Asking questions in order to better understand rather making factual mocking remarks because you think you already understand something that you haven’t even given your mind an option of considering.
Everyone knows that Bill never makes a real argument but just resorts to sarcasm, presenting himself as though he is an intellectual. It's not that every atheist argument is baseless, but Bill's arguments are.
I personally wouldn't quote Bill what he already rejects but would confront him and force him to say what he can personally believe or expect from fools who believe the Bible. Years ago he traveled the world interviewing and respectfully confronting religious people of various religions in various sacred places such as temples and other places, listening to them and then making acidic comments as his personal conclusion. He denounced several or some inaccuracies of theists, from Christians to Muslims and others. But he has never presented a faith, a belief better than those that, as a professional comedian, he mocks.
.Eu pessoalmente não citaria ao Bill o que ele já rejeita mas o confrontaria e o obrigaria a dizer o que ele consegue crer ou esperar pessoalmente do quer os tolos que creem na Bíblia. Anos atrás ele viajou pelo mundo entrevistando e confrontando até respeitosamente, religiosos de várias religiões em vários lugares sagrados como templos e outros lugares, ouvindo-os e depois tecendo comentários ácidos como sua conclusão pessoal. Denunciou várias ou algumas incorencias de teístas desde cristãos a muçulmanos e outros. Mas nunca apresentou uma fé, uma crença melhor do que aquelas que como comediante profissional, zomba.
EVERY atheist´s argument is baseless, if they believe everything came from nothing (Big Bang, blah, blah) and our ancestors were rocks - it´s called selective logic, intellectual dishonesty and pride. "Sky daddy" still makes much more sense and logic.
I always find amazing how people are so misinformed about what the Bible really says. They just repeated ideas they heard elsewhere.
It's somewhat astonishing that for a secular Jew he is quite wilfully ignorant what the Scriptures teach.
Amen to your comment but that is another problem as they are not willing to read the word in the first place.
i’ve read it, slavery is not condemned in it but gives directives on how to acquire and treat slaves. It talks about this all loving god producing a she bear to maul 42 children for mocking a bald man. He sent a flood to kill all the wicked. Guess all those infants that were there were wicked. Never really understood why it took the most omnipotent entity 6 days to create the heaven and the earth. Why couldn’t he just create it at the blink of an eye.I could keep going but it would take to long to exhaust all the examples.
Many people have strange trait talking about things they haven´t researched (deep and long enough), really strange. Cognitive dissonance with pride do "things" to people.
@@roman_kofyno _"Many people have strange trait talking about things they haven´t researched (deep and long enough), really strange."_ ....Do you really think it is strange or more to do with 2Timothy3:1-9? _"Cognitive dissonance with pride do "things" to people."_ "Cognitive dissonance" is the psycho-babble/psychologist-babble typical worldly "look at me, i want to look intelligent" jargon, God/Jesus simply calls it what it actually is at it's core which is His character as the God of Truth = Double-hearted/minded and yes pride mixed in, you are correct Scripturally. Pride, the first sin, begets all other sins, like being double-hearted/minded.
JP is a brilliant apologist 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
Interesting thing about the big fish is that was their god in Nineveh. Dagon, I think it was called.
Yes..... Dagon.. Philistines were worshiping Dagon the fish 'god' + sacrificing babies into a raging fire unto the 'gods' _[devils]_ where the babies are incinerated so you may get "blessings" from those "gods."
Leviathan in Dagon
So sick and tired of the heavy censorship of my comments and replies: Yes..... Dagon.. Philistines were worshiping Dagon the fish 'god' + sacrificing babies into a raging fire unto the 'gods' [devils] where the babies are incinerated so you may get "blessings" from those "gods."
Dagon most likely isn't a fish. Some theologians assumed it was, because the Hebrew word for fish is "dag" But that's not really evidence. Just a wild guess.
Neat story.
While Bill Maher was mocking the Bible, Jordan Peterson explained the Bible to Bill in a way to make Bill look stupid and Bill tried to cover his tracks by Bill responding to Jordan Peterson.
I personally wouldn't quote Bill what he already rejects but would confront him and force him to say what he can personally believe or expect from fools who believe the Bible. Years ago he traveled the world interviewing and respectfully confronting religious people of various religions in various sacred places such as temples and other places, listening to them and then making acidic comments as his personal conclusion. He denounced several or some inaccuracies of theists, from Christians to Muslims and others. But he has never presented a faith, a belief better than those that, as a professional comedian, he mocks.
@@HelvecioPereira I know these SJW turds/Atheists are so arrogant thinking they're smarter than everybody who disagrees with them but when the evidence comes to their faces, they act like bitches. Also he sucks as a comedian BTW.
I am learning in my walk with Yeshua that the Bible is like a radio and if we are not tuned to the right frequency than the message can get distorted.
"Turn your radio on" Ray Stevens, great song
The bible is more like a set of documents and if you aren't consulting with those who have kept its context and traditions intact then you will come up with faulty notions to fill the gaps in your own comprehension.
@@bigol9223 I see you are not into finding the truth and you are set in your ways and tradition Hmmm... So were the ones who put Yeshua on the cross!!
@@yodawolfe6870 seems like a hell of a lot of weird projection.
@@bigol9223 Nice try I can do that as well um... Deflection! As I digress, may yeshua open your eyes so you can raise your Consciousness level have a blessed day!
Love the way Dr Jordan quietens Bill with wisdom, focus and psychological control.
I think it's very dangerous to equate the voice of God with conscience. Yes, our conscience is better at informing us of moral truth than our desires or our emotions, but it is still warped. It is not the voice of God.
Yeah, that was not good. Peterson is not ready to fully accept the Lord and explains away things still. Unfortunate, but I pray for him and hope he's getting closer to really knowing and loving God!
I suspect he was trying to make it more palatable to Bill--because if he kept calling it the voice of God, the atheist was going to dismiss the whole thing outright. But Bill can relate to the idea of having a conscience.
@@mayLibertyprevail1aHe was also making it more palatable to himself, and the people who think like he does. One time, he is telling us what we like to hear, in order to qualify as an influence on us. And he's explaining it all away, in strictly material, fleshly, psychological terms, to make it plain to people who think like he does, that he doesn't really believe. People can come to faith from that position, but just telling us something pleasant, something we love to hear, doesn't make him a believer. Jesus said that God's truth of the gospel ("these things") were hidden from the wise and prudent, and revealed unto babes. And He said that unless people become as little children, they would in no wise enter the kingdom. To the unbeliever, they automatically read that as "childish", and only deceivers look for a childish, gullible audience. But Jesus isn't really talking about childishness, but about that time when perhaps the Holy Spirit had an influence on us which built our consciences and we knew that God is real. John 1 always that Jesus, the "Light", in some way, lights "every man who comes into the world". Whatever that means, it would have to be closer to the beginning of life than the end, and children know God is real, much more easily and securely than adults do. Repenting from worldly, God-denying, false "wisdom", treating God as if He is real, receiving conviction that He is indeed real, and like He promises in His word, to again be willing to believe in God, and to believe in Jesus, with trusting faith, as the Savior we need to bring us to God, takes us from the "wise and prudent" class, into the believing babes group, and we find that we can once more believe, and that God makes Himself very real to us.
Does God speak an a audible voice as to be heard?
@@chrisallclips He said he's already given his life to the Lord. Please don't judge on a few minute video... he said conscience to help Bill understand on his level, not because he didn't actually believe that God speaks
Your content is phenomenal! Thank you !
Every word of the Bible is divine. It's God's words speaking to us. The truth will prevail.
Good on Jordan Peterson. And kudos to the host for his thoughts.
People who criticize the Bible don’t take the time to study it in depth. It tells the story of creation, the fall of human kind into sin and ultimately the restoration of man through salvation. A salvation paid for by the son of God becoming one of us and having died on the cross for our sins. Don’t dismiss the greatest redemption story ever told without even thinking and praying on it would hurt either. God bless
"The Bible takes about 70 hours to read..."
Maybe, but that's like saying a person can eat a steak in 25 seconds. Who wants to do that? The enjoyment comes from taking one's time with the Word and reflecting on the "flavor" therein.
The Bible takes a lifetime for a Christian to read because it's not just words on a page. A Christian is seeking God daily. If you're just reading the Bible to read, you're not going to see what you need to see because you aren't seeking God. Everything ties together, from Genesis to Revelation. You won't see how unless you read God's Word with a desire to truly know Him. Even then, He's only going to reveal what you're ready to see.
I still struggle studying scripture with deeper meaning. Appreciate this presentation. ❤
@@Bottle-Blonde ask the holy spirit to guide you
Dr. Peterson is so amazing at articulating things that I have lived: BOTH successes and failures!!
-And Jordan is able to parallel them with the Bible too!!! Pretty Cool :)
10:02 "arguing by the clock" idea that I finally understood when I read Peter Kreeft's "Between Heaven and Hell"
Your channel helped me a lot. At the end of the day prayer to know the truth consistently is what did it... so His of course was who really did it- however, your channel helped a LOT I'm a 41 year old mother of two and wife, I'm getting baptized next week. Keep going.
@@user-dv8bs7tb5c Keep Going, I like it. Congratulations, I am happy to hear about your baptism and happy your kids will benefit from your understanding and guidance.
Godbless 🙏 may god continue to grow in your heart. ♥️
That's why it says in the bible "those who have ears to hear" who want to learn
Great video thank you
To be fair Bill probably has read more about weed than the Bible.
assuming you're right that doesn't change the fact that unlike the stories in the bible weed is very much a real thing that we try to manage
Jordan wasn't just teaching Bill, but Jordan was also Jonah and Jordan was actually saying what he had to say. He could not sit still and let Bill mock the word of God.
About twelve years ago God put it on my heart to pray for Bill, what an awesome testimony he will have when he gives his life to Jesus! Join me in prayer for Bill to be saved.
Saved from what? 😂
Just found your channel, you likely won't see this, but fantastic job spreading the Good News! I am shocked I have not found it previously but congrats on the success despite YT's algorithm's best efforts! =]
I love how Jordan handles Bill's mocking attitude. Planting seeds of truth!