The House of Emperor Haile Selassie

  • Опубліковано 25 лис 2024


    @ACEDTVL  2 місяці тому +222

    Hey Guys do me a Favor and Share this video with all your Rasta Friends

    • @Ivandragorussiangiant
      @Ivandragorussiangiant 2 місяці тому +5

      Bro its POUNDS not euros lol

    • @Ivandragorussiangiant
      @Ivandragorussiangiant 2 місяці тому +1

      Bro its POUNDS not euros lol

    • @Joooonya
      @Joooonya 2 місяці тому +1

      You should visit cheddar gorge next if you're still in the UK

    • @Cavellification
      @Cavellification 2 місяці тому +1


    • @Cavellification
      @Cavellification 2 місяці тому +1

      I really enjoyed this video. it's the best so far I've watched from you.....
      Thanks for the efforts made...... watching from the Netherlands 🇳🇱 ♥️

  • @yaredjob9959
    @yaredjob9959 2 місяці тому +182

    I am Ethiopian and did not know about the Historic House of Emperor. Thank you ACE!

    • @Holy1OfIsrael.
      @Holy1OfIsrael. 2 місяці тому +5


    • @keburemanenate1998
      @keburemanenate1998 2 місяці тому

      ሃይለስላሴ በኤርትራ እና በህዝቦቿ ላይ የዘር ማጥፋት፡ የፈፀመው ወንጀል ስላደረገው ድርጊት እውነታውን የሚያጋልጥ ኃይለኛ መልእክት እነሆ፡-
      በጣም ረጅም ጊዜ የተቀበረ እውነት አለም የሚሰማበት ጊዜ ነው። ብዙ ጊዜ የአፍሪካ አንድነት ተምሳሌት ተብለው የሚታወቁት የኢትዮጵያው ኃይለ ሥላሴ በኤርትራ ሕዝብ ላይ ተነግሮ የማያልቁ ወንጀሎችን የፈጸሙ ናቸው። በእሱ አገዛዝ የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል ተፈጽሟል-የኤርትራን ማንነት፣ ባህል እና ሉዓላዊነት ለማጥፋት ስልታዊ ዘመቻ ነበር።
      እ.ኤ.አ. በ1962 ኤርትራ በግፍ በኢትዮጵያ ቁጥጥር ስር ከዋለችበት ጊዜ አንስቶ፣ ሃይለስላሴ አሰቃቂ የጭቆና ጦርነት ከፍቷል። ኤርትራዊያን የተጨፈጨፉበት፣ የታሰሩት እና የተሰደዱት በነፃነት ሃገር የመኖር መብታቸውን በመጠበቃቸው ብቻ ነው። መንደሮች በእሳት ተቃጥለዋል። ቤተሰቦች ተበታተኑ። ልጆች ወላጅ አልባ ነበሩ። ለአስርት አመታት የኤርትራ ህዝብ በኢትዮጵያውያን ወረራ ስር ሰቆቃ፣ ባርነት እና ግድያ ኖሯል፣ ሁሉም ተቃውሞውን ለመደምሰስ።
      ይህ ተራ ግጭት አልነበረም - የዘር ማጥፋት ነበር። የኃይለስላሴ መንግስት ከኢትዮጵያውያን ጋር ከፋሺዝም ጋር አብሮ ሲታገል በኖረው ህዝብ ላይ የዘር ማጽዳት እና ሽብር ሲፈጽም አለም አይኑን ጨፍኗል። ኤርትራዊያን ከነጻነት በቀር ምንም የማይፈልጉት በገዛ ምድራቸው አማፂ እና ተገንጣይ ተብለው በአጋንንት ተጨፍጭፈዋል።
      ዓለም አቀፉ ማህበረሰብ ለእነዚህ ወንጀሎች እና ኤርትራ ያሳለፈችውን ከፍተኛ ስቃይ እንዲቀበል እንጠይቃለን። በኃይለ ሥላሴ የጀመረው ደም መፋሰስ ወደተከታታይ የኢትዮጵያ መንግስታት ዘልቆ በመቀጠሉ ዛሬም ድረስ የሚሰማውን የትውልድ ጉዳት ፈጠረ። የኤርትራ ነፃነት ለመርሳት በጣም ብዙ ዋጋ ያስከፍላል ። እያንዳንዱ ኤርትራዊ የዚህ የተረሳ የዘር ማጥፋት ጠባሳ ተሸክሞ ነው፣ እናም ዓለም ያንን እውነት የተገነዘበበት ጊዜ ነው።
      ታሪክን በክብር ገዥዎች ውሸት አንፃፍ። እውነቱ የሚካድ አይደለም፡ ሃይለስላሴ ለኤርትራ የዘር ማጥፋት ወንጀል ተጠያቂ ነበሩ። ዓለም የጥፋቱን መጠን ሙሉ በሙሉ የተረዳበት፣ ከኤርትራ ጋር ተባብሮ የሚቆምበት፣ እና እንደዚህ አይነት ግፍ ዳግም እንዳይከሰት የሚያረጋግጥበት ጊዜ ነው። የኤርትራ ሕይወት ጉዳይ፣ የኤርትራ ታሪክ ጉዳይ፣ ለኤርትራም ፍትሕ መረጋገጥ አለበት። ዓወት ንሓፋሽ 🇪🇷❤️🇪🇷👉🏼🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫🐫

    • @keburemanenate1998
      @keburemanenate1998 2 місяці тому

      what about The Forgotten Genocide: Haile Selassie’s Atrocities Against Eritrea
      It is time the world hears the truth that has been buried for too long. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, often revered as a symbol of African unity, was in fact responsible for unspeakable crimes against the innocent people of Eritrea. Under his rule, genocide was committed-a systematic campaign to erase Eritrea’s identity, culture, and sovereignty.
      From the moment Eritrea was unjustly annexed by Ethiopia in 1962, Haile Selassie waged a brutal war of oppression. Eritreans were massacred, imprisoned, and exiled, simply for defending their right to exist as a free nation. Villages were burned to the ground. Families were torn apart. Children were orphaned. For decades, the Eritrean people endured torture, slavery, and murder under Ethiopian occupation, all in an effort to crush their resistance.
      This was no ordinary conflict-it was genocide. The world turned a blind eye as Haile Selassie’s regime committed ethnic cleansing and terror against the very people who had fought side by side with Ethiopians against fascism. Eritreans, who wanted nothing but freedom, were demonized and dehumanized as rebels and outcasts in their own land.
      We call upon the international community to acknowledge these crimes and the immense suffering Eritrea has endured. The bloodshed that began under Haile Selassie continued into successive Ethiopian regimes, creating generational trauma that is still felt today. Eritrea’s hard-fought independence came at a cost too high to forget. Every Eritrean carries the scars of this forgotten genocide, and it is time the world recognizes that truth.
      Let us not rewrite history with lies of glorified rulers. The truth is undeniable: Haile Selassie was responsible for genocide in Eritrea. It’s time for the world to understand the full extent of his crimes, to stand in solidarity with Eritrea, and to ensure that such atrocities never happen again. Eritrean lives matter, Eritrean history matters, and justice for Eritrea must be served.

    • @JTK639
      @JTK639 2 місяці тому +2

      I hear certain parts of Ethiopia are just to beautiful to describe 😊

    • @JTK639
      @JTK639 2 місяці тому +1

      The perfect tour guide.

  • @yidenkal
    @yidenkal 2 місяці тому +49

    If there is anyone from the city of Bath who would like to visit Ethiopia I would be glad to pay for your accomodation, food, and other costs during your stay here in Addis! That would be my way of saying thank you to your fathers for helping and taking care of him and his family, and you for keeping the heritage! 🎉🎉🎉

  • @SKN1763
    @SKN1763 2 місяці тому +48

    For those who don’t know, the lyrics of that Bob Marley song ‘War’ being played on the ‘piano’: “Until the philosophy which holds one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere there is war, until there’s no longer first class and second class citizens of any nation, until the colour of a man’s skin is of no more significance than the colour of his eyes there’s a war …” are from a speech by Emporer Hailee Selasie. It is my favorite Bob Marley song. Edit: The tour host said this at the end.

  • @VeronicaGilles-h1n
    @VeronicaGilles-h1n 2 місяці тому +110

    Thank you for this video, in the early 60's the emperor visited Haiti and he was giving a royal treatment by Francois Duva lier. My school Immaculate Conception was invited to the airport to welcome the emperor among others,I will never forget the thrill of seeing a real royal subject.❤

    • @paulkelly873
      @paulkelly873 2 місяці тому +10

      Bless you Veronica, that really touched me. One Perfect Love ❤

    • @keburemanenate1998
      @keburemanenate1998 2 місяці тому

      what about The Forgotten Genocide: Haile Selassie’s Atrocities Against Eritrea
      It is time the world hears the truth that has been buried for too long. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, often revered as a symbol of African unity, was in fact responsible for unspeakable crimes against the innocent people of Eritrea. Under his rule, genocide was committed-a systematic campaign to erase Eritrea’s identity, culture, and sovereignty.
      From the moment Eritrea was unjustly annexed by Ethiopia in 1962, Haile Selassie waged a brutal war of oppression. Eritreans were massacred, imprisoned, and exiled, simply for defending their right to exist as a free nation. Villages were burned to the ground. Families were torn apart. Children were orphaned. For decades, the Eritrean people endured torture, slavery, and murder under Ethiopian occupation, all in an effort to crush their resistance.
      This was no ordinary conflict-it was genocide. The world turned a blind eye as Haile Selassie’s regime committed ethnic cleansing and terror against the very people who had fought side by side with Ethiopians against fascism. Eritreans, who wanted nothing but freedom, were demonized and dehumanized as rebels and outcasts in their own land.
      We call upon the international community to acknowledge these crimes and the immense suffering Eritrea has endured. The bloodshed that began under Haile Selassie continued into successive Ethiopian regimes, creating generational trauma that is still felt today. Eritrea’s hard-fought independence came at a cost too high to forget. Every Eritrean carries the scars of this forgotten genocide, and it is time the world recognizes that truth.
      Let us not rewrite history with lies of glorified rulers. The truth is undeniable: Haile Selassie was responsible for genocide in Eritrea. It’s time for the world to understand the full extent of his crimes, to stand in solidarity with Eritrea, and to ensure that such atrocities never happen again. Eritrean lives matter, Eritrean history matters, and justice for Eritrea must be served.

    • @trulyrich707
      @trulyrich707 2 місяці тому +8

      He was a real life royal, (not a subject), descending from the ancient royals of Queen 👑 of Sheba & King 👑 Solomon of Judah.

    • @isiomaamma9869
      @isiomaamma9869 2 місяці тому +3

      Wow I did not know he visited Haiti I knew he visited Jamaica in the '70s if im not mistaken

    • @abegebreys514
      @abegebreys514 2 місяці тому +1

      Haile selassie was awesome.

  • @teshomeneway8237
    @teshomeneway8237 2 місяці тому +10

    i am an Ethiopian, who lives in Addis Ababa and I am proud to see this Documentary Video , so I shared it to my FB Account. I Thank you and GOD Bless You All.

  • @germaalem4213
    @germaalem4213 2 місяці тому +92

    Thank you thank you. This is not just Ethiopia history but also all black people of the world

    • @idealgovernment
      @idealgovernment 2 місяці тому +8

      ...and all of us. Pretty significant to local people in Bath tbh.

    • @tsegaabraham9800
      @tsegaabraham9800 Місяць тому

      Not for Eritreans if you know him very well lol he is one of the biggest devil 😈 that kills and slave his neighbor. Come to Eritrea if you wanted to know WHO he was.

    • @davidsayinghi7967
      @davidsayinghi7967 24 дні тому +1

      spoken like a true american, stop trying to include yourself in others business

  • @michaelwilliams8178
    @michaelwilliams8178 2 місяці тому +43

    I'm speechless. Ace, you just saved the Emperor's house financially for life. Most people don't understand the Black American connection to Haile Selassie. The Emperor solicited a Black American pilot to build the Ethiopian Air Force, which still exists today-a black man who could not fly combat planes for America but for the Canadian government. Believe it or not, we have always had a connection with our homeland.

    • @Waryaa123
      @Waryaa123 Місяць тому

      But you are not like us neither are u even east African enjoy the west and ur own who sold u for raisins

    • @pauljudah1235
      @pauljudah1235 Місяць тому +1

      @@michaelwilliams8178 Ethiopia is not American blacks homeland we are the biblical children of Israel

    • @mavisburke495
      @mavisburke495 Місяць тому

      ​@@pauljudah1235How petty and ridiculous, the continent and Ethiopia is significant to many Black people ,YOU DONOT need to share their enthusiasm

    • @tweeze2700
      @tweeze2700 16 днів тому

      Still blk dummy

  • @topranked7519
    @topranked7519 2 місяці тому +17

    The guide was intellectual and the way he articulated the events and the situation that haile selasie was in is impressive

  • @nzingharising6040
    @nzingharising6040 2 місяці тому +78

    A very informative and moving account. The courage of the Ethiopian people and their triumph over the Italian invaders is a proud chapter of African history and a testament to strong leadership.

    • @yvonnefraser5030
      @yvonnefraser5030 2 місяці тому +4

      Interesting peice of history, love it. Educational material to the Rastafarian community and persons seeking truth

    • @Soundboybeatz
      @Soundboybeatz 2 місяці тому

      Facts we neva bow yah dun no♥️💛💚🦁✡️

  • @girumzemichael704
    @girumzemichael704 2 місяці тому +25

    Learned a lot that I never knew including the fact that Haile Selassie had traveled to over a 160 nations. Amazing food for thought!

  • @sanstar365
    @sanstar365 2 місяці тому +63

    I love this so much😢❤🇪🇹🇯🇲. As a Jamaican millennial there is much clarity for rastafarian religion here and how God in his sovereignty used our people to preserve the heritage and symbols of the Ethiopian people. Thank God for the Emperor Haile Selassie for remembering God during these difficult times and God was faithful to remember him and his people. God is good. This is a testimony.

    • @josephLindor-ki7op
      @josephLindor-ki7op Місяць тому +1

      It was Haiti who finance the Ethiopian army in adwaz. Haiti also sent 5000 Haitian soldier's to help. the king also went to Haiti and met papa doc

    • @YonasMulugeta-y1z
      @YonasMulugeta-y1z Місяць тому +1

      jamaican people have nothing to do with us ethiopians. why are you so obsessed with us? Barya

    • @KofiGibbs
      @KofiGibbs Місяць тому

      @@YonasMulugeta-y1z Jamaicans are the original Ethiopians

    • @mosleymichael-x5o
      @mosleymichael-x5o Місяць тому

      😂 how can slave from different places be real Ethiopians​@@KofiGibbs

    • @veronicamattis3810
      @veronicamattis3810 Місяць тому +1

      ​@YonasMulugeta-y1z, you don't own Ethiopia, leave us Jamacians alone, we're not bothering you!!!!!

  • @RomanRoman-vj5xz
    @RomanRoman-vj5xz Місяць тому +10

    Thank you ACE. The tour guide is an amazing guy. He is truly the right person for the job. He gave life to the story

  • @thaliahall4599
    @thaliahall4599 2 місяці тому +29

    TY ACE for sharing this historic tour. Many people around the world had great respect for Emperor Haile Selassie. His warning to Europe about the rise of Fascism and how it would eventually come for most of Europe was chilling and prophetic. They didn't listen and it happened! Then once again he warned the Nations of the World in the 1970s about ongoing war due to racism & Supremacists. Bob Marley's song War came from that speech.

  • @yamlakbelete3609
    @yamlakbelete3609 2 місяці тому +12

    The tour guide is highly knowledgeable and effectively communicates historical information. I would like to express my gratitude to the people of Jamaica for their efforts in preserving our history.

  • @berhanuyoussouf6674
    @berhanuyoussouf6674 2 місяці тому +37

    Respect from an Ethiopian brother in Texas.

    • @rachelmoses5862
      @rachelmoses5862 2 місяці тому +1

      @@berhanuyoussouf6674 Welcome ☺️❤️💛💚

    • @RoynoldHunte
      @RoynoldHunte 2 місяці тому +1

      @@berhanuyoussouf6674 blessings👏

  • @briangriffin4937
    @briangriffin4937 2 місяці тому +21

    Great tour of an historic home. I’m glad it’s preserved and open to visitors.

  • @CaterinaBettioni
    @CaterinaBettioni 2 місяці тому +20

    Thank you for keeping the history of Haile Sellasie & Princess Menen his wife 💚💚💛💛♥️♥️

  • @eyobbaissa6759
    @eyobbaissa6759 2 місяці тому +37

    Pround to be Ethiopian! Thank you for posting this, brother. I always wanna visit this historic place.

    • @dawitjenbere9329
      @dawitjenbere9329 2 місяці тому

      @@eyobbaissa6759 stop said proud proud proud I hate this word because of low self confidence people sign seek validation

    • @girumzemichael704
      @girumzemichael704 2 місяці тому +1

      @@dawitjenbere9329 Yes boss sir! No person on the internet shall use words you hate. Forgive our insolence 😅

    • @kyomugisharoset8266
      @kyomugisharoset8266 2 місяці тому

      Africans and the word proud are like 5&6 ,What are y'all proud of?

  • @patrickstromann3836
    @patrickstromann3836 2 місяці тому +92

    Put ACE on TV. He needs his own travel show. Preferably PBS.

    • @fevrenevanescence6901
      @fevrenevanescence6901 2 місяці тому +6

      I've said this a long time ago

    • @tribegoldie4282
      @tribegoldie4282 2 місяці тому +12

      UA-cam is better than TV,less and less people watch TV so I believe he’s in the right place 😉

    • @barringtonedwards7008
      @barringtonedwards7008 2 місяці тому


    • @patrickstromann3836
      @patrickstromann3836 2 місяці тому +2

      @@barringtonedwards7008 I am relaxed. What are you talking about? LOL
      TV is still relevant. Calm down-

  • @iamdamewill27
    @iamdamewill27 2 місяці тому +42

    I never knew this part of Hailie Salassie’s history. So much has not been made known about him. Thanks Ace for another great video!

    • @rem-144
      @rem-144 2 місяці тому

      Videos l saw mentioned he is very evil a freemason treated staved his people while he was living in luxury when died his people buried him under a toilet he went to Jamaica and brainwashed the Rasta people particularly Bob Marley and the walers to be masons knowing that the true Rasta are from the lineage of the tribe of Judah

    • @Queenmomefua
      @Queenmomefua 2 місяці тому

      @@iamdamewill27 is good that you dont find out so much out of this man who crownded him self to emperor. Let them show all the palaceses he had. Beside that there are most people who didnt like this guy, because according their expirience he was a wicked ruler. Last but not least, i met one of his grandson for years ago in england. His grandson told me that his grandpa had nothing to do with rastafarians, its rastafarians who put him on a ladder. Rastafarians are idol worshipping salassi

  • @masegom.4409
    @masegom.4409 2 місяці тому +15

    What an eye opener. Never knew how powerful this African son was! Emperor Haile Selassie

  • @karleinegraham446
    @karleinegraham446 2 місяці тому +28

    TREMENDOUS VIDEO & WORK OF THE GUIDE. This is history of Ethiopia and of the " House of His Majesty" Haile Selassie in Bath, England when he was in exile. The important points are too numerous to mention; so I will be saving this. As a Jamaican teenager, I saw the Emperor on his trip to Jamaica in the 1960s. If anyone visits the Church of the Holy Sepulchre in Jerusalem, the Ethiopian Orthodox Church has a Chapel upstairs. I worshipped with them in the year 2000. Ethiopia against Italy and Japan against Russia are the two wars of colonial expansion that Europeans lost in that period. Thanks for this.

  • @paulkelly873
    @paulkelly873 2 місяці тому +34

    I Give Thanks for Haile Selassie I, my African King. We have our own Royalty. RASTAFARI Live ❤

    • @ianbradshaw1770
      @ianbradshaw1770 2 місяці тому

      and you murdered him

    • @summitlevels2020
      @summitlevels2020 2 місяці тому


    • @keburemanenate1998
      @keburemanenate1998 2 місяці тому

      what about The Forgotten Genocide: Haile Selassie’s Atrocities Against Eritrea
      It is time the world hears the truth that has been buried for too long. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, often revered as a symbol of African unity, was in fact responsible for unspeakable crimes against the innocent people of Eritrea. Under his rule, genocide was committed-a systematic campaign to erase Eritrea’s identity, culture, and sovereignty.
      From the moment Eritrea was unjustly annexed by Ethiopia in 1962, Haile Selassie waged a brutal war of oppression. Eritreans were massacred, imprisoned, and exiled, simply for defending their right to exist as a free nation. Villages were burned to the ground. Families were torn apart. Children were orphaned. For decades, the Eritrean people endured torture, slavery, and murder under Ethiopian occupation, all in an effort to crush their resistance.
      This was no ordinary conflict-it was genocide. The world turned a blind eye as Haile Selassie’s regime committed ethnic cleansing and terror against the very people who had fought side by side with Ethiopians against fascism. Eritreans, who wanted nothing but freedom, were demonized and dehumanized as rebels and outcasts in their own land.
      We call upon the international community to acknowledge these crimes and the immense suffering Eritrea has endured. The bloodshed that began under Haile Selassie continued into successive Ethiopian regimes, creating generational trauma that is still felt today. Eritrea’s hard-fought independence came at a cost too high to forget. Every Eritrean carries the scars of this forgotten genocide, and it is time the world recognizes that truth.
      Let us not rewrite history with lies of glorified rulers. The truth is undeniable: Haile Selassie was responsible for genocide in Eritrea. It’s time for the world to understand the full extent of his crimes, to stand in solidarity with Eritrea, and to ensure that such atrocities never happen again. Eritrean lives matter, Eritrean history matters, and justice for Eritrea must be served.

  • @jewesejosanson5141
    @jewesejosanson5141 2 місяці тому +9

    I'm crying now when I see every tour of his imperial majesty hile silase I's house , men you are so lucky in the history

  • @VeronicaAnderson-t2b
    @VeronicaAnderson-t2b 2 місяці тому +24

    Thanks Ace from Atlanta 🎉 I have a Ethiopian friend and she adores the Emperor. Hello to our Ethiopian friends in the ATL!

    • @keburemanenate1998
      @keburemanenate1998 2 місяці тому

      what about The Forgotten Genocide: Haile Selassie’s Atrocities Against Eritrea
      It is time the world hears the truth that has been buried for too long. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, often revered as a symbol of African unity, was in fact responsible for unspeakable crimes against the innocent people of Eritrea. Under his rule, genocide was committed-a systematic campaign to erase Eritrea’s identity, culture, and sovereignty.
      From the moment Eritrea was unjustly annexed by Ethiopia in 1962, Haile Selassie waged a brutal war of oppression. Eritreans were massacred, imprisoned, and exiled, simply for defending their right to exist as a free nation. Villages were burned to the ground. Families were torn apart. Children were orphaned. For decades, the Eritrean people endured torture, slavery, and murder under Ethiopian occupation, all in an effort to crush their resistance.
      This was no ordinary conflict-it was genocide. The world turned a blind eye as Haile Selassie’s regime committed ethnic cleansing and terror against the very people who had fought side by side with Ethiopians against fascism. Eritreans, who wanted nothing but freedom, were demonized and dehumanized as rebels and outcasts in their own land.
      We call upon the international community to acknowledge these crimes and the immense suffering Eritrea has endured. The bloodshed that began under Haile Selassie continued into successive Ethiopian regimes, creating generational trauma that is still felt today. Eritrea’s hard-fought independence came at a cost too high to forget. Every Eritrean carries the scars of this forgotten genocide, and it is time the world recognizes that truth.
      Let us not rewrite history with lies of glorified rulers. The truth is undeniable: Haile Selassie was responsible for genocide in Eritrea. It’s time for the world to understand the full extent of his crimes, to stand in solidarity with Eritrea, and to ensure that such atrocities never happen again. Eritrean lives matter, Eritrean history matters, and justice for Eritrea must be served.

  • @abegebreys514
    @abegebreys514 2 місяці тому +13

    I am so proud of emperor Haile Selassie and ethiopia.

  • @ጠረፍ
    @ጠረፍ 2 місяці тому +14

    አመሰግናለሁ:: Meaning, thank you in my Ethiopian Amharic Alphabet. Thank you the people of Bath. Indeed, history will judge our moral judgments today and for future.

  • @brianmoody2549
    @brianmoody2549 2 місяці тому +12

    It’s great to see and hear about history, and learn about how the people worked together to build a better culture and help the people get there country back.

  • @yeniguslij
    @yeniguslij 2 місяці тому +18

    As a mixed Ethiopian, thanks for bringing this historic moment alive . I knew he was in England at the time but didn’t know where exactly.

    • @girumzemichael704
      @girumzemichael704 2 місяці тому

      @yeniguslij Most of us never bothered to think about where in England, to our shame :).. Ethiopian and what, if I may ask?

    • @RamNezamo
      @RamNezamo Місяць тому

      The reason is, the brutal communist military dictatorship that overthrew the monarchy and the plethora of liberation fronts that popped up in the 1970s spent a great deal of time demonizing the emperor and his legacy. Ironically, Ethiopia has not seen a better day since Haile Selassie's overthrow and his subsequent cruel murder.

  • @t.t6191
    @t.t6191 2 місяці тому +7

    Everyone needs to hear this History. That was awesome to listen too. God Bless Ethiopia 🇪🇹🙏

  • @Savvynlady
    @Savvynlady 2 місяці тому +17

    Thank you Ace. Loved the tour of Emperor Haile Selassies English home. I almost thought I was there too.

  • @mysticcreationz4462
    @mysticcreationz4462 2 місяці тому +17

    Give thanks for sharing this beautiful journey to Haile Selassie’s house in Bath, England. It's so meaningful to witness the spaces where His Majesty lived and the historical significance of it all. Your content always uplifts and inspires, connecting us to our roots and reminding us of the greatness of Rastafari. Love and blessings to you for keeping the legacy alive. One love!

  • @badhabitz
    @badhabitz 2 місяці тому +33

    i live a couple of miles from here, i never knew they did tours of the house. will have to go check it myself, nice one Ace

  • @nataliesmith-ti7oe
    @nataliesmith-ti7oe 2 місяці тому +8

    The Bob Marley song with the lyrics "Guarding the palace so majestic" is called Bad card and the one that they played on the pianola is called War. The Lyrics to War is (part of) Selassie's speech to the United Nations (UN) in 1963.
    Loved watching this video. The tour guide was impeccable.
    Much respect to His imperial Majesty Emperor Haile Selassie. ❤

  • @god1swatchingu204
    @god1swatchingu204 2 місяці тому +7

    WOULD LOVE TO VISIT THERE. VERY RICH HERITAGE...Thank you for your wealth of knowledge, young sir. Continue to tell the history of the Emperor.

  • @MassanLending
    @MassanLending 2 місяці тому +31

    Best video you ever did! Bigup to Ethiopia and Jamaica 🇯🇲 rasta live!

  • @She12-e5t
    @She12-e5t 2 місяці тому +7

    I’m from Ethiopia 🇪🇹 when I was little and young I now majesty Haileselass he had a good personality and lived Ethiopian people. He had a Legacy too build up to Education and Civilization to make it a great Ethiopia 🇪🇹 so not now ??

  • @cassandramwakasege4759
    @cassandramwakasege4759 2 місяці тому +13

    Ace you have impressed me the most with this video, I highly appreciate your efforts in teaching others about this great King of Ethiopia history and you had also added knowledge to what I have learned in the past, thank you so very much, nuff respect onto you my bredrin❤

  • @zerafgobeze6872
    @zerafgobeze6872 2 місяці тому +3

    This is a testimonial on how short-lived Fascism and similar ideologies have ignominious existence. Great story and eloquent history! Thank you for sharing.

  • @tesfayesisay6720
    @tesfayesisay6720 2 місяці тому +4

    Thank you so much . This is amazing History about my Country Ethiopia & the Emperor Haile Selassie. Amazing Narrator.

  • @daveblyden1325
    @daveblyden1325 2 місяці тому +18

    Thanks ACS for sharing Haile Selassie house in london the Former Emperor of Ethiopia and King of Rastafarian.

  • @djjumps11
    @djjumps11 2 місяці тому +28

    Never knew he had a place in bath. Must visit at somepoint.

  • @elihudcarter6577
    @elihudcarter6577 2 місяці тому +9

    I am so very thankful that you provided this video.Selassie was a descendant of King Solomon and he looked just like him.Selassie looks exactly like my relatives and members of my family.We are Jews and my relatives and family members have the exact same kind of nose and other facial features that Selassie has.We are not Hebrew Israelites who are in America ,Most Americans ask us who we are ,and where did we come from.Most people do not believe that the real Jews were Black but we are and we can prove it and it will be shockingly proven by a hardworking professional Filmmaker who has been working on a project about how in real life I was trying to be bullied and to defend myself a fight broke out and something incredible and amazing happen as people gathered around to watch this fight they are real witnesses who saw how the Holy Spirit of the supernatural power of God protected me and helped me win this fight to the point that the many witnesses of the fight shouted out that I was a Jew.There were many people who witnessed this fight who will verify what they saw and that I am a Jew,not somebody who is claiming their a Jew with no real proof, but a real Jew with proof.

  • @TheBaldHeadDude
    @TheBaldHeadDude 2 місяці тому +29

    You always present well thought out topics. Again, a stellar job.❤

  • @deanl0
    @deanl0 2 місяці тому +29

    Everywhere is war
    in the End
    Good over evil

    • @thaliahall4599
      @thaliahall4599 2 місяці тому +5

      Love that Song❤. Much respect for Haile Selassie and Bob Marley!

    • @keburemanenate1998
      @keburemanenate1998 2 місяці тому

      what about The Forgotten Genocide: Haile Selassie’s Atrocities Against Eritrea
      It is time the world hears the truth that has been buried for too long. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, often revered as a symbol of African unity, was in fact responsible for unspeakable crimes against the innocent people of Eritrea. Under his rule, genocide was committed-a systematic campaign to erase Eritrea’s identity, culture, and sovereignty.
      From the moment Eritrea was unjustly annexed by Ethiopia in 1962, Haile Selassie waged a brutal war of oppression. Eritreans were massacred, imprisoned, and exiled, simply for defending their right to exist as a free nation. Villages were burned to the ground. Families were torn apart. Children were orphaned. For decades, the Eritrean people endured torture, slavery, and murder under Ethiopian occupation, all in an effort to crush their resistance.
      This was no ordinary conflict-it was genocide. The world turned a blind eye as Haile Selassie’s regime committed ethnic cleansing and terror against the very people who had fought side by side with Ethiopians against fascism. Eritreans, who wanted nothing but freedom, were demonized and dehumanized as rebels and outcasts in their own land.
      We call upon the international community to acknowledge these crimes and the immense suffering Eritrea has endured. The bloodshed that began under Haile Selassie continued into successive Ethiopian regimes, creating generational trauma that is still felt today. Eritrea’s hard-fought independence came at a cost too high to forget. Every Eritrean carries the scars of this forgotten genocide, and it is time the world recognizes that truth.
      Let us not rewrite history with lies of glorified rulers. The truth is undeniable: Haile Selassie was responsible for genocide in Eritrea. It’s time for the world to understand the full extent of his crimes, to stand in solidarity with Eritrea, and to ensure that such atrocities never happen again. Eritrean lives matter, Eritrean history matters, and justice for Eritrea must be served.

    • @jackierobinson3298
      @jackierobinson3298 2 місяці тому +1

      So jah seh!

  • @abdihussein9469
    @abdihussein9469 2 місяці тому +9

    Big thank you visiting the forgotten history of Ethiopia, I was very impressed and emotional
    Thank you Ace

  • @afrakanaswahilitv5520
    @afrakanaswahilitv5520 2 місяці тому +3

    Historia hii ni tunu kwa watu wote weusi na wa vinasaba au asili ya kiafrika. Asante sana!

  • @BuickRasDesign
    @BuickRasDesign 25 днів тому +1

    What a beautiful tour thank you for sharing this. I live not far from there myself and never knew it existed, so now I am hugely motivated to go and visit.

  • @recardosands9948
    @recardosands9948 Місяць тому +5

    Greetings in the name of H.I.M. Haile Salassie I, Jah Rastafari..Ever Liveth Ever Faithful, Ever Sure ...Salassie I the 1st.
    I give honor, respect and nuff thanks to you for this video bredren..its very informative and encouraging. Continue to do the wk and all guidence and prosperity to you.Selah.

  • @tbb9074
    @tbb9074 2 місяці тому +14

    I watched lots of your videos and I got a lesson, but this one is part of my life,I appreciate last king of Ethiopia his Imperial Hailesilase ,when I was elementary school he visited us and gave us money, and I have desire to paint his Imperial Hailesilase's portrait.thanks you for video 🙏🏿🙏🏿👍🏿💚💛❤️

    • @chrisleigh8886
      @chrisleigh8886 2 місяці тому +6

      @tbb9074 When you come to Fairfield House, make sure your story is recorded. It's great to hear from people who met Emperor Haile Selassie.

  • @seanblendman5010
    @seanblendman5010 2 місяці тому +16

    This video will have mad views very soon . Great job Ace, Respect .

  • @seefinish_
    @seefinish_ 2 місяці тому +11

    Great, inspring storytelling. This would make you shed a tear, I thought I heard @ACE shed some tears too while staring out the window to Africa like HIM, feeling the struggles of Africans and HIM's efforts to bring about AU . The tour guide and curator is also a great storyteller, what's his name . Blessings😥😥

  • @rayzella13
    @rayzella13 2 місяці тому +15

    Teach us the teachings of his majesty !!!!!!🇪🇹

    • @keburemanenate1998
      @keburemanenate1998 2 місяці тому

      what about The Forgotten Genocide: Haile Selassie’s Atrocities Against Eritrea
      It is time the world hears the truth that has been buried for too long. Haile Selassie of Ethiopia, often revered as a symbol of African unity, was in fact responsible for unspeakable crimes against the innocent people of Eritrea. Under his rule, genocide was committed-a systematic campaign to erase Eritrea’s identity, culture, and sovereignty.
      From the moment Eritrea was unjustly annexed by Ethiopia in 1962, Haile Selassie waged a brutal war of oppression. Eritreans were massacred, imprisoned, and exiled, simply for defending their right to exist as a free nation. Villages were burned to the ground. Families were torn apart. Children were orphaned. For decades, the Eritrean people endured torture, slavery, and murder under Ethiopian occupation, all in an effort to crush their resistance.
      This was no ordinary conflict-it was genocide. The world turned a blind eye as Haile Selassie’s regime committed ethnic cleansing and terror against the very people who had fought side by side with Ethiopians against fascism. Eritreans, who wanted nothing but freedom, were demonized and dehumanized as rebels and outcasts in their own land.
      We call upon the international community to acknowledge these crimes and the immense suffering Eritrea has endured. The bloodshed that began under Haile Selassie continued into successive Ethiopian regimes, creating generational trauma that is still felt today. Eritrea’s hard-fought independence came at a cost too high to forget. Every Eritrean carries the scars of this forgotten genocide, and it is time the world recognizes that truth.
      Let us not rewrite history with lies of glorified rulers. The truth is undeniable: Haile Selassie was responsible for genocide in Eritrea. It’s time for the world to understand the full extent of his crimes, to stand in solidarity with Eritrea, and to ensure that such atrocities never happen again. Eritrean lives matter, Eritrean history matters, and justice for Eritrea must be served.

  • @NativeGod3597
    @NativeGod3597 Місяць тому +2

    As a jamaican I always hear about the emperor exiled in bath...but I've never seen tho house or the exact location, thank for this valuable information

  • @habvito
    @habvito 2 місяці тому +6

    i would love to say "thank you" for the peoples of bath!!

  • @1607lucky
    @1607lucky 2 місяці тому +13

    Respect and praise to Emperor Ras Sellasie I, the lion of Judah!! The entire African continent should go back to their original calendar, the one way back before Julian and Gregorian. Afrikan are one with nature, we celebrate European calendar like Gregorian that got none to do with us. I see Asian countries celebrating nature and motherland celebrating religious holidays. How Africans celebrate December 31st in the middle of the season doesn’t make sense at all. Thanks Ace for dropping another ONE!!

    • @trulyrich707
      @trulyrich707 2 місяці тому +2

      Ras Tafari was a prince and regent under an Ethiopian queen before he became Emperor Haile Selassie I.

    • @1607lucky
      @1607lucky 2 місяці тому

      @@trulyrich707 yes king, each one teach one!

  • @mercedes4328
    @mercedes4328 2 місяці тому +13

    Great video, Ace. I know nothing about the emperor or Ethiopia. The tour guide was excellent! He is so knowledgeable. I will be watching it again for all the parts I may have missed. I will also take a look at the website. 🎉

  • @davidwatson2703
    @davidwatson2703 2 місяці тому +26

    Ace, these are the things that need to be on education curriculums excellent documentary and presentation by the guide I paid this forward many times

  • @weknowtravelingllc7920
    @weknowtravelingllc7920 2 місяці тому +2

    Ace thanks so much for the tour. My Jamaican grandmother was a Rasta whose prayers always ended with “Jah Rastafari”

  • @carmaletarobinson6165
    @carmaletarobinson6165 2 місяці тому +18

    Ace another well done job 👍👍👍🇯🇲🇯🇲🇯🇲

  • @rina3822
    @rina3822 2 місяці тому +2

    I think the guide was excellent, respectful, and knowledgeable. Big up to him and you for bringing the information to the wider public.😊

  • @Jungz.88
    @Jungz.88 2 місяці тому +74

    Praises due to The Most High.. JAH!!! Rastafariiiii 🇪🇹🤴🏽

    • @GoodL81
      @GoodL81 2 місяці тому +7

      Jah means Jehovah?

    • @davebanner4462
      @davebanner4462 2 місяці тому +6

      Rastafariiii 🦁👑🇪🇹

    • @zworld5154
      @zworld5154 2 місяці тому

      🍅🍅🍅 booo

    • @Jungz.88
      @Jungz.88 2 місяці тому +1

      @@zworld5154 must be Italian 🥱

    • @zworld5154
      @zworld5154 2 місяці тому +11

      @@Jungz.88 Most Ethiopians don't like him because they were marginalized and persecuted during his reign. Even Marcus Garvey called him a coward because he left Ethiopia when the Italians came. The Rastas got fooled big time.

  • @dawittaye7689
    @dawittaye7689 27 днів тому +1

    Thank you for introducing me to this incredible story. The tour guide is really appreciated!!

  • @vickipriegan3867
    @vickipriegan3867 2 місяці тому +4

    This is remarkable history for all the world to know about.

  • @dre8441
    @dre8441 17 днів тому +1

    Thanks for the refreshing history tour ....

  • @chrisleigh8886
    @chrisleigh8886 2 місяці тому +11

    Big up for the promotion Ace. Glad you enjoyed the food.

  • @y-tas5628
    @y-tas5628 Місяць тому +3

    It’s Very interesting history, God may keep blessing Ethiopia 🇪🇹 🙏

  • @restlessmind5770
    @restlessmind5770 2 місяці тому +31

    The guide looks like Bob Marley son.." Jam rock".

  • @mollahoresa9435
    @mollahoresa9435 2 місяці тому +4

    Much respect hosting this historic Ethiopian Emperor Majesty Halie Selassie house in great Britain ❤

  • @janetmorgan9725
    @janetmorgan9725 2 місяці тому +8

    This has been an hour well spent!!! Very knowledgeable video. Definitely planning a visit as you rightly said you save some information for us to see for ourselves. Thank you ACE ❤👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

  • @fetlewerkgebre943
    @fetlewerkgebre943 2 місяці тому +2

    Thank you brother for sharing this video and big respect for the people who kept our story alive

  • @marvinstanford7750
    @marvinstanford7750 2 місяці тому +5

    Emperor haile selassie love ace...this is the best video ever

  • @cleansin1
    @cleansin1 2 місяці тому +2

    Ace...your ACE🎉 you've come from the states to teach this 2nd generation man from jamaican migrant parents about his British history...THANKYOU🎉🎉🎉

  • @GreatfullyBlessedD25
    @GreatfullyBlessedD25 2 місяці тому +11

    Excellent Content Ace Thank you … A wonderful Tour with so much to learn very interesting 🇪🇹

  • @samueldemissi1
    @samueldemissi1 2 місяці тому +1

    "Thank you for sharing this story! I'm from Ethiopia, but I didn’t know about this particular place until now. If I ever visit the UK, I will definitely check it out."

  • @matthewgraham5343
    @matthewgraham5343 2 місяці тому +3

    Ras Benji! What an amazing scholar... this is a great tour if you EVER get the chance to join.

  • @1098XZY
    @1098XZY 2 місяці тому +5

    This is educating and nourishing.

  • @lindelbrim2480
    @lindelbrim2480 2 місяці тому +14

    Wow! Ace, you are getting better, and better, every time I watch your videos. I love your work!

  • @errolwhyte3903
    @errolwhyte3903 2 місяці тому +12

    Thanks for the previous post on the windrush generation

  • @rastafaribless9736
    @rastafaribless9736 2 місяці тому +3

    This truly was the best video I've ever watched in my whole life.
    Thank you! So very much my brother for recording this works and displaying it for the world to see that even Haile Selassie was not only the king of kings and lord of lords but a man that went through hardships in life, who always tried to find a positive route to do the right thing. May the universe Continually bless you my brother for this work that you have done. Massive respect my lord..................

  • @amtekleabaeere
    @amtekleabaeere 2 місяці тому +8

    ACE Respect from your brother 🙏🙏 from ETH 🇪🇹🇪🇹 keep it up bro

  • @justsaying3193
    @justsaying3193 2 місяці тому +16

    I am so proud of you Ace, you are the decedent of nan Sab OBoy and dropping so much historical information. So proud of that little countryside where our roots are from.❤❤❤ be safe

  • @kbuiby27893
    @kbuiby27893 2 місяці тому +13

    Ace is touched by God. This is groundbreaking. Thank you/

  • @gracemacauley5106
    @gracemacauley5106 2 місяці тому +6

    What a beautiful and informative presentation, I will definitely visit Bath in the near future. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽

  • @patrickgyles2006
    @patrickgyles2006 2 місяці тому +19

    Well done ACE, Excellent💯💯💯💯💯🌠

  • @elusiveali785
    @elusiveali785 2 місяці тому +10

    I did not know this. I'm definitely going to visit.

  • @kittypaw566
    @kittypaw566 10 днів тому

    Thank you ace for helping to save this place. Much love and blessings to you

  • @janesamuels7714
    @janesamuels7714 2 місяці тому +13

    ❤❤❤❤❤I watched this twice fantastic video superb historical information about H.I.M an the 4.5 years spent in exile here in the UK.
    I will definitely make an effort to see Fairfield house myself next year. Love your content. 👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽👏🏽
    Have shared widely this educational information must be made available to all. ❤❤❤

  • @jeanniegichigi2765
    @jeanniegichigi2765 2 місяці тому +5

    wow! I learnt something of such importance and significance!!! Hidden Histories.....Great Job! and thank you so much.....

  • @mek5438
    @mek5438 2 місяці тому +5

    I learned a lot from this short clip.

  • @howardjboone7065
    @howardjboone7065 2 місяці тому +9

    wishing U well on your journey, this is heavyweight history that many don't know, many want and many don't want to know but it all is on the road to the present 💐, U r one of the new trailblazers as always that U for the piggyback in time I wish U well on your journey.

  • @She12-e5t
    @She12-e5t 2 місяці тому +6

    Thank you so much for providing this information about Emperor Majesty Hailee’s house in London.
    We’re the Majesty Children’s and Grandchildren’s , Great Children’s
    Is living in this home 🙏🙏

    • @chrisleigh8886
      @chrisleigh8886 2 місяці тому

      While in exile, Emperor Haile Selassie's children and grandchildren were also resident at Fairfield House. They attended schools in the local area and are fondly remembered by elderly people who knew them as schoolfriends.
      When many of the royal princesses were arrested and imprisoned by the Derg that overthrew the Emperor, their former schoolfriends in Bath and around the UK spearheaded a public campaign to put pressure on the revolutionary government to release them, eventually succeeding in securing their freedom.

  • @livevolve4400
    @livevolve4400 2 місяці тому +1

    This was such a wholesome video. Thank you for sharing. Blessings ... I feel so connected as a Jamaican 🇯🇲

  • @greatmindsthinkalike1378
    @greatmindsthinkalike1378 2 місяці тому +8

    Ace, thank you soo much for your outstanding research and travels for all to see ❤

  • @41shellyable
    @41shellyable Місяць тому

    Thank you so much for sharing this imperative part of history. Definitely will book a tour, been to Bath years ago didn't realise this historic and beautiful gem! Bless up Emperor Haile Selassie, beautiful Empress and the people! ❤💛💚🔯

  • @DaddyTugzTv
    @DaddyTugzTv 2 місяці тому +6

    King Selassie piano is amazing 🙌🏾🫡

  • @breakhal
    @breakhal 2 місяці тому +8

    Amazing history! Thanks for posting this video.

  • @gyal_dem_gad
    @gyal_dem_gad 2 місяці тому +8

    Very intriguing lesson ,,rastafari

  • @lyndak3269
    @lyndak3269 2 місяці тому +8

    Thank you Ace for sharing the knowledge.