kira wycoff RIGHT and it's sad because black love equal two black/African people who are the product of two black/African people that are going with eachother. SOME BLACK PEOPLE NEED TO USED THEIR BRAINS ON CERTAIN THINGS. The first thing that should be on a black mans mind is his religion second thing is his Race of women which are black/African Women not nonblack women.
They totally changed the meaning of Black love. They adjusted the meaning to their lifestyles. Black Love is very literal, love between a black man and a black woman. There is a particular population of Black women that are being abandon, neglected and left behind.
The ratio of good black men and good black women are small many of us will not find that good black anything in our lifetime you have to keep your options open they like to say a woman have an expiration date 30. nobody wants to settle for Pookie and Ray-Ray And if the expiration date is 30 my time is up I'm sticking with my white boy he's good to me.I want for nothing. Hopefully your Indian man treats you just too sweet
I found a black man in that age range (25-35) who was seeking a monogamous relationship (he is no longer seeking since we are engaged) is using both his Bachelor's and Master's degrees and is supportive of me working full time and being in a DrPH program. He is in the process of applying to a PhD program himself. Uploads on our relationship will be coming soon on my channel.
itsmearie Awesome! So glad to hear that there are some still some inteligent, sane and senseable black women out here. And didnt seek a thugg savage guy. Well done.
black love is NOT a black man loving any kind of non black woman. They even named the best representation of Black Love and only named Strong Black Couples....smh
I caught that. Why not name successful interracial relationships? The truth is they know what black love looks like, but want to define it to suit theirs.
They didn't name all fully black couples. Barack and Michelle aren’t fully black our president was mixed his mother is white and still is an amazing example of black love! 😍😍😍
Christopher FunnyBoy Brown RIGHT and it's sad because black love equal two black/African people who are the product of two black/African people that are going with eachother. SOME IF NOT MOST BLACK PEOPLE NEED TO USED THEIR BRAINS ON CERTAIN THINGS. The first thing that should be on a black mans mind is his religion second thing is his Race of women which are black/African Women not nonblack women.
HelenaJ What's with the female "host" and these facial expressions every time the guys says something she doesn't agree with...that's why her dumb ass probably STILL single😏
Full black women + Full black man= Black love. The man doesn't determine if it is black love. They both have to be black. If a black man dates any other ethnicity it would be considered black and whatever the woman color is love. Let's be realistic here people. Black love is the best love.
These are all men in interracial or semi interracial relation. These men are with women that are mixed bright, light or damn near white. This conversation barely scratched the surface of the subject that the title was about. This was mainly about self centered men blabbering on about what they want in a woman. Especially from the dude on the far left and the far right. Ladies on behalf of us black men I would like to apologize for the absolute nonsense protruding from this video. However to make up for the cause of this video wasting ten minutes thirty eight seconds of your time I will voice my opinion on the matter (based on the title). The reason I think that black women and men are taught this way is because of media. Media is changing demographically to fit its majority white audience. This cause tension in black relationships culturally. For example if you are a black music artist who makes music based off of your culture and aimed at your people but the majority of the people buying it are white. This is due the fact that demographically they are the majority. So to defect this competition you ended exploiting your culture to aim at a larger white audience. For example showing females with lighter complexion, showing and exploiting certain stereotypes to gain favor of that wider audiance. Unfortunately this exploitation is whats bringing the worst out of black people. Showing our women off as mild tempered women, baby mamas, and hoes and us man as gangbangers, thugs, players, or cheats and scandlers. Stuff like Love and hip hop, or Basket Ball wives as well as mainstream rap cause these effects setting the tension between both black males and females.
Tamika Jones you are mix not black. Yes there anti black. What world have u lived in? Theres racism against blacks and colorism that effecta black women more than anythin. Yes theres light skinned blacks. Most light skinned blacks were made from rape.
Black love is two black people in a loving relationship. Oh and the brother with the black and Indian wife, I'm sorry but I would agree with the natural hair commenters. It's not that she isn't "black" enough, it's the fact that she doesn't have black hair she has mixed natural hair.
Truth is Black men equate black women with struggle or hardships, due to their up bringing, so at an chance they'll stray and find an alternative. They still want to be black though
Saxo Phone Art and Beans correct almost every black relationship I have ever seen I have seen nothing but struggle love I'm not saying there aren't exceptions but they are excruciating rare where I live.
Black love is what u give unconditionally or what u look for... is something wrong with Chinese love with Euro love with Aboriginal love. No stupid its why they in a lack of love becuz they do not realize love is love not a color class race or creed!
@@sophiachin1262 your comment makes you sound like a self-hating and unintelligent black swirler and it's sad because what you commented is NOT BLACK LOVE. Black love equal two black/African people who are the product of two black/African people that are going with eachother. SOME BLACK PEOPLE NEED TO USED THEIR BRAINS ON CERTAIN THINGS. The first thing that should be on a black mans mind is his religion second thing is his Race of women which are black/African Women not nonblack women. What you are commentting about is and never will be black love. It's called interracial love or swirl love.
Its sad but true that black women and black men are taught to not get along. My dad is always AMAZED that my husband and I don't yell/holler/argue/fight. He can't comprehend how that is even possible. We have disagreements but we know how to speak to each other. We don't need to holler or physically touch each other to be heard.
That Black gene is dominant. I couldn't even tell that the guy on the left was mixed. I just thought he was light skinned. For the guy with the Black/Indian wife, If your wife doesn't LOOK Black, why would they put her on the cover of a Black magazine. Don't get mad if SOME Black women don't accept her. Like Paula Patton. Lots of women don't accept her as Black. Paula can play White roles. Black actresses can't. If you can switch your ethnicity when it suits you, don't expect all Black people to accept you.
i am from Jamaica and when he said that his wife's mom is Jamaican I kinda could relate or understand how he felt abt that issue. In Jamaica we have a lot of mixed people here (mixed with black) but that doesnt mean I see them as a "lesser" black or "not black enough". so i thought that magazines excuse is trash
Britne Phillips That is very odd because many Jamaicans can tell. However that is my experience in the UK and when I visited the island (without even asking me). So you must be among a few it may very well be different depending which part of the world they are living in. Anyways nothing is absolute however, most other cultures can tell heck step out of the Americas and they'll ask you directly or indirectly give the spanish inquisition into your family.
Black love to me is a BLACK man and a BLACK woman or a black woman and a black woman or a black man and a black man standing unity fighting side by side. Its black people supporting and being loyal to one another. Its constant communication and constant growth with one another. Its black people having black babies and raising and nurturing them TOGETHER to be a generation thats better than us and will be more successful than us.
no matter what color either of the two are be it they're both dark skin or one light and the other dark. Black love is two black people together, I agree.
The "Ask a Black Man" shows are unnecessary. Black women do not have to constantly "ask a black man" and conform to "what he says and likes" in order to "get approval" or find a partner or husband. In a way, these type of shows can be dangerous to women who constantly loose themselves in relationships. Also, this type of rhetoric claiming "this is what a black man wants" can open someone up to accepting a controlling, one-sided, and selfish relationship. I would advise a woman to run if they encounter a bunch of these expectations and mindsets. All of these men are somewhat disturbing. Each one of them have unrealistic expectations of a women. The ideas shared are in some ways chauvinistic, selfish, delusional, and full of excuses. Some of the men are coming across as "fake deep" type of men. If you want to discuss relationships, I will like to hear from respectable black men who have a realistic, healthy, long-lasting, and balanced relationships (not relationships where someone is trying to dominate someone). There are many great black men out there doing positive things and maintaining real healthy relationships. Why are good black men rarely featured in this entire series? Yes, I have watched all of the "Ask A Black Man" episodes Madame Noire. Plus, I am fully aware of the series' format of asking different panels of men questions that vary in subject manner. However, I want to hear from great black men who equally share household / child raising duties, respect their partner's intelligence, and help each other grow. These are the most sustainable relationships. However, these people are probably the hardest to find because they wouldn't participate in public discussions that sound belittling to the other partner.
Nobody is looking for validation or confirmation but it's nice to hear opinions of different men in the world in general. Not just all the same types of men because all of us run into different men. I love this series. If you dont like it then why even click on it?
I would really enjoy listening to a panel discuss the topic of black men and women being taught to not get along with each other. I think it's true in many cases. I also think some black men are taught to tear black women down, especially the women who are opinionated or outspoken, intelligent, educated, and/or strong. I don't get why a black man would need to reduce a black woman to nothing in order for him to feel like he's really something. Black men and black women were enslaved together years and years ago. Therefore, the black woman understands what the black man went through more than any woman from any other race. Blacks can't stand as tall as they could until we stand together for goodness sake.
+alegna rolyart Please explain how is it possible for 22 million black women that claim to be independent can work together as a team with black men. History....Black women joined white feminist and black women still recite the feminist motto right now, "I am strong, intelligent and independent". the first rap group in the bashing game was TLC and their song about SCRUBS. the black woman said I don't need a man and progressively got worse by saying "black men are not worthy". The synonyms for not worthy are vile, wretched, good for nothing, useless, etc but, you think nothing about how black women trashed black men for 50 years. Black men never joined a movement and claim we don't need a woman. Black men never said black women are not worthy.
Alegna Rolyart I'm a black man. Who's teaching us to put black women down? I was raised by a house full of women, and I learned a lot from them. Thank God I manned up and found God and showed me my purpose, but really I would like to know who taught us to put y'all down?
We also need to determine what the hell black is. The more black people mix with other races the more blackness gets dilluted. Blackness to me is when you're majority of african descent. African American to me is when you're majority of african descent and your ancestors were the product of the slave trade and they was brought to north America.
+kittykat kay21 At the end of the day, it's a commandment to not mix with other nations. If you are a believer in the bible and the commandments of The Creator, then it is what it is. That's why you have this confusion that you see in the world. What's the saddest part is that the wheat will be separated from the tares in the end (mingling of seed between Isrealites and gentile nations) Christ himself...which means anyone descending from Esau, Ham, Moab, Ishmael etc...will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Esau are the whites, Ham are the africans, Moab are the chinese, Ishmael are the arabs...and other nations that we've served in captivity. We have been assimilated and indoctrinated into believing that we are all one people of equality....which you will not find in the bible. I hope this plants a seed in the mind of one of the chosen who are to show thyself approved. Shalom
+kittykat kay21 I totally agree. People think the more interracial babies there are the better bc it will end racism.This will also dissimulate and weaken the African American population bc we are a minority.. And being black is having two black parents case closed, if only one of ur parents is black, hun, you are mixed.
+Pardon exactly..idk why people "mainly black" think ir babies is going to end racism....racism/culturalism will ALWAYS be here....i wish blacks will stop living in make believe land. because the only think that is doing is getting rid of the Dark skin.
I love that there is a moderator, we need smooth transitions in these segments not people talking over one another. Great discussion, we definitely need more dialogue to understand each other's differing points of view.
+MadameNoire Us black men need to start coming together and supporting each other, so we can improve our self by helping each other succeed! (Become a member today!)
Men are brainwashed to think women are better than us. I was talking to my nephew (9) and he said girls are special. I asked him so you're not special. He said yeah but women are "specialer" because if a man get with a woman she can make a baby. To that I replied well can she make a baby without him and he said no. The more logic I used to explain to him why we are equal the more he thought I hated women because he was taught to just believe they are special and to think anything else means you hate women. Its sad to think that his own mother set him up for failure with women. He will try his hardest to treat them like they are above him and every time he fails he has to think it was him and not the fact that little black girls grow up hearing how they don't need no man but yall talking about how boys are taught to not get along
@@R.O.T.C._SEEM But thats more based off person experiences. So is not the truth for everyone and I cannot say for most people. I just know I see it a lot. Where im from is where George Floyd got murdered. And it is even more segregated in the black community than ever before.
I hate that black men think that women don’t go through all of bullshit as well. It is different then their struggle but we have a tough struggle as well.
At 42 I can feel what they're saying, even though I'm older than they are. Now, I don't have a Bachelor's Degree, but I want to have a fulfilling relationship with a good, caring, loving woman. I don't think it matters what race the woman is, because as a Black Man, if I met a woman who has the personality types I like, I wouldn't care what race she is. However I am partial to Black Women because I was raised by two Black parents, most of my family is Black, and I live and was raised in a Majority Black city in New Jersey.
I would like to address the question what is black love? First off black love is not what society or media depicts us as. we're a race as well that exercise together, go get coffee together, go on dates, teach our kids, strive financially for our future and more. what's frustrating is when my own people notices such things, they say we're "acting white." my husband and still can't grasp that concept. Every black love is not the image portrayed on "Good Times." So again black love is what one of the gentlemen stated....beating the odds of what society depicts us as.
+Joe Rogers yeah like what is acting white?because we dont talk like we have speech problems or loud all the time.Black people critique other black people and thats why black lives matter is a joke to others because men put down women and vice versa.Noone takes it seriously.Black guys make fun of other because they dont want to drink or girls make fun of other black girl because they rather read than party.Black people are now resulting to putting down women with degrees like what the hell?
The list should consist of a few things. . . . 1. Chemistry 2. Communication 3. Attraction 4. Trust 5. Understanding 6. Free Spirited with a sense of humor 7. Intelligent 8. Happy
Just because one person is black in a relationship, doesn’t mean it is black love. That is called interracial love. Stop trying to use the term “black love” so bad, just call it love. Also black guys need to stop calling these non-black girls “lightskin”. They might be lightskin, but they’re not black. Afro- Latinos are black, other Latinos are not. Two black people should represent black love, not a black guy and his mixed girlfriend. Sure she’s half black, but black love should be represented by full black people. They should look like the average black woman and black man that the majority of black people look like. Stop white washing black women.
As a white woman I can tell you what black men have told me. " White women are nice to me". "White women are comfortable letting the man be the man in the relationship". I heard this over and over
@@youngshrine3024 the fact that this woman has said the bare minimum and yet you have the nerve to ask what she brings to the table🤣it tells us that you can’t even do what she has said.
Come on Devale!!! You helped me to see that I have to realize men are just like me. We are trying to establish ourselves after college (21, no kids).This is exactly why I’m focusing on myself & when hubby comes along , I’m ready. I need like 10 years to be where I would like to be, so I should expect the same for black educated men!
Black men and black women was getting along prior to 1968. Prior to 1968, out of wedlock births were 25%. After 1968, out of wedlock births went to 67% and now it is 72%. WHAT HAPPENED? 1968 Feminist movement told bw theu didn't need a man.
jim johnston black women became INDEPENDENT because we couldn't rely on black men. This is a reaction not an action thing. What woman doesn't wanna be taken care of. Fact is they couldn't do it.Some still can't.
+pardon.....that's a bunch of crock. For 150 years black men and black women UNITED and had COLLECTIVISM. When we gained civil rights in 1968 by a united front, we became a threat to white America..............................How white America handle a threat? Cripple the threat one time to the point as not to be threatened again..... .......................DIVIDE and CONQUER.... It was not by happenstance that the same year of 1968 civil rights act the the FBI declared war on black men under the covert COINTELPRO and the CIA declared war on black women under the covert FEMINISM........... Additionally, welfare was created for WHITES ONLY and white men could remain in.the home but, when blacks got civil rights all fed funded programs had to be inclusive. It was not by happenstance that welfare reform of 1968 removed the man from the home and black women said "I don't need a man"............After 20 years, Bill Clinton reformed welfare again requiring women to seek employment or training to remain on welfare and that is when black women said, "black men are not worthy" you can take that crock of shit and flush it.
+kilamanjaro Mountain Jim Johnson recited the historical facts that I verified to be true. Additionally, it is the female of every species that nourish, protect and teach their babies survival skills but, the black woman would have us to believe it is the man that shape society. No other species in the world expect the male to do what the female is by nature designed to do but, the black woman would reverse nature and claim it is a man's duty to "WEAN" a child.
I thought this was great! It was conducted in an intelligent and calm manner. My man, has a men's group *Ten Finger's* that he runs once a week in the Boston area. Helping brother's deal with the many things that face them. Also talking about some of the very things that was covered in this video. A website is coming soon! I'm so proud of him and happy that he's being used a vehicle to uplift his bother's. Keep the conversations coming! God know's we need MORE of this.
I've subscribed 💕😀🎉I loved the topic covered. I could talk about this topic all day😁😁! I am an African Caribbean woman & I have such immense RESPECT and LOVE😙💘💖 for RESPECTFUL BLACK MEN. It gave me such warmth and made me smile to see and hear articulate black men giving genuine, positive cultured responses to your questions xx Black blessings forever 💕💋
This was good. lol really, really good. I realized what the society is doing. I've learned a lot observing black men more, and honestly getting to know them a little at a time. I won't lie, we both have been through a lot; black men and women. And I know the pickets are slim now days, but I believe in my heart there are still some good black men and women just waiting for each other. I refuse to be put in that category where they think we are hateful, and bitter. No, not at all. God is still good, and we still look good as well. I love my black skin and I STILL love my black kings.
28, married and 13 yrs together. Damn I feel so bad because so many people are lost. Me and my wife make each other smile and laugh every day and we are honest. That's all you need. A list? Wtf is a list? A list of what? Smh. So so so soooooo lost. Are u looking for love or an employee?
This is so awesome!!! Thanks for sharing; didn't realize men had a list until my hubby broke it down...I'm so glad he did🙂.... I really enjoyed the married gentleman that said we are taught to hate each other it's sad but true... as soon as we realize that there is strength in unity we will be unstoppable!!!!! Seek out each other's strengths & weaknesses and compromise... it's worth it for ❤️
It's not that they're taught to be against each other I would say black women teach their daughters to be more against black men mostly due to the bad decisions their mothers made and black men end up getting tired of it and then that's what you have the gender problem .
Happiness is internal, not external. You always control your own emotions. Some people have chemical imbalances, which makes it harder for them, but nevertheless happiness is always an inside job.
I’m looking for a video that will help me understand why I’ll never date a black man again. My baby daddy is a white male and he’s satan. So Obv it’s not a color thing it’s a man thing. Digging deeper into myself I realize it’s a ME THING. Love attracts love. I wasn’t loving myself and that hatred in others was attracted to the hatred I had within myself. COLOR AINT SH.T ITS 100% ABOUT THE ROOTS OF THAT PERSONS (and your own) MENTAL HEALTH. Rule 1 love yourself first so you know how to distinguish love from other emotions Rule 2 KEEP IN MIND If someone doesn’t love themselves they will never love you. Rule 3 NEVER IGNORE THE RED FLAGS GO WITH YOUR GUT THE FIRST TIME IT SAYS “HEY THATS OFF OR STRANGE OR SOMETIMES NOT RIGHT”. Rule 4 THE SMALLEST SIGNS OF BETRAYAL SPEAK AT THE HIGHEST VOLUMES. Rule 5 PAIN is your best friend. If your partner is bringing you pain, it means LEAVE BEFORE MORE DAMAGE CAN BE DONE. If you love yourself you’ll leave that person and their pain because nobody deserves to be hurt by someone giving them FALSE LOVE!
im sorry but i have to say it, but why are we listening to most of these men give advice to blk women if half the panel is down low. Come on ladies, you must see what I see
+miz elle A better question is how many men on that panel are single or with fully black women? This would only make it fair before they speak about issues concerning both sexes.
miz elle LOL... wow... I find that women tend to have worst gaydars... otherwise, they wouldn't continue to pick gay guys... I don't think any of those guys are gay.. but I'd have to interact with them to tell for sure... this interview doesn't provide much clues.
The whole thing about a woman being able to make you laugh is ok with me, but I learned the psychological fact that a humorous woman intimidates men. Men need to make up their minds.
Why would that man get backlash because of a list he wrote when he was in 6th grade???? Wt?? I mean if he said dark brown chocolate skin brown eyes would that be ok?? Look everyone has a preference or a past and who cares? As long as he dose not discriminate like "oh I only want light skin and green eyes" then that would be understandable. Let people live pls!!
In Jamaica we don't really see race. In that we are mostly a black society so no matter if ur mix which most Jamaican are we still label our self as black. But we do have an issue with colourism.
I like the guy who broke down what it means to fit on a list. A person doesn't lack worth when they do not fit on a certain list. It just means that you and that individual are not compatiable.
Yes stop we were called colored because we come in all shades from the lightest light to the darkest chocolate. Willie Lynch alive and well. We've been so very miseducated that automatically oh you're light so you ain't really black or my favorite oh you're too damn dark. Well wtf do you want? Look at a Kylie Jenner like my man said fake ass thick lips that black women have naturally. C'mon now fake tans that white women have that you despise in us naturally. My dad used to say everybody wants to be a nigga but no one wants to be a nigga.
@@brysonrowden5322 actually he admitted himself that he is the product of one black person and a white British person. Therefore he is biracial/mixed because of that fact alone.
Aahahahahaha! Shade! "I don't know where that came from either!" Side eye. Yes chick. We know. Light equals right. Lol. Not! She is giving him no time of day. lol
Men who are damaged or have a hidden agenda are trouble. I have found that trying to make the guy feel comfortable is something that does not work. It just means you are accepting there ways and most likely they don't do it for you. You start to loose who you are in the relationship.
I like how the guys were introduced with their relationship status. 1) The list definitely changes over time as we mature 2) Definitely was correct between a dating list and marriage list. I chose my wife of the Marriage list: Be attractive physical, willing to grow spiritually in her faith in God and be active in that growth, able to feed my physical body and mind, highly capable in nurturing my spirit and our children, have clean mind and character so we have a clean home, and understanding Ephesians 5:22-33 as her submission in the first 3 verses so I can complete the next 9 Verses. 3) I agree with Jozen all the way. 4) Black love is Boaz and Ruth . I rate this A
One of the unfortunate cycles that continue is men express honest concerns and are condemned for it. Black men aren't attacking a woman's essence, he recognizes how replaceable the world has made him. First, the oppressor took him out of the home eliminating an authentic example of masculinity in the black family. Secondly, the opprosser has convinced Black women and men that they hate each other. Thirdly, this has created a cycle of individualistic minded people ( both men and women) who lack identity. While we date we are still becoming ( learning who we are and how to love) which becomes a crash course of love. This crash course method of finding love has played a huge role in ruining the black family dynamic. Hurt people continue to hurt each other bottom line. Often times what lacks in our relationships is both being accountable and lacking a desire to work through difficulty. Love is flawed because our ideas of love are toxic and fictional. Lastly, how many of us can count at least 2 examples of healthy loving black relationships? The examples must be of people you have a close relationship with. We lack healthy loving templates and so we suggest flawed oppinions and miseducated perspectives instead.
These issues are mostly because BLACK FOLKS have lots of self confidence and self pride. But not so much when you include racial pride and confidence. Black love is just that Black love no exceptions? To include anything else changes it by definition! The proof is the word n!¿¿@ and B!÷@€ slave owners made n!¿¿@s we didn't nothing about it is endearing or something that should be embraced. Give me a sister nothing less will do! ✊😎
First off black love is between a black man and a black woman. Anything else is just love. They want to change the definition to fit their narrative.
kira wycoff exactly
kira wycoff RIGHT and it's sad because black love equal two black/African people who are the product of two black/African people that are going with eachother. SOME BLACK PEOPLE NEED TO USED THEIR BRAINS ON CERTAIN THINGS. The first thing that should be on a black mans mind is his religion second thing is his Race of women which are black/African Women not nonblack women.
How so?
@@dasnas2843 No one cares
@@sirrparker47 speak for yourself and obviously you and some others do because if y'all didn't yall wouldn't have replied.
They totally changed the meaning of Black love. They adjusted the meaning to their lifestyles. Black Love is very literal, love between a black man and a black woman. There is a particular population of Black women that are being abandon, neglected and left behind.
+VioletMichel “VM” Hart Black Women are "independent" so thats why they are being left behind
illmatic826 She has to be independent if not you would call her lazy, she can't win
VioletMichel Hart thank you I thought I was the only one who caught that hmmm
VioletMichel Hart That's vice versa to your last sentence.
Truth. I don't need no man lol
My boyfriend is Indian. Black love is between two black people. That does not mean you in your relationship can't support and love black ppl.
talkindurinthemovie yeah😏😑
The ratio of good black men and good black women are small many of us will not find that good black anything in our lifetime you have to keep your options open they like to say a woman have an expiration date 30. nobody wants to settle for Pookie and Ray-Ray
And if the expiration date is 30 my time is up I'm sticking with my white boy he's good to me.I want for nothing. Hopefully your Indian man treats you just too sweet
@@AdelTheForsaken lol , like it so many good bw out here with no kids. 😂😂😂😂 dont flatter yourself .
THE least black looking black man makes the most sense!
Kim Hill He's more then likely the only one with a black woman as well, that's why.
He is engaged to a non black woman.
Kim Hill, you are so correct and its very sad.
how? LOL Did you not hear what he said.
I found a black man in that age range (25-35) who was seeking a monogamous relationship (he is no longer seeking since we are engaged) is using both his Bachelor's and Master's degrees and is supportive of me working full time and being in a DrPH program. He is in the process of applying to a PhD program himself. Uploads on our relationship will be coming soon on my channel.
itsmearie Awesome! So glad to hear that there are some still some inteligent, sane and senseable black women out here. And didnt seek a thugg savage guy. Well done.
Congratulations Queen. Thank you for keeping it black with your own race.😄💗
black love is NOT a black man loving any kind of non black woman. They even named the best representation of Black Love and only named Strong Black Couples....smh
I thought about that too. Black love is a love between black couples.
Alegna Rolyart right I was confused cause one definitely contradicted his self
I caught that. Why not name successful interracial relationships? The truth is they know what black love looks like, but want to define it to suit theirs.
They didn't name all fully black couples. Barack and Michelle aren’t fully black our president was mixed his mother is white and still is an amazing example of black love! 😍😍😍
Christopher FunnyBoy Brown RIGHT and it's sad because black love equal two black/African people who are the product of two black/African people that are going with eachother. SOME IF NOT MOST BLACK PEOPLE NEED TO USED THEIR BRAINS ON CERTAIN THINGS. The first thing that should be on a black mans mind is his religion second thing is his Race of women which are black/African Women not nonblack women.
Some of them make absolutely no sense at all. Smfh.
The guy with the hat lol "magic" wtf? He's looking for a date in middle earth.
eon001 lol
What he means is chemistry, which is very obvious from the context in which he stated "magic."
+Pilar Allen I guess if they were all white than they would probably make more sense to you huh?
Right and those of us that experienced it at one time or another can relate --- no magic/chemistry -no mate
Smh black women listening to a panel of black men that would never even look at you twice, including the host.
HelenaJ What's with the female "host" and these facial expressions every time the guys says something she doesn't agree with...that's why her dumb ass probably STILL single😏
Gooner 070 You sound about lame as hell. Troll harder.
Gooner 070 majority of black men fit into that category!
Her M There are more BM who love BW than there are BM who can't stand BW. Vice versa.
HelenaJ you are just dealing with rejection. Come to your senses .
Full black women + Full black man= Black love. The man doesn't determine if it is black love. They both have to be black. If a black man dates any other ethnicity it would be considered black and whatever the woman color is love. Let's be realistic here people. Black love is the best love.
Crowned ByHim Yesss
% percent agree black love is black love in thing other has been diluted
'Black Love' has the meaning in the title...Two Black people in Love.
These are all men in interracial or semi interracial relation. These men are with women that are mixed bright, light or damn near white.
This conversation barely scratched the surface of the subject that the title was about. This was mainly about self centered men blabbering on about what they want in a woman. Especially from the dude on the far left and the far right.
Ladies on behalf of us black men I would like to apologize for the absolute nonsense protruding from this video. However to make up for the cause of this video wasting ten minutes thirty eight seconds of your time I will voice my opinion on the matter (based on the title).
The reason I think that black women and men are taught this way is because of media. Media is changing demographically to fit its majority white audience. This cause tension in black relationships culturally.
For example if you are a black music artist who makes music based off of your culture and aimed at your people but the majority of the people buying it are white. This is due the fact that demographically they are the majority. So to defect this competition you ended exploiting your culture to aim at a larger white audience. For example showing females with lighter complexion, showing and exploiting certain stereotypes to gain favor of that wider audiance.
Unfortunately this exploitation is whats bringing the worst out of black people. Showing our women off as mild tempered women, baby mamas, and hoes and us man as gangbangers, thugs, players, or cheats and scandlers. Stuff like Love and hip hop, or Basket Ball wives as well as mainstream rap cause these effects setting the tension between both black males and females.
You are so right BANDIT ANANSI, thank you for sharing that!
Thank you!
Bandit Anansi Thank you!💖 Keeping it 💯.
Tamika Jones you are mix not black. Yes there anti black. What world have u lived in? Theres racism against blacks and colorism that effecta black women more than anythin. Yes theres light skinned blacks. Most light skinned blacks were made from rape.
Black love is two black people in a loving relationship. Oh and the brother with the black and Indian wife, I'm sorry but I would agree with the natural hair commenters. It's not that she isn't "black" enough, it's the fact that she doesn't have black hair she has mixed natural hair.
Truth is Black men equate black women with struggle or hardships, due to their up bringing, so at an chance they'll stray and find an alternative. They still want to be black though
Saxo Phone Art and Beans correct almost every black relationship I have ever seen I have seen nothing but struggle love I'm not saying there aren't exceptions but they are excruciating rare where I live.
Saxola Sidloyi preach! They see job-Black women as leveling up!
Black love is between a black man and woman. A black family is so beautiful
Black love is not mixed breed love. It's black love!
Black love is what u give unconditionally or what u look for... is something wrong with Chinese love with Euro love with Aboriginal love. No stupid its why they in a lack of love becuz they do not realize love is love not a color class race or creed!
Black People go through every means to show we accept everyone, but why...SMH. I'm Dark I want my woman to be Dark. That's it.
VoL. Fact black love equal two black/African people who are the product of two black/African people that are going with eachother.
@@sophiachin1262 your comment makes you sound like a self-hating and unintelligent black swirler and it's sad because what you commented is NOT BLACK LOVE. Black love equal two black/African people who are the product of two black/African people that are going with eachother. SOME BLACK PEOPLE NEED TO USED THEIR BRAINS ON CERTAIN THINGS. The first thing that should be on a black mans mind is his religion second thing is his Race of women which are black/African Women not nonblack women. What you are commentting about is and never will be black love. It's called interracial love or swirl love.
Mixed breed? People aren’t dogs.
Its sad but true that black women and black men are taught to not get along. My dad is always AMAZED that my husband and I don't yell/holler/argue/fight. He can't comprehend how that is even possible. We have disagreements but we know how to speak to each other. We don't need to holler or physically touch each other to be heard.
That Black gene is dominant. I couldn't even tell that the guy on the left was mixed. I just thought he was light skinned. For the guy with the Black/Indian wife, If your wife doesn't LOOK Black, why would they put her on the cover of a Black magazine. Don't get mad if SOME Black women don't accept her. Like Paula Patton. Lots of women don't accept her as Black. Paula can play White roles. Black actresses can't. If you can switch your ethnicity when it suits you, don't expect all Black people to accept you.
That's because you're AfricanAmerican but most other cultures can tell
i am from Jamaica and when he said that his wife's mom is Jamaican I kinda could relate or understand how he felt abt that issue. In Jamaica we have a lot of mixed people here (mixed with black) but that doesnt mean I see them as a "lesser" black or "not black enough". so i thought that magazines excuse is trash
Britne Phillips
That is very odd because many Jamaicans can tell. However that is my experience in the UK and when I visited the island (without even asking me). So you must be among a few it may very well be different depending which part of the world they are living in.
Anyways nothing is absolute however, most other cultures can tell heck step out of the Americas and they'll ask you directly or indirectly give the spanish inquisition into your family.
He's be a highlighter in Haiti.
+Wilsonian Garveyite sweetheart there are a lot of light skinned people in Haiti.
Black love to me is a BLACK man and a BLACK woman or a black woman and a black woman or a black man and a black man standing unity fighting side by side. Its black people supporting and being loyal to one another. Its constant communication and constant growth with one another. Its black people having black babies and raising and nurturing them TOGETHER to be a generation thats better than us and will be more successful than us.
no matter what color either of the two are be it they're both dark skin or one light and the other dark. Black love is two black people together, I agree.
i agree Black Love is Black people living loving and working together with and for each other, not including other races or mixed people
kittykat kay21 black love needs to reproduce itself man and women
That’s common sense
kittykat kay21 👏👏👏👏
The "Ask a Black Man" shows are unnecessary. Black women do not have to constantly "ask a black man" and conform to "what he says and likes" in order to "get approval" or find a partner or husband. In a way, these type of shows can be dangerous to women who constantly loose themselves in relationships. Also, this type of rhetoric claiming "this is what a black man wants" can open someone up to accepting a controlling, one-sided, and selfish relationship. I would advise a woman to run if they encounter a bunch of these expectations and mindsets.
All of these men are somewhat disturbing. Each one of them have unrealistic expectations of a women. The ideas shared are in some ways chauvinistic, selfish, delusional, and full of excuses. Some of the men are coming across as "fake deep" type of men.
If you want to discuss relationships, I will like to hear from respectable black men who have a realistic, healthy, long-lasting, and balanced relationships (not relationships where someone is trying to dominate someone). There are many great black men out there doing positive things and maintaining real healthy relationships. Why are good black men rarely featured in this entire series? Yes, I have watched all of the "Ask A Black Man" episodes Madame Noire. Plus, I am fully aware of the series' format of asking different panels of men questions that vary in subject manner.
However, I want to hear from great black men who equally share household / child raising duties, respect their partner's intelligence, and help each other grow. These are the most sustainable relationships. However, these people are probably the hardest to find because they wouldn't participate in public discussions that sound belittling to the other partner.
AtheistNegro is that what you got from her post?
finally... a critical non self serving comment.
excellent points. 100%
Nobody is looking for validation or confirmation but it's nice to hear opinions of different men in the world in general. Not just all the same types of men because all of us run into different men. I love this series. If you dont like it then why even click on it?
I would really enjoy listening to a panel discuss the topic of black men and women being taught to not get along with each other. I think it's true in many cases. I also think some black men are taught to tear black women down, especially the women who are opinionated or outspoken, intelligent, educated, and/or strong. I don't get why a black man would need to reduce a black woman to nothing in order for him to feel like he's really something. Black men and black women were enslaved together years and years ago. Therefore, the black woman understands what the black man went through more than any woman from any other race. Blacks can't stand as tall as they could until we stand together for goodness sake.
+alegna rolyart Please explain how is it possible for 22 million black women that claim to be independent can work together as a team with black men.
History....Black women joined white feminist and black women still recite the feminist motto right now, "I am strong, intelligent and independent".
the first rap group in the bashing game was TLC and their song about SCRUBS.
the black woman said I don't need a man and progressively got worse by saying "black men are not worthy". The synonyms for not worthy are vile, wretched, good for nothing, useless, etc but, you think nothing about how black women trashed black men for 50 years.
Black men never joined a movement and claim we don't need a woman. Black men never said black women are not worthy.
Alegna Rolyart I'm a black man. Who's teaching us to put black women down? I was raised by a house full of women, and I learned a lot from them. Thank God I manned up and found God and showed me my purpose, but really I would like to know who taught us to put y'all down?
Chaucer RILEY You just said a mouthful right there!!
We also need to determine what the hell black is. The more black people mix with other races the more blackness gets dilluted. Blackness to me is when you're majority of african descent. African American to me is when you're majority of african descent and your ancestors were the product of the slave trade and they was brought to north America.
+kittykat kay21 I think you're black if you are the vast majority of African decent.
Agreed on the people diluting Blackness
+kittykat kay21 At the end of the day, it's a commandment to not mix with other nations. If you are a believer in the bible and the commandments of The Creator, then it is what it is. That's why you have this confusion that you see in the world. What's the saddest part is that the wheat will be separated from the tares in the end (mingling of seed between Isrealites and gentile nations) Christ himself...which means anyone descending from Esau, Ham, Moab, Ishmael etc...will not inherit the kingdom of heaven. Esau are the whites, Ham are the africans, Moab are the chinese, Ishmael are the arabs...and other nations that we've served in captivity. We have been assimilated and indoctrinated into believing that we are all one people of equality....which you will not find in the bible. I hope this plants a seed in the mind of one of the chosen who are to show thyself approved. Shalom
+kittykat kay21 I totally agree. People think the more interracial babies there are the better bc it will end racism.This will also dissimulate and weaken the African American population bc we are a minority.. And being black is having two black parents case closed, if only one of ur parents is black, hun, you are mixed.
+Pardon exactly..idk why people "mainly black" think ir babies is going to end racism....racism/culturalism will ALWAYS be here....i wish blacks will stop living in make believe land. because the only think that is doing is getting rid of the Dark skin.
I love that there is a moderator, we need smooth transitions in these segments not people talking over one another. Great discussion, we definitely need more dialogue to understand each other's differing points of view.
+MadameNoire Us black men need to start coming together and supporting each other, so we can improve our self by helping each other succeed! (Become a member today!)
The last dude that's married on the right can cry me a river.
We just want y’all to be honest about not wanting black women, so we can grow and love who loves us.
They aint say nothing abt how they're taught not to get along with women
Men are brainwashed to think women are better than us. I was talking to my nephew (9) and he said girls are special. I asked him so you're not special. He said yeah but women are "specialer" because if a man get with a woman she can make a baby. To that I replied well can she make a baby without him and he said no. The more logic I used to explain to him why we are equal the more he thought I hated women because he was taught to just believe they are special and to think anything else means you hate women. Its sad to think that his own mother set him up for failure with women. He will try his hardest to treat them like they are above him and every time he fails he has to think it was him and not the fact that little black girls grow up hearing how they don't need no man but yall talking about how boys are taught to not get along
@@R.O.T.C._SEEM mmm. Sad really.
@@R.O.T.C._SEEM But thats more based off person experiences. So is not the truth for everyone and I cannot say for most people. I just know I see it a lot. Where im from is where George Floyd got murdered. And it is even more segregated in the black community than ever before.
@KASHMAER The self hate is real with this one
@@theannouncer3423 self hate 😂😂😂😂😂 because he wants a white queen sexxy white boobs and more feminine
I hate that black men think that women don’t go through all of bullshit as well. It is different then their struggle but we have a tough struggle as well.
At 42 I can feel what they're saying, even though I'm older than they are. Now, I don't have a Bachelor's Degree, but I want to have a fulfilling relationship with a good, caring, loving woman. I don't think it matters what race the woman is, because as a Black Man, if I met a woman who has the personality types I like, I wouldn't care what race she is.
However I am partial to Black Women because I was raised by two Black parents, most of my family is Black, and I live and was raised in a Majority Black city in New Jersey.
What I don't understand is a lot of black women believe in the one drop rule but get mad when a dark skinned man picks a light skinned woman.
I would like to address the question what is black love?
First off black love is not what society or media depicts us as. we're a race as well that exercise together, go get coffee together, go on dates, teach our kids, strive financially for our future and more. what's frustrating is when my own people notices such things, they say we're "acting white." my husband and still can't grasp that concept. Every black love is not the image portrayed on "Good Times." So again black love is what one of the gentlemen stated....beating the odds of what society depicts us as.
+Joe Rogers yeah like what is acting white?because we dont talk like we have speech problems or loud all the time.Black people critique other black people and thats why black lives matter is a joke to others because men put down women and vice versa.Noone takes it seriously.Black guys make fun of other because they dont want to drink or girls make fun of other black girl because they rather read than party.Black people are now resulting to putting down women with degrees like what the hell?
The list should consist of a few things. . . .
1. Chemistry
2. Communication
3. Attraction
4. Trust
5. Understanding
6. Free Spirited with a sense of humor
7. Intelligent
8. Happy
Good list and very doable 👍
I like how you said Happy 😊 A person's happiness is their own responsibility
First of all light skinned dude is NOT black. Got be biracial or Hispanic.
Mega Mind biracial means he is black AND something else. Idk how people go around telling people what THEY are.
Taylor Reed Am ashamed of myself now for laughing😂😂😂
he is black wtf
Muhammed Ali Johnson No he isn't
Mega Mind he is most definitely biracial or mixed and Hispanic is a culture am pretty sure he does not know any Hispanic culture.
Just because one person is black in a relationship, doesn’t mean it is black love. That is called interracial love. Stop trying to use the term “black love” so bad, just call it love. Also black guys need to stop calling these non-black girls “lightskin”. They might be lightskin, but they’re not black. Afro- Latinos are black, other Latinos are not. Two black people should represent black love, not a black guy and his mixed girlfriend. Sure she’s half black, but black love should be represented by full black people. They should look like the average black woman and black man that the majority of black people look like. Stop white washing black women.
I love how they listen and have a calm conversation. It's such a great interview.
As a white woman I can tell you what black men have told me. " White women are nice to me". "White women are comfortable letting the man be the man in the relationship". I heard this over and over
25 didn't look like that when I was 25. I'm just saying
Franque Michele can you elaborate Please...
Franque Michele Fazon 45
Word I was thinking that too
I dont feel like these conversations ever solve anything. 🙄
that is my list.
he has to look good.
he has to cook.
He has to clean.
He has to me laugh
Vana Phill Yeah but how many kids do you have? Are you in shape? I'm sorry I don't mean to offend you if I did. Honest question.
Uh huh, so what do you bring to the table?
@himode bruh stop 😂🤣
@@youngshrine3024 the fact that this woman has said the bare minimum and yet you have the nerve to ask what she brings to the table🤣it tells us that you can’t even do what she has said.
You taking it too personal
Ok, let's get this foolishness straight. There is no list. When you meet her you know. You know when you know.
There is always a list. ALWAYS. If you don't have one then you're a rare person whose expectations is too low.
Great interview, I always look forward to these. I wish they were longer & dug into more depth.
Come on Devale!!! You helped me to see that I have to realize men are just like me. We are trying to establish ourselves after college (21, no kids).This is exactly why I’m focusing on myself & when hubby comes along , I’m ready. I need like 10 years to be where I would like to be, so I should expect the same for black educated men!
Omg! Love this please keep them coming!! I love all of them up there! The way the speak, and what they were saying open my eyes!! Love my black men!!
🙁😧😦😮😲😳 Wow, umm u r like the only chick who like these guys. The rest of these chicks r hating them and bashing them. I'm so confused. 😂😂😂😂🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I'm Native American but pass as white. When I was a covered Muslim, black men were nice to me. Now, not covered, they are not.
this was way more informative than the old ones. glad you switched some of the people up.
Black men and black women was getting along prior to 1968. Prior to 1968, out of wedlock births were 25%. After 1968, out of wedlock births went to 67% and now it is 72%.
WHAT HAPPENED? 1968 Feminist movement told bw theu didn't need a man.
I love this series! I think you guys picked a great panel for these discussions. These guys seem way more open and honest than the last group of guys!
+MadameNoire make sure you correct them about the real definition of black love.i think they're confused.
jim johnston black women became INDEPENDENT because we couldn't rely on black men. This is a reaction not an action thing. What woman doesn't wanna be taken care of. Fact is they couldn't do it.Some still can't.
+pardon.....that's a bunch of crock. For 150 years black men and black women UNITED and had COLLECTIVISM. When we gained civil rights in 1968 by a united front, we became a threat to white America..............................How white America handle a threat? Cripple the threat one time to the point as not to be threatened again..... .......................DIVIDE and CONQUER.... It was not by happenstance that the same year of 1968 civil rights act the the FBI declared war on black men under the covert COINTELPRO and the CIA declared war on black women under the covert FEMINISM........... Additionally, welfare was created for WHITES ONLY and white men could remain in.the home but, when blacks got civil rights all fed funded programs had to be inclusive. It was not by happenstance that welfare reform of 1968 removed the man from the home and black women said "I don't need a man"............After 20 years, Bill Clinton reformed welfare again requiring women to seek employment or training to remain on welfare and that is when black women said, "black men are not worthy" you can take that crock of shit and flush it.
jim johnston Truth!!
+kilamanjaro Mountain Jim Johnson recited the historical facts that I verified to be true.
Additionally, it is the female of every species that nourish, protect and teach their babies survival skills but, the black woman would have us to believe it is the man that shape society. No other species in the world expect the male to do what the female is by nature designed to do but, the black woman would reverse nature and claim it is a man's duty to "WEAN" a child.
The married dude on the far right was the most ON POINT and honest
This was the best panel 💞
When one says "black love' we should be talking about a black man and a black women in love together with each other... nothing else.
I thought this was great! It was conducted in an intelligent and calm manner. My man, has a men's group *Ten Finger's* that he runs once a week in the Boston area. Helping brother's deal with the many things that face them. Also talking about some of the very things that was covered in this video. A website is coming soon! I'm so proud of him and happy that he's being used a vehicle to uplift his bother's. Keep the conversations coming! God know's we need MORE of this.
😳 Uhh I'm so confused. I'm looking at these comments and most of y'all women r hating on them.
I've subscribed 💕😀🎉I loved the topic covered. I could talk about this topic all day😁😁! I am an African Caribbean woman & I have such immense RESPECT and LOVE😙💘💖 for RESPECTFUL BLACK MEN. It gave me such warmth and made me smile to see and hear articulate black men giving genuine, positive cultured responses to your questions xx Black blessings
forever 💕💋
Cherry Brown but how could you love them? Besides my own father, I feel nothing for them.
LOVE THIS PANEL!!! 💞🙌🏾💞 unique group!
The men have to be able to cook too come on now...
MnM412614 exactly
well I think he meant they must know how to cook cause alot of women can't cook....that's just what I hear when men say she have to cook
This was good. lol really, really good. I realized what the society is doing. I've learned a lot observing black men more, and honestly getting to know them a little at a time. I won't lie, we both have been through a lot; black men and women. And I know the pickets are slim now days, but I believe in my heart there are still some good black men and women just waiting for each other. I refuse to be put in that category where they think we are hateful, and bitter. No, not at all. God is still good, and we still look good as well. I love my black skin and I STILL love my black kings.
Girl well said. Love my skin too and my black kings 😊😍
Lol thanks, love
💯% agree with you
5:12🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾 he couldn’t have said it any better. GROW AND BECOME BETTER!
28, married and 13 yrs together.
Damn I feel so bad because so many people are lost.
Me and my wife make each other smile and laugh every day and we are honest. That's all you need.
A list? Wtf is a list? A list of what?
Smh. So so so soooooo lost.
Are u looking for love or an employee?
I'm happy they got the men right this time round! Great intelligent, mature discussion
Wait a minute. If Black love is between 2 black people, how does Pres. & Michelle Obama qualify?
He said Jafar and will. I immediately checked the date of the video. 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 so I don’t get slapped.
This is so awesome!!! Thanks for sharing; didn't realize men had a list until my hubby broke it down...I'm so glad he did🙂.... I really enjoyed the married gentleman that said we are taught to hate each other it's sad but true... as soon as we realize that there is strength in unity we will be unstoppable!!!!! Seek out each other's strengths & weaknesses and compromise... it's worth it for ❤️
It's not that they're taught to be against each other I would say black women teach their daughters to be more against black men mostly due to the bad decisions their mothers made and black men end up getting tired of it and then that's what you have the gender problem .
@9:32 when he said Jada and Will 😂
Happiness is internal, not external. You always control your own emotions. Some people have chemical imbalances, which makes it harder for them, but nevertheless happiness is always an inside job.
Great conversation!!!!
Why must we try to separate ourselves. Love should be love.
Aww you probably believe in the Easter bunny too
I love this series. Bring mor! Regardless if some view are off or not, I love seeing the opinion of real men
So happy this show is back and that were back to everyday men instead of celebrities
Great conversing!
WHO IS THAT WHITE GUY? he is not Black.
I’m looking for a video that will help me understand why I’ll never date a black man again. My baby daddy is a white male and he’s satan. So Obv it’s not a color thing it’s a man thing. Digging deeper into myself I realize it’s a ME THING. Love attracts love. I wasn’t loving myself and that hatred in others was attracted to the hatred I had within myself. COLOR AINT SH.T ITS 100% ABOUT THE ROOTS OF THAT PERSONS (and your own) MENTAL HEALTH.
Rule 1 love yourself first so you know how to distinguish love from other emotions
Rule 2 KEEP IN MIND If someone doesn’t love themselves they will never love you.
Rule 5 PAIN is your best friend. If your partner is bringing you pain, it means LEAVE BEFORE MORE DAMAGE CAN BE DONE. If you love yourself you’ll leave that person and their pain because nobody deserves to be hurt by someone giving them FALSE LOVE!
im sorry but i have to say it, but why are we listening to most of these men give advice to blk women if half the panel is down low. Come on ladies, you must see what I see
+miz elle A better question is how many men on that panel are single or with fully black women? This would only make it fair before they speak about issues concerning both sexes.
+miz elle oh geez
+miz elle How can you tell they are "down low?"
Kory Green it's quite obvious u can see it in their faces. I'm not saying I can't be fooled, but, overall I'm pretty perceptive.
miz elle
LOL... wow... I find that women tend to have worst gaydars... otherwise, they wouldn't continue to pick gay guys... I don't think any of those guys are gay.. but I'd have to interact with them to tell for sure... this interview doesn't provide much clues.
The whole thing about a woman being able to make you laugh is ok with me, but I learned the psychological fact that a humorous woman intimidates men. Men need to make up their minds.
Interesting talk. Hearing the different perspectives.
Yay! I loved that you brought this back and nice to see an old cast member back!
The guy on the far left, Devin, stars in a Black Love web series called ... Tough Love. It's really good too.
To all black women: Just treat him like you treat YOUR BOSS and not as an option. See what happens.
All they know is disrespect and you can only get respect from them by disrespecting them and nobody got time nor the energy to function like that
Why would that man get backlash because of a list he wrote when he was in 6th grade???? Wt?? I mean if he said dark brown chocolate skin brown eyes would that be ok?? Look everyone has a preference or a past and who cares? As long as he dose not discriminate like "oh I only want light skin and green eyes" then that would be understandable. Let people live pls!!
oh also a great discussion panel. thanks ladies for the post.
If your wife is Indian/Jamaican then she's not black-she's mixed (Indian and Jamaican).
Indian and jamaican is not a race ...
+Enter Username that's why he said she's mixed 😑
Demetrius Davis
indian and jamaican is still not a race.. i didnt deny she was mixed
Those are two nationalities not ethnicities
In Jamaica we don't really see race. In that we are mostly a black society so no matter if ur mix which most Jamaican are we still label our self as black. But we do have an issue with colourism.
I like the guy who broke down what it means to fit on a list. A person doesn't lack worth when they do not fit on a certain list. It just means that you and that individual are not compatiable.
Fazon Looks Like He's 35 not 25.. Lol. Good Topic & Discussion.
Very true
Naw, Fazon looks more like he's 40. Lol
At last. A civil conversation.
The awkward Silence when the light skin dude start to speak..... is he even black ?
Jada Williams Yes.
Yes stop we were called colored because we come in all shades from the lightest light to the darkest chocolate. Willie Lynch alive and well. We've been so very miseducated that automatically oh you're light so you ain't really black or my favorite oh you're too damn dark. Well wtf do you want? Look at a Kylie Jenner like my man said fake ass thick lips that black women have naturally. C'mon now fake tans that white women have that you despise in us naturally. My dad used to say everybody wants to be a nigga but no one wants to be a nigga.
@@brysonrowden5322 actually he admitted himself that he is the product of one black person and a white British person. Therefore he is biracial/mixed because of that fact alone.
He's mixed race but americans still like that weird racist one drop rule so..... anyone can be black in america apparently
Top of the list peace!
Aahahahahaha! Shade! "I don't know where that came from either!" Side eye. Yes chick. We know. Light equals right. Lol. Not! She is giving him no time of day. lol
lol. I caught that too!
Damn y’all speaking the truth !
okay so black love is about having a light mother and a biracial wife. ☑
9:30. I was like n i oop but then i saw this was mad 4 yrs ago n they don't know about the "entanglement"😂😂😂😂
am so confused, why this relationship shit, always surrounds, BLACK WOMEN. ITS HARD TO FIND A GOOD THING, PERIOD!
Good conversation with just black men, Devale is always hilarious but he’s real. I like the lady host🔥❤️🙌🏽
In the old days, a boy and a girl meets with each other, and bond with each other??
Madame Noire.....thank you for your content. Very uplifting and positive. Love it.
Men who are damaged or have a hidden agenda are trouble. I have found that trying to make the guy feel comfortable is something that does not work. It just means you are accepting there ways and most likely they don't do it for you. You start to loose who you are in the relationship.
I like how the guys were introduced with their relationship status. 1) The list definitely changes over time as we mature 2) Definitely was correct between a dating list and marriage list. I chose my wife of the Marriage list: Be attractive physical, willing to grow spiritually in her faith in God and be active in that growth, able to feed my physical body and mind, highly capable in nurturing my spirit and our children, have clean mind and character so we have a clean home, and understanding Ephesians 5:22-33 as her submission in the first 3 verses so I can complete the next 9 Verses. 3) I agree with Jozen all the way. 4) Black love is Boaz and Ruth . I rate this A
Why they cut dude off when he said walking out the door we can get gun down... He was making a great point
+Jack Thomp Yes, he was. Homicide is one of the leading causes of death for young black men.
Great Convo Guys
Why so short? Man Imma need 20 minutes! This was good
+MadameNoire Thank You!
I need an hr
One of the unfortunate cycles that continue is men express honest concerns and are condemned for it. Black men aren't attacking a woman's essence, he recognizes how replaceable the world has made him. First, the oppressor took him out of the home eliminating an authentic example of masculinity in the black family. Secondly, the opprosser has convinced Black women and men that they hate each other. Thirdly, this has created a cycle of individualistic minded people ( both men and women) who lack identity. While we date we are still becoming ( learning who we are and how to love) which becomes a crash course of love. This crash course method of finding love has played a huge role in ruining the black family dynamic. Hurt people continue to hurt each other bottom line. Often times what lacks in our relationships is both being accountable and lacking a desire to work through difficulty. Love is flawed because our ideas of love are toxic and fictional. Lastly, how many of us can count at least 2 examples of healthy loving black relationships? The examples must be of people you have a close relationship with. We lack healthy loving templates and so we suggest flawed oppinions and miseducated perspectives instead.
These issues are mostly because BLACK FOLKS have lots of self confidence and self pride. But not so much when you include racial pride and confidence. Black love is just that Black love no exceptions? To include anything else changes it by definition! The proof is the word n!¿¿@ and B!÷@€ slave owners made n!¿¿@s we didn't nothing about it is endearing or something that should be embraced. Give me a sister nothing less will do! ✊😎
Wanted to be loved and protected ...that's is
If that was it more of y'all would be married.
@@R.O.T.C._SEEM lies
@@cliquesnvues yes what you said was on fact a lie, I'm glad you were mature enough to understand it