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竹笋计划 Bamboo Shoots is under way...
Bamboo Shoots 竹笋计划,正在进行中!
Mao Zhu / Li Kun / Anna Sowa / Robin Michel
reheasal in Sichuan Conservatory of Music
July 23 2024 in Chengdu
中国-瑞士共创艺术小组(毛竹/李琨/Anna Sowa / Robin Michel)创作的实验性装置艺术与音乐表演《竹笋 Bamboo Shoots》。跨越中国和瑞士的“Bamboo Shoots”艺术项目,通过在成都和巴塞尔的驻地创作,他们将于 2024 年夏天分别在成都白夜花神诗空间,巴塞尔的阿克曼霍夫空间呈现 《竹笋》的现场演出。作为中国-瑞士艺术家共同创作计划, “Bamboo Shoots”项目获得了瑞士文化基金会的支持。
Bamboo is the fastest growing plant on Earth. Some bamboo can grow 40 centimeters a day and reach a height of 35-40 meters when fully grown. It reaches full maturity in just two or three months and remains that size forever until it dies. Standing upright with a jointed stem and hollow inside, bamboo is flexible enough to withstand storms without breaking. The image of bamboo, as a fresh and vigorous symbol of life, has ignited the creative inspiration of the four artists.
Bamboo Shoots is a musical performance by the duo Mao Zhu / Li Kun and Anna Sowa / Robin Michel. At the center of the performance is a self-made bamboo instrument. It is accompanied by traditional instruments and live electronics. The decision to work with the versatile material bamboo arose from a shared enthusiasm for its cultural significance in China, its tonal qualities and its easy workability. During a two-week residency in White Night (Chengdu, CN), the artists will concentrate on the development of the project, which will subsequently be performed both in Chengdu and at the Ackermannshof (Basel, CH). The performance was created as part of Pro Helvetia's co-creation project.
Переглядів: 6


The Island(Aldubáran String Quartet - ISCM WORLD NEW MUSIC DAYS 2024 FAROE ISLANDS)
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Strings on a Sleepless Night 独夜鸣琴--古琴,长笛和弦乐队(2014)
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时光行 Time Travel for Clarinet and Chinese Dulcimer(2024)
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A Sign for Autumn 2 for Guqin and Clarinet (2024)
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Yokai Suite for Clarinet and Guzheng
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遥想 苏幕遮--为中阮,筝与民族乐团而作(2019)
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News from Afar An unexpected concert for trio (reduced version for 20 minutes)
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