To My Beloved for solo violin

  • Опубліковано 16 жов 2024
  • 致恋人--小提琴独奏
    “摇摇晃晃地进入你的街道,我就找到了你,袅娜。”这是新疆伊犁地区的维吾尔民歌 《Ewrishim》中的一句唱词。袅娜是谁?是幻想中的形象,还是真实的恋人?恋爱中的人, 常在甜蜜与苦涩中徘徊,有感于人们为情所困时的痴迷神态,我写下了这首无伴奏小提琴独奏曲《致恋人》。
    这首作品是为变格定弦的小提琴而创作,除D 弦不变,其余三根琴弦均被放松调低,琴弦张力的减少,导致小提琴音色产生了一种微妙的色彩变化,尤其是被降低至D 音的第四弦,在乐曲中段被大量用作持续音,这种音响效果多少会让人联想到,以游牧生活为主的地区所流行的某种带共鸣弦的乐器音色,例如新疆地区维吾尔族演奏的萨塔尔琴 (Uyghur Satar)。由于小提琴定弦的改变,导致所有的按音把位产生了游移,用习惯的方法找不到原来的音符,一种因超越小提琴演奏者的“手指记忆”而带来的错位体验,却正好暗合了那最难以捉摸的恋人之心。
    该作品时长约7-8 分钟。
    To My Beloved for Solo Violin
    Violinist: Qian Yue
    Compose: Mao Zhu
    “Tolghunup kochanggha kirdim seni taptim, Ewrishim.” (Stumbling into
    your street, I found you, Ewrishim.) This is a lyric in the Uygur folk love song "Ewrishim" from Yili area of Xinjiang. Who is Ewrishim? Is the woman of one's dreams, or a true lover in real life? People in love, always linger in the sweet and bitter. I write this violin solo work to express the feeling of infatuation or obsession of someone who be trapped in love.
    This work is written for the scordatura violin. Three of all strings are tuned by the different interval down, except D string. A subtle change of violin’s timbre is caused by loosening the strings, especially the fourth string that is tuned down to D, which is used a lot as a sustained tone under the melody in the middle section of this piece. This kind of acoustic effect is somewhat reminiscent of some of the string instruments with sympathetic strings (resonance strings) that popular in nomadic areas, such as the Uyghur Satar in Xinjiang. Due to the change of the violin tuning, all the positions of the notes were shifted, and the original right notes could not be found in the customary way. A misplaced experience brought by transcending the "finger memory" of the violinist, it perhaps be a metaphor for the heart of the most elusive lover.
    Duration: 7~8 min.